#but it’s still kinda long! x3
cl-babydew · 1 year
No. 1
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No. 2
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No. 3
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No. 4
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No. 5
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No. 6
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No. 7
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No. 8
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No. 9
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I found a really nice Picrew this time! 😁
A few Fun Facts for some of these, the design for no. 2 - more specifically the hair, green ribbon & facial expression - is based on this character (from a show (based on a children's book series from the UK) that was one of my favourites to watch in the early 2000s era of Cartoon Network, even though it has been long forgotten or never heard of by most). No. 3 is Shiho Hinomori, the bass player of Leo/need, from the game Project Sekai. No. 4 was made to resemble Kaai Yuki, a vocaloid, and speaking of, no. 5 is, of course, Hatsune Miku~ It is heavily inspired by her "Rolling Girl" design.
I am especially proud of the designs I chose for nos 6 & 7. 😁 And guess what? I decided to make no. 9 very special. Why is it so special? Because it's you! SURPRISE!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Or, well, it was my *attempt* to make it look like you, I know it's probably not very accurate. 👉🏾👈🏾 I don't know exactly how long your hair is, and I'm sorry if I got the shape of your glasses wrong. 😅 Regardless, I hope you like it! ♡
If you and anybody else want to try it:
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red-hemlock · 7 months
"What if they kissed?"
Send “What if they kissed?” and I’ll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren’t shipped together. it is it’s own thing and doesn’t have to lead to an official ship. a “what if scenario” @cxpperhead
"You know, I have to admit... I've always wondered what those scales of yours might feel like." Gravel crunches, as a lazy half-twirl carries her before him. A playful stark contrast to the smoke and hissing flames licking at the air behind.
Bold and brash. But there in the pouring rain, and amidst the Hollywood movie-esque wreckage of their vehicle and their former pursuers', it's the perfect moment for a little brazenness. There's just one problem... This isn't really the time to start removing vital costume pieces, in order to get a good feel in.
So green eyes glance-up, their blown-wide pupils betraying the excitement from before still coursing her veins, and spearheading audacious choices. Copperhead looks like he wants to say something, but her arms are already snaking their way up and around his neck in a coiled loop. She has an idea.
Needs to nearly go tip-toe to reach him though, and it's a fact that almost draws a laugh out of her.
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Softest exhale heralds the press of her lips to his. Another, brings her flush against him. It's an odd sensation to be sure, rougher compared to the softness of her own... Yet for all its strangeness, she doesn't find it to have been terribly unpleasant as she pulls away. But what's this now, he almost looks... Shocked? Now there's a rare sight that causes River to bite her lip against an impish grin. She does so love to 'surprise'.
"Mnh... Curiosity satisfied." She sounds as pleased as she feels, the semi-clawed nails of her gauntlets ghosting a path back down the scales of his chest as she pushes away. Was that a growl she just heard? Was that a good thing? Talk about catching a tiger by the tail... Or would it be a serpent by the tongue, in this instance?
Taking two steps back, River's not sure; but with the way those lips curve and her shoulders give a teasing little wiggle, the threat of possible danger doesn't seem to faze her much. Seems like it's feeding that nagging sense of thrill all the more. Yet her gaze is suddenly craned-away from Copperhead, both of them fixating upon a skyward something.
"Hm, looks like our job's not done yet, darling." Blinking against the falling rain, River's chuckle is soft as the chill that ripples across her skin. Like a menacing omen, the Bat Signal has made itself known, cutting across Gotham's roiling clouds, "Playtime's over for now, we're going to need to grab a new ride. Stat."
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kroosluvr · 1 month
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present day
if every day will be like this from now on, i'll look forward to every single one.
ok. Sits down. help meeee i tried using csp's comic tools for once (and also gradient maps + coloring w monochrome) to save time bUT I ENDED UP SPENDING THE USUAL AMT ANYWAY SO. . erm. WELL IT WAS FUN ANYWAYS
hiiiiiiiii i wrote this script 4 months ago nd finally did it (had this on the backburner for 20 million yrs bc i wanted to get out other angst bullshit first)
the parallels of goro's back (x3) on the first 2 pgs are kinda not 1:1 as i'd like but REGARDLESS i still like them. goro, who had utmost control over his life, running it like a machine, regardless of how he feels or if he's tired or if he wants to give up.......he was in control. knowing, of course, that his life is on the line at every waking moment, but since he was always on edge, always alert, he was still in control.
but now, surviving the long winter and coming out to the other side, he's lost that control AND that edge. now what is he left with? what is there left?
very speficially in the 2nd page.... i think its so <3 YAY <3 that goro, now, doesn't feel the need to take such spic-and-span clean-cut care of his appearance.., guy who rolls out of bed and throws on a shirt to go hangout w akira and sumire. he decides to tie up his hair and forgoes his gloves... feels more "comfortable" to change his apperance, to let down his guard a little. <- was the rough symbolism JKDSHKFS
sumire getting the choco croissant but letting goro have the first bite YEAHHHH WHATEVER
4th page symbolism is also rough i didnt think abt it too hard LMAO. 3rdsem goro watching his detective prince self leave. he knows acutely well that chapter of his life is over - whether he survives the long winter or dies in it. all that he knew - even though it was miserable and awful and frustrating and dangerous - is gone.
and now there's just this: the present day. whatever that means.
i think something important to me abt royal trio is just the idea of Learning To Just Exist: no need for a "purpose" or a "calling" or some overarching "goal". they just learn to exist.
and of course none of them really have a benchmark for "wow i like this i want to live like this" so they just roll with the punches, as they always have, but yknow. finally getting to live their honest student life as they always deserved
edit: and most importantly for goro, i think, is learning to cut himself some slack. "despite everything" he says, despite all the shit he's endured AND all the shit he's done, he feels like this is "right." whatever that means, he's ready to take it day by day to figure it out. AND THATS THE WHOLE THING Punches wall really hard
edit: I ALSO FORGOT. i think the sentiment of "being waited for" for goro means a lot. since he had to do everything by himself, fight for himself, decide everything for himself frm such a young age, the idea of akira and sumire waiting for him, inviting him out simply for him to be there -> is really meaningful to him, more than they could know.
edit AGAIN: also goro sleeping in means a lot to me. i imagine that guy has pretty terrible insomnia. ALSO HE HAS A BEDFRAME! i like the thought of his apartment being so /r/malelivingspaces throughout the game. he doesn’t deserve a bedframe. BUT HE HAS ONE NOW!
goros expressions in the last page gve me a hard time. sparkly....
also im SO freaking sorry if his voice isnt too well-written... i had a crisis over the wording while draiwng htis so much DSKHASKDASJK AND THE PANELING AND WHATEVERRR IDEK WHAT IM DOINGGG but it was fun!!!! exploratory..... regardless i will keep workign to do him and royaltrio justice. THUMBSUP EMOJI.
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Another writing that got long, so putting a Read More~
I wish I could've continued this interaction as a comic, but I ran out of energy. Life got busy, my mood fluctuated. So this one's written. X3
Lavender woke in her bed with a gasp. She sat up, gulping air as the dream vision invaded her waking mind.
It wasn't real... It was just a vision... It wouldn't have hurt you, Lav. It wouldn't have hurt you...
As she calmed down, her attention shifted to something else.
She reached out with her mind.
Lav's face scrunched up in anger. Dang it...
She flopped back onto her pillow, her arms sprawled out beside her. Here eyes were shut tight. Rrrrrrgh... Sorry, Nico, I didn't mean to wake up!
Something tickled her attention in her mind, but she didn't dwell on it.
Curse the flimsiness of our connection!
This time, she couldn't ignore it.
Lav froze, listening intently and focusing with all her might.
...u.. s....ll ..ear m....?
Lav smiled and mentally shouted as strongly as she could, careful to not connect with her family's mindscapes. I hear you, Nico! I hear you! Can you hear me?!
Lav? Lav!? I heard you!
Yes! Lav clenched her fists in her spike of joy. YES! Finally! We can talk without the worry of it collapsing at the slightest breath!
I'm... Kinda surprised you still want to talk... I'm sorry about the visions. I got carried away...
