#anyway shortly after it happened we got a new seating chart in my class and i had to sit right next to c
steviescrystals · 3 months
just unlocked an insane memory (in the tags)
#there was this one day ​in fifth grade when all the boys were playing kickball or something at recess and two of them got in a fight#and one of them who we’ll call c (who happened to be the biggest/tallest kid in our grade) grabbed the other kid who we’ll call j#and literally shoved his head full force into a tree#and it was BAD j had a massive gash all down the side of his face and needed a ton of stitches#and he went to a different middle and high school but i saw him once like 3-4 years later and he still had a huge scar#anyway shortly after it happened we got a new seating chart in my class and i had to sit right next to c#and as a 10 year old girl who was like 4’4 and 90 pounds i was TERRIFIED like i was just so uncomfortable being near him#and i felt so fucking guilty about it bc c happened to be black so a part of me was like ‘i can’t be scared of a black kid that’s racist’#but like no?? i had a pretty valid reason to be scared of him and it had nothing to do with him being black??#anyway yeah i was terrified of this kid for so long but i swear everyone else we went to school with just forgot about the whole thing#like he was super popular in high school and i’m pretty sure he and j were even still friends#and i’m still confused by it like is it a guy thing to just be totally chill with someone after they bash your face into a tree#bc i didn’t even see it happen and it lowkey traumatized me for years#like i can’t stress enough how severely fucked up j’s face was and how many stitches he needed and how prominent the scar was way later#anyway. wherever j is now i hope he’s doing great he was one of the sweetest kids i ever met at that school#and c went on to become a soundcloud rapper in high school named double dippa chocolate and then moved to california so i’m sure he’s fine#crazy shit though that was one of the only fights that ever happened at any of the schools i went to#lj.txt
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Happy- T.H. (Hogwarts A.U.)
Pairing: Slytherin!Tom x Reader
Prompt: In which Tom Holland is basically Draco Malfoy- a tortured soul that takes it out on others.
Warnings: Language, Angst, Make-out Scene
Word Count: 3,318
Reader’s P.O.V.
           I adjusted my green and silver tie and pulled my robe back onto my shoulders. I waved goodbye to my parents as I stepped onto the train to Hogwarts for the final time. The sounds and sights of the train were all so familiar and I felt a little sad that it would be my last time heading to Hogwarts. I passed through multiple carriages, until I reached the other Slytherins. I peered into the windows until I found my best friend, Harrison.
           Harrison and I grew up together, so when we were both sorted into Slytherin, we practically became inseparable. Unfortunately, he had become acquainted with some rather unsavory characters, specifically Thomas Holland. The Holland’s were filthy rich. There were even rumours that his parents were death eaters. Harrison assured me that Tom wasn’t that bad once you get to know him, but I had a hard time getting past the whole death eater situation.
           Despite having Harrison as a mutual friend, Tom and I constantly butt heads. I wasn’t afraid to call him out for being a dick, and he wasn’t afraid to talk back to me. Not to mention, Tom was a huge flirt. But not in the cute way. In the way where he would do it for the express purpose of being annoying.
           When I found Harrison, he was sitting with Tom, of course. I greeted Harrison with a bright smile and a hug, while I greeted Tom with a curt nod of the head.
           “Thomas,” I said shortly, with my eyebrows raised. His lips curled into a smirk.
           “Nice to see you too, y/l/n. You’re looking radiant as always,” he sneered. I contorted my face in disgust at him, and turned my attention back to Harrison.
           The train ride was rather uneventful. I tried to ignore Tom as much as possible, keeping my attention on my conversations with Harrison. Tom seemed to enjoy spending the train ride attempting to join our conversations, but not actually contributing anything useful to the dialogue. I managed to keep my cool until we arrived at Hogwarts, when I could finally get some space from Tom.
           The Great Hall was majestic as always, with beautiful lights and decorations welcoming both new and old students. I always found the sorting to be a bit boring, and spent my time joking around with Harrison. We walked back to the Slytherin common room, where we hung out, trying to ignore the sounds of the first-years trying to find their ways around us. Time passed quickly, and everyone started shuffling up to their dorms for the night, preparing themselves for classes the next day. Shortly, I joined them, tucking myself in and shortly falling asleep.
           By seventh year, professors don’t really give us much of an introduction, but rather begin lectures on the first day of class. Snape was never and exception to this pattern. This year, he had prepared us a seating chart at the brewing tables, and the person paired up with us was to be our potions partner for the rest of the semester.
           I hated this idea already, but it only got worse when I heard my name paired up with none other than Tom Holland’s.
           “Guess you can’t stay away from me,” Tom greeted me as we met at our table.
           “I wish you would stay away from me,” I muttered, harshly pulling the chair back into the table.
           “You know I can’t do that,” Tom leaned closer to me and softly whispered towards my ear. His left arm brushed against my right arm and his words sent a slight shiver up my spine, which I disguised as a look of disgust.
           Snape began the lecture, droning on monotonously. I struggled to keep from dozing off, and hardly noticed my hand doodling on the parchment in front of me. After a gruelling amount of time spent listening to Snape, he finally dismissed the class. I was eager to get away from Tom as quickly as possible, but both Tom and I were pulled aside by Snape.
           “Miss y/l/n, your marks in this class are… remarkable,” Snape began. I nodded humbly, and Snape turned to Tom. “And Mr. Holland, yours are… not.” I was shocked when Tom hung his head down in shame. I always thought he was one of the top students- or at least that’s what he let on.
           “Well, Mr. Holland, what are we going to do to fix that,” Snape questioned. Tom shrugged his shoulders. “Thomas, your parents expect much more from you. I would like Miss y/l/n to tutor you until your grades have improved.”
           “Professor, I can’t-” I began to argue but Snape held a crooked finger in the air, silencing me.
