#but basically only in name
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Illithid Kiss
So I caved. Immediately. Mind flayers are hot, bite me
Thanks to @llamagoddessofficial for showing me 1 (one) image of bg3 mind flayer and immediately going AWOOGA
Yes I made an ao3 link, I ‘ve been taken over help
(Mind flayer x Female!Reader
Mind flayer goes by he/him)
Vaussur took you in as his thrall for what feels like a long time ago. Despite being a mind flayer, for his kind, he had surprise you at every turn, acting unlike how you expected an illithid to act- like how the rest of the mind flayers in his hive acts. Lenient and forgiving with you, letting you roam with your mind free (for the most part), you find yourself unexpectedly getting attached to him.
What do you do, when all of a sudden your mind flayer ‘master’ asks you to tell him about human love? When he asks you to show him more directly? And most importantly…
Would you kiss a mind flayer?
Content warning: Mind control involved (consensual), suggestive themes, master/servant romantic relationship
“Tell me, pet. What does it mean to love like a human?”
You’re snapped out of your musings at the voice, echoing both through the room and chambers in your mind. You look away from the window, from the alien society outside. Vaussur was looming behind you, a curious glow in his eyes that looked soft, somehow.
In the shadows of the room he looked ominous, almost spine-chilling. Illithid armour glinting in the faint light, while the rest of his body was merely a silhouette save for his glowing, golden irises. It reminded you of stories people back home used to tell you when you were young: to close and lock the doors at night and close the windows lest a monster sneak into the room. You didn’t know what a mind flayer was, back then, but seeing him now, he fits the stories perfectly.
Yet, he keeps surprising you with his curious mannerisms- his strange questions. You turn to face your ‘master’.
“Why do you ask?”
“As you might guess, it’s not something I can speak of amongst other illithids,” he says matter-of-factly, with a bit of humor in his eyes. “But its still something I’m personally interested in, nonetheless.”
You giggle. “What do you mean? Do you study humans?”
Mind flayers don’t have mouths. But from the way his tentacles moved, it almost looks like Vaussur was smiling at the sound of your giggle. But he answers seriously.
“I have been, as of late.” He gives you a meaningful glance. “Of course, illithids are the superior race and our ways of living are equally superior. … But I find myself becoming curious. We don’t have such customs in our society, and what I’m about to say is unbecoming for a mind flayer, but…”
You look at him curiously as he struggles to speak his words.
“I… envy you.” He whispers. “You have no idea how exquisite your mind tastes, my dear thrall. … How tender, the sweetness in every drop of thought in that delectable mind of yours, the warmth and comfort your memories radiate… You come from a world where a small, innocent, kind thing like yourself could flourish and bloom- thrive, even. How can such a world exist?”
The way he describes your mind in frightening and alien detail, reminds you of what he is- an illithid, a being that literally has a taste for brains. But even so, the way he described yours, though a little unsettling, almost sounds like a poem, words woven carefully just for you. Try as you might, it sounds like a compliment to you.
“W-well,” you stutter, staggered by his flowery words- coming from a being that has never seen much of life in the sun. “I think humans are more social than mind flayers. You communicate out of necessity, working together like a hivemind for the elder brain… right?”
“Right. You remembered what I told you? Smart pet, you prove me again and again why you’re my favorite thrall.”
“Um!” Being called a thrall wasn’t flattering, but still you feel your mind spin from the praise. “Thank- thank you. As I was saying, humans communicate and cooperate too, but we don’t do it just out of necessity. We find joy in the comfort of other humans- and other beings too, if they’ve formed a bond. We do it because we like it. We make bonds with people in our families and our communities, for companionship and… sometimes more. We can work alone, but most suffer from being solitary.”
You don’t know what kind of love Vaussur was asking you for, but you thought keeping it general was a good start at least. And the safest option, considering the other possibility.
“Interesting… not unlike illithids.” He comments.
“Really? How so?”
“As a non mind-flayer, you would not know this, but… it’s very unhealthy for a mind flayer to be completely alone.” You raise your eyebrows in surprise while Vaussur continues. “No elder brain, no other illithids, no thralls. Mind flayers are surrounded and connected by thoughts. To strip the familiar away from them… I’ve heard stories where they’ve gone mad.”
“Wait- mind flayers can go mad?”
“Of course. We are superior but not perfect- even I can admit that. Mind flayers can’t thrive in isolation, we must rely on another living being. It’s a disgrace for a mind flayer to accept it, let alone admit it- especially to admit they rely on thralls so heavily beyond labor.”
“I didn’t know that.” You remarked, seeing the illithids in a new light. Most of what you’ve heard from when mind flayers were merely myths and legends, and from what you’ve seen directly from their society indicates that they’re a self-sufficient, self-aggrandizing people. To know they could be attached to anything other than themselves, or at least to their elder brain… and Vaussur had so easily conceded this information to you.
