#but let it sit for like ever bc I was trying to actually draw the background (this was my reference)
chiseledquartzz · 7 months
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They are the friends ever
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ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
Sanemi Shinazugawa standing up for you
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Pairing: Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,1k
Synopsis: You are used to no one believing in you, to get picked on by other corps member because you're a girl. Until one of them crosses the line and starts a fights. Until a certain someone stands up for you when no one else does.
Warnings: not proofread bc I have a gym date with my boy (in order to have a biceps as beefy as (y/n)'s lmao), reader gets reduced to being a weak woman when she is anything but that, bad girl energy, Sanemi being a cutie
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„I can’t believe they allowed a little girl to participate.”
“Look at her. There’s no way she survived the training of the former sound hashira, the serpent pillar and landed here.”
“Probably nothing but luck. Or she cheated.”
Don’t listen to them, just focus on staying hydrated and eating enough for your upcoming training. It has always been this way. You, a girl in a world of boys against everything. Why is it so hard to believe that you are capable of doing what they do when two female hashira show them how it’s done? You work your ass of day in and out, stayed consistent for your whole life. You’re always the first who appears in the morning and the last of them who falls into bed after practice. Nothing in life is given you for free, especially when it comes to strength. But apparently, they fail to realize this even after being a part of the demon slayer corps for quite some time.
“I bet she slept her way up.”
Your heart drops to the floor, eyes widen in sheer disbelief. You, sleeping your way up?
“Yeah, maybe she aims to be the fourth wife of him or something.”
“So that’s why he’s always going easy on her.”
“I can hear you. Loud and clearly”, you finally speak up.
They are talking about you as if you are nothing but air, as if you wouldn’t share the same air. Anger begins to rush through your veins uncontrollably. All this work only to be called the mistress of a former hashira?
“I couldn’t care less about the existence of a woman who fucked her way up”, one of them spits directly into your face.
“How are your trainees doing?”, the white-haired men questioned while staring into the sunset.
“Most of them are trash. That one though…”
Instantly, Sanemi’s gaze is glued onto Obanai who now sits next to him.
“Really? You’ve got one that has some balls?”
“A girl, to be exact. She seems decently skilled and Actually just transferred to your training”, Obanai clarifies.
“I never heard of a girl getting through Uzui’s basic training until now”, Sanemi replies while rubbing his chin.
A girl, huh? He can’t put a finger on the last time he ever trained one. But if Obanai talks so highly about you, there sure must be something going on.
“She’s got potential. Let’s just hope there’s enough time.”
“Instead of lying around like the loser you are, try training next time. I don’t need to fuck my way up, I’m all good by my own”, you bark back along with straightening your shoulders.
Who does this guy think he is? Talking behind your back like that while you don’t even know who the fuck he is.
“You’re nothing but a weak woman, I’m sure it was way too easy for you to wrap them hashira around your finger.”
You draw closer, his dreadful eyes piercing like arrows through yours. But you couldn’t care less. No, this is enough.
“Bold coming from a guy who obviously never touched a woman in his entire life. To be honest, I could give you one or two reasons for that. But it’s not my job to tell you what kind of loser you are. Now excuse me, the training session with the wind hashira begins soon and you definitely aren’t worth being late to that.”
“Why do I have to waste my time with those losers?”, Sanemi mumbles to himself while walking towards the campsite where all the trainees are located.
Or wait, didn’t Obanai talk about a skilled girl earlier? Maybe she’ll last longer than that bunch of losers. While getting closer, his eyes fall on a crowd of multiple guys cheering and staring of what looks like a sensation in the middle.
“What the hell is going on over there?”
You manage to escape his punch just before he hits your face with full force, so unexpected that your eyes widen. Did he just try to slap you? In your face?
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? We are here to get trained and not to fight each other like animals!”, you roar at him.
Another dash forward, another failed attempt to hit you with full force while everyone around you starts eyeing you up and down. This must be a cruel joke, a nightmare. You joined the demon slayer corps to fight against injustice and to support peace. But in this very moment, you find yourself surrounded by your comrades who definitely try to hurt you.
“You just have to play the smartest one, don’t you? I don’t give a damn about your little game. I will never respect a woman who fucked her way up”, he jeers back at you.
You force yourself not to cry, to not show them how much their fucking words sting. All your life, you were forced to fight against those who wanted to see you suffer, does who didn’t put trust in your abilities. Your neighbors, your friends, even your own family. Never more than a little girl with crazy dreams, never more than average with no one who believes in her.
“You have no i-“
An enormous storm of air swirling around you catches you completely off guard and almost sweeps you off your feet. You aren’t able to see anything anymore, let alone move. Fuck, what is this? Definitely not the power of that jerk from before. Your lungs feel like bursting under the immense pressure, chest so tight that you have to force air in and out. What on earth is this?
“That’s enough. Who do you even think you are?”
When the storm calms down as rapidly as it came, you find yourself landing onto the floor with your knees just in time while everyone around you bumps into the ground head-first.
“S-she attacked me! It was her fault!”
Your eyes widen in sheer horror when you begin to realize who was responsible for this. There he stands with his katana in his hand, his white cloak still flowing in the wind.
And his dreadful orbs are set on you.
You try to scream, try to defend yourself, but all of the sudden you forgot how to speak. This is the wind hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. After all those countless sessions with Tengen and Obanai, it was your goal to get here, to impress him.
But now you’re kneeling to his feet while countless men point their fingers at you, claiming you’re the one responsible for this mess.
“So, this was you?”, he questions.
There is no doubt in the fact that his ask is directed towards you. Not when he looks at you so serious with his hand clutched into a tight fist.
“I didn’t mean to cause trouble”, you finally press out.
Defending yourself is a waste of time. With all those men saying you’re the problem, your words mean nothing. All you can do is sit here and hope that you’re able to stay, hope that the wind hashira won’t send you back home like everyone predicted.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”, he mutters with low voice.
It’s over. This is it, your final time at the hashira training. Even giving your best wasn’t enough, apparently. Not when nobody believes in you except yourself. You should have kept quiet, should have ignored their stupid sayings. You furrow your eyebrows, wild eyes going hard.
No. You did everything right. No one is allowed to talk to you in such a manner, to say all those nasty things about you. It was the only right thing to defend your honor. There is nothing to regret.
“Are you really trying to make her responsible for this when I heard your dumb ass talking shit about her? You have some fucking nerve, lying into the face of a hashira.”
Time stands still, you don’t dare to make a move while the crowd around you goes silent. Did the wind hashira really just…Stand up for you?
“Now get lost, all of you brats. If you’d be as good at fighting as in talking shit, we would have beaten all demons already.”
He doesn’t have to tell them twice. In the matter of seconds, the usual crowded area is deadly silent with only you and the white-haired man remaining. Your heart almost beats out of your chest, eyes now fixated on his back. Why would he even stand up for a stranger, especially a girl? It’s probably best if you get away from here as well-
“No, not you. You definitely stay”, he instructs you after you take one single step forward.
You freeze right in your tracks. What now? Will he kick you out, send you back to your family? What if he didn’t mean those words he said earlier, what if he’s not convinced that you are in fact innocent?
“Listen, I’m sorry about t-“
“You really have some balls, dealing with a bunch of guys like that. My honest respect for that.”
 “What?”, you blurt out.
And there it is. The most breath-taking smile you’ve ever seen, a smile that makes your heart and stomach flutter, that leaves you standing there like an idiot. You never actually believed in love, let alone to fall for someone. But the wind hashira, standing in front of you with his katana casually placed over his shoulders and his hand on his hip while smiling at you…
You’re lost. Deeply, completely, utterly lost.
“It’s clear that you’re working hard and I admire that. They have no right to talk to you this disrespectfully. I’m the only one who’s allowed to do that”, he replies with his charismatic low voice.
“Thank you for standing up for me. For a second, I was pretty sure you’ll send me back home”, you admit while avoiding his gaze.
Maybe you’re still able to prove them all wrong, maybe you will make it after all. The hashira training is your chance to finally show your true self. You grab the handle of your katana tightly. And you will do everything you can to use that chance.
“Why would I send someone like you home when you’re one of the best corps members? These guys don’t know shit about you and it’s clear that they’re jealous. Don’t listen to those people and keep up the hard work.”
The man in front of you definitely isn’t the monster you’ve heard of. The rough and loud wind hashira who has zero control over his emotions, who rejected his own brother. The man who means nothing but violence, nothing but trouble. No, that man in front of you is smiling at you, teasing you in order to become better. And you’ll do everything to thank him for believing in you.
-one week later-
“You can’t keep her for yourself any longer. Apart from Kamado, she’s one of the greatest chances the demon slayer corps have. It’s Gyomei’s turn to train her”, Shinobu explains calmly, earning one of the deadliest looks ever from the wind hashira.
Truth is, he doesn’t want to let you go. He wants to see you every day, wants to train with you as often as he can, wants to talk with you into the night. What is left when you’re not around except the effect you had on him, the admiration he holds for you in his heart? Sanemi thought he’d never be able to find love again, that no other woman would ever catch his heart. But there you are with your determination made of stone and heart made of gold.
“She’s better off with me”, he mumbles with a pout, not daring to look into the insect pillar’s eyes.
It’s clear that he’s acting ridiculous. When it comes to gaining more strength and abilities, you’re definitely not better off by his side only. He can’t just gatekeep you for his own will.
“Don’t tell me you started liking her”, Obanai comments dryly.
“Sanemi, is it possible, that…that…”
“Don’t you dare saying that”, he warns the pink-haired girl opposite of him.
Him, in love with a woman? How ridiculous…
He huffs to himself. Yeah, there is no denying in the fact that he fell a little too hard.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen
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osarina · 22 days
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FEATURING: dazai osamu
SUMMARY: one drunken encounter with dazai sends everything spiraling. suddenly, all of your problems are catching up to you at once and you're lost as to how you should proceed... or that's not entirely true—you know how you're going to proceed but it's impossible for you to come to terms with how far you've let this go.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: sorry that i haven't really been active this week </3 i've been so busy. ill try to get to asks and everything soon. forgive me</3 i hope you guys enjoy part 5, i rlly had fun writing this chapter. as always, comments and reblogs appreciated!
GENERAL WARNINGS: fem!reader, port mafia executive!reader, civilian!dazai, dazai's struggles w suicide & sh, reader partakes in mafia business, dazai isn't dazai without a bit of obsessiveness and possessiveness (the possessiveness doesn't come til later but the obsessiveness starts from day 0).
CHAPTER SPECIFIC WARNINGS: hardly edited - i've been busy. reader and dazai argue, reader is a bit intoxicated, dazai heavily implied suicide attempt (not outright said/described bc he can't remember, but he assumes that's what happened) & he dissociates, dazai is in a pretty bad mental state the first half of the chapter, i don't think i'm missing anything but pls lmk if i am, i didn't have time to reread
You stopped seeking him out after that night.
Dazai sits in his apartment, knees curled to his chest and back pressed against the wall. He has to forcibly keep his breath steady—his homework for his engineering class is discarded somewhere to his left, he’d been working on it for class tomorrow before he made the mistake of checking his phone and seeing that you’d once again stopped reading his messages. 
Two days straight now of silence on your end. He could go to your apartment like he’s been doing for the past two weeks but every time he tries to push himself to his feet with the intention of going to you, he finds himself rooted to the ground. Your words ring damningly and persistently through his head—how you told Nakahara Chuuya that you’re only doing this because he found the proof of your occupation, how you told him that you tried to cut him off.
Dazai knew what he was doing by using the video as leverage over you. He knew he was forcing you into indulging him, that he was backing you into a corner, but he’d allowed himself to be blinded by your treatment of him. 
Even if it was coerced, no one has ever treated him the way you do—you remember the things he tells you off-handedly like he matters and you buy him the things he wants without him having to say anything like you care. You’re gentle with him—Dazai has only ever experienced bruising touches; Oda and Ango weren’t physical people and he can hardly remember his mother. He remembers the way his aunt dragged him out of the car kicking and screaming, tossing him to the ground in Suribachi before driving away. He remembers all of the nights he would get drunk at bars, ending up in strangers’ beds and waking up with a body that ached painfully and dark marks littered across his bandaged skin.
It’s hard to remember that you don’t actually want him when you treat him the same way he’s dreamed someone would treat him one day. It’s hard to remember that you turn your head away when he leans in to kiss you, that you ignore his lingering touches and change the subject whenever he almost gathers the nerve to bring the topic up to you.
You don’t want him. 
He’s forcing you to do this by using the video as leverage. 
You don’t want him. 
He rests his forehead on his knees. That gaping hole in his chest that had started to return that night after Nakahara Chuuya showed up at your apartment is all consuming now. His entire body feels numb and prickly, he feels uncomfortable in his own skin.
He needs to put a stop to this.
His gaze draws from his knees to the floorboard he’s hiding the flash drive under. He could just… get rid of it. Get rid of it and disappear—you probably wouldn’t even notice. Maybe you would, he remembers how you came to his apartment when you hadn’t heard from him after sending the couch. Then again, you might’ve only shown up because you wanted to lie about why you were cutting him off. Dazai just doesn’t know with you.
Maybe he should just go to talk to you. 
But if he talks to you… and the thought of leaving his apartment right now…
Dazai sighs, leaning back against the wall, tilting his head to look up at the ceiling, weighing both options carefully before coming to a heavy decision.
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You’re not in your apartment when he gets there.
Dazai would usually wander around and find something to make himself busy with while he waits for you. You have a piano on the opposite side of the room that he sometimes likes to fiddle with—he’s taught himself a few basic songs while waiting for you to get back from work the past few weeks. He ordered a gaming console and a few games to go along with it when you made the mistake of leaving your laptop open last week, but he doesn’t even have the energy to go look for one; not that any are even particularly standing out to him. Sometimes, he just snoops around, but his legs feel like lead, like they’re bolted to the ground, so he just sits on your couch and stares at the black television screen as the minutes tick by.
He doesn’t even know how long he’s been sitting there—too long, it was still light out when he walked his way over to your building in Naka-ku and the sun had set a long time ago. He’s never felt lonely in your apartment before; in fact, he usually seeks out your apartment because he feels lonely and whether you’re here or not, it eases the void that grows in his chest.
But now? Each passing second, he feels colder and colder. A part of him thinks that he should take this as a sign and just leave, but his body is uncooperative, keeping him rooted to your couch as he awaits your return.
He’s planned out what he’s going to say to you; he’s rehearsed it in his head so many times that he thinks he could say the dreadful words while sleeping. Now, he just-
Dazai’s head snaps to the side when he hears the fateful ding of the elevator arriving at your floor. His eyes widen and his tongue swells with anxiety as he stares at the doors, his breath slows and his fingers bite into his pants as he waits to see you step into the room but when the doors finally start to slide open, he freezes when he hears laughter.
“I can’t stand you,” an unfamiliar male voice snorts and Dazai’s mouth dries as his gaze darts around, trying to figure out what to do. The last thing he wants is for a repeat of the other night—if this is another one of your mafia friends, Dazai has to move, but he doesn’t know where to go.
His gaze settles on a nearby hall leading to the bathroom and an unused room—it’s closer to him than the kitchen, he’d never make it to the kitchen because he’d have to go right past the elevator. His legs feel so heavy that it’s an effort for him to push himself to his feet. He almost stumbles right over them as he rushes into the spare room, keeping the door cracked open so he can hear and see what’s going on.
He peeks carefully through the crack, watching as two men enter your apartment—you’re with them and Dazai’s chest tightens painfully at the sight of you. You’re smiling as you lean against one of the men—Dazai recognizes him as the man who had come with you to his apartment complex the first time, he’d been waiting by the car for you—and you’re dressed prettily in a short black dress. You’re so dazzling to him that Dazai nearly tumbles right out of the room he’s hiding in, but luckily, he’s drawn out of his dazed state by another unfortunately familiar face: Nakahara Chuuya, the executive who had been at your apartment the other night.
Dazai quickly leans back into the room when the ginger’s eyes snap down the hall as if he could sense someone watching him. He lets out a puff of air as he looks around the empty room—he’d looked in here before when he first started coming to your apartment, but had been sorely disappointed by the fact that there was nothing in the room for him to snoop around in.
Now, he blinks because while the room is still mostly empty, there are some tools in here as if you’d had someone come in to take measurements to start building something in there. His gaze slides from the far wall to the one nearest to him, dragging his feet against the wood floors to slide his fingers against the lines drawn on the wall in pencil, realizing that it’s about the same size as the piano in the other room.
His throat tightens as he remembers your offer from the other day, wondering if you’d gone ahead and started having it done even after the argument with Chuuya and Dazai not showing up for two days. 
God, he doesn’t understand you—he doesn’t understand you at all. He starts to doubt every conclusion he’s come to the past two days because why would you go to these lengths for someone you don’t care about? For someone who’s forcing you into indulging him through blackmail? It doesn’t make sense, Dazai has never had so much trouble reading someone before you.
He leans against the wall, lashes lowering as he looks down at the floor. He doesn’t know what to think and now his well-rehearsed speech starts crumbling in his head. Distantly, he can hear the conversation between you and the other two mafiosos—you’re talking about something happening in Tokyo and Dazai wonders if it has anything to do with that argument from the other night.
But regardless of the topic of discussion, what matters more is that you sound happy. Your voice is light and airy, and you seem entirely unbothered by the fact that you hadn’t seen Dazai in days. Dazai doesn’t think you’ve ever sounded so happy with him before and why would you when he’s blackmailing you? Your laughter rings bright and pretty like a chime and Dazai feels sick to his stomach at the thought of you laughing like that for someone else; he imagines the way your laughter will fizzle when you see him, all of the liveliness in your face dying at his unanticipated appearance.
It feels like an eternity and all too soon at the same time when Dazai finally hears the two leave. He takes one deep breath, preparing to force himself out from where he’s hiding but then freezes at the sound of you raising your voice.
“Dazai, you can come out now.”
He blanches, staring at the partially closed door in front of him, half-debating on not even coming out because how did you know he was here? He thought he’d been careful, there’s-
“I know you’re somewhere in here, the cushion was warm where you were sitting.”
Dazai has half a mind to throw himself out of the window.
He takes in a deep breath as he pushes the door open, stepping out into the hallway that’s suddenly too cold and all too short. He swears it was twice as long when he was stumbling from the couch to hide in the spare room. His feet scuffle against the ground as he walks forward, not coming any closer than where the hallway meets your living room.
You’re laying on the couch he’d been sitting on, head resting back against the pillows and a curious expression on your face as you watch him. He can’t read it—if he didn’t know any better, he’d almost say it was fond, but he refuses to let that hope bubble up into his chest only for it to be crushed again. He thinks he should say something, tossing around a few options in his head, but he doesn’t get the chance to.
You hold out your hand to him. “Come here,” you say.
Dazai hesitates, eyes lingering on your extended hand before flitting back up to your face. He shouldn’t—he knows he shouldn’t—but he finds his feet moving forward before he can stop himself. He stands in front of you awkwardly for a moment, not sure what you want from him, but then his eyes shoot open when you reach out and grab his wrist, tugging him forward onto the couch with you. 
He pretends he doesn’t yelp when he lands on top of you, face flaming up when he shifts himself into a sitting position so that he’s straddling your waist, trying not to drop all of his weight onto you. He also pretends that he’s not entirely thrown off by the way your hands rest on his thighs, absently running them up and down the sides of them. 
“Where have you been the past few days?” you ask him quietly.
Dazai’s blood pressure spikes at the curious look you give him, as if he hadn’t been texting you for days with no response. He can smell the alcohol on you now that he’s closer and he wonders how much you drank—he thinks that’s probably why you looked so fond before and that’s probably why you’re suddenly being so touchy with him, it has nothing to do with him. That empty feeling in his chest starts to return.
He should have just left, should have just destroyed the flash drive and disappeared. 
“I texted you,” he replies tightly, feeling wildly uncomfortable as he’s unable to get a hold on the way he’s spiraling internally. “I can see you’ve been busy though.”
You tilt your head to the side as if you’re unsure of what he means and Dazai almost wants to get up and leave but the feeling of your hands on him, his lower body pressed to yours, it leaves him dizzy and slow. His breath catches as your hands slip beneath his sweatshirt, smoothing out against his bandaged sides, thumb drawing slow circles over the covered skin as if trying to calm him down.
Dazai thinks he might hate you.
He thinks he might hate himself more because it works. His heartbeat slows and relaxes into you a bit more. He wants to take you by the shoulders and shake you, wants to demand answers, wants to know if you actually care about him or if this is all just some big show for the flash drive. 
“I haven’t looked at my phone,” you finally say. “I’ve been the one dealing with the issues in Tokyo. It’s just been meeting after meeting the past few days. I thought you’d be here when I got back but you weren’t.”
Were you waiting for him? He wants to ask. Expecting him? Or are you just saying that because you can tell he’s unhappy and don’t want to deal with his attitude? Dazai just doesn’t know, it’s hard to concentrate with your hands on his body.
“Can we talk?” Dazai asks quietly after a few moments.
“What about?”
About the flash drive. About you. About him. Dazai doesn’t know—about everything. So, instead he just says: “About this.”
Instantly, you turn your head away from him and Dazai’s frustration rises at your attempt at blatantly ignoring him. He reaches out to grab your cheeks, forcing you to look up at him and Dazai’s breath catches when your lidded stare lands on him.
