#but anyway! yeah!! that’s it c: not a whole ton
inkyajax · 2 months
Clarey what characters do you have on star rail???
oooh hehehe i have: boothill, gepard, welt (x2), serval, gallagher, hanya, xueyi, sushang, tingyun, hook (like a billion hooks tbh WAY too many hooks), pela, and then the obvious ones like qingque, natasha (x3), herta, asta, dan heng + march 7th!
so not too many tbh!!! at the moment i am saving up for aventurine + sunday!!! so i probably won’t be pulling on any banners until then hehehe (*ノωノ)
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steviescrystals · 3 months
just unlocked an insane memory (in the tags)
#there was this one day ​in fifth grade when all the boys were playing kickball or something at recess and two of them got in a fight#and one of them who we’ll call c (who happened to be the biggest/tallest kid in our grade) grabbed the other kid who we’ll call j#and literally shoved his head full force into a tree#and it was BAD j had a massive gash all down the side of his face and needed a ton of stitches#and he went to a different middle and high school but i saw him once like 3-4 years later and he still had a huge scar#anyway shortly after it happened we got a new seating chart in my class and i had to sit right next to c#and as a 10 year old girl who was like 4’4 and 90 pounds i was TERRIFIED like i was just so uncomfortable being near him#and i felt so fucking guilty about it bc c happened to be black so a part of me was like ‘i can’t be scared of a black kid that’s racist’#but like no?? i had a pretty valid reason to be scared of him and it had nothing to do with him being black??#anyway yeah i was terrified of this kid for so long but i swear everyone else we went to school with just forgot about the whole thing#like he was super popular in high school and i’m pretty sure he and j were even still friends#and i’m still confused by it like is it a guy thing to just be totally chill with someone after they bash your face into a tree#bc i didn’t even see it happen and it lowkey traumatized me for years#like i can’t stress enough how severely fucked up j’s face was and how many stitches he needed and how prominent the scar was way later#anyway. wherever j is now i hope he’s doing great he was one of the sweetest kids i ever met at that school#and c went on to become a soundcloud rapper in high school named double dippa chocolate and then moved to california so i’m sure he’s fine#crazy shit though that was one of the only fights that ever happened at any of the schools i went to#lj.txt
0 notes
phantomrose96 · 7 months
Hey not to go all "tumblr is a professional networking site" on you, but how did you get to work for Microsoft??? I'm a recent grad and I'm being eviscerated out here trying to apply for industry jobs & your liveblogging about your job sounds so much less evil than Data Entry IT Job #43461
This place is basically LinkedIn to me.
I'm gonna start by saying I am so so very sorry you're a recent grad in the year 2024... Tech job market is complete ass right now and it is not just you. I started fulltime in 2018, and for 2018-2022 it was completely normal to see a yearly outflow of people hopping to new jobs and a yearly inflow of new hires. Then sometime around late-spring/early-summer of 2022 Wallstreet sneezed the word "recession" and every tech company simultaneously shit themselves.
Tons of layoffs happened, meaning you're competing not just with new grads but with thousands of experienced workers who got shafted by their company. My org squeaked by with a small amount of layoffs (3 people among ~100), but it also means we have not hired anyone new since mid-2022. And where I used to see maybe 4-8 people yearly leave in order to hop to a new job, I think I've seen 1 person do that in the whole last year and a half.
All this to say it's rough and I can't just say "send applications and believe in yourself :)".
I have done interviews though. (I'm not involved in resume screening though, just the interviews of candidates who made it past the screening phase.) So I have at least some relevant advice, as well as second-hand knowledge from other people I know who've had to hop jobs or get hired recently.
If you have friends already in industry who you feel comfortable asking, reach out to them. Most companies have a recommendation process where a current employee fills out a little form that says "yeah I'd recommend such-and-such for this job." These do seem to carry weight, since it's coming from a trusted internal person and isn't just one of the hundreds of cold-call applications they've received.
A lot of tech companies--whether for truly well-intentioned reasons or to just check a checkbox--are on the lookout for increasing employee diversity. If you happen to have anything like, for example, "member of my college Latino society", it's worth including on your resume among your technical skills and technical projects.
I would add "you're probably gonna have to send a lot of applications" as a bullet point but I'm sure you're already doing that. But here it is as a bullet point anyway.
(This is kind of a guess, since it's part of the resume screening) but if you can dedicate some time to getting at least passingly familiar with popular tech/stacks for the positions you're looking into, try doing that in your free time so you can list it on your resume. Even better if you make a project you can point to. Like if you're aiming for webdev, get familiar with React and probably NodeJS. On top of being comfortable in one of the all-purpose languages like C(++) or Java or Python.
If you get to the interview phase - a company that is good to work for WILL care that you're someone who's good to work with. A tech-genius who's a coworker-hating egotistical snob is a nuisance at best and a liability at worst for companies with even a half-decent culture. When I do interviews, "Is this someone who's a good culture fit?" is as important as the technical skills. You'll want to show you'll be a perfectly pleasant, helpful, collaborative coworker. If the company DOESN'T care about that... bullet dodged.
For the technical questions, I care more about the thought process than I do the right answer, especially for entry-level. If you show a capacity for asking good, insightful clarifying questions, an ability to break down the problem, explain your thought process, and backtrack&alter your approach upon realizing something won't work, that's all more important than just being able to spit out a memorized leetcode answer. (I kinda hate leetcode for this reason, and therefore I only ask homebrewed questions, because I don't want the technical portion to hinge at all on whether someone managed to memorize the first 47 pages of leetcode problems). For a new hire, the most important impression you can give me is that you have a technical grasp and that you're capable of learning. Because a new hire isn't going to be an expert in anything, but they're someone who's capable of learning the ropes.
That's everything I have off the top of my head. Good luck anon. I'm very sorry you were born during a specific range of years that made you a new grad in 2024 and I hope it gets better.
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licorice-tea · 9 months
And There You Are, An Ocean Away
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader (and a little Nami x Vivi if you squint)
Content: friends to lovers, fluff, anxious/hopeful crush feelings, confessions, long distance relationships, reader is a Straw Hat Pirate, and Law is a little awkward <3
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: this is one of the first fics i’ve finished and i’m not the best at grammar rules so there are probably a few mistakes! also i might have made Law a little ooc lol, but besides that im just trying to write more to improve! thanks for reading :)
Edited 1/17/23
be-beep. be-bee-
“Hello?” Law cuts off the ringing of his transponder snail. He can’t help but smile to himself upon hearing the voice on the other end of the line.
“Law? Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas, y/n.” He leans back in his desk chair, twisting the cord of the transponder snail around finger “E” while holding the phone in the other hand.
“Sooo,” you drawl, “have you guys started opening presents yet?”
Law can practically hear you smiling, which makes him exhale in amusement before responding. “Yeah, the crew exchanged gifts and opened them earlier this morning. How about you?”
“Mhm, we were up as soon as the sun rose- Chopper and Luffy woke up the whole crew.” You pause, and he can imagine you biting back a laugh while shaking your head as you often do. “Anyway… Did you get everything you wanted?” You sound expectant, almost knowing.
In his usual deadpan tone, he answers simply. “Bepo got me a new coffee blend.”
“That’s nice of him… he’s always so considerate.”Based on your tone it’s not quite the answer you were looking for, but you provide commentary anyway.
“Ohh yeah,” He continues on the other end of the line, feigning the recollection of something important, “and there was this massive box on deck…”
“Oh good!” You exclaim as Law chuckles. “You scared me, I thought you hadn’t gotten it. Did everyone like their gifts?”
You’re referring, of course, to the comically large box that the Straw Hats had shipped to the Heart Pirates. It was packed to the brim with gifts for every crew member. After all, what was the point of having tons of berries from “stolen” treasure if not to use it on your friends? Or at least, that’s the reasoning you used to convince Nami to rearrange some funds for gifts to the Heart Pirates and other allies of the Straw Hats. Though, maybe it was just because you had mentioned sending a gift to Vivi back in Alabasta as well…
“They all really liked it, a lot. Was it your idea?”
“No,” you explain with a playful cadence, “it was a group effort.”
“Sure thing, but the bows and wrapping paper has you written all over it. And the handwritten card…”
“I have the best handwriting on our ship! Besides, we all signed it so, its from all of us.”
The only part that 100% was not from all of the Straw Hat Crew, was a box with Law’s name on it at the bottom of the much larger box. Inside the present addressed to the “Captain of the <3 Pirates” was a neat little coin display with places for 25 coins, as well as a card tucked in beside the display.
“Well, it was nice of all of you then.” He concedes with a snark in his voice. “And, uh… I like what you got for me, y/n.” Law’s voice comes out a little quieter, and maybe even a little deeper towards the end. He sounds hopeful, not 100% sure if it was you that had chosen his gift, yet knowing that only you could have selected something so sentimental and- ugh, perfect. His tone makes your stomach do flips.
“Yeah? Good, I’m glad.” Your voice, now a bit softer, replies. “I was worried you might have already had-“
“I-I didn’t. I’ve just been storing my collection in boxes...” He trails off, now tracing the edges of the coin display you’d gotten him. It was nothing exceedingly special or expensive, but it meant a lot knowing you had thought of him- just him- and went out of your way to send him a gift. The thought that you cared about him as much as he did you had his heart beating faster already.
You only knew Law was a coin collector because he chose to tell you. Thats how it usually was with him- he only shared the parts of himself he wanted to share. (Though you did also have a knack for “catching his vibe” as you liked to say.) Anyhow, you also knew his office was painfully tidy and there was little to no decoration, despite having ample bookshelf space. And so, a display for his not-so-secret hobby seemed like a perfect gift!
But, that wasn’t the only thing you’d added to his present. There was also a card, in which you’d written something along the lines of “I’m so glad I met you…. You deserve so many great things, but hopefully this coin display will suffice for now… I have feelings for you…. Merry Christmas! xxx, y/n” You had sort of just slipped in the confession between other clauses.
“And did you read the card…?” Your face suddenly feels a little warmer. Not that there was anything scandalous in the card, just some very honest words about your feelings for Law. Words you hadn’t ever been bold enough to say out loud and in person, and still hadn’t been brave enough to write without lots of other thoughts and well wishes surrounding them.
“Card?…” You hear some shuffling on his end, “I’ll read it now.”
“Mkay.” Your short response is a telltale sign of your own nerves, which makes him curious to find out what you could’ve written.
There’s a prolonged silence as he reads, and Law’s heart skips a beat as he nears the end. His eyes go back over and over 5 specific words: “…I have feelings for you.” He feels nearly giddy with excitement, but it comes out as pure anxious energy. He never thought this would actually happen; a scenario where you reciprocated his affections had only ever happened in his imagination up until now. Usually in these scenarios, he’d have worked up the courage and audacity to tell you how he felt in person, and not only would you accept his confession; you’d also return his feelings. But now that it was actually happening? He found himself at a loss for words, heart beating in his ears and probably blushing like some lovesick idiot.
Law wants to say something perfect for you, something charming and witty, but all he can think of in the moment is, “… I read it.”
His throat feels dry, like he doesn’t know what else to say. Law likes you too of course- how could he not? Ever since you’d met back in Saobody Archipelago, though the interaction had been brief, he’d thought you were beautiful, strong, and somehow a little different from the other Straw Hat Pirates. Then he’d gotten to know you; really know you, beyond your fighting capabilities and the information on your bounty poster. You were kind, witty, selfless, hardworking, and so much more. And alas, absence only makes the heart grow fonder.
Sure, you’d started off as allies, but that quickly became friendship, and a close friendship at that. He liked you because of your acceptance for nearly anyone, so long as they seemed a good person. Even more so, your ability to understand his emotions despite his usually reserved nature (he secretly thinks it’s some sort of sign, but in reality you’re just emotionally intelligent.) And you like Law because of his obvious (though he tries to hide it) love and passion for so many things: his crew, his work, etc. This, along with his witty, albeit odd sense of humor, made you enjoy his company quite a lot. The two of you took most every chance you had to be in each others company, since they were few and far between. Sometimes you’d chat, with you doing most of the talking and Law being content to listen and only add comments where he thought them necessary. Other times you’d follow each other into battle to provide support for the other, though neither of you had ever really needed help in those situations.
You swallow the lump in your own throat and continue, “You don’t have to have an answer or anything right now, I just want you to know how I feel.” Law doesn’t say anything, and so you continue while trying not to sound disappointed. “Merry Christmas, Law.”
“I like you too.” his words come out sort in a rush, like he had been holding his breath.
“Y-you do?”
You can’t help but smile.
“Well, uh, I have to go now, but… Can I call you tonight?” He asks hesitantly, even though you’ve already confessed that you feel the same way he does.
“Yes, that’s fine! I… I was worried that you didn’t feel the same way for a second.” You laugh, light and airy.
He scoffs, but you know it’s not meant to sound mean when it comes from him. If anything, it’s endearing. “Of course I do.”
You giggle again, “Bye, Law.”
“Bye, y/n.”
As soon as you hang up, his nervous frown turns into a small smile, and it grows and spreads across his face until he’s grinning like a fool and hiding his face under the brim of his hat.
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dilucpainsme · 3 months
StarStruck (Diluc X Reader) (Movie star/actor au)
Tumblr media
Ahhh, this is really rough and my firs time posting something just for tumblr. When I mean rough, its like only been looked over a few times. Anyway I like the idea of Diluc cheating on Jean lol, he's a little out of character but whatevess
TW: Cheating, Smut, affairs (?)
Words: 10950
A female walked onto a busy set that had just finished being built. Busy workers and extra’s being pointed around in different directions. The (h/l) (h/c) haired girl stopped and looked around. She was dressed in some casual clothing, sunglasses covering her eyes. The girl was a bit lost, and honestly kinda confused as to where she should be. This wasn’t her first time on a movie set, but it was a huge lot with a ton of different places, and trailers. She lifted her sunglasses up and placed them on top of her head, glancing down at her phone to see the text from her manager. 
“(Y/n)  (l/n)! I haven’t seen you since you were a newbie!” The female named (Y/n) twirled around to see a short woman, with white and blue pastel hair. Her bright eyes lit up at the sight of her. “Furina!” The girl happily called out for her old friend while walking towards her. 
“How are you? You’ve gotten so much taller, oh my gosh are you wearing Dior!?” (Y/n) laughed and dismissed her friend. “I’m doing well, where is Neuvillette? Is he here directing the movie or are you?” The whole reason the female was even here was to act in the new romance movie Furina had recently written. It was supposed to be a box office hit and she had personally been asked by her old friend to play the lead female protagonist. It was only fitting for her, after all, the writer was the reason (Y/n) even got into the acting scene.  
“Oh yes! He is on the main set speaking with Diluc Ragnvindr. Do you know him?” She shook her head and started to follow Furina as she began walking. The woman didn’t know much about the movie, only that it was a romance, and if this one did well like everyone was predicting then there would be a series to follow. She was hopeful it was going to go well because she cleared her schedule for the next few months just for this role. 
