#carol wwdits
beansprean · 1 year
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A beautiful Carol commission from @fanfic-fugue!!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: Full body of Carol in a filthy alleyway at night, wearing a dark green string bikini top, ratty high-waisted burgundy jean shorts, thigh high black socks littered with tears and holes, and very dirty cream roller skates. There is part of a torn-up fishing net around her chest and shoulders like a loose crop top and a strip of caution tape is tied to her belt loops like suspenders, flying loose behind her as she skates toward the viewer with a big fangy smile, flashing a peace sign. Her eyes are large and blank white, staring at the viewer, with wavy locks of dark hair falling haphazardly over her face. Her exposed skin is wet and slightly scaly, porcupine-like quills sticking out from her shoulders and head. She is leaving a trail of bright green slime behind her, leading back to an uncovered manhole at the end of the alley that is glowing from within. Behind that is a chain link fence covered in a dirty blue tarp. Stretching out beside her is a sidewalk against a brick wall with a rusty green dumpster, all covered with graffiti. On the wall behind the dumpster, there is a large artistic tag in purple with a crown on top that reads "Simon the Devious". Nearby, someone has written "Nandor was here" much less artistically in drippy red capital letters. Someone started to write "Guillermo" in green underneath it, but someone else crossed it out in the same red paint and then written "not you." The dumpster itself hosts an artist tag on the side in bright green with some bubble borders that says "beansprean." A gutter climbs the wall to the right of the dumpster and a purple and green can of LaCroix has been painted on the wall on the other side. Next to the dumpster is some very dirty garbage: A broken down cardboard box half-shoved behind it, a crumpled pizza box that says "Baron's Pizza," a few empty bottles, an abandoned flannel shirt, and an empty milk carton that says "Memo's Man Milk," with a small photo of Guillermo on the side. The entire scene looks radioactive, lit with neon green like an arcade or a 90s Batman film. / end ID
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Pushing my Carol was a Chupacabra agenda
The center image is from one of the earliest recorded Chupacabra Sightings.
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timoothy · 2 years
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do you guys think they’re married
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
so me and my dad have a bit of a hard time bonding sometimes, but there’s one silly little thing we had a LOT of fun discussing, and that’s this… i’m not sure what to call it. it’s not exactly a theory, what with how absurd and obviously incorrect it is, but it’s fun.
and it basically hinges off the fact that kristen schaal tends to play very similar characters. (no hate towards her, love her, love her stuff). and how some of them kinda perfectly line up? the characters, i mean.
so behold
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yeah it’s. a lot, yeah. i’m aware.
but the general story we’ve concocted goes as follows:
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
sometimes after the events of gravity falls, mabel gets into either interdimensional or time travel, i do not remember which. i
this would be sometimes around her teen years. and she does this for a while,
but oh no, something went wrong! she’s forgotten her name and her past, retaining nothing but her interests, passions, and overall silliness.
cCarol Pilbasian (Last Man On Earth)
uhhhhh yeah this show is what happens next. she gets a new name, a new family, and grows up and the story of last man on earth happens.
pretty sure the show got cancelled? :/
at some ambiguous time after the events of the show, she like. gets turned into a vampire. i guess. oh and does her unclear method of sci-fi travel, sending her into the past
The Guide (What We Do In The Shadows)
turns out, her overall strangeness and romantic/sexual interests remain, . this causes issues
if you’ve seen the wwdits tv series, and are caught up, you’ll know what i’m talking about
my girl got in trouble and got assigned position as the guide, and she slowly forgets who she was previously. for a second time.
and yeah that’s the general idea. again, just a silly concept dreamed up by me and my dad. i also haven’t seen kristen schaal in a TON of things, and of course i couldn’t fit all the roles i’ve seen her in into the timeline, i have my limits. so for example, her character who i genuinely do not recall the name of from our flag means death? i’d love to but she just doesn’t fit. and uhhh i think she was the orangutan in cloudy with a chance of meatballs two? yeah that. that speaks for itself. unfortunately.
so uh. yeah ^—^
(oh and tumblr posting is still very much glitched and i cannot see the text i have written. so. if anything is especially incomprehensible or misspelled, blame it on that.)
