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trashyswitch · 5 months ago
Day 8: Nuzzles
049 and 999 are allowed to have yet another visit! Not only that, but a new researcher has come to observe the visit this time: Dr. Collingwood. Typical fun ensues between the creatures.
Part 4 of 049 and the ‘Unkillable’ Creature. Part 3
ON TIME, BABY! Hope you all enjoy!
“Hello SCP-049.” Dr. Itkin spoke up on the intercom. 
“Good afternoon, Doctor. Any further report on 999’s health?” 049 asked him. 
“Indeed we do.” Mr. Itkin could be heard shuffling some papers around. “SCP-999 has been doing much better. As a result, your session with 999 will go ahead as planned.” Dr. Itkin told him. 
“Wonderful!” He declared. “I will await his arrival with enthusiasm.” 049 told the doctor. 
“Now, SCP-999 has a new researcher on its case. Her name is Dr. Collingwood, and I’m wondering if you would allow her to observe you with 999.” Dr. Itkin asked him. 
“Her?” 049 asked. 
“Yes, Dr. Collingwood is female.” Dr. Itkin explained. “Is this a problem?” 
“No no no…I have no dissension with female doctors, so long as she has a university diploma.” 049 told them. 
“Here in the SCP Foundation, we make sure every scientist and medical personnel has an up-to-date medical license.” Dr. Itkin reassured him. 
“That’s wonderful to hear.” He said. 
“Alright. Opening the door now.” Dr. Itkin clicked a button on the side, and watched as 999 slithered itself into the room. 
“Hello 999.” 049 declared. 
999 let out many excited gurgling sounds as it bounced and clapped its pseudopods together. It slid itself right up to 049, before stretching itself up and hugging 049 comfortably. The gurgling kept going for a little longer, before 999 let go of him. 
“Are you feeling better now, little one?” 049 asked. 
999 nodded its head eagerly before sliding up to the chest at the right side of the room. 
“Oh, I suppose you found the toy chest?” 049 asked him. 
999 placed its pseudopods on the under crease of the toy chest lid, and tried to push the lid up. But the toy chest lid was heavier than it was expecting. It let out gurgly, grunting noises as it heaved again, and stopped…before heaving and trying to lift it again…But it was just too heavy.  
And the little cherry on the cake…was the moment that 999 slowly turned its ‘head’ towards 049, with the biggest sad look on its face. 
As Dr. Itkin looked down to write the observations, a somewhat surprising sound filled the speaker from the containment cell; 
“Hehehe- Hehehehehe-! Ahahahaha!” 
999’s sad face quickly morphed into a surprised look as it backed up slightly and stared at 049. Wait…Was 049…laughing at me? But…why? Why is he laughing? What did I do to make him laugh? 
“Sohohorry, hahaha! Juhust- just the slohohow look towards mehehehe!” 049 tried to explain. “Yohohou juhust looked- Hahahaha! Soho defeated!” 049 barely got out of his mouth through his laughter. 
999 stared at him, looking almost confused by this point. The poor thing had no idea what was going on, and why 049 was laughing…but a small smile began to fill 999’s face as it finally understood. 
049 was laughing at my little reaction! I made 049 laugh without tickle wrestling him! 
YAY!!! This is HUGE!! 
999 cheered and jumped around like a little ball, looking utterly proud of itself. 
In the observation room, Dr. Collingwood was typing up her observations. “Wow…999 really can change everyone’s mood…” Dr. Collingwood mentioned. 
“Yup…He’s a wonderful specimen.” Dr. Itkin replied. 
In the room, 049 had settled down and pulled out a marble-looking ball. “Now 999: This ball is a little different. One of the doctors gave this to me with the notion that it bounces much, much more than the ball we had last time.” 049 told him. 
999 nodded its head and held up its pseudopods, waiting for 049 to throw it. 
049 bounced the ball on the floor, and watched it bounce up and down, up and down towards 999. And just as 049 explained, the ball bounced around 5 times before it made it to 999. 
Surprised that the ball was bouncing so much, 999 watched the ball the entire time, bouncing itself along with the ball. When the ball went up, 999 would stretch itself up. When the ball dropped to the ground, 999 would shrink down with a little *Splat* sound. Once the ball reached it, 999 grabbed the ball with its body, and gently ‘spat’ it out towards the floor. 
The way 999 ‘threw’ the ball, meant the ball bounced a few inches off the ground about 8 times, before reaching 049. 
“Not bad, 999. Though, I feel like you could bounce it better.” 049 encouraged. 
999 nodded its head and got ready for the ball. When it was ready, 049 threw the ball down, and watched it bounce up and down towards the gelatinous ball. When it got closer to 999, it caught the ball with one of its pseudopods. 
999 held it up in the air…and gave the ball a big throw towards the ground. 
The ball bounced all over the place! Up, down, and all around! It was like a rubber projectile! 
“Uh oh…” Dr. Collingwood muttered. 
“Get down!” Dr. Itkin said through the intercom. 
“GAH!” 049 jumped behind the bed in an attempt to hide from the small, but quick ball. Seeing the ball moving absolutely everywhere, 999 stretched itself up and attempted to catch the bouncy ball. But to everyone’s surprise, the ball shot straight through 999’s body like a bullet! It shot through from the back to the front, leaving a small hole in 999’s body. 
The ball kept on bouncing around the room, only somewhat lessening its speedy momentum. With 999 being in the middle of the room, the ball shot through the creature 4 more times, leaving more holes in the creature. 
049 was still hiding behind the bed, fearful that the ball would hit him in the face. But right as he peeked up to find where it went, the ball bounced on the wall right above the plague doctor! Sensing how close it was to hitting him, 049 pulled his head back behind the bed with a little whimper. 
Seeing the ball heading towards the creature, 999 put out 3 pseudopods to catch the ball with its pods. This gave the doctors a little bit of hope…Maybe 999 can catch it! 
…Only for the ball to shoot straight through the pseudopods and continue bouncing around wildly. The pseudopods didn’t even slow the ball down! The ball shot through without a second thought, treating the pods like it was just mist. 
Finally, 049 raised his hand up, and managed to catch the ball right as it was heading for the wall. 
