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question-marked Β· 5 months ago
"Icons only" gameshow where a contestant is struggling with a question that has an obvious answer
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frostise Β· 9 months ago
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@cxpperhead said: mutual ship bingo for either Copperhead or Roman???
π’π‡πˆπ ππˆππ†πŽΒ   ┇  Β accepting β™‘
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joke's on you I DID BOTH.
for roman: i can definitely see these two getting along pretty well! sadistic killers that have the itching need to kill and torture? she can relate! he's into luxury? so is she! he's got anger issues and explosive with his other emotions?? wtf??? are they the same character? roman can always count on kf to get shit done tbh. he could start by betting on her to win a game similar to motorball because she's a total monster there. overall they make for a great menacing duo πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
for copperhead: she's into monsters and he doesn't even faze her (i'm lying. his uncanny snake stare will unnerve her at first). she'll be vv curious though! probably annoy him with her constant staring, questions ect ect....but he does have a sadistic streak right? correct me if i'm wrong there. louise just likes to see that snake at work. oh yeah! and snakes do love heat so that's another thing they can relate too. i can also see them getting along in a platonic manner or they could be romantically involved πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
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violetgleams Β· 1 month ago
[Hearts] πŸ’˜: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either +πŸ’–: Finds them aesthetically attractive + πŸ’“: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
Send some hearts || Accepting!
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Copperhead not really liking him makes sense, considering their respective occupations as assassin and vigilante. Evdn with that fact, Avi would admit the aesthetic attraction was mutual...
What did that last one say? Intimidated by him?? Thaf couldn't be right, what could a 6.5 foot snake man find intimidating about someone like Avi??
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ratwhsprs Β· 2 months ago
"I heard you in the subway earlier this evening. You play the violin well."
Running into the other meta came as an unexpected surprise in the late hours of the night. He was waiting for word back from a few of his scouting rats, and Copperhead, if he had to guess, was leaving a job. This and that pleasantry was exchanged, and in the wake of a lull in the conversation, the snakelike meta made the comment on his playing.
Otis suppressed most of the smile trying to play over his face and gave a nod. β€œThank you. Lots of practice.”
β€œI guess you were hidden away in the vents somewhere?”
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muppeteyes1001 Β· 3 months ago
all about cultureΒ // beliefs - what is a superstition in my muse’s culture?
What is superstition in my muse's culture?
Witch craft is one, honestly. But, then again ... according to some folks who live in her home town ... Nearly anything that's viewed as abnormal or strange tends to fall under that category. Whether it's a fortune teller showing off tarots at a carnival or someone simply having interests that are outside the box of what's considered normal .. Such as practicing magic tricks or playing music that sounds quite different from what's acceptable.
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archaievist Β· 5 months ago
"Icons only" Copperhead telling Eliza he loves her
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caestusvulpes Β· 5 months ago
@cxpperhead asked:
π’π„π—π”π€π‹πˆπ“π˜ π‡π„π€πƒπ‚π€ππŽππ’ & ππ”π„π’π“πˆπŽππ’ // 3. what are some features of others that attract them from the outset?
in all my years of rping hikari has had several constants when it comes to partners to the point its a running joke. Not necessarily a physical feature but she tends to be drawn towards people of an INTJ personality type. Now, you may think this is absolutely fucking stupid and to your credit it Absolutely Is, but three of her ships are her with an INTJ man. This includes Straizo, Tenmei ( @eyesofemerald, though not an active ship was smth we floated several times and are still great friends that are sometimes intimate + aster ), and Stella's Blueverse Riddler incarnation ( @sci-the-superb love you peach ).
Visually she does have a slight preference for men. For masculine preference she likes them athletic or 'built' and a little androgynous. For feminine preference she also likes them built but she prefers sharper features ( eyes, jawline, ect ). She also is into people that are taller than her, which isn't hard, but the taller the better.
she's also a monsterfucker but that's neither here nor there.
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scxttershot Β· 8 months ago
romance & relationship headcanons! // 19. how many serious relationships has your muse been in? are they experienced or inexperienced when it comes to dating? (and/or) 31. does your muse develop crushes easily? would they be open about it to a friend or keep it to themselves?
Shockingly? Floyd hasn't been in a whole lot of relationships in general, despite how he acts as though he's some playboy. Truth be told, it's a singular digit number. He's just not a pleasant guy to be around, and people looking for some half-decent dick are typically turned away by his personality. Aside from his comic relationships with his daughter Zoe's mother Michelle Torres and of course the lovely Jeannette, he'd maybe count a couple of week-long high school flings if you pressed him. + Catman and the original Captain Boomerang if not just straight-up both of them, but that depends on the canon. Also semi related but not entirely - depending on the RPer, he's not sure where he stands with Amanda Waller. Definitely has had sex with her a couple of times though, and he's known her for longer than he cares to recall. He does not develop crushes easily as he's convinced himself he doesn't feel human emotions. Or, at least he supposedly doesn't feel human emotions aside from the standard "quite angry at things all of the time", "flirty but all his pick up lines come from terrible pornos", or "on occasion irritated enough to actually complain about something". So he claims, at least. Canonically he's denser than a uranium atom and in denial of everything, as Ragdoll of all people had to point out that maybe the bond between him and Catman ran deeper than mere friendship.
