#wade wilson headcanon
babyblankyerror · 1 year
Peter seems like the sort of person to repeatedly smack you when excited. He definitely gets carried away sometimes
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luxesiren · 11 months
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cw :: nsfw content (MDNI)
a/n :: i love this man so much. i don't think yall understand this big ass man? i love him so much and i want him.
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{✰} sfw ::
{✰} wade is a mercenary but he keeps his work life away from you so you don't get hurt because he doesn't want to lose you.
{✰} wade is always joking around with you, his one goal is to make you laugh every day, even when he's not with you. he always sends you messages and voice memos which make you laugh.
{✰} wade loves cooking and he would get all dramatic and make you a full-course meal as if he's on chopped or something. he wants you to pretend to be gordon ramsay
{✰} wade loves spending money on you, he doesn't use the money for anything besides food and rent for his apartment, so he loves spending it on you. whatever you want, he gets it for you. any time you go out to dinner wade will threaten to drop your wallet off a cliff because "why're you trying to pay? don't do that again or i will throw your wallet off a cliff and into some water."
{✰} wade would get matching nails with you, whatever set you get, he's ready to get a matching set.
{✰} wade doesn't like to have his mask off in public because of his scars and at first, he didn't even show you his face half the time but now that you guys have been together for so long, he takes it off around you because he knows it doesn't phase you.
{✰} wade loves physical touch so naturally, he would be all over you. wade likes to think of himself as a murderous teddy bear that only really cares about you.
{✰} wade doesn't like arguing with you unless it's playfully and not about anything serious but if it's a serious argument then he will start to get anxious and unconsciously start to self-sabotage.
{✰} wade gets emotional over chick flicks and when you ask if he's crying he'll say, "of course not...it's just a little dusty in here."
{✰} wade likes bringing you souvenirs from the countries he's visited for work and he brings you random trinkets that you will never use but he lights up when he brings them to you so you put them on display around your shared apartment.
{✰} nsfw ::
{✰} wade loves kissing, he likes the feel of your lips on his. he likes to suck on your bottom lip making you whine into his mouth.
{✰} wade is possessive and jealous, he will mark your neck just so everyone could see that you're taken and no one else could have your attention. he wouldn't blame you for being ogled but he would take it out on you, fucking into you so roughly and so deeply while you cry into the sheets, "fuck, you're mine. this pussy is mine. say it, say it's mine." you couldn't do anything but moan loudly and say exactly that, "fuck, daddy! it's yours, i'm yours!
{✰} wade is into thigh riding. he will watch you chase your release on his thigh before fucking the way you want him to, he ultimately wants to see you beg him to fuck you.
{✰} wade is 100% into praise and degradation, he wants to make you're okay with it before he says something that triggers you in bed.
{✰} on occasion, wade likes to be restrained. he likes when you have some type of power over him, makes him cum harder and he likes when you tease him. he keeps handcuffs by the bed just for this specific moment, you're in his lap and taking your time riding him - slowly grinding your hips just to make him beg you, "please, baby.. let me fuck you, please."
{✰} wade is into choking, he loves to see his hand wrapped around your throat while he has you in a mating press, pushing all his weight onto you and fucking you deep enough to make you cum over and over.
{✰} sometimes when wade is feeling very needy, he just needs you. times like this, he'll take his time with you, fingering for a long time to make sure you can take him, eating your pussy like he's starving before he fucks you nice and slow saying how much he loves you. "i love you so much, baby. so good for me, taking all of me so well."
{✰} speaking of... wade is a munch. he will happily lap at your slick, sit you on his face, and grip your thighs while you ride his face, using him for your own pleasure. he would also take the opportunity to overstimulate you, your thighs wrapped around his head trying to push him away having already cum twice but he wants more from you.
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© 𝐥𝐮𝐱𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧 | all rights reserved to me. please do not steal, copy, or repost to other websites.
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headcannons for deadpool dating peter parkers older sibling??
yesss this is such a good idea
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Deadpool X Peter Parker's Older Sibling
Peter would definitely not want you dating or even going near Deadpool
he thinks Wade is too much of a risk and will put you in danger
But no matter how hard Peter tries to convince you he never can
He starts out very cold to Wade but eventually just accepts that this is his new fate
Constantly gets into fights with Wade but the more time you and Wade are together the friendlier the fights become
Deadpool on the other hand thinks annoying Peter is hilarious and continues to do so, but he also tries to make sure not to cross a line
They're never gonna be best friends but if you do enough bonding exercises with them then they at least wont hate each other
Come back soon! 💌
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manicpixiemeatboy · 10 months
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Old bitches in love ft. intersex Deadpool and transmasc Cable.