“Got it.” 049 declared, looking at the bouncy ball in his gloved hand. 
“Well done, 049!” Dr. Collingwood reacted. 
“Thank you.” 049 said. “I suppose I won this game of trigon?” The plague doctor asked, somewhat playfully. 
The celebration paused for a moment when 049 felt something tackle him down. Recognizing the color of the blob and the gurgling sound, 049 calmed down slightly. “It’s okay now, 999.” 
“999 appears to be scared.” 049 said. 
“Awww…” Dr. Collingwood muttered. 
“He’s nuzzling into my neck a little bit…” 049 admitted, looking down at the creature. 999 rubbed itself further into his neck, nearly engulfing half his neck and shoulder region in its goo. “Are yohou okay, 999?” He asked, petting the creature. “Hohold ohon…” 049 muttered, curling his body in slightly. “Hehehehey!” “What’s he doing, 049?” Dr. Itkin asked on the intercom. 
“Whahahat doho you thihihink?!” 049 reacted. 
“I believe 999’s giving him ticklish nuzzles.” Dr. Collingwood told the doctor. 
“Yeheheah!” 049 yelped suddenly. “W-Wahahait! C-Cahaharefuhuhul!” 049 reacted. 
999’s growing excitement was evident almost right away…Or rather, it was to Dr. Collingwood. 
999’s little teasy gurgles could easily be heard through the speaker. It looked overjoyed to be nuzzling into 049’s neck. How it was able to find his neck was a mystery in and of itself. But regardless, it didn’t seem too difficult to get him giggling again. 
“049?” Dr. Collingwood said through the speaker. 
“Whahahat?” 049 replied. 
“I think it’s trying to apologize to you for scaring you with the ball.” Dr. Collingwood explained. 
049 nodded his head. “Ihihi fihigured as suhuch.” He said. “Nohohot too mahahany tihickles, alrihight?” 049 asked 999. 
999 removed its ‘face’ from 049’s neck, and nodded its ‘head’ in equal understanding. With that decided, 999 continued the nuzzling. However, 049’s laughter seemed to die down a little bit. It was safe to see that 999 was now lessening the tickles as it nuzzled him. 
“Thahat’s behehetter. Thahank you, nihine-nine-nine.” 049 told it. 
999 removed its face from his neck, and planted a little gelatinous peck on 049’s mask. This little peck was small, but still visible enough to the naked eye of the scientists. 
Dr. Itkin widened his eyes. “Did-Did 999 just kiss you?” He asked. 
“...I do believe so…” 049 muttered. 
“Awww! That’s really sweet!” Dr. Collingwood reacted. 
“It…It is…” 049 mumbled. “I’m not sure how I feel about this…” He admitted. “I may have to think about this.” 049 told them. 
“Sounds good. 999, please head to the door, and we will escort you out.” Dr. Itkin said through the intercom. 
And with that, another little ‘playdate’ was over…And 049 was left speechless and surprised by the little extra piece of affection. To say it blew his mind, would be an understatement. It was a sweet gesture, sure, but…Why? And more importantly…
What did he do to earn that kiss? 
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radiant-fanon-maker · 1 year ago
Uzi with 999 was so cute!! Now we must have V to complete the set!! (Only if you want to tho, no pressure!)
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fandom-changer · 2 years ago
A Visit with scp-999
Skeppy opened the door and walked down the driveway.He opened the mailbox and picked up a letter. "Hmm?" He opened the letter and read. "SCP foundation visit?" Skeppy said, thinking. "Hmm, I have a fun idea.." He walked up the driveway and opened the door.
"Bad! Come here real quick!!" He yelled. "Coming Skeppy!!" Bad got up from his chair and walked to the door where Skeppy stood. "Yeah? Whats up?" He asked. "You wanna go to the SCP foundation?" Skeppy asked, holding up the letter. "Oh? Sure i guess!" Bad opened the door and ran outside.
They were driving in the car, 10 minutes away from the SCP foundation. "Oo! Can I play a song?" Bad asked. "I guess" Skeppy answered. Bad connected his phone to the car and hit media. He started playing a song. "Its muffin time!" Started playing on volume 23. "Really bad?!" Skeppy laughed.
They pulled into the parking lot and walked into the large building. "This is so cool!" Bad exclaimed as they walked around. A woman in a suit met with them suddenly. "Hello! You must be Skeppy and BadBoyHalo, right?" She asked. "yep! Thats muffin head and me!" Bad said. "HEY!!" Skeppy hit him lightly with his arm." "Ihihihim sorry!" He laughed.
She walked them around and showed them all the SCP's. She talked about them. "Oo! Pretty!" Bad said as he looked at SCP-096. "Dont look at him for long." Said the woman. They kept walking until they got to a room. "This is one of the only scp's you can interact with. Go ahead in, I have to go for like, half an hour. " she exclaimed. She opendd the door and walked off. "Huh, whats this one?" Bad asked. Skeppy looked at the door and knew his plan was gonna work.
Bad looked around when he heard some light squeaks. He jumped back and walked around frantically. "are we gonna die?!" he yelled. A orange blob suddenly crawled towards him. He screamed and jumped into Skeppy's arms. "and you said you werent a scaredy cat, i was" Skeppy laughed. "I-shut up.." Bad flustered.Skeppy put him down and he backed up.
The orange blob danced towards him, and he was really worried. Suddenly, the blob jumped onto him and pushed him down. It laughed and bad started to smile. "whats this feeling I feeeEEEEEELL!!!!!" Bad was interupted by a vibrating feeling. He felt this tickly feeling everywhere. He looked down.
The orange blob had covered his entire body neck to shoe. He was embarrassed but couldnt hold back his laughter. "WHAHHAHAHAHAHAT IS THIHIHIHIHIS?! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!" Bad yelled, trying to move. Skeppy smiled and blushed at his demon friend kicked and fought.
"SKEEHEHEHEHEHEPHEHEHEHEHEEY!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHEHE!!!" He laughed. "I CAHAHAHAHAHANT DOHHOHOHOHO THHIHIHIHIHIS MUCH LONGEHEHEHEHEHER!!"! "Sorry bad, I like this." Skeppy laughed. The blob got up and slithered to his food bowl, full of candy.
