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kiwiplaetzchen · 5 months ago
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*BAM* knocking through the dorm to leave some shinies, juicey toffee-apple and I hope plain sweeties and not pepper imps 🔥
Nosy was comfortably huddled in his cosy nest, made from Sebastian's scarf and shiny treasures he'd collected over time. His tiny paws clutched a few coins, and nestled against him was his beloved golden rubber duck, which quacked faintly every so often. All was quiet and peaceful, until-
A loud noise echoed through the dorm room, startling the little Niffler and making his fur stand on end. His eyes shot wide open with alarm. Who dared disturb his day?! Nosy tried to eavesdrop from his little hideaway. Had the pretty Prefect noticed his nice-scented soap was missing again? He glanced suspiciously at the lavender chunk and, with a quick motion, shoved it deeper under a pile of coins, just to be sure.
Just as Nosy finished burying his prized treasure, the wardrobe door creaked open, flooding his nest with light. He blinked against the sudden brightness, his head tilting as he tried to make sense of who or what had dared to disturb his peaceful day.
In the doorway stood a young lad Nosy hadn't seen before, arms overflowing with various goodies. His eyes darted between the boy's hands and the shiny things he was carrying. A faint squeak came from the rubber duck as the little Niffler shifted, his attention now fully locked on the unexpected visitor. What was that, shining like a ruby in the candlelight? Nosy's eyes grew big, pupils wide with desire.
The boy, seemingly unaware of the teal king's intense gaze, carefully placed down his small pile of offerings right in front of the wardrobe. Nosy's gaze never wavered from the shiny red apple, which gleamed like a jewel, so tantalising and perfect. Slowly, Nosy poked his head out from his nest, eyes flickering between the boy and his tempting treats. He didn’t seem dangerous, not like that pesky Hufflepuff who seemed to be obsessed with the Niffler. But, heh, who could blame him? After all, Nosy was magnificent!
Slowly, the little menace tumbled out of the wardrobe, landing directly in front of the toffee apple on his fluffy bum. He gave the new fifth-year a small head bow, clearly proud of his little stunt, before grabbing hold of the ruby candy. Chirping happily, he held it up in the air like a trophy, giving the boy an approving nod.
With great enthusiasm, Nosy opened his snout as wide as he could and bit into the apple, his little tongue poking out as he licked the sugary coating. This was heaven. After a few more licks, the teal furred rascal glanced at the other presents the boy had offered. His eyes sparkled as he reached for one of the coins and gave it a test nibble. Real gold. Nice, he thought and tucked the coin into his belly pouch with a satisfied hum.
Nosy continued licking the apple, his eyes flicking up at the new fifth-year. This lad had done well, the Niffler decided. He deserved a reward! Slowly, Nosy waddled back to the wardrobe, still clutching the toffee apple in his paws, and began rummaging through his nest.
After a moment, he let out a small squeak of triumph. Returning to the boy, Nosy proudly placed the nice-smelling violet soap chunk at his feet. Well done, his eyes seemed to say, before he waddled back to his nest, licking his apple and quite pleased with himself.
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hacked-by-jake · 9 months ago
Hbj where are you? Are you okay ?
Hope you are doing well or if not hopefully soon ❣️. Love you ❤️ TC :)
Sending you loads of hugs and blessings.
Hey, lovely anon. First of all, thank you so much for reaching out to me. This is very kind of you. And it mean everything to me, truly. 💚
I'm sorry for not being online that much. But I can say, it's normal for me to dissappear from time to time when I need a break. As I said before, I'm not doing really good currently and I'm lacking the strength to be online or socialise at all. I'm sorry about that. But seeing your ask lifted my mood. It's just so lovely to see your kind words. Thank you for taking the time for it. 💚
I hope you're doing okay yourself and I love you!! Please take care of yourself as well and stay healthy and safe. You're wonderful! 💚
Sending you lot of hug and love back! I hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. 💚💚
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seashawnty · 2 years ago
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Symbol of hope
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chocolate-w · 6 months ago
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hanafubukki · 1 month ago
“Would you still love me? Even though years down from now I might not be the fae you know?”
“Would you still love me? If I lost everything I have now?”
“I would have no magic. I might not even have this form.”
“Would you still love me? If I wasn’t the fae you knew anymore?”
“I would love you over and over.”
“I don’t care if you have no magic. I wouldn’t care if you didn’t have this form anymore.”
“I’ll love you forever, Lilia Vanrouge.”
