#cane question
drjdorr · 1 year
is it ok for a character to have an aesthetic cane
I was rereading a work in progress I want to get back into working on(don't ask how long ago I was working on it, writer's block sucks) and I found a detail that I feel I should maybe ask about before making it an actual part of my work because it might be ableist.
I have a rich douche smarmy character who has a cane "he uses for grandeur and presentation more than any actual need" and during rereading I realized that might be ableist but I don't know
now I am technically disabled but not "uses cane" disabled so I am less informed on whether having a character use a cane for basically aesthetic reasons is an ok thing to do, but I'm pretty sure some of my mutuals(who my brain refuses to specify) and maybe some of my followers do use canes so would know more on this and could maybe let me know
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spooksier · 2 years
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(shirt avalible here!!)
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lazylittledragon · 3 days
hi! I absolutely love your art and I get so happy when I see it come up on my feed! 🥰
if I can ask, why does cyra use a cane sometimes? I just saw your art where gale and cyra are with their newborn and cyra is walking with their toddler and she has a cane and I was curious.
have a good day! 😁💚
thank you so much!!!
i don't think i've said much about it other than 'she almost died' aksdhsh but everything went very wrong when the first one was born and she got sepsis, which can really fuck you up long term and she developed chronic fatigue.
she definitely tells the children that she's got a sword hidden inside it
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thatsbelievable · 30 days
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incognitopolls · 8 months
If you're not a cane user, don't vote on this one by anon's request.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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silver-survey · 5 months
Meow or Woof?
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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I don't care who the fuck you are, unless you're a member of my medical team, you are not entitled to my medical information.
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gummi-stims · 2 months
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Mobility aids!
There simply aren't enough decent gifs of people using/styling these things for the stimboard makers out there
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sleepvines · 2 months
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While plenty of prominent figures exist in successor myths, Pebble-Scratch In The Jute is one of the few who actually lived among the people. The accuracy of what is said about her is questionable, but she certainly turned heads. One tale boasts that she could push any drebyl or gul to the dirt without even using her sting; for she was quick and lean and slippery, and any that challenged her found themselves slow and cumbersome in comparison. Naturally the Blue Death in any shape was no match for her; she could climb its back where it could hardly reach, leap up, grab it by the horn and twist its neck just so— (at this point many storytellers would make a quick, rotation with their forepaws, as if wrestling with a sack)—so that it would snap like a stick, the beast dead at her feet. In some tellings it was only one terrible Blue Death, in others many, but wyvernslayer Pebble was still an exceedingly impressive title no matter the count. She wore the skull of a wyvern over her head like a hood, inspiring incredible claims of her strength all over the local network of communities and beyond. All the stories highlight her unique coloration, the result of a mutation which left her chitin a deep, iridescent red. While in reality she was probably prone to sensitivity and flaking, due to lacking blue structural pigments, many believed her mandibles and sting to possess a supernaturally potent venom.
Additionally some syrel inclined communities think she could talk to ghosts, and rarely there are whispers she was one of the long gone ancients in a new skin. More on syrel beliefs and their cultural associations with the color red later!
She's dead and gone now, but her story carries on.
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shadowqueendiangelo · 2 years
whispers are we finally going to see kaz and his crows absolutely wreck the darkling by running him over with a fjerdan tank?
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deoidesign · 1 month
I’m a trans man that recently got diagnosed with hyper mobile eds, so now seeing Steve makes me extra happy, because cool disabled ftm rep. Thanks for making the radical dude bro, he’s funky.
same disability (waving hand emoji)
Always extremely fulfilling to know my work makes people happy in some small way, it means a lot. Thank you for sharing with me
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magpie-trinkets · 6 months
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DAMN i caught the bug again... the ghost trick bug! i had a lot of fun doodling these
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clarafyer · 3 months
A bit of a different post
Okay so a website absolutely wasted my time just now by telling me I had to pay for my results about my god damn leg pain so I am desperate enough to turn to Tumblr (/lh) for some sort of idea at what the fuck is going on with me
I have intermittent (on/off) pain in my upper legs and hips. It's in the muscles, bones, AND the joints of the hip (primarily the right hip joint though). This has been going on for months now, but when I mentioned it to a friend it turns out this might not be so recent as I complained about similar pain over a year ago.
I'm not an active person at all, I only really exercise when PE is part of my school schedule, but I do remember to stretch some days of the week.
I am also hypermobile, but the thing is, yk that 9 point hypermobility system? Elbows over 10 degrees, fingers back at 90 degrees, thumbs to forearms, touching the floor with your knees straight, and knees forwards 10 degrees? Of all those points, the only ones not hypermobile are my knees, (and, whatever area touching the floor means)
So hypermobility would explain it if it wasn't for that.
I don't want to disclose my age, but I am a female teen. The pain also is amplified during periods
I'm asking the disabled, mobility aid, and healthcare communities for possible causes. If you do not experience similar pain or are not otherwise qualified to answer, then please don't.
Update: I have talked with my parents, some very possible causes are poor posture, narrow diet, puberty, and as I mentioned before: little exercise
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valewritessss · 1 day
Yk who stays relevant?
Percy Jackson
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crippled-peeper · 11 months
you can call the white cane a mobility aid. it’s purpose is to prevent injury while ambulating (moving around in a space with your body). so it literally fits the definition of being a mobility aid if you want to call it that.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Old man Sorahiko is aged like fine wine
2. He's small and can fit into your arms easily which is cute
3. He's a disaster but he's a wonderful disaster. Grumpy, but attractive in all the right ways.
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old couple defense
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