Bad was out of breath. Skeppy walked over to him and held his hand out. "Thanks.." He said, panting. Skeppy walked him to the door and left. The woman came back then. "Oh! did you guys have a good time?" She asked. "Yeah" Skeppy answered. "999 tickled the shit outta muffin man over here." She laughed and bad glared at skeppy.
They walked outside and got in the car. Bad didnt talk half the ride before asking if he can play his song. "You know, I bet I could get more laughter outta you at home~" He smirked. "WHAT?! NONONONONOONONONONO PLEASEEE" He whined. Skeppy just smiled.
An hour this took, but I feel like I made it shorter than intended.
Thanks for reading!
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scp-tiggles · 1 year ago
SCP 035
70% ler | 30% lee
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As a ler:
Okay first off, he’s MEAN. Don’t expect mercy from him.
The pink goop that leaks from his mask basically acts like a smaller, non sentient 999, wherever it lands it delivers a buzzing, ticklish sensation.
When possessing a victim, he won’t kill them. It basically puts whoever he’s possessing into a ‘dreamscape’, tickling them for as long as he pleases.
Whereas in the real world, he’ll chase down victims to either use tentacles to get the job done, or get his hands dirty and tickle them himself.
Heres a twist, unlike his canon counterpart, the mask acts like a face hugger. If he’s quick enough, he can take it off and either put it onto someone else, or throw it and hope it latches them.
He only really shows mercy if a victim is at a disadvantage, injured leg/arm, or is one of the new staff members.
Doesn’t pick favorite lees staff wise, bros hands are rated E for everyone. But has a favorite anomaly, which is 049. (Though thats not to say the doctor wont get revenge. He always does.)
LOVES doing baby talk, or teasing wherever a lee is ticklish at.
“Oh, what do you mean ‘don’t tickle there’, right here? Thats where you’re talking about, right?”
As a lee
First off, spot wise, it shares across his vessels as long as he’s possessing. The spot being behind the knees.
Curls desperately upon contact, ends up looking like a spring recoiling.
Teases don’t tend affect him, unless you’re teasing him about broadcasting his current state to everyone on staff. THEN you’ll get him flustered lol
Curses you out the whole time, promising revenge, all that jazz.
Light tickles ABSOLUTELY annihilate him. Cannot stand it for a second!
Surprisingly, his neck is a relatively good spot too. Raspberries there are pretty effective.
His laughter can kinda range, wheezy at the start before slowly going to a deep cackle.
If you’re feeling extra mean afterwards, taking a picture of him is a helluva way to knock him down a peg! (He’s got a pretty big ego after all.)
Extra info!
He was found in an old theater within New York on a old clown doll that would apparently, at random, move around and or start giggling at odd hours.
Unlike most anomalies, he doesn’t really need to “eat” laughter like them, it’s more or less a way to boost his energy that sleeping doesn’t fully boost.
Has a love hate relationship with 049, when he isn’t viewing him as an annoyance, he views him as a close friend!
Though as mentioned, he doesn’t have a favorite lee, he does have preferences! He LOVES targeting the more hard shelled doctors, or the more egotistical ones that need knocked down a peg. (Ironic)
Can possess dolls, just prefers not too due to little hands and minimum maneuverability.
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morgsticklee · 11 months ago
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SCP 999 Vs Dr Johnson - Tickle Art!
Been in to the SCP universe for a little while recently and been watching the SCP Explained; Story and Animation channel mostly. fell in love with this particular character soooo he is getting tickles, because he doesn't in the videos soo yeah ! hope you enjoy.
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tastybluesprite · 1 year ago
🩷🩵🕹️My Love Story with Yamada Kun at Lvl 999 fics👾🩵🩷
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- An introverted gamers weakness (Lee!Yamada, Ler!Eita, Ler!Akane)
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mushyblushyredhead · 1 year ago
Day 10: Ghost ˚✧₊⁎。⁎⁺˳
Aug’s TickleTober 2023 🎃
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Just a silly crossover I thought of between Danny Phantom and the SCP Foundation hehee (*´ω`*)
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trashyswitch · 1 year ago
Day 15: Tickle Fight
Logan wakes up in SCP-999's room, and sees 999's sleeping position for the very first time. He is thrown off guard at first...But despite it being 2am, 999 wakes up and seems to want to play with Logan.
Day 15! We're pretty much halfway! I hope you enjoy!
Logan had woken up in the familiar cell. He rubbed his neck and stretched himself out a little bit. Where was he? Was he still in the cell from before? He couldn’t tell. All he knew was that there were toys all over the place. The toys looked…familiar. A couple of these toys, he could remember personally playing with. 
He looked around the room, and soon fell upon a dome-shaped ball in the corner of the room. Logan raised his eyebrows. That’s a large ball. And…it looked like it was breathing. Was it alive? Or rather, sentient?
Logan got up onto his feet and walked up to the dome. He circled himself around it with confusion, staring at it with all angles. It looked like…SCP-999. But…it was ball-shaped with its beady black eyes facing the ceiling. It looked like the SCP was staring at the ceiling…just contemplating the abstract world around it. 
It was…almost beautiful. But also haunting at the same time. 
Logan silently jumped and froze when he felt a vibration in his pocket. Logan reached into his pocket super quickly, and pulled out the vibrating object. It was his walkie-talkie! Logan answered the walkie-talkie. “Hello?” Logan whispered. 
“Logan. Glad to see you’re awake.” The person said. 
Logan looked around, and spoke into the walkie-talkie again. “I’m surprised I’m still here.” Logan admitted. 
“Usually one of our staff comes to wake you up…” The staff member said. “But the guy on the last shift left without getting you out.” The staff member explained. “Have you ever seen 999 sleep before?” He asked. 
Logan shook his head. “Is it normal for him to be this shape?” Logan asked. 
“Yup…it’s quite normal.” The staff member replied. “Are you in need of a snack, or a drink?” The staff member asked. 
Logan nodded his head. “Sure. I’ll take a drink.” He told them. 
Soon, a water bottle showed up in the room, having been dispensed from a small tray installed inside the wall of the room. Logan took the water bottle with a smile. “Thanks.” He opened the water bottle and took a couple gulps of it before putting the lid back on. 
