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driftward · 2 years ago
FFXIV Write 2021 Masterpost
Better late than never. 2021 was the first year I participated in FFXIV Write. A lot of these stories are non-canonical, as I use FFXIV Write events as a chance to feel things out and try to see whether or not some early thoughts of mine will gel and/or stick. They still have a special place in my heart though and I am rather fond of all of them.
Also this is where it all began.
Foster: An early attempt to make an entry point for Nyx. Didn't stick, but is sort~of moving in the right direction.
Aberrant: More Nyx hours. I feel better about this one, and will probably keep it as part of their canon. Maybe in November? But I digress.
Scale: A Dragonsong war haiku
Baleful: A poem about primals
An extra credit day (unused)
Avatar: One of the first things I ever wrote for Zoissette; her speech patterns would change as I refined her, her behaviour and personality only shifted slightly. Also, arguably the beginning of the end for me.
Speculate: And Klynt's (who belongs to @saesama) first appearance. This is a dumb conversation (affectionate).
Adroit: A story in which we take a brief look into a day in the life of the true hero of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Friable: Urianger knows how fragile all possible futures are.
Heady: Nyx in their element, before they have to fulfill their purpose.
Preaching to the choir: Zoissette deals with the inquisition.
An extra credit day (unused)
Oneirophrenia: An Echo awakening; written for Nyx, but I eventually decided it was non-canonical for them. I still really like what I did here, and may find a way to repurpose it one of these days.
Commend: A short bit between Tataru and Zoissette, cleaning up after a banquet.
Thunderous: Nyx defends their scientists. I swear I keep coming back to this in my unfinished works, refining it, wanting to leave it alone but I can't. This is the first original form though. How it'll eventually wind up, I do not yet know.
Crane: A short bit between Zoissette and Klynt. Despite its shortness, I feel it really helps establish the tenor of their relationship.
Destruct: The arc of the life of Fordola rem Lupis.
Devil's Advocate: I will finish this one day. Zoissette sure is having a day in Ishgard.
An extra credit day (unused)
Petrichor: The first day of the rest of Nyx's life. This one I know I intend to rewrite.
Feckless: Zoissette flirts with danger. I did not know it at the time, but this is where the keel was laid.
Fluster: I feel like we settled on this being non-canon? But this is a funny story we made up to justify Klynt and Zoissette having an in-game wedding (@saesama wanted the two-seater chocobo)
Soul: A glance at Zoissette's particular Echo quirk. A look into all her possible pasts.
Illustrious: Zoissette absolutely hates being the center of attention, and Klynt is not at all helpful about that.
Silver Lining: More possible Nyx backstory, but tangled and mixed up. The scientist names are wrong here.
An extra credit day (unused)
Benthos: Nyx explored the underwater areas around Doma, and delights in what they find. Oh, and maybe delayed an attempted rebellion. This is also where they first pick up the moniker that would eventually become their adopted last name.
Bow: Stephanivien enlists Zoissette to the machinest cause. Unfortunately, I myself never quite took to the job.
Debonair: The Thancred Five Girlfriend Trainwreck Pileup
Abstracted: What is Zoissette, anyroad?
Side Abstraction: I used Nyx's POV to build upon one of @saesama's FFXIV write entries. Nyx wishes people were more predictable.
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mealvaan · 7 months ago
Before, the Lover’s sky was bathed in blues. The cyan of risen morning, the indigo of moonlit shroud, the cerulean of imperial breath, the overcast of inexplicable tension. They believed her skin to be of their inclination — the spitting image of their nightly hue. She became the color itself.
Her home above them is now wrought in crimson.
Comets leaving stardust in their wake are surely the Warden’s tears. Even in mourning, she is burning justice. Her sister is everything that is nothing, in grey clouds that part for little more than chain lightning let alone this, in the little peaceful space between the Lesser Moon and the horizon. There is no question which is Dalamud, the ravenous beast — he takes center stage, rearing towards his prey with the rumble of thunder in his belly.
An orphaned clan of young miqo’te gaze upon the destruction of the sacred, the untouchable Twelveswood. Thin blankets and gathered planks — this is the lot of their feeble attempt to bolster the defense of the Shroud canopy, under which they huddle in immobilizing fear. For each shooting star that alights elsewhere, for each ilm that Dalamud falls towards anywhere but their godless sanctuary, a breath of relief is relinquished. 