No, no, it's fine! It just startled me!
...It seemed like a strong reaction for just a startle...
I'm fine, honest! Lav tried to ignore that he was right. Anyway, that’s not the end of the story, right? You said you didn’t feel guilty then… But you clearly regret what happened.
...I do... His voice was subdued. Yes. I now regret what happened. But... Back then, I was truly the monster they wanted me to be. I was their good little weapon, until I decided they didn't see me as an equal.
After I d... d-destroyed the lab... I roamed Kanto. I challenged people and Pokemon alike... I attacked them... I...
His mental voice broke.
I killed them...
Both Lav and Nico fell silent. Lav could tell she was getting more adept at this connection thing, as she faintly felt that they were still linked.
What changed?
You said Fuji taught you gentleness and kindness, but you still... She shivered, hoping that he couldn't sense her apprehension. What made you change your mind from "monster" to regretful?
Lav couldn't help smiling at the pure warmth in his mental voice. Your mate?
He spoke with a wistful tone. If Fuji planted the seeds, Jovie watered and nurtured them.
I, uh....
I stumbled into her home town. A little hidden place called Shadegrove. I... I attacked... And she defended.
Looking back... she was amazing.
So brave, and strong. Determined to save the town and people she loved.
And she succeeded.
I couldn't overpower her, so I left. Exhausted. Embarrassed.
And Furious.
First my parent, then this...
Lav felt a jolt.
I figured Mews wanted nothing to do with the Monster they had created.
Woah woah woah, wait! Your parent? Did you know your parent?
I saw them leave. Before I left my incubation tube.
Incubation tube? Lav took a mental note of the strange phrase.
I'm sure of it... It's my earliest memory.
A Mew's tail vanishing into the distance... Either my parent, or a Mew who knew me...
It abandoned me.
And after Jovie attacked me, I thought... I thought it was me. Mews hated me.
But I was wrong.
She followed me.
And I would be dead now if she hadn't
She found me after a challenge I'd made went wrong, and healed me up. And she did the unthinkable.
She was kind to me.
She worked to get to know me.
She cared about me.
And I found myself returning those feelings.
She made me laugh.
She made me care.
She made me happy.
And eventually... we fell in love.
That's... pretty much all the important stuff...
Lav sat quiet, contemplating the rest of the story she'd heard. Is that how you got that scar?
You ever hear about Zapdos?
She felt her heart skip a beat, remembering stories her dad had read to her of the powerful electric-type legendary bird. ...Wow...
They both went quiet.
Lav's mental voice was soft.
Thank you. Seriously. For being brave enough to share that with me.
Wou... Would you be okay with me telling it to my dad?
Nico was silent. Lav could almost feel the buzz of his mind as he contemplated. Finally, he spoke up.
If you think it'll help. I... I worry it won't, but... You know him better than I do.
Do what you think is best, Lav.
Lav tried to form the question; Why are you afraid of him? But a yawn broke her concentration. She looked at the time.
Shoot. I should go back to sleep, or I'll be hurting tomorrow. Catch ya later?
If you want to!
Yeah! She smiled. Good night, Nico!
Good night, Lav.
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So since @violetthunderstorm asked me to ramble about my AvA/AvM crossovered with Owl House I will x3
Spoilers for the show Owl House under the cut as well as maybe a long ramble-
So! Again, this was mostly a brief thought rather then well thought out- so don't expect toooo much- but the idea was Alan is a human who ends up on the boiling isles from falling in a lake or puddle or something that connects there through titan's blood. And the man is... understandably freaked out. Ends up trying to hide himself upon realizing a lot of things there are admittedly kinda scary and some want to eat him.
Stuff happens, man begins to learn about magic mostly to try and find a way home, mostly keeping to himself and hiding... until he finds a book that relates to grimwalkers... but mostly, he thinks it'd be interesting if he could make something that could HELP him... rather then thinking about... uh... the other reasons someone might make a grimwalker... aheh...
So! He ends up trying to find the pieces for those- but gets confused on the bone part... does he just use... any bone...? Does it need one of his own bones...? He'd rather avoid that if possible... but he has seen healing magic do some strange things- he'd STILL RATHER AVOID USING A BONE...
But in just- wanting SOME form of help, he ends up going for it... using one of his own bones- but as a precaution- also ends up using another bone...
...Which happens to be a piece of titan bone...
And the thought here is- the grimwalker(s) he ends up creating(the first being Victim, aheh), end up being a strange amalgamation of human, witch, and titan looking. And he's... admittedly offput by this, and wonders if he did something wrong- but still ends up taking Victim in, for hopes of having something here that will ACTUALLY help him...
Victim can feel that Alan's put off though...
And then he probably ends up making the other Hollowheads too- but I'm still debating if he works things out with Victim, or if it ends up going very wrong...
Oh! And while I was still debating races- I know Blue's a witch who focuses on potions(duh) and maybe also healing, Red's probably a catlike demon who focuses on beast keeping, Green on bard stuff, and Yellow on Abomination and Construction
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Also, here's Alan x3
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ganondoodle · 1 year
i know i said i wouldnt be ranting about totk anymore, but i realized i didnt really count the sage dungeons as story (dont ask me why) so i thought im gonna write a better summarized version of my opinion about totk (i have around 60% of the game, all lightroots, not yet all shrines (missing like .. 20 or so, know the reward), not all krogs (dont know the reward), not all mayoi (half know the reward?) )
(in no particular order)
good stuff (in my opinion)
the. MUSIC! god the music is good, it was good in botw too but now with much more different bosses it really is probably one of my fav soundtracks of all time (most fav are all three phases of the end fight, the pre-fight to that, the build up one before all of those, Frosgeira (wind tempel boss) the glorious mASTER KOGA and more tbh)
the build up and end boss fight(s) are fantastic, i dont think im ever not gonna have my heart racing when approaching it (despite now skipping almost the entire way bc i set a teleport thing right before it) just bc the build up is so well made and the music(again) is such a banger and the fight(s) itself is so fun too, tbh i keep wanting to play it just bc its so fun
i LOVE how many themes play into the music (endfight alone had so many layers, fav probably is ganondorfs classic theme and calamity ganons both in the same piece among much more, and daruks theme in the fire temple)
ganondorfs design (x3)
ganondorfs weapon designs
ganondorfs voice (japanese)
everyone elses voice (japanese)
all voices (german)
thE YIGA!!! i love everythign about them and am so happy they got to be more than just some mini mission
(edit) also the fact that they get zonau tech to work without any special ghost powers is so ????
(edit) koga can summon and use zonau tech unlimited?? hes so cool
NO stealth mission!! (as far as im aware)
bosses are very different from each other
main dungeons are not too short and not too long and mostly fun (mostly bc i personally didnt like the gerudo one), i love that you can still somewhat cheese them and do them your way
sages felt like they got a bit more involved
(edit) you gotta do more stuff before getting to the actual dungeons and i really like that, feels less like a fetch quest but that you are actually helping
(edit) each sage is actually there in the dungeon and is required for it, which is great!
each settlement saw a much bigger danger/change (tho that has more impact if you have played botw) and its problems felt much more real
shrines are well varied tho i think overall a little easy (only got stuck on two so far and later solved them easily bc when i first started them i was tired and exhausted, no brain left lol)
NPCs felt less flat + more bigger sidequests that felt like they had more impact
cool new monsters + designs
the underground was pretty appropiately creepy
the sages abilities are neat
you can refight bosses!!