Logan opened up his bag and pulled out the map. Using his phone as a flashlight, Logan checked around the site, and observed the specific SCP’s he could visit if he so chooses. He checked the different numbers, and looked them up so he knew what each SCP was. When he found out that SCP’s nickname, Logan would write it down. He wanted to make sure he knew every SCP in case he visited. Though most of the SCP’s were marked down on his map, Logan had a couple more to do. 
His attention was temporarily paused when he felt a little tap on his leg. Logan looked up and smiled when he saw who it was: 999 had woken up, and was now gurgling and clapping its pseudopods together. Logan couldn’t help but giggle as he put his map into the backpack. “Hello there. How are you?” Logan asked. 
999 wrapped its pseudopods around Logan and gave him a small squeeze. 
Logan grunted with a laugh. “Ihihi know. I missed you too.” Logan replied, patting 999’s back. 
999 rubbed its face against Logan’s shoulder and grew more pseudopods from its body. One of the pods fluffed up his hair, making Logan chuckle for a few seconds. The other pseudopod attached itself to Logan’s neck. 
This made Logan gasp and squeak, giggling helplessly as he felt the jelly-like pod flutter against his neck. “eeEEheheek! Nine-nihinetyhyhy-nihihihine! Ihit’s too ehehearly for thihihis!” Logan giggled. 
“Actually…it is currently 2am.” The staff member mentioned through the walkie-talkie. 
“Myhyhyhy pohoint ehehexactlyhy!” Logan shot back. 
“This’ll be our first time observing 999 in the middle of the night.” The staff member told him.
Logan placed his hand onto the pseudopod against his neck, rubbing it as he giggled. 999 understood this as ‘time to stop’, and removed the pod from his neck. 999 gurgled curiously, as if asking ‘are you okay?’. 
Logan looked at 999 and smiled. “I’m okay.” Logan replied. 
999 looked around at the toys that littered the ground, and began contemplating what toy to play with. When the creature saw the rope, 999 grabbed it with its pseudopods and carried it up to Logan. 999 pulled on the rope on either side, emphasizing the idea of ‘pulling on the rope’, before giving it to Logan with a curious little gurgle. 
“Hm?” Logan asked, not fully understanding. 
999 waved the rope in front of him, prompting him to grab the rope. When he did, 999 started gently pulling on it, almost like he was explaining a game of tug-of-war. 
But…Logan let go of the rope in his confusion. “If you wanted it so bad, you could’ve just asked.” Logan admitted. 
999 hung its ‘head’ and gave it to Logan again. When he grabbed it, 999 pulled on it with its pods. Logan actually tried pulling back this time, making him excited. When Logan looked up, he quickly saw the look of excitement and…almost playfulness on 999’s face as it pulled. Logan smiled and kept pulling. “tug-of-war, huh?” Logan asked. 
999 nodded as it kept pulling. 
“Okay. Bring it on!” Logan declared, pulling a little harder. 
“Dr. Bright might want to observe this, actually.” The staff member got off the walkie-talkie. “Dr. Bright to Observatory 999. Dr. Bright to Observatory 999.” The staff member said into the intercom. 
Logan pulled a little bit more, using his knees as leverage as he pulled. “How…strong are you?” Logan asked, a slight bit of strain in his voice. 
999 shrugged its ‘shoulders’ before pulling a little harder. 
Logan smiled and pulled a small bit more, having almost reached his maximum strength. It looked like Logan and 999 were matched in strength…because no one seemed to have moved! 
“This is a great opportunity to see how strong 999 is.” The walkie-talkie spoke. 
Logan pulled a bit more, wrapping the rest of the rope around his hand. “Come…on…comeon…” Logan muttered. 
999 was letting out strained grunts too, showing it was actually working hard to pull back. It looked like Logan was a good opponent for 999. There’s gotta be a moment when one of the opponents wins. 
“You’re…a lot…ssstronger…than I thought.” Logan admitted. 
999 snickered into its little pod as it looked over at the camera in the corner of the room. Strangely enough, this didn’t hinder its strength in the slightest. 
Logan pulled on the rope, and gave it a small yank. This yank took 999 off guard, surprising it as it slid closer to Logan. Noticing this, Logan began to take advantage of 999’s slippery body by pulling bit by bit. 
“Looks like Logan is getting the upper hand!” The walkie-talkie reacted. 
Despite getting the upper hand, Logan could notice the silly little look on 999’s face. 999 was staring at him, almost like it was distracted. Wait…
Then, 999 pulled a SUPER evil move: 
It all started with a big yawn, and a smack of its lips…then, it ended with 999 yanking on the rope at lightning speed! 
Logan, thrown off guard by this move, was pulled right into 999’s body! 999 quickly caught Logan with its pods around his chest, and snickered almost evilly. 
Logan, realizing he lost, looked over his shoulder at the SCP. “Uhhh…Mercy?” Logan asked. 
999 only responded with its version of a raspberry on his neck. 
“eeeEEEEHEEHEEHEEK! NAHAHAHAhahahaha! Nihihine-nine-nihihine!” Logan yelled. 
999 gurgled almost in a teasy fashion, gurgling little bits of gibberish in his ear. 
This was more than enough to fluster Logan. “Nohoho teeheeheasihihing ihin gihihibberihish! Plehehehehease!” Logan begged. 
999 smiled brightly and started planting kisses onto Logan’s right cheek and neck. Every little kiss made the hair on his arms stand up…not out of fear, of course…but more out of surprise. He’s been tickled by 999 many times now, but he still couldn’t fathom how a jello person was capable of inflicting such funny little feelings on a person so effectively. It was almost overwhelming. 
“Ohohokahahay, yohohou wihin! You wihihihin! Ihihi gihive uhuhuhup!” Logan told it. 
Though 999 stopped giving him the tickly kisses, the SCP didn’t stop tickling him. 999 only began using the pseudopods to uncover his shirt and tickle his bare belly and sides. It didn’t tickle any less. In fact, it almost tickled more! 
“Ohohoho nohohoHOHO! 999 NAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan’s laughter almost tripled in seconds! Why was that? Well…maybe it had to do with the pseudopods on his ribs. 
