#but the thing about using a lot of instruments it that u have a lot of them.
justicecaballer · 2 months
making 3 minutes of music is not that hard. ive done it before. surely i am capable of doing it again, for a deadline <- fool
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muirneach · 2 years
does mcr even have a set drummer or are they all guitarists. recipe for disaster if so because like i’ve said u can’t have a band of only guitarists (because guitarists are bitches and territorial) but i guess they’re making it work. i know ray is the lead and mikey is rhythm and then gerard is just a singer so what is frank. statistically he should be the bassist or drummer but i think i would have heard of that if he was. is he just the boytoy or something
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afkaskus · 2 years
I was tuning my violin and I realized why I don't like my voice
When I start talking my voice is an A⁴ (the most perfect note with 440Hz), but out of tune (like 454-457Hz, it doesn't reach an A# with 466Hz), and then it goes to a less out of tune C⁵ and keeps variating in out of tune notes but always comes back at that out of tune A, and never hits a perfect note...
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honeytonedhottie · 8 months
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a gift from me to you for the new year, to help give tips that can help u succeed 🫶🏽 a post filled with resources, and advice to help u guys improve in every aspect 💗 i love and appreciate u all and i hope u find it helpful.
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ physical movement and activity
find something that u like and thats fitted for ur needs. for me, all of the workouts that i do come from youtube. a girlblogger that always has a lot of workouts to try is @4theitgirls-workouts. to motivate urself to move ur body i recommend buying something cute to workout in because it always makes me feel good. i rly like to do pilates, so since i enjoy pilates -> i'll wanna do it more.
so dont be afraid to try different things and see what u enjoy the most and stick with that bcuz u dont wanna be forcing urself to do something that u won't enjoy/that won't give u the results that u want. if working out in general isn't rly ur cup of tea at all, thats totally okay! try going for walks or start running. maybe try out for a sport or start a style of dance. the whole point of this category is to get urself moving bcuz its rly rly good for ur physical and ur mental health, and it'll serve u in the long run. another youtuber i rly recommend for pilates workouts is madeline abeid.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ self improvement youtubers that i love and watch regularly
the wizard liz
sammy ingram
hailey gamba
the freezia
₊˚⊹ ᰔ law of assumption
of course if u wanna learn about and practice the law of assumption then u can learn and apply thru my advice, experiences, ideas and more. neville goddard is like, the guru of manifesting and hes written a bunch of books, here are neville goddard's books online for FREE so that that then u can learn and see it HIS way bcuz the thing with manifesting is u gotta figure out how it works for you cuz its your reality.
if u like subliminals this is my favorite subliminal maker on youtube. their subliminals r amazing and i enjoy them bcuz they dont have music layered onto it (i like subliminals that have soothing sounds like rain or water or anything asmr). last but not least my absolute favorite manifesting coach/teacher on the whole internet, sammy ingram - literally the best manifesting guide. she rly simplifies things and her channel is full of helpful advice, success stories, challenges and her perspective on manifesting is brilliant so i rly recommend her.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ mental health
journalling is honestly the best thing that i have ever done for my mental health, the ROI that i get from it is actually incredible so i highly highly recommend it. if ur someone who doesn't rly like to write a lot, use ur notes app or whatever just get the thoughts out of ur mind and onto a piece of paper/notes. i understand that sometimes when ur mental health isn't doing too well and u dont feel motivated rly to do anything (like u feel lethargic and stuff) forcing urself to do things ISNT always the answer. i rly recommend having alternate routines cuz we ask a lot from ourselves sometimes so some days, ask a little less.
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give urself the break that u deserve. when u feel like crying, CRY. even if its for no reason, the body holds onto pent up emotions so when u cry u gotta CRY. with time you'll find the things that help u feel better. for everyone its different. for me, when my mental health is in a slump what helps me is : 1. doing one thing differently (i'll go for a walk maybe) 2. get ready (take a quick shower, or if i dont even have the motivation to do that i'll do a sink shower) 3. drink a cold cup of water and make myself a meal. dont ever have zero days. always give at least 1% or do at least one thing.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ hygiene
hygiene is so instrumental in mental health cuz like i've said before looking good -> feeling good. i make sure to get ready everyday even if im going nowhere. just bcuz the process of getting ready gives me so much momentum. smelling good gives me so much confidence bcuz im the type of person thats rly rly scared of smelling bad. im a hygiene JUNKY so im always buying soaps and fragrances. when u make self care a daily thing it'll feel so natural. dont neglect ur oral health, invest in quality products that are suited for your needs. be meticulous when it comes to ur hygiene cuz a solid routine is lowkey comforting. i rly recommend korean skincare, indian haircare, african body care, and arabic perfumes and fragrances. some of my favorite hygiene based youtube channels are : SARA BEQELE and anna renns world
₊˚⊹ ᰔ school
TAKE. SCHOOL. SERIOUSLY. the feeling that u get when u get a good score on an assignment or test is unmatched. at the end of the day ur responsible for ur education. it's not hot to be a loser. if ur someone who struggles to stay on top of assignments, write down the assignment as soon as its assigned and at the next possible chance do it. as soon as u get home from school. reward urself for good grades and for ur accomplishments cuz ur AMAZING. study effectively instead of excessively.
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pursue excellence always. find ways to motivate urself throughout the school day (for me, i always try and incorporate girliness into school cuz that motivates me) all my pens and pencils and folders are pink and i get myself ready everyday before school. cuz when i FEEL good -> i perform well. if u ever dont wanna study remind urself that studying>failing. advocate for urself, dont be afraid to ask questions cuz ur responsible for ur grade if u need accommodations or longer time to take a test (even if u dont) always set urself up to have the most time possible and the most resources. the resources that u have USE THEM. the goal of studying isn't to "mostly" know the material its to know for SURE. when u can explain something thoroughly, thats when you can know if you've studied enough.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ organization + planning
of course for the new year and for life in general, organization is rly helpful. manage urself mindfully and intentionally. even if ur a messy person, organizing isn't difficult if u do it in a way thats right for you. for me, notion - is literally the best organizational tool. i have an agenda, calendars, school pages, and so much more.