“I’m drunk,” you tell him flatly. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Bullshit,” Dazai immediately snaps, the pads of his fingers digging a bit too hard into your cheeks but you’re unfazed by it, staring up at him with an unreadable expression. “I think-”
Dazai doesn’t even have the chance to finish his sentence because you’re pushing yourself up from your laying position, one hand slipping out from his sweatshirt to cup the back of his head, the other still firm on his hip as you drag him down against you. Dazai’s breath catches when you press your lips against his, lashes fluttering shut. The hand on his hip slides around to his back, holding his body flush to yours—he lets out a low moan into your mouth when you nip at his bottom lip.
No, he thinks hazily, trying to push himself off of you but instead, his hands cup your cheeks and he tilts your head back to deepen the kiss. Your tongues dance in a way that leaves him dazed, it feels almost intimately familiar to him, somehow so in tune with one another that it’s like you’ve kissed hundreds of times before. 
He shouldn’t be doing this, he knows this. You said it yourself that you’re drunk, he knows you only kissed him to get him to stop talking but…Dazai sighs into your mouth when he feels the tips of your finger card through his hair, feeling you shift beneath him to let his hips slot between your legs.
But isn’t this what he’s wanted this whole time? 
Aren’t you finally giving him what you’ve denied him for weeks?
Your lips are intoxicating against his, and not because of the gin staining your tongue, he can hardly focus on anything with the way your tongue traces the back of his teeth, dragging against the roof of his mouth. He groans when you shift beneath him, one leg hooking around his waist. He separates his lips from yours to gasp for breath.
Shit, he thinks, lips parting when you kiss his jaw, trailing your lips to his ear to suck gently on the skin there before kissing slowly down his neck. He swears his entire body is on fire, breaths quick and shuddered; his mind feels so muddled and hazy that he has to actively tell himself to put a stop to this and even that is almost not enough.
It takes all of his willpower to push himself off of you, still breathing heavy, lips wet and swollen, his whole body tingling everywhere your lips and hands had touched. You stare up at him and Dazai’s body aches with need when he sees you’re nearly as breathless as he is, your own lips wet from his, eyes a bit glazed over. Heat burns in his lower abdomen but he can’t, not when he knows you’re drunk and not when he knows you’re only doing this to get him to stop talking.
Before Dazai can say anything, you look away from him again and he knows that it’s over.
“I’m tired,” you say. “Help me get to bed. We can talk in the morning.”
Dazai’s lashes lower as he nods, leaning down to help you to your feet. Even with your heels kicked off, you wobble on your feet, so he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady. The silence is almost foreboding as Dazai guides you up the stairs to your bedroom; you don’t make any move to break it, so Dazai does.
“We’re not going to talk about it in the morning, are we?” he asks quietly, looking down at you. You don’t look up at him and Dazai just wants you to at least look at him so when he gets you to the door of your bedroom, he stops and looks at you. You still don’t look at him. “Can you at least look at me?”
Dazai thinks he might be sick from the way you have to seemingly force yourself to look at him. Even drunk, he can see the displeasure plain on your face and it makes him want to curl in on himself again.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Dazai,” you finally say, your voice is tight. “I want to go to bed.”
“I want to talk about it,” Dazai stresses. “I-”
Frustration flies across your face, emotions loosened in your intoxicated state. You turn away from him and slam open your bedroom door and Dazai winces, taking half a step back.
“It’s always what you want, Dazai,” you hiss. 
Dazai’s heart sinks, shaking his head because he doesn’t want to hear where you’re going with this. “Stop.”
“For weeks, I have been catering to what you want and now I don’t want one thing and you throw a fucking tantrum over it. I don’t want to talk about this—I don’t want to talk about it now, I don’t want to talk about it in the morning, I don’t want to talk about it. Can you just leave it be?”
Dazai takes another step back, staring at you silently. His ears ring as your words echo through them and though he can watch your face shift from frustration to guilt, it doesn’t process in his head—not really, not when all he can hear are your words on repeat over and over again. 
You reach out for him, fingers curling around his wrist but Dazai pulls his hand back, taking a step away from you, closer to the stairs. All of his fight or flight instincts are triggered, his body itches to run, to flee downstairs and get out of your apartment, but his legs are uncooperative, feet rooted to the ground as he stares at you blankly.
“I didn’t mean that,” you say after a few moments. “I didn’t-I just-”
“It’s okay,” Dazai replies, voice a bit distant even to his own ears. “I’ll drop it.”
“Let me help you get into bed,” Dazai interrupts, forcing a smile onto his face as he pushes himself forward. His movements feel weird and clunky, unnatural almost, but he successfully leads you into your room, pulling back the sheets to help you into bed. “C’mon.”
He helps you slip into the bed and pulls the sheets over you, there’s still that hazy look in your eyes as you look up at him and Dazai tries his best to make sure that the smile on his face doesn’t look strained. He’s pretty sure you can see through it even while drunk. You reach out to grab his wrist again and this time, Dazai doesn’t pull away. 
“Stay here tonight,” you say quietly. “Lay down with me.”
“I have class in the morning.” Dazai shakes his head, as much as he might ache to stay in your presence, he thinks if he stays in it a moment longer, he might actually break down—he can’t get your words to stop echoing. Only a steadily crumbling dam is holding back the torrent of emotions ripping apart his chest. “I can’t.”
“I’ll drive you.”
“I have to get all of my books, and finish my homework,” he tells you. “I can’t.”
“We’ll leave early,” you press, leaning up on your elbows. “C-”
“I can’t,” Dazai stresses, taking a step back and shaking his head. “I can’t. I have to go.”
You look conflicted, but to his relief and distress, you finally let go of his wrist. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow. After your classes. You finish at three, right? There’s a restaurant in Minami-ku I’ve been meaning to take you to.”
Dazai’s throat spasms as he swallows, shaking his head again. “I’m busy after class tomorrow. I have meetings for group projects.”
“When are they over? I’ll pick you up after.”
He feels a bit sick to his stomach as he looks up at your ceiling, in turmoil and unsure as to what to do. He knows you’re not doing this because you feel bad—not really—he knows it has to do with the flashdrive. He knows it. He thought it would be easier having someone to talk to, someone to hang out with, even if it was only because of blackmail because at least he would have someone, but he was wrong because this is a type of torture that Dazai just can’t endure any longer.
“I’m not going to want to do anything after, I’ll be drained.”
“Then we don’t have to do anything.” God, you won’t stop trying. You won’t stop trying and Dazai knows that if it wasn’t for that stupid flash drive, you’d have laughed in his face and told him to get out. He thinks he might actually throw up. “I’ll pick up the food before going to get you. We’ll stay in. Watch a movie.”
“No,” Dazai says, raising his voice now. “No. I’m just going to go back to my place. I have to go.”
Though his legs feel like lead and his body still yearns to be near yours, he forces himself to leave your room. Doesn’t look back when you call his name. Doesn’t hesitate at the top of the stairs when you tell him to wait. He nearly stumbles as he makes his way down the stairs and when he gets to the bottom instead of rushing toward the elevator, he sits on the arm of your couch, resting his head in his hands as he tries to gather his thoughts.
You’re so frustrating. So impossible to read that it’s beginning to take a toll on Dazai. He doesn’t understand why you’re so adamant on not having a conversation about all of this. He thought you would’ve wanted to have a conversation about it for the chance of getting the flash drive away from him. 
You’ve done everything in your power to avoid any physical contact with him until now; only finally giving it to him when there’s an issue you really don’t want to talk about to try to distract him. Hell, you’d prefer to even talk to him about mafia business—you vented all about the issues with the Shimazaki-kai to him, and Dazai would think that’s the last thing you’d want to talk to him about. 
It doesn’t make any sense.
He’s drawn from his thoughts at the sound of something buzzing against the ground a few feet away, frowning as he looks around and spots your phone on the ground, probably lost in your drunken attempts to get to the couch. He hesitates before pushing himself off the arm of the couch, taking a few steps toward it before kneeling down to pick it up. 
He chews at the inside of his cheek as he stares down at the home screen of your phone, staring at Nakahara Chuuya’s name in the text notification. He knows that he shouldn’t go snooping. He knows it.
He does it anyway.
He spares one last glance up the stairs before unlocking your phone with the code he’s seen you put in hundreds of times by now, clicks on your message app and lets out a puff of air when he realizes that no, you hadn’t been lying. You have at least twenty unread message threads—Dazai’s is pinned at the top with Chuuya’s and someone called Mori, who you’ve never mentioned to him. There’s only one message thread you’ve evidently been reading the past few days considering there’s no dot next to it: Tolstoy, the last message being from a few hours ago.
He shouldn’t look. He knows he shouldn’t look.
He clicks on it anyway.
He bites down hard on his bottom lip as he scrolls to the top of the conversation—only a few message exchanges between the two of you, but they’re decently long.
Tolstoy: Do you still want Ilya? I can have him there by the end of next week, I just need him to finish up some business in Moscow first. You: Haven’t decided. You haven’t even given me the rundown on the side effects of his ability. I’m not going to use it if it’s going to fuck up his head—stop playing salesman and tell me what’s actually up with him. No ability comes without consequences. You know that. I know that. So stop fucking around. 
Dazai suddenly has a sick feeling in his stomach, vision tunneling on the ‘him’ you’re speaking of in the messages. A foreboding air settles over him, dark and oppressive, he has to physically force himself to keep reading.
Tolstoy: We don’t know of any side effects. Haven’t used it enough to figure it out.  You: So, you want me to use him as a lab rat? Be real, Tolstoy. Thought you had more respect for me than that. Tolstoy: I’m trying to help you. You want that kid’s memory wiped, I can have it done for you, it’s just a matter of how badly you want it done.
Dazai doesn’t read anymore than that. He drops your phone onto the couch, takes a step back, a step away. His mind spins, ears ringing as he stares down at—he doesn’t even know what he’s staring at. His vision is swimming and blurring—with tears, maybe? Or just from exhaustion? From panic? He can’t tell but he knows he’s not breathing properly and he knows he needs to leave, everything suddenly feels too suffocating, too enclosed. 
He stumbles over to the elevator, slapping the button and leaning against the wall as he waits for it to come up to your floor. It takes long—too long, each second that passes feels like an eternity and he can’t breathe. He can’t breathe. He can’t breathe.
There’s only one “him” that your texts could be referring to. And it makes sense—it makes sense, doesn’t it? It makes sense why you’re so willing to divulge confidential information if you don’t intend for him to keep the knowledge of it. Makes sense why you’ve been notably careless with leaving files around your apartment. Makes sense why you told him about your ability. He’d thought you were finally letting him in, letting him know you, but-but of course, you weren’t. 
Of course, you weren’t. 
You were just…you were just trying to keep him placated, feed him bits of information to keep him happy because you knew you weren’t going to let him keep the knowledge of it. That you were gonna wipe his memory of it, of you, and send him back into that cold, dark void that’s been following him around his entire life and-
The bing of the elevator startles him, he flinches and still, he can’t breathe. His skin feels numb and prickly, his bandages are scratching uncomfortably at the scars hidden beneath them and he can hardly see straight.
Dazai needs to go.
He needs to go.
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You wake up with a dry mouth, a pounding headache and an oddly foreboding feeling hanging about you. You push yourself into a sitting position, grimacing at the sun blinding you through the window—you don’t remember much of the night. You vaguely recall leaving the club last night with Albatross and Chuuya, the two of them incessantly bitching about dealing with you while you were drunk but in your defense, you think you deserved it after three days straight of meetings with the Shimazaki-kai on behalf of the Sun and Steel. 
Everything after leaving the club is a blur. You grimace as you push yourself out of bed, glancing around to see if you’d dropped your phone anywhere near the bed only to come up empty-handed. You don’t even bother to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth, anxious to find your phone and figure out what happened once you left the club.
You pray to god that it’s downstairs and you hadn’t left it at the club, making your way out of the bedroom with a sigh. You doubt Chuuya or Albatross would’ve been dumb enough to leave it there, but you’re pretty sure they were both drunk too and neither of them are functioning drunks.
You’re not even halfway through the door frame when pain shoots through your head, sharp and uncomfortable and then-
“It’s always what you want, Dazai.”
Suddenly, that foreboding feeling you awoke with makes sense. You stare ahead blankly as you remember who exactly was waiting for you at your apartment after you got back from the club. You remember the argument, you remember the crushed expression that crossed his face when you snapped at him, you remember pleading with him to stay or to at least let you take him out today and you remember him refusing, his voice pitched and cracking, wobbly, on the verge of collapse because-
Because of you. 
It’s with increasingly more urgency now that you rush yourself down the stairs, a small lingering hope remaining that maybe Dazai had stayed in one of the guest rooms or on the couch, that you could do something to fix this before it escalates even more. 
You don’t even know why you said that—it’s not like you mind giving Dazai what he wants, in fact, you enjoy it. You enjoy it a lot. You like seeing his face light up when you do nice things for him, you like when he tries to hide the way he gets all flustered, you like that he’s allowed himself to have hope with you—something he’s clearly denied himself for too long—and you what? 
You ruined it because you got scared? 
You ruined it because you didn’t want to talk about… whatever you have going on with him? 
You ruined it because you were terrified he was going to force you to come to terms with the fact that you’re using his stupid flash drive as an excuse to indulge yourself in him. That it would take minimal effort to have it destroyed but you’re putting it off because you want to be able to rationalize what you’re doing.
You feel sick to your stomach when you realize that your apartment is empty, eyes darting around to try to find your phone. You need to call him—he told you that he wanted to be alone today, or maybe he didn’t say exactly that but he implied it, but you need to at least talk to him now that you’re sober and can think straight. 
A distant part of you, a cold and logical part of you, tells you to just use this as the excuse to cut him off—you don’t need to get Ilya to fuck with his mind if he just hates you, you don’t want Ilya to fuck with Dazai’s mind. The thought of it makes your chest feel tight with guilt, so maybe you should take this opportunity for what it is, no matter how shitty it might make you feel, but-
But you won’t.
Finally spotting your phone on the couch, you snatch it up and unlock it, grimacing at the low battery percentage and then grimacing even more when there’s not a single message from Dazai lighting up your home screen. There’s seven from Chuuya, three from Albatross, and two from Mori, but you’re more concerned by the missed call from an unknown number and the unread voice message.
The foreboding feeling that has been looming only grows more intense when you click on the message for it to play out loud.
“This is Doctor Okamoto of Keiyu Hospital calling on behalf of a recently admitted patient… listed you as his emergency contact when he was brought in last night… unable to disclose any information regarding his injuries over the phone… suggest that you get here soon…”
At once, your vision tunnels and everything around you becomes white noise, your gaze is pinned on the ground, a smudge on the tiled floors as you try to keep yourself grounded because what? Dazai is in the-he’s in the hospital?
Because of you? 
You hadn’t been subtle approaching him that day in the library, it’s been a lingering thought since then, wondering if unsavory eyes had caught sight of you talking to him. The bar and the cafe were different, he had approached you—if any of your enemies had happened to see it, they wouldn’t think twice about it. But you approaching him had been dangerous. 
It had been a mistake.
Had it been a mistake to cost him his life?
And it’s not just that—you’ve taken him out to dinners. Picked him up at his apartment building. Places that you or your trusted affiliates own but there’s always the chance… and if he left the Port Mafia building last night in a rush, upset and not thinking straight…
Oh, you might throw up.
You’re not dressed properly. You’re still wearing your dress from last night and you fumble to put on the heels you must’ve kicked off in your drunken state. You don’t even care to get dressed, more intent on getting to the hospital and figuring out if—nausea builds in the back of your throat—if Dazai is alive, if he’s okay. You need to re-listen to the voicemail because your hearing had been unfocused and you’d only been able to catch bits and pieces of the doctor’s message.
And you don’t even get into the elevator because your phone is ringing again as soon as you click the button. You don’t even look at the number before picking up, fearing that it’s the hospital again—it’s not, it’s Chuuya, and you immediately regret your decision because you aren’t even able to bark out a ‘what’ before he’s speaking.
“Where the hell have you been?” Chuuya snaps on the other side of the line. “We’ve been trying to get ahold of you for hours, we-”
“I’m busy,” you hiss right back, interrupting him. “I can’t talk-”
“You can talk,” Chuuya says harshly. “Get to headquarters. The Guild is in Yokohama now. We don’t have time to fuck around anymore.”
You don’t respond to Chuuya, heart sinking to your feet at his words, distress clawing at your chest so painfully that you think it might be easier if you just carve out your heart and toss it out the window. You hang up the phone without another word just as the elevator makes it to your floor, but instead of going inside, you make your way back up to your room, numbly changing into one of your suits so you could at least look somewhat presentable. 
You hardly even recognize yourself in the mirror as you wipe off your smudged makeup from your night out. Your eyes are vacant and your expression so empty that you think you could almost be looking at a statue. 
War with the Guild. Dazai in the hospital.
Everything is catching up to you at the same time and your mind is fraying at its seams, collapsing in on itself as the weight of everything bears down on you. You do your best to compartmentalize, focus on one thing at a time but you can’t even concentrate on one issue. 
You try to figure out what to do about the upcoming conflict, try to determine what exactly Fitzgerald might be planning so you can figure out what the Port Mafia will retaliate with, and your mind drifts to Dazai, you wonder if he’s okay, if he’s in critical condition, if it was one of your enemies that got to him or if it was something else.
You think about Dazai, all of the fear and guilt and anxiety tearing you apart, and your mind shoots straight to the Guild. Because if Fitzgerald knows about Dazai—if he knows about Dazai—then it’s over. It’s all over. If the Guild gets their hands on him, they’ll kill him when you don’t give them what they want because you can’t give them what they want. They want Yokohama and you can’t give them that. 
You can’t, not even for Dazai.
You don’t even register that you’re standing in front of the elevator again until it bings, startling you right out of your thoughts. You can’t leave the building while you’re spiraling like this—you need to get a grip on yourself, you don’t even know where you’re going yet. You need to figure out if you’re going to go meet with Mori and the other executives or if you’re going to go find Dazai. 
As you step into the elevator, it takes all but five seconds for you to make a decision.
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Dazai wakes up to the familiar scent of antiseptic and a citrus-scented floor cleaning solution, the air is too stale and the air-conditioning is cranked up too high. He forces his eyes open, lids heavy and uncooperative, but he immediately lets them fall shut again briefly when he’s met with too white walls and the steady beeping of the heart monitor next to him.
His throat feels swollen as he stares up at the ceiling—the last time he was here in the hospital he was seventeen and had nearly bled out in the bathtub in Odasaku’s house. The only reason he hadn’t was because Ango happened to stop by the house to pick up papers that Odasaku had left for him, finding Dazai unconscious and face half-submerged in the water. He woke up here to find both of them hovering over him, Ango concerned and Odasaku visibly upset for the first time since Dazai met him.
He wakes up alone now because Odasaku is dead and he hasn’t spoken to Ango in four years—doesn’t even know where the man is anymore, doesn’t even know if he’s alive, doesn’t want to know either.
“Dazai-sama.” He hears a nurse say from the door to his room. “You’re awake, how are you…”
The nurse’s voice becomes white noise with the beeping of the heart monitor and the vents blowing above. Dazai retreats back into his own mind—a dangerous place, but right now it’s safer than the white walls that surround him, knowing he’s going to be badgered with questions that he doesn’t want to have to answer. 
How are you feeling, Dazai-sama? 
What happened, Dazai-sama? 
We need to ask you a few questions, Dazai-sama.
Dazai feels defeated.
His head falls to the side as he stares out the nearby window, watching as a bird swoops down in view before taking off into the sky.
He doesn’t even remember what happened. He remembers leaving your apartment, he remembers… he remembers seeing your texts, your plans to wipe his memory. And… that’s about it? He vaguely remembers the familiar feeling of his lungs burning, remembers being tossed around by the rough currents of Tsurumi River. He doesn’t remember how he got there but it’s not exactly hard for him to piece together—even now, Dazai thinks he would rather be dead than have his memories forcibly erased.
“… to know what exactly hap…”
A dark and familiar cloud settles over him. His eyes feel heavy and his chest hurts. Dazai—he doesn’t even know what to think anymore. He’s so tired that his bones ache and his muscles feel so weak that he just sinks into the stiff mattress of the hospital bed.
He doesn’t know what he expected—he thinks that to some extent he expected you to leave him. Everyone has left him. His mother, his aunt, all of the brief friends he’d made over the years before they see him for what he is, Odasaku and Ango—everyone has left him, so he knew that you would too but… in this manner? Using an ability to wipe his memory of you?
Dazai has considered it before. He’s wondered if maybe his life would be easier if he could just… forget. If he could live without the memory of everyone who has left him hanging over him. Some days, on really bad days, he thinks it might be easier. To try to make himself feel better, he thinks that maybe he isn’t the issue, maybe it’s all just a self-fulfilling prophecy, that it’s his past experiences cursing him to make the same mistakes over and over again; that without them, he might stand a chance.
But then when he thinks about it—when he really thinks about it—he knows in his heart that it’s not true, and he knows that without the memory of them all, Dazai will only feel more empty. And to think that you were trying to take his memories of you from him… without even asking, without giving him a choice in the matter… it almost makes Dazai-
His gaze snaps to the side when he hears your familiar voice come from the door leading into his room. Instantly, he’s shaking his head and looking away again, he can’t even bear to look at you but you’re walking over to him, you’re coming to his bedside, you’re sitting next to him on the hospital bed and you’re reaching out to cup his cheek, forcibly turning his face to make him look at you. You look worried, something sharp and concerned in your eyes that makes his throat swell and he wants to spit at you and call you a liar but he can only sink into your touch.
“Why are you here?” he asks. His voice is hoarse, almost painful for him to use. 
“What happened?” you ask him quietly instead of answering his question—you never answer his questions, you always deflect, always maneuver around them. The ones you do answer, it’s only because you plan to- “Dazai, what happened? Are you okay?”
