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traceyc-uk · 3 months ago
The little Niffler waddled over to where the new fifth year was sitting and began to scramble in his belly pouch, rummaging around until he pulled out a shiny, silver Slytherin Prefect badge.
Holding it up for a brief moment, Nosy admired the gleam before quickly tucking it right into the boy's breast pocket and signalling to the young wizard with his paw to keep silent about his treasure.
At the sound of footsteps approaching, Nosy spun around, casting a quick glance over his shoulder. Without missing a beat, the little menace gave the new fifth year a few pats on the cheek before waddling away.
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The new fifth-year couldn’t imagine he was being given the badge for safe keeping, he knew this particular Niffler can scurry away treasures just fine.
But before he could quiz it, the tiny furball disappeared as quickly as it arrived only to be replaced by the appearance of William! Asking if he has seen either the tricksy Niffler or his Slytherin badge.
Feeling the weight of metal in his pocket, he shrugged and felt very mischievous indeed. He had plans for this trinket and it shouldn’t be too long before Will @ask-elland-n-will will be receiving an owl to its whereabouts…
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kiwiplaetzchen · 5 months ago
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*BAM* knocking through the dorm to leave some shinies, juicey toffee-apple and I hope plain sweeties and not pepper imps 🔥
Nosy was comfortably huddled in his cosy nest, made from Sebastian's scarf and shiny treasures he'd collected over time. His tiny paws clutched a few coins, and nestled against him was his beloved golden rubber duck, which quacked faintly every so often. All was quiet and peaceful, until-
A loud noise echoed through the dorm room, startling the little Niffler and making his fur stand on end. His eyes shot wide open with alarm. Who dared disturb his day?! Nosy tried to eavesdrop from his little hideaway. Had the pretty Prefect noticed his nice-scented soap was missing again? He glanced suspiciously at the lavender chunk and, with a quick motion, shoved it deeper under a pile of coins, just to be sure.
Just as Nosy finished burying his prized treasure, the wardrobe door creaked open, flooding his nest with light. He blinked against the sudden brightness, his head tilting as he tried to make sense of who or what had dared to disturb his peaceful day.
In the doorway stood a young lad Nosy hadn't seen before, arms overflowing with various goodies. His eyes darted between the boy's hands and the shiny things he was carrying. A faint squeak came from the rubber duck as the little Niffler shifted, his attention now fully locked on the unexpected visitor. What was that, shining like a ruby in the candlelight? Nosy's eyes grew big, pupils wide with desire.
The boy, seemingly unaware of the teal king's intense gaze, carefully placed down his small pile of offerings right in front of the wardrobe. Nosy's gaze never wavered from the shiny red apple, which gleamed like a jewel, so tantalising and perfect. Slowly, Nosy poked his head out from his nest, eyes flickering between the boy and his tempting treats. He didn’t seem dangerous, not like that pesky Hufflepuff who seemed to be obsessed with the Niffler. But, heh, who could blame him? After all, Nosy was magnificent!
Slowly, the little menace tumbled out of the wardrobe, landing directly in front of the toffee apple on his fluffy bum. He gave the new fifth-year a small head bow, clearly proud of his little stunt, before grabbing hold of the ruby candy. Chirping happily, he held it up in the air like a trophy, giving the boy an approving nod.
With great enthusiasm, Nosy opened his snout as wide as he could and bit into the apple, his little tongue poking out as he licked the sugary coating. This was heaven. After a few more licks, the teal furred rascal glanced at the other presents the boy had offered. His eyes sparkled as he reached for one of the coins and gave it a test nibble. Real gold. Nice, he thought and tucked the coin into his belly pouch with a satisfied hum.
Nosy continued licking the apple, his eyes flicking up at the new fifth-year. This lad had done well, the Niffler decided. He deserved a reward! Slowly, Nosy waddled back to the wardrobe, still clutching the toffee apple in his paws, and began rummaging through his nest.
After a moment, he let out a small squeak of triumph. Returning to the boy, Nosy proudly placed the nice-smelling violet soap chunk at his feet. Well done, his eyes seemed to say, before he waddled back to his nest, licking his apple and quite pleased with himself.
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diana-bluewolf · 1 month ago
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆
Dear Chris,
It has come to my attention that we both possess wands with the same wood and core. This information has sparked my interest in conducting my pending research on 'Priori Incantatem'.
I was wondering if you'd be interested in engaging in a duel with me, so that I can gather more data for my research.