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with notion i rly organized my life on a whole other level. aside from notion, the notes app on ur phone is rly useful, when it comes to organizing ur day to day life, i think its important bcuz it helps u to maximize ur time. for planning out ur year, if u find it difficult to stay "on task" or achieve the goals that u set for urself, try this : dont see the year as 365 days, instead separate the year into 4 quarters (90 days each) and in each of those quarters choose one aspect to focus on and pour into. make sure to log and track ur progress on those goals. the idea to this is breaking things down. break down big goals -> to more digestible goals so that then its more believable for u. remember, your limitless.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ nutrition
if ur someone who has bad nutrition, or unhealthy eating habits in general and u wanna change that my biggest advice would be to NOT BE EXTREME. bcuz i feel like if u go fully extreme so quickly then the change isn't sustainable. take it slow. start off by introducing a fruit into breakfast and having a vegetable at dinner, then eating fruit with ur breakfast and having fruit as a snack, and eating veggies with lunch and dinner. ik it sounds repetitive and overdone but u need to be consuming ur fruits and veggies. if ur not eating it with ur meals then maybe have it in a smoothie if that works for u. take supplements for things that u dont rly incorporate into ur diet, and the key to a good diet is BALANCE. dont deny urself food that u love. life is WAY to short to be scared to eat the burger that u so desperately want. its okay to eat what ppl might consider "junk food" but everything in BALANCE and moderation. keep the 80/20 principal in ur mind. 80% of what u eat should be good for u and 20% of what u eat should be whatever u crave. DRINK WATER, dont go on extreme diets if ur not an adult and haven't consulted a doctor it does u more harm than good.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ informative
learn every single day. even if ur not in school anymore. a way to help learn and sharpen ur mind every single day is picking up a hobby that can help u do so. for me, the hobby i have is reading, reading keeps my brain sharp, it keeps me entertained, and when i read nonfiction it keeps me informed. so the hobby of reading has a high ROI. whenever u get an idea of any sort, ACT on it. u dont have to wait a billion years before acting on an idea. when u get ideas, its for a reason, ur mind is brilliant and imagine how many ideas that u wasted. thats why i recommend having a creative outlet of some sort. for me, my creative outlet is my blog where i can come and talk with you guys 🫶🏽 but ur creative outlet can be ur notes app or ur journal or ur sketchbook. just a way to get the ideas in ur brain -> onto paper.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ stuff i wish i knew
ur never ever tied down to one version of urself, u can always change ur mind/opinion, u can create a new version of urself whenever the heck u want. remember that u have free will and that ur always in control. bcuz it is your life it revolves around you and it is your responsibility. its not something to mess around with. take responsibility for urself, ur actions, ur reactions etc.
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1% of progress is better than 0%, a little is always better than nothing. ur social anxiety or ur fear of being perceived is HOLDING U BACK. forgive urself for ur mistakes, everything that ur embarrassed of in ur past let it go and LET YOURSELF LIVE. become ur own project, ur own muse and if all else fails (which it won't, you'll be fine and everything will work itself out for u even better than u could've ever imagined) love yourself unconditionally.
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lifemod17 · 1 month
thoughts on 'Unaired EP'
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below the cut in case you don't want spoilers <3
Nobody's Soldier
"Benzos and gasoline" line is WILD (it is so hot for no reason wtf Andrew)
the little break that happens at 1:43 with. i don't even know what that is? like a sort of distorted / reverbed guitar bend / riff? either way, LOVE THAT.
also lets give it up one time for the organ, that is SO GNARLY, YOU CANNOT DENY IT!!!
hearing the live version vs. this recorded one is different, I literally went "OMFG WHAT IS THIS PART" starting at 2:53 when he gets all whisper-y WHY IS IT SO HOT
Listen man, I am a sucker for a good pause, and that pause after the bridge has me UNWELL.
SLOWING IT DOWN for the ending will never not be iconic. you don't see that happening a lot!
the intake of breath on the outro??!! tumblr user lifemod17 is NOT FARING WELL
so full of hope and promise and really just about having that thing or that someone to look forward to. The definition of "postpone that funeral"
"JUST KNOWING THAT'S GETTING ME THROUGH"?!?!?!? I wanna throw up. that is a Tonee-ass line. yeah 'July' is DEFINITELY taking the crown. This is my favorite from the EP.
i WAS right! he says 'prada' because it just made so much sense with the 'wore me out' line.
the whole second half had me in SHAMBLES. the lyrics were already insane but also throw in his soft voice mixed with the FUNKY & GROOVY beat?? I fear it is so over for me (I was genuinely screaming into a pillow and needed to sit down even though I was already sat and also I didn't know what to do with my person so I was just laying there and looking up at the ceiling while fighting off tears. I was SHOOK.)
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and makes me want to roll downhill a field and pick flowers to give to strangers
Have I mentioned the pen game? Because it is on level 9000. His pen was on fire when he has writing this
That You Are
I was not expecting the lyrics to be "that I'd be anywhere that you are". im sorry but that is devastatingly beautiful and rips my heart out brb sobbing
my wig quietly and peacefully ascended from my head.
it's a lot more raw, production wise. the vocals aren't super clean, but I actually really like it this way!!! it makes the song that much more precious, gentle, intimate
Bedouine's vocals NEVER DISAPPOINTS!! She always has a way of transporting you with her music- makes you feel like you're floating above water
I needed to sautee the yearning for this one, its so pretty but hits you right in the feels
The fact that this is speculated to be the contender for the spot of 'I, Carrion (Icarian)' I'M GONNA CRY AGAIN Andrew please do an EP breakdown cuz I need to know!
that little instrumental interlude towards the bridge is so lovely and the entire song really! I think they did a good job of splitting the vibe 50/50 <- I say this because I listen to Bedouine a lot and the vibe of her songs is definitely here. it just really shows that they both wrote this together. its not a feature, its a collab
We're all gonna cry and then afterwards we're all gonna hug cuz this song just inflicted so much emotional damage upon all of us
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huellitaa · 6 months
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girl's guide to academic success: ep. 2 ⊹˚. ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 this post focuses on: steps to use on the path to success! ♡ part 1 -> ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ romanticism
i think i mentioned this in my romanticism post but pinterest is ur best friend. if i know anything about it u can trust i have a pinterest board for it; thats the same for school. gather motivating pictures & and pretty images that align with ur personal goals and style and make u wanna get up and work! i also use tumblr for this too. i'll link a couple blogs i love for this later on <3
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ surroundings
if ur studying, make sure u actually enjoy the place you're studying in, or try to to the best of your extent. whenever i study im 9 times out of 10 always at my desk and ive decorated my desk specifically so that it motivates me to get up and do whatever i need to do + its super pretty and makes me smile every time i see it <3 decorate ur area with little trinkets and both things u love and things that motivate you, and switch it up when you can! don't stay in the same place all the time. spontaneity is fun!!!
