#but oh boy not the correct way
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bismuthburnsblue · 3 months ago
im having a lot of fun figuring out how to get this hem to come out the way i want it to, but please, god, do not ask me how i did it
(the answer i think is fabric twister, hope, and a whole bunch of hand sewing)
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 4 months ago
Got any trans HCs for the amphibia trio? I love the many different interpretations I've seen from this fandom
I don't know about specific headcanons, I know I'm considering making Anne trans in RiAAU but I haven't decided yet.
In one hand: it would be interesting to think how she deals with her first periods because, well, amphibians don't have those, and Hop Pop assumes she's dying (she doesn't tell anyone else because she's so embarrassed). Not that he tells her that, but it really freaks him out. He thinks she has some sort of internal damage, and it's only after months of research that he finds out about some rare mammalian species, such as a few monkeys and rodents, that experience the same cycle Anne goes through. The whole point of this is that it makes Anne feel even more out-of-place. She doesn't remember her world or her parents, only that she came from "somewhere" (possibly another continent) full of people of her species, and she wonders if things would have been easier if she grew up with her biological family. I mean, surely this would be easier. It just serves as a reminder that she knows nothing about her species, not even its name, and she has no idea of how her biology works or what is good and bad for her or how long she'll live or what changes she'll go through.
BUT, on the other hand: Trans Anne. Let's start with the obvious: amphibians don't have penises or vaginas and they reproduce externally, meaning they like... release eggs and sperm in the water and they mix without the involvement of either parent, meaning no one knows what the cultural significance of a "penis" or a "vagina" tends to be in most human cultures. As a literaly 3yo, Anne probably didn't have an extensive understanding of s.ex and gender, and it wasn't like the clothes she showed up with told Hop Pop much. She just knew that, as time went on, she found herself relating more and more to the female frogs of Wartwood, and she almost subconsciously began to refer to herself as a girl. There wasn't any big coming out moment, more like a point in which, after months of ambiguity (this kid kept using different pronouns for herself) she just settled on some good ol' she/her and began picking somewhat girly clothes when Hop Pop took her to the market.
It's not like the concept of trans people doesn't exist in Amphibia, it's just that Anne didn't realize that was her situation until, at least, meeting Marcy, and noticing the differences between them. It's not like either of them had ever seen another human from up close, so they didn't know what to expect anyway. Anne's only encounters with Sasha beforehand had consisted on magical girl swordfighting in the sky and whatnot. Certainly not enough to discuss their unique biology, which is something Marcy is very excited to discuss, since she's never met anyone with her same "condition" before, and she wants to know everything, so she uses her as her little rat lab whenever she has the chance. Even then, since she also lacks all knowledge of human s.exual dimorphism and its cultural implications, she doesn't associate anything about either of their bodies to any specific gender that could possibly be asigned to anyone based on biological feautures. Since Sasha remembers the most from Earth, she's probably the only one who could maybe possibly remeber her mom or the kindergarden teacher saying something about "the difference between boys and girls", but by the point she's in speaking terms with Anne, and by the time she realizes their bodies are different, she doesn't really care.
That's not to say Anne doesn't experience dysphoria or that she never undergoes any kind of physical transition. It was probably around the time her voice started to change during puberty that she realized her case may be kinda unique: neither Marcy nor Sasha's voices have changed that much, she can tell even though she only sees Marcy in person like once every 3 years and all the words she exchanges with Sasha consist of death threats and insults. Plus, there's a clear difference between """male""" and """female""" voiced in frogs too. She doesn't want to sound like a man! She doesn't want to be anything like a man! Men are gross! Sorry Sprig, Hop Pop, but it's true. Men are icky icky yuck yuck and Anne is a girly girl. She doesn't want to turn into Stumpy! Or Buff Loggle! Oh, no, is that her future? She commits the triple mistake of 1) sending a letter to Marcy that same day, 2) knocking on Maddies' door promising her firstborn if she can save her from turning into Stumpy, and 3) she becomes obsessed researching mammalian biology in the archives. Bad decision. Bad bad. She's discovering things to feel dysphoric about she never even knew existed! Did you know mammalian mothers feed their offsprings with "milk" that comes from their "mammary glands"? Did Sasha and Marcy have those? She hates herself a little for checking out Marcy next time she sees her and she realizes that, indeed, in the past years she's grown a pair of those that Anne does NOT have. She notes that both she and Sasha are pretty much hairless. She used to think hair was a normal mammalian trait! That weasel that tries to eat the frogs every winter sure is covered in it!
