erotic melancholia
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xo2dee · 12 hours ago
i of course see the appeal of the stoic, tough-guy nanami but many days i find myself just gravitating towards the soft nanami, the gentle nanami, the nanami who kisses every one of your fingers before slipping your engagement ring on for you in the morning, the nanami is open with his love, the nanami who keeps a polaroid of you in his wallet, the nanami who learned a new technique for baking pastries because you tried a pastel de nata one day and loved it, the nanami who keeps his hand around your waist when you're walking through the nearby market, the nanami who gladly gives up his two-bed apartment to move into your cramped little studio since you can't bear to part with the memories just yet, the nanami who hugs you when you cry on the day it's finally time to move into the new house, the nanami who never had a pet growing up but pores over cat owner guidebooks before you pick up your new kitten together, the nanami who paints the spare bedrooms in your favourite colour, the nanami who never raises his voice at your children when they're struggling with homework or practicing the piano too late into the evening, the nanami who helps them instead of reprimanding, the nanami who tells you that you're only becoming more beautiful as the years pass, the nanami who puts your records on the turntable when he's making breakfast for the family every Sunday, the nanami who takes you to the same lovely bistro every anniversary to the point where the chefs recognise you both, the nanami who is eternally grateful to get to build this life with you.
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xo2dee · 16 hours ago
Ok. Excuse me ma'am.
I know you must get tons of thanks for your exceptional work with the Nanami slowburn, but..............
Geeeezz, how many panties I have needed to change after and WHILE STILL READING ommffggg.?!?!?! Whimpering Nanami got me gasping for air, abso-fucking-lutely soaked and throbbing sndbdkqmwpdknd tbh he wasn't my fav at first but gurl you left me aching for him!? And I was sure I had already read some amazing smut, but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING, LOVE?!?!?! You fucking changed my mind about everything related to my previous experiences of jjk fanfics and you skyrocketed to the fucking top of my horny list
I have no words for you to describe how grateful (and horny) I am after I found you and your work
Could you please write a script for my sex life, too?!?
HAHAHA omg thank you!! i have been told but it still warms my heart and makes me happy whenever people tell me anything about my writing they enjoyed lol. im honored you think of so highly of me too, rly it means a lot 😭💕 i hope i continue being up there for you too 🫶🏻
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xo2dee · 16 hours ago
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PAIRING: Nanami Kento x Reader WARNINGS: None WORD COUNT: 1,858 SUMMARY: In which your lover comes home late again, and you decide to cook for him for once, even if your skills are severely lacking compared to his.
A/N: this is so self-indulgent bc my ass really cant cook that well soooo
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8:23 P.M.
You sighed. He was late again.
You knew it wasn’t his fault though, more than often your boyfriend got winded into working overtime and stayed past the hours that he wanted to. Still, as much as he complained of it, you would’ve figured he would dismiss any and all thoughts of overtime if presented with the opportunity and make his way home to you at the time of his clock out. You couldn’t help but sigh wistfully at and for your lovable workaholic man; he only worked overtime because it was essentially wired into his blood and he would never leave unless he knew his job was done.
However, you were more slightly upset that he had called you at lunch time – you felt bad, you didn’t wake up early enough to give him a sweet kiss off for work – and told you he’d be home on time to make you both dinner. You didn’t want to eat without him at all, notably when you were partly worried he might have been hurt or something else (something worse, really), and with that anxiety you knew you couldn’t eat. It wasn’t as if you couldn’t cook, but you also never wanted to eat dinner without him. He was by far a better cook than you were, sure yours was… passable, but Kento’s was beyond expectations, and you looked forward to it every time he offered to make you food. Any and every time Kento made you a meal you fell deeper in love, especially when you found out he put more time and skill into it for you.
Your ears perked up from your lounging position on your couch when you could hear the tall-tale sign of the front door opening and the distant sound of his footsteps walking inside. You nearly rejoiced knowing he was home safe and coming around to greet you, while your stomach gurgled in its own way to hearing of his arrival. Finally, you two could eat and then snuggle into bed together.
Kento called out your name, and you sat up from your position to greet him, “You’re home.”
He removed his glasses and his blazer, draping the latter across the back of your recliner and his glasses on the coffee table, and took a seat next to you, “Did I wake you?”
You watched as he leant back resting his head on the back of the couch, arms spread out on the back and legs wide open, as your eyes lingered on his tie slightly loosened, “No, I was waiting for you.”
“Hmm, have you eaten?”
You stretched your legs out, feeling your appetite begin to kick in, “No, you know I don’t eat dinner without you.”
His head lolled to look at you pointedly, dark eyes in disapproval, “I told you to go ahead and eat if I work overtime,” he grounded out and you nearly had half a mind to not jump into his lap from his tired, rough voice.
“Well,” you began, crossing your arms in rebuttal, “I didn’t know you were gonna work overtime, you usually call…” you sent him a long side look slightly annoyed he hadn’t called to let you know he was fine and would be home later than his usual time. You began to wonder if he had eaten at all that day.
Kento sighed and closed his eyes, making you take note of the minor shades of purple underneath them, “I’m sorry, it was a situation where I had to take care of it quickly. Give me a few moments and I can make us both something.”
Instantly you felt awful; he was really going to sacrifice some of his resting time he rarely ever got to still make the both of you the dinner he promised instead of just calling for takeout delivery. You knew of his occupation as a Jujutsu Sorcerer, it had to come out once the two of you began a relationship and he realized he wouldn’t be able to hide it from you when he tended to work long hours and often came home with bruises or bleeding from scratches that weren't well enough for excuses. Kento came home more tired than anything half the time and managed to make you dinner without so much of a complaint, as long as you were fed, healthy, and taken care of it seemed nothing else really mattered to him. He really prioritized you over himself all the time, much to your chagrin.
For once you wanted to dote on him and make him feel good.
Wait –
Your lover moved suddenly and you realized he was getting up to go to the kitchen, so you pounced. Literally, you pounced onto him and threw your arms around his neck to try and drag him down, but it left you in an awkward position with your lower half still on the couch and your upper half dangling onto his shoulders. Kento, ever-so observant, had wrapped his own arms around underneath your chest at the sudden movement, clearly startled by the abrupt assault, whilst giving you an arched brow. He parted his lips to speak, but you beat him to punch.
“How about I make us both something for once?”
The look he sent you nearly made you want to cry.
He cleared his throat, “Are you… sure?” he asked, a slight degree of unease in his voice. You knew what he was thinking: You’re going to cook? By the look in his eyes, he was traumatized by your last attempt…
You huffed, a new feeling of confidence in your rushing in your veins and your body overwhelmed with determination, “Of course I’m sure, you’re tired and need to relax for once.” You could do just fine if you really put your mind to it. Especially for someone like Kento.
“Seeing you is relaxing enough.” He was trying to reassure you; you knew his gimmick. Try to make you believe he wasn’t exhausted at all and you would give in to his sweet words and he’d make you both dinner, then afterwards he’d shower and completely collapse into bed with you tucked up under his chin. You were not having it that time around.
Smirking at him, you tightened your grip on his shoulders, “Sweet talking me isn’t gonna work this time.”
Kento sighed, clearly defeated as he sat you both back onto the couch, “Okay.” God, why did he sound so deflated?
Regardless, you smiled and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, untangling yourself from his hold, “Stay in here then,” you stood, his hands brushing against your ribs as you did so, and pointing at him with an index finger close enough to nearly brush his nose, “just relax and maybe nap, I’ll come get you when it’s done.” He didn’t look convinced – probably nervous you’d catch something on fire – but relaxed back nevertheless, giving you his own small smile.
Determined, you made way for your shared kitchen, snatching Kento’s fresh white apron as you did so. Sure, it looked goofy on you and the haphazard way you tied it, but Kento wore it exclusively every time he cooked so it was only right you did the same. You had your mind set to make something you both enjoyed – or you thought you both would enjoy. You knew your way around a kitchen, how bad could it turn out to be?
You decided not to answer that when you saw his face as he tasted your 'meal'. His eyebrows slightly rose towards his hairline and his mouth twitched nearly into a grimace, but it almost looked like he was swallowing cough medicine when he finally did get around to it. Kento sat his utensil down after and cleared his throat before clasping his hands together on the table, looking up to you while you hovered over him.
“It’s great.” Bless him, he never wanted to hurt your feelings... even if it was the trivial of things.
You whined and threw your head back, “You hate it.”
“I could never hate anything you do.”
“Don’t be sweet, I know it’s nasty and you’re just trying to make me feel better,” you pouted and stared down at your own plate, untouched as you had waited for him to try the food first. Still, you were curious and picked up your own utensil to try it out as you sat down at your spot at the table. Kento was watching you looking almost concerned as you finally lifted the food into your mouth for your taste buds to feel.
You chewed and swallowed. Bland, burnt and…
“Kento, this tastes like ass.”
A sigh fell out of him as he placed his chin onto his fist, “Maybe so, though I don’t think that really matters,” he gazed at you as you fiddled with his apron strings, a rather strong sense of adoration radiating off of him, “It’s the thought of you making food for me after a long day of work.”
“Even if it’s bad?”
“Even if it’s bad.”
Your cheeks warmed from the words as you gave him an embarrassed glance, knowing the entire situation felt incredibly domestic and you felt like a spouse cooking for their husband. It hadn’t been a topic discussed between you two yet, though it was always lingering in the background given how deep your relationship went and how long you two been together. No doubt you knew he was thinking the same.
You stood after that, wiping your hands onto his apron to avoid looking at his face, “Yeah, well, I guess I should clean these since this tastes like shit,” you moved to grab his plate, yet the tug from the front of the apron sent you into his lap as he leaned back to situate you both into a more comfortable position as he cradled you against his chest. He’s being awfully bold tonight. You snuck a peek at him almost shied away from his intense stare.
You rested your hands on his shoulders as he spoke, “You should wear my apron more often.”
Sending him a raised brow, you let out a small laugh, “How can I wear your apron more when I can’t cook?”
“Who said wearing it only while you cook?”
You smacked his chest and voiced your earlier thoughts, “You’re being awfully bold tonight.”
A small smile graced him as he lifted you more to press his mouth against your temple, kissing it a few times, “I can’t help with it with how you look wearing it.”
You sighed and smiled, shaking your head while you snuggled into him by rubbing your cheek against his to enjoy the moment of domesticity between you two. Though the moment was broken by the loud growl of your stomach. You sheepishly peered up at him as he gazed back to you with the affectionate look he always had.
“I’ll call for takeout, and then we clean this together.”
Your response was just to kiss him for his sweetness, and you kept the apron on for the remainder of the time.
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xo2dee · 1 day ago
thinking of adding love and deepspace to my plethora of works...
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xo2dee · 2 days ago
Do you have a reason that you don’t post your longfics on here?
mainly bc the chapters can be MASSIVE. and they just have so many chapters to them i feel like its a hassle for yall 😭
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xo2dee · 2 days ago
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xo2dee · 2 days ago
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PAIRING: Vergil x (Fem)Reader WARNINGS: MDNI/18+ ONLY. Thigh riding, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, light asphyxiation, dirty talk, biting, breeding kink, creampie, mention of impregnation. WORD COUNT: 10,271 SUMMARY: You were his. You would always be his. And for that in return, he was yours.
A/N: clawed my face off writing this
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For someone who didn’t have to survive off of bodily functions that was required for endurance, he had taken up sleeping once again, something he hadn’t necessarily done practically any of in the previous twenty years.
However, as easily as he could adapt to situations that called for it, sleeping didn’t come as smoothly as he knew it was, and more than often he spent more time glaring a hole into a random spot on the wall or ceiling for being plagued with the grips of insomnia that came from not actually having a full night’s rest in that long, weakened state he had been in.
(Even as weak as he had been, sleep never would come to him.)
Waking up along the strings of the night and into the early hours of the morning was something that wasn’t necessarily extraordinary for him, however each time the circumstances ended up differing whenever he did so. Whether it be the bouts of insomnia that tapered his eyelids more times than he ever would admit to anyone, or perhaps being that rare, fleeting night he’d have a nightmare that ended as quickly as it started – as opposed to the long ago memories he sometimes wish he didn’t dream of so casually – he had been the victim of waking in the time before dawn one too many times. Nevertheless, that night was different, and it was but a few moments of pushing through a sleep-addled brain to realize just why he had woke up.
Though, it was quite a few moments of sluggish analysis he would’ve berated himself for until he was able to realize that you had been the cause of his awakening. Of course being abruptly ejected out of the deep sleep he had been in was enough for his eyes to flutter open, a sharp glint already finding way in his irises as the hairs on his neck rose and a furrow lined in his brow when he took in the situation around him.
It was late, the shine of the moonlight casting through the window into the room matching the hue of his pale eyes nearly as he absently stared at the spot on the wall across from him, his eyes already adjusting to the darkness of the room to let him to be able to see better. Albeit his fatigue crusted his eyes, he sat still for a long moment, ears starting to listen in for anything that would’ve alerted him out of his sleep, yet only coming up short when the only noises he could pick up that was deemed of any importance was his brother’s snores down the hallway, and the sound of your breathing and heartbeat. It was quiet, and not an ounce of threatening energy suffocated his throat and shot his nerves, so he was quick to blame his awakening on another round of insomnia.
Coming up short and no longer disturbed, he closed his eyes again and lowered his hackles, his nostrils flaring into your nape as the intoxicating scent of you invaded each one of his senses and pricked along his frontal lobe and he immediately grew back to his alert state for what he was able to pick up so close to him and so strong radiating off of you.
Your smell, and how warm you were.
Vergil’s eyes cracked back open quicker that time around and fully without an ounce of drowsiness, already setting them down in a glare down at the back of your head when he realized your positions. It was never odd to wake up and find your leg slung over his waist or your face buried into his collarbone, breathing heavy and light snores leaving your mouth as you were a restless sleeper at times and often gravitated to him for his body. Normally you were the clinger, and he found it incredibly shameful it seemed to be easier to sleep at night whenever you were close to him, and often times he would awake if he could no longer feel your skin so close to his own. Because of that, he was usually digging a shoulder into your back to feel any semblance of what it felt like when you slept so near to him and kept that dark subconscious at bay.
(He’d never tell you that, and perhaps you knew somehow, but it was an unspoken fact between you both that he’d rather keep in a silent exchange of actions rather than words. He had never been one good for his words anyway. Vergil, however, knew it was a cemented truth on your end, your want to wrap yourself within his sheets rather than staying in your own well enough for him to assume that he had quite the effect on you. Just like the one you had on him.)
Though that time around you faced away from him, your back lining up along his torso and hips pressed into his pelvis as he had ended up throwing one arm around your waist and the both of your legs entangled with one another. Not a strange position entirely, and it also wasn’t so odd given your lack of pants and one of the shirts you had stolen from him adorning your slumbering figure, though he wondered if you had pulled away from him at some point in the night and he had just moved unconsciously to keep you close from the brewing layer of deepening thoughts that rested in the recesses of his mind ready to crawl forward and plague the serene he’d been having. That alone was evidence enough of the devastating effect you had on him, something he would consider both a bruting strength for purpose, and a solidified weakness for his humanity.
Either way he dismissed those thoughts as quickly as they came up, his brief time awake showcasing his quick thinking as he truly realized why he had awoken altogether and why he had awoken curled up against you and with his nose pressed into the bone of your nape.
Your smell for one, and granted your smell was pleasing as was, but it was a particular scent that had him scowling when he realized it was the same smell you emitted whenever he’d watch your fingers twist into the sheets next your head with your calves sitting atop his shoulders as he tried not to rip the pillow apart in teetering control taking you as persistent as he could. Vergil could already feel his jaw clench at the bombardment of images for numerous past trysts in his mind and the slide of a hot tingle down into his loins. It seemed even in your sleep that he still was never truly able to escape your seductive clutches; even as you rested you continued to tease and prod at him until he fell victim to his ethereal lust for you.
However he was more-so curious as to why you were like that, but the heat radiating from your inner thighs through the cloth of his pajama bottoms and the heavy sighs beginning to leave your mouth told him enough. He’d call you insatiable in your desire for him if he wasn’t of the same way, straightening his spine and kneeing your thighs apart to slide one of his own up until it was rooted up against you and he could feel the evidence of your increasing arousal along his muscle.
A low sigh left him as the skin underneath his clothing began to grow warm from the heat of your cunt and wet the fabric of his pants from how soaked you were through your panties, an intolerable urge to press himself into you when he felt the pulse from you pound into his thigh he had to fight off. You were dreaming, and not only that, but having a wet dream. He very nearly rolled his eyes, thoughts turning to hours beforehand when he had you pinned underneath him again and realizing you truly were greedy in want. Yet Vergil knew he wasn’t one to speak of that matter without sounding like a hypocrite, the feeling of you steadily soaking and warming his thigh, along with the tantalizing aroma of you still assaulting all sensible reasoning, sending a jolt of pleasure curling into his abdomen until it slid down towards his cock.
He sighed. If he wasn’t awake before, he was then.
Briefly he wondered if you could feel his glare on the back of your head in your sleep, your slight squirming making him bar his arm down and curl over your abdomen harder, until he jerked his thigh up for a reaction from you. He got the reaction he wanted when a soft keening noise left your mouth and you rolled your hips to grind along his thigh, the movement stimulating his hardening cock and making him suck air through his teeth in a hiss while tucking his face into the side of your neck, his pointed nose pressing into your earlobe.
Vergil called your name once to wake you, yet you didn’t stir.
He snuck his hand up your shirt and flattened his palm against your abdomen, his other arm’s hand twisting into the pillowcase where it laid under the pillow below your head as he realized there would be no going back to sleep for his – and yours – predicament. While you had vouched that you didn’t mind if he touched you in your sleep, he didn’t necessarily ever want to do it that way, he found it more pleasing when you were awake and knew what he was doing to you as much he liked the expressions that crossed your face. Shamefully, he all but had a one-track mind when it came down to carnal desires, and having you lay so pliant and so… wanting, responsive for him was almost making him throw reason out the window and use you as he wanted right there.
Vergil’s control seemed to still loosen when it came to you, much like a tightly wounded spring coming uncoiled either in slow circles or altogether too fast for him to comprehend, and regardless of how many times he found himself lost in the never-ending, treacherous paradise that was you, it never seemed to help in building back up the sense of self-control.
One way or another, he was utterly drenched in sinful and covetous desire for you, and against better wishes for himself (and your own safety and life), he kept coming back for more.
Much like he was then; him gritting his teeth and hissing into your skin when he found his hips rocking back against you while you sloppily grinded on his thigh, all the while your sighs and slight inhales stoking that fire burning in his loins as your cunt only pulsed harder to match the drum of your heartbeat that he could hear. It was to the point he couldn’t ignore it any longer, nostrils flaring in a heavy breath as the texture of his pants began to stick to his thigh from your juices, and the flexing of his quadricep only whisking you on as you stimulated yourself for whatever was in your dreams.
He had made up his mind then, his blood pumping down towards his cock too fast for his liking and the heaviness it brought within his balls too much for his self-control. Vergil didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt for trying to wake you, thinking back to the many times you had awoken him wanting sex from him, and despite the iron will he tried to put around you, he always was one up for it. So what was it if he did wake you up for once?
Surely you wouldn’t mind.
He tried waking you again, lips skimming up along your neck in a circle until they were pressed against your earlobe, and he exhaled heavily into your ear, “Wake up.”
You still did not stir, your subconscious determined to keep the hold it had over you and continue on whatever was happening inside of that mind of yours (a feat he wasn’t sure he ever wanted to truly know). He felt his eyes narrow into another glare, lips down turning into another hard frown as he surmised it must have been one Hell of a dream for you to remain asleep after he whispered into your ear – something that normally made your pulse skyrocket and tickled your skin. You were far away from him then; attention plagued by whatever you conjured in that abyss and leaving him to watch as you fell into throes of pleasure without him.
He was annoyed about it.
However, it was no doubt you were dreaming of him given the nature of your relationship and knowing he had been the only one you had been active with (another thing that ballooned his ego, though he wasn’t about to admit that), yet if it was something you could do awake with him, then why dream? He nearly cursed himself for sounding so deprived, yet he couldn’t take the grinding against his cock any longer or how hot and heavy it felt without having any proper attention in the matter.
His lust won out in the end once more, and for that he slid his lips slowly down the slope of your neck, cool breath grazing over an area he had bitten hours previously, before he inhaled once more for your dizzying scent and did something he knew that would finally awake you.
Vergil bit into your neck.
It worked and you jerked as you awoke, stretching like a cat and a long breath leaving your chest as you slightly wiggled in his hold and lulled your head about away from his bite. He released your skin, tongue tasting of you running along his teeth feeling for every crack until he had to bite onto his cheek whenever your back arched and your ass rubbed along his dick again. Damn you.
You must’ve not heard the barely concealed grunt he let out into your neck, a long sigh pushing past your lips as you tipped your head back to lay further into him. His nose scrunched as your scent hit him harder, the saliva in his mouth growing as his palm pressed down harder onto your stomach to keep you from moving any more that would’ve jeopardized his want to keep things in his hold. It was a few moments of silence, and he had wondered if you had just fallen back asleep until you spoke, voice groggy with sleep and barely intelligible if he hadn’t possessed the hearing that he did.
“Mms’fuckin’ early, Vergil,” you grumbled, seemingly unaware of the underlying issue that was in-between your legs and pressing into your back. You complained more than you realized he noted, and yet even with you complaining about him awaking you, you still didn’t move away from his ministrations or his hold. Instead you spoke again, remaining still in his hold as you continued to gripe at him, “Mm’arm’s asleep… What time issit?”
Vergil’s eyes slid towards the clock on the nightstand of your side, the glowing, red lettering a stark contrast to the cool darkness and pale shine of the moonbeams shining in through the window. It was 3:07 A.M., and a sliver of humor found its way into him as he realized the meaning behind the time he had awoken and in turn awoke you. Witching hour; Devil’s hour, and yet despite the circumstances regarding his species compared to your own, he had called you a Succubus seeking him out of lust, when in reality he was the one preying on your malleable form in your dreams true to his status as a demon.
However, despite that, the way your body looked stretched out against his own in the streams of the moonlight that came through into the bedroom at that moment indeed made you look like an otherworldly phenomenon sent from the depths of the unknown yet to be discovered by humanity.