           “This is not a request, y/l/n. And if Mr. Holland’s grades do not improve, your grades will suffer as well,” Snape scolded me. I took a deep breath and nodded my head reluctantly in acceptance.
           “You may be dismissed. I expect improvement,” Snape said with a wave of his hand. I moved quickly out of the room, trying to avoid any excess interaction with Tom.
           “Y/l/n. Y/l/n. Y/n!” Tom called down the hall to me. I spun around aggressively to face him.
           “What now, Thomas?” I hissed. He moved closer to me with a smirk on his face.
           “Looks like we’re gonna be spending a little more time together,” Tom threw his arm around my shoulder, dragging me along with him. I rolled my eyes with a scoff.
           “Just so we’re clear, I am only doing this because I have to. I hate this idea just as much as you do,” I snapped, causing Tom to laugh.
           “Oh, then you must not hate it that much,” his voice was sly and the smirk was still plastered on his face.
           “Can you please just leave me alone? I don’t know why you have to make my life so miserable!” I began to raise my voice in frustration, slipping out from underneath his arm, and quickly hurrying off. I didn’t look over my shoulder, but if I had, I probably would have noticed Tom softly saying my name and running his hands through his hair, exasperated.
           “I don’t know why Snape chose me! Plenty of other people could tutor him!” I vented to Harrison. I was pacing back and forth in the common room and Harrison laid on the leather couch, skimming the book he was holding.
           “Mhmm,” Harrison hummed in response. I groaned at his response and checked the clock. 7:03. I was supposed to meet Tom in the potions classroom at 7:15 to tutor him. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked towards the room. Naturally, Tom showed up right at 7:15, dragging his feet and huffing about being there.
           “I don’t want to be here anyways, Holland, but we have to, so you better pay attention,” I complained, opening the potions textbook, beginning to help Tom with a potion.
           “No, Thomas, it says to add two-” I began to lecture, when I noticed him looking at me. “What are you looking at? You need to pay attention to this.”
           “I- I’m sorry,” he muttered, turning his eyes back to the textbook. That was the first time in seven years I had ever heard him apologize for anything. He began to add the ingredients according to the instructions and stirring the potion as needed. I corrected him a few times, but by the end, we ended up with a bubbling mint green potion.
           “Um… I don’t think this is right…” I questioned as I reread the instructions.
           “What? Let me see that. I did it right,” Tom grabbed the book out of my hands. “Oh.”
           The textbook claimed that the correct potion would become an emerald green, which our potion fell short of.
           “Well, maybe if we just add some more-” Tom trailed off, and before I could stop him, he dropped a substance into the pot. The pot began to bubble more aggressively, before the bubbles started over flowing around the pot. I pushed Tom out of the way so I could stir the potion and calm the boiling, but suddenly the pot exploded with a large crack, sending ceramic shards and the boiling potion flying across the room.
           Unfortunately, I was caught right in the path of a large piece of the cauldron. I felt the burn of the potion hit my body first, but as soon as the broken piece of ceramic hit my head, I no longer felt nor saw anything else.
           I woke up to hushed whispers. My head throbbed and my entire body ached, yet I strained to hear the voices.
           “You did this on purpose!” the first voice hissed. “You hated her so much that you tried to kill her?”
           “I did not! It was a complete accident! I would never try to hurt her!” the second voice defended. “Seriously, Haz. You know how I feel about her. I could never do that.” His voice dropped lower and became less defensive. I slowly opened my eyes, allowing myself to adjust to the light. I began to recognize the room I was in as the hospital wing, and the two figures around me were Harrison and Tom. As much as I wanted to call out to them to ask what happened, I shut my eyes again to continue listening to their conversation.
           “I know, I know,” Harrison sighed. If I could see him, I imagine that he would have ran his hand through his hair in exasperation. “It just scares me, ya know? She’s like my little sister, and I need to protect her, but you can be such a dick to her!”
           “Mate, she hates me. It’s the only way for me to get over her,” Tom said sadly.
           “But it’s hurting her, Tom.”
           “You think I don’t see that? I know it’s hurting her! Haz, I would do anything to be the one that got hurt in the explosion! I would do anything to have kept her safe,” Tom’s voice grew louder and more aggressive. I decided this would be a good time to “wake up”, in hopes that their argument wouldn’t continue.
           I shifted in the bed, slowly dragging my hand up to rub my eyes, making a soft groaning noise as I “woke up”. Harrison and Tom all but ran next to my bed. Harrison’s hand instantly reached for my hand.
           “Y/n, how are you feeling? Do you remember anything?” he said worriedly. I rolled my eyes and I assured him that I was fine. My eyes fell onto Tom’s face. He looked almost sympathetic and… sad. I gave him a small smile, which made his face appear softer.
           I was released from the hospital wing later that day, but my body still was sore. Harrison and Tom followed me around all day like lost puppies, despite my insistence that I was fine. Obviously, I still had to sit by Tom in potions class. I leaned over the table, trying to work on an extra credit assignment before Snape begins his lecture.
           “Y/n, I’m really sorry,” I heard Tom say quietly from next to me.
           “It’s fine,” I muttered, not paying him much mind. I could hear his chair scooting closer to me.
           “No, I mean. I’m really sorry. I should have listened to you and this wouldn’t have happened,” he continued. I sighed and set my quill down, leaning back in my chair and looking at Tom.
           “Tom. It’s fine. Seriously, it really isn’t a big deal,” I insisted.
           “No, it’s not! You got hurt! I shouldn’t do anything to hurt you in the first place but that’s all I do!” Tom was growing aggravated and ran his fingers through his hair a few times. “I’m sorry, y/n. Really.” I knew I was never going to win this argument. Both of us being Slytherins, we were way too stubborn and ambitious to ever give up in an argument.
