#born to slay forced to baby girl
Heart breaking news for Baby Girl Aaron Dessner fans everywhere.
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moonshynecybin · 1 month
what are your favorite aus you’ve ever come up with?
GOOD question i've churned out quite a few and i dont think i've ever lumped em together... uh full disclosure a lot of my fav aus were collabs or asks sent by my lovely mutuals :) they rule and are probably my faves so i'll lead with those
FCO: forced coming out au... she's maina @kingofthering and i's baby. marc and vale caught fucking in an alleyway a few months after the sepang fallout and vale comes forward to fake date marc in order to keep him from losing his ride... very much about the violence of fame and vale sort of using his influence with the media to PROTECT marc rather than harm him. a fun time with lots of fraught fake dating your ex situations. visuals here
same age au: elle @lestelledreams dropped this in my lap because shes a genius ! and two fics on ao3 were written about it which is CRAZY. basic premise is how it sounds: marc marquez is born in 1979 and they spend their early years doing a very codependent little rivalry/first love dance that gets cracked the fuck open right around the time of marc's arm injury. sweet and very y2k and very about them being stupid overly-competitve teens with REALLY different vibes and sort of. only being able to identify with each other i love it a lot
kayaking/whitewater au: niche sport forever i think about her all the time. kind of my own way to excise some personal feelings as a girl who quit doing a death sport as a teen and then kind of continued working in the same industry as said deathsport and who's brother's lack of little danger voice in his head wrt to the sport reads very marc to me. also im tortured because i simply think they would be very good at it. marc let me get you in a half-slice hard boat pspspsps... and tbh they just fit the vibe. need vale to meet an old man kayaker its the fookin same
reporter au: yayyyyy i love mess. this one is more about saw trapping these fools im like hmm what would hurt marc a LOT. oh never being able to ride only being able to interact with the sport from the other side of the proverbial glass. what would hurt vale a LOT. oh being in love with a REPORTER. lots of half chances and repressed anger and being kind of damaged so you blow your relationships the fuck up. also a sepang-esque scenario that dials in on marc's vindictive streak through it all which i enjoy. my wife is a bitch.
teen mom au: marc with a liddle baby. vale being kind of psycho. what more could you want
bridgerton au: their weird older sibling slay and repressed freak ass horny selves. thank you.
proximity au and emotional bond transference: theres a post missing from this tag and i cant find it :( anywayssss if they arent gonna feel empathy towards each other im going to MAKE them as a sort of benevolent god
amnesia au: i think about this one literally all the time. time travel too its like. the fantasy of erasing their past. for BOTH of them. reset button. but the thing is you CANT... and maybe you dont even WANT to.... also a marc saw trap bc SO much has changed for him…
fantasy au: i think marc would look hot in a doublet and the academy guys as a sort of. fail knights of the roundtable is good 2 me. fun exploration of marc and injury in many ways just add some swords and class dynamics
anastasia au: one of the OGs. don bluth animation.....
threesome au: :3333 lets get nasty.. actually theres two :3
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blnk338 · 2 years
My dearly beloved blnk,
I’m afraid this will be my last correspondence of the day, due to my lack of sleep. But setting that aside you may in fact refer to me as pipebomb, if you so wish. I also may not be as eloquently as thee but I will my try my best to meet thy standards.
And to proceed with our previous conversation, I not only have a big interest in marine mammals, but land mammals as well. Do you know much about spotted hyenas other than their infamous laugh? We’ll if you don’t, you may be surprise to find out that they are also matriarchal animals as well. There is a single leading female for the entire clan. Clans tend to span from 8-80 members on average. But unlike orcas who are very family oriented, in hyena society, it’s every hyena for themselves. Females tend to be 30% bigger than males from birth so they already have a physical advantage from the very beginning. They also have a semi-complex hierarchy. Even the lowest ranking female outranks the highest ranking male.
When born, Pups immediately inherit their mothers ranking, so if a pup happens to be born a daughter to the matriarch, she will have it easy for the rest of her life (as long as her mothers keeps her position). A male born to the matriarch however will only have her ranking until he is of age, after that he will be forced by his mother to leave the clan and fend for himself to find his own clan. This is done to avoid inbreeding (this happens to all males born into a clan).
The next fact can make people quite uncomfortable, so if learning about animal anatomy can make you feel queasy, then please proceed with caution. Female hyenas have penises. It’s more of a penile clitoris, but a penis nonetheless. This is due to the extremely high levels of testosterone during pregnancy. A male cannot physical mate with a female without her full consent. A true win if you ask me, the bare minimum really but a win.
In short, female spotted hyenas are girl bosses. They slay until the day the die. I hope this hasn’t bored you to death, and if you’ve read this far, I thank you.
Sincerely yours,
the sun has risen over the horizon and i am pleased to read what i have on hyenas! they are quite the creature
while i do not have any fun mammal facts, i was a bug kid, and allow your eyes to feast upon... this!!
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now that you've seen this wretched thing, remove its image from your mind. weevils are foolish, dinky little creatures
allow your mind to go somewhere far nicer, far cuter, and gaze upon this endearing critter instead
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this is a jumping spider, cute, fuzzy, and full of love
these intelligent little creatures will hop around-- yes, actually jump unlike many other insects-- sometimes for travel, but mostly for hunting!! and guess what... these little fellows are venomous!! but just like daddy longlegs, they don't have the bite to hurt humans!! they'll use their venom to paralyze prey... but to us? oh they're fuzzy little things
they can also be trained!! oh and they can dance! they can dance if they want to! they can leave this world behind!
their big eyes give them fantastic sight-- so yes, they can see you!! but they're quite unique in their seeing abilities. to put it simply, big eyes mean color, small eyes mean black and white
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here are a few of my favorite babies
the white moustache jumping spider
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bagheera kiplingi
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the bold jumper
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
yay for the open requests! I really reallyyyyyy love your Harry's older sister hc, could u pretty pls do more? like their brief life as a family with lily and james, then to the dursleys and then at war, so on. I agree with the anon that did the request, harry does needed a bigger sister❤️
ok so this is L O N G i need to add a keep reading tab
alright so let's talk about harry's older sister
so lily and james did not plan you
they were straight out of hogwarts
just having fun
and suddenly lily is having morning sickness and james running into a store to buy a pregnancy test (or whatever the wizard equivalent would be 😗)
james would be so nervous the weeks leading up to your birth
he already knows that you aren't even here yet and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you
and when you are born
he swears he'd never love anything as much as he loves you
his little girl
this sweet little lump of baby fat that was born with eyes just like his
he'd put his glasses on your little baby face, and he could laugh for hours at the way they just barely sat on your little nose (a miniature version of his)
your chubby little baby hands are his favorite
when you'd plan your hands on his face or wrap your hand around his finger he'd melt
Lily would joke all the time about how she carried the baby yet James is constantly hogging her
I think james would have some serious separation anxiety
Lily would also have trouble leaving you to go do something but she knew that you getting to see other people would be good
james is NOT a fan
and you were a big daddy's girl
"it's going to be alright, darling, uncle Padfoot and uncle Moony will take care of you."
and you'd respond with sad baby talk, something along the lines of 'daddy' and 'wanna stay with you' and you'd get all teary eyed
it's a whole dramatic scene
youre crying
james is about to cry
Sirius is quite literally trying to sob silently into his hand because you just look so sAD
and remus and lily are just
because you guys do this eVERY TIME
there was one time james got back into the car with lily after dropping you off and he was unusually quiet until he kinda just whispered out
"It just feels like i'll never have enough time with her, like one day i'll wake up and suddenly she's not mine anymore."
his tone gave Lily the worst chills, his tone and the fact that she felt the same though never voiced it
i don't think harry was planned either
he kinda just happened
and they were like
you know what, yes.
so you were two when harry was born
and you LOVED your baby brother
he was so small
so cute
and he had your mum's green eyes
from the get go you were very protective of your little brother
james thought it was the cutest thing
ok ive been avoiding it
but we need to talk about October 31 1981
you were upstairs with our mum and harry
james was downstairs cleaning up from dinner
that was when there was a knock on the door
assuming it was peter, uncle wormtail, james was quick to go open the door
grabbing his wand for protection was the last thing on his mind
the thud of his body was loud
he was killed before he could even open his mouth to warn Lily
the door to Harry's nursery flew open and it all happened so fast
there was screaming
a sudden flash fo green before Voldemort turned to harry
his cold, pale hand pushed you out of his way
the prophecy had said nothing about you, so he didn't care for what happened to you he just needed to kill harry
which obviously backfired
half the house was blown up
he was gone
harry was crying
and you just wanted your dad
you found your way downstairs, just barely making it down the steps
lily and james had never let you go up or down the steps on your own
only to come face to face with your dad just lying on the ground motionless
his eyes were still open
now i want you guys to think of the lion king
you know the scene where simba finds mufasa's dead body and just lays with it because he doesn't know where else to go
you just wanted any kind of comfort you could find
so with tear streaks going down your face you slayed next to your dad, getting as close as you could, hoping he'd just wake up
sirius is the one who finds you, asleep next to james' body
it was rather rough for sirius
and he could hear harry crying somewhere upstairs
you wake up to uncle padfoot trying to keep in his tears as he takes in the scene before him
you're just glad to see a familiar face
you run over to him, tears freshly falling as you wail about how daddy and mommy won't wake up
you also gently pull james' glasses off his face and keeping them in your small hand
keeping them safe for him later
you knew he didn't like to sleep with his glasses on
eventually hagrid shows up
you guys know the story
but i will say
it takes a lot for you to leave uncle pads and go with this big strange man
youre basically heaving as you beg to stay with sirius
and forcing you off his hip and onto the bike with hagrid was the worst thing he's ever had to do
even for a two year old, youre eyes held such a strong emotion of betrayal
sirius would never forget it
the dursley's were not fond of you and harry
you had james temper and stubbornness
harry was just a 6 month old baby
doing 6 month old baby things
for the first month you'd ask for james, lily, uncle moony, uncle padfoot, even uncle wormtail on a daily basis
until one day petunia just snapped
you had asked about sirius, or as you called him uncle padfoot, and petunia lost it
she started to shout, her hand coming out to strike your cheek as she told you that no one was coming
not now
not ever
you never asked after that
over time you forgot about sirius and remus and peter
you forgot about the song your dad would sing every saturday morning when making breakfast
or the way your mom would hum when she brushed your hair
all lily and james had become were familiar scents and the same pair of eyes you'd see in your dreams (though for a long time you just assumed they were your eyes, they looked enough like yours)
and you grew up always feeling like you were on the wrong side of a billowing curtain
you and harry grew up only having each other
you were very protective of him
and dudley hated it
because you had James art for pranks
and his art for rarely getting caught
unfortunately for you petunia and vernon didn't need evidence to incriminate you
you were often on the receiving end of disciplinary swats and missed meals
and you'd often take harry's punishments for him
you and harry were also forced to share a room
or cupboard
you let him decorate it with all his things (he didn't have many)
and you guys shared a bed up until you got your hogwarts letter
which that was kept very quiet
you got the letter
and petunia and vernon were just glad to be able to send you and your pranks away
you weren't allowed to tell harry
but you did anyway
you didn't tell him all the details but you told him that you were going to a school far away and you'd be back whenever aunt petunia let you back
going to school was interesting
you didn't know anyone
you still have james' glasses
you put them on when youre nervous
so youre sitting in the train
first day
you don't know anyone
big round glasses sitting on your nose as you look out the window barely able to see what's going on
james was as blind as a bat
on the train you spend your time reading your new books
absorbing all the material
you were not going to just walk into this new school of mAGIC not knowing aNYTHING
by the time you got there you were at leas base level with most subjects
some were easier to catch onto than others
as long as you didn't let the logical side of your brain do too much work
within the first week you'd find out about your parents
curtesy of older gryffindor kids who knew your last name and were just amazed by the story
she remembers when james had written to her with the news of Lily's pregnancy with you
and how he was nervous you'd come out just like him and he wouldn't be able to handle you as well as she had, he was asking her for advice
and when you walked up to sit on the chair she nearly dropped her scroll of parchment and pulled you into a hug
you looked just like him
dark hair
pale skin
same eyes and eye shape
and same habit of picking at the skin around your thumb nail when nervous
the hat announcing you were a gryffindor was very overwhelming for her
then she realizes you
are e x a c t l y
like james
and merlin is she tiRED OF THIS SHIT
ok so at this point i am going to direct you to the other headcanon (linked above) if you want a more fred x reader approach 
continue here if not
so youre on the quidditch team
and youre a natural 
let me tell you
you just have the innate ability 
much like james
and at first they had you as a seeker
and you were good
but you excelled as a chaser 
i also firmly believed that there was a practice broom that james had carved his name into
or maybe just a ‘J.P.’
that was the broom you'd practice on
even use for games before you got your own broom
ok so
let’s talk your relationship with harry 
you made sure you were the one to tell him what happened to your parents
as i said it was your first year when you fond out about what happened 
the gryffindor student had told you what they knew
and you went to professor mcgonagall pretty distraught 
you were near tears as you practically begged her to just tell you what happened, you wanted the truth 
because all your life your aunt and uncle had told you that your parents had been killed in a car accident 
needless to say 
you didn't want harry to find out that way
but you also knew he was noticing the stares
the whispers
so you told him on the first night
he had already been put into gryffindor and was getting ready for bed when you are up to his dorm 
and you kinda push out ron, neville, and dean 
but yeah thats how he finds out all the details and such 
ok so you and harry are sUPER CLOSE
and you are very 
v e r y
protective of harry 
you'd do anything for the kid 
because harry is your baby brother and you love him so much and don't like seeing him hurt 🥺
as harry grows older he gets a bit more
about having you protective over him
and im pretty sure i mentioned this in the last headcanon post 
but yeah he’d be like 14 and you'd be 17 and he'd just
“stOP this is so emBARRASSING”
what a little dweeb
until your fifth year (harry’ third) when you were told he betrayed your parents and got them killed 
youre in the whomping willow when with harry, hermione, and ron 
its a lot for both of you
because sirius is seeing his goddaughter who looks just like james, and his the same fire in her eyes as his bestrfriend
his b r o t h e r 
and youre seeing the man who was responsible for your parents murder 
it was A LOT
i have a feeling you, JAMES POTTERS DAUGHTER, would just lunge at him 
and youre crying
trying to hit him
hurt him like he hurt you
just anything to bring pain upon this man
and sirius is having flashbacks of when you had ran to him from next to james’ lifeless body 
and how different everything had been just days prior to October 31 1981
upon finding out the truth 
scammers is now wormtail
peter ‘little bitch ass’ pettigrew
you and harry are immediately forming this connection
this sort of dependency on sirius 
within a few minutes
because he is the only living connection you have to your dad 
apart from yourselves of course
but eh was the only reminder that james potter was a real man 
and lily potter did exist 
and there was a time where your family was complete 
it never crossed your mind that any more misfortune could strike 
not now 
not when you finally got back your uncle pads
and then you guys walk into the moonlight, the full moon light
everything flips instantly 
you guys are back to square one 
i like to think you have a very big part in getting sirius free 
so you guys know what happen in between prisoner of azkaban and order of the phoenix 
and this headcanon is already getting very long and we haven't even gotten to the wAR YET 
so we are doing a little time jump
order of the phoenix 
your last year
you are living with sirius in grimmauld place 
petunia and vernon kicked you out once you turned 17 after finding out that was the legal age in the wizarding world
you and sirius are close 
super close
i mean he is like a father figure to you
he is uncle pads again
youre a gazelle 
it just makes sense
father figure sirius is not happy when he finds out
uncle pads, however, couldn't be happier
its finally starting to feel like a family again
you and harry have sirius 
everything is falling into place
you and harry are filling the james sized hole in Sirius’ heart (not completely but it’s better)
and he is doing the same for you two
you and harry love your uncle pads
then the battle in the department of mysteries happens 
youre there
you see it 
you watch as bellatrix hits sirius with a curse 
youre not sure which 
nothing too serious you hope, and seeing that he’s still standing he should be fine 
but then he stumbles
she's stunned him perhaps 
and he makes eye contact with you
there was a look so final, so sad
yet so relieved in his eyes as you watched him fall through the veil
remus grabbed harry
tonks held you
if she hadn’t been you knew you would've thrown yourself into the veil after him
its a whirlwind from then on let me tell you
so we know what happens
all that fun stuff 
the war hits
harry, hermione, and ron leave
youre left with the weasley’s 
it’s hard being away from harry
not knowing if he was ok
if he was even alive 
you guys finally reunite at shell cottage 
bill calls you the second he sees harry, hermione, ron, and dobby apparate in front of his house
you were quick to pull harry into a bone crushing hug 
keen on never letting go 
because after all he is still (and always will be) your baby brother 
you guys are all at the battle of hogwarts
ok so hear me out 
i think harry enjoyed looking at pictures of james and lily
but you didnt
you didnt want to see everything that was taken from you
so you weren’t super aware of what your dad actually looked like seeing as you avoided pictures of him and your mom like the plague 
but you just knew 
and james was standing there
and he just looked so proud of you and harry 
so did lily 
she was the first one to say something 
“Your father and I are so proud of the both of you”
and you just broke down 
james right there with you 
he watched as you sobbed, choking on your cries 
and he couldn’t do anything about it 
he couldn’t hold you or comfort you
he couldn’t be a dad 
and it broke him
as much as it could break a dead man 
“you’ve grown so beautiful, darling” he'd smile sadly
his voice seemed to bring back all of your memories once lost 
“have you always been here, with us?”
