#demisexual fanfic
robotbackpack · 1 year
Fanfic: In Joy and Comfort
Xuan Shi did not expect the final room of the "trial" to be a secret hideaway for couples to get frisky, and he didn't know Ling Qi’s personal traumas when he invited her to the adventure.
Now the temple is locked away, and she'll likely never speak to him again.
Xuan Shi's POV immediately after the conclusion of the temple adventure.
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astarion-approves · 1 year
More than sex.
Astarion x gn! Tav
"You’re telling me, that you.. would pass on a night of… meaningless, fantastic, eyes rolling to the back of your head, mind blowing sex… for love?”
Rating: Mature (for the subject but no actual sex or smut in any way shape or form.) Tags: Demisexuality, demisexual Tav, Demisexual Reader, No Smut, gn! Reader, Slight spoilers, Act One spoilers, Developing Relationship, Developing Friendships, Drabble, short and sweet, Confessions
Ao3 or keep reading below:
“I’m just looking for a little more excitement. A little more fun.”
Tav considered these words, anytime they saw Astarion having ‘fun’ was on the battlefield. Either stabbing his way through anything that stood before him, or sneaking up behind them and slitting their throat before they could even scream. “And what’s your idea of ‘a little fun?’”
Astarion smiled, taking a sip of his cheap wine before speaking, “By the hells. Sex, my dear. A night of passion.” 
“Oh, indeed. So, how about—“
“Shadowheart is free.” Tav looked over their shoulder to where she stood by her own tent where she fiddled with a bottle of wine attempting to open it with slow hands. 
“Wait, what—“ Astarion shifted to look past Tav to where she stood, the woman catching his gaze and glaring in return. 
“And she’s really pretty too,” Tav offered. 
“I’m not interested in hearing her praise her goddess tonight.” 
“Well, there’s also Lae’zel—“
Astarion shook his head. “I think she would rather behead me before she would ever bed me.”
“Halsin is available too—“ The Druid elf was handsome, and such a powerful one at that but before Tav could even finish, Astarion cut them off.
“Tempting, but not the one I’m interested in.” 
Tav hummed, putting their hands on their hips as they scanned the rest of the camp. There were many others, but most were already too drunk to even remember their own names. “I can’t think of anyone else.” 
“There’s always you, darling.” 
“Me?” Tav snorted a laugh. Surely he must have been joking. Of all the people that Astarion could have… Tav would personally put themselves at the bottom of the list. 
“Yes, you. It’s not everyday someone like yourself would be propositioned by someone like me, and this may be your last opportunity—“
“No thank you.” 
“No?! What do you mean ‘no’?!” Astarion was shocked, his hands jumping to his chest as if Tav had stabbed him directly in the heart. 
Tav grimaced, the way that Astarion’s face dropped, the hurt that filled his eyes so quickly… “Look, I’m not… rejecting you—“
“Sure sounds like rejection to me—“
They shook their head. “I need to be in love first… before I can…” Tav lifted their hands, gesturing towards Astarion in a weak display of trying to find the words and failing. “Don’t get me wrong… you’re- you are breathtaking, Astarion. The most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on—“ 
“Yes, I know. But– you’re telling me, that you.. would pass on a night of… meaningless, fantastic, eyes rolling to the back of your head, mind blowing sex… for love?” 
Astarion paused, taken aback. “Well, that’s actually quite admirable… But why?” 
“For me, I want it to mean something. Sex is an easily obtainable thing, but love… love you have to work for, to fight for, to earn and to cherish. Sex is great and all but… making love to the person who means the most to you in the world. That’s what I want. That’s what I need.” 
Astarion tapped his finger against his lips, thinking to himself before speaking again. “Hm. Sex and love, I never took you for such a sap,” he said with a light laugh. “Well, how do you feel about being friends then, hm? The kind of friends that protect one another, that is.” 
Tav chuckled. “I think it’s too late for that.” 
“Too late?! So what, now we can’t even be friends?!” Astarion threw his hands up, frustrated. “All I did was hit on you and now—“ 
“No, no,” Tav cut him off, reaching for Astarion’s hands and holding them gently. “What I mean… We can be friends but… I have developed some feelings for you. If you want to be friends, that’s fine. That’s great, actually. I just… well, I need to know if I should ignore those feelings—“  
Astatrion pulled his hands way, choosing to gesture towards Tav as he spoke. “So, let me get this straight. You have ‘some’ feelings for me?”
“Yes,” Tav replied with a nod. 
“But you don’t want to fuck me, tonight? Right now?” 
“Right.” They nodded again. 
“How very interesting… and even.. a little refreshing,” Astarion smiled, a smile that almost seemed shy… With his head turning away from Tav—and Tav swore they saw the smallest blush growing on his cheeks. 
“Refreshing?” Tav questioned, learning towards Astarion in an attempt to see that adorable blush— 
Astarion waved them off, the blush already gone and Astarion back to his usual self. “Never mind that, Tav. I guess we can see where this goes then?” He reached out, taking Tav’s hand into his own and giving it a light squeeze. “Whatever this is, anyway.” 
Tav smiled. “I’d like that.” 
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matcha-milo · 1 month
Did any other aroace-spec people try to write fanfiction when they were younger, but struggled to write romance/romantic scenes? Because I vividly remember trying to write fanfiction when I was younger, but not really knowing how to write the romance because that wasn't something that I felt that much. And this goes for all kinds of romantic fanfic, reader insert, OC insert, shipping, etc. I tried writing all of the above, and every single time, I was unable to write, or even sometimes start, the romantic scenes, because I just didn't know what exactly that felt like or how romantic relationships started. And even when I could get through writing fanfic, it just felt SO unnatural and weird to actually write; like not bad, but just odd, like not realistic. But somehow, people really liked it, so I guess I did something right lol
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queerweewoo · 3 months
Eddie mutters the curse under his breath when he can't seem to release the clasp on his St. Christopher chain.
He'd plopped himself down next to Buck after arriving home from dropping off his fourteen-year-old budding socialite at a friend's house, having already kicked off his boots and hooking an arm around Buck's still crossed-at-the-ankle legs, getting comfy with them resting over his lap—well, his lap and the arm of the sofa, because Buck has the longest pair of pins in the whole frickin world.
“Nope, I'm afraid shit can't possibly be the answer to seven down, Eddie, because even though it starts with an ‘S’, and the third letter is definitely an ‘I’, twelve across has got to be 'Skating', which would make the second letter a ‘K’,” Buck says with mock-seriousness as Eddie is still attempting to take off his chain. “And anyways, I don't really think the answer to the clue ‘Dermis’ could legitimately be shit, not by any stretch of the imagination; ‘Dermis’ sounds too… I dunno. Scientific? Medical?”
Eddie snorts his amusement at Buck, and Buck grins back at him with that particular twinkle in his eye that Eddie has come to think of as belonging to him.
He really tries his best not to be possessive over his best friend, knows he has no right to anything like that, but Eddie can't help being in love with Buck, no matter how much he wishes he wasn't.
Eddie's been fighting his desires his entire life, regardless of the fact he knows there isn't a damn thing wrong with being gay. But growing up in Texas, with a family as traditional as his own? It means Eddie hasn't ever felt entitled to getting the things he wants in life.