Let me know what you think.
— Val
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆
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Hi Val,
You’ve intrigued me about the topic since I’ve never heard of the Priori Incantatem effect before. I was helping Mr Olivander out this weekend, as usual, so I could ask him about it. Quite a fascinating subject. How did you get to know about it?
I came to the conclusion that, even though I would like to witness that phenomenon, I don’t think we will be lucky enough.
It is very rare and occurs only when two wands that have magical cores deriving from the same source (in our case, from the same dragon) are used against each other. As you can see, we can ignore the similarity of the wood material of our wands. But the chances of them having the heartstrings of the same dragon are very slim, too. 
Wandmakers are aware of the effect and take a range of precautions to minimise it. But even if we don’t take this into account, Mr Olivander aims to craft unique wands that fit a wide variety of people, so he generally avoids using identical source material. Even if he does, it might be decades that separate the initial making of a wand from the time it chooses a person it wishes to bond with, which reduces the chances for twin wands to meet.
Imagine how many Hogwarts students buy their wands from Olivander, who primarily uses only three types of wand cores. Still, Crossed Wands or just duels within DADA lessons operate without surprises like that. I don’t see how we can be an exception. 
That being said, if you just want to knock some sense into me, you don’t need to find an excuse to duel me. I will be waiting for you near the Black Lake today after the classes. 
P.S. Bring the blueberry tarts.
P.S.S. Ugh, “please”?
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princeps-lucis · 4 months ago
Ways to carry your friend/partner
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From top to bottom, left to right: Angel and Ethan, Hugh and Rhiannon, Bork and Liviriel, Norberto and Iostu, Hazel and Thad, Apollo and Terrence
🎨 Art by Peri (peripericote)
Which one is your OC and friends?
✨️ Meet our wonderful OCs in Hogwarts Legacy RP discord (For 13+)
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ror-roleplay · 9 months ago
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The students of the RoR have a new project to do: they're brewing Felix Felicis, or Liquid Luck. And they'll be needing it, considering Horace Gaunt is on the loose with his pet noodle. Anyway. Fancy brewing something? RoR's your place. Just don't ask Ominis to help you out, or he might scream / cry / throw up.
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mcowlpost · 7 months ago
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MC Owl Post
The MC Owl Post is a Hogwarts Legacy blog created for creators in the fandom to role play with each other through sending letters in their MCs (or OC’s) voice to one another. For example, a creator writes a letter to a fellow MC / OC in their MCS perspective. Then, the other MC the letter was directed to can write back, in their MCs perspective as well.
‼️Harassment of any form may not be in the letters. This is a role play blog purely. ‼️
If you have any complaints or constructive criticism, please let me know! This blog is for entertainment purposes and is not meant to hurt anybody, and if it does, again please let me know!
If you wish to not be written to in this blog, tell me and I will make sure no letters come your way
Most importantly, have a good time :)
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ask-sebastian · 1 month ago
Sebastian woke up that morning with a heavy feeling on his chest. It was too heavy to be Nosy—or even Clem. Had he forgotten he had company last night? No, that couldn't be it. Slowly, Sebastian opened his eyes, only to find himself face-to-face with a grinning Vetiti.
"Buongiorno, Sebastian, mio amico!" Vetiti greeted warmly. "Did you sleep well? And where is your Niffler, if you don't mind me asking?"
Though his silhouetted figure was blurred by the drowsy haze of sleep, the familiar stench of spoilt milk and the delusional, half-mad lilt of the bastard's voice was as good as a calling card. Sebastian's hand instinctually shot out, grabbed Vetiti by the throat and yank his face into a sliver of muted light slicing through the bed curtains.
Certainly not the Hufflepuff he cared to have wrapped around his bare torso upon waking. The confirmation only further soured mood.
With a firm grip on Vetiti, Sebastian shifted and reached behind his head, free hand slowly slipping beneath his pillow for his wand. Fortunately found with ease without the usual weight of a niffler to search around. Nosy had either slept elsewhere or already moved on to the chaos of the day.
Either way, Sebastian was silently grateful. His control was most unreliable when tired and with his focus still waking, most of it was currently relegated to reining back the dark magic already licking across his nerves. He'd rather not have to split it further whilst dealing with his unfortunate visitor.
It would be a shame to have to clean up a mess first thing in the morning.