“Uhm, not really. I mean I know of him, we’ve spoken once or twice before at events but other than that we aren’t friends or anything.” Furina nodded her head and opened a door to one of the stages, and inside it was filled with people. But even so, she could see the tall man with striking white hair and his classic dark black cane in hand. She waved a bit trying to catch his eye, and he just waved back to her along with a man next to him. She could tell it was Diluc from the striking red hair and matching fiery eyes. 
He was well known in most action movies, his most famous one being the ‘Dark Knight Hero’. He wasn’t a romance or rom-com type actor so she was kind of worried about how they would get along, but she kept that thought to herself for now. She kept following Furina, and people cleared a path for them as they walked through the building. On their way over few people said hi to (Y/n) and she just smiled at them, giving a few familiar faces a wave.
It only took a minute or so to reach the main set and finally catch up with the two men. “Diluc, this is my dear friend (Y/n). She is going to be your co-star for a couple of months!”
He held his hand out, hardly any smile on his face as he spoke. “Hello, I think we’ve meant a few times at red carpet events.” The female gave him a small smile and nodded her head, reaching to accept his handshake. “Yeah, I’m usually around Kaeya and Tartaglia.” He made a humming sound and looked down at the script Neuvillette handed him a bit ago. 
The man wasn’t exactly keen on any of his brother's friends but if he was going to be working with her, they might as well get along with one another. This type of movie also wasn’t his scene, but his fiance Jean was begging him to try new things lately. So when Furina asked him to be in her movie he was pretty much forced to say yes. He liked acting, it was all he wanted to do when he was younger, following in his father's footsteps, but, his father was more of a crime, and science fiction actor. He preferred action-packed movies, and occasionally if the pay was good horror. Not petty-filled drama stuff. But here he was, with the contract already signed. 
The girl across from him seemed to know Furina and Neuvillette already, and he recalled her face from some movies that Jean and Lisa would watch. She was a decently talented actor, more known for her singing career but still good at her work. He figured they would get along fine, besides the fact that she was friends with Kaeya. 
(Y/n) on the other hand, was excited to start working, she wasn’t sure if he would live up to her expectations and that made her nervous but she could only hope they would be a fit for each other. Even if the man seemed to be a bit standoffish she would have fun, and hopefully gain a new friend during this whole thing. 
“Alright, you two, this scene is very important. It’s both of your character's first time speaking to one another, both of them very unhappy with the situation they are in. A princess being married off against her will, the knight is forced to keep guard over a bratty princess! It’s-” 
“Furina we got it.” (Y/n) laughed a little trying to keep her smiles hidden behind the script in her hand, Diluc beside her rolling his eyes. It was the second week of filming and they had done most of their solo scenes at this point. It was now time for them to start working together on screen. They were on a tight schedule with the production team trying to get teasers for the movie released as soon as possible. It was a fantasy movie about a princess and a knight, but knowing Furina it had to have some sort of dramatic plot twist in it. So with all the interviews she was doing, teasing and almost spoiling the damn thing, everyone wanted to wrap up filming as soon as they could before the woman said something. 
“Good, then get to it!” She turned the two around and shoved them back onto the set, the female nearly tripping in her long dress. “Places-And action!” 
(Y/n) took her place sitting on the fake stone wall, pretending to look down at the ‘scenery’ below her. Diluc also took his place, a bit off the scene, as he needed to walk in during the start of the shot. The camera started rolling, and the two began to talk to one another. While they were filming a woman walked up to the sidelines beside Furina. She looked down at the short woman and whispered. “How’s he doing?” The white-haired girl looked up to see Jean, Diluc’s fiance smiling at her. 
“So far so good! His acting is amazing for someone who hates romance.” The blonde snickered and watched the two go on. 
The princess turned her head as she heard someone approach her, the woman's eyes scanning the garden walls behind. She sighed as she saw the knight that was made to follow her around. “I wasn’t going to jump if that’s what you think.” Her voice held a tone of annoyance to it as she spoke. The man cleared his throat and stood there, his eyes looking up to the high wall, slowly rolling them at the princess’s ignorance. 
“I assumed that wasn’t your intention, but if I may so boldly ask. What are you doing up there my lady?” 
Furina bit her nails and smiled, excited to see her work coming to life. The two worked together effortlessly, as if this wasn’t the first movie they shot together. Jean was even a bit impressed seeing her soon-to-be husband doing so well in this kind of movie. It took a couple more calls, and a few more takes to get the whole scene finished up but it went rather quickly. She called it quits for the night and they had managed to get a decent chunk done today. The blue-eyed woman excitedly told everyone to get some rest and that she would see them all tomorrow, at the same time. 
(Y/n) sighed in relief and immediately took the annoyingly heavy crown off her head, handing it to one of the assistants, and thanked them. She loved fantasy movies but man she hated the costumes. They were always so bulky and tight. She just couldn’t stand to be in them. The girl walked over to the vanity near the costumes and started to take off a few more pieces of her costume, the gloves, the jewelry, and hair clips. She couldn’t wait to take the makeup off as well, set makeup was always so cakey. 
“Hi, (Y/n) right?” The female looked over to see a blonde girl that looked vaguely familiar. Once she came closer it clicked in her brain where she knew her from. Her name was Jean, and she was a model in some fashion magazines, and most importantly Diluc’s fiance. “Yea! You’re Jean, like from the modeling magazines I see all the time?” The blue-eyed woman nodded laughing a bit. 
“I just wanted to come introduce myself, I’ve seen most of your work and I’m kind of a fan.” The girl felt her face heat up and she brushed some hair out of her face. “Oh really? That means a lot to me thank you!” Her voice perked up and she was incredibly grateful to get such a compliment from such a well-known figure in the industry. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my fiance for dinner tonight? I would love to chat more about your work, and it would be a better chance for Diluc to get to know you. I mean the movie has some pretty intense scenes.” 
“Of course! I would love to.”
After that dinner, (Y/n) could see her and Diluc getting along better. Not that they fought or anything before but they started to talk off-set and in between breaks. Like today, during lunch, the two decided to grab a bite at the Cat’s tail. They each went over their scripts looking at the next scene they were doing later. “Furina is going to kill us with this.” The girl wanted to smack her head on the table.
“It’s sort of–” He cleared his throat. “Raunchy?” (Y/n) finished the sentence for him. 
“Yes, that.” Diluc gave her a small smile and she just laughed. “Okay putting work aside how’s the wedding planning going with Jean?” The question wasn’t something Diluc hadn’t heard often as of lately. It’s all anyone was asking him. Jean was the one planning most, if not all of the wedding because of the movie. She told him over and over again she didn’t mind doing it but he felt bad. He knew how long she had been dreaming of their wedding. The two of them were high school sweethearts after all, and it drove the media crazy. He wished he could do more for her. 
“Can I be honest with you?” (Y/n) nodded her head. “I don’t know, Jean is planning it, I’ve been preoccupied with the movie. I want to help more, but when I get home I just drop onto my bed.” He frowned and took a bite of his food, glancing down at his phone. The two didn’t live together either, so it made it that much harder. 
“That sucks. I mean we're already one month into filming we only have like, what, two left? Then you can focus on helping her more.” She gave him a small smile and grabbed her script once again. She flipped through the pages figuring out how she would keep a straight face saying half these lines. 
“What about you? How is your current dating life going?” (Y/n) froze a bit, her eyes lifting to look at the redhead across from her. “Huh?” The question caught her off guard. Her dating life was never in the news, because it was non-existent. It was a fair question though, she had technically asked about his, so he was doing the same thing. But besides that, her dating life was dry, dry as a bone. The media only ever spoke about her when she had done something to change her appearance and picked her apart for that. 
“Oh, I don’t date.” She looked back down at her script, trying to hide the red spreading across her face. It was a little embarrassing to say that at her age she didn’t date or even hook up with people. “You don’t date? But you do romance movies?” She nodded her head. 
“Well, I find it easier, if I date someone who doesn’t like my choice in movie roles then there is a problem. If I don’t date then I don’t have to worry about it. Plus I’ve never had a boyfriend so I wouldn’t know where to start.” Diluc raised a brow at the female. The girl across from his had never even considered dating it. Which made him see her differently for some reason. It wasn’t bad but that was just an interesting part of her he didn’t expect. Maybe that was why she liked doing romance movies, it gave her a taste of dating but without actually doing it. 
“I see, so that’s why you don’t attend any events with a partner.” She glanced up again and glared at him. “Hey, I go with friends.” 
“You’re friends being known to hook up with anything that breathes.” 
“That’s only Kaeya, Alhaitham is dating Kaveh. Oh shit don’t tell anyone that.” She covered her mouth with her hand looking wide-eyed at the man in front of her. Diluc chuckled and nodded his head. “I won’t, but we should get back soon.” 
“Furina!” (Y/n) stormed the woman’s trailer, her arms flailing around with the script in her hand. “Hey, (Y/n)! What’s up?” She smiled innocently and scrolled on her phone as if she didn’t have a clue as to why the actor was barging in her trailer. 
“When did you add a sex scene to the movie?” 
“Well the investors wanted to make it an R-rated movie so I had to throw something in there, plus Diluc doesn’t mind, and neither does Jean.” Her eyes never left her phone screen. It didn’t bother her that she had a sex scene, she had done plenty of those in her career so far. It was the fact it was with Diluc. The more time she spent with him, the more she started to like him. It wasn’t even in a cute schoolgirl way. He was so hot, and his personality made him even more attractive. The idea of an R-rated scene with him made her head spin.
(Y/n) sighed and after their very short conversation left the trailer starting to make her way back to set. They still had quite a bit to shoot today and it wasn’t even lunch yet. She was already tired from yesterday because they had stayed later than they all wanted to due to the timeline being shortened even more. 
On top of her current workload, she was in the news for a rumor spreading about her and Diluc. Jean would make light of it and joke but (Y/n) didn’t want anything to make it awkward between her and Diluc. Plus it was a rule she had made when she first started, she didn’t date. Plus the homewrecker label wasn’t something she wanted attached to her either.
She carried herself to the set, then fixed up her hair and makeup as the crew rushed her over to the stage. Neuvillette was the director for today, and he wasn’t as fun as Furina, but he got stuff done that was for sure. So once she was there and ready he started rolling the camera. 
The princess was pushed into the corner, her knight being the one to move her there. She was trapped between his arms, their faces just inches away. She could hear him panting as he tried to hold himself back, in fear he would do something they would both regret. The two were hiding from the wondering maids around the castle, for if they heard they would surely gossip about their affair to the King. “We can’t keep doing this,” She muttered her eyes trying to avoid his. “You don’t love him, why do you feel so wrong about this? The king doesn’t respect you,” 
“Because I am to be wed to him in the next few days if anyone catches us he will surely have you killed.” She turned her gaze back to his. Her whole body tensed under his stare, and she couldn’t help but lean forward. “I couldn’t bear to see you suffer such a fate,” 
“Cut! Come on this is supposed to be a tense moment between you two.” Diluc and (Y/n) turned their heads to see Furina entering the room, a scowl on her face. Everyone sighed and stopped what they were doing. The woman wasn’t even supposed to be on set right now. “I want his hands all over you, pulling you close. Not just staying in one spot!” The woman started barking orders at the two, both of them rolling their eyes in unison. 
“Diluc I know this is your first romance but come on you should feel the passion between the two.” The redhead sighed and removed his hands from their place, moving them to cross over his chest. He frowned at Furina. (Y/n) just huffed and ran a hand through her hair. She was already annoyed from the heat, and how much she was sweating in the tight corset undeath her bulky dress.
 “What exactly are you wanting from us Furina?” The actress leaned against the wall she had just been pressed against moments ago. 
“Passion! Lust! Something this is just stale! Now let's go again!” She twirled her finger in the air, signaling for everyone to start over. 
The man moved his hands, to the female's waist and pulled her close to him, their bodies flushed against one another. “I can’t let you fall into his hands, the King is no good for you,” The knight's free hand moved to grab her chin, gently pulling her face towards his. “My love I would go to the ends of the earth for you-”
Furina was mouthing the words that Diluc was speaking, her hands placed on her chest as she watched the two. This was exactly what she was wanting, she could see the heat between the two, the lust growing. Or really what was happening (Y/n)’s brain trying to process how close Diluc was to her, and how he was touching her so gently. 
The gap between the two closed, as the knight pressed their lips together. The hand that was cupping her face now moved to her shoulder and traced down her body. The action left goosebumps on the girl’s skin as he crept further down to her waist, now having both of his hands grip so tightly. The princess tangling her hands into his long hair, pulling ever so slightly. She gasped between every frantic kiss he gave her, trying her best to keep quiet in the echoing hallways. 
It didn’t take too long to get what Furina wanted. A full makeout scene in a dark-lit castle. The woman was ecstatic and once ‘cut’ was called the two slowly pulled apart from each other. Everyone else too excited with the shot they just captured to notice either of the actors. The couple stared at one another, panting breathlessly. (Y/n) felt her face bloom with a red color and she cleared her throat. “Good job, uhm I’m going to head back- uhm- goodnight.” She excused herself from the set and fled the room her brain spinning. Diluc on the other hand stood there a bit dazed not sure how he felt. He had kissed people before for movies but this was-it was different. It wasn’t even (Y/n) taking the lead in that, it was all him and he was very confused with his feelings at the moment. 
The man turned to Furina. “Is that it for the day?” Neuvillette nodded his head and went back to talking with his coworker. 
Once (Y/n) had reached her trailer she locked the door and pressed her back against the wall. She had a hand tangled in her hair, her other hand placed over her beating heart. What the hell was that? She had made out with plenty of people on set for a movie but this was-this was something else entirely. Maybe Diluc didn’t realize how intense he was. He was pressing against her so hard, and the way his lips felt on hers-
She shook her head. He was getting married, it was for the movie. That’s all. They weren’t even that close. They were possibly friends. They went out for lunch and hung out after filming sometimes but that's it. It was for the romance effect, he didn’t see her like that. Even if she secretly wished he would. 
(Y/n) was in her trailer, scrolling through her phone. It was her hour break and she intended to take every second of it she could. They had to shoot so many scenes outside in the heat today. It was so hot, almost 100 degrees out. The California heat trying to take out everyone on set. A knock on her door caught her attention and she told whoever it was to come in. The door opened and she saw the familiar red hair. 
“Hey ‘Luc.” She greeted him and kept her body on the sofa. The fan was on full blast as she relaxed in her tank top and shorts, one headphone in her ear, and she tapped her fingers to the beat of the music. (Y/n) was grateful to be out of that heavy, stuffy dress that Furina insisted she wore and finally in a cool room, where she could just get a second of rest. 
“I barely managed to escape that insufferable woman,” Diluc mumbled while tossing his jacket off, then lifted the woman’s leg and plopped himself down on the sofa. She moved her legs to the spot where they rested before, so they were draped across his lap. “She let you out of your costume as well?” Her eyes looked up from the device in her hand. 
“Neuvillette did.” (Y/n) laughed a little and put her phone down, grabbing a hair tie off her wrist and handing it to Diluc. He thanked her and grabbed it, putting his hair in a high ponytail, not caring if Furina would chew him out later for messing up his hair. It had been a good bit of time since they started filming and the two of them were getting rather close. They were attached at the hip when they weren’t on set. The media going wild with allegations, and the friend group laughing at them all. 