Dazai doesn’t know how you can look at him like this all the while planning the most diabolical betrayal that he could ever imagine. You’re either an actress deserving of international recognition or… or Dazai doesn’t even know.
“I’m fine,” he says, voice clipped. “Why are you here?”
“The hospital called me-”
“But why are you here?” Dazai cuts you off, grateful that his voice is firmer than the turmoil wreaking havoc through him. He must’ve given them your number while he was half-delirious when he was brought in—he figured that out already—but that doesn’t explain why you actually came. “Why did you come?”
“Because you’re hurt,” you say as if Dazai should believe you. 
And he wants to believe you. Wants to believe that you’d come running just at the mere idea of him being hurt, wants to believe that you would care enough to come for him. He wants to believe you so bad, but he knows what he saw. 
“Don’t lie to me,” Dazai tells you, finally gathering the willpower to pull his face away from where it’s resting in the palm of your hand. You don’t even let him shift away, hand slipping behind him to cradle the back of his head, fingers entwined with his hair. “Stop.”
“I’m not lying to you,” you say like a liar. “Tell me what happened.”
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
You sigh heavily and Dazai hates the way you’re absently drawing circles against the nape of his neck with your thumb, hates how it makes him feel at ease and especially hates the way his lashes instinctually flutter shut.
“I didn’t mean what I said last night, Dazai,” you say so quietly that Dazai almost believes you. Almost. “I was drunk, I didn’t… I don’t know why I said that. I didn’t mean-”
“I don’t care about that,” Dazai says, proud of the way his voice stays sharp and cold. “I saw the messages between you and Tolstoy. I know what you’re planning. I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t even want to look at you, just leave me alone.”
You draw back at his words, concerned expression melting into a blank slate as you pull your hand away to sit back straight. Dazai misses your touch instantly, longs for the warmth to return but he forces himself to ignore it all, keeping his gaze pinned on you, watching the way your mind races behind your eyes. He wonders if you’re trying to figure out if you can salvage this, wonders if you’re going to lie.
Instead, a heavy look settles over your face as you frown, glancing back at the way you came and for a moment, Dazai thinks you’re just going to leave. You rise to your feet and words lodge in the back of his throat, preparing to spit insults at you: he wants to call you a coward, a liar, wants to tell you that you’re cruel and vile and he can hardly even stand to look at you.
But then you look back at him and hold out your hand to him. “Come on,” you tell him. “Let’s sneak you out of here… I’ll explain everything when we get out of the hospital.”
Dazai wants to be spiteful, wants to turn his head away and ignore you, wants to slap your hand and tell you that there’s no explaining what he saw.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, he places his hand in yours and lets that treacherous, treacherous spec of hope bloom in his chest again.
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Dazai hasn’t spoken a word since leaving the hospital. You’ve tried to make small talk with him, but every time, he just turns his head away to look out the window. You gave up twenty minutes ago and Dazai is already regretting not indulging conversation with you because the silence is agonizing. He knows he should break it, but he doesn't know how to now. 
He glances at you from the corner of your eye. You’re leaning back against your seat, one hand on the steering wheel—he can’t see your eyes because they’re masked by sunglasses, but he can see the way your free hand rests on the gear stick, knuckles tense.
“What is this place?” Dazai clears his throat as he leans forward in his seat, peering out the windshield of your car to try to figure out where you’re taking him. He forces his tone to lighten, the smile on his lips strained. “Are you kidnapping me? Oh! Or are you taking me to some remote cabin to kill me? Bella, you truly know the way to a man’s heart.”
You let out a heavy sigh, one that makes Dazai toss a sweet smile in your direction. 
Some type of beach house, he recognizes as you pull up a windy road to the top of a cliff looking over the water. He can see to his left a path leading down to the water and to his right a nice view of a distant pier. It’s not a large house, but it’s nice—well-kept and refurbished with a view over Sagami Bay. It’s not too far out from Yokohama, probably only a little over an hour, but considering Dazai’s never left the city in his entire life, this might be the furthest he’s ever been. He can almost feel a bit of excitement bubbling in his chest. 
“I wanted to take you here, away from the city for a bit,” you finally say, fingers thrumming against the wheel of the car as you slowly guide the car up the gravel path. “So we can talk in peace.”
Your bland words whittle away his excitement and Dazai’s smile falters. He tries to distract himself with counting the strands hanging off the sleeve of his sweater but keeps losing count.
“Something you couldn’t have talked to me about in Yokohama?” Dazai asks airly as you pull to a stop in front of the beach house. 
He doesn’t turn to look at you, doesn’t move until you finally get out of the car, reaching into the back seat to grab two duffle bags, nodding for him to follow you.
Wow, he thinks dryly, you came prepared.
Dazai feels distinctly like he’s walking to his execution as he follows you to the steps leading up to the house, but instead of walking up them, you toss the bags on the porch and then continue up the path.
You’re going to push him off a cliff, Dazai thinks, feet dragging against the gravel as he follows you. This is it, all of the years that he’s longed for death and it’s finally about to find him at your hands. 
“I might not die from the fall,” Dazai says, words drawn long as he pouts. “You wouldn’t really leave me to suffer in freezing water, would you?”
“No,” you say, glancing back at him. He lets out a quiet breath of relief that’s quickly snuffed out when you add, “I’m not that sloppy with my kills. I’d kill you before dumping your body over the side of the cliff.”
Dazai blanches, but your lips curl up into an amused smile so he settles down, sighing as he purposely knocks his shoulder with yours.
“My bella is so cruel,” he sighs dramatically. “She hates me.”
You sigh as you reach the edge of the cliff, not turning to look at him. The wind whips around the two of you—it’s a cool, early spring night, the temperature just enough to be uncomfortable but you don’t seem bothered by it as you stare out across the water as the sun starts to set.
You’re beautiful, Dazai thinks, breath catching at the sight of you beneath the setting sun. The golden rays cast an ethereal glow over you, the wind ruffles your clothes and hair, and your expression is solemn in a way that’s become terribly familiar the past few weeks.
“I’m not going to do anything with the video,” Dazai finally says, voice quiet—finally taking the chance to say what he wanted to say last night. “You don’t have to keep… pandering to me because you’re trying to protect yourself. I was never going to do anything with it, I just… wanted you to give me a chance.”
When you look over your shoulder, you give Dazai a small, genuine smile that makes all of the air whoosh from his lungs. 
“Dazai, I’ve known you weren’t going to do anything with that video since day one,” you say, amused. “If I thought you were, I would’ve had someone confiscate it from your apartment.”
Dazai’s lips part, mind racing. “But then why-”
Your smile softens at the edges and you sigh as you lower yourself down to the ground, feet dangling off the edge of the cliff. Dazai joins you, thigh brushing yours and shoulders absently knocking together. Your hands rest in your lap and Dazai’s fingers twitch to reach for yours. He only hardly refrains himself.
“I don’t remember a life before this,” you say after a few moments, a distant look in your eyes as you stare ahead. “When I was seven… eight, maybe, I was pulled out of a warzone by the current leader of the Mafia. I don’t even remember my parents—anything about them. Their names. Faces. What they sounded like, what their job was. Mori… he found me in my town sitting in the middle of a whole pile of bodies and I couldn’t even point out which pair of corpses were my parents. I don’t remember anything before him… It’s all just black. Blurred.”
Dazai stares at you, eyes a bit wide as he listens to you speak. His lips part to say something but he decides against it, instead he seals his lips back shut and presses his shoulder against yours. Mori—that was the other name pinned up with Dazai’s message thread and Nakahara Chuuya’s—he must be the Port Mafia boss. His gaze traces your face as you stare ahead, catching the melancholic expression on your face. He itches to reach for your hand.
“I could hardly remember anything about myself. My first name… that’s just about it. My new birthday became the day Mori found me, my new surname—when needed—was his, he… he became my reason to live when I had none. Gave me a purpose,” you tell him faintly. “I spent two years on a warfront trying to figure out what my ability was so I could be the finishing touches of the immortal regiment that he was trying to create. As far as I remember, all I’ve known is… this. Him.”
Dazai wants to say something but every word he tries to push out dies on his tongue. Instead, he finally does reach out to grab your hand, fingers curling around yours tightly. You look down briefly, an unreadable expression on your face before it softens and… and for a split second, Dazai can see you, he can see you: not a hardened executive of a mafia, but an eight-year-old girl, lost and confused and landing in the arms of the wrong man, and it makes him sick.
The traitorous part of him wonders if you’re only telling him this because you still plan on following through with the memory wipe, so Dazai does what he always does when someone threatens to take one of the few things he wants—he digs his claws in and doesn’t let go. 
“The war ended before I could figure out how to use my ability and I followed… him to the underground. We ended up with the Port Mafia while the previous boss and his family were still leading. He was…” You trail off, frowning. “Dangerous. Yokohama was a terrible place under his leadership. He slaughtered civilians who spoke poorly about him and the Mafia, killed his own men for looking at him wrong… Mori became his doctor and for the good of the city, he decided to kill him.”
“I remember the old boss—what he did to the city,” Dazai says quietly—how could he not? His aunt was terrified of being in Yokohama because of him, was constantly talking about leaving the city… she finally did after dumping Dazai off in Suribachi and leaving him to fend for himself against the wolves. “It was bad.”
“It was,” you agree absently. “Mori—he wanted it to be as bloodless as possible. He tried every route, but the only way for it to be bloodless was if he had someone to corroborate that the previous boss died in his sleep and left the Port Mafia to him.”
Dazai almost scoffs.
“No one would believe that.”
“We’d hoped maybe one of his grandchildren would step up. Even if it was clearly a lie, people would have to listen because they were his blood,” you say with a wry smile. “They didn’t.”
“So, what happened then?” he presses when you don’t immediately continue. He frowns when he catches the sudden change in your demeanor, like you’re sick to your stomach, unable to push out the next words. He feels a bit dreadful, squeezing your hand gently. 
“We had to wipe out the whole family,” you whisper, looking down at your lap, “and any loyalists. I was fourteen when I killed someone for the first time. She was a girl my age—the previous boss’s granddaughter—she was asleep, had a bear tucked in her arm and a nightlight on the right side of her bed. I slit her throat, then both of her older brothers. They were kids.”
Dazai’s throat spasm as he swallows, the picture forming in his head cold and chilling, but instead he forces out:
“You were a kid too.”
“No, I wasn’t. Hadn’t been for a long time,” you say, voice flat, leaving no room for argument. “We hunted down the whole bloodline, immediate to extended family. Mori was insistent on it, said we couldn’t risk one of them ever returning and upending everything we’ve built. He’s still searching for some to this day just to make sure.”
That’s… foreboding to say the least. Dazai watches you carefully, the grim expression on your face and the frown on your lips. He pulls your hand into his lap, tracing your fingers gently to try to ease you and he watches from the corner of his eye as your expression softens again when you look at him. It makes his chest feel tight and fluttery.
“I was sixteen when I met Itou.” The cold expression on your face warms at the unfamiliar name. Dazai watches as the corner of your lips curve up into a fond smile, as if you’re reminiscing. “He was seventeen. We were partnered up for years. This was his beach house—or, well, I don’t know whose it was but Itou took it. He was awful, honestly. A terrible fucking person, had more blood on his hands than any other member of the Mafia, found way too much joy in tormenting people. He was awful, but he was the closest thing I had to family. He tried to show me a world beyond just… bloodshed and violence. Took me to amusement parks on days off, snuck me onto school trips with random groups of kids and told me to ‘blend in’ as training for infiltration missions, showed me how to live, not just… survive. He died on a mission a few weeks after I turned eighteen, made me promise him that I wouldn’t go back to how I used to be without him, that I’d at least try to be happy.”
Double oh.
Dazai almost does throw up now, mind drawing back to a face that has been haunting Dazai for four years now, Odasaku’s last words ring through his head painfully—a reminder of his own inadequacy, of his failure to fulfill his friend’s dying wish.
He remembers the way your face shifted when he told you about Odasaku at Kido’s Boutique and he wonders if he’d reminded you of Itou back then when he spoke of the man and his promise, just like how he was reminded now. His grip on your hand tightens unintentionally—as if you can sense his thoughts, you squeeze his fingers gently. 
“I didn’t,” you say with a tight smile. “Threw myself into work, accepted that my fate was to live, breathe and die for the Port Mafia. I didn’t see the point of anything—well, not until I met you, at least.”
Dazai’s eyes flicker up to you, breath catching when you meet his gaze this time. And god, you look beautiful—so beautiful that Dazai thinks that if he dies now, he could die happy. He almost wishes that he could die now, fall off the side of the cliff with the image of you burned behind his eyelids. It would be a better death than he deserved.
“You made me happy. Make me happy,,” you tell him quietly and Dazai’s heart leaps into his throat. “So effortlessly that I can’t even understand how you do it, but it’s impossible for me to justify dragging you into this world just because I’m selfish.” Dazai parts his lips to disagree but you don’t even give him a chance to speak. “So when you came to me with your stupid blackmail, it was so… easy to just use it as an excuse for me to indulge in you.”
Dazai doesn’t get it. He still doesn’t get it. You’re sitting here talking to him, explaining everything, and Dazai still doesn’t understand. He makes you happy—he makes you happy and you make him happy, there doesn’t need to be any more complications than that. You don’t have to push him away, you don’t have to cut him off, you don’t have to use that memory wiping ability on him.
“I don’t understand,” Dazai says, voice hoarse. “You make me happy too, so why is…”
“Because Chuuya is right,” you say with a smile that doesn’t meet your eyes. “The risks… Dazai, you can’t ask me to put you in danger like this. It’s not fair.”
“It’s not fair to cut me off because you’re scared,” Dazai counters, voice a bit pitched. “It’s not fair that you want to wipe my memory without my consent. I don’t care about danger, I don’t-”
You look at him sharply, an intense expression on your face that makes Dazai hesitate.
“I never would have done it without talking to you first,” you say tightly. “Do you really think that little of me?”
Dazai looks away, not answering the question. “I never would have agreed to it,” he replies, voice equally tight as yours. “Never. It’d be a waste of your time.”
You sigh and Dazai feels you shift next to him but he pointedly keeps his gaze trained ahead, refusing to look at you. He feels your fingers brush his cheek before the pressure becomes a bit firmer as you turn his face so that he’s looking at you. You’re so close that his nose brushes yours, the pads of your fingers are warm against his skin; if he leans in just a bit, he’d be able to kiss you.
He wants to kiss you.
“You don’t know what’s at stake,” you say softly, breath fanning across his lips as you speak. He can almost taste the mixture of mint and nicotine on your lips—you smoke when you’re nervous, he’s noticed it over the past few weeks with you. The more nervous you are, the more cigarettes you run through; he wonders how many cigarettes you’ve gone through since you’ve gotten the call from the hospital. “The danger-”
“You want me,” Dazai whispers, squeezing your hand, leaning in a bit more. “No one has ever wanted me before. Not like this. Not for me. You want me.”
The last sentence—it doesn’t come out as a statement, it comes out as a plea. He wants you to say it. You didn’t the last time, but he needs to hear it now. Desperately. His nails dig into your hands, he doesn’t even dare to breathe as he waits for you to speak.
“I want you,” you agree, voice so quiet like you don’t even dare to speak the words out loud in fear of the consequences of them. “I want you. I want you so bad that it scares me, Dazai Osamu.”
And Dazai breathes. The breath he lets out is long and shaky, the relief that sweeps over him is almost debilitating. He searches your eyes to make sure you mean it and when he only finds honesty and a type of fear that he’s never seen in you before, Dazai knows.
“You think it doesn’t scare me?” Dazai asks you, voice cracking. “Everything I ever come to want is always lost. Ever since that first day we met, I-I knew that I wanted you more than anything I’ve ever wanted before and I’ve been terrified that one day you’ll leave me. Promise me that you won’t. Promise me.”
You stare at him and for a terrible moment, Dazai thinks that you’re about to shake your head and say you can’t, but then you swallow, nod and say, “I promise.”
Dazai kisses you. And then he kisses you again. And again. And again. Until his lungs burn and he can feel your lips curve up against his and even then, he kisses you still. Kisses you as the sun sets over the bay and the moon rises above the mountains. Kisses you until the wind becomes too bitter for the two of you to stay outside and still, he smiles as he peppers kisses across your face, walking back down the path to the beach house.
He ignores how your phone has been buzzing incessantly all night, praying for at least one day of peace before reality slaps the two of you in the face again.
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | yang jungwon
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❝ i’ve retired from the student council lmao ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | JUNGWON | ni-ki
yang jungwon
where do i even begin
in the first year of highschool, he used to be THE class president
resident teacher’s pet, sits in the front, yada yada… typical good student stereotype
BUT NOW??? 😭😭😭😭
he just goes to school to be silly
don’t get me wrong like he is smart n still receives good grades
but he isn’t the 100% school jungwon from 7th grade
how do you befriend yang jungwon
he’s actually a friend of a friend!
apparently, rei had met him when she was in the student council for like a year
so naturally, you eat lunch together at the canteen
he always has those cool lunchboxes and just rly GOOD food for lunch that he doesn’t share
you didn’t know what to expect from the boy when you first started eating lunch together
maybe timid??? shy??? bossy?? you don’t know bc he’s in a different section
you certainly don’t expect him to know about every single possible GOSSIP in the school
he says it in such a funny way too like
yang jungwon storytelling skills 10/10
and he laughs so hard like he will draw attention to your table bc he’s laughing so hard
but it’s valid bc the things he says sometimes are so unhinged that even YOU can’t help the loud cackles
tho you don’t rly become close friends until sports fest season
you hang around each other ++ additional friends BUT they’re always in some contest so you’re left with jungwon most of the time
“do you want to leave and go to the mall??,” you’d ask more as a joke
but he agrees
YANG JUNGWON agrees to skip sports fest to go to the mall with you im in tears
that’s how you find yourselves in a small karaoke room at the mall
he drags you to the arcade too
the original bet was loser pays for the winner’s lunch
but then u lost every game and u looked so cute pouting that jungwon suddenly changes the rules
“FINE… winner pays for the loser’s lunch”
he pretends to be so upset about it too so that you can grab his arm and shake it around to try and get his attention
he gives in obv
then he takes u to lunch at one of like ur fav places and ure like omg ??? u think it’s telepathy that he knows
BUT NO he listens to your stories during lunch time and you’ve mentioned eating here and loving it before
he even has your order down but he tries not to be too obvious about it ☹️☹️
yang jungwon listens to you even tho you’re seated a few people away from him
womp womp it rains when u decide to go back to school
you two end up running in the rain together
WELL technically at first you tried to share his umbrella but then the both of you got too flustered
so when u started to stray away from his umbrella .. he CLOSES it
he takes your hand and goes running for the school so you can take shelter from the rain
the teachers and students look at u like 🤨🤨
anyways jungwon and (name) ABSENT from sports fest
the only thing you remember the event by is bc u joined picture taking before leaving the school grounds
it’s so natural hanging out with him
nothing ever feels forced bc he’s just so goofy and silly that you never feel crazy when talking to him
ever since then !!!!! he’d sit closer to you during lunch time
then he’d start waiting for you outside your classroom just to tell you something ??
will find every excuse to talk to you
and if the teacher needs something from your room? bye he’s VOLUNTEERING just to see you for a few seconds
ofc the teachers just think typical Jungwon behavior
but no … this is typical Jungwon with a Crush behavior
ALSO picture this
his classes end earlier than yours
he will literally pass by your classroom a million times and peek through the open door to make like brief eye contact with you
sometimes .. u don’t notice him and he just admires the way you look on forward to the teacher
also pretends his class ended late so when ur class dismisses he’ll be like “oh let’s talk to the cafeteria together!”
he’s not slick abt it
why is he suddenly so down bad and willing to do everything to hear you laugh
(he starts sharing his food with you btw i know… very shocking for him who ltrly Never shares)
he finally confesses after a school event that ran longer than it should’ve
so he sprints at you and tells you he needs to tell you something bc he is going crazy
CONFESSES !!!!!!!!!
ofc who are you to reject him.
be careful when you start dating bc i firmly believe he LOVES kissing 😹
like he is obsessed and will just be kissing you all the time i’m sorry i’m pushing this agenda
tho ofc in hidden areas!!!!!!!
he doesn’t want his beloved teachers catching him who still has an image of being a teacher’s pet
soooooo like……
“come here, let me kiss you”
you even receive TEXTS as if you’re some sort of sneaky link (you’re not)
“please meet me under the stairs beside the student council office and prepare your lips 😘😘😘😘”
under the stairs, the side of the basketball court, an empty classroom … everywhere
BEHAVE yang jungwon
he’s so clingy and so smug too
has you as his lockscreen
it’s so funny bc someone would borrow his phone and your zoomed in face would just flash in his phone
talks about u to his friends all the time
“isn’t my girlfriend so pretty?,” with this smile 😊😊😊😁
lets you wear his school blazer
sometimes he even switches ur pe shirts
He just likes seeing the big fat “yang” printed on your back
he makes his kisses a reward sometimes like if you get this question right he’ll SMOOCH u
he’s honestly so good at being academic support like he knows exactly what to say bc 7th grade him was a different breed n be was so eager to please and always felt so pressured
jungwon a Veteran u guys
helps you in the subjects you’re not so good in
tbh teaches better than your teachers sometimes
like he’d stay behind in class and it’s only the two of you in the classroom and he’ll start WRITING on the whiteboard
just starts lecturing to help you for an upcoming exam
honestly just good luck to you and your poor lips
oh also your poor stomach bc he will always make you laugh
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
mickey i need ur thoughts on jjk men (esp satoru) helping out and showing love for their partner with autism
like uuuuuuuu i was thinking abt toru keeping a pair of his sunglasses with him hust in case youre visually overwhelmed. ORRRR him teleporting you to a quieter space when he notices that theres too many complex sounds that are upsetting you.
ughhhhh like imagine one of them remembering that pressure is soothing for you and js puts their full body weight whenever you come back home from a bad day.