Sebastian angled Vetiti's face further into the pale, flickering light and a low thoughtful hum rumbled in his chest. Welling curiosity, but sorting out how he managed to infiltrate the Slytherin common room and his bed was a mystery better solved later.
For now...
"I mind," Sebastian finally answered with a lazy, sleep-soaked rasp. His fingertips bit into the hinge of Vetiti's jaw as he drew him closer, cold displeasure curling his lips as he pressed to the tip of his wand into the soft underside of his chin. "Amico."
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shanaraharlyah · 5 months ago
Happy Birthday to Hellendil from Eva 🥹🩷
You are the sweetest, I wish you happiness and health. Know that you are my friend forever!!!
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Hellendil smiles at the adorable note he found waiting for him at supper in the Great Hall. He folds the note placing it securely into his belt pouch and glances over toward the Hufflepuff table and the sweet blonde girl who'd left him the note. He hurries to finish his meal before she disappears for the evening and quickly makes his way over to where she is seated.
"Eva!" he exclaims opening his arms wide as he approaches to embrace her. "Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes, my friend! I hope you know that I will always be there for you, too. You need only ask, darling." He pulls her in for the promised hug, so grateful to have such sweet caring people as friends.
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legacyofmagicrp · 3 months ago
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ask-alsius-vafer · 6 months ago
The path to the Hospital Wing seemed to stretch endlessly before him. The throbbing ache on the side of his head matched the pulse of each beat of his heart. Every step on the stone floors sent a jolt of pain, a hurtful reminder of the morning's misadventure in Herbology. His hand pressed against the spot where his ear should have been, the phantom pain still gnawing at him. The sharp bite of the Tentacula Vorax' teeth still echoed in his mind, the memory almost as painful as the wound it left behind.
It was a foolish mistake, Felix chastised himself. He should have been more careful, more gentle. Perhaps a kinder touch when pruning the plant might have spared him this torment. Professor Garlick had certainly thought so, lecturing him quite thoroughly before handing him two pieces of cloth - one to stem the bleeding, the other to transport the unfortunate remains of his ear.
The Ravenclaw shook his head, a motion he instantly regretted as dizziness washed over him. There was no time for a bad conscience, no room for self-recrimination. He needed to reach the Hospital Wing. He needed Als.
Als would know what to do. He always did.
Had he been feeling less queasy, he might have opted for the Floo Powder system. But the thought of spinning through the network of fireplaces only made his stomach churn further. So it had to be the long way - the very, very long way, with its many, many stairs.
A sigh escaped Felix as he leaned against the cool stone wall, allowing himself to take a small break. A few passing students glanced his way, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. With a forced smile, the Swede assured them that everything was fine. Or at least, it would be once he got to Alsius. He just hoped his friend wouldn’t be too annoyed with his clumsiness, but deep down, he knew he was in the best hands.
"Take a deep breath. In and out. You're almost there," he muttered to himself, trying to steady his breathing, the words a small comfort as he pushed off the wall. The stairs seemed never-ending, each one a cruel reminder of how much further he had to go.
"Just a little bit more..." The words were barely a whisper as he forced himself to keep moving. The trek was taking its toll, beads of sweat dotted Felix' forehead, and the sick feeling in his stomach grew worse with each step. The wound throbbed in time with his heartbeat, the cloth already soaked through with blood.
“Finally,” Felix breathed, both exhausted and relieved as the door to the Hospital Wing came into view. He paused at the door, peeking inside cautiously, his heart lifting slightly at the sight of the young healer, who was quietly tending to his duties. A weak smile tugged at Felix’s lips, a small flicker of relief and gratitude amidst the pain. Just seeing his friend was enough to make him feel safer.
Clearing his throat softly, Felix hesitated. He didn’t want to disturb Alsius if he was in the middle of something important, and the last thing he wanted was to wake any of the other patients. But the urgency of his situation couldn't be ignored.
“Als, um,” he began, his voice a little shaky, “how good are you at reattaching body parts?”
Two freshly corked phials in hand, Alsius crouched before the medicinal cupboard by the infirmary entrance. The beds were unusually vacant today, prompting the rest of the Hospital wing staff to indulge in an impromptu excursion around the grounds for some exercise. Since Professor Sharp had delivered fresh batches of healing potions earlier that afternoon, Alsius volunteered to stay and he took advantage of the rare quiet and solitude to steadily restock the ever-dwindling stores.