Maddie shows up to her door with a bunch of new spells to try out, happy to have a willing subject. Most embarrassingly, Marcy starts doing her own research as soon as she gets Anne's letter and sends her all her discoveries, and now Anne feels mortified because Marcy knows about all the bad bad very bad changes she's going through (Marcy, for her part, is just fascinated by the nature of their "condition").
It takes a bit, but after a few very frenzied weeks, Anne comes to understad what's going on: her species had certain level of sexual dimorphism and she just happened to have been born with the supposed "sex" usually associated with "men" as a social category. When Hop Pop finds out, he burst into laughter. Oh, it was THAT all along! Anne made it sound so complicated, but it was just the same things he went through when he was younger, just the other way around ("Say what now Hop Pop?")! A few curses here and there and she won't have to worry about these so called "mammary glands" and "hair" anymore, though in the meantime, as Maddie perfects a human-friendly curse, she gets turned into all sort of different creatures. By the time it's done, she just wants to feel like... herself.
It's true that there are some things about her body that make her feel weird, like they don't quite fit in, but there are others she only worries about because she compared herself to Sasha and Marcy, which wasn't fair to anyone involved. Did she really want to fundamentally change parts of her body because of insecurities she developed last week over a book about lemurs? Then, a second set of fears come in: what will happen when she goes back to her place of origin? Because she does want to find her birth family. Will they recognize her, if they're looking for a boy? Will they think she's lying if she claims to be their daughter? If she changes only a few things but doesn't "go all the way", will people there think she's a freak? Will she ever be able to fit in with those of her species?
Does she really care so much about what other people think? She just wants to be herself. Some of the changes she's been going through are making her feel less like herself and more like she's being turned into a tax collector from Toad Tower. Those things have to go - her voice, for example. And she wants a more femenine silhouette (she may or may not show Maddie photos of young Mrs. Croaker as a reference). She wants a softer face. She's seeing her face changing in the mirror and she doesn't like it. She wants it to stay round and soft, not to grow hard and sharp or big and rough. She's not so sure she wants those "mammary glands". It's not like she ever thought about having kids, and the whole "breastfeeding" thing just seems gross, but after her research, and finding out she could have kids with, I don't know, maybe Marcy one day (a thought that makes her blush), she thinks it may be a good idea. She'll consider it. Maybe later. Her genitalia... well, she's used to what she has now. It already took her like 10 years to fully figure out what it was and how it worked and starting over with a whole new set just feels like too much work (also, the babies, the potential babies with Marcy). Frogs and toads have neither "penises" or "vaginas" so there's not a lot of information, and based on books about lemurs and her own empirical experience, comparing herself to other mammalian species isn't too useful. She'll leave it the way it is. She'll see if there's anything else she wants to change later, or if she wants to go back on something.
Marcy is surprised next time Anne visits Newtopia. In her letters, she described this strange transformation in excruciating detail, but seeing her in person now, holding her face in her hands, all she sees is the same Anne she's always loved.
A few more ideas:
HEADCANON: in Amphibia, two people of the same "s.ex" can reproduce through magic, which means there has to be a concious effort and intent. The external fertilization process there's no such thing as a pregnancy, and there's no such thing as s.ex. All reproduction is intentional, which means there's no need for abortion either. There are processes to destroy fertilized eggs and embryos, but they look completely different from human abortions.
Amphibians may perform acts resembling s.ex for pleasure or fun but they look different from human s.ex and have no relation to reproduction.
Andrias is the only person in Amphibia who knows enough about humans to know how they reproduce (a process he finds repulsive). He never tells Marcy, of course, though once she becomes queen, she finds his secret library and his hidden tomes on "alien biology", some of which talk about humans. He's also the only one who knows humans can have children on accident, and that Anne is the only human in Amphibia who could cause something like that to happen (he reads all of Marcy's correspondence). He knows his daughter is very close to this weird farm girl penpal of hers, and even though she's still a child, he worries for her future and the future of the crown. This new discovery could land the crown in the hands of a dynasty of aliens if he's not careful. Is it weird that he spends so much time worrying about his 12yo daughter getting pregnant from another 12yo? Yes, yes it is, but he already controls every aspect of her life, it's not like he's going to stop at her sexuality, future, real, or imaginary.
Man now that I wrote it all down, I think this option is more compelling than the first. Maybe I WILL go with this one.