Siren. He had many names for you, and yet none seemed to justly fit the criteria and effect you had on him.
He let the thought pass, a fleeting observation on his part, as he answered you and removed his eyes from the clock to flutter his eyelashes against your neck, “3:07.” He felt the inflow of your breath at his voice, a shakiness to it at his proximity that you tried to play off, yet the influx of chills rising along your skin and the skip of your heartbeat lying for you in the end. He didn’t comment on it, deciding to wait it out in his play for you to answer.
And you didn’t take long in spite of your grouchy state.
“Why are you biting me at three in the mornin’?”
A huff escaped him then, feeling your body twitching at the suddenness of his cool breath blowing across a sensitive part of your skin before he removed his hand from the spot on your stomach and curled two fingers under the collar of your shirt. He pulled your shirt away from you, exposing your shoulder to him and air as he ran his nose along the skin there – discreetly inhaling as he went – until he was settling his lips upon your shoulder. He kissed it once, before nipping at it and sighing whenever you jolted at the action and beginning to trace a path along your skin there as he noted the rate of your pulse picking up.
Vergil eventually answered you, arm sliding back around you and teeth snapping against the flesh of your trapezius as his breathing got heavier when you started to grow more aroused, “You were dreaming.”
You wriggled in his grasp again and he unflexed his thigh to keep you at bay for the teasing he wanted to bite at you for dreaming so carelessly for things you could have awake. “Yeah, people do that when they sleep, Vergil,” you mumbled, yet the tilt in your voice told him you were distracted.
“Brat,” he voiced aloud that time in a hiss, accompanying another bite onto your skin for your sass. He allowed you another moment of squirming against him before he realized he couldn’t wait any longer with all the movement against him, a hum vibrating deep in his throat and rumbling out of his chest against your back as he released your skin free from his teeth and glided his lips back up to your earlobe. The shudder was not lost on him, his nose against your temple and voice raspy wisping along your skin for his desire, “Hmm, obviously so… Mind telling me what you were dreaming of then?”
He knew he had you had caught when your breathing hitched, the pulse pounding through your panties matching your heart once more as he flexed and pressed his thigh up further into you again. A small grunt passed your mouth finally, and your one free hand gripped onto his wrist, nails prickling into his skin in a pathetic hold that held no pain over him, with your hips rocking forward to rub what you could of your clit against his protruding muscle and backwards to rub your ass against his pelvis once more. Vergil had to hold back his groan for the moment, the sensitivity in his cock growing the longer he played around with you.
You spoke, quiet and shaky, and the slight waver in your voice betraying the way you tried to keep up the act, “You’ve never asked before, what’s changed now?”
“Mm, curious…” Was all he offered you, yet he made his intentions known dragging his fingers down your naval in a slow draw before he ran a lone index finger along the lining of your panties.
The bones in your shoulder blades popped when you arched your back again, ass pressing further into him as you caught onto the obvious bulge in his pants. His nostrils flared against your cheek that time, your smell growing stronger for your growing desire and his own impatience growing the longer you stalled. You eventually answered though, a haze in your voice and lucidity lost on parts of your limbs as you continued to grind on his thigh.
“I… I don’t remember –”
“Lies,” he hissed, snapping the elastic of your panties against your skin and jerking his thigh harder up into your cunt, enjoying the louder, gasping pant that left you, “Don’t play coy with me… Tell me, what you were dreaming of that had you this wet and shamelessly using me for.”
The temperature of the room grew to boiling, his bloodstream feeling as if it was fueled by fire rushing through his veins regardless of his body temperature running a warmer degree due to his heritage. Your skin was warmer than usual too, yet the heat radiating from your inner thighs was the real source of it all and it was hard not to imagine – and remember – just how warm you felt inside and how you would still somehow heat his cock up when he got inside of you. It made him scowl, irritation for himself for growing greedier and greedier each time he got close to you in a licentious manner fast enough to furrow his brow and clench his jaw, but your voice breaking through the silence and giving into him was swift to diminish that.
“You… I was dreaming about you,” you confessed, lifting your hips up a fraction and circling them back onto his drenched thigh for a faster route to pleasure.
Vergil could feel his lips twitch upwards for a split second, his pride boosting that he was right as he rewarded you by slipping his finger down into your panties and placing the pad of his middle fingertip onto your clit. An audible hiss did escape him however that time, your clit swollen under his finger and you wetter than he had originally thought guiding him to ease onto you with slow circles to get you lax and submissive in his hold again. You sighed then, a high-pitched sound he had committed to memory, as your muscles relaxed and the tension in your shoulders released while your hips followed along with his movements.
He didn’t let you off the hook so easily though, his curiosity to know just what you were dreaming of that got you the way you were (and dreaming of it anyway since he had taken you mere hours before), and he slid his arm out from underneath the pillow where your head rested and curled it around your throat. He didn’t press down right away, only pleased with your immediate reaction to tilt your head further back into him so that he had a better look of your face and a better hold on your form to touch you in the way he so wanted.
Watching your eyelashes flutter over your hazy eyes, Vergil pressed down hard onto your clit, holding a dark chuckle back at your flinch and the way you tried to close your thighs around his hand if it wasn’t for the presence of his own in-between them. He hummed again, flexing his fingers on your throat and pressing his nose to your earlobe once more, “Tell me more. What was I doing?”
Your mouth parted, puffy lips coated in salvia with wet sighs falling free as you answered quicker that time in a show of your neediness for his touch, “Do you remember that time in that church? When you bent me over the altar and made me repent for letting a demon defile me?”
A sharp, electrifying shock prickled down his spine and Vergil paused in his ministrations, finger sliding off of your clit for a brief moment as he was glad his face was still slightly behind you and you could not see well in the dark because you would’ve seen the way his eyes widened a portion and saw the dilation he felt in his irises whenever he remembered the incident. Another pang of shock twitched his cock and tingled inside of his balls; how could he forget? It was… debauch in all its intentions for doing that to you, but it was also extremely pleasing to him whenever he you indulged him in that little fantasy and how much he realized he liked the idea when telling him.
He had blamed it on his devilish lineage of course, the repeating chanting you did that night of saying you were his and belonged to him in a church something he etched into his memory and thought more of than he would’ve ever admitted. The idea of corrupting a being much like yourself (and he realized he had truly corrupted you given your penchant for suggesting more of the sinful of ideas in the bedroom, and how you were particularly happy to please him for his own side) something that nearly made his eyes roll back – and they did when he had you pinned down on that altar and started rocking himself inside of you – and fueled a different type desire for you in the end that had to be put out before it grew too strong.
And yet, the burning sun of want and need for you in all your carnality and your emotionalism only surged as the days passed and the more time he spent with you, a notion he donned a fee of damning sin and a gift of blissful redemption on his behalf.
Vergil swallowed and narrowed his eyes; minx, he knew what you were doing. For that he dropped his thigh away from you, ignoring your little whine for the loss of friction, before sliding his fingers down your slick folds and deftly pushing his middle and ring finger inside of you until he was three knuckles deep of each finger into your soaked cunt again and curling them against your soft walls for your oncoming release. Your back arched again for the suddenness of his actions, a louder gasp bubbling up from your lungs while you clenched around his appendages and urged him to move by a slight rock of your hips.
“I remember,” he answered, voice thick with barely concealed control and teetering into delirium for you, “Though, were you truly dreaming of that, or are you toying with me?”
You lulled your head back again, though that time you pressed your nose into his hot cheek and sneakily slid your hand away from his wrist and down his bare abdomen, a nail dragging along each individual, flexing, abdominal muscle until you were rubbing the back of your hand along his cock through his pants. He felt himself twitch again at the long-awaited touch, fingers slightly squeezing down on your throat in warning when you teased him by curling your fingers around him through his pants.
In spite Vergil pressed up against your hot walls – the feeling of them akin to nothing of comparison but just plush comfort – right under your clit, and enjoying the squeal that left you and the way you clenched up around him and pulsed around his fingers. He began to truly move his fingers then, an agonizing curl and dip for your part as he listened to each squelch your body made and felt each gush of liquid coat his fingers when you rolled along with him. He nearly missed the way you slid your hand into his pants and you twisted your wrist around his cock if it wasn’t for a fingertip pressing down into his cockhead leaking of precum and gently stroking along his slit.
That time, he growled.
Your chest was heaving and your body was moving like tides in the ocean, following along each way he curled his fingers and pulled back to push against that spongy spot lying within you. Vergil’s mind was spinning by then, your smell and the feeling of you pleasuring him with your soft, cool hand so unlike his own making him sloppy in his movements and totter on his hold of control and his ability to hold out for what he wanted to do. His fingers felt as hot as the blood roaring through his veins did, and he all but had to strain to hear you speak again to keep himself from tipping out of self-control and flipping you over for his own gain.
“Why would I lie? It’s one my favorite memories,” you turned your head and sighed in his face, while he hissed from the tone your voice had taken and the increasing speed of your hand around his cock. You continued though, never one to take precautions for his slipping control, “You can’t say much… You’re already so hard, how long were you laying there awake debating what to do with me?”
He closed his eyes then, his skin beginning to prickle and hackles rising for an entirely different reason as he felt the familiar sticky, oozing of his precum soak into your hand and coat his cock each time you slid your hand to the base of him, and all the way back to his tip. It was scalding in combination to the coolness of your hand, the heat of his cock growing tenfold and pulsing along to his balls when he felt the distinct feeling of a release along the way.
The first pleasure-laden grunt left him that time, his fingers harshly pressing into you to stretch your plush walls as much as he could for a reaction, and you gave one in the form of another jab at him, taking up his silence for the time being as your own time to shine.
You sighed in a particular way that made his fingers press down harder onto your throat, a light wheeze leaving you as he dipped his face back into your neck and huffed against your skin when you began to match the speed of which he was fingering you to rub away at him. “You didn’t have to wake me up, I told you that you could fuck me in my sleep and use me how you want.”
Vergil felt a jolt inside of him, static prickling his nerves as he bared his teeth against your neck, “Stop.”
He didn’t mean it, and he knew that you knew that.
“But I wouldn’t get this chance, and I know you like it when I talk to you like this… Did you wake me up because you wanted me so bad?”
He exhaled heavily, “No.” He did.
Your head rolled and you swiped your thumb across his swollen cockhead, “Mmm, it’s okay if you did… Dreaming of you fucking me doesn’t compare.”
His expression scrunched up, fingers shoving up into you faster – harder, almost desperate to get you to cum so you would be quiet and he could relinquish all control for the session. You nearly moaned then, the obscene sound of your cunt drenched along his hand and fingers adding to the sound of both of your labored breathing and his growing growls and hisses. Every time you prodded at him, and every time he fell into it.
And every time he gave in for you.
Vergil hissed against your skin then, nerves haywire and bones tightening as you pulled him free of his pants and into the air of the bedroom before you ran a slow line of your finger along the protruding and pulsing vein on the underside of his cock. Though you had let him know what you had wanted, he was never one to not make you beg a little; a cruel part on him perhaps, but it was something your depraved-self liked just as much when he could feel your pulse pick up and pick up the staunching of your arousal each time he edged you along.
He never said he was a fair lover in the bedroom.
Vergil squeezed your throat again, relishing in your cunt closing in around his fingers – which had to have been completely furrowed with how wet you were and sopping into his skin with each push of them inside of you – and let his mouth kiss along your jaw and cheek before finding your ear once again. He blew air into your ear for a brief moment, feeling the shiver rock your body that he wondered if was from the sensation of, or for when he pressed his finger against the skin underneath where your clit laid again and purposefully rocked his hips into your hand for the last bit of foreplay between you two.
A brief thought of how easily you complied him into your hands crossed his mind, and he was close to really sitting there to ponder over who corrupted who for how you two danced around each other.
He didn’t settle on thinking on it too long, lips parting back open slowly and tongue searing as it slid along your earlobe before he whispered hotly into your ear one final time and he knew you sealed the deal for the both of you.
“Tell me, or I leave you to your own hands.”
It was an empty threat, and he knew that you knew that.
He was just trying to wrangle in the control he had beforehand over you (and the control he was steadily losing for his sensuous desires).
Your whine that time was louder, the grogginess in your voice all but vanishing as you pulsed and tightened up around his fingers whenever those words left his mouth. You could’ve came then and there, but you were holding yourself back he had acknowledged, and that revelation sent a hard throb throughout his body pulsing down through cock and balls in the end when he figured out what you wanted. His growled again; all you had to do was say it.
“Say it.”
Your pussy pulsed again and you were close, the rapid rising of your heartbeat warning him as it ended, but before you did so you finally spoke, a raspy moan from the hold he had on your throat egging him on and nearly making his eyes cross when he heard what he wanted.
“Vergil, please, I’m yours. I wanna cum with you inside of me – Wanna feel you fuck me again, please.”
He obliged you then with a snarl, too thoroughly fed up with your teasing words and his own edging over you and pulled free his fingers from inside of your soaked cunt to trade them in for curling in the fabric of your panties to pull them to the side. Thankfully he didn’t have to free himself, only pushing his hips back far enough to make you release the hold you had on his cock before you slightly turned onto your back and lifted your leg over his hip to give him better access to inside of you. Letting his eyes fall over your nipples peeking through the material of your – no, his (hishishis) shirt, he began to wonder how he ever could resist you.
Vergil didn’t dawdle any longer, head dizzy with lust and senses overridden with everything that pertained to you as he slid his cockhead along your slit for a moment and tried to ignore how engorged and raw his cock looked from the amount of time it took before he was able to give it any attention. He wouldn’t last…
There was always that initial sensation of when finding himself back inside of you, a certain type of unmatched warmth that tickled his nerves all down the nerves and veins of his cock, but his tip prickling with satisfaction when sliding against the soft, gripping walls of you outdid it all. It felt… unreal; unreal in the life he had lived, and the rush of adrenaline and excitement that sparked a deeper emotion in his brain he fervently had tried to fight away, but the satisfying feeling that came from the warmth you supplied him was too much to bear.
(If Vergil could akin it to anything, it nearly felt like going underwater; waterlogged and the satisfaction of your entire body cooling reminded him of slipping himself inside of you. The feeling of heat brushing along his cheeks on a cold day; lying himself along velvety sheets and wrapping himself in the comfort of them as solace found its way inside of his mind and body.
He’d never admit it to anyone, not even you, content with keeping his own findings in the matter of physical and emotional to himself. You had known well that he was more of a man of actions rather than words.)
He blinked a couple of times at the thought until he pushed the tip of himself in with a low sigh, testing your keening sigh for any signs of possible discomfort, only to completely shove his cock in to fill you to the brim with one single push, and it was hard then to not slip out of the fragile control he had on you to take you as relentless as he usually did when he watched you take in all of him with that high-pitched moan combined with your expression.
He knew he was a lot for you to take in, and when you still felt so tight after all the stimulation from before it was so hard for him to stay still for the moment. You were already squeezing him, his entire cock coated with you and how warm you were throbbing around him was sending him into a frenzy again. Yet he managed to pull through when your slight trembling came to a rest as he sat still inside of you, your hand skimming up along his chest again until you were twirling fingers into the messy locks of his hair, that for once laid over his forehead as opposed to his usual slicked back appearance.
You sighed as you drug a nail over his scalp, his spine tingling at the attention for a brief moment, until he knew it was the sign. It wasn’t as if you needed it, you were very accustomed to the feeling of him inside of you, and you knew what it felt like. Yet like how it was different that he woke up to an entirely different circumstance that night, there was something different in the wave his hips began to roll into you in a slow tempo that was just equal parts of pure torment and bliss.
It was languid the way he rocked you both; in and out. It nearly felt like you both could liquefy into the mattress from the smooth way he moved along with you. Generally Vergil tried to have you gasping for breath each time around he pushed himself inside of you in deep and fast strokes, his desire to always have you cum before him too strong to ignore until he had you all but shaking underneath him. Usually he was all but fucking you like it was the last time he ever would; always so hard, fast, rough, and just pure raw, near animalistic sex on his part, but there was something that made him give in to a slower form for the time being.
(Personally he wanted to just pin it on his fatigue and your own, or perhaps he was going so slow because he knew he wasn’t going to last long if he pulled you down on his cock like he normally did, but either way it had him feeling an odd mixture of affection along with a growing of fatigue for the lazy movements.)
You seemed to enjoy it as well, if the airy, “Vergil” escaping your lips was anything to go by. Vergil rumbled low in his throat, all control back inside of his mind as his pulse slowed down and the tingling of static rising in the room dissipated, craning his head back down to mouth at your neck in various forms of bites, sucks, and kisses that grew in harshness the longer you two moved. It was another form of leverage he used to keep himself in check, not one for triggering in his somnolence, and the erratic jolts of pleasure sent to his cock each time he pushed in as far as he could go and you clenched up was enough for him to bite down to hold himself together.
Of course, if he was feeling as exhausted, he could always fuck you back to sleep as well.
Vergil’s hand had taken to gripping your hip, the bones in his fingers tight and popping as he grasped onto you harder before leaving your hip bone altogether and sliding his hand back up into your shirt to clutch onto the breast closest to him. He squeezed it in tune with how he scraped his teeth along your shoulder, fingers twisting around your erect nipple the way he knew that you liked until he had you squeezing around him again and arching your back from the repeated pleasure slipping down your body.
“Vergil – fuck,” you cursed under your breath, craning your head back farther for his mouth when he squeezed your throat gently once more, your hips trying to desperately rock back into his own to meet him pace for pace. He bit down hard on your neck in return, a yelp escaping you as you rolled back down on him again for push him as far as he could go inside of you. The copper taste invading on his tongue and salivating his gums made him realize he had drawn blood, and he sent a swift swipe of his tongue along the wound, leaving a trail of his saliva after doing so before moving to suck back at your jaw.
The noises you made always spurned him on, especially when you moaned out variations of his name whenever he did something he knew you liked. It was reprehensible for how you had him but a strand around your finger; a slight tug from you having him pulled forward as much as it seemed the other way around. He had you, but you had him just as much, and he curled to you in a way far from the way you did for him, but all the same in the weakness.
Vergil’s eyes slid open and he growled into your skin, his hold on the slow pace he had faltering the longer he let his thoughts run rampant, and the longer he subjected himself to the warmth of you.
His ears tuned in to the sounds of your bodies, almost muted by the comforter lying over both of you if he didn’t have that heightened sense. The temperature in the room continued to rise as you both continued to stagger on down into pleasure with one another, the sweat on your bodies growing and slicking each of your bodies. The sounds resonated in his head and off the walls of the bedroom, coating you both in a blanket of something warm, and suddenly it didn’t feel like it was enough.
He moved then, perhaps quicker than was needed for you, pulling free from the plushness of your cunt and rolling atop of you in-between your spread thighs. Even in your previously awoken state you were quick to curl them around his waist, your soft thighs caging him in as he felt you lock your ankles at his lower back as he paused for a brief second to take in you beneath him. He was mystified; always would be despite it all, that someone like him had entangled you in his grasp.
You couldn’t see in the dark, but he could.
It was a hypnotizing sight every time you were below him, yet there was always that want to see more from you each time; the want to be the one to bring that out in you raging every time you were tangled in each other’s pleasure.
A longing sigh left you and he trailed hot, calloused hands up your abdomen to skim upwards past your breasts, gently pressing down on your erected nipples, tingling your collarbones, and swiftly wrapping around your neck before one hand was sitting at your nape and the other was grasping your cheeks in a squeeze and angling your head to meet his an opened-mouth in a kiss. A kiss full of redemption and desire that left your skin puckering into eager chills as your hands threaded into his hair for comfort, all the while his weight coming down atop of you once more as he interwove your bodies with a low grunt he bit into your lip and a keening gasp you sent into his mouth as his tongue delved deeper into your mouth and his hips rocked greater into your entire being.
With your mouth preoccupied with his own, Vergil moved his hand away from your face and grasped the breast above your heart, your heartbeat quickening as he tightened the grip on it before kneading it and making you cry out. It was louder that time and vibrated against his tongue, his self-control withering away as his pace left that slow roll and quickened to something more used to how you two usually had sex. He filled you with every thrust, your body bucking and arching with the sensation of being completely full of him, an overwhelming feeling on his end as well when he broke away from your lips and the hand behind your neck moved to slam onto the wall above your head.
He was ravenous, dizzyingly hungry for his yearning of you that it nearly made him sick and starved for that sweet satisfaction you brough mere hours beforehand yet again. He was glad you couldn’t see in the dark, his eyelashes fluttering with each blink as he tried to fight off the feeling of them rolling in back from how good you felt, and how soft – you were always so soft – and just how warm you were around him and so compliant and bending to his will…
It was maddening… You were maddening.
Vergil pressed weight into his hand harder onto the wall, the drywall caving underneath his strength as he heard the new noises of the bed and louder pleasure echoing off the wall and joining obscene sounds of you both. It was him; he that time was making the noises into the air that assaulted his ears more than anything else. He could still hear you below him however, a sigh of his name here and there in a combination of your soft moans, though his vision was swirling with the invasion of all his senses erratic by the onslaught of the physical pleasure being given to his body, and the rushing of the chemical imbalance that his emotions were taking.
He couldn’t necessarily begin to explain what it was doing to his mentality.
(Lust, there was lust, but something there as well clawing at the edges almost seeming taboo to him; something he felt like he couldn’t ever tell you.)
Your hands were on him, so soft and slender, smaller than his own, tracing along the contours on his chest until you were wrapping your fingers along his skin of his biceps. The ivory tone of his skin all but shined in the moonbeams continuing to pour in from the window, the scars he no longer possessed marking his skin something that you had absently traced over as they were a witness to himself of the life he had lived and the battles he had gone through to get him where he was then.
An itch began to grow at the base of his spine, his cock beginning pulse in tune to how you continued to grip him with every deep thrust he surged into you, your pelvises remaining more connected than he realized. He was so deep inside of you; he was losing himself once more to you as he brushed along something in you that was so sinful and so rewarding, he had you shuddering and your thighs beginning to shake as that stoking fire of pleasure inside began to brim towards its edge.
Vergil could feel it building up inside of you, your orgasm a forgone conclusion each time around he was fitted into the raw wetness of your cunt. It spurned him on harder, that relentless speed you were both used to showcasing again as the noises of you both grew perhaps too loud for the silent night, yet he was too far gone to even begin to care when he had you so sweetly laid out before him.
