3K posts
avid daydreamer, occasional writer
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fairlyang · 19 hours ago
saw a pic of manny jacinto holding a lightsaber with a fan i’m frothing at the mouth
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fairlyang · 20 hours ago
the one thing i hate about this is sharon’s ass just got away w everything- like her ass was all of a sudden on the clear😭
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fairlyang · 21 hours ago
finishing falcon and the winter soldier, i love how stubborn sam is😭
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fairlyang · 1 day ago
5. The Plan
wc- 2.1k // main masterlist // go greek! masterlist // tw: mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex
The past couple of days have been torture for you. You’ve felt like you’ve been going through the motions rather than living your life. You can’t concentrate in class or while doing your assignments, and it takes ages to fall asleep at night. Your mind has been busy thinking about the guys and where you fall with them. Obviously, you can’t have eight boyfriends and you doubt they all think of you that way, but it makes you question things when they outright flirt with you.
Things with Joaquin have become far more complicated. You would consider dating him, have considered it, but it wouldn’t work out. He isn’t the only one you have eyes for and you could never do that to him. To make matters worse, they’re all friends, all brothers. Bucky and Steve are roommates, and it would torture you to be with one and not the other. Sam is funny, Matt is charming, Logan is mysterious, and you have a great relationship with Wade already. You’re pretty sure Frank is off-limits now, but you can’t say you don’t still think about him. 
The issue of not being able to have it all is one thing, but what’s really bothering you is the thought that they may not want you. They all flirt and joke, but you have no idea how serious they’re being with everything they say. After you saw Steve with the redhead after the party, you began to rethink every interaction. You thought he was at least mildly interested, but apparently, he’s been seeing someone this whole time. You’d expect something like that from Bucky, or maybe Matt, but certainly not Steve.
After some social media stalking with Karen’s help, you discover the redhead is named Natasha. She’s a senior dance major who already has a spot at the New York Ballet. She’s the president of Delta Zeta and a Pilates instructor. How can you compete with that? 
In a lot of Natasha’s pictures is a girl who you recognize from around campus. Her name is Yelena and they seem to be sisters, but they couldn’t be more different. Natasha has long red waves and a classic beauty look, while Yelena has a blonde mullet and a more alternative style. 
With how popular Natasha seems, you’re surprised you haven’t seen her around before. Unfortunately, now that you’re aware of her, you aren’t able to think about anything else. 
You wonder if Bucky has someone he’s been seeing too. Some bombshell who looks like she’s fresh out of the centerfold of a magazine who makes you look vastly inferior in comparison. You’ve heard the guys talk about Matt’s freaky sixth sense for women, how despite not being able to know they’re hot, he always picks the hottest ones. You wouldn’t be surprised to learn that all of the SAE boys have someone. You’d like to think that Joaquin is the exception, but frat boys will be frat boys.
You’ve been avoiding the guys to the best of your ability for the past four days. You’ve still been doing your duties and planning this weekend’s party, but you’ve used every excuse in the book to not meet up with them. You’ve even been taking your dining hall food to-go so you don’t have to risk seeing them there. Other than going to class, you’ve spent all your time in your room, much to Karen’s annoyance. After the getting-too-drunk incident and learning about Natasha, you didn’t have it in you to face them. 
You’re forced to confront them when Wade comes knocking on your door. You sigh when you look through the peephole, and you have no choice but to let him in. Your side of the room is a bit messy, a side effect of your cave-dwelling this week, but Wade doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Glad to see you’re still alive and not drawing in a bottle of Pink Whitney,” Wade says as he sits down on your bed, uninvited. Even though almost a week has passed, the mention of alcohol still makes your stomach turn. 
“What are you doing here, Wade?” you ask, sitting in your desk chair with your arms crossed.
“That Parker kid let me up. It’s amazing what nerds will do for you once you give them a little bit of attention.” You have no idea what he means by that but knowing Wade, it’s better that you don’t ask. “We’re worried about you.”
“All of us. You like, ran out after the party on Saturday and we haven’t seen you since. You said you were sick and couldn’t go to the chapter meeting, but Sam said he saw you with your friends in the Library and you looked fine. And you seem fine now, so I think that was bullshit.”
Damn Darcy for making you help her study for Spanish. 
“I just… haven’t been in a great place lately. I needed some time for myself,” you say. It’s the closest you can get to the truth without spilling your guts and embarrassing yourself even more. 
“I get that, but we’re here for you. You’re one of us now and part of this whole Greek shit is to be there for each other. Do you need me to beat someone up? I’ve been working on my question-mark kick and I’m dying to test it out on someone.”
“I know, I know,” you sigh. “It’s just something I don’t want everyone to know about.”
With a frown, Wade gets up from your bed and moves to lean against your desk to be closer to you. In this position, you have to look up at him. “How about you just tell me?”
You can tell that he’s worried about you and you think it’s sweet, but it makes you question if he’s here on behalf of everyone, or for himself. If the others have even noticed that you haven’t been around. 