The sky would rage on and on, Azeyma’s wrath juxtaposed to Menphina’s sorrow. Dalamud would continue his onslaught. At the peak of noon, the youngest among them awaken in the middle of their slumber and find all to be the same — except the prickle of aether disturbed. She climbs to the top of the canopy, closer and closer to the Mother Moon. 
Entire territories of the forest are nothing but smoulder.
The eldest has been awake all night. Anticipating their destruction. Perched on tip-toes, ready to run at any sign of impending doom. 
She tells him that it’s over. Even his optimism is cynical.
“Well, then… Aren’t we the lucky ones?”
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sea-wolf-coast-to-coast · 6 months ago
What was your favorite prompt, if you have one, throughout the years? The one that stood out the most, good or bad!
Oh hey! A super fun question for me! Yay!
The first one that springs to mind is Foster, which was the opening prompt for #FFxivWrite2021
I was pregnant at the time and had posted something about how I just NEEDED bananas foster but couldn't have it because it's a forbidden snack when pregnant. And y'all - more than one of you - chose to write about bananas foster and it absolutely slayed me (in a good way). It didn't help my bananas foster craving BUT, it was hilarious, and I'm always craving a good laugh. So, well done, y'all.
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orime-stories · 1 year ago
Rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and finally the fic with the least words.
Tagged by @sayonaramidnight, thank you! <3
Most hits: Seluna - 1696 - the adventures of my Watcher from Pillars of Eternity
Second most kudos: Impossible Dreams - 41 - my Final Fantasy XIV Warrior of Light Aurelle's first kiss with Aymeric
Third most comments: FFxivWrite2021: Aurelle Silmontier - 37 (about half of which are my responses) - snippets of Aurelle's experiences before and during A Realm Reborn
Fourth most bookmarks: A Fancy Dinner, Camaraderie, A Secret to Keep, The Vault, Expressions of Grief - 4 - various parts of Aurelle's story, including her first date that she doesn't realise is a date with Aymeric, her adventures with team Heavensward in the Churning Mists, the aftermath of her first kiss, coming to Aymeric's rescue, and struggling to deal with the loss of a friend
Fifth most words: The Arrival of the Burning Legion - 3326 - the origin story of my old World of Warcaft main, Lumariae
Fic with the fewest words: A Knight's Calling - 518 - the moment Aurelle loses that friend
Tagging @adraveins, @adozentothedawn, @dragonologist-phd, @serenbach86, @starlightcleric and @starswornoaths for if any of yous fancy it! I know that rootling around in AO3 stats is something some prefer to avoid though, so no pressure at all. And if anyone else wants to give this a go, go for it and tag me in it so I can see!
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the-wardens-torch · 2 years ago
FFXIVwrite2021 - Grave
FFXIVwrite2023 - Prompt #21, entry #10
((Continuation of Off the Hook, Once Bitten, Clear, and Jerk in a VERY rare - at least for me - contiguous and continuous story.))
"And perhaps… if you learned more about it, you would cease to be so ill at ease with it."
His father was completely and utterly right. He'd also been considerate, of all things. The consideration part may well have been accidental, but perhaps it was worth giving him credit for. Fal rested his head on his hand, continuing to watch the dust motes drift through the weak shaft of sunlight coming in through the dirty window.
When he'd first seen his father stalking around at that party in Idyllshire, he'd been reminded of a hungering wolf. Not in the volatile, aggressive sense, but in the sense of a proud creature made desperate by circumstance. Right now he was only visible in shadowed silhouette, standing just on the opposite side of the patch of sunlight. He held a single book with his head bowed in contemplation.
"Since you are not the studious type, I suggest that if you wish to learn more about Bahamut… You should visit his grave." he said, silhouette not budging an ilm.
"His grave? But how could he have a…"
Fal went silent for a second as the answer dawned on him.
"You… mean Carteneau, don't you?"
If the great wyrm had met his end there and dissipated into aether there, it was as good as a grave. He put his hand over his mouth and stared down at the table before him. Uther had started talking again, but Fal's mind was far, far away. In the eyes of the great dragon as he had seen them that night in his dream.
The Coffin card and The Lily card.