Your hands skimmed to his back, nails tapping along each shoulder blade as you pressed yourself closer to him and drew your mouth to his ear. He could feel the hairs on his neck stand up when you panted so hotly into his ear, your thighs tightening around him as your heels dug into his lower back with each roll of his hips into you. You were close; you were desperate for something, and your expression and the gleam in your eyes gave that away before you tried to hide yourself from him. Your pulse was picking up once more as he heard you inhale once before you moaned into his ear.
“I want it,” you slurred, a nail dragging down his spine as he pressed his face into the pillow next to your head. He didn’t speak at first, willing you to continue on speaking and let him hear what you were so desperate for. “Vergil, I want it – I want you to cum inside of me.”
His brow furrowed, the sinful words that poured free like honey off of your tongue too easy for you say. He had heard it countless times before in your sessions together, yet each time it sent a hard burning down towards his loins and churned a deeper, new feeling in his mind that he had only ventured towards so few times. He was going to do so anyway, it was the only place he ever did release in you, besides your mouth, and he supposed he spoiled you for it when he didn’t ever make you ask or beg for and gave it to you freely.  
Truth be told, he was just as desperate for it.
Though his silence of the matter apart from his grunting and hissing apparently wasn’t enough for you, your back arching as he planted the hand that had held your breast onto the bed next to your ribs and pressing your chest farther into his while squeezing your thighs around his waist. For a split moment he figured you were about to cum, ready to fall into relief just behind you if it wasn’t for your damn mouth moving again and whispering like Siren luring him from the rocks into his ear.
“I want it… I want you to cum and put a baby in me.”
Vergil faltered; his mind, his body, his words, his tempo, everything stuttered for a beat or two as those words traveled so wickedly into his ear until it stuck to his brain like adhesive. He had moved his face into your neck before you had whispered those damnable words, his teeth baring against your skin again in rebuttal for your little stunt. He wasn’t so pissed for the dirty talk that it completely ruined the moment, more-so he was agitated and how much it fueled him to jerk harder into you, his cock twitching inside of your trembling cunt in agreement for what you wanted.
His hissed into your skin, hand grasping onto your ribcage and flexing his fingers onto each bone, “What did you say?” he groaned out, raising his head away from you to watch your expression morph in desperation for your words. He watched you closely, your mouth parted, eyes glazed with desire and that fatigue still there, and skin so dewy layered with sweat. Damn you.
“Put a baby in me, Vergil,” you repeated, unabashed for how they sounded and the underlining meaning below them. He could feel your cunt gush around him again, the sensation blurring him for a moment as he felt all the blood from his brain rush down to his cockhead and felt his balls burn with the want of doing what you had said.
It wasn’t so much of the actually ‘putting a baby in you’ aspect of it, supposing that it was the risk. He knew that and you knew that. How many times had he cummed inside of you and you hadn’t gotten pregnant? Far too many for him to even count, and he wasn’t sure if that was perhaps something on his end or the contraceptive you used that prevented it, but it was the risk that got him going. The risk of cumming inside of you and making sure you were forever given something of his; the risk of the responsibility there by being irresponsible much like he had before; it was all in the risk.
He liked the risk of it all.
Vergil’s nostrils flared as he inhaled your scent once more, breath huffing against your face as he threw himself into deeper, feral pace again. That languid pace of sex he had been trying to chain himself into doing was gone at once, the overwhelming need to fill you full once more too strong to withstand as he snapped at your bottom lip for the words and grew closer to his release.
Once again, he was bending to your world and falling into the pool of his never-ending desire for you.
“Is that what you want? A claim on you to let be known that your mine?” he snarled out into your mouth, breath turning hot as that familiar static began to fill the air again. He needed to finish you off before it snapped out of his control. “Say it,” he hissed again, the overbearing weight of his orgasm ready to crush him the more he pushed in and out of your sinful body.
You blubbered, thighs shaking in their hold on his hips while your nails began to scratch down his back in a phantom sense of pain while you bounced back and forth on the mattress below him, “S’all I want… Make me yours, Vergil. Breed me and let no one else have me, please – Vergil!”
He very nearly slapped his hand over your mouth for the octave your voice had taken on that last cry of his name, but you cut off into a choked gasp when he had pressed his face back into your neck and bit into your skin hard for your plea. He could feel it, the scent of you altering and your pulse shattering as the last of your wobbling hold on a clear mind fell over the cliff and the rushing of your cunt busted forth and surrendered to that lurch in your gut.  
There, with the increasing speed of his hips slamming into yours and cock all but ruining the inside of your cunt, he felt your muscles lock around him, your pussy squeezing him hard as you were suddenly thrown into the throes of pleasure and helplessly arching and moaning incoherently through your orgasm. He took it all, greedily continuing to fuck you through it as the hand he had on the wall slammed back down onto the next your head, ready to tear the pillow to shreds, and your nails became violent in the way they scratched down his back, his skin mildly stinging from how hard you were dragging them through his flesh. It was to be expected, the way he was also repeatedly shoving himself back inside of you for the growing crescendo of his own release, something that too close for comfort and too close for him to comprehend as it slammed into him all once the moment your orgasm began to subside and he felt that throbbing of your cunt vibrate into his cock.
It was always nearly impossible to hold out so long after you, the way you would convulse and constrict around him, and the way you smelled, the way you sounded, and just the way you felt – so warm and so tight – Shit.
Vergil clenched his eyes tightly shut to keep them from rolling back, the loud groan he gave muffled by the skin of your throat as a harsh snap pulled at his abdomen and the pressure in his balls rapidly unraveled while the harsh-like rapture of his orgasm hit him by the force of wave crushing him underneath its raging waves. He didn’t fight it, but it was still rough to pull through while shoving himself into you as hard and as much as he could to completely coat your insides with his cum and fill you to point you couldn’t hold it in you. His hips jerked with each spurt he let out, the muscles in his abdomen twitching while listening to your huffs whenever he sharply rutted into you and felt your clit twitching against his lower abdomen. It was sweet relief once more, and there was that defining, underlining meaning to the moment, words, and the way he poured everything out into you and only you.
You were his. You always would be his.
And for that in return, he was yours, the implications not lost on him as a foreign word tasted bittersweet on his tongue and resounded in his brain fueled by the endorphins his body and mind were encased in.
It wasn’t long for his sensitivity to overrule him, his cock too vulnerable for the feeling of your pussy any longer as he let out a long huff and pulled himself free of you. Nearly like a cork in a wine bottle, he seemed to pop out of you, a shuddering exhale leaving you from the thick loss of him and a low sigh he let his out before he turned and landed on the bed face-up next to you heavily with a bounce. Vergil blinked for a few moments until his mind stopped spinning, until he was no longer dizzy with all his senses invaded by you, and he was blinking through that foggy, euphoric-like state his brain had been subjected to. It didn’t take long for him to find clarity as his blood cooled and his nerves settled, the scratches on his back beginning to heal as the pleasurable tension left his body and he relaxed his shoulders back onto the mattress, all the while listening to your breathing level out and heartbeat once more calm down as you both laid there basking in post-coital bliss.
Neither of you spoke, content for time being with the comfortable silence the orgasmic bliss brought to you both. There were no words needed, something he found increasingly grateful in you for since he wasn’t sure how to handle words so easily (as well as never knowing what to actually even say).
He gave a slow blink, the ceiling becoming less clear as he realized his predicament.
He was tired; sleepy.
And he very nearly could’ve fallen asleep like that so quickly if you hadn’t shifted next him, your lips finding way towards his jaw in a lazy kiss before you pressed your face into his collarbone and threw your thigh over his waist, a position reminiscent of the mornings where he’d awake and you’d be clinging to him. It wasn’t like he wasn’t accepting it either, but the way his eyelids continued to grow heavy over his eyes and how he had to remind himself to blink them back open was putting off like he was ignoring your affection. He wasn’t, more for letting you express it than himself and curling up and around as much as you wanted in private, he was just tired. And that was something you seemed to take notice of.
Though… he was for once surprised you didn’t tease him with, “Pussy put him to sleep” like you had done once before, instead pressing your cheek into his warm skin in a lazy manner that almost had his male pride skyrocketing when he realized he had tired you back out as well. He forced himself to remain awake as he listened for you to fall asleep, a sigh leaving him as his eyelashes tampered with his vision when he heard your heartbeat settle into that steady murmur. It was endearing, though he’d never admit it to you, your ability to sleep so soundly so close to him reminding him of the same way he slept easier so close to you.  
Vergil could feel himself blink slower, body completely pliant to keep you still and asleep on him that he didn’t want to move into a more comfortable position. He was supposed it was fine that way, mind already falling into the arms of sleep as he subconsciously turned his head towards you and buried his nose back into your hair.
He could deal with all the repercussions of the following day for seeming so careless that night, for pulling your chest beating so vividly with your heartbeat against his in a semblance of your existence and humanity felt entirely wrong on his half.
And for that he let drumming of it lull him back into a fraction of dreams, sleep coming smoother to him with your presence and never seeming a problem for as long he felt your heart beat against his own.
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xo2dee · 2 days ago
scrolling on here then accidentally clicking an ad as it takes you to safari then to the app store
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xo2dee · 2 days ago
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PAIRING: Vergil x (Fem)Reader WARNINGS: MDNI/18+ ONLY. Thigh riding, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, light asphyxiation, dirty talk, biting, breeding kink, creampie, mention of impregnation. WORD COUNT: 10,271 SUMMARY: You were his. You would always be his. And for that in return, he was yours.
A/N: clawed my face off writing this
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For someone who didn’t have to survive off of bodily functions that was required for endurance, he had taken up sleeping once again, something he hadn’t necessarily done practically any of in the previous twenty years.
However, as easily as he could adapt to situations that called for it, sleeping didn’t come as smoothly as he knew it was, and more than often he spent more time glaring a hole into a random spot on the wall or ceiling for being plagued with the grips of insomnia that came from not actually having a full night’s rest in that long, weakened state he had been in.
(Even as weak as he had been, sleep never would come to him.)
Waking up along the strings of the night and into the early hours of the morning was something that wasn’t necessarily extraordinary for him, however each time the circumstances ended up differing whenever he did so. Whether it be the bouts of insomnia that tapered his eyelids more times than he ever would admit to anyone, or perhaps being that rare, fleeting night he’d have a nightmare that ended as quickly as it started – as opposed to the long ago memories he sometimes wish he didn’t dream of so casually – he had been the victim of waking in the time before dawn one too many times. Nevertheless, that night was different, and it was but a few moments of pushing through a sleep-addled brain to realize just why he had woke up.
Though, it was quite a few moments of sluggish analysis he would’ve berated himself for until he was able to realize that you had been the cause of his awakening. Of course being abruptly ejected out of the deep sleep he had been in was enough for his eyes to flutter open, a sharp glint already finding way in his irises as the hairs on his neck rose and a furrow lined in his brow when he took in the situation around him.
It was late, the shine of the moonlight casting through the window into the room matching the hue of his pale eyes nearly as he absently stared at the spot on the wall across from him, his eyes already adjusting to the darkness of the room to let him to be able to see better. Albeit his fatigue crusted his eyes, he sat still for a long moment, ears starting to listen in for anything that would’ve alerted him out of his sleep, yet only coming up short when the only noises he could pick up that was deemed of any importance was his brother’s snores down the hallway, and the sound of your breathing and heartbeat. It was quiet, and not an ounce of threatening energy suffocated his throat and shot his nerves, so he was quick to blame his awakening on another round of insomnia.
Coming up short and no longer disturbed, he closed his eyes again and lowered his hackles, his nostrils flaring into your nape as the intoxicating scent of you invaded each one of his senses and pricked along his frontal lobe and he immediately grew back to his alert state for what he was able to pick up so close to him and so strong radiating off of you.
Your smell, and how warm you were.
Vergil’s eyes cracked back open quicker that time around and fully without an ounce of drowsiness, already setting them down in a glare down at the back of your head when he realized your positions. It was never odd to wake up and find your leg slung over his waist or your face buried into his collarbone, breathing heavy and light snores leaving your mouth as you were a restless sleeper at times and often gravitated to him for his body. Normally you were the clinger, and he found it incredibly shameful it seemed to be easier to sleep at night whenever you were close to him, and often times he would awake if he could no longer feel your skin so close to his own. Because of that, he was usually digging a shoulder into your back to feel any semblance of what it felt like when you slept so near to him and kept that dark subconscious at bay.
(He’d never tell you that, and perhaps you knew somehow, but it was an unspoken fact between you both that he’d rather keep in a silent exchange of actions rather than words. He had never been one good for his words anyway. Vergil, however, knew it was a cemented truth on your end, your want to wrap yourself within his sheets rather than staying in your own well enough for him to assume that he had quite the effect on you. Just like the one you had on him.)
Though that time around you faced away from him, your back lining up along his torso and hips pressed into his pelvis as he had ended up throwing one arm around your waist and the both of your legs entangled with one another. Not a strange position entirely, and it also wasn’t so odd given your lack of pants and one of the shirts you had stolen from him adorning your slumbering figure, though he wondered if you had pulled away from him at some point in the night and he had just moved unconsciously to keep you close from the brewing layer of deepening thoughts that rested in the recesses of his mind ready to crawl forward and plague the serene he’d been having. That alone was evidence enough of the devastating effect you had on him, something he would consider both a bruting strength for purpose, and a solidified weakness for his humanity.
Either way he dismissed those thoughts as quickly as they came up, his brief time awake showcasing his quick thinking as he truly realized why he had awoken altogether and why he had awoken curled up against you and with his nose pressed into the bone of your nape.
Your smell for one, and granted your smell was pleasing as was, but it was a particular scent that had him scowling when he realized it was the same smell you emitted whenever he’d watch your fingers twist into the sheets next your head with your calves sitting atop his shoulders as he tried not to rip the pillow apart in teetering control taking you as persistent as he could. Vergil could already feel his jaw clench at the bombardment of images for numerous past trysts in his mind and the slide of a hot tingle down into his loins. It seemed even in your sleep that he still was never truly able to escape your seductive clutches; even as you rested you continued to tease and prod at him until he fell victim to his ethereal lust for you.
However he was more-so curious as to why you were like that, but the heat radiating from your inner thighs through the cloth of his pajama bottoms and the heavy sighs beginning to leave your mouth told him enough. He’d call you insatiable in your desire for him if he wasn’t of the same way, straightening his spine and kneeing your thighs apart to slide one of his own up until it was rooted up against you and he could feel the evidence of your increasing arousal along his muscle.
A low sigh left him as the skin underneath his clothing began to grow warm from the heat of your cunt and wet the fabric of his pants from how soaked you were through your panties, an intolerable urge to press himself into you when he felt the pulse from you pound into his thigh he had to fight off. You were dreaming, and not only that, but having a wet dream. He very nearly rolled his eyes, thoughts turning to hours beforehand when he had you pinned underneath him again and realizing you truly were greedy in want. Yet Vergil knew he wasn’t one to speak of that matter without sounding like a hypocrite, the feeling of you steadily soaking and warming his thigh, along with the tantalizing aroma of you still assaulting all sensible reasoning, sending a jolt of pleasure curling into his abdomen until it slid down towards his cock.
He sighed. If he wasn’t awake before, he was then.
Briefly he wondered if you could feel his glare on the back of your head in your sleep, your slight squirming making him bar his arm down and curl over your abdomen harder, until he jerked his thigh up for a reaction from you. He got the reaction he wanted when a soft keening noise left your mouth and you rolled your hips to grind along his thigh, the movement stimulating his hardening cock and making him suck air through his teeth in a hiss while tucking his face into the side of your neck, his pointed nose pressing into your earlobe.
Vergil called your name once to wake you, yet you didn’t stir.
He snuck his hand up your shirt and flattened his palm against your abdomen, his other arm’s hand twisting into the pillowcase where it laid under the pillow below your head as he realized there would be no going back to sleep for his – and yours – predicament. While you had vouched that you didn’t mind if he touched you in your sleep, he didn’t necessarily ever want to do it that way, he found it more pleasing when you were awake and knew what he was doing to you as much he liked the expressions that crossed your face. Shamefully, he all but had a one-track mind when it came down to carnal desires, and having you lay so pliant and so… wanting, responsive for him was almost making him throw reason out the window and use you as he wanted right there.
Vergil’s control seemed to still loosen when it came to you, much like a tightly wounded spring coming uncoiled either in slow circles or altogether too fast for him to comprehend, and regardless of how many times he found himself lost in the never-ending, treacherous paradise that was you, it never seemed to help in building back up the sense of self-control.
One way or another, he was utterly drenched in sinful and covetous desire for you, and against better wishes for himself (and your own safety and life), he kept coming back for more.
Much like he was then; him gritting his teeth and hissing into your skin when he found his hips rocking back against you while you sloppily grinded on his thigh, all the while your sighs and slight inhales stoking that fire burning in his loins as your cunt only pulsed harder to match the drum of your heartbeat that he could hear. It was to the point he couldn’t ignore it any longer, nostrils flaring in a heavy breath as the texture of his pants began to stick to his thigh from your juices, and the flexing of his quadricep only whisking you on as you stimulated yourself for whatever was in your dreams.
He had made up his mind then, his blood pumping down towards his cock too fast for his liking and the heaviness it brought within his balls too much for his self-control. Vergil didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt for trying to wake you, thinking back to the many times you had awoken him wanting sex from him, and despite the iron will he tried to put around you, he always was one up for it. So what was it if he did wake you up for once?
Surely you wouldn’t mind.
He tried waking you again, lips skimming up along your neck in a circle until they were pressed against your earlobe, and he exhaled heavily into your ear, “Wake up.”
You still did not stir, your subconscious determined to keep the hold it had over you and continue on whatever was happening inside of that mind of yours (a feat he wasn’t sure he ever wanted to truly know). He felt his eyes narrow into another glare, lips down turning into another hard frown as he surmised it must have been one Hell of a dream for you to remain asleep after he whispered into your ear – something that normally made your pulse skyrocket and tickled your skin. You were far away from him then; attention plagued by whatever you conjured in that abyss and leaving him to watch as you fell into throes of pleasure without him.
He was annoyed about it.
However, it was no doubt you were dreaming of him given the nature of your relationship and knowing he had been the only one you had been active with (another thing that ballooned his ego, though he wasn’t about to admit that), yet if it was something you could do awake with him, then why dream? He nearly cursed himself for sounding so deprived, yet he couldn’t take the grinding against his cock any longer or how hot and heavy it felt without having any proper attention in the matter.
His lust won out in the end once more, and for that he slid his lips slowly down the slope of your neck, cool breath grazing over an area he had bitten hours previously, before he inhaled once more for your dizzying scent and did something he knew that would finally awake you.
Vergil bit into your neck.
It worked and you jerked as you awoke, stretching like a cat and a long breath leaving your chest as you slightly wiggled in his hold and lulled your head about away from his bite. He released your skin, tongue tasting of you running along his teeth feeling for every crack until he had to bite onto his cheek whenever your back arched and your ass rubbed along his dick again. Damn you.
You must’ve not heard the barely concealed grunt he let out into your neck, a long sigh pushing past your lips as you tipped your head back to lay further into him. His nose scrunched as your scent hit him harder, the saliva in his mouth growing as his palm pressed down harder onto your stomach to keep you from moving any more that would’ve jeopardized his want to keep things in his hold. It was a few moments of silence, and he had wondered if you had just fallen back asleep until you spoke, voice groggy with sleep and barely intelligible if he hadn’t possessed the hearing that he did.
“Mms’fuckin’ early, Vergil,” you grumbled, seemingly unaware of the underlying issue that was in-between your legs and pressing into your back. You complained more than you realized he noted, and yet even with you complaining about him awaking you, you still didn’t move away from his ministrations or his hold. Instead you spoke again, remaining still in his hold as you continued to gripe at him, “Mm’arm’s asleep… What time issit?”
Vergil’s eyes slid towards the clock on the nightstand of your side, the glowing, red lettering a stark contrast to the cool darkness and pale shine of the moonbeams shining in through the window. It was 3:07 A.M., and a sliver of humor found its way into him as he realized the meaning behind the time he had awoken and in turn awoke you. Witching hour; Devil’s hour, and yet despite the circumstances regarding his species compared to your own, he had called you a Succubus seeking him out of lust, when in reality he was the one preying on your malleable form in your dreams true to his status as a demon.
However, despite that, the way your body looked stretched out against his own in the streams of the moonlight that came through into the bedroom at that moment indeed made you look like an otherworldly phenomenon sent from the depths of the unknown yet to be discovered by humanity.
Siren. He had many names for you, and yet none seemed to justly fit the criteria and effect you had on him.
He let the thought pass, a fleeting observation on his part, as he answered you and removed his eyes from the clock to flutter his eyelashes against your neck, “3:07.” He felt the inflow of your breath at his voice, a shakiness to it at his proximity that you tried to play off, yet the influx of chills rising along your skin and the skip of your heartbeat lying for you in the end. He didn’t comment on it, deciding to wait it out in his play for you to answer.
And you didn’t take long in spite of your grouchy state.
“Why are you biting me at three in the mornin’?”
A huff escaped him then, feeling your body twitching at the suddenness of his cool breath blowing across a sensitive part of your skin before he removed his hand from the spot on your stomach and curled two fingers under the collar of your shirt. He pulled your shirt away from you, exposing your shoulder to him and air as he ran his nose along the skin there – discreetly inhaling as he went – until he was settling his lips upon your shoulder. He kissed it once, before nipping at it and sighing whenever you jolted at the action and beginning to trace a path along your skin there as he noted the rate of your pulse picking up.
Vergil eventually answered you, arm sliding back around you and teeth snapping against the flesh of your trapezius as his breathing got heavier when you started to grow more aroused, “You were dreaming.”
You wriggled in his grasp again and he unflexed his thigh to keep you at bay for the teasing he wanted to bite at you for dreaming so carelessly for things you could have awake. “Yeah, people do that when they sleep, Vergil,” you mumbled, yet the tilt in your voice told him you were distracted.
“Brat,” he voiced aloud that time in a hiss, accompanying another bite onto your skin for your sass. He allowed you another moment of squirming against him before he realized he couldn’t wait any longer with all the movement against him, a hum vibrating deep in his throat and rumbling out of his chest against your back as he released your skin free from his teeth and glided his lips back up to your earlobe. The shudder was not lost on him, his nose against your temple and voice raspy wisping along your skin for his desire, “Hmm, obviously so… Mind telling me what you were dreaming of then?”