stable points system is a neat way to encourage you using them
weapon fusing is neat
(edit) the forest of the krogs being corrupted like that is both creepy and a neat nod to oot
(edit) the vai gerudo outfit being gone!! (one) evil has been defeated
(edit) the health bar going so far off the middle in ganondorfs second phase is honestly just funny hnjdfdjk unfortunate that you only need the master sword and with a few perfect dodges his health melts like butter in the summer
(edit) the music when dragondorf transforms sounds so sad .. its probably meant as a oh no world is actually ending sad but i like to think of it as a oh god what did he do to himself sad
the scene where rauru seals ganondorf kinda fruity
(graphic, animations and the overall world is still fantastic)
bad stuff (in my opinion)
everything zonau they feel forced into every bit of the world and its history (i know them being somewhat alien is intentional but not like that) it feels crammed into places they werent before and shouldnt be and it makes it all feel very artificial
the glyphs/dragon tears/memories really ruined alot for me, while it gave you insight as to what happened, it felt like it showed you too much and too little at the same time and i think it would have worked better if it was all in text for once if even at all, so the past stil stayed a mystery and youd be left wondering
timetravel .. really wasnt necessary and felt more like an excuse to get rid of zelda + make her the poor little sacrificial girl again + and to make her turning into a dragon as tragic as possible, like nothing but a stepping stone to the big reveal tm
shiekah tech being not just fully irrelevant but practically erased, wiped off the world (i know about the literally last guardian parts in hateno, it feels more like an oversight tbh, purah technically using it ... tho i dont think she ever calls it that, the purah pad is jsut the sheikah stone but worse), there being no good explanation, no remains, nothing as to why it would suddendly stop working and why even the titans and ESPEICALLY the shrine of life would be destroyed, if anything why wouldnt you enshrine it as a memento to history it was such a focus in botw and so well integrated into the world that it being fully gone, not even old overgrown, or visibly reused to build homes etc., or remains of how they built the og shrines in the underground feels like a HUGE missed opportunity (seriously it would have been so easy to make the ancient shiekah base their tech on old zonau tech, without stealign the gocus but buildign a connection)
all of the continuity problems, totk feels like botw didnt happen and the excuse of 'they didnt want to confuse new players' doesnt make a lick of sense in my eyes bc; its supposed to be a sequel, if you want it to be a standalone game then dont call it a sequel- if you start to play a game with the sequel instead of the first part its your own damn fault if you get confused; if anything, it would have been a good opportuntiy to make people interested in botw so theyd buy and play that one too
ganondorfs character is very flat, you basically get to know nothing about him (yuno even calls that out midgame but its never elaborated upon nhgfrdfhkk)
the zonau and their kingdom of hyrule is presented as this so perfectly good thing to such a degree it turns creepy, the end cutscene with mineru going poof was kinda uncomfy to watch tbh
the reward for all shrines being essentially a reveal as to who the hero in the tapestry was and it being, of course, some weird half zonau is the lamest answer to a mystery i didnt want an anwser too, it doesnt feel like it came naturally either (again my point of the zonau being forced into everything)
the shrines (zonau) feel so much more unnatural than the shiekah shrines, alien in a bad way and not in a good way + really are like a bad reskin of them, their sudden appearance and use is so much less logical
back in botw i was doubtful of if the shiekah tech wasnt going to far too modern tech and cause it all to feel like a bad mix of modern tech and medival fantasy, but they balanced it perfectly (tho the eponator zero was very much the limit imo) but the zonau tech .... oversteps that line i think, it really does feel, more than anything else, that it was just bc they wanted the stuff to be in there bc it might be fun to play around with, im not against that kind of stuff mind you im all for fun, but it feels a little like they thought of a box with endless stuff to play with first and a zelda game second (if you get what i mean)
quite a few quests or things in the game seem like they are more and then end in a dead end (the worst of all is impa saying she wants to go research what could help zelda turn back, and i was excited and convinced that shed give me a quest to find some mcguffin that would do that after i beat ganon but there wasnt anything you could actually do; less bad one but disappointing nonetheless the dongos were mentioned and treated like this big awesome thing from alot of NPCs all around the map and then when you find them they are bascially just gem vending maschines)
the way zelda turns back and link gets his arm back is incredibly unsatisfying, none of them even have something like a scar, or mark from it all, zelda spent thousands of years as a dragon (a transformation that was said to cost your soul but i guess that wasnt true) and link had his arm bascially eaten by miasma and he gets it back like it was never lost, zelda returns all intact as if nothing happened, getting blasted by some magic tm by two ghosts that were supposed to be long gone is the solution to all problems!!
(edit) link losing an arm wouldnt just be super intersting but also lend itself well to lead up into the next game where his prothesis is the focus and source of abilities
(edit) zelda got done so dirty, instead of her actual interests and character to shine she just gets shoved into yet another crisis surrounded by strangers in a world that looks like hers but isnt, and all she does is beg the ancient sages to swear to help link and sacrifice herself again (can you call that fridging? bc she sure feels like she got fridged) i like zelda and i dont like how much i didnt care about her and tbh im angry at the game for that
(edit) both link and zelda not even slightly changing in the years btween botw and totk kinda boring, like a haircut can only do so much
(edit) sonia really is the wife that dies to make husband sad thing isnt she? i get that gan had to get his hands on an enigma stone but i feel like there had been better ways to do that, the fact that she dies that easily is almost funny honestly, why does ganondorf even have weapons when he can just one punch people to death (tho i find it funny to imagine he can literally just kill people in one punch but hes too prideful to do it most of the time so he always uses weapons to look more cool)
(edit) so many new characters that you barely get to see or interact with, i really ... couldnt get myself to care much
(edit) zonau tech being so irrelevant to the games story while its also the focus is .. weird, its really just play doh for the players and nothing else honestly
(edit) monsters mining sonanium feels strange bc ... they dont do anything with it? the best thing i can think of is that they were told to do that so link cant .. upgrade his battery thignies? but then again you could just destroy the mines and remaining constructs to stop it .... also you really dont need anything zonau tech related to beat gan?
(edit) ganondorf beign so utterly uninterested in their tech is weird considering how he dealt with shiekah tech (and we KNOW it can get corrupted) he should be a tech nerd tbh
my twitch VoD of the first time beating the game getting muted at the credits despite me talking over it
nitpicks (in my opninion)
(edit) ganondorf should have a bit more of a boar inspired design, as treat, i think
(edit) the enigma stone wandering back to ganondorfs forehead even after transforming is? weird? i guess an excuse for da epic last stabby but still? (how cool would it have been to have to plunge into his mouth and break it there or something)
(edit) the underground gets a lil old after a while, the fact that its pretty much the same everywhere aside from some .. very strange flowing magma is a lil boring
(edit) ganondorf could have gone way more crazy with abilities and all that, imagine hed spwan multiple miasma arms on himself when you get him to a certain level of health
(edit) i miss unique weapons, there arent even normal axes around anymore, everything is about fusing really, i miss the cool shiekah tech weapons
(edit) the forest of the krogs being largely irrelevant is kinda weird
(edit) mineru being the sage of spirit still is kinda meh, the robot is neat but i thought tauro or purah would be the surprise sage tbh
(edit) the bosses were a little easy (i did boldo gohma rather early and did it without even getting hit)
you cant talk to koga normally :(
you cant find koga again after the last fight :(
you cant refight him (to my knowledge) :(
i find it very strange that yuno seemingly lost daruk shield, despite him having inhereted it in botw
the sage powers are not .. very great integrated, while its fun to haven them run around and help you fight, to actually use their powers you have to chase after them, something that in the heat of a battle is very annoying to do, constantly activating the wrong on or them losing their charge up when they get knocked over is like trying to herd a wild pack of geese while a three headed dragon is shotting laserbeams at you
some widlife just disappearing all of the sudden is very strange (like the rhino in hebra)
some new houses or settlements would have been cool, that the material things at the sides of roads are really only for you to play around with and not to build anything that lasts
you cant fight ganondorf (non dragon, even the dragon is locked to that evening sky) in the sunlight, night or rain, i would have loved to fight him at various times of day
their refusal to show any kind of blood is honestly turnign serious scenes into very awkward ones, sonia just getting punched and she dies with not even like, losing some spit from the force or something, or the fact when you defeat ganondorfs second phase he acts mortally wounded but doesnt even look scratched is just :/
amiibo stuff while neat being included its really mostly just bloating your inventory, if i wanted 5 vaguely different link outfits then i would have gotten the amiibo for it
why hide the -now-totally-not-phantom-ganon-armor- behind such a long questline and then .. have that NOT be upgradable
they put in a house building thingy and then not let you have a roof or a tree or something :(
at some point stable points jsut get you more and more of those free staying over night tickets that i maybe used .. once at the very start and now its just accumulating in my inventory
only one new horse coat pattern :(
satori now only being a thingy that shows you caves is kinda boring, i loved the mystery around it in botw (additionally, that it shows you caves you have completed already kinda sucks)
the end of the shrines isnt that cool anymore, speaking to a mummified monk that gives you essentially his last remains of life energy is so much cooler than a statue of the oh so awesome god king and his wife
the many references and reuse of old names is neat but together with timetravel etc. it easily leads to confusing and fighting among fans for who is more 'right' and its just .. tiring
(edit) considering how much of the advertising was about the sky islands i wished there were more and bigger ones, the underground (that was a little one sided after a while, it all looking the same rly) could have been alot smaller if the sky was bigger instead
(edit) i wished there was more of a sense of .. lost life in the ruins you find, from all races, the ancient ruins are jsut some bridged and ceremonial stuff and i wished there were more like .. houses, like people actually lived there and it not being all around beign a platform for you
(edit) the fact that the half zonau hero exists mean either rauru and sonia had kids but those were clearly not important enough to ever show nor mention, or there were other mixing of them before they all mysteriously died out the fact that the ancient hero was half zonau means their genes survided till then but somehow it never came up? the tapestry still exists and impa and purah say like its a well known fact that the hero looked like that (not at all close to any modern species) when you talk to them while wearing it (the fact that the hero armor thingy is very reminiscemt of ganondorf is like some backtreading bc we were theorizing about the hero having been ganondorf once and they wanted to stop that .. but the more funny thing is the HC of its a descdendet of rauru and ganondorf nhjdfknhdgkfnhkfd) (edit to add to the HC; the game being a big battle about child support is funnier than it should be idk if nintendo knew what they were doing adding details like that)
all in all it just feels like missed opportunities, lost potential, and more a game build around some game mechanics they really wanted to get into than telling a neat story, espeically so bc they called it a sequel, most of my complaints wouldnt be there if it was some alternate thing instead
i probably forgot stuff but if i think of more i will add them later with a little note that it was added in an edit (sidenote, i find it funny how much more nuance that whole conflict would get if rauru and ganondorf were bitter exes bfdrjfbdfndk)
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kaithesnek · 4 months
~ pinned post ~ hai! am kiru! i use it/its and she/her i mostly reblog stuff but i occasionally post about stuff ive made in blockbench! feel free to ask about my modelling!