           “Okay. Thank you, Tom. I accept it,” I said. Tom’s face looked a little more relaxed and he leaned back in his chair.
           “I like it when you call me Tom instead of Holland or Thomas,” he gave me a soft smile, which I returned. I didn’t know what to say, so I turned my attention back to the parchment in front of me.
Tom’s P.O.V.
           I flipped through the potions book impatiently, waiting for y/n to show up for our session. I showed up early in hopes that I could get ahead on the potion and impress her, but I was not off to a good start. When y/n walked into the room, she had her head tilted down and was reading a book. She lifted her head and looked genuinely shocked to see me there early.
           “Oh, hello. I didn’t expect to see you yet,” she said with a small smile.
           “Yeah, I’m just trying to get a head start on the potion today, but I haven’t gotten very far,” I sighed, already doubting the steps I had completed.
           “Okay, well let’s look at it,” she said. She was always so patient and I was shocked at how she could even tolerate being around me, even after I blew up an entire potion. She walked me through the steps, explaining the different reactions between ingredients. She was beautiful and intelligent. Gentle and caring. Funny and perfect. And she deserved the world. But I couldn’t give it to her.
           We had finished the first half of the potion, when y/n stepped away from the cauldron to let me try stirring it.
           “Tom, you’re supposed to stir it counter-clockwise,” she said. Despite her gentle tone, something inside me snapped.
           “How was I supposed to know that?” I snapped. “It’s not my fault I don’t know what the hell I’m doing! Just give up on me, goddammit!” I slammed the wooden spoon down on the counter and began to storm out of the room.
           “Thomas Holland—” y/n began, but I spun around to face her.
           “Don’t even bother. Leave me alone,” I hissed, walking out and slamming the door behind me.
           I felt horrible, to say the least. I was so irritated with myself that I took it out on her and ruined any chance of friendship, or more, that I had with her.
           “Fuck, Haz. What do I do?” I paced back and forth in our dorm room, running my hands through my hair.
           “Mate, I don’t know what to tell you. You’re gonna have to talk to her. Make it up to her somehow,” he leaned back in his bed, his eyes still focused on the book in front of her. And just then, an idea popped into my head.
Y/n’s P.O.V.
           I laid back in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I wondered where I had gone wrong with Holland. Was I not patient enough? Was I not clear enough? Was I really that unbearable?
           My thoughts were interrupted by a light tapping on the window. Letting out a soft groan, I rolled out of my bed to open the window. I was greeted by a small brown owl, holding a rolled up piece of parchment in its beak. It gently set the parchment on the window sill and let out a small hoot before flying off.
           I unrolled the parchment, and was shocked to see a neatly written note scrawled out.
Meet me at the astronomy tower at 10:00. Please give me a chance.
           I sighed and rolled the parchment back up. The clock read 9:40. I was hesitant to meet Tom, at risk of him snapping at me, or this being a prank. However, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I pulled on my shoes and slipped my Slytherin robe over my casual clothing, and quietly snuck out of the dorm.
           The halls were dead silent, and I imagine I would hear Tom also heading towards the astronomy tower, unless he was already there. Or if he’s not showing up. Shaking those thoughts, I continued towards the tower, preparing myself to climb the steep stairs. When I reached the top of the steps, I was shocked to see Tom sitting on a blanket near the edge of the tower, surrounded by candles.
           “Tom?” I said softly. He jumped slightly, but quickly got up and rushed towards me. I took a step back, surprised by his reaction. Hurt flooded into his chocolate brown eyes, and I almost felt bad for him.
           “I- I’m sorry,” he whispered, slowly reaching his hand out for me. “Would you come with me? Please?” He was just short of begging, so I sympathetically took his hand and followed him towards the blanket.
           “This looks lovely,” I broke the silence once we sat down on the blanket that overlooked the campus.  Tom shrugged his shoulders and looked off into the distance. “Well? Did you ask me to come up here just to sit in silence?” I was only teasing, but Tom let out an exasperated sigh.
           “I wanted to say I’m sorry. For everything. For making your life a living hell, for blowing up the potion, for snapping at you, hell, even for dragging you out here like this,” he ranted, with his face buried in his hands. “I can’t explain it. There’s no excuse for any of it, but I find myself begging for you to come back to me time after time.”
           “Tom… What are you trying to say?” my voice was cautious, as if I were walking on eggshells with him.
           “I’m trying to say that I love you! Okay? I fucking love you and I have ruined every single chance I’ve ever had to show you that so you’re never going to feel the same! I’ve loved you since the beginning- you’re gorgeous, funny, smart, kind, caring… You deserve everything in the world and all I have done is hurt you and… I hate myself for it,” Tom’s voice started off strong but faded away. I opened my mouth to respond to him but was quickly interrupted. “You don’t have to spare my feelings. I know what you’re going to say. I’m sorry to have wasted your time.”
           Tom started to get up from the blanket, when I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. My hands quickly moved to his cheeks and I pulled his lips into mine. His body felt tense, but he soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist as I moved mine around his neck. The kiss became passionate when Tom slipped his tongue into my mouth and began running his hands up and down my sides. I put my right hand on Tom’s firm chest, pushing him down gently so that he laid on his back. I swung one leg over his hips, all while continuing the kiss. Tom let out a soft moan as I bit his lip and he felt me grind against him ever so slightly. I slowly began to pull back from the kiss, resting my forehead on his for a few moments before rolling off of his body and onto the floor.
           Both Tom and I laid on our backs next to each other, staring at the sky above us. Tom reached his hand towards mine, letting our entwined hands fall to our sides. Our breathing was synchronized and he slowly turned his head to look towards me.
           “I meant what I said,” he whispered.
