#but this isn’t tiktok
golldengoose · 1 month
i know i said no more sad satosugu, but like…suguru probably could have convinced satoru to do what he said he wanted to accomplish (get rid of all non-sorcerers). gojo is probably the only person capable of genuinely posing a threat to the whole world. but he doesn’t! he decides to embark on a mission that he knows is doomed and refuses to bring a powerful would-be ally. i know we’ve established that he never planned to succeed, but that wasn’t because it was impossible. i don’t think he ever wanted to succeed in the first place.
i’m high, so this probably won’t seem that deep or true in the morning, but the thought came to mind and it felt urgent to share in the moment
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eatyourdamnpears · 1 year
I’ve been in such a funk since the concert. I’m not even sure I enjoyed myself that much. maybe I did. I don’t know
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joycrispy · 1 year
Zepotha will never be Goncharov because when it comes down to it, tumblr culture is collaborative, while tiktok culture is merely iterative, and those are not the same thing.
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fruit-teeth · 1 year
Me: maybe I’m not cut out to be a writer…idk what if I’m not good enough
BookTok romance writers: ‘what if you were just a normal school teacher…but the MINOTAUR wanted to get you PREGNANT’
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firbolgfriend · 7 months
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I didn’t realize fluttershy being a model in like one episode was a staple part of her character
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
It was number 5, but I still think that’s too high.
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autopsyfreak · 5 months
‘letting my intrusive thoughts win’
shut the fuck up.
you’re referring to impulsive thoughts, intrusive thoughts are undesirable and often horrific for the person experiencing them. you dying your hair randomly is not an intrusive thought.
if i let my intrusive thoughts dictate my actions, id be in jail for a long fucking time.
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morganbritton132 · 5 months
Someone posts on their Twitter account, “I walked pass this restaurant on my lunch break and there was this gay couple on the patio, oohing and awing into a phone about seeing their little girl. When I walked past them, they were FaceTiming a cat.”
Jonathan replies to this tweet with a picture of Steve and Eddie at a restaurant and he asks, “Was it these idiots or is someone else in the same layer of hell as me?”
They reply, “Yeah, that was them.”
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yourlocalabomination · 8 months
“The spankoffski bros are played by the same actor, they both can’t be on stage at the same time!”
Wrong. Joey has two hands.
May I present the superior solution:
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 2 months
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the fact that this is real is beyond horrifying
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 2 months
Axolotl: You must do something that I was not willing to do all those eons ago.
Axolotl: No… Get some therapy.
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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Curtwen Week Day 6: Happy Ending
#I like to believe that there is a universe where they get to grow old together#just one#look once upon a time I read a fic that had me bawling my fuckin eyes out where they get to grow old together#I do want to say that I believe in personal growth and I think that Curt can 100% have a happy ending without Owen- where he can grow#away from that experience and where he can healthily cope with the trauma he ended up with#where he can find solace in something other than alcohol and where he can find it in himself to forge new relationships and build his#connections with people like Tatiana#etc etc#I just want to make it known that this is one of many happy endings that could happen#(amongst the several sad ones that I know also exist)#ALSO I wanted to draw the old men and I do what I want#but yeah something something if the universe is infinite /ref#maybe this is a universe where the banana incident never happened and they were able to retire together#ough#the curtwen feels are really getting me today#I adore them#also I used a new brush ive been having fun with this past week#doesn’t it look cool?#I really like drawing with it and I like how it looks so#we might be seeing more of this one in the future#although 6b is still my guy#damn y’know hypothetically- if Owen (depending on the au) and Curt lived to be in their 60s (at least) they would witness the first Pride#god can you imagine that?#At the very least Curt being around for stonewall and everything that came after that with queer rights#FUCK anyways#fun fact: a group of frogs is called an army#isn’t that cute#reminds me of that one person on TikTok that raised like a thousand frogs- they had a literal army of frogs#crazy#curtwen week
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geminisee · 5 months
War Isn’t Murder by Jesse Welles
original video
full song on spotify
captions added by me
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k-emii · 6 months
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dollvre · 4 months
this is canon btw
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
i think that jason is a cat. but in a feral way. hes like the angry feral cat that likes to hang out in your backyeard and you take care of it and feed it but it wont let you get close. and then one day it lets you pet it and it trusts you
Absolutely! And you know what else cats are known for? They hide injuries. They hide when they’re not ok. That’s why it‘s such a red flag when they stop behaving the way they normally do. So yes, absolutely agree 🥺
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