“Wait, if it was a disgrace, why are you admitting this to me right now?”
“Because I’m no different. And it is no disgrace to say that I need you to stay with me.”
Your mouth hangs open at his honest confession, like it was factual. You try to ignore the little flips your stomach is doing, and whether or not it was a good feeling.
“I’ve also heard that there are different types of love. Platonic and romantic, I think they’re called.”
“Yes, yes there is, it’s-” you stop yourself, even as you quieten the excitement in your chest at the mention of the other type of love (to your puzzlement). “How do you know about that?”
“During my time on a reconnaissance mission. I was looking for possibles hosts to implant with tadpole.”
You fail to hide the distaste on your face at the mention of ceremorphosis. If Vaussur saw it, he doesn’t react.
“I heard them talking about it. I think they were discussing whether what they felt for each other was one form or the other. Their discussion about the romantic one became particularly charged.”
He refocuses on you, and eagerly asks, “What is… romantic love?”
He was trying to sound calm and analytical but you could hear it: excitement. But why would a mind flayer be so interested in romance, of all things?
“It’s… like I said earlier,” you swallowed. You don’t know why you felt so bashful about it, like you were in a group of children talking about your parents kissing like it was a scandal. “It’s when people have more… intimate relationships with another. It’s not very different from platonic love, but different nonetheless. It’s…”
How do you explain romantic love to someone who doesn’t know what it is? How is it different from platonic love? Just having to explain what love is to him proved itself quite confusing to you, as the more you tried to grasp the definition of love to you, the more it slipped away.
“It’s like…” you grasp again, “romantic love is when you meet another person, and you feel a, a… a spark. It’s more intense than platonic love, where you just feel this… attraction to the other person, where you want to be as close to them as possible, and just their presence can make you really happy. You do things with them things you wouldn’t do with any other people you have in your life, intimate things. Someone you want to share your life with.”
You feel a little helpless as you clasp your hands together, trying to convey what you think love looks like to someone who’s never experienced it. Even with your loose explanation, Vaussur is rapt with fascination, his luminous glare unblinking.
“I’m sorry if this is confusing to you…”
He shakes his head. “That’s more knowledge than any mind flayer knows. And… if it proves hard for you, pet, maybe you should show it to me.”
“I… show it?”
You were about to ask how, but as soon as you thought that, a word echoes in your mind.
With a kiss.
Your eyes widen, and unfortunately, it looks like your mind was loud enough for Vaussur to notice.
Without skipping a beat, he asks you, “Can you… show that to me? Kissing?”
Added with his forwardness, you fluster, but you try to calm yourself. Vaussur is a mind flayer. He’s never experienced any kind of love, let alone romantic. He really is just curious, he’s not trying to charm you… right?
You try to explain it to him.
“I c-could, but… kissing you would be more… romantic. One of the intimate things people do together to be romantic.” You said that twice. Your mind is tripping over itself. “You have to- no, you should do it with someone you care about deeply, the one you want to keep in your life. At least, that’s how you make it more meaningful.”
Vaussur doesn’t speak, not immediately. A strange look washes over his face, his brows furrowing. Subconsciously, he brings his hand to a tentacle, stroking it thoughtfully.
“I don’t see the problem. That describes how I feel about you perfectly.”
Everything goes quiet for you.
… “What?”
Vaussur doesn’t skip a beat.
“That’s how I’ve felt about you since I took you as my thrall. That is not a strange concept. I’m intimately familiar with that feeling.” He pauses. “Unless this is hesitation because I’m a mind flayer.”
“I- no that’s not it,” you say, the ice freezing your tongue melting. “It’s, I just- do you… love… me?”
“Perhaps. If that really what love is, then yes. But illithids don’t have ‘romance’ or ‘love’. So I need you to show me what it is.”
You shake your head, you can’t believe the situation you’re in, looking at the floor. The mind flayer that’s called you his thrall might very well love you- even be in love for you. People have described mind flayers as soulless, one of the defining characteristics they were often associated with, something you’d accepted as fact, until you were captured by one. Despite his illithid tendencies, the air of superiority, lack of care for non illithid lives, and strange fascination with brains; for what he is, Vaussur’s acted with more humanity than what you imagined a mind flayer was capable of.
You’ve noticed that most of your favorite qualities in him come out when you have his attention.
Though he’s always been imposing and quite frightening, you can’t believe that you’ve… thought what it’d be like to kiss him. At times when he seems to go against his natural instincts, like keeping you away from the feedings, how he praises you when he defends you from other mind flayers, how you were precious to him, and the way he held you protectively whenever you needed to cross their domain.
You’re amazed at yourself when you answer him with “... Alright.”