Those two cards had stood out in Reo's reading for him after his harrowing dream. A symbol of death, and a symbol of respectful mourning that often went hand in hand - both things placed in graves. He couldn't recall everything she had said in her very sage interpretation, and there had certainly been more nuance to it, but she had also told him to trust his own interpretations of the symbols. His father has even used the word "grave," despite his aversion to descriptions that were more poetic than literal.
Stepping back into the light, Uther crossed his arms huffily and looked down at Fal, His dark green eyes seemed to glow balefully, as if he was aware Fal hadn't been listening.
"…Anyroad… The Carteneau plains were once a sort of no man's land, and many nations sought control over it. But to my knowledge, ever since the Omega Weapon was awakened and extracted from the Carteneau plains, there has been very little further political strife regarding the area. Its surfeit of aether is powerful, but renders the land utterly inhospitable. It might not be difficult for you to go there."
((can't keep writing, gotta play BG3 before bed because I didn't want to wait until after FFXIVwrite to start it. Oops.))
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miqojak · 2 years ago
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change? ((i think i asked this to your ooc blog on accident whoops))
Get to Know the OC Asks I've answered a similar one here, and though it is dated now (the RPer mentioned therein is no longer around) - those things mentioned are still all pretty on point. The things that do come to matter to her...matter. She still has the stuffed dragon that her former lover, Kincaid, gave her. She still has the ribbon that Kini, also played by that person, gave her! They were people who mattered, and saw her; and so, where most items are - in reality - just things and things can always be replaced... she still holds onto these little things from these lost people... especially since Kincaid gave her a little marble that contained a little bit of his essence in it, in case she ever needed him - and though I and Jak both know he's gone, now... she holds onto it. It's a piece of a person, and she was entrusted with it!
This writing is about all three of those little things!
But generally, she is someone who grew up in a nomadic desert tribe - and part of the way of life, and the philosophy out there is only taking what you need. Sure, be a successful merchant - but carrying too much is a death sentence in the desert... or you just slow down the whole tribe, which is equally selfish and frowned upon. So, she likes her stuff, sure. She's never really been able to have stuff- but if it burned down, most of the stuff lost would just be like...well... 'finger discount exists! That's where most of it came from, and I can just use that to get what I want again!'
She's always been this way - and in her way, feels like she has to hold even more tightly to tradition, since she's the only one left alive in her tribe.
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lal-ffxiv · 6 months ago
From Previous Years
I haven't fixed the links it needs to updated to lal-ffxiv.tumblr.com/ for individual posts
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STEER // Luken Meharianni
HORIZON :: Asdis Heolstorm
TEMPEST :: Asdis Heolstorm
RETICENT :: Asdis Heolstorm
STAMP // Luken Meharianni
HALCYON // Luken Meharianni
MORSEL 🌳🌳 The Gridania AU
LEND AN EAR {{The Queer Light Party}}
STABLE {{The Queer Light Party}}
SURROGATE 🐆 (The Parents - M'arianni Alha & Luken Meharianni)
QUARRY 🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛ The Parents
BUTTE ⚔️ 🏹 Demilune of Ash
TELLING 🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛ The Parents
THIRD RATE // Luken Meharianni
SALLY ⚔️ 🏹 Demilune of Ash
TAKEN🌲🌕   The Astral Era AU
DUEL | Luka E'res
SHADE 🌗The HalfMoon AU🌓
BAR 🌳🌳 The Gridania AU
ZIP 🌲🌕 The Astral Era AU
MEMORY | Luka E'res
ON CLOUD NINE :: Asdis Heolstorm
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autumnslance · 2 years ago
Bearing Sins of the Past
“Aeryn faced Nidhogg himself, and fights gods, eldritch sorcerers, rampaging alien machines, and Twelve only knows what else when not thrashing Imperials. Why is this dragon cause to fear?”
“Because she’ll know Aeryn the moment she catches her scent. And I’m not sure what the effects of the bond between them will be.”
“What bond? What are you talking about?”
The story of the dragon Avengret and her ties to Warrior of Light Aeryn Striker's family are now (finally!) on Ao3, starting with:
Chapter 1 Baleful Tidings
All of the original FFXIV Write prompts have been revised, re-ordered, lines and scenes shuffled around, and a few new chapters have even been added. I'll keep the original prompts as-is. This took far longer than I meant to, given life, other writing projects, and Endwalker.