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ personalisation
make it pleasing to look at so ur more motivated to go back and revise over them if needed, and so you have something to do as well that is still related to your work if ur someone who gets distracted easily like myself. some inspo i use for my work:
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🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ hydration!
make sure ur drinking lots of water !! i drink lots of water and lots of tea whenever im studying or doing any kind of schoolwork and it helps me a lot, + its just those little bits of comfort yk
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ music and concentration
i work way better with any music in the background but if you're someone who gets distracted easily i'd recommend making a specific playlist for studying and listening to non-lyrical music like lofi, video game soundtracks, classical music, instrumentals of songs u like, etc. (i'm not telling you to go against the rules of ur school but i put a headphone in in class sometimes and cover it with my hair just because i know i work way better with it and it helps me a lot bc most of the people in my classes are so freaking loud. so if ur allowed 100% go for it but i don't recommend what i do if you have a strict school)
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ prioritising ur health & compromising
like i said in my other post, prioritise your health over anything else. if you didn't get a good nights sleep last night and you have a test tomorrow and need to study, then compromise; if you already know a lot about it or its not fate changing or life altering in some way or you can go over it quickly in the morning or something, go to sleep. your health is always more important in the long run and will help you to do even better in the future in every area of ur life
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 links (some of my fav studyblr girlblog posts!)
study methods: @4theitgirls
studying plans as an accounting major: @iluvprettygirls
study tips: @honeytonedhottie
academic burnout: @seulhrts
elle woods: @4theitgirls
productivity hacks: @theambitiouswoman
paris geller: @4theitgirls
i also personally recommend @zooxanthellae for one of the study blogs! she does a lot of studyblr posts under the tag #zoostudies & they're SO CUTE ♡
all my love 💗🫶🎀💬🩷
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venusandsaturnsrings · 11 months
Thoughts on Wriothesley?
I HAVE A LOT THANK YOU FOR ASKING!! cant wait for his bday so i have better art to use as a header… his bday is 3 days before mine >///< almost bday twins!!
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synopsis: just a handful of general headcanons i have for him. some are relationship, some are just him!! ^u^
contains: some spoilers for his background, gn reader, trauma related hcs, substance mention, and kink mentions.
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wrio is the kind of guy to dance around subjects he has no interest in sharing. he won’t outright tell you not to ask and instead twist it back to you. a lot of “well, what do you think?” or “hm… have you checked with others?” it’s polite but also frustrating at times.
you may think he’s a dog person but he’s actually a cat kind of guy!! i can see him liking dogs for practical purposes but he enjoys cats more because he bonds better with them. what’s better than a cup of tea and a happy cat purring in your lap?
can shotgun any beverage no problem.
he collects tea obviously but he also collects mugs to go with them!! big cabinet!! if you’re ever stumped on what to get him as a gift, you can’t go wrong with a cute mug and tea.
can’t play any instruments and feels a bit insecure about it?? wrio feels like he should have some extra talents or hobbies such as music but he can’t play anything and doesn’t know where to start!! please teach him!!
his favourite dates are ones spent in secluded areas of the over world. on beaches or in small towns, he just likes being away from work and in privacy with you.
wrio does expect you to understand and accept his job. if you’re not okay with the way he runs things or prioritizes then, even if it hurts him, he’ll let you go the other way.
he’s not opposed to suggestions or changing the way things run but, if you want him to restructure everything or quit, then he’s saying goodbye.
MELTS for massages. between being hunched over a desk and boxing, he’s sore constantly. please massage him!!
his primary love language to give is words of affirmation. if you’re ever feeling insecure or unsure of something, wrio is quick to step in and praise you for the smallest things.
his favourite love language to receive is, somewhat surprisingly, physical touch.
he isn’t big on being touched in general or into the beginning of your relationship (part of the ptsd related to his past) but once he’s comfortable, he’ll perk up at even a graze of your fingertips. very much a deprived victorian maiden.
on the topic of his past i do see him as having ptsd. when he was younger, he had oppositional defiance disorder and struggled a lot with containing those emotions before and after his parents. being in prison i think it’s likely he had some substance problems at one point, alcohol or benzodiazepines maybe, but he’s gotten clean!!
i think he’s a total straight edge now except for smoking cigarettes. doesn’t drink or do any other drugs but just can’t seem to kick his smoking habit. he tries drinking tea instead of reaching for his cigs though!!
getting intimate… was a struggle for him at first.
it’s very vulnerable!! he isn’t a fan of that!! so you’ll have to take it slow with him at first.
once he’s warmed up to it and gotten into a rhythm with you, i see his top kinks being: restraints, receiving head/cock worship, creampies, spitting on you, and mild exhibitionism.
wrio has a solid length but is significantly girthy!! it’s a tough fit at first and your jaw always hurts sucking him off :(( but he gives you a good face fucking!! plus it means he can plug you full of cum real well!!
he’s got a teeny tiny secret idea about sharing you with neuvillette but shhh don’t tell him i told you…
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shefightslikeagirl · 5 months
Hobby Drama: Emilie Autumn's Asylum [Part 1]
u/pillowcase-of-eels posted a link to their fandom-and-EA-history write up to the r/EmilieAutumn Reddit, and I thought it would be a fun project to share! 2 out of 7 parts have been posted to r/HobbyDrama so far.
Picture this: it's the early 2010s, somewhere in the western world. Instagram is a novelty, Harvey Weinstein runs Hollywood, almost no one on Earth leans one way or the other about RNA vaccines, and Donald Trump is that one real estate guy you vaguely remember from Home Alone 2. New player Lady Gaga is the most interesting thing to have happened to pop since Madonna, and the whole industry is attempting to catch up; Miley Cyrus is the chick who used to be on Hannah Montana; Melanie Martinez hasn't hatched yet. The time of Oddball Concept Divas is dawning just below the horizon.