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cookinguptales · 11 months
so there's this disney bejeweled knock-off that I play on my phone (what can I say, I'm a sucker for repetitive movement games that also allow me to propel gonzo or sora at the board) and they keep introducing new characters for the game but like. they have hundreds now and they are clearly starting to scrape at the bottom of the barrel.
they've been delving into properties that disney technically owns but that you would never expect to see in a disney game, like, I shit you not, the golden girls, and at this point I am just counting down the days until they finally introduce my beloved and very stupid vampires.
please, disney. it would be so funny. I know you'll never put colin robinson in a kingdom hearts game, but you can at least let me attack vampire mickey mouse (a character that currently exists within the game) with guillermo de la cruz or something. you own both properties. you have the power. let me do it. let me force donald duck and nadja of antipaxos to fight to the death. let me do it. it would be so funny.
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indigayghost · 2 years
There are these two relationshipe in wwdits that gets me so confused and curious and they were Colin Robinson/Sheila and Simon/Carol
I do really believe Simon cares for Carol because Simon really cares for his crew, he is a devious bastard but he remembers everybody's names and he introduces them every time (even the guy he -supposedly- still don't know) like he wants people to know his family so obviously he likes Carol and I do believe she rescued him and he is grateful to have her and he really thinks she is amazing and I wanted him to acknowledge the fact that Guillermo brutally murdered her
Colin Robinson and Sheila are like aaaaaa she said she hates when people sings with her but they song together 😭 and she says people don't like her when she talks and Colin Robinson understands her because people don't like when he talks too and it's so beautiful that they found someone that wants them to talk and Colin says "when she is singing I can't resist her but when he's not singing I don't want to" and that's fucking raw man that's deep that's real yeah he loves her she is half chicken she eats fish and arms get over with this
I do also understand Laszlo, even if he believed their love were real he would still take Colin Robinson back because he is his best friend and he is mourning because he knows Colin Robinson will die and he wants to spend time with him
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
Cara Mia <3
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
Kayvan Novak being one of the different guises of Christmas Past in the 2019 Christmas Carol was slightly distracting, but only because it would have been perfectly in character for Nandor the Relentless to try and help a mean old man become a nicer person while also killing people himself whenever Scrooge wasn’t looking.
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darkshrimpemotions · 8 months
Light & Framing in WWDITS: Nandermo Edition
I really have to give props to whoever does the lighting and cinematography for What We Do In The Shadows. They took what could easily have been an excuse to cheap out on those things--the show's format as a half-hour comedy mockumentary--and said a resounding fuck that.
Every frame of this show is gorgeously and thoughtfully lit and shot and colored, and not just the big pivotal moments. Truly every shot. The sets and the costumes also do a lot of heavy lifting here, but still everything is framed so carefully and intentionally. And considering this show is at least 55% fucking improv? That is seriously impressive. I've seen big budget network cornerstone series take less care with their most pivotal moments than this show takes with like...any random moment (I know, I know, it's okay, I can say Game of Thrones).
Take this shot for example (thanks to @indashadows!):
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Now bear in mind, this is ONE shot in ONE scene in an episode. An important scene, but not a long one. And yet in this scene, every single detail--from the actors' body language to the framing to the lighting to their fucking outfits--reinforces the underpinning context and subtext of the scene.
Look at Nandor. His posture is so open and vulnerable. He's facing directly toward Guillermo, looking slightly up at him actually instead of down at him like he usually would be. They're almost eye level but not quite. His face is fully lit, and his body is more in light than shadow, with the parts facing Guillermo lit and the parts facing away from him in deep shadow.
Nandor is being very open, honest, and vulnerable with Guillermo in this scene, probably more so than he's ever been before! All the pretense, the aloofness he usually hides behind is now shoved to the back. They're also on nearly equal footing compared to their usual situation, with Guillermo possibly having a slight upper hand due to how thrown everyone, including Nandor, is by the revelation that he's a vampire slayer.