999 almost purred in response, loving listening to Logan’s lovely laugh. 
“Are the tickle fights too much? Do you need a break?” Dr. Bright asked through the walkie-talkie. 
Logan shook his head. “I’M GOOD. IHIHI’M GOHOHOOD.” Logan replied. 
“Okay. Let us know if it gets to be too much.” Dr. Bright told him through the walkie-talkie before logging off. 
Logan’s laughter echoed through the place for a little longer, before Logan tapped out. And I can say that this man literally tapped out by tapping 999’s head with his fingers. 
Thankfully, 999 understood what this meant, and stopped tickling to give him a break. Logan took some time recovering from his tickle attack, while 999 held his hand with one of its pods. Logan gave the pod a playful little squeeze. 
When Logan felt rested enough, he got up and started writing about his experiences with 999 that day. He wrote about the late night tickle fight, and the game of tug-of-war that they played. He wrote the notes in his book, before ripping out the papers and putting them together with a paperclip. 
With that all done, Logan gave 999 a hug and wished him farewell. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Logan told it. 
999 hugged him back and nuzzled into his chest before letting him go. 999 then slid itself over to the middle of the room, and rolled itself into the dome-like shape. It looked like 999 was going to sleep. Logan let him do that and left the room. 
Logan put the papers into the mailbox beside 999’s room, and pulled out his walkie-talkie. “My notes are in the mailbox near 999’s room, ready for pick up.” Logan told it. 
“Thanks Logan.” Dr. Bright said. “Have a good rest.” 
Logan smiled and clicked his side of the walkie-talkie on. “Thank you. You as well.” Logan replied. By the time he made it to his sleeping quarters, he was ready to crash from over-exertion. The poor thing was beyond exhausted. He didn’t even feel like he had enough energy to call the family back home. 
Logan crawled himself into the bed, pulled the covers onto himself, and felt his entire body doze off pretty much right away. He had never felt so ready for sleep before. But now…he has. And he welcomed it gratefully. 
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juliaosx · 9 months ago
✨️ Atualização ✨️
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📍Generos: Romance, Fantasia, Reencarnação
📍Estou presa em um jogo, mas não como personagem principal, mas como uma vilã que é o Rei Demônio (Lv.999). Minha família me rejeitou por dez anos, e fui até expulsa para a região do Norte. Mas e se eu pudesse usar magia para fazer uma estufa? Eu só quero viver minha vida pacificamente, cultivando e construindo, mas esses candidatos a protagonista masculino continuam arruinando meus planos de me estabelecer em paz.
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years ago
I got a silly idea, Can I request for N to get tickled by SCP-999? :3
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missoxd · 1 year ago
A escolha de Ava
Ava abriu os olhos. Estava sentada no banco de uma praça perto do escritório onde trabalhava. O número “998” pulsava em sua mente sem razão aparente e embaralhava seus pensamentos não deixando-a lembrar com exatidão como chegará ali. Suspeitou que tinha acabado seu expediente e estava voltando para casa, visto que o céu apresentava um roxo-alaranjado anunciando o crepúsculo e a praça era localizada entre seu trabalho e seu lar.
Levantou-se e começou a caminhar em direção a sua casa, quando uma menina de cabelos negros e lisos que Ava não conhecia, passou correndo e falou: – “Você fica linda de azul!” Voltando a correr sem nem mesmo dar tempo de Ava reagir. O mais confuso é que Ava não estava vestindo nenhum acessório azul, apenas o branco e cinza pragmático do seu trabalho.
Mais à frente Ava encontrou um vendedor de livros que mostrava com orgulho seus exemplares em uma barraca improvisada. O homem anunciava para os transeuntes falando: – “Nunca julgue um livro pela capa! Tenha curiosidade pelos conteúdos do interior de uma casca velha!” Porém, sem interesse no momento para analisar o que estava sendo ofertado, Ava apenas continuou em frente.
Enquanto passava embaixo de uma passarela, percebeu um pedinte sentado com uma placa a frente com os dizeres: “Por favor me ajude” e decidiu colocar algumas moedas no pote que estava ao lado da placa. Ao ouvir o tilintar das moedas batendo no fundo do pote, o pedinte que parecia estar dormindo surpreendeu Ava e falou: – “Obrigado minha jovem, que Deus lhe abençoe. Tenho certeza que você fará a escolha certa quando a hora chegar.” Se sentindo um pouco mais leve por ter ajudado alguém, Ava continuou seu caminho.
Algumas quadras antes de chegar na sua casa, Ava se surpreendeu com uma visão inusitada. Onde antes ficava um terreno baldio, se encontrava uma casa velha de madeira, a mesma era pintada de um azul escuro bem gasto que estava quase sumindo por completo. As duas janelas da frente eram protegidas por venezianas de uma cor que já fora preto. Mas o que mais chamava atenção de Ava era a porta. Ela contrastava por inteiro com a casa, pois ainda estava nova em folha, era feita de uma madeira castanha-escuro envernizada e bem no meio um símbolo do infinito estava entalhado (um oito virado). Acima do símbolo era possível ler: “Entre, esta é sua única chance”. A visão da casa causou vertigem em Ava, que por impulso apertou o passo para chegar logo em casa.
Agora que estava na rua de sua casa e já conseguindo ver seu jardim, Ava relaxou. Pensou no quão diferente o dia tinha sido e como só desejava chegar, tomar um banho e descansar. Começou a perceber um barulho crescente atrás de si, virou-se para ver o que poderia ser. Porém a única coisa que viu foi um branco vazio imenso que a envolveu. Confusa, fechou os olhos com força pensando ser um sonho e foi sentindo sua cabeça esvaziando seus pensamentos e memórias.
Ava abriu os olhos. Estava sentada no banco de uma praça perto do escritório onde trabalhava. O número “999” pulsava em sua mente …
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fiyatinedir · 2 years ago
Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları
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Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları, özellikle hükümet partisinin gençlere seçim vaadi olarak sunduğu proje sonrasında sıklıkla araştırılmaktadır. Alıcıların Vergisiz iPhone fiyatına kolayca ulaşabilmesi için Apple fiyatlarının vergisiz halini sizler için derledik. İçeriğimizin devamında yeni ve zamlı haliyle online ortamda satılan iPhone fiyatlarına ulaşabilirsiniz. Sözü daha fazla uzatmadan Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları listesine geçelim.
Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları
Özellikle "gençlere vergisiz telefon ve bilgisayar" vaadinden sonra merak edilen Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları listesi aşağıdaki gibidir. Sizde yorumlar kısmından iPhone modelleri ve vergisiz iPhone fiyatı hakkında görüşlerinizi hem bizimle hem de okuyucularımızla paylaşabilirsiniz. Telefon ModeliVergisiz FiyatıVergili FiyatıKültür BakanlığıTRT BandrolüÖTVKDVToplam VergiiPhone 14 Pro Max 128 GB23.414 TL45.999 TL234 TL2.341 TL12.995 TL7.017 TL22.587 YLiPhone 14 Pro 128 GB21.383 TL41.999 TL214 TL2.138 TL11.867 TL6.408 TL20.628 TLiPhone 14 Plus 128 GB18.834 TL36.999 TL188 TL1.883 TL10.453 TL5.645 TL18.169 TLiPhone 14 128 GB16.803 TL32.999 TL168 TL1.680 TL9.326 TL5.036 TL16.210 TLiPhone 13 128 GB14.255 TL27.999 TL143 TL1.426 TL7.912 TL4.272 TL13.752 TLiPhone 13 mini 64 GB12.722 TL24.999 TL128 TL1.272 TL7.061 TL3.813 TL12.273 TLiPhone 12 64 GB12.722 TL24.999 TL128 TL1.272 TL7.061 TL3.813 TL12.273 TLiPhone SE 64 GB8.660 TL16.999 TL87 TL866 TL4.806 TL2.595 TL8.355 TLVergisiz iPhone Fiyatları Vergisiz iPhone modellerini ve fiyatlarını sizler için derledik. Bunun haricinde vergisiz iPhone fiyatı hakkında merak edilen diğer konular için içeriğimizin devamına göz atabilirsiniz. Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat bilgisine bu yazımızdan ulaşarak ucuz olarak yararlanabilmenizi ve tasarruf etmenizi amaçlamaktayız. Fiyat araştırması sağlayan sitemiz sizlere Güncel Fiyat Bilgilerini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Elektronik kategorimizde yer alan Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları gibi diğer fiyat listelerimizi de inceleyebilirsiniz.
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iphone 14 pro max vergisiz fiyatı
iPhone Telefonlara ne kadar vergi ödüyoruz?
iPhone telefonlarda vergisiz fiyattan TRT bandrol ücreti, 1 Kültür Bakanlığı payı alınıyor. Bu oran dışında toplamın yüzde 50'si oranında ÖTV, KDV alınıyor. Yani örnek verecek olursak 128 GB 14 Pro Max modelinin vergisiz fiyatı 23.414 TL'dir. 14 Pro Max vergili fiyatı 45.999 TL'dir. Kültür bakanlığı payı 234 TL, TRT bandrolü 2.341 TL, Ötv 12.995 TL, KDV 7.017 TL'dir. Yani 14 Pro Max için alınan toplam vergi tutarı 22.587 TL'dir. Yurt dışından gelen iPhone kaç ay kullanılır? Yurtdışından getirilen telefonlar 120 gün kayıt yaptırmadan kullanılabilmektedir. Cihaz 120 gün içinde kayıt edilmemesi durumunda iletişime kapatılmaktadır. Yurtdışı iPhone alınırsa ne olur? Yurt dışından telefon aldığınız zaman sadece Türkiye'ye gelince bir kayıt parası ödemeniz gerekmektedir. Eğer ödemezseniz telefonunuz 120 gün içerisinde mobil hat kullanıma kapanacaktır. Bunun dışında da yurt dışında alınan telefonlar 1 senelik global garantiye tabidir. Türkiye'nin yüzde kaçı iPhone kullanıyor? Türkiye'de yaklaşık 9.5 milyon aktif iPhone kullanıcısı bulunuyor.
Dünyada en ucuz iPhone nerede?
En ucuz iPhone bulunan ülke olarak Güney Kore geliyor, orada 834 dolar (15 bin 458 TL) fiyatı ile satılıyor. Ayrıca globalde iPhone 14, 799 dolardan, 14 Plus ise 899 dolardan satışa sunuldu. iPhone 14'ler 9 Eylül'den itibaren ön satışa sunuldu. iPhone 14 Pro'nun başlangıç fiyatı 999 dolar olurken, iPhone 14 Pro Plus'un ise 1099 dolar olarak belirlendi. Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları Ne Kadar Güncel? Haftalık periyotlar ile Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat listesi yenilenmektedir. Fiyat Listesi sizler için sürekli güncel tutularak doğru bilgiye ulaşmanız hedeflenmektedir. Sizler için hazırlanan Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat listesinde hatalı veya noksan gördüğünüz bir nokta varsa iletişim sayfamızdan veya aşağıdaki yorumlar kısmından bizlere bildirebilirsiniz. Güncellenmesini, yenilenmesini sağlayabilirsiniz.
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iphone 11 vergisiz fiyatı
iPhone En çok hangi ülkede?
En çok iPhone telefon ülke Çin'dir. Çin'in ardından iPhone'un en çok kullanıldığı ülke elbette ABD oluyor. Çin'de resmi verilere göre 228 milyon iPhone kullanıcısı bulunuyor, ABD'de ise bu sayı 120 milyon kişiye kadar düşüyor.
Yurtdışından biri bana telefon getirebilir mi?