GUHHHH them keeping candles of your favorite scents and alwaya makes sure to keep your safe foods stocked up whenever you visit
i agree with everything you said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i know that every single one of them would do anything and everything to help you out!! but i did pick some things out that really made me think of them!!! anyway hello my fellow autistic ppl this one is for you all i love you very very much<333
satoru 100% carries extra sunglasses with him and i think he'd actually carry his black blindfold aswell. obvs he's not gonna make you wear it as you're moving through public but he'd lead you to a quiet spot and then just let you have a moment. he's either sitting you down next to him or he's holding you against his chest, protecting you from every single ray of light that could possibly make it any worse for you. bc honestly... sunglasses are sometimes just not enough for me personally. i've had my fair share of times where i just have to cover my eyes with my hands bc it just hurts so much.
we all know that satoru is a big yapper but i know he needs his quiet time too. i think he would love to just Do Nothing with you in complete silence. maybe you're both just taking a nap together, maybe you're just laying in the sun out in the park. maybe you're resting your head on his lap, maybe he's resting his on yours. it's all just about gentle touches and looks.
he loves it when you ramble and he's literally your biggest hypeman!! he's ready to spend all of his fucking money on you and any fucking equipment you could ever need. you want a new game or a new console? they're both already waiting for you at home. you want to start drawing? he has already ordered a tablet for you to practise on. you want to get into photography? he's buying you a camera and three different lenses. he wants you to be happy and he wants you to be able to do everything you could ever possibly want. he's just the sweetest guy ever i am crying rn actually:((
he's the best little autism bf btw. bc he gets it. he understand. he knows. he knows all about the light sensitivity. he knows all about the difficulty of eating "normal" foods, always munching on candy and snacks bc that's just easier. he knows about the fidgeting, he knows about the innate need to have somebody lay on top of you. he knows about the rambling and the hyperfixations. he knows about the confusing social clues and the ridiculous differences of speaking tones. he knows about the eye-contact problems - whether you're someone, who struggles to keep it or you're someone, who can't tear your eyes from everybody else just like him - he understands! he knows about being straighforward and speaking exactly what's on your mind and then being scolded for it. he knows about Not Really Understanding personal space. he truly does understand and he's ready to do anything and everything to help you cope with Life.
toji is theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee best weighted blanket and i stand by that. he's so fucking huge and he's so fucking heavy - he's perfect. he's gonna tease you about it but just a little!! you tug him by his hand and he gladly takes his place on top of you bc let's be honest... he's gonna love it, too. he's protecting you! he's taking care of you in a way that doesn't need words! he's trying his best! and if this is what you need - he is going to do it!!!
also with the light and sound sensitivity - he'd gladly pull you into his chest and cover your eyes with his big ass palm. and it would feel soo comforting wtf. the weight of it and just the fact that it's him?? fuck, i know it'd be so good. or your ears. he's placing them on your ears, muffling the overwhelming sounds while cradling you and wahh:(( he'd make you feel so safe.
suguru and shoko and parallel play. it's amazing. they will read a book while you're gaming. or suguru's painting while you're reading. or shoko's having her morning smoke and coffee while you're doing your skincare (i'm sorry i just can't get out the beautiful picture of her sitting on the little windowsill of your bathroom, a cig inbetween her fingers and a cup of coffe in her hand. no words are being spoken - it's just the sound of the birds outside, the water running and her gulping down her little espresso. thank you for listening.)
or suguru's doing his little home workout routine as you're crocheting. or it's you and shoko just laying on your shared bed scrolling on your phones in silence. could literally be whatever. they're gonna glance at you every once in a while, they're gonna ask how you're doing, how you're feeling and then they're gonna give you a tender smile and a kiss on your cheek and continue on. i'm melting just thinking about it.
suguru is obviously also going to be there for you if you have sleeping problems. he understands them all too well and he's pulling out all the stops to help you fall asleep (and himself). he's gonna make the tea one night and you'll make it the next night. it's equal. maybe you're also going to take a lovely little bath together, you'll giggle exhaustedly as you both slur out very stupid jokes and after that you'll both climb under the covers and take turns in listening to each others heartbeats and (hopefully) fall asleep.
shoko and sarcasm. she definitely makes a lot of sarcastic jokes and comments and she'll be a bit confused at first when you just blurt out the good-old "i don't know whether you're joking or not". but i think she'd find it super cute. she'll still occasionally make the comments but she'll make sure to check in whether you got it or not. i think she would tease but she'd do it very lightly (she definitely cackles when satoru doesn't understand sarcasm though lmao but you're her baby and she doesn't want you to feel bad). and i think she would love if you made terrible sarcastic jokes. like she would laugh until there are tears prickling in her eyes and you'd still be like ????? i don't understand and then she'd laugh even more. she's so cute.
kento is always ready to cook for you. he understands how hard it can be, how overwhelming it can be. he doesn't mind it a bit. i truly think this would be good for the both of you! he loves to cook and it's such a relaxing thing for him, and it's even better now that he knows he can see you fill your cheeks with delight. he needs you to eat well and he will make sure you do!
i also think that he's so patient with you and he'd never ever make you feel like you have to speak with him. he buys little plushies that you can turn inside-out, a pink side and a blue side - indicating how you're doing on the Speaking department that day. and these tiny interactive pins and you can express whatever you're feeling without ever speaking a word. he never pressures you in any way, always just reward you with more reassurance and a kiss to your temple.
he's ALSO the best listener. like he never talks over you. never. not even on an accident???? it's a superpower i think. he let's you talk at your own pace and he just stares at you with very soft eyes:((
wait i also think that shoko, utahime and yuki would gladly speak for you. in a sense of if you have social anxiety or you stutter or anything like that, they'd easily take up the task of ordering for you! they literally have all of your orders remembered and everything.
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romerona · 5 months
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All Y/N ever wanted to do was sing her songs and be free. Yet somehow, after offering to pay for the meal of a certain boy in a straw hat she finds herself causing havoc through the East Blue.
Masterlist - Next.
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Trigger warning: canon violence. Word count: 8K
A/N: The only thing I will be describing about Y/N is her hair colour. Everything else you can imagine her as you wish.
Disclaimer: The songs I will be using in this fic aren't mine bc I have 0 creativity. I'm sorry.
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Middle of the ocean, Nami's boat.
"Sooner or later, I'll wander into the unknown
Sooner or later, you'll face the world on your own
Who will you hang to when you're left all alone?
When the night grows cold, and the winds have blown--"
"....give me some quiet and some space?"
Nami's annoyed voice made Y/N look up from her booklet to Luffy chasing after his hat, it came right to where he was sitting at the nose of the boat. So, she simply stretched her arm to catch it just before it could fly away.
"Here," Y/N gave the thankful Luffy his hat back who took it with a small smile while mumbling his gratitude.
"Not cool," Luffy then turned to Nami, more serious than Y/N had ever seen him be. "Don’t mess with my hat."
"Why do you care so much about that hat anyway?" Y/N asks, glancing back down at her notes.
"Yeah, It looks like you fished it out of the trash," Nami added as she continued to try and unlock the safe.
Luffy smiles down his straw hat "One man’s trash is another man’s treasure."
"That still doesn't answer the question, stud."
Zoro groans inside the cabin, "Will you three knock it off? I’m trying to take a nap."
"Oh, I’m sorry," Nami said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Were we interrupting your beauty sleep?"
"Don’t like what you see? Look away."
Y/N chuckles at the response, however, her laughter is interrupted by the sound of the lock clicking making her snap her head towards Nami who was opening the door of the safe.
"You did it," Luffy exclaimed.
"Holy shit," Y/N swiftly stands and makes her way to stand next to Nami. She smiles at the orange-haired girl, "You actually did it, Pumpik."
They all looked down at the inside of the safe and it's content. Y/N was a little disappointed there wasn't anything special in it, not treasures one assumes a safe would keep, instead, there were some confidential files and a wanted poster for a pirate named Kuro. And then there was the golden map tube, the only valuable thing.
Nami reaches over and takes it. She hastily takes the top off and pulls out the map causing Y/N to let out a breathy sigh.
"That’s it?" Zoro deadpanned unimpressed by the findings, "Isn’t there supposed to be gold inside a safe? Or jewels?"
Nami looks at the green-haired boy in disbelief, "This is more valuable than gold. It’s knowledge. This is a map to the Grand Line."
"The Grand Line. Ah," Luffy, with his usual smile, stares at the map in Nami's hands."The Grand Line is just right… Where is it exactly?"
Y/N looks at the boy with narrow confused eyes, "Seriously?"
"You’re going there, but you don’t know where it is?" Sharing Y/N's thoughts, Nami asks.
"Guess I need a navigator on my crew," Luffy stated grinning at Nami.
"Oh, god," Y/N mumbles, cursing herself for being so stupid to think Luffy could take her to The Grand Line. Maybe she can steal the map at some point or draw a copy and go herself.... thought going solo wasn't a great idea. Not when ghosts continue to hunt for her.
They follow Nami inside the small cabin.
"The seas are divided into four quadrants." Nami grabs some chalk and starts drawing down on the hanging table. "East Blue, North Blue, West, South. This thin strip of land that circles the globe is called the Red Line, and this band across the middle is the Grand Line."
"A treacherous stretch of ocean with bigger islands, bigger cities, bigger pirates. Flush with riches and ripe for the picking." Nami grins.
Y/N regards the drawing with a soft frown as she recalls her past "And way more dangerous..."
"That’s where we’re gonna find the One Piece!" Luffy exclaims.
"I’ve taken out a lot of pirates looking for that thing," Zoro says before asking. "What is it? Like, a big diamond or something?"
"It’s Gold Roger’s treasure," Luffy told him. ""He hid it somewhere in the Grand Line. All in one piece."
"It’s a myth. The reason no one’s found it in 22 years is that it doesn’t exist." Nami says with exasperation.
"Reckon he just said it to piss off the Marines," Y/N hums, "Admirable."
Luffy grins at the girls. "Can’t wait to see the look on your faces when we find it."
"If you find it you mea--"
The sound of an explosion cut Y/N off sending all four of them into alarm mode.
"Is that the Marines?" Zoro asks placing his hands on his katanas.
Y/N quickly pulls her war-fans from her skirt. "Shit. Are they?"
They walk out to the deck. Nami mumbles "How did they find us?"
Y/N looks up with a frown for from the skies, some red dust falls upon them, slowly enveloping them. She was begging to feel dizzy, and very sleepy... with dread, Y/N realized what it was. This has been used on her before.
Nami was out first.
"This smoke smells weird," Luffy mumbles, feeling the effects of the dust.
Zoro was next.
"Luffy, the ma..." Before she could finish she felt the world went dark.
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Y/N's bare feet danced across the warm sand, her laughter mingling with the gentle lapping of the waves. With each step, she felt the freedom of the island envelop her, a secret sanctuary where worries vanished like mist under the morning sun. She glanced back, her eyes alight with mischief as she spotted her much younger sister, Miri, darting through the bustling market stalls.
"Come on, Miri! You'll never catch me!" Y/N called, her voice carried away by the salty breeze.
Miri's laughter bubbled forth, a melody that echoed Y/N's joy. With a determined grin, Miri chased after her sister, her small legs propelling her forward with unbridled enthusiasm. The market around teemed with life, vendors hawking their wares beneath colourful awnings, the air rich with the scent of spices and freshly caught fish.
Dodging between crates of exotic fruits and stalls piled high with vibrant fabrics, the two little girls raced through the people with loud laughter.
As they emerged onto a sun-drenched promenade, Y/N slowed her pace, allowing Miri to draw closer. She turned to face her sister, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Think you can keep up, fish-legs?"
Miri grinned, her round cheeks flushed with exertion. "Just you wait, Y/N! I'll beat you yet!"
With a mischievous wink, Y/N took off again, her laughter trailing behind her like a comet's tail. The younger girl followed in hot pursuit, their laughter intermingling with the sounds of the island—a symphony of joy and freedom that echoed across the sun-kissed shores.
The girls skidded to a halt in a quaint courtyard nestled amidst the bustling village. The air was redolent with the aroma of freshly baked bread and spices, luring them to pause and savour the moment. They settled onto a weathered bench, their breath coming in exhilarated gasps as they gazed around, taking in the vibrant tapestry of island life.
"Y/N/N, you think Mama would let me take one of those landfolk trinkets back home?" Miri exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she bit into a juicy slice of tropical fruit.
Y/N thought for a moment. Her parents were in an important meeting of some sort, she recalls them quietly speaking about the World Government declaration that was supposed to be out that afternoon, they sounded worried but Y/N had no idea why. "Maybe, depending on the trinket can withstand being in the water for long,"
"It's one of those dolls," Miri mumbles
"Those are made with fabric," Y/N shakes her head, "She won't let you,"
Miri pouts and deflates. Not liking seeing her younger sister sad, Y/N purses her lips in thought, when an idea hits her.
"Maybe not a doll but she can let us take one of these shiny stones. You like those, right?"
"Oh, yes," Miri smiles, "The stones with crystals inside of them, those are pretty..."
Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden commotion in the distance—a chorus of shouts and panicked cries that shattered the tranquillity of the courtyard. People began to scatter, their faces etched with fear as they fled back towards the ocean.
"What's happening, Y/N?" Miri's voice trembled with uncertainty as they were swept up in the frantic throng of people.
Y/N heart skipped a beat as she glanced around, her senses on high alert. People were scattering in every direction, their voices rising in panic as a wave of fear swept through the village like wildfire. Without hesitation, she grabbed her sister's hand, her grip tight with determination.
"We need to find-"
As if on cue, their father appeared, his brow furrowed with worry as he rushed towards them. Without a word, he took hold of Y/N's hand and began to guide them through the throngs of panicked villagers, his grip firm and unwavering.
"Stay close, girls," he urged, his voice tinged with urgency.
"Papa, what's going on?" Y/N asked, her voice wavering with concern.
Their father's expression was grim as he gathered them close, his hands firm yet gentle as he began to guide them towards the beach where their mother was anxiously waiting for them. "There's danger, my pearls. We must go to safety."
The sisters exchanged a worried glance, their steps quickening as they followed their father through the labyrinthine streets. The distant roar of the ocean grew louder with each passing moment, a reminder of the peril lurking just beyond the tranquil facade of the island...
When Y/N first woke up, she was confused.
"What...?" She looked around noticing the others were just as confused as she was. Then she noticed the box they were all in. Her heart began to race.
"They took my swords," Zoro grumbles once he notices the missing weight.
Nami groans noticing they took something away from her too. "And my rucksack, ugh, with all my navigation gear."
"And my fans..." Y/N mumbles, quickly standing up. Ignoring the rest, she reaches to place a hand on the hard wooden wall, "No, no, no..."
Her hands scrabbled against the rough walls, searching for any means of escape. Splinters dug into her skin, but she hardly noticed amidst the rising tide of fear. Memories flooded back, memories she had long tried to bury— The air was stale, each inhale felt like a struggle, as if the very act of breathing was a battle against the confines of the box.
"Hey," A raspy familiar voice said as a large hand landed on her shoulder but it swiftly slapped it off.
"Don't touch me," Y/N snaps as she continues to desperately look for a way out. "No. Not again, please,"
Suddenly, she flinches at the sound of someone next to her banging on the wooden walls.
"Stop." Y/N faintly heard Nami hiss. "Stop that."
"What? I’m trying to find a way out." The same raspy voice said. It was Zoro.
"We’ve been captured. We need a plan." Nami tells them.
"No, fuck no," Y/N continues to look for a way out, this time, however, she starts to push against the wooden wall.
"I just need to beat the hell out of every Marine I see," Zoro agrees.
"Hey, everyone, relax," Luffy, like Zoro, places a hand on Y/N's shoulders only to be slapped off. "We’re fine."
"We’re not fine. The Marines will throw us in jail if we’re lucky." Nami says. "Execute us if they don’t"
"They… they are not Marines. Before I got knocked out, I saw a Jolly Roger. We’ve been captured by pirates."
Y/N stopped her attempts as Images flashed through her mind—memories of past suffocation, of being trapped in tight spaces. Panic gripped her like a vice, squeezing tighter with each passing moment.
Time lost meaning as Y/N battled against the relentless grip of fear. Minutes stretched into hours, each second dragging by with excruciating slowness. Her throat began to close, and her body started trembling with exhaustion and terror.
"That’s much better news."
"No, he’s right," Zoro said, he stepped a little closer to Y/N, and she was painfully aware and utterly horrified. "Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill."
"Shanks used to say not every situation can be solved with violence," Luffy told them.
"Who the hell is Shanks?"
"We don’t need to fight. I can talk to them," Luffy shakes his head with a grin, "Pirate to pirate."
Y/N would have laughed at the idea of reasoning with a Pirate hadn't she been in the starters of a hysteria attack.
"That won’t work." Nami said
"Why not?"
"To start, you’re not a pirate."
" Yes, I am."
"No," Nami said looking at Luffy, "You are some stretchy guy in a tattered hat."
"I’m a different kind of pirate," Luffy stated, optimism practically oozing out of him.
"Pirates are pirates. There’s only one kind."
That is true. Pirates are all foul, soulless creatures... another wave of memories flooded her brain. Y/N closed her eyes, willing herself to find some semblance of calm amidst the chaos of her mind. But even in the darkness behind her eyelids, the walls of the box loomed large, a constant reminder of her imprisonment.
But just when she felt herself on the brink of surrender, the top of the box opened forcing Y/N to snap open. Music began to fill her ears, an odd spectacle of dancing... clowns? began to surround them once all the walls of the box were pulled apart.
Y/N, finally being able to breathe properly, watches as people in costumes do flips and tricks around them. She glances at her surroundings. This was a circus. Why were they in a circus? The people on the stats started to clap, Y/N frowned as she watched the tears of fear in some of those people. Isn't a circus supposed to be fun?
"No. No, no, no, no," A man or rather a clown with blue and a red nose, shouting prompting everyone to stop the show. "Stop clapping! No, stop! It’s all wrong!"
"The spotlight was late. You completely missed my entrance." He motions for the light to go from the four of them to him. Then he turns his attention to the man dressed in a bear costume who is terrified of the clown. "And where, oh, where was the dancing lion?"
"Hey, I know you," Luffy earned the clown's attention. "I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You’re the clown guy. Um, uh… Binky, right?"
"Buggy," The clown with blue hair corrected and to Y/N's surprise, he kept going. "Buggy the Clown. Buggy, the Flashy Fool. Buggy, the Genius Jester."
"Wow. You have a lot of names. I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are." Luffy said impressed but his words earned a gasp from the audience confusing the four of them.
"What did you just say?" Buggy deadpanned.
Luffy, none the wiser, repeats "Just that everyone knows who you are-"
"Nose?!" Buggy exclaims rushing to clasp Luffy's face in his hand, squeezing. The clown's crew step forward, holding their weapons, looking weirdly intimidating. "Are you making fun of my nose?"
Y/N, despite the dangerous situation, was baffled for a moment. She subtly regards Buggy's nose. Was that actually his real nose?? Oh, it was. Woah.
"Well… I wasn’t. But now that you mention it, is that thing for real?" Luffy lifts a hand to touch the clown's nose but he quickly slaps it away, making the audience gasp.
"What’s real is I’ve been scheming for months," The clown pushes Luffy away, and Y/N who was just behind him manages to catch him. She turns as Buggy stands in front of Nami, "To steal that map from old Axe-Hand Moron…"
"Eh?" He waits for an acknowledgement or reaction from the orange-haired girl but when he realises he is getting none he waves a dismissive hand and turns back to the others. "…only to find out that I was upstaged by four little nobodies, who stole it from right out under my no- No! It’s in my head now."
"Ah!" Buggy groans with exasperation moving away. "
"Hey, I’m not a nobody," Luffy said, once again successfully gaining the clown pirate's attention. "I’m Monkey D. Luffy. And I will be King of the Pirates."
Y/N had to give it to Luffy. His determination was so outstanding that even in such a dire situation it wouldn't break, however, she couldn't decide yet if it was stupidity or courage.
Buggy lets out a laugh, "Oh! Now that’s funny."
One of his crew members holds up a sign, forcing the audience to laugh. Well, that's depressing, can't imagine being a clown and having to force people to laugh.
Buggy motions for the laughing to halt. He moves, looking in between them as he speaks;
"My bounty poster graces the marquee of every Marine outpost for miles. And my menagerie of outcasts and freaks is the most dreaded pirate crew the East Blue has ever known. I am destined to find the One Piece. And when I do… I will be king."
"No, you won’t, ’cause I’m gonna find it first." Luffy contradicted the clown.
It's stupidity, Y/N decided.
"You?" Buggy scoffs, "Don’t make me laugh."
One crew member holds the sign again, and the audience laughs but they are soon yelled at to stop.
"I said don’t make me laugh!!!"
"All right, listen up. I’m Roronoa Zoro," Zoro spoke up, loud enough to gather everyone's attention. He turns to face Buggy and his crew. "Drop your weapons now and I may let you live."
Y/N has half a mind to yell at him asking what the fuck he was doing. Did he honestly think he could fight against all of these pirates? He doesn't even have his swords.