(I know Nandor knew he killed Carol and the Baron, but given those were both accidents I think it's reasonable to say Nandor was still surprised about the slayer from a long line of notorious slayers aspect of the revelation.)
Another way to read this is that Nandor is at a disadvantage because of what he doesn't know in this scene, i.e. that Guillermo can leave any time he wants, that Guillermo has been listening to their conversations, and that Guillermo is using that information now to manipulate him. It's left somewhat up to interpretation whether Nandor actually knows any of this or not, so YMMV there. But the point stands that in either interpretation, Nandor is on his back foot here a bit and the framing and lighting of the scene reflects that.
Now contrast that with Guillermo. His posture is closed off, he's hunched in on himself. He's leaning toward Nandor, but he's not facing him or looking at him directly. His eyes are downcast. He's positioned a little above Nandor, but he's not acknowledging or reveling in that change of position in any way; in fact, he seems to be minimizing it with the way he's standing. Almost his entire body including his face is in shadow, with only the parts facing away from Nandor receiving any light.
Guillermo is not being vulnerable, open, or honest with Nandor in this moment. Whether Nandor knows everything or not, Guillermo thinks he's playing Nandor here. He thinks he has information Nandor isn't privy to (the hole in the cage and the hidden cameras) and knows things Nandor doesn't know he knows (the conversations he's overheard). Guillermo is normally much more open and vulnerable with Nandor, which often results in him getting his feelings (at the very least) hurt. But this is one time when he's consciously choosing to push his care for Nandor to the backburner in order to take care of himself for once.
(I also have FEELINGS about light representing emotional honesty and vulnerability between these two characters in the show about vampires and what they do in the shadows. Maybe I'll scream about them later.)
And here's the real kicker: they are so in odds with their approach here, their usual roles in the relationship are being reversed in ways neither is fully comfortable with...and yet they're still on the same damn page.
They both have the same ultimate goal in this scene: to get Guillermo out of the cage and have the other vampires in the house accept him and stop insisting on killing him. They are both trying to take care of Guillermo in their own ways. And as the show often does, it underscores this in part via the similarities in their outfits (but that is a WHOLE other fucking massive meta-post currently sitting in my drafts).
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Okay so I’ve been rewatching the entirety of wwdits (as one does when the season ends) and something suddenly struck me! And it came in episode 2 x 05 when Colin is mega draining everyone and Guillermo is about to confess to killing those vamps…Nandor knows.
It’s been niggling at the back of my mind since the end of this newest season. How nonchalant and competent Nandor is with regards to Guillermo’s needs. It’s obvious he’s been planning out this moment for a lonnnng time.
What if he knew Guillermo had Van Hellsing blood even before Guillermo knew it himself. What if he knew about the assassins but was doing his part to help Guillermo cover it up. His obliviousness to Guillermo being covered in blood after killing the vampire family. Him immediately deciding to help Guillermo cover up Carol’s death. His focus being on laundry in the theater instead of Guillermo’s secret lineage.
It’s entirely possible Guillermo had accidentally killed a vampire in front of Nandor and Nandor helped him cover it up including using hypnosis on Guillermo to make him forget. Perhaps that’s about the time hypnosis stopped working on Guillermo too? Especially if there were multiple instances?
Sorry, brain is just running laps now at the possibility of Nandor being so set on Guillermo from their early years of master and familiar (I mean he memorized the card.) that he kept a secret about Guillermo being a Van Hellsing, painstakingly researched how to transform someone in that bloodline, and was just biding his time until Guillermo was finally ready to commit to leaving his humanity behind.