OCs under the cut: (also im kinda. Simplifying their lore or else this post would be way too long kajhglkjh)
Kiru: she/her, it/its
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she's my main sona!! a sentient pool toy brought to life with magic, who ends up going on an adventure with maple, who gets mentioned latr!!! i dun hav much written yet fdlgkjdfd BUT she ends up defeating my world's "villain" who actually created her- x3 basically they wanna take over the world by turning everyone into Creatures and controlling them- but they still need desigining.. ill make a post about that if i ever finish it!! art is by @ xxthunderthedragonxx
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maple is also a living object, but this time a fursuit!! specifically an autumn-coloured floragato :3 she's also kiru's adventuring partner! she actually used to be human but got "cursed" by a mysterious fursuit maker, and forgot everything about her old self, but ended up finding a roommate to live with! said roommate is called jester and is actually a frien's oc x3 art is by @ bonnieflare
Kai: she/her
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kai is a silly trans girl who learned alchemy and turned herself into a snake! she runs a potion shop and is also helping supply kiru and maple on their journey, she's also obsessed with plants and uses them a lot for her magic! overall veri cozy and always accepts hugs ^w^
art is by @ twistingforce
she/her, it/its
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she's like. the classic werewolf but Dragon instead :3 the whole, being bitten and turned into a Creature thing- x3 veri close friens with kai, who helped her accept her new body, and taught her to change at will! (yea im. sure half of my ocs turning into creatures forever totally isnt saying something about how i feel about myself- hahaha....)
art is by @ Axelongis on twitter
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i made this kobold for a dnd campaign, but then i got really attached to her and now she's one of my most lore-heavy ocs x3 she may seem cute, being based on a cupcake, but uh. she has killed a lot of people =w="" i wont explain it all here but.. she replaced her tail and lower body with robotics after a long life in a wasteland-like desert- she also used her experience with robotics to make another oc of mine, a plane dragon called north! they're besties :3 speaking of north.... model is by me! i make these :3 North: it/its, she/her
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sprinkle's companion! can act as a mech for sprinkle, she can also just ride on it's back :3 not based on any particular plane but.. i never saw any plane raptors so. yea! it's usually quite calm but will Murder to protect her creator when needed- ...hence the blood! model is also by me!
so uh, ya! thas a basic summary of all my ocs... feel free to ask questions about them all!!! also theyre all trans and autistic because i am irl :3333
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phantonixx · 7 months
long post with my unfinished and scrapped sims art
pt 1
starting with this one... well well
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that was supposed to be an au where Nerv is some kind of star or smth like this.... I scrapped this because the idea started to feel absolutely stupid and was completely unreasonable. and well it just turned out to be so «ooc» that i just couldn't explain this au at all. so I just forgot about it, even tho I am pretty proud of this peace
this is recent one that just don't have any idea behind it, idk what to do with this. I love this sketch so maybe I will finish it one day who knows
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this one is sad for me actually. it was supposed to be some kind of comic about how Nerv and Pascal meet each other. I couldn't finish because of uni and lack of skill and proper idea. maybe I'll finish it one day x2
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this is another au I promised to tell about when I posted my Nerv designs but I just couldn't explain what I wanted to tell. Nerv is supposed to be some kind of spirit from Olive's garden and Pascal is secretly investigating her garden because of paranormal activity. and Nerv starts to haunt Pascal and trying to communicate, but the idea is absolutely raw so I just gave up on it again because of uni and my lacking of creativity
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scrapped fem Nerv design. I love this design on its own but something just feels off for me here idk
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it was a «search» sketch for nerv's reaper design and I just thought it was too «weak» for a single post
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ones I promised to draw young vidcund metalhead in tags under Nona's post which inspired me to draw him in the first place, but I just hated this sketch so I dropped it. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I still kinda hate his face
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this was supposed to be the series of sketches «sims in my outfits» but I also dropped it because of uni. lol, maybe I will finish it one day x3
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I have some more, but I reached 10 pics limit. I'll show you the rest later, thanks for watching (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)
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(header art by @haycoat and @canadianlucifer <3)
(We also punt people into the Sun at @would-you-punt-them if you've got the bloodlust)
I feel as if this tournament must exist somewhere, but I looked for two hours and couldn't find it. So I've decided to be the change I want to see in the world and subject all of you to it.
Do you have a red-hot take that you know most people wouldn't agree with, but are still absolutely willing to fight for it? This is the place where it belongs. Let's pit them against each other in a fight for validation!
All submissions are anonymous.
Your take can be about literally anything at all, as long as you feel the vast majority of people would disagree. Even though you're right. And they're just afraid to admit it.
Basically, if it's a hill you're willing die on - even if you have to do it alone - then it belongs right here.
Oh, and it kinda goes without saying, but terfs and bigots stay away.
You can submit all your scalding takes right here:
Feel free to submit as many as you like!
Once all the submissions have been collected, we'll run preliminaries for the most contested topics, and most controversial takes will qualify for the bracket.
Then, I'll take all the remaining submissions and put them into a randomiser. It will be in fate's hands after that.
Whatever submissions the randomiser picks, no matter what they are, will fill out the rest of the bracket. No re-rolls.
After that, all of the matchups will be shuffled again, so the resulting bracket will be completely random. No seeding, no creator bias.
All we can do then is pray.
RULES FOR VOTING (updated, edited on request x3):
Everyone will vote for the take they most agree with, and the most validated take will advance.
The last take standing will then graduate from "hot take" and be crowned MOST OBJECTIVE FACT OF ALL TIME FOREVER.
Please do vote and reblog if you can! It does really help spread the word!
Propaganda is encouraged - fight for your cause!
(Inspirations under the cut)
@arrowtossingtournament @fictional-musician-competition @videogamedogbracket @moon-swag-tourney @dialogueless-duel @pinkhairswagtourney @hauntthenarrative @look-how-they-massacred-them @unlikely-adversaries-bracket @goodforher-showdown @tournament-winners-tournament (and too many more to mention!)