When you pick your head up from your musings, you startle from how close he was to you. You could see the patterns in his illithid armor, the intricate swirls and spirals, turning to complicated geometries as they reach the edge of the armor, extending from what looks like a mind flayer skull in the middle of the collar area. Long, dark purple robes extend from underneath, covering most of Vaussur’s skin. You withhold the urge to trace your fingers over the shapes.
You look up, way up. You were no stranger to this- even among mind flayers, Vaussur was particularly tall. He loomed over you, your head only reaching somewhere in the middle of his chest, and you’d have to crane your neck whenever he commanded you. But now, with the prospect of… kissing him, he seems all the more imposing. The closes thing you could to kissing him properly would probably be on one of tentacle.
Vaussur makes a strange sound, a sound that tickles your brain. A laugh…?
Before you could worry about what you were about to do, you feel a magic presence all around you, like someone was holding you. Your feet lift off the floor as you’re picked up by his psionic energy, bringing you face to face with him. There’s expectance in his burning gaze, something that makes you feel small and defenseless. You feel his thoughts seeping into your mind, mixing with yours: the want to be closer, of warm affection… and something possessive. You’re not sure if he’s trying to make you feel the same things for him, or if he’s simply communicating with you the way a mind flayer would with each other. It scares you a little, especially feeling his more foreign emotions- but whatever it is, you know he’s being genuine. You don’t sense a hint of malice in all the rush of feelings he’s emanating.
Despite your timidity, you can’t say those feelings were wholly unpleasant. You find you’re actually leaning into it, closing your eyes to try to feel it coursing through you. When you open them, you find the courage to brace your hands on his plated shoulders. Brilliant citrine eyes glance down at them, and you realize how small they must look to him.
Your brows furrow a little as you look for a good place to… kiss an illithid. Your fingers curl, and you try to position your head a bit to the side. You could feel him watching your every move, and you swallow.
You lean in. You could smell him, somewhat like vanilla and something else, and you’re surprised that you like it. Your lips press to the side of his face, above two of his tentacles, and kiss him. Vaussur closes his eyes and hums- you could feel him physically and mentally relax. His skin was strange, smooth and slick with a thin film of something; but you didn’t dislike it.
You pull back, parting with a little cup! as you did. Vaussur looks a little more… floaty, like he was dreaming.
“... Can you do that again?” He murmurs
You purse your lips together, hands letting go to twiddle your fingers, not quite knowing where to look.
Apparently Vaussur takes your hesitation negatively.
“I feel your nervousness, puppet. What’s the matter? … Did you not like it?”
You didn’t know mind flayers could even sound hurt, but he did, though he tried to hide it from you.
“No, no!” you stressed, “I’m just! It’s! … I’m just… shy.”
His eyes widen. You know what he must be reading from your mind right now: curiosity, interest, maybe even… fondness.
When you look at his mouth you feel a mix of emotions. Were you afraid? Were you excited…? … No you don’t want ot think of what that meant, it’s too much. You stare for his mouth a moment longer while you try to gain the courage to kiss him.
You decided to work up to it.
Your hand reaches for a tentacle tentatively.
“Can I…? Touch your..?”
The tentacle flexes. Vaussur seems clueless as to what you want to do with it, but he lets you have it.
You give it a feather light touch, tracing a finger down its length. You realize how… sensual this feels, and you wonder if mind flayers ever enjoyed the pleasures of the body…? If they could? Vaussus gasps quietly, the tentacle reacting to your touch, twitching closer to you.
You’ve found yourself imagining what it was like to stroke his tentacles, of what would happen. Vaussur closes his eyes, letting you run your hand down. It’s smooth and slick with illithid mucous, cool to the touch, almost slippery. You think you like it. The other tentacles start to curl and sway closer around you, as if looking for your attention. You feel a sudden sense of pride fill you, at the effect you had on this mind flayer, just by touching him lightly.
His tentacles start their own exploration of you; timidly at first, but they quickly gain confidence and start to lavish you with tender caresses. One prods and brushes your cheek. Another traces along your collarbone curiously. The third free tentacle slides behind your back and holds you steady. The one you’re holding- clearly enjoying what you’re doing to it, curls around your arm.
You tittered. It’s like they had minds of their own. You wondered… what would happen if you kissed him on the tentacle?
You lift it up to you and give it a gentle peck.
Apparently, they were sensitive because as soon as you did, claws closed around your back and hips and pulled you flush against Vaussur’s chest, squeaking as he did. He lets out a deep, pleasurable sigh that turns your cheeks red while he grips you tightly, wantingly. You’d always assumed that a mind flayer’s body would feel cold, but even though his skin was covered in fluid, he was warm. Very warm.
So were you.
His golden eyes were glowing brighter than ever, his tentacles caressing you and start to float and curl languidly around you. His mouth is open before you, and your breath mixes with his.
You don’t feel fear.
“Please, my human,” he implores, “teach me. Teach me how you love.”