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
alright, as requested and promised, my explanations for why everyone on side b got into the tourney
once again making the note that i was desperate for women that weren't blatantly written by a misogynist and it influenced a couple choices
starting with the most argued about characters again
mob (mp100): 1 submission, good description. "he has powers he can't be just some guy!" NOT WHAT THIS TOURNEY IS ABOUT. mob is a kid. he's just a kid doing his best. like the whole plot of mp100 is that he's just some kid isn't it??? i haven't watched it i can't argue the details but he is a very good example of just some guy
rung (transformers): 1 submission, good description. submitter got extra points for being the longest submission and being so sweet to me. rung is like, God, or something but he doesnt Know That so he's just living a perfectly normal life. he's so average people regularly forget who he is or what his name is. from the submission, "He's just the definition of 'some random kind guy you bump into in the hall and then completely forget about two hours later' I really don't know how to explain it."
han solo (star wars): 2 submissions. its like his whole thing. the rest of the team is a princess, a jedi, man i don't know the rest i haven't watched star wars in years but they are all supremely not some guy, and han's just some cunt with a van to drive them around in. yeah he's got his own shit going on but also. i dont remember how it actually went down but he really feels like he just stumbled into the plot and now he can't leave
ok now the rest of the characters under the cut
carol kohl (cateotw): 1 submission, good description. the description really moved me and i have GOT to watch this show at some point. carol lives on an earth that's going to end in a few months and everyone is trying to make their last months exciting and happy and getting to do what they've always wanted to. what carol wants to do is keep working an office job and continuing her routine. the show does not shame her for this, it's just who she is. and man..... as a chronically ill person who's had to think about that kind of thing. that really hits hard.
jaehee (mystic messenger): 1 submission. the woman situation is fucking dire. i will admit she seems to be written the way she is because of misogyny n shit but at least this submitter actually acknowledged it. mystic messenger is i believe a dating game and her route involves dealing with her shitty boss and quitting her job. the other routes have fucking wild shit going on but jaehee just quits work
paul matthews (guy who didnt like musicals): guaranteed entry
emma perkins (guy who didnt like musicals): 3 submissions. one person described her and paul as "guy4guy" and i was so enamored with this concept i gave her a guaranteed position. she works at a coffee shop and seems to not give a fuck that she's in a musical and needs to sing. major "i cant wait to clock out and go home" vibes
su moting (god troubles me): 1 submission. the child of a monster and a god so she was just born a regular human. that's so fucking funny. she has some wild roommates (a "phone god" and a "cat monster") but she's got a normal office job so she's not even around them much on weekdays
satou hiroshi (saiki k): 2 submissions. canonically the most average guy. perfectly average in every way. average grades, weight, height, family, etc etc etc. as average as possible
chilchuck tims (dungeon meshi): guaranteed entry
michelle nguyen (wtnv): 1 submission. i mean. its fucking night vale. that place is fucked. and yet michelle just runs a record shop and loves her girlfriend good for her
tad strange (gravity falls): guaranteed entry
colin robinson (wwdits): 1 submission, personal bias. he's an energy vampire that feeds off peoples energy so he will ramble to them for 6-12 hours about taxes. has a regular office job because what better place to find miserable people to torment. prides himself in his ability to be just some guy
bard (wandersong): 1 submission, friend bias. they're the protagonist of the game but they are not the hero of the story. they're on a quest to save the world but destiny does not care for them. they are trying so hard to bring people joy and that in turn is what makes them actually able to succeed. they are not a hero, but they are a friend
usopp (one piece): 1 submission, friend bias. i will be honest you i avoid one piece at all costs but he gets a pass for my buddy. unfortunately none of the info they gave me actually stuck in my brain so my explanation is gonna suck ass but he seems very scared and very weak compared to everyone else and everyone knows he's the just some guy of the group
nick carraway (great gatsby): 1 submission. i do not remember reading this book for school but idk that seemed like a correct vibe check and i wasn't gonna argue with it
link (oot): 1 submission, personal bias. SCREAMS. WAILS. POUNDS FISTS ON THE FLOOR. I LOVE HIM!!! i am extremely mentally ill about most editions of link being just some guy but i agreed heavily with the submission saying oot is probably the best example. HE'S JUST A KID!!! he thought he would never have to grow up because he was a forest kid too but then he did have to grow up what the fuckk
kazooie (I MADE HIM <3): he is my oc and i love him so fuckign much
connecticut clark (florkofcows): guaranteed entry
samwise (lotr): 1 submission, personal bias. only here because he refused to let his friend have to deal with this alone. its the whole point of the story, that hobbits are the just some guys of the world. that these hobbits were just normal innocent men now trying to end a war. and sam is the most just some guy of the bunch
hitomi (madoka magica): 2 submissions. only one that isnt a magical girl. im sure there's more to it than that but i haven't watched madoka in years and the submissions didn't give me anything else so that's it
junpei iori (persona): 1 submission, friend bias. persona characters can get fucking wild but he seems to be the resident normal dude. and tbh i just can't stop thinking about this part of the submission
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tomoya (ensemble stars): 2 submissions, good descriptions. ok so like. ensemble stars has like 50 main characters or something i dont know i dont go here. tomoya is the Only One that's normal. he's just trying to be a teen idol and his defining character trait is that he is tomoya and he is here.