Buck must notice Eddie struggling, then, because he immediately drops his pen, and crossword puzzle book Eddie picked up for him yesterday at the newspaper stand near the firehouse, now swinging his legs off the sofa so he can scooch further up to Eddie, until he's almost on top of Eddie, and is saying, “Here, let me get that for you, Eds.”
Eddie freezes.
He knows he should shoo Buck away like he's supposed to, do the right thing, but ever since Buck started dating Tommy—and ever since Buck broke up with Tommy—Eddie's been pretty bad at being well-behaved around Buck.
Buck doesn't exactly make things easy, though. Never has, truth be told. He's always been a really tactile kind of guy, and right now his tactile nature is trying to murder Eddie, dead, dead, dead.
“Lemme just…” Buck's tongue is poking out of his mouth and resting against his bottom lip in concentration—and Eddie knows he should look away but can't—and then he's leaning right into Eddie's space, like he goddamn belongs there and, oh god, Eddie can't take this. He can't. He can't fucking breathe let alone act like this isn't bothering him, like it isn't turning him on like he's a horny teenager again, like this isn't everything he wants and has dreamed of. “Eds, just… lean forward a little would you, so I can—a little bit more, man, c'mon, don't be shy, I just need to…”
Buck really is on top of Eddie now, big arms wrapped around Eddie's head, musky cologne in Eddie's nostrils and warm breath in the shell of Eddie's super-sensitive ear and fuck, he's practically straddling Eddie now, right thigh pushed up against Eddie's junk, oh hell, and Eddie is panting softly and only about two seconds away from moaning his best friend's name like the pathetic hot mess that he is, Jesus fucking Christ.
“Got it,” Buck mutters, and just as he goes to lean back and pull away from Eddie, Eddie hears his internal monologue say: Yeah, I've got it real bad. 
Then something just—snaps inside of his brain before it's shutting down completely and his heart is in his throat as he finds himself whispering, “Screw it,” while he grabs onto both of Bucks biceps with purpose because he's terrified that if he doesn't, they might leave him forever.
“Wait,” he says. Pleads. 
Buck's right thigh is snug against Eddie's left one, the other still in Eddie's lap, his gorgeous face right there next to Eddie's, so close Eddie can almost feel the prickle of Buck's stubble.
“Eds?” Buck whispers, and his breath is mingling with Eddie's and Eddie hasn't prayed for a long, long time, but he's praying now; praying that he's not about to fuck up the best thing, bar Christopher, that has ever happened to him; praying for redemption; praying that Buck might want Eddie even just a fraction of the amount Eddie wants Buck.
His voice breaks when he says the only thing he can. “Don't go.”
Eddie wants this so, so badly, just this one thing, that's all he's asking for, and he's willing to beg for it if he has to—swears he'll never ask for anything again as long as he fucking lives.
“I'm not, Eds, I'm…” Buck trails off, frowning a little. He swallows audibly and licks at those sinful lips that are right fucking there and then says, “What, um—w-what exactly do you mean by 'don't go', Eddie?”
Eddie's heart is thumping so hard against his ribcage it feels as if it's going to burst right out of his chest, and Buck has to be able to feel it too because his solid chest is pressed up firmly against Eddie's, and Eddie can't believe he's doing this and seriously might just pass the fuck out any minute now—
“I don't…” Eddie shakes his head.
Is he really doing this?
“You don't know? Or you don't want me to go—like, as in go home?” Buck's asking. Eddie can't breathe. “Or do you mean, like, go, uh, g-go away from—from right here?” Buck swallows again and Eddie has never wanted anything more than to lick a long stripe up that prominent Adam's Apple of Buck's. “Do you mean don't go from this, Eds? From… from you.” And that last part doesn't sound like a question, it sounds like Buck gets it, and like he isn't horrified by the idea or amused by it or as if he's pitying or mocking Eddie.
Unbelievably, it actually sounds a little like Buck might just want Eddie, too.
Eddie screws his eyes shut, and all he can manage to say is, “Yeah, Buck. The last one.”
Buck is then slowly, gently, sliding his cheek up and down Eddie's, and Eddie finally knows exactly how it feels to have that stubble dragging against his own and there is no fucking way on Earth he could hold in the almost sob-like breath that leaves his lips as Buck's line themself up with Eddie's trembling mouth.
He's gripping Buck's arms so tightly he's scared he might leave bruises there but can feel Buck smiling as he says, “Can I, Eddie? Please?”
Is this really happening?
“Fuck yes,” Eddie urges, and then Buck is kissing him; slowly; gently, and with so much of something that feels like it could be love that Eddie wants to cry.
Then Buck's pulling away, yet not really away because it's only barely enough to let Eddie swallow the boulder-sized lump in his throat and try to catch his breath—only he doesn't quite manage to catch the tear that escapes the corner of his left eye. Somehow, though, that's okay, because Buck kisses that, too—and Eddie finds himself letting it all go, then, and smiling back at the man he's been in love with for almost six years as he cries, because he can finally feel all the colours of the rainbow on his face.
“Eddie, you have no fucking idea how long I've wanted to do that,” Buck chuckles, and Eddie leans in and tilts his own head back slightly and Buck's down a little to press lips against Buck's birthmark, smiling like a fool through his tears.
Buck puts his arms fully around Eddie's shoulders and hugs him, tight.
Eddie just breathes him in until he feels settled enough to look at Buck without welling up again.
“Skin,” Buck says then, bringing his hands to Eddie's face and holding it, brushing thumb pads along Eddie's cheeks and drying his tears because he wants to, and can. Eddie squints in slight confusion at the word, before Buck's revealing the meaning behind it, telling him, “Seven down, Eds, it just came to me: It was the word skin. Yours is—man, it's even smoother than I'd imagined. So, so beautiful. You're beautiful.”
“God, I fucking love you, Buck,” Eddie blurts, because he can't help it. “I'm—I'm in love with you, Evan, and I just—I'm sorry it's taken me so long to tell you that, taken me too long to get my shit together and pull my head out of my—”
“Beautiful, insanely perfect ass,” Buck laughs, and then he's kissing Eddie again, like they've been doing this forever, and Eddie's kissing him back and laughing, too.
“Stay,” Eddie begs between kisses. “Stay forever, Buck.”
Buck looks at Eddie like a man in love and says, “I'm in love with you too, Eds. So, yeah, sure, I can do forever,” he promises.
And Buck always keeps his promises. 
happy pride to my beautiful firefam 🌈
(unedited pls forgive me!)
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ifwebefriends · 3 months
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Bad News: the Stanley Parable fic that I originally wanted to finish and post by the end of May is still not done and will probably take a few more weeks
Good News: I started a different Stanley Parable fic a few weeks ago that is already almost done and I feel pretty certain that I can get it done and posted by the end of Pride Month. If you want to be notified on here when it’s done let me know and I’ll make sure to ping you when I post about it on here.
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morganski-19 · 2 months
The One With Hiding in the Dark
Eddie returns to Steve’s bed, climbing under the covers and getting close to Steve. Expecting the post sex after care that should have happened the first time, but couldn’t because of location and time constraints. But there’s a hand pushing him away.