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dilemma-danger · 2 months
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☆welcome to my blog!!!☆
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haii :D im ash!!!
my pronouns r he/they/it/bite :3 im also pansexual and a trans guy!
im a high schooler :P
i have tourettes syndrome, epilepsy, mdd, and anxiety
my sideblogs r @clearingthroat (vents/gore), @against-life-as-a-symptom (art, though i also post art here), @d1lemmaaa (kjrp), and @gerard-ways-right-sock (mostly made that bc there's a left sock blog lmao)
im also a therian!!! my theriotypes are a jaguar, a black jaguar, and a northern long-eared bat :] feel free to ask about them!
my blog is matching with my friend, @gay-little-freak!!
i went to one more time tour and saw ptv and blink-182 7/11/24
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i lovelovelove music!!! lots of different types!! i have my headphones on pretty much 24/7, you'll never see me with em off hehe
i have lots of favorite bands!! in no specific order, they're my chemical romance, pierce the veil, blink 182, hozier, green day, tv girl, lemon demon, system of a down, slipknot, leathermouth, frank iero and the cellabration, mailpup, salv the dog, s3rl, sodikken, weezer, ghost, femtanyl, insane clown posse, simple plan, fall out boy, and h3artcrush :33
my favorite genres r emo music and loudloudloud stuff that i can blow my eardrums out with!!!!
please send music recommendations x3
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my current and past hyperfixations:
fnaf, gore, cannibalism, lobotomies, mcr, olms, plushies, ranboo, dsmp (this was like 4 years ago don't execute me please), furries, dinosaurs
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#thoughts : my og posts!!
#horny for frank iero : uh. i think this one is somewhat self explanatory :')
#asks : any asks people send me!!! (please send me asks ily)
i started doing these after i started posting, so its technically not all of my posts.
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homophobes/transphobes, ableists, zoophiles, racists, incest, and other basic dni. that includes assholes.
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other random stuffs!!!
-my favorite color is neon green
-my favorite animals are snakes and olms
-pleaseee use tonetags im really bad at deciphering things lol
-i love to draw and make things!! i make a lot of kandi and cosplays. lmk if you want to see any of my cosplays :3
-i have a youtube channel with 17.8k subscribers!! i dont like giving it out, but dm me if you want it :]
-i collect soda tabs and plushies
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pictures of me, my killjoy oc, and blinkies/stamps below the cut!!!
this is me!!!!
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my killjoy oc!!!!
DILEMMA DANGER!!! (name by @gay-little-freak :3)
dilemma is mostly based off of me, so we're kinda similar!!
pronouns: he/they
gender: male (trans)
sexuality: panromantic asexual
he lovessss music, and he plays the guitar xP
he wears this a lot!!!
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this is what he looks like!!! i havent actually drawn them a full reference yet, i still need to. look out for that!!
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i roleplay as him sometimes!!!
whenever a post is him talking, itll be set up like this:
text goes here
-dilemma danger
sometimes it wont have the "-dilemma danger" part, but only if ive already stated it earlier in the conversation :]
he is a MAJOR crash king. he has a singular brain cell and he does not use it hehe
hes got sharp teeth and a dirty blonde fluffy mullet that usually covers his eyes.
he actually is very good at fighting, when he needs to be!!
hes tall and lanky and has a diagonal scar from his cheek to his nose from a clap with some dracs.
he hatesssss firefights and hes not very good at shooting, so he usually carries around a knife! he still uses his gun though, just not often.
he likes zone five the most and is debating finding a place there to live, but he currently lives on the cusp of zone three and four.
he does have a group, but im still developing them :]
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thanks for reading :D this ended up really long hehe
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
So I couldn't help myself plz stop me it's consuming my brain!!!
"Chang'e!!" The goddess startled at the sound of her name as a monkey suddenly spouted from her shadow. Holding a hand to her chest as she tried to catch her breath, Chang'e glared at her little brother who looked sheepish as scaring her, but before she could reprimand him for his antics she took in Liu'er's appearance. The Six-Eared Macaque's fur was puffed up in distress, and he was clutching something small close to his chest, eyes wild with panic. "Liu'er!? What happened?" The goddess gasped as he pounced upon her, pulling her into a hug. "I messed up, I messed up big time!" The monkey was babbling, "Can you help me, jiě jie?" "Of course! Oh my xiǎo yuè guāngshí, what happened?" Chang'e ran her fingers through his fur, taking in the scent of the forest and fruit that surrounded him. She hadn't seen him in many years, not since he left to live with his own kind after hearing tales of a monkey born from stone like himself on the breeze. They'd tried to stay in contact through astral projection, but that's hardly the same as seeing each other face to face. "I..." Liu'er gained a lost expression as he pulled back, holding out his clenched fist and allowing her to see what he was holding. It was a gemstone, a citrine to be exact, braided into a pendant with orange cord that looked to have been weaved from fur, the design if the pendant and braid had clearly been done with care and she coupd sense a multitude of protection charms from the stone. A faint scent of peaches wafted from it, "Shíhóu gave me this. I- I didn't know what it meant at first, but... according to the spirits, it's a really big deal!" Realization hit the goddess at the implications. She is an old goddess, old enough to remember some of the tales. Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, had given her little brother a courting gift! "Alright." Chang'e forced herself to remain calm and neutral, "What do you want, Liu'er? Do you accept this?" "I-" Her little brother's face turned red as he cleared his throat, adverting his eyes, shy. "I... I didn't know what it meant when i accepted it, but... now that I do, I... I kinda of want to? Reciprocate, I mean." Chang'e nodded, accepting his answer. A grin slowly spread across her face as she let her excitement finally show. Her little brother was growing up and getting engaged!! "What do you need?" "Do... do you still have the geode form my egg? I want to... to make him a pendant in return. The spirits say stone monkeys exchange pendants with their mates using one of the gems from their eggshells as a symbol of their devotion, usually with a bunch of protections charms and spells attacked and braided with their own fur." That... that was so cute! The thought of it sent a pang through her heart as she was reminded of Hou Yi, forever lost to her. Perhaps if they had something like what Liu'er was describing, the distance wouldn't feel so far. "Of course, I'll add a few charms of my own to help! Goodness knows you're not the best spell weaver when it comes to that type of thing!"
uwaaaah!! Chang'e calling Macaque her "little moonstone"!!! X3
And she's trying her best to stay calm cus little brother is getting ENGAGED!! Chang'e is the biggest romantic out there - and she knows true love when she sees. And at that moment she sees it in the face of her little brother as he holds and gazes upon the pendant Shíhóu gave him.
Chang'e had only really heard of Shíhóu before, but he was clearly a kind and protective person. So much of his stories of valor reminded her of her dearest Hou Yi.
She knows what it's like to mate for life.
Chang'e helps Macaque's unsteady hands form the rope of the pendant from his long silky fur. Stone monkey fur is thankfully stronger than the average locks, so it's nearly like diamond filament keeping the gemstone in place. Lots of trial-and-error is done to get the gemstone secure.
Chang'e of course adds her own charms to the pendant - she's a powerful goddess after all. She's also so honoured that Macaque agrees for her to be the one to bless it - she was really worried that he resented her for raising him as a celestial would, and cried when he told her that she was the closest thing to a sister/mother that he had.
She blesses the pendant to bring the owner warmth when away from it's partner, and to grant comfort when they feel their loneliest. It's blessings she's wished for herself for many years.
I love the idea of Macaque being terrible at complicated magic when he was little, lots of Nat 1s for this little guy XD
After barely half a day after her brother's return to Earth; Chang'e receives two excited astral calls from Earth. One her little moonstone, and the other an unfamiliar ginger monkey. Now she finally knows what Shíhóu looks like - and he's the sunshine to her brother's moonlight. She wishes them the greatest of happiness.