peter sqloint (jrwi): 1 submission. i have listened to a bit of this and while i did have to put it down cause it wasn't really my thing, peter must've made an impression on me because the Only Things i can remember from what i listened to was just how bizarrely normal peter is. yes he has the angel of retribution inside him urging him to kill the gods but his life goal is to buy a new log for his pet lizard and his job is to sort rocks and its his favorite thing. sometimes you have to wonder if peter is even aware of whats going on or if he is too busy thinking about cool rocks to notice
cabbage merchant (atla): 3 submissions. i dont care. but very few characters actually got 3 submissions so i let him in. i was trying to avoid characters that clearly just existed for a bit or are simply background characters with nothing else going on (they count as just some guy but its just not as interesting to me) but he made it in anyways.
marta cabrera (knives out): 1 submission and that submission was ME because im THE ONLY PERSON WHO GETS IT (/silly). i cannot fucking believe no one else submitted her im so fucking mad her being just some guy is literally the entire point. spoilers for knives out, SHE'S A GOOD DOCTOR. SHE'S JUST A GOOD DOCTOR. SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!!! she was always just some guy no matter how much everyone else wanted her to be something different. i love her
greg universe (steven universe): 1 submission, good explanation. he's just stevens dad <3 he lives in his van and is an ok musician and he's very content with his life. he's hanging out
mishima (persona): 2 submissions. he's just one of your classmates. this is signifcant because other supporting cast characters have a lot of their own wild shit going on. mishima is your classmate and he's trying to help the phantom thieves look cool on social media. thatse it babey!
gingerbrave (cookie run): 1 submission, good description, personal bias. ok so its a gacha game about cookies that run. gingerbrave is the mascot and the most basic guy you can get. he's a cookie and he runs. and he's very sweet and i like him <3 he loves his friends. anyways google like any other character in the cookie run franchise and you'll understand.
arthur dent (hitchhikers guide): 2 submissions. honestly i don't have strong opinions on him and he's got a fuck ton of propaganda on the post im skipping this
elsen (off): 1 submission, friend bias. i am enamored by how this is like a species of normal guys. they are meant to reflect the struggles of average normal people. they have office jobs and a fuck ton of anxiety so you can see how they reflect that <3
tadano hitohito (komi cant communicate): 2 submissions, good description. HIS NAME LITERALLY TRANSLATES TO "JUST A PERSON" THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME I HAD TO PUT HIM IN
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magspag · 8 months
Shows I need to remember to watch
Dungeon Meshi
Carol and Tuesday
Keeop Your Hands of of Einzouken
Hazbin Hotel (maybe not watch that much)
let me know if I'm missing anything right now
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thanks for the tag @poetikat @detectivelokis @direwombat to fill out this little survey:
Three ships: If it's not Kit x Jacob, then Syb x Jacob/Rook x Jacob @direwombat - 2 separate entities, but you write them both so well. Echo x Erron @roofgeese and Morgan x Joseph @purplehairsecretlair
First ship: I think Spike x Buffy are probably my oldest. But the one I was most passionate about for the longest is Green Arrow x Black Canary
Currently consuming: spanakopita, rice and potatoes
Currently watching: WWDITS season 4
Last movie: Muppets Christmas Carol (I haven't watched any movies since Christmas Eve)
Last song: The Wolf & I by Oh Land (Thanks again @roofgeese for suggesting this one for the ship)
Currently reading: lots of fanfic, slowly but surely getting caught up on Wildfire, and making my way through all my bookmarked fics that I haven't read yet.