You're a Bowie-loving student who skipped goth night at the club to tag along with your art school friends for a very special evening. You're a giddy sixteen-year old rocking cat ears, purple Wet 'n Wild eyeliner, a polyester petticoat, and a coffin-shaped backpack. You're an effete theater kid who sewed his own waistcoat for the occasion, but won't dare wear it to school the next day. You're a buff, bearded dude in a Venom shirt who's trying not to look too excited, since your girlfriend supposedly had to drag you here. You're a slightly bemused parent leaning against the back wall of the venue, sipping a warm half-pint, wondering if this isn't all a bit dark for a tween. ("It's called 'Victoriandustrial', mom," you've been told in the car, "and it's not dark, it's art.")
On stage is a pink-haired woman, with red porcelain-doll lips and a heart painted on her cheek. Among a set of antique consoles, twee tchotchkes, teacups and plastic rats, she pounces and twirls in glittery platform boots, tattered striped stockings, and a tightly laced crystal-studded corset that looks like it's splattered in blood. This is ostensibly a concert, but there is no live band. Where one would expect a drum kit or a bass, three bedazzled burlesque vixens act as back-up singers and dancers, with the occasional vaudeville act a fire-twirling number, a fan dance, throwing pastries and spitting tea into the audience. Lots of wholesome girl-on-girl kissing, too. The music on the backing track is a genre-bender of clanging beats and beeps, lofty orchestral strings, and the frantic hammering of a MIDI harpsichord, as the pink-haired frontlady sings of heartache and betrayal and drowning. Think if the Brontë sisters had invented industrial rock.
The audience gasps in excitement when the lady whips out a vamped-out wireless electric violin. With rockstar cool and virtuoso poise, she leans into the instrument, touches the bow to the strings, and tears out a single plaintive, impeccably distorted high note. Then her fingers go wild, and for a few seconds, everything is perfect suspended animation. Uncannily perfect, almost. Just behind you, you hear someone whisper: "Wait, is she miming it?"
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stareuphoria · 3 months
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A = Agreeable
anton agree’s with alot of the things that you say, especially when it has to do with being introverted since you both are two introverts.
B = Bright
bright is a word people use to describe anton but it’s a word that he surely uses to describe someone like you. he has never met someone who has a brightness like you, and never will.
C = Cello
anton’s favorite instrument is the cello. it has been since he was a child, but he hasn’t in a few months … so when you ask to learn from him .. he is more than delighted to teach you.
D = Dear
anton’s favorite nickname’s to call you is "dear", and sometimes he thinks it’s a bit old fashioned but those thoughts go away when you tell him that you love the name a lot.
E = Easy - Going
anton is a very easy going person. he’s always been looking for someone to be the same , so after spending time with you he sees that you are the same. he knows, that you are the one.
F = Fun
anton is fun to be around especially when he is with you, he gets to much excitent by being with you. he knows you do too when you are tacking him onto the bed , after chasing him.
G = Gorgeous
anton is gorgeous and i mean GORGEOUS but he knows that there is someone more that one pis you and don’t say you aren’t because he’ll spend all day telling you the reasons you are.
H = Hero
he’s hero. anton is your hero , especially when you are in korea … not knowing the language much. he would be there to help you translate, getting you where you needed/ wanted to be.
I = Irrestible
anton loves you, he loves spending every minute with you, by your side. he can’t help it, your just so irrestible, but you know that 😜
J = Jazz
anton is into jazz, he loves listening to it now a days so when you ask him to put you on some, he is putting you on the best songs he knows.
K = Kid - Like
anton loves to play with bubble’s, swing and play roblox. some would say that those are kid-like things to do, but he disagree’s with that, so do you …. and forever will disagree.
L = Love
anton loves you with all his heart. he loves your smile, your hair, your eyes, he loves you and everything about you. his heart will be full of love for you till the day that he dies.
M = Motivational
anton is motivated when comes to his work but sometimes he gets tired … needing the extra push to have some motivation. luckily your there to motivation him , his good luck.
N = Needy
anton gets needy. when he gets does, all he wants is to hold you within your arms in bed, and give you multiple kisses, and snuggles.
O = Open
anton is open to a lot of things, he is definitely when it comes to food. there was this one time you put him on something he has never tried … since then he’s been a changed man.
P = Polite
anton sometimes is too polite for his own good. he can’t help it, that’s just his nature, but he wouldn’t be more polite to anyone other than you. holding the door open … etc etc.
Q = Quiet
anton loves it when it’s quiet at night with the two of you having dinner together while talking to each other. he loves times like this.
R = Romantic
anton’s has alot of romantic gestures. one of them is every year he loves to take you on a trip, a little vacation to a different country that you’ve never been. spending time with you.
S = Secure
anton’s makes sure you always feel secure no matter where y’all go, if he catches a man looking at you, he’d stare them down. there’s nothing he wouldn’t go to make you feel safe.
T = Tough
anton is secretly though. most people don’t know it, but especially you know it when it comes to the bedroom.
U = Uprising
anton will talk the time out of his day to uprise your spririts, even more when you are down in the dumps. he does anything to bring them up. lucky for him you can’t stay sad for too long.
V = Valuable
there’s a lot of valuable’s anton has but the one he values the most, keeping it the closest to his heart, is you.
W = Warm
anton’s body always manages to keep you warm during the cold nights of winter. his arm’s wrapped around your torso underneath the blankets is the most comforting thing.
Y = Yours
anton is yours forever and ever. no matter what happens in life he’ll always be your one.
Z = Zoom
anton is on his zoom when you both play hide & seek with him finding you, chasing you down the bed room where he pins you to the bed, giving you a storm of kisses.