My 2021 FFXIV Master List
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itsladyj · 2 years ago
in the stained glass of these whispered hopes // FFXIVWrite 2021
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a collection of prompts focusing on my Warrior of Light, Jazzele Danzleikr, a Veena Viera hailing from the snowy forests of the Skatay Range. these fills primarily follow her lore and background, as well as her relationship with G'raha Tia, from their ARR beginnings to Shadowbringers and before Endwalker.
some prompts are explicit. most are angst filled and heartbreaking. every single one lingers with the traces of pure love and hope.
these still remain some of my most favorite pieces i've ever written, and i really hope you'll come to enjoy them too.
thank you for reading! and reblogs are appreciated!
Prompt 1 of 31 ♥️ START HERE ♥️
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yukiotacon · 3 years ago
Haurchefant x reader lovesick hc
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It's Haurchefant day folks. Time to celebrate
To say it was love at first sight, would be an understatement
His affection meter was at a solid 100.
When you started frequenting the camp more and more, it became a 1000000
His flirting ranges to a scale of subtle to let me love you and ravish you until dawn
The knights in the camp have a huge ass betting pool on when you guys become official ( maybe 5000 gil)
Commissions practical gifts for you
The most common sight for you when you visit dragon head is seeing him Daydream about you
He likes to imagine hugging you kissing you and well doing things in his " warm personal chambers" with you
After snapping him out of it, he comes super excited
He is practically bouncing of the walls
Haurchefant wants to hear about all your adventures
Preferably over dinner
Haurchefant is a gentleman of course
So when it comes to his dates their simple but very nice
On one such date, you confessed to him your feelings
Haurchefant exe has stopped working
The moment he comes back, he immediately pulls you into a kiss
Congratulations you have obtained a love sick boyfriend
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hyphen1582 · 2 years ago
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Participation prize for Hashiru !
Hope you had an awesome time while creating for the FFxivWrite2022 event!
Thanks to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for organizing!
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mealvaan · 7 months ago
Don’t ring him.
Vahri'a rolls the linkpearl between his fingers for the umpteenth time that day. The sunset filtering through the tent flaps hits it for a moment — and then fades to nothing once more, hidden under the crook of his thumb. There is a resounding mantra in his head.
Don’t ring him.
One has to be strategic when it comes to machinations of the heart. Most would compare such sentiments to a dance, where two people move in efforts to compliment one another, flawlessly adjust to each other’s pace. 
No, Vahri'a considers his love an art of war. To read his opponent’s moves, to pre-empt and to adapt, to avoid being the first one to fall at all costs. He is a benevolent, reasonable general — the moment the other surrenders, he will do so in turn. Until then, love is a tug of war where the rope is constantly taut if not threatening to fray. 
As the man’s gift of a linkpearl was just that — a gift — it was also a bold move. Like moving his Queen across the board. What is a little gesture to most means the world in his friend’s furtive language. Contained in this linkpearl are the hands of an ever-ticking chronometer and the key to his house. 
Don’t ring him.
Metaphorically, of course. Gods, he shouldn’t get ahead of himself.
For this linkpearl is a delicate thing. The potential it holds is encased in a shell of glass. For every sentiment he can deliver in it — every little indication of his persistent care — he overreaches and opens his flank to attack with all of its vulnerabilities. His penchant for control, his obsessive reminders, his need for companionship as a crutch lest he keels over without it. His friend, with his sharp, piercing gaze, would see it from a malm away. If he left that weak spot for the taking, who’s saying what his opponent would do? 
Perhaps surrender in the best interest of everlasting peace between their two nations?
Don’t ring him.
Ignoring this linkpearl would be a grave mistake, too. For he wouldn’t want to seem uninterested, as if that line of aetherial communication between them is entangled with dozens of other paramours. To spurn the offer of something so personal would snuff out the light whatever the man was trying to tell him, if not take away the kindling entirely.
If there is anything behind that gesture, that is. It wouldn’t be the first time he followed his speculation into a world beyond. 
Vahri'a collapses backward into his bedroll, staring upwards at the warm-toned cloth of the tent canopy, billowing in the breeze. Though he attempts to push the focus of his gaze