“One more month of this and then we can finally be done.” He muttered and leaned his head back, feeling the cool fan hit his boiling skin. The redhead had changed into a tank top himself and some cool sweatpants. He was always in that stupid knight costume when he wasn’t in some comfortable clothing. Furina’s orders of course. 
“Aw come on, you aren’t going to miss me when this is all over?” (Y/n) lifted her head and gave him a teasing smile. “We can still hang out after this, you know that.” She laughed and sat up, removing her legs from his lap. 
“I was comfortable.” He closed his eyes, a frown settling on his face as his friend removed herself. She shrugged her shoulders and walked over to her vanity, tossing her phone on the desk, along with her earbuds.
“Don’t we have to film that cheesy ass sex scene later this week?” The girl had been thinking about it since Furina added it to the script. It was constantly on her mind, it was such an intense scene, not that it would bother her—But the idea of doing something like that with Diluc while she had all these pent-up feelings growing for him. All that she knew was wrong. He was so much fun to be around, he made being out in the heat for hours a day worthwhile. Under that stone-cold demeanor, he was just a soft, funny guy. Furina was tormenting her. 
Even if she felt the way she did, the woman needed to be professional about it. So she would bring it up with Diluc now, instead of the day before. To get any of the weirdness out of the way of course. 
“I think, why?” 
“You aren’t uncomfortable with it or anything are you?” She took her seat back, but this time sitting next to the man and leaning her head against his shoulder. The two of them had gotten pretty comfortable with physical touch at this point during shooting. They were pretty up close and personal every day, hands-on with one another, whether it be for filming or helping each other fix their costumes. So they just naturally began to lean on one another. She had grown pretty fond of her friend and because of that, she didn’t want any weird sex scene to ruin what they had.
“Not really, the movies I’ve been in have a lot of sex in them,” He rolled his eyes at the thought. Jean always teased him about, how the women were always so nervous to film them and how Diluc looked like he would rather be anywhere else in between shots. This time she didn’t pick on him too much, but he didn’t find it weird she was probably too busy with her own things to annoy him. There were a lot of weird things going on with Jean at the moment if he thought about it. 
“Okay so then you’re all good?”
“I’ll be fine but what about you? I figured you would have filmed one before.” He peeked open an eye and looked down at her, “I have, I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.” The redhead nodded and closed his eyes again, throwing an arm lazily around his friend. When he first started filming the movie with her he was weary of the girl. She was bubbly and friendly and never stopped talking. He was the exact opposite of that, so he didn’t think they would get along too well. Then Jean invited her to dinner with them and once they got to talking they found out how much they had in common. From the literature they read to the music they listened to. Their views on the world in general seemed to line up.
He enjoyed having conversations with her, ones that weren’t shallow and meaningless. For once he could talk about stuff that didn’t involve acting and fame. That didn’t revolve around his career and the industry. It was, well, refreshing. He enjoyed being around her, spending time with her felt like a break from everything else in his life. 
“It won’t be awkward if that’s what you’re thinking,” (Y/n) nodded weakly and leaned into his touch. Her mind drifted back to that kiss they shared while filming a few weeks ago. The memory gave her butterflies and she felt the heat rise to her face again. The two of them hadn’t discussed it since, they just went about their normal routine pretending like it wasn’t anything special. Even if she wanted it to be. Like right now, she was so close to Diluc, and he was so comfortable with it. It probably meant nothing to him but to her, it meant a lot. She wanted to ask him about that day on set yet the fear of destroying their friendship stopped her. It was probably all in her head, he was getting married for fucks sake. 
“I didn’t think it would be,” 
“Did Furina mention that dinner to you this weekend? I think we’re supposed to meet with the production team to set up interviews.” Diluc was still in his spot, unmoving as he talked. (Y/n) just couldn’t help but stare at him, how he was so relaxed around her, how he didn’t mind the close contact. But her heart was aching thinking how this could all mean nothing to him and she could just be crazy. 
“I need to ask you something.” The words blurted out of her mouth, ignoring Diluc’s previous sentence. She wasn’t even sure what she was going to say, or how to even explain it—But when she said those words, her tone must have worried the man because he instantly sat up his eyes opening. “Is everything okay?” He removed his arm from around her and gave a concerned look.
“I’m not sure, I just-I just wanted to ask you about a few weeks ago.” She looked over at the clock on her wall. They still had about 45 minutes left til they had to be back in costume on set. “We had that intense makeout scene and it was-”
“It was kinda different than what I usually experience, I mean it’s your first romance movie so I know you probably aren’t too sure what you’re doing. I just didn’t want to keep thinking these silly thoughts that it wasn’t just for the movie that you-” As she was trying to get out the word vomit in her brain she felt Diluc move. Then suddenly his lips were mashed on hers. The girl’s heart skipped a beat as she felt his body move, and pull her closer to him. Her mind grew clouded and a dizzy feeling swept over her. It was different than the scripted kisses she had, but so similar to that one moment on set when he kissed her. She couldn’t relax in his touch, her whole body was tense as the voice in the back of her brain screamed at her to pull away. 
But she didn’t have to, he did that for her. He pulled away as quickly as he kissed her. His eyes darkened and he looked so confused himself. “I’m sorry, I have no idea why I did that.” Diluc glanced up at her, seeing her red face. But he saw more than the blush spreading across her cheeks. He couldn’t help but stare at her bright (e/c) eyes, and how they seemed to shine in the light, the way she bit her bottom lip with so much anxiety. He just couldn’t help it. But she was so quiet and stared at him with such a look he couldn’t place. 
“I’m, sorry, I should get going now.” He stood up, trying to leave before he could do any more damage, but he stopped in his tracks, feeling his wrist being pulled. He turned his head to see her still sitting down, her head tilted up “Don’t.” Her pleading eyes begged him to stay. “You don’t have to,” She gripped his wrist tighter and tugged on him a bit more. He’ll be damned if he walked out now.
He moved to sit on the sofa, her hand still holding his wrist so tightly, and even if he wanted to, he couldn’t resist the urge. The minute she was face to face with him, he threw all of fucks out the window. Diluc pulled her towards him, so she was now sitting on his lap straddling him. He pressed his lips against hers again and felt her hands grip his shoulders so tightly, her nails digging into his skin. He was intoxicated with her. They were always so close on set but with just the two of them, it felt so different. He could smell the sweet perfume she wore, and taste the strawberry chapstick she would use often. It was a different experience. One he wanted more of. 
His hands started to move up her arms and down her back, just barely gripping her waist, and he pulled her tighter against his body, getting a small mewl out of her. She was sweet and addicting like this.
 Her body was starting to relax under his touch, and with each passing second, she felt herself start to melt the more he touched her. His hands moved to cup her ass and grind against her. Her head rested against his shoulder, trying to hide the embarrassing blush on her face, and the sounds she tried to choke down.
Even if her head was fuzzy, and her body was growing hot, she knew she couldn’t do this. He was engaged. To a very sweet woman. A sweet woman who trusted her a lot, and made her one of her bridesmaids. Suddenly she snapped back to her senses. What was she doing? She was being a home wrecker. “Diluc-mm-wait we can’t-” She tried to get the words out between each gasp, and it was so hard to as each time she spoke, he would grab her waist, and gently rock her body against his. God, it was so hard to stop. “You’re engaged I shouldn’t have-” He paused his actions, his hand leaving her waist, and moving to grab her chin making her face him.
He pressed a kiss against her lips before he spoke.“Who’s gonna know?” The man wasn’t wrong. Who would know? She felt him grab her thighs, and his lips were back at it again. She started to forget about the issue she was so concerned about moments ago as she felt Diluc bite her bottom lip.--The action making her part hers just slightly. Enough for him to slip his tongue in. The movement from before resumed as they grinded against one another. 
The redhead grabbed at the ends of her shirt and tugged at the fabric trying to remove it from her body. They pulled apart for a moment, and she left her arms as he took the item off her, tossing it somewhere on the ground. His hands immediately explored the exposed skin. His gaze on her body was so intense, she had to turn her head away. “Stop staring,” The words came out in a mumble. 
“You’re acting as if this is the first time I've seen you in a bra.” He laughed a little, and moved his lips to her neck, placing gentle kisses as he went down her chest. 
He had seen her like this, a few times on set during some scenes. She wasn’t embarrassed then because it was all scripted, this was different. 
He finally reached near her breast and stopped, gently nipping at her skin there. She let out another sound, cursing at herself. “Diluc we don’t have enough time for this,” Even if she wanted to keep going, they had to be back soon. 
We have 30 minutes that's enough for a-” 
“I’m a virgin.” The words left her mouth suddenly and her eyes still looked away from Diluc. She was embarrassed about it, and as much as she wanted to despite her conscious yelling at her not to, she didn’t want her first time to be a quickie. 
That was enough to make the redhead freeze and pull away from her. His hands dropped from her breast to her thighs, thumbing over them softly as he chuckled to himself. He found it kind of ironic that the romance actor was a virgin. He wasn’t judging but it was just a little funny to him. But it also let him realize what the two could have done. “Don’t laugh! I told you I’ve never dated!” She buried her head in the crook of his, her body resting against his. 
“I’m not laughing at you. I promise I’m sorry I didn’t know.” A knock at the door made them both turn their heads and stop. “(Y/n), we need you on set early! I know this is your break but-” The door was about to open and the female jumped from her spot and ran to the door. Just barely catching it before it could fully open to reveal Diluc in the room. Furina was on the other side, a brow raised as she looked at the actress. 
“What are you doing?” She asked looking her up and down. The female was panting and dressed in her bra and shorts.
“It’s really hot out there okay, anyways I’m getting dressed I’ll be out in a minute.” Furina sighed and spun around, telling her to find Diluc and drag him back out as well. (Y/n) took a deep breath and shut the door, her eyes turning to the redhead on the sofa. 
“This never happened got it?” 
“Never happened.” 
(Y/n) sat in her chair on set, glasses covering her eyes, as she tried her best not to fall asleep. She was watching the actors in front of her go through their scenes. The man playing the king shooting his big reveal, with a few of the other main characters in the movie, joining in on the big plot twist. She sighed and fanned herself with a magazine, it was beyond hot, even for it being dark out–she was still burning up. So Furina the wonderful director she was, let the girl dress down into her tank top and shorts. As she was dying in the heat, some type of commotion faintly behind her caught her attention. She turned to see Diluc in his day clothes walking away from a furious Jean. It seemed like they were arguing about something. The blonde was holding a planner in her hand, and pointing to it. 
“You can’t be serious right now? You aren’t going to help me in the slightest?” Diluc sighed heavily and glared at his partner. “Jean you got everything under control, this movie is my main priority.” His red eyes glanced ahead to see (Y/n) eyeing the two of them, and he looked away quickly. The movie wasn’t his main priority, she was. (Y/n) had consumed his mind ever since that moment in the trailer. It was all he could think about, her body, her voice, her laugh. It consumed him so much that whenever Jean did anything it got on his nerves. Everything she did was annoying him—especially the wedding planning. Every time he went back to her place she just wanted to talk about the wedding, and the guest list, and the food. Suddenly he didn’t care for any of it. 
So Jean picked up on that within the first night and instead tried other things to do with him. Movies, dates, shopping trips. It all seemed like that annoyed him even more. Then she thought maybe he was stressed and needed to blow off steam so she tried to have sex with him and it just–He wasn’t up for it. All he could think about was his co-star. And if Diluc wouldn’t talk to her about at home then she would fight him at work, trying to figure out what his issue was. Why he was so mean to her? 
“Diluc I swear if you don’t knock your shit off I’m calling off the wedding.” 
“I’m at work can we talk about this later?” The blonde stormed off flipping him off as she walked away. His gaze returned to the girl watching him from the set. She gave him a pity smile and then frowned. He just waved to her and walked off, she supposed to his trailer. “Hey, Furina can I go for the night?” 
“Hm? Yea! Your scenes are done for the day, but tomorrow, phew, you have a heated day.” She shot the actress a wink, and (Y/n) just rolled her eyes. She left her magazine behind and started to make her way to her friend's trailer but-
“(Y/n) can we talk?” Her head spun to see Jean approaching her. She swallowed thickly and nodded. God if she suspected anything, then she was done for. She had never done anything like this before, all her other co-stars weren’t like Diluc. She didn’t know what was different about him. His looks were great sure but it was so much more than that. Like how his laugh was so enchanting and his rare smile made her heart flutter, or how they could talk for hours about anything. 
“And I have no idea what’s going on with him, but do you think you could talk to him?” The girl snapped back and looked at Jean wide-eyed. What did she say? “What? You want me to-” 
“Check on him, you two get along so well and he can get so in his head. I trust you so let me know what’s up okay? I’m heading home, send him my way when you're done here.” Oh god, she was a horrible person. The female just nodded her head. “Of course, I’ll text you.” Jean smiled and hugged her, thanking her for being such a good friend. (Y/n) was going to throw up. So once the woman left, she looked over to the trailer at the back of the lot and started to make her way over. 
She didn’t even knock as she entered the trailer. She scanned the freezing room for the man, and instantly spotted him in the back, laying face down on the mattress. The lights were off, and Diluc was well hidden in his sheets, but (Y/n) could spot his striking red hair from anywhere. She sighed, walking over to his bed, and crawling onto the plush surface next to him. 
“You’re not getting along?” The words came out as a mumble. “We are not getting along.” The two were lying in opposite directions of each other, staring at the wall. The moment they shared in her trailer earlier this week wasn’t a one-off thing. It seemed every time they were left alone, whether that be on set or in their private dressing rooms, they were on top of one another. It was getting to a boiling point where (Y/n) couldn’t take anymore. She was so fucking pent-up. 
“Is it because of me?” 
“Not exactly,” He glanced over at the female who had a worried look in her eyes. “It’s more than that. We’ve been drifting apart for a while.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s not your fault.” Diluc turned his body to face (Y/n), but she was still looking away from him. He lazily threw his arm around her torso and pulled her close, burying his face in the back of her neck. She relaxed in his hold, even if she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of Jean. She had asked her to talk to him, not fuck him. But he was here, so close to her, and she couldn’t help it. She was falling hard for the man.
“She asked me to talk to you, try and make you work it out with her, but I don’t want to.” (Y/n) wanted him for herself, she had never felt this way about anyone. He had taken her heart, and she didn’t mind it. 
“Even if I don’t want you to, you should fix things.” She turned her body to face him, his red eyes piercing her (e/c) ones. Her heart started to beat rapidly as they stared at one another, basking in each other's hold. “I don’t care to,” 
“Diluc, this is wrong and you know that,” 
“You could put a stop to it, but you don’t.” She groaned and lightly bonked her forehead against his. He just gave her a weak laugh and pressed a kiss against her lips. “Because every time I tell you we shouldn’t do this, you do that.” They hadn’t gone much farther than a heated makeout session, and feeling each other up–the girl being way too shy to do more. She especially didn’t want her first time to be in a trailer at work. 