“typical, your father shows up and everyone forgets about uncle padfoot”
both you and harry laugh at that 
but the mood was somber 
harry then speaks up
“does it hurt?”
it was the first time either of you had confirmed that you both knew what was going to happen 
“dying? not at all, quicker than falling asleep.”
“will you stay with me?”
“until the very end. 
james is the one who answers, looking teary eyes at his son
and you know you cant go any further 
harry has to do this alone 
its quite symbolic actually 
the one time you'd let go of the reigns 
removed the protective arms you had around your baby brother 
he’d die 
but you had to do it 
so everything goes as planned 
harry dies
comes back
we love a resurrecting king 
and the war ends 
when you got back home from the war 
let’s say you are still living at grimmauld place seeing as it was left to you 
the first thing you do is go through old photos with harry 
any and everything you can get your hands on 
you see your mother’s sparkling green eyes
the same eyes your brother had 
and your father’s unruly mop of curls 
the same wave pattern in your dark hair 
everything finally felt right 
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How the Tooth Fairy Became a Guardian
Extracted from Toothiana, Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies, third book in the Guardians of Childhood series by William Joyce.
In this series, which served as inspiration for the DreamWorks' Rise of the Guardians, William Joyce managed to create one of the craziest and most epic origin stories for the Tooth Fairy. If I'm not mistaken, in one interview, he himself admitted how crazy it was, and how it was inspired by jungle movies he watched as a kid.
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The bookworm bowed and told them, “The story of the Queen of Toothiana lies in volume six of Curious Unexplainables of the East.”
“Of course! I should have remembered that myself,” Ombric said, nodding. “Mr. Qwerty, please enlighten us.” (Ombric, the Wizard,and Qwerty, the literal bookworm, are characters that only appeared in the books)
The Guardians sat around the table while Mr. Qwerty began his tale.
“To know the story of Queen Toothiana,” he said, “you must first hear the tale of the maharaja, his slave Haroom, and the Sisters of Flight.”
“Sisters of Flight?” North interrupted.
“Sisters of Flight,” Mr. Qwerty repeated patiently. The image of a beautiful winged woman appeared on one of Mr. Qwerty’s pages. She was human-size, with long, willowy arms and legs and a heart-shaped face. But her wings were magnificent, and she held a bow and arrow of extraordinary design.
The Sisters of Flight were an immortal race of winged women who ruled the city of Punjam Hy Loo, which sits atop the steepest mountain in the mysterious lands of the Farthest East. An army of noble elephants stood guard at the base of the mountain. No humans were allowed to enter, for the mountain’s jungle was a haven for the beasts of the wild—a place where they could be safe from men and their foolishness.
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Toothiana’s father was a human by the name of Haroom. He had been sold at birth into slavery as a companion for a young Indian maharaja. Despite being slave and master, the maharaja and Haroom became great friends. But the maharaja was a silly, vain boy who had his every wish and whim granted. Yet this did not make him happy, for he always wanted more.
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Haroom, Toothiana's father
Haroom, who had nothing, wanted nothing and so was very content. Secretly, the maharaja admired his friend for this. For his part, Haroom admired the maharaja for knowing what he wanted���and getting it.
The maharaja loved to hunt and slay all the animals of the wild, and Haroom, who never tired of watching the powerful elegance of wild creatures such as tigers and snow leopards, was an excellent tracker. But he hated to see the animals killed, so when that moment came, he always looked away. As a slave, he could do nothing to stop his master. And so, with Haroom tracking, the maharaja killed one of every beast in his kingdom, lining the palace walls with their heads as trophies. But the one animal the maharaja coveted most continued to elude him.
In the mountain land ruled by the Sisters of Flight, there dwelled one creature that no slave, man, or ruler had ever seen: the flying elephant of Punjam Hy Loo.
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The maharaja was determined to do anything to have one for his collection, but every time he tried to force his way up the mountain, the elephant army at its base turned him back. He realized that he must find another way to reach Punjam Hy Loo.
In those ancient times no man had yet discovered the mystery of flight. But after demanding advice from his wizards and soothsayers, the maharaja learned a secret: Children can fly when they dream, and when the Moon shines brightly, their dreams can become so vivid that some of them come true. Sometimes the children remember, but mostly they do not. That is why children sometimes wake up in their parents’ beds without knowing how they got there—they flew!
The wizards told the maharaja a second secret.” At this, Mr. Qwerty lowered his voice, and all the Guardians leaned closer. “The memory of everything that happens to a child is stored in that child’s baby teeth.
And so the maharaja’s wizards gave him an idea: fashion a craft of the lost teeth of children and command it to remember how to fly. The maharaja sent out a decree throughout his kingdom, stating that whenever a child lost a tooth, it must be brought to his palace. His subjects happily complied, and it was not long before he had assembled a craft unlike any other the world had ever known.
Meanwhile, the maharaja ordered Haroom to make an archer’s bow of purest gold and one single ruby-tipped arrow. When the weapon was finished, the maharaja ordered Haroom to join him aboard the craft. Then he said these magic words:
the moonlit flights
of magic nights.’
And just as the royal wizards had promised, the craft flew silently through the sky, over the jungle, and past the elephants who guarded Punjam Hy Loo.
They descended from the clouds and flew into the still-sleeping city. In the misty light of dawn, the maharaja could hardly tell where the jungle ended and the city began. But Haroom, used to seeking out tracks, spotted some he had never seen before—tracks that could only belong to the flying elephant, for although they looked similar to a normal elephant’s, his keen eye saw one addition: an extra digit pointing backward, like that of a bird.
It did not take long to find the flying elephant, sleeping in a nest in the low-lying limbs of an enormous jujube tree. The maharaja raised the golden bow and took careful aim. The tip of the ruby arrow glittered in the first rays of morning sunlight. Haroom looked away.
Suddenly, there came an intense, cacophonous alarm, as if every creature of Punjam Hy Loo knew of the maharaja’s murderous intent. Charging down from the towers above came the Sisters of Flight, wings outstretched, with all manner of weapons at the ready—gleaming swords, razor-sharp daggers, fantastical flying spears with wings of their own. It was a sight so beautiful, so terrifying that Haroom and the maharaja froze.
Then the maharaja raised his bow again, this time aiming it at the Sisters of Flight. ‘Look, Haroom, an even greater prize,’ he exclaimed.
In that single moment Haroom’s whole life changed. He knew, for the very first time, what he wanted. He could not bear to see a Sister of Flight harmed. He ordered the maharaja to stop.
The maharaja paid his servant no heed. He let loose the arrow. Haroom blocked it. Its ruby tip pierced his chest, and he crumbled to the ground.
The maharaja stared in shock, then kneeled beside his fallen friend. Weeping, he tried to stop the flow of blood but could not. Haroom was dying.
The Sisters of Flight landed around them. The most beautiful of the sisters, the one the maharaja had meant to kill, approached them. ‘We did not know that any man could be so selfless,’ she said. Her sisters nodded.
With one hand, she grabbed the arrow and plucked it from Haroom’s chest, then kissed her fingertips and gently touched his wound.
Haroom stirred, and his eyes fluttered open. All he could see was the face of the Sister of Flight. And all she could see was the brave and noble Haroom.
He was a slave no more.
She took his hand, and in that instant her wings vanished.
The other sisters lunged toward the maharaja in fury. They raised their swords, and Haroom could see they meant to kill his former master. ‘He will no longer harm you,’ he said. ‘Please, let him go—send him on his way.’
The sisters looked from one to the other, then agreed. But they declared that the maharaja must leave all he brought with him. The golden bow, the ruby-tipped arrow, the flying craft of teeth, and Haroom, his only friend.
‘And one thing more. You must also leave your vanity and cruelty behind so that we can know and understand them.’
The maharaja was heartbroken but agreed.
The flying elephant glided down from his nest, and with his trunk, he touched the maharaja’s forehead, and all the vanity and cruelty went from him.
But once these things were gone, there was little left—the maharaja was as simple as a baby monkey. In fact, he even sprouted a tail and scampered away speaking gibberish, shrinking to the size of an infant.
His vanity and cruelty would never be forgotten—the flying elephant had them now, and an elephant never forgets. As for Haroom and the beautiful Sister of Flight, they were married and lived on in Punjam Hy Loo. Within a year, a child was born. A girl. Selfless like her father. Pure of heart like her mother. She was named Toothiana.
The child of Haroom and Rashmi (for that was Toothiana’s mother’s name) seemed to be a normal mortal child. As there were no other human children living in Punjam Hy Loo, her parents thought it best to raise her among other mortals, and so they settled on the outskirts of a small village at the edge of the jungle. The young girl was well loved and protected and lived a simple, happy life until she was twelve and lost her last baby tooth. That’s when all her troubles began.
“Troubles?” Katherine asked nervously. (Katherine is also another book only character. She is friend of the Guardians and future guardian herself, Mother Goose, guardian of the stories)
“Yes, troubles,” Mr. Qwerty said. “For when she lost her last baby tooth, Toothiana sprouted wings. By the end of this first miraculous day, she could fly with the speed of a bird, darting to the top of the tallest trees to choose the ripest mangoes, papayas, and starfruit for the children of the village. She played with the birds and made friends with the wind.
But while the children delighted in Toothiana’s new skill, the adults of the village were bewildered, even frightened, by this half bird, half girl. Some thought she was an evil spirit and should be killed; others saw ways to use her, as either a freak to be caged and paraded about, or to force her to fly to the palace of the new maharaja and steal his jewels.
Haroom and Rashmi knew that to keep their daughter safe, they would have to pack their few belongings and escape. And so they did, deep into the jungle. The village children, all of whom adored Toothiana, tried to persuade their parents to leave her alone. But it was no use. The grown-ups of the village had gone mad with fear and greed.
They built a large cage, hired the best hunters in the land, and asked them to capture the young girl. Among these was a hunter most mysterious. He spoke not a word and was shrouded from head to foot in tattered cloth stitched together with jungle vines. The villagers were wary of him, and even the other hunters found him peculiar. ‘He knows the jungle better than any of us—it’s as if he’s more a creature than a man,’ they remarked quietly among themselves.
But Haroom and Rashmi were as wily as any hunter. Haroom, knowing everything there was to know about tracking, could disguise their trail so that no one could follow it. And Rashmi, who could converse with any animal, enlisted their aid in confounding the hunters. Tigers, elephants, even giant pythons would intercept the hunters whenever they neared. But the hunters, eager for the riches and fame they’d receive if they caged Toothiana, would not give up.
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Rashmi, Toothiana's mother
The children of the village were also determined to thwart the hunters. They defied their parents, sending word to Toothiana and her mother and father again and again whenever the hunters were stalking the jungle. Toothiana, wiser still, hid in the treetops by day, only visiting her parents in the darkest hours of the night.
After weeks of the best hunters in the land failing to capture Toothiana, the cunning villagers became more sly. They secretly followed their children and discovered where Toothiana’s parents were hiding. They left a trail of coins for the hunters to follow. But only one hunter came—the one they almost feared. It was then that the Mysterious Hunter finally spoke. His voice was strange, high-pitched, almost comical, but his words were cold as death. ‘Seize the parents,’ he snarled. ‘Make it known that I will slit their throats if Toothiana does not surrender. That will bring this child of flight out of hiding.’
His plan made sense; the villagers did as he suggested. They attacked Haroom and Rashmi’s camp. With so many against them, the two surrendered without a fight. They had told their clever daughter to never try and help them if they were ever captured.
But the Mysterious Hunter had planned for that. He shouted out to any creature that could hear, ‘The parents of the flying girl will die by dawn if she comes not!’
The creatures of the jungle hurried to warn Toothiana that her parents were doomed if she did not come. Toothiana had never disobeyed her parents, but the thought of them at the dubious mercy of these grown-ups filled her with rage and determination, and she flew straight to her parents’ aid. She dove down from the treetops, ready to kill any who would try to harm her parents.
But Haroom and Rashmi were brave and cunning as well. Haroom, who had never harmed a living creature, was prepared to stop at nothing to prevent his daughter from being enslaved. And Rashmi, like all Sisters of Flight, had been a great warrior. As Toothiana neared, they slashed and fought like beings possessed. Toothiana flickered back and forth, hovering over her mother and father, reaching for them, but she did not have the strength to lift them up over the angry mob. Rashmi thrust a stringed pouch into her daughter’s hands. ‘Keep these to remember us by. Keep these to protect yourself,’ she pleaded to her child.
'Now go!’ commanded her father. ‘GO!’
With a heartrending cry, the winged girl did as her father ordered. She flew away but stopped, unsure of what to do. Her ears filled with the sound of the vengeful mob falling upon her parents.
‘Go!’ shouted her mother.
Toothiana flew wildly and desperately away. And as she went, she screamed from the depths of her soul. It was the scream of two beings: human and animal. It was a scream so pained and fierce that it caused all the villagers who were attacking her parents to go briefly deaf. All except . . . the Mysterious Hunter. He screamed back to Toothiana. His was a scream equally unsettling—a scream of rage and hate that was more animal than human. Toothiana knew in that instant that she had a mortal enemy—one who she must kill or be killed by.
But for now she would grieve. She flew to the highest treetop and huddled deep inside its foliage. She had no tears, only the blank ache of a now-empty life. She rocked back and forth in a trance of disbelief for a full day and night. Then she remembered the pouch her mother had thrust into her hands. Trembling, she opened it. Inside was a small box carved from a single giant ruby. It was covered in feathery patterns, and Toothiana knew that the box had once been the ruby-tipped arrow that had nearly killed her parents. Inside this beautiful box was a cluster of baby teeth and a note:
Our Dearest Girl,
These are the teeth of your childhood. If you have them under your pillow as you sleep, or hold it tightly, you will remember that which you need—a memory of happy days, or of deepest hopes, or even of us in better times.
But one tooth is not yours. It is a tooth of amazing power, and from what being it comes from, we do not know.
Use it only in times of the greatest danger or need.
Your Dearest Parents
Toothiana still did not cry, not even after reading the note. She slept with her baby teeth under her pillow and took solace in the dreams and memories it gave her.
Toothiana stayed in the jungle. She began to hate her wings. Once, she had thought them wondrous things, but now she saw them as the reason for the death of her parents. Her grief and loneliness knew no depths. The creatures of the jungle did what they could to help her, by bringing her food and making her treetop sleeping places as comfortable as possible. The children of the village tried to aid as well, but they now had to be doubly cautious of the village grown-ups.
As for Toothiana, she became more and more convinced that she belonged nowhere—not among the creatures of the jungle and certainly not among the humans of the village. She was alone. When she was at her very saddest, she would take one of her baby teeth from the carved box she always carried in her mother’s pouch she now wore around her neck, and hold it until it revealed its memories.
As the lonely years passed, Toothiana saw that the village children lost much of their innocence and some of their goodness as they grew up. She began to collect their teeth, so that, in the future, she could give them back their childhood memories and remind them of their kindness, just as her own parents had done for her.
Soon the children, not wanting their parents to find out, began to hide their lost teeth under their pillows for Toothiana to find. And she, cheered by this new game of sorts, began in turn to leave behind small bits of treasure she had found in the jungle. A gold nugget here. A sprinkling of sapphire chips there.
But you can imagine the curiosity that is stirred when a five-year-old sits down to breakfast with an uncut ruby in her palm, or when a ten-year-old boy comes to the table with a pocket full of emeralds. Once again the hearts of the grown-ups filled with greed, and it wasn’t long before they forced their children to tell them how they had come upon those treasures. Soon enough they had laid a new trap for Toothiana.
One dark, cloudy night Toothiana flew to the village to make her nightly rounds. A boy named Akela had lost his two front teeth, and Toothiana had a special treasure saved for him: two beautiful uncut diamonds. But as she entered his open window, it wasn’t Akela she found. Instead the Mysterious Hunter leaped toward her. From behind his shroud of rags, she could see the strangest eyes. Close together. Beady. Not entirely human. And cold with hate.
Toothiana’s rage clouded her keen intellect. All she could think was, I must get rid of this . . . thing! But before she could act, a steel door slammed down between her and the Hunter. She glanced around with birdlike quickness. The room was not Akela’s bedroom, but, in fact, a cleverly disguised steel cage.
She was trapped! The villagers cheered as the Hunter hauled away the cage. His platoon of slavelike helpers pulled the wheeled prison away from the villagers and into the jungle. The helpers were as strangely shrouded as the Hunter who commanded them was, and seemed excited by the capture. The children wept, begging their parents to let Toothiana go free. But they would not. The Mysterious Hunter had promised them riches beyond their dreams when he sold Toothiana.
Toothiana flung herself wildly against the cage, like a cornered eagle. But it did no good. The Hunter and his minions traveled swiftly through the night, deeper into the jungle. They knew the creatures of the wild would try to help Toothiana, so they carried the one weapon every animal fears: fire.
Torches were lashed to the roof of Toothiana’s cage. The Mysterious Hunter himself carried the brightest torch of all. The animals kept their distance, but they continued to follow the eerie caravan and keep watch over Toothiana, waiting for a chance to strike.
After days of travel they arrived at the base of the steep mountain of Toothiana’s birthplace—the kingdom of Punjam Hy Loo. The great elephants that guarded the mountain were standing at the ready, shifting back and forth on their massive feet. Toothiana’s jungle friends had warned them that the Mysterious Hunter was headed their way.