Buggy stares for a moment before letting out a mocking laugh. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a celebrity in our midst."Ladies and gentlemen, we have a celebrity in our midst. Too bad I hate sharing the spotlight."
The stage light went from them back to Buggy.
"Now, maybe we should skip right to the finale," The clown pulls out his weapon. A very intimidating metal sharp claws. "My freaks put quite a bit of rehearsal time into this little abduction. And if I can’t reward them with that map…" He moves to stand next to a man with sharp teeth. "I suppose I’ll have to offer them a pound of flesh instead."
Oh, shit. shit this. This is bad. Like BAD bad. Bad enough for her to manipulate her way out of it, but for that she'll need to get the clown alo-
"Wait. Wait." Nami was standing in front of them, looking to make some sort of negotiation with the clown. "What if I have something else to offer you? Something more valuable than the map?"
That seems to gather a newfound interest in the pirate, who looks at nami in expectation.
"What if I give you an entertainer, a singer, the best I've ever heard," Nami said casting a quick glance in her way. Y/N's heart plummeted. No, she couldn't be doing that to her. Her heart sank even lower when Buggy's gaze shifted towards her, his blue eyes gleaming when he caught her form.
"And a new freak for your crew?" Nami continues, forcing the clown to look away. She was slowly moving next to Luffy, "A rare talent. The most spectacular act in all of the East Blue. Besides you, of course."
"Go on."
Nami takes Luffy's hat prompting a shout from the boy, she tosses it up into the air making Luffy use his devil fruit abilities and stretch his arm up high to catch the hat. And then, Nami was gone.
"Go after her," Buggy told one of his crew members who quickly ran after the orange-haired girl. He chuckles, looking at Luffy. He pulls out an apple from his pocket and a knife. "Well, isn't this just interesting?"
Y/N felt a surge of protest rising within her, a desire to shout out against the unfolding situation. Yet, she found herself engulfed in a sense of hopelessness, a feeling all too familiar from her past experiences. She knew well the torment of being confined within the hold of a pirate.
"It's fine," she whispered to herself, trying to muster some semblance of reassurance. I'll… I'll be fine. Despite her inner turmoil, she clung to a last resort—a secret move, a tactic she had saved for dire circumstances. All she needed was to find a moment alone with Buggy.
They soon bring a struggling Nami and a part of her is happy they did another part of her is annoyed she sells them out and still fails to escape.
"What did you do? What did you do to their town? You destroyed everything!" Nami exclaimed in anger.
As he ate the apple, Buggy nonchalantly replied, "Not everything. I let ’em keep their hands."
The signs were up again and the audience clapped in command.
"Okay," The clown throws away the remains of the apple and puts the knife back into his coat. "Here end the theatrics."
Suddenly, the lights flickered and dimmed until they focused solely on Buggy's figure, casting an eerie glow around him. His voice cut through the darkness with a sharp edge.
"I know one of you has my map," he declared, his tone laced with determination. "And I'm gonna get it back. What was it you said, Rubber Boy? That it was in a safe place?"
The tension in the air heightened as everyone present awaited Buggy's next move.
"Don’t look so surprised. I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere," Buggy told the four of them with a smile, "So, please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room."
As two pirates seized Y/N from behind, she instinctively struggled against their grasp, her heart pounding in her chest. Nami too fought against her captors, but Zoro remained passive, seemingly indifferent to their plight. Just as they were about to drag Y/N away, the clown intervened.
"Not her," Buggy's voice commanded, halting the pirates in their tracks. They obediently turned Y/N to face their captain, whose blue eyes bore into her with a curious intensity. He closed the distance between them, his presence looming over her.
"Just for you, beautiful," Buggy addressed her, a smirk playing on his lips, "I'm willing to share my spotlight for a few moments and let you sing for us while my 'freaks' prepare the things for my chat with my stretchy new pal."
"Why would I?" Y/N retorted, summoning whatever semblance of courage she could muster to meet the clown's gaze. Ignoring the pirates that were dragging Luffy to sit with the audience. "I only sing when I have something to sing for…"
"Funny you think you have a choice," Buggy chuckled mischievously, his tone dripping with amusement, the sign was up so, naturally the audience laughed as well. He sauntered over to a high chair, resembling a throne, and settled into it with an air of superiority.
"Well, it's either that," he continued, gesturing towards Y/N, "or off with you. Though," he added with a smirk, "it'll be a shame to harm such a pretty girl like yourself."
His words hung in the air, a thinly veiled threat that left Y/N feeling trapped and vulnerable, caught between compliance and defiance.
Despite the overwhelming intimidation, Y/N took a moment to steady her breathing and gather her resolve. Nami was right about one thing – she was an entertainer, a performer. With that realization, a flicker of determination ignited within her.
With a deep breath, Y/N straightened her posture and let a confident smile grace her lips. She could do this. She could fake her charm, her confidence. After all, she had faced tough crowds before. This was just another performance, albeit under much more dire circumstances.
Y/N flashed a charming grin at Buggy, exuding confidence as the impromptu show began.
"Well, darling," she purred, her voice dripping with charisma, "lucky for you, I happen to have had my heart stomped a few days ago. You don't happen to have a guitar lying around, do you?"
Buggy's grin widened, and with a casual wave of his hand, a guitar was swiftly presented to her. As the rest of the crew dispersed, leaving her alone in the spotlight, Buggy's voice carried a warning tone.
"Don't make me regret giving you a share of my spotlight, sweetheart," he cautioned, his words tinged with a hint of threat.
Y/N meets Buggy's warning with a playful glint in her eye, maintaining her charismatic demeanor.
"Oh, don't you worry, Captain," she replies smoothly, her voice dripping with charm. "I'll make sure to dazzle everyone enough to ensure you shine even brighter. After all, what's a spotlight without a little sparkle, right?"
Without missing a beat, Y/N pivots gracefully, turning her attention to the assembled audience with a grin that belies the tension of the situation. With ease, she addresses them as if they were any other crowd, temporarily forgetting the dire circumstances of their gathering.
"Well, well, well. Looks like we've got ourselves a full house, don't we?" she declares with a playful sparkle in her eyes, her voice projecting warmth and enthusiasm despite the unsettling circumstances.
"Ah, the joys of a heartbreak!" Y/N's grin takes on a mischievous edge as she continues, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"As you may have heard," she begins, her tone dripping with theatrical flair, "some clueless boy managed to break this ol' heart of mine. But fear not, for in the face of heartache, what does a songbird do? Why, she writes a song, of course!"
Pausing for dramatic effect, she lets a playful wink slip before continuing, "Sadly, it seems our heartbreaker won't have the pleasure of hearing it. But don't worry, my captive audience, for you lucky souls get a front-row seat to the grand performance!"
Her words draw a ripple of shy, soft laughter from the crowd, turning this sombre moment into a somewhat of lighthearted affair. Her eyes meet Luffy's browns for a moment, he seems to pay her his all attention.
With a graceful motion, Y/N turns her attention to the guitar, her fingers deftly plucking a few strings. The sound resonates through the room, filling the air with a gentle melody that carries hints of both melancholy and resolve.
" When as a wanderer, your shore I did find,
Adrift, I found refuge in arms so kind,
We braved the tempest, each in our own fights,
You sought fortune in shadows, while I relied on my charms
I danced with the night, whispered secrets to the moon,
You chased after gold, while I sang my tune
We wanted to forget our woes and drown them in our wine
Then one day you vanished, claiming I was not divine,"
As she plays, her gaze flickers between the strings and the captivated audience, her expression a mix of concentration and subtle charisma. Each note she strikes seems to weave a tale of heartache and resilience, drawing the audience deeper into the performance with every strum.
I saw you at your lowest, in your darkest fight
I know the struggles hidden from plain sight
Too bad I'm the love you lost, the bond you breached
Now what'll you do, when I'm gone evermore?"
As Y/N finishes the song, a hush falls over the room, the echoes of her performance lingering in the air like a haunting melody. In that suspended moment, time seems to stand still, every eye in the room fixated on Buggy, waiting for his reaction, well, except for Luffy, he was the only one giving a standing ovation.
"Wooh, yeah!" Luffy claps, a smile on his face as he turns to one of the pirates holding him. "That's my musician,"
Y/N, however, ignore him and turn to Buggy.
Y/N meets his piercing blue gaze, searching for any hint of emotion within them, but finds his expression inscrutable, a mask of unreadable intent. There's a tension in the air, palpable and electric, as the weight of the silence stretches on, leaving everyone on edge.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Buggy breaks the silence with a slow, deliberate clap, his expression betraying nothing but a hint of amusement. It's a subtle gesture, but it breaks the tension in the room. The sign to clap was up but Y/N has a feeling they would've clapped regardless. It's a moment of relief for Y/N, who can't help but feel a sense of validation wash over her.
"It seems orange-hair was not lying, huh?" Buggy remarks, his tone carrying a hint of sardonic amusement. The cheers stop at his command.
Y/N lets out a forced chuckle, her lips curling into a wry smile as she meets Buggy's gaze.
"Well, what can I say?" she quips with a hint of playful sarcasm, "I did promise not to disappoint, didn't I? And trust me, darling, I always keep my promises, even when it involves serenading a bunch of pirates in a not-so-friendly setting."
Buggy's chuckle sends a shiver down Y/N's spine as he rises from his seat and advances towards her. Y/N fights to conceal the tremor of intimidation that courses through her, maintaining a facade of composure as he leans in to whisper.
"You could make a wonderful addition to my crew," he murmurs, his voice low and tinged with an air of intrigue. “Irreplaceable, even.”
While the idea of joining his crew fills her with trepidation and disgust, she knows better than to outright reject him, especially considering his unpredictable nature. Like most men.
With a steady gaze and a flicker of determination in her eyes, Y/N meets Buggy's gaze, her voice steady as she replies, "Well, Captain, it's certainly a tempting offer. But you'll have to forgive me if I take a moment to weigh my options. After all, I'm not one to jump ship without careful consideration."
Buggy regards her for a moment, then he smiles as he pulls back. His smile sends a shiver down Y/N's spine, but she maintains her facade of composure as he pulls back, granting her a temporary reprieve.
"Alright, I'll give you time to think it over…" he concedes, his tone deceptively genial.
Y/N's heart sinks as she watches him walk over to where Luffy is, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. Before she can react, two pirates seize her again.
"Until he gives me my map, that is," Buggy adds casually, his words a stark reminder of the precarious position Y/N finds herself in.
As the pirates begin to drag her away, Y/N's heart pounds with a mixture of fear and determination. She casts a fleeting glance back at Luffy, a silent vow forming in her mind to find a way out of this predicament.
Soon, she was being tied down into a chair.
"Fuck you, Nami," Y/N spat out her frustration as soon as the pirates left them alone, her tone tinged with irritation. "Why would you do that?"
Inside her cage, Nami rolled her eyes in response. "It's survival of the fittest out here, Y/N," she retorted, her voice laced with resignation.
Y/N can't help but roll her eyes in return. She knows that in this cutthroat world, everyone looks out for themselves, but she had foolishly hoped for some semblance of a relationship with Nami only to be sorely disappointed.
"The least you could've done was actually manage to actually escape. You sold us in vain." Y/N chastised with a disapproving tsk.
"For what it's worth," Nami glanced towards the entrance of the crew's dressing rooms before skillfully picking the lock of her cage. "I am trying to get us out."
Y/N narrowed her eyes, unsure whether to trust Nami's words. Turning to Zoro, who was bound to a circular board nearby, she asked, "Do you believe her?"
"Don't have much of a choice," Zoro replies with a nonchalant shrug, just as a loud shout from outside makes them all snap their heads towards the entrance. It's Luffy's voice. "Better work faster."
As Y/N tries to free herself from the bounds, she realises that she's worried about Luffy because, despite his exasperating antics and seemingly reckless behaviour, she can't help but feel a pang of worry for him.
The bounds were tight but not enough to cut circulation just tight enough to leave burn marks when she moved them too much which she does.
Feeling the burn of the tight bounds against her skin, Y/N winced but pressed on, determined to free herself.
"That's only hurting you," Nami said sparing Y/N a glance before continuing to pick her lock.
Nami's words of caution brought a moment of pause, but Y/N couldn't afford to let fear hold her back. "I'll be fine,"
Nami rolls her eyes, then she glances at Zoro, he, too was trying to free himself.
 "What?" The boy asks.
Nami continues with her work, "This is my life now."
"You want to trade places?"
"Both of you shut up," There was a rustling sound just making its way to them, "Shit. Someone’s coming."
Nami stops her work and looks at the entrance. "I need more time. Keep them talking."
"I don’t talk." Zoro said, "I hit things."
"I'll do it," Y/N announced.
Seconds later, a pirate with a striking mix of black and white hair and a blue and white square pattern scarf bursts into the room, riding his monocycle with an air of undeniable flair. He comes to a stop right in front of Zoro, his gaze fixed firmly on the bound swordsman.
Y/N, who would have found the scene comical under different circumstances, straightens up, suppressing the urge to laugh. Instead, she puts on her best flirtatious grin and clears her throat, preparing to address the newcomer.
"Hey there, handsome," Y/N begins, her voice dripping with playful charm. "I bet your captain's got you on a tight leash, but do you think you could...?"
"Shut up, whore!" The pirate said not taking his eyes off Zoro.
Y/N's jaw was on the floor. Well, that came out of nowhere.
"I'm not an expert but I'm sure you don't talk to ladies like that," Zoro, ever nonchalant, unexpectedly comes to her defense, much to Y/N's surprise.
The pirate disregards Zoro and instead questions, "Remember me?"
"No. Must be some other homicidal, unicycle-riding clown." Zoro mocks.
Y/N flinches as the pirate with black and white hair delivers a punch to Zoro's stomach.
"I've been thinking about you for years," the pirate hisses, his voice dripping with resentment. "About how you killed my brother."
"I killed a lot of pirates." Zoro deadpanned.
The pirate, named Cabaji, scowls as he begins to recount their past encounter. "My name is Cabaji, and a couple of years back, you hunted us across the Goa Kingdom," he explains, pulling out two knives. ""Followed us for weeks through the swamp lands, day and night, never relenting, like some kind of demon."
The three of them shared a look. A silent understanding between them. This was it, the distraction. Cabaji glances at the two girls as he backs away from Zoro.
"Still not ringing a bell," Zoro remarks casually, prompting Cabaji to throw a knife dangerously close to his head.
"You cut off his head and you stuffed it in a bag, all for a few Berry." Cabaji accuses, his voice heavy with accusation.
Zoro sighs, briefly closing his eyes before conceding, "Okay, that does sound like me."
The air becomes thick with tension as the two men lock gazes, the looming threat of violence hanging between them.
"Let's see if you can keep your head," Cabaji declares, moving to the side of the circular structure and spinning it, taking Zoro along for the ride.
With each knife thrown, Y/N can't help but avert her eyes, unable to witness the imminent danger befalling the swordsman. As minutes tick by and Y/N finally dares to steal a glance at Zoro, she's taken aback by his unwavering composure. Despite the imminent threat of the spinning structure and the barrage of knives, Zoro remains eerily calm, his expression betraying no hint of fear or panic.
Watching him close his eyes and maintain his stoic demeanor in the face of danger, Y/N can't help but feel a surge of admiration mingled with astonishment. It shouldn't surprise her, knowing Zoro's reputation for unshakeable resolve, but somehow it does.
Y/N shifts her gaze to Nami, and in that brief exchange of eye contact, a silent understanding passes between them. She's close to opening the lock.
"You really don’t fear death, do you?" Cabaji asks after his tenth throw.
"No," Zoro said as the structure came to a halt, "I just don’t fear you."
Cabaji throws yet another knife before approaching Zoro "You know, I’m gonna enjoy this. As soon as Captain Buggy’s finished with you, you’re mine."
"Uh, tempting as that sounds, I’m not sticking around." Zoro slowly opens his eyes and focuses on the pirate.
"Really? Got somewhere else to be?"
"Didn’t used to think so. But Luffy changed that." Zoro said.
"That simpleton in a straw hat." Cabaji scoffs, "Don’t tell me you actually believe in him?"
"I don’t need to. He believes in himself." Zoro admits and shrugs, "It rubs off."
As Nami swiftly and silently cuts Y/N's bonds, relief floods through her as she rubs her sore wrists. With newfound freedom, she wastes no time positioning herself behind Cabaji, who is too engrossed in Zoro's words to notice her approach.
"And one more thing."
Cabaji continues to laugh as Zoro warns him.
"Don’t turn around."
In a split second, Y/N seizes the opportunity, delivering a powerful punch straight to Cabaji's nose. The force of the blow sends him staggering backwards. With Cabaji momentarily stunned, Zoro takes advantage, freeing one of his arms to grab hold of the pirate's throat, applying pressure with a steely grip while Nami frees his other arm.
"And by the way, you're brother's the whore," Y/N said to the Cabaji just moments before the pirate passed out.
"What's the plan?" Asks Zoro, retreating his swords.
Y/N takes hold of her war fans. "We go for Luffy,"
"Yeah but how?" Zoro turns to Nami, "You do have a plan, right? That’s your thing, plans."
"I say we beat the hell out of every clown we see." Nami declares, her eyes flickering between them mischievously as she brandishes her fighting stick.
Y/N chuckles in agreement, elegantly fanning her fans to reveal the gleaming blades within. "Well, isn't that a delightful idea," she quips with a smirk. "I've always had a knack for cutting through the foolery."
With a wink exchanged between Y/N and Zoro, a shared understanding passing between them, Zoro chuckles before they both follow Nami out.
As they navigate through the chaos of the circus tent, the trio encounters a shower of fools intent on blocking them. With a seamless display of skill and coordination, they engage the freaks in a fight.
Nami leads the charge, her fighting sticks a blur as she deflects incoming blows and delivers precise strikes. Each swing is calculated, each movement fluid and efficient as she exploits weaknesses in the clown's defences.
Beside her, Zoro moves with the grace of a great swordsman, his swords lethal as he cuts through the ranks of clowns with unmatched precision. His strikes are powerful and decisive, each blow landing with devastating force as he clears a path forward.
And Y/N adds her own flair to the fray, her fans flashing in the dim light of the tent as she gracefully dances between pirates. With a flick of her wrist, she spreads the fans, revealing the razor-sharp blades concealed within. Each movement is deliberate, and calculated, as she gracefully weaves through the chaos of the fight effortlessly dispatching any clown foolish enough to challenge her.
As they finally reach the main stage, Y/N's heart lurches at the sight before her. There, in the center of the stage, Luffy struggles against the confines of a tank filled with water. Memories flood Y/N's mind, images of a similar tank from her past flashing before her eyes with haunting clarity.
She tries to hold back a shudder as the familiar dread grips her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. The sight of Luffy, trapped and struggling, serves as a painful reminder, stirring emotions that she had long tried to bury but with a deep breath, Y/N pushes aside the memories, focusing instead on the task at hand.
With a swift and precise throw, Nami hurls her fighting stick towards the tank, the impact causing the glass to crack and splinter. Y/N watches with bated breath as the cracks spiderweb across the surface, spreading like veins of ice.
"Where are my freaks?" Buggy exclaimed looking around the circus.
Zoro appears on the other end, holding his two swords. "They're not coming,"
Finally, the tank gave way with a resounding crash. As the glass shatters, water gushes forth in a torrent, cascading to the ground in a rush of freedom letting Luffy out and soaking Buggy to the ground.
After he inhales some air, Luffy exhales the map. Ugh!
"My map!" Buggy crawls to the map.
Luffy, on the other hand, "My hat!"
Y/N turned her gaze towards the laughing clown, he took hold of the map while Luffy was hugging his hat. With careful steps, the trio approaches him.
"You want a piece of me?" The clown challenges them once he notices their approach. "Let’s see what you got."
Without hesitation, Zoro lunges forward, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. But to their astonishment, the clown doesn't fall. Instead, he splits into pieces, his laughter ringing out triumphantly as he effortlessly reassembles himself.
"Surprise, shithead!" Buggy crows with glee, his laughter echoing through the chaos.
Y/N, Zoro and Nami gather together as Buggy manically laughing starts to split himself into more pieces.
"What the hell?" Y/N yells as Buggy's body parts begin to fly around them.
Zoro's brow furrows in frustration as he watches the spectacle. "How do I slice a guy who's already in pieces?"
"This is not part of the plan," Nami grits her teeth, holding tightly to her fighting stick.
With a grunt of frustration, Y/N pushes away a stray hand that reaches for her, her mind racing as she tries to formulate a strategy amidst the chaos. "Yeah, no shit."
Despite their best efforts, the trio find themselves quickly overwhelmed by the onslaught of flying body parts. Zoro is slammed against the tank, Nami is hurled off the stage, and Y/N is sent crashing into a pile of crates, pain shooting through her side as she struggles to regain her footing amidst the chaos.
"Fuck," She hisses, placing a hand on the sore spot. She braces herself up watching as Buggy pulls out his metallic claws and slices himself again.
"Chop-Chop Cannon!!" His hands and arms start to rotate while his legs start to fly about in chaos.
Luffy does his best to dodge and punch and actually manages to reach Buggy but is soon pushed off him. The claws though, do manage to get Luffy's straw hat.
Buggy laughs and when Luffy goes to recollect his hat he is tripped and pushed to the ground.
Y/N's heart pounds with panic as she watches Buggy's hand find its way to Luffy's throat, threatening to choke the life out of him. In a desperate bid to save Luffy, she scans the area for anything that could aid them in their fight.
Then, like a bolt of lightning, inspiration strikes. With a quick glance at the crates nearby, Y/N's mind races with a plan.