“You promise not to tell anyone?” you say, feeling like a child sharing secrets on the playground. Wade holds out his pinky and you wrap yours around it. 
“I swear on my great-grandma’s taxidermied cat.” You know Wade well enough to know that’s binding.
You take a deep breath. “You know that girl that Steve was with after the party?” Wade nods. “Well after I saw her, I kind of freaked out. I was already embarrassed about how I was at the party, and seeing her… I thought Steve and I maybe had something, but I guess it was all in my head.”
Wade sighs. “Steve and Natasha are… complicated. They’ve had a situationship since Sophomore year. She gives him just enough attention to keep him interested, and then she ghosts him. Usually, that attention is sex, and even though I’m down the hall, I can still hear them-”
“Yeah, sorry. Anyway, every time Steve says he’s finally had enough of her, she inserts herself back into his life and he’s fucked up again. I don’t know her; I’m way too cool to hang out with a dance major, but there’s no way she’s that great.”
That surprises you. Steve doesn’t seem like the suituationship type. He could have anyone he wanted, why would he chase someone who messes with him like that? 
“So they’re not dating, but does he have feelings for her?” you ask.
“Like I said, it’s complicated. He knows she’s bad for him, but he can’t help himself. It’s like, when she’s in his life, he can’t focus on anything else. She blinds him or something.”
The thought that Steve never noticed you because he’s been with Natasha this whole time makes your heart ache. How could you have misread this so terribly? 
“Oh,” you say. The two of you sit in silence for a moment before Wade chimes in.
“I have an idea!” he says. A Wade-idea has a fifty-percent chance of being terrible, illegal, or otherwise ill-advised. “You have to make him jealous.”
You look at him, confused. “Why would Steve be jealous if he doesn’t want me in the first place?”
“All guys want what they can’t have. He’s been with Natasha long enough to know that she’ll disappear sooner or later, and when she does, he’ll have you to fall back on. But if you take that away by say, getting a boyfriend, it might make him realize what he’s missing.”
It turns out this idea isn’t as terrible as you thought, but you’re still not entirely on board. You get what Wade is saying, but you’re not sure if this is the best way to go about getting Steve to notice you.
“Where would I even find a boyfriend?”
Wade rolls his eyes more intensely than anyone you’ve ever seen. “Are you serious? You have a house of seven other guys who would love to be your boyfriend.” Wade obviously includes himself in that count, but you don’t comment on it. “I can't even imagine how many others would like to take you for a ride.” It’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“Would that even work? I thought you guys shared pretty much everything.”
When you first agreed to be their sweetheart, Steve reassured you that they wouldn’t pass you around like a toy from brother to brother. That turned out to be true, but you have noticed a free-love vibe from them. They don’t get jealous of each other and from stories you’ve heard from Bucky, ex-girlfriends aren’t off-limits to the other guys.
“We share with each other, but not so much with outsiders,” he says. 
“You lost me.”
“I mean, if you were to start seeing someone from Pike, for example…”
Pike, Pi Kappa Alpha, is SAE’s rival frat. You’re not really sure of the full story, but you know there was a prank war that ended up in vandalism territory, a couple of crashed parties, and lots of rumors on the YikYak. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” you ask.
“I fucking hate those bags of dicks. I’d love to hang all of them by their toes and beat the dog-shit out of them and I wouldn’t want any of them to even look at you. But I do think it’ll work.” With the mixed messages Wade is giving you, you have no idea if this plan is a good one or not. “And it’ll work on everyone, not just Steve. If you walk into a party with a Pike guy, you’ll have everyone’s attention.”
That piques your interest. They all give you attention, but maybe they’ll start to really notice you once you’re off the market, even for a little bit. 
“That actually may not be so bad,” you say. Wade’s face lights up at your approval of his idea.
“Awesome! I actually have some people in mind who you might be interested in,” he says as he takes out his phone. He scrolls through screenshots of dating profiles and Instagram accounts, proving that he is as much of an internet stalker as you are. 
“This guy is pre-med. Hot, but a total asshole. He’s one of those guys who acts like he’s already a surgeon making six figures, even though he’s in college taking Intro to Pottery for an art credit.” He flips to the next picture. “He is the definition of a trust fund baby. His dad is the biggest donor to the college because he’s insane-rich and he’s related to the founder. I’ve technically had classes with him but I’ve never once seen him actually in class. All he does is party and sleep his way through sororities. Also, he and Steve were friends freshman year but they had some crazy falling-out.”
Both guys look like assholes and you’re just trying to get Steve to notice you, not think you’re insane for dating some piece of shit like these guys.
“What else do you have?” you ask as if you were looking at a menu. 
He shows you a picture of a tall blonde with long hair and a beard. “This guy is actually pretty nice, but he’s such a himbo it hurts,” he says, making you laugh. “He’s on the rugby team and I’m pretty sure the only thing he knows how to do is run into people full-force.” 
The next picture is a guy with silver hair and some light stubble. “I don’t know much about him. He holds, like, ten track records which is insane, and I think he was the one who broke the glass door last semester.”