The Hunter did not challenge the elephants. He ordered his minions to halt and made no move to attack. Instead, he held his flaming torch aloft. ‘I bring a treasure to the Sisters of Flight and the flying elephant king who dwell in Punjam Hy Loo!’ he shouted into the night sky. The sky was empty; there was no sign of either the winged women who ruled there, or of the flying elephant.
The Hunter called out again. ‘I bring you the half-breed daughter of Haroom and Rashmi.’ At this, an otherworldly sound—like a rustle of trees in the wind—was heard. And indeed wind did begin to blow down from the mountain. It grew stronger and more furious, with gusts that nearly put out the torches.
Toothiana knew instinctually that this wind was sent by the Sisters of Flight and that they did not trust the Hunter. She also knew that it was time to take out the box her parents had left her.
As the winds continued to rise, the Hunter grew increasingly nervous, as did his minions. They began to chatter in the oddest way, not in words, but in sounds.
Then a chorus of voices, all speaking in unison, rang out bright and clear above the howl of the wind: ‘Tell us, Hunter, why cage our child? Where be her father and mother? What trick of men do you bring us? What do you seek, you who seem of men and yet are not?’
The Hunter rocked on his feet, seething with undisguised hate. He held his torch high and stepped forward, leaning into the wind. The elephants raised their trunks but took a step back. Fire was a fearsome thing, even for these mighty beasts.
The Hunter laughed, then threw down his tattered cloak. He was no man at all, but a massive monkey. ‘A maharaja of men I once was,’ he screamed, ‘and by your doing, I am now a king of the monkeys!’ Then his troops dropped their cloaks as well. An array of monkeys revealed themselves, all armed with bows and arrows.
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The Monkey King shrieked above the roaring wind, ‘You ask about her parents? Dead! By my doing! What do I seek? Revenge! On all who made me thus!’ Then he threw his torch into the herd of elephants and grabbed a bow and arrow from one of his men. He had it drawn in an instant, aimed directly at Toothiana’s heart.
Before he could let loose the arrow, the wind tripled in strength. Toothiana knew what to do. She held the ruby box tightly in her hand. ‘Mother, Father, help me,’ she whispered furiously, clenching her eyes shut. She pictured them clearly in her mind, letting herself feel the bond they had shared so deeply, letting herself remember how much they had sacrificed for her.
Suddenly, she was no longer in the cage. She was no longer a single entity, but several smaller versions of herself.
Bow drawn, the Monkey King hesitated, bewildered. How can this be? He could not remember the power of love—even though it had been this girl’s father who had loved him best—and his own memories were now fueled only by hate.
So the world turned against him once again.
The Sisters of Flight circled overhead. It was the flapping of their wings that made the great wind. It grew wilder and stranger, like a tornado. Leaves snapped off trees. Dirt swirled like a storm, and the Monkey King’s torch blew out.
Now the only light came from the Moon, and no jungle creature fears that guiding light. In an instant the elephants stampeded forward. Toothiana’s animal friends attacked. Toothiana’s mini-selves charged the Monkey King. The monkey army screamed and ran.
The king tried to grab the Toothianas, but he could not catch them. Then all the fairy-sized selves merged back into a single being. Toothiana was mystified by her new power, but she didn’t think on it. With one hand, she grabbed the Monkey King by the throat. It was as if she now had the strength of a dozen. The Monkey King cried out in terror and pain.
For an instant Toothiana felt the rage within her swell. She would snap his neck and be done with him. But the little box glowed in one hand, and the memory of her parents made her stop. She would not end this monkey man’s life. Let the jungle choose his fate.
So she let him go.
He fell to the ground, and she did not look back as she flew up to join the Sisters of Flight.
As they sped away, Toothiana and her kindred could hear the creatures of the jungle do as they saw fit with the fallen Monkey King. And his cries could be heard all the way to the Moon.
Mr. Qwerty then shut his pages. The tale, as it was written, was done.
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koo-zy · 4 years
hello! do you have any fantasy/historical jungkook x reader fic recs ?
hello lovely!! i’m so sorry i missed this yesterday :( i was actually planning on reorganizing my tumblr because i feel like no fics are ever going to be able to be found my blog LOL so hopefully that’ll be done soon!!
as for the fantasy/historical fics.. i’m honestly not too sure what “fantasy” (do demons count..? soulmates..? werewolves????) typically includes so i’m just going to include a bunch of fics that hopefully fit in :”) here are the first ones that i thought of + summaries included in their main posts!
also.. i’m sure i missed a lot of amazing fics (mainly because i’m dumb as hell and don’t really know what can be included in “fantasy”) and would like to apologize in advance!! 
@inktae ’s entire masterlist (they have a lot of fantasy fics!)
while this isn’t just jungkook recs, @ficswithluv had a fantasy category a few weeks ago!
@kpopfanfictrash ‘s jungkook masterlist
@fortunexkookie ‘s jungkook masterlist
one shots!
énouement - @littlemisskookie Mulan!AU
War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook.
midas - @gukyi 
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
i will not lose! - @jimlingss Magic!AU
A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you.
a piece of the moonlight - @/jimlingss Mulan!AU
For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
dynasty - @/jimlingss Historical!AU
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
game of temptation ft. knj, myg, kth - @/jimlingss Succubus!AU 
As a succubus, your beauty is unrivaled and shaped to tempt mortals. But it’s still hard to resist Taehyung, and there’s little you can do once you’ve been coerced to do his bidding for him. This time, you find yourself entering the affluent Kim Household as a housemaid. And these poor humans don’t know your intentions are far from being angelic.
knot today - @kinktae
When your first heat approaches and you are left partnerless, who better to turn to than your alpha roommate that you’ve spent the better half of your life hiding your feelings for?
ego - @luxekook Harry Potter!AU
(..i also don’t know if HP counts LOL)
in which jeongguk is a cocky lil shit and the reader has to take him down a few pegs
stumbling - @hayjeon Prince!AU
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: hii! so the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan is today, and since my bias is JK and since i’m such a sucker for royal stuff, can i reuest a fic of bts all being royal of 7 different kingdom, and all of them being invited to jin’s wedding and the girl (oc) is also invited and kookie met her there, and eventually took an interest at her? the girl is also royalty from other kingdom. thanks!
werewolf!jungkook - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: Werewolf!jk? (im sorry ik it’s overused and unoriginal) where he and his mate have pups to take care of and they’re quite a mischievous bunch!
there for you - @cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jungkook is always known for doing things unapologetically, and it makes sense given how almost nothing gets under his skin—almost nothing, but maybe there’s an exception that takes a form of a muggleborn with the shy smile and quirky spells.
say you won’t let go - @/cupofteaguk Soulmates!AU
You’ve been eighteen years old for ten years when Jungkook first moves in 
new romantics - @/cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.
a cinderella story - @suhdays Modern Cinderella!AU
you are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. so, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. that boy? none other than the rugby star himself, jeon jeongguk. it doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming halloween party. he’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
explorer - @1kook Alien!AU
Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.
rottenfolk - @junqkook Faerie!AU
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
the young wolf - @/junqkook Game of Thrones!AU
he was promised to another, meant for another to hold and to love and to kiss. but when his hand lingered on yours for a moment too long to be proper, and when his eyes held yours for a beat too long to be a passing glance, you allowed desire to creep into your veins, to take root inside your heart. perhaps before you might have been permitted to love him freely. perhaps he might have even been promised to you instead. but war was no place for the wants and desires of two people, no matter how much they yearned for it to be.
the lighthouse - @rubycoast S2L!AU
(im not too sure if this is considered fantasy but its one of my favs!)
you and jungkook had one thing in common: you were both lost souls stagnant in the search of some fulfillment. the one of many differences was that your story had been written on your sleeves, while jungkook’s was a story needed to be unriddled.
black magic - @hansolmates​ Magic Uni!AU
a witch with an ambition for learning, you stumble across a crushing spell in the middle of the forbidden section. of course you have to try it out! what happens when the crushing spell not only has jeon jungkook crushing on you, but you crushing on him?
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons Fantasy!AU
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him. fantasy au.
the lionheart’s oath - @sugaxjpg Knight & Princess!AU
There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.
ghosts just wanna have fun - @/sugaxjpg Psychic & MedSchool!AU
When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
wartime child - @ktheist Wizard!AU
raising a baby in wartime isn’t easy. but when your baby starts showing signs of magical abilities, you’re forced to ring up the only other person you know he takes after: jeon jungkook.
birth of an empress - @/ktheist Dragon Slayer!AU
partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
series/two shots!
fear in your eyes - @/gukyi Werewolf!AU
(again, idk if werewolves count but hifksdjcx !!!!)
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
the worshiper series - @/jimlingss 
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven -- existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
a promise of freedom - @/jimlingss Wartime!AU
War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
one year, my love - @/hayjeon Historical!AU
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
demigod!au drabbles - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: i have a supernatural au prompt! how bout daughter of hades/loner!reader and son of zeus/bully! jungkook?
into the woods - @/junqkook Goblin!AU
getting hurt and stumbling upon a goblin in the forest leaves you completely at his mercy, though you aren’t sure if that’s necessarily a bad thing.
lionheart - @/junqkook Magic!AU
as a sorcerer, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your magic a secret from everyone. when you become prince jungkook’s servant, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your identity hidden; especially when you fall in love with him.
a royal exchange - @/hansolmates
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement
knight!jungkook x princess!reader - @/ktheist
a series with 27 parts!
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head right now :(( not gonna lie, half of these probably don’t even fit into either of those categories and i know there are so so so many amazing fantasy/historical fics out there!! i wish i knew them all but i hope this helped a little bit! if anyone has any fic they’d like to rec, feel free to send it to meee :)
and finallyyyyy i leave my following page open for viewing as well so you can check out all of the authors i follow!! please show all of these authors (and many more) some love! <3
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in-somnis-veritas · 4 years
(This is for an AU currently in the works! This is one of the only available posts for it right now, but make sure to drop by the page and follow us to stay up to date! More in-depth info will be released soon about the world of Adrestia)
Name | Age | Race | Status Mod Paragraph
Tommy | 16 | Half-elf | Commoner
Tommy was born and raised in the town of Alnwick, living with his mom for the first few years of his life as his father worked in the capital city of Somritas as a knight. He was raised completely unaware of his status of being a half-elf or the fact that his mother was, in fact, an elf. Now, 16 years old with a dead mother, he continues to live his life believing he’s human--not even showing the telltale signs of being a half-elf because of a pendant he’s worn since he was a toddler. Not that he knows that’s what it does. Loud, rambunctious, mischievous--he always finds the time to harass his friends or flirt with pretty girls who happened to be nearby. Best friends with Tubbo and with a brotherly relationship with Dream, he’s out thriving as an extrovert. Though it’s safe to mention he’s completely banned from the capital city,
Tubbo | 16 | Druid | Knight
Tubbo's entire existence is illegal, pretty much. Born to two druids, he himself is also a druid. When he was 6, his camp was attacked. All of his people were killed. The only survivors were him and his baby brother. After fleeing, they survived on their own for a week. They were soon picked up by another camp, which Tubbo lived in for 9 years. When he was 15, his camp sent him to the city. His brother stayed behind, while Tubbo made the three-day long journey to the city. Soon after his arrival, he became a knight. He has served ever since. Despite being magical, he appears fairly human. The only true way to tell he is a druid is the triskelion tattoo he has, which is just below the crook of his elbow on his right forearm. Within the city, his closest friend is Niki. She was the first one to find out about his magic, and he genuinely trusts her with his life. Outside of the city, his best friend is Tommy. Considering he can't go inside the city, Tubbo usually goes outside the walls to visit. Tommy was the second to find out. Saying he trusts Tommy with his life isn't true, mainly because he would be the one endangering it to begin with.
Dream | 19 | Human | Prince/Royalty
Prince Dream von Galatea the 1st, born August 12th, 1599, is the sole male heir to the well known kingdom, Somritas, in the northern Adrestia region. He is a very respected and competent prince to his royal adversaries and renowned across the land as an excellent warrior. Dream trains almost daily and vigorously, so much so that many outsiders try their hand at challenging him but have yet to beat him. The man greatly idolizes the old “fairy tales” of the human hero saving others from the monstrous non-human races. Though, this then causes the prince to have a bit of a Hero Complex. When a situation involves or pertains to someone he cares for and is emotionally invested in, he’s generally a very impulsive and sensitive man that will end up following his feelings in the heat of the moment rather than his rationalized thoughts. Other than that, however, Dream’s quick at adapting to new situations and thinking on the spot, especially when placed under pressure. To add on, he’s fiercely protective and compassionate to those under his kingdom’s rule and is seen often interacting with the townsfolk in the Town Square, thus his subjects adore the kind prince wholeheartedly. In order to rise to his rightful place as King, he must venture outside the castle walls and vanquish countless magical non-human races, thus proving himself capable to his father. Subsequently along the way, Dream’s close minded beliefs will get upturned as he begins to discover not everything in his kingdom is as fair and just as he once thought. 
George | 20 | Changeling | Upperclass Tailor
George Pruitt is a fairly upper-class tailor born and raised in Somritas. Both of his parents are tailors, and he is one of the most skilled tailors in the city. Many members of royalty favor him and ask specifically sew their clothes for important events. He is Prince Dream's favorite tailor as well. His upbringing was regular and nothing strange happened, but around 14 years old, he started getting signs of magic. He withdrew from people and really only socialized with Dream, which is why they're so close. He tries to seem as human as possible, and hates that he's magical.
Niki | 18 | Human | Commoner
Niki lives in the northern Adrestia region in the kingdom of Somritas as a baker. She owns her own shop where she she sells breads, pastries, cookies, and the like. The unofficial hub of all mysterious strangers, Niki seems to know everyone and everything. While raised on the culture of magical non-humans being bad, her encounters throughout the years change her mind to be more open and welcome to everyone. She makes friends very easily and her shop is one of the most visited in the kingdom.
Techno | 19 | Cursed Human | Prince/Royalty
Technoblade is the prince of the kingdom of Strata, a kingdom in the Adrestia region and one that is allied to the kingdom of Somritas. He was cursed the night before his fifteenth birthday by an unknown intruder in the castle and was shunned by the general public in the kingdom because of his now ‘monstrous’ appearance. He left the kingdom even though the king and queen wanted him to stay and is now searching for someone to undo his curse, which brought him to Somritas. He stays out of the actual kingdom because he would be burned if he ever went inside due to his appearance, so he just camps out in the forest close to it and only goes to the very outskirts of the marketplace and the black market to find someone that can break the curse. Techno is extremely blunt and he’s not afraid to call someone out for being an idiot, but only when he’s comfortable with that person. He hates interaction with people that he doesn’t know and pretty much never talks to anyone unless they talk to him first. He kinda bounces around in different groups of people, but stays with Dream mostly.
Wilbur | 25 | Cursed Human | Outlaw
Wilbur was born in a family that practiced magic. One day, they were caught and the royalty put them up to be executed, but Wilbur able to escape. He would steal things on the streets and retreat to the woods at night. He did this for a couple of years, but when he was 21 he got caught and was scheduled for a public execution. He got one of his eyes removed but was able to escape by setting something on fire as a distraction. He retreated to the forest once again where he practiced witchcraft and lived somewhat peacefully. Then he met Tommy.
Fundy | 20 | Silver dragon-touched human | Traveling Healer
Fundy is a mysterious traveler that works as a healer for money, slipping in and out of towns and leaving little more than a healed patient or two and fleeting memories of him behind. He leaves little opportunity for anyone to get close, and he always carries a wooden fox mask.
Philza | Ealy 30s | Aasimar | Commoner
Phil lives outside of the kingdom, on the edge of a forest with his wife. Aside from tending to his animals and small farm he makes furniture for the more wealthy members of society. He’s an all around kind and genuine normal guy, he’s always willing to lend a helping hand. Sometimes though, when the light hits right, an ethereal glow seems to take form in the shape of a ring above his head. Despite being a regular ol' guy, rumors seem to follow him wherever he goes. Many stories spread about a winged figure slaying beasts either in traps or by their own sword, swooping out of the sky to defend people, leaving nothing left of once feared monsters. Sadly, absolutely none of the rumors are talking about him, couldn’t be. Phil’s just ordinary.
Eret | 20 | Cursed Human | Noble (Court member)
Eret is from a small town on the northern coast of Somritas. They was raised there for the first 17 years of their life surrounded by elves and magic users the entire time. It was a hidden safe haven for elves within the kingdom, a vast majority of its population being the magical creatures. The village was full of so much magic that it ended up causing the humans who lived alongside the elves to become magic sensors, hence why Eret is, well, a magic sensor. They ended up doing something, that something never being disclosed as Eret refuses to explain. It ended up with the high council of elves within the town to be LIVID. They became petty. They cursed him. They made the kid appear magical, ruining Eret’s humanity and forcing them to look similar to an elf with glowing eyes. But it backfired and destroyed their retinas, completely blinding them. So, fueled with the want for revenge, Eret turned on their village and ratted out the magical population. It just so happened to be that they ratted the village out to a royal court member. This gave them a pardon and an audience with the king who gave them an offer. They could help the king as a magic sensor and spy and continue to sniff out the magical congregations or they could burn with the village. Eret chose to stay alive, so they helped the royals torch the village.
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
when the light blinds
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #17 - destruct ]
[ alphinaud/wol ] ★ [ 1,270 words ]  ★ [ major shb spoilers ] 
destruct- the process of destroying something
when the light in her shines so brightly that the stars in her eyes have been blinded completely, alphinaud feared that he’d forever lose that which served as his beacon of hope during his darkest moments
“Alphinaud... Alphinaud...” Her voice sounds paper thin - still soft and light like air but lacking in the melodic chime that always reminded him of songbirds. Silence hangs in the air, palpable and dripping with dread, and the girl in her arms lets out a throaty whimper. 