"Luffy, Nami. The crates!" Y/N shouts, her voice cutting through the chaos as she rushes to one and flings it open.
With lightning-fast reflexes, Luffy manages to break free from Buggy's grasp, tearing the hand off his throat and hurling it towards Nami. Acting on instinct, Nami uses her fighting stick to send Buggy's hand hurtling towards the open crate, which Y/N swiftly closes, trapping the appendage inside.
One by one, the four of them began to trap the clown's body parts inside the boxes until only his head, hands and feet were all he had.
"What have you done to me?"
Luffy grins, "Cut you down to size."
"The One Piece will never be yours." Buggy all but growls in frustration. "You’re just a sad, lonely little boy wearing another man’s hat!"
"I know exactly who I am," Luffy puts on his straw hat and with his usual smile he turns to Buggy. "I am Monkey D. Luffy. And I’m gonna be King of the Pirates."
Y/N chuckles to herself. He really has an indomitable spirit.
Luffy stretches both his hands back, "Gum Gum…
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no! Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait." Buggy pleads but Luffy is already spitting out.
And with a scream, Buggy's head is launched off the circus.
With a beaming smile, Luffy picks up the map and strides to the center of the stage, where Zoro, Y/N, and Nami are gathering. He extends the map towards the orange-haired girl, his expression filled with unwavering confidence.
"You're giving this to me?" Nami asks, her disbelief barely concealed beneath her facade of composure.
Luffy's grin widens. "You're the navigator," he replies simply, his faith in her abilities unwavering.
"Let's get out of this clown show," Zoro interjects, his tone tinged with impatience as he eagerly anticipates their departure.
Y/N nods in agreement, her hands deftly stowing away her fans back into her waistline. "Yeah, I've had my fill of this place,"
But Luffy's focus remains unwavering as he turns to address the others, his gaze sweeping over the captive audience.
"Still, there's one more thing we have to do," he declares, his eyes meeting those of his companions. "We have to set them free."
With determined hearts, they set about freeing the captive audience, their collective resolve aimed at bringing an end to the clown's tyranny.
"Are you our new captors?" an old man asks Luffy, his voice tinged with confusion.
Luffy tilts his head, a hint of bemusement in his expression. "What?"
"Well, you're a pirate, aren't you?" the old man persists, struggling to comprehend the act of kindness from someone associated with piracy.
"I'm a different kind of pirate," Luffy replies simply, his words carrying a weight of sincerity that belies his reputation.
Y/N shares a knowing glance with Luffy as she frees a child from his shackles, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite the odds, Luffy's unwavering determination and genuine compassion are beginning to win her over, gradually eroding her skepticism and replacing it with a newfound sense of admiration.
As they make their way through the town, the sun casts its warm rays upon the streets, a stark contrast to the wreckage left in the wake of Buggy's crew. Despite the devastation, a sense of relief fills the air as the townsfolk emerge from their hiding places, grateful to be free from the clutches of the circus from hell.
As Y/N walks alongside her companions towards their ship, she is greeted by a stream of townspeople, each one expressing their gratitude and admiration for her performance. Some approach her with heartfelt thanks, while others request the pleasure of hearing her sing again.
"We don't have much," the mayor of the town approaches them, offering a basket of food, "but please, take this as a token of our... of our gratitude."
Luffy shakes his head, a generous smile on his face. "You need it more than we do,"
Y/N wiggles her fingers in farewell as she follows Nami, Luffy, and Zoro to make their way back to their ship. As they approach, she notices Luffy darting back towards the mayor, returning for a piece of bread with a cheerful grin.
Once aboard the small ship, Y/N breathes a sigh of relief as she realizes all her belongings are still intact. With a sense of purpose, she joins Nami and Luffy in preparing the ship for their journey ahead.
Waving one last time to the shouting townsfolk, Y/N can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The warm farewells of the townsfolk echo in her ears, a reminder of the impact they've had on the lives of others.
A few minutes into their journey, Y/N sits next to Zoro with a tired sigh. The swordsman's eyes are closed and his arms are crossed, she gazes at the sundown, a pretty hue surrounding them- when was the last time she enjoyed a sunny day? Right with Cygnus, that feels like a lifetime ago...
"Hey, you need help with that?" Nami's voice cuts through the serenity, pulling Y/N's attention away from the mesmerizing sunset.
Luffy's puzzled frown prompts her to tense up momentarily as Nami reaches for his straw hat. But instead of causing harm, Nami begins to carefully repair it, her skilled hands weaving the threads with practised precision. Y/N can't help but reconsider her latest thoughts of the navigator as she watches her work.
"Why did you freak out?" Zoro's voice startles her out of her thoughts.
Y/N turns to face the boy, but his eyes are still closed. " What? When did I-"
"Back inside of the box," Zoro said, his voice ever raspy but silent as if he knew she didn't want the others to hear.
"Oh," Y/N blinks, she didn't think he'd notice that, yeah sure she was freaking out but they all were, weren't they? She clears her throat, trying to mask her discomfort as she reaches for her guitar, seeking comfort in its familiar presence. "It's nothing special, really."
"What does 'not again' mean then?" Zoro asks turning his head and opening his eyes to look at her.
Y/N fakes a grin, "I'm just not a fan of enclosed spaces, that's all, hot shot,"
Zoro stares at her for a moment and Y/N stares back. Some of the light of the day cast shadows on his face. She can't tell if he's convinced by her excuse or not. She hopes he is.
Thankfully her silent wishes are answered, Zoro closes his eyes again and turns to face forward. "You better not make any noise, I'm trying to rest,"
Y/N flashes Zoro a mischievous grin in response to his warning. "Noise? Oh, you have it all wrong, hot shot," she quips, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "I don't make noise, I compose symphonies of sound that would make even the sea itself dance to my tune but Don't worry, hot shot, I'll keep it down… unless you want to hear a little tune to lull you to sleep, I promise to find a lullaby you enjoy."
Zoro's lips twitch with amusement, and Y/N can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
"You fixed it," Y/N's head turns to see Luffy taking his hands from Nami with a smile. "Thanks."
"Well, you said it was your treasure, right?"
As Nami rises and heads towards the cabin, Y/N meets her gaze, and in that silent exchange, they share a moment of understanding. Any lingering tension between them dissipates, replaced by mutual respect and perhaps some camaraderie.
"Is every day gonna be this crazy with you?" Zoro's question breaks the silence, drawing Y/N's attention.
Luffy joins them, settling in front of them with a thoughtful expression. "Shanks always said… that if the path to what you want seems too easy… then you're on the wrong path."
Y/N nods in agreement, impressed by the insight of this mysterious Shanks character.
"Smart guy," she remarks, her curiosity piqued by the mention of someone who clearly holds significance in Luffy's life.
Zoro, ever the stoic swordsman, opens his eyes and nods in quiet contemplation. "Yeah, this Shanks guy sounds all right,"
Luffy's face breaks into a wide grin as he rises to his feet, his excitement palpable. With boundless energy, he dashes to the bow of the ship, his voice ringing out with unbridled enthusiasm.
"Next stop, the Grand Line!" he shouts, pointing a finger ahead towards the vast expanse of ocean that stretches out before them.
Shaking her head in amusement, Y/N feels a foreign surge of excitement coursing through her veins. With Luffy at the helm, she knows that her days with him, as long as they may be, will be anything but dull. The question is, will they be dangerous or not.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lots of love, be safe.
Divider by @cafekitsune
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scekrex · 6 months
Ok, but no one talks about the fact Adam was literally MADE to reproduce. I know for a FACT he cums buckets and no one can convince me he doesn’t have the biggest sensitive balls in the show😤 I want to overstimulated him while telling him what a good boy he is. so bad 😭😭
P.S love your Writing!!
Oh nah bc HE DOES cum buckets and his balls are SO FUCKING SENSITIVE I fucking love you for this request so here ya fucking go!!
But I still want more, don't know what I'm after
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, anal sex, sub!Adam, dom!Reader, praise kink, overstimulation
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“Fuck, yeah, just like that,” the first man moaned loudly as his hands gripped your hair firmly, forcing you to move your head back and forth at a quick pace. Your eyes were on his face, drinking in every little emotion the first man had on display, his mask was somewhere on the floor, just like his clothes. His eyes were shut and he was visibly enjoying himself, the brunette was kind enough to let you hear how much he was enjoying himself. “Best fucking head- shit- I've ever got,” he mumbled mindlessly and you slapped his hip bone harshly, drawing another moan from him.
To you it was quite entertaining that the taller male thought he was in charge when really he wasn't. Yes, he was controlling the pace and yes, he was thrusting inside your mouth, but was he in control? No. Because you simply allowed him to use you, you had given him permission, had even offered it to him - oh how Adam was so clueless how that decision would backfire on him.
The brunette was sitting on the edge of your shared bed, you in-between his legs, sucking him off, giving him ‘the best head he ever got’. Your hands were sliding up and down his inner thighs, whenever your fingers got even close to the brunette's balls he started to shiver - a spot so sensitive yet so tempting for you to touch, to explore. It's not like you've never touched his balls, or licked them, but it wasn't something you were doing daily, simply because they were so sensitive.
Adam's fingers in your hair tightened and his breathing became harder, louder. He opened his eyes a little to look down at you, to watch you swallow his dick - the first human dick that had ever been created. And oh fuck the image of his erection disappearing inside your mouth did things to him, good things, the best things even. “Close,” was the only warning you got before the first man picked up the pace yet again and it only took him a moment longer to actually fulfill his promise and come undone in your mouth.
It wasn't physically possible to swallow it all, not for you and not for another mortal soul. It was simply too much, yet you were always eager to try your best and drink as much as you were able to. However your best was far from drinking it all - so fucking far away from it. Adam's fucked out eyes watched as his cum leaked from the corner of your mouth, he watched the white liquid staining your lips, your chin, fuck, even your cheeks. It was everywhere, inside your body, on your skin, on his skin - some of it dripped on the floor and you knew it would be a bitch to clean that shit up later. Because for now you had other plans.
You kept moving your head through his orgasm, which resulted in a lot of his own cum dripping down his shaft, onto his balls. And who were you to leave your partner all dirty covered in their own fluids, right? So you pulled your head back, Adam's still hard dick slipped from your lips and hit his stomach. You quickly grabbed his legs, yanked them upwards and placed them onto your shoulders, the first man was quick to cross his shins behind your head so that they wouldn't slip and fall. The sudden shift of position and the lack of energy due to his post orgasm haze caused Adam to fall onto his back with a quiet moan. Good.
You were swift to lean in again, your tongue pressed itself against Adam's dick as if it were providing the air that filled your lungs - the reality wasn't as far off as it may have seemed. After all it was his seed filling your stomach. His dick was clean in no time and while you licked and teased it, you felt it slowly going soft underneath your tongue - Lord have mercy with this man because he was not ready for what was about to come. Because the brunette lifted his upper body a little - only the slightest bit - and made grabby hands at you, expecting you to get up off your knees and give him the cuddles he always desired after sex. But you weren't done with him just yet so you ignored his silent request for physical touch and licked down his shaft until your tongue met his balls.
A violent shiver went through his body and you heard how the first man inhaled sharply at the sudden and clearly unexpected contact. “Fuck, no, please,” he whined quietly, the pleaed was muffled by his own hand that he had lifted to bite into. Another request you ignored - if the brunette wanted you to truly stop he'd use the safe word you had agreed on. Unless that was the case, you were good to keep going. At first you just licked the ejaculate off of the sensitive skin, one of your hands held onto his hips, preventing him from thrusting his hips, the other was squeezing his thigh. Adam drew you in closer with his legs, and you chuckled softly at his reaction, “You’re such a good boy for me, you know that?” And while Adam desperately tried to hide it, you heard the whimper that fell from his lips at your praise. “Too much,” he cried out as your lips wrapped around his balls and sucked them inside your mouth - the first man thought he was gonna die from the overwhelming pleasure that flooded his body.
His nails dug into the sheets as his body tensed up and he felt his dick harden again, the tight heat that surrounded his testicles felt heavenly and like his personal fall to hell at the same time - he knew he wanted more despite his body telling him otherwise. “Please,” he mumbled, a whine of your name followed as he pressed the back of his head against the mattress, desperately trying to buck his hips, but you had pinned him down good. “You sound so pretty when you beg for me, baby,” you hummed, your lips stretched into a wicked smile that bittered your sweet words. “My handsome angelic baby,” you mumbled against the sensitive skin of his nuts and Adam flinched a little at the vibration that sent through his lower body parts. “Being so fucking good for me.” And Adam found himself nodding violently in agreement, huffing out excited, “Yes, your good boy.”
The brunette tossed his head from side to side, trying to get used to the unusual amount of pleasure that fueled his body, his dick was fully erected again, throbbing for attention in the most painful way and yet Adam was too lost in desire and lust to do something about it. He wanted more. More praises, more touches, more friction, more love. And yet his body screamed at him that what he had was already too much, that he wouldn't be able to handle more. Adam's hands moved from the sheets to your hair again, pushing you away while also trying to get you closer, to get more. And you let him.
Overstimulating the first man wasn't something he was used to - you weren't even sure if that was something you could get used to in the first place. But over stimulation was so rarely done that he had no chance to even deal with it properly - usually the both of you were too fucked out for it, too spent so that all you were able to do was wrap your wings around each other and fall asleep covered in soft feathers. The golden feathers of his wings tickled your hand that was holding down his hips but you simply ignored that, you were too focused on pleasuring the brunette. And then the hand that had been squeezing his thigh softly wrapped around Adam's dick and he was done. The first man covered himself in his own cum as he moaned your name on the top of his lungs. The white liquid was quick to run down his sides, staining the once pure feathers of his wings and the sheets underneath them. The pain that had been throbbing through his dick was gone and so was the desire for more, exhaustion wrapped Adam in a tight blanket and you watched as he almost immediately closed his eyes to take a deep breath.
“You look absolutely stunning, Adam,” you hummed as you got up, your knees made a cracking sound at that - fuck next time you definitely needed a pillow to kneel on. You climbed onto the bed next to him. “Shut the fuck up ‘n’ c’mere,” he simply mumbled, his voice was hoarse, probably from screaming and moaning for you, as he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you flush against his chest to bury his face in your hair and inhale your scent. “You’re fucking dirty,” you complained but Adam just gave you a tired hum, rolled you two over while wrapping you up in his wings, “Don’t fucking care, just wanna sleep.”
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im srsly begging for the dialogues to be kinda repeatitive bc i kept misclicking and end up skipping the convo and now their Drama and Dragon or something is being led by Snicklefritz 😭
i also want drunk march to repeatedly ask me to sit with him and this time im also gonna join him screaminh AWOO on the top of my lung! AWOO WOO WOOOOOO!!!!
whats that abt rock olric? idgi but lets stare at them tgt all day long! can i romance you
holt, hit me with those puns again, hahaaa im giggling man. nora used to be rough on you as a kid and now you're married and you thought she was cute? fucking adorable man. couple goals.
reina, you can make a pie out of me idk what im saying girl but you make it work
barol, no notes.
eiland, just give me the entire cake actually, i was just being shy.
adaline, would you want me to fetch you another weirdly perfect square rock so you can sit on it and think? i'll do it
valen and juniper, i think you guys should kiss.
dell's right terithia, why havent we catch any shark yet? ..you used to sleep with a spear when you're a soldier, and now you use it to catch fish...,? oh.. um wow,, haha
dozy thank you for understanding me when i backed up from taking that bath :'D
henrietta how abt a day care with me? girls sleepover?
hemlock should've been single ngl he's kinda my type.
jo just kept telling me abt me and my pep steps tbh idk what she meant by that ig im happy to see you happy watching me walk
'lo aunty elsie, whats the goss this afternoon
i dont think caldarus ever say the same thing ever?? literally his dialogue is different everyday, and if i repeat the day, he repeats it too, its not randomized? oh hey, you like the rainfall in autumn? me too brother. i'll sit with you. oh btw i made you a shrine- wanna hug? please please please ple
ryis haha you're so handsome wow. giving you a rock is going above and beyond? let me scour that mines for you. lets work on mistria tgt for the rest of our life. uncle landen, if you will?
yes, hayden, your tiddis huge. now stay still i need to draw them realistic style
celine, original flavor. i got nothing for her except that she loves flowers
idk how to approach maple im not very into roleplay. BG ROYAL DECREE I DECLARE..... that mayhaps she could run mistria one day
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY i want luc to tell me facts abt bugs AGAIN. like yes. tell me, how that bug's color is blue and who's it trying to impressed? oh you're impressed? yayyyy! bees have 5 eyes? heck yeah, that kinda freaks me out a little but you made it such a fun fact! i mean he's just so wholesome and little oh my god he's just baby
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Can we get more hc's of curly helping pony with his seasonal depression? I love these two so much and your headcanons give me LIFE
•ponys seasonal depression is like, whatever time was where his parents died, and i say that time and not where johnny and dally died bc generally speaking, ponys healing from their deaths, however id say when it comes to his parents deaths, he never rlly talks about it that much and kinda sweeps it under these other things???idk how to explain it
•BUT id say that pony never actually took the time to heal from his parents dying bc sm happened and at some point it kinda just hit him hard
•he did notice some differences in pony around the time but he thought that it would pass, and it did, but it always came back, he noticed that pattern
•as much as curly would love to go outside and fuck around to make pony happy, idk i think he’d respect that he just doesnt wanna go outside constantly, sometimes pony just wants to lay down and who is he to hate on that
•even when they go outside its nothing too crazy, its to just take a walk or sit in the porch or somethin, gotta get pony some air, cant stay in that stuffy room forever
•curly WILL be taking pony to visit his parents grave, its the least he can do for the grieving guy
•took pony to get some flowers and whatever else he wanted to get to decorate their grave, no jokes or nothin, he really didnt even know what to say to pony to cheer him up
•curly didnt go to the curtis parents’ funeral and therefore didnt rlly get to say his final words to em, so to like to imagine that to help pony in whatever way it does that he talks to em and get what he has to say out, maybe it was to encourage pony to do the same
•he brings pony lil gifts like a cool postcard he stole or a lil trinket
•he lets pony talk about the small things his parents used to do w him, he wasnt that close to them like darry and soda was, but he did have his moments
•ponys mom had a recipe book on top of the cupboard and curly would try to make some of the foods, key word try, he somehow burnt em a lil but its the thought that counts
•pony would mention to curly how he was kind of starting to forget small things about his parents, like how they laughed, how they smelled, that sorta thing, and so curly would VENTURE out to find small things that could remind pony about his parents
•he also got pony to draw his parents for the first time in a while, so he wouldnt forget more what they looked like and he can look back on it
•ALSO YES, he is making sure pony eats something, but its not rlly like a full dinner, maybe something like mac and cheese, something small and simple
UNRELATED, but hc that darrys room is actually just his parents room, darrys barely redecorated it himself bc hes actually so distraught over them still and that room is like a time capsule, thats kinda why nobody ever rlly goes into darrys room, especially pony, they dont wanna be reminded of who used to be there
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four-bastard-bustle · 6 months
Rant about ANYTHING about the Eddsworld fandom (if you want to)
Hang on i know it just said I don't have any hot takes rn but i just remembered one i do have rn
So uh. Feminine matt right. Generally he activates my fight or flight response however I've been thinking about feminine matt lately bc of that one artist that's blowing up rn, you know which one i mean (probably)
I think by itself the concept of feminine matt works just fine but i think everyone I've ever seen try to do it gets it completely wrong. Very much a personal opinion thing and not even remotely something based on actual canon. I think. Mostly because I'm alone on this.
But like. Matt can totally be feminine and that can totally be cool but it's gotta be like. A different kind than what everybody does imo. Everyone rn is drawing feminine matt all like cutesy and uwu and one leg raised up cutely and peace signs and ^w^ faces and short skirts and stuff and i do not think at all that's the kind of feminine he'd be. I think he'd be one of those "trying to be a proper lady but actually just being a huge brat" type of ladies. Think rarity from mlp fim. Think Jessie from pokemon anime. Think fancy long skirts and make up and hair that's been styled for hours and think ladylike English accents and finely tuned melodic tones in the voice with the occasional voice crack when he starts screaming.
Think of this thing that's so cental to matt's character IN MY OPINION where he tries to be fancy but then ends up failing and showing an immaturity he doesn't want to admit tp himself he has. I think that's what a feminine matt should be. But also do not let this think I'm policing anyone i do not want to force anyone to change their headcanon
That's kind of why i've been sitting on this take for a while, because I feel like I'm the only person thinkinf this. So i feel like I'm wrong. But also this is a strong feeling.
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collectivecloseness · 7 months
sorry I hope you’re still wanting asks about those yan fruity 4 posts I’ve just seen them all sorry but I’m really intrigued by what’s been going on with ‘the lamps’(?) hinted at or like i don’t know if it’s something you’ve posted about earlier but what happened with the lamp after they kidnapped reader and like why they’re banned and stuff. Sorry if this is late or anything
OMG YES thank you so so much for bringing it up actually bc no I haven’t posted specifically about it yet, I really wanted to talk about this part but it felt too much to add on to the other posts!! But no no no absolutely I’m still loving talking about the yandere fruity four, and especially this specific like Nancy kidnapping au ig you could call it, absolutely do not hesitate to send me thoughts on this scenario you’re absolutely fine hahaha.
And yes, there was a specific incident that lead to the fruity four banning lamps from your room. That and water glasses, ceramic plates, bowls, vases... don’t worry, they still give you lots of flowers though :)
You thought in the first couple of days that they’d let you go. Then if not all of them, maybe some of them, eventually even just one.