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pinknipszz · 11 months
Hi! Firstly, I love ur headcannons and the way u characterize them, specially Lo and Neteyam. Could you do avatar headcannons of how they would be in a traditional dance festival. (Like would they be dancing, drinking, telling stories, etc.) Much love, xx
hi anon! 👩‍❤️‍👩 and thank you! i’m not really confident in my lo’ak and neteyam, but i’m so glad you like them! and that’s such a cute idea :) i hope you like my take on it. love you lots! xx
avatar headcanons | you attend a na’vi festival
⋆✮↪ neteyam and lo’ak + bonus: jake and tsu’tey
he plays songs with traditional instruments. his favorite is the gourd drum. it's made out of the bladder from a sturmbeest his mother hunted, and he plays it at the festival. when you asked him why, he embarrassingly admitted that he’s insecure about his singing voice, so he uses the gourd drum to imitate the microtonal drone in na’vi singing. as much as you like to reassure him, you love neteyam’s musical prowess. he even dedicates songs to you.
he makes you dance with him most of the night. the festival itself is all about dancing to honor the great mother. to neteyam, dancing is one of the most intimate things in the world, and he wouldn’t do it with anyone else except you. when you first arrive at the festival in your beautiful attire, he is sweeping you off your feet. he is swaying to the sounds of the hypnotic music, taking the lead and outshining everyone else. everyone has their eyes on their future tsahik and olo’eyktan.
he shows you off at every chance he gets. when you two aren’t dancing, neteyam is dragging you around to meet his friends from training, bragging about how beautiful and kind and talented you are. in these special moments, you admire how the “perfect child” facade slips away to mess with his friends like how he does with his brother. it wouldn’t be like this under any other circumstances. you’re truly grateful to the festival and the great mother, even if neteyam teases you too. you swear he exaggerates everything.
he teaches other na’vi how to gamble. he learned the whole idea of gambling from his dad. he’d teach you and the other na’vi all about human games like “jackblack” and “poker” and “julepe” using makeshift cards and chips. you were really confused about the rules but eventually got the hang of it. your group of friends would bet simple things, like woven clothes or headpieces. when things aren’t looking so good for you, lo’ak would start accusing other na’vi of cheating.
he turns drinking into a competition. he technically isn’t supposed to drink, but it’s a festival so what were his parents expecting? lo’ak likes to provoke other young warriors into stupid challenges to see can who handle their alcohol the best. they don’t fall for it at first, but lo’ak knows how to push the right buttons. these usually end with a lot of empty bottles. lo’ak always wins, but at what cost? his dignity? his honor? there’s too much to count. you like to tease him afterwards.
he pulls you away from the crowd a lot. festivals can get a little overwhelming, and even the great and mighty lo’ak has his social limits. when his dancing becomes sluggish or his mind is off somewhere else, you take his hand to ask if everything’s alright. instead of responding, though, he abruptly pulls you away from the festival to spend some quality time with you. you two are silent all throughout, but you like to stroke his hair and cup his face to comfort him. lo'ak loves you for it.
he’s coming up with new drinks. driven by his mysterious human knowledge, toruk makto is an artist when it comes to mixing alcohol. he just felt that na’vi drinks were too weak, so he asked mo’at if he could change things up a little at the festival. it took a lot of convincing, especially since it’s a special tradition, but she reluctantly gave in. now not only does the clan adore him for bonding with toruk, but also his excellent drinks. he doesn't even have experience from earth. he just mixes things together and prays.
he babysits the children. festivals were never really his thing. he just grabs a drink and leaves. before, tsu’tey was obligated to stay for the whole duration of the festival as the future olo’eyktan. since that title was given to jake, he doesn’t even bother to show up sometimes. that doesn’t mean the clan doesn’t put him to work, though. he’s the assigned “babysitter,” as jake puts it, which is ironic since tsu’tey doesn’t know a thing or two about kids. somehow, the clan children still like him.
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
I have a request if you’re doing any!!
Wally Darling x Rockstar Reader
I don’t care what you do with this but I hope you enjoy it!!
Reader is the singer and dancer of the neighborhood! Very happy go lucky, loving, and even a little clumsy. Yet always calm during making music
Which I can picture reader being a great muse. And reader singing a lot to Wally.
this was def fun to write!! all the ideas and cutesy stuff came to me in a flash ngl.. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
really cute request!! you guys are so creative with these,,,(•̀ᴗ•́)و
wally + singer/rock star reader!
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•this man,,, god,, this man.
•he’s literally ur number one fan girl. he’s there for every performance, writings, everything. you name it he’s there!
•wally just loves watching you in the process of making music, its like an art! to him, it’s wonderful of how passionate you are about it. he adores watching you almost trip on a cord as you just jam out,, doesn’t matter how clumsy you are,, you’re just elegant to him. seeing you so peaceful as you strum on a guitar or something.. 🫶 (if he had a camera he would take a pic of you 200x)
•literally every-time you come up to him with ur newest draft of a song, he gets so excited!! that inner fangirl comes out.,, wally is pretty honest when it comes to stuff. but he just can’t help himself, every song, draft, album,, literally all perfection to him. you cannot do no wrong with that. he buys all of your stuff if you ever sell it. (prolly got a shrine.)
•if you ever write a song based on him,, he would actually cry out of happiness, at least be on the verge of it. you just give the song to him and he’s just like, “it’s so perfect,,,, tysm,,” while he’s on the verge of letting it out. he’ll listen to it every day. :) <3
•bonus points if you write it for your guys’ one year anniversary! that man will be so happy,, he probably would let a few tears out too..,,. like you used your creativeness on little old him?!(!(ಡ‸ಡ) wally would cherish the hell out of that song, he can just mumble out a praise as he’s about to ugly cry. like.. THANK YOU?!(!? (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
•he’ll just grab a hold of you and not let go,, it just makes him feel so happy. he’ll probably cry into ur shirt tho,,
•if you ever had some albums posted out or whatnot, he will put them on his wall. wally would prolly accidentally buy out the whole thing,, like cmon, he’s has to use some of them for display and hearing!! ( ˘ ³˘)
•ur his main inspiration for his art too,, seeing you so into doing what u do, gibes him strength. he will ABSOLUTELY paint tf outta you! literally you guys would be in the same room while he sketches and you just strum your guitar or smth, ack he’s a sucker for moments like those. ur for sure his muse. got ten whole folders of drawings and projects that are meant for you.
•he might even call you his muse tooo! :)
•he asked you once what type of music you were doing and you prolly replied with a random genre he’s never heard up,, and he’d just be like. “ah, that’s wonderful.. can’t wait to hear it.”
•he do NOT give a care,, any genre in his eyes and ears it’s perfection. like said before, you do wrong.
•if ur the type to do sad songs, he’s a little worried. like bby what’s got you so sad? :(
•sometimes (if you offer) he also does stuff with you. to him he thinks he’s better at playing instruments, which is lie he’s hella good at singing.
•he’ll give you ideas, suggestions; whatever you need!