She got a weak hum out of him and he smirked a bit. “Do you wanna get out of here?” Her body froze. “To where?” 
“My place?” She swallowed thickly and blinked a few times. She would be completely alone with Diluc, nobody to interrupt them. If she was at his place she might cave and take things way farther with him. But as much as she knew she shouldn’t she agreed. 
(Y/n) threw her shirt off as Diluc kissed her relentlessly, his hands roaming every part of her body that he could get it. Tugging her pants off as she fell back onto the bed, their lips being apart for only seconds. His tongue already found its way into her mouth, teeth clanking at the fast-paced movements. They couldn’t help it, the moment they got into his house they were on top of one another, the tension from the week building up. She wanted Diluc so badly, and even if she knew the amount of shit this would cause, she would do it. The man didn’t seem like he cared either, his hands finding the clasps of her bra and undoing it. 
She grabbed his shirt and tugged at it signaling she wanted it to come off. The man did as she wanted, and (Y/n) began to shrug off her bra throwing it onto the floor, her hands going back on Diluc’s body. Her fingers gripped the waist band of his pants, pulling him towards her. She gasped as she felt his hard-on press against her. The girl was about to open her mouth to speak but the two froze as they heard her phone ring. She groaned and reached for it, Diluc wanted to stop her but she had already grabbed the damn thing. 
“It’s Jean.” 
“Answer it,” 
“Are you crazy? Hey no-” The man grabbed the phone from her and pressed the green button, handing it back. She glared at him, as she watched him lower himself, pulling her panties off as the phone was pressed against her ear. “Hey, what's up?” She was about to lift her head to see what the idiot was doing but she instantly tensed up at the feeling of something wet licking her clit. It took everything in her to not moan. 
“Did you talk to Diluc? His phone is off and I’m worried about him.” Her voice was filled with concern and she sounded like she was driving. “Mm-Mhm! Yea I-uh” She covered her mouth and pulled the phone away. Her back arched as felt him swipe his tongue over her clit again, but he slowed pace this time, teasing her so she would make more sounds. More sounds that only he got to hear. “Are you okay?” Jean’s voice brought her back and she panted for a second. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m working out right now. I needed to get my cardio in.” She laughed a little but stopped when she felt her partner insert a finger inside of her. One of her hands grabbed his red locks, and tugged at them slightly, rocking her hips against him. She could hear him laugh as he went on with his current task, curling his fingers inside of her. The way she was choking back her cute moans, and gasp. The woman was barely keeping herself together at this point and he didn’t even care if Jean heard the two of them. This was the most fun he has had in a while. He couldn’t help but stare at her, seeing the phone pressed against her ear, her hip eagerly bucking towards him begging for more. 
“But yeah, I uhm talked to him before I left, he said-fuck.” She swore as Diluc pumped another finger inside of her. “What’s wrong?” 
“He was upset, and told me he didn’t want to talk.” She couldn’t keep this up for much longer, she wanted so much more of the man, this wasn’t enough. “Was he rude to you?” The blonde’s voice held sympathy for her, knowing how cold he could be when he was upset.
“Yeah, I just let him be.” 
“I should go see him, I’m on my way already.” (Y/n) lifted her head and looked at Diluc who didn’t pay any mind to the girl and kept his pace playing with her sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“I wouldn’t do that, he-ah shit-uhm wanted to be alone. I need to go just don’t trust me.” (Y/n) hung up the phone and tossed the device on the bed and let out a string of curses at the man. 
“You idiot she’s on her way here-fuck Diluc please-” 
“She doesn’t have a key, it's fine.”  
The girl just sighed and grabbed his arm tugging him close to her. He hovered above her, his arms resting on the mattress. “Do you want to go any farther?” She nodded her head. If she didn’t get more of this man, she would go crazy. “I don’t know how to do anything though.” 
“I’ll take care of it, just relax.” 
It was the final week of filming and the affair that (Y/n) had with Diluc was going to end. She couldn’t keep doing this to her friend. Jean had trusted her so much and went to her to vent about Diluc and she just couldn’t help but feel terrible. As she should though. Even if she had was more than just lust, even if she felt something more for the man, it had to be over. They had already filmed the rated R scene and everyone was surprised at how well they got through it, like it was no big deal. It shocked even Jean a little bit, mainly because the girl was telling her how nervous she was to film it. But when the time came the two got through it as if they had done it before 
(Y/n) huffed in her chair and looked at Furina giving a speech to all of the cast members. Most of the scenes were done and Diluc was no longer needed. She wasn’t really either, but the two stayed just in case something came up. Her eyes looked around the room, and she could see her co-star near the back, once again fighting with his fiance. The two angrily whispering to one another. She just frowned and looked away. They were always butting heads about something, whenever the woman was on set Diluc was miserable. Even if he would tell (Y/n) how badly he wanted to end it, he didn’t The wedding date was set for next year and the plans were put in place. Everyone he knew had already been informed and Jean was getting new gigs because of it. 
Internally she was screaming, begging Diluc to just leave the woman, and let himself be happy. Yet if he didn’t and this was it then she had to live with that. “So, thank you everyone for being a part of this movie! The curtain will soon be closing!” The female took a bow, and everyone clapped. (Y/n) lazily moved her hands together, unaware of the person sneaking up behind her. Then without warning, someone placed their hands on the girl’s shoulders and she let out a screech. Her loud yelping sound caught everyone’s attention but most importantly Diluc’s. But the laughing sound that followed calmed everyone down. 
The (h/c) haired girl whipped her head around to see the cackling man behind her. An angry expression started to form on her face as she glared at the dark-haired man “Kaeya!” She shot him the best glare she could and jumped out of her seat. “Not funny,” Her eyes looked behind him to see Tartaglia waving to her from the back of the lot. She shyly waved back to him and smiled. It had been a while since she saw their ginger friend. He was traveling for a modeling gig he booked. The three of them were known to be a close-knit group but since she started this movie they hadn’t been spotted together. Diluc had taken up all her time. 
“What are you idiots doing here?” She placed both of her hands on her hips, seeming pretty peeved with Kaeya. “It’s your last week on set, Furina said we could come to hang with you.” She rolled her eyes and glanced behind her to see the cast getting back to work, but the red eyes on the other side of the set never left her. 
“Come on princess, let's go get lunch or something.” Kaeya walked over to his friend and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “I can’t just leave the set, what if they need me for something?” 
He laughed and pressed a kiss against her cheek smiling, both of them knowing that wasn’t true. “Come on we have to catch up, you’ve been stirring some drama in the news.” (Y/n) sighed and shoved her best friend off and looked to see Diluc approaching them, an annoyed Jean following behind. 
He looked so fucking pissed to see Kaeya anywhere near her. Tartaglia had also made his way over here and the girl didn’t seem to notice as he draped both his arms around her shoulders. Hovering behind her. “Heya girly.” She tilted her head back and smiled at the man. “Hey, Ajax.” 
“Kaeya what  the hell are you doing here?” Diluc’s voice caught the trio's attention. “I’m here to see my friend, not you.” He gestured to (Y/n). 
“Great you’ve seen her, now leave.” 
Jean smacked his arm lightly and glared. “Those are her friends, just because you don’t like Kaeya doesn’t mean you can be rude.” Kaeya stuck his tongue out and grabbed (Y/n)’s hand. “Lunch? Me, you, Childe?” Before she could decline she was being dragged away, mouthing a sorry to the couple in front of her. 
(Y/n) laid next to Diluc eyes glued to the ceiling. The man was passed out next to her and she had this gut-wrenching feeling in her chest. She wanted to cry knowing that this was it. This was the last day on set and they decided to spend the night together, but after this, it was over. The man never said it was but, she knew in her heart it was. He would have free time and no excuse to be with her. I mean how was Diluc supposed to justify the two of them being alone together? Jean basically had him on a leash as is. One time after she left Diluc’s place Jean was over shortly after. She had told (Y/n) she found a pair of underwear that was not the blondes. She confided in her friend, her worries about her fiance cheating. Ever since then, Jean would never let him hang out with people alone. Never anyone but her. Because the she trusted her. 
She felt like crying at the thought of all of it. Jean invited her to go dress shopping cake tasting, and all the fun things that came along with wedding planning. (Y/n) would nod her head and agree feeling this intense guilt inside. Didn’t Diluc feel any of it? Probably not, he enjoyed it or something. But after this. She couldn’t do it anymore, she wanted him all to herself. She didn’t want to hide him from everyone. All she wanted was him. 
So after confiding in Kaeya and Tartaglia, they told her to just break it off after filming. She was only going to hurt herself more in the long run, and if nobody knew about then stop before someone did. Both of her friends were right, and that’s why she made up her mind. Even if this was going to crush her. (Y/n) had truly fallen for him. 
The girl sat up and got her things together. She didn’t want to stay here, it would be worse in the morning when he was awake, begging her to stay. Why would she do this herself? From the moment this started, she knew that he wouldn’t pick her. She was fooling herself into thinking that Diluc would leave Jean for her. The two had been together for almost ten years now, they were high school sweethearts. (Y/n) hurried along ignoring the tears falling down her cheeks. This really was it. 
“Welcome to the premiere of Betrayal at Dusk,” Furina and Neuvillette were standing on a stage, people mingling around the room. It was the first showing of the new movie that (Y/n) had starred in with Diluc. One whole year later The girl hadn’t seen him since that day in his apartment. When she left while he was sleeping, so she didn’t cave for him. So ignoring all that she tried her best to prepare herself for tonight. She had to get Kaeya to tag along to keep her from being stupid. It didn’t matter though, because the moment she stepped out of the limo and onto the red carpet, the man was straight ahead of her. Jean attached to his arm smiling wide. She looked so perfect next to him, her wedding ring shining with all the camera flashes. His arm wrapped so tightly around her. They look happy and it made her want to vomit. 
Once she got to the door of the venue a few reporters were crowding her. 
“(Y/n) Who are you wearing? Is it Dior?”
“What was it like to star in the first romance movie featuring Diluc Ragvandir?” 
“People are saying how raw and passionate the scenes are how did you two form such a bond?” 
“Are the cheating rumors true?” 
She answered each one carefully, trying not to make a mess she would regret later, and somehow she managed to debunk all of the rumors. At some point she was able to make her way inside, Kaeya at her side leading her around to chat with everyone. It worked for most of the night and even made her forget the reality of the situation for a minute. Yet, she found herself glancing around the room for him.  “Don’t worry he’ll avoid you like the plague if I’m here.” (Y/n) just nodded her head and grabbed another drink. She noticed Jean trying to pull him towards her a few times, but failing. He waved in dismal at her idea to go greet the girl. He looked rather annoyed, and it crushed her. 
She wanted to go home, she didn’t want to come to this but her friends made her, and it was the first showing so. A sigh escaped her lip and she handed her drink to Kaeya. “I’m going out for air.” 
“You want me to come?” 
“No,” She turned and walked away from him, and tried her best to find an area outside that wasn’t crowded. Yet everywhere she went it was packed with people, and each time they saw her they couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with the female. It was getting on her nerves that she couldn’t find a place to escape just for a bit. 
Eventually, she wound up in an empty hallway near the back of the venue, the lights off, and it was quiet. She could just breathe for a minute. Clear her head, and then she would get back to the main party. No matter how hard she tried to forget the past year, and pretend like she didn’t have an affair with Diluc, it was pointless. 
She couldn’t even escape for a second though, being interrupted again. 
“Why are you hiding back here?” Her gaze turned towards the familiar voice, and she saw the man who caused all of these emotions. 
“I needed to think,” She stood up from the plush seat she was in, debating on heading back to the party. “You haven’t returned any of my calls.” He approached her, reaching his hand out to grab hers. 
“Don’t do that.” (Y/n) could feel her heart being squeezed at the mere thought of him touching her again.
“I haven’t heard from you, I miss yo-” 
“Don’t say anything please.” She jerked her wrist away before he could even lay a finger on her, tears welling up in her eyes. The girl didn’t even know why she was upset over this, she knew this was going to happen. It was a fling for him. He loved Jean, not her. He didn’t have the same feelings for her as she did for him. Not once did he ever mention that he liked her, or even wanted more than just a quick fuck. A year had passed and she hadn’t texted, called, or even thought about visiting him. No matter how many times Jean tried to get the two to hang out, she would go running at the sight of him. It made the blonde suspect something but she didn’t say a word. Because (Y/n) wouldn’t do that, (Y/n) was a good friend. 
“Just hear me out.” 
“I don’t want to, I knew you were never going to leave her, it wasn’t anything more for you. But for me, it was something else entirely. I had feelings for you, I have feelings for you. I just-I can’t believe I thought you would choose me over her. I’m so stupid.” The sound of footsteps approaching made her quickly wipe her face and storm off. As she went she saw the blonde she was incredibly jealous of pass by. “(Y/n) Hi!” 
She gave her a little wave and kept walking, and she didn’t stop. Not for Kaeya, not for anyone. She wanted to go home and pretend this didn’t happen. 
“I’m sorry Furina I can’t come back for a sequel, I know it did well.” (Y/n) paced her apartment as she was on the phone with her friend. The girl was asking for her to come back and film another movie in the series. If she did that then she had to be around Diluc again. 
“Is it the pay? I can pay so much more than that if you want, or is it the heat? I can film it in the winter, oh please (Y/n), they loved you, and they loved Diluc with you.” 
“That’s the problem, Diluc is the problem.” She leaned against her bedroom wall and sank to the floor. Her heart aching at the memories from last year. “Wait, were the rumors true?” 
“Oh (Y/n).” The girl brushed away the tears that started to fall, sniffling, trying her best to keep it together. “I’m sorry Furina, I can’t” 
“You what?!” Jean was screaming at Diluc as he stood there. The blonde overheard the phone call with Furina he had, and the other woman also screaming at him for the whole thing with (Y/n). It wasn’t exactly how he wanted Jean to find out, he never really did want her to find out. Honestly, he was planning on breaking it off after the movie, but Jean kept getting more and more offers from different agencies and he didn’t want to ruin that for her. Then before he knew it a year rolled by and he couldn’t back out now. The wedding was in a few weeks. 
“I cheated on you with (Y/n), it just happened. I don’t know.” 
“How could you? I trusted you, I trusted her. This whole time, you never thought to tell me?” The blonde was furious, tears in her eyes as she glared at her fiance. “It wasn’t her fault it was mine, she tried to stop but I just couldn’t.” Jean rolled her eyes, and more tears rolled down her face as she grabbed her keys. 
“You can forget about the damn wedding.” 
(Y/n) sat at her favorite coffee shop scrolling on her phone happily as she waited for a friend. The news had already hit the magazines and press about her affair with Diluc. It was insane at how big it blew up. Most of her friends came asking for her side of the story and she didn’t lie. She knew she was guilty but they all sided with her in the end. She was moving on from all of that though. Her career was getting bigger and bigger and she decided she wanted to do more than just romance movies, she was taking a break from them. 
Even though Furina begged her every week to make a sequel for the movie. She always told her the same answer. No.