           “Good, because I feel the same way,” my tone mimicked his. For the first time in the years that I knew Tom, his lips turned into a genuinely happy smile- the kind where you can see it in their eyes and they practically glow with joy. For the first time, Thomas Stanley Holland was happy.
(A/N: This kinda sucks lol. I rewrote it like 13 times and also I wrote part of it while I was high and drunk so.... thx -SKD)
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netflixmomma516 · 5 years
Her Secrets 7 | 13RW Series
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5       Part 6
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My alarm goes off in my ear and my eyes immediately open remembering my doctor's appointment. Jess shoots up right beside me. "YNN you okay?" She asks out of breath. "Yeah, I just forgot that I had to meet my dad early this morning," I lie. "Oh okay." She hurried to get out of bed and get dressed and ready.
Meanwhile, my mind going a million miles an hour. I decide on a basic teenage look, skinny jeans, a loosely fitted v-neck, and my grey North Face. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun because I'm late and just put on mascara. Looking at my self in the mirror and liking what I see. "Ill see you at school?" Jess asks as she grabs her bag. "Yes boo. I'll see you later." With that, she walks out of my room, and I check my time, 7:30. "Thank god, my appointment isn't until 8:30," I say to myself. I settle down my nerves. I rub my belly, "I cant wait to see you in a little bit bugs." I smile at my hidden bump.
I walk down the stairs and my dad is nowhere in sight. I spot a note on the fridge, 'Good morning YNN, I hope you have a great day and I'll see you later.' I smile at the handwritten note, I grab it off the fridge and put it on the counter. I grab my smoothie out of the fridge and settle at the kitchen table. I go onto my phone and I haven't gotten a text from either Jeff or Scott since everything happened this weekend. My heart sinks. I shake it off and realize I better get going.
-- I walk into a brick building, all the nerves in the world are in my stomach. My very first female doctor appointment, and it so happens to be because I'm 18 and pregnant. I signed my name on the list, I find a seat and I look around the waiting room, I see another pregnant woman, she looked mid-to-late twenties, her husband sitting right next to her holding her hand, they looked excited. I instantly feel so alone.
-- "YN," a woman about early'40s in scrubs calls my name. I stand up and walk into the office behind her, "Okay, I need you to pee in this cup and set it on the sink when you are done." She hands me a clear cup with my name on it. I take the cup and walk into the bathroom. I quickly pee in it. I walked out of the bathroom and she goes in after me and takes the cup and hands it to another nurse.
I follow her to the scale, "lets see how much you weigh." She ushers me to get on the scale. "Alright, thank you." She charts down my weight. I've gained 2 pounds since I found out I was pregnant. I could've sworn I gained at least 10, I look like I have anyway.
We walked into a room, "Alright, get undressed and she'll be in shortly." She says with a smile. I smile at her as she walked out of the room and I quickly took my jeans and underwear off. I sit back down on the table. I rub my belly.
I hear a knock on the door and see a short blonde woman walk into the room, "Good morning YN." She sticks her hand out, "I'm Dr. Kelly." I smile at her, "well your urine test came back as positive and now we're going to get a blood test done." I shake my head okay, she instantly takes my blood. "This should come back within 5 minutes, so I'll be right back." I shake my head and instantly gets nervous. She leaves me alone again. I look around the room and see pictures of birth controls, pregnancy and how babies grow.
-- "Let's see the baby," Dr. Kelly says as she rubs the ultrasound wand around my belly. I smile as I see a little dot, "it's looking that you're about 10 weeks." I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes looking at the little dot in my belly. "Do you know when you conceived?" She asked curious. I know exactly that night.
- His hands go to my butt and squeezes it. My body tenses. His lips attack my neck. I close my eyes. I start crying. I'm trying so hard not to scream or he might kill me. - I shake off the memory. "Yes," I kept very short. She printed off some of the ultrasounds. I smiled at the pictures in my hand. "Alright, we'll see you in about 4 weeks." She smiled as she held her hand out to me once again. "Thank you Dr. Kelly." I said still with a smile on my face.
-- I sat in the parking lot of the school and looked at the ultrasound. Now it's real. I know it was real before, but now there's proof. I tear up at the thought of everything, I'm begging for people not to find out. I wipe my eyes, and throw the ultrasound picture into my purse. I grab my bag and walk into the school. "Hi, Miss Y/L/N," the nice secretary says to me as I sign in. "Good morning. I had a doctors appointment." I hand her the note. She nods as she hands me the slip, "you'll be in 2nd period." I shake my head. "Thank you," I say as I take the slip from her hands.
I walk out of the office to my gray locker to grab my ChemPhys book. I walk into the classroom and hand the note to Mrs. Sullivan she smiled and I sat in my seat next to Zach. I don't look at him, because of everything that happened this weekend, with him and the guys ruining my date with Jeff. I'm still upset about that. I'm still so confused about everything.
He taps my arm with the back of his hand, I look to him, he mouths, "you okay?" He gives me a concerning look. I shake my head yes. Not wanting to talk about the guys right now. He smiles, "just making sure," he whispers.
-- "I'll see you at lunch YNN," Zach walks with me to Government. "Okay. See you." I smile at the fit boy with black hair and brown eyes walking away from me. I walk in and immediately spot Jeff. My heart starts racing a million miles per hour. I make my way over to the seat, "Can I sit here?" I ask the cute brunette. "Sure." He says short. A strike to my heart. I quickly take a seat beside him, and immediately wanted to shrink into myself.
-- The whole class, he didn't look at me. I wanted to cry, but couldn't.
-- The bell rings signaling the class over, we walk into the hallway, I grab his arm, "Jeff talk to me." I said with a lot more determination than I felt at the moment. Surprising even myself at the tone. He turned to look at me stunned. "About?" Jeff questioned. "Jeff, I like you. I like you a lot. You ignoring me is killing me." I looked up at his brown eyes. "YNN you think it's easy for me to ignore you?" Jeff asks. I want to shrink into myself again. His words are stinging every heart-string. "The answer is no, it's not easy. I really like you, but I'm just getting myself hurt because you like Scott too. I don't want you to have to choose, so I'm letting Scott win again."