But no. The four keep you locked in that room - ‘your new bedroom’, and they only seem to get more into the delusion that this will all work out well and you’ll forgive them, as time goes on.
Once your begging tactics don’t work, and you being smart and attempting an escape only leads to them feeling so much more sympathetic towards you and trying harder to be so lovey dovey, you decide to switch up tactics. Or, maybe it’s less of a decision, and more your emotions switching up as you deal with this trauma, threat, situation, whatever the hell this is.
Specifically, now you’re angry. Of course you have been pissed off, but now you’re ready to fight. You feel rageful. And you’re beginning to get so ballistic that where a few days ago you would have killed an entire town just to protect your friends, now you’re willing to do whatever you have to to either get out of here, or get them to fall out of ‘love’ with you, or at least let them know you’re serious business.
Just not... just not that, you wouldn’t go that far. Honestly? You couldn’t ever imagine doing... that.. to them, even if they have you locked up here. You don’t exactly see them the same way as before, and you never will, but they’ve saved your life so many times, and you’ve saved them. You’ve nearly fallen apart having thought one, or more of them, may have died, or are too close to danger; you can’t imagine losing them after feeling all of that, having been through that pain of waiting, no matter what they’ve done. You can’t feel that way ever again. But are you full of enough adrenaline and rage and justice to draw blood or fistfight your way through them and a whole door if needs be? Definitely.
Robin has come into your room alone one day, Eddie waiting by the door, as she comes to chat with you, check up on you.
You inform her that you can’t possibly be doing well, considering the circumstances, but Robin is pissing you off. Yet again she’s saying that you’re not getting out of here. And she even seems upset that you keep bringing it up!!
You try to have a semi normal conversation with her as you let her sit side by side on your bed- the bed. Hoping beyond hope that she’ll prove how much she loves you and at least talk to the others. You’re sure her even trying, and with you holding the same view, it might sway some votes. But Robin decides to leave you be with a sigh, standing as she turns away from you with a “Y/n that’s not gonna happen. I don’t know how many times we have to tell you, but we’ll keep doing so. Look just rest up because you haven’t been eating. And, you know, Steve’s been trying really hard to make all your favourites!”
She sounds more emotional talking about Steve’s efforts and trying to get you to understand their love, versus actually talking to you about your captivity. “Someone will come check on you again in an hour. But you know you can always ask for one of us if you wanna talk.”
Robin has her back fully turned, with Eddie opening the door and waiting for her, Steve and Nancy both meeting them in the hall too. You’re still on the other side of the bed, so no one bothers to get too close to the door, it’s not like you’re making a run for it this time from there.
But they shouldn’t have let their defences down.
Robin is still facing away from you, just a couple of feet from your open door, when suddenly a lamp is smashed into the wall and door frame in front of her, to the left of her head.
The three who watched from the hall are frozen in utter shock.
Robin stands still too. Before turning around to see you, breathing heavily, and with your arm still out from where you’d launched your bedroom lamp, right on the wall just feet away from her head, all to make your point.
Nancy and Steve quickly move forward, Nancy taking a step into your room for the first time without you screaming at her, but it’s because both of them are rushing and grabbing an arm of Robin’s each, pulling her out of the room so nothing else can happen that can escalate this further.
Robin looks utterly betrayed. Her mouth open in shock, still facing you even as her partners pull her out the room, and her eyes hurt by what you’ve just done. None of them could ever have expected this of you.
Which was weird considering the situation they’ve put you in, by acting so unexpectedly in your mind too.
Eddie looks away from you and to the ground with wide eyes, clearly also shocked and conflicted, maybe even a little ashamed, although who of you’re not sure.
But you keep your eyes fiery with rage, with your body still. Breathing hard, arm still stretched out, but apart from that you’re almost calm. Which is scarier for the others. Like you have no guilt about what you’ve just done whatsoever. Acting out violently, and threatening Robin. Who really had just come in your room, chatted with you, and not done anything wrong at all! She hadn’t even upset you today! Not until then...
They all close the door, and you can’t hear what must be a hushed conversation on the other side. But you just sit down on your bed, staring out the window. And wondering if the others would all restrain you even worse if you had thrown that lamp through there instead, to try and call for help.
Imagining all four of them all pinning you to the bed, you struggling, but your limbs with nowhere to go, their faces... their faces like in your nightmares, determined and scary. And imprisoning you even more. So that walking around in your room, which is all you can do right now, would be a luxury in comparison.
You try to get those thoughts out of your head, when you realise that after your little stunt, you’ll probably be left alone with just your mind for the next few hours.
Eddie comes in with dinner for you by the end of the evening, while Steve follows him in. You notice Robin at the end of the door, but when she catches your eye she looks away after a second, shutting it behind you three.
Eddie makes quick conversation about food and such, but you’re more focused on the way Steve’s completely avoiding looking at you, his head bent like he’s ashamed to do so. And then Eddie’s talking isn’t distracting you at all, because you notice Steve picking up the other two decorative lamps and hauling them under his arms.
When you ask him what he’s doing, even though you know full well, Steve seems shy around you almost. He’s pink in the face, and he does make a bit of eye contact, but mostly keeps his head down. They all agreed they should take the rest of the lamps out. You can tell he’s also sad about the whole you threatening Robin thing, especially since you know how much his ‘family’ is important to him.
If it takes making them unhappy to get them to understand this is not a good plan, then you don’t really care.
Nothing about what you did seems to have effected them too much at all though. And while you were getting more and more enraged at the fact your ‘ex’ friends had not only kidnapped you, but were obsessed delusional assholes, you were steaming even more at the fact they seemed to brush off your threat as if it was a little tantrum. Well, you knew they did take it seriously, but they were trying to act as if it was all okay and they love you just the same and everyone’s just moving on blah blah blah.
The day after your lamp stunt Robin came in with the other three, it was another attempt at getting you to not react so... poorly, to Nancy. And apart from a talk in the morning, and you bringing it up again at lunch, the others had tried to act normal with you. Whatever normal could possibly be with these guys.
The next day Robin came in with your meal, happily chatting away to you - after turning on the main light, considering it was dinner time and dark out. She didn’t even mention what you both knew was a little act of rebellion on your part, sitting in the dark for probably hours, because they took away your lamps. She just chatted with you and tried to hand you the new book Nancy had brought you a couple of days ago, asking if you’ve read it yet. Or if you’d like her to read it to you!
Apart from some spoken arguments on your end in the beginning, you were pretty quiet, as Robin lounged about your room, as she was free to do so in any room of her house, and tried to get you to open up again. Like you were before.
This time, as Robin turned to leave, the door shut closed, and facing your wall in the same spot she’d stood just two days before, you threw the now empty glass of water she’d given you across the room, and you smashed it into the back of her head.
It wasn’t particularly strong glass, and it half shattered the moment you threw it at Robin’s head. You knocked her out cold.
Steve heard the thump of something loud collapsing on your bedroom floor, and he ran down the hall to burst open your room. Upon finding Robin, knocked unconscious face first on the ground, and the broken cup by her side, Steve fell to his knees right by his best friend. Shock crashing through his system like frozen ice in his veins, his heart pumping wildly, as Steve scoops Robin up to his lap, watching her screw her face up and moan smally, as he pressed his hand to her cheek, Robin still remaining unconscious, if not seemingly alright apart from that.
But she was still hurt. The shock was still there. And Steve was very much aware that you, one of the loves of his life, had just hurt Robin on purpose.
“What the fuck have you done?” Steve asks stupefied. His hand on the back of her head coming back with just a small trail of blood, mixed into his best friend’s dirty blonde hair, as he looks up at you horrified. Steve is genuinely just shocked, asking you this.
Astounded and appalled by your actions. But for the first time after this, he looks at you differently. Because you watch Steve cradling Robin knocked out, and you just sit down on the edge of your bed. Nothing else in your hands. And you just look at them.
It’s the first time Steve has ever seen you differently...
But only a second later, Steve can tell there’s some upset in your eyes. You’re not looking at him as he just gawks at you, but with your head tilted down on him and Robin, he sees the shininess of wet in your eyes, a twinkle of deep deep knowledge and thought of your actions, of what led to Robin being like this. And Steve very very quickly remembers that you are just so stressed, he knows it’s not like he just never knew you, any thoughts he could have even started to think in his horror are no longer gonna sprout to his mind. He takes a second in dumb awe definitely, but Steve very quickly remembers just how hard this situation is for you, and of course in such terrible times, people act out in odd ways.
Even though this is not okay, he still understands you the same as he thinks he always has. He knows you’re not different, he knows that very clearly, and he certainly won’t let one incident effect how he thinks or feels about you. This just... none of this is right. And his focus is very much on Robin right now.
You’re crying as the four all take Robin out. They can all see and hear you, even though they’re panicked and fussing over Robin right now. For the first time no one really with you as you cry, as you sob, all just focusing on quickly checking Robin and what happened, as Steve carries her in his arms to take her downstairs. Everyone staggered at not only seeing Robin like this at home after running to Steve’s worried yells for them, but hearing you did it, and seeing you’re not even coming to her now. Your eyes full of tears and sobs aching your chest, as you watch Robin groan unconsciously, before they all take her out.
Even while Robin wakes up on the stairs downwards, just seconds after leaving your room, and as they all apply first aid while Robin is on the dining table downstairs, they can still hear your hearty cries from directly above them.
All their attention is on Robin, tears in their eyes and their touches all either medical or reassuring or loving, as they ask her questions ranging from ‘Can you tell me if this hurts? How many fingers am I holding up? Do you remember everything?’ All three genuinely upset at not only seeing Robin hurt, especially after all their trauma, and especially it happening in their home with all of them there who are supposed to protect her, but the fact you, their love, her love, did this. That you were so pent up from your situation you acted out like this.
The three all stay to console Robin, as she bawls knowing that you’d just done this to her, even as they all brace themselves from hearing your heaved and panicked wails and sobs from up above.
All five of you in agony. But this time none of them coming to try and help you.
Not one of you are even sure if them doing so would make you feel better, or worse, that night.
It was your first break, the first time you really acted not like yourself, not like anyone you ever wanted to be, but what they were turning you into.
You weren’t as destructive as that again. But it didn’t stop you from either acting out of impulsive and defensive anger, or letting them know you were serious.
Like one time with Eddie. He wasn’t one of the worst ones, if any of them could be called so, but sometimes being that meant he forgot his place. Like over a week in, when he very softly brushed his hand down your hair.
You were on his side the moment your spine finished crawling. Yelling angrily, but it was on par with Eddie’s pained yells for you to stop.
You were on top of Eddie’s side, yanking at his hair hard, pulling and scratching at locks of his shaggy mullet as you took literal tufts out furiously.
“Y/N STOP! STOP, STOP IT!!” Eddie yells, trying to push you off, but pained shrieks leaving like cries as it only means you rip more of his long waves out from his head. Eddie trying desperately to get you to stop, pushing not too hard at you because he didn’t want to and because it only made it worse.
You were screeching as you attacked at his head. Ripping Eddie’s hair out and not letting go whatsoever, even when the others were all pulling you off of him so hard it hurt. Your fingers going numb as your wrists were being squeezed, and your hands were being scratched up, as they try to unhook your claws from the knotted fistfuls of Eddie’s hair you’re grabbing onto. Arms wrapped around your body and upper arms tightly, squeezing you hard and painfully squishing you as they try pulling you away, while also soon pinning you down with their own bodies. Having to hurt you just a bit as they try and pull you off of him because you just will not let go. Eddie crying out in pain, you screaming madly, and the others all yelling your name and for you to stop loudly.
They were all acting quick and had to be uncaring about being a bit rough with you as they had to get you off of Eddie now. You were worried Steve was going to break your wrist, even though he would never want to, he was just squeezing it that hard, to the point that hand cramped so you couldn’t even untangle your fingers from Eddie’s knots if you tried. Steve’s other arm wrapped like a python around your body, as him and Robin tried leaning on top of you. All three scratching at the backs of your hands, Nancy’s especially pinching and painful. Gripping your fingers in such awkward and painful ways, as they tried to unhook you from Eddie’s head. But it still took all three of them and Eddie’s help a long time to fully free Eddie from your clutches.
By that point Steve and Robin were sitting on top of your body with their own. Crushing you. You were crying out, pained and panicked and horrified at being in a situation like this. Trying to breathe with them on top of you, made much harder by your sobs, as not only were they shadowing and crushing you, but also as you never ever wanted to be in this position with the stalkers who declared their love for you near constantly, the friends who you now were horrified by.
Eddie went straight to the floor as soon as he was free, panting and crying, looking right at you with those big fucking doe brown eyes, that you can barely see from where Steve’s torso is blocking your view as he shadows on top of you, but those fucking eyes making you wail even harder. For a completely different reason now.
Nancy goes right down to comfort Eddie. Meanwhile you’re trying desperately to get his hair out of your hands as quick as possible. The small strands you managed to get, making you feel sick to now have touching you, for a myriad of reasons. But you couldn’t get them off with Robin and Steve both lying on top of your restrained body. You could only shake your hands and not even purposely. Steve was still restraining your arms too, and now they were in a twisted position that hurt, but the four couldn’t exactly focus on that when they were concentrated on Eddie. Even if you knew you were in a similar amount of pain to what he was in, at least in some way.
They had to restrain you, if you were hurting them, if they had to, you might get a couple of bruises from attacking them, but they would never, ever hurt you apart from that. They don’t want to. And they weren’t hurting you too badly, even now, they wouldn’t do that. You were still their love but you were just acting out in dangerous ways.
Nancy hit you. She knocked you unconscious. She tied you up so much the others had all thrown up at least once from the image since. And then they’d all kidnapped you. You guess, to be fair, they don’t always respond much the other times you hurt them. They even accepted it sometimes.
Although that could occasionally infuriate you more.
Steve comes to check on you and see if you’re hurt, after they’ve all gotten a sobbing Eddie breathing again and somewhat looked over downstairs. You spit in his face. Steve still gives you first aid for your bruises and scratches, and apologies.
Sometimes when you hurt them they’ll stay there and accept it. Sometimes they just simply leave you be. And sometimes they apologise, but you know it’s not just for the recent reason that caused you to hurt them, you know they know what they’re doing to you is wrong, even if they convince themselves it’ll all be good.
Sometimes you didn’t care after one had left and you’d hurt them; you’d think you only really did so when they deserved it, even though for what they’ve done they always deserve so.
Sometimes you feel bad. That’s normally for when you’ve hurt them more than just one quick reaction.
You could slap Robin in the face, and she could look into your eyes with absolute awe and sadness, you’d stay exactly where you were, staring her down. Other times you could kick Steve in the stomach as he was on your floor for something, but the moment you meet his teary eyes, you were sobbing at him to just go, because you didn’t want him to see you cry because of this. It was usually context dependent.
Nancy once left your room with scratches all over her face. Steve was shocked and immediately grabbed Nancy’s cheeks, lightly, to look at her face in all angles, where he waited for her down the hall. Worried about Nancy because of course he is, he loves her and she’s part of his family, but also asking her what the hell happened in there?
They were light scratches, they’d fade soon. At least when you hurt them with your fingernails or something, it wasn’t like an object they could take away from you. Like the fact you now only get plastic cups. Your nails were getting bitten to hell enough anyway.
She’s tried to instinctively push your wrists away when you first started clawing at her face, trying to soothingly say “Y/n-“ but you went for her lips. Nancy leaned her head away from you, backing up, but you kept following. And she kept her hands trying to chase your arms, trying lightly to push you off of her. Getting slightly more panicked when you tried to pin her down and really go at her face, Nancy thought of democreatures pinning her and loved ones down and attacking if that happened, but you were in one of your moods where you were set on your task.
She winced and cried out quietly and tried talking to you, asking you to stop now, that she’d go okay? Hissing and whining and groaning sad you continued wildly scratching at her anywhere you could get near her face, neck and shoulders too a little, dragging them down. And also a little scared, definitely hurt, and worrying the longer it goes on. But she’s managed to hit your hands down in one swoop and back up a couple of steps, and as she knew, that pause made you finally stop. Especially with Nancy telling you she’d just leave now, okay?
Nancy hadn’t even called out for help, even though she had obviously asked and tried to get you to stop. She didn’t want any of her other partners to go talk to you either, not that they’d really ‘punish ’ you much or anything though. Nancy understood, even if she didn’t like the fact you’d do things like this now, no matter how much, she loved you, so so dearly, it would never ever change no matter what you do.
Sometimes they won’t call out to the others if you hurt them, either they think they can handle it, or mostly it’s because they feel like they deserve it. You can get it out, it’s okay, they understand how maddened you must be, and they know they’ve got a lot of making up to do to you, they’re guilty enough to let you do so anyway. Not guilty enough to convince themselves they should let you leave them or anything though. They can’t have that happen, they just couldn’t cope if that..! But even if they’re a bit emotionally hurt at those times, they’re not mad at you.
And unfortunately, they do start to become slightly less surprised by it. Even though at the same time, past the first two - three weeks, your attacks lessen. It would be an odd looking chart.
Nancy’s making graphs of you concerning different things though, it helps her keep peace of mind sometimes. And they all have big family talks about you a lot anyway, more than they even did before you joined their home, so she has all of them to show her notes to.
That scratching at her was still pretty early on after she hit you and knocked you out, Nancy can’t blame you for acting out. Even if she feels right having you here, finally having you home, Nancy felt guilty for hurting you.
The first time she tried to have a conversation with you, after they all explained you would be staying here now, you’d looked at her with such emotion in your eyes as you said “You hit me Nancy.”
Nancy could never forget that. She’d burst into tears the moment you said it, but kept her eyes right on you, her hand to her heart, as you looked at her so betrayed, so hurt, so in shock that she would ever do something like that to you.
“I’m- I’m so so sorry y/n..!” Nancy hiccuped, tears streaming down her pink cheeks as she felt genuine horror at knowing she had hit you. She loves you. She can’t believe she would ever be the type of lover to hit you. After both of you saving each other’s lives. After all the promises she made to your image. Being so sure she and the others were the right option for you, the best way to keep you safe, and loved, and comforted always, your future. She hit you hard enough to make your head bleed, and then she’d taken you away.
The others weren’t exactly comforting her at that point. But Nancy would have directed them back to you anyway, during that conversation. Nancy never wanted to hit you again.
Steve had soothingly applied first aid to the scratches you’d clawed all into Nancy’s face, and neck, trying to ask her if she was okay, emotionally they both knew he meant, but Nancy kept promising she was fine. Even though everyone in the house felt a gloom cloud over the home and all of them each time you became different and hurt someone.
They did understand. And they still loved you. Sometimes you were genuinely scared in that moment, even a little traumatised (they were horrified to think it), and they really didn’t blame you at all in those moments. Usually someone would stay with you to try and calm you down from your panic attack state about the other one going to hurt you, as someone else took them out of the room, to check they were okay.
They really did feel awful for you in those instances. No one treated you differently after them. They were even more caring in fact. Just trying to soothe you into knowing you were okay, they weren’t trying to hurt you, look at them, just look at them, in their eyes don’t look at the other, nothing is going to try and hurt you, they promise, it’s alright, no one is going to harm you here okay? You’re safe.
Steve had been that person to breathe with you once, when you’d repeatedly shoved Eddie hard to the ground, and kicked Nancy to the floor as well, not allowing either of them up as you panickedly kept pushing them down, convinced that one or both of them were about to hurt you. As soon as Robin helped them both leave and shut the door to leave the room quiet, with Steve holding your shoulders and looking into your eyes, his own sure but empathetic, and comforting as well as strong, talking you through how safe you were as you came down from your sudden panic, you’d moved forward in a rattling fearful sob and wrapped your arms around Steve.
Steve felt shame for the fact he thought you were coming to tackle him too, rather than hug him, but he’s sure it’s because he hasn’t felt you hug him since he first untied you in this room. And not leaping at him wanting his comfort in that long either. Immediately, Steve’s wrapping his arms around you, and he’s hugging you just as he’d always do before. Tight, but not too strongly, tender and soothing. He kept you close, as your fists gripped onto his waist and shirt, one of his hands stroking your hair down your head, neck, and shoulders. As he let you place your head into his shoulder, and he pressed his cheek into your head, your hair moving softly together, as he held you in his close arms.
He holds you, he just holds you, he does everything you need right now, that you’ve probably needed for a long time. His words confident and soothing, promising you all the safety in the world. Letting his soft cheek finally press against your warm one again. Actual skin on skin contact, to comfort both of you. Letting him finally be not just the hero, screw that, but your friend again, one of your best friends. Steve’s heart and body full of relief at the fact he’s able to comfort you again. And hugging and holding you lovingly, the same way he did before, nothing more, it wasn’t needed. All Steve needed and all he wanted right then in the entire world was to hug you and make you feel safe and comforted. And so, that’s exactly what he did. Exactly like he would as your friend, and he is still your friend! He would never ever stop, and he’s so so glad you’re letting him be your friend again, just like before.
For two full minutes you clung onto Steve and sobbed, needing your best friend to promise you that you were not in danger right now, as you came down from feeling like you most definitely were. And Steve relished that you were finally able to be comforted by him again, but also that you let him, that you wanted him, and that you’d been so so brave to come to him for it first. You were amazing. You were constantly proving how strong you were. And he loved you, not just like that, but in every single way.
It killed Steve just a little bit after just those two minutes, when you pulled back, and looking right down at the floor, arms wrapped around yourself instead, you quietly asked him to leave now. And that the next day, you didn’t reach out to him or the others, in any way the same. That you seemed even sadder...
But he had told the others what had happened. It at least gave them all hope. All they want is to be able to comfort you again, they just don’t want you to feel like this anymore, and especially not all alone.