Though he feared that she would hear the sorrow in his voice if he spoke, intuitive and so attentive of his state of mind more than she even cared for her own as she typically is... He forces himself to part his chapped, painfully pale lips. 
“It’s alright, you’ll be alright.” His vocal chords tremble as he murmurs out words of reassurances in her ear. He knows those words were more for himself than her. “We’re almost there, Illya.” 
Illya doesn’t respond, merely rolls her head to rest against his shoulders as she lets out yet another pained whine. 
The sickeningly bright glow of her long starspun hair is whispy and light, tickling his finger yet also unpleasantly noticeable in his peripheral vision. As he carried her through the long ascending corridors of the Pendants, internally cursing the distance away he had to trek to get to her suite, Alphinaud forces himself to not look at the woman in his arms - terrified beyond words that bile would rise up his gullet once more if he were to see the extent of her light poisoning. 
Already bright hair or woven starlight now blinding and uncomfortably radiant... her fair complexion a sickly pale, with any and all color draining from her face as she had fallen to the ground. 
And above all else, her eyes... Thaliak take him, he could not bear to look into her eyes. 
When he’d finally reached the suite on the top floor of the Pendants, he unceremoniously kicks the door behind him with a loud bang before making a beeline for the bed, where he gently places the girl down.
“There. You can rest now, Illya.” his hand reverently strokes her hair, biting back his urge to shed tears as he watches strands of pure,  irradiant light slip through the gaps of his fingers. He doesn’t brush her bangs away from her eyes like he normally does. 
Again, the woman fails to respond, Alphinaud doesn’t expect her to, though she pushes back against him when he attempts to hold her by the shoulders and guide her to lay back on the mattress. 
“Don’t worry, Illya.” He says, knowing his own hypocrisy. “We’ll find a way to fix this. The others have already split up to search for a cure. And Ryne was able to stop the light from spreading any further for the moment. You just have to focus on resting until we do, alright?”
He thought her too delirious too understand or even respond, but the young man frowns when she begins shaking her head lethargically. 
“If...If I had just been stronger....” Past deathly white lips, she whispers... and Alphinaud cannot tell if she had been speaking to him in particular or if she was simply incoherently expressing her own thoughts while her senses are still dulled. “If I were..... then... G’raha wouldn’t... and Emet...”
Alphinaud grits his teeth, almost grinding them as his hands clench into tight fists... But his frustrations and rage were not targeted at her - he would never even begin to think of placing any blame or fault on her. 
His anger was for Emet-Selch... and though Alisaie had certainly been more vocal in her disapproval for the exarch’s methods, Alphinaud too bore a certain amount of resentment towards the man for the state Illya was in now.... though he knew that he was simply too lost in his own panic and shaken state of mind to think objectively. 
How could he when the love of his life was literally bleeding light?
And above all else, he held the most anger towards himself. For his own powerlessness and inability to ease her pain - let alone relieve her of it. 
If he were more than he was born to be- if only he possessed the echo like she did... and if only he had been stronger. Then maybe he could take the light in her state - but even then, he knew deep down it would serve to help nobody. 
The moment he saw her fall to her knees and vomit light from her lips, he knew that were it anybody else who had been absorbing the sheer amount of light that Illya had been - they would have turned into a sin eater then and there. 
Illya has always been an aetheric reservoir - her ability to absorb and hold the amount of aether she does is second to none... and it was from that fact alone that she was as powerful of a mage and warrior as she is - not even taking into account her echo and the strength of her character alone. 
The crystal exarch knew this - and thus had burdened Illya with the duty of bearing the light of the wardens she’d slain onto herself. 
But even she has her limits - and the corrupting effect of the light-aspected energy swirling and festering within her was bound to eat away at her own lifeforce sooner or later... It already has, and it’s reduced Illya into a volatile state where the strength of her aetheric manipulation and conservation has now backfired and is on the verge of self-destructing. 
It was exactly because Illya has been too strong - has ever been a hero to the realm who served  and slayed with no recompense. Because she has ever been the brightest star of this realm and beyond that others would ever turn to for hope and salvation - that they might place too much of their wishes upon her lonesome to shoulder. 
The world was ever in need of saving by the warrior of light and the warrior of darkness... But who will save her?
He allows himself only a moment for his mind to fester in the injustice of it all, until he hears his name being whispered in her voice again.
The lonely heroine looks up, and Alphinaud’s chest clenches painfully when he meets her gaze. 
Fields of blossoming lavender and violets that danced across a field of baby blue skies... a dazzling jewel that reflected the light of the sun on a gleaming midsummer afternoon... and an ardent twilight that glowed meteoric stars in the dark of the night. 
Illya’s eyes have always been one of the most beautiful facets of her appearance.... and yet now, staring back at him was a pair of lifeless eyes - burning so bright and white that it blinded him from the colors of hope he’s come to associate with her.
“Hurts...” The girl whimpers, and with what little of her strength she could manage left she lifts her trembling arms up towards him. “Hurts... that I can’t do anything.”
His arms enclose around her, and Alphinaud pulls his darling starlight into his arms in a tender embrace as he shakes against her, unable to retain his composure now. 
“I know. I know, Illya. I’m sorry.” 
As he feels the girl’s body slowly growing limp against his own, the everlasting light from the crystalline sky shines incandescently through the window and into the room. His back warms from the light, and he shifts to shield her away from the beams. 
And though Alphinaud would not have known, a shadowed figure stands a distance away, his face solemn and melancholic even as he turns to leave through the unopened doors. 
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vavuska · 3 years
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Bob's Burgers, Season 11, Episode 7, Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid
When Gene can't eat Thanksgiving dinner because of a stomach flu, the family tries to make him hate food, by telling him horror stories about food: in both Tina's — a parody of Harrison Ford's Air Force One (1997) — and Bob's —a parody of Michael Bay's Armageddon (1998) — stories, Gene insists that his wife be played by Linda. The others find it questionable, while Linda finds it sweet.
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Bob's Burgers, Season 9, Episode 14, Every Which Way but Goose
Oedipus Mythology
Laius, king of Thebes, was warned by an oracle that his son would slay him. So, Laius started avoiding physical contacts with his wife, Jocasta. Unfortunately, a night, while he was strongly drunk, ended up sleeping with her, getting Jocasta pregnant. So, when Jocasta, bore a son, Laius had the baby exposed (a form of infanticide) on Cithaeron. (Tradition has it that the name Oedipus, which means “Swollen-Foot,” was a result of his feet having been pinned together, but modern scholars are skeptical of that etymology.) A shepherd took pity on the infant and decided to rescue him and gave little Oedipus to the royal couple that didn't have child of their own. So, Oedipus was adopted by King Polybus of Corinth and his wife and was brought up as their son. In early manhood Oedipus visited Delphi and upon learning that he was fated to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified by this reveal, Oedipus, who didn't know to have been adopted, he decided to never return to Corinth.
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A depiction of Oedipus and the sphinx, taken from an Attic kylix produced by an artist known to modern scholars as ‘Painter of Oedipus’. Gregorian Etruscan Museum, Vatican City, Rome. 470 B. C.
Traveling toward Thebes, the young man encountered Laius, who provoked a quarrel in which Oedipus killed him. Continuing on his way, Oedipus found Thebes plagued by the Sphinx, who put a riddle to all passersby and destroyed those who could not answer. Oedipus solved the riddle, and the Sphinx killed herself. In reward, he received the throne of Thebes and the hand of the widowed queen, his mother, Jocasta. They had four children: Eteocles, Polyneices, Antigone, and Ismene. Later, when the truth became known, Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus (according to another version), after blinding himself, went into exile, accompanied by Antigone and Ismene, leaving his brother-in-law/uncle Creon as regent. Oedipus died at Colonus near Athens, where he was swallowed into the earth and became a guardian hero of the land.
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Charles Francois Jalabert, Oedipus and Antigone (1843)
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Antoni Brodowski, Oedipus and Antigone (1823)
Oedipus' children and his uncle/brother-in-law have a tragic mythological story of their own: Antigone and Ismene, after the death of their unfortunate father, returned to Thebes, where they attempted to reconcile their quarreling brothers—Eteocles, who was defending the city and his crown, and Polyneices, who was attacking Thebes. In fact, Eteocles and Polynices were twins and they made a pact in which they would govern on Thebes togheter in alternate years, but at the end of his first year of government, King Eteocles decided to not pass the crown to his brother, breaking their pact. So, Polynices with his loyal followers and allies decided to attack Thebes to obtain the crown for himself. Both brothers, however, were killed, and their uncle Creon became king. After performing an elaborate funeral service for Eteocles, Creon forbade the removal of the corpse of Polyneices, condemning it to lie unburied, declaring him to have been a traitor. Antigone, moved by love for her brother and convinced of the injustice of the command, buried Polyneices secretly. For that she was ordered by Creon to be executed and was immured in a cave, where she hanged herself. Her beloved, Haemon, son of Creon, committed suicide.
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Antigone with Polynices' Body, painting by Sebastien Norblin, 1825 CE, Paris, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
Oedipus in art: X
Oedipus complex
in classical psychoanalytic theory, the erotic feelings of the son toward the mother, accompanied by rivalry and hostility toward the father, during the phallic stage of psychosexual development. Sigmund Freud derived the name from the Greek myth in which Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. Freud saw the Oedipus complex as the basis for neurosis when it is not adequately resolved by the boy’s fear of castration and gradual identification with the father. The corresponding relationship involving the erotic feelings of the daughter toward the father, and rivalry toward the mother, is referred to as the female Oedipus complex, which is posited to be resolved by the threat of losing the mother’s love and by finding fulfillment in the feminine role. Although Freud held the Oedipus complex to be universal, most anthropologists question this universality because there are many cultures in which it does not appear. Contemporary psychoanalytic thought has decentralized the importance of the Oedipus complex and has largely modified the classical theory by emphasizing the earlier, primal relationship between child and mother.
Here the link to a post of mine in which I analyze the relationship between Freud and his parents:
Electra complex
Electra complex is the female equivalent of the Oedipus complex. Carl Jung introduced this concept in his Theory of Psychoanalysis in 1913; however, Freud did not accept this theory as he believed that Oedipus complex applies to both boys and girls although they experience it differently.
What happens in the Electra complex is that girls become unconsciously attracted to their father and develop hostile feelings towards mothers, seeing them as their rivals. Penis envy is an element in female psychosexual development, where the daughter blames the mother for depriving her of a penis. Eventually, this resentment leads the girl to identify with and emulate the mother, incorporating many of the mother’s characteristics into her ego.
Electra Myth
Electra was the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra of Mycenae. She was the sister of Iphigenia (who Agamemnon sacrificed to Neptune to have a good sail to Troy) and as well as Orestes, with whom they planned the murder of their mother and her lover Aegisthus, seeking revenge for the murder of their father. Agamemnon was the brother of Menelaus, who was king of Sparta and married with Helen (the woman fallen in love with Prince Paris of Troy and "kidnapped" by him) and Clytemnestra was Helen's sister.
When Agamemnon returned from the Trojan War along with his slave-lover Cassandra (was a fromer priestess of Apollus, cursed by Apollus himself to tell future and not be believed for refusing his love attentions, and also the sister of Paris), he was murdered by his wife and her lover, Aegisthus, who was also his cousin. Aegisthus had a rotten past of being born by an incestuous rape and in a family history of adultery, murders and revenge: Thyestes, Aegisthus' father, and Atreus, father of Menelaus and Agamemnon, were brothers and they were exiled by their father for killing their own half-brother to rule over Olympia. They moved to Mycenae and started fighting for the throne. Thyestes was the lover of Atreus' wife and Atreus for revenge murdered all Thyestes' sons and severed their flesh to their unwilling father as meal. Horrified by have eaten his own children, Atreus plotted his revenge and asked for help to an oracle, that told him that his revenger would be born from the rape of his own daughter, Pelopia. However, when Aegisthus was first born, he was abandoned by Pelopia, ashamed of the origin of her son. A shepherd found the infant Aegisthus and gave him to Atreus, who raised him as his own son. Only as he entered adulthood did Thyestes reveal the truth to Aegisthus, that he was both father and grandfather to the boy and that Atreus was his uncle. Aegisthus then killed Atreus, accused of murdering his brothers/uncles and forcing Thyestes to rape his own daughter. While Thyestes ruled Mycenae, the sons of Atreus, Agamemnon and Menelaus, were exiled to Sparta. There, King Tyndareus accepted them as the royalty that they were and gave his daughters' hands (Clytemnestra and Helen) in marriage to the brothers. Shortly after, he helped the brothers return to Mycenae to overthrow Thyestes, forcing him to live in Kythira, where he died. Clytemnestra was furious at her husband for sacrificing their daughter Iphigenia before his departure to Troy and Aegisthus with a similar past wasn't that happy with his uncle and cousins too. So, they killed both Agamemnon and Cassandra upon their arrival, even though Cassandra had warned of this ill fate.
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Clytemnestra after the Murder, oil painting by John Collier, 1882, London, Guildhall Art Gallery
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Clytemnestra hesitates before killing the sleeping Agamemnon as Aegisthus urges her on. 1817.  Pierre Narcisse Guerin. French 1774-1833. oil/canvas.
Electra and Orestes sought refuge in Athens, and when Orestes was 20 years old, he consulted the Oracle of Delphi; there, he was told to take revenge for his father's death. Along with his sister, they went back to Mycenae and plotted against their mother and Aegisthus. With the help of his cousin and best friend, Pylades, Orestes managed to kill his mother and her lover; before her death though, Clytemnestra cursed Orestes and as a result, the Furies or Erinyes (justice or revenge goddess, who punish people who committed most horrible crimes) chased him, as it was their duty to punish anyone commiting matricide or other similar violent acts. Electra, instead, was not haunted by the Erinyes.
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Orestes murders Aegisthus, (On the left Chrysothemis), Red-figure pelike. Detail. Attic., by an ancient artist known as the Berlin Painter. Clay. Ca. 500 B. C., Vienna, Museum of Art History
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The Ghost of Clytemnestra Awakening the Furies, John Downman, 1781, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America
About the House of Atreus: X
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aaliyahnicole · 3 years
Luxor: Alpha + Omega Tracklist
“LUXOR: Alpha is the first installment of this two part series I created. A cool fun fact is that I actually wanted the project to be a full 14 track album simply titled ‘Luxor’ but after budgeting and analysis of my current audience it served me best to split it into two. This world I created — a heaven on earth, if you will — is a place for my angels to escape and come out renewed at the end of the experience. Whether it be me uplifting your spirits with a symphony of positive affirmations or reminding you of your worth through trappy ballads; if I made the listener feel something…anything…I’ve done my job. Heaven is your state of mind and I just want to assist people with freeing it.”
The title track was largely inspired by the Black panther movie. WAKANDA FOREVER! I wanted to create an anthem that I envisioned could be on the film’s soundtrack. My goal is to spread as much love and light as possible because darkness is far too easy to come by.
Strange is normal where I’m from so I wanted to make a chant song of sorts for all my alternative black girls out there. It’s not a gender specific song but it is a call to action to put on your best fit, go outside, attack the world and slay. Love is the driving force for everything I do so I aim to embody that in all aspects of my life if I can so help it and I want to teach my angels how to do this too.
Grapes was a collaboration with an amazing singer and songwriter, Sandy Scribbles. We initially sat down for a writing session and this particular song was one out of many that I had to have for myself. She wrote the first verse and I came in and dropped the hook and the second verse.
Own me
Own me was one of the first records I recorded on my solo musical journey. I paid for the beat and the studio session myself and went and just laid down this record with the sole intention of making an R&B pop hit with a positive message. I feel I did just that.
“May be dark but light’s within” is the theme of this song. It’s disguised as a fashion anthem but if one were to really dissect the lyrics, they would find a deeper meaning.
ultra soul
Ultra Soul is my baby and it is a song that is dear to my heart. While I was recording it, the engineer said I sounded like Aaliyah and although I had no choice but agree. I do find the Aaliyah comparisons flattering but I definitely intend to create a legacy of my own. May her soul rest in peace…I miss her more than you’ll ever know, ever know.
Trophy is my female ‘fuck you’ anthem and I do not if the boys can contain the fire that is represented in this track. I chose this track to be the first visual to my EP and you can view the trailer below.
that one
That One is my happy song, my family cookout song, my go to song to explain how I feel when I have a new crush and I’m able to land him.
Wavy is this amazing old school jazz feel of a record borrowing a few lines from the smash hit “Let’s Get Away” by T.I.
I wanted the record to feel like the sequel to Beyonce’s “Rocket,” where you’re talking that shit to your man and you’re just tryna get wavy baby. It’s also my take on the infamous Austin Powers phrase, “Do I make you randy, baby?"!”
Honey was made after a night out with my team and we went back to one of my musical colleague’s home and decided to make a few tracks and what used to be titled “Angel” but later changed to Honey. It was meant to be a fun, cute light record and it involved into this musical masterpiece with the help of one of my favorite producers, Eyezlow.
the devil’s business
I created this song at 3 o’clock in the morning and I was super in my feelings. I’ve been hurt a lot and I needed to release that negative energy in a positive way. I asked my friend to help me record this song and The Devil’s Business was born. I wanted it to have the same mood as “Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster the People but with a hint of Billie Eillish’s vibes. I did want the title to be unorthodox and it does make me cringe at times but I wanted to reclaim the power from the word devil. Everyone is fighting demons and I wanted to showcase how I interpret my pain into something beautiful, into art.