“We need to talk about this,” Steve says, serious.
“I thought we did already.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, we just discussed the label, not how this is actually going to work.”
Eddie sits up, reaches down to find the shirt he discarded off the side of the bed and slips it back on. “Alright then. How do you want this to work?”
Steve sits up, leaning against his headboard and crossing his arms. “You know me, I can have casual sex and not have it mean anything. But when I go out looking for casual sex, it’s never typically the same person. And never someone that I’m close to outside of the hookup.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.” He starts to pick at his nailbeds.
“If it were to go on for more than twice in a short period of time, it would tend to lean into the dating territory, which is not what you want.”
“So you don’t want to do this if it’s not leaning into the dating territory.” Eddie takes a deep breath. “I’m not sure I’m ready to be in that kind of relationship.”
Not after last time. When everything went down hill so fast and broke all of Eddie’s trust. Broke everything he built and tossed him straight to the gutter.
Steve nods, understanding. “And I’m not asking for that. All I’m asking is for the possibility that this goes somewhere other than sex.”
“I don’t think you’ll ever be just sex to me, Steve.”
A breath of relief escapes Steve. “Ok, that’s all I was asking for.”
“Is there anything else. Rules, guidelines, and such?”
Steve huffs. “Nothing insane or anything. Those are just a recipe for disaster.”
“I’m sensing a but, there.”
“But, I’d like us to be exclusive. Casual, no labels, no pressure, going at your pace, but exclusive. It’s better for safety, and for me. Can you do that?”
Eddie lets out a small laugh. “Yeah, I can do that. That’s pretty much what I meant by casual anyway.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot of different definitions of casual. I’ve been burned by them before.”
Eddie shift, moving to sit next to Steve. As if some sort of truce. He reaches out and takes Steve’s hand. “I don’t want to burn you, I just. I’ve got some commitment issues that I need to work through and don’t think I could tell the group yet.”
“Now I’m sensing a but,” Steve smiles. Squeezing Eddie’s hand in reassurance.
“But. You’re too important to me to lose because of my own issues. If we keep this just between us right now, like this, ease me into the whole relationship thing, I think we can do this.”
“I think we can too.”
. . .
Argyle wakes up shivering. The sheets thrown off the bed and the spot next to him empty. He forces his eyes open and sits up. Takes a second before leaving his bedroom, that’s slowly been turning into their bedroom, to go find wherever Jonathan was.
He finds him in his bedroom, which is slowly turning into just an office. Sitting in his pajamas with the lights out. The only light coming from his laptop. Blue light glasses sitting on his nose, reflecting the images he’s editing.
“Hey,” Argyle whispers, places a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder. Startling him. “Sorry.”
Jonathan relaxes back into his chair. “It’s fine. Why’re you up?”
Argyle pulls another chair up to the desk. “It’s cold without you there.”
He snorts. “You say that. Then the next time my hand happens to slip under your shirt, you try and throw me off the bed.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“So, if I do it right now, you won’t try and swat my hand away.” Jonathan raises his hand and moves it toward Argyle, who moves away when it gets close. “See.”
“It’s not my fault your hands are icicles. Like how can they even get that cold?”
Jonathan shrugs, turning back to his computer. Yawning into the back of his hand.
Argyle gets closer, placing his chin on Jonathan’s shoulder. “What are you working on?”
“Trying to get this random guy out of the background,” he says with another yawn.
“Is this something immediate that needs to be worked on, or can you continue it tomorrow?”
Jonathan pushes his glasses up to rub his eyes. “No, it’s not due for another two weeks. And this is the last image in the package.”
“So you could come back to bed then, is what I’m hearing.”
Jonathan tries to hide another yawn. “I was already in bed, it didn’t work.”
“For my benefit, maybe. Because I got cold without you.”
“Let me save,” Jonathan sighs. Caving into Argyle’s excuses, knowing he could really need the sleep. He closes the program and shuts down his computer, setting his glasses down next to the keyboard.
Argyle smiles with small victory as Jonathan stands, following him out of the room and into their bedroom.
“Jesus Christ,” Jonathan says when he sees the bed. “What did you do?”
“No clue.” Argyle picks up the sheets from where they hang off the bed, straightening them out again. Jonathan having to tuck his corner back in before getting back in.
Argyle gets close, wrapping his arms around Jonathan’s waist and holding him close. Pressing his lips against the side of Jonathan’s head. “This is a lot better than sitting at your desk isn’t it.”
“Maybe,” Jonathan smiles.
They two lay there in the dark. Argyle’s breaths starting to even out again, sleep returning. While Jonathan continues to stare at the ceiling. His mind keeping the sleep from him. A question waiting to be asked.
“Argyle,” he says into the dark.
Argyle hums, half asleep.
“Do you ever feel like I’m holding back? From us.”
That breaks Argyle out of his sleep. Causing him to pull away and prop himself up on his elbow so he can see Jonathan better. “No. Are you holding back?”
Jonathan avoids eye contact. “It’s not that I’m holding back, it’s just. We haven’t told anybody yet because we wanted to take it slow, but I know that affects you somewhat. And we haven’t really, you know, and I know you want that, and I can’t give that just yet and.”
“Woah, ok, slow down,” Argyle interrupts him. “First of all, none of what you said is true. We can take this relationship as slow as you want us to, there is no pressure there from me. And I don’t care when we tell our friends, they can wait. What matters is that we tell them when we want to, ok.”
Jonathan finally meets his eyes. “Ok.”
“And as far as the other thing goes. I don’t need to sleep with you to be in a relationship with you. I’d rather wait for you to get the spark than make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”
“Are you sure, cause this has been a problem in the past and I just-,” he trails off.
Argyle shakes his head. “I love you, all of you. Even your demisexuality. We know it’ll come when it does and you can’t necessarily control it, it just happens. And when it does, we’ll figure out what to do from there. But for now, I’m just fine where we are.”
Jonathan’s eyes close as he exhales. “Love you too. Thanks for being so understanding.”
“I like to think of it as being a decent human being and partner, but you’re welcome.”
He lays back down, loosening his arms around Jonathan as he adjusts. Accepting the kiss Jonathan gives him before finally closing his eyes. Slowly falling back asleep.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles, @eriquin, @grtwdsmwhr
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ask-spiderpool · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson Additional Tags: Strip Clubs, Strip Tease, Established Relationship, Banter, Humor, Fluff, Blow Jobs, Nonbinary Wade Wilson, Demisexual Peter Parker, Chicken Wings Being Eaten In A Grotesque Manner Summary:
Peter Parker is looking (respectfully).
AKA. The one where Wade Wilson takes Peter Parker to a strip-club for his birthday.
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
How can we dance when I silenced the song 💜🩶🤍🖤 29k
(7/7 complete)
Using this as my Wip Wednesday tagged by @thekristen999 @hoodie-buck @tizniz @wikiangela @actualalligator 💜🖤🤍🩶
This is all finished Demi!eddie my beloved finds his happily ever after. Wanted to get it all finished out before the next episode and Eddie’s decision making skills disintegrate completely in cannon. 😉
Chapter 7 (7k)
Buck is struggling to untie one of his  shoelaces.