You didn’t hesitate this time. You felt naturally drawn to him. Willingly, you lean into him, his body, his feelings. You wrap your arms around his neck and somehow, your lips found his mouth and you started to kiss him.
As you expected, kissing Vaussur was nothing like the kisses you’ve experienced with other humans, or even other humanoids. You aren’t sure how to describe it, it felt you were kissing all around you rather than on one single spot, he surrounded you. His tentacles start to wrap you more tightly- around your head and neck. Though the thought of how vulnerable you were in this position with a mind flayer- that he could eat you so easily- did cross your mind, it only did so briefly. You were worried earlier that kissing a mind flayer with their mouths that opened four ways accompanied by lamprey teeth, meant to suction and grind into skulls might feel horrible but… you’re delighted that that wasn’t the case. The sensation of having him surround you and hold you so lovingly tightly was quite pleasant.
He hums, the sound vibrating around you. He starts floating backwards with you, slowly settling into his bed, his hands wandering, feeling you. You could feel him in your mind again, but he wasn’t intruding. It felt more like he was asking for your permission. You happily let him in, and you feel yourself cradled by his thoughts: soft, warm adoration for you.
Despite what the natural order tells you, you felt safe with him.
Vaussur had seemed confused earlier, not knowing what to do with himself while you spoiled him with your kisses, but he’d started becoming more confident, evident from the way he holds you and the tentacles’ affectionate touches. He starts taking control, sitting up a little and folding you backwards, reciprocating your kiss with new fervor, deepening it. His claws start to dig into you possessively, and you squeak, his power overwhelming you.
A flood of satisfaction floods your brain, and it isn’t yours.
I like those sounds. Vaussur’s voice purrs in your mind. Give me more.
You gasp and mewl, squirming in his hold, which only excites the illithid more, tentacles winding around your head tighter. One hand manages to stray from the tangle of limbs, only to quickly get reclaimed by his slender fingers, entwining with yours.
Don’t be scared, sweet human. He teases diabolically, I promise I won’t eat that delicious mind of yours. You’re safe with me.
You don’t know how long he kept you like that, hungrily taking your mouth while his hands and tentacles wander. When he was finally sated, Vaussur gently pries his tendrils off your face, and lets you go. You take a gasp of air, the blood in your head slowly draining away, and you cool down. You could feel warm imprints on your face where his tentacles and mouth were. Already, you find yourself missing the closeness you shared, his warm mouth on yours.
It felt like he was sucking your face in the best ways.
… You feel scandalized by your own thoughts, and you cover your mouth bashfully.
“I felt that.”
Damn it!
Vaussur chuckles, his eyes flickering with smugness. His gaze wanders over your face, like he was admiring his ‘work’.
He looks happy, eyes crinkling at you.
“Just like I promised. Your mind is still yours, untouched, undigested. Though… there are marks on your face. I rather like it.”
You don’t know how red your face is right now, fingers scrambling on it as if you could see it better that way.
He chuckles again, and your frantic thoughts stop when a finger brushes your cheek.
“Thank you. For showing me that, puppet.”
Slowly, you smile, small and demure. “Your… welcome. Thank you for keeping my mind safe. I…” you swallowed, laughing nervously, “I liked it.”
Oh. Oh, he liked that.
“I did too. Immensely. You’re… incredible.” He praises you. “I would not be opposed to it if we did it again.”
You’re suddenly intimately aware of the fact that you were on his lap, practically straddling him, his arms keeping you close. He’s just invited you to another kiss, and you… like that idea. Sheepishly, you say the same.
“I… I wouldn’t either.”
You’re hoping you’ll get to kiss him again soon. Maybe more.
He lays you down beside him, and as he presses the top of his tentacles to your head, you realize it was his attempt at giving you a peck. You smile, and you instinctively curl into him, tentacles floating around you protectively.
Rest, human. He urges. You’ve done a lot today. Sleep.
You let him mentally compel you. It was nice, being able to sleep whenever you wanted without having to toss and turn before hand. You feel sleep quickly take you and your eyes fall close.
Vaussur stays up a bit longer after you, admiring his pretty ‘thrall’ that he feels lucky to have found. His fingers comb through your hair and behind your ear.
You’re… extraordinary.
You smile in your sleep as response. He thinks that might be the prettiest thing he’s seen in his illithid life: you being happy while you were with him.
He doesn’t think these soft, tender feelings are natural for a mind flayer. He wonders if he inhabits a human body.
You curl a little, trying to escape the chill, and Vaussur pulls a blanket up to you, and covers you. He needs to rest soon too, to shed his armor and sink into bed with you by his side.
His small… cute… vulnerable little human.
Whatever he may be in his previous life before the ceremorphosis, one thing is clear to him now.
He loves you.
And no one else can have you.
