#accidental proposal
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madanimalscientist · 1 month ago
First Chapter of my JayVik Accidental Dating/Accidental Proposal AU is up!
“What do you mean? We’ve been courting for the past month...?” Jayce felt the pit drop out of his stomach as Vitkor looked at him in shock. Viktor’s eyes widened, his voice growing alarmed. “I am fairly certain we have not!” Accidental dating/accidental proposal AU! In which Viktor and Jayce have inadvertently been reading from two very different mental schema of 'how to relationship' without realizing it, and the chaos and sweetness that ensues when it all comes to a head.
Many thanks to @coppercrow for egging me on and being the best beta/enabler/muse/encouragement buddy a writer could ask for :D
Set between Episodes 3 and 4 of S1, but I fully admit to playing fast and loose with some canon aspects here - bits of Viktor’s pre-Arcane backstory and some of the worldbuilding are lifted from League of Legends/Runeterra albeit in a very patchwork way. Title from "Bowerbird" by molly ofgeography
Fic is 90% written, chapter 2 will go up later this week!
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bird-slayer-brainrot · 1 year ago
How they became the ineffable "husbands" - Good Omens CrowleyxAziraphale Ineffable Husbands post-season 3 fluff - accidental proposal
They were baking.
Aziraphale had somehow gotten it in his head that Crowley using miracles to bring him pastries was unethical. In fact, he'd started to think that miracling any object, food or otherwise, that they themselves had not paid for seemed to be unethical, if it came from someone else's hand unpaid. Nevermind that money was no object to them, just so long as someone was paid.
(Crowley did not mention that the pastries he brough Aziraphale were not, in fact, stolen, because he did not want to spoil the angel's fun.)
Despite being half-covered in flour, and looking like he was doing a bad dandelion impression, Aziraphale looked very pleased with how the batter for his chocolate-earl grey cake had turned out.
"Just try a bite, please?" Aziraphale pleaded. Crowley, who had no particular affinity for food, took the spoon from the angel's hand and tasted it. It was good, of course it was. Aziraphale was already a masterful baker. This was just showing off.
"It's good." Crowley said. Aziraphale smiled radiantly.
Just then, a knock sounded from the door to the bookshop. Aziraphale frowned at Crowley, who returned the expression. A customer was already unforgivable, but a customer interrupting Aziraphale's kitchen time was a cardinal sin.
He untied his apron wordlessly. Either of them could have miracled the visitor away, but for some reason, they silently decided not to.
Aziraphale quickly tucked the cake into the over and nodded to Crowley to watch over it. He left the kitchen to check the door.
While he was gone, Crowley took the time to survey Aziraphale's ring. Aziraphale was in the habit of handing him the small pinkie ring he wore. *"I don't want to get it covered in batter."). Crowley swept his thumb across the golden wings.
Crowley liked it. He would never admit to this. It reminded him of Aziraphale. The angel had worn it almost as long as Crowley had known him, and this was not the first time he had entrusted it to Crowley to take care of. Crowley liked that he was trusted to care for it.
There were muffled noises of conversation. Aziraphale had, for some reason, let the visitor in the shop. Crowley performed a quick miracle to make sure that the cake was okay and went to check. When he entered the bookstore, his gaze was immediately drawn to a huge bunch of red roses.
Aziraphale turned around as Crowley entered, looking completely frazzled. Crowley gave him a look as a head popped out to the side of the roses. A short, mustached man with flat brown hair looked rather startled by the sudden appearence of the demon.
"Crowley," Aziraphale cleared his throat awkwardly. "This is Mr O'Connell. Mr O'Connell, Crowley."
"Book club man." Crowley exclaimed in understanding. Aziraphale often recounted the antics of his new bookclub. This human didn't particularly stand out, except he had recommended a truly "heinous choice" a month ago, and Aziraphale had grumbled and suffered through all seven hundred pages of "the best novel ever" - which Aziraphale disagreed with vehemently.
There was a noise from behind the garden, and then the flowers were placed on a table to the side. A short, bearded man was revealed. He looked painfully embarrassed. He was looking at Aziraphale. Then, he silently returned his gaze back to Crowley, and his eyes noticeably widened.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were..." his eyes darted furtively between Crowley and Aziraphale, an understanding neither the angel or the demon knew what to do with washing over him suddenly. He had somehow turned a deeper shade of red. Crowley looked over to Aziraphale, who looked equally puzzled.