All this talk of pendants and marriage reminds me of another Chinese mythology work including Chang'e;
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bugsb1te · 3 months
Te Reo Māori rambles ~
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Kia ora, quick disclaimer! I'm still sort of new learning Te Reo Māori! (Teh-*r*eh-awe maah-*r*ee: the māori language) I only started my classes in term 1 and its term 2 currently. (a term is half of a semester, there are 4 terms in a nz school year) so yea! If you happen to know more than me and or spot a mistake I make when posting in or about Te Reo Māori, please correct me! Te Reo Pākehā (teh-*r*eh-awe paah-keh-haa: the English language) is my first language so I'm fluent in that :)
Also Te Reo Māori is kinda like a spinterest atm lmaoo im so excited about hearing the language being spoken and seeing it written around the country and im excited to learn!! Yayy!! Learning the language and Te Ao Māori (Māori ways/culture/traditions) helps me feel more connected to my Māori whakapapa aswell! (fuhck-ah-puh-puh: ancestors/ancestry) I am Māori, it doesn't matter if you're white or mixed. Having Māori ancestry = Māori. Period. In Māori culture we dont believe in blood quantums!!! so im what people call a "White Māori"
anyways onto the yapping!!!!!!
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• (small brackets) = pronounciation and/or meaning
• *r/t/ng inside asterisks* = special māori sounds.
• bold = kupu Māori (maori words)
Fun fact: the p sound is very soft! Like the p in "poo" NOT like the p in "keep" does that make sense? another super fun fact: all kupu Māori (cooh-pooh maoh-*r*ee: māori words) end in vowel sounds and never consonants!
Māori vowel pronounciation:
a - "ahh" as in: car, star, bar, guitar, far
e - "eh" as in: lego, leg, peg, said, head
i - "ee" as in: key, bee, see, reach, scream
o - "aw" as in: saw, claw, maw, jaw, NOT as in "oh/low/so/no"!! This is the most abused vowel by English speakers!
u - "ooh" as in: poo, moo, goo, soon, lose, choose, move, room
Ng - "ng" as in: song, long, pong, singer, rung NOT as in: finger, linger
Wh - "f/ph" as in: phone, food, few, far, physical, philosophy, phile. NOT as in: who, where, when, what, whether, why, while .
note: different Māori dialects sometimes pronounce this sound as a "w". eg: lots of people pronounce "whanganui" as "wanganui" (fah-*ng*ah-noo-ee/wah-*ng*ah-noo-ee) For other sounds: For "R" focus on rolling your 'r' sounds, It's a soft rolled 'r' (NOT as strongly rolled as how Spanish speakers would roll theirs).  the sound you should aim for is somewhere in between an English ‘D’ and 'L'. e.g. like the 'dd' in judder, or the 'tt' in a kiwi accent for 'butter'. You should feel your tongue tip touching near the backof the roof of your mouth. T is pronounced kinda like a sharp "d", but 't' pronunciation varies depending on which vowel appears after it. When succeeded by an ‘a’, ‘e’ or ‘o’, it’s unaspirated (softer, closer to an English 'd'). When followed by an ‘i’ or ‘u’, it is an aspirated 't' (sharper, closer to an English 't'). Hope that makes sense!!!
Tohutō vowels:
(Special vowels sounds written with tohutō (macrons) on them)
ā - exaggerate and deepen the regular māori "a" sound and make sure it stands out from the other vowels! But not too much or you'll look like a fool lmaoo X3 eg: when pronouncing the sound, open your throat and lower the back of your tongue. And say "ah". It should sound different to normally saying "ah". another example is that "tohutō" is pronounced "toh-who-taww" not "toh-who-toh" !!
ē - same thing ^ but with "e"
ī - ^
ō - ^
ū - ^
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Sentences !
(Please correct me if I make mistakes or worded the sentence incorrectly)
- " i tēnei ata i whakarongo ahau ki te ngā manu " - this morning I listened to the birds
pronounced: ee tehh-nae ah-tah ee fuck-ah-*r*awh-*ng*-awe uh-hoe key teh *ng*aahh munooh
- "Kei te pēhea koe?" - how are you?
pronounced: Kay teh pehh-heeya kweh
- " Kei te ngenge ahau " - I am sleepy/tired
Pronounced: Kay teh *ng*eh-*ng*eh ahh-hoe
- " Kua haere ahau ki te wharepaku " - I went to the toilet/bathroom
Pronounced: kooh-uh hai-*r*eh ah-hoe key teh fuh-*r*eh-pahk-oo
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Ok im done yapping have a good day!!! Ka kite!!
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dichromaticdyke · 1 year
hey another thing since my brain is broken and i have an MA in literature i'm gonna analyze the lyrics of "aortic desecration" and "SOS."
under the cut this time since last time my brain vomited a bunch of aotd analysis it went on for way too long sorry.
but seriously i wrote a fuckton here over the course of two sleep deprived sessions, so you'll either think i'm a madman or a divine genius.
okay for simplicity, "aortic desecration" lyrics are gna be in red and "SOS" lyrics r gna be in green. i hope tumblr made those colors distinct enough for ppl with colorblindness.
[intro] we're all going to die [x3] eventually [verse 1] toxic waste, acidic paste degradation crushed by a plane, driven insane mutilation cranial glitch dumped in a ditch gangrenous stitch
this is already a lot. nathan's coming at this with the idea that he has to write the most brutal and fucked up song of all time, so he just reminds everyone of their mortality and lists a fuck ton of ways that might happen (many of which do happen during the performance of this song). but even his point of adding eventually after saying how everyone wil die is interesting—it's like that was also tacked on during the performance like, "yeah but not today please haha." not a whole lot to go into here, except the way the first verse ends.
failure has entered your soul
now first of all, some sources have this line as "madness has entered your soul," but i've only ever heard "failure." and i think that makes sense—before this song even started, nathan realized that he wrote the wrong song but it was too late. i think once he got through the majority of the first verse, he went off-script, so to speak, and instead of singing about death, he started singing about realizing his own failure and mistake and how that was about to lead to the apocalypse. this continues into the next verse
[verse 2] how could you be so fucking naive? you fled for refuge and fell to your knees you spoke the words and brandished your heart you left yourself open to be torn apart, torn apart
hi brendon small i would like some recompense. he's speaking exactly to himself, how he was so naive to think that a song of salvation would be a song of death, how he was running from everyone and tried to do this all on his own. he sang about death because that was what he believed was the only thing he knew how to do, he refused to actually do some introspection and figure out what salvation was. and now here he is.
[chorus] aortic desecration how could i be so wrong? disemboweled publicly this is the dying song [bridge] look out bleed [x8] [chorus] [outro] aortic desecration atrial annihilation pulmonic devestation
so this chorus and the outro are fun for me because they're doing that thing that brutal death bands do where they just throw in a bunch of big words that sound scary and fucked up. and they are! aortic desecration essentially refers to a violation of the heart, since the aorta is the main part of the circulatory system and it's been desecrated. nathan broke his own goddamn heart by doing exactly what he feared—causing the apocalypse. he says as much in asking how he could be so wrong? as for being disemboweled publicly, well, here's what my literature MA ass immediately thought of. in sylvia plath's The Bell Jar, she writes about being suicidal and depressed, and one of the ways she considers killing herself is by disemboweling herself in her bathtub. this also reminded me of the way the god character killed himself in the film Begotten. so my initial thought, as gruesome as it is, is that nathan has kinda metaphorically killed himself in front of the whole world by singing the song that he knew was wrong. historically speaking, disemboweling people while still alive was also a form of torture and capital punishment, so that checks out. then he says "this is the dying song," fully recognizing what he's done. the final lyrics of the song once again refer to fucked up shit happening to the heart, with the atria being your heart's upper chambers, and "pulmonary" referring to your lungs, though typically in the sense of bloodflow.
then of course we get him chanting for the world to bleed, but also proclaiming, "look out." now at first i thought this was just kind of an ad lib—it's not uncommon in music to have lyrics like that that are added just to help the flow but don't actually add much to the content of the words. i don't think this is the case especially when comparing this to "SOS," but for now i'll start by just pointing out that "look out" very easily could've doubled in meaning as being a warning to the world. like, this isn't just fun and games any more—actually look out, you're actually going to die.
as for "SOS"...