#amphibia#raised in amphibia au#anne boonchuy#marcanne#trans anne boonchuy#my posts#btw i'm very cis so i want to apologize if I said anything weird. since anne here grew up in a world so different from us#i imagine the ''trans experience'' as one of the only humans in frog world must be very different from the irl ''trans experience''#so I kept it mostly personal and thinking about what would make sense in her situation#for example. we know she finds boys pretty gross and likes more girly things#so the idea of ''turning into a boy'' as she hits puberty must make her feel gross#but i'm worried that describing how i imagine the perspective of this specific characters in her very specific situation#will come across as me saying ''oh being amab is gross and disgusting and icky'' which is NOT what I want to imply#do i think this anne may feel that way about herself considering she's never met another trans person in her life (except for this Hop Pop#but it's been so long since his transition he kinda forgot about it and doesn't bring it up)#?? yes. i think her first impulse would be to feel like that#because it comes from a place of ''This Does NOT reflect me. in fact it reflects everything I hate''#aaaah i hope i'm not messing up here. i'm open to criticism btw if anyone thinks this doesn't work i'd love to hear corrections#also re: the reproduction and period talk. i hope no one is too grossed out by that. i just thought it'd make sense#like it'd make sense for andrias to worry about that#also i just find the idea funny like. amphibians don't f.uck. copulation is for gross mammals. which means they probably find mammalian#reproductive organs particularly disgusting#which probably makes the girls feel... bad 😭
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kangals · 5 months ago
we had what I’d call mixed success at Keps first herding evaluation today. he was VERY interested in the sheep and definitely showed a strong instinct to chase and focus on them - unfortunately he was also really struggling with focusing on anything else besides chasing sheep, so he never actually made it off the leash bc he definitely just wanted to fling himself at them like a bowling ball. so the plan for now is to take 6 months and keep focusing on his basic training, recall, etc and to let him mature mentally, and then re-try with stock in the spring and see how he does at that point.
tbh this is pretty much what I expected to happen (though I am still a little disappointed I didn’t get any pictures), so hopefully by the time we try again we’ll have some better training and slightly less Baby Brain to contend with.
the trainer we worked with was very nice though, she had some really good insight on what to work on. she's one of those ppl with a van full of 6 perfectly trained BCs in crates lol but she did say that she thought kep had good potential and said he had a really good, confident personality - "he's the type of dog you'll be able to do anything with" which made me happy to hear. so hopefully if we take some time to really study up next time we'll be able to really get started!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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roscoehamiltons · 4 months ago
happy qualifying everyone 🤪
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deservedgrace · 5 months ago
i try to be quiet about this and just let people enjoy things but holy shit i wish people weren't so evangelical about astrology. and part of what makes it so frustrating is that it's something i want to like and have put effort into trying to like it because it's honestly really interesting to me as a concept. i'm not the most knowledgeable about it, but i know more than a layperson knows about it.
i call it evangelical because i see so many parallels between the way some people interact with astrology and evangelical christianity. the big ones are, if it doesn't make sense or work out for you it's because of a flaw within yourself, never the system (you have to read the bible in this way, with this context, with this interpretation, you have to pray to god to open your heart, did you actually read with an open heart? -> you have to look at your rising sign, you have to check if you have any stelliums, you have to have an accurate birth time, are you sure it's accurate? have you actually seen your birth certificate?), overly identifying with things as an excuse not to take accountability or grow (i'm just a sinner & i'll always be a sinner -> i'm toxic bc i'm a gemini tee hee), and a refusal to accept that they might be wrong or that it might not work out for everybody (everybody outside the church is evil and led by satan -> "that's such a capricorn thing to do!" "i lied about my sign i'm a libra" "oh my god that's such a libra thing to do with your indecisiveness!").
and obviously, they're different levels of harm and impact how widespread it is within communities, which is partially why i try to just shut up about it. but fuckin hell, some of y'all make it really difficult lmao.
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generalfandomsofthefreak · 1 month ago
confession, i've never really understood Race Swaps (i am a white person so that's probably why), though more specifically why people would swap certain characters, but Okarun is like the first time where i think "no that'd make sense"
His isolation, the way his hair frizzes up (i know that's a pretty common joke in anime but still), feeling like he'd fit in better with aliens than his peers, would all make even more sense if he was African Japanese
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devotedlystrangewizard · 11 months ago
the school arc to me is so good because it drags ciel out of his position as a powerful figure and literally places him in the shoes of the person he could have been. the circus arc ALSO drags him out of his position as big bad queens watch dog/head of the phantomhive estate but the school arc feels like a mockery of a future that never was. this is what he could have been had his parents not died. and even then its NOT because he will never be that kid.
he never was.