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traceyc-uk · 1 month ago
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„pweaaaaase! sit with us!“
cassie would try to win the new fifth year for the slytherin table hehe.🥹
(based on your comment at the munch munch scenario, i needed to do this!🤍)
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I loved this munch munch post, how could he say no to that adorable pouty face 🥹 though I don’t know how much of a win it would be…
The other house tables would breath a sigh of relief once they see his terrible table manners
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Only half exaggerating, he’s actually very well behaved
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wintergreenoreo · 4 months ago
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blogitalianissimo · 15 days ago
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briarfox13 · 3 months ago
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The Lovers
Tabitha x Emmrich
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ninjautizm · 1 year ago
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kiwiplaetzchen · 4 months ago
Drop this sunflower 🌻 into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! Let’s spread a little sunshine!☀️
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omppupiiras · 3 months ago
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He baked some gingerbread for you! Maybe they turned out a little crispy, but you'll still try them, right? 🥺
Corn Pea Kä Advent Calendar day 2 ⛄
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lordandladywhistledown · 10 months ago
It's giving The first official portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Bridgerton ✨️
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hanafubukki · 11 months ago
Summary: General Vanrouge watches a couple dance.
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Laughter reached his ears from where he sat.
Joyous and carefree.
From his position, he can see the shadows twirling around each other in what seemed to be a kitchen.
He watched as someone, who had a similar appearance to his own, lifted another up before swinging them into his arms.
Normally, he wouldn’t believe such a being would be related to him in any way.
But magic did not lie, and the one from this fae matched his own.
A shiver ran down his spine.
Sharp magenta met crimson red.
A warning.
Do not ruin this moment.
He wasn’t planning to.
This view before him, spoke of peace and tranquility.
He…didn’t want his hands full of scars and blood to mar such a scene.
He looked away as the two before him kissed.
A nap right now seems like the perfect opportunity.
…but a part of him yearned.
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“I was wondering when you would pop up.”
Crimson eyes met his own.
Stubborn. Young. Rebellious.
Someone who didn’t know what life held for him.
Lilia kind of pitied his younger self, but knew saying such might lead to an altercation.
Which generally he wouldn’t mind at all, it would be amusing to compare his strengths now to back then.
But he didn’t want the risk of waking you and the others up. He already had to talk down Malleus from accompanying him.
“You’re with a…human.”
Lilia held back a laugh, “That’s for you to find out.”
The General before him bristled before sighing. It seems he knew it was a losing battle to try and get any information out of him.
“Listen up you!”
The sharp glare sent his way had him smirking.
“Never let this moment go. What you see now? This is the future you can look forward to. Come what may, hold on and do not let go.”
“How do I know this isn’t a trick?”
��Come General~ You and I both know magic never lies.”
The General looked away. How amusing. He was pouting. Lilia itched to tease him more.
“Are…you happy?”
Ah. The question he always held in and never spoke nor showed back during his days as the Phantom General.
“Yes. More than you can imagine.”
Lilia can see the yearning his younger self held deep within as he looked towards where his family stayed.
You’ll know happiness. You’ll experience it yourself. It will take years of pain and suffering, but it will be worth it.
“You have much to look forward to.”
General Vanrouge straightened his stance, a new shine in his eyes.
Good. It will serve him well in his journey.
“I didn’t know I would become so sappy.”
“Kufufu~ That’s what love does to a fae. It changes you.”
The face the General made had him almost bending over in laughter.
Ah yes, he remembers this phase of his. The General has so much to learn…to acknowledge. Some of which even he didn’t learn until many years ago.
During a certain event at Night Raven College, but he wasn’t going to tell him that.
Seeing his past self, Lilia ached to go back to his family. Back to their warmth.
For now, though, he waited with a version of himself he hadn’t seen in a long while. One, that he would once upon a time run away from.
But now?
He had long ago acknowledged this side of himself, for it was this version of himself that led him to his current happiness. That led him to his loves.
And he couldn’t be more grateful.
The past and future stood side by side, basking in this tranquility, enjoying what will come and what currently is.
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“Why do you look like that.”
“Hey! I look cute!”
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I felt so soft and in love when writing this 🥹🥹🥰
(I feel like I wrote a part of my soul into this 🥰💞)
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wintergreenoreo · 6 days ago
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roscolate · 3 months ago
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What really gets me- aside from the whole hug of course- is Mario’s expression in the second pic. He and Luigi just went through a terrifying escape, and he woke up and found himself on the same islet he stranded on at the beginning. He very likely thought that he had been separated from Luigi again and would have to wander around it searching for him and twin-sensing him again. Except, he’s not alone this time. He’s got his bro with him. And he’s so dang relieved that he’s both in one piece and there to re-explore the islet with him. Although they may be stranded and have no idea where Shipshape Island is, they have comfort in the fact that they’ll venture and face whatever’s ahead together ❤️💚
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