[verse] last breath skyward dark sign closing line no time to mend this life take this hand this last time
alright this is pretty straightforward. this is their last chance to get it right, if it isn't too late already. but there's also that line of "skyward," which is the first instance in this song of recognizing the doomstar itself. there's no mention of the doomstar at all in "aortic desecration," which is kinda strange if you think about it. not even in the dying song is there an acknowledgement of why the apocalypse might be happening, mainly because the dying song—once nathan realizes what it is anyway—is primarily about hopelessness and fucking up. why even acknowledge the greater power at work when this is nathan's fault (in the context of the song)? but instead nathan acknowledges that the focus has to be on the doomstar, but also on everyone coming together and standing against this force that is greater than all of them. this song immediately establishes the haste in what they're doing, immediately countering the deflection in the dying song. nathan tried making the dying song work by saying, "we're all going to die eventually," but nathan here has the perspective to realize, no. people will die now, are dying now, it might already be too late to fix this, but dammit they're not giving up yet. [chorus] we're the shadows of the infinite we stand alive we're nothing but the soil of time beasts in the night reach with my open hand bound for all time in the shadows of the blazing star fused, we're the light
"shadows of the infinite" is an acknowledgement of their godlike powers, which they've either been completely ignorant to during the majority of the series or just didn't want to admit (think back to "how can i be a hero?" when none of them wanted to step up and do what they had to do). yet despite this acknowledgement of their divinity, their power, they are also recognizing that they are still just people. they can't do anything by themselves, they have to work with other forces. being "nothing but the soil of time" is a reference to being a gear in the wheel of the klok—clock, time, etc., yet also being "beasts in the night" refers to this unhinged power and danger they still hold. "reach with my open hand" is the most obvious line, with the animation in this scene directly reminding us of nathan's conversation with the whale prophet. once again, a reference to the doomstar, and the final line foreshadows nathan using the dethlights alongside both dethklok and the army of the doomstar. these are the people that must work together with this divine power to take out something greater.
it's also worth noting that while the official line seems to be "fused, we're the light," i can ALSO hear it is "fused with the light." so it can be interpreted either as, nathan and the band and the army of the doomstar all coming together to becoming the light/dethlights, or nathan and the band and the army of the doomstar being fused with the light/dethlights. it's not that much of a difference i guess, but a slight different implication of whether or not they themselves are the light or if the light is a separate entity. [bridge] now rise (rise) [x8] movin' out, movin' out [chorus]
this is the part that convinced me to make this a comparison. this is a direct parallel and contrast to the bridge in "aortic desecration," with calls to bleed being replaced with calls to rise. they even chant it the same number of times, guys idk what to tell you. PLUS there's an echo repeat of "rise" throughout this bridge, and while it could very well be a literal echo, who else wants to believe it was all the other members of dethklok singing it? kinda like the "die, die" in the duncan hills jingle? and then the "ad lib" of "look out" is instead replaced with "movin' out." instead of nathan telling everyone to run away, be watchful, be fearful, he's calling on them to come with him and fight with him.
have i talked enough about how brendon small is a fucking genius?
plus based on a few shots from this performance during aotd, i think toki might have been playing lead. which would be super cool, because this would make this the second song that is confirmed to have toki in the lead, the other being "blazing star."
anyway i've fooled you all because now i wanna talk about "blazing star." i know this song has been out for a decade now and has been analyzed a bunch, but i wanna look at it specifically now with the context of the movie.
first off, before i get into the analysis, i'm pretty sure the performance of "blazing star" at the end of the doomstar requiem never happened. i think it was purely non-diegetic, just like half the songs in this whole opera, but it was presented as a proper dethklok song to symbolize the band being reunited and looking towards their next big hurdle of the actual metalocalypse. my main reason for thinking this is that the idea that dethklok saved toki, wrote this song, performed it for the world while announcing, "hey toki's back and he's okay," is DIRECTLY in contrast with the opening scene of aotd where the band makes their first public appearance since saving toki and a standard dethklok performance trigger's nathan's ptsd. i know metalocalypse isn't known for continuity, but they would've mentioned dethklok having a performance post-rescue. and nathan in aotd is so ready to not face his destiny, there's no way he would write and perform a song about exactly that. he's also adamant that he doesn't sing about hope or life, but that's exactly what "blazing star" is about.
enough preamble let's look at that song.
[verse 1, nathan] the glowing clouds, the diamond's birth the spiral cluster descends to earth the nebulas conspire to bring the signifier and the death of a king
already with more context from aotd, i'm obsessed with this. it's setting up the doomstar and the destiny of the doomstar being either the death of salacia or of nathan. i haven't spoken yet about the parallels between nathan and salacia, that's something that's going to take a WHILE to work out, but the long and short of it is, they're powerful beings who can only achieve their full power when being reunited with four other souls/people. GUYS. they are very clearly meant to parallel each other. knowing now that the doomstar is a portal meant to reunite salacia with the "four souls," it's unlikely that this "death of a king" is inherently meant to refer to salacia, because the doomstar would have to be inherently anti-salacia, which it's not. at that, it seems like this "king" is probably meant to be nathan, or all of dethklok, since it's through their deaths that salacia would be reunited and the metalocalypse would happen. it's hard to tell tbh, the doomstar is a neutral figure—all we know is that it can bring death, and it holds power that other figures can harness.
i'm a man with a tortured sight i fear this dream will end tonight the water beasts continue singing we try to wake but we're not dreaming
THIS i find incredibly fascinating. it's no secret at this point that nathan had been dreaming about the whale prophet for who knows how long, and this is very clearly referring to that. the first line of this section even foreshadows nathan being the only one to remember the night they rescued toki. what i find interesting is the contrast between nathan "fear[ing] this dream will end" but also "try[ing] to wake but [isn't] dreaming." these are directly contradictory at first glance—he's scared of this dream ending, but he also wants to wake up? unless these are two completely different dreams.
the first half of aotd, nathan, pickles, skwisgaar, and murderface aren't rescuing toki, aren't even letting themselves think about him. they're only focusing on partying around the world, and they sing a whole song about how they love being useless billionaires and don't want to be heroes OR regular jackoffs. i think that's the first dream—being DETHKLOK, having no problems, doing whatever they want, that's the dream nathan is scared is ending. because after that night of rescuing toki, of harnessing the dethlights, everything has gotten so real. they can't ignore it anymore.
at the same time, realizing that there are greater forces out there trying to destroy the world, trying to use them to destroy the world, everything with the church of the black klok—that must feel like a dream. that's the dream he wants to wake up from.
he wants to stay in his dream of being rich and powerful, but he doesn't want to be stuck in the dream—the nightmare—of the literal apocalypse.
i'm gonna find you i'm running out of time i gotta play this part this is my lot in life with this power i am endowed the end is coming so bring it on now
again, another reason i don't believe this song was diegetic. this is the first moment of clarity he had about the metalocalypse, about how he had to do something about it, whether he wanted it or not. again, in the beginning of aotd, he had no interest in this. i guess it's possible he went back and forth on that (i wouldn't be too surprised), but again, this is a pretty hopeful message, all things considered. he even says "bring it on" to the fucking apocalypse. tell me again about how you don't write songs about hope, nate. i only buy that if he never wrote and performed this song.
[verse 2, pickles] oh the keeper wields his scythe oh you gotta kiss this life goodbye there is another place beyond we'll meet in time and i will greet you all in the next life, yeah
having pickles sing in general is based, but i've never fully understood why he was in this song. like if anything, this song feels like the kind of ballad that would have EACH member of dethklok sing a little bit, so it's strange to have just pickles and nate. it gets less strange with the hindsight of aotd, where their relationship was the primary emotional focus. but let's actually look at what pickles is saying here. it's pretty standard stuff: death is looming, but if worst comes to worst we'll be together in the afterlife.
i wanna fucking throw up (positive). what was that offdensen said to pickles in aotd? "be a true friend, even if it gets messy." pickles's verse is NOTHING but, "hey nate things are getting bad but i'll always be with you." I'M NOT REACHING THAT'S ALL THIS IS.