#ramblings#incoherent beyond belief its 4 am#and im trying to avoid manga spoilers#might add a reblog with more coherent thoughts when i wake up but im off my meds so i cant promise anything#actually correction im being vague w the manga spoilers#manga readers know whats up#idk if there are any anime only ppl who havent been spoiled on The Plottwist Ever yet#but i figured there will be new fans and though im not tagging this it might still get seen so#cant WAIT to see our boy absolutely miserable in animation form should they recreate that arc LMAOOO#which ofc is after the germany arc so thats still a long time away#but STILL. itd be fun i need to see this young teenager lose his mind in color with sound#him relying on sebastian to do all his fag duties (sorry. dredge) so he can work his way up the social ladder#trying to gain power while simultaneously proving that he cant do anything but rely on others#hes always needed help in basically every way and he hasnt CHANGED he just got a demon to do it for him#he learns to lie and charm and cheat and all the while hes a fucking CHILD WHO STILL STRUGGLES WITH NORMAL THINGS#ciel is my little baby and i love him deeply no matter how much of a little bitch he can be#his helplessness isnt just 'oh he was raised in british high society' its also that he never got the chance to learn anything#which to elaborate on that id also have to go into manga territory. iykyk#like absolutely at this point he just refuses to learn how to do things he has a pet demon to do it for him#but.#hi the phantomhives backstory is killing me again its so late#both atlantic and the school arc are just setup for the Big Arc but theyre very good in their own right i SWEAR#also when i rewatched the circus arc a while back and i realised how some scenes were shot#the heavy foreshadowing that i didnt realise. yk. 7 years ago or however long its been since i first watched it#CRAZY#if you are new. to kuroshitsuji. and you havent read the manga. dear god. read the manga#ALSO GRELLE IN THAT ARC IS SO BEAUTIFUL & OTHELLO IS TRANSMASCULINE. OKAY GOODBYE
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hyenaswine · 7 months ago
i'm reading this scifi novel i remembered reading as a kid, only i never actually finished it but it was memorable enough that i've thought about it for decades, so i finally track down a copy so i can read it again & it turns out one of the characters is gay & the author was gay. i didn't remember that part from when i read it as a child but it makes sense why it's stayed in the back of my mind all these years. gay.
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blujayonthewing · 4 months ago
BBEG, doing a little straight-from-the-DM exposition: so, my whole deal is that I, Calla, was cursed by the goddess Suni, and now I'm seeking my vengeance upon her; I'm going to destroy her, because I hate her
limerick, the literal next session, explaining what we know so far to an NPC: we saw Calla again, she's been reborn somehow-- and also we learned her True Name, which is Suni
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#imagine. imagine. imagine how much MUCH more often this exact thing happens inside her brian#in situations where we WEREN'T being spoonfed direct unambiguous lore dumps.#in situations where she DIDN'T immediately turn around and pass on the game of telephone to somebody else#where the rest of the table could go 'OHP hang on you mixed that up :)' right away#IMAGINE THE KINDS OF THOUGHTS AND PLOTS THAT ARE SPINNING OUT IN THE COMPLETE WRONG DIRECTION INSIDE HER HEAD AT ALL TIMES.#JUST COOKING FOR MONTHS AND MAYBE EVEN YEARS.#WHERE NOBODY CAN EVEN HELP HER COURSE CORRECT BECAUSE NO ONE CAN SEE IT HAPPENING.#IMAGINE THE JARRING NON-SEQUITURS THAT MIGHT SUDDENLY CROP UP IN ROLEPLAY AND THROW EVERYTHING OFFKILTER.#IMAGINE THAT YOU ARE THE WAY I AM AS A HUMAN AND HAVE BEEN PLAYING DND WITH HER FOR YEARS AND YEARS#distressing. actually DISTRESSING how egregious this one was gkjhfddfkjhdf oh-- he just Told You DIRECTLY and you STILL got it SO WRONG I--#anyway I am SO fucking grateful justin is in this campaign with me aaaaahhh#pahvu's player has intentionally committed to 'pahvu's head is almost perfectly empty and his character has zero complexity'#and limerick is...........#felix's original campaign's party was comprised of two stupid-to-the-point-of-Obviously-Gag-Characters and limerick and felix#and BOY HOWDY THAT WOULD HAVE SUCKED LMAO#oh felix you do ALL the thinking. and christ knows you'd better do a lot of the talking too! you're the only one with a braincell!!#good luck!!!