"I'll just be going. I am so sorry." he apologised again. Aziraphale turned his head back to the man, who, after a moment of stunned pause, hauled the heavy bundle of roses into his arms and, as quickly as someone could hold that many roses.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt you and your husband's Sunday." he called as he fit himself through he door Crowley, who pitied the man, had miracled to help him through the struggle, The door shut behind him and he was gone, rushing down the street away from the bookshop.
Crowley looked over to Aziraphale who was already looking at him.
They burst out laughing.
They were sitting beside each other on the couch in Aziraphale's office, drinking wine with the cake Aziraphale had baked. Crowley had his arm slung lazing across the back of the couch, and Aziraphale had leaned in close to him. They weren't quite touching, but it was still nice.
Aziraphale was again recounting his awkward conversation with his potential suitor before Crowley had arrived.
"Poor gentlemen." Aziraphale said with pity, smiling. "Those must have been expensive roses."
Crowley smiled into his wine glass. He was still wearing the ring, as Aziraphale had not yet asked for it back.
"Is that what it takes, angel?" Crowley teased. "two dozen roses?"
"At least three." Aziraphale joked in a serious tone. Crowley nodded, and responded by promising to remember that.
Aziraphale traced his thumb across the wings as Crowley had done earlier.
"It looks nice on you." Aziraphale admitted in a soft voice. His hands were cupping Crowley's. They were soft. Crowley loved holding hands with Aziraphale, more than he would ever admit to the angel.
"Maybe I'll get a similar one." Crowley tried to joke, but the words got stuck in his throat as Aziraphale looked up at him.
One more radiant smile, Crowley realised, would be the death of him. Aziraphale let out a small laugh, and said something about that being his job.
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dropofbittersea · 3 months ago
“Basically married. Permanently engaged anyway. Weres have their own deal.” Natasha sounds much, much too gleeful about Steve’s rapidly expanding personal hell. “So you better wake your blushing bride and tell him the happy news: that it was an accident and you had no idea what you were doing.”
“I,” Steve says, strangled. “I can’t do that!”
“You can’t?”
“He thought I was proposing! And he accepted!”
“Wow, maybe he’s just as dumb as you are,” Natasha says thoughtfully.
“I can’t just promise him a ring, take him home, drink from him three times in a row and then wake him up the next morning to say oops, just kidding!” Steve casts around, looking at his wreck of an apartment. “I don’t even have any good champagne!”
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mondstaub1 · 1 year ago
Solangelo fanfiction idea: I did not mean to say that but anyway
Will could barely keep his eyes away from Nico. He had taken his boyfriend with him to meet the family and everything went great so far. The adults liked him as he was sweet and respectful and the kids adored him and apperantly declaired him their new hero. Nico had come out of his shell quit a bit since they had started dating months ago and everyday Will fell a bit more in love with the son of Hades. Nico was just amazing and Will wanted to spend every day of his life with him.
They had a tradition that after dinner they would sit down and say what they were thankful for or what they loved about each other. So things like: I love that you are there for me or I am gradefull for how hard you work on something and so one. Will had written an entire list of things he loved about Nico but when it was his turn to speak, he turned to Nico and none of the words he had thought about and carefully formulated came out of his mouth, he had repeaded them a duzen times in his mind but when he opened his mouth out came the words: "Will you marry me?"
He had no idea where these words even came from, he hadn't planned on proposing to Nico, at least not for a long time. Damn he was barely 16 and Nico even younger. Everyone had stilled and stared in silent shock and horror at Will. The demigod knew he should say something, try to take the words back but could not bring himself to do it, instead he heard himself ask again: "Will you marry me Nico?"
No one was more suprised then him when the silents was broken by a quiet "yes"
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agwitow · 13 days ago
Here's a flash fic inspired by this...
It had been three days since they had escaped from the witch, and two-and-a-half days since they'd had any idea where they were. The swamp had turned to forest and back multiple times, which only served as the spark needed to burn what little patience they had left.
"I'm telling you, we're going in circles! Biomes do NOT switch this quickly, nor do they... oscillate... like this!"
He sighed. "And I'm telling you, we've been going in a straight line. The witch's swamp had ferngill warblers -- an invasive species -- but none of the swamps since have had even one. And look, this forest has a twisted knotwood infestation, but none of the previous ones did!"
"But look at this," she insisted. "The forest clearly ends, and the swamp begins right here. The likelihood of such an abrupt transition is ridiculously low, yet you expect me to believe we've crossed fifteen such instances in the last three days?"