 It always upset the girl but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Repeatedly coming back with new offers or bribes for her. Nothing on the planet could make her want to go back and film with Diluc. “Sorry, I’m late.” (Y/n) looked up and saw Childe waiting in front of her. “Ready to go?” She got up and grabbed her drink smiling happily as the ginger wrapped an arm around her. 
“Yea! Where are we going for our date?”
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outlandish-dreamer · 6 months
I've been feeling kinda down lately, but can I request some headcanons for Cg!Hobie with spiderman!regressor!minor!reader who's trying to get into punk culture but feels like they're copying him? im sorry if im way too specific :c
(can I be 🕸️anon, please?)
Of course 🕸️that's not too specific at all! I'm sorry it's taken me a minute to get to, but I hope you're feeling a little bit better :) And I hope this is okay!!
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Given that he's Spider-Punk, he'd have immaculate music taste and once he gets to know you, shares it with you too! It's something you bond over, even if you're not exactly into the subculture just yet.
He casually recommends you some bands like the Bad Brains, or The Muslims, just because it's stuff he thinks you'd be interested in. You give 'em a listen and after just general interest, you find yourself falling deeper into the culture as a whole. It's not just about the music of course, so you delve a little deeper into what it actually is.
Once you do though, your kind of unsure of what it means to you. How to really immerse in it. So much of it resonates with you and you want your own perception of it, but you're not quite sure where to start. That doesn't mean you don't have a good example though! Hobie's a ton of inspiration.
I can imagine that when he finds out, he's nothing but supportive. Like, he gets genuinely excited, eyes lit up and everything. He has someone who's into the same thing he is? Hell, yeah he'd be into it. "Wait, really? Thas' amazin'! No, really. You think I'd lie to ya? Pfft no chance mate. I'm just excited we got somethin' in common!"
He'll try to hang out with you more often now that he knows you're both into the same thing! Not only is it something you can both talk about, but it brings you closer.
He doesn't mind at all if you take inspiration from him or "copy" him. He knows it's not the easiest to figure your way out with this sort of thing. He wants you to have your own thing, but he's cool with it either way. Even giving you some advice and especially helping you out whenever you need it.
Brings you to his shows and even teaches you how to play if you're interested! (Or if you play a different instrument, you play together) If music's something you bond over that is. If not, he finds other ways to share it with you/get into it.
Fuck societal and gender norms, you two do whatever you want. The more people who're just utterly confused, the better because hey, it's not their life!
And fuck capitalism too, in every way. You pirate, help out those who need it whenever you can regardless of their "status," and just do/be whatever you want. That's the whole point of it anyway, and Hobie couldn't be happier to do it with you.
And really, you both are like two peas in a pod. Different yeah, but always there for each other. You're friends! And being a part of the same subculture only brings you closer together. Even if you weren't, you'd still be close, but it's just nice to have that. Plus, Hobie's got someone else to relate to and he wouldn't trade that for anything 🖤
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
movies I think every demigod loves
Focusing on CHB for now but we’ll get to the Romans eventually
These nerds all know the whole entire soundtrack for every single one with the choreo and everything
Massive viewing parties in the winter in random cabins that definitely can’t hold everybody and the amphitheater in the summer with a projector
Hecate campers have enchanted a fuck ton of those old plastic popcorn containers with the same magic as the dishes in the pavilion— every kind of popcorn, the perfect amount of butter, kettle corn, for some reason a blue one that apparently tastes like cotton candy (or so Percy says; no one else has dared to try it)
Sharing endless amounts of blankets and pillows
Everyone usually passes out towards the end of the night, resulting in the hugest bed nest known to man full of shreepy demigods
Literally every streaming service ever plus premium Hephaestus channels
Anyways onto the movies
We’re starting with Mamma Mia
Because let’s be honest— a big pretty Greek island with a ton of hot people and fabulous music?? Yeah they’re into it
Who doesn’t love Abba?
Everyone gets into groups of three just to sing it with each other, including
Percy as Tall, Annabeth as Tough, and Grover as Tiny
Jason as Tall, Piper as Tough, and Leo as Tiny
Connor and Will even convinced Nico to be the Tiny to their Tough and Tall once
Anyways everybody screaming the lyrics and dancing around, swinging each other in chaotic circles until they collapse laughing
By FAR the loudest they ever get is Dancing Queen— Chiron says it’s something to rival their battle cry and Dionysus pretends to be annoyed by it, but he’s always caught humming it to himself the next morning
”Well what do you suggest we do with three men?” “Well now that takes me back.” WHEN I TELL YOU EVERYBODY SCREAMS
Couples singing Honey Honey and Lay All Your Love On Me suuuper dramatically at each other
They’ve turned it into a challenge: how long can you two go, mercilessly flirting and teasing, before either of you break and end up making out? (The answer is not very long)
Splitting into two groups (mainly girls v boys but really it doesn’t matter) to scream Voulez-Vous at each other
It’s a competition
After the end of the movie, everyone goes and jumps into the lake in their clothes— this massive, shouting, laughing mass of magical teenagers booking it across camp just to go flying off the docks into the water
Moving on to another movie
You c a n n o t tell me they wouldn’t love Disney’s Hercules
I mean they hate it, obviously, but like. A Disney movie about them. What!!
Especially the littles
The littles looove this fucking movie you don’t even understand
They sit eagerly waiting to see the garbage caricatures of their parents onscreen, collapsing on each other in giggles when they do
The older kids still get a kick out of it, but Connor sulks in Malcolm’s lap anytime his dad is on, hiding his face in his chest and refusing to look
(“Mal, he looks so dumb.”
”You’re so dramatic—“
They make Chiron sing One Last Hope every damn time
Funny thing is, the projector they have now is not the first one. There was one before, which mysteriously went up in purple flames the first time Mr. D watched with them… coincidentally at the exact moment Disney Dionysus popped up on screen in all his drunken fuscia glory
Poor Nico di Angelo wants to say no to watching it every time, but his favorite of Will’s little siblings, Lilac, begs him to because it’s her favorite Disney movie
So there he is next to Will, Lilac watching eagerly from his lap, Nico bonking his head on Will’s shoulder every time the TERRIBLE interpretation of his dad is on
Will laughs at him
Nico pouts and says he’s mean and threatens to shadow travel Lilac to the nearest candy store and get her whatever she wants just to hand her back to him for the night with a raging sugar rush
When the 7 dress up as the Avengers for Halloween one year, it’s added to the rotation.
Percy was Black Widow
Leo was Spider-Man
Jason was Captain America
Piper was Iron Man
Annabeth was Thor
Hazel was Black Panther
Frank was the Hulk
Nobody was prepared for the level of hotness that they brought to the table, but the Marvel fanatics were definitely prepared to start watching the movies
Eventually it devolves into a big war over who the best character is
The smash or pass is getting out of hand guys
lmk if you think of any more I’d love to write them
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ur-fav-is-aspec · 1 month
I’ve decided to make this blog for two reasons:
- a) I love submission blogs and I have a lot of character headcannons
- b) most the aspec submission blogs are inactive, and I can’t even find one that’s for the whole aspec community
- c) (ok so three reasons) I’m a part of the aspec community and I’d like us to share our aspec headcannons and ideas to make the aphobes angry!!
Hey hey hey, my name is Icarus, or Leonardo, though I go by many other names too, and I use he/she/they and it/fae/mer pronouns (shown in two separate lists for readability). I am a member of the aspec community and I run @ace-disgrace-withamace and the Instagram account @the.world.is.ace.here (along with my friend Rain)
I feel like i should include my whole label thingie here also because like. I’m running an aspec blog. So uh yeah
Im genderfluid, and sometimes agender
I am asexual
Now uh as for romantic orientation I am (checks notes)….
Demiromantic and aroflux as well as abroromantic and probably a ton of micro labels but I can’t remember them hooray
Ok so rules:
First of all, any hate speech of any kind will be deleted. I will not argue with bigots.
Aphobes of any kind are not allowed. Why would you be here anyways, it’s an aspec blog for stars sake
Characters are allowed to be submitted by different people multiple times, either with different headcannons or the same. This is because A) one character could be many different kinds of aspec B) I will not remember
Submit in the ask box please
All kinds of aspec headcannons are allowed, including aplatonic and afamilial (yall are just as valid, no matter what other people say)
Please do not submit any characters from Harry Potter or associated works by or involving J K Rowling.
Cannon submissions are allowed too!
Oh, also- please specify what media they’re from because I don’t want to accidentally do the wrong character
This may be updated at any time
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Dr. John Watson Propaganda:
He literally admits that he changes his stories. "One day the true stories may be told"? Do I need to say more?
Gideon Nav Propaganda:
(Spoilers for Ht9) She just. Fully ignores most of the magic plot happening around her in the first boom to be a dyke. In the second book it’s even less reliable and it’s fully fucking insane. It’s first person but she’s telling YOU (harrow) what is happening and it’s impossible to decipher. The appearance and personality of every character is fully morphed by Gideon’s mean dykishness.
MASSIVE spoilers. Like even mentioning that this is a thing is a huge fucking spoiler. I normally don’t care about spoilers that much but I legitimately feel awful for anyone with even a passing interest in reading these books who has this spoiled for them. Anyway. Yeah turns out the second-person narration is actually a first-person narration by the dead girl living in Harrow’s head whose death traumatized Harrow (and the entire fandom) so badly that she literally lobotomized herself to forget it and give Gideon a chance at not having her soul digested.
constantly adds her own commentary, does not pay attention to the interesting moving parts of the plot bc she's too busy looking at pretty girls, cannot be trusted to read her own intentions correctly never mind anyone else's. I love her dearly
she just doesn’t notice or doesn’t give a shit about a ton of plot-essential information. Harrow and Palamedes are talking about a necromantic theorem that would blow open the entire story if we could hear them? You can instantly feel Gideon’s eyes glaze over and her mind wander to the nearest available hot girl, and our attention goes with her. It’s handled so smoothly that you might not even notice it happening until a second or third read.
More Propaganda under cut!
Gideon Nav is all but useless as a narrator, and we love her for it. So first of all, she knows absolutely nothing. She grew up under a rock. Almost literally. When the plot is happening near her, she almost never tells us about it. Politics, history, and the magic system are boring. Let her know when there's something she can FIGHT. She also has very selective emphasis and focus that can change a scene completely without ever actually lying. She can tell the same story—to us, in her third-person narration as a factual recounting—and in one version the incident will be a schoolyard scuffle, while a later telling will reveal it to have been a near-homicide. She'll confidently interpret other character's motivations and emotions, only to later be proven wrong. But the thing that makes her REALLY unreliable? She lies to HERSELF constantly. She will tell us in her narration that she doesn't give a shit where someone disappeared to, and then spend the whole day searching for them. She'll say she hates someone, when. Well....
okay so i am actually going to do one segment about her own book and one about harrow’s so many apologies and also many spoilers ahead okay? okay so in gideon the ninth it’s a well known thing that she’s an unreliable narrator on two fronts: she lies to herself and therefore us about how she’s feeling and what she’s thinking, and also she isn’t paying attention to the plot at all. the only things she pays any attention to are hot girls, swords, and hot girls with swords. at one point she watches their only way out be sealed off and is so bored about it that she goes to sleep watching it happen, taking absolutely no note of “oh hey they’re trapping us here”. later someone asks IN FRONT OF HER “hey where did all our shuttles go” and shes like “😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌” and still does not make the connection. babygirl. but THEN!!!!! in HARROW the ninth (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD) gideon is the narrator the ENTIRE TIME (except for the revised canaan house parts) and not only does she editorialize, she also straight up lies about events and motivations! partially justified by her being inside harrow’s head, but like. babygirl. beloved. the interjections of “holy fuck” and “pommel” and othersuch things is so important to my mental health and wellbeing. thank you. thank you for lying to us so so much.
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9/6/24 - Hi!
I guess I should start this whole thing by introducing myself. My name is C! I'm in my final year of college, and I'm in the process of trying to really figure out what that means.
I spent the past three years of my college experience battling a serious illness. I won't go into too much detail, but just know, it rhymed with schmancer. So yeah. I had that, a really stubborn one too - the type that just refuses to go away even after you blast it with a ton of chemo.
Anyway, so that experience culminated into an extreme effort this year to finally rid me of the darn thing, and voila. It worked. I've been in remission for a few months now. It was really hard at first. Like I said, it was a pretty extreme effort (won't go into detail here, maybe later), but it left me feeling pretty terrible. Like I-couldn't-believe-the-world-was-still-turning-because-everything-was-so-awful kind of terrible. But finally, I guess I started feeling pretty human again.
So what does this all mean? Well, I guess it really means that I experienced shit at 19-22 that most people won't experience till they're much older (if at all). And I guess it also means I didn't really get the traditional college experience most people really strive for. There were few if any "wild nights" and fun.
I did "find myself" though. And then I found myself again. And again. Etc., so at least I had that bit of "normalcy." Everyone does that in college, or so I've heard.
Anyway, so this blog. Why make it, right? Here's the truth of the matter:
I am 22, in my final year of undergrad, and I want to get my life together. I want to study effectively, take care of my body (especially after all it has been through + done for me), and I just want to be the version of myself I know I can be.
Most importantly: I want accountability. That's where this blog comes in.
My hope with this blog is that it'll keep me going. I've tried a few times to kickstart this sort of "be the best version of myself" journey, and I've only been successful once, a few years ago, but then I fell off that horse, and well - I WANNA GET BACK ON!
So this blog will be a sort of an accountability diary/journal of sorts for me. I'll tell you guys all about my week, what I did that week to achieve my goals, etc. etc.. Also share pictures of things I'm studying, my life, etc. etc.. And maybe you guys will feel comfortable enough to let me in on some of your victories too!
I haven't really used tumblr in a while, not since I was like 16-ish, so I'm not really sure if people still use it for more traditional type of blogs, but if you're interested in studying, working out, reading, writing, trying to reach life goals, I would really appreciate it if you followed my blog and gave me a chance!
My next post will probably be getting into my details about my goals and such.
Thanks for reading,
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Sonic Anniversary Broadcast
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OMT!Mina: Is the equipment all ready?
OMT!Tails: Cameras live, microphone prepared, tracklist set...
Nine: And today's weather bulletin is set up. Seems like we're all good to go!
Mini Sonic: Excellent!
D-Sides Mighty: Okay. We're ready to start recording.
BK!Amy: We're going live in 5... 4... 3... 2...
OMT!Tails: Good morning, speedsters and music lovers, loud and proud from the Blur HQ, and you're listening to SEGAVerse Blur Bangers! I'm your host for today, Tails from Dimension MP-2021!
OMT!Mina: And I'm your co-host, Mina Mongoose from the same place!
OMT!Tails: And boy, have we got some exciting things lined up for today! Today is June 23rd, the official anniversary date for Sonic the Hedgehog, which kickstarted all of us, in a way.
OMT!Mina: A lot has happened in the past 33 years, and it's those 33 years that brought us as the Blur Gang together today. We've undergone a lot of adventures across different worlds in our image, and met tons of amazing friends in general!
