#cleaning ask
flock-talk · 1 year
Are your birds trained to go to the bathroom in their cages or do they go wherever in their bird room? Also, how do you deep clean their toys and room ?
They can go anywhere in the room, it’s designed to be easy clean so it’s not really a concern if they poop all over the place in there. I just arrange the ropes/perches so there’s always a clear walkway through the room that won’t have poop on it.
Intense deep cleaning depends on the type of toy, soft woods and dyed ones that can’t be soaked get wiped with really hot water + vinegar. Ropes and hard woods get soaked in scalding water and vinegar. Both get scrubbed then left in the sun for UV sterilization. Things that don’t get chewed on like the walls and floors get soaked and scrubbed with a mrs. Meyers all purpose cleaner. Things that are Too Large to be carried up and down the stairs (the large branches mostly) get scrubbed with vinegar, the cages usually just need a wipe down but if there’s bits stuck in the cracks they’ll get taken outside and power washed prior to a wipe with mrs. Meyers cleaners. Food bowls and bathtubs get soaked in scalding water with a little dish soap.
I try to use cleaners that will kill the most bacteria (mrs.meyers) but for items that spend a lot of time in a bird’s mouth I like to err on the side of caution and use something that 100% can be ingested (vinegar). A balance between the absolute safest option and the thing that’s actually going to clean things properly. Everything gets rinsed out and dried thoroughly before being placed back in the room.
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horrorlesbians · 4 months
i want ten million trinkets but i also want my death to not be a burden for those I leave behind
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oomles · 2 months
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Shrimple and Clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
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chiricat · 9 months
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me eat you whole
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would love your opinion of the newest episode of DW, if you get the chance.
Alright okay so
I only have one complaint, which is that that wasn't a faerie ring. You could still have the shamble, no problem, but it should have been over the top of an actual faerie ring, which should be a mushroom (or, at a push, stone) circle. Not some cotton that would blow clean off the cliff edge in three minutes.
This is the first time I've seen Doctor Who do a time travel story using, not Doctor Who time travel lore and rules, but Welsh faerie rules. (First time I've seen anything do it, in fact.) In Welsh myth, people who enter faerie rings or get entranced by the music become suspended in time, out of sync with the real world. They think they danced for a night, but when they return it's been 100 years, and they crumble to dust as soon as they eat/drink/step on land/etc.
In this case, this is what I think happened to Ruby. She spent that time in Annwfn, seeing what would happen if the binding on the ring was broken. When she 'dies', she returns to the spot and lasts long enough to give her younger self the warning, then crumbles to dust.
But, a time travelling Ruby is not the woman who follows her throughout the episode. That, in fact, is a gwyll.
The gwyllion were hag faeries, usually of mountain tops (though Pembrokeshire's liminal cliffs are 100% from Welsh mythology - it was said that if you found a faerie ring on one but only put one foot in, you could see the faerie islands in the sea. And that faeries used to visit the human markets in Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion. So while gwyllion are unusual there, it's not an impossible relocation.) They were malicious and sometimes vicious faeries who delighted in making people lose their way, could strike an uncontrollable and ungodly terror into travellers, and who feature in more that one myth as an old woman that someone tried to approach, but they always appeared at the same distance away, impossible to catch up.
And the best part!! Is that this is why she defeats UNIT!!!
Kate tells Ruby that her agents have necklaces of silver and salt to keep out the supernatural, but that's just generic fairytale shit. That doesn't work on gwyllion. Salt drawn in a line would provide a barrier, but the UNIT soldiers aren't trying to trap or block the gwyll; they're trying to capture her. What works, very specifically, is a knife. Iron or steel for preference of course, but it needs to be a knife.
But UNIT has no Welsh employees and the soldiers have guns, not knives. And so they all become entranced.
(This is also what I think the gwyll 'says' to everyone to turn them against Ruby. She doesn't say anything - she sings.)
This is also the first time I've ever encountered any mainstream media doing Welsh faeries and understanding the tone to strike, which is 'unknowable, unstoppable and fucking terrifying'. I think I've only ever read it in Catharine Fisher books, and she's a Welsh author so... yeah, obviously. But I basically vibrated with delight and excitement for the entire episode.
Oh my god, hang on, Roger ap Gwilliam! Okay, I have two theories about him.
My weaker theory and the one I don't like is the kind of boring and obvious one, which is that he is himself not human. A lot of Welsh folklore features the devil, and I get that vibe from his role in the story. But, I'm not keen, because I can't see the link to the gwyll.
But my strongest theory, and the one I have chosen to believe, is that he's a human who made a deal with the Fae for power, and then reneged. There's a Metric Fuckton of stories about humans fucking up Fae gifts in some way, and the punishment is usually something ironic but always results in the loss of the gift. It could be a faerie harp that makes everyone dance, and the Fae tell the giftee not to abuse it, but they cruelly force everyone to dance so long and so hard that the faerie returns, takes back the harp, and then takes the human's ability to ever make music again, so example (by taking fingers or eyes or tongues as well, often.)