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gatoraid · 4 days
Random, but can I ask why do you love Yut Lung? What made him special? Is there a certain moment in Banana Fish where you know, this will be my favorite character?
P.s I can't believe the mangaka end Yut Lung just like that in the later manga. Are you surprised, too?
This is the perfect ask, YES you can ask me why I love my fave character. <3 This has been sitting in my drafts for a while but since the jp fandom is currently drawing a lot of Yut Lung fanart for the Mid-Autumn Festival, I feel like it's a good time to try answer this.
Yut Lung as a character is just endlessly fascinating to me. He’s the bitchy antagonist, the foil and twisted mirror image of Ash and to a lesser extent Eiji too. He has such delicious relationships with so many of the characters in the story, he's THE fandom bicycle to me.
I love how Yut Lung is full of contradictions. He’s an evil mastermind and seductress pulling at the strings, but he’s also a traumatized 16-year-old kid who misses his mother. He uses his femininity and beauty as a weapon and never fails to bring a fashion moment when going out, yet at home he only ever wears ugly grandpa sweaters.
One of the reasons why I enjoy reading about him so much is that he’s not really a good person. He’s petty and jealous. He’s been having a bad time his whole life and he wants to make it your problem too. Yet at the same time, you see how torn he feels about Shorter's death, how he just wants acceptance and for someone to take care of him. Idk, something about him showing his ugly sides and still being someone who clearly would deserve love and healing just feels so cathartic to me.
And let's not even get started on the gender stuff. I tend to latch on to characters with atypical gender expressions, and Yut Lung is explicitly referred to and viewed as feminine by other characters in the story. Is he someone who's learned to use his perceived femininity to his advantage (the ppl who have compared him to the main character of M Butterfly are so smart), or is this how he actually wants to present? Maybe both? In any case, this aspect of his character has also made him very dear to me.
Also, I actually do know the exact moment I realized Yut Lung would become my fave:
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Soo yeah, despite being a fan of the manga for years, it was the anime adaptation that made his character really pop for me. Maybe it was just the right timing for me to vibe with his particular story, or maybe the fact that the anime staff clearly loved him made him stand out even more? His updated character design is just so good! Obviously I love his manga and anime versions equally now, the anime was just the catalyst.
You also asked about Yut Lung's story arc in Yasha. I'm putting the rest after a cut bc of spoilers.
I haven't read Yasha myself, but I've read enough fic and other reports to know the basics of how Yut Lung's life ends in that story. I'm very sad since I just wanted him to keep on living, taking reponsibility for the shitty things he has done. But idk if I can say I'm surprised. Unlike the anime staff, I think it's pretty clear that Akimi Yoshida did not love Yut Lung at all. I feel like she disliked him quite a bit actually, so writing an ending like that for him makes sense in a way sobbbb.
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akuma-tenshi · 9 months
tell me ur theories abt 100 epitaphs
had to go back to get screenshots bc i felt like i was going insane. so:
at the very beginning, during the lyrics "lay your emotions with them like a mourning wreath", there's a shot of kt's face on a headstone. which makes me believe she may have been terminated at some time during this whole thing and there's going to be a twist where yura gets into the facility with whoever the hell decides to join him only to learn she's been dead this whole time and all this was for nothing
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my friend pointed this out when the video first came out but there's a shot of yura during the first chorus where he's surrounded by several mostly-unnamed characters when they say "another apathetic epitaph". iirc he's between kolya and nikita, both of whom are dead, and their faces are shown in frames, likely symbolising those photos that are displayed during funerals. which could very possibly foreshadow yura dying, probably during the mission to save kt.
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olga being shown with flowers sprouting out of her does not give me hope for her. this is especially worrying considering the fact that she's shown in occam's razor during the line "but some ventures require a sacrificial lamb" - this could refer to her taking the fall for yura after the whole incident in the zone but it's still concerning. oddly enough i'm less confident in this than in my yura and kt dying theories bc it just doesn't feel like olga would die (wouldn't make sense or be satisfying from a narrative perspective) but it's still possible. if she doesn't die then she's definitely not coming out of this the same
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this is not the last we've seen of sergei. this may just be wishful thinking (love that square......) and ik he basically just gave up on sanya. but anyone who's tried to help an especially difficult person will tell you it's not that easy to just let them go, especially considering that he's already done so much for her and still has skin in the game even if he does completely drop his sister (*gestures vaguely at that one drawing of him reading a book on "breaking your girlfriend out of jail" or smthn.... ik it's just a silly joke but i'd be fuckin hyped if we got sergei breaking olga out of prison). something tells me he's going to keep trying to influence things from afar without getting too invested; whether he'll keep trying to help sanya or just focus all his effort on olga, i'm not sure.
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sanya is becoming another yura. she's getting more hopeless and desperate, not to save kt but to protect / help yura. she's doing crazier and crazier shit and has managed to stay in contact with him even though sergei tried to stop them from meeting. the shot of her laughing surrounded by candles, the shot of her sitting so nonchalantly against the wall talking to dima, the shot of her standing up to sergei to protect yura... she feels very yuracore and it worries me. also the shot of her strangling her past self, the one that was much more optimistic and bright yet sheltered.. any writer will tell you that having a character literally harm / kill their past self is the number one way of indicating that they're completely cutting off their past and moving on.
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this is a very stupid theory but kolya isn't actually dead. he plays way more of a role in 100 epitaphs than he ever did before. and yes nikita has content too but there are just.. so many shots of kolya (the one that stands out most to me is of him sitting in the center of the screen with headphones on). he may not be the same person but like. what if the grinder didn't kill him?? what if he's alive, just far away from all this?? what if he comes back?? changed and injured but still kolya. ((god i hope i'm talking about the right person here if that isn't kolya i'm going to look like such a dumbass))
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also the title "100 epitaphs" and the prominent presence of two (supposedly) dead characters.... it doesn't inspire confidence in a lot of these characters' chances of surviving.
sorry if some of this is incoherent or just downright weird, i've been up for a while. but i will always take up an opportunity to rant about this video it's had me positively ill. i was literally fucking shaking while typing this
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I don’t care if it’s “good” I just want to read something that comes from you bc your work is good to me :)
(In reference to the yandere diavolo request)
Anon??? Anon!?!? how dare you say such nice things T_T, I don´t think you really know just how happy I am right now that you complimented my writings
tried to make it longer just for such a sweet compliment I hope you´ll like it (it´s a bit over 500 words) and I tried my best
okay it should be obvious that he will be a rather clingy Yandere and the only reason why I say rather instead of you will never get a moment for yourself is because he is the Prince and Barbatos forces him to finish his works before he can play with the Human (or rather his unwilling captive) a small blessing for you
I mean your consolation price is that you will be very spoiled because you know he is the Prince of the Devildom and you get scary dog privileges (Diavolo, Barbatos and Lucifer, but to be fair knowing that Diavolo is infatuated with you is enough to make Demons act like your the plague and avoid you) but it´s up to you if it´s a fair trade for your privacy
another surprising small mercy for you is that he actually let´s you sleep on your own and not forces you to share his room (and bed) with him
but that is thanks to Barbatos who told Diavolo that it would lead to a better future if he let´s you be on your own for a small amount of time at least
what would the future be like if he didn´t listen to Barbatos? who knows :)
this does not stop him from sneaking in your room while your sleeping thought
you could just fall asleep for a minute and suddenly there is Diavolo holding you in a death grip, it even got so bad at one point that Barbatos is now forced to watch your door and tell Diavolo to let you sleep in peace (he started carrying a spray bottle from this point onward)
this does not mean Barbatos will help you some other time as soon as you´re awake you are on your own and have to fend Diavolo off yourself
you´re eating? he will happily feed you! don´t be shy you can even sit on his lap :D
he even tried to change you himself, this didn´t end as bad as the time he tried to bath you
you attempted to drown him and Diavolo thought you wanted him to join you
this did not better the situation, your savior was Barbatos that told Diavolo to stop tormenting you
you were not of the hook though, he threatened you if you ever try to hurt Diavolo again he will make you regret being born
needless to say this was the only day Diavolo was allowed to sleep with you because you did not trust Diavolo this day
another draw back of having a Prince as your yandere is that he legally can just kill everybody that looks at you
he even tried to pass a law that would forbid anybody that he doesn´t trust to look at you, it did not go through
good luck to a Demon that doesn´t know who you are and wants to be friendly
he was not found to this day, you are certain Diavolo feed what little remained of him to Cerberus
to summarize this Diavolo acts like a spoiled child, Barbatos is tired from his new responsibilities and you are just confused and don´t know what is happening
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | nishimura riki
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❝ did you guys see that? i was the one who taught her how to do that!❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | jungwon | NI-KI
nishimura riki….
the absolute menace that this boy is
The Class Clown
being seatmates with him is probably the worst decision you have ever made
not bc of him and his jokes !!!!!
no he’s very funny actually
he makes you laugh all the time
he just ALWAYS whispers the wrong answer to you during oral recitation
and you ALWAYS fall for it
“what is the second stage of cell division?”
“meiosis,” he’d whisper so confidently
“m…meiosis?” you ask more to him bc u know he’s wrong but the teacher hears you anyway 😭😭😭
he is just SOOOOO !!!! unbearable
also btw he calls u by ur last name
the type to be close friends with all the teachers
he’d just casually reply to them in class (ofc in a respectful enough manner)
always makes the class laugh
he’s always doing some shit honestly like just don’t try to understand him atp
he likes to switch with the person seated behind you sometimes so he can sit beside a close friend but ALSO so he can play with your hair
ni-ki will just do ANYTHING .. put your hair in poor braids, put it in a ponytail ltrly anything
he has started his own hair salon behind you
tells you not to fix your hair for the rest of the day
so yes you end up sporting his poorly styled ponytail where some strands are sticking out
also the type to draw on your arm
in the case that he doesn’t switch with the person behind you, he’ll just start drawing on your arm
ANYTHING absolutely anything
hearts … maybe even a dick im sorry he is a Man and he will start giggling to himself when he draws it on your forearm
tbh u just let him do it
it’s bc he looks so cute … like he’s so focused on your arm while you’re focused on your teacher
during those class seminars, he is STILL seated next to you
but you guys don’t listen to the speaker most of the time
he’ll have the 8ball app loaded on his phone and you guys will just silently play billiards on his phone
changes ur contact name to “sucks at 8ball”
when it’s his turn to make a move, you try and pay attention to the speaker
but then he nudges your arm to signal that it’s your turn and he hands you his phone so you can make a move
BTW idk how to explain this but the seats r like those in the movie theaters
imagine …. your arms on the same arm rest … side by side …. touching
he is actually so slick with it
unlike jake, you’ll often find him at the volleyball court instead of the basketball court
you enjoy sitting at the sides too
ur friends like playing so sometimes they’d play against riki or on the same team as him and you’d just watch as u wait for ur sibling to get u from school
or until you can commute back home with your friends
sometimes you’d join too
BUT only after telling them you’re bad at the sport over and over and over again and them telling you it’s ok over and over and over again too
you finally join in and play volleyball with them with the reassurance that they’re just playing for fun !!!!!!
honestly it’s so much fun but Menace Riki loves to target the ball in ur direction
(it’s so you can play too since most of the time … the ball doesn’t go in ur direction so ure just awkwardly standing in ur position 🧍‍♀️)
the next day, this mf drags u out of class HIMSELF to the direction of the volleyball court and teaches you how to set
“okay, hands above ur forehead, okay? 😒” and u’re just trying to take his directions
he’d be soooooo annoying when you set a ball properly for the first time too
would ltrly turn to everyone in the court with his loud mouth and start praising you
“hey, did you guys see that?? i taught her how to do that !!! i’m her mentor”
ofc it becomes something about Him instead but it’s just cuz he can’t risk everyone knowing about his big fat crush on you
(sucks to be him bc everyone already knows like … have you seen the way he looks at you?)
he’s secretly so proud and plays volleyball with you to the side instead of playing an actual match
it’s to help you improve
bc he’s your self-proclaimed mentor 🥹
and when his friends drag him to play, he’ll insist you play too on the same team as him
you know how like .. one touch .. two touch .. volleyball is until three right?
ni-ki loves to set the ball or toss it to you so you can actually play too
your hype boy 😍😍😍😍
another funny story with this boy was when you and your friend were on your way to go home
and it started raining
ni-ki’s bff and ur bff r dating ok !!!
so naturally, his best friend leaves his side to shade his gf (ur bff) with an umbrella
now u’re left behind with riki
u do NOT expect him to grab his umbrella, open it up, and tell you to start walking with u
shields you so now you’re following behind ur dating bffs
honestly it’s actually kind of a cute memory
sharing an umbrella .. so romantic 🥰
ofc ur friends tease u !!! those who witnessed it happen and when u and ur friend r safely sheltered from the rain,, riki’s bff starts pushing him and teasing him for finally making a move
the direction ni-ki needs to go to isn’t even where he had walked u to but he still did it so you wouldn’t get sick
ANYWAYS he’s the teasing to get ur attention when he has a crush type so
good luck
expect him to always be up in your business and calling your name out
just embarrassing you in all possible ways
he’s just bad at expressing his feelings
u guys r just an old married couple bickering in class sometimes
your classmates start making bets on when you two will finally start dating
when he finally asks you out, his cocky teasing behavior is just thrown out the window
he stutters and scratches the back of his head and looks anywhere but to you
indirectly asks you out
“wanna eat um street foods after class?”
“who’s coming with,” you’d ask
“JUST ME… just me. just us…”
ltrly something as simple as that has him blushing all over 😭
he has no problem embarrassing u and drawing dicks on ur arms and calling ur name in the hallway and throwing an arm around ur shoulder
but the moment he asks u to eat out with him ?? even just for street food ?? bye he’s so shy and nervous
it’s SOOOO unlike him
“oh, sure!”
his eyes would light up please stop
then his cocky behavior would come back a little .. just enough to be tsundere as he is
“okay… don’t think i wanna hangout with you alone or anything. it’s just a treat for properly setting last time we played vb”
likeeee no one believes you ni-ki
the last time u played vb was like two weeks ago so why r u suddenly treating NOW
it’s actually so cute when u start dating
he has such a Soft Spot for u
LOVES annoying u but is secretly so doting like please
i hate happy couples !!!!!!!!!
i hope u guys r HAPPY <3
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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crabonfire · 2 years
poly tf2 mercs x reader??
lmao sorry- my mind cant make up which character to like so
you have no idea I have been YEARNING for someone to request this! I'm literally polyamorous myself and oh my god thank u so much!!! I let out a loud squeal when I read this bcs I was so happy
Poly!Mercenaries X Reader!
characters: all mercs :)
Scout and Pyro
Engineer, Demoman and Soldier
Spy and Sniper
Heavy and Medic
warning: none!!!
note: reader is gender neutral! plus if u like this I might make a part two with different polyamorous mercs :D
♡Scout and Pyro♡
• scouts love language is acts of service and pyro's is quality time.
• someone needs to put all three of you in a psych ward
• sometimes when you all go on a walk in the street Scout will accidentally cause trouble with someone and Pyro will join in and fight them and you either join in or get them out before the cops come.
• oh my god.
• they're pretty fun to be with. Scout is usually a flustered mess whenever Pyro or you show any affection towards him due to the fact he had to fight for affection from his mother as a child. Its new to him, especially by two of the people he adores.
• Pyro and Scout draw together, and whenever your down they will both make you doodles of stuff that makes you happy. They will make your room super comfortable while Pyro gets a bunch of snacks from the fridge, sitting together to get ready for movies!
• You guys have this thing where whenever one of yall are feeling down, Scout goes to buy an insanely terrible movie and the last person to laugh or groan at the movie wins. It really cheers you up.
They're not the best at comforting words, so they show comfort by actions.
They're both pretty clingy! An hour away from you Pyro is already whining while Scout is just trying to make due. But usually they'll still have a good time together, sometimes going on their own dates while your away.
If they go somewhere, they'll get you something from there as a "souvenir" and beg you to come there the next time they go so nobody gets left out.
• Scout loves peppering the both of you with kisses, he doesn't mind that Pyro has a mask usually he'll be silly and blow Pyro a kiss from the distance. It makes the both of you giggle, he's such a goof.
Pyro gives you both mask kisses...Well more like boops. Though if your far into your relationship, day by day he'll start opening up more about himself. He starts by not wearing gloves around you, to lifting his mask up slightly to give you both a proper kiss. (random but I headcannon my boy has a tooth gap :D)
It makes both of your hearts melt to know he trusts you enough to do this, and he's thankful for your patience.
The three of you look very chaotic to other people but alone together you are just real sweet to each other. They both get so calm around you that they don't feel the need to show off or cause chaos, yall just wanna hang out sometimes yk?
♡Engineer, Demoman, and Soldier♡
• Engie's love language is quality time, Demo's is words of affirmation, and Soldier's is acts of service AND quality time.
• goddamnit yall r so cute
• the actual power couple
• Let me describe to you what they are like
Dell's the calm one, he's usually the one getting the three of you out of trouble but he himself loves a little fun sometimes.
Demo is the fun one, he always takes you all out on interesting landmarks and sometimes even dangerous activities that might kill you.
Soldier is the loud one, he will not shut the fuck up. He loves to hear yall talk about your day, loves to gossip about how work has been, but also loves to speak about his achievements and show all three of you off to random people he meets.
"Aw geez Solly, ya don't have to say that..."
And then
"Lad...yer makin me blush."
or even
• in general yall r just adorable. They're all so sweet to each other and to you too, yall always eat together and they'll always be there for you if you wanna rant or vent about your day.
All of them are amazing listeners, and good at comforting...how?? How did you get so damn lucky? They'll cuddle up around you as one of them holds you, listening to you talk and ramble about how bad of a day its been.
Soldier will give you a motivational and surprisingly really helpful speech, Demoman will hype you up and tell you it's gonna be okay, and Engie likes to make you your favorite foods to make you feel better.
They're not as touch starved as others may think, but one day they don't see you they start to miss you a lot. Please don't leave them alone for too long, they can go mess around together but it doesn't feel the same with you left out.
♡Sniper and Spy♡
• snipers love language is physical touch and words of affirmation, Spy's is quality time and gift giving.
• you get so spoiled with affection by them
• sniper was always a secluded man, so was spy. But brought together they were amazing....and then your here? The whole relationship is so sweet.
• Sniper will hold your hand any chance he gets, Spy holding your other hand. You three like to go on quiet walks at noon, enjoying the weather and even going to a cafe on the way.
• Spy absolutely spoils the both of you with gifts, expect a gift from him atleast two times a week.
• you guys don't really go to loud areas since Sniper doesn't enjoy them, so your dates are usually real intimate.
I'm talking picnics under a tree as the sun is setting, watching the clouds as the three of you joke and talk about.
Or, romantic dates by the sea...enjoying the scenery and maybe even going for a swim.
You three are the most calm couple out of all of them I'd say.
Even though sniper and spy have many differences, they still are so cute together! they match like puzzle pieces and are great to be with.
• though...there are times those differences do get to them. Sometimes they'd have petty fights over...something. if this does happen, just talk to them both about it and give them some time, they'll just hug it out and it'll be fine then.
• if your ever upset, they will try their best to be there. Sniper will comfort you with the sweetest things you've ever heard, holding you tightly. While Spy gets a reservation at a private restaurant booked for the three of you that night, taking you out and making you forget about your troubles.
♡Heavy and Medic♡
• Heavy and Medic both are acts of service and quality time.
• aw :)
• okay this might be even sweeter than all of them
• the two of them are even more secluded than Sniper and Spy. Medic is usually always in his medbay working away, while Heavy is usually resting, cleaning Sasha, or doing light reading to pass the time.
They're not much talkers unless the topics really interest them, so that's why your here!
The three of you are like that old couple down your street who do the most corny shit ever, knitting for each other except its with medic and heavy and you lmao
• Heavy and Medic teach each other their language, and you get taught too! If you also happen to speak another language, expect them to wanna learn it.
Yall have duolingo sessions and it's the cutest shit ever.
"Okay now say, 'Apa kabar, nama saya' then you say your name."
"...Apa...Kahbar? Nahma saye-"
you laugh your ass off as the two of them are desperately trying to spell what your saying. They end up laughing too! It's a fun thing you three do in as little dates.
(ps what I wrote is read as uh-pah- kuh-bar- nah-ma sa-yuh" it's indonesian!! fun fact otd)
• Heavy likes to write the both of you Russian literature, you both don't quite understand what they mean but after a couple months of studying with him you both melt due to how sweet they are.
• Medic loves to ramble about his experiments, he will never ever ask you to volunteer unless its something that he knows won't hurt either of you.
When Heavy misses the both of you, he will carry you both in his arms and hug yall tightly.
"Heavy has missed you both."
"Aw, I've missed you too babe."
"Ja, its been boring without jou!"
Yall are just really wholesome.
• if your ever upset, truthfully speaking they won't know how to comfort you in words. So they will show it by just being there for you.
Heavy will squeeze your hand while letting you cry into him, as Medic made you tea as it soothes the nerves. They will both just let you cry it all out, not knowing how to reply much.
But the next day, they will just make sure that day is amazing. They will both go out of their way to make sure nothing van ruin your mood for that day to make up for yesterday. Broke your favorite pencil? Heavy will get you a better one. You feel dizzy? Come over to medbay, Medic will prepare and make sure they never bother you again.
They're so sweet it gives you cavities, even though they don't know how to say it, they sure are good at showing you. (I love men sm♡)
Hope u enjoyed!
we need more poly mercs.
-sincerely, a polyamorous person
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