You grab the phone out of Wade’s hands and look at the pictures yourself because Wade obviously doesn’t know how to pick them. You eventually stop at a very attractive guy with a buzz cut. 
“Oh!” Wade says. “That’s Johnny. He’s an asshole but the cool, sexy kind, you know?”
“I’m familiar with the type,” you say with raised eyebrows, directing your comment towards Wade. He laughs, owning up to it.
“You interested?”
You smile up at him. “I think I am.”
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fairlyang · 2 days ago
omg Danny Ramirez was in top gun maverick? oml- my brother has the movie on and y’all he and glen are so fine😭
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fairlyang · 2 days ago
If you’re still taking requests would you be interested in writing smth along the lines of reader telling sam & joaquin she’s never had an orgasm from anyone but herself and they help her out..?
these two together drive me crazy // takes place in the go greek! universe // go greek! masterlist // 18+ minors dni
“You’ve never had an orgasm?” Sam asks incredulously.
“I’m telling the truth!” you defend.
“Not even by yourself?” Joaquin chimes in.
“But you’ve had sex before, right?” Sam seems personally offended by this.
“Yes, I’ve had sex and yes, I masturbate. I just have a hard time getting there.”
Sam and Joaquin share a look. You’re sitting next to Sam on the couch, your feet propped up on his thigh, while Joaquin sits in the arm chair to the left of the couch. There’s a movie on the TV that none of you really care to watch, but the sex scene sparked some lively conversation.
“So all the times you’ve had sex and didn’t cum, the guy was just cool with that?” Sam asks.
“Well…” They both raise their eyebrows in anticipation. “They didn’t exactly know I didn’t.”
“You faked it?” Joaquin asks, taking his turn to be offended.
“It’s easier to fake it than having to explain why I didn’t. And some guys’ egos are way too fragile and I didn’t want to have to deal with that.”
“That’s so not fair,” Joaquin says, shaking his head.
“Y��know,” Sam starts, grabbing both yours ans Joaquin’s attention. “I have a pretty good reputation with the ladies.”
“I’m just saying! I could help you out. We can try different things and figure out what works. And if nothing works, my ego won’t be hurt. No faking needed.”
Rolling your eyes, you pick your foot up and push against his sholder. “You’re hilarious.”
“I’m serious!” he says, grabbing ahold of your ankle so you can’t kick him again.
“I could help you instead,” Joaquin adds.
“You too?” you groan, looking between both of them.
Joaquin stands up from the chair and kneels down next to you. “We’re both down to help you. If you don’t want that, tell us to fuck off and we will.”
“But we can give you what you need,” Sam says.
They’re not teasing anymore. Their expressions have turned serious, like this is a genuine offer. You look between them both, and after a moment, you hesitantly nod.
“Okay, I’ll let you guys help me out.”
Somehow you’re lucky enough for this to happen while you three are the only ones home. You end up with your back against Sam’s solid chest, his hands holding your legs open while Joaquin lays between them.
They had coaxed you out of your panties with gentle touches and sweet words before Joaquin kissed his way up your thighs.
Sam’s mouth is next to your ear, mumbling words that make your toes curl. He’s making you tell him everything you’re feeling, what you like and what you don’t. You get they’re trying to help you, but you’re not used to talking about things like this.
Joaquin curls two fingers inside you to rub against that spot inside you that drives you crazy. His tongue swirls around your clit, causing you to squim in Sam’s hold.
“How do you need it? Harder, softer, faster, slower? Gotta talk to us, sweetheart,” Sam says.
“Harder, please, harder,” you gasp.
Joaquin obliges and sucks your clit firmly. It borders on too much, too overstimulating, but the consistent plusing of his fingers forces you closer to the edge that has eluded you for so long.
“I think- I think I’m gonna-”
Instead of changing things up or trying to make your orgasm come quicker, Joaquin maintains what he’s doing. Same pace, same pressure. The only thing that changes is where he’s looking. His eyes were closed but as soon as you announced that you’re close, they shot open to look up at you.
“Don’t hold back, baby. Let yourself go, cum for us,” Sam mumbles, voice low and breath warm.
All of your muscles tighten, starting from your toes and spasming through your abdomen. Your thighs attempt to clench around Joaquin’s head, but Sam’s hands keep them spread wide.
You want to moan, try to, but the sound gets caught in your throat as pleasure washes over you. Joaquin doesn’t let up and continues, despite the ache that must be burning in his jaw. He lets you ride that high until you physically can’t.
“Joaquin, Joaquin, please, I can’t take it,” you gasp.
Mercifully, he pulls away. He leans up on an elbow and wipes his mouth with the back of his other hand casually like he wasn’t just face down between your legs.
“How was that?” he asks, a stupid, boyish grin on his face.
You close your eyes and lay limp against Sam’s chest. He wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly, the squeeze feeling like a weighted blanket.
“I think that answers that,” Sam chuckles. “You did so good, sweetheart.”