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Deadpool has no issues with casualties and Black Cat has no issues with property damage so whenever the two of them go out with Spiderman on patrol, they like obliterate wherever they are
There’d be blood everywhere and a burning building in the back on the verge of collapse and they’d still look at Peter like
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sciderman · 12 days
Do any of the boys wear jewelry?
Wade seems like the type to have those grandma box full of jewelry but Peter would probably have one pair of earrings for the occasion?? 
they're too broke for any kind of jewellery save for the edible kind
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fruitmilkshake · 3 months
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He's my husband ya'll 😔✌️
Art made by: @thefuzzyaya
His hands 😫
Also, listening to this song while i imagine fictional scenarios about him
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your-next-daydream · 2 years
Wade Wilson x equally chaotic reader hcs 👀
AH MY FIRST ASK! Thanks for requesting bro!
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Ok you didn't specify if you wanted platonic or romantic? Soooo imma do both😃
Reader has no specified gender
Platonic hcs
Oh? Do you want to leave the house without a warm Wade Wilson goodbye? No, you're going to get a hug that smells of cocaine and weed. Upon finally leaving, you hear, "Bye kiddo, make sure you get in trouble for Papa!" With an over exaggerated kiss blown your way.
"Hey kiddo, have you seen my katana...kid? Why is my katana in that guys stomach right now?" He said with a hand on his hip. "I don't know. I got bored, and he was conveniently placed there."
Chimichangas for breakfast and dinner. Lunch is a healthy dose of some sort of drugs or killing. There is no in between. Dessert is rom-coms and tears. Don't forget to say hello to his unicorn!
You sometimes have to help help blind Al around the house but for fucks sake quit making so many sex jokes around that poor lady.
please...clean Wade's suit... it smells horrible
"Hey Wade, want to go TP and throw eggs at the X mansion with me? Colossus pissed me off again." You muttered, grabbing some of Al's eggs promising you'd pay her back later. "Umm fuck yeah I want to! Just don't hit pinky pie or teenage angst they'll have my head...well they kinda can, I can just grow a new one!"
You joke about getting avocado lotion for him. "Hey, Deads, I got this avocado scented lotion for you. Maybe some pheromone shit will happen, and you won't look like a dumpster fire anymore." He whipped his head around, grabbing where his heart is and stumbling around,"wounded"
You cut Wade's arm off once just to give it to a bad guy asking, "Need a hand?" While Wade came up behind that person killing them. "Okay, that was hilarious, but give a guy a heads up!"
he takes you to the bar with him, and you both get on Weasel's ever loving last nerve. I mean, he's both of y'all's arms dealer. Why not mess with him?
All and all, a very chaotic duo
Romantic hcs
What's personal space? He's always touching or hugging unless you specifically tell him not to.
Reassure him that he's still a handsome man. You lightly pick on him for being an old avocado, but that's about it.
he gives you his unicorn and whatever else of his you want before he leaves for a mission.
there was a time when you came with him and you both got captured. You're actually the one who figured out how to escape...he was just gonna cut himself up to fit through the bars. "You're a merc, and that was your best idea?" "I mean, the plan was literally going to be in bits and pieces."
sex jokes? Oh yeah, all the time. You can't stop this man he's hitting on you like you guys are at the bar, and he's trying to take you home. You shock him if you return the same energy.
makes sure you're asleep before he even thinks about going to bed himself.
you and him took a pole dance class so he could show off, and he wanted to see you move like that.
he had a funny idea to put his mask on you during a mission, and it was funny watching another version of himself walking around killing.
Do you know those hugs where you get picked up and are just held there for a while? Yeah, that's him, except his face is in your chest no matter what it looks like.
Colossus has walked in on you both making out and out of embarrassment. You attempted to cover it up and say, "You wanna join?" But Wade went along saying "Yeah big boy, wanna have some funnnn?" You hit him on the head.