Again? Scott did this to him before?
"Fight for me then, don't let him win so easily." I whisper closing my eyes fighting back the tears that are threatening to spill onto my cheeks. His lips crash into mine. 
It's like time stood still. 
Like everything is moving in slow motion.
"I plan on it," he whispers. I smile at the man in front of me. "I don't want to lose you." He hugs me. His hand wraps into mine. "We better get you to Yearbook." He walks me to yearbook, we see Scott and Chloe standing outside the door talking. My stomach goes in knots. Jeff's hand falls from mine. I stay quiet. Scott walks over to us. "Hey, guys." Chloe decides to join the conversation. Scott fake smiles at me. I start to feel uncomfortable. "Hey, Scott. I'll see you guys at lunch." I tell both Scott and Jeff.
I walk into the classroom and see Jess. Thank god, one person I can count on not to put me in an uncomfortable situation. I smile and make my way over to her and Tyler. "Hey girl, where were you this morning?" Shit, I cant tell her I actually had a doctors appointment. "Oh, breakfast with my dad ran over, we got to talking," I lied again. I hate lying to her, but I have no choice. "Oh okay," she shrugs and smiles and embraces me in a hug.
-- "So are they still ignoring you?" She asked. "No," I need to tell her Jeff kissed me in the hallway and told me he isn't letting Scott win again. I need to know what happened. But I want to ask Jeff directly.
The bell rings signaling lunch for us, so I quickly grab Jess to stay behind so I can tell her the news. "Jess, Jeff kissed me in the hallway." I smile wanting to fangirl, but decided to try to be calm. She squealed. "He what?" She smiled so big. "He kissed me." I laughed at her excitement. "Oh my gosh. Does anyone else know?" I shrug, I don't know if he told anyone or if anyone saw him kiss me. "I don't think so." My smile fades. "Well if Chloe finds out, there goes your chances with Scott." "Honestly I didn't think about how Scott is going to feel if he finds out." I say sitting back down in a chair. Trying to wrap my mind around everything.
"Hey babe, you coming?" Justin and Zach walk into the room. Snaking his arms around Jess' shoulders. "Yeah, you coming YNN?" She asks, not knowing if I want to be around everyone. "Nah, I think I'm going to work on my page." I say trying to fight every emotion that wants to spill out. "Alright, I'll see you in a little bit." She says sympathetic. I fake a smile towards her and the boys. I plug in my headphones in and try to take my mind off of Jeff and Scott and work on my yearbook page.
-- I feel a tap on my shoulder, I take an ear bud out and turn to see who it is. It's Scott, "sorry, I was worried when you didn't come to lunch." Very aware I wasn't at lunch. I didn't want to go to not have to face everything. But I feel like every time I try to escape something it always follows me.
"I know, I'm just trying to get this page done for the yearbook." I fib. "Oh okay. Well, I brought you a sandwich." He sits the perfectly made peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of me, "sorry if I'm bothering you." He turns to walk out of the room, I grab his wrist, not wanting to be alone anymore. He sits back down. "I'm sorry YNN," he starts. I put my finger on his lips, "I should be the one saying sorry. I should've been honest and told you me and Jeff were going to hang out." I released my finger from his lips.
"You don't owe me an explanation, it's not like you knew I liked you." He huffs. "Scott I've liked you since the first day. There was just something about you that drew me to you and same goes for Jeff. So now you see why I'm super confused about the situation? I don't want to get hurt." I huff trying not to cry again. I swear this being super emotional thing better pass soon. I used to never be this emotional over stupid stuff. Yes, this is very stupid. I'm falling for two guys. "Honestly I would love to hang out with you just us.." I admit, "no talking about Jeff just us and maybe pizza and the park?"
"I'd love that, but instead of the park how about you come over to my house, my parents are rarely ever home, so it would be just us." I smile at him, "I would love that." "How about tonight? I promise I'll have you home by 10." I smile, "I know I'm 18 but I want to ask my dad and make sure he's good with it." "Of course daddy's girl." I roll my eyes and smile at his comment. "I'm only a daddy's girl sometimes." He just smiles. "It's cute." I just kept smiling.
The bell rang signaling lunch was over. "Well, I will text you tonight to make sure it's okay." "Okay I should know by 4:30 if you want to text me then." He shakes his head, "okay will do. Bye YNN." He waves as he makes his way out of the room. "Bye Scott.." He turns, "oh hey Scott, thanks for the sandwich." I couldn't stop smiling. "Anytime," he smiles and walks out of the room before anyone renters it.
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lifeofbouyd · 6 years
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Telephone Love
Text: Feb 2008
Text join to 1876444chat to join Jamaica’s hottest chat groups and meet new people. Only $10 per text.
I sat and read that message in class a few times before replying. I thought to myself if all the things that could possibly happen in a group and my imagination ran wild.
Teacher: Mr. Smith, I do hope you’re not there texting again. I’ll take your phone this time if I catch you.
She had warned me several before but I didn’t give a shit. She couldn’t take my phone even if she wanted to. I sat there trying to decide if I should join or not.
Text join to 1876444chat to become a member of Jamaica’s number 1 chat room. You could meet your partner today. Only $10 per text.
That text was even more convincing than the first. Meeting my partner sounded worth my $10.
Teacher: Mr. Smith, could you please come up here and demonstrate how to persuade someone into buying your product by using this pen. You better be able to do it or I’m failing you.