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question-marked Β· 5 months ago
"Icons only" Copperhead taking a bullet for Detective!Eddie
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frostise Β· 9 months ago
πŸ“ (ruler) + 6'6 snek
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𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 πŒπ„ πŸ“ + π˜πŽπ”π‘ πŒπ”π’π„π’ π‡π„πˆπ†π‡π“ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈'𝐋𝐋 π‚πŽπŒππ€π‘π„ π“π‡π„πŒ π“πŽ πŒπˆππ„Β   ┇  Β accepting β™‘
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it's illegal to be that tall. she will not hesitate to kick his kneecaps in! (ΰΈ‡'Μ€-'́)ΰΈ‡
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ataviisms Β· 6 months ago
@cxpperhead said "It's strange... I never imagined I'd meet somebody like you." Copperhead's voice is low and soft, his words as contemplative as the way his scaled fingers carefully explore Waylon's hand. Somebody like me. Those words never leave Copperhead's forked tongue but he's sure Waylon hears them in his actions as slender digits travel up towards powerful webbed claws. It takes two hands to hold just one of his, Waylon's heavily scaled palm greatly outsizing his own and Copperhead's scales tingle as he feels the raw strength behind them. It's unlike anything he'd ever imagined and everything he'd always dreamed of, to meet somebody else like him, another creature with teeth and claws and scales. If Waylon wanted to, Copperhead was quite sure he could crush every last bone in his hands, meathook claws rending flesh from bone but in this moment he's all too preoccupied in the pleasure of kinship, orange and black scales intimately exploring ones of cool mottled green.
waylon lets out a contemplative hum in response, the sound made deep in his throat. he keeps his hand limp in copperhead's grasp, letting the snake-man's fingers explore and manipulate the roughened surface at his leisure. his own scales are coarse compared to the smooth orange and black ones making contact with him now; two creatures designed entirely for different purposes. he can feel the speed and dexterity in copperhead's softer fingers. a speed his bulk could never hope to match. he'd seen real copperheads back home in the bayous of louisiana and known well enough to stay away from their lightning-quick fangs. but now he finds himself drawn in by the similarities between the snakes and the man that bears their name.
" i ain't ever imagined meeting someone like you either, " he quietly admits. it's more than comforting, even if the differences between them --- their mutations --- is a stark contrast. waylon flexes his strong fingers, gently closing them around one of copperhead's hands as if making his own comparison. he releases his grip after a long moment, content to let the other continue exploring. there's a slow sweep of his thick tail, a quick glance at the flexibility of copperhead's dissimilar appendage, and he hums again in thought. " i'd like to get to know you better, if that ain't too bold a thing to say. "
Touch my muse. Be descriptive or simple, tender or violent, fond or hateful - anything goes. --- accepting
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ratwhsprs Β· 6 months ago
Not-as-spicy sinday asks // 8. Are they polite or do they have a dirty mouth?
Not As Spicy Sunday Asks || Accepting!
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"Have you... EVER heard me curse? Ever?"
"Oh wait, that kind of dirty mouth, uh, NO. I don't do that either."
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arobinwithoutbatman Β· 1 year ago
Was there ever a time you felt tempted to kill?
"...yes... whilst investigating the Court of Owls... we had a very heated debate on whether or not Talons counted against Batman's code. I... I felt they weren't human anymore and therefore didn't count. Honestly, I still think they're monsters but we've agreed. Knock out only."
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archaievist Β· 7 months ago
πŸ’• late but
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Eliza and Copperhead has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.
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maximummuses Β· 8 months ago
what icon? // ❀️ for my favourite icon of my muse? (Uhhh, Jason? Or Scott Summers!)
what icon? ask meme.
❀️ for my favorite icon of my muse
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I fucking love this icon of Jason. The shadows covering the main body with the red lighting, the red eyes, the kind of jagged look underneath the cape. This is his Batman. A monster in the dark, waiting to strike.
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I love the art style of MvC, but also I like the glint at the edge of the visor. Like he's got a shot primed and ready to fire, but is waiting for the perfect moment.
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mirrordread Β· 8 months ago
"Maybe a sudden loud noise will draw them away."
We need a distraction || Accepting!
From their place in one of the fancy office's many MANY reflective surfaces, Eido watched the two guards at their posts; both men were being annoyingly precise in how they were covering the room. What her companion was after was right in the middle of them. Because of course it was.
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"Hmm... maybe we can run to another room and break something big? Then set off an alarm in another part of the building. When the security guy can't see anything, they'll have to split up and cover both areas."
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