Bir başkası sizin için telefon getiremez. Herkes kendi kimlik numarası ve cep telefonu numarasına kayıtlı olan telefonu kullanabilir. Eğer bir başkası üzerine alınan telefon kayıt edilirse ancak size ait olan hattın o kişi üzerine devir edilmesi ve telefonun yine o kişi üzerinden kayıt olması gerekiyor. Vergisiz iPhone gibi ürün veya hizmete para ödemeden önce ilgili incelemeler ve karşılaştırmaları sağlayarak en uygun, ucuz ve doğru olanı tercih etmenizi öneririz. Fiyat ve Performans altın kural olmalı ve para yönetimini sağlamak özellikle bu zor zamanlarda hepimizin amacı olmalı. Web sitemizi takip ederek istediğiniz her ürün veya hizmetin fiyat bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz. Sağ üstte yer alan arama butonuna aradığınız şeyi örneğin " Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatı " yazarak ilgili listeyi bulabilirsiniz. Aradığınız fiyat listesi sitemizde yer almıyorsa bize bildirerek çok kısa bir sürede sitemize eklenmesini gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat Bilgisi Güncel midir? Evet paylaştığımız Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat Listesi günceldir ve haftalık olarak güncellenerek sizlere en güncel hali sunulmaktadır. Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat bilgisi Nasıl Temin Edilmektedir? Hazırladığımız fiyat listesini Vergisiz iPhone hakkındaki fiyat bilgisi ilgili kurumlar, resmî web sitesi, mağazalar, firmalar veya çağrı merkezlerinden temin edilerek direk kurumdan öğrenilen bilgi paylaşılmaktadır. Zaman zaman kendimiz giderek, yerinde görerek de fiyat listelerine ulaşmaktayız. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVSF288wSZ8&t=2s Vergisiz iPhone Fiyatları Vergisiz iPhone gibi fiyat araştırması sağladığınız konularda kesinlikle tüketici ve kullanıcı yorumlarını incelemenizi de öneririz. Bunu sağlayarak Ödeme yapacağınız hizmet veya ürünün olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerini karşılaştırıp sizlerin daha uygun ve doğru bir sonuca ulaşmanızı sağlayacaktır. Vergisiz iPhone Fiyat araştırmasında sitemizi tercih ettiğiniz sizlere teşekkür ederiz. Yazılarımızın hemen altında bulunan ilgili kategoriden benzer içeriklere ulaşabilirsiniz. Fiyat Karşılaştırması sağlayan fiyatınedir.net 2 yılı aşkındır sizlere hizmet vermektedir. Vergisiz Bilgisayar Fiyatları Vergisiz Telefon Fiyatları Read the full article
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gameprincessanya · 3 years ago
Ok but...
Fazbender’s pizza in DSAF 3 gets SCPs from time to time. How about this:
Harry’s stressed one day, but then he meets SCP 999 in the establishment!! The cute little blob sees someone who looks like a fellow SCP; a person with a human body with a formal suit, but a phone for a head. Could it be a friend? 999 is determined to make him happy, looking cute and gurgling. Confused, Harry picks it up, wondering what it is.
“Hey, little guy. How’d you get in here?”
It gives him a hug, and he feels strangely happy. He pets it, and it gurgles more, deciding he’s safe. Then, it starts to tickle, going for his ribs and armpits!
“Heheheeeeheee, hey wahahaahit!” Harry protests, though he must admit he was kind of expecting this. “Eheheeheheee! Unfahahahair!”
999 tickles until Harry taps out, looking thoroughly winded.
“Golly gosh! L-let’s get you back to your owners, ok?” Harry says. A doctor comes to pick up the SCP.
“Thanks so much, sir. He didn’t cause you any trouble, did he?”
Harry blinks. “Actually no. He was well behaved, and rather playful!”
“Glad to hear it,” the doctor says. Turning to the blob, he says, “Now, let’s get you back home!”
999 smiles and waves to Harry, hoping it made him happy today.
Harry smiles back, still giggling a bit. Truly, the little guy had made his day a lot better and cheered him up.
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papermoonashsurix · 3 years ago
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oc tickle art!! lee! jinx and ler! karou!! yippieee and the change of perspective that i dont usually do ruined karou but i guess thats what happens when you don’t practicesghwheshjwes
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trashyswitch · 3 months ago
Day 23: Sweet
Dr. Collingwood conducts an experiment on SCP-999 to see how 999 will react to music. After a little bit of music, another staff member recognizes a slight error in her experiment, and comes with a piano to help her out.
Well, I still haven't given up on tickletober. I'm determined to finish it, even if it's the last thing I do! So here you go, and I hope you enjoy!
Experiment Log for SCP-999-01
Approved by O5-█
Monitored by O5-█ and O5-█
Project Head: Dr. I. Collingwood
Date: ██/██/████
Test Subject: SCP-999
Procedure: To play different types of music for SCP-999 and record the specimen’s reactions. 
Notes from Dr. Collingwood: “As the head researcher and current caretaker of SCP-999, I am well aware of 999 being allowed to roam the facility anytime. I am also aware that anyone is allowed to enter 999’s pen between 8am and 8pm. However, I have ordered that all personnel be kept out of 999’s pen for the sake of this experiment. Today’s experiment will involve checking 999’s general intelligence. I plan on playing different types of music through a speaker to see how 999 reacts to the music. The plan is to record 999’s mood changes and general comprehension of the different types of music.” 
Dr. Collingwood: (opens containment door) Now entering the pen of SCP-999. 
999: (gurgles excitedly, bouncing up and down while clapping its pseudopods together.) 
Dr. Collingwood: Hi 999! How are you, little guy?
999: (Bounces up to Dr. Collingwood) 
Dr. Collingwood: (picks up 999) Awww, sweet little thing… 
999: (Whimpers, nuzzles into Dr. Collingwood’s neck) 
Dr. Collingwood: (giggles) I missed you too, 999.
999: (Happy gurgles) 
Dr. Collingwood: (puts 999 down) I came here to see how you react to music. Okay?” 
999: (Sits there for a few seconds, staring at her.) 
Dr. Collingwood pulls out her phone and a speaker. She appears to scroll through before clicking on the song ‘Better Days’ by OneRepublic. Right away, 999 jumps and turns its ‘head’ towards the blue speaker. It looks confused about what a speaker is, and how the song is playing. But when the beat starts to play, 999 raises itself up, and slowly starts to bounce its body to the music. 
Dr. Collingwood: “You like that, sweetheart?” 
999: (nods head) 
When the chorus happens, the drum beat seems to stop. 999 appears to notice this, and lessens his own bouncing for a few moments. But when the beat starts up again for the second verse, 999 starts bouncing again. This time, 999 is bouncing left and right. 
