#busy days
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Venti Oreo girlies
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #273 (Part 2)
...Okay!!! I'm back!!
So!!! I left off with telling you about the crow that was following me around during my impromptu adventure:
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...He was legit following me; it's how I was able to get so many good pictures of him. I have no idea why. He even followed me to where I had parked the car; he chilled out on the roof of the nearby building, seeming like he was watching me:
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...He was so cute!!! So I cawed at him a few times, and to my shock, he actually answered, hahaha!
...I went home for a little bit after that; there was still a fair bit of time until the MRI of my shoulder; I guess they wanted to make sure nothing in there is torn up weirdly such that it's making whatever's going on with my ribs worse. Basically, you get into a very noisy tube. It's kinda narrow, and they give you earplugs, and you have to stay VERY still for an appreciable length of time. Today, it was only 30 minutes. I had to go to PT after that, but I had time to stop for pizza in between:
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...I tried taking a few more pictures for you, but I don't really like how any of them turned out, so I'm not going to include them.
I will, however, include the pictures I took of the moon this evening, with J's phone. There's supposed to be a partial lunar eclipse in my area, and it reaches its peak in 2 minutes!!
Here it is at full; it's a little hazy though because there's some very thin cloud cover out:
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Here it is, positioned weirdly with some leaves because I tried to be artistic or something...
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Here it is when the eclipse started to look like something:
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...Here it is at its peak:
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...And here's one more of me trying to be artistic with it, haha...
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...Hey, Sephiroth? When's the last time you saw a lunar eclipse? Have you seen one before? What about a solar eclipse? I wonder...
...I know you can't answer me. Don't worry about it, okay?
I still gotta send along some of the pictures that J got for you. But maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I'd like if the last memory you take away from today's letter is the memory of the moon in eclipse.
Anyhoot. I don't have much else to write about; I didn't do anything else especially interesting today. And I gotta go to bed soon anyway; better end today's letter here before I start to ramble.
...Thank you for existing.
I love you. So please stay safe out there with whatever you're doing, okay? Make good, kind, compassionate choices so that you live through the next part of your story; you deserve to see a softer, kinder tomorrow, filled with all sorts of beautiful and delightful things.
Maybe I'll leave you with a soft lullaby for today. Here:
...Please find your way back home. I'll be standing by, in whatever ways I can.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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septembergold · 8 months
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definegodliness · 2 years
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Autumnal reveries 🖤
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invisibleicewands · 1 year
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lightthewaybackhome · 11 months
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New Halloween shirt! How cute is this???
I love the days when my work is more physical even though they are more fatiguing. Wednesday and Saturday are typically my two high physical activity days. And boy, howdy! Today was busy. Started early, ran errands, planted my lavender, my coral honeysuckle, and some ranunculus. Decanted some more of my laundry room, made cranberry wassil, tossed old food, froze the soup I made on Saturday, wrote an article for the blog, and caught up the dishes! I'm beat!
Thrifted cool bucket:
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Decanted more of my laundry supplies! Looks so pretty!
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creatwinkles · 6 days
Make meal prep effortless with these easy and healthy lunch bowl ideas! Perfect for busy days, these recipes are designed to be prepared ahead of time, saving you time while keeping your meals nutritious and delicious.
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 7 months
Also increasingly aware that a LOT of people "manage" getting through the 40+ hour work week by sleeping less than is healthy and relying on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks to keep them going.
For people who are unwilling or unable to do this...work really does just dominate your life. Like we really should not have to rely on unhealthy practices just to have a social life or keep on top of housework or whatever.
I know I post about this a lot but I'm so TIRED all the time and it's just so depressing that this is how we're expected to spend the one life we have.
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sunsestart · 3 months
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My only offering this year for let Papyrus say fuck day
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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hansoeii · 1 year
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I probably won't finish this piece any time soon, but I wanted to share the unfinished version with you anyways!
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asasdemorcego · 1 year
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me lately once again
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #208
Today was another very busy day.