"I don't know what to say -- we did just escape from a witch. Maybe this is some magical effect."
"Exactly! Wouldn't it make more sense that there's some space warping magic happening that's keeping us walking in circles?"
"But we've been following the path of the sun the entire time!"
"Space. Warping. Magic!"
"That could alter our path, but not the movement of the sun!"
"Argh! You're so frustrating! I can't believe I'm willing to spend the rest of my life arguing with you!"
He blinked. "That... is a weird way, and time, to propose, but... yes. Gladly."
Her cheeks flushed, and she opened her mouth to object before closing it with a click. She hadn’t meant it that way, but she also hadn't not meant it that way. "Uh, good. Great. Glad we cleared that up."
He eyed her sideways and chuckled. "I, for one, am looking forward to many years of arguing with you."
"You would."
"So, shall we continue on?"
"Yeah. Either we'll end up back at the witch's hut, or we'll make it out of here. Then we'll know who was right."
"I wonder if the witch can officiate."
"What are you talking about?"
He smiled and took her hand in his. "Well, whatever happens, I want to make sure we're properly married before we die."
She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Well, I was hoping your grandmother would officiate for us. I'd much prefer a retired saintess over a witch."
"As would I. Shall we go see who it'll be?"
"With you, I'd go anywhere."
And so, hand-in-hand, they continued their escape. For another five days, they traveled, arguing more often than not, but always together. Until, at last, their wandering came to an end.
I want to read a story where one character says, "ok, weird way to propose, but yes," while the other one most definitely did not intend to propose.
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nyxaffixed · 11 months ago
What if Narinder accidentally marrried the Lamb
(I have no idea if this has been done already, but i cant stop thinking about this)
In lamb culture, gifting jewelry signifies a relationship between the gifter and the reciever. Depending on where the jewelry is worn, it signifies the type of relationship formed.
Gold given by family is to be strung on the horns, or woven into the wool on the head. These are more permanent and intricate, with larger pieces being passed down family lines. Marriages are usually sealed with a ceremonial exchange of this type of jewelry.
Close friends give things that will be worn on the hands and arms. Small tokens that can be swapped out when friendships come and go.
Tokens from those outside of friends and family are usually charms that can be affixed to staffs and clothing, or placed around the house to be admired from afar.
Those that have been slighted put the respective jewelry affixed to the end of robes and staffs, or tied to the ankles, to metaphorically and physically drag that person through the dirt.
Only lovers exchange jewelry for the neck, and each piece is symbolic. It is tradition to propose with a bell, of which the quality is reflective to the love of the giver. Higher quality bells chime the most beautifully, and have a unique sound.
When The Lamb was given their bell, it was flawless, for it had been handcrafted by a god. When the Red crown was fitted on their head, the marriage was sealed. The Lamb did not protest, for who were they to deny their god? They were executed, engaged, married, and resurrected all in the span of a few mintues; loving their sudden husband came just as quick.
The one who waits was not suprised by his vessel's unflinching devotion to him. He accepted the golden jewelry they showered him with, as offerings were expected. He humored their honeyed compliments and long winded ramblings; they fought harder and worked longer when he'd done so.
The one who waits was completely surprised, when upon their betrayal, he still felt devotion from them. The Lamb still loved their husband, even if Narinder had no idea they've been married for the past 250 years.
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anna-scribbles · 18 days ago
no see it’s actually a stroke of genius for me to have committed to finishing and posting a comic on the same day(tomorrow) that my advisor wants a final draft of my research proposal(tomorrow). because now when i’m pulling an all nighter(tonight) to write my research proposal and i reach a point of Doom and Despair i can pivot to drawing lovesquare for half an hour. and im still being productive. and then once ive been having a nice time coloring i can go back to my research, no longer feeling like im going to Die Actually. rinse and repeat. i’m a genius
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demigod-shenanigans · 24 days ago
Won’t be writing this but the thought of Leo and Jason going ice skating and Jason just being really bad at it is very funny to me
He definitely ends up falling and hitting his head and Leo sighs and says he should have known better than to pick something with so little safety equipment
Jason insists he had a nice time up until he got concussed, though!
Cue Leo saying “next time you’re wearing a helmet, Grace”
Jason, completely woozy, says he doesn’t want Leo to call him Grace and when asked what he’d prefer (because Leo has a lot of different nicknames for Jason and doesn’t mind using a different one), Jason just says “Valdez”.