You hum in acknowledgment of his praise. You’ll deal with the aftermath of this little arrangement later. Right now, all you want to do is bask in the glow of your orgasm and the attention of Sam and Joaquin.
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fairlyang · 3 days ago
now listening to: phantom of the opera soundtrack
I could wipe the dust of the phantom!mig wip….
but imma be so honest I was writing two separate things for Wade…. we are so back (for now) 🥳
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fairlyang · 3 days ago
watched wicked and oml I love it so fucking much😭😭
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fairlyang · 3 days ago
beauty and the beast playing on telemundo and it reminded me of a mig beauty and the beast au someone wrote😭
I can’t find it and I forgot what it was called😞
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fairlyang · 4 days ago
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me @ my mutuals
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fairlyang · 4 days ago
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you can lay your hands on me - k.bishop
find my masterlist here
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
[cw: SMUT ‼️minors, change the channel; grinding, fingering (r receiving), finger-sucking, some praise, top!kate, needy bottom!reader]
જ⁀➴pairing: kate bishop x fem!reader
જ⁀➴summary: where Kate is just trying to work from home, but didn’t account for her needy girlfriend…
જ⁀➴word count: 1.8k
જ⁀➴a/n: this is based on a request that i got months ago, but i’m just now getting around to because i’m dysfunctional like that. if you’re an anon who sent in a request to me awhile ago and this premise sounds familiar to you, shout-outs to you, and sorry its taken me so long 😅 enjoy <3
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
The sound of sock feet on hardwood breaks up Kate’s concentration, drawing her attention away yet again from the half-drafted e-mail on her laptop. She knows it’s you coming to distract her again, but she can’t even be mad about it. The last time you’d come along, she’d indulged you for a few minutes with some sweet kisses, but then sent you away with a playful smack to the butt.
It’s obvious that your tactic this time around was to try to sneak up on her, but the creak in the floorboards gave you away. As well as the soft swear uttered under your breath from being caught out.
“Hi again, baby girl,” Kate remarks without turning away from her screen, rolling her eyes in a way that suggests that she adores the interruption. And you. Your arms wrap around her torso from behind and she grins.
“Hi,” you murmur into the warm skin of Kate’s neck before placing a kiss there. “Sorry for bugging you again,”
“No, you’re not,” Kate counters.
“No, I’m not,” you admit. Your face is still tucked against her neck, and you’re hit with the combination of both Kate’s shampoo and lingering cologne from yesterday. You resist the urge to breathe in deeply. “The bed is too big without you, Katie. I’m lonely,” your explanation ends on a whine, and Kate snickers.
Kate doesn’t have the typical 9 to 5. Sure she runs Bishop Security, and has been running it ever since her mother stepped down as active CEO, but Kate had made it apparent that she had no desire to sit behind a desk for eight hours a day five days a week. As she put it, that was back issues waiting to happen, and she would have no parts in it.
So several days a week, Kate worked from home— either taking business calls or answering emails on her laptop. And usually, you prided yourself on being good when she was working. Not bothering her while she was on a call, and certainly not strutting around the apartment in just your underwear and one of Kate’s t-shirts when she was in a Zoom meeting. (Though, in that regard, there had been one VERY close call)
But there was just something about today that made being a good girl a struggle. Whether it be the ongoing dreary weather outside, the coldness of Kate’s loft, or the incredibly smart, incredibly sexy way she was dressed—in that pinstripe blazer and dress trousers. You were feeling a little bit like you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.
It helped that Kate didn’t seem in any hurry to reprimand you for interrupting her again. Instead, she places her hands over yours, planting a kiss on each of your knuckles. “I really do have to get this work done, sweet girl. You don’t think you can give me one more hour?” She asks.
The easy answer was yes, of course, you could give Kate the hour she needed to work. But the selfish part of you wanted to say no, wanted to ask Kate to stop what she was doing and tend to you, kiss you senseless, make you beg.
Kate must sense your hesitation because she sighs and turns to face you. “You can’t, can you?” She asks, her tone husky. One of her hands snakes under the fabric of the loose t-shirt you wore. Her hand was cold against your stomach, but you didn’t care.
A flush creeps up the back of your neck, and you look around at everything except the archer in front of you. Kate’s finger finds your chin, tilting your gaze back toward hers. “Can you?” She prompts softly. It’s a struggle for you not to get lost in those deep eyes. You swallow and shake your head.
Kate studies your face for a moment, her eyes searching yours before a smug smile begins to play on her lips. She then spreads her legs a little wider, patting her right thigh in an invitation for you to sit.
And you take the invite willingly, lowering yourself onto Kate’s waiting leg. You let out a surprised squeak when you’re suddenly lifted up, clinging to your girlfriend as she transports you to the sofa in the living room. Once the two of you are situated, you waste no time in straddling Kate’s lap, and she hums in approval, both of her hands finding purchase on your thighs.
“My needy baby girl…” Kate muses aloud. Her calloused hand begins to massage your thighs in gentle circles, kneading the skin in her palms, and you have to dig your nails into Kate’s shoulders to prevent your lids from fluttering. “….won’t let me get any work done. Whatever am I gonna do with you, hmm?”