He knew he had you had caught when your breathing hitched, the pulse pounding through your panties matching your heart once more as he flexed and pressed his thigh up further into you again. A small grunt passed your mouth finally, and your one free hand gripped onto his wrist, nails prickling into his skin in a pathetic hold that held no pain over him, with your hips rocking forward to rub what you could of your clit against his protruding muscle and backwards to rub your ass against his pelvis once more. Vergil had to hold back his groan for the moment, the sensitivity in his cock growing the longer he played around with you.
You spoke, quiet and shaky, and the slight waver in your voice betraying the way you tried to keep up the act, “You’ve never asked before, what’s changed now?”
“Mm, curious…” Was all he offered you, yet he made his intentions known dragging his fingers down your naval in a slow draw before he ran a lone index finger along the lining of your panties.
The bones in your shoulder blades popped when you arched your back again, ass pressing further into him as you caught onto the obvious bulge in his pants. His nostrils flared against your cheek that time, your smell growing stronger for your growing desire and his own impatience growing the longer you stalled. You eventually answered though, a haze in your voice and lucidity lost on parts of your limbs as you continued to grind on his thigh.
“I… I don’t remember –”
“Lies,” he hissed, snapping the elastic of your panties against your skin and jerking his thigh harder up into your cunt, enjoying the louder, gasping pant that left you, “Don’t play coy with me… Tell me, what you were dreaming of that had you this wet and shamelessly using me for.”
The temperature of the room grew to boiling, his bloodstream feeling as if it was fueled by fire rushing through his veins regardless of his body temperature running a warmer degree due to his heritage. Your skin was warmer than usual too, yet the heat radiating from your inner thighs was the real source of it all and it was hard not to imagine – and remember – just how warm you felt inside and how you would still somehow heat his cock up when he got inside of you. It made him scowl, irritation for himself for growing greedier and greedier each time he got close to you in a licentious manner fast enough to furrow his brow and clench his jaw, but your voice breaking through the silence and giving into him was swift to diminish that.
“You… I was dreaming about you,” you confessed, lifting your hips up a fraction and circling them back onto his drenched thigh for a faster route to pleasure.
Vergil could feel his lips twitch upwards for a split second, his pride boosting that he was right as he rewarded you by slipping his finger down into your panties and placing the pad of his middle fingertip onto your clit. An audible hiss did escape him however that time, your clit swollen under his finger and you wetter than he had originally thought guiding him to ease onto you with slow circles to get you lax and submissive in his hold again. You sighed then, a high-pitched sound he had committed to memory, as your muscles relaxed and the tension in your shoulders released while your hips followed along with his movements.
He didn’t let you off the hook so easily though, his curiosity to know just what you were dreaming of that got you the way you were (and dreaming of it anyway since he had taken you mere hours before), and he slid his arm out from underneath the pillow where your head rested and curled it around your throat. He didn’t press down right away, only pleased with your immediate reaction to tilt your head further back into him so that he had a better look of your face and a better hold on your form to touch you in the way he so wanted.
Watching your eyelashes flutter over your hazy eyes, Vergil pressed down hard onto your clit, holding a dark chuckle back at your flinch and the way you tried to close your thighs around his hand if it wasn’t for the presence of his own in-between them. He hummed again, flexing his fingers on your throat and pressing his nose to your earlobe once more, “Tell me more. What was I doing?”
Your mouth parted, puffy lips coated in salvia with wet sighs falling free as you answered quicker that time in a show of your neediness for his touch, “Do you remember that time in that church? When you bent me over the altar and made me repent for letting a demon defile me?”
A sharp, electrifying shock prickled down his spine and Vergil paused in his ministrations, finger sliding off of your clit for a brief moment as he was glad his face was still slightly behind you and you could not see well in the dark because you would’ve seen the way his eyes widened a portion and saw the dilation he felt in his irises whenever he remembered the incident. Another pang of shock twitched his cock and tingled inside of his balls; how could he forget? It was… debauch in all its intentions for doing that to you, but it was also extremely pleasing to him whenever he you indulged him in that little fantasy and how much he realized he liked the idea when telling him.
He had blamed it on his devilish lineage of course, the repeating chanting you did that night of saying you were his and belonged to him in a church something he etched into his memory and thought more of than he would’ve ever admitted. The idea of corrupting a being much like yourself (and he realized he had truly corrupted you given your penchant for suggesting more of the sinful of ideas in the bedroom, and how you were particularly happy to please him for his own side) something that nearly made his eyes roll back – and they did when he had you pinned down on that altar and started rocking himself inside of you – and fueled a different type desire for you in the end that had to be put out before it grew too strong.
And yet, the burning sun of want and need for you in all your carnality and your emotionalism only surged as the days passed and the more time he spent with you, a notion he donned a fee of damning sin and a gift of blissful redemption on his behalf.
Vergil swallowed and narrowed his eyes; minx, he knew what you were doing. For that he dropped his thigh away from you, ignoring your little whine for the loss of friction, before sliding his fingers down your slick folds and deftly pushing his middle and ring finger inside of you until he was three knuckles deep of each finger into your soaked cunt again and curling them against your soft walls for your oncoming release. Your back arched again for the suddenness of his actions, a louder gasp bubbling up from your lungs while you clenched around his appendages and urged him to move by a slight rock of your hips.
“I remember,” he answered, voice thick with barely concealed control and teetering into delirium for you, “Though, were you truly dreaming of that, or are you toying with me?”
You lulled your head back again, though that time you pressed your nose into his hot cheek and sneakily slid your hand away from his wrist and down his bare abdomen, a nail dragging along each individual, flexing, abdominal muscle until you were rubbing the back of your hand along his cock through his pants. He felt himself twitch again at the long-awaited touch, fingers slightly squeezing down on your throat in warning when you teased him by curling your fingers around him through his pants.
In spite Vergil pressed up against your hot walls – the feeling of them akin to nothing of comparison but just plush comfort – right under your clit, and enjoying the squeal that left you and the way you clenched up around him and pulsed around his fingers. He began to truly move his fingers then, an agonizing curl and dip for your part as he listened to each squelch your body made and felt each gush of liquid coat his fingers when you rolled along with him. He nearly missed the way you slid your hand into his pants and you twisted your wrist around his cock if it wasn’t for a fingertip pressing down into his cockhead leaking of precum and gently stroking along his slit.
That time, he growled.
Your chest was heaving and your body was moving like tides in the ocean, following along each way he curled his fingers and pulled back to push against that spongy spot lying within you. Vergil’s mind was spinning by then, your smell and the feeling of you pleasuring him with your soft, cool hand so unlike his own making him sloppy in his movements and totter on his hold of control and his ability to hold out for what he wanted to do. His fingers felt as hot as the blood roaring through his veins did, and he all but had to strain to hear you speak again to keep himself from tipping out of self-control and flipping you over for his own gain.
“Why would I lie? It’s one my favorite memories,” you turned your head and sighed in his face, while he hissed from the tone your voice had taken and the increasing speed of your hand around his cock. You continued though, never one to take precautions for his slipping control, “You can’t say much… You’re already so hard, how long were you laying there awake debating what to do with me?”
He closed his eyes then, his skin beginning to prickle and hackles rising for an entirely different reason as he felt the familiar sticky, oozing of his precum soak into your hand and coat his cock each time you slid your hand to the base of him, and all the way back to his tip. It was scalding in combination to the coolness of your hand, the heat of his cock growing tenfold and pulsing along to his balls when he felt the distinct feeling of a release along the way.
The first pleasure-laden grunt left him that time, his fingers harshly pressing into you to stretch your plush walls as much as he could for a reaction, and you gave one in the form of another jab at him, taking up his silence for the time being as your own time to shine.
You sighed in a particular way that made his fingers press down harder onto your throat, a light wheeze leaving you as he dipped his face back into your neck and huffed against your skin when you began to match the speed of which he was fingering you to rub away at him. “You didn’t have to wake me up, I told you that you could fuck me in my sleep and use me how you want.”
Vergil felt a jolt inside of him, static prickling his nerves as he bared his teeth against your neck, “Stop.”
He didn’t mean it, and he knew that you knew that.
“But I wouldn’t get this chance, and I know you like it when I talk to you like this… Did you wake me up because you wanted me so bad?”
He exhaled heavily, “No.” He did.
Your head rolled and you swiped your thumb across his swollen cockhead, “Mmm, it’s okay if you did… Dreaming of you fucking me doesn’t compare.”
His expression scrunched up, fingers shoving up into you faster – harder, almost desperate to get you to cum so you would be quiet and he could relinquish all control for the session. You nearly moaned then, the obscene sound of your cunt drenched along his hand and fingers adding to the sound of both of your labored breathing and his growing growls and hisses. Every time you prodded at him, and every time he fell into it.
And every time he gave in for you.
Vergil hissed against your skin then, nerves haywire and bones tightening as you pulled him free of his pants and into the air of the bedroom before you ran a slow line of your finger along the protruding and pulsing vein on the underside of his cock. Though you had let him know what you had wanted, he was never one to not make you beg a little; a cruel part on him perhaps, but it was something your depraved-self liked just as much when he could feel your pulse pick up and pick up the staunching of your arousal each time he edged you along.
He never said he was a fair lover in the bedroom.
Vergil squeezed your throat again, relishing in your cunt closing in around his fingers – which had to have been completely furrowed with how wet you were and sopping into his skin with each push of them inside of you – and let his mouth kiss along your jaw and cheek before finding your ear once again. He blew air into your ear for a brief moment, feeling the shiver rock your body that he wondered if was from the sensation of, or for when he pressed his finger against the skin underneath where your clit laid again and purposefully rocked his hips into your hand for the last bit of foreplay between you two.
A brief thought of how easily you complied him into your hands crossed his mind, and he was close to really sitting there to ponder over who corrupted who for how you two danced around each other.
He didn’t settle on thinking on it too long, lips parting back open slowly and tongue searing as it slid along your earlobe before he whispered hotly into your ear one final time and he knew you sealed the deal for the both of you.
“Tell me, or I leave you to your own hands.”
It was an empty threat, and he knew that you knew that.
He was just trying to wrangle in the control he had beforehand over you (and the control he was steadily losing for his sensuous desires).
Your whine that time was louder, the grogginess in your voice all but vanishing as you pulsed and tightened up around his fingers whenever those words left his mouth. You could’ve came then and there, but you were holding yourself back he had acknowledged, and that revelation sent a hard throb throughout his body pulsing down through cock and balls in the end when he figured out what you wanted. His growled again; all you had to do was say it.
“Say it.”
Your pussy pulsed again and you were close, the rapid rising of your heartbeat warning him as it ended, but before you did so you finally spoke, a raspy moan from the hold he had on your throat egging him on and nearly making his eyes cross when he heard what he wanted.
“Vergil, please, I’m yours. I wanna cum with you inside of me – Wanna feel you fuck me again, please.”
He obliged you then with a snarl, too thoroughly fed up with your teasing words and his own edging over you and pulled free his fingers from inside of your soaked cunt to trade them in for curling in the fabric of your panties to pull them to the side. Thankfully he didn’t have to free himself, only pushing his hips back far enough to make you release the hold you had on his cock before you slightly turned onto your back and lifted your leg over his hip to give him better access to inside of you. Letting his eyes fall over your nipples peeking through the material of your – no, his (hishishis) shirt, he began to wonder how he ever could resist you.
Vergil didn’t dawdle any longer, head dizzy with lust and senses overridden with everything that pertained to you as he slid his cockhead along your slit for a moment and tried to ignore how engorged and raw his cock looked from the amount of time it took before he was able to give it any attention. He wouldn’t last…
There was always that initial sensation of when finding himself back inside of you, a certain type of unmatched warmth that tickled his nerves all down the nerves and veins of his cock, but his tip prickling with satisfaction when sliding against the soft, gripping walls of you outdid it all. It felt… unreal; unreal in the life he had lived, and the rush of adrenaline and excitement that sparked a deeper emotion in his brain he fervently had tried to fight away, but the satisfying feeling that came from the warmth you supplied him was too much to bear.
(If Vergil could akin it to anything, it nearly felt like going underwater; waterlogged and the satisfaction of your entire body cooling reminded him of slipping himself inside of you. The feeling of heat brushing along his cheeks on a cold day; lying himself along velvety sheets and wrapping himself in the comfort of them as solace found its way inside of his mind and body.
He’d never admit it to anyone, not even you, content with keeping his own findings in the matter of physical and emotional to himself. You had known well that he was more of a man of actions rather than words.)
He blinked a couple of times at the thought until he pushed the tip of himself in with a low sigh, testing your keening sigh for any signs of possible discomfort, only to completely shove his cock in to fill you to the brim with one single push, and it was hard then to not slip out of the fragile control he had on you to take you as relentless as he usually did when he watched you take in all of him with that high-pitched moan combined with your expression.
He knew he was a lot for you to take in, and when you still felt so tight after all the stimulation from before it was so hard for him to stay still for the moment. You were already squeezing him, his entire cock coated with you and how warm you were throbbing around him was sending him into a frenzy again. Yet he managed to pull through when your slight trembling came to a rest as he sat still inside of you, your hand skimming up along his chest again until you were twirling fingers into the messy locks of his hair, that for once laid over his forehead as opposed to his usual slicked back appearance.
You sighed as you drug a nail over his scalp, his spine tingling at the attention for a brief moment, until he knew it was the sign. It wasn’t as if you needed it, you were very accustomed to the feeling of him inside of you, and you knew what it felt like. Yet like how it was different that he woke up to an entirely different circumstance that night, there was something different in the wave his hips began to roll into you in a slow tempo that was just equal parts of pure torment and bliss.
It was languid the way he rocked you both; in and out. It nearly felt like you both could liquefy into the mattress from the smooth way he moved along with you. Generally Vergil tried to have you gasping for breath each time around he pushed himself inside of you in deep and fast strokes, his desire to always have you cum before him too strong to ignore until he had you all but shaking underneath him. Usually he was all but fucking you like it was the last time he ever would; always so hard, fast, rough, and just pure raw, near animalistic sex on his part, but there was something that made him give in to a slower form for the time being.
(Personally he wanted to just pin it on his fatigue and your own, or perhaps he was going so slow because he knew he wasn’t going to last long if he pulled you down on his cock like he normally did, but either way it had him feeling an odd mixture of affection along with a growing of fatigue for the lazy movements.)
You seemed to enjoy it as well, if the airy, “Vergil” escaping your lips was anything to go by. Vergil rumbled low in his throat, all control back inside of his mind as his pulse slowed down and the tingling of static rising in the room dissipated, craning his head back down to mouth at your neck in various forms of bites, sucks, and kisses that grew in harshness the longer you two moved. It was another form of leverage he used to keep himself in check, not one for triggering in his somnolence, and the erratic jolts of pleasure sent to his cock each time he pushed in as far as he could go and you clenched up was enough for him to bite down to hold himself together.
Of course, if he was feeling as exhausted, he could always fuck you back to sleep as well.
Vergil’s hand had taken to gripping your hip, the bones in his fingers tight and popping as he grasped onto you harder before leaving your hip bone altogether and sliding his hand back up into your shirt to clutch onto the breast closest to him. He squeezed it in tune with how he scraped his teeth along your shoulder, fingers twisting around your erect nipple the way he knew that you liked until he had you squeezing around him again and arching your back from the repeated pleasure slipping down your body.
“Vergil – fuck,” you cursed under your breath, craning your head back farther for his mouth when he squeezed your throat gently once more, your hips trying to desperately rock back into his own to meet him pace for pace. He bit down hard on your neck in return, a yelp escaping you as you rolled back down on him again for push him as far as he could go inside of you. The copper taste invading on his tongue and salivating his gums made him realize he had drawn blood, and he sent a swift swipe of his tongue along the wound, leaving a trail of his saliva after doing so before moving to suck back at your jaw.
The noises you made always spurned him on, especially when you moaned out variations of his name whenever he did something he knew you liked. It was reprehensible for how you had him but a strand around your finger; a slight tug from you having him pulled forward as much as it seemed the other way around. He had you, but you had him just as much, and he curled to you in a way far from the way you did for him, but all the same in the weakness.
Vergil’s eyes slid open and he growled into your skin, his hold on the slow pace he had faltering the longer he let his thoughts run rampant, and the longer he subjected himself to the warmth of you.
His ears tuned in to the sounds of your bodies, almost muted by the comforter lying over both of you if he didn’t have that heightened sense. The temperature in the room continued to rise as you both continued to stagger on down into pleasure with one another, the sweat on your bodies growing and slicking each of your bodies. The sounds resonated in his head and off the walls of the bedroom, coating you both in a blanket of something warm, and suddenly it didn’t feel like it was enough.
He moved then, perhaps quicker than was needed for you, pulling free from the plushness of your cunt and rolling atop of you in-between your spread thighs. Even in your previously awoken state you were quick to curl them around his waist, your soft thighs caging him in as he felt you lock your ankles at his lower back as he paused for a brief second to take in you beneath him. He was mystified; always would be despite it all, that someone like him had entangled you in his grasp.
You couldn’t see in the dark, but he could.
It was a hypnotizing sight every time you were below him, yet there was always that want to see more from you each time; the want to be the one to bring that out in you raging every time you were tangled in each other’s pleasure.
A longing sigh left you and he trailed hot, calloused hands up your abdomen to skim upwards past your breasts, gently pressing down on your erected nipples, tingling your collarbones, and swiftly wrapping around your neck before one hand was sitting at your nape and the other was grasping your cheeks in a squeeze and angling your head to meet his an opened-mouth in a kiss. A kiss full of redemption and desire that left your skin puckering into eager chills as your hands threaded into his hair for comfort, all the while his weight coming down atop of you once more as he interwove your bodies with a low grunt he bit into your lip and a keening gasp you sent into his mouth as his tongue delved deeper into your mouth and his hips rocked greater into your entire being.
With your mouth preoccupied with his own, Vergil moved his hand away from your face and grasped the breast above your heart, your heartbeat quickening as he tightened the grip on it before kneading it and making you cry out. It was louder that time and vibrated against his tongue, his self-control withering away as his pace left that slow roll and quickened to something more used to how you two usually had sex. He filled you with every thrust, your body bucking and arching with the sensation of being completely full of him, an overwhelming feeling on his end as well when he broke away from your lips and the hand behind your neck moved to slam onto the wall above your head.
He was ravenous, dizzyingly hungry for his yearning of you that it nearly made him sick and starved for that sweet satisfaction you brough mere hours beforehand yet again. He was glad you couldn’t see in the dark, his eyelashes fluttering with each blink as he tried to fight off the feeling of them rolling in back from how good you felt, and how soft – you were always so soft – and just how warm you were around him and so compliant and bending to his will…
It was maddening… You were maddening.
Vergil pressed weight into his hand harder onto the wall, the drywall caving underneath his strength as he heard the new noises of the bed and louder pleasure echoing off the wall and joining obscene sounds of you both. It was him; he that time was making the noises into the air that assaulted his ears more than anything else. He could still hear you below him however, a sigh of his name here and there in a combination of your soft moans, though his vision was swirling with the invasion of all his senses erratic by the onslaught of the physical pleasure being given to his body, and the rushing of the chemical imbalance that his emotions were taking.
He couldn’t necessarily begin to explain what it was doing to his mentality.
(Lust, there was lust, but something there as well clawing at the edges almost seeming taboo to him; something he felt like he couldn’t ever tell you.)
Your hands were on him, so soft and slender, smaller than his own, tracing along the contours on his chest until you were wrapping your fingers along his skin of his biceps. The ivory tone of his skin all but shined in the moonbeams continuing to pour in from the window, the scars he no longer possessed marking his skin something that you had absently traced over as they were a witness to himself of the life he had lived and the battles he had gone through to get him where he was then.
An itch began to grow at the base of his spine, his cock beginning pulse in tune to how you continued to grip him with every deep thrust he surged into you, your pelvises remaining more connected than he realized. He was so deep inside of you; he was losing himself once more to you as he brushed along something in you that was so sinful and so rewarding, he had you shuddering and your thighs beginning to shake as that stoking fire of pleasure inside began to brim towards its edge.
Vergil could feel it building up inside of you, your orgasm a forgone conclusion each time around he was fitted into the raw wetness of your cunt. It spurned him on harder, that relentless speed you were both used to showcasing again as the noises of you both grew perhaps too loud for the silent night, yet he was too far gone to even begin to care when he had you so sweetly laid out before him.
Your hands skimmed to his back, nails tapping along each shoulder blade as you pressed yourself closer to him and drew your mouth to his ear. He could feel the hairs on his neck stand up when you panted so hotly into his ear, your thighs tightening around him as your heels dug into his lower back with each roll of his hips into you. You were close; you were desperate for something, and your expression and the gleam in your eyes gave that away before you tried to hide yourself from him. Your pulse was picking up once more as he heard you inhale once before you moaned into his ear.
“I want it,” you slurred, a nail dragging down his spine as he pressed his face into the pillow next to your head. He didn’t speak at first, willing you to continue on speaking and let him hear what you were so desperate for. “Vergil, I want it – I want you to cum inside of me.”
His brow furrowed, the sinful words that poured free like honey off of your tongue too easy for you say. He had heard it countless times before in your sessions together, yet each time it sent a hard burning down towards his loins and churned a deeper, new feeling in his mind that he had only ventured towards so few times. He was going to do so anyway, it was the only place he ever did release in you, besides your mouth, and he supposed he spoiled you for it when he didn’t ever make you ask or beg for and gave it to you freely.  
Truth be told, he was just as desperate for it.
Though his silence of the matter apart from his grunting and hissing apparently wasn’t enough for you, your back arching as he planted the hand that had held your breast onto the bed next to your ribs and pressing your chest farther into his while squeezing your thighs around his waist. For a split moment he figured you were about to cum, ready to fall into relief just behind you if it wasn’t for your damn mouth moving again and whispering like Siren luring him from the rocks into his ear.
“I want it… I want you to cum and put a baby in me.”