Leo spends the next fifteen minutes trying to put out his flaming hair.
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wordsmith-of-my-mind · 1 year ago
I'm just imagining little Danny handing a small ice sculpture to Batman and then Danny's collective Rouge gallery freaking out in the background. That batkids think it's a sweet gesture until one of the ghosts inform what had just happened and how they think Danny doesn't understand the meaning of his actions
Short DPXDC Prompts #1038
Danny gifts a Bat who saved him a little ice sculpture of themself using his ghost powers. Little did he know that willingly giving someone a gift made and infused with their ectoplasm is the ghost equivalent to a proposal.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 9 months ago
Anytime Lyf cracks a joint that area glows rainbow like a glowstick. Send post.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Wardrobe Woes
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rimatsu · 2 months ago
i long for the day evan buckley's wiki page lists tommy kinard as fiancé instead of ex-boyfriend
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the-scarecrow-of-aus · 1 year ago
Stuck on themyscria
Danny after finishing a gruelling mission for clockwork, gets stranded in the dc universe on themyscria, somehow unable to leave... he thinks its OK at first, he can treat it like a small vacation! there's a nice beach, fruit trees, he can go fishing and strangely he doesn't feel weak from the lack of ectoplasm in this worlds air.
However after a few brief encounters Danny decides to be extremly petty towards the Amazon's and pull pranks on them.
The Amazon's who have decided to kill him for being a man on the island (it doesn't help his case that he forgot aunty Pandora's teachings and what offering apples to women meant)
The Amazonians meanwhile can sense Danny's power and think if he's not mortal then he's probably Zeus or one of the other 'horny' gods in disguise.
(No turning into a goose here Zeus!)
Meanwhile Clockwork is confused, danny should have been back days ago but he can't find him anywhere... why is Pandora in his tower? Why is she grinning?
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ineffableteeth · 1 year ago
Crowley would spoil Aziraphale to no end if he had the chance
Not necessarily with material things since they could miracle them whenever but with romantic gestures he saw in films to make Aziraphale absolutely weak
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months ago
I have been betrayed by my darling boyfriend so I am making a callout post on Tumblr Dot Com.
I was playing Cult of the Lamb and got excited about unlocking the Wedding Ritual so I could get two of my followers married to each other. I procrastinated actually doing the ritual for ages because I got distracted with side quests centering around poop and was constantly daydreaming aloud about how cute it was going to be to have these two followers get together. My boyfriend listened to this and excitedly encouraged me to have them marry sooner than I was planning. I finally got around to opening up the Wedding Ritual menu and selected the first individual and was HORRIFIED when the Lamb smooched the follower. I cried out, aghast. My boyfriend began to cackle. He knew. He knew that the Wedding Ritual was not for marrying followers to each other. He encouraged me to unlock that ritual, knowing that I misunderstood its function, and cheered me on to use it as soon as possible. I have never felt so betrayed in all my years. Tragedy has struck the S.S. Sobby today, truly.
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yuwuta · 6 months ago
i can’t stop thinking about your waterbender!megumi au..,, like yes he’s more specialized in healing but would not hesitate in using waterbending to protect you from whoever or whatever (even if he prob loses😭) he might even learn bloodbending from the village’s hermit choso who knows🤷🏽‍♀️ and lmao him just giving you a betrothal necklace without verbally proposing you… i hate (love) this dork
even if he prob loses LOLL megumi is such a loser but it’s okay he fights valiantly <33 but yeah, him spending all his time with his mom and all the elders in the village healing and homemaking and cooking because his style of water bending is so soothing and calm, and also he’s a huge mama’s boy, and also because everyone likes to use his and toji’s strength to their advantage to get them to do the heavy lifting, but the second there’s a threat to you, he pulls out all the stops. suddenly he’s a trained fighter and master waterbender oh he’s so beloved to me <33
the necklace thing to me is like how katara was wearing her grandmother’s betrothal necklace without knowing it? he took a trip to the opposite pole where the tradition is engagement necklaces or bracelets or whatever significant piece of jewelry, and comes back with one for you and just. gives it to you, no explanation and then a day later someone else notices it and grins ear to ear congratulating you and megumi and you’re like ????? and it’s not until his mom is like “oh he did it! tell me all about the proposal!” and now megumi is dodging icicles you’re bending his way bc who proposes without proposing. but it’d also be equally hilarious if he also didn’t know it was betrothal jewelry and was just trying to be romantic and now you’re engaged LOLL
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