“I…I don’t know,” you breathed.
Kate tilts her head as if assessing you. Her smirk widens. “Well…what do you think I should do with you? How should I service my needy girlfriend?” The husky quality of Kate’s voice is making your head spin, working you into a frenzy and she’s barely touched you yet.
“I…I think you should…” you squirm in Kate’s lap, trying to relieve the growing ache between your legs, and the movement doesn’t go unnoticed by the archer.
“Think I should what?” Kate’s left hand slides up from your thigh to your waist, guiding you to rock against her with more intention. It doesn’t take long for you to pick up the pace, your hips finding a familiar and delicious rhythm.
“I think…uh…” your head swims as you struggle to form a sentence. You’re losing it more and more with each passing second, and all you can focus on is the feeling of Kate’s hands on your waist. And god, the friction…
“You think I should touch you?” Kate blessedly fills in the gap for you.
You nod your head vehemently, a breathy exhale escaping your slightly parted lips.
“Mm, I figured,” Kate hums.
Her hands begin to wander, their journey starting at your waist, and climbing up, up, up, until they delicately trace the skin of your collarbones. Kate blazes a trail of fire everywhere she touches, and you feel like you can’t get enough air in your lungs.
Your breath hitches when Kate grips your chin gently between her thumb and index finger, inclining your head so you can meet her gaze. Her eyes flit between your own and your parted lips, and you can practically see the wheels turning in her mind.
You fight back a moan when her fingers slide into your mouth, gently pressing down your tongue. And as you close your lips around her fingers, the heat in your belly burns hotter. But Kate doesn’t let you get comfortable, and it’s only a short spell later when she’s pulling her hand free, not giving you the chance to suck on her fingers.
This evokes a whine of protest from you, but Kate shushes you tenderly, leaning in to peck the skin along your jaw. “Shh, baby. I’ve got you,” she whispers. “I’m gonna touch you, okay? Just like you wanted,”
And touch you, she does. Sliding under the thin fabric of your panties, her fore and middle fingers locate your wet center and slot inside. The sudden intrusion makes you jolt against her, but Kate’s other hand holds your waist steady. She’s still guiding you to rock against her, though you hardly need it anymore, your hips now freely bucking against Kate’s hand of their own accord. She pays no mind to the ring on her middle finger, and somehow the fact that she hadn’t thought to remove it makes this situation so much hotter to you.
“Oh god,” you moan, your head throwing back a little.
Kate’s breath is hot against your neck and shoulder, and her whispered words of encouragement send shivers down your spine. “You’re so warm and wet for me, baby,” she mumbles, trailing open-mouth kisses down your neck and across your throat. “And all for me. You’re always so good for me. Always my perfect girl,”
You lose yourself in the sensation, in the rhythm, in Kate making your eyes roll back with her fingers alone. You grip her shoulders tightly, your nails digging into the fabric, and when Kate knowingly finds your sweet spot, you gasp.
When she realizes that you’re close to breaking, Kate switches up the angle a bit, her fingers twisting inside you. Your moans grow louder, even more desperate as you chase your release on top of her. You’ve graduated to full-on humping Kate’s thigh now, but neither one of you care.
Kate’s smirk widens the longer you ride her fingers, and you’re trying fiercely to hold on for as long as you can, but it’s proving to be more challenging than you thought. Not that you can say you’re surprised. If there was one thing you knew about your girlfriend, it’s that she knew how to use her fingers for good. And right now, her fingers felt damn good inside you.
And though Kate’s all for stringing you along sometimes, and isn’t a stranger to overstimulating you when the situation calls for it, this wasn’t one of those times. You were close, and she wanted to be the one to send you over that beautiful edge. And so she whispers, “Come for me, baby,” her lips brushing against your ear as she speaks. “And let me watch it happen,”
You feel yourself burst with those words, crying out as a wave of pleasure crests and melts you from within. Kate groans as she feels you clench around her fingers. “God, you’re making such a mess, baby,” she murmurs. “I love it. I love you so much,”
After fully working you through your orgasm, Kate pulls her hand away. “Open,” she commands softly, and you comply; your lips parting to welcome Kate’s fingers once again and then closing around them.
“Suck,” Kate says. Her tone is soft, but not any less dominant.
You obey, sucking the taste of yourself off Kate’s fingers, your eyes not straying from hers as you do. And it’s worth it when you hear her calling you her good girl. Because Kate knew how to play you, and you were very much into the routine.
Finally, Kate pulls her fingers free from your mouth, unfazed by the thin string of saliva that comes away with them. Both of her hands fall back to your thighs with a gentle smack.
“So…” you manage to break the silence first, your chest heaving as you catch your breath. “…should I be letting you get back to work now?”
Kate arches a brow and you can already feel the warmth rekindling in your gut. You already know what Kate’s thinking right now, and you’re not any less excited when you hear her speak the words. “Who says I’m done with you?”