Vergil faltered; his mind, his body, his words, his tempo, everything stuttered for a beat or two as those words traveled so wickedly into his ear until it stuck to his brain like adhesive. He had moved his face into your neck before you had whispered those damnable words, his teeth baring against your skin again in rebuttal for your little stunt. He wasn’t so pissed for the dirty talk that it completely ruined the moment, more-so he was agitated and how much it fueled him to jerk harder into you, his cock twitching inside of your trembling cunt in agreement for what you wanted.
His hissed into your skin, hand grasping onto your ribcage and flexing his fingers onto each bone, “What did you say?” he groaned out, raising his head away from you to watch your expression morph in desperation for your words. He watched you closely, your mouth parted, eyes glazed with desire and that fatigue still there, and skin so dewy layered with sweat. Damn you.
“Put a baby in me, Vergil,” you repeated, unabashed for how they sounded and the underlining meaning below them. He could feel your cunt gush around him again, the sensation blurring him for a moment as he felt all the blood from his brain rush down to his cockhead and felt his balls burn with the want of doing what you had said.
It wasn’t so much of the actually ‘putting a baby in you’ aspect of it, supposing that it was the risk. He knew that and you knew that. How many times had he cummed inside of you and you hadn’t gotten pregnant? Far too many for him to even count, and he wasn’t sure if that was perhaps something on his end or the contraceptive you used that prevented it, but it was the risk that got him going. The risk of cumming inside of you and making sure you were forever given something of his; the risk of the responsibility there by being irresponsible much like he had before; it was all in the risk.
He liked the risk of it all.
Vergil’s nostrils flared as he inhaled your scent once more, breath huffing against your face as he threw himself into deeper, feral pace again. That languid pace of sex he had been trying to chain himself into doing was gone at once, the overwhelming need to fill you full once more too strong to withstand as he snapped at your bottom lip for the words and grew closer to his release.
Once again, he was bending to your world and falling into the pool of his never-ending desire for you.
“Is that what you want? A claim on you to let be known that your mine?” he snarled out into your mouth, breath turning hot as that familiar static began to fill the air again. He needed to finish you off before it snapped out of his control. “Say it,” he hissed again, the overbearing weight of his orgasm ready to crush him the more he pushed in and out of your sinful body.
You blubbered, thighs shaking in their hold on his hips while your nails began to scratch down his back in a phantom sense of pain while you bounced back and forth on the mattress below him, “S’all I want… Make me yours, Vergil. Breed me and let no one else have me, please – Vergil!”
He very nearly slapped his hand over your mouth for the octave your voice had taken on that last cry of his name, but you cut off into a choked gasp when he had pressed his face back into your neck and bit into your skin hard for your plea. He could feel it, the scent of you altering and your pulse shattering as the last of your wobbling hold on a clear mind fell over the cliff and the rushing of your cunt busted forth and surrendered to that lurch in your gut.  
There, with the increasing speed of his hips slamming into yours and cock all but ruining the inside of your cunt, he felt your muscles lock around him, your pussy squeezing him hard as you were suddenly thrown into the throes of pleasure and helplessly arching and moaning incoherently through your orgasm. He took it all, greedily continuing to fuck you through it as the hand he had on the wall slammed back down onto the next your head, ready to tear the pillow to shreds, and your nails became violent in the way they scratched down his back, his skin mildly stinging from how hard you were dragging them through his flesh. It was to be expected, the way he was also repeatedly shoving himself back inside of you for the growing crescendo of his own release, something that too close for comfort and too close for him to comprehend as it slammed into him all once the moment your orgasm began to subside and he felt that throbbing of your cunt vibrate into his cock.
It was always nearly impossible to hold out so long after you, the way you would convulse and constrict around him, and the way you smelled, the way you sounded, and just the way you felt – so warm and so tight – Shit.
Vergil clenched his eyes tightly shut to keep them from rolling back, the loud groan he gave muffled by the skin of your throat as a harsh snap pulled at his abdomen and the pressure in his balls rapidly unraveled while the harsh-like rapture of his orgasm hit him by the force of wave crushing him underneath its raging waves. He didn’t fight it, but it was still rough to pull through while shoving himself into you as hard and as much as he could to completely coat your insides with his cum and fill you to point you couldn’t hold it in you. His hips jerked with each spurt he let out, the muscles in his abdomen twitching while listening to your huffs whenever he sharply rutted into you and felt your clit twitching against his lower abdomen. It was sweet relief once more, and there was that defining, underlining meaning to the moment, words, and the way he poured everything out into you and only you.
You were his. You always would be his.
And for that in return, he was yours, the implications not lost on him as a foreign word tasted bittersweet on his tongue and resounded in his brain fueled by the endorphins his body and mind were encased in.
It wasn’t long for his sensitivity to overrule him, his cock too vulnerable for the feeling of your pussy any longer as he let out a long huff and pulled himself free of you. Nearly like a cork in a wine bottle, he seemed to pop out of you, a shuddering exhale leaving you from the thick loss of him and a low sigh he let his out before he turned and landed on the bed face-up next to you heavily with a bounce. Vergil blinked for a few moments until his mind stopped spinning, until he was no longer dizzy with all his senses invaded by you, and he was blinking through that foggy, euphoric-like state his brain had been subjected to. It didn’t take long for him to find clarity as his blood cooled and his nerves settled, the scratches on his back beginning to heal as the pleasurable tension left his body and he relaxed his shoulders back onto the mattress, all the while listening to your breathing level out and heartbeat once more calm down as you both laid there basking in post-coital bliss.
Neither of you spoke, content for time being with the comfortable silence the orgasmic bliss brought to you both. There were no words needed, something he found increasingly grateful in you for since he wasn’t sure how to handle words so easily (as well as never knowing what to actually even say).
He gave a slow blink, the ceiling becoming less clear as he realized his predicament.
He was tired; sleepy.
And he very nearly could’ve fallen asleep like that so quickly if you hadn’t shifted next him, your lips finding way towards his jaw in a lazy kiss before you pressed your face into his collarbone and threw your thigh over his waist, a position reminiscent of the mornings where he’d awake and you’d be clinging to him. It wasn’t like he wasn’t accepting it either, but the way his eyelids continued to grow heavy over his eyes and how he had to remind himself to blink them back open was putting off like he was ignoring your affection. He wasn’t, more for letting you express it than himself and curling up and around as much as you wanted in private, he was just tired. And that was something you seemed to take notice of.
Though… he was for once surprised you didn’t tease him with, “Pussy put him to sleep” like you had done once before, instead pressing your cheek into his warm skin in a lazy manner that almost had his male pride skyrocketing when he realized he had tired you back out as well. He forced himself to remain awake as he listened for you to fall asleep, a sigh leaving him as his eyelashes tampered with his vision when he heard your heartbeat settle into that steady murmur. It was endearing, though he’d never admit it to you, your ability to sleep so soundly so close to him reminding him of the same way he slept easier so close to you.  
Vergil could feel himself blink slower, body completely pliant to keep you still and asleep on him that he didn’t want to move into a more comfortable position. He was supposed it was fine that way, mind already falling into the arms of sleep as he subconsciously turned his head towards you and buried his nose back into your hair.
He could deal with all the repercussions of the following day for seeming so careless that night, for pulling your chest beating so vividly with your heartbeat against his in a semblance of your existence and humanity felt entirely wrong on his half.
And for that he let drumming of it lull him back into a fraction of dreams, sleep coming smoother to him with your presence and never seeming a problem for as long he felt your heart beat against his own.
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xo2dee · 3 days ago
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Big book small brain
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xo2dee · 3 days ago
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PAIRING: Vergil x (Fem)Reader WARNINGS: MDNI/18+ ONLY. Vaginal sex, oral sex, cunnilingus, spanking, dirty talk, degradation, rough sex, breeding kink, creampie, sin devil trigger sex, monster fucking WORD COUNT: 9,569 SUMMARY: Honestly, you really should’ve expected your first time having sex with Vergil would end up like that.
A/N: look, all im saying is: would.
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You thought you had gotten your fair share of relationship advice from all of your snooping women family members and friends as you had grown up, and you were completely set when it came down to the romantic aspect of your life. Though nothing could’ve really prepared you for one of the only real and serious relationships you actually ended up in. Your mother and aunts had nothing on how to date a damn half-demon.
Or how to engage in sex with a half-demon.
On your behalf you figured it was just the same as having sex with a… human (it sounded so odd when you said it aloud), your half-demon looked like a ‘regular’ man – if you could count white hair, standing at six-foot-five, carrying around katana everywhere, and a stare that could make lesser strong-willed people piss themselves… Actually, you were completely wrong to think it was the same.
A relationship with Vergil was… interesting at times, but you were no quitter. Granted the two of yours relationship was ridiculously rocky at the beginning, but it came to a heads and you were later able to learn after jumping him and making out with him you two had been evidently pining for one and another so hard it made Dante sick and he’d been doing everything in his power to get you both laid and to stop eye-fucking each other every five minutes. Dante had been the one to warn you of getting into something like that with his elder brother, Nero almost looking traumatized when you had gotten around to telling him – “Hey, me and your dad? Yeah, we’re in a relationship, but we haven’t fucked yet so don’t worry.” – and told you maybe it was difficult to be with someone like him but sending you his best wishes otherwise. But of course, you were not a quitter.
Such as when you wanted to finally have sex with him, and when you finally did.
Perhaps you should’ve thought it through more; Vergil could lift a car with one hand and fling it more than one-hundred yards if he wanted to, he could rip a demon’s head off with one hand, kick a solid hole into a concrete wall, and not to mention all other demon abilities that he possessed. Such as what they called Devil Trigger. You had seen it before: a huge, blue, hulking beast full of scales, clawed nails, a long tail with the slicing tip, wings with a width span rivaling that of some sort of fairytale dragon, horns that executed a burn of blue fire (?), and the maw of sharp teeth that you had seen a handful of times whenever out on the field. However, you didn’t give it too much thought since you figured he only transformed during a fight and was always in control of it.
That was probably another case of poor judgement on your behalf.
Vergil was dominant through and through and practiced keeping himself composed above of all else, though at times it was you that was able to break that exterior and got him to loosen up – whether it was in the bedroom or not. At first you hadn’t been confident enough to push him like that, but when you were able to observe his eyes linger on your thighs if you wore any clothing exposing them, a vein rise from his temple that one time you wore that blue dress he liked with the slit up the leg and when you moved a certain way that revealed your panties, or when you had left the top three buttons undone of your shirt and watched his Adam’s apple bob with the deep swallow he made when you bent over in front of his face, it was enough to get you to try and get his attention to let him know you wanted him sexually as well as the way you already had him.
Vergil may have acted all stoic but the times you caught him just stripping out of nowhere in front of you and stretching a leg out until he could flex a thigh was enough to let you know the feeling was probably mutual. Often times he’d purposefully brush up against your back when you were in front of him, his hands drifting across your waist and trailing down your hips as he did so before ghosting away when you tried and lean back into his touch or turn around and look at him. He wanted you just as bad as you wanted him, though you had no idea why he would hold himself back.
More than often you found yourself on top of Vergil or underneath him as you both engaged in one of your many sessions of making-out and dry-humping, the trysts getting hot and heavy to the point you’d pull at his belt or snag a hand down the front of his pants in an unsaid beg for wanting him to just get inside of you once and for all. However it never ended up the way you wanted, Vergil would let out a hiss you had never really heard or knew he could do and roll away from you, chest heaving and nearly ripping the bedsheet apart from how hard he clutched it. Back then, you hadn’t known he was trying to control himself.
From what? Well…
Maybe you should have paid more attention to when his eyes would glow a haunting cat-like blue, or when you found shreds in your shirt from when his nails grew into talons, or that one time his tongue grew and slithered past your uvula in some form metaphorical oral sex as he made it thrust in, out and all around your mouth while it felt grooved. You were ashamed to admit that it made you cum from the feeling while you thought about how good it would feel eating you out as he did it.
Still, he never pushed it any further than foreplay and you would often go to bed with soaked underwear and him with an erection. Part of you thought he just didn’t want to, and another part of you had been afraid that from the way you gyrated your hips away on his erection and felt the size of him that you’d be unable to take him. But you were not a quitter and were horny beyond belief for him to just indent you into your mattress for once and all, and given how he’d grunt, groan and hiss into your mouth and skin, you knew the feeling was mutual.
So when the time came and you finally got him to actually fuck you and not just grind up on your clothed cunt or tease you with his fingers, nothing really prepared you for what happened. Looking back on it you found it funny, but in the heat of the moment you figured just why he would pull away from your dry-fucking moments.
(You knew a Devil Trigger could be caused by a state of heightened emotions… but not like Vergil had done during the first time you two had sex.)
In had started like that again, you two were alone at the shop again – you figured Vergil only engaged in intimacy like that when he knew Dante or Trish weren’t around to hear you both – and it was late at night while you two did your usual limbo. You couldn’t quite remember when he decided to say fuck it and push his cock inside of you. Maybe it was when you told him you were so wet that you were sure you could take all of him at once as he was two fingers deep in you, or when you struck his ego by saying if he couldn’t get you to cum like that he couldn’t get you to cum while actually inside of you as you rolled your soaked shorts up against his hard, clothed cock.
If you had to guess it was a mixture, the former being almost actual truth when he slid in with little to no resistance and the latter ticking him off so bad he tore shreds into your clothes while hissing at you in your ear and threatening to fuck you until you were begging for relief. Too bad for him that had been your plan.
That’s how you found yourself clutching the pillow underneath your head for dear life as Vergil’s cock was all but hitting your cervix while his hands had a near death grip on your hips in the process.
You shouldn’t have pushed his buttons, but damn, if that was what you got in return?
You’d keep doing it.
Your legs took purchase in one curling around his waist in attempts to hold on and the other hitched up on top of his shoulder, the ankle of the leg around his waist pressing into his skin and your heel against his lower back following in it as it curved and curled each time he fucked into you. The temperature in the room was boiling, perspiration lining your bodies down from the forehead to the conjunction of where both of your bodies were currently smacking into one and another. The only sounds you were really able to make out was the smacking of his skin into yours, the headboard of your shared bed knocking into the thinned wallpaper you desperately wanted to change, and your gasped out moans all jumbled in words varying of his name and praises from the ferocity of his movements.
Vergil’s face was probably a God-given sight to see; all flushed and his eyebrows knotted together in ecstasy as he kept his jaw clenched to keep his poorly concealed grunts in his mouth, but alas he kept his lovely expression nearly face down in the pillow you were clasping onto that your head rested on as well. It didn’t help you were talking filthy in his ear either, the loud exhales growling and the grip on your hips bruising every time you moaned out his name driving him forward push and stretch your insides as much as he could.
Unclutching the fabric of the pillow you slid your hands out to dig your nails into his back, earning you a grunt and a particular hard thrust as he pulled out back far enough until his tip was resting on your opening before diving back in. It was insane on how good he felt, your toes curling as that ball of fire behind your naval burned further towards your eventual release whenever he fucked into you harder.
There had been a time you thought ‘How the fuck did someone like him have a son?’, but from the way he was fucking you then… It wasn’t hard to see how it happened.
He was feral, unrestrained and – dare you say it – desperate.
You panted out again as your body rocked underneath his in unison to his hips, mouth finding his ear again to push at his resolve more, “If I would’ve known you – mmmGod – known you’d be like this, I would’ve – fuckrightthere – would’ve begged you more.”
…Was something pinching the skin of your hips?
You didn’t get to look and check when Vergil abruptly let go of your hips and let them land on the headboard above you two, his upper body moving slightly away from yours as the new position allowed him to pick up his speed. You let your eyes finally feast in looking up at his face, an electrifying tingle finding itself into your clit whenever his expression was just like you thought it would be. He looked like he was holding some poorly concealed agitation in, though you knew it was just a mix of his arousal and concentration. You didn’t know what he was so concentrated on, but if it was keeping him to literally rearrange your entire pelvic region… you were fine with it.
Vergil’s eyes fluttered open for a moment when you squeezed around him, a quick peek of his eyes showing you the icy grey you loved to look was bordering on a vivid azure with his pupils dilating back inwards and letting his irises take over. His lips pulled down in a deeper frown when he let a grunt slip by his lips, his pace growing harder and faster as if he wasn’t already balls deep in your pussy and slamming up into your innermost reach. A keening moan of his name caused his eyebrows to furrow greater and his jaw to clench harder as you jerked from the new sound from above you.
It was a scratching noise, almost like a cat was taking it’s claws onto a scratching post but instead it was on your headboard. You paused in your nearly drunken-stupor from clawing at his back in nicks that were already healing and your loud moaning to tilt your head backwards for a look, yet one of Vergil’s hands was quick to grab ahold of your chin and angle your head back towards him.
His eyes nearly made you want to shy away from how intense they were staring down into your own, the shining azure color taking them over and all but glowing in the moonlight shining down into your room. When your eyes shut and you tightened up around his cock once more, he squeezed your cheeks together and an amused huff fell out of him, “What’s the matter? You were so adamant in getting me inside of you, and now you’re suddenly shy?” a hum left him as he slowed to a mouthwatering roll and abruptly the air felt… static-like, his oddly rough hand falling from your face for two of his fingers to press down hard onto your clit.
The jolt of pleasure was nearly mind-numbing whenever the rough exterior of his fingers began to rub your swollen clit in intervals of up and down, back and forth, and sometimes rolling the area and pinching it between his fingertips. You were starting to squirm then because holy shit, why did his fingers feel so fucking rough but so good, and the way they were massaging your clit in swipes had you rolling your eyes back and mouth gaping from how fucking good it felt. There was slight angle of pain but it was quickly overwhelmed and mixed in with the pleasure he was giving you, the knot behind your naval just building, building, and building.
“OhmyGod, Vergil pleasegofaster,” you babbled out in-between the excessive amount of moans and whines as your hands made way to scrape at his chest.
Vergil bent lower, a low groan slipping out again whenever the angle pushed his cock deeper into your warmth and you could’ve swore his own eyes spun back a fraction, until his face was close for his lips to close around one of your nipples. Him biting and sucking at your breasts was one thing, but feeling that fucking ribbed tongue swirling around the expanse of your areola and the highest point of your nipple – oh Jesus fuck why was he so good at it? You didn’t care nor give it any thought that the man was slowly changing right before your very eyes, your frontal lobe only focusing on the slope you were sliding down for your orgasm and just Vergil, Vergil, Vergil.
The mantra in your mind was repeated past your tongue as he bit at your tit one last time and then that sinful tongue was sliding up past your chest, over your throat, along your jaw, before his mouth found way for your ear again. His teeth felt sharper than normal as he took your earlobe between them until he decided to latch off and bless you with his voice that was slowly beginning to lose its composure.
“Are you begging now? How indecent of you, it’s almost pathetic how desperate you sound.”
…Why did his voice sound like that? It was a near sort of echo, the underlining of his usual nasally voice was there but it was twinged with something else that you couldn’t put your finger on. It felt like that static ambience still wrapped around you two, though he almost sounded… like not himself, but still was him.
Whatever it was it twisted around into your bones and muscles, turning the former into mush and the latter tensing as it vibrated your body from the top of your head sliding down your spine until your toes were curling again over the respective parts of his body. You were nearly ashamed at how much you liked it when he spoke to you like that, the fact in that matter not lost on him when you reared up back at it and clenched around his throbbing cock once more as your sense of reasoning began to slowly fall from you.
You weren’t about to let him off the hook for verbal assault, not when you could feel how hot he was growing inside of you and how his dick was beginning to swell almost as if it was growing from your actions. Not only that, you mused as you intertwined your fingers into his deliberately falling hair, the noises he was making that nearly had you cumming on the spot were enough to let you know he wasn’t as reserved as he was letting himself out to be.
You jerked his head back so that his face was level with yours and both of lips were skimming across each other, relishing in the harsh thrust from the action and when his fingers rolling your clit fell off for a brief moment as a hiss pushed past his plumped lips, “You’re one to talk since you can barely keep it together,” you arched your back to push him as deep as you could and watched his nostrils flare when your cunt seemed to swallow him whole, “I know you wanna let loose, so why don’t you?”
Vergil’s expression scrunched up in a full-blown scowl then, his hip bones slamming into yours faster and harder as you heard…a growl leave his chest, “Stop talking.”
His fingers on your clit sped up after that, the movements of the rubbing matching your poor excuse of grinding to keep up with him and the scratching noise above you picking back up again. Your thigh was burning from the stretch of your leg over his shoulder, but the blurring line between pain and pleasure was long gone since you were gradually beginning to lose all hold you had on holding back from cumming. He was getting tough in letting his cock kiss that sensitive region inside of you, pulling his cockhead all the way out of you and delivering a harsh push back to hit as far as he could. Each push and pull had you reeling, eyes rolling back and broken moans leaving you as you struggled to keep up and form a coherent sentence to drive back at him.
You weren’t finished egging him on, you wanted him to fulfill that threat (promise?) he had said before.
Your fingers were slowly losing the grip they had on his hair as your body bounced and slid up on the bed underneath his body, “I know this issss’t all you can do, I wanna feel it,” a high-pitched gasp left you when his fingers pinched your clit, “don’tdothat, I’mgonnacum – I want you to cum inside of me –”
“Vergil please, you have me already. I wanna feel you. I want it all.” Your head was getting fuzzy, the stretch in your lower abdomen pulling to its full extent as his cock grew hotter and began throbbing longer pulsing into your cunt. You wanted it so bad, you wanted him so bad and you were clawing more at his chest as that coil began to unravel.
Vergil rose up away from you onto his knees, your leg on his shoulder falling off to land uselessly onto the mattress as you watched in pleasure-filled vision his head tilt backwards and his Adam’s apple bob from the bitter swallow he took. His hand on the headboard fell to curl up underneath your lower back to push your hips upwards off the bed to dig deeper into you, his fingers moving faster as his chest started to heave. The new angle left you breathless as his thick shaft began to feel as if it was ramming its way into your intestines, another round of babbles and mewls leaving you when his hips pushed desperately into your body.