•i literally will say it here, ya’ll do duets with each other. especially with old timey love songs, it’s just cute,,, a bit sappy. but who cares, I IMAGINE you two just singing together. (bonus points if he’s playing a piano,, well trying to,, he needs some practice..)
•every time you put on a performance,, he just sits there with the dopiest smile on with lovestruck written all over him. bro is VERY in love, he could listen to you alll day. if he had a tail it would be wagging. he will never take his eyes off either, all of his attention is on you, just you.
•even if you got a recording studio, he admires how much you get into the music. its so amusing seeing you be so calm during the whole process of making a song, but when you perform your songs. like thats my baby fr!!! wally is ur number one hype man,, i mean this all the way.
(i feel like hes such a sucker for singers,,)
•if ur in a nice suit, dress; whatever while ur singing, agh.. this man is knocked out. ur soo gorgeous,, and you sing?! like, sorry, wally is just in love.
•after one of your performances, once he sees you walking to him, all giddy and stuff. wally ain’t letting you go once you run into his arms, he will keep his arms around you as you just ask if he liked it, thought it was great,, while he’s just nodding and mumbling praises to you. (it’s honestly so sweet to watch you two.) if ur wearing heels or boots, you’re probably towering over him as this happens,, (i honestly find this so sweet, ur jus towering over him, asking him excitedly if he loved it, while he’s just practically sings praises to you. so sweet,,)
•to pick up the instrument part, he will totally help you with demos and drafts by playing the music for you. he’s pretty average on most instruments and would totally drop whatever he had and help you out! (will def help you out with drums, i think its canon that its his main thing,,)
•sing him to sleep, please,, he will eat that up. if you do, he’ll sleep so fast. as said before by me, i don’t think he sleeps much. but with ur singing? knocked out, my brother is dead asleep. what can he say? you’re just a good singer.
•honestly to him, ur like a siren. you’re just too good to be true and sing beautifully. corny he knows but,,, its true <3 (to him.)
•even house loves your singing! if wally needed the help he would call you and try to make house stop with ur singing,,
•the first time he’s ever heard you sing, his mind was blown. how did you sing that good? like all of his other friends could sing,, but you were just different. you sounded different, did things differently.. ack. he fell in love with your voice. as he listened to one of ur song’s for the first time, and ur just anxious. wondering if he’ll like it, or not.. he turns to you. blank stare, and says, “this is the best music i’ve ever heard,, ur so talented..” with just pure adoration and fondness in his eyes.
•which got you SO HAPPY, he loved your songs!!!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
•sometimes if he feels a bit snarky that day, he’ll brag a bit. just all like, “my s/o is a beautiful singer,, can YOU sing that good? they’re so amazing at what they do, no one can compare…” wally is sometimes a bit of a prick (╥_╥)
•never a prick to you tho, said it before i’ll say it again, to him you do no wrong, see no wrong, hear no wrong, speak no wrong. 🫶
•he makes sure you know that you’ll always be in his corner, all of the time, being ur numba one fangirl! (✯◡✯)
•wally definitely tried making a song for you too,, didn’t go right tho. (٥⁀▽⁀ )
(seriously this dude is crazed over you.)
•you always make sure he’s the first one to hear your songs, after writing a draft you sprint to him and show him it. it makes him so excited too, cause like.. how did he get so lucky that he’s the first person to look and hear your talent?
•this dude just adores you, so much.. like what’s not to love? to him you’re just the peak definition of passion, he enjoys watching you have fun and play music. wally is sorta taking this into seriousness,, but he can’t help it!! he can’t get over how he bagged you, this person who’s a whole peak of inspiration for him. ❤︎︎
•he just loves to support and cherish you, i won’t lie but he’s basically a lovestruck puppy who watches you and everything you do. everyone in the neighborhood can tell.. (¯ ³¯)♡
ACK,, okay i got a bit carried away on some points, but they were jus too cute to not put in.
BUT 1000 NOTES ON EACH OF MY FICSSs?!?! thats insane, thank you guys sm!! (╥_╥) i didn’t think i would get that much positive feedback for these, im rlly glad you guys are liking these!
hope you enjoyed reading this one! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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vyl3tpwny · 2 years
do you have a preferred method to get vsts and other such instruments for a DAW?? im poor as heck and dont know ANYTHING about piracy, im so scared of getting goobered by people on the internet
i wish i knew more about the best go-to sites for pirating rn unfortunately i have no clue. ppl on the internet can have such shit intentions too so i dont even know where to look or who to ask. but also here's some free + VERY cheap things u may consider (below the break):
vital synth (i will always shill for vital bc i use it constantly and its free lol)
ob-xd synth (it says buy for $49, but the free download is on the left. the buy link is just a donate)
klanghelm plugins (all these are made by one dude. mjuc is a great vintage style compressor, the dc8c is a pretty featured compressor for the price, sdrr has a particularly nice tube saturation/distortion, and vumt is a great metering plugin, i have vumt on every single project since 2019)
analog obsession (if you donate $5 to their patreon you can get every single plugin they make. also all made and maintained by one person. lots of different things, so i recommend just downloading everything and exploring the functions of the plugins)
tokyo dawn labs (all very high quality mixing stuff. they have free versions of most of their premium stuff and they're quite featured despite being free. ez.)
kilohearts (they recently made all their main effects free. and if you want their flagship stuff, its all rent-to-own as well.)
sforzando (soundfont player. if you dont know what soundfonts are, theyre essentially really condensed, lightweight sampled instruments. they can often sound rlly cheap or tacky [which might be good, i definitely love that sound] but just install this and google [instrument] soundfont and just find lots of free instruments that way)
togu audio line (some free effects and instruments if you scroll down. but i also recommend TAL Sampler if you want a cool sampler and can afford it)
meldaproduction (has a free plugin suite. theres an annoying watermark at the bottom for free versions, but everyone understands. shit is expensive)
native instruments (they have the komplete start bundle which is just a bunch of free decent stuff)
musicradar FREE SAMPLES (ive sworn by a few of the sample resources that i've gotten from musicradar as far back as 2011 lol)
looperman FREE SAMPLES (looperman is a user-sourced sample website where ppl upload samples they've made* and you can just download and use them for free. sometimes people request specific credit, so check for that if you can. *NOTE: its very possible for people to upload unlicensed samples or stuff they didn't make so use your best judgement when sorting through stuff)
freesound FREE SAMPLES (freesound rules always reliable)
synth1 (AHHHH IM SO HAPPY I CAN RECOMMEND THIS RIGHT NOW!!!! synth1 used to be abandonware but was finally picked up again and is supported by modern systems once more. i used this religiously from 2013-2017. and i'm going to start using it again honestly)
valhalladsp (this is the only exclusively premium thing i'm going to leave in this thread [aside from bitwig, below], but it's just that god damn good. every plugin of theirs is $50, so if you can manage to go for ValhallaVintageVerb and/or ValhallaDelay you will basically never need another reverb/delay ever again; would recommend NOT pirating from them if you can help it bc theyre definitely a very small company but u know.. ur call)
bitwig (if you need a DAW, i can now heartily recommend Bitwig. it's on the rent to own program through splice if you're ok getting it legally...)
