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pathologicy · 2 days ago
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burningcheese-merchant · 10 hours ago
The Soul Jams are sentient/capable of independent thought and action. We have seen them converse (and even argue) with their owners. It's heavily implied that they themselves actively chose the Ancients as their new holders.
The Ancients and Beasts are complementary forces. Not just because of each pair embodying one side of their shared coin, but in other ways as well. Example: Pure Vanilla's gentle, patient and sincere demeanor perfectly contrasts Shadow Milk's bombastic, conniving, insincere one. Treading the same path ultimately, but in different ways. Only Pure Vanilla could have succeeded against Shadow Milk in episode 8; had it been any other Ancient, or even any other character period, they would've failed and perished. Pure Vanilla's triumph, as well as his relationship/connection with Shadow Milk, was born not just from the Light of Knowledge/Truth/Deceit, but from his within own spirit. They're attached to one another as the individuals they are and always were, not just because they share a power source. It could never have been anyone BUT Pure Vanilla to unify with, then defeat, Shadow Milk the way he did. It's from a man exactly like Pure Vanilla that Shadow Milk needed to face, needed to hear from.
Same exact thing with the other Beast/Ancient pairs. Who would've been able to see through Mystic Flour's extreme pessimism, stoicism and self-loathing if not Dark Cacao, who is more or less exactly like her and thus understands those feelings? Who would've been able to strike back against Burning Spice's bloodthirsty tyranny (and in the exact way he always wanted but never got) if not Golden Cheese, who has also suffered through the cycle of change (watching a civilization she worked so hard to build and protect be destroyed and forgotten, exactly like him) and whom also seeks to turn its tide in her favor? Who would ever have matched the Beasts better than these 5? Who ever would've made better foils for them?
The Soul Jams knew all of this. They knew, as soon as the Ancients came into contact with them, that they were their new and rightful wielders. Not just because they have what it takes to be great, uncorruptible heroes. But because they, their countenances, their characters, work so, so well with the Beasts'.
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evilsituation · 7 hours ago
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my silent salt butch agenda
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goldencheese-c00kie · 3 days ago
P.O.V This ship has you in a chokehold
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@silentsalty and @a-lilyinthevalley, you guys play this ship so well! IT MAKES ME SICK /POS!!! THEY NEED TO KISS!! NOOWWW!!
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silentsalty · 2 days ago
They were both so tired.. and so wrapped up with each other they didn’t notice their souljams were harmonizing with the energy of a church chorus
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"You've managed to convince them you're such a nice guy, but how long will that last...?"
"Sure, she can't see me, but you've drawn your sword on what looks like nothing. How can they know you're not going to attack them?"
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gremlinviewer · 1 month ago
Casual question for all the AncientxBeast shippers:
How do you guys view your ship?? Is it the comedic kind of view like “me and the bad bitch I pulled by wielding their soul jam and redeeming them” or is it like the super deep philosophical kinda view?? Me personally I view them as the comedic way but what about you guys?
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sir-myst-cake · 1 month ago
First post on here and it's a rant!! If you want more cool takes you should totally follow me as I'll be posting here more often and have totally cool art to share‼️‼️
I'm not completely sure how to tag this? I'm talking about the ships in a positive light so I think it's okay, and besides, I want lots of peeps to see it, I'm aware I probably won't change many people's minds at all, but it's okay lol, I just want Anti's to see they genuinely have a nothing burger and need to leave people alone.
This is a mostly TikTok only problem regarding Beast x Ancient's (thank god) but I've seen my fair share elsewhere like on here. So lemme counter every argument I've seen so far cause you got a lot of time on your hands to be telling people to off themselves over Cookie ships 😭 put that hate into people who actually deserve it.
Regarding ShadowVanilla specifically, people have compared the ship a lot from both sides, but what really got me is what I've seen here:
"Shadow Milk Cookie is way worse than Bill! He drove Pure Vanilla to insanity! He tortured him!"- This is in regards to how people bring up the fact Anti's are fine with one thing but not the other when it's basically the same thing they're against. Psychological, physical, mental, and emotional torture. I'll be honest I haven't watched Gravity Falls whatsoever, but my friend has, and from what she says, yeah Bill is the definition of a cruel and unusual punishment. He's done some crazy things, absolutely heinous, might even be a little worse than Shadow Milk or on the same level, either way though-
You can't like one thing and then not the other, it's different flavors of the same thing, it's hypocritical. Either you hate them both or you hate neither.
"Those are 2 different fandoms!"- Doesn't matter, it's the same thing, just different media, it's not different whatsoever aside from the universe, there's much torture involved on both ends.
This one I've seen A LOT and I'm just ??
"If you ship Beast x Ancient's you support Abuser x victim btw"- That's a STRETCH. You are reaching FAR. Nobody is romanticizing the abuse, nobody is normalizing it, it's stuff that happened in canon and we acknowledge it but nobody is doing any of that other stuff. I'm not condoning anyone in real life to do that shit lol. It's called exploring, they have an interesting dynamic, romantic or platonic, two sides of the same coin. You can say the same thing about horror movies, they put a lot of disturbing stuff in there. Do the movie producers CONDONE any of that stuff? Obviously not. Goes for Devsisters too, they don't condone body mutilation yet they still made Burning Spice rip off Cheese's wings.
But even so, for the people who DO like it for the angst, I won't say fiction doesn't affect reality because it does in many cases, but this isn't one of them. Not every relationship is going to be peachy and perfect, just like in real life. I can give an example on this one too actually.