His thumb was digging itself into your lower spine as he grunted out his next words, no doubt a bruise going to be left behind, “Damn you. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
A warning was going off in the back of your mind, a strong shift in the air as Vergil’s breathing grew louder, combining with a hissing that was bordering on sounding like one of the demons you hunted had gotten into your bedroom. Maybe you should’ve paid attention to the scales beginning to form up on his arm and start to take over the left side of his face, and maybe you should’ve noticed the twinkling blue sparks beginning to fleck off and around him. But you were too focused on what he was doing to you too care, but fuck you were just right there and you were about to cum because his fingers combined with the sheer size of his cock alone were spiraling you into your personal haven and God just right there, right there, rightthererightthererightthere –
You made one last ditch effort to push at him as a long-winding moan of his name bubbled from you, your hands fisting into the sheets and nearly ripping them as Vergil was on the cusp of losing control, “I can take it, please, jus’ do what you said you were gonna do earlier.”
That got his attention, his fingers pausing their wrath on your clit as his shoulders tensed; he knew what you were talking about. “Be quiet,” his tone sounded cold, but the steady rhythm of his thrusting and his fingers rolling vigorously on you was enough to let you know you almost had him.
And he almost had you cumming all over his dick as the last of your resolve was pushed out in a hair-raising moan and some fast chattering to finally feel him once and for all, “God just fuck me, Vergil. Fuck me so hard I’m begging for relief from you from how much you fill me up ohholyfuck –”
Your sentence trailed off as a snarling groan took over the sound in the room and his pace kicked into a destructive speed, a distorted curse spitting off his tongue as something popped and a shuttering noise flew into your ears while the inside of you felt briefly stunned from the action. After that, your body was suddenly uncoiling itself in the throes of your orgasm with a gasping whine of his name.
Your cunt constricted around his cock in a poor effort to hold on, but the action had you spasming in one of the most intense orgasms you had ever experienced. The others paled in comparison from those late nights fingering yourself at the thought of him, your body feeling electrified from the intensity of it and your limbs jerking to find any part of his body to hold on to as you rushed through it. You didn’t know why your cunt and his dick felt like they were buzzing and vibrating from the release, but the heightened stimulation had you squirming throwing your head back onto the pillow with a gaping mouth and eyes spinning into your mind while the hairs on your body rose from the change in the atmosphere. You were well aware you had gushed all over his cock as your legs jerked from the pleasure, and in the back of your mind you were only vaguely aware that something about him shifted.
Something as in his entire appearance.
The static was back as it curled itself around your body and left you feeling frazzled and your limbs exhausted, and you were only densely conscious enough to realize that the skin you had curled your one leg around didn’t feel like skin any longer. Your chest was heaving as you felt a new wave of sweat line up on your forehead and down your pelvis, fingers bunching up the sheets as you tried to slow your breathing and heart rate down, and a warped, huffing mixed sound of growling rolled out above you. Your bedroom felt hotter than before and after a few moments of blinking back into clarity, you rose your head to look back at Vergil to see why he hadn’t made any noise or indication of cumming –
You froze.
Gone was the gorgeous, ivory-colored skin, icy grey eyes, and silver-white hair, instead in its place was that hulking beast you had only seen a handful of times. You traced your eyes towards where you two were still conjoined, over the glowing ‘V’ on his chest, and finally up towards his face where you were only able to make out that luminescent blue where his eyes were supposed to be. Had he –
He.. triggered instead.. of cumming? You didn’t know whether to feel proud or suffer a blow to your ego over that.
You stared at him, blinking a couple of times.
Vergil… stared back – you think anyway – and you weren’t entirely too sure if he could even blink in that form.
You swallowed after a few moments and let your already hoarse voice break the silence, “Vergil, what… Are you – I mean,” you wiggled for a brief second as his newly-formed, scaled hand came to press down onto your lower abdomen to cease any other movement from you, “Did you mean to do this or…?”
The noise he made nearly sounded like a chuff tigers made, a movement from his backside letting you see his tail whip up into the air before it slithered up around your thigh next to his jutted hip. You watched curiously as the scaled appendage curled around said part, the bladed tip of it knocking against your skin in an action that was bizarrely reminiscent of cat slowly tapping the tip of its tail onto a surface. Vergil still hadn’t spoke, which you knew he was able to in that form, and you had half a mind to just ask if he went into some type of demonic state where he was more Devil than man (more than just his appearance, mind you).
However you knew better than that, Vergil was still Vergil in that manner and his standing still action with him remaining inside of you not making a single movement was a key factor that he was being precautious. You supposed you weren’t really thinking too hard whenever you were egging him to finally give in and let loose, but you always didn’t think it would end up with just… triggering.
Nevertheless… it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it was still Vergil; especially since you were pretty fucking sure he had grown bigger inside of you.
You got your answer when you shifted again and okay, yeah, he was just as big and hulking as his new form as he was down there, and Jesus fuck you were pretty sure he was in your stomach then. Letting out a winding exhale you gripped at his wrist onto your lower abdomen when what you guessed was his cockhead angled upwards inside of you, “Vergil, just –” the weight from his hand pressed down harder and your eyes crossed when a new shock of ecstasy fluttered inside of you. God, you felt fucking stuffed, but the new tingling in your clit was something you couldn’t ignore and since you felt not one essence of his cum inside of you… You waved your other hand in the air.
“Just – just keep going, it’s fine.” You sounded so out of breath, but it was to be expected when you had his literal fat monster cock in you. “I mean, always up for new things right?” ‘Up for new things’, this was the first time you two were having sex.
(Though you didn’t think it could’ve qualified as ‘sex’, what you two ended up doing was just straight nasty fucking after months of piled up sexual tension and frustration. Perhaps not the smartest decision to do it in his Devil Trigger, but hey, first time for everything.)
After all, if you were going to commit to liking someone with a dual form like that then you were going to have to buckle down into the possible monster fucking because if you didn’t… did you even love them?
Vergil, more or less, above you seemed at a fork in the road but when he pushed his hips forward and watched your face wince up from the expanding stretch and felt your pussy tighten at a near painful degree he knew was for you, he was pulling out. A high-pitched, indignant noise left you at his loss and the sting from which he pulled himself from so abruptly, and he was quick to snag your ankle of the leg that wasn’t currently wounded by his tail when you tried to coercer him back to you. You paid no mind that perhaps he was completely coated in your cum and that his cock was not the same one you saw earlier – sans human skin and instead something probably a little more rigid and dangerous-looking and blue – but you really didn’t mind once more since you were fighting a fire for more stimulation.
You didn’t have to wait long either for it, Vergil finally broke out of his silence as a claw-tipped finger tapped onto your ankle bone and his voice was that same distortion from before that sent vibrations throughout the bed and you.
“I’ll have another, then after that I’ll have my way with you.”
Another? “What do you mean another – ACK –” you didn’t get to finish that question when Vergil used the hold he had on you to swiftly flip your body over, a yelp falling out of your mouth when he gripped your hips and positioned you in the way he wanted you. Said position was on your hands and knees with his tail holding your thigh lifting your one leg into the air slightly as a hand came up under you to splay over your lower abdomen to keep you balanced. Your fingers gripped into your sheets hard as the other clawed hand was clutching the thigh not currently suspended into the air and you felt a humid waft of air from his maw blow over your horribly exposed pussy. Your cheeks warmed as you realized the gravity of the situation.
Was he going to –
“For now, I’ll have a taste of what your dripping with.”
You didn’t get a chance to answer to that sinful statement, as for Vergil’s serpentine tongue was already slithering out of his jaws and taking one slow lick up your soaked folds. You were ashamed when your one leg placed onto the bed already starting shaking from it the action, though you couldn’t blame yourself too much since you were still sensitive from cumming mere minutes beforehand and that Vergil’s tongue was of that same ribbed exterior that day you felt him in your mouth. It felt like… God, you didn’t even know, but God it felt good. A shaky exhale left you as the grip on your thigh left to press down onto your lower back, the weight causing you to fall onto your elbows for the position to expose yourself more to his greedy tongue.
Vergil wasn’t one the beat around the bush you learned once he really set his mind to something, and that something at that time was eating your pussy out. If you had to explain it, it was as if your brain all but fried when the grooved tip on his tongue spread and pushed through your folds until the length of the appendage was wiggling up inside of your cunt and whatthefuck –
“Vergil, holy shit, your tongue –” you whimpered out the rest of your mumble as you leant down to pressed your face into your sheets.
The only answer you got was a hot exhale combined with a rumbling growl, his hands on your respective areas sluggishly beginning to rock you back and forth on his tongue. The noise that left you was something out of a hardcore porno, your sweaty forehead digging into the mattress as you felt each grooved lining on his organ run up against your walls and urging you to swing your hips back and forth, to and from his face. You did just that, moans and whines of all caliber falling desperately as you rolled yourself in intervals to get a feel for every dip and dart of his tongue against your soft insides.
You were already well on your way to falling for another orgasm when you started to push back against his face harder, your toes curling as he hitched your leg higher and a grunt escaping when you decided to clench and unclench around his tongue as much as you could. He picked up the pace in his swirling to taste every inch of your cunt and coat your walls with as much of his saliva as he could while he licked up the expanse of you. The knot behind your naval then felt heavier, your back arching further inwards as his grunts and growls kept up with your own moans and pants.
“Fuck, just like that. Keep go-going,” you paused as your knee on the bed started to shake more with the intensity building back up inside your cunt and your clit feeling pressurized even though nothing was arousing it that time, his tongue slithering up and inside your leaking cunt enough to push you towards your release. “It feels so good please… I’m gonna cum again.”
The response you got was a louder, eager grumble from deep within his chest, the claws he sported slightly pricking your flesh as the fleeting pinch of pain only added on to you doubling down into your orgasm. His tail coiled around your thigh tighter and the slicing tip was wriggling out into the air next to your skin, his eagerness showing his in subtle actions to get you to come on his tongue that time. And fuck, if you had spilled out all in your panties whenever he swiped that slick organ around your mouth and down your throat as he rocked his boner into you nearly a week ago, you would have no problem doing it for him then.
The force in which your hips were rocking back into his face was bordering on desperate as you were nearing your peak, your cunt already beginning spasm while he continued to literally tongue-fuck you. The hot huffs from his open maw grew louder and faster against your ass, the pulsing hums he was letting roll off his slick appendage vibrating the inside of you as you desperately clawed at the sheets while your back arched dangerously. You squealed and whined whenever his tongue slipped out of you for a brief moment to run the fat of it along the entire outer parts your pussy, starting with the tip teasing your clit in fast nudges, and the brute of it flattening itself along your folds to catch the fluids so keenly dripping out of your gaping opening.
When Vergil darted back inside your drenched cunt to swipe at your innermost wall faster and harder before, you were all but done. “Vergil!” was your last keening cry as his hand on your lower abdomen pushed up further into your guts, the coil holding your second release together snapping while he continued to tongue-fuck you through the entirety of your orgasm.
That time around your eyes crossed as your vision busted into a different world of colors, your pussy canal nearly acting like a bottle of wine losing its cork as you squirted out and around his tongue. A white-hot tingle shot from your cranial nerve down into your toes had you jerking and squirming about as your cunt trembled and clenched around his tongue for retribution. You didn’t mind too much you had embarrassingly squirted into his face, the evidence of so slipping past his mouth and dribbling onto the sheets next to your quivering knee as you fought to keep balance from the mind-blowing orgasm. Vergil didn’t mind at all, the groan leaving him downright sinful as he let his tongue slip out and wipe up any excess of your cum and fluid that had passed by his mouth. You were thankful for his hands still on your body holding you up and his tail began slowly lowering your other leg back onto the bed as he finished his licking to clean you up while your body shook and you fought back through clarity of from cumming so hard.
A sigh left you when you felt him pull away from your cunt, the body part throbbing excessively and so goddamn sensitive you were sure a single touch would have you reeling back into pleasure once more. It was hot and everything smelled like him as you tried to catch your breath through heaving once more, however your knees were beginning to slide outwards as your nerves were too wired to keep yourself together. You would’ve fallen down onto the bed if he hadn’t caught you by the hips while he angled you back upwards into the way he liked. His tail unfurled from your thigh, though the accessory wriggled around underneath where your abdomen was in slow strokes afterwards as its tip grazed along past your breasts and along your naval making you shudder.
It seemed he wasn’t about to waste any more time, his cock heavy with the need to just finally cum and have you the way he wanted.
Vergil didn’t give any warning that he was ready shove his cock back in you, the only way you knew from your position was when his bulked, scaled pelvis knocked into your ass and another loud exhale of hot air blew across your back. Granted he was slow as he eased into you, but that didn’t stop you from gasping at how fucking far he was stretching your insides that time by just only a few inches of him and your body was involuntarily sliding up forward away from him. The sheer sting was the cause of that reaction, as it nearly felt like his dick was expanding your pelvic bones entirely to accommodate room for him.
“Stay,” was the only word grumbled out from him at first, a hand skimming down your spine in an unspoken word of comfort. He let you wiggle around for a few moments until a long breath left you as you loosened up, and then he was sliding himself back all the way in, relishing in the way you immediately moaned and tightened up around him at the easy entrance. “So wet, so easy; almost like you were just made for this. Are you so desperate to please me that you’ll let me use you as I want?”
His words alone had you moaning again, the mere tone of them and the hissing edge they held letting you grip up harder on him and rock back into his hips, “Don’t act so high and mighty, earlier you were fighting to not lose control and now look at you.” Yeah you said in a fight to bite back at his words, but God if you didn’t feel like telling him to outright fuck you into the mattress or just fuck yourself back onto him because his dick was sitting fat and heavy inside of you and you desperately wanted to just move to let you feel the full brute of him rearranging your guts.
You knew you shouldn’t have pushed a feral Vergil, especially since earlier you had proclaimed you wanted him to fuck you until you were begging for relief and full of his cum because…
Fuck you he did.
You heard another snarling grunt from behind you, his hands tightening on your hips as he almost lethargically pulled his shaft out until his cockhead was kissing your folds and then with one quick snap he was seated back inside of you and setting himself in a maddening, torturous pace.
You had managed a choked moan from that, your breath being knocked out of you as you bounced back and forth from his steady, deep, somewhat slow movements as your ass smacked against his hardened, jutted hip bones. The noise of both of your bodies was incredibly obscene when you combined the sound your backside harshly slapping into his pelvis, while you could hear the squish of your pussy overwhelmed with your cum and fluids every time he pulled back far enough and diving back in.
It wasn’t enough though, the deep dives were gut-wrenching and had you gasping more than moaning but you knew it was his own form of punishment against you for your bratty behavior.
From the ferocity of his thrusts jolting your body, your words began to line in tune with each time he pushed into you and pulled out, “God Vergil – you’re – driving me – insane! Oh fuck… c’mon – fuck me – harder.”
His hand came down and smacked onto your ass, something he had never done before in the months you had been together, and you yelped from the sting as you fell back down onto your elbows. He kept one hand digging into your hip but the other was pushing your back farther into an arch for his cock to hit a new angle that almost made you drool. Once he got you there it was another deliberate pull out and snapping back into you as his hand glided around the press onto your lower abdomen –
Was that even possible? Shit, who cares it feels so good. So good that Vergil was groaning in a hiss as you squeezed him whenever you felt him bulge through the lower part of your body. His slick, hot tongue was lapping up your spine in a tease to taste the sweat lining your back before you felt him lower down near your ear to speak again.
“Tell me again what you want.”
Bastard. Though as he said that, he was literally beginning to give you what you really wanted.
Gone was the sluggish, deep strokes, in their place a faster speed making you bounce faster as he leant back up away from you. Your eyes fluttered shut when you felt another orgasm on the brink, your brain nearly blocking out what he had whispered into your ear as you started to just focus on the pleasure you were receiving. However, your lover wasn’t so merciful to let you off the hook.
Vergil’s hand came back down to slap at your ass again as you moaned from the newfound stimulation it gave, “Answer me, brat.”
Your eyes rolled back as you tried to buck your hips to fuck back into him, your nails beginning to claw into the sheets below you, “I – Mmm, I want –”
His tail was sliding up one of your thighs again, “What want? Speak clearly.”
His cock was hard and hot in you, “Shit – Vergil, please.”
His pace picked up, the headboard of the bed knocking obscenely loud into the wall rough enough to crack it, “Begging now? You should see yourself crying out for me like some whore,” the mattress shifted and in your peripheral vision you could see one of his clawed raptor-looking feet you usually laughed at come to balance himself on it, and then his tail was sliding up around your back, “You’re maddening.” His voice was teetering onto a fine, sharp edge, the movements of his ferocious thrusting becoming jagged as his resolve seemed to turn on him and you knew then he was getting close to cumming.
However because of Vergil’s newfound realization he was heading towards his own end, he found a means to better fuck you, or to better use you for both of your enjoyment.
His tail wrapped around your abdomen.
Your first instinct was to grab ahold of the accessory with one of your hands, a gasp falling out of you from how he coiled it around tight enough to keep you where he wanted you but not enough to hurt you. Your second instinct was to arch harder and then your third was to –
You didn’t give it much thought, because Vergil had decided to go from fucking you to using his tail to pull your body back and forth onto his cock in hurried movements, and –
“OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod,” you chanted out in a mewl of a babble, both of your hands gripping to the scaled appendage wrapped around you as it kept you in the position he wanted. Your brain was surely mush then, your cunt unclenching and clenching in a hasty fashion as the new pace and angle crossed your eyes and careened you down further into cumming all over his cock again.
Your cheek found itself pushed into your bed as he pressed you down further with a rough palm, his distorted voice then sounded more choked up and losing its composure, “You like this, don’t you? Being used like this by a demon?”
All of your sense and reasoning was out of the window, another harsh moan leaving you as you listened to him speak, “Mmmm, I love it!”
Vergil’s hold on your hips grew to bruising as he started to fuck back into your bouncing body while continuing to use his tail as leverage to pull you into him, an air of desperation about him while more grunts left him, “If you love it so much, tell me what you want me to do.”
You were about to cum, his dick stretching you out so much and slamming into practically your cervix as your nerves lit up and any discomfort from the rough treatment exploded into full-blown pleasure. He continued to hit that one spot that had you keening and your teeth biting into the sheet as well, hissing as your sounds grew louder and your pussy impossibly wet and tighter. He knew you were about to cum, and with that knowledge a rough fingertip was grazing across your swollen clit in a means to get you to finally unravel and screaming to him of what you wanted.
“Say it.”
The reaction was instantaneous, your muscles bunching up, eyes watering as the pressure in your cunt grew tenfold, his rough movements, and your rapidly approaching orgasm let the words flow freely from your mouth.
“Vergil, please, I want you to cum in me! Just –” a louder whine fell out of you when he pushed you down in retaliation for more of your pleas, struggling to take his hard thrusts as you finally felt yourself let go and felt your cunt gush and squeeze one last time as you rambled the rest of your begs in a high-pitched cry.
“I’m yours, Vergil! Fuck me full of your cum… Mmf, breed me, Vergil!"
The answering snarl was devastating, his tail heaving you upwards onto your knees for your back to press against his scalding front side as his tongue slid back out of his mouth licking up the expanse of your throat until it found itself into your mouth. You eagerly accepted the crude mean as a replacement for a kiss, your eyes rolling back into your head as you sucked around the appendage and your hips sporadically jerked into his still thrusting cock as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. It was the same as before with your vision bursting into colors behind your eyelids and your frontal lobe feebly chasing that emotion of endorphins released into your veins as you came undone in front of him for the third time that night.
Your third release left you feeling spent and exhausted, legs quivering in their place as your moans fell into huffing noises with your body falling back onto the bed as Vergil hissed, snarled and groaned his way to finally giving you both what you asked for. The gush of air and new shadow expanding behind told you that his wings had unfurled, the last of his composure leaving him whenever he pushed back into you with a ferocious jab that cracked the wall above your bed and a long-uttering satisfied groan vibrated the entire room.
Your eyes spun back when you felt the warm spurts of his cum shoot inside of your awaiting cunt and literally stuff you full as a feeling of mild electrification prickled the hair on your body. It nearly felt as if he never was going to stop, the new heat in your pussy sliding down throughout the inside of you. You could feel the thick girth of the liquid passing through your cervix and into your womb as Vergil’s hips rocked slowly with each new spray into you until finally he came to a full stop with his cock sitting snugly inside of you to hold all of his cum in your cunt for the time being. His fingers flexed as they returned to both grasping your hips with a hissing exhale that you felt deep into your stomach, and meanwhile you tried to force your mind and body to leave that fucking high and try to at least find yourself into some clarity from probably the best fucking and orgasms you had ever felt.
It was a few moments of catching your breath and letting your heart calm down on both ends when Vergil slowly started to slide out of you, the full feeling in your lower abdomen leaving you like air slowly being let out of a balloon until his cockhead was kissing your folds. Vaguely you were aware of your cunt clenching and throbbing around nothing for the loss of him, your opening gaping as you felt the remains of what he fucked into you start to ooze out until he was pushing his dick back in with a slow roll to fuck his cum back into you. You whimpered as you clutched the sheets again, your insides entirely too sensitive and used for any other stimulation for that time while he continued until he was sure you were, indeed, fucked full.
“Easy.” Yeah okay, it was easy for him to say that since he was the one that didn’t get their pelvic region bottomed out.
Vergil granted you that break finally, his cock along with the whole of his body leaving after he was satisfied with his work. His tail unfurled from around you and the loss of what was the only thing that was holding you up on your useless legs caused you to almost fall into the mattress completely if it wasn’t for his arm wrapping up under your breasts to hold until you both fell onto the bed together.
His human arm.
That static in the air was gone, the feeling of like you were on the cusp of being shocked gone while the heat in the room began to dissipate into the normal temperature of the shop. The back of your head found a spot onto his shoulder while your legs entwined with one and another’s as you continued still to calm your heaving down while Vergil’s thumb stroked a gentle pass on your sternum. His breathing seemed to notch back down after he left his triggered form and buried his nose into your hair, but the deep inhales and exhales were signs he was too still suffering from the aftermath.
Briefly, you wondered when the last time he had sex was. Then you decided that from his feral behavior: a long time ago.
“Your pulse is still racing,” he spoke after a while of you both staring up at the dark ceiling, voice slightly croaky and out of breath.
Gee, I wonder why. You threw up a hand and let it fall onto his chest in a gentle tap, “Well I mean, I did just get the shit fucked out of me. And I think you literally might’ve shifted the bones in my pelvis and hips around.”
The back of his hand came up to wipe at the sweat on your forehead, “…I apologize if I caused you any discomfort,” he mumbled into your hair, almost so quietly that you nearly missed it.
The first thing you said was a tease, “Vergil? Apologizing? If pussy gets you like this then we should’ve done this sooner.”