Pizza and movie dates. It doesn't matter where y'all are you guys are going on a date if he can help it. He thinks it's cuter when you set things up.
Oh, someone hurt you? They never existed. He knows you can handle yourself he wanted to take care of it.
He'll buy you Deadpool themed merchandise ALL. THE. TIME. You like are running out of space for it at this point.
There's a hoodie with his logo on it and he's definitely fucked you in that hoodie before.
He probably would like running a knife or a gun down your sides. The gun is never loaded, but you don't know that.
knows he could get out of it, but he thinks it'd be fun if you tied him up.
Oh, I'm definitely thinking about his stamina and strength...
After y'all do have sex straight to the bathtub or shower to get cleaned off. He could care less, but he knows you want to be clean.
He'd like to be little spoon sometimes. Other than that, he likes laying between your legs with his arms around your waist to make sure you can't leave in the morning.
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babyblankyerror · 3 months
Peter having the great vision of a jumping spider but also has the urge to hop and jump into places so to strangers it's just a really chipper dude skipping his way to work.
Even funnier if he jumps when not in a good mood- just grumpy skipping away from Wade and Wade is too busy watching the butt bounce like "ah yes, interesting"
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Deadpool's reaction to seeing his s/o's head getting sliced off while captured but then the real s/o is standing behind him as they somehow escaped saying that's a clone because the villain was trying to fuck with his head.
oh dang this is actually a super good idea 0_0
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At first he would try to play it off like he knew the whole time because he doesn't want to show the fact that he was completely terrified
He would probably laugh a little before breaking down
It just shed light to the fact that you might die one day and there's not much he can do to stop it
He will absolutely slaughter that villain by the way...
It definitely makes him realize just how precious your life is
When he first sees the S/O imposter's head getting sliced off his first reaction would probably be kinda, chill
like he's so used to seeing heads getting sliced off
but then he realizes who head it was and he'll start shouting your name
probably won't actually believe its you till you prove it
Will be shaking for hours afterwards
Come back soon! 💌
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I'm currently kinda obsessed with Deaf PeterParker spideytorch AU
like Peter who was born Hard of Hearing and got hit in the head so much as Spidey that even the advanced healing couldn't stop him from going completely Deaf
Johnny desperately trying to learn ASL so he can talk to his pal spidey instead of just texting each other when they hang out and absolutely not because he has a massive crush on him
Peter signing about Johnny with Wade and how annoying he is but how he also really likes him and then one day Johnny replied and Peter and Wade are just like :0
Johnny's ASL grammar leaves something to be desired when he asks Peter to be his boyfriend but Peter is so excited and touched that he doesn't care at all
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Love it that when Felicia is out committing crimes Peter is like 'nooo don't do this 😭😭 I know you know better than this Cat 🥺🥺 this isnt the life you wanna live 😞 babe stop fr'
Then when it's Wade he's just like
'what the fuck is wrong with you?'
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jeffsharkz · 5 months
Gwen pool art dump :)
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luvghostie · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could maybe make headcannons of Deadpool with a S/O that struggles with anxiety? If not that's fine!
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Wade tries to be there the best he can. Between fighting and regenerating lost limbs, it’s rather hard at times. Missing parts don’t stop him from comforting you. Even when he’s getting his ass beat his main thought is if you’re okay.
He knows the signs of your anxiety kicking in. Whether it’s no eye contact, going quiet, or short breaths, he catches on right away.
If it's just you and him, Wade will move you to a more remote or comforting place. There are times when you have panic attacks while the x-force is around. Rusty is the main priority of the team, well... Most of the team. As soon as Wade sees you shaking or breathing rapidly he'll forget all about the boy.
If your boyfriend isn't there while you have a panic attack (which doesn't happen a lot) Yukio is the next best person to go to. She's kind and very patient with you as she understands what's happening.
Arms wrapped around each other cuddling as close as possible, it's the way he calms you down. Hell, Wade will even lay you on top of him if it helps.
You'll probably have tons of stuffed animals. Even if you don't need them he still insist it's nice having one.
If someone caused your anxiety to peek I promise you they'll be gone soon. That's if the person isn't of value to you. He might be crazy but, he won't kill your mom or dad without consent from you. Wade would 100% kill anyone else though, even if they're part of the team. Love and loyalty over anything else.
