#catholic health
thepeacefulgarden · 5 months
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prfctemi · 3 months
Bible Study- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 ♡
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"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."
In a time like now filled with many distractions, it is easy to be tempted by procrastination. As a college student, I tend to be very harsh on myself when I am not as productive as I would like to me or if I spend too much time doing things other than studying or work. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds me that there is a time for all things to take place.
Be kind to yourself when you fall short of your expectations because every season has its purpose, and it's okay to have periods of rest and downtime <3
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hulahoopsoupgroup · 1 year
the seven deadly sins are such bullshit fear tactics. if youve left the church, embrace them.
be proud of who you are. be happy when you look in the mirror and see how hot you are. yeah i see you flexing in the mirror after a workout. nice progress btw honey you look nice today.
dont worry about getting seconds, or thirds even, at dinner. dont worry about eating what society says is "too much" or "too little". eat until youre full. set aside what you cant finish for later so you dont waste food.
its okay to be greedy. its okay to want things for yourself. sometimes we see things that people have and we're like "dude i wish i had that." thats just human. envy and greed on that level are normal.
take a rest day. dont bother going to church this sunday. take a shower, read a book, drink some tea, eat some good food, pet a cat or dog. take care of yourself; its not lazy.
be angry with those who wronged you. punch a punching bag, write about how much you hate them, go work out aggressively and take care of your emotions in a way that doesnt hurt yourself or others. its okay to not forgive the people who hurt you. you arent doing anything wrong, babe.
embrace your sexuality (or, if it applies, asexuality, cause yall need love too). stop feeling shame for wanting pleasure. go read or watch something that turns you on. explore your body. ask your partner to try something new. if youre asexual, then fucking step on the people who say you need to have sexual attraction to be human. you dont. you dont need to be allosexual (or alloromantic) to "qualify as a human." we all experience life in different ways. find your way to experience it.
thought crime isnt real
do no harm but take no shit
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portraitsofsaints · 4 months
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Saint Dymphna
Died: 7th C.
Feast Day: May 15
Patronage: mental disorders, neurological disorders, runaways, victims of incest
Dymphna, the only daughter to a pagan king, took after her mother in faith and beauty, taking a vow of chastity at a young age. After the death of his wife, Dymphna’s father sought to marry his daughter, causing her to flee. After finding her and her continued refusals, Dymphna’s father cut off her head making her a martyr at the age of fifteen.  
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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dilutedh2so4 · 13 days
St Dymphna will forever (ironically) drive me insane (in a good way).
Her mother died when she was only 14, and she had to watch her father Damon as his mental health deteriorated. He got so bad that he began to lust after her - she who was the image of her mother - so she was forced to flee to continental Europe.
There, she set up a hospital for the poor and the sick. Did she see her father’s face in those who came to her for help? Did she blame herself for not being enough to prevent her father’s decline? Did she devote herself to ensure a case like his would never happen again?
Either way, he would eventually find her. A trail of the money she had taken and used in charity had made its way back to her Damon’s agents in Ireland. Had her good deeds been her undoing?
After slaughtering her companion Gerebernus, who had helped her escape in the first place, Damon tried to force his daughter to come with him. She resisted. She had sworn herself to God, to a vow of chastity. In anger, Damon killed her.
She is now a patron saint of mental health and illness. You can visit her relics in Belgium. I keep thinking about her. Saint Dymphna, pray for us.
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lizziebat · 3 months
Okay but hear me out
Rapunzel would be a perfect hijabi. Even if she wasn’t Muslim- a veiled woman anyway.
Her hair is so important! It’s basically the sun flower that healed the Queen. It’s why it’s so important it’s never cut. Once it’s cut it will never grow- it wouldn’t be able to heal anymore.
Veiling would protect her from evil people.
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It says a lot about the current state of the community that for a lot of my life I feared pagan men.
It wasn’t even that so many of them were white supremacists, yes obviously that was horrible but most of them were mask off Nazis and therefore easy to avoid and report.
It was that they used their position in the community to manipulate mentally ill women. I think we need to have a genuine discussion community wide about how men in positions of power within spiritual/pagan/witchy spaces have always used that power to take advantage of women or other fem aligned people suffering from mental illness.
Over and over and over again I’ve seen pagan/witch men in positions of power (e.g running a temple/shrine/coven ect.) use the religious or spiritual beliefs of the women around them to manipulate them. I’ve seen men basically recruiting mentally unstable women into cults under the guise of witchy book clubs or other seemingly harmless things.
I knew men growing up who would boast about recruiting for our faith from group therapies and get almost no punishment from the rest of the community around them. We’d have stalls at markets and the imagery and wording so obviously pandered towards women going through hard times.
And I know this isn’t just an us problem and it’s something that happens because of the patriarchy which is a society wide problem but I really think we need to examine the way that our communities especially work to obscure justice and how we so often spit on victims to save face.
Also, so often if someone had experienced intercommunity violence they don’t want you to pray for them or have their space cleansed with sage they want you to talk to them like a normal person not a religious zealot.