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years ago
oh other thoughts about spiderverse is that I know that Miles is autistic, I don’t have any proof of this, but I’m telling you, I can sense it.
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haarute · 2 years ago
i'm sorry but as someone who is always trying to understand most things and most people, the reaction a lot of folks have of immediately dismissing something or jumping to an outrage without having a second to try to reflect on a situation or process empathy is something that i will never relate to and i consider to be a bad mentality to have if left unchecked actually
#not a response to any specific situations that might or might not be the topic of conversation today on tumblr dot com#it's just a general thought that i always have.#and i tend to unfollow people for this sometimes lmao sorry. it just makes me uncomfortable. and i see it frequently.#i've said this before but#i feel like often you can kinda see who has had life experiences that were unfair to them and being angry was their way out into freedom#(which does make sense in the transgender and gay website)#so they default to applying that state to most things because it is What Feels Right To Me Actually and i can't blame them for doing so.#but then there's people like me who like. my life experiences have led me into the Guilt Pit#where i am trying extremely hard to be measured and understanding because i have been very emotionally reactive in the past#or have witnessed things where very emotionally reactive people have caused horrible things to others around them#and i hate that actually and i try as hard as i can not to be that.#which is why i also feel like whenever i see it in other people i'm like. oh boy. i would not get along with you lmao.#and i feel like these are two opposite mentalities that are definitely detrimental to you if gone too far into either direction#so i don't necessarily think either is bad or anything. as long as you're able to pull yourself back and realize that like#you Should dedicate some thought to the rest of the world actually and not default to just ''what i feel is correct always''#and on the other end realize that sometimes you just have to Let Go#because caring about Everything is unrealistic and you will go Insane and lose your own self if you try to feel for too many other things#which is what i had to learn the hard way.#and also like. sometimes the immediate ''fuck you'' reaction Is super valid. and it's important to learn when that is the case.#but yeah. anyway. mentality. ways of seeing the world. people being different. wooooo.#rambling again in tags sorry.
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tyrannuspitch · 2 years ago
i'm reading this historical novel with a third gender character and like. i don't know how to feel about it. because obviously gender is personal and contextual and they will be operating within their own society's rules. but i feel like the author is keeping things so just-within-the-rules that it almost becomes like... a weird reluctance to engage with actual queerness? only with alternative norms? almost like. inventing new ways to be cis and then doing cisnormativity with them lmao
#so the character was raised a boy but (their words) 'has a woman's body'#they seem to always choose male presentation/roles when they have the choice#but they didn't decide to be raised that way. it was just Their Destiny.#and it's not clear that maleness means much to them besides familiarity and social power#and uh. they're attracted to men and they always identify that as a female feeling#and like the direction we're going in seems to be romance 'reconciling' them with their femaleness ://#(this being a character who has been correctively raped as well.)#(and the men who are attracted to them are never ever treated as queer and only feel attraction once they 'know')#and it's just like. idk. it's a plausible situation but it also feels... unimaginative. limited. ?#like we're heading for a modern feminist 'women can do anything men can and STILL BE WOMEN! :)' thing#and like EVERY part of their identity is justified by being an outside force and not a choice#bleh#this character is inuit. they've also been interacting with norsemen.#one of the norsemen made one derogatory reference once to m/m sex and other than that it's been radio silence#the MC's male presentation has almost always been backed up by 'the gods wanted this' or 'it's just safer' or similar#there was some joy in breaking the rules in the middle of the book but it seems to have faded away#idk. it's interesting but it doesn't feel like the character is actually being treated as a) third gender or b) male#just as a Spirited Woman#the author's note and the blurb both use she/her exclusively. :/#oh AND bc there are norse characters we've also been talking about loki as genderweird and guess what#he/him exclusively except when in a female 'diguise'. :(
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jemandtherobots · 2 years ago
today's moment of nonbinary hell was when i was somewhere with my dad and all my brothers and this woman was like "oh these are all your sons then" and we're like yeah. that's us. and she's like "oh sorry and daughter" and we all tell her that it's fine, i'm one of the boys, it's like a whole thing in our family where i "count as a boy". except we have an entire long conversation and she keeps referring to us as "boys and girl" or "brothers and sister" and i'm just sitting there thinking it might actually be less awkward to just come out to everyone given how obsessed this person seems to be with my gender.