Many many times he's gotten shit for putting you before the mission. He doesn't take it out on you though, never does. In fact, he'd die defending and protecting you if necessary.
Overall, Wade loves you a lot and will do anything to make you feel better. It doesn't matter if it takes minutes, hours, or days he has time to wait. Even if it was a century he'll wait by your side because you're worth it.
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kaethefangirl · 6 months
Wade Wilson is a bottom.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Request! So could you do like, how some of the marvel characters (your choice) would react to the reader surprise hugging them? You don't have to do this of course! Also have a good day gor night!
Marvel characters x Male reader
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I shall be using my faves, hope you enjoy ;) These are shorter, but there’s more characters than I normally do. I was imagining the reader and the characters are already in a relationship in this :).
Steve Rogers
-          Depending on the time, I imagine Steve reacts differently. If hes heavily focused on what hes doing, I think hed give a small jolt and turn around. When he realizes its you, he hugs you back.
-          Or he will have heard you coming, supersoldier hearing you know. Hed let you sneak up on him though, and turn around at the last second to surprise hug you first.
  Bucky Barnes
-          You won’t be able to sneak up on Bucky. With all the training hes had, he heard you the moment you stepped into the room.
-          He would indulge you though, and let you “sneak” up on him and let you wrap your arms around him. I think hed place his hands on your arms so he could hold you as well, maybe lean his head back to rest on your shoulder.
  Tony Stark
-          I think Tony would jump almost a mile into the air if he’s heavily focused with something or just oblivious to what’s happening around him.
-          Hed clutch at his chest and make some overexaggerated comments about how you scared the life outta him and how you shouldn’t scare a man with heart problems. Then he would kiss you and hug you.
  Steven Grant
-          Steven would be surprised and maybe give a tiny jolt or gasp, but he would melt into your arms and lean back against you.
-          Maybe he would even turn his head to kiss you on the cheek or you two would sway from side to side as he tells you about his day or current interests.
  Clint Barton
-          Good luck sneaking up on Clint. Using his spy training, I think he would either drop down, crawl between your legs and hug you from behind instead.
-          Or he would do some over the top flip over you to hug you from behind. When you pout at not being able to get him, he would pepper kisses all over your cheeks to cheer you up.
  Peter Parker
-          I think the only moment you could sneak up with a surprise hug on peter, would be during Star Wars marathons, when he’s doing homework, or working on spiderman stuff.
-          If he’s working on spiderman stuff, his first reaction would be to shove whatever he’s working on into his desk to hide it, but when he realizes its you, he sighs in relief and hugs you back. Other times he would just lean back against you.
  Eddie Brock
-          You can only sneak up on Eddie and Venom in the morning when they’ve just woke up. Venom is throwing together what he claims is breakfast, and Eddie is half asleep against the counters in the kitchen.
-          When you give him a surprise hug from behind, he almost spills his coffee, but he leans back to half sleep against your chest instead. He leans his head back to kiss your chin or cheek, and Venom purrs, giving you the closest a symbiote can to a kiss as well.
  Wade Wilson
-          Wade will throw himself around so fast that you can barely keep up and hug you too, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you into the air. No matter what height or size you are, he will lift you.
-          Wade will swing you around and call you the most over the top pet names, and then pucker his lips in an overexaggerated way demanding a kiss to be let down.
  Matt Murdock
-          Try all you might, you can never surprise hug Matt. He heard your heartbeat and smelled you the moment you entered the apartment.
-          He turns around the last second when you come up behind him, and wraps his arms around you instead. This ends with you grumbling about never being able to sneak up on him, making the man laugh and kiss your forehead.
  Frank Castle
-          Frank is another person you won’t be able to sneak up on. With all his training, even if you were training to sneak, he would know.
-          But he would still let you come up behind him and “surprise” him. He would just look over his shoulder at you, quirk a brow and smirk. Maybe he would kiss you, but then he would go back to doing whatever it was he was doing.
  Johnny Storm
-          Hugging Johnny all of a sudden would give him a shock, and hed almost drop what he was holding if he was holding anything where he would then fumble to catch whatever it was.
-          He would turn to look at you over his shoulder and pout, but would then smile when you kiss him on the cheek. Johnny would turn around in your arms and hug you back, squeezing you tight.
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