OMT!Tails: Before we continue, I wanted to thank my fellow Blur Gang teammates in the recording studio today for helping set up the whole operation for us!
Nine: Heh, you got it, Tails! It's a pleasure to be doing this today with you all.
OMT!Tails: Now, you might be wondering; "Tails, why have you and your team started a radio station today?" Well, partly because of the anniversary, and also because of the radio venture the Sonic and Tails from Dimension GB-2024 have done. You guys, if you're hearing this, keep going strong with Spin Dash Radio!
Nine: That's why he came to me today. I set up the radio station since I finished preparing the Blur HQ for us, but it hasn't gone into use until today, in part thanks to all the craziness we endured in the last 8 months, and I'm happy to get it going! And so here we are, bringing you the music that keeps the SEGAVerse's heroes going strong over the years!
OMT!Mina: So, whether you're getting work or school assignments done, getting ready for a jog around your homeplace or just here to enjoy some fun music, we'll be sure to bring you on a fun journey of awesome beats together, all on SEGAVerse Blur Bangers.
EX!Alice: Okay. Let's get the song list ready while we wait for Sonic Prime to get here. This is our Retro Nostalgia Mix, right?
OMT!Tails: Yep! Now, before we get started, let's address the elephant in the room; Green Hill Zone won't be the first song you'll be hearing today. Just to subvert your expectations for once! Now, we're taking it back to the classics, but with some remixes from guys like Tee Lopes, Jahn Davis and Jun Senoue! You're listening to the one and only SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Go here for the Retro Nostalgia Mix!
OMT!Tails: Hey, everyone! Welcome back! Hope you all enjoyed that trip down memory lane so far.
Nine: Sonic's made it!
OMT!Tails: Brilliant! Come on up, Sonic!
Sonic Prime came onto the recording stage.
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Sonic Prime: Hey, everyone! The original Sonic the Hedgehog here! Fastest thing alive, Blue Blur, speed demon, yeah, you get the idea. Thanks for inviting me onto this event, guys!
OMT!Tails: No problem, Sonic!
Sonic Prime: Heh, the popcorn on the way in was sweet! The chilli flavour's gotta be my favourite.
OMT!Mina: So, Sonic. We called you here for a small interview for the audience listening out there! Just a bit of a sum-up about how you've been doing as of late.
Sonic Prime: Ah, sweet! Not too different from the Sonic Takeovers on Twitter and TikTok, huh?
BK!Amy: C-Can we still call it that?
Sonic Prime: I'm definitely still calling it that.
OMT!Tails: Anyways! So, what's your latest outing been like?
Sonic Prime: Well, of all things, Eggy's been trying to stop me with these strange figurines of us and my friends and rivals. Not sure what he planned out about it, but it was quite the fun trip down memory lane, and I hope you guys out there will have fun checking it out on your mobile devices!
OMT!Mina: Sounds pretty interesting! How've your friends been doing back home?
Sonic Prime: Well, just the same as ever, of course. Tails, Knuckles and Amy have definitely grown a lot since I last saw them. Tails has been doing plenty of solo ventures, Knuckles has been seeing the world, and Amy's definitely been doing well in sharing her love to the world.
Mini Sonic: And I'm guessing Baldy McNosehair's barely changed much?
Sonic Prime: Eh, you could say that. Hey, didn't you say there was one region of Little Planet I somehow skipped out on entirely?
OMT!Tails: Dubious Depths, right?
Sonic Prime: Yeah, that's the one! Only thing I remember about it was avoiding a pit trap laid there, and I quickly got on my way after that. I'm sure the Time Stones quickly undid any meddling Eggman did there.
OMT!Mina: Mhm.
OMT!Tails: So, last question before we let you get back to your daily routine of running around; what kind of advice do you have to share to the audience out there?
Sonic Prime: Well, I say keep your will to achieve your aspirations high, fellow speedsters! The road to get there is a tough one, I'm not gonna lie, but if you believe in yourself and have the drive to overcome the hurdles in your way, you can do anything!
OMT!Tails: Excellently said, Sonic!
Sonic Prime: Well, guess that's my time to get back home!
Nine: I'll lead you back to the teleporter, Sonic.
Sonic Prime: Sweet! Thanks for the help, Nine! Stay cool, everyone!
They headed off.
OMT!Tails: Well, let's get started with more hearing from you guys and taking some calls. Whether you've got any questions, like we mentioned before, feedback or just wanna chat, now's your opportunity to dial in! You Tumblr/Tumblelogs users out there can use the ask system as usual, while anyone in the SEGAVerse can dial in using the communicator system. Our number is MP-211192. That's 2-1-1-1-9-2. And for anyone asking for donations to help over at Palestine in Earth-0, though we can't send anything over, rest assured that we've got you guys' back the whole way!
OMT!Mina: While we hold the line for some calls and asks, let's get going with some more music! For this next playlist, we're bringing in some alternate themes heard across the Floating Island, courtesy of Leliani Wilson and John Tay on two sides. Let's get right back to it on SBB; SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Go here for the Alt Angel Island Mix!
Nitro: You guys finished that mix of tracks?
OMT!Tails: You got it!
Nitro: Got our first caller for the day!
OMT!Tails: Sweet! Let's put them up on the TV!
BK!Amy: This one over here, right?
Mini Sonic: Yep, that's the one!
Amelia appeared on the screen.
Amelia: Hi!
Nitro: Heh, Amelia!
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OMT!Tails: Great to see you, Amelia! How does it feel being on live radio?
Amelia: Feels pretty cool! You guys are doing well over there! I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying the event so far!
BK!Amy: Thank you! I see that's Music Plant you're at right now.
Amelia: Heh, yeah. I've been looking after April and Feral for the day and thought it'd be sweet to say hi!
Nitro: Glad to hear it! Are they both doing okay?
Amelia: Of course!
OMT!Tails: So I heard you got a cat that accompanies you quite often, right?
Amelia: Mhm. Her name's Rose, and I've had her since I was a little girl!
BK!Amy: Aww, that's such a nice name!
Amelia: Thanks, Amy. I named her after my late grandmother, Rosemary Walten.
OMT!Tails: Rosemary, huh? I'm guessing you saw the tapes and files your mom had, right?
Amelia: Yeah. It's... really tragic how low the Bon's Burgers stuff fell when those who would've been my uncle and auntie got killed by accident.
Mini Sonic: Man, that sounds nasty. I'm sorry to hear that, ma'am.
Amelia: It's alright. I'm sure they would've wanted me to stay strong for their sakes, like how my mums did when they adopted me as a baby.
OMT!Tails: I'm glad to hear that, Amelia. Hope you enjoy the rest of the event today!
Amelia: Thank you! Bye, Chris! Love you~!
Nitro: Heh, love you too, Ami!
The call ended there.
OMT!Tails: Heh, that was such a sweet start. Well, time for a bit of a cool-off after all those exciting songs before. As fun as it is to have a blast from the past in our previous two mixes, it's only fitting that we shift gears into the here and now of music.
CR!Sonic: Yeah. I only just got here, but I felt it'd be fitting for us to start the next mix with my introduction. Running's great and all, but when I'm not doing that, I see myself on a beach or under a tree's shade chilling out and watching nature thrive. So this next mix will comprise of some more tranquil melodies, both from our games and from SEGA as a whole.
OMT!Tails: So sit back, relax and take a little break as we share the Relaxation Mix with you. And where can we do that, guys?
Nitro: Heh, only on SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Go here for the Relaxation Mix!
OMT!Tails had fallen asleep during the Mix, with OMT!Mina sitting next to him.
OMT!Mina: Heh, looks like those songs tired Tails out a little bit. I'd say we'll let him enjoy his nap while we continue the show from here.
BK!Amy: So, what's next on the agenda?
D-Sides Mighty: How about catching up on some of the newer Sonic and SEGA releases as of late?
Trip: Including the game based on the Starfall Islands?
OMT!Mina: Heh, yep!
CR!Sonic: Well, I'm sure many of you are no stranger to the upcoming port of Sonic Generations with that Shadow sidestory, right?
OMT!Mina: Mhm! With the Shadow costume Superstars Sonic got the other day, this is definitely the Year of Shadow at the moment.
Wacky: Too right. I'm proud of the guy for coming this far already!
Hog: What's so hype about Shadow, anyway? Well, aside from what I saw him pull off during EggOmega's madness.
CR!Sonic: Well, he's proven a match for any Sonic, sacrificed himself to stop the ARK destroying a world, and even pulled off attempting to redeem villains in different dimensions!
Hog: Now, that's pretty impressive stuff there.
Nitro: Isn't there also that new Super Monkey Ball game coming out on the Switch in a couple of days?
OMT!Mina: Ah, yeah! I really like how it's still respecting the roots of the stuff while not being a remaster of a prior game.
Wacky: Me too. The story's pretty neat as well, with all those cutscenes and dialogue to do with them. I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes along!
OMT!Mina: Me too!
BK!Amy: You know, why don't we have some more calming songs to continue the relaxation period?
OMT!Mina: Good thought. This time, we're gonna be picking some lo-fi beats from the SEGAVerse for this next Mix. Don't touch that dial, folks! Keep it with us on SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Go here for the Lo-Fi Beats Mix!
OMT!Tails: Hey, guys! Hope you enjoyed both those mixes. Heh, sorry I nodded off before. Anything important I missed?
CR!Sonic: Aside from discussion on the latest SEGA releases, nothing much.
OMT!Tails: Ah, well. This is definitely a fun endeavour thus far! I'd say we're really hitting our stride!
EX!Alice: Yeah. I'm still getting used to audio mixing, but this is absolutely fun! Who knew working under some pressure would be a bit more exciting?
Mini Sonic: And thanks to the support of our listeners out there, there's no telling how far we can get to.
OMT!Tails: With that, where do we go next for our event today?
Punching is heard to the right with Mr. Needlemouse trying to smash the piñata apart.
Mr. NM: Hah! Take that! You want some of this, mister?
OMT!Tails: NM? You found your way in here?
Mr. NM: Yeah. I heard you were all up here doing this, so I thought... why not?
OMT!Mina: Fair enough.
Nine: Don't tell me you've gone and smashed that vase in the living room again.
Mr. NM: Er, hehe... Whoops.
Nine: Rats. This is, like, the seventh vase I'm gonna have to replace. Next time, I'm getting one that's nowhere near as fragile as the others.
Mr. NM: So, we're celebrating the 33rd anniversary of the guy that inspired my design? Awesome! What are we doing next? A rematch with the Ring Racers?
OMT!Mina: Ah, yeah. That reminds me about the game's release based on them. It wasn't received all too well upon launch, and even with its patches to fix issues, people have still been bashing it for how technically-complex the vehicles are compared to your run-of-the-mill kart racers.
OMT!Tails: It's a shame, really. The game's been in development for a whole five years, and I get the contentions people had with it, but it didn't deserve that much backlash.
Mr. NM: Not even with the cheating CPUs and the difficulty of the... you know.
Nitro: Those points aside, the art direction is really good, porting Genesis levels into 3D no problem, and downgrading the Dreamcast levels with little to no issue. If anything, the single-player content made it more than worth the wait.
OMT!Tails: And the music as well! Speaking of which, this is gonna be our next destination; original music from some of the big Sonic fan games out there. Hope you enjoy this next mix, only on SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Mr. NM: That's the name of this thing?
CR!Sonic: Just roll with it, man. The mix is starting.
Go here for the Fan Creations Mix!
OMT!Mina: Man... These guys really have a good hand in composing original music for their Sonic fan projects.
?????: Wholeheartedly agreed there, Mina!
OMT!Mina: Wha-? Oh, Lilac!
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Lilac: Greetings, everyone!
OMT!Tails: Hey, Lilac! Glad you could come along too for the big anniversary!
Lilac: Considering my past discovery of me and Sonic having those connected ties, this is something I couldn't miss out on.
Trip: You're always welcome here, Lilac!
Lilac: Heh, thanks, Trip!
BK!Amy: So, I take it you've been hearing the past mixes we've been throwing out?
Lilac: Yep. And I recognised the last one in the previous mix as being composed in the past by the lady who had a hand in making my game's soundtracks. That's why I decided to come straight here!
OMT!Mina: We're honoured!
Trip: So if you're a dragon, and I've been meaning to ask this for a bit, but are you able to breath fire?
Lilac: Well, that's a bit different. I'm a water dragon, so I'm not really capable of it. I'm really good at swimming, though!
Trip: Cool! I can breathe little fireballs out! Watch this!
She puffed and blew one into the air that went out very shortly after.
OMT!Tails: Woah! I never knew you could do that! Great work, Trip!
Trip: Heh, thank you.
Lilac: Well, how about another set of songs? Sonic himself has definitely inspired other developers to make their own games based on the high-speed he's often involved with, so I thought this next mix could be dedicated to any indie games that have top speed as the aim of their game!
OMT!Mina: That can be arranged!
OMT!Tails: Well, you heard it, folks! It's time to fire up our indie game music mix. Stay tuned into SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Hog: Comin' through!
Hog charged up a spindash to hit the piñata, only to crash into Mr. NM and cause them both to tumble to the ground.
Hog: Ow... Sorry!
Mr. NM: Aw, come on! >:(
Go here for the Indie Grooves Mix!
Lilac: Heh, what a trip down memory lane that was.
Mr. NM: "Trip down"? I'm still all in a tangle thanks to the tenrec over here.
Hog: You know, honestly, man, you do enough bad stuff in your dimension that it's warranted.
OMT!Tails: You had a whole 25 minutes to get yourself sorted out. Plus, you're a cartoon. Can't you flip yourself back into shape easily?
Mr. NM: Oh, yeah! (does so) Why didn't I think of that before?
OMT!Mina: I mean, any cartoon with those physics is capable of doing that.
CR!Sonic: Alright. So, we're nearing the end of the event now, and there's only one more mix we've got lined up.
OMT!Tails: Before we do that, though, it's time to give today's Gallop Lotto numbers a spin! Mighty, could you fire up the machine?
D-Sides Mighty: You got it!
He leapt into the Gallop Lotto warper as the lotto machine dispersed the balls that rolled around. The winning numbers were deposited out one-by-one.
OMT!Mina: Alright, folks. Today's winning numbers are... 04, 05, 2X and 03! And the winnings are 24 rings to whoever got the numbers today!
OMT!Tails: To whoever got those numbers on their lotto ticket today, congratulations!
D-Mighty came back out of the warper, landing safely down afterwards.
D-Sides Mighty: That should do it!
BK!Amy: Great work, Mighty! Alright, that just leaves our last mix before we wrap this up today.
OMT!Tails: You got that right! And for this last mix before we go to our regular broadcast period, we're gonna be focusing on some modern-day beats for you all to enjoy! Our Modern-Day Mix is sure to get the groove going to wrap up our event for today! It's our longest one of all, reaching 11 different tracks from the modern and Adventure eras! Are you ready? Only on...
OMT!Tails and OMT!Mina: SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Lilac: Here we go!
Nitro: Let's rock!
Go here for the Modern-Day Mix!
CU!Sonic and CU!Sonia arrived during the last song.
CU!Sonia: Woo! That was awesome!