Me: Sure. Good morning class, today I want to introduce to you our latest state of the art pen that is designed to blow the mind of pen users around the world. We bring you the future today. This pen comes with...
Teacher: Mr. Smith, please have a seat. Class I hope you’re all paying attention. Mr. Smith spends most his time texting and talking however he’s able to remember everything he’s taught.
She gave us a pop quiz shortly after and most the class failed. I had forgotten about the chat room as I was more focused on passing business management. A few days later I heard some people talking about it, saying they had met new people from the chat group. Instantly I signed up. I joined several groups but there was none like Church Sex. It was the most outlaw x rated group. Most the members were interested in sucking each other and having group sex which was brand new gossip for me. They shared vivid sex stories that made every girl I forwarded it to wet. I became obsessed with the group within a few days within a few days and my fan base sky rocketed. Every girl wanted to meet “Sex God Anthony”. I had described my self as a 18 year old with well built body, perfect body and a sledge hammer of a dick. I had stolen that description from a Hot Coffee Magazine I had stolen from uncle. The name grew quickly and every group I joined girls wanted to come meet me and get the dick they’ve heard so much about. I was chat room famous.
Text: Mar 2008
Hi, I’m sexy T from Kingston. I’m 18, live alone and have a big butt. Can someone welcome me plz?
By the time I saw that message she was welcomed by at least 70 people. But her message just stood out. It sounded as if she wanted someone. Bragging about her butt and living alone. I imagined what she looked like and I sure as hell pictured slapping that ass. I welcomed her and told her I’d like to slap that ass. To my surprise she replied with her number encrypted.
Hey Sex God, message me ggptdwm.
Only a true texaholic could figure out what that meant. We texted for days until we started calling each other. Before I knew it we were together. We spent every night on the phone. Shit got so intense we even started having phone sex. There were nights when she’d scream in my ears while she drowned her fingers in cum. Even though we didn’t know each other then we had something real. I felt way better than a face to face relationship. We talked everyday and we shared our dreams. It made me feel like I had being missing out all my life. I had dated countless girls before her but there was just something about this telephone love. I couldn’t get enough. We decided it was time we met for real. All this telephone talk made us eager to strip each other naked. I hitched a city bus early one Saturday morning to go see the girl if my dreams. I was a long drive but she was sure as hell worth the journey. I had imagined what she’d look like so many times I had created the perfect character in my mind. I stood in the park waiting to meet her but gave her a wrong dress code. This was due to meeting a fake a few weeks back. Girl said she was Cinderella but when I got there she was Fiona in the Ogre state 🤦‍♂️. A great disappointment and I couldn’t afford another surprise like that. But to my surprise she was beautiful. She looked even better than I had imagined and that ass. Damn, she was blessed. I took her to KFC then headed back to the park where we spent hours talking and laughing. She was a brilliant girl, with her future all figured out. Of all the things she wanted, she wanted me to live up to my name the most. I had created vivid sex images in her mind and she now wanted to feel me in reality.
Sext T: I’m horny.
Me: 😏
Sexy T: I know where we can go but you gotta keep on the look out.
Me: Ok
She pulled me around a corner across the street where there was an abandoned building. There were used condoms all over the place. It looked like a regular fuck spot for teens. We started kissing and kinda melted away in each other’s arms as we had been dying to do this for for months. I got so hard it started jumping in my pants. I think she had planned for it because she had nothing on but a mini skirt and a tube tube top. She took my dick out and rubbed it on her mesh underwear which made her soaking wet. She put me to sit on an old chair which seemed to have to hell and back while she pulled her skirt up. She quickly rolled the condom as if she was in a rush. I sat there staring at her body with a million thoughts in my head. What if I can’t please her, what if I cum too quickly? Her body was amazing, my anxiety level was through the roof so looking at it I had approximately 5 minutes if not less before exploding. She sat on it reverse cowgirl and slowly moved her waist. It felt warm, moist and tight. I could feel every inch of her through the condom as if I wasn’t wearing any. She felt so good all I wanted to do was cum but she kept telling me not to. I couldn’t help myself as she felt so damn good. I had to push her off a few times not to cum. She then turned around sitting on it and looking straight in my eyes while she rides my pole. She pushed her nipples in my mouth and started riding faster and faster, squeezing my head between her tits as if she wanted to kill me. I kept thinking about world war 2 which helped me keep my composure for a while but the moment she started kissing me and riding my dick all hell broke loose. She started vibrating and the chair collapsed. We both came in perfect finesse. She would have been flooded out if it wasn’t for the condom. I wanted to fuck her again but we had to run like thieves because there were cops coming in. They were after some chicks on the other side. It was practically dark anyway so I had to head home before I got stuck. I couldn’t help but laughing on my way home. I had scored big on the charts and pulled off being 18. I guess experience had a lot to do with it.
Text: April 2008
So I met sex god today :) I think I’m in love. Nigga got bandy legs and nice dick.