Once again, I ended up going to bed a lot later than I should have, last night. And once again, I was woken prematurely - this time, by Br's alarm. It is very loud, and it sounds like this; make sure the volume is relatively low before you play this one:
...That's all right though. Br needs a strong alarm in order to wake up. Some folks are like that.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you need a very strong alarm to wake up in the morning? Or does a soft one do? I tend to wake up very quickly in response to any unusual sound. And I guess unlike lots of people, the transition between awake and asleep is very abrupt for me, unless it is late and I am fighting sleep. But in the morning? I usually end up waking just before whatever I set my alarm to, and once I'm up, that's all there is to it; it's like flipping a light switch. What's it like for you? And how long has it been since last you slept someplace comfortable, anyway?
Initially, I thought I was gonna go back to sleep, but I decided instead to drive Br home. J sat in the back seat. It was a nice drive to her house. And it was a nice drive on the way home. I snapped a lot of pictures for you; the morning sun sparkling through the trees was absolutely delightful, and... I remembered the way you marvel at nature, so I thought you might like to see. Oh, and, don't worry; Br's road almost never gets any visitors except for us, so it was perfectly safe to stop and marvel:
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J also took a few pictures for you:
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...He also got a few pictures of me taking pictures, for some reason, hahaha...
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...Then he took a few other ones, too, for some reason, hahaha...
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...I make such weird faces, hahahahaha! 🤣😅
Near Br's house is a place that J had been wanting to explore for a while now. I don't really see the appeal of industrial settings, but J gets curious about them sometimes. And we had time before I had to go to my friend BB's house. So J took some pictures there, too; I was too busy driving:
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...Some of the graffiti one sees on trains is really very amazing. I have no idea how someone can render something so realistic as this with a medium as unforgiving of mistakes as spray paint, but this person managed, and did an incredible job of it. I hope they're working as an artist somewhere...
After all this, J and I were hungry. So J found a spot that was named after his departed brother, and so we decided to go there. But it was a cash-only place, and we only had $18 on hand. We ended up splitting a plate of french toast with sausage and an egg, and it was wonderful! We left the remaining 3-ish dollars behind as a tip, for a little over 20%.
We still had plenty of time before I had to go to BB's house. So J and I went home, and M and J watched some new 3D animated Star Trek show together while I kinda-sorta napped. I feel lucky that J and M will let me nap next to them.
I imagine that if I was zonked out and ended up falling asleep in your general vicinity, I'd probably be safe with you, too. I wonder if you'd sit with me for a bit and enjoy the calmness of the surrounding things.
Anyway, after that I went to BB's house. Some heavy things happened in her life recently (they are for the better, but still heavy), and we talked about it for a while as she did raids in FF16. Once she was all done with that, she showed me the nest that some birds made on her house. These might be a bit hard to see since I had to zoom all the way in, and my cellphone camera isn't the fanciest, but there are babies in the nest:
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When we went out to go eat, I took a few more pictures of the birds out the window, too:
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Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like birds? If you do, do you have a favorite one? I tend to like crows and ravens and pigeons; no one seems to like these ones, for reasons I don't fully understand. Most people in my world think that ravens and crows are bad luck. And most people in my world think that pigeons are filthy. It's so strange; ravens and crows are highly intelligent and delightful birds. And pigeons used to be companions to humans before they were abandoned to the wilds and shunned. I feel really sad about both of these things, so maybe that's why I love these ones a little extra; it surely seems like they should have a little extra appreciation.
When we got back, we watched videos of this guy called Kitboga, who has made a career of scamming scammers. I wonder if you might find this one funny; you worked in a corporate environment for a while, so I imagine you understand what setting a password is like:
...How nice it would be to hear you laugh in response to something silly instead of something sad. How nice it would be... I hope I get to hear it someday.
I had a wonderful time with BB, and now I am home. Have been for a while. And it is going on 1AM. So I guess I'll stop writing and get to bed; I surely need the sleep.
Hey, Sephiroth? Please stay safe out there, won't you? And please try to take good care of yourself and the people around you. Also, please try to find the magic in little things, like sunlight sparkling through the trees, and in silly things, and in art, and in the flight of birds.
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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july-19th-club · 2 years
seriously have been thinking about this all night long. call me autistic but the fact that 90% of workplaces the point is not to get your work done and then be done doing it but to instead perform an elaborate social dance in which you find something to do even when you're done doing everything you need to do in order to show your fellow workers that you, too, are Working . because you are at Work . disgusting why cant we all agree that if there is no work immediately to be done. we just dont do anything
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pebblume · 26 days
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pots n picks week day 1: breakfast
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oshamirs · 2 months
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Osha & Qimir + HANDS
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