I made this song after I broke up with my ex boyfriend. It was the last song we made together as a sign of peace. Even though our relationship was toxic
life’s good
With an awesome Biggie reference to carry the track followed by a Beyonce one to lead the second verse, Life’s Good is a feel good southern anthem that I wanted to create to round out my project. I wanted a record chanting positive affirmation to my angels so they can have a soundtrack to celebrate life to.
I heal up like a butterfly, spread my wings and touch the sky. I went through a lot in the past 3 years yet I managed to come out on the other side of that with a burning fire of determination in my belly. I wanted to end this era with a healing symphony so my angels can hear the growth outside of the tribulations I’ve experienced. Despite this being one of my delayed and messiest rollouts, I wanted to end the journey with a banger. Touching on my Panamanian roots and throwing in a bit of Spanish gives the record a romantic latin feel expressing the language of a woman’s heart. Butterflies is my baby and I created it with the sole intention of healing from my trauma.
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜.
KNY verse.
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K’in’s role.
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K'in was born to parents who died from an attack by a demon couple. It was quiet, save for the sounds of a baby crying. Newborn with no one for help, covered in blood and freezing. The demon couple, against their better judgment, took in the child. They stayed with the child long enough to name them and care for them until the age of 13.  
The couple had been found out by their lord, Kibutsuji Muzan. K'in doesn’t know that their parents were killed or had just left them, all they know is that this man that smelled of cold and blood took them in and taught them about almost anything.  During a dinner with the Demon Lord K’in was given some of his blood with their meal and now they are a half breed between human and demon. They can still walk in the sun, though they must wear sunscreen, and eat human food and it sustains them. Although they still need to eat humans from time to time so they don’t go stir crazy.
Without much of a warning they had been sent away to learn the art of demon slaying by one of the demon moons. Seemed counter productive to them but with Muzan being home less and less it was something to stop them from dying of boredom. They returned to the Infinity Castle before the main trio was taken by the Hashira. 
Breathing Styles I made cause they would cause they're extra and I wanted to;
Fae Breathing Style
First form: Br'er Rabbit - This move involves intricate movements from K’in, they move so fast and fluidly that it almost looks like they’re dancing. With this it confuses their opponent and makes it easier for them to decapitate them.
Second Form: Night hag - The wielder uses the butt of their weapon to hit their foe either on their head or chin in a swift motion with immense force that is successfully paralyzing them and allowing a clean cut.
Third Form: Wendigo - The user does a series of cuts in different directions until carves right into the chest of their foe or or for their demon foe their neck and it carves out the shape of horns.
Fourth Form: Grim Reaper - This name is a reference to how K’in uses their weapon. They use the chains to wrap up their foe all while whispering a prayer in a foreign tongue before beheading them. 
Fifth Form: Black Shuck - This form is mostly used when K’in are in groups. They circle the demon and get into their space, effectively distracting them so that others can claim the kill. Though they use this alone as well to set the foe on edge and make the kill easier.
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Onyx’s role.
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(this is heavily brought by me having feels 'bout the new kny eps so yeah hehe T^T)
Onyx is was the fourth wife of Tengen Uzui.
Not a shinobi like him and her other wives but a medic nin instead. Worked on the sidelines of the danger and cared for the wounded. Could more than hold her own but the thought of blood on her hands because she wounded another, regardless of where they stand, was not okay for them.
Especially when you bring the truths of her upbringing into play.
Born into a family if all boys, it was hard to see it as anything but an omen. She wasn't babied more was she treated any less harshly from her siblings.
Traditions went through as usual.
Learn how the kill. The targets were almost always usually sick and frail. Hanging onto life by a thread.
It made them sick. They had no choice but the agree to go along with it until they left. Went out to find a family to settle down with and hopefully wash off the sullied blood off her hands.
Delphine's parents always said that's what she'd be good for. She wasn't against it. Whatever would stop her from doing what she did before whether or not they were well and alive or hopeless.
She met Tengen, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru during this time. They fell in love fairly quickly. Tengen loved Onyx for her kindness even when she lectured him about the injuries he sustained on missions while she takes care of them. 
The girls got along well. Enjoyed teasing their shared husband and doting on him when they finally convinced him to rest.
It was nice. She weren't forced onto the field. All that was asked was to be home and ready to care for then once they return.
A child was agreed on. None of the girls ready to take the leave necessary to give birth so adoption was the chosen option.
The child's birth mother wasn't prepared for her. Worked in the entertainment district so it wouldn't have worked well.
When Delphine was going to get the newborn and sign papers they were attacked.
Demons had chosen the hospital to raid for food. Mother killed. All employees were as well. Onyx was left bleeding out and hanging on by a thread.
She was spared. So to speak.
Muzan turned her while she was on the edge of her deathbed. She has forgotten entirely about her human life but regains her skills because of muscle memory. She's trained more in martial arts so she can take care of herself.
Though she doesn't have her memories anymore she still treats K'in as her child which results in them calling her mom.
Memories of her husband and wives were wiped clean though when she sees a married couple she hurts. It's dull but pain all the same.
Delphine co-parents with Muzan over K'in.
Blood demon art will be presented in hc form!! Meaning I have a slight idea but it'll just sound like rambling if I try.
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
Safety Precautions (2/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Taglist: @zphilophobiaz @malfoys-demigod Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: Things got a little complicated and the bats definitely know way too much about your personal life now. Too bad they are necessary in stopping your past.  Warnings:  Fighting, wounds, cursing, all the good stuff. Word Count: 2.1k
Part One
“Well, where is she?!” You almost screamed as you rushed into the batcave, only to realize no one was there. 
“Give Red Robin time, we don’t know how far away she was.” Nightwing tried to settle you down, as Red Hood disappeared in the elevator.
“Shouldn’t have been more than 2 hours. That’s what we agreed on.” You paced back and forth as Red Hood reappeared with Alfred.
“Miss Y/N. May I check your wounds? I hear there was another scuffle.”
You glared at Hood, but ultimately complied. Alfred had just finished putting fresh bandages on when you heard footsteps. You raced over, enveloping Lily in your arms.
“He found you. Oh thank god, I thought I may have been too late.”
“I was hesitant to come with the brat, but then…he’s back?”
“Back with a vengeance. Though I suppose he never really left.”
“No, but we escaped.”
“Some of us.”
“Sister, you can’t keep blaming –” Lily cut off as she realized the three vigilantes staring at the two of you. “Maybe we should discuss this somewhere private.”
“Oh, uhm, of course.” Nightwing stuttered and motioned for you to follow him into a room. As the door shut he raced back out, to find Red Robin had already pulled up the video and audio feed from the room.
“You know they are probably still listening.” You chuckled out.
“Yes, but I can pretend. And hopefully still get some real answers from you. You didn’t meet up with me. That day.”
“I, uhm,” you looked around, hoping to find the listening device before you had to tell your story. You sighed when nothing caught your eye and continued. “I didn’t get out. I had to make sure the girls did. Helios did not let me go. After that, he made sure I was always injured, never able to get too far from him. That day…he ruptured my femur and branded me.” You tugged at your shirt to reveal his mark burned into the skin over your heart. “He said this way I would know that I was always his. He made a slight error 6 months ago, that the simple pain of a dislocated shoulder and some bruised ribs was enough to keep me there. I made allies with those out there almost as soon as I escaped, I think that’s the only reason he didn’t attack sooner. Once he saw I enlisted there help to find you, he knew he had to act soon.”
“How do you know he hasn’t gone after the girls?”
“Sister, he wishes for you and I. He knows we were Eclipse. That we got the other girls to safety.”
“But I wasn’t Eclipse.”
“Maybe not all the theatrics, but you helped form the plan. You gave me courage and you gave me hope. I could not have donned the persona without you. And I thought I had lost you, my beautiful sister.”
“You forget that bastard trained me as well.”
You smirked, “and he unknowingly brought upon his own demise with that.” The two of you walked out of the room, well aware that the costumed men before you heard every word. “Alright, we need to find him. He wants me, I’ll be bait.”
“Like hell you will.” Nightwing said almost before you finished your sentence.
“I agree. He wants me more. I’ll do it.” Lily spoke up.
“I can’t really agree with that either. You are a civilian.” Nightwing played along as if he hadn’t heard your conversation.
“I’m hardly a civilian. Now, let’s head out.”
You stood on the nearby rooftop gazing down at your sister when Nightwing came to your side.
“You can’t be okay with this.”
“I do not like it, but it’s the right play. I trust her to keep herself safe, just as she trusts me to take out Helios.”
“Hm –” Nightwing’s words were cut short when Tim came over the comms.
“I see movement coming from the south. Be ready.”
Helios was there in seconds. Grasping for Lily when you swooped down, kicking him back. Red Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing landing just behind you.
“You didn’t really think I would leave her here alone, did you?”
“No. In fact I was hoping you’d be here, to see my work.”
“Your work?” Just as the question left your lips 6 girls appeared behind Helios. “No,” a gasp escaped from your throat.
“Oh yes, now. I’ll take Lily.”
“Wait!” Helios tilted his head, an invitation for you to continue. “You can have me. Just let Lily and these girls go. Let them have a choice and I’ll be yours again.”
“Deal.” Helios raced over and grabbed you before anyone could protest. “Girls, you are free once I am.” They all nodded and turned towards the heroes before them. However, as soon as Helios was out of view they collectively stopped. Without hesitation Nightwing sped after you. One of the girls looked at remaining people, settling on Lily.
“She was Eclipse.”
“She was.”
“We all thought she was but a myth.”
“Who are you all exactly?” Tim questioned.
“I’m not sure –” Lily was cut off by the girl.
“It is not a happy tale, but perhaps it will help your friend find Eclipse. So I will tell it.” Red Hood nodded in agreement, passing his earpiece over.
“So Nightwing can hear.”
The girl took it from him and placed it securely in her ear before beginning. “I’m sorry,” she looked towards Lily, “if this was not meant to be shared. Helios trains us, molds us. Beginning at the age of 8 he is a benefactor, supplying our family with the means to make us succeed in both school and athletics. By 10, if we are deemed good enough, he slaughters our family and takes us under his tutelage. A school of assassins. Eclipse, however, was different. She was not under observation; her older sister was, Lily.”
A cracked sigh came from Lily as the young girl mentioned her name. Tim passed her his earpiece in an instant. She continued the story, looking at the girl.
“I am her. Lily.”
“Helios did not kill you?!” The girl was shocked, clearly the myth of Eclipse had been distorted over time.
“No, but Eclipse made sure everyone thought he had. To keep me safe. I took our mother’s maiden name, to distinguish us even further. Eclipse was only 6 when I was to be taken. When she was to be murdered, along with our parents. Helios slayed our parents in front of her, but when he turned the knife on her…well she did not go down easy. The frightened child he expected was not present. So instead, he took her as well. Eclipse was born that day. His best student. She plotted against him from the day he brought her in. I don’t even think he knows how many girls were saved from his wrath because of her.”
“The count, in the stories passed, is over three thousand. We were being trained in a two-story wooden house 16 and a half miles from this location.” Tim quickly pulled up a map and showed it to the girl. “Here.” As she pointed Tim sent the location to Nightwing, motioning back for his earpiece.
“Nightwing, is that where they are headed?”
“Looks like it. You coming to join the party?”
“Always. Me and Hood are on the way.”
“And me. She’s my sister. My baby sister.”
Red Hood looked at her dead in the eyes, “Be ready for a fight.”
Helios slung you against the wall as you entered the building. “You know they are going to follow me, right?” You wiped the blood from your lip.
“Of course, but I don’t plan on keeping you alive long.”
“All of this just to kill me?”
“All of this?! Your little persona has created chaos in my schools. They think there is some savior coming to rescue them. They’re wrong. Once I have that stupid mask as a trophy, they’ll all know.”
You screamed as you charged at him. Both of you dodging and throwing punches, knowing each other’s exact moves. It felt more like sparring, after all, you’d done this thousands of times before. Helios pushed you back towards the door, as he did you heard the faint sounds of a motorcycle. Nightwing. Suddenly, you charged at Helios, vaulting over him and forcing him to keep his back to the door. Watching the door creak open, you slid to the ground hitting Helios’ legs as Nightwing jump kicked his back. Scrambling you pinned him, his face pressing into the ground. You knew you couldn’t hold him long, so you pulled out a dagger and lodged it into his bicep and the floorboard below. You then focused your strength to holding him down.
“Do you even know their names?!”
“Of course not. I know them by what matters, their rank. Still no one has been able to surpass you, number one.”
“Don’t call me that.” You gritted through your teeth. If Nightwing wasn’t standing there, you would’ve killed him by now. Instead, you planted one final punch. Hearing his skull crack as it embedded itself further into the flooring. Just as you were standing, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Lily came through the door. You ran to your sister, enveloping her in a hug and pulling her away from this place. It was too similar to your own childhood in Helios’ clutches.
Nightwing looked at his brothers, “We need to get him to Arkham.”
“Heh, well don’t ask me. If I’m alone with that bastard, I will put a bullet through his skull.” Red Hood commented as he sauntered out to meet up with you and Lily. “So you’re a legend now?”
“Heh, tragic backstory and all.” You chuckled out. “At least those kids have a say now. We didn’t get one.” You blinked trying to contain the tears brimming at your lids. “Caden didn’t get one.”
“Woah, I thought it was a girl’s only school…” Red Hood questioned you.
“Yeah, he was our brother. Four years old. Helios took Lily to the school and then came back for us. We were both forced to watch as he slit our parent’s throats. As he came towards me, I bit him and yelled at Caden to run. I would’ve bit his finger off, but he slung he across the room and ran after Caden. When I caught up to him, his fingers were wrapped around Caden’s throat. He forced me to watch the life drain out of our brother’s eyes.” You had forgotten the comms were still on. Nightwing’s voice rang in your ears.
“I’ll kill him!” You looked back at the house, as Red Robin was attempting to hold NIghtwing back.
“I better go get him.” Hood commented.
“You never told me that before…” Lily whispered to you after Hood left.
“I didn’t want it to burden you, as it has me. I always think, if I had been a little faster, or brought a knife with me, or I don’t know. Done something different.”
“The result would’ve been the same. You were six. You should’ve never had to endure that to begin with.” You looked up from your sister and watched Nightwing exit the building.
“Hey, uhm, can I bring you home?” He mumbled.
“Lily, will you be alright?”
“I’ll be fine. I’m not leaving this bastard until I see him surrounded by steel.”
You nodded and followed Nightwing to his bike. The two of you rode in silence to your apartment, but when you got there, you couldn’t seem to dismount the bike. You sat there, arms tightly wrapped around Nightwing’s waist, unwavering. After a few minutes he finally spoke.
“I’m going to take you to my place, is that okay?” You still didn’t speak, just nodded. Once he felt the movement of your head on his back, he took off. Even at this unfamiliar place, it took you several minutes before you got the courage to let go of him. He didn’t press you, just took your hand in his and led you in the right direction. Before you realized, you were sitting on his bed, him in sweatpants, a tshirt, and no mask sitting next to you.
“It’s over.” You finally stuttered out. You turned towards him and collapsed in his arms.
“I’ve got you. You can rest now.”
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fortitudinem · 4 years
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under the cut because it is a long post
AU – Ante Unionem ( before union, this takes place before the union of the kingdoms under King Adam and counts backwards in years ) IB – Imperium Bestia ( beast’s reign, this takes place after the union of the kingdoms and counts forwards. )
38 AU – In Olympia, The newborn Hercules is stolen from his parents by Hades’ minions who attempt to remove his power and fail, leaving him to be found and taken in by a human family.
36 AU – Moana is born in Motuni, daughter of the Chief.
33 AU – In Lone Keep, Aladdin is born and orphaned in Agrabah.
32 AU – In Northern Wei, Fa Mulan. In Paris, Quasimodo is born and  his mother killed on the steps of the cathedral by Frollo, who is then made to sponsor the boy’s upbringing within the walls of the cathedral.
31 AU – In Camelot, Arthur is born and adopted. In Agrabah, Princess Jasmine is born.
30 AU - Princess Merida is born in the Borderlands.
29 AU – In Solaria, Aurora is born to King Stephen and Queen Leah, at her christening the dark fairy Maleficent curses her to die by pricking her finger on a spindle before her sixteenth birthday as revenge for having not been invited. Aurora is betrothed to Phillip. The curse is rewritten by the Good Fairies. Aurora is taken away by the Three good Fairies to be raised as Briar Rose in the woods. In Prydain, Taran is born. In the Golden Citadel, Future Emperor Kuzco is born.
28 AU – Princess Elsa is born in Arendelle. Pocahontas is born.
27 AU – Princess Eilonwy is born in Prydain.
25 AU – Princess Rapunzel is born in Corona and kidnapped by Gothel. Princess Snow White is born in the Summerlands. Princess Anna is born in Arendelle. Ella is born in Verrelac.
23 AU – Tarzan is born and his parents take him on a ship down the coast, but it is shipwrecked and they are forced to trek into the jungle and make themselves a home in the trees. However, they are killed by a leopard named Sabor. Tarzan is found by the Gorilla Kala and taken in by her.