He’s been at it for several minutes now. It’s his own fault, he never unties his trainers when he takes them off and obviously he did them too tight this time and now he can’t loosen the knot.  Eddie watches surreptitiously as Buck struggles, equally amused and horrified at the level of concentration required for the task.
Why he loves him he has no idea, but he does. The warm feeling in his chest is washed away by a sudden wave of guilt. Another month has disappeared since he got back from Texas and he still hasn’t done it.  
He really should. He needs to, he wants to but now they’re at the end of yet another shift and Eddie knows if he puts it off again he’ll probably never do it. He’s been making excuses forever but he really does want to tell Buck about himself. He wants to tell him about how he’s discovered he’s queer too, thank him for his part in that, share this with him like he shares everything else. He just hasn’t found the right time. 
@monsterrae1 @daffi-990 @loserdiaz @the-likesofus @bi-buckrights @rogerzsteven @ronordmann @hippolotamus @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @bidisasterevankinard @underwaterninja13 @wildlife4life @stagefoureddiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @diazsdimples @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @rainbow-nerdss @lover-of-mine @fortheloveofbuddie @watchyourbuck @loveyouanyway @shipperqueen6
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mostmagical · 5 months
Pairing: Stranger/Stranger (Adrinette, but they don't know that) Words: 4k Summary:
“Can I kiss you?” It's costume theme night at the local bar, and Marinette finds herself a bit entranced by a pretty stranger wearing cat ears. She thought she would be content just watching, until Alya suggests she asks for just a little bit more.
Marinette chewed on the edge of her fingernail, trying not to be too obvious as she peered across the bar at the stranger on the corner.
They had met on the dance floor not too long ago, and she had been having trouble looking away ever since. He was attractive, despite the obnoxious cat-eared beanie tight over his blond hair, drawing her towards him in a way she really hadn’t felt in, well, ever. At least, not towards someone she barely knew. Not since the breakup.
The liquid in his delicate cocktail glass was dyed pinker by the spotlight he stood under, so she couldn’t tell if he was actually drinking anything as passion fruit-flavored as the color, or if it was just straight liquor. Her breath caught as he removed his hand from the water-beaded surface, lifting it to adjust the thick-rimmed specs he wore and reminding her of the sparkling green eyes she’d spied earlier.
Blond hair. Green eyes. 
She wondered if it was some cosmic joke that this always happened to her.
Even the cat ears were suspect, but she was trying her best not to acknowledge that.
A hand landed on her arm, and she jumped before realizing it was Alya returning from the bathroom.
“Still staring?” Alya asked. She had forgone her eye glasses that night for the sake of ‘accuracy,’ providing Marinette a clear view of the humor glittering through her friend’s hazel eyes.
Marinette sputtered, readjusting the skewed heart-shaped sunglasses over the bridge of her nose. “Wh– What? Staring? Staring at who– I mean— Staring at what? Because obviously I’m not staring and even if I was I wouldn’t be staring at anyone, certainly not anyone handsome and charming and—”
Alya interrupted Marinette’s spiral with a laugh. “Right, right, right.” She shook her head, the red curls bouncing across her bare shoulders. “You weren’t staring at the guy you danced with earlier, and you haven’t been nervous and jittery ever since. I imagined all of it.”
“Yes.” Marinette nodded sagely. “Thank you, exactly. It was all in your head.”
Alya simply hummed, turning to get the bartender’s attention and ordering the two of them another round. With her friend distracted, Marinette couldn’t help but let her eyes wander again. The stranger was now scrolling through his phone. Oh no. Was he calling a taxi? Checking train schedules? Was he leaving?
Pain blossomed over her thumb and the taste of metal hit her tongue as she bit down just a bit too hard.
“Marinette!” Alya hissed, pulling Marinette’s hand away from her mouth and quickly wrapping it in a cocktail napkin. “What are you doing to yourself? Do you want to get kicked out?”
She was sober enough to feel the embarrassed flush cover her cheeks. “Sorry.”
Alya’s barely concealed eye roll was colored with humor. “You should just go over and talk to him.”
Marinette blinked owlishly. “And say what?”
“Ask him for a kiss.”
“What?!” She knew her shriek was loud enough to disturb the patrons on either side of them at the bar, but all she could hear over the pounding of the bass was the blood roaring in her ears. “Why would I do that?”
Alya just laughed. “Look at you” —she waved a hand at Marinette’s napkin wrapped finger— “biting through your nails because you can’t stop thinking about how hot you are for him.”
“I– I–” Marinette faltered, her mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton the more she tried to move it. “I am not.” At Alya’s raised eyebrows, she tried and failed to come up with another reason why not. “I– You know I’m not like that!”
“Normally, yeah,” Alya replied, shrugging, “but there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, just this once.”
Marinette swallowed.
“And have you ever been so attracted to a stranger in your life?” Alya continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this wound up. Not since Adrien, or Luka, or– actually–” She stuck a finger in the air as if the thought had just struck her from above. “No, not Luka; it’s more like with Chat N–”
“Stop stop stop!” Marinette cut her friend off, throwing a hand over her mouth to stop up the words.
Alya licked her palm in objection.
“Ew! Hey!”
“You are so silly, M,” Alya laughed as Marinette pulled her hand away and dramatically wiped it on her shirt. “It’s not weird to have a crush on a superhero.”
Marinette chewed her lip, traces of the watermelon drink she’d had hours ago still tasting in the corner of her mouth. “You know it was more than that.”
A hand patted her shoulder. “Of course I do, but the point still stands.” Alya grinned, as sly as her own superhero persona would imply. “You deserve one night to not care. Treat yourself. You need to cut loose after, well, you know.”
Marinette couldn’t deny that since she had presented it, Alya’s idea was sounding more and more appealing. Though maybe that was the vodka talking. Or the desperation.
“He sure seems like your type after all,” Alya pressed, squinting her eyes as she studied him. “Tall, pretty, charming... blond.”
“Green eyes, too,” Marinette added, despite herself.
“What?” Alya laughed. She reached out a hand, flicking the frame of Marinette’s sunglasses playfully. “You could tell through these bright pink abominations?”
Her face warmed in embarrassment. “I may have, sorta, practiced discerning colors on my posters of Adrien with them before,” she admitted. She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “His eyes look the same.”
Alya laughed again, full and delighted. “Marinette! Oh, there’s no one like you,” she said, grinning. “Now you really have to do it. I’m convinced it’s fate.”
It did feel almost divine.
Alya squinted once more, and Marinette wished her friend had listened to her when she told her to wear her glasses anyway. “He even kinda looks like—” She cut herself off with a hum, shaking her head. “You deserve to get out there again anyway. It’s been ages and I kinda think you need a rebound.”
Marinette wasn’t sure if she fully agreed with that statement, but she wasn’t exactly in the mood to broach the subject and down the mood.
“What if he laughs in my face?” she asked instead, sticking her lip out in a pout. It was meant to look cute, so maybe Alya wouldn’t push so much, but the fear was very much real. Sure, she and the stranger had had an amazing conversation, and their chemistry had been more intoxicating than her drink, but he was still that— a stranger. There was no telling what might happen if she walked up to him and asked for something so daring as a kiss.