He ducked his head and tucked the last phials in with the others, the faint tinkling of glass against glass floating in the stillness as he ensured all labels were neatly aligned for easy readability in an emergency. After an unfortunate incident involving a nurse and a swarm of magimedical-grade leeches (not to mention the Coffee Bean Barrage), the use of Accio was indefinitely banned in the infirmary and the last thing any reasonable healer wished to do in time-sensitive situations was frantically rummage through wilfully neglected shelves. It was a personal pet hate of his, so he made a point of leaving the cupboard the way he always wished to find it.
Clean, tidy, and methodically organised.
The creak of the Hospital Wing door opening echoed that of the cupboard door closing. He hadn’t the chance to look up before he heard Felix’s voice, and the weak, nervous warble immediately drew his attention and concern.
“…reattaching body parts��”
Alsius turned and caught sight of Felix slumped against the doorway, his focus immediately pulled to his friend’s rapid breathing and sickly pallor. Despite the attempt to inject a certain nonchalance into his question, exhaustion etched Felix’s sweaty brow, his expression drawn painfully taut as he cradled a blood-soaked cloth against his head.
A sudden, leadened pit in Alsius’s stomach tipped the scales for haste. Fearing Felix would collapse to the floor, he rushed to the entrance and caught Felix’s weight against his side. He quickly ushered him to the nearest bed, and if the tall blond baulked at being unceremoniously laid out in such fumbling earnest, Alsius couldn’t hear it over the torrential roar of his racing thoughts.
“Sorry,” he whispered, somewhat amazed he had the presence of mind to apologise for such a brutish bedside manner. “With the bleeding, it’s better to lie down.”
Despite his relative youth, Alsius was generally cool and collected and not prone to dramatic mood swings, but when his gaze tracked the crimson rivulets steadily slipping down Felix’s wrist, something in him critically failed. He was no stranger to gruesome illness and injury, but Alsius was woefully unprepared for the visceral impact of seeing someone so dear to him in such a state.
As he stood and hovered over Felix, his chest tightened, heartbeat keeping time with the breakneck pace of all the grim possibilities reeling through his mind. Felix managed all the way here, he frantically reminded himself. It can’t be that serious. It was a paltry reassurance. He pinched his eyes shut against the unsettling swells in his emotions.
Set them aside. Heal. Reconcile the rest later. That was what his parents taught him in his early youth. That’s what Hogwarts more or less taught him in the infirmary. Yet his mind – his heart, still screamed: it’s Felix.
He turned and snapped the privacy curtains closed. Unnecessary considering they were alone, but the guise afforded him the barest moment to try to regain some semblance of composure.
The steadying breath he drew was audibly shaky.
After what felt like an age mustering his courage, Alsius returned to Felix’s side, lowering to sit at the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry, I’ll sort you out,” he murmured softly, though he was unsure if the reassurance for Felix’s benefit or his own.
He leaned forward to remove Felix’s hand and assess the damage, however just as his shaky fingertips brushed the back of Felix’s – he hesitated. He blinked and reached out again, only for his fingers to once again twitch away and curl defiantly into his palm.
There was more than a hint of frustration in Alsius’s sigh when he grudgingly compromised with himself. He rested his palm against the back of Felix’s hand as his gaze slowly surveyed the familiar topography of his friend’s face for all traces of primary and secondary injury. He murmured another apology when he lightly pressed his thumb into the side of Felix’s chin and carefully tilted his head to the side. Their hands remained protectively pressed over the wound, but Alsius still thoroughly searched the visible area for residual scorch damage from curses.
Any sort of evidence to restore the cool rationale upon which he so heavily relied.
A useless pursuit, like trying to capture vapour in his hands. The harder he focussed on ticking off a diagnostic checklist, the more each step dispersed into nothingness.
Alsius should just properly inspect the injury.
Alsius should just ask what happened.
It was the standard course of action no matter who found themselves in his care, but his faculties failed him. He shook his head against the internal contradictions: the spine-tingling fear and uncertainty, gut-wrenching anxiety, and the most alarming – the raw, hot sparks of anger that threatened his veins like flame at a fuse. At some point between his runaway thoughts and terrible excuse for a medical assessment, Alsius truly understood what Sebastian described feeling in the catacombs: cold, uncompromising protectiveness that overrode everything else. The ruthless sense of purpose that defied all rational thought was downright unnerving, and for someone as even-tempered as Alsius, its effect was so unsettling that he robbed him of his ability to function normally.