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GoldenLily, they aren't condoning what Lily (technically) did to Golden Cheese's kingdom, but they like it for all the potential, complicated feelings and emotions that come along with it.
Also, that's basically the same thing with Beasts x Ancients, just turn it around to enemies to lovers.
"This isn't Villain x hero, this is abuser x victim"- Are you saying MOST of media is abuser x victim then? This is in fact a typical hero x Villain trope, it's nothing new. Respectfully, you guys freak out when a Villain does villain stuff, I'd be surprised if there was a villain who DIDN'T cause any trauma for the opposing party. But according to this logic, media is just dead, no more fanfiction, no more what ifs, no more content since it's all apparently problematic and not canon. Even if somebody switches stuff up in an AU, and makes things completely fluffy, that's apparently still not enough.
"oh you had to make an AU to ship them because you know it's toxic"- No, it's just playing around with scenarios. Learn to separate fanon from canon. This specifically goes for the redeemed AU's I see of the Beasts, people still complain, they act as if people can't change. One of the biggest examples I have of that is FlutterCord, Discord did plenty of messed up things, but in the end, he still managed to change. You'll still get burned at the stake for it though.
"You must be an abuser yourself to condone this!!"- Extremely disrespectful and a WILDDD take. Need I say more??
"I ship Beast x Beast rather than Beast x Ancient's"- According to your logic, the Beasts are abusers right? And if we followed the same story, they are not mentally well whatsoever. You'd rather ship 2 dangerously mentally unstable characters together who'd just make each other worse? Destroy each other? Fuck each other up beyond belief? It doesn't make sense does it, nor is it fair for y'all to praise these ships but hate on the others. You like watching the cookies crumble huh 😭
"The ship isn't canon!"- We know that, everyone should know that. With what I said earlier, please learn to separate fanon from canon. That's what a fandom is, we do non-canon stuff, it's very fun, you should try it.
"It's a Proship/Dark ship!"- Going the canon route, Beasts are Eons old, Ancients are thousands of years old. Big gap yes, but nonetheless all of them are old as fuck. Older than bloodlines. Treating the Ancients as if they aren't grown adults. You're intentionally trying to make it weird. Stop calling ships you don't like proships please.
Also a little off topic but please don't listen to everyone you interact with on TikTok?? I remember one time I was scrolling through a comment section and saw somebody say "Doesn't Mystic Flour Cookie hate Burning Spice Cookie?" On a MysticSpice vid, looked in the replies, somebody asked for proof/where it was implied, and they didn't answer 💀 just blatantly spreading misinformation. Sources around you are way more reliable than people who don't back up their claims.
Even despite all this, you still have the right to feel how you wanna feel. Just please stop harassing people for simple stuff like this, in all honesty, I feel like it's more about seeing one of your favorite characters shipped with somebody who hurt them in canon that makes peeps upset. Which I can totally understand because I used to be exactly like that, I LIVEEEE for Dark Cacao Cookie, when Mystic Flour's update came out, I wanted her dead. Quite literally blocked someone because I couldn't stand seeing their MysticCao art. Hated what she did to my baby boy fr.
But then It started growing on me, over time, I just realized it was never that serious.
Even so, notice how I still didn't go out of my way to harass said person about it because I specifically didn't like it? It really is that easy. Block and go about your day.
I also suspect this because of stuff like this 💀
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Love that person who replied, but it's not that hard y'all. We all can in fact, get along.
ANYWAYSSSS thanks to those who took the time read, I love you my pookies hope you have a good day or night💕💕
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fluffshi-wxffle · 4 months ago
CRK Ship/Fusion Chart (Beast and Ancient Edition)
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I guess this can be used as a bit of a design challenge for those who just want to make a ton of designs.
With the fankid aspect, if the chart has the same cookie be matched with themselves, create a child with one parent. Ex: Hollyberry with Royalberry, Dark Cacao with Dark Choco, etc. etc.
If its just a fusion thing, you can fuse the corrupted Beasts with their Virtue selves or just cross out the square.
With the Beast and Ancient chart, it could be used as either fusion or fankid
Your choice squares can be other canon cookies or your OCs.
Only rule with this is don't be weird with it, like making incest, pedophilic, etc. shipping with it.
@ me if used!
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linmori · 28 days ago
“She’s like a kitten! A kitten who doesn’t speak!”
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The second I knew SilentLily yuri might be a possibility it reminded me of Lollipop chainsaw for some reason lol
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burningcheese-merchant · 4 months ago
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Got really bent out of shape reading someone somewhere griping about Beast x Ancient shipping (which doesn't usually happen to me but I'm in a shit mood today), so I slapped this together. Shout out to all my Beast x Ancient homies, keep on keeping on, haters mind your damn business
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qwq14 · 1 month ago
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stories4eve · 1 month ago
just like their parents ^_^!
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chessboredom · 2 months ago
My height head canons for Ancients x Beasts. (in human version)
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Can also be applied to them as cookies but they're way too small for that. What am I gonna do with 3 cm of size difference lmao.
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silentsalty · 8 days ago
Since everyone complained about my first list I redid it… are we all happy now??
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sillymilly · 3 months ago
When we say Beast x Ancient, are we including ALL of them? like PureSugar (Pure Vanilla x Eternal Sugar), BitterSpice (Dark Cacao x Burning Spice) and JesterLily (Shadow Milk x White Lily)? Or just counting the ones who share the same souljam?
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ziffer103 · 13 days ago
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Silentlily world domination🗣🗣
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