“Marinette, look at me,” Alya said, placing both hands on either of Marinette’s shoulders. “You are hot. You are cool. And he is totally into you.”
Was there any explanation for the way her heart leapt straight out of her chest?
“Into me?” Marinette repeated. “What makes you say that? Are you sure?”
Alya smirked dangerously. “Well, don’t look now, but I may have caught him taking a few glances over here while your back was turned,” she explained.
Marinette, of course, looked. Her head turned at just the precise moment to catch his gaze in her own, and sure enough, the stranger’s jaw momentarily dropped upon making eye contact. He recovered quickly with a sweet smile, raising his glass in a cheers motion from across the bar.
Alya sighed, shaking her head. “Well, at least there’s another sign for you,” she said, amused. Grabbing Marinette’s shoulders again, Alya turned her back around to look at her face-to-face. “See? Repeat after me: I am hot.”
A bit dazed from the encounter, Marinette could do nothing else but exactly what Alya asked. “I am hot,” she repeated.
“I am cool,” Alya continued.
“I am cool.”
“He is into me.”
She choked, the last phrase a little rougher on liftoff than the others. “He is, guh– into me.”
“One more time, all together.”
Marinette closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. She regretted it, as the smell of sweat and hops stung her nose. But the intake of air managed to ground her, all the same.
“I am hot. I am cool,” she chanted. “He is into me.”
“Yes!” Alya cheered. “Good job!”
The mantra was like a magic spell. Marinette opened her eyes, suddenly energized. Her stomach pitched a little, but it was full with excitement.
“Two cognacs,” the bartender announced, jolting Marinette from her reverie.
“Merci!” Alya picked up a glass, pressing it into Marinette’s hands with cool insistence. “Drink this, and then get over there!”
Marinette obliged, downing the drink in two big swigs. The alcohol no longer burned the back of her throat, settling in her stomach with a pleasant warmness. She replaced the glass on the bar with a firm clink, then sucked in another deep breath, wiping her upper lip with the back of her hand.
“Okay,” she said under her breath, hyping herself up. “Okay!”
“Go!” Alya gave her one more push, spinning Marinette around and pressing the heel of her hands into her shoulder blades. “Your prince charming awaits,” she sang.
Marinette stumbled forward, unsteady from Alya’s shove, but she quickly regained her bearings. Her blood pumped faster in her veins as she approached the other end of the bar. She swore she could feel every fingertip throbbing with her own pulse as she got closer.
Just a little kiss.
Plenty of people did that.
(Although, it wasn’t something she had ever considered doing herself.)
It wasn’t... weird to ask.
And like Alya had said, he was into her. The stranger probably felt the exact same magnetism she had. He would want to kiss her.
Steeling her nerves, she stood behind him, watching him swirl the liquid around in his glass. His head tilted towards where Alya stood by her lonesome on the other side of the bar, and Marinette’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she wondered if he might be looking for her.
She smoothed down the synthetic purple wig as best she could, and adjusted the collar of her leather jacket. She almost wished she could dart off to the bathroom for a final appearance check, but she knew she would lose all her built-up confidence if she did. With butterflies brushing the insides of her tummy, she reached out a hand, tapping him twice on the shoulder.
The stranger turned, and she thought she might let herself believe his face really brightened when he saw her.
Nervously, she waved. “Hi.”
“Hey, Clara,” he said in a soft voice, somehow still audible over the loudspeakers. His smile was sweet and reserved. Her throat tightened up. “I was hoping you’d want to talk again.”
Marinette felt like the breath was stolen right out of her lungs. “You– You did?”
A hand reached behind the back of his neck in what must have been a nervous tick— yet another similarity to more than one of the loves of her life, oddly enough. “Yeah, I mean—” Was that a hint of red on his cheeks, or were her glasses fogging up again? “You– Uh, I loved dancing with you.”
The smile pinched her cheeks. “I loved dancing with you, too,” she said. “I had a lot of fun.”
“Wait a second,” Marinette said, her mind finally catching up to the last 60 seconds. “You called me Clara. I didn’t—?”
His mouth twitched into a grin. “Your outfit,” he pointed out. “Inspired by Clara Nightingale, right? From the ‘Heartbreak Disco Baby’ video?”
“You recognize it?”
The stranger’s face seemed to light up, even in the darkness of the bar. “Of course!” Marinette watched agape as his eyes scanned up and down her body, dare she say, appreciatively. “I’ve only watched that video about a million times and this is a perfect recreation.”
Pride swelled in her chest at the praise. “Thank you,” she replied. “I do take my costuming very seriously. My best friend even dressed to look like Sonia Auclair from that video.” She gave her loose hair a flip over her shoulder as she took the moment to seize up his outfit as well. “And you are—”
“Dressed at the very last minute,” he supplied bashfully. “I wasn’t exactly planning to come out, but luckily I had this beanie.”
“It suits you.”
His smile seemed genuine at her compliment. “You really think so?” he laughed, playing with the edge of the material. “Thanks.”
He was adorable. She bit her lip against the rising heat on her face.
“Heartbreak Disco Baby,” he repeated thoughtfully. “That doesn’t mean you’re a little heartbroken, are you?”
Adorable and considerate.
Now or never, she thought.
“Can I kiss you?”
As soon as the words left her mouth, her chest seized up. She said that. Oh god. She really said that.
The stranger’s face blazed a delightful shade of red, and Marinette wondered if they would match or clash were someone to compare the two of them. “Sorry,” he coughed. “I think I might have misheard you?”
She could run away. Back out right now, and save herself the mortification. Unfortunately, a flash of movement on the other side of the bar caught her attention, and she was met by Alya fluttering her fingers across the way. Marinette forced down a swallow.
“I asked to kiss you,” she repeated clearly.
When he only continued to stare at her, face crimson and eyes wide, Marinette slipped dangerously close to panic mode.
“Forget it!” she practically screeched. “You don’t have to do that—” She cut herself off with an awkward laugh. “I just— whew! Is it hot in here? I just— My friend over there told me I need to cut loose, and she told me to just go for it because I, well, I mean you’re very pretty— and we had chemistry…? Oh god, I said that— I mean, no, I stand by that, we do—” She covered her mouth, eyes wide in horror over her spew. “I swear I haven’t had that much to drink,” she admitted, rubbing her temples. “Sorry, I’ll go.”
Marinette froze, slowly drawing her gaze away from the floor and back to the stranger’s face. “What?”
He rubbed the back of his neck again, the redness of his face having faded to a lovely pink that blended with the colored shades of her glasses. “Okay,” he said again. “I’ll kiss you.”
“You- You– uh. . .” Words didn’t seem to want to come to her rescue.
Luckily, the stranger did. He eased off away from the bar, facing her fully as he took her limp hand in his. With a gentle tug, he guided her to step closer towards him. “Is this okay?” he asked, his warm tone sending her heart fluttering.
She nodded almost too vigorously before she finally managed to rouse her tongue. “Yes, yes, it’s okay.”