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a8ra · 1 year
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Catholic English nurses praying for their patients before the start of a shift - Yorkshire, 1956
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granolagaeilgeoir · 4 months
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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sweetasadaisy · 5 months
Glowing up: A journey towards self-improvement
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The reason I want to glow up is because I am determined to make positive changes in my life. I want to improve my health, enhance my appearance, and become a better version of myself. For as long as I can remember, I've been lazy, mediocre, self-destructive and unkind. But I refuse to be like that any longer. With hard work and dedication, I know I can transform myself into someone I'm proud of. I know it won't be easy, but I'm ready to take on the challenge and become the best possible version of myself.
Part 1:Physical wellness
Inspiration:Pink Pilates Princess and Green Juice Girl
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The physical aspect of glowing up goes beyond aesthetics. Although, I won't deny that the main reason is doing it. It's about feeling strong, energized, and confident in your skin. I struggle with chronic migraines, fatigue and Self-destructive behaviours. My self-destructive behaviours are things I unconsciously do to make myself unattractive like binge eating because I want to be skinny but my brain doesn't want me to be skinny because it knows it will make me happy and unconsciously I don't want to be happy. I also cut my hair short because I love long hair and I cut my hair every time it gets long because I secretly hate myself and don't want to be happy. (This probably belongs in the mental wellness part.)My plan to improve my physical health is to lose weight gained from years of binging and become fit.
Lose almost 30lbs by
Eating porpotioned healthily balanced meals(<1450kcals)
Taking my vitamins
Exercising at least 3hrs a week
Getting 10k steps a day
Sleep at 11pm at latest and wake up at 5/6 am
Develop a skincare routine
Grow my hair back to waist length
Part 2:Mental, Emotional and social wellness
Inspiration:That girl and Clean girl
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Mental health is the cornerstone of glowing up. It involves cultivating a positive mindset, managing stress, and fostering resilience. Emotional health involves understanding and managing our emotions in a healthy way. It's about cultivating self-awareness, practicing self-compassion, and developing coping strategies for life's challenges. Social health involves building and maintaining meaningful relationships, setting boundaries, and fostering a sense of belonging. I have struggled with my mental health for a long time. I am diagnosed with depression and I have dealt with binge eating on and off for years. I have low self-esteem and self-worth. I never liked myself since I was young. (I think I know the reason but I don't want to share.)The hatred I felt for myself got externalised into hatred, envy, jealousy and unkindness towards others. I am going to change that by:
Getting a therapist
Self care
Being positive
Thinking before I speak
Practicing gratitude
Clean my room once a day
Meet with friends outside of school at least once a month
Part 3: Spiritual wellness
Inspiration: That Christian girl
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Nurturing spiritual health provides a sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace. I was born catholic and went to catholic school from the age of 5 to 11(ages 7-11 were an only-girl school). I became an atheist at 11 and have been struggling with my relationship with God ever since. I was born and raised catholic but I was never properly Cathechized. That is because my parents(My mom is a cradle catholic and my dad was born catholic but became Pentecostal) are lukewarm and don't teach me and my siblings about God, the Bible and the Catholic Church. My parents have had multiple children and have not married. (I don't want them to get married to be honest because they are not right for each other and they aren't the best example of a healthy relationship.) My mom only started regularly attending church because I asked her that we start going. My parents aren't the best example of good Christians. Also, in catholic school days teach you nothing about the catholic church they just read the bible to you every morning, make you pray 3-4 times a day and bring you to church once a week. Catholic school wasn't that bad because catechizing me wasn't their job it was my parents. My goals to become strengthen my relationship with God are:
Attend mass on all Sundays and days of obligation
Pray at least twice a day and before eating
Read the Bible daily
Learn about the catholic church and catechize myself
Got to confession eventually
Do my confirmation
Become a Proverbs 31 woman
Part 4: Intellectual wellness
Inspiration:Academic weapon
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Continuous learning and intellectual stimulation are essential components of glowing up. An Academic Weapon is a student who is perceived as particularly successful in academics as a whole. My grades are mediocre but i can easily fix that if i stop being lazy and study more. I am going to:
Study atleat 3hrs a day un top of homework
Have an 8-hour study session once a week.
Read one book a month
Join more clubs
Take every opportunity to learn
Glowing up is not a destination but a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By nurturing physical, mental, spiritual, social, emotional, and intellectual health, we can become the best versions of ourselves. Whether you're striving to be that Christian girl, a pink Pilates princess, a green juice girl, clean girl or an academic weapon, remember that the most beautiful glow comes from within.
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angeltreasure · 1 year
I don’t know who needs to hear this right now but you, child of God and child of Mary,
You are enough.
God really does love you.
Your priest doesn’t hate you.
Your prayers are worth it.
All those devotions to God and asking for help and intercession from the communion of saints are worth it.
Mary is our mother.
Your guardian angel will never abandon you.
You do have people that pray for you in this life.
God does have a plan for you.
You are enough.
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i-want-to-be-a-poet · 2 months
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I wish that I could forgive as easily
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animeandcatholicism · 7 months
Prayer request
My GI Track is messed up and I'm currently in the ER for it
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frnkiebby · 6 months
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another great fucking pov~🎃
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