So I think Mad Jack strikes a bargain for power - but, then tries to abuse that power (nuclear war). But part of the bargain is that the Fae cannot approach him directly ever again. In the real world, they therefore tempt him into the faerie ring and bind his soul there, problem solved - until the Doctor accidentally lets him out, and gets his own soul stuck. Ruby, therefore, becomes the instrument through which they manage to take that power away once again - and then, her final Fae gift for her service is that they use the temporal anomaly of the faerie ring to send her back, at the end of her life, and give her a second chance. This time, with Mad Jack's soul left bound in Annwfn.
The fun part is, RTD is a writer who understands the power of not explaining everything and leaving some things up to the viewer's imagination, so none of this is ever going to be explained lol. But yeah, that is a gwyll. The moment she appeared, I said out loud "Oh holy fuck, gwyllion." That was a gwyll.
As a final observation, I loved seeing Siân Phillips, and I choose to believe they filmed those scenes in a pub because they could only get Siân if they agreed to just come to her local. The woman is a queen.
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shiny-eyed-corvid · 4 months
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the contents of my trinket shelf
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zhukzucraft · 5 months
You are now Joe Hills
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Joe: Howdy, y'all! This is Joe Hills, live from Double Life² SMP
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Joe: I'm standing here by my lonesome 'cause most of the folks are scampering into that Great Big Hole on the horizon
Joe: Can't say I blame them
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Joe: And over here we've got some mob murder happening. Oh the humanity!
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Joe: Now here's a man on a mission if I've ever seen one. He sure seems to know what he's doing!
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Joe: Meanwhile our fellow newbie is doing some good old tree punchin' right at spawn
Joe: Hope that's not a faux pas
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Joe: With so many roads to take, how is a regular lil' guy like me supposed to decide? But decide I must, and soon
=> Joe: Follow Etho
Start Over -- Go Back
The time for suggesting the course of action is over! An update is being worked on, and the old post finish will now be hidden under a readmore
What will you do?
This is where action suggestions come in!
If you want to suggest what Joe Hills should do next, please put it in the replies! After 3 days I will collect all the suggestions and choose one or more to base the next update on!
And remember: soulmates are getting assigned soon~
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inkskinned · 11 months
love when men cry about body hair bc "it's hygiene" and yet 15% of cis men leave the bathroom without washing their hands at all and an additional 35% only just wet their hands without using soap. that is nearly half of all men. that means statistically you have probably shaken hands with or been in direct contact with one of these people.
love when men say that women "only want money" when it turns out that even in equal-earning homes, women are actually adding caregiver burdens and housework from previous years, whereas men have been expanding leisure time and hobbies. in equal-earning households, men spend an average of 3.5 hours extra in leisure time per week, which is 182 hours per year - a little over a week of paid vacation time that the other partner does not receive. kinda sounds like he wants her money.
love that men have decided women are frail and weak and annoying when we scream in surprise but it turns out it's actually women who are more reliable in an emergency because men need to be convinced to actually take action and respond to the threat. like, actually, for-real: men experience such a strong sense of pride about their pre-supposed abilities that it gets them and their families killed. they are so used to dismissing women that it literally kills them.
love it. told my father this and he said there's lies, damned lies, and statistics. a year ago i tried to get him to evacuate the house during a flash flood. he ignored me and got injured. he has told me, laughing, that he never washes his hands. he has said in the last week that women are just happier when we're cooking or cleaning.
maybe i'm overly nostalgic. but it didn't used to feel so fucking bleak. it used to feel like at least a little shameful to consider women to be sheep. it just feels like the earth is round and we are still having conversations about it being flat - except these conversations are about the most obvious forms of patriarchy. like, we know about this stuff. we've known since well before the 50's.
recently andrew tate tried to justify cheating on his partner as being the "male prerogative." i don't know what the prerogative for the rest of us would be. just sitting at home, watching the slow erosion of our humanity.
#writeblr#warm up#ps edited so it is more clear where “half” of men is coming from:#15% literally don't even touch water#an ADDITIONAL 35% ''wash'' by just running their hands under water WITHOUT SOAP#15+35 =50%#like that is not washing ur hands. go back and use soap#btw the numbers for women are 4% never washing and 15% ''just water''#which is still gross but like. sooo much better yikes#ps i know we're all gay on this site but watching ppl ''correct'' my math on this has been wild#i have a learning disability im genuinely bad at math so i check EVERY time someone corrects me#but no they're just confidently wrong.....#182 hours is a week babes. 182/24 (number of hours in a day) is ~7.6#that's where i got that number from. also from rent we know there's 168 hours in a week.#ALSO btw if u read this and ur response is ''men are also struggling rn tho'' like babe you missed the point of it tho#this doesn't even make fun of men it's legit just pointing out that bigotry against women isn't founded#in anything men actually CARE about . like they don't actually CARE about ''being clean'' when they make fun of armpit hair#or they would be WASHING THEIR HANDS.#men pretend to be rollin' in cash and Apex Predators and instead they are trained to be lazy and unwilling to act in emergencies#i have never and will never make fun of men for asking for more support on important topics like DV and mental health.#this is so clearly not about men; it's about how common just being plainly misogynistic has become.#like they don't try to hide it anymore.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Imagine Dynamight going to a school to be interviewed by the little children there, sitting down in one of the chairs in their classroom that is far too small for his hulking form but he sits down in it without complaint as the kids sit down in front of him with crossed legs.