Instantly I received several encrypted contacts requesting personal messages. Sexy T had made my name even bigger. Every girl wanted to meet me; at one point I had to be sharing them with my bro. I met this chick Natasha who was willing to pay to meet me. With not a second thought I arranged everything for her to come and spend a weekend with me. She did say she was pretty but I didn’t expect her to be that pretty. I was shocked out my life when I picked her up at the bus station. She was all that she said she would be and so was the other chick waiting there. I had 2 girls lined up that weekend so I had to give my bro 1. Celine was really nice but u was more interested in Natasha as she was willing to pay and she was the prettiest. We took them home with intentions of a wild, unforgettable weekend and to my surprise they both bought the sex god act. As soon as we got home Natasha demanded what she came for; claiming she wanted to see if sex god was as good as his street credit. To my surprise, she stripped butt naked and pushed Celine out the room. I kept laughing to myself, this girl was really serious about getting dick. She pulled me close and started sucking on my lips. She stuck her hands in my shorts and flicked my dick out; rubbing it against her leg while she vibrated. I nibbled on her tits like a baby on a nipple bottle; this made her drooling wet. I planted slow wet kisses along her sides while playing clit. She moved as is she was Demond possessed; her legs shaking, back arching up, vibrating like a ringing phone. I kept rubbing the of my snake on her jumping clit causing her to cum several times before I even entered her. I made her beg me to cool her down with the pink headed hose before I slipped my rubber on. I kept slapping her pussy with my hard dick which made her even more anxious. I then held her waist and rubbed her clit with my thumb while I slowly forced my way in. She grabbed my by the neck and pulled me to her the moment the head slid in. Her eyes rolled back and her body trembled every stroke I stroked her. I went slow and deep causing tears to flow down her cheeks while she decorated my back with scratch marks. I asked her several times if she wanted me to stop but she just kept saying I should shut up. I raised her legs to my shoulder I tried going balls deep but she kept pushing me out. “Año charity punny did, not a bc” 😂 I couldn’t help but laugh. We switched positions until she begged me to stop. We had been having sex for more than an hour and I hadn’t even cum yet. She had cum until she was weak; staring at me through one eye with a smile on her face.
Natasha: Thanks. I needed that. I think you might have to move with me to Kingston.
I just sat there smiling at her and laughing in my mind. I had pulled it off again, object bingo. All hell broke loose when Celine realized that my bro wasn’t sex god. He had already knocked her out the park but Natasha went bragging in the group.
Text: May 2008
I’m currently at Sex Gods house, we just had great sex and Celine is also here with his bro. Hands off bitches I call dibs on Sex God.
The group became a text shooting range. Words fired like AK shots. Who should suck what and shut what. Who’s gonna kill who and who can’t go where. Sexy T was furious as I told her I wouldn’t fuck anyone else from the group. The group remained a shooting range throughout the weekend but that didn’t stop our fun. The weekend turned out way better than we predicted. It was hard to believe we had met these girls for the first as we were all over the place. Sexy T wanted to link up about two weeks after and I turned the offer down as she had promised to punch me in the face. Weeks on weeks she asked and I declined. Eventually she sent this message:
Text: October 2008
Remember, life is short and my knife point is long. The next time I see you it’s gonna be a blood bath. Think you can fuck me and diss me. Mi man a dan.
I didn’t really pay much attention to her message as I thought she was just yapping away, regular girl talk. I went to Kingston that December to get some stuff for school. I heard someone call my name several times but I didn’t pay attention as very few people knew me as Anthony. (((Batty man sex god!!!))) That’s when it hit me, someone was really calling my name. By the time I turned around I had to dodge wild punches. It was Sexy T trying to hit my face in. The more I dodge the more she threw punches. I begged her to stop but she just kept yelling that I was gonna feel her wrath. She pulled a kitchen bitch (long knife) from her bag and that’s when I realized shit got real. This chick really wanna kill me. I ain’t no fool neither am I a coward but I sure as hell was no bulletproof. The fight became a hot pursuit and just like Bolt I had outdone myself. Call me whatever you like but I didn’t plan to die that day; I had too much to live for, so much to see, so much to do. I wasn’t even 15 yet. Like a bitch I ran for my happy life and I don’t regret it. I lived to flirt another day. By the time they got to the bus park my bus was already driving out. I didn’t even get what I went for 🤦‍♂️. Chick had me running like a bitch and I ain’t the kinda nigga to run from a fight.
Text: December 2008
So I almost killed Sex God today. Had him running through downtown like a bitch. Be warned, the next time you won’t be so lucky.
Right then I realized the importance of my life. This chick had fallen for the late night convos and 1 sex in an abandoned building. I’m not gonna say I didn’t feel anything for her but I sure wouldn’t kill anyone for her. She texted me several times after that trying to fix us but I didn’t reply, I was more concerned about staying alive than fucking her again. I had forgotten about her and thought she did the same but she was a different girl when I saw her again in 2009. I went on a beach trip that August with intentions of getting new chicks. I was in the changing room when she walked in. I thought that was the end. In my mind, she came to kill me. We both froze when our eyes made 4. We stood still for a few seconds before making any sudden movements.
Sexy T: You haven’t returned my calls. Is there a reason why.
We stood there for a while talking but barely exchanged words as if we were having a western standoff. The wrong words could start a war. She claimed she was sorry and she wanted to make up for it. I didn’t trust her one bit but shit turned around. We actually had a good time and I got to know her better and even fucked her again. During all this she left out the most important detail; she came with her boyfriend 🤦‍♂️. Another drama, another day, same Bouyd. Shit escalated from 0-100 real quick. Nigga wanted to fight; for the same girl he brought that I fucked in the changing room. I realized he was paranoid, delusional in the head. How can you fight over that? I sure wouldn’t. He got angrier by the minute even though I tried walking him out. He was determined to defend his stripe but he ended up on the bitter end of my right fist. 1 solid right to ear drum had him walking confused for a while. Again I deflowered her in the changing room before leaving. I just couldn’t have enough. Eventually we went back to hating each other after that. I guess good sex doesn’t fix everything or maybe it was only good to me lol. Whatever it was I know we connected somehow and today I don’t regret a thing.
From this I had learnt two valuable lessons. Don’t fuck her good if you don’t plan to keep her and secondly; a girl will fuck you just got fuck sakes while being deeply in love with someone else. Since then, if it comes I accept it and if it wants to leave I let it. At the end of the day, what’s yours will always be yours. The less you expect, the less disappointment you face.
Stay tuned. It only gets better.
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californialustin · 7 years
27: at the end of the road
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Four months later:
Since being back to school, I’ve went farther than above and beyond. It just three months I’d caught myself up to the current curriculum and found myself back in my regular classrooms. I liked going at my own pace so much that when I started back in regular class, I felt bored. Needless to say, everyone was proud of me, and I felt damn good.
