#depleted uranium
mapsontheweb · 2 years
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U.N. Voting to support studies on the long term environmental / health effects from the use of Depleted Uranium weapons, and to provide aid to countries targetted by these weapons with assistance / aid
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
So Putin and the Russians are putting tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. What do you think Putin is trying to do here?
Personally I think he's trying to dissuade anymore NATO support after all the other "red lines" were crossed and he's hoping this works. I don't think he'd use them though.
Frankly, I think he's trying to do it to show strength and attempt to intimidate the West into slowing or stopping Ukrainian aid, especially in not giving Ukraine better systems. The whole "depleted uranium represents a nuclear escalation of the conflict" line that Russia has been giving in response to the UK providing depleted uranium anti-tank rounds to Ukraine is a lie for two reasons.
First, depleted uranium is, as the name might imply, depleted. The amount of depleted uranium dust you'd need to inhale just to reach the level of radioactivity you'd get from a chest X-ray or several high altitude flights would be so high you'd have to be doing rails of DU dust off the husk of a burned out T-72. You'd need to actually ingest significant quantities of DU to increase your radiation risk to a measurable degree.
The second is that Russia has already been using depleted uranium rounds in the T-80, so there's no escalation given that they've already been used. Of course, Russian statements and a quarter are worth 25 cents, so I don't put a lot of stock in it. The chance Russia uses nuclear weapons at this point are as close to zero as you can be without the ability to actually read Putin's mind and confirming it for yourself. He won't use them, not just because he'd start World War III, but because in all likelihood, someone would attempt to coup him since they don't have a bunker to retreat to. You'd have to see a serious collapse of the Russian lines and the Ukranians moving to take either Crimea or Belgorod before that even becomes a possibility.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Russian Forces the other day launched a missile attack on a supposed Ammunition Depot in Khmelnitsky, Ukraine. The resulting explosion has led to a large rise in background Gamma radiation, leading most observers to conclude the Ammunition Depot was likely holding depleted-Uranium munitions.
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Radiation Patrols on the move in Khmelnitsky & Ternopyl:
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ireton · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
NATO’s Dispersal of Depleted Uranium.
Credit to Greg Reese
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
U.S. sending depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine
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tezla7 · 2 years
US Depleted Uranium and Ukraine
Bradley IFVs use depleted uranium shells.
Leopard 2 tanks and Abrams tanks use depleted uranium shells.
Russia has already stated if depleted uranium shells are sent to Ukraine, this will be a further level of escalation.
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
Enough is enough
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laurielcalhoun · 11 months
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agreenroad · 1 year
Iraq War: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium
Iraq War: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium
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raspberrypie4u · 1 year
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emily63 · 1 year
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spotinkling · 1 year
Do you know Who invented Uranium?
Do you know Who invented Uranium? Do you like to see magic? Someone had said that if you look closely, there is magic in everything in the world. By the way I am not a good magician but sometimes I keep trying. I will show my magic later, first let’s talk about a special thing, if you keep this special thing in the open, it will automatically catch fire. Isn’t it surprising? fire in the air This…
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
UK sending depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine
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It's the few that give a bad impression, but, generally, most pundits, commentators, reporters, and similar who synthesize and summarize info, they mostly respect an unspoken boundary and don't need to be told not to cross certain lines
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This means, there will be tens of thousands of Ukrainians die of cancer in the coming decades, like today there are still people dying in Serbia after they used depleted uranium on them during the war in 1999.
If you can’t win a war, you have to try to contaminate the country, so that the enemy can not gain anything from his victory.
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