[chorus, nathan] the blazing star, it burns so bright the darkened power, the dethly light bring it on now, this is our time we're the new regime, together we'll fight
again, standard stuff. doomstar, dethlights, fighting together. all things considered, this could have been the song of salvation. there's not much i can really say other than the fact that since it wasn't, it must not exist in the metalocalypse world, right?
toki had the solo on this song. i don't have to speculate for that, it's made abundantly clear with the animation in the ending sequence of the doomstar requiem. he had the solo because this whole song is about the band coming together to face something greater than them, and they wouldn't have had the power to do that if they didn't have toki with them. it's also them recognizing the worth toki has in the band—at first, it seemed like his worth was just making skwisgaar play better (that was certainly the implication at the end of "the duel"), but it's greater than that.
let's say i'm right—let's say i'm right and toki also had the lead/solo during "SOS." what does that tell you that toki is granted the opportunity ot have the lead SPECIFICALLY DURING SONGS OF HOPE AND CAMARADERIE?? he, much like murderface, is foundational to the band. murderface is the voice of dissent, toki is the voice of hope.
and let's say i'm wrong, and toki only had a solo during the song that doesn't actually exist. that's fine too, because if "blazing star" is meant to be a symbolic, non-diegetic song, then that still proves my point of toki being foundational to the band ("even if you don'ts do nothings") and, more importantly, their divine power.
wow that was a lot if you got to the end pls like comment and subscribe.
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randomthefox · 14 days
Ghost Game episode 39!
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starting off strong with the body horror, jeezus lol
Funny that they're tackling the idea of digimon evolving into a higher stage that they don't want to turn into, because of both prejudice and an alteration of their basic nature! That is something that's kinda interesting about the idea of monster evolution in these mon shows. The fact that it's irreversible, and not always entirely in the mons control.
Digimon usually doesn't have to deal with that because as digimon, their nature is already inherently malleable in the same way digital programs or files are. But that is also what makes it such an interesting topic to cover for that very reason. After all, some Digimon are classified as VIRUS types for a reason
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Angoramon's prejudice isn't entirely unreasonable given the nature of his contagious composition is out of his control.
Still, there is definitely a middle ground between "YOU ARE BAD AND SHOULD BE DONE AWAY WITH JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU ARE!" and bringing an infectious virus type monster along on a school trip with absolutely no precautions taken whatsoever x3
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BAHAHAHA I was JUST making a joke like "yeah so anyway I brought you some curry do you want me to leave it on the headdress or...?" while the body horror scene was happening, and then Hiro actually DID put it on the counter like that before running over xD bro, a The Thing body horror transformation is an entirely appropriate moment to drop the plate, my dude.
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Any of you kids like TF?
kids're probably gonna develop a fetish for TF from watching this show lol
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Bro fuck off, you've already given two people the chomp. At this point you need to be using your brief moments of lucidity to do the responsible thing and kill yourself.
Fucking zombie horror ass cliches.
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Well shit that didn't take long
Honestly, I'm actually gonna put the blame for this getting out of control so quickly on Hiro and Kiyo. They should have triggered the psudo digital world state IMMEDIATELY upon Gyukimon going missing. Kiyo even considered doing it, but put it off to prioritize the school responsibilities. That's stupid. Everyone is going through this painful infection disaster because of that decision.
Usually this show is a lot better about making sure the horror story conventions don't feel contrived. Like episode 29 didn't have this problem. Them putting off the digital world shift for so long made sense in that episode. The fact they didn't shift to the digital world RIGHT AWAY in this episode for no reason is just stupid writing.
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Sure. But it's also Kiyo's fault too. He has a vita bracelet. He could have shifted you and the missing Gyukimon into the digital world right away to make sure the humans all stayed safe. There's blame to go around lol.
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Oh cool, that's actually gonna be a plot point!
I do like how this show has been routinely confronting the fact that the Partner digimon going BACK to their previous evolutions is unusual. Some folks who use a childhood of watching the Adventure anime as their primary frame of reference tend to not understand that.
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I actually think it's super cool that they're exploiting the unique interaction that the digivice provides to manage to do a dedigivolve for another digimon besides their partner for a change!
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yeah there is a zero percent chance of that lol x3
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And here's where the subtitles deciding to translate "saikyo" as "champions" really falls the fuck apart x3 You can HEAR the voice actors saying the words with their mouth "saikyo ah saikyo daso!" "mhm, saikyo da!" They're literally just saying the same word over and over and over lol. "Saikyo is saikyo." "The greatest is the greatest!"
The wordplay is being completely thrown in the trash. I do NOT like that they committed to this "chocolate = champion" decision for Gammamon's subtitles.
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spicywarl0ck · 9 months
Happy Friday! How about “I don’t need your help"? For whichever character or pairing you like 🥰
Thank you very much for that lovely ask <3 I decided to go with Fenhawke for this, and I had a lot of fun writing it for @dadrunkwriting I know it's short but it kinda fit x3 Couple: Fenris/mHawke Rating: T Length: 509
“You look injured, here let me…” Hawke extended his hand to the man on the ground, a sharp sting following as it got slapped aside, a pair of angry green eyes glaring at him.
“I don’t need your help.” The curt reply stung in his chest, the tiny flash of guilt in those oh-so-haunting green eyes missed by a mere heartbeat. He watched Fenris getting himself back onto his feet with a grunt, his face covered in dirt and blood. 
Something was wrong in how the elf held himself, a gash in the side of his tunic, the dark fabric colored in a red hue that told him what he needed to know.
Fenris was hurt, more than he let on, more than what he allowed himself to show. He didn’t want to appear weak to anyone, not even to the man who came closest to him in the past years. Or at least so, he thought.
But Hawke was also the man hurting the most due to his actions. He had no right to ask anything from him. Not after he left him that night, evading him since then like a coward hiding in the dark.
It was easier that way, yet he couldn’t betray the sting of guilt in his chest when he looked into Hawke’s amber eyes, offering nothing but warmth to him besides everything he’d done.
He didn’t deserve any of it. 
“I’m fine,” Fenris added, his voice pressed. “It’s only a minor wound. Nothing I can’t sleep off.” It was true. As much as the cut hurt, he could already feel the healing process of it as it had only managed to damage the surface of his skin, the contact with the dagger too brief to allow any longing damage.
“I can still soothe it.” The mage offered, not knowing anything about Fenris' inner conflict. 
“But if you won’t have any of my magic, a bandage, and a pint of ale?” he added swiftly, hoping they could still be friends after what happened between them.
A shaky smile rested on his lips when he awaited Fenris's answer, his amber eyes so warm that it broke the elf’s heart.
He searched for an excuse, anything, allowing him to return to Danarius' estate. Or, as Varric called it; His brooding hideout. But no matter how much he tried to find one, he couldn’t.
And maybe that was because deep within him, he didn’t want to pull away from Hawke.
“Fine.” Fenris huffed, the hint of a smile dancing on his lips, easy to miss for anyone not paying attention. “But make that two.” 
“One for me too, Hawke.” Varric fell in, patting the mage on the lower back. “Don’t forget it was me saving your ass from that one guy with the sword. You owe me one. And maybe a game of wicked grace while we’re at it.” The dwarf added with a wink.
“Fine. To the hanged man, it is then. But I take no responsibility to look after you lot if you overdo it.”
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On the idea of Cursor Alan being shattered but still aware
Imagine if the fragments shift and regather in a different shape, floating in a tentative approximation of a stick figure. Larger fragments form the body, smaller ones form the limbs.
There's been a few AUs where Alan can be stick or cursor and shift between them (or sime where he's both, the cursor-stick au) I think it would be cool to have one where the cursor can come apart like a puzzle and form into a stick figure. He would probably look like a mannequin or marionette to other sticks tho, moving oddly and not emoting quite right.
OOOOOO... That is such a cool thought- It's almost sorta like those- rock golems you see in some media, that look like a bunch of rocks moving together, but it's the shattered pieces of a cursor.
So sometimes the joints don't line up quite right, so the movements are a bit odd. There's little points sticking out here and there. He moves weird, and it's a little... unnerving, looking at him too long.
The Color Gang don't mind too much though x3 he's alive!! They were so scared he wasn't!! And now he can do some really weird but kinda cool stuff-
PFT... now I'm imagining Red asking him to make animal shapes later on when he's a bit more comfortable with this-
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