This close, she could smell his cologne, a cluster of warm linens and nutmeg that sent a pang of recognition down her spine. His chest was firm and radiated a comfortable warmth that Marinette felt she could fold into. She followed his eyes as they dropped down to her mouth and back up again. Goosebumps raised over her skin as his hand glided up her arm, his face an image of patience. Until it changed to panic.
“Wait, oh no,” he gasped. “You’re not–”
“What?” She tilted her head in confusion, not really sure where this reaction had come from.
His mouth was a worried line. “Have you been drinking?” he asked. “Because I’m sober, and I don’t want to be taking advantage of you–”
Marinette cut him off with a snort. “I promise you, I am completely of sound mind, when I do this.”
Riding the sudden wave of confidence, Marinette mirrored his earlier movements, allowing her hand to trail up his arm and over his neck, warm skin beneath her fingertips. As she gently cupped his cheek with her palm, she pressed up on her tiptoes, rocking forward to sear her lips to his.
His breath fanned her mouth as he gasped into it, truthfully without a hint of the taste of alcohol, and his lips were pleasantly warm and plush against hers. She found herself quickly sinking into it, especially as a hand landed on her lower back and held her steady. Her other hand dove into the hair at the back of his neck, teasing the soft strands in rhythm with the glide of their kiss.
It was more than sparks and explosions and fire— all things she never expected she would feel while kissing a complete stranger.
She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something achingly familiar— comfortable, her mind supplied— about the pressure of his mouth on hers, and the little hums she could feel vibrating over her skin. Despite herself, she cracked open her eyes and studied his face as he continued to kiss her.
Green eyes. Blond hair. Cat ears, puns, those lips. Her heart almost seemed to stop as she realized she knew exactly why the sensation was so familiar. She had felt this kiss before. It could only be Chat Noir, she realized, warmth flowing between her shoulder blades.
She pulled away, just a centimeter to breathe between them. “Mon Chaton?”
He blinked open dazed eyes, blinking at her as if waking up from a dream. “Chaton?” he repeated. His eyes widened. “My Lady?” His voice was breathier than she was used to hearing it, and it sent a thrill up her spine.
“It’s you.” She almost wanted to laugh. “No wonder we fit so well together.”
It only took a few seconds for her partner to recover from his dreamlike state. He grinned his cat-like grin. “We’ve always been the purrfect team, after all.”
“Oh my god,” Marinette groaned, pressing her lips to his once more to shut him up. However, his mouth remained shockingly slack against hers. She pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
Seemingly dumbfounded, he replied, “You kissed me again.”
Oh god. Oh, god. He didn’t want to kiss her now that he knew. She was such an idiot.
“I’m so sorry.” Hastily, she tried to push away from his chest, only for him to grab her wrists and prevent her escape.
“Wait, no. I just–” His mouth worked wordlessly, endless green eyes searching her own. “Are you sure you want to be kissing me? What about—”
Marinette froze in place, the familiar voice sending a chill up her spine— one that was cold and bruising, rather than warm and thrilling tingles that her partner had sent up and down her back all night.
Her hands went limp, still caught in Chat Noir’s hold, as the spray-tanned arms of Chloé Bourgeois wound around his neck.
Chloé, dressed in a flowing gown that did not at all match the whimsical costumes in the bar, immediately launched into complaints, current company left unnoticed, or rather ignored. “Thank god, I finally found you,” she cooed. “I can’t believe you left me there with that cousin of yours and Tsurugi. Ugh.”
A pained expression flashed Marinette’s way before her partner turned his head to meet Chloé’s powder blue eyes. “You had Zoé, too, didn’t you?” he asked her.
“Ugh, you know I would rather it be just us two.”
Marinette was rooted to the spot. It felt as though her brain was misfiring in about a billion directions. And yet, somehow all those directions ended at the exact same destination: the stranger before her.
A stranger, she was realizing, that was not so strange after all.
In fact, this was probably a person she knew better than she ever thought she had.
Because if she added everything she knew up, carried the two, and multiplied by three, well...
It seemed like Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste and the two (three...?) loves of her life were actually just one.
Nervous green eyes peeked at Marinette, as if to check that she was still there. The redirection of his— Adrien’s, oh god— attention finally drew Chloé’s eyes east, and if Marinette thought she could make it out of this easily, she was quickly corrected when an appalled groan filled the air.
“Dupain-Cheng?” Chloé stuck her nose up in the air, somehow glaring at Marinette through only the corner of her eye. “What are you doing with her? I thought you two broke up.”
“It’s complicated,” Marinette said, at the same time Adrien burst out “Marinette?”
She took one look at his face before immediately casting her eyes away again, an angry red blush overtaking her cheeks.
What the hell what the hell what the hell.
She found herself almost wishing for an akuma alert to save her. Except, no. No, she didn’t, she realized, because she would still have the same man right there with her.
“Marinette?” Adrien repeated again, voice sounding almost far away, even in a room where her ears were already blocked from the loud music.
Shyly, she met his pleading eyes, pushing her sunglasses back up and onto the top of her head. His jaw all but dropped open as he watched her, recognition flitting through his eyes.
They were quite the pair, weren’t they? Marinette could have laughed. A pair of glasses and neither realized that they were talking to their own ex. And the fact that she had recognized Chat Noir’s kiss, but not Adrien’s... No. Nope. Not going to unpack that.
Chloé glanced between them, a look between disgusted and bored plastered across her face. “What’s with that reaction?” she asked. “Listen, if you’re getting back with this weirdo, I–”
Marinette had no idea where Alya had appeared from, but she had never been so happy to see her best friend throw an arm over the other girl’s shoulder. Chloé physically recoiled under Alya’s touch, attempting to lean away, but to no avail.
“Césaire,” she grunted.
Alya grinned, unbothered by the less-than-enthusiastic response. “Oh my god, it really is you! I could barely tell; forgot my glasses, silly me. How’ve you been?” she asked. “I want to hear all about the new campaign.” Over her shoulder, she threw Marinette a wink.
The realization that Alya was providing her a way out burst across Marinette’s skin. In a flash, she had wrapped her hand around Adrien’s wrist, bodily dragging him through the crowd and away from their classmates. He came along willingly, only slowing down to dodge around drunk patrons that stepped between them.
Eventually they found themselves comfortably alone in a quiet hallway leading to the bathrooms. The hallway was much brighter than the main floor, illuminating all of Adrien’s features in a way that she couldn’t believe she had missed before. Marinette looked up at him in question, squeezing his wrist tight between her fingers. “When did you get back?” she asked, too desperate for the answer to pretend like she wasn’t.
He looked worried. “Just tonight. I– I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me.”
“Of course I did,” she murmured. She realized she had said it too quietly to be heard over the speakers when Adrien kept going.
“Everyone was asking questions.” He pressed a hand against his forehead, twisting her heart with it. “And just talking so much about my dad and England and... I don’t know. I– I had to get out.”
Her breath caught. She began running her hand up and down his arm to try and soothe him, saying, “I know, kitty, I know.”
“Zoé mentioned you and that’s when I realized I had to make a break for it.” He ducked his head shyly. “I should have figured I’d run right towards you.”