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fairlyang · 5 days ago
“if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me” that line alwayssss has me tearing up
“stay the hell out of my way” EAT SHIT JOHN
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fairlyang · 5 days ago
started a rewatch of the falcon and the winter soldier and oml here comes john walker-
the absolute hatred I had for this man when this show started😭😭
like not only did he become a piece of shit that wasn’t right for the job but also why the fuck did the government let a regular guy become the next cap? AND use the same shield that Sam just turned over a few days ago…..
pissed me off so bad 😭 also had the biggestttt crush on karli
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fairlyang · 5 days ago
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Arcane never fails to make me cry
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fairlyang · 5 days ago
A character of your choice from the Go Greek! Universe reacting to the sweetheart getting back with an ex (or thinking about it) and it ends with smut, showing-you-what-you’re-missing kind of thing 🤭 I’m loving this series so much! Xoxo
i love this so much!!! here’s headcanons about steve, bucky and joaquin in this situation. // go greek! masterlist // 18+ minors dni
Steve would be so against it. That guy was a piece of shit and everyone knows it. He isn’t good for you and you deserve so much better, so why would you even think about going back to him? He would lecture you, going on and on about how terrible he was until you finally snap.
“You keep saying I deserve better but I haven’t found it! How do you know there’s anyone better for me?”
Steve clenches his jaw and you see determination in his eyes. “I’m better.”
Your eyes widen and you find yourself at a loss for words. Before either of you could say anything else, Steve steps into your space and ducks down to kiss you. He holds you tightly, not even giving you an inch of room as he claims your mouth. You melt into the kiss and you’re lucky that he is supporting you, because you might collapse to the floor.
When the kiss breaks, he pulls away but remains close. His nose is almost brushing against yours and he looks into your eyes, seeing the desire in them.
“Let me show you how much better I can be.”
Bucky, unsurprisingly, would proposition you right then and there.
“If you need someone to fuck, fuck me,” he says as casually as telling you the weather.
“Your ex was an asshole. You said it yourself, the only thing good about him was his dick. If you need good dick, I’m right here, baby.”
He sits down next to you and pulls you into his lap with ease. Bucky always takes what he wants. You look down at him, at his light blue eyes, plush lips, and the stubble on his face.
“I’m way hotter than he is, too,” he says. Just as humble too.
“I don’t know, Bucky. What if it makes things weird between us?”
Bucky laughs as shakes his head. “Sweetheart, I’ve been dyin’ to fuck you since the day we met. Do us both a favor and let me. I promise I’ll make you cum so hard you’ll forget that asshole’s name.” His hands slide from your waist down to your ass, greedily squeezing it. “We’ll do it however you want. Fast, slow, nice, mean, missionary, doggy-”
“That’s enough,” you stop him, giggling as you slap his chest.
“Are you gonna make me beg? Pretty please let me fuck you, sweetheart,” he says with a smirk.
“Fine,” you huff. Your reluctance is for show. You can’t let him think you were jumping at the chance to fuck him.
Joaquin would be so sweet and try to convince you that you don’t need him.
“We can watch movies together. I’ll make you breakfast in bed and take you shopping. I’ll take you out to dinner and I’ll pay the whole bill. He always asked you to split it!”
“But you’re not my boyfriend, Joaquin,” you say, hands on your hips as you look at him.
“I don’t need to be your boyfriend to do all those things. I still care about you and I know you deserve better than that guy.”
You sigh. “There are things I want that you can’t give me because you’re not my boyfriend.”
Joaquin mimics your stance, cocking his head as he stares back at you. “Like what?”
“Like sex!” you exclaim. You get that Joaquin wants what’s best for you, but you have needs. At least this time you know what you’re signing up for with your ex.
That seems to catch Joaquin off guard, like he wasn’t expecting you, who’s always so sweet and perfect, to like sex.
“I can do that too!” he comes back with.
You furrow your brows. “No you can’t, Joaquin. We’re friends.”
“Ever heard of friends with benefits? I promise it won’t be weird. I can give you everything you want and you never have to see that loser again.”
You consider it. Joaquin is hot and he treats you way better than you ex ever did. You suppose just once wouldn’t hurt, and if it didn’t workout, Joaquin seems like the type to let it go and not allow it to ruin the relationship you have.
“Fine, but this stays between us, okay?”
“You want me to be your dirty little secret?” he asks, teasing.
“Shut up,” you huff.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
You step close to him and grab his face. You lean in for a kiss and he eagerly reciprocates. Once he gets the idea, you allow him to take control of the pace. His hands gently trail over your body, clearly hesitant to touch you.
“If we’re gonna do this, we’ll gonna do it right,” you say after you break the kiss. You place his hands on your ass and he takes the hint, squeezing firmly.
“I’ve never seen this side of you,” he chuckles.
“We’ve never done this before.”