Currently craving: writing elves to finish writing chapter 10 of my fic for me lol
Tagging: @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @passinoutpieces @kittiofdoom @derelictheretic @clicheantagonist @kyber-infinitygems @confidentandgood (no pressure as always) and anyone else who'd like to give this a go :)
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
The Worst Round Two
The first round is over! Our first round losers have been released into the wild, where they will decimate the local songbird population!
New Bracket under the cut, all times are in CDT
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Bracket A (5/3 - 5/10)
Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) vs Iago (Othello) 11:15 AM
Mimic (Dark Souls) vs Dan (Dan Vs) & Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) 11:30 AM
Jurgen Leitner (The Magnus Archives) vs Zeus (Greek Mythology) 11:45 AM
Steve Cobs (Inanimate Insanity) vs Alex Eggleston (Yiik) 12:00 PM
Jerry (Undertale) vs Old Man Who Snitched on Haru (A:TLA) 12:15 PM
Ashfur (Warrior Cats) vs Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) 12:30 PM
Octavian (Heroes of Olympus) vs Gendo Ikari (NGE) 12:45 PM
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) 1:00 PM
Bracket B (5/3 - 5/10)
Jin Guangshan (The Untamed) vs Michael (Wii) 1:15 PM
Mitsuhiro Higa (Danganronpa) vs Creek (Trolls) 1:30 PM
Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs David (Animorphs) 1:45 PM
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach) vs Cronus Ampora (Homestuck) 2:00 PM
Micheal Tritter (House MD) & The Director (Red v Blue) vs Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug) 2:15 PM
Lord Henry Wotton (The Picture of Dorian Gray) vs Jodie Foster (Dungeons & Daddies) 2:30 PM
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton) vs Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!) 2:45 PM
The Dark Lord (Miitopia) vs Cybelle (Carole and Tuesday) 3:00 PM
Bracket C (5/4 -5/11)
Admiral Zhao (A:TLA) vs Rachel Berry (Glee) 11:15 AM
Darth Maul (Star Wars) vs Jessica (The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself) 11:30 AM
Pong Krell (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) vs Gamzee Makara (Homestuck) 11:45 AM
Dorodoron (Futari wa Precure Splash Star) vs Tate Langdon (American Horror Story) 12:00 PM
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) vs Spike (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) 12:15 PM
Orin Scrivello DDS (Little Shop of Horrors) vs Minecraft Skeleton (Minecraft) 12:30 PM
Major Frank Burns (M*A*S*H*) vs Carter Pewterschmidt (Family Guy) 12:45 PM
Borsolino (One Piece) vs Pennywise (IT) 1:00 PM
Bracket D (5/4 -5/11)
Pierce Hawthorne (Community) vs Whirlpool (Wings of Fire) 1:15 PM
Thaddeus Campbell (Dishonored) vs Takumi Ichinose (Nana) & Heimskr (Skyrim) 1:30 PM
Gale Weathers (Scream) vs Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) 1:45 PM
Director Ton (Aggretsuko) vs Odalia Blight (The Owl House) 2:00 PM
Kyubey (Madoka Magica) vs Dr. Gregory House (House MD) 2:15 PM
Rachel (Tower of God) vs Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice) 2:30 PM
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Hippeux (Animal Crossing) 2:45 PM
Saint Charlos (One Piece) vs Dr. Janet Lubelle (WTNV) 3:00 PM
Bracket E (5/5 -5/12)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) vs Calico Jack (Our Flag Means Death) 11:15 AM
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Crawlings (The Mysterious Benedict Society) & Liza Lotts (Scott the Woz) 11:30 AM
Zolf J Kimblee (FMA) vs Nandor the Relentless (WWDITS) 11:45 AM
Logan Roy (Succession) vs Fermet (Baccano!) 12:00 PM
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) vs Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars) 12:15 PM
Stuart Little (Stuart Little) vs Bibble (Barbie: Fairytopia) 12:30 PM
Grima Wormtongue (Lord of the Rings) vs Balloon Boy (FNAF) 12:45 PM
Felix (Red v Blue) vs Bro Strider (Homestuck) 1:00 PM
Bracket F (5/5 - 5/12)
Count Olaf (ASOUI) vs Phillip Anderson (BBC Sherlock) 1:15 PM
Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) vs Hiram Burrows (Dishonoured) 1:30 PM
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs Marty (Steven Universe) 1:45 PM
Norman Osborn (Marvel) vs Stregabor (The Witcher) 2:00 PM
Barney Stinson (HIMYM) vs Griffith (Berserk) 2:15 PM
Lionel Luthor (Smallville) vs Shadow Weaver (SPOP) 2:30 PM
Rand Ridley (Inside Job) vs Fire Lord Ozai (A:TLA) 2:45 PM
Joseph Sugarman (BoJack Horseman) vs Kylo Ren (Star Wars) 3:00 PM
Bracket G (5/6 - 5/13)
Ross Geller (Friends) vs Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa) 11:15 AM
Evil Do-er/Dark Blue (Animation vs Minecraft) vs Clint (Stardew Valley) 11:30 AM
Colin Robinson (WWDITS) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon) 11:45 AM
Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Servantis (Ben 10) 12:00 PM
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives) vs Tingle (The Legend of Zelda) 12:15 PM
Trishna (Papa Louie) vs Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World) 12:30 PM
Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts) vs Suzy Johnson (Phineas and Ferb) 12:45 PM
Dr. Hotti (Ace Attorney) vs Sarah (Ed, Edd, and Eddy) 1:00 PM
Bracket H (5/6 - 5/13)
Barney the Dinosaur (Barney and Friends) vs Andy Bernard (The Office) 1:15 PM
Caillou (Caillou) vs Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls) 1:30 PM
Joshu Higashikata (JJBA) vs Touga Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) 1:45 PM
Ambassador Udina (Mass Effect) vs Father (FMA) 2:00 PM
Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Kray Foresight (Promare) 2:15 PM
The Worst (Ben 10) vs Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter) 2:30 PM
Tony Stark (MCU) vs Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) 2:45 PM
Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test) vs Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia) 3:00 PM
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cookinguptales · 1 year
wwdits tarot: the tower
Time for XVI. The Tower!
This card in my WWDITS is the soul sister of the last card, fyi.
So The Tower is a card that is in many ways similar to Death. It is another one of those cards that symbolizes change and the notion that sometimes change can only come after a period of destruction.
The difference between Death and The Tower, though, is that The Tower’s emphasis is certainly the destruction.
The Tower speaks to cataclysmic destruction. It does not promise that the change that comes after that destruction will be good or bad, simply that there will be change. Because there won’t be any choice but to change. There won’t be anything left of the life you had before.
Moreover, The Tower is destruction that often comes as a surprise. There’s often a vibe to Death that you’re outgrowing your old life and you need to discard the parts of it that are no longer serving you. With The Tower, things are usually going pretty good. You’re happy, everything seems to be going well — and then it all comes crashing down around your ears.
In short, it’s not usually a great card to get in a reading. You can look at as an opportunity for change (very few tarot cards carry true finality) but… I mean, truthfully? If you see The Tower, you should really just be bracing yourself.
With all that in mind, the character I’ve chosen for The Tower is Simon the Devious.
And not just because almost every episode he’s in seems to end with an explosion.
Every Simon episode seems dedicated to building up our vamps just to tear them back down, and usually in more ways than one.
In his first appearance, they go to him trying to make an alliance. There is a build-up — they think they’ve reconnected with a new friend, they think Simon’s gonna help them out with their short-lived goal of conquest, Guillermo’s pleased to visit a vampire club… and then it all goes to shit. They realize that Simon has only been playing them all along and they leave with even less than they had. Guillermo is hurt by Nandor’s unwillingness to protect him. Laszlo loses his cursed hat.