He pinched your nipple.
You squealed and wiggled against him until he let up, his hand returning to sit at your sternum, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry!”
You sighed as you really thought about his words; was he honestly thinking you might’ve not liked it after you begged him for it? Sure you probably would be bowlegged the next day, and yeah he literally cracked the wall and nearly broke the headboard and clawed the Hell out of it, and okay maybe you would have some little bruises on your hips where he held you, but he was being foolish to think you didn’t want it. You had wanted him physically like that for a long time aside to having him emotionally and mentally, and it was even better than you imagined for a man who looked like he’d rather eat dirt than have any physical contact with people.
It’s always the quiet ones.
You didn’t like it, you loved it.
“You didn’t hurt me, at least not in the way I might’ve wanted,” you eventually answered, feeling an amused huff blew into your hair. He didn’t answer you after that, the silence stretching between you two as you finally calmed down enough and came to your senses – your senses being bothering him as much as you could. His face was still buried into your hair whenever your usual annoying antics came back as you both basked in that post-coital bliss.
“I have a serious question.”
Vergil only grunted.
“Soo, I noticed before that when you triggered before that you couldn’t actually see your dick in that form. Does it, y’know, have its own little sheathe?” ‘Little’ was probably an understatement.
He was still for a few moments until you felt the bed shift and his body move away until you were given sight to him leaning up over you and staring down at you with the blankest face you had ever seen on the man. Vergil’s hair had fallen from its usual slicked back fashion, a feat you only got to saw when he slept for the night and when it was wet, and the silver of his eyes were barely visible through the white-grey strands but you could still feel the brute of his piercing stare.
Vergil only stared down at you.
“I’m being serious, but if you don’t wanna answer you don’t have to. Probably a sensitive topic since you can’t literally cockfight Dante in that form like you two normally do.”
You watched his eyes narrow.
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s true.”
Evidently he had enough of your little prattle, his body moving way too swiftly for someone that just had sex so roughly as he rolled himself on top and pinched both of your cheeks between his fingers.
“You have no filter, do you? You just spout whatever comes to mind that you can use to demean me in your own childish way.”
“Mmmsorry, ow!”
His hips wormed their way in-between your thighs once more, your lower abdomen curling at the feeling, “Perhaps I should find better ways to keep your mouth occupied.”
“Is that a dig at wanting a blowjob?”
A hum left him and you jolted when you felt the press of his cock against your clit, a pleading gasp falling from your squished cheeks as you bucked against him, “Not exactly, I quite like it when you’re begging.”
He wasn’t… Already?! “Again?”
Vergil’s hands left your face and one was already curling around your thigh to hitch it around his hip as the other balanced onto the mattress next to you, one of his rare, devilish smirks on his face as he watched you grow flustered, “Again.”
A gasp mixed together with a moan fell out of you when he slid back inside of your still warm and wet cunt with absolutely no problems, your hands coming up to clutch at his forearms as he started off into a slow grind for the second round. Another hum rumbled deep from within his chest as he bent down and languidly kissed you when you started to sigh from the gentle movements, only breaking off the lip lock to mumble his new resolve against your mouth.
“After all, weren’t you the one that said you wanted yourself full of me until you were begging for relief?”
Honestly, you really should’ve expected your first time having sex with Vergil would end up like that.
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xo2dee · 4 days ago
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PAIRING: Vergil x (Fem)Reader WARNINGS: MDNI/18+ ONLY. Vaginal sex, oral sex, cunnilingus, spanking, dirty talk, degradation, rough sex, breeding kink, creampie, sin devil trigger sex, monster fucking WORD COUNT: 9,569 SUMMARY: Honestly, you really should’ve expected your first time having sex with Vergil would end up like that.
A/N: look, all im saying is: would.
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You thought you had gotten your fair share of relationship advice from all of your snooping women family members and friends as you had grown up, and you were completely set when it came down to the romantic aspect of your life. Though nothing could’ve really prepared you for one of the only real and serious relationships you actually ended up in. Your mother and aunts had nothing on how to date a damn half-demon.
Or how to engage in sex with a half-demon.
On your behalf you figured it was just the same as having sex with a… human (it sounded so odd when you said it aloud), your half-demon looked like a ‘regular’ man – if you could count white hair, standing at six-foot-five, carrying around katana everywhere, and a stare that could make lesser strong-willed people piss themselves… Actually, you were completely wrong to think it was the same.
A relationship with Vergil was… interesting at times, but you were no quitter. Granted the two of yours relationship was ridiculously rocky at the beginning, but it came to a heads and you were later able to learn after jumping him and making out with him you two had been evidently pining for one and another so hard it made Dante sick and he’d been doing everything in his power to get you both laid and to stop eye-fucking each other every five minutes. Dante had been the one to warn you of getting into something like that with his elder brother, Nero almost looking traumatized when you had gotten around to telling him – “Hey, me and your dad? Yeah, we’re in a relationship, but we haven’t fucked yet so don’t worry.” – and told you maybe it was difficult to be with someone like him but sending you his best wishes otherwise. But of course, you were not a quitter.
Such as when you wanted to finally have sex with him, and when you finally did.
Perhaps you should’ve thought it through more; Vergil could lift a car with one hand and fling it more than one-hundred yards if he wanted to, he could rip a demon’s head off with one hand, kick a solid hole into a concrete wall, and not to mention all other demon abilities that he possessed. Such as what they called Devil Trigger. You had seen it before: a huge, blue, hulking beast full of scales, clawed nails, a long tail with the slicing tip, wings with a width span rivaling that of some sort of fairytale dragon, horns that executed a burn of blue fire (?), and the maw of sharp teeth that you had seen a handful of times whenever out on the field. However, you didn’t give it too much thought since you figured he only transformed during a fight and was always in control of it.
That was probably another case of poor judgement on your behalf.
Vergil was dominant through and through and practiced keeping himself composed above of all else, though at times it was you that was able to break that exterior and got him to loosen up – whether it was in the bedroom or not. At first you hadn’t been confident enough to push him like that, but when you were able to observe his eyes linger on your thighs if you wore any clothing exposing them, a vein rise from his temple that one time you wore that blue dress he liked with the slit up the leg and when you moved a certain way that revealed your panties, or when you had left the top three buttons undone of your shirt and watched his Adam’s apple bob with the deep swallow he made when you bent over in front of his face, it was enough to get you to try and get his attention to let him know you wanted him sexually as well as the way you already had him.
Vergil may have acted all stoic but the times you caught him just stripping out of nowhere in front of you and stretching a leg out until he could flex a thigh was enough to let you know the feeling was probably mutual. Often times he’d purposefully brush up against your back when you were in front of him, his hands drifting across your waist and trailing down your hips as he did so before ghosting away when you tried and lean back into his touch or turn around and look at him. He wanted you just as bad as you wanted him, though you had no idea why he would hold himself back.
More than often you found yourself on top of Vergil or underneath him as you both engaged in one of your many sessions of making-out and dry-humping, the trysts getting hot and heavy to the point you’d pull at his belt or snag a hand down the front of his pants in an unsaid beg for wanting him to just get inside of you once and for all. However it never ended up the way you wanted, Vergil would let out a hiss you had never really heard or knew he could do and roll away from you, chest heaving and nearly ripping the bedsheet apart from how hard he clutched it. Back then, you hadn’t known he was trying to control himself.
From what? Well…
Maybe you should have paid more attention to when his eyes would glow a haunting cat-like blue, or when you found shreds in your shirt from when his nails grew into talons, or that one time his tongue grew and slithered past your uvula in some form metaphorical oral sex as he made it thrust in, out and all around your mouth while it felt grooved. You were ashamed to admit that it made you cum from the feeling while you thought about how good it would feel eating you out as he did it.
Still, he never pushed it any further than foreplay and you would often go to bed with soaked underwear and him with an erection. Part of you thought he just didn’t want to, and another part of you had been afraid that from the way you gyrated your hips away on his erection and felt the size of him that you’d be unable to take him. But you were not a quitter and were horny beyond belief for him to just indent you into your mattress for once and all, and given how he’d grunt, groan and hiss into your mouth and skin, you knew the feeling was mutual.
So when the time came and you finally got him to actually fuck you and not just grind up on your clothed cunt or tease you with his fingers, nothing really prepared you for what happened. Looking back on it you found it funny, but in the heat of the moment you figured just why he would pull away from your dry-fucking moments.
(You knew a Devil Trigger could be caused by a state of heightened emotions… but not like Vergil had done during the first time you two had sex.)
In had started like that again, you two were alone at the shop again – you figured Vergil only engaged in intimacy like that when he knew Dante or Trish weren’t around to hear you both – and it was late at night while you two did your usual limbo. You couldn’t quite remember when he decided to say fuck it and push his cock inside of you. Maybe it was when you told him you were so wet that you were sure you could take all of him at once as he was two fingers deep in you, or when you struck his ego by saying if he couldn’t get you to cum like that he couldn’t get you to cum while actually inside of you as you rolled your soaked shorts up against his hard, clothed cock.
If you had to guess it was a mixture, the former being almost actual truth when he slid in with little to no resistance and the latter ticking him off so bad he tore shreds into your clothes while hissing at you in your ear and threatening to fuck you until you were begging for relief. Too bad for him that had been your plan.
That’s how you found yourself clutching the pillow underneath your head for dear life as Vergil’s cock was all but hitting your cervix while his hands had a near death grip on your hips in the process.
You shouldn’t have pushed his buttons, but damn, if that was what you got in return?
You’d keep doing it.
Your legs took purchase in one curling around his waist in attempts to hold on and the other hitched up on top of his shoulder, the ankle of the leg around his waist pressing into his skin and your heel against his lower back following in it as it curved and curled each time he fucked into you. The temperature in the room was boiling, perspiration lining your bodies down from the forehead to the conjunction of where both of your bodies were currently smacking into one and another. The only sounds you were really able to make out was the smacking of his skin into yours, the headboard of your shared bed knocking into the thinned wallpaper you desperately wanted to change, and your gasped out moans all jumbled in words varying of his name and praises from the ferocity of his movements.
Vergil’s face was probably a God-given sight to see; all flushed and his eyebrows knotted together in ecstasy as he kept his jaw clenched to keep his poorly concealed grunts in his mouth, but alas he kept his lovely expression nearly face down in the pillow you were clasping onto that your head rested on as well. It didn’t help you were talking filthy in his ear either, the loud exhales growling and the grip on your hips bruising every time you moaned out his name driving him forward push and stretch your insides as much as he could.
Unclutching the fabric of the pillow you slid your hands out to dig your nails into his back, earning you a grunt and a particular hard thrust as he pulled out back far enough until his tip was resting on your opening before diving back in. It was insane on how good he felt, your toes curling as that ball of fire behind your naval burned further towards your eventual release whenever he fucked into you harder.
There had been a time you thought ‘How the fuck did someone like him have a son?’, but from the way he was fucking you then… It wasn’t hard to see how it happened.
He was feral, unrestrained and – dare you say it – desperate.
You panted out again as your body rocked underneath his in unison to his hips, mouth finding his ear again to push at his resolve more, “If I would’ve known you – mmmGod – known you’d be like this, I would’ve – fuckrightthere – would’ve begged you more.”
…Was something pinching the skin of your hips?
You didn’t get to look and check when Vergil abruptly let go of your hips and let them land on the headboard above you two, his upper body moving slightly away from yours as the new position allowed him to pick up his speed. You let your eyes finally feast in looking up at his face, an electrifying tingle finding itself into your clit whenever his expression was just like you thought it would be. He looked like he was holding some poorly concealed agitation in, though you knew it was just a mix of his arousal and concentration. You didn’t know what he was so concentrated on, but if it was keeping him to literally rearrange your entire pelvic region… you were fine with it.
Vergil’s eyes fluttered open for a moment when you squeezed around him, a quick peek of his eyes showing you the icy grey you loved to look was bordering on a vivid azure with his pupils dilating back inwards and letting his irises take over. His lips pulled down in a deeper frown when he let a grunt slip by his lips, his pace growing harder and faster as if he wasn’t already balls deep in your pussy and slamming up into your innermost reach. A keening moan of his name caused his eyebrows to furrow greater and his jaw to clench harder as you jerked from the new sound from above you.
It was a scratching noise, almost like a cat was taking it’s claws onto a scratching post but instead it was on your headboard. You paused in your nearly drunken-stupor from clawing at his back in nicks that were already healing and your loud moaning to tilt your head backwards for a look, yet one of Vergil’s hands was quick to grab ahold of your chin and angle your head back towards him.
His eyes nearly made you want to shy away from how intense they were staring down into your own, the shining azure color taking them over and all but glowing in the moonlight shining down into your room. When your eyes shut and you tightened up around his cock once more, he squeezed your cheeks together and an amused huff fell out of him, “What’s the matter? You were so adamant in getting me inside of you, and now you’re suddenly shy?” a hum left him as he slowed to a mouthwatering roll and abruptly the air felt… static-like, his oddly rough hand falling from your face for two of his fingers to press down hard onto your clit.
The jolt of pleasure was nearly mind-numbing whenever the rough exterior of his fingers began to rub your swollen clit in intervals of up and down, back and forth, and sometimes rolling the area and pinching it between his fingertips. You were starting to squirm then because holy shit, why did his fingers feel so fucking rough but so good, and the way they were massaging your clit in swipes had you rolling your eyes back and mouth gaping from how fucking good it felt. There was slight angle of pain but it was quickly overwhelmed and mixed in with the pleasure he was giving you, the knot behind your naval just building, building, and building.
“OhmyGod, Vergil pleasegofaster,” you babbled out in-between the excessive amount of moans and whines as your hands made way to scrape at his chest.
Vergil bent lower, a low groan slipping out again whenever the angle pushed his cock deeper into your warmth and you could’ve swore his own eyes spun back a fraction, until his face was close for his lips to close around one of your nipples. Him biting and sucking at your breasts was one thing, but feeling that fucking ribbed tongue swirling around the expanse of your areola and the highest point of your nipple – oh Jesus fuck why was he so good at it? You didn’t care nor give it any thought that the man was slowly changing right before your very eyes, your frontal lobe only focusing on the slope you were sliding down for your orgasm and just Vergil, Vergil, Vergil.
The mantra in your mind was repeated past your tongue as he bit at your tit one last time and then that sinful tongue was sliding up past your chest, over your throat, along your jaw, before his mouth found way for your ear again. His teeth felt sharper than normal as he took your earlobe between them until he decided to latch off and bless you with his voice that was slowly beginning to lose its composure.
“Are you begging now? How indecent of you, it’s almost pathetic how desperate you sound.”
…Why did his voice sound like that? It was a near sort of echo, the underlining of his usual nasally voice was there but it was twinged with something else that you couldn’t put your finger on. It felt like that static ambience still wrapped around you two, though he almost sounded… like not himself, but still was him.
Whatever it was it twisted around into your bones and muscles, turning the former into mush and the latter tensing as it vibrated your body from the top of your head sliding down your spine until your toes were curling again over the respective parts of his body. You were nearly ashamed at how much you liked it when he spoke to you like that, the fact in that matter not lost on him when you reared up back at it and clenched around his throbbing cock once more as your sense of reasoning began to slowly fall from you.
You weren’t about to let him off the hook for verbal assault, not when you could feel how hot he was growing inside of you and how his dick was beginning to swell almost as if it was growing from your actions. Not only that, you mused as you intertwined your fingers into his deliberately falling hair, the noises he was making that nearly had you cumming on the spot were enough to let you know he wasn’t as reserved as he was letting himself out to be.
You jerked his head back so that his face was level with yours and both of lips were skimming across each other, relishing in the harsh thrust from the action and when his fingers rolling your clit fell off for a brief moment as a hiss pushed past his plumped lips, “You’re one to talk since you can barely keep it together,” you arched your back to push him as deep as you could and watched his nostrils flare when your cunt seemed to swallow him whole, “I know you wanna let loose, so why don’t you?”
Vergil’s expression scrunched up in a full-blown scowl then, his hip bones slamming into yours faster and harder as you heard…a growl leave his chest, “Stop talking.”
His fingers on your clit sped up after that, the movements of the rubbing matching your poor excuse of grinding to keep up with him and the scratching noise above you picking back up again. Your thigh was burning from the stretch of your leg over his shoulder, but the blurring line between pain and pleasure was long gone since you were gradually beginning to lose all hold you had on holding back from cumming. He was getting tough in letting his cock kiss that sensitive region inside of you, pulling his cockhead all the way out of you and delivering a harsh push back to hit as far as he could. Each push and pull had you reeling, eyes rolling back and broken moans leaving you as you struggled to keep up and form a coherent sentence to drive back at him.
You weren’t finished egging him on, you wanted him to fulfill that threat (promise?) he had said before.
Your fingers were slowly losing the grip they had on his hair as your body bounced and slid up on the bed underneath his body, “I know this issss’t all you can do, I wanna feel it,” a high-pitched gasp left you when his fingers pinched your clit, “don’tdothat, I’mgonnacum – I want you to cum inside of me –”
“Vergil please, you have me already. I wanna feel you. I want it all.” Your head was getting fuzzy, the stretch in your lower abdomen pulling to its full extent as his cock grew hotter and began throbbing longer pulsing into your cunt. You wanted it so bad, you wanted him so bad and you were clawing more at his chest as that coil began to unravel.
Vergil rose up away from you onto his knees, your leg on his shoulder falling off to land uselessly onto the mattress as you watched in pleasure-filled vision his head tilt backwards and his Adam’s apple bob from the bitter swallow he took. His hand on the headboard fell to curl up underneath your lower back to push your hips upwards off the bed to dig deeper into you, his fingers moving faster as his chest started to heave. The new angle left you breathless as his thick shaft began to feel as if it was ramming its way into your intestines, another round of babbles and mewls leaving you when his hips pushed desperately into your body.
His thumb was digging itself into your lower spine as he grunted out his next words, no doubt a bruise going to be left behind, “Damn you. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
A warning was going off in the back of your mind, a strong shift in the air as Vergil’s breathing grew louder, combining with a hissing that was bordering on sounding like one of the demons you hunted had gotten into your bedroom. Maybe you should’ve paid attention to the scales beginning to form up on his arm and start to take over the left side of his face, and maybe you should’ve noticed the twinkling blue sparks beginning to fleck off and around him. But you were too focused on what he was doing to you too care, but fuck you were just right there and you were about to cum because his fingers combined with the sheer size of his cock alone were spiraling you into your personal haven and God just right there, right there, rightthererightthererightthere –
You made one last ditch effort to push at him as a long-winding moan of his name bubbled from you, your hands fisting into the sheets and nearly ripping them as Vergil was on the cusp of losing control, “I can take it, please, jus’ do what you said you were gonna do earlier.”
That got his attention, his fingers pausing their wrath on your clit as his shoulders tensed; he knew what you were talking about. “Be quiet,” his tone sounded cold, but the steady rhythm of his thrusting and his fingers rolling vigorously on you was enough to let you know you almost had him.
And he almost had you cumming all over his dick as the last of your resolve was pushed out in a hair-raising moan and some fast chattering to finally feel him once and for all, “God just fuck me, Vergil. Fuck me so hard I’m begging for relief from you from how much you fill me up ohholyfuck –”
Your sentence trailed off as a snarling groan took over the sound in the room and his pace kicked into a destructive speed, a distorted curse spitting off his tongue as something popped and a shuttering noise flew into your ears while the inside of you felt briefly stunned from the action. After that, your body was suddenly uncoiling itself in the throes of your orgasm with a gasping whine of his name.
Your cunt constricted around his cock in a poor effort to hold on, but the action had you spasming in one of the most intense orgasms you had ever experienced. The others paled in comparison from those late nights fingering yourself at the thought of him, your body feeling electrified from the intensity of it and your limbs jerking to find any part of his body to hold on to as you rushed through it. You didn’t know why your cunt and his dick felt like they were buzzing and vibrating from the release, but the heightened stimulation had you squirming throwing your head back onto the pillow with a gaping mouth and eyes spinning into your mind while the hairs on your body rose from the change in the atmosphere. You were well aware you had gushed all over his cock as your legs jerked from the pleasure, and in the back of your mind you were only vaguely aware that something about him shifted.
Something as in his entire appearance.
The static was back as it curled itself around your body and left you feeling frazzled and your limbs exhausted, and you were only densely conscious enough to realize that the skin you had curled your one leg around didn’t feel like skin any longer. Your chest was heaving as you felt a new wave of sweat line up on your forehead and down your pelvis, fingers bunching up the sheets as you tried to slow your breathing and heart rate down, and a warped, huffing mixed sound of growling rolled out above you. Your bedroom felt hotter than before and after a few moments of blinking back into clarity, you rose your head to look back at Vergil to see why he hadn’t made any noise or indication of cumming –
You froze.
Gone was the gorgeous, ivory-colored skin, icy grey eyes, and silver-white hair, instead in its place was that hulking beast you had only seen a handful of times. You traced your eyes towards where you two were still conjoined, over the glowing ‘V’ on his chest, and finally up towards his face where you were only able to make out that luminescent blue where his eyes were supposed to be. Had he –
He.. triggered instead.. of cumming? You didn’t know whether to feel proud or suffer a blow to your ego over that.
You stared at him, blinking a couple of times.
Vergil… stared back – you think anyway – and you weren’t entirely too sure if he could even blink in that form.
You swallowed after a few moments and let your already hoarse voice break the silence, “Vergil, what… Are you – I mean,” you wiggled for a brief second as his newly-formed, scaled hand came to press down onto your lower abdomen to cease any other movement from you, “Did you mean to do this or…?”
The noise he made nearly sounded like a chuff tigers made, a movement from his backside letting you see his tail whip up into the air before it slithered up around your thigh next to his jutted hip. You watched curiously as the scaled appendage curled around said part, the bladed tip of it knocking against your skin in an action that was bizarrely reminiscent of cat slowly tapping the tip of its tail onto a surface. Vergil still hadn’t spoke, which you knew he was able to in that form, and you had half a mind to just ask if he went into some type of demonic state where he was more Devil than man (more than just his appearance, mind you).
However you knew better than that, Vergil was still Vergil in that manner and his standing still action with him remaining inside of you not making a single movement was a key factor that he was being precautious. You supposed you weren’t really thinking too hard whenever you were egging him to finally give in and let loose, but you always didn’t think it would end up with just… triggering.