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fairlyang · 6 days ago
I hate having writers block-
this always happens w me and I hate ittt- but yesterday I wrote 300+ words for my 10K qimir fic😭
it really does just come and go bc tell me why I forgot that’s what I fucking wrote LMAO
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fairlyang · 6 days ago
4. The Hangover
wc- 1.9k // main masterlist // go greek! masterlist // tw: alcohol consumption, sexual themes
The first thing you notice when you wake up is how comfortable you are. There’s no doubt that you’re in a college bed, but one with a nice, thick mattress topper that forms to the contours of your body and shields you from the poor excuse for a bed the college provides.
The next thing you realize is your outfit. You’re no longer wearing your bikini top and denim shorts. Instead, you’re in a t-shirt that is obviously not yours and you’ve lost the shorts, leaving you in just your panties. You open your eyes, and once you suffer through the initial shock of daylight, you realize you recognize the shirt Bucky was wearing the previous night.
Immediately, you sit up. Am I in Bucky’s bed? You look around the room but you don’t see any of Steve’s artwork or Bucky’s sports jerseys. So if I’m not in their room, where am I?
The side of the room you’re in is covered with band posters. Tyler, The Creator, Childish Gambino, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers. There’s a guitar leaning against the wall next to the desk and a mess of CDs in a milk crate.
The other side of the room is less decorated. There are photos on the walls and, squinting, you can make out Sam in some of the pictures. This must be his and Joaquin’s room.
Thinking about Joaquin, memories of last night come rushing back. You groan and bury your face in the pillow, his pillow, as you remember how you kissed him. How he didn’t kiss you back.
You understand why he didn’t. He’s a self-proclaimed gentleman and would never do anything without your consent. You certainly weren’t in a state to consent last night. It should bring you comfort that he was so respectful, but that feeling is overshadowed by the burn of shame in your cheeks.
You’re brought out of your wallowing by the sound of the door creaking open. You look up to see Sam tiptoeing in, but he freezes when he sees you awake.
“Did I wake you?” he asks, whispering. You shake your head. “How’d you sleep?”
“Alright,” you respond groggily, voice thick with sleep.
“How’s the hangover?” he asks with a small chuckle. You groan as you sit up, which seems to be enough of an answer for him.
“How did I get here?” you ask.
“Joaquin and Buck practically carried you.” That’s so embarrassing.
You look down at yourself. “And the shirt?”
“You put that on yourself, don’t worry. Bucky didn’t want you to go to sleep in what you were wearing. I’ve never worn a bikini before, but they don’t look comfortable,” he jokes. “Do you want breakfast?”
The thought of eating makes your stomach churn, but you suppose something light might make you feel better. You agree to breakfast but as you slide out of bed, you realize you don’t have any bottoms on.
You pull on your denim shorts, which lay on the floor next to the bed, and Sam busies himself with his phone while you do. Once you’re presentable enough, you follow Sam downstairs.
Logan, Matt, and Bucky all sit at the counter eating breakfast while Frank stands at the stove. You slide onto the stool next to Logan, who gives you a gruff morning.
“There she is!” Bucky chuckles. “Little miss lightweight.”
He gets down from his stool and comes around to your side of the counter, leaning his muscular forearms on the marble so he is almost eye level with you. He has a teasing smile on his face and you know that it’s too early for whatever’s about to come out of his mouth.
“How ya feeling?” he asks.
“Fine,” you say, leaning your head against your hand.
“Yeah? That’s pretty good considering the way you were off your ass last night.”
“Bucky,” you groan.
“My shirt looks good on you,” he winks before pushing off the counter and returning to his breakfast.
“Buck, remember last semester when you threw up on that Phi Sig chick?” Logan asks.
You look up at him to see a small smirk on his lips. Bucky glares, obviously not pleased that Logan is sharing that embarrassing memory. You have to stifle your laughter.
“She was so pissed,” Frank adds as he slides a plate of scrambled eggs in front of you. He gives you a fork and you thank him, glad to have something in your stomach that isn’t alcohol.
As you eat, you listen to the boys bicker back and forth. You feel bad for Matt, who’s caught between Logan and Bucky. Sam stands at the end of the counter next to Bucky, eating a bowl of cereal, and observing.
“I’m just saying, you’re not one to judge how someone acts when they’re drunk,” Matt says.
“At least I don’t ask to touch girls' faces,” Bucky scoffs. That catches your attention.
“It’s his signature move,” Frank says. “Says it helps him picture them or some bullshit.”
“It does!” Matt defends.
“Whatever,” Bucky says, rolling his eyes.
Having enough of the conversation, you clean up your dishes and slip out. On your way back upstairs to gather your things, you run into Karen coming out of the bathroom.
“Oh my god,” you gasp when you see her dressed similarly to you, in a large t-shirt that clearly belongs to Frank. Both of you giggle, trying to muffle the sounds.
“How was it?” you ask.
“No, you first.”
“No, no, I didn’t-”
“What? Then why are you,” she gestures to your shirt.
You hide your face in your hands. “I got too drunk and had to be carried to bed.”
“Oh no,” Karen laughs. You shouldn’t have expected to get sympathy from her.