OMT!Tails: Heh, hey, guys! Just in time to see the station in person!
CU!Sonic: Heh, I'm honoured. Sorry we couldn't get here before the event came to a close, but we really enjoyed listening on the way here.
OMT!Mina: Glad you had fun, Sonic!
CU!Sonic: Where's the other me's kids, by the way?
CR!Sonic: They stayed at home to listen to the radio, but they've both been rootin' for me today.
OMT!Tails: Sweet! Well, I guess that wraps up the main event. I know not all of us could be here for the event itself, but it was definitely a great time all around!
EX!Alice: We should definitely find a way to make more room for our radio station. More comfy seats, a green room for guests, catering from across the multiverse...
Lilac: And we could definitely invite some of our friends from the Quill Society to have interviews from time-to-time. Heh, Carol would be geeking out just thinking about being on radio.
Mini Sonic: Well, I'll be the first to say that this radio station experiment turned out to be a success!
BK!Amy: Absolutely! Trip: Yeah!
OMT!Tails: Wholeheartedly agreed! Thank you guys for joining us today, and we hope you enjoy the rest of the day with an even mix of different music! This has been Tails from Dimension MP-2021, having come to you live on SEGAVerse Blur Bangers!
Everyone: Bye for now!
Mr. NM: Be sure to tune into the next one, folks!
OMT!Tails: After our ad break, BK Amy will take over with our next programming block; Amy's Cooking Tips. My Amy will be joining her, too, once she makes it down here. See you then, everyone!
"This is SEGAVerse Blur Bangers! On FM, online and on your smart speaker!"
Happy 33rd Anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Other Songs:
Main Programme
Sonic Prime Interview
Starcrossed Lover Call
Upcoming SEGA Games
Ring Racer Discussion
Lilac's Arrival
Goal Post Near
Gallop Lotto
Wrapping it Up
8 notes · View notes
sunbearsophia · 7 months
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it's been so long since I uploaded art to my Tumblr, and since I've made so many pieces for Twitter, figured I would bring them over here, too! Works out better, since I have more space on Tumblr to ramble!
Anyways, I've doodled Eduardo in his later dad years at least twice, maybe even three times on my Twitter, but Laurel, I only ever drew once in her later mum years. So, I decided to draw her yet again to better figure out her design, and since I want to diversify how I draw body types anyways, my mind instantly went to "MOM BOD-"
Anyways, couple of notes of basically my thought process with the whole mum design! ^^
Definitely imagining she's probably in her mid-forties here, with her oldest Emmy probably in college by then and their youngest, Leo, being in middle school.
I definitely think since Laurel carried two kids, she's definitely got more of a pear-shape than she did in her youth, plus a bit of a stomach roll. It probably worried Laurel when she was younger when exercise and dieting didn't change that, but these days, Laurel's gotten past that, with time and self-love, plus an adoring husband who never ceases in telling her how beautiful she is, healing that insecurity and making her proud of her figure. <3
Has plenty of stretch marks, not to mention a leftover C-section scar from when she had Leo. She loves each and every one of them, they remind her of her kids, and she feels like she earned every single one of them.
Age has done nothing to slow Laurel down in terms of energy, however. She doesn't burn out or give up easily, always having time to spend with her husband, kiddos and friends, and still an actress for theatre and film alike. She knows to slow down and appreciate the important things, but she's still got energy to burn and passion to share!
She's perfectly happy with letting her hair grey, not feeling inclined to redye it or changing its color. She loves how it looks, as do the people around her. She does cut her hair, however, preferring the feeling of less hair to deal with, and likes the pixie cut. She just doesn't really need or want long hair for herself! (However, she LOVES Eduardo's middle-aged long hair, it's so pretty and relaxing to brush, especially since he barely brushes it himself lol.)
BODY. MODS. GALORE. I headcanon Laurel absolutely had a ton of piercings in her youth, something that age didn't stop one bit. She also still has matching MLP tattoos with Eduardo, and definitely has more that aren't pictured here. (Might try and design more at a later date!)
Has a million freckles, on her face, neck, arms and torso, and she loves every one of them. Might be a little jealous when she realizes Matt has more than she does, fuckin' MATT lmaooo.
Really loved drawing this piece! I feel like it's great and important to show more realism in body types and diversity in my art, so this was awesome to practice with! Plus, I'm just unbelievably proud of how she turned out! Laurel is such a huge fav of mine, and I definitely plan to make more art of her later years in my hc!
And yeah, def might try drawing Eduardo like this next, since I could use some practice with dad bods, too! Maybe Anna would also be a good choice to continue the mom trend, as well! But yeah, this was a celebration of older, female body types, and it makes me really proud of the final result and just getting to work on it! <3
18 notes · View notes
Cabaret at TheKit Kat Club Experience !!
So, I saw Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club at the Playhouse theatre on November 15 (11/15/2023) with Nic Myers as Sally and Jake Shears as Emcee.
Below the cut is where spoilers start lol: honestly the whole thing is super secretive- from the stage to the venue itself. So if you ever plan on seeing it live or have the opportunity to do so, you have been warned!
When you walk into the theatre there’s this awesome:
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You will see before you descend the stairs; at the bottom of the stairs, they put a sticker on your phone :)
You’ll continue walking down the hall where the walls are white and covered with pictures all over of the actors past and present.
You probably pass some of the actors who are milling about, chatting, flirting, dancing playing instruments.
I was in the first row of the upper dress circle and god it’s tight up there. Definitely wish I’d payed a bit extra to be on the floor and to at least have room 😖
Also note; I don’t talk about Herr Schultz and Frauline Schneiderall that much in these notes, but that’s because their scenes are so sweet and straight forward. These two give you the Schneider and Schultz you’ve seen and you know you love; there’s nothing outlandish or left field that happens with these two like some of the choices with Sally and Emcee. The same can be said for Ernst and Cliff. Nothing wild has been changed with their characters. In fact, most of this will probably be me trying to decode the strange new take on the Emcee and The Kit Kat Club. Anyway! Here are my thoughts and stuff that stuck out to me!
(Also if you’ve seen this production with Eddie Redmayne or have listened to it and have a hypothesis— he makes this strange sound like he’s spitting? In a lot of the songs- I thought it maybe part of the orchestration, but I didn’t notice it with Jake Shears and chalked it up to Eddies character choices. So if you know what the sound is or can give me staging It would soothe my brain)
🍷 in Willkomenn, when the Emcee does his whole “comment ca va?, do you feel good” speil he paused after every time, as if to test what language the audience would respond to
🍷 He kept the “do you feel good- yeah I bet you do 😏” line even tho it wasn’t on the revival album🥹
🍷The way to tell Victor and Bobby apart is to lift their arm and stick your face in their armpits and take a big wiff. Bobby did not want his armpits sniffed and Emcee had to beg him
🍷 Bro I love Hermann; he was so stoic and dead inside- he just stood there and did the most basic version of what everyone was doing. He was also fully clothed lol
🍷When they sing the whisper verse, they were all posing in various positions and the Emcee crawled between their legs
Don’t Tell Mama:
🎀 When sally screams at the beginning, she was lying on her back throwing a tantrum
🎀 The Emcee is on stage for the final verse and he acts as Sally’s brother: when sally says the line, “if he squeals on me i squeal on him” they squeezed each others nipples
Perfectly Marvelous
💚When Cliff and Ernst are talking and Sally barges in, she’s wearing her coat, a beige and orange scarf, funky sunglasses and carrying a ton of luggage
💚at the end of Perfectly Marvelous, when Cliff says “besides I’ve only got one narrow bed,” the Emcee rises out of the circle in the center of the platform wearing the exact same thing as Sally: the coat the scarf and the glasses. Two Kit Kat Girls come up the same platform in a suitcase that looks just like the one Sally was carrying
💚 Nic Myers didn’t do an American accent
Two Ladies
👯‍♀️ The KitKatGirl who “makes thebed” puts on a hardware belt and does explicit things with a hammer while the other has a spatula. Or a whisk ,, The One That “Does The Cooking” goes behind Emcee and uses the whisk to “thrust” into him and when he says daily bread, she pulls out a baguette, she also fills out a whip lmao
👯‍♀️ During the instrumental break all the other Kit Kat Members come up through the stage wearing explicit things and doing explicit things to each other. The one that stood out the most to me was Helga jacking off to a copy of Mein Kampf— it was super chaotic and I don’t remember details
It Couldnt Please Me More:
🍍More often than not the sailor Kost was fucking was either Bobby or Hans- even referring to the former as such. Also, they refer to her as Fritzie explicitly so it’s cannon that Kost=Fritzie and not just an actress double casted.
🍍Before Kost runs into Schneider after letting Bobby out, Schultz is leaving Schneiders room and accidentally is trying to out her robe on instead of his jacket
Tomorrow Belongs to Me
* So Emcee comes on stage holding a box and is dressed in a robe and only a wig cap
* One by one, the member of the Kit Kat Klub put these dolls that are wearing brown suits with Blonde hair on the stage. They are standing militanty. very much providing Nazi imagery
* During the song, the figures go around the turn table while emcee is singing
* At the end of the song when he says the last line, he pulls out a blond wig and holds it in the spotlight
💸Money was the song I was most excited for because of the images I’d seen of the skeleton costume. I had a hard time figuring out why the skeleton, but it was cool nonetheless.
💸 the Emcee rises out of the middle of the floor, his clawed hands reaching out first.
💸 I watched Emcee legit drool on the stage (Groffsauce in Hamilton vibes) he was spitting those lines out so hard
💸 I don’t know how to interpret the staging of the song, the real star of the scene is the costumes, but I took it as the Emcee represented money? Everywhere he went the KitKat Girls followed, wailing and begging him and the surrounding audience for money.
TBTM (reprise )
* I mean. I feel like the staging for this song is always consistent and similar throughout all shows; the individuals singing with Cliff, Sally, Schultz and Sneider standing somberly. The emcee is usually eerily looking on and depending on the show is seemingly jubilant or looking wistful.
* In this, the Emcee rises out of the middle of the turn table wearing his outfit from money. He has a conductors stick and begins conducting them with a smile on his face.
* My sister said the Emcee is “If Art The Clown could talk” and Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. He goes form being the raunchy Emcee we’ve all come to love- I think the Emcee, no matter who plays him is kinda creepy, so the creepiness didn’t seem unusual- to an evil nazi
* But when we see him in money and onwards, he’s definitely giving Killer Clown- she was right, Art the Clown from Terrifier.
* The Art The Clown juxtaposition to when he appears bare faced during some songs was super interesting. It really feels like the idea of “The Nazi’s weren’t demons, they were people who did things we thought demons were only capable of,” and that’s what makes it terrifying. The clowning character is seen praising nazis and cheerfully conducting their songs- he really does seem like a force of evil that’s simply from hell. But then he talks off his makeup in the coming scenes and you’re reminding- he’s just a human who behaves like a demon and that’s terrifying-. Idk if I’m doing the best at explaining my analysis of this, but that’s what I was getting
💃🏾The kickline is lively and the members of the Club are trying to hype up the audience before getting into formation
💃🏾They were all wearing red party hats so when the emcee comes on in his red Pierrot clown get up, he has the longest, pointed and most menacing looking hat.
💃🏾he also has a gun? Thing? He shoots a Nazi flag out of it
💃🏾 The Members of the club form a hakenkreuz shape around Emcee and he hand the flag to Bobby and they march off.
Married (reprise)
🧱 the scene before Married Sneider and Schultz are talking about the engagement. Emcee is slinking around the stage and he has something in his hands wrapped in a napkin. His movements remind me of a mime, or as Chelsea says, Art The Clown, the facial expressions with overdramatized emotion and fluidity
🧱 he slinks between Schultz’s and Sneider with a smile on his face and suddenly there’s a loud ass crash that makes- I shit you not- the entire theatre jump. The lights black out. When they rise back on, there is white confetti floating downward, to represent the broken glass
If You Could See Her
🦍Usually, the gorilla in this is dressed up and it looks more cartoonish, but to, this was just a straight up gorilla- (A really good costume) with absolutely no elements of humanity. No clothes, no slightly upturned mouth, no walking on two legs and absolutely no understand what was going on.
🦍The Emcee would address the Gorilla as if she was human, but she would only respond in an animalistic way like scratching her ass, sniffing Emcees ass or flat out ignoring him and doing her own thing.
🦍 The Emcee seemed to be back at his usually self- joking and less like a demonic force - he’s clowning and making the audience laugh and there’s the Jewish line at the end of the song (which?? I was kind of disappointed by. It didn’t give me shivers and I felt it was a bit rushed.) also people laughed, but it could’ve been a “I laugh at funerals bc it’s awkward,” and not because they actually found the situation funny. My sister hypothesized simple confusion for people who had no idea what was going on. I will agree that some of the Emcees choices are strange if you don’t know the plot/ haven’t read up on this revival before hand.
I Don’t Care Much:
🎙️ Next time Emcee is on stage he is wearing a brown suit and a blonde wig, no makeup on his face- he very much resembles the dolls that were placed on stage during TBTM
🎙️I don’t care much occurs after Sally and Cliff have an argument as usual. But after Cliff leaves Sally is getting dressed. She is putting on the same jacket and pants the Emcee is wearing
🎙️during the song the emcee is doing some weird puppet thing behind her and she’s mirroring the moves she’s doing. it was an interesting choice during this song, but I think it’s been my least favorite change. It was like she was on strings and he was controlling her. I guess it provided a good visual for the notion that the Emcee isn’t a person, rather a representation of the deteriorating culture of the the city as a whole.
🎙️ This song is good at humanizing the Emcee, especially in Alan Cummings revival; smeared makeup, track marks, slurred worlds and stilted motions. It really paints a picture of a human at the end of their rope. In this version it just solidifies that the emcee is the city of Berlin and the evils that are taking over (Which, goes in direct opposition to my previous theory on his costumes providing human- demon Nazi images but whatever I dont have the brain power to think harder about it)
🎙️ After this song Cliff gets beat up by Ernst. After the tussle, the nazi thugs are actually the members of the Kit Kat club, they are wearing the same coat as Sally and the Emcee. They finish Cliff off and take his coat away
🍷I mean. Damn. There’s not much to say here. Outstanding performance. Like there are performances from different actors on YouTube so you could watch those to see the blocking because it’s pretty much the same.
🍷 Nic Myers did an amazing job, I got full body chills
🍷 one critique I’ve heard is that it’s over directed and this song is the perfect example of it. As an actor and a director, I understand both sides,; I don’t see much individuality between the actors on YouTube vs Nic Myers because the staging is so specific. I will say, through my opera glasses, the emotion painted in her face couldn’t be replicated and I think that’s really where the nuances will lie- in their faces.
📸 The Emcee is back on the stage, in the same position as Willkomenn- it’s like this weird pose with his arms and legs bent (you can watch the Willkomenn performance in gram nortons show,, that’s the pose I’m talking about ((I’ve heard people say it’s supposed to look like a hakenkreuz ))the only difference is now he’s in his brown outfit with his blonde hair. Super eerie.