i know this isnt what u asked but i hope its still helpful. i've also rescinded my recommendations for spitfire audio bc the company was revealed to be run by a bunch of queerphobic knuckleheads. everything in this list i have personally used for my own music and can vouch for them from actual experience (YES even bitwig, i made the song "Futura" on Carousel exclusively with Bitwig, making it the first time i've made an entire song outside of Ableton since 2014).
again i hope this helps, forgive me for not knowing enough about pirating at the moment 😭 please make so much music and please look at this animal:
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soaked-ghost · 1 month
Wanna tell me some of your favourite things about ink? ^^ Canon or headcanons! (A fun fact I know, they canonically use he/they pronouns!)
one of my favorites headcanons is that he has a great singing voice, and another one i have is that his vocal range is CRAZY.
I believe they can imitate or do any voice ever, and also I know ink in canon plays the flute, but I like to think that they dabble in every wind instrument there is.
I imagine ink doesn't have a lot to do with his time, so often they can be found singing songs in bars or playing instruments with the rest of whatever band was there before her. for kicks.
nobody knows who he is most of the time so he just slides in and plays his stuff. he just shows up, plays the best saxophone solo u ever heard and then never shows up again.
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ughscara · 2 months
heeey, just asking, but what instrument(s) do you think kuronushi (and just. scara in general BAHAHAHA) can play? i personally think that he can play the shamisen, koto and shakuhachi but id like to know what u think :3
-⛩️ anon :3
'nushi, kuni and music? you have asked the sanest person to answer that question ( i am, in fact, not sane about my passions combined into one www ). but omg hi !! my first ever anon, it's an absolute delight to have your presence ~
i hope the next series of thorough discussion won't be much for you .. because this is something i wanted to thoroughly talk about before but i've been lacking a lot of time for myself lately ;; but here i am now ~
but, without further ado, let's bring our tea, sit down, and start yapping this tea party away ( ੭ ˙ ᗜ ˙ )੭
your vision of kuni playing on those three instruments is something i share the same sentiment towards as well~ but, since we are looking in a more divided direction in a sense — i have cooked and will provide.
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kuronushi is a man whose more intuned with his voice and handicraft more than any other poet in inazuma's lands. it is no different for his unfathomable skill in singing, anyone is bound to be swoon from hearing that silky smooth voice of his. 'nushi is also a man who likes to experience anything he deems of interest to him, and that was the case when he picked up the tonkori for the first time. i feel like a lot of 'nushi lovers associate him with the shamisen, and i can definitely see why, but in my eyes; he finds himself more at harmony when putting his voice to use. hence the tonkori is likely the instrument he has on his person often while the shamisen is more present at aoi no okina and suiko's theaters. ( a stark sound goes well with an angelic voice, no? )
kabukimono is more of a dancer than someone who excels at music play... but he underestimates how much of a fast learner he is sometimes. all it took was a walk near tatarasuna village to hear one of the elderly play on the koto; and his vacant ribcage was quickly showered with warmth at the sound of it. it simply sounded melodic~ so he stuck around with the elderly women, asking a curious question after another and taking a few lessons from her until eventually, every sunset, all the kids could hear is kabukimono's tunes on the koto rather than being able to play with him like they usually do.
the balladeer barely has the time to indulge in such things. but and off writer mode for a little here — his hat has two bachi attached to each red rope of his hat !! a primary component of playing the shamisen. circling back... he definitely found a bit of time after being recruited into the fatui, not having much to do other than command ‘brainless subordinates’ and some boring paperwork. a harbinger's time, especially of his status, is quite precious. why let it go to waste? so interestingly, while quietly browsing shops in snezhnaya's town from the sidelines, he found an inazuman who didn't want their shamisen anymore. somehow, in someway, and definitely not because he wanted to try the instrument for himself after so long, that person's shamisen was now in his possession. he'd grown quite used to playing the instrument by himself to pass time... put that in quotations.
with those out of the way .. let's get to some additional concepts!
shogun kuni is usually if not always alone. tenshukaku is quiet, unbearably so most of the time, as whenever he closes his eyes and attempts to meditate the free time away; all he could see is makoto's memories from the gnosis. all that resounds in his ears is ei's distant wishes for eternal stasis for this land. an old friend of his however finally made its visit back to his life, the shakuhachi katsuragi gave him as a little gift. the sight of this thing often makes him feel all the more somber, but there's never been anything more delightful to occupy this deafening silence. all by himself in his room, or atop tenshukaku, with only bittersweet tunes accompanying him.
surprise concept ( left blank for now, you'll see who it is in a later fic~ ) he may appear frail in contrast to his younger sister, but do not let his delicate face fool you. for kunikuzushi has a heart of steel and a skill like no other with the taiko. he rarely plays the instrument, only there for important occasions, but his position doesn't allow him to mingle with the remainder of those musically driven souls. but who is he to listen? if he wanted to, he would gladly tag along just to piss off the shogun. but... he has other matters to tend to.
mera. hunter kuni ( old fontaine + 60's setting ) for someone who's been integrated into the illustrious lands of fontaine long ago by now, even after casting his identity aside, his interest for the kokyu never dulled. making his face known throughout fontaine for being able to offer something new to an otherwise classy and quite a dull setting as he so describes it. kids tend to approach him, blissfully unaware that behind the identity of ‘nomad’, a well liked gentlemen with... an interesting way of words, is someone who isn't who they think he is. and that instrument is one of the many scars he carries from his past life.
why wasn't the wanderer included? that's because i envision that, as he is taking on and forging his own identity, he doesn't intrest himself with inazuman instruments as much. not to stray further from his past, but because he'd grown a bit of a liking to sumeru's traditional instruments more. though, as a vahumana scholar and all, as well as a wanderer, he'd rather indulge himself in the sweet taste of freedom for a bit longer. such a thing as investing in something new can wait for a later time.