Dr. Collingwood: (smiles and starts dancing to the music with her hands) 
999: (Appears to mimic her dance moves) 
Dr. Collingwood lifts her hands up and starts to play the air drums. 999 notices this, and appears to start mimicking her drumming with its pseudopods.
Dr. Collingwood: 1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4! (counts with fingers) 
999: (watches curiously, before looking at their pseudopods) 
Dr. Collingwood: You wanna try? 1, 2, 3, 4! (counts with fingers)
999 looks up at Dr. Collingwood and starts ‘counting’ with its pseudopod. But the pseudopod lacks the fingers to count. It looks like 999’s attempting to imitate her, but cannot understand what the counting is for.
Dr. Collingwood: Okay…So I guess you don’t know how to count. (picks up speaker) How about this: 
Dr. Collingwood starts clapping her hands together to the beat. Quickly, 999 catches on and starts clapping its pseudopods to the beat as well.
Dr. Collingwood: Alright. What song should I play next… 
Dr. Collingwood pulls her phone out and starts playing the song ‘Somewhere Sweet’ by Scott Helman. 
Dr. Collingwood: This is a slower song. It doesn’t require tapping, but requires swaying back and forth. Like this: (Sways back and forth) 
999: (Watches curiously, imitates Dr. Collingwood’s swaying) 
Dr. Collingwood: Yeah, like that! Just like that!
999 and Dr. Collingwood continued to sway for another minute to the song. By the time the chorus comes around, 999 is doing its own thing and waving its pseudopods to the song. 
Dr. Collingwood: You having fun? 
999: (nods eagerly, gurgles)
Dr. Collingwood: (Sings the song) 
999: (gurgles louder) 
Dr. Collingwood: (Singing) And I wanna be, yeah…somewhere sweet, somewhere sweet…And I wanna be, yeah…somewhere sweet, somewhere sweet…
999 appears to slide itself up to Dr. Collingwood and hugged her from behind.
Dr. Collingwood: Awww…Thank you, 999. 
999: (gurgles happily and engulfs Dr. Collingwood in its pseudopods.) 
Dr. Collingwood: Uh oh…(chuckles nervously) What are you planning? And why do you smell like M&M’s? 
999: (gurgles) 
999 starts to engulf Dr. Collingwood with its pseudopods, before tickle-wrestling her.
Dr. Collingwood: eEEK! Hold on-! HAHAhahaha! (guffaws and rolls around) It Tickles! It’s ticklish! (continues laughing)
999: (Gurgles happily)
Dr. Collingwood: Nine-nine-nine! (Keeps laughing) What happened- (giggles) -to the music? (throws her head back with laughter)
999: (Coos and ‘shrugs its shoulder’) 
Dr. Collingwood: (Gasps) WAIT! (squeals) NOT THAT! (cackles) Pleeease! (giggles) It’s too much! 
Dr. Collingwood’s laughter appears to lessen as 999 raises its body up to her upper chest area. It appears that 999 has moved spots to lessen the tickles for Dr. Collingwood. 
Dr. Collingwood: Okay… (Giggles) Thank you. 
999 seems to coo before planting a ‘kiss’ on Dr. Collingwood’s cheek. This action is important to document, as this is the first known instance of 999 showing such forms of affection. 
Dr. Collingwood: (Coos) Awwww, that- (giggles) That was really sweet! 
999: (Purrs) 
Dr. Collingwood: Thank you, 999. 
999: (Happily coos)
As the second chorus plays, Dr. Collingwood and 999 go back to listening to the song. When the song ends, Dr. Collingwood’s swaying stops as she pulls out her phone again. 
O5-█: Dr. Collingwood, have you tried playing the music yourself? 
Dr. Collingwood: No, I haven’t. Thing is, I don’t really play any instruments. 
O5-█: You don’t play guitar or piano?
Dr. Collingwood: No…
O5-█: I do. I used to play the piano a lot when I was in high school. I know where I can find a keyboard. Want me to get it? 
Dr. Collingwood: Oh wow…Okay, sure! Join me with your keyboard.
O5-█ gets out of their chair and leaves the observation room. In 20 minutes, O5-█ walks into 999’s pen with a keyboard and sits on the floor.
O5-█: Look at this, 999. (Plays middle C up to G, before going back down to C) 
999: (Confused gurgles) 
O5-█: Each key makes a sound. (plays D♭, then down to A, B and C.) 
999: (Eager coos, hits a note) 
Dr. Collingwood: Yeah, like that! 
999: (looks up to O5-█)
Dr. Collingwood: Alright O5-█. Show us what you’re made of. 
O5-█: Alright. I’m going to play Married Life by Michael Giacchino. (Turns on keyboard) From the Disney movie ‘Up’. 
Dr. Collingwood sits herself down and listens as O5-█ plays the keyboard like a grand piano. pokes a key) elling by the sound, the song starts off relatively happy. Its cheerfulness appears to make 999 sway back and forth. 
Dr. Collingwood: (smiles) You’re right, 999. This song always makes me wanna dance. 
Dr. Collingwood gets up and starts to dance and twirl around the room. 999 appears to imitate Dr. Collingwood by spinning around the room as well. O5-█ appears to watch this as they keep playing. Dr. Collingwood soon takes two of 999’s pseudopods and starts swinging them left and right, with 999 following suit. 999 and Dr. Collingwood both appear to be having a lot of fun. 
But as the song turns sad, Dr. Collingwood’s smile begins to drop. 999 notices this, and tilts its head in confusion. 
Dr. Collingwood: (Sits down, watches 999)
999: (Confused coos)
Dr. Collingwood: This is a sad part of the song. 
999: (cups Dr. Collingwood’s cheeks, nuzzles into Dr. Collingwood’s neck) 
Dr. Collingwood: (Squeaks and giggles) Awww…
O5-█: (Plays happier version of the song) 
999: (squeals and starts dancing around) 
Memo from Dr. Collingwood: “Though more tests will be required, results to date have been quite successful. 999 seems to respond well to music, as well as recognizing how influential music is on the human mind. Perhaps in time, 999 will consider the use of music when treating patients.”
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radiant-fanon-maker · 1 year ago
What scp 999 got uzi next?
It would be fun seeing her get tickled by it
Hell yeah!!
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