📸 All the characters are standing on the turn table and the Kit Kat Members are on the outer circle of the turn table wearing the same beige suit the emcee has on. The other characters are all wearing brown and there’s an eerie sense of uniformity.
📸 Then there’s the long ass drum roll as they continue to turn before the lights blackout.
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likecrapthroughagoose · 6 months
Godzilla x Kong gets... probably a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 from me. I liked it a lot, but the last act felt like it was rushing (which should never be the case for a 2+ hour movie). The action was really good though and the visual effects, while dwarfed by Minus One, were excellent.
Spoiler-y opinions below:
Okay so- Kong's portions of the movie were actually really strong. Granted, I'm easily amused by anything that involves monkeys falling down a lot. But in all seriousness, you can tell they had the most story ideas for Kong. His fights are good, the monsters his arc introduces are cool, and the way they've aged his design is also pretty nifty. You will believe a gorilla can be daddy.
That said, the strength of Kong's part of the movie brings me to my main complaint. The other two focal points, Godzilla and the human cast really didn't feel like they had as much to do. Less so for the human cast, which I'll get to in a moment, but it kinda felt like Godzilla was sidelined.
Weirdly, that isn't to say he wasn't in the movie. Godzilla's scenes are almost as plentiful as Kong's, if not equally so. The movie, to its credit, does a pretty good job of giving everyone equal-ish screentime, so Godzilla does get plenty of scenes. The problem is that most of them are just him going from point A to point B to point C and so forth.
In fairness, Goji's scenes are at least entertaining. He gets some superb city destruction and the best fights in the movie (and it has plenty) are his. Though speaking of fights, I am disappointed that we didn't get to see any new-old monsters. Scylla is a cool enough design on its own that I don't mind it, but Tiamat is similar enough to Manda that I felt like SOME acknowledgement could be made. I mean shoot, just have them be called Titanus Ebirah and Titanus Manda on the computer radar thingie they keep cutting to. Problem solved.
At least we get Godzilla sleeping in the Colosseum like a cat. It's a cheap pop, but I'm still here for it.
The human story is decent, if nothing special. The only returning cast are Rebecca Hall, Kaylee Hottle, and Brian Tyree Henry. Dan Stevens joins them as... I guess Kong's veterinarian for lack of a better word, rounding out the quartet of focal characters. I don't know if I enjoyed his character or if he annoyed me. Hottle and Hall deliver more of the "constantly mildly uncomfortable deaf girl who just wishes everyone would leave her pet gorilla alone and her overprotective adopted mother" stuff. It was fine in the last movie, it's fine here. Henry's conspiracy theorist character is... less irksome than he could have been. While in the previous film he was a surprising amount of depth for the archetype he was portraying, here he's firmly in the comic relief role. It never quite veers into annoying, but there are parts where it does leave you going, "okay, but why does he need to be here?" He at least makes it out better than Stevens, who may be the world's first example of a token white guy.
All that said, the human plot was actually kinda working for me. The whole "lost civilization deep within the hollow earth that harnesses mysterious natural powers and also worships/summons Mothra" thing felt like a really fun tribute to the kind of story you'd see in the classic Showa Era films without being anachronistic.
As much as I complain, there was something I noticed beyond the movie itself that made me happy. The theater was packed, which is great to see, but more than that there was a ton of kids in there, right around the same age I was when I was first getting into Godzilla. The same age I was when I got picked on for liking it. I couldn't help but look around the theater after the movie and feel vindicated. I was right, this shit is cool as fuck. Suck my ass, Samuel from fifth grade.
Anyway yeah it's fun. Worth seeing.
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mcwentfandomtraveling · 11 months
The Iron Scorpions as Told by Ashiya
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Quick a/n : So I felt like writing a very short fic for The Devil is a Part-timer fandom because a) I love it and b) there aren't a whole lot of fics for this fandom compared to others and c) especially Alciel/Ashiya doesn't have nearly as many fics...so...since this has been tugging at my heart for quite a while now I decided it needs to exist on my blog...anyways! Still anxious and depressed so please no constructive criticism yet! I know better then anyone that it's absolutely ass...it has mistakes...the formatting is off...the punctuation is horribly awful...but I'm just so not in a place yet mentally to do better...so please go easy on me! I really am not doing good with this kind of stuff atm. Anyways, my main sources for Hataraku Maou-sama/The Devil is a Part-timer are the anime and the manga since I don't have access to the light novel, but Ashiya to me is one big question mark ever since hearing what type of demon he is...and I'm just making my own personal headcanons and stuff that I'm adding to this fic about the Iron Scorpion clan or sometimes demons in general...so this is just my ideas and interpretations mixed with the canon material...hope that's alright!
Also I'm not specifying the gender of the reader and using they/them, and there's lots of my personal ideas for the Iron Scorpian clan...Anywho...
Warnings and just stuff to know/literary ingredients that make up this fic : Talks polyamory, demon mating cycles, marking mates, Y/n has a sort of "bouncy" personality idk it just what happened..alright 😅, Ashiya might seem OOC to some people but this is just how I picture him, anyways the fic is not inherently sexual...it just talks about mating, weird demonic scorpian demon anatomy, no beta (obviously), again tons of mistakes...I am aware of them, I'm just to tired and depressed to fix them, so kindly just ignore them to the best of your ability!
You have now been informed!
Fic is under the cut!
The Iron Scorpions as Told by Ashiya
The distant city sounds created a calming hum of white noise while Ashiya washed the dishes in the tranquility of the evening light's glow.
"Y/n" he said catching thier attention.
"Yeah" they responded stretching thier arms upwards as they sat at the table in the center of the room.
"It's quite nice having just the two of us in here" he remarked having a gentle smile on his face.
Y/n hums a "Mmm" in delight.
Ashiya smiles as he dries his hands on a towel, now having finished washing the dishes.
He sits down beside them as they lean thier head onto his shoulder, he smiles fondly at thier display of affection.
"You've been awfully quiet, what's on your mind" he asks, enjoying his lover's company.
Y/n gently wraps thier arms around his arm, as they continued to have thier head on his shoulder.
They quickly nuzzle his neck causing him to laugh a bit in surprise.
"Honestly, you..." he replies laughing softly.
Y/n hums in delight having accomplished the task of hearing thier beloved's laugh.
Ashiya looks at them smiling at the affectionate touch of his partner "Alright, what in particular is making you so desperate for my touch today?" He inquired smiling softly.
Y/n smiled and let go of his arm choosing instead to fall onto his lap dramatically.
They looked up at him feeling a bit embarrassed but decided to talk nonetheless.
"Well I couldn't help but wonder about you...I've only gotten to know you in your human form...but well...you're a demon...so I don't know you as much as I should, so I wanna know more about you...Alciel".
Ashiya's eyes widened in surprise, it felt nice hearing the name he grew up with since childhood come from thier lips.
His own lips softly hummed in delight, thinking about what he might say about himself before looking back awkwardly and coming up short of any ideas on where to start.
Y/n laughed softly.
"Mind if I ask some questions then?" They asked.
Ashiya nodded softly at the suggestion as he waited eagerly wondering what they want to ask.
Y/n took a deep breath and looked up at Ashiya.
"Well, I know you're from the Iron Scorpion clan and I know Maou unified the demon realm, but...I genuinely know nothing about you as a demon or your clan..." they said awkwardly.
Ashiya smiled and looked up feeling a nostalgic warmth of memories.
"Well...what in particular would you like to know about my clan?" He asked.
Y/n blushed awkwardly.
"Well for starters...you're called the Iron Scorpions, does that mean you guys have your own venom? And like a stinger?" They asked.
Ashiya smiled.
"Yes, we're called Iron Scorpions for a reason, we do in fact have venomous stingers, however they are our last means of defense...we typically try to defend ourselves with our own combat skills because our stingers are our last line of defense, if our tails are cut off then...well either we'll be rendered handicapped for life or it might kill us...so we try to be cautious".
Y/n smiled and noded, "So what happens if someone accidentally happens to trip and injure themselves on your stinger?"
Ashiya smiled, "Well our clan, I'd say we're quite good at alchemical medicines surrounding venom and poions in the demon realm, especially to cure our own venom when we sting someone by accident which rarely happens since we can control when we release venom, however accidents happen, unfortunately my knowledge of poisons and venom does not translate into pharmacology or any kind job here for that matter in Japan, mainly because we have very different elements and ingredients in our world, back in Ente Isla that is, a lot of the same too, but also different things which came as a result of having magic in our world when this one does not".
Y/n nodded, feeling excited learning about Ashiya to which he laughed happily at thier enthusiasm.
He looked back at them and said "Anything else you wanted to know?"
Y/n hugged Ashiya in delight unsure how to contain thier happiness.
"Yes please" they said, as they suddenly blushed.
Ashiya looked intrigued at this reaction.
"Oh, may I hear the question my love?" He asked.
They continue to blush as they look away awkwardly, "Um...do Iron Scorpions have a mating season?" They finally ask.
Ashiya laughs finding thier awkwardness endearing, "Yes, we have a mating season, typically in warmer months, but that doesn't have much bearing on me in human form, however if you're interested in experiencing a demon mating season and mating with me in demon form then I wouldn't be against it, we're already together afterall".
Y/n nods and asks "what does mating season include?"
He smiles and says "Well, typically the smell of pheromones gets us...in the mood...and I can assure you, your pheromones smell enchanting my love. In our clan we mainly start out making the mood right for our mates...like how you humans like to wine and dine your dates before sleeping with them, we Iron Scorpions like taking our mates dancing, then once the mood is right we'd take them back and sleep with them, now what you're most interested in is the actual mating process, correct?"
Y/n blushes and nods thier head up and down enthusiastically in response.
Ashiya laughs at thier reaction, "Well, alright then!like most demons we like claiming our mates! We can control the release or retention of our venom...so we end up stinging our mates to have our marks and scents cover them for others to know who they belong to, without our venom being used in the sting of course, and we also use our tails to restrain our mates, and our black scales vibrate when we churr, now remember that we're covered in black scales on most of our bodies! Now as for penetrative sex, well Iron Scorpions have a demonic version of a cloaca, it's similar but different then ones you've heard about, we can have penises and we can also have vaginas, so Iron Scorpions chose how they identify whenever they get an idea, all of us can impregnate and be impregnated, that's just how we are" Ashiya explains.
Y/n blushes and buries thier face into his shirt quickly as he gently holds them close.
"Was there anything else you wanted to know?" Ashiya asks as he gently rubs thier back soothingly.
Y/n regains some of thier composure to talk again, "Um, well...I heard that unlike how in humans monogamy is the norm, within most demon clans its normal to have many mates, is that true?" She asks.
Ashiya smiles and nods.
"Yes, it is! good job on learning that Y/n, it is true" he says.
Y/n smiles, "So...you know how we both also like Rika? Mind if we both confess to her and both be mates?" They ask.
Ashiya smiles affectionately.
"I'm very glad you're willing! Absolutely!" He said.
Y/n quickly cuddles him affectionately and nuzzles his neck again.
Ashiya laughs happily, "My my! You're quite cute my love".
Y/n hums in delight then speaks up again.
"Hey Ashiya, thanks for telling me more about you" they say.
He smiles, "absolutely my love, I'm glad I got the opportunity".
He hugs them and tightens his grip tightens slightly at the joyous feeling of having his lover close, he smiles and says "Now instead of explaining courtship and nesting, I'll let you experience it with the time we spend".
Y/n smiles, "I can't wait" they say and they stay happily in thier lover's embrace.
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j2zara · 2 months
thinking about. the day after wedding night roleplay w/ porter and j2. j2 comes back to the other clones and he's still wearing the tiara, the ripped veil, the stockings and gloves. he's got a lacy cover-up on. he looks so wrecked. and he's sooooo happy. floating on air. hes giggling at nothing. "j3, h4, you'll NEVER guess what porter and i did <3 <3" and j4's like. trying to keep j3 from strangling poor j2 like "its not j2's fault he's hard-wired to crave affection, just let him have this, he'll settle down in a couple of days. maybe sooner if jaceprime finds out"
cries bc. I genuinely think like. J3 is very easy on j2 a lot of the time like j3 doesn't like being so jealous especially when he never asked for what j2 has with porter he always acts like that was something he would never want but also like, was he ever given a choice when everyone decided he was the spare? And he KNOWS J2 is the one who takes on the most and is that fair to be angry that he is the one who gets to be the favorite.
But i do think despite all this this is probably the nastiest J3 has ever been to J2 in his life. And like. It starts off very just like. Curt and whatever and he's trying to be cool about it. but. J2 is like. Did i do something wrong? to j4 b/c i think J3 is mad at me.... He hasn't looked me in the eye ONCE since we got back. And i apologized about the shoes and thanked him and everything! And told him we could get new ones. Porter said it was ok. They'll be even nicer than the ones i broke. And j3 won't even say it outright, he just teases J2 about how stupid the whole thing is and how schmaltzy and also is like. a huge huge bitch about j2 ruining his shoes which is fair enough i guess but even he knows they were cheap and one outing away from snapping anyway. This whole idea was so trashy you look like a wreck (you look like a whore, like hypocrite much?) you better clean up before jaceprime gets back. We had to pick up the slack while you guys were away so you have a lot of shit to do.
and poor j2 doesn't even understand. Because J3 doesn't unpack his shit w/ j2, he always runs to j4 about it. and j4 is honestly kind of tired of being his therapistgirlfriend who he happens to fuck when she's also in a ton of pain and keeps it all to herself but that's not even the issue right now. I mean. It's kinda the issue. And like. He won't even be direct to her about what is bothering him and that pisses her off even more. Because like. It's obviously about how he's in love with porter and wont admit it. It's obvious that he's jealous. But don't take your shit out on me. I didn't ask for that. And even she like. Even she's kinda unfair about it tho bc like she can only really rationalize this as like. In this kind of demeaning way of. well J2 can't help himself he is hard wired to crave porter's affection. And like. She's kinda right but she also just can't conceptualize why anyone would EVER choose to stay in this kind of situation, how they could choose porter, how they might even be happy at least sometimes, when its so fucked. (Why would you stick around in something that doesn't make you happy? Why would you choose to stay? Even if there was some sort of reprieve, could it justify the rest? She is not ready to look her self appointed obligation to j3 in the face is she)
But yeah j2. As far as j2 is concerned. He's like. I thought you guys would be happy for me.... I mean. J3, you've been making fun of the schmaltzy romance thing from the very beginning, why do you care if there were rose petals on the bed, you don't even LIKE flowers (actually in my head j3 does like flowers just not bouquets, you didn't hear that from me) and J4 i get that you see this as some sort of pathetic tragic pitiful thing, like i knew you would never see it my way but can't either of you at least pretend!!! It was one day! One day! And I never complain about anything! i'm a bad person for even admitting any of this bothers me ok! (He's honestly terrified of what's gonna happen with Jaceprime and he's worried he's gonna get dispelled for real and. maybe if that happened he would deserve it). It's just like. Why couldn't you just say you're happy for me and then bitch about me to each other behind my back like you always do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then he surges so bad he nearly sets the house on fire.
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