22 AU – Tiana is born in New Orleans.
20 AU – Hercules is revealed to be the son of Zeus and begins his training. Hades finds out and attempts to kill him and release the Titans to go and kill his brother Zeus. This also fails. Hercules gains his godly powers back but chooses to remain on the mortal plane. Hades escapes the souls and goes back to ruling the underworld. In Arendelle, Anna suffers an injury from Elsa’s powers and the trolls have to erase her memories to fix it. Elsa begins to withdraw and the sisters are kept apart. In Motunui, when a blight strikes her people Moana defies her father’s wishes for no-one to leave the reef, leaves the Kingdom and journeys to deliver the heart of the sea to Te Fiti. She succeeds at fixing the goddess and making the seas safe for all once more.
19 AU – In Camelot, Arthur removes the sword from the stone and is crowned King Arthur. Merlin bests the witch Madam Mim. In the Summerlands, King White dies, leaving his second wife, Queen Grimhilde as regent while his daughter is too young to rule.
18 AU – In Villanueve, ten year old Prince Adam receives an unwanted visitor to his castle and he sends them away, but they are revealed to be an enchantress who turns him into a beast to punish him for his selfish behaviour. He has until the even of his 21st Birthday to fall in love and make someone fall in love with him in return.
16 AU – Northern Wei is invaded by the Hun army, Fa Mulan enlists under the guise of a warrior named Ping. She buries the Hun army in an avalanche but is caught out for being a woman and sent home. Instead, she rescues the emperor.
15 AU – In Agrabah, Princess Jasmine tires of meeting suitors and never being allowed outside of the palace, so she sneaks out and meets Aladdin, who is then arrested for kidnapping her. Jafar searches for someone to get him into the Cave of Wonders to find the genie lamp and ends up using Aladdin for this purpose. Aladdin finds the lamp, but ends up taking control of the genie. He arrives at the palace as a suitor for Jasmine, having fallen in love with her. Jafar gains control of the lamp and takes over Agrabah, but is beaten by Aladdin, Jasmine and the Genie. In Prydian, Taran is put in charge of the psychic pig Hen Wen to stop the Horned King getting his hands on the Black Cauldron. He is captured but frees himself and Princess Eilonwy and eventually they destroy the cauldron. In Verrelac, Ella’s mother passes away.
14 AU – In Sherwood Forest, King Richard is away on crusade and his brother Prince John has usurped the throne and is taxing villagers relentlessly. Robin Hood steals from these taxmen and the rich to pay back the poor people who have nothing left. Prince John fails to capture Robin and his men and Richard returns to Sherwood to take back his throne from his brother. In Faraway, Princess Merida defies custom and propriety and accidentally turns her mother into a bear. This is fixed and the evil bear Mor’du is defeated.
13 AU – Aurora’s sixteenth birthday draws near; the fairies prepare to take her back to her parents once they have outmatched the curse. Aurora meets and falls in love with Phillip, unknowing that he is already her betrothed. She is taken back to the castle and found by Maleficent who spells her into pricking her finger and falling into a deep sleep. Maleficent also captures Phillip. The Good Fairies send everyone else to sleep too and then rescue Phillip, who in turn goes to wake Aurora. He slays Maleficent in her dragon form and wakes Aurora with a kiss. Aurora is returned to her parents. Alice Liddell is born in London. In Verrelac, Ella’s father marries Lady Tremaine.
12 AU – Captain Phoebus is named head of the Paris Guards. Quasimodo leaves the church for the first time ever and is proclaimed King of Fools at the festival, but the people of the city mock him and he returns to the church, disheartened. Judge Claude Frollo falls for Esmerelda and suspecting she has placed him under a spell, seeks to burn her for witchcraft. She takes sanctuary at the church and Quasimodo helps her escape, but is later fooled by Frollo into showing him where her true hiding place, the Court of Miracles is. Frollo orders Esmerelda and her people captured and killed. Phoebus helps set them free instead and Frollo is killed in the ensuing battle. Quasimodo is hailed a hero. In Verrelac, Ella’s father passes away, leaving her in the care of Lady Tremaine.
11 AU – In the Golden Citadel, Emperor Kuzco fires his advisor, Yzma, for attempting to run the country behind his back. In retaliation, she turns him into a llama and attempts to have him killed, but the attempt fails and Yzma is turned into a cat. Kuzco is returned to his human self and put back on the throne. In the Summerlands, Princess Snow White has been being raised by Queen Grimhilde, forced to work in the castle she should own. The queen is reclusive and vain and when she hears that Snow White is now considered prettier than her, she orders the girl taken into the forest and killed. Instead the huntsman simply abandons her and tells her to run. Snow White happens upon the cottage of the dwarves and soon makes friends with them. The Queen, however, is told Snow white is alive by her magic mirror and decides she needs to kill her herself with a poisoned apple. She tricks Snow White into eating the apple while she is alone and the dwarves returns to find her seemingly dead. They chase Queen Grimhilde off a cliff and lay Snow White in a coffin of glass, until Prince Heinrich-Florian arrives to bestow upon her True Love’s Kiss. She awakes and the pair unite their lands.
10 AU – In the future King George Town, Governor Radcliffe’s ship arrives from London with the intent of searching the area for gold, but there is none to be found. John Smith falls in love with Pocahontas, the daughter of the Chief of the area. When one of the Chief’s men is shot dead, John is blamed and sentenced to death. Pocahontas saves him and he, in turn, saves the life of the Chief by taking a bullet intended for him. He is shipped back to London for medical care. King Agnarr and Queen Iduna perish in the Dark Sea, leaving their daughters to rule Arendelle. However, no-one takes the throne and Arendelle is without regent.
8 AU - In Villanueve, a small town in the Kingdom of Auradon, Maurice the inventor is captured by the Beast (actually Crown Prince Adam), Belle gives her freedom to rescue him, Belle and Beast fall in love, breaking the curse and freeing Adam back into his human form.  
7 AU – In South Riding, the day before her 18th birthday, Rapunzel is accosted in her tower (where she has been living with her mother, Gothel for 18 years in order to protect her magical hair) by a stranger, a thief by the name of Flynn Ryder. She agrees to exchange his belongings for being walked to the city of Corona to see the lanterns that shine every year on her birthday. They are pursued by guards, Gothel and Flynn’s acquaintances, the Stabbington brothers all across the land until they finally reach Corona. Unfortunately, Rapunzel is returned to the care of her mother and taken back to the tower where a memory is triggered of her childhood. She reveals to Gothel that she knows she was the princess taken as a baby. Gothel attempts to imprison her, but Eugene escapes custody and scales the tower, leading to Gothel stabbing him. Rapunzel promises to go with Gothel if she is allowed to heal Eugene, but as she goes to do it, Eugene cuts her hair off, rendering it no longer magical. Gothel falls from the tower, turning to dust on the way down. Rapunzel is returned home to grateful parents. In Arendelle, Queen Elsa is coronated. A celebration is thrown where the doors to the palace are opened for the first time in three years. Elsa’s powers manifest, throwing Arendelle into a perpetual winter and she flees into the mountains. Anna goes after her and after tracking her down, is wounded and brought back to Arendelle for a cure to stop her turning to ice. Elsa is imprisoned in the castle, but escapes. A battle ensues on the frozen fjord, where Anna sacrifices herself to save Elsa, thus thawing her frozen heart. Elsa fixes the weather and takes over the Kingdom.
6 AU – In Verrelac, Ella is living under the care of her stepmother Lady Tremaine, who treats her like a servant and dubs her ‘Cinderella’. She longs to go to the ball that is being thrown for the Prince, to find him a wife, but is denied the chance. Fairy Godmother appears to her and uses magic to send her to the ball in style. Ella and Prince Christopher fall in love, but Ella has to flee the castle at midnight as the magic won’t last. She loses a glass slipper on the staircase, prompting Christopher to send men all over the kingdom looking for her. Despite interference from Lady Tremaine, the pair are united and married. Ella becomes Princess Ella. In London, Alice Liddell is spending some time outside when she spies a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and follows it into a topsy-turvey world. She almost has her head removed by the Queen of Hearts but manages to flee Wonderland back to her own home. In Corona, Rapunzel’s hair magically grows back after she comes into contact with magic black rocks (other adventures ensue).
5 AU – In Atlantica, King Triton’s youngest daughter Ariel is scheduled to make her debut. However, she misses it, sparking her father’s anger. She saves a human prince, Prince Eric of Tirulia, from drowning when his ship capsizes in a storm. When her father finds out, he destroys her prized possessions, driving Ariel into the arms of the Sea Witch Ursula, who promises to make her a human for the cost of her voice and with the caveat that she has three days to get true love’s kiss from Eric. Now human and mute, Ariel is found on the shore by Eric who takes her in and shows her the human world, but after a near miss he is spelled by Ursula into marrying her instead. Ariel fails the task of getting a kiss and turns back into a mermaid under Ursula’s power. King Triton gives himself up for Ariel, leaving Ursula with his sea-controlling sceptre. Ursula is killed when Eric spears her through the heart with a ship. Ariel and Eric are reunited and married. In the Deep Jungle, Tarzan has been raised by his Gorilla family, but they soon come under threat from a hunter named Clayton. Tarzam meets Jane and her father, interacting with another human for the first time since his parent’s deaths. He accidentally leads Clayton back to the gorilla’s home and has to save them when Clayton attempts to take them away with him. The gorilla leader Kerchak is shot and dies, naming Tarzan his successor. Clayton accidentally hangs himself on vines. Not too far away, in another jungle, Mowgli the man-cub has been raised by wolves but with the return of the man-eating tiger Shere Khan to the region they feel it is time to return him to the man village. Mowgli, not wanting to go the man village, joins instead with a bear named Baloo, but ultimately, after several near misses with snakes, monkeys and Shere Khan himself, Mowgli is returned to the man village. In a small village, a woodworker named Gepetto wishes for a puppet he created to be turned into a real boy. His wish is granted (to a degree) and Pinocchio is born, but still made from wood. After being led astray, being locked up, put on a cursed island and eaten by a whale, Pinocchio is finally turned into a real boy, instead of a wooden puppet. In Corona, after a rocky few months, Rapunzel and Cassandra battle the evil Zhan Tiri and win. Varian invents hot running water. King Adam enters into negotiations with Verrelac, Solaria, The Summerlands, North Riding, Camelot, Westerly and Tirulia, promising a new era of prosperity and safety if they would be willing to unite under his banner.
4 AU – In London, the Darling family are living in their townhouse, which is being frequented at night by Peter Pan. The children of the house, Wendy, Michael and John, are taken away by Peter to a magical cloaked island where no-one grows up called Neverland, where they fight pirates, including Pan’s nemsis, the evil captain Hook. Eventually, they return home to their parents. In Paris, Madame Bonfamille alters her will to leave everything to her cats. In response to this, her butler attempts to have them killed so he can inherit her fortune instead. Luckily, the cats survive and Edgar is sent away. In a small city, Jim Dear and his wife decide to go on vacation, leaving their baby in the care of an aunt, who mistakenly identifies their dog, Lady, as dangerous and purchases her a muzzle, prompting Lady to run away and befriend a local stray. The stray is eventually brought home with her and adopted by Jim Dear and Darling. Atlantis is discovered by Milo Thatch. In Arendelle, Queen Elsa is having strange experiences with a voice calling to her, when a series of disasters drives all the citizens out of the city of Arendelle, Elsa and Anna embark on a quest to fix the problem by journeying to an Enchanted Forest where they meet the Northuldra people and learn more about their own past. Elsa journeys further alone, to Ahtohallan, a glacial river of ice said to hold memories. There she finds out that she is the fifth elemental spirit and that their grandfather damaged the magic of the forest by building a dam and then attacked the Northuldra people, prompting the forest to close itself off. She manages to get this message to Anna before freezing solid. Anna is prompted to action by the message and uses rock giants to bring down the dam, even though it would destroy Arendelle. The spirits all agree to spare Arendelle due to her selfless and brave actions and Elsa and the Nokk turn back the tidal wave before it can destroy the city. Elsa chooses to stay in the Enchanted Forest and Anna is crowned Queen Anna of Arendelle. In Tirulia, Melody is born. The ship is attacked by Ursula’s sister Morgana who swears vengeance on the child, prompting Ariel to shut their castle off from the sea, vowing that she will not return to the mer-folk kingdom until Morgana is found. Negotiations are finalised with King Adam for the Kingdoms of Verrelac, Solaria, The Summerlands, North Riding, Camelot, Westerly and Tirulia to unite under his banner.
3 AU – In New Orleans, Tiana agrees to cater for her friend Charlotte’s party for the money to buy herself a building to turn into the restaurant of her dreams. Prince Naveen, a visiting dignitary from the nearby Maldonia, is turned into a frog by Doctor Facilier. Tiana finds that the money is not enough to buy the building and when Naveen, in frog form, asks her to kiss him to turn him back she reluctantly agrees in exchange for the money she needs. However, because she isn’t a princess, she instead also turns into a frog. Tiana and Naveen trek through the bayou to find a voodoo queen named Mama Odie to help turn them back and following her advice they journey back into the city to get Charlotte to kiss Naveen and break the spell, however they run out of time and the spell sticks until Tiana and Naveen are married as frogs, making Tiana and princess and capable of breaking the curse. Tiana sets up her dream restaurant.. In The Summerlands, Bambi’s mother is killed by a hunter. Adam enters negotiations with East Riding, South riding, Northern Wei, Lone Keep, Winter’s Keep and Apheliotia, pressuring them to join under his banner utilising the strength he has already amassed.
2 AU – In London, Roger and Anita Radcliffe’s dogs Pongo and Perdita, give birth to fifteen puppies. These puppies are dognapped by Anita’s college friend and wealthy heiress Cruella De Vil after Roger refuses to sell them to her. She intends to make a coat out of them. The puppies are saved by their parents and it is revealed Cruella also bought 84 other puppies. Pongo and Perdita take them all home with them to be cared for by Roger and Anita. In the Summerland, in the enchanted wood, the orphaned deer, Bambi, wins a courtship duel, chases hunters from his lands and is forced to outrun a forest fire. He is crowned Great Prince of the Forest by the other animals. News spreads across the kingdoms of a flying elephant named Dumbo. Negotiations are finalised with East Riding, South riding, Northern Wei, Lone Keep, Winter’s Keep and Apheliotia, bringing them all under Adam’s banner.
1 AU – In a big city, a box of kittens is left abandoned when only one remains. Oliver attempt to adjust to life on his own and instead befriends a dog named Dodger and his crew of thieving dogs, headed up by their human, Fagin. Fagin owes a lot of money to Bill Sykes, a mobster, so he encourages the dogs to attempt to steal a car. The plan goes awry and Oliver is found by a little girl, Jenny and taken in. The gang, thinking he has been captured, seek to free him and Fagin attempts to use him to get a ransom from Jenny’s rich family. However, upon seeing Jenny he has a change of heart, but Sykes won’t accept that, he kidnaps Jenny. But Jenny is rescued by the dogs and Fagin and Sykes’ car is hit by a train. Oliver goes to live with Jenny. In the countryside, a hunting dog refuses to hunt a fox, instead choosing to protect it. The Wild Kingdom, Borderlands, Farway, Schwartzvald and Olympia sign an agreement to unite under Adam’s banner, with caveats. Neverland’s cloaking magic is removed and it too is forced into the agreement with Auradon.
0 IB – Beast and Belle marry, Auradon is united under one flag with Beast proclaimed High King through popular vote, though it had already been decided. The Isle of the Lost is created, and the villains are captured or brought back from the dead to be placed in this prison.
1 IB – Auradon Preparatory school is formed, utilising an old castle to turn into a boarding school for future generations. The Recycling Act is passed, sending all the garbage from Auradon to the Isle of the Lost. Fairy Godmother is made headmistress of Auradon Prep.
3 IB – Beast declares that magic will no longer be used in Auradon where possible, that it will be phased out and that it will be replaced with technology. While not an outright ban on magic, he makes it very clear that magic is now considered dangerous and frowned upon.
4 IB – Prince Benjamin, Princess Audrey, Prince Chad are born in Auradon, along with the rest of their future classmates. On the Isle of the Lost, Mal, Jay, Evie, Uma and Harry are born. Adam passes a regulatory law on the powers of his King’s Council, taking power from them and giving himself more control.
5 IB – Jane Fae is born in Auradon. Carlos De Vil is born on the Isle of the Lost. King Adam passes a law to make his line of succession the line of succession and to eliminate the ‘vote’ aspect of becoming High King and to pave the way for Ben to become the next High King.
6 IB – King Hubert passes away. Corona and South Riding merge into one Kingdom under the control of King Frederic.
7 IB – In Tirulia, Melody is turning twelve. She sneaks out into the sea often and she ends up finding out about Atlantica and mer-folk even though Ariel has been hiding it from her. She ventures out into the sea and is taken to Morgana, who offers her a tail in exchange for Triton’s trident. Melody, not knowing who she is, finds the trident and gives it to Morgana, but upon realising her mistake, she manages to take it back and Triton encases Morgana in a block of ice and then banishes her to the Isle of the Lost.
9 IB – The last free villains are imprisoned on the Isle, marking the turning point for Auradon. It is marked with a celebration.
10 IB – On the Isle of the Lost, Queen Grimhilde is banished from society by Maleficent for failing to invite Mal to her daughter’s birthday party.
18 IB – Princess Rapunzel is made Queen of Corona by her retiring father.
19 IB – The Sidekicks Act is developed by Prince Ben, giving the workers access to rest days and adequate pay, as well as pension funds and college plans, He starts a movement towards modernisation in every home, especially ones that have previously had woodland animals to do the chores for them.