#aka writing#mind flayer#i imagined them in an established relationship#you’ve been his ‘thrall’ for a while#but basically only in name#he pampers you and keeps you close#hehe#mind flayer hot#unfortunately i dont play a lot of dnd and my dnd knowledge is limited#But of what I do know#some information#He’s “He” because he found it easier for thralls to refer to him as such#and he speaks with his mouth because reader finds it comforting :>#mindflayer x reader
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At your side [End of Season 2]
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#wen ning#jin ling#wen qing#jiang yanli#a-yuan#It may have taken a year but we did it! The end of season 2!!!#(Granted: this season was nearly twice the length of season one.)#It's been a really fantastic season to draw for. So many iconic moments! It was a lot of work but I had a blast B*)#I also enjoyed experimenting more and more with my comic style. I'm growing as a comic artist bit by bit!#There is even a little bit of shadowing in this one for next season. As a treat. All the fun (and not heart breaking) scenes to come!#Comic talk time: Recently saw 12 angry men for first time and I love the coincidence of the themes aligning here.#They both touch upon the horror of judicial systems - in which the most persuasive argument wins and the truth is a nuisance.#All it takes is one person to stand against the crowd and say 'I do not know what is true. And that is reasonable doubt enough.'#When the majority is for condemning someone guilty - that in itself is persuasive enough.#One will set their mind to what the 'truth' is and refuse to see it any other way. That their perspective is the only correct one.#No one is born with a monopoly on the truth.#Everyone has biases and agendas. Some care not for the outcome - only that they can be on the convenient side.#Lan Wangji is putting everything on the line to say 'I'm not going to go with the majority vote.'#And that is a huge deal in a story that is so politically focused as MDZS is. Everything is a careful chess move to these sects -#and to not play the game is basically sacrificing everything you are and your families name. For some it is unthinkable.#And there is no doubt in LWJ's mind. He would stand there and lose everything if it means upholding justice.#More importantly - these two have each other's backs. The bond is unbreakable. This is the most ride or die I have seen two people be.
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'He would not fucking say that' only it's 'That child would not speak in full fucking sentences.'
#basic rule of thumb is two year olds are expected to be able to use TWO words in a row.#some can do more. some can do less.#but please assume that if a child is under three they are not speaking thoughts more complex than 'I want that' or 'I am [sad/hungry/mad]'#Occassionally you'll hear a pretty complex thought like 'It's snowing outside!' but that's only certain kids#If they draw your attention to something it's usually just the word 'LOOK' and a bunch of pointing#If they're upset words go completely out the window and you'll just hear crying/screaming. possibly the word 'no' or 'Mama' or 'Daddy'#Kids tend to say 'mama' or 'daddy' even if those people aren't in the immediate area#Tho I have had the hilarious experience of hearing an angry kid loudly scream for his older sister#are there exceptions to the rule? yes of course#also: most kids understand social cues before they can actively participate in them#So for instance when I put on my coat they all start yelling 'Bye Maggie!' even if I am actively having a conversation#They also know that it's typical to greet someone when they come in the door but they don't know WHEN or HOW#which results in them just. Yelling your name at you when you come in the room. Sometimes they'll say 'MAGGIE HERE.'#When the phone rings they yell 'HELLO??' at it.
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Amara, Dean’s (alleged) deepest darkest desire, standing right in front of him in a moment of nausea inducing chaos and the only name that passes his lips in a desperate prayer is Cas.