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light-wrath-paradise · 2 months ago
Me right now: "The Smitten is just like me for real."
Like???? I hope not??????
#lile god i hope he isn't??? i hope I'm not like that???#...ok i do be like that to a degree i can't lie#like haha i understand your intense need to die a great death for someone you love and your preoccupation with the chase but not the result#and your immense disregard for yourself as a person which leads you to or perhaps is the consequence of transforming into a tool#a role and an object but it's never enough is it and you'll never be enough will you? and the clock on the wall it keeps on ticking#and you repeat 'this is how it's supposed to be'. and if you look inside yourself you will see that there is no yourself to look in.#if you look inside yourself you will find a shadow in the body of someone else#like ah boy just like me you subscribe to the Folk story but there is no curtain to roll when the dragon is slain#you get the girl and what then? if you don't die then what then? maybe if you destroy yourself enough you will achieve something#maybe if you tear your chest open the curtains will fall. otherwise the only thing left is 'what am i supposed to do?'#the one thing that I pray we don't have in common is his tendency to make caricatures of people in his head#like uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh i hope i don't do that.#which reminds me kinda funny how people were giving him way more slack when just Dam//sel existed. like i disliked him more back then#because The Da//msel is VISCERALLY horrifying to me. cannot stress how physically nauseous the chapter makes me#which might sound ironic considering I'm the biggest pioneer of 'boooo if anyone ever gets to know the real me I'm packing my bags#and leaving. nobody is allowed to interpret me the correct way. if you know me you don't. i hope you misunderstand every word i say.'#but i see a very thick line between not understanding me and between making up an idealised smooth harmless caricature of me#that you attempt to shove me into. like. the song The Projectionist by Aurelio Voltaire is what I'm referring to#and that's horrifying to me. like ah no not again please. a few times in my life was enough.#I'd say that simply 'not understanding' is Spec//tre and TPA//TD. And those routes are depressing#but not horrifying. they're like 'haha oh god that's me. don't mind my tears.' but Dam//sel is like...genuine horror. to me.#and HA//E actually made my opinion of Smi//tten better because like no no I get him. I also get H//AE Prin//cess. like haha that's me. ow.#Like haha girl the way you are incapable of saying the words 'i want' and cannot bear to say what you feel or think because you aren't#supposed to; it isn't what you should do; you should cave in and make others happy; don't you WANT to make others happy and who#gave you the right to even want something anyway; well it reminds me of the mirror in my house
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months ago
once again thinking about sunandmoon from hit game fnaf: what if we just got rid of the gameplay loop
#random thoughts#fnaf#i like the idea of sunandmoon being a bit of an asshole to staff#sun is passive-aggressive while moon is just aggressive#sun's backhanded compliments. fake positivity. false compliance. finds loopholes in what you say and blames you for not being clear enough#he'll avoid doing stuff until you say the Exact Phrase he's looking for and he'll be like#'well why didn't you say so sooner friend?'#'there's no shame in asking for help' and literally every time you ask for help he is NOT helpful at ALL#says it's a learning opportunity#he DOES take advantage of people thinking he's basically a child to low-key insult everyone#looks at what you're wearing like 'oh boy i didn't know this was gonna be a COSTUME PARTY!!!'#he'll explain how to do literally everything even if you say you've done something before#moon steals your shit and takes pot shots at you from the rafters with ballpit balls#he is uncooperative. explicitly uncooperative#sneaks up on you in dark rooms just to watch you jump#can walk in a way where his bells don't jingle so he'll randomly jingle from different areas in a room#so you have no idea where he is at all times#they both try to be self-sufficient and only rely on each other because staff has let them down WAYYY too many times#they don't have a concept of personal agency because they consider themselves to be objects but once they learn? hoo boy#they'd have to learn what things they should and shouldn't avoid. how to balance their own needs and the needs of those they love#like they don't want to go to P&S but it's important and it makes their little friends sad when they break down#it's one thing telling kids things like 'we need to play games EVERYONE likes and not just your favorite all the time'#and 'you need to ask before hugging a friend'#actually applying that to yourself? developing the self control necessary?#compels me#when your animatronic best friend realizes he has personal agency so now HE decides when the hugs end#i think he corrects people on how to do things to keep them from doing them#like you're trying to wipe him down and he's like 'we need to keep our hands to ourselves friend!'#or if the daycare had a day pass to monty golf and you kept missing the hole he'd be like 'you're supposed to get the ball IN the hole!'
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