Marinette huffed out a laugh, her earlier conversation with Alya about fate and divinity seeming oh so relevant now. She let her hands rest on both his cheeks. “Yeah, seems like we’ll always be in each other’s orbit, doesn’t it?” she asked. “I just can’t seem to ever let you go.”
His eyes went shiny, and she wondered if he was about to cry. “Do you really mean that?” he asked, covering her hands with his own.
Her shoulders dropped with the tension she had been carrying. “Of course I do,” she replied, running her thumbs over the dark circles beneath his eyes. “I’m sorry about that night. I just didn’t want you to leave and I didn’t know how to say it.”
“I didn’t want to leave either,” he said with a watery smile. “Are you disappointed you didn’t get to kiss a stranger?”
She used her thumb to brush one errant tear away from his eye. “Considering I’d rather be kissing you, anyway?” she teased. “No, I’m not disappointed at all.”
His mouth twisted into a wry grin. “Not even about...?” He glanced back and forth down the hallway, as if checking for any listeners, only to look back at her with just an eyebrow waggle to voice his concerns.
Marinette giggled again. “Come here, kitty.” With a gentle tug, she guided his face down to hers, kissing him all over again.
If you enjoyed, consider dropping a kudos or comment on Ao3! <3
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shykpop · 3 months
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LGBTQIAPN+ HEADERS, + like or reblog If you use
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iltrpls · 5 months
summary : Buck looks baffled when he asks, “You’re still hung up on Shannon?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he shakes his head negatively, “No. I’m not.” He’s fully shaking when he dares to look at Buck, “I think my libido died when she did, or something like that, because I just can’t do it, alright?”
Buck hesitates when he speaks, “So you don’t wanna have sex?”
“No, no I wanna have sex,” the words feeling heavy on his tongue. He does. He does wanna have sex, he thinks about it, touches himself and wishes it were someone else doing it or that at least that he had someone to share it with. Eddie wants to have sex, in theory. It’s the practical part that feels wrong. “It’s more,” he licks his lips, “It’s more like I want to have sex, and I can see myself having sex, but I can’t see myself doing it with someone else. It’s like I need more than just someone there willing to do it with me.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know.” He admits with a heavy heart.
OR: demisexual Eddie Diaz
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Ok so hear me out...
Angels are angels*, not humans. But when they go down/up to earth they are issued human bodies. Fully functional** human bodies. They don't age, they don't get sick, they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep. But they CAN do all these things. They can even get drunk, though with the option to sober up on command.***
They don't feel hunger, but their taste buds are working normally, as evidenced by Aziraphale when introduced to the taste of the ox.
Now imagine... Aziraphale and Crowley in their shared South Downs cottage. Their relationship romantic, but not sexual. Because they love each other, but neither of them has ever felt sexual attraction or sexual desire.****
But what if...
What if, one day, Aziraphale decides he'd like to try it. (Oh come on, we all know that HE would be the one.) Just to see how it feels. And then he feels it, and he likes it, he likes it very much, and we all know once he's got the taste he's gonna devour Crowley the same way he devoured the ox.
And what if Crowley just goes along with it, not because he wants or needs it, but because there's nothing he likes more than to indulge his hedonistic angel. And then he gets his mind blown. He never knew that there was something that could make you feel so good.
And suddenly they both know that it's worth making an effort.
What then, hm? What then?
*= including fallen angels a. k. a. demons
**= to quote Data
***= Also, I am a 100% convinced that even though they eat & drink all the time, neither of them has ever had to use the bathroom.
****= Queerplatonic Crowley & Aziraphale are valid.
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lynxindisguise · 5 months
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Universe 668x: Vampires
The one-room shack is cramped and cluttered, filled with books, plants, a dusty piano, and of course, a coffin. One coffin.
“There’s no people for miles, and you’ll not be bringing any back here, so it’s goats and rabbits or nothing.” Remus raises his glass pointedly and takes a sip.  
“You’ve no curtains,” he observes.
“My plants like light.” Leave it to Remus to prioritise the happiness of some plants over his own.
Sirius cocks his chin towards the singular coffin, waiting for him to catch on. His dismayed expression does not disappoint.
“It looks roomy enough,” he offers innocently.  
“I’d prefer the sun,” Remus grumbles, looking rather petulant. They both know full well that they’ll be sharing that coffin come dawn.
“It’s adorable when you pretend to be repulsed by me.”
“I’m not pretending. And don’t call me that.”  
“What, adorable?” he smirks, creeping forward. “But you are adorable.”
“Yes because I’m trapped in the body of a child,” he snaps.
Oh. Chastised, Sirius wavers in place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...”  
Remus drains the remaining contents of his mug, blood staining the inner portion of his colourless lips. A single drop pools in the corner, and he can’t shake the urge to lick it away. It’s something he’s done before, he’d guess, something done regularly.
What happened between them? For once, they’re the same sort of monster; shouldn’t that have made things easier?
But then, sometimes it’s easier to love a different monster than a mirror reflection. Neither of them have ever particularly liked their reflections.
start from the beginning
multiverse jump!
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atsadi-shenanigans · 7 months
Valentine's Day Special
I did it! I got it finished! As a thank you to everyone who has given kudos and comments, and because Valentine's Day is coming up, here's a smuterific one-shot featuring: pegging, butt stuff, Astarion having feelings, Eleanor has dom tendencies she didn't know about, and Astarion getting nice things!
Rated a very, very E for smut.
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Roses are red, violets are blue, blah blah I’d like to fuck you.
Or: Astarion bought a toy. Eleanor wants to give him a night he won’t forget.
“Legs up,” he says. “Pull your knees up. Better leverage.” You do. He leans back, bracing his hands on your knees. Moving himself so you hit his sweet spot ruthlessly. Another peek at you, pleasure painted over every line of his body. “Fuck me, Eleanor.”
The inn is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Two stories, shutters closed against the torrent, lantern light turning puddles and muddy streets golden.
You’re going to cry. Not that anyone will be able to tell in this storm. Poor Karlach has been hidden in a cloud of steam since the downpour began.
“Gods, I’m not taking another step unless it’s towards the front door of that inn,” Astarion says, voice pitched firmly into bitchy. “I am not slogging through one more minute of this filth.”
Filth being the inches-deep trough of mud the road has turned into. Y’all are coated up to the knees.
“A warm bed and a warmer bath would be nice,” Wyll says. And if Mr. Of-the-Frontiers “I’m used to sleeping on rocks” is saying that, you know everyone is thinking it.
“Fuck,” you say. Eloquent as ever. “We got gold, right?”
“Plenty,” Gale says. His hair keeps sliding over his face in rivulets of water. He looks like a sad, wet cat.
“Hope they got rooms.”
They have, in fact, got a packed-ass seating area, a handful of alcove bunks in a common area upstairs, and a single, small room with a modest bed (other travelers had the same idea when the storm hit).
Y’all’ve had a helluva day. Chasing down leads to some sort of bullshit or another. Half of y’all ain’t even here (Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Halsin, and y’all’s new friends had split off to go hunt down something else).
Which meant when y’all triggered a bunch of undead critters in the shitpile of some tomb, y’all had to do a lot more work to clean up. Astarion took the brunt of it after the two of you (again) got separated from the others.