#a moment of silence for how fucking gay they are#LIKE WHAT#WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMARA IS BASICALLY HIS OBSSESION BUT WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT THE ONLY NAME HE CAN UTTER IS CAS?#HELLO???#wow#just wow#no one is doing it like them#supernatural#destiel#castiel#dean winchester#spn#deancas#dean and castiel's profound bond#aka finding religion in one another and being totally normal about it
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'i hate jason grace because he thought he was worthy enough to compete with percy' I'm sorry have y'all SEEN jason. this man defeated a TITAN without weapons and his bare hands to the point the titan wanted to rise from the UNDERWORLD with the help of a GODDESS to seek vengeance over him. I think we can cut him slack for having some well deserved self respect bc I'd brag too wtf
#put some RESPECT on this guy's name. nobody is a more worthy competitor to percy than jason sorry not sorry I won't take arguments.#and has less experience with stuff because camp jupiter rarely had monster attacks so he was basically sheltered yet he was so strong#he saved percy UNDERWATER and defeated a SEA monster despite the whole zeus/poseidon thing. That only makes it difficult for him#and water isn't even his domain#yet y'all will call this 'gary stu behaviour' completely ignoring how op rick made percy. apparently only percy is allowed to be powerful??#he was trained by WOLVES as a 2 year old#before some mf goes 'theres no way jason defeated krios w just hands lol he was just boasting for the sake of it'. krios said it himself 💀#ironically jason was wayy too humble considering the stuff he's done lol he NEVER bragged and neither did percy#fandom when a character who has actually accomplished great stuff has an ounce of self respect and self awareness: 😠🔪🔪#it's not even 'i hate jason bc he's arrogant/powerless/boring' atp#it's just 'im too attached to percy to like any other person who's on his level and can't accept the fact that percy has a powerful rival'#pjo#pjo fandom#percy jackson#pjo series#pjo hoo#jason grace#pjo hoo toa
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honestly "no good deed" makes perfect sense when you put it into context of everything elphaba's been through in the last 24 hours. like. went to go visit her sister and dad. found out her dad was dead and not only does her sister hate her now but she's become the dictator of their home and imprisoned everyone who lives there. tries to help her sister a little by giving her the ability to walk only for her sister to immediately try to kill a guy. elphaba saves his life by turning him into a walking statue. during all this she finds out both of her college crushes are marrying each other and decides to go see what's going on there. goes to the capitol and is almost pardoned by the fascist dictator until she finds out that her favorite schoolteacher has been tortured so bad he's no longer sapient. crush a then shows up and almost kills her, then reveals he's running away with her instead. and she's like. what. and they have to leave behind crush b who ALREADY has severe abandonment issues. this is all happening in front of the fascist dictator, who is also her birth father. she and crush a run off and have sex for the first time. she then sees a massive storm and realizes it's heading right for her sister. goes to check and make sure her sister's ok. her sister has been murdered and the murderer is a 6yo girl who was given the family heirloom shoes by crush b. elphaba and crush b get into a fistfight, elphaba is almost arrested and murdered but crush a frees her and gets killed instead. like no wonder she fucking snapped, i would've cracked like eight hours prior
#wicked#wicked movie#wicked 2025#wicked for good#elphaba thropp#mine#ALSO to note. while the musical diverges enough from the book to be basically an in-name-only adaptation#should also mention that elphaba canonically has a kid with fiyero in the books#so it's entirely plausible that she got pregnant after having sex one (1) time and is dealing with Those Hormones#like GOD.
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"quarrel" is too tame a word for the psychological damage that chapter did to me
#'the quarrel' and it's basically the only chapter in the whole series that everyone knows by name AND chapter number#tawny man#rote#rote stuff
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Vocal cats are the best what do you mean kitty can say hello like a human child? She says prrp to let you know where she is because she can't say psst, and the closest thing to psst in cat language is in fact a grievous insult. She goes "hmm?" when you call her. She almost says let's go when she calls you for food. If she could say t or g she would say let's go perfectly. She says I love you. I mean it's closer to maiyowoo but it's close enough for an animal that doesn't have human or bird vocal cords.
Vocal cats man they're so good and perfect and I love them!
#Pipette only says hello but it's the most pathetic “helloooo?” I've ever heard#Pipette comes from pateet#Which is Afrikaans for pathetic one#I call him basically anything starting with a p#He responds to all of it#He's not my cat he's a stray that I would adopt if it weren't for the fact that he's encroaching on kitty's territory#Yes my cat is called kitty that's my mom's fault she only called her that and now it's all she responds to#Well that and kitten my cat and booboops#Her original name was actually the Afrikaans for mulberry#Which is moerbei#And bytjie for short which translates to little bee#But she like actively dramatically enacts ignoring you when you use that name#Which is usually just my brother who gave her that name#Mulberry is her deeadname and she stands on business when you call her that
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I’m ngl, I LOVE being a bkdk shipper. “Yeah but in canon” bitch idc about canon. I’m talking about the insanely talented fan community. I’m talking about the artists and the writers and the shippers who spend hours drawing parallels and coming up with theories. I’m surrounded by some of the kindest, most interesting people out there and I’m so damn lucky. And that’s not even to mention the ship itself. Bkdk will always be so deep that it goes beyond words. They’re soulmates, binary stars, etc etc. If you don’t see that by the end of the series, you were watching/reading with your eyes closed. They make me so crazy and so full of endorphins I think I might burst. So yeah call bkdk cringe, call it fanon, call it anything you want. But at the end of the day, we’re winning.