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i am so sorry this took a while to answer .. i didn't have a lot of time on my plate, much less being able to log in because i am alternating between devices constantly ;; but it is here now! and to the anon who sent in a similar ask — this one's for you ‹3
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hanasnx · 1 year
OH ALSO I have loads of ideas to just throw in your inbox so feel free to ignore them or whatever BUT……… remember the fic idea I made about infidelity kink being married to a king but ur fuckin anakin who is ur body guard 🤭🤭🤭 maybe… maybe u could pls maybe write sum to do with that or maybe not ok BYE SORRY
here are my thoughts on it melding my style with your fic and the extra details u gave me in the dms
as i said, since it’s an idea that’s been explored by you, i don’t feel like i get to take full creative license on it which means i can’t really make a one shot or something with it but i appreciate you giving me a little scenario to work with! i’ll give you some headcanons even if my inspo on this idea are scarce
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since you two can’t be see together outside of professionalism, sneaking out would be a constant occupation. you meet at a fountain in the middle of the night. you swap stories about your planet’s culture and his wartime regimen. there’s a coastline near your residence, and you venture off to walk alongside the shore hand in hand. he tells you about how he can’t stand to see the king touch you. and you tell him how you can’t stand when the king touches you because it’s simply not anakin.
you hike up the length of your garments and hold your shoes in the same grasp, letting the sand meld between your toes. there’s a tropical forest and a secret clearing within it, that you and anakin lay blankets down so you can lounge.
you play him some instrument of your heritage, he relays the poetry that he writes about you in his brain out of the things he observes during the day. how you are like his sun, warming him until he burns up with desire. your soft plucking falters, chest tightening from his words.
when anakin can’t take it anymore, his thought process becomes all-or-nothing. there’s no use running away from him for any longer, and if you choose your king, anakin will not stand by while you do it. so he invites himself into your chambers. and wakes you up with his metal hand cupping your mouth. when your eyes adjust, he places a single finger over his cushioned lips and you relax for the most part.
he offers no explanation when he kneels at your bedside, wanders his hands underneath the covers, captures your lips. when you gently push him off, he leans into your ear. “him… or me.”
suddenly things are a lot clearer, and you find yourself allowing anakin to have his way with you. until he’s pulled you from the furs to bend you over the edge.
“hush,” he coos in the quietest whisper, tickling your ear as his substantial length is making a mess of your insides, “wouldn’t want to wake your husband up, would we?”
though you’re sure he doesn’t mean that.
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bokettochild · 1 month
lol I’ll guess that u listened to Monster while writing that scene? And yes I love Christian music. I care about the lyrics I’m listening to so Christian is what I tend to fill my playlist w. Plus, since I’m a Christian myself I like to support those artists and know they exist bc they’re less common than secular music.
On a LU note, favorite genres per boy? And do they focus more on lyrics or melody?
Oh fantastic! I was a bit wary of suggesting just the Christian artists I grew up on, but I'm glad to hear you enjoy it too! I tend to be more careful with what I listen to as well, but sometimes you don't get a choice (and that sometimes is when your room-mate doesn't give a darn).
For the LU boys:
Hyrule doesn't have a lot of experience with music, but most of what he hears in his era is folk music, much of it passed down from Legend's era (or just straight up written by Legend). He'd enjoy most stringed instruments, I think, but especially because stringed instruments are the best for group songs (the musician can sing too) and he loves the sense of community the music creates.
Legend would be a mix of folk and work songs, since, again, it's something he would have grown up around. He'd be pretty versatile about music though, but I think his favorite instruments would be the piano and the violin/fiddle. Still I think blues and jazz would be something he's really enjoy as well, or just anything really soulful, although he'd have to be in the mood.
Twilight is a country boy, need I say more? He's a fiddler himself, I think, but the banjo and guitar are special too. Mouth organ is a maybe, sometimes it's too much for his ears, but the way it compliments other music is something he really enjoys. French horn is something he really lives though (since it plays so prominent a role in Ordon's music)
Sky is accustomed to the lyre and flute family, but I think he'd really enjoy communal music like Legend, Twilight, and Hyrule. He'd probably get a rush from rock, but only in small doses, as I really can't see this man being a metal head. If he had the chance to hear a full orchestra though, I think he'd be utterly blown away and just dazzled! Same with a proper choir performance. He feels like the type of guy who'd enjoy a vocal arrangement as much as an instrumental one.
Time is a rock man. 80's style dad rock. He cannonically says things like "groovy", so this is cannon to me. (also @cantankerouscanuck got me hooked on the idea). He likes softer music too, but his happy music is the heavier stuff. The ocarina may be what he;s known for, but this guy performed with the Indigo-Go's, he knows how to handle a guitar!
Wind is a pirate, so like Legend, he's used to working songs mostly, but I think he'd also enjoy rock, like most 13-year-olds do at one point or another LOL. He'd be mostly versatile though! Anything with a beat makes him happy mostly (RIP Wind, you would've loved rap)
Four isn't much of a musical person, as none of the colors can agree and the chaos is a bit much, but when split, let's just say that they cover the full spectrum of musical interests :)
Warriors is one that I headcannon to come from a poorer background, so instruments weren;t much of a thing where he's from. Vocal arrangements and folk music were common, but because I love the idea of a Celtic Captain, there was a piper who came to town once and a bit and the music was much adored by a young Wars. Now that he's come city side, he's very fond of piano, but that deep love of the pipes will never leave him <3
Wild isn't much used to music, but I think he just likes anything you can play on an accordion, since the association with Kass and the Rito makes him happiest. Don't tell me that they don't all adore and treat "the champion's descendant" like one of their own! Rito village is his home away from home, but Kass's music is a constant no matter where he is. He'd like other music, I think, especially "exotic" music like what we hear played in Gerudo Town (Naboris' Theme slaps!) but the accordion is the sound of home to him.
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