And he loves it, because they have no filter— just like him, and they end up asking him the most blunt questions without hesitation. And some of the questions he’d never usually answer if they were coming from broadcasters or reporters, but he can’t lie to these kids so he keeps responding openly and honestly.
Even when one of the little girls asks “Mister Dynamight, do you have a girlfriend?”
It’s a rumour that’s been circulating for months as the media try to work out who the mysterious woman is in his life (if there even is one!) and it’s confirmed immediately when Bakugou answers with a, “Yeah, I do.”
And as his PR manager is having a meltdown in the corner, Bakugou’s grin is wide when the little boys in the room sound out a simultaneous chorus of “ewwwwwww”
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flock-talk · 1 year
hey, im curious what you use to clean the floor, other surfaces etc, in the bird room? and also if you have any suggestions for household cleaners in general that are effective but non toxic for animals to be exposed to the smells/any residue. i know you have a lot going on right now so absolutely no rush in responding. thank you -pennaraptor
The vast majority of the room gets cleaned with warm water and vinegar, individual things like bowls or monthly deep cleaning parts (soaking ropes) may get diluted gentle dish soap and extensive rinsing. You can also use steam cleaners, I’ve not personally used one.
I have heard that mrs. meyers cleaners can be bird safe depending on the scent. They’re a more “organic” style cleaner so some of their scents are sourced from essential oils which can be safe provided it’s not a toxic scent (like tea tree oil is outright toxic, lavender and citrus can be safe, etc). They’re supposed to be a bit of a more gentle “natural” cleaner. They make concentrate formulas so you can heavily dilute it in a spray bottle to make them safer. I’ll use that brand to clean the rest of my house and monthly wipe downs of bird room surfaces the birds won’t chew on (the floor, the walls) to make sure things are getting disinfected properly. To be extra safe I usually do another wipe down with water to ensure everything is rinsed off and provide ample time to air out the space before birds move back in. Although I dilute it so much the scent is usually so faint to begin with that it’s gone by the time I’m done cleaning anyways.
There isn’t a ton of concise research on cleaning chemicals with birds unfortunately so there isn’t a for sure guarantee whether something store bought will be totally safe. Vinegar/water is the most commonly used cleaner for parrots since it won’t do harm if ingested but it is not a 100% flawless cleaner so some bacteria and viruses can still survive through a cleaning with it. That’s why I’ve opted to do regular daily/weekly cleanings with vinegar and just a once or twice a month wipe down with the diluted Meyers cleaner.
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sirfrogsworth · 25 days
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Froggie Gets a Ring Light
I got a ring light to help demonstrate why people probably shouldn't get a ring light and then I accidentally took some bomb ass photos with a ring light.
Soooo... do what you want. I'm not your mom.
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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my favourite faye wei wei paintings
little blue bird from the pillow flew (2020) \\ first i must clean the keys of the piano with milk (2022) \\ the black bells of a distant new mexico (2023) \\ an echo trapped forever (2023) \\ sweet velvet flower there is no time/ I ask to go back I wish you were mine (2021) \\ two butterfly lovers (2021) \\ untitled (2022) \\ nectar for honey (2021) \\ red i (2022) \\ fountain lies the sun (2017)
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Hello! I just saw your "welsh word for microwave" post, and 1.) thank you for the information and 2.) now I'm very curious what the three words for jellyfish are, if you care to share?
These fall into the categories of 'official term', 'slang term' and 'children's term' but NOT respectively:
Sglefren fôr (lit: "the sea skater")
Pysgodyn Wibli Wobli (lit: "wibbly wobbly fish")
Cont y môr (lit: "the cunt of the sea")
Hey can you guess the official term. Can you guess. Guess. Which is the official term, do you reckon. Which one's proper. Can you guess.
Edit: I just remembered this is an option now:
Don't bother reblogging for sample size this is deeply stupid
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cubbihue · 21 days
Uhm is Chimmy Changa doing well? Its seems he has started to divert from what changelings are supposed to do and act like is the static not staticing correctly is he become aware that something is wrong?
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Diverting? Well we can’t have that!!!!
Don’t worry. I’ve increased the noise since our last interference. If it happens again, we will issue a good reset!! Thank you for your report.
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hellsitegenetics · 1 month
I have to ask how backed up is your askbox at this point. Insects be upon ye
(Sent August 12, 2024)
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just a bit
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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more dom clora and needy seb 😇
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