“That’s not even the worst part. I kissed Joaquin.”
Karen’s mouth falls open, comically wide. “Oh my god.”
“I know,” you groan.
“Was it good? I mean, he’s hot.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head. “I kissed him. He didn’t kiss me back because I was too drunk.”
“Yikes,” Karen sighs. “It could be worse though. He said you were too drunk, not that he didn’t want to. You know what you have to do now,” she says like you have any idea what she’s getting at. “You have to kiss him sober.”
“I can’t do that!”
“Why not? Obviously, you like him enough to throw yourself at him.”
“I’m not doing that,” you say. “Now tell me about your night!”
“Okay, okay,” she says, grinning ear to ear. “It was so amazing.”
“How big?” you ask, momentarily forgetting you’re in the house and not in your dorm room.
“Big,” she says. The look on her face tells you everything. “And he did this thing with his tongue-”
Before she could go into any more detail, Joaquin walks out of Bucky and Steve’s bedroom. He stops when he sees you both in the hallway, and you hope he didn’t hear what you were talking about.
“Morning, ladies,” he greets. He has that same charming smile he always does.
“Good morning,” you both respond.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks you.
“Oh, uh, good,” you say, suddenly feeling extremely awkward. “Thank you for helping me and everything. You didn’t have to give up your bed for me.”
“No worries,” he smiles. “Sam and I had a little sleepover with Wade and Logan.”
“Um… I’m sorry about last night. I was way out of line,” you say as you wring your hands.
“It’s okay,” he says, placing his hand on your wrist to stop your fidgeting. “Really. You were drunk and it’s just a heat of the moment kind of thing. It’s all good, I promise.”
Despite him reassuring you, you don’t really feel better. Yes, you were drunk and you kissed him, but you don’t want him to think you’re that kind of girl. Am I that kind of girl?
“Okay,” you say. It’s far too simple of a phrase to encapsulate everything you’re feeling, but you think it’s better to keep those feelings to yourself.
Joaquin gives your wrist a reassuring squeeze before brushing past you to go downstairs. Once he is out of sight, you relax a bit. You’re no longer in the mood to hear about Karen’s night with Frank, but you promise her she can tell you every dirty detail when you’re back in your room later.
You go back into Sam and Joaquin’s room to grab your bikini top and put on your shoes. You hope to get out of here as quickly as possible to save yourself from any more embarrassment that could come.
You go back downstairs and you almost successfully sneak out the door without anyone noticing, but your attention is caught by Steve’s voice. Steve’s and a woman’s voice.
“Can I see you later today?” he asks.
“Can’t. I have to rehearse for my ballet duet with my sister.”
You peek around the corner into the dining room and see Steve talking to a striking redhead. She’s wearing the clothes she likely wore last night and she somehow still looks beautiful. Her hair is messy in an effortless way, not like tangled bedhead. Sam also stands with them, so you assume she’s an upperclassman you’ve never crossed paths with.
“Some day you’re gonna get tired of pretty-blue-eyes and want to give tall-dark-and-handsome a try,” Sam chimes in. “You know what they say.”
The woman only laughs. “See you around, Steve.”
The dismissal makes Steve’s shoulders slump a bit. You’ve never seen him any way other than with his head held high.
Before you can attempt to hide, the woman walks past the staircase and out the door. She doesn’t see you, thankfully, but you get a good look at her. Her hair is shoulder length, a blunt and bold cut that makes her look like a model. And she does ballet. No wonder Steve is interested.
It makes something inside you ache with jealousy. Steve isn’t your boyfriend, and he’s never even hinted at being interested in you. The two of you just met and he obviously has a history with this woman.
Once she’s gone, you try to slip out the door, but Sam and Steve both catch you. Steve calls your name and you sigh, knowing he’s going to ask you about last night.
“Stealing Bucky’s shirt?” he asks instead.
“I don’t really want to walk home in a bikini,” you say.
“You might cause a couple of accidents on the way,” Sam jokes. You appreciate the compliment but after seeing that woman, you doubt he’s being genuine.
“I don’t know about that,” you say. “But I have to get back.”
The look on Steve’s face tells you he thinks you’re acting differently. It’s slightly humiliating that he notices something is wrong because you’re not hanging on his every word, but now isn’t the time to reflect on how enamored you’ve become by all of the guys.
“Okay,” Steve says. “Thank you for your help with the party, you did a really great job.”
“Thanks,” you respond, chancing a look into his gorgeous eyes.
“Will you be at the meeting tomorrow?” he asks as you turn your back.
“See ya, sweetheart,” Sam says as you walk out. You give them both a wave but don’t look back.
Once you’re a ways down the sidewalk, you let yourself think about how complicated your life has gotten in the past week. You drunkenly kissed Joaquin, Bucky is constantly trying to charm his way into your pants, Steve is so kind, Sam and Matt are charming and funny, Logan and Frank are protective, and you have so much in common with Wade.
How have you managed to fall for all of them so quickly? A better question is, how are you going to make it out of this without going insane or getting hurt?
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