Nothing about it made sense, and it was maddening, but through the haze of it all there was one thing Alsius knew with unwavering certainty.
Felix would be fine because he would do absolutely everything in his power to ensure it.
Still, one question wrapped around his heart like a vice. It was the very first that crossed his mind in the emotional turmoil and the constant catalyst to whatever breakdown he actively tried to stave off.
It was an unrelenting, suffocating pressure that refused to be ignored. There was always the chance that it had been just an accident. Felix was unfortunately clumsy at times, but if this was maliciously inflicted on him…
Alsius didn’t need to know where or why, or what or how. He needed to know who.
And he would deal with that after.
Finally finding some sense of clarity once again, Alsius slowly exhaled into the heavy, ponderous silence as he gently tilted Felix’s face back to centre. When he finally spoke, the calm and even softness of his voice directly contradicted the steely intensity behind his eyes.
“Did someone do this to you?”
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traceyc-uk · 1 month ago
You were in Beasts class and Professor Howin asked you and a couple of your classmates to take care of the Kneazle pen. Nothing unusual, as far as tasks go. But when you approached the pen, there was a loud hiss at the gate: one of the Kneazles was looking at you as if you were the one who stepped on its tail, its brows furrowed and tail swinging frantically.
The spotted creature didn't seem to want to move away to let you pass, but you noticed that it was holding his paw up the entire time. What do you do?
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On closer inspection, the poor thing’s paw is stuck through with bramble thorns and must’ve been in some terrible pain! No wonder it was behaving so saltily. “Let’s get these out shall we”
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Professor Howen remarks that kissies are not necessary but the Kneazle didn’t seem to mind either way
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kiwiplaetzchen · 2 months ago
It was late at night, and the corridors of Hogwarts were eerily quiet, save for the occasional creak of old wood and the whisper of distant footsteps. Almost everyone had gone to bed, except for the occasional pair of students hidden in dark corners, seemingly engaged in some kind of mating ritual. Nosy, however, had no interest in flicking nonsense for tonight. No, the little Niffler had a far more important mission.
Navigating the colossal castle was no small feat for someone as small as Nosy. The towering walls and endless staircases presented a challenge even for a Niffler as brilliant as him. But determination was one of Nosy's greatest qualities - well, that and his impeccable taste in shiny objects and other things. Hours of searching through hallways, past common rooms, and even a quick sniff at the kitchens had finally paid off.
There it was, standing proud and majestic: The Christmas tree he had been searching for! The lights sparkled like stars, the ornaments gleamed like treasure, and Nosy's eyes shone just as brightly as the display before him.
The Niffler had overheard a juicy piece of gossip earlier, his sharp ears tuned in on a group of Prefects chatting lazily in the corner. Apparently, they couldn't be bothered to cast protection charms on all the Christmas trees this year. Tz tz. Lazy gits, Nosy thought, clicking his beak in disdain. They clearly had nothing on Mama William, whose attention to detail was unmatched. Still, what was a loss for them was undoubtedly a massive win for Nosy.
With a squeak of excitement, Nosy hopped towards the tree. It was beautiful! The twinkling lights! The shimmering ornaments! The GLITTER! THE LIGHTS!!! It was like a dream come true for the little menace. His heart raced as if it was trying to keep up with the dazzling twinkles.
Nosy paused for just a moment, standing on his hind legs to inspect a particularly large, golden ornament hanging from one of the lowest branches. With a gentle boop, his paw made contact, and it swung lightly on its hook. He let out a squeak of pure joy, giggling at the delightful wobble it made. He could touch it! This was it - this was the jackpot!!
The little Niffler took a step back, sizing up the towering tree in all its glory, before letting out a honk of pure, unbridled joy. This was his tree now. Without further hesitation, Nosy began climbing, his paws grabbing at the lower branches as his belly pouch greedily devoured ornaments of every shape and size. Sparkling stars, glittering baubles, tiny bells - all disappeared into his pouch, his tail wiggling with glee at every piece.
And the lights! Oh, the shiny lights! Nosy couldn't resist wrapping himself in the glowing strands, his fur glowing like a festive beacon in the dark. This was, without a doubt, the best-est day ever! Perched high in the tree, surrounded by all the treasures he'd claimed, Nosy let out a loud, victorious honk that echoed through the empty halls. The Christmas tree didn’t stand a chance.