And Simon actually has the biggest destruction of all when his literal tower literally falls when it literally explodes.
In his next appearance, he seems downtrodden. You think he’s going to finally create a good relationship with our vamps. PSYCH, he’s played them again. And again, Guillermo’s perception of himself in the vampiric world falls to bits when he kills Carol.
And again, Simon is really the one to face the biggest cataclysm when he emotionally alienates all his crew and they leave him down there to die alone.
Finally, we have an entire season’s worth of build-up with Go Flip Yourself. This time, the audience was brought in on Simon's build-up, come-down cycle on a very meta level. This time we were excited right along with Laszlo and the others — and we were betrayed as well when for the third time, Simon showed up to take away everything.
(And yeah! Guillermo had another really rough day! Is Simon his curse?)
And, as always, Simon was the one who truly lost everything when he very literally blew up on camera.
So I mean. You obviously have the physical destruction that’s portrayed in the card. Simon is always coming close to death in new and interesting ways once he steals that hat — and those interesting ways often look a lot like the card itself.
But on an emotional level, Simon also brings this vibe of “just when you thought everything was going great, I’m gonna fuck the whole thing up” just like The Tower does.
His betrayal always forces our vampires to change they way they’re going about things, but not after making them suffer for it first. They have to get a new plan for conquest. They have to find a new way to fix their house. They uh. Have to deal with the problems brought up by Guillermo killing Carol.
Every time, Simon looks like he’s gonna be offering some quick fix. An alliance. An ego boost, when you see your humbled foe brought low. A new house. But every single time, they regret ever letting him inside. Every single time, Simon’s plans just beget destruction for everyone involved.
(RIP Toby.)
Every time, in other words, Simon builds up The Tower just to bring it all down. His actions always force the vampires to change directions, but that’s mostly because he very literally burns their old plans to the ground.
And frankly speaking, you just know that whenever Simon the Devious shows up, something explosive and terrible is probably about to happen.
But that’s why we love him. And the vampires hate him.
Now! Imagery!
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This one is actually really easy. The RSW version of The Tower depicts a tower catching fire due to a lightning strike. Two terrified inhabitants jump from it, probably to their deaths. A crown is knocked off its roof, a symbol of prosperity being knocked from its perch. (Or materialism, or spiritual power, or a host of other things depending on who you ask.)
So this is easy to transfer to poor Simon, who always seems to be blowing up some fucking building. For my Tower card, I want the tower to be Simon’s club exploding into flames, and he and Laszlo are jumping from its windows. Instead of a crown, well. It’s gotta be that damn hat.
Like I said, this is kind of the sister card to the last one. Cause and effect, if you will. Both Laszlo and Simon seem to be very good at reinventing themselves after each failure — but if you keep going back to The Devil, your Tower will eventually come crumbling down.
wwdits tarot masterpost
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mithrilhearts · 2 years
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @myeaglesong, thank you for the tag!!!
3 ships: bagginshield (the hobbit), blackbonnet (ofmd), nandermo (wwdits)
first ever ship: Captain Swan (OUAT)
last song: We Are Stars by The Pierces (I’ve been in Space!AU mode again)
last movie: God I can’t remember. Maybe the Muppet Christmas Carol? I don’t watch movies often!
currently reading: A giant...load of fanfics. Most of them Bagginshield, but I have a lot to get through, so there are many titles lol, recently I got caught up on @sunnyrosewritesstuff’s latest chapter of “The Twelve Transformations of Bilbo Baggins” which I highly recommend!
currently watching: My television...as I play Dragon Age Inquisition!
currently consuming: just finished my dinner of bourbon glazed chicken and cheesy potatoes.
currently craving: honestly, I just want my time off to come quicker - I am ready for some days away from work, wedding things, I just want some ME time.
non-obligatory tags for some newer friendos: @pomgore @tetchy-frog @watercolorofthemoon @theladygreiwolf @dark-gift @ladyamethyst-lunablanca@tondw0o @katherinediangelo @ye3honk and anyone else who wants to play!!
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