20 IB – Ben makes a proclamation giving the children from the Isle of the Lost a second chance. He brings over four such children to prove that this program works. Beast steps down as King, leaving Ben in charge. Maleficent is rendered into the form of a small lizard.
21 IB – Ben puts an embargo on travel in and out of the Isle of the Lost, except by pre-approved means. He declares any barges going into the Isle must be full of real supplies instead of garbage. Mal is named Lady Mal at Cotillion. Uma escapes the Isle and disappears into the sea, becoming a fugitive.
22 IB – The VK Day program is set up. Four new children from the Isle of the Lost are chosen to attend Auradon Prep. King Ben proposes to Lady Mal. Princess Audrey is spelled by Maleficent’s Sceptre and attempts to put all of Auradon under a sleeping curse. She is stopped by Lady Mal. At their engagement party, Lady Mal and King Ben decide to remove the barrier once and for all and pardon all the villains. Work begins on turning the Isle in a liveable habitat.
23 IB – Work is completed on a new school for the Villain Kids and a real prison for villains who fall back into their old ways.
notes: i probably need to add more to the IB sections, that is a later problem. 
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Underland’s Unruly Princesses: Go Ask Alice Chapter 1
Ember I
It all started with Alice. The very first time the pesky, golden-haired girl had ever visited Underland, I had not even been thought of. My mother, the Red Queen, had just been freshly coronated as high queen of Underland. After the death of my grandparents King Oleron and Queen Elsemere of Witzend, the crown had passed down to my mother, who was their eldest child. When Alice had arrived, my mother had been queen for about a year and had settled into her role quite comfortably. And then one day came along little Alice. A lost little girl whose mouth was just as big as her wit. She had been led astray by the Cheshire cat and had ended up in the garden at Salazen Grum. According to my mother’s right -hand-man, Ilosovic Stayne, the Knave, Alice had gotten a little too snippy with my mother, and as a punishment, she was ordered to paint red all of the roses that the gardeners had mistakenly planted white. That had been the first time, but the second time had been much more eventful. I had been relaxing in the courtyard, back to a tree, feet up, book in hand. My little sister, Rosalind, was across the way, practicing her croquet strokes. Mum had released us early from aiding her as she governed the land, and we had decided to take advantage of the absolutely gorgeous weather. It had been perfect outside- not too warm and not too cold. There was a gentle breeze. Just as Rosalind had drawn back to send a ball off, a voice rang out across the courtyard. “Girls!” cried the voice of Dahlia, the courtier with the large ears, and, unfortunately, our governess. “Girls! There you are! Come, now, your mother summons you to the throne room.” Quirking a brow, I closed my book and sighed. “It’s ‘Your Highnesses’,” Rosalind spat. My little sister had always been one to assure that people behave well around us. I did have to agree with her, though, we were the Princesses, and we deserved to be addressed as such. Dahlia curtsied. “My apologies, Princesses,” she said smoothly. “Your mother requires your presence in the throne room.” I stood up from the ground and smoothed the front of my gown. “What in Underland for?” I asked. She regained her stiff posture. “It seems that after a long procession, Ilosovic Stayne has returned.” I rolled my eyes. Ilosovic Stayne, the knave, who happened to be Rosalind’s father. He was a man whom I never really could get along well with. Ever since Rosalind had been born, even when Mum was carrying her, Stayne had hardly stepped up and was barely around. I could remember vividly that when Mum was heavy with child, she was often crying, claiming loudly that Stayne didn’t want her child, and that she had been a fool for laying with him at all. Mum had spent most of her pregnancy in tears, and that hadn’t sat well with me at all. Now Rosalind was a blossoming young woman of eleven, and Stayne still presumed to do whatever he could to avoid her. “As if we need to be present to see Stayne,” I hissed. “Bloody deadbeat,” Rosalind muttered darkly under her breath. Dahlia frowned. “I understand your quarrel with your father, Rosalind, but your mother requests your presence and therefore we must obligate her.” Rosalind sighed heavily and flounced off to the throne room. I followed Rosalind smoothly, eyes forward, head up. Anubis the dormouse was stationed outside of the throne room doors. He stood proudly, leaning against the sewing pin he used as a weapon. “Announce us, please, Anubis,” Rosalind directed him sweetly. “Yes, Your Highness,” Anubis agreed. He sheathed his tiny sword and scurried through a small hole in the baseboard of the wall. Once on the other side, everything fell quiet. Behind me, Dahlia ruffled at her skirts. There was a small trumpeting. “Presenting the royal Princesses of Underland,” Anubis said as loud as he could manage. What with being a dormouse and all, he was rather small.   The doors peeled open slowly and Rosalind moved to her position behind me. I was the eldest so I was required to enter first, especially when it came to royal business. I strode as smoothly and ladylike as I could, so as to not draw extra attention to myself. I had a designated wooden seat to the right of my mother’s throne. To the left was Rosalind’s seat. Each of our chairs were made of a heavy wood, had high backs to them and had our first initial carved into them. Mum’s throne was crafted of the purest gold one could find in Underland, complete with the softest red velvet cushions. We, too, had red cushions to sit upon. As I made my way across the throne room, the courtiers gathered before Mum, bowed lowly. As I had been taught, I paid them no mind and kept my eyes straight forward. Gracefully I turned to face them and lowered myself into my seat. To the left of my mother, Rosalind did the very same thing. My Mother eyed me curiously, a small smile on her lips. But she said nothing. Instead she motioned for the courtiers to leave. She reached a pale hand over and patted Rosalind on the head. It was a way of assuring her that all would be well, even if she was being forced to look on as our mother welcomed her deadbeat father back to court. Once again Anubis sounded his little trumpet. “Presenting the Red Knave, Ilosovic Stayne,” he announced seriously. The mighty doors opened behind him and he stepped out of view. The familiar sound of Stayne’s heavy black boots began to ring through the throne room as he strode smoothly down the length of the red carpet. He had a smug look on his face, yet his body was relaxed. His single eye found its way to me almost immediately. It was no secret to me that Ilosovic Stayne secretly bore an admiration for me. It was an admiration that could easily get him killed, if my mother ever found out. In truth, I despised the man for how he treated my mother whilst she was pregnant, and I despised him even more for completely ignoring Rosalind’s existence. Even after all those years, my mother was still deeply in love with the man, and after all those months he tormented her, she still took him to bed with her. Stayne went right to Mum and pressed a soft kiss to her offered hand. Rosalind rolled her blue eyes dramatically. A slight coloring of rose appeared in Mum’s cheeks and she beamed for a mere second. She then stiffened her posture and reverted to her stately air. “Ilosovic Stayne,” she said aloud. “I welcome you back to court.” Stayne dropped down to his knees immediately and bowed his head. “My Queen, it is good to be home once again. I come bearing news from Marmoreal.” At the mention of Marmoreal, Mum’s bottom lip twitched a little. Marmoreal was the home and reigning kingdom of Mirana the White Queen, my mother’s sworn enemy, and, unfortunately, mine and Rosalind’s aunt. “What say you, Knave?” Mum asked him. He got to his feet and reached a gloved hand into his doublet. He withdrew a scroll. “Majesty,” he chided softly. “I have found the Orcaculum.” He then tossed one end of the scroll across my mother’s lap. It rolled past my feet and continued onward. “That?” Mum asked. “It look so ordinary for an oracle,” she observed. Stayne’s single eye scanned the surface of the Oraculum. I was surprised he possessed the capacity to locate an item such as the Oraculum.. I highly doubted Stayne’s abilities, unlike Mum, who doted on them. I was pretty sure that Rosalind felt the same way about him as I did, and he was her father! “Look here, Majesty,” Stayne continued, extending a finger and placing it on the Oraculum near Mum’s feet. I leaned over Mum’s shoulder to see, too. “At the Frabjous Day,” he added. Rosalind’s disturbed expression explained it all. There lay a depiction of Mum’s dearest pet, the Jabberwocky. Before the great beast, was a young girl with a tangled mess of hair, clad in armor. The girl bore what I immediately recognized as the Vorpal sword, high above her head, ready to strike at the beast. Mum loved the Jabberwocky. That was no secret at all. In fact, the creature had been key to her rise to the throne. Mum had told me and Rosalind many, many stories about her ascent to her queenly state. And the notion that anyone could possibly slay it, would drive her over the edge. “I’d know that tangled mess of hair anywhere,” Mum remarked lowly. “Is it Alice?” Rosalind and I eyed one another oddly behind Mum’s head. “I believe it is,” Stayne replied. He brought a hand up to his face, almost as if he were examining. “What’s she doing to my darling Jabberwocky?” Mum asked, her pitch rising into quite the grlish tone. “She appears to be slaying it.” Mum gasped. “SHE KILLED MY JABBER-BABY-WOCKY?!” she demanded loudly. I noticed as Rosalind’s eyes widened in horror. “Not yet,” Stayne chided. “But she will if we do not stop her.” “Find Alice, Stayne!” Mum barked. “FIND HER!” Stayne then marched from the throne room, a handful of red knights in tow. Unable to stand the silence that hung over the throne room, sliding my hands down my skirts, I said: “Well, that certainly was interesting.” “Whoever this Alice chick is, she’s going to feel my wrath,” snarked Rosalind. Alice had made her first appearance two years before she was born. “We shall leave the spiting to Stayne, ladies,” Mum said calmly. She slid from her throne. She reached a pale hand into the hidden pocket that was sewn into the side of her skirt and withdrew her sun spectacles. Placing them on the bridge of her nose, she turned to us. “But for now, let us play a few strokes.” Mum strode gracefully from the throne room, her scepter in hand. I was behind her, hands rested at my sides, eyes front. Behind me, Rosalind marched along, her nose in the air. It had been apparent since she had been old enough to speak that she had inherited Mum’s bitey attitude. Rosalind practically doted on her ability to imitate Mum at whatever it was she doing. As we made our way through the castle, we were joined by the majority of the courtiers. Soon the bunch of us were exiting through the side corridor and out pouring out into the courtyard. Within but a few minutes, me, Rosalind and Mum were lined abreast in the very center of the courtyard. I waited patiently as both Mum and Rosalind received their flamingo playing sticks. When I received my stick, I did as Mum had taught me a long time ago, and took the bird by the neck. Skillfully I knocked the bird upside the head with the side of my foot, stunning the thing. The flamingo then assumed its stiff pose, ideal for croquet playing. “Ready?” Mum asked us. “Ready Mum!” Rosalind said happily. “Ready,” I whispered deeply. The newly hired Page, a white rabbit named McTwisp lay a hedgehog ball before Mum. He then hopped off and stood beside me. Mum licked her lips curiously as she drew her bird back, and let fly. The small furry ball hurled across the courtyard and plunged into some hedges. A round of applause rose from the courtiers. “Splendid shot,” remarked Lord Burgle, the big-bellied lord. Mum beamed at the court as they continued to clap. “Where’s my ball?” Mum asked. “Page!” she called. McTwisp hopped back into the playing field. “Yes, Your Majesty.” With that he disappeared off into the rose bushes. My mind was far off from our little croquet game. It was off somewhere beyond the walls of Salazen Grum, roaming the Tulgey Wood, prancing about the vast flower fields of Witzend, even playing a magickal game of chess in Chesster. Mum was one to keep us within the castle walls as much as she possibly could. Rosalind and I both owned beautiful horses, yet we weren’t allowed to take them out to ride them. If we wanted to ride, we were confined to the training ring out back the stables. Even when Mum went out on processions she left us at home, normally under the watch of Dahlia, and completely bored out of our minds. Mum never knew just how much Rosalind and I craved adventure. Growing impatient with the Page for taking too long, Mum huffed deeply and marched off after him. Rosalind and I looked at one another, nodded, and trotted off after her. Why, in the mass of rose bushes, towered the tallest girl I had ever seen. Standing at least fifteen feet tall, with long, golden hair, the girl’s expression bore down on us, giving me an uneasy feeling. It was clear by what little skin the bushes did cover, that she was stark naked. I immediately took hold of Rosalind and covered her eyes. “What did you do that for!? I wanna see what’s going on!” Rosalind stamped her foot and pouted. I opened my mouth to shush her but was cut off by Mum’s voice. “And what is this?” Mum asked curiously. Rosalind began to wriggle in my grasp. McTwisp began to tremble. “It’s a Who, Majesty, Um….” Mum’s thin eyebrows quirked. “Um?” she inquired. Rosalind shot me a look that said really? Deciding I wasn’t up for a fight, I released her. “From Umbridge,” said the large girl. “What happened to your clothing?” Mum asked. Rosalind sniggered. The girl licked her lips. “Why, I’ve outgrown them. I’ve been growing quite a lot lately. I tower over everyone in Umbridge. So, I’ve come to you, hoping you may know what it’s like.” Mum’s bright brown eyes lit up, much like they did whenever she sprouted a new idea. “My dear girl, anyone with a head that large, is welcome in my court.” She turned to us. “Oh, do cloth this unfortunate soul!” Mum instructed the court. “Use the curtains, if you must, but, do cloth this enormous girl.” Rosalind frowned instantly.
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Alright everybody, meet my baby girl Elisabetta Hellsing-Maxwell...or Lisa for short. She’s supposed to be around 12 in this pic and yes, her primary weapon is a spiked Hello Kitty baseball bat. (I remembered that one post with the hello kitty bat and I couldn’t resist)
Full Name: Elisabetta Dipali Alessandra Hellsing-Maxwell (Dipali from her maternal grandmother, Alessandra after Anderson.
Nickname: Lisa
Age: 12 (in the pic)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Violet
Skin color: Brown
Personality: Lisa’s actually a really sweet and polite girl and always curious...she’s always getting into new things, usually things she’s not supposed to be getting into (much to her parents’ worry). She tends to be quiet and keep to herself a lot, most take this as a sign of antisocialist behavior but no, she’s just plotting. She’s a planner, she’ll think of three and five plans for things even if they’re impractical in the long run. She has a problem with keeping emotions bottled in until they just erupt, which can get quite ugly and has difficulty asking for help insisting she can handle it herself. Oftentimes she feels torn between her parents...this poor child just needs therapy, somebody please help her.
Bio: So, Lisa’s story...she’s not really supposed to be here, k? Details are covered in the fic (there are only four chapters up so far) but I’ll summarize. Basically Integra and Maxwell got drunk one night and hooked up in a bar. It was supposed to be some one time thing never to be mentioned again, because they LOATHE each other but the sex was bomb as hell so it just kept happening behind their organizations’ backs.
Until one day Integra starts to feel like shit and the doctor is all like “congrats, you’re pregnant” and of course our vampire slaying queen of the universe was like “SHIIIIIITTT! This can’t be happening right now!” but inside her head cuz she doesn’t scream in public. Maxwell finds out (she doesn’t tell him, he just finds out) and he starts freaking out like oh my god oh my god, what do I do, but then his Catholic sensibilities kick in and he goes over to the mansion like “we gotta get married, like right now.” At first Integra’s like “no sodding way” and plans to get an abortion. There is no way that they’re in any position to be parents right now, this is a terrible idea...literally the worst thing that could happen at the worst time, and what would their organizations say?
But she ultimately changed her mind after seeing how screwed both their reputations would be if this ever got out. Plus in his words “she needs an heir and she’s not getting any younger.” So they try to remain civil for the sake of the children but still can’t stand each other (but they keep having hatesex tho cuz I’m a sadist) and eventually Lisa and her twin brother are born. She’s named after both the Queen of England and the Catholic Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (but the Italian version). Since her parents hardly ever see each other, Lisa spends six months in England and six in Italy usually. Growing up, she and her brother were often kept as innocent from the affairs of Hellsing as their mother could possibly manage it, as she wanted them to have a proper childhood. Lisa often spent her time pursuing her passion, music...writing songs or playing her guitar, when school and parents don’t particularly get in the way. Ultimately, the child wanted control over her own soul and grows weary of her parents’ spiritual conflicts over them.
Integra Hellsing: Lisa thinks her mom’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and she’s not wrong really. They’re very close and she tries to emulate her a lot, Integra at first didn’t think she’d be a very good parent but she turned out to be a pretty great mom and trains Lisa up to be the boss ass bitch she will one day become while running Hellsing..that is, until EJ became the new heir because Lisa’s choice of religion disqualified her. She makes sure that her kids know they can be anything she wants to be. But she also shelters her and keeps a lot of things from her because Integra wants her daughter to have what she never did, a childhood because she was forced to grow up way too fast. And mama bear WILL destroy you if you fuck up. She’s been through some shit, Lisa is her offspring, Integra is hella protective. Safest child in Britain.
Enrico Maxwell: Lisa loves her dad to bits but is kinda terrified of him because well..:he’s a total raging nutjob.. He takes an active role in their upbringing because he was a bastard, he went through hell because of it and by Jove, his kids were NOT gonna go through that shit. Maxwell tries his best, he really does but he hasn’t lost any of that diehard Catholicism since becoming a dad and he often tries to drill that into Lisa. “But Dad, why can’t I have Protestant friends?” He’s probably one of those strict religious dads who won’t let you wear skirts above knee length and who thinks rap and Instagram are “tools of Satan.” He thinks he’s protecting the kids but he’s kinda fucking them up man. But at the end of the day, he does love her with all of the shriveled remains of his black, cold heart. One bonding ritual they have is him doing her hair, Lisa has his bushier hair. Integra can throw on a suit and be ready and can’t really be bothered with it so either Maxwell or Walter end up doing it. Their relationship has simultaneously become stronger, as Lisa has become a practicing Catholic, and a bit shaky as she can tell that there’s a bit of a rift between her dad and her twin.