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diana-bluewolf · 6 months ago
Dear Chris,
Today is such a wonderful day, do you think you'll be interested in a quick duel by the lake or some Summoner's Court activities? I am unsure if you are into competitive games or not, so a study session is also on the table. It really feels like a great day for doing things outside, perhaps even with more of our friends. Would be great to hang out!
Chris scanned the letter, his gaze lingering on the words "hang out", the concept of which still remained a mystery to him. The same he could say about Elland, who was too… nice. If life had taught Chris anything, "nice" and "suspicious" were synonyms. 
Still, Elland hadn't yet revealed his true motives, being as kind (Chris grimaced) as it gets. Even in his letter, he generously provided Chris with a choice of battlefield for their next “chess match”. It was as if Elland was sure he had the upper hand and could afford to show it to his opponent. That was irritating and… intriguing. 
Well, nothing exposes the true essence of a person more than their responses in situations when they have to react quickly. The way they deal with defeat or victory can be very telling, too. And to reduce the number of variables, it is better to conduct the experiment without third parties.
Chris flipped the letter and scribbled on the other side.
"Dear Elland,
The duel does sound fun. I hope 4 pm by the lake works for you. 
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princeps-lucis · 5 months ago
🎉 Happy Birthday to CYRUS DE STRONTIUM! 🎉
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Character by @lil-grem-draws
Let's celebrate his birthday with a BLAST! 🥳
✨️ Check more OC birthdays and even include your OCs by joining our Hogwarts Legacy RP discord now ~
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ror-roleplay · 3 months ago
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Oh dear. Ilvermorny, Durmstrang, and more - the schools descend, and our students are far too excited for their own good.
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theravenchild · 5 months ago
It had been a harrowing week.
Wren is more than eager to stretch her legs, seeking a much needed reprieve from her endless assignments, the scent of old books, stacks of parchment and half written letters requesting extensions lest she inevitably becomes mad.
She’d expected the workload after the trip crossing North America with her parents, but right now homework will have to wait. As of this moment, there is only one matter occupying her mind, involving her small brownish, furry companion with a gluttonous belly.
She makes a beeline for the familiar milieu of the Ravenclaw’s Common Room, quickly spotting one of her favourite housemates. “Hellendil!” She chimes, almost tempted to crash into him with a hug. The mere sight of a fellow student fill her with immeasurable jitters after days of being confined to her desk.
“I’d planned to send you an owl but since I have you here, I wish to express my gratitude for looking after my wee Charlie in my absence!” She missed her little friend dearly, and knowing Charlie is less than eager to traverses out of the castle, who better to care for the lovable critter than someone who adores the creature as much as she does. “Should you ever need assistance in tending Sepulchria in the future, just know I’d be more than willing to be up to it. It’s the least I can do!”
“I’d be happy to collect him any time whenever he’s ready to come home to his nest. We both know he’s no Nosy, but a niffler nonetheless. I hope my boy didn’t cause much mischief!”
Hellendil is standing near the fireplace paging through one of his textbooks when he hears a familiar voice calling his name from across the common room.  He quickly turns in the direction of the voice, a smile coming to his face as he spots Wren heading toward him.  The book snaps shut and he opens his arms invitingly.  "Wren!  So good to see you, my friend!  The common room has been less bright without your smile and perhaps a bit too quiet.  I hope you haven't had too much trouble catching up.  I haven't seen you much since you got back so you must have been terribly busy.  If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask."
He can read in her stance this was a much needed break from all the catch-up work she'd been doing.  His smile widens again at the mention of her little furry companion whom he'd been caring for in her absence.  He chuckles a little at the mention of Sebastian's little mischief maker, Nosy.  "Charlie was very little trouble compared to our little teal friend.  A couple stolen chocolate frogs and sweets here or there and some holes dug in one of the planters in the common room, but nothing that couldn't be easily remedied or replaced.  I do have some rather surprising news for you, though.  Come with me and we'll collect your wee little one.  When last I checked a few minutes ago, she was nesting in one of my old sweaters in the dorm."  He motions towards the staircase and leads the way.
When they arrive at the dorm room, he places the book on the desk and hurries over to the bed where the little brown and white furball was still curled up in the sweater.  He kneels beside the bed and gently pets her with his forefingers to rouse her.  "Wakey, wakey little princess, your Mama's back from her travels and eager to see you." His eyes soften with a smile as the little niffler stretches against his fingers awaking from her slumber. He pulls a small treat from his pocket and offers it to Charlie as a little extra incentive.
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