#somewhat inspired by me looking up another ship THAT WILL NOT BE NAMED on ao3 and realizing they have basically nothing good#they have some fan art but there’s no heart in it#the only time they bring up their ship is to put down other ships and that’s sad#I love bkdk because it comes from a place of PASSION not a place of hate#but this isn’t about that ship#this is about bkdk and how wonderful the ship and the shippers are#I’m so lucky#mha#bnha#bakudeku#bkdk
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i’ve seen plenty of alt-looper AUs where sapfrin’s wish resulted in someone else looping, assisted by starry loop. and i’ve seen plenty where isatfrin or one of their party members made some kind of wish that resulted in additional people remembering the loops.
how about an au where sapfrin’s wish resulted in someone else looping, while sapfrin remained in the role of siffrin? either now there’s two loopers in the party, or, the ability to remember new loops is what transferred, so siffrin wakes up every time with their last memory being the wish for help.
this siffrin is just so ground down and not siffrin anymore. but without becoming loop, they’d keep trying to act the part, which is easy enough when they’ve got a script, but… the more the other looper switches things up, the more siffrin will struggle. the other looper will want to help them, but what can even be done when they're still stuck in the loops??
if siffrin still remembers new loops, then they have to keep going through the fucking house even after they reached their breaking point. but at least there’s hope now? but is there really? and now, for the first time in years, they have to deal with someone else being able to remember their actions, and this person knows about the time loops. siffrin definitely isn’t going to be jumping to confide in them, despite how desperately they need the help — will they even tell them that they’d been looping for ages already?? even if they try not to, it’ll eventually become obvious something is going on.
or if siffrin doesn’t remember new loops anymore… how would the new looper handle it? how many times do they explain that they’re looping now instead before they stop bothering with it? or does not explaining means siffrin freaks out too much at the looper abandoning the script entirely for no apparent reason? but there’s no way they won’t freak out upon learning that they’ve just doomed someone else to live out this hell in their stead, that’s quite the news to have to break every single time. perhaps there’s an in-between that would work?? lying about what’s changed, or following the script until they suddenly deviate, then immediately loop back once done with the deviation? they have all the time they need to workshop it, at least.
either way, this siffrin is probably gonna be even less help than loop was. at least loop got to chill out at the favor tree and think — siffrin doesn't have that luxury. and while the new looper will be bringing in a fresh perspective, they simply don't know the things one needs to know about siffrin in order to figure out these siffrin-based loops. and, at this point, siffrin might not anymore either! it's been years since they made their wish. that doesn't make it unsolvable, especially since it's possible to get out by pure chance. but it'll be hard, especially since siffrin has even more intense reactions than isatfrin, as evidenced by them not even making it to euphrasie before looping back.
what a fun little bad time for everyone ^^
#you all know me i am definitely imagining odile looping here#but mirabelle would also be fun#or the whole family!#though that option does basically remove the possibility of hiding what's happening by following the script for siffrin's sake#i like the siffrin not remembering new loops idea bc it's fresh#i've seen fics where siffrin doesn't know at all#but only one fic where isatfrin was unknowingly living out one of their late-game loops (act 5) over and over while someone else looped#and being fresh off of the breaking down and wishing for help.. whew! what a volatile moment to be stuck in#howeverrr#siffrin continuing to remember allows for more complex interactions with the looper. an evolving relationship#and it's hard to say no to that#so shrug either is good.......#isat#yknow sometimes i feel like i ought to tag a post as start again as well but i have no idea what tag people. use. for that#sasasap? sasasaap? saap? start again: a prologue? or the full ass name??#isat spoilers#thoughts#thoughts about loop#loop
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Thinking again about the tendency to try and sort loumand into victim/abuser which does them an injustice imo because the thing about loumand is that they're just so so bad for each other in a beautifully symmetrical way. If this were a textbook I would make a diagram but this is tumblr so just bear with me
Okay so first of all Louis and Armand are both attracted to things in each other that remind them of their abusers. Louis likes Armand being dramatic and old and sophisticated. Armand likes that Louis is contemplative, interested in art and culture. (we see this in his flirting technique, trying to show off his friendship with Sartre, which doesn't really work on Louis but would have worked on Marius, I think)
They also both excuse behaviors in each other that were present in their former abusive relationships because they believe that this is what they deserve (Armand) or that this is just how love between two vampires/men is (Louis). Armand is unphased by Louis feeling entitled to his body or not returning Armand's declarations of affection. Louis is certainly bothered by Armand being controlling and having a temper but seems to have done the math and determined that Armand is better than Lestat, so he doesn't really care.
Armand is also fairly obviously Marius-like in his relationship with Louis, believing that he knows what's best for Louis and ignoring issues of consent or power imbalance between them.
Now I think the place where people think the math works out to Louis being the victim is that Armand acts like both Lestat and Marius, but Louis does not act like Lestat, and the places where he acts like Marius are partially engineered by Armand himself. However I think the subtlety this ignores is that while Louis may not be behaving like Lestat, he IS behaving like his MOTHER. He's disdainful of Armand's vulnerability and perceived weakness, he's emotionally withdrawn, he's judgmental (through dreamstat), and he expects Armand to play the role of protector and provider while Louis verbally berates him and tells him he's nothing because that's just Armand's job in their little family unit.
In general i think Florence's abuse deserves a bigger spotlight when it comes to discussing Louis and his psychology, because Louis does not just have one abusive relationship to process but two and in fact went directly from being under his mother's control to being under Lestat's and that absolutely informs how he approaches his third attempt at domesticity with Armand.