Enrico Hellsing-Maxwell: Lisa’s younger twin brother by six minutes, and her ride or die. She’s often protective of him as the “big sister” and can go full mama bear when it comes to him, the two of them are like two halves of a whole basically. They’re inseparable, and often get into trouble together...they’ll form a wall so you can’t get information out of either of them, Rico is one of the few people she loosens up around and he knows things about her that a lot of people don’t, even their parents.
Alucard: Alucard is like half-nanny, half-attack dog. He did NOT like the kid at first because she was a reminder that that Italian slimeball “defiled” his master, but over the years she’s kinda grown on him. They have somewhere between a Seras and Integra relationship, he knows she’ll be his master one day but she’s also still small enough that he can kinda intimidate and flex on her. But he’s hella protective of her, he wouldn’t let anything happen. Lisa refers to him as “her scary vampire brother” and when she was little, she used to mispronounce his name as Ally-card so she still calls him that sometimes (which he hates)
Anderson: He’s basically her surrogate grandparent and she calls him Granddad. He may be a scary, Catholic Paladin but he loves the kiddos...and Lisa is kind of special to him. Maxwell is his son, and because of the way he turned out, Alexander feels like he failed. With Lisa, it’s almost a reminder of what her dad could’ve been, so it’s almost like a do-over he’s determined not to waste with her. He and Integra begrudgingly tolerate each other for her sake.
Seras: Lisa’s big sister. While Alucard is the older sibling that will encourage you to get into all sorts of holy hell, Seras will reign her back a little.
Heinkel and Yumie: Maxwell often makes them babysit Lisa while he’s busy, and they get SO ANNOYED by it. But with him, not with her. Heinkel is that “cool auntie” who will buy her beer and teach you her to shoot guns, Yumie is the kinda neurotic aunt who wants to be by the rules only because she’s terrified of what Maxwell will do if they cross a line.
Walter: Her “other granddad”, she often tells him things that she doesn’t tell anybody else because he’s literally one of the few religiously neutral people in her life.
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Dragon Dancer IV: Breaking the Chains
I stood leaning against Zihang, looking down at Pompeii. Tears running down my face. Sorrow weighed on me. Even though I hadn’t known him, and he didn’t know me, he’d fought hard and I never would have escaped without his help. And what was I going to tell Caesar?!
My sobs started up again and Zihang nuzzled my hair. “We have to go.”
“No, I don’t want to leave him here!”
“Gunships will be arriving from Cassell any minute how to burn this place and the servitors roaming it to the ground. We have to go.” Su Enxi spoke in a sad and quiet voice.
I walked away from Zihang and removed the pistols from Pompeii’s robe. It was the least I could do for Caesar. As I did so, a small photograph fluttered to the ground. 
The picture was taken from a distance, but the shot was beautiful. On the shores of the gulf of Genoa, Caesar and Nono stared into each other’s eyes under a garland of flowers. Caesar in his pristine white suit and Nono in her sheer white dress.
Pompeii had not been invited to the wedding. I remembered. The hurt actually ran that deep. But Pompeii had to have attended anyway. I looked down at him. He really did love Caesar. And now...
A tug on my arm. “Come on.” Zihang coaxed me gently and this time I followed him.
Su Enxi jogged ahead of us. “This way. Hurry!”
We exited down a long flight of emergency stairs and down a long hallway that opened up to a delivery entrance. A large truck was waiting.
“What took you so long! They’re almost here!” Lancelot’s golden haired head stuck out of the cab of the truck. “Let’s move!”
Enxi helped me climb in as I was holding Ru’Yi and Zihang leaped in after me. The four of us, squeezed into the truck and Lancelot drove away as the first dark shadows of the helicopter gunships swooped in from the sky.
There was a hiss followed by a loud bomb and the light of the explosions turned the skies red. I turned my face into Zihang’s shoulder, letting the tears soak his jacket.
“Do we have something in here for her to eat?”
“Just a few granola bars sorry, it was all I could grab on such short notice.”
Zihang reached into the glove box and handed them to me. He never stopped holding me, stroking my hair as we rattled over the crumbling access and maintenance road that would take us to the airport.
Enxi’s phone suddenly rang and she picked up. “Speaking. Yes, we just left. We’re on our way out of Italy soon.”
My mouth was full of granola bar but I tried to speak. “Mmf, they know about Memfei!”  “Shh... don’t talk with your mouth full or you’ll choke.”
Enxi continued to speak and her voice continued to grow lower. Her expression grew grim. “Got it. Lancey, pull over right now!”
“Don’t call me, Lancey!” He snapped as he pulled  the truck over to a shadowy shoulder covered with trees.
Once we stopped, Enxi turned and spoke directly to me with a sigh. “I’m going to explain as best I can. You may not understand all of it, but just listen, okay?”
I nodded, the gravity of the situation not lost on me.
“The Secret Party is on their way to the village where Erii and Lu Mingfei are still hiding. Mai Sakatoku and Von Frings are heading with Caesar to Japan. But I need you to go and retrieve that girly Gen brother and take him to Mingfei. It’s urgent. They’re planning on using the wood block sound to drive Mingfei and Erii to the brink of madness and kill them.”
“But... the Gattusos are dead... shouldn’t everyone be listening to Caesar?” I asked.
“Caesar declared his independence from the Secret Party just now. He’s gone full rogue.” Enxi sighed. “Anyone who opposes him is going to be met with deadly force. The school board has labeled him a traitor.”
Enxi lifted one hand to her forehead. “He’s an absolute maniac right now, but frankly, that is what the Japan Branch needs to survive. At any rate, Nono will probably survive. But that won’t help us just yet.”
“If Caesar’s not the head of the School Board then who is giving the orders?”
Enxi’s lip curled up in disgust. “A representative from the Beowulf family.”
“Beowulf?” Zihang’s head lifted in recognition.
“I’ll keep it short.” Enxi said, fidgeting with her hair. “Before the Industrial Revolution, dragon slaying was an extremely dangerous thing. The Secret Party could only rely on its own blood, alchemy, and dragon slaying swords handed down from ancestors. It was a glorious, if tragic time. The members of the Secret Party wandered around in black robes and candlesticks like a bunch of cultish monks.” She pulled out a cigarette, stuck it in her mouth and went to light it, but Chu Zihang, snatched it out.
“Mind the baby.”
“Oh... right. Damn, I guess I’m a really nanny now, huh?” She said with a bitter smile before continuing.
“Anyway, Beowulf was one of the more prominent names in that era. You’ve studied the poem, so I don’t have to explain it to you. The poem ends with the king being killed by the dragon’s poison after laying eyes on its treasure. But we know the real ending.”
“They’re actually the cruelest dragon slayers. They feed a drop of dragon blood to every child that’s born.” She glanced down at Ru’Yi.
“Only one in every 100,000 are able to withstand the dragon’s poisonous blood. And every member of the Beowulf Family can! But not only that, they’ve become addicted to it. Hungry, like Servitors. Every Beowulf family member seeks dragonblood like it’s a drug. And they’ll stop and nothing until they have it.”
Enxi’s voice lowered further as if speaking the words would some how summon these people. “That’s why the Secret Party calls them Dragonblood Thirsty.”
“They showed up right after Anjou was hospitalized.  They’ve been working behind the scenes to hunt you down. They’ve watched as you’ve escaped their grasp again and again! They’re convinced that Mingfei is a Dragon King. They’re not going to listen to reason, and they’re not going to show mercy to anyone who stands in their way. Once Erii and Mingfei are under the spell of the Woodblock and become draconized, the Beowulfs will throw everything at them and feast on their blood after the battle.”
She turned out the window. “God, I want to smoke.”
She steeled herself, “So... my dear, that’s where you come in. Mingfei has to attain his full abilities before the Beowulfs arrive. There’s only one Hybrid who can withstand the woodblock sound after Herzog’s tampering and that’s that girly Gen brother.”
“Chime?” My eyes widened.
“That’s right. We have his location from the little monster girl. I need you to go there and get him to come to her village.” She scrolled through her phone and showed me the message on it with an attached image. The image was of a building tucked away behind tall trees. Its ornate tiled roof swept up at the corners where lions stood guard, mouths open.
“You have the ability to teleport there. You’re our only hope.” She pressed the phone into my hands. 
I turned and looked at Zihang. “He knows you. You can do it easily.” He said.
“What about you? What are you going to do?”
Zihang turned and looked at Lancelot who was staring out the window, not saying anything.
“I’m going to stay with Lancelot. We’ll make our way back to Chicago and try to revert EVA to her former self.”
My heart dropped. Separated again. But I took deep breath and straightened my back. I handed Ru’Yi over to him. “Okay. Leave me here on the side of the road.”
Enxi’s eyes widened as I unbuckled myself.
“Meixiu.” Zihang gripped my arm and rested his forehead against mine. For a moment, we stayed that way, saying a silent prayer in our hearts.
“Ordinary life... with you.” I whispered.
I forced myself away, I didn’t look back at Ru’Yi. Enxi got out. I got out after her. Her eyes were wide and after we got a short distance away she stopped me. “Hey. I...”
“What is it?” I asked with a touch of impatience. Wasn’t she just hurrying me out right now?
Her gaze lowered to the ground. “I have to say. I’m sorry.”
“For what?” I asked confused. “You saved us back there...”
“You’ll find out.” She rubbed the back of her neck and turned and walked away. She climbed into the truck. I listened to the gravel crunch under the tires. It motored off into the distance.
I raised my eyes to the sky and then I closed them, focusing on the image. Immediately I felt the cool shade of the trees. I took a deep breath and could smell the moisture in the air. 
I had the coordinates. I took a step forward and immediately was plunged into the dark and the cold and the nothingness of the void between spaces, spanning thousands of miles in a few seconds.
When I reemerged, the building was before my eyes. A young boy looked up at me, eyes wide. 
“Uh... Uh... K... Konnichiwa!” I chuckled, waving.
The boy ran off, screeching and then I realized I was covered in blood. “Oh my god. I didn’t even...” I looked up and several men thundered down the steps, leveling rifles at me.  I raised my hands in the air. “Tomodachi! Tomodachi! Ruri Kazama no Tomodachi!” I said, regretting the fact that I never bothered to really learn Japanese.
They seemed to get the message through and grabbed me, escorting me inside the building. I hopped on one foot to remove my shoes and tried to smile at them. The place looked run down and old on the outside, but everything inside was brand new. The tatami mats had that sweet straw odor, the red paint on the pillars carved with dragons burned bright. The walls were painted with murals of traditional Japanese art. Potted plants were in every small window.
They still held their guns to me. They were all young men and women. Their eyes were shifting around as they spoke to each other, reflecting fear and confusion, not anger.  They must not get a lot of guests here, after all Chime used the same digital Nibelungen to hide from EVAs prying eyes. I tried to smile pointing to myself. “Hao ren... I mean... Ii... uh how do you say person in Japanese...”
“You can speak English.” One of them, with russet brown hair lowered his guns.
“Ah! Thank you... thank goodness.”
A young woman came out of a back a hall. She said something in Japanese and they all reacted in cries of astonishment, shouting questions.
I just smiled. “Believe me, we’re friends.”
The young woman beckoned to me. “This way. Oh!” She looked down at my dirty stockinged feet and then hurried over to get slippers for me. They were a bit ill-fitting and flapped about as I walked.
She took me by the hand and led me down a hallway until we came to a door. She knocked twice and then opened the door.
Sitting on a small pillow in a simple shirt and slacks, his red eyes smiling from his pale face, Chime Gen looked like the least threatening person on the planet. He leaped to his feet when he saw my tattered white clothing, the blood and my haggard expression.
He sprang into action, pushing me towards the pillow and making me sit while sending rapid fire orders to the young woman. “Are you hurt? What happened?”
He’d grown out his hair, long and white. His rapid movement sent strands of it forward to veil his face, his concerned eyes.
“Chime. You’re the only person who can help us. The Secret party has found Erii and Mingfei and they’re coming over to use the woodblock against them.”
“What?!” He hissed. Immediately, the soft concerned look turned into a hard burning hatred. His face creased, the folds sent dark shadows that shattered his face like a mirror. “Who?! Herzog?!”
My heart leaped in my throat. “No.” I swallowed. “Herzog is dead. But there was another man, Bondarev, who worked with him. Herzog thought he killed him and assumed his identity as Tachibana... but he was still alive and working within the Secret Party.”
The story was confusing, even to me, but Chime’s sharp eyes took in he information. His gaze turned distant. Thoughtful.
“Turns out that he was an agent of the Gattusos. He returned to Japan again. This time under the name Shinnosuke to pursue Mingfei and I. He killed Crow.”
“Okay...” His brief fury had gone as soon as it had arrived. His expression was grim, yet calm. It astounded me that he had no further questions, grasping the situation in a single go.
The girl returned with a tray of tea and rice and vegetables. She saw us close together, saw Chime as he stroked my face reassuringly. She looked between us in stunned silence unsure what to do until Chime nodded for her to place the food and tea on the table.
“There’s no time Chime, they’ll reach Tibet soon!” I said after she had left.
He cut me off, raising his hand. “We have... defenses.” He smiled. “Even if they have an idea of where we are. The village is still remote enough that it will take time for them to get there.”
“But we shouldn’t wait. We need you to help Mingfei and Erii break the influence of the woodblock sound, like you did!”
Chime was listening, but he was still bringing me the tea. “Here.”
“Chime... there’s no time for tea!”
“I know you’re scared. You should be. We both know the consequences if Erii loses control and Mingfei... who knows?” He looked at me gravely. “But this... release... you’re seeking. That’s not something I can force. I can provide the circumstances to help. But it will be up to them to succeed.”
“What... why?”
Chime sat, one knee against his chest. “Herzog used an alchemical procedure, along with a special surgery, to divide the aspects of one’s personality. The good aspects were concentrated in one person. The bad aspects in another. Because he was looking for weapons, he concentrated all the power in the bad side.”
I tried to imagine my sweet Mingfei, my frightened Mingfei, my silly Mingfei as a bad person and couldn’t. What Chime was telling me rang true. Sure Mingfei had some annoying personality traits but he wasn’t bad. All the badness in him was concentrated in another personality.
The one with all the power.
"Mingfei... was... with Herzog?”
He nodded once. “He doesn’t remember and no one bothers to tell him.”
My mind flashed back to the boat, where Mingfei was desperate to see his ‘father’. He said his ‘father’ had called him from a mysterious phone in a bookstore. But perhaps it was someone connected to Herzog? I shuddered to think what might have happened had I not intercepted him.
“There’s something else.” Chime continued. “If we are successful in reuniting his mind and freeing him from Herzog’s woodblock, you won’t know him any more. You might think you know him, but he will be the person you should have met... not the person you know.” Chime’s stare sounded deep into my heart, like he was looking into my very soul.
I lowered the teacup. “Then... you are not the Chime... I remember?”
“No... I’m not.” He gave me a small smile, a subtle maliciousness glittered in his eyes, a quiet cunning.
“You’ll... help me right?” I asked, my heart beating faster.
“For Erii... of course. She loves Mingfei.” He paused and took a small breath. “Unfortunately... Mingfei is not real.”
My shoulders dropped and my eyes widened. “But...”
Chime gave a deep sigh. “Do you still want me to help?”
I rested my forehead in my hands, filled with despair. Enxi’s apology. Was it for this?!
“Who sent you here asking for this?” He asked.
“Her name is Enxi Su.”
“Oh...the owner Takamagahara... or... I should say... former owner.” 
“I thought she was Mingfei’s friend...” I said, my voice hoarse with emotion.
“Well... Maybe she is. But not friends with the Mingfei you know.” Chime reached for his own cup of tea.
My face grew suddenly hot. “I don’t want to lose Mingfei... I don’t want to lose him.”
Chime moved to sit next to me, wiping my face with a cloth. “You’ve lost a lot of people. We all have. This is not an easy decision. But whatever you make... I’ll support you.”
I struggled to regain control. “They’re going to turn him into a dragon lord and kill him. I can’t let them do that.”
Chime nodded once. “I suppose then... he will agree?”
“Yeah... there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for Erii.” The pain of loss assailed me to the point of physical pain. I reached up and gripped my chest, gritting my teeth. “This sucks.”
Chime let out a breathy laugh. “Mingfei has someone who cares about him. As for myself... Let’s just say things were already so complicated... my recombined personality was just one more wave in a stormy sea.” He sipped his tea. “After we do leave here, I have to ask you never to return. I want to keep this place a secret.”
“What is this place?” I asked looking around. Musical instruments leaned against the wall. There was a small laptop, headphones, microphones and bookcases filled with notebooks.
“It’s a Kabuki school. I teach the orphans from the Japan Branch. The unstable ones.” He lowered his cup to the table. “My brother enacted many reforms to re-integrate Devil Clan members back to the Hydra Clans. But so many died in the war that bad blood still remains, and many young Devil clan members have no one to go home to.”
“So this place is a haven them. And also a school. Because no matter what my brother says, unstable hybrids are simply not offered the same educational opportunities as stable ones.”
I nodded. “That’s really kind of you. Okay. I’ll keep it secret.”
“Thank you.”
“Maybe someday... Maybe someday Cassell will change and they’ll be able to study there too.”
“Hmph. Maybe... but still, unstable hybrids have issues stable ones can’t possibly understand... unless they’ve been there.”
His eyes shifted outside the door. His expression tender. He then turned to me. “Once you’re finished eating, we can go. Though, it doesn’t look like it will take you that long.”
My chopsticks were already tapping the bottom of the rice bowl.
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