Nevertheless… it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it was still Vergil; especially since you were pretty fucking sure he had grown bigger inside of you.
You got your answer when you shifted again and okay, yeah, he was just as big and hulking as his new form as he was down there, and Jesus fuck you were pretty sure he was in your stomach then. Letting out a winding exhale you gripped at his wrist onto your lower abdomen when what you guessed was his cockhead angled upwards inside of you, “Vergil, just –” the weight from his hand pressed down harder and your eyes crossed when a new shock of ecstasy fluttered inside of you. God, you felt fucking stuffed, but the new tingling in your clit was something you couldn’t ignore and since you felt not one essence of his cum inside of you… You waved your other hand in the air.
“Just – just keep going, it’s fine.” You sounded so out of breath, but it was to be expected when you had his literal fat monster cock in you. “I mean, always up for new things right?” ‘Up for new things’, this was the first time you two were having sex.
(Though you didn’t think it could’ve qualified as ‘sex’, what you two ended up doing was just straight nasty fucking after months of piled up sexual tension and frustration. Perhaps not the smartest decision to do it in his Devil Trigger, but hey, first time for everything.)
After all, if you were going to commit to liking someone with a dual form like that then you were going to have to buckle down into the possible monster fucking because if you didn’t… did you even love them?
Vergil, more or less, above you seemed at a fork in the road but when he pushed his hips forward and watched your face wince up from the expanding stretch and felt your pussy tighten at a near painful degree he knew was for you, he was pulling out. A high-pitched, indignant noise left you at his loss and the sting from which he pulled himself from so abruptly, and he was quick to snag your ankle of the leg that wasn’t currently wounded by his tail when you tried to coercer him back to you. You paid no mind that perhaps he was completely coated in your cum and that his cock was not the same one you saw earlier – sans human skin and instead something probably a little more rigid and dangerous-looking and blue – but you really didn’t mind once more since you were fighting a fire for more stimulation.
You didn’t have to wait long either for it, Vergil finally broke out of his silence as a claw-tipped finger tapped onto your ankle bone and his voice was that same distortion from before that sent vibrations throughout the bed and you.
“I’ll have another, then after that I’ll have my way with you.”
Another? “What do you mean another – ACK –” you didn’t get to finish that question when Vergil used the hold he had on you to swiftly flip your body over, a yelp falling out of your mouth when he gripped your hips and positioned you in the way he wanted you. Said position was on your hands and knees with his tail holding your thigh lifting your one leg into the air slightly as a hand came up under you to splay over your lower abdomen to keep you balanced. Your fingers gripped into your sheets hard as the other clawed hand was clutching the thigh not currently suspended into the air and you felt a humid waft of air from his maw blow over your horribly exposed pussy. Your cheeks warmed as you realized the gravity of the situation.
Was he going to –
“For now, I’ll have a taste of what your dripping with.”
You didn’t get a chance to answer to that sinful statement, as for Vergil’s serpentine tongue was already slithering out of his jaws and taking one slow lick up your soaked folds. You were ashamed when your one leg placed onto the bed already starting shaking from it the action, though you couldn’t blame yourself too much since you were still sensitive from cumming mere minutes beforehand and that Vergil’s tongue was of that same ribbed exterior that day you felt him in your mouth. It felt like… God, you didn’t even know, but God it felt good. A shaky exhale left you as the grip on your thigh left to press down onto your lower back, the weight causing you to fall onto your elbows for the position to expose yourself more to his greedy tongue.
Vergil wasn’t one the beat around the bush you learned once he really set his mind to something, and that something at that time was eating your pussy out. If you had to explain it, it was as if your brain all but fried when the grooved tip on his tongue spread and pushed through your folds until the length of the appendage was wiggling up inside of your cunt and whatthefuck –
“Vergil, holy shit, your tongue –” you whimpered out the rest of your mumble as you leant down to pressed your face into your sheets.
The only answer you got was a hot exhale combined with a rumbling growl, his hands on your respective areas sluggishly beginning to rock you back and forth on his tongue. The noise that left you was something out of a hardcore porno, your sweaty forehead digging into the mattress as you felt each grooved lining on his organ run up against your walls and urging you to swing your hips back and forth, to and from his face. You did just that, moans and whines of all caliber falling desperately as you rolled yourself in intervals to get a feel for every dip and dart of his tongue against your soft insides.
You were already well on your way to falling for another orgasm when you started to push back against his face harder, your toes curling as he hitched your leg higher and a grunt escaping when you decided to clench and unclench around his tongue as much as you could. He picked up the pace in his swirling to taste every inch of your cunt and coat your walls with as much of his saliva as he could while he licked up the expanse of you. The knot behind your naval then felt heavier, your back arching further inwards as his grunts and growls kept up with your own moans and pants.
“Fuck, just like that. Keep go-going,” you paused as your knee on the bed started to shake more with the intensity building back up inside your cunt and your clit feeling pressurized even though nothing was arousing it that time, his tongue slithering up and inside your leaking cunt enough to push you towards your release. “It feels so good please… I’m gonna cum again.”
The response you got was a louder, eager grumble from deep within his chest, the claws he sported slightly pricking your flesh as the fleeting pinch of pain only added on to you doubling down into your orgasm. His tail coiled around your thigh tighter and the slicing tip was wriggling out into the air next to your skin, his eagerness showing his in subtle actions to get you to come on his tongue that time. And fuck, if you had spilled out all in your panties whenever he swiped that slick organ around your mouth and down your throat as he rocked his boner into you nearly a week ago, you would have no problem doing it for him then.
The force in which your hips were rocking back into his face was bordering on desperate as you were nearing your peak, your cunt already beginning spasm while he continued to literally tongue-fuck you. The hot huffs from his open maw grew louder and faster against your ass, the pulsing hums he was letting roll off his slick appendage vibrating the inside of you as you desperately clawed at the sheets while your back arched dangerously. You squealed and whined whenever his tongue slipped out of you for a brief moment to run the fat of it along the entire outer parts your pussy, starting with the tip teasing your clit in fast nudges, and the brute of it flattening itself along your folds to catch the fluids so keenly dripping out of your gaping opening.
When Vergil darted back inside your drenched cunt to swipe at your innermost wall faster and harder before, you were all but done. “Vergil!” was your last keening cry as his hand on your lower abdomen pushed up further into your guts, the coil holding your second release together snapping while he continued to tongue-fuck you through the entirety of your orgasm.
That time around your eyes crossed as your vision busted into a different world of colors, your pussy canal nearly acting like a bottle of wine losing its cork as you squirted out and around his tongue. A white-hot tingle shot from your cranial nerve down into your toes had you jerking and squirming about as your cunt trembled and clenched around his tongue for retribution. You didn’t mind too much you had embarrassingly squirted into his face, the evidence of so slipping past his mouth and dribbling onto the sheets next to your quivering knee as you fought to keep balance from the mind-blowing orgasm. Vergil didn’t mind at all, the groan leaving him downright sinful as he let his tongue slip out and wipe up any excess of your cum and fluid that had passed by his mouth. You were thankful for his hands still on your body holding you up and his tail began slowly lowering your other leg back onto the bed as he finished his licking to clean you up while your body shook and you fought back through clarity of from cumming so hard.
A sigh left you when you felt him pull away from your cunt, the body part throbbing excessively and so goddamn sensitive you were sure a single touch would have you reeling back into pleasure once more. It was hot and everything smelled like him as you tried to catch your breath through heaving once more, however your knees were beginning to slide outwards as your nerves were too wired to keep yourself together. You would’ve fallen down onto the bed if he hadn’t caught you by the hips while he angled you back upwards into the way he liked. His tail unfurled from your thigh, though the accessory wriggled around underneath where your abdomen was in slow strokes afterwards as its tip grazed along past your breasts and along your naval making you shudder.
It seemed he wasn’t about to waste any more time, his cock heavy with the need to just finally cum and have you the way he wanted.
Vergil didn’t give any warning that he was ready shove his cock back in you, the only way you knew from your position was when his bulked, scaled pelvis knocked into your ass and another loud exhale of hot air blew across your back. Granted he was slow as he eased into you, but that didn’t stop you from gasping at how fucking far he was stretching your insides that time by just only a few inches of him and your body was involuntarily sliding up forward away from him. The sheer sting was the cause of that reaction, as it nearly felt like his dick was expanding your pelvic bones entirely to accommodate room for him.
“Stay,” was the only word grumbled out from him at first, a hand skimming down your spine in an unspoken word of comfort. He let you wiggle around for a few moments until a long breath left you as you loosened up, and then he was sliding himself back all the way in, relishing in the way you immediately moaned and tightened up around him at the easy entrance. “So wet, so easy; almost like you were just made for this. Are you so desperate to please me that you’ll let me use you as I want?”
His words alone had you moaning again, the mere tone of them and the hissing edge they held letting you grip up harder on him and rock back into his hips, “Don’t act so high and mighty, earlier you were fighting to not lose control and now look at you.” Yeah you said in a fight to bite back at his words, but God if you didn’t feel like telling him to outright fuck you into the mattress or just fuck yourself back onto him because his dick was sitting fat and heavy inside of you and you desperately wanted to just move to let you feel the full brute of him rearranging your guts.
You knew you shouldn’t have pushed a feral Vergil, especially since earlier you had proclaimed you wanted him to fuck you until you were begging for relief and full of his cum because…
Fuck you he did.
You heard another snarling grunt from behind you, his hands tightening on your hips as he almost lethargically pulled his shaft out until his cockhead was kissing your folds and then with one quick snap he was seated back inside of you and setting himself in a maddening, torturous pace.
You had managed a choked moan from that, your breath being knocked out of you as you bounced back and forth from his steady, deep, somewhat slow movements as your ass smacked against his hardened, jutted hip bones. The noise of both of your bodies was incredibly obscene when you combined the sound your backside harshly slapping into his pelvis, while you could hear the squish of your pussy overwhelmed with your cum and fluids every time he pulled back far enough and diving back in.
It wasn’t enough though, the deep dives were gut-wrenching and had you gasping more than moaning but you knew it was his own form of punishment against you for your bratty behavior.
From the ferocity of his thrusts jolting your body, your words began to line in tune with each time he pushed into you and pulled out, “God Vergil – you’re – driving me – insane! Oh fuck… c’mon – fuck me – harder.”
His hand came down and smacked onto your ass, something he had never done before in the months you had been together, and you yelped from the sting as you fell back down onto your elbows. He kept one hand digging into your hip but the other was pushing your back farther into an arch for his cock to hit a new angle that almost made you drool. Once he got you there it was another deliberate pull out and snapping back into you as his hand glided around the press onto your lower abdomen –
Was that even possible? Shit, who cares it feels so good. So good that Vergil was groaning in a hiss as you squeezed him whenever you felt him bulge through the lower part of your body. His slick, hot tongue was lapping up your spine in a tease to taste the sweat lining your back before you felt him lower down near your ear to speak again.
“Tell me again what you want.”
Bastard. Though as he said that, he was literally beginning to give you what you really wanted.
Gone was the sluggish, deep strokes, in their place a faster speed making you bounce faster as he leant back up away from you. Your eyes fluttered shut when you felt another orgasm on the brink, your brain nearly blocking out what he had whispered into your ear as you started to just focus on the pleasure you were receiving. However, your lover wasn’t so merciful to let you off the hook.
Vergil’s hand came back down to slap at your ass again as you moaned from the newfound stimulation it gave, “Answer me, brat.”
Your eyes rolled back as you tried to buck your hips to fuck back into him, your nails beginning to claw into the sheets below you, “I – Mmm, I want –”
His tail was sliding up one of your thighs again, “What want? Speak clearly.”
His cock was hard and hot in you, “Shit – Vergil, please.”
His pace picked up, the headboard of the bed knocking obscenely loud into the wall rough enough to crack it, “Begging now? You should see yourself crying out for me like some whore,” the mattress shifted and in your peripheral vision you could see one of his clawed raptor-looking feet you usually laughed at come to balance himself on it, and then his tail was sliding up around your back, “You’re maddening.” His voice was teetering onto a fine, sharp edge, the movements of his ferocious thrusting becoming jagged as his resolve seemed to turn on him and you knew then he was getting close to cumming.
However because of Vergil’s newfound realization he was heading towards his own end, he found a means to better fuck you, or to better use you for both of your enjoyment.
His tail wrapped around your abdomen.
Your first instinct was to grab ahold of the accessory with one of your hands, a gasp falling out of you from how he coiled it around tight enough to keep you where he wanted you but not enough to hurt you. Your second instinct was to arch harder and then your third was to –
You didn’t give it much thought, because Vergil had decided to go from fucking you to using his tail to pull your body back and forth onto his cock in hurried movements, and –
“OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod,” you chanted out in a mewl of a babble, both of your hands gripping to the scaled appendage wrapped around you as it kept you in the position he wanted. Your brain was surely mush then, your cunt unclenching and clenching in a hasty fashion as the new pace and angle crossed your eyes and careened you down further into cumming all over his cock again.
Your cheek found itself pushed into your bed as he pressed you down further with a rough palm, his distorted voice then sounded more choked up and losing its composure, “You like this, don’t you? Being used like this by a demon?”
All of your sense and reasoning was out of the window, another harsh moan leaving you as you listened to him speak, “Mmmm, I love it!”
Vergil’s hold on your hips grew to bruising as he started to fuck back into your bouncing body while continuing to use his tail as leverage to pull you into him, an air of desperation about him while more grunts left him, “If you love it so much, tell me what you want me to do.”
You were about to cum, his dick stretching you out so much and slamming into practically your cervix as your nerves lit up and any discomfort from the rough treatment exploded into full-blown pleasure. He continued to hit that one spot that had you keening and your teeth biting into the sheet as well, hissing as your sounds grew louder and your pussy impossibly wet and tighter. He knew you were about to cum, and with that knowledge a rough fingertip was grazing across your swollen clit in a means to get you to finally unravel and screaming to him of what you wanted.
“Say it.”
The reaction was instantaneous, your muscles bunching up, eyes watering as the pressure in your cunt grew tenfold, his rough movements, and your rapidly approaching orgasm let the words flow freely from your mouth.
“Vergil, please, I want you to cum in me! Just –” a louder whine fell out of you when he pushed you down in retaliation for more of your pleas, struggling to take his hard thrusts as you finally felt yourself let go and felt your cunt gush and squeeze one last time as you rambled the rest of your begs in a high-pitched cry.
“I’m yours, Vergil! Fuck me full of your cum… Mmf, breed me, Vergil!"
The answering snarl was devastating, his tail heaving you upwards onto your knees for your back to press against his scalding front side as his tongue slid back out of his mouth licking up the expanse of your throat until it found itself into your mouth. You eagerly accepted the crude mean as a replacement for a kiss, your eyes rolling back into your head as you sucked around the appendage and your hips sporadically jerked into his still thrusting cock as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. It was the same as before with your vision bursting into colors behind your eyelids and your frontal lobe feebly chasing that emotion of endorphins released into your veins as you came undone in front of him for the third time that night.
Your third release left you feeling spent and exhausted, legs quivering in their place as your moans fell into huffing noises with your body falling back onto the bed as Vergil hissed, snarled and groaned his way to finally giving you both what you asked for. The gush of air and new shadow expanding behind told you that his wings had unfurled, the last of his composure leaving him whenever he pushed back into you with a ferocious jab that cracked the wall above your bed and a long-uttering satisfied groan vibrated the entire room.
Your eyes spun back when you felt the warm spurts of his cum shoot inside of your awaiting cunt and literally stuff you full as a feeling of mild electrification prickled the hair on your body. It nearly felt as if he never was going to stop, the new heat in your pussy sliding down throughout the inside of you. You could feel the thick girth of the liquid passing through your cervix and into your womb as Vergil’s hips rocked slowly with each new spray into you until finally he came to a full stop with his cock sitting snugly inside of you to hold all of his cum in your cunt for the time being. His fingers flexed as they returned to both grasping your hips with a hissing exhale that you felt deep into your stomach, and meanwhile you tried to force your mind and body to leave that fucking high and try to at least find yourself into some clarity from probably the best fucking and orgasms you had ever felt.
It was a few moments of catching your breath and letting your heart calm down on both ends when Vergil slowly started to slide out of you, the full feeling in your lower abdomen leaving you like air slowly being let out of a balloon until his cockhead was kissing your folds. Vaguely you were aware of your cunt clenching and throbbing around nothing for the loss of him, your opening gaping as you felt the remains of what he fucked into you start to ooze out until he was pushing his dick back in with a slow roll to fuck his cum back into you. You whimpered as you clutched the sheets again, your insides entirely too sensitive and used for any other stimulation for that time while he continued until he was sure you were, indeed, fucked full.
“Easy.” Yeah okay, it was easy for him to say that since he was the one that didn’t get their pelvic region bottomed out.
Vergil granted you that break finally, his cock along with the whole of his body leaving after he was satisfied with his work. His tail unfurled from around you and the loss of what was the only thing that was holding you up on your useless legs caused you to almost fall into the mattress completely if it wasn’t for his arm wrapping up under your breasts to hold until you both fell onto the bed together.
His human arm.
That static in the air was gone, the feeling of like you were on the cusp of being shocked gone while the heat in the room began to dissipate into the normal temperature of the shop. The back of your head found a spot onto his shoulder while your legs entwined with one and another’s as you continued still to calm your heaving down while Vergil’s thumb stroked a gentle pass on your sternum. His breathing seemed to notch back down after he left his triggered form and buried his nose into your hair, but the deep inhales and exhales were signs he was too still suffering from the aftermath.
Briefly, you wondered when the last time he had sex was. Then you decided that from his feral behavior: a long time ago.
“Your pulse is still racing,” he spoke after a while of you both staring up at the dark ceiling, voice slightly croaky and out of breath.
Gee, I wonder why. You threw up a hand and let it fall onto his chest in a gentle tap, “Well I mean, I did just get the shit fucked out of me. And I think you literally might’ve shifted the bones in my pelvis and hips around.”
The back of his hand came up to wipe at the sweat on your forehead, “…I apologize if I caused you any discomfort,” he mumbled into your hair, almost so quietly that you nearly missed it.
The first thing you said was a tease, “Vergil? Apologizing? If pussy gets you like this then we should’ve done this sooner.”
He pinched your nipple.
You squealed and wiggled against him until he let up, his hand returning to sit at your sternum, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry!”
You sighed as you really thought about his words; was he honestly thinking you might’ve not liked it after you begged him for it? Sure you probably would be bowlegged the next day, and yeah he literally cracked the wall and nearly broke the headboard and clawed the Hell out of it, and okay maybe you would have some little bruises on your hips where he held you, but he was being foolish to think you didn’t want it. You had wanted him physically like that for a long time aside to having him emotionally and mentally, and it was even better than you imagined for a man who looked like he’d rather eat dirt than have any physical contact with people.
It’s always the quiet ones.
You didn’t like it, you loved it.
“You didn’t hurt me, at least not in the way I might’ve wanted,” you eventually answered, feeling an amused huff blew into your hair. He didn’t answer you after that, the silence stretching between you two as you finally calmed down enough and came to your senses – your senses being bothering him as much as you could. His face was still buried into your hair whenever your usual annoying antics came back as you both basked in that post-coital bliss.
“I have a serious question.”
Vergil only grunted.
“Soo, I noticed before that when you triggered before that you couldn’t actually see your dick in that form. Does it, y’know, have its own little sheathe?” ‘Little’ was probably an understatement.
He was still for a few moments until you felt the bed shift and his body move away until you were given sight to him leaning up over you and staring down at you with the blankest face you had ever seen on the man. Vergil’s hair had fallen from its usual slicked back fashion, a feat you only got to saw when he slept for the night and when it was wet, and the silver of his eyes were barely visible through the white-grey strands but you could still feel the brute of his piercing stare.
Vergil only stared down at you.
“I’m being serious, but if you don’t wanna answer you don’t have to. Probably a sensitive topic since you can’t literally cockfight Dante in that form like you two normally do.”
You watched his eyes narrow.
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s true.”
Evidently he had enough of your little prattle, his body moving way too swiftly for someone that just had sex so roughly as he rolled himself on top and pinched both of your cheeks between his fingers.
“You have no filter, do you? You just spout whatever comes to mind that you can use to demean me in your own childish way.”
“Mmmsorry, ow!”
His hips wormed their way in-between your thighs once more, your lower abdomen curling at the feeling, “Perhaps I should find better ways to keep your mouth occupied.”
“Is that a dig at wanting a blowjob?”
A hum left him and you jolted when you felt the press of his cock against your clit, a pleading gasp falling from your squished cheeks as you bucked against him, “Not exactly, I quite like it when you’re begging.”
He wasn’t… Already?! “Again?”
Vergil’s hands left your face and one was already curling around your thigh to hitch it around his hip as the other balanced onto the mattress next to you, one of his rare, devilish smirks on his face as he watched you grow flustered, “Again.”
A gasp mixed together with a moan fell out of you when he slid back inside of your still warm and wet cunt with absolutely no problems, your hands coming up to clutch at his forearms as he started off into a slow grind for the second round. Another hum rumbled deep from within his chest as he bent down and languidly kissed you when you started to sigh from the gentle movements, only breaking off the lip lock to mumble his new resolve against your mouth.
“After all, weren’t you the one that said you wanted yourself full of me until you were begging for relief?”
Honestly, you really should’ve expected your first time having sex with Vergil would end up like that.
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xo2dee · 4 days ago
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Double cake 🍰
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xo2dee · 5 days ago
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Even Jedi need furry friends✨
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xo2dee · 5 days ago
dmc anime... girl idk LMAO
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xo2dee · 6 days ago
awh thank you for the mention baby 🩷 we should write more wlw tbh 😩
You write wlw so damn good. I've been trying to find some good lesbian writing for a while and I swear there's maybe a handful at best and yours are by far the best. I hope you write some more someday ❣️ if not, I'm happy with what you have already posted heheh. Thank you for the yummy writing bb.
OMGGG thank you my sweet lovely!! <3
i feel so honored that you feel that way about my writing, especially when i'm pretty novice at writing wlw. i'm hoping to write more wlw eventually because i do enjoy it and honestly?!
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in the meantime, you should check out this Yuki x Fem!Reader fic by my good friend @xo2dee! it's SO good!!
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