#just because it's a more subtle kind of abuse doesn't mean it's not there#i also think we get a micro-hint about how bad Louis is messed up about his mom when Armand mixes up Grace and Florence in Paris#like Louis uses it as an aHA you dont really love me thing#but it's indicative to me that Louis basically NEVER talks about florence and so armand went for the only name he could remember#who was a female family member of Louis'#iwtv#loumand#blorboposting
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still workshopping some of these a bit, but here's the current mando'a name chart for the CCs (plus rex!)
green words are ones I took directly from the mando'a dictionary, yellow words are technically non-canon but are basically real words, orange are words I made up that could probably be real words, and red ones are the ones I just mashed words together and they don't always make the most sense
I'm taking constructive criticism on some of these names! If you have a better mando'a name for a character (esp. one w a red name) I'd be happy to hear it!
edit: other name lists can be found here: 501st 212th !!
#personal hcs for mando'a names is that theyre super personal (only known to batchmates + super close others)#and its v rude to call a vod by their mando'a name (even if you know it) if they haven't given you permission#also some vode get mando'a names they modify into basic names or names in basic they translate into mando'a#and occasionally the two names are completely unrelated#idk ive been thinking abt this a lot (esp for something ill probably never use because idk how to incorporate it into a fic lol)#star wars#the clone wars#swtcw#mando'a#commander appo#commander bacara#commander blackout#commander bly#commander cody#kote#commander doom#commander fox#commander gree#captain gregor#commander grey#commander mayday#commander monnk#commander neyo#commander odd ball#commander ponds#captain rex#commander stone#commander thire#commander thorn#commander wolffe
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some doodles that took me way too much effort; an updated design for Raal (aka demise when he was a mortal, he still uses that name when in disguise and modeled those forms after how he imagined he would look if he ever grew up as one) and a clunky doodle of both his blade spirits just after forging them
#ganondoodles#art#zelda#tloz#loz#demise#ghirahim#wip#the bowl raal is holding isnt designed yet#but he carved it himself and uses it as the one to carry an offering to the gods in hopes of stopping them talking to him#it gets burned just like him when he goes there though since they wanted to lure him there- the gods dont care about offerings#idk if anyone would notice but .......... yes he named his blade spirits after his parents#rahim is trans#and raal is also afab#bc the gods only choose mortal women to be made into a deity#they dont care that raal doesnt identify that way#........yes his backstory basically starts with his birth ...........#no its not in the comic#my brain just does things#anyway i thought it would be cute to make ghirahims true form look more like demise#sicne hes literally a piece of demise
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i cant stop thinking about the significance of names in aftg. neil josten/nathaniel wesninski. andrew minyard/andrew doe. jean yves moreau/jean moreau. jeremy knox/jeremy wilshire.
#like the significance is different in basically all of these cases#like from jean losing control over his identity#to neil picking a new life for himself#to andrew and his history in foster care#and jeremys family history#but the significance of a name#and the name you CHOOSE specifically#it just has me screaming#anyway jeremy needs to marry jean and become jeremy moreau#and then jean yves jeremy and jabberwocky will be the new moreau family#nice and matching with the 3 js#thank you for coming to my ted talk#tgr spoilers#the golden raven spoilers#only in the tags really but just in case#aftg#the golden raven
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the way I was introduced to dc was teen titans in which nobody ever uses their secret identity ever. They never use their names, only their pseudonyms and that has stuck with me for some reason. Idek if they know what Robin looks like. Robin is Robin, Starfire is Starfire. Stop calling him dick grayson stop deadnaming him
#ive been watchingggg oh god ive been watching non stop im on s2#now#love them so much I wanted to read fanfiction#i was slapped in the face with their civilian names#stooppp thaaattt he's robin :(#i kind of have my own hcs on why the teen titan tower isn't really a safe place for ppls secret identities#don't ask idk anything about dc if anyone knows ANYTHING about anything they will get mad at me#i only know basic stuff ok? I've never read the comics or anything I only watched s1 of yj#and the one batman cartoon#but idk i adore the idea of a hero completely abandoning their original identity snd just taking#their hero name as their name and just being someone else you know#robin is robin to meeee#but i do think there should be a scene where his masks falls off in front of like. star or something and she just fucking#covers his face with her hand before she sees him#i like that#teen titans#robin
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"why is there no design in anything anymore" there aren't designers anymore. like that is the answer. there are maybe 3 people on the planet still employed in graphic design and they are paid less than half of what their time is worth
#.jtxt#“did you see the new paypal logo” i did. i also saw everything else.#graphic design in 2024 is finding a nice font online and buying it and then typing your company's name into microsoft word#you can only generate profit by extracting value and where is the easiest source but to exploit and remove labor#an entire artistic field has been basically deleted. but so it goes
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