#but also I’m not mad about it
sunshinechay · 2 months
First it was daddy kink, then it was pet play. Then they gave us time travel and undercover twins. Then came the reincarnated lovers and mythical creatures. Now we also have omegaverse and transmigration to other bodies for a second chance at first love.
So you know they had to fit fuck or die in there somewhere. Glad to see it was from the first uncensored wuxia bl
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bardofavon · 6 months
not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…
‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.
even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.
I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.
fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.
idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.
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hellspawnmotel · 3 months
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maddie !
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sidras-tak · 1 year
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humanmaybe · 11 months
I make my grilled cheese with garlic bread (aka just sprinkling garlic salt into the butter on the bread) and if I have it I will add goat cheese.
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rendevok · 1 year
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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yourlocalabomination · 6 months
Tick Tock, Teddy-Bear.
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remxedmoon · 2 months
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when the star is in time or something idk i never played the game
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francy-sketches · 5 months
Whenever people talk about lack of media literacy they always bring up people who think a character doing bad things=the author endorsing said bad things which are very annoying but I feel like we're ignoring the opposite, equally annoying side of the discourse who think if you criticize the inclusion/depiction of dark/sensitive topics in any way it’s bc you’re a dumb baby who can’t separate fiction from reality. and it's like no I know I’m not supposed to clap and cheer at violence against women I’m criticizing how much of it there is. Idiot
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bloobydabloob · 5 months
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Lil Hal design ideas that kept glitching and posting weird. Let’s give this one last shot.
Dirk and Hal ramblings under cut if you want to give them a read.
Screenshots this time because I am not formatting this text for the fifth time. Good lord.
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+ An extra doodle for your troubles. Thanks if you read any of that
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sittinginsunflowers · 5 months
I can’t stop thinking about how every parental figure in Kristen’s life has failed her by prioritizing their other kids.
Obviously, her bio parents are racist assholes who raised her in a fundamentalist cult, and kicked out at 15, all because her parents were offended she was “taking her friends’ side over theirs.” Which she didn’t, what she did was ask for answers and tell them that Daybreak tried to kill her but they refused to believe her. Instead, they chose to make her homeless so she doesn’t spread the idea that her parents don’t know everything. Two years later, and they’re still doing the same thing at the diner.
Then there’s Jawbone and he’s Tracker’s guardian, and unlike Adaine, she didn’t get a speech about how he’d take her in, or what their relationship was, she just moved in with her girlfriend, and he was the adult of the house. And now that she and Tracker have broken up, he and Sandra Lynn don’t seem to have made the time to talk to her about what that means for her place in this family. Adaine came back from spring break to gifts for every birthday she had without Jawbone and adoption papers. Kristen’s mail from her school was going to her parents’ house when she lives with the guidance counselor.
Then, there’s the fact that when Sandra Lynn and Jawbone moved in together, she took on a role she clearly wasn’t ready for, as she was still repairing her relationship with Fig. Kristen had to be the one to finally snap her out of her self destructive spiral with Garthy and then Sandra Lynn asked her to keep it a secret. Meaning she wouldn’t be able to tell Tracker, the only person who has been meeting her emotional and physical safety needs, above just giving her a room to live in. (And we know this is true because part of the reason Nara and Tracker are together is because Nara doesn’t need those things from Tracker). And yes, Sandra Lynn apologizes to the whole group, as she should, for putting their home in jeopardy, which is a massive step. But she never talks to Kristen about putting her between the 3 people responsible for keeping her out of her parent’s house.
So Sandra Lynn calls Fig, “her only daughter in the world,” and Jawbone is only legally responsible for Adaine and Tracker, and neither of them, nor any other adult, has asked if Kristen feels safe or if she’s okay. Like I’m sorry, who the fuck is taking care of the cleric who’s god and teacher died in the same year, is going through deprogramming from a cult that wants her back, her first breakup, seeing her estranged parents and siblings again, and now being expelled on zero grounds despite working herself to the bone to make sure her party gets to go to college?
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sacriou · 5 days
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Life is short, draw that grieving grown man like a kitty cat.
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taardisblue · 10 months
ok so I think I might just be really sad about all the Doctor Moments™️ we’re not going to get with 15? you know, with a new doctor there are all these Things you get: running around in the old outfit, the wooziness of the post-regen period, the first “I am the Doctor”, the first time they see their new tardis…… and here it was all. david tennant? I’m not even going to go back on the 13’s clothes situation bc everything has already been said but 15’s first moments having to do with comforting 14? 15’s first “I am the Doctor” moment being in response to 14’s? showing 14’s reaction to the new tardis instead of 15? idk man. feels bad.
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PJO/HOO Hot Take -
So I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about who’s the best godly parent, specifically father, in PJO. Most people either say Hades, Poseidon, or Apollo and imo those are all incorrect, here’s why -
1. HADES - straight up, while he payed child support (shocking), he also…
- told his only living child (Nico) that he wished he’d died instead of his sister
- has manipulated him many times, stole his and Bianca’s memories (ethics on this can be debated)
- basically did exactly what Hermes did to Luke and May but with Hazel and Marie
2. POSEIDON - didn’t even pay child support smh
- only began a relationship with Percy after he was singled out by Zeus ( + didn’t defend him in the slightest)
- only continued said relationship because of necessity
- left Sally and Percy without any defences making them turn to a literal abuser for help
- generally just a deadbeat dad, also what about his other kids? Last PJO book he admits he has like 13 demigod kids and we just..never see them? (Uncle Rick probs forgot but I’m still blaming Poseidon for continuity or smth)
3. APOLLO - while he does care about his children he also…
- wasn’t there for the funerals of any of his kids
- had never even spoken to most of his kids despite having visited camp on multiple occasions
- straight up only started fathering after being turned mortal and he wasn’t even good at it (of course people grow, I’m not hating on Apollo/Lester as a character just as a father)
Rather, the best dad in the series has been there since day 1 - Dionysus. Here’s why imo -
- Has been present in both his sons lives since birth, as well as having essentially joint-custody of them
- literally just the whole thing about Castors funeral after the titan war
- genuinely cared about them and claimed all his children without being asked (those were the only 2 he had)
- as well as making sure they were safe and cared for (aside from the war but shit happens)
- understands the issues that come with being a demigod/parenting a demigod because he was one himself
- there’s more but I have a hand cramp rn so yea
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hawnks · 4 months
As your resident Gojo Understander, I do not believe he would have given a shit about what Yuuta is doing. Why is everyone so mad? This is literally the desecration of morals manga tm, don’t get squeamish now.
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noctude · 7 months
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