Dolazi dan kada ću te napustiti
za tvoje dobro,
prestati da ti zaklanjam svjetlo
i nema mosta koji će nas moći povezati
niti će te šta moći vratiti meni
toliko te volim
da ću te poštedjeti sebe
i svakog svog mraka
zgaditi ti se
i nestati u tišini
kao Sunce kada se utapa u more
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“Gledao sam te kako se gleda more krajem ljeta..”
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having a tumblr blog with more than 500 followers deserves to be in the dsm-6
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“It always takes two. For relationships to work, for them to break apart, for them to be fixed.”
— Emily Giffin, Heart of the Matter (via liebeficktunsalle)
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people have to realize that
some people are just more sensitive
some people don’t think the same way
some have different reasons in doing things
it’s not all about you
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i love night walks. its such a shame im a woman
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life works out. i cannot stress this enough. life always works out. it always turns out in your favor even if it doesn’t go according to the original plan. you may be utterly confused and lost right now, it may feel like everything is falling apart and there is nothing you can do to salvage any of it. but believe me when i say that this is just a transition period. things are constantly changing and evolving around you even if you can’t actively see that. life is changing you to prepare you for what is to come. you are growing and as you grow you are being built into the person that you are going to be. because see, life always has this funny way of working out.
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“U svakoj od nas postoji to nešto što nam niko ne može oduzeti. Što smo rođenjem od drugih žena nasledile. Jake rođene. Ta snaga koja ne nestaje, ma šta joj život naneo, ma šta joj drugi učinili, koja opstaje. Zato ni slučajno nemoj sebi dopustiti da te neko ubedi, da ti sama sebe ubediš, da si slaba i da ne možeš nešto prevazići ili ostvariti. Ne postoji žena koja nije jaka. Nikada to nemoj zaboraviti.”
— recisumojeigracke
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The difference between my summer skin tone and my winter skin tone makes me hesitant to believe any skin bleaching rumors about celebrities tbh
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“Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.”
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