Finals were just around the corner, and even better, so was graduation. Although I was grateful for all the memories I would be taking with me, I’m good and ready to get the hell out of here. I wasn’t sure about college, but I’ve got plenty of time to decide on that... 
“Where ya head at?” Dom asked staring at me from across the lunch table
“Graduation.” I chuckled. 
“So..” he muttered rubbing that back of his neck “You know that-uh-” he chuckled through was seemed to be nervousness “Na, never mind.”
“Just say it. Big ol scardy cat.”
“That stupid end of year dance or whatever.”
“The prom?” I questions raising an eyebrow
“Yeah, that.”
“What about it?”
I let my fork fall into my salad and I gave him my full attention. I know he’s not about to ask what I think he is...
“Look, do you wanna go? Like, with me? As my- you know- my date or whatever.”
“Yeah.” I smirked. “I’ll go.”
If I’m being honest, I wasn’t expecting that at all. But I mean, it felt nice. I’d never really felt important to Dom when we were together before, I always just felt like a bother, like a little tag-a-long puppy... but this time it actually felt mutual. 
“Well I’m taking off early today.” I mumbled out between bites “I have an appointment. I’ll call you later?” he gave me a nod and leaned in to peck my lips before I got up. 
“You better call me later Leigh.” he called out after me.
“We’ll see.” 
I heard him suck his teeth making me laugh. I signed out at the front desk and made my way through the parking lot to my car. I been having some pains in my stomach lately and when I called in about it they wanted me to be seen. Since I had such severe damage with my miscarriage from the accident it sent up a red flag with them so now here I am worried. 
I tried to keep composed when I walked into the clinic but deep inside I was genuinely scared. 
"Hi there.” the receptionist called out “Come on in, sign in under your doctors chart and we’ll have you back as soon as we can.”
I scribbled my name down and had a seat. My ma had been texting me since I left school so I finally got back to her and let her know I was at the appointment. She was worried too, but I wanted her to focus on work, she herself had big things happening and she was ready to receive another promotion. She didn’t need to be worried about me over something small like this.
I stood up and followed the nurse back and answered all of her small questions as she weighed me. 
“You’ll be here in room two. Go ahead and change into the gown for me and Doctor Reyes will be in shortly to see you.”
I changed into the ridiculous paper gown and climbed up onto the bed I didn’t even wait five minutes before the doctor walked in. She had her face buried in her clipboard and mumbled a quick “hi there” 
After an ultrasound, and a few different tests, she left me to wait for an answer. I chewed off every bit of nail that I could from my fingers due to my nervousness and I was starting to feel irritated.
Almost thirty minutes later the nurse came back in with a stack of papers in her hand. 
“So, I’m gonna just make this sound as uncomplicated as possible- you have a scar inside you where your baby was growing. A scar that started to heal, and then stopped- causing scar tissue that was starting to get infected due to no treatment- so, long story short, we’re giving you antibiotics and calling it a day. You’ll have the pains and tenderness until the medicine takes affect which is about twenty four hours after the first dosage.” 
“So that’s all?”
“Yep.” she chuckled “Asherman syndrome is very common and can get overlooked easily at post recovery appointments but left untreated it can cause quite a bit of pain and can cause other damage if infection spreads. Be sure to pick up your meds and she’ll wanna see you again in about thirty days.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course dear. After you change you are free to go.”
I felt a huge weight lift off my chest. I was so glad to have one less worry on my plate now.
As I was headed home, a call from Austin came through. I hadn’t talked to him since he was last here. He had a family and a new baby now, I refused to be a distraction. 
Yeah, I missed him... but I was more focused on Dom and I right now. I felt like the biggest jerk ever but.. it was what felt right.
 As I was pulling into my driveway, Dom called me. I almost didn’t want to answer because I knew he should be in class but something told me to answer anyway.
“Where you at Leigh?”
“Home, why?”
“Just wondering. I’m bout to come by.”
“You better be in class.”
“Na, It’s a sub in here and we aint doing shit. I’m about to go smoke with Julian.
“Oh, alright.”
“He’s having a little get together tonight i guess and he wants us to stop by.”
“I don’t know Dom. I’m tired. I might pass on that one.”
“Alright then. It’s all good. Call me later.”
“Be careful.” I muttered out before hanging up.
After taking a quick shower I curled up on the couch and turned on the t.v I was hella tired and ready to spend my weekend relaxing.
The next time I opened my eyes it was dark. I figured Dom would have called a few times checking up on me but when I checked my phone the only missed call I had was from my ma.
I was shocked to see that it was already almost nine. Instead of staying home alone I figured I would get up and get ready and surprise Dom at the party. I haven’t been out in a really long time and I feel like I’ve earned a night of fun.
About an hour later I was out the door looking hella good. Dom is definitely gonna be happy to see me. 
It didn’t seem like too many people had showed up to Julian’s when I pulled up, but it was still early yet too.
I called Dom to have him meet me in the front but he didn’t answer so I was gonna have to go hunt him down myself.
It felt a tad awkward walking in alone. All the judgmental eyes were glued to me.I heard Dom’s voice and followed it into the back room. I was excited to see him but that excitement quickly turned to anger when I saw Dom sitting on the couch with some bitch sitting in his lap looking a little too damn comfortable.
“Well damn Dom. I’m glad to see you’re having a good time.” I spat folding my arms over my chest. 
“Man Leigh it ain’t even what it look like. We just chillin”
“Forget I exist Dom.”
“Leigh come on!”
I stormed out of the house and waited until I was alone in my car before I let my tears fall. How could I fall for all of this bullshit all over again.
My fucking luck. 
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