He stands there, hair plastered to his skull, not an ounce of pink in his complexion (and looking grayer than usual). That’s when the idea comes to you.
“Y’all mind if me and Astarion take the room?” you say.
Ain’t no way to be subtle about it. They all know what you two are about. Especially since that goddamn newspaper came out (it wasn’t neither of y’all’s fault the fucking graveyard grounds keeper was a nosy sunuvabitch who both took his job way too seriously, and took off sprinting to the Faerun equivalent of a tabloid newspaper after catching a glimpse of you.) (You’d finished by then, which was probably the only reason Astarion hadn’t run him down and shut him up.)
They’ve known you two were a couple for a long while. They’d assumed you two had been physical for longer than you actually had been.
“Really?” Karlach says, still steaming. “After all this?”
Astarion says nothing, though his eyebrows quirk in mild interest. The bags under his eyes are more prominent, the color almost bruise purple. His eyes are duller. He looks more corpserific than he has in a while.
You started it, he seems to say. So you finish it.
“I just wanna take a bath and lay in bed, and all my clothes gotta dry,” you say. “We both’ve seen each other naked.”
Clever mischief glints in Wyll’s eye. He’s the most solid out of all of you’uns. The one with the most rigorous sense of morality. Usually plays the straight-laced folk hero.
But the man’s damned charming, and his genial good will hides a wicked sense of humor.
“All the bunks have privacy screens,” he says. “We’ll all be drying out our belongings.”
Gale says nothing. Just stares into the middle distance as he hikes up a section of robe to wring about a liter of water out.
Wyll makes a show out of checking out the common room and y’all’s fellow travelers. “In fact, I see other couples doing just that.”
“I’m not saying we’re gonna fuck, but if we do, you really wanna sleep right next to that?”
Wyll snorts and waves a hand, smiling. “On second thought, I think I’ll pass.”
Karlach pulls a face. “In public?”
“Y’all said they got privacy screens. And you didn’t have no problem walking around tits out during that heatwave.”
“Which beds did we get?” Gale cuts in. He used up even his much-improved magic capacity trying to get you and Astarion out of that fucking trap sinkhole. He can’t even do his presto-tation cleaning spell to dry himself off.
So you end up taking the key and heading upstairs, Astarion trailing after you.
Bath water is something you gotta pay for, in Faerun. The tub’s in the room, and you’re free to haul up however many buckets from the well outside yourself. But that’s a lot of buckets to drag up a flight of stairs, and the inn keep don’t let customers heat it up over the fire themselves.
So a good hour after you and Astarion settle in, you finally got a bath drawn and steaming.
“You go first,” you say.
Astarion sits on the bed in nothing but his drawers, wrapped in a blanket. He don’t get hypothermia—undead and all—but he does get real achy in the cold.
He gives you a small, tired smile, and lets the blanket (and his drawers) slide down.
You still ain’t super used to seeing a cock all bare. Not more than what your occasional forays into porn showed—so mostly just the part not currently buried in somebody. It hangs more forward than you thought it would. Also smaller than you thought it’d be (again, porn and both unrealistic standards, and flaccid ones are smaller).
You make yourself look away. But not before Astarion—ever alert and enough of a bastard to make that your problem—notices.
“See something you like, sweetheart?” Where once that line would have been pure, silken debauchery, his voice is calmer when he’s alone with you, now. Still carries a flirty lilt (he always does with everyone), but with less performance woven through it.
“Just curious,” you say. “And I like watching you—not creepily, I mean. Anyway, if you want a bath and then the bed—for sleeping only—I’m down for that.”
“Mmm,” he says. Steps into the water and hisses. He eases himself down slow. Finally sits and all but melts against the wedge of the wooden tub, eyes closed and head tilted back. “Yet you requested this little love nest for us. And that cunning mind of yours always has at least three ideas fluttering around.
Said with a wiggle of his fingers around his temple.
He’s got a long neck. Stretched out like that, his adam’s apple stands out. As do his bite scars.
“We really can just sleep,” you say.
Now he cracks one, red eye open. Tilts his head to better peer over at you. Swirls his hand in the water as he waits for an answer.
He’s being patient with you. Says you’re patient with him, but you can count on three fingers all the people you ever actually wanted to bed, and none of them ever got that far. It’s not an ordeal for you to wait. You don’t have any expectations for him in that department (which you suspect had been a huge relief for him, and one of the reasons y’all’ve worked out).
He does so much for you. He’s helped you work through hangups you didn’t even know you had. He’s saved your ass more times than you can count, directly and not.
“If you wanted,” you start slow. “And you can say no at any point. But, if you wanted, I thought we could take a night and I could learn, um. We could learn what you like better. Just you. Or, well, me focusing on you.”
His idle finger twirling stops. He stills, both eyes open now and fixed on you. He doesn’t say anything for a long moment. Doesn’t even breathe.
Then his lips part. His words stutter and he frowns. Then, “You want to give me pleasure.”
Every word slow and enunciated. Not…trepidation, exactly. And not quite disbelieving. He trusts you, he’d said. He’s just verifying for the sake of both’ve you.
“I’m curious,” you repeat, so deliberate and nonchalant it’s borderline teasing.
“Pleasure me how?” Astarion says. Once again, flicking at the bathwater.
Aaand the rest on AO3 so tumblr doesn't slap me.
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theology101 · 6 months
Fabadine Domestic ideas
They're stuck in my head IM SORRY! I'm about 5k words in on my Junior Year fic but its giving me fun ideas I want to talk about so I'm just gonna spitball a few of them
Even though she doesn't need to sleep, Adaine always 'goes to bed' first to remind Fabian to go to sleep. Every single time she ends her trance, she has to crawl her way out of being little spoon
Fabian is an absolute House Husband. Adaine is Oracling/in charge of Fallinel Judicial system, but Fabian never needs to nor wants to work.
Because of this, he's also the primary caretaker of their kids and he has absolutely no spine. Like, worse then Amethar. Adaine is always the bad cop, but she hands over Boggy when the kids are upset so its okay
"Uncle Gorgug" was always the go-to Baby sitter, Riz has too many doohickey's a child could grab
Moggy the Doggy and the Hangman have matching dog beds - Hangman's is bolted into the floor because he forgets to stop being a bike and the tire would send it flying
Hallariel and Gilear live in the Guest House but they will spontaneously leave for months at a time without telling anyone
When she's in town Hallariel always insists on doing 'Grandmama-Mommy-Daughter' experiences that take far, far too long
Telemaine had to make swords for all of his descendants with increasingly elaborate and ridiculous names (And Adaine promised not to laugh, she really did but its SO HARD)
Adaine forsees when he will die and tries to tell him - but at this point, he's an old man and she looks like she's only in her thirties (Outside of Fallinel its normal Elf Rules so she gets a thousand to his 200-300), and he refuses to hear it. Instead promising to live every single day for the rest of his life like it was his last, and that he would spend them grateful for the chance to be with those he loves
Then he comes to the actual event, he dies and the Devil Lady Figueroth of Pride goes "lmao Fabe, get your ass up" and pops him back up young.
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ill0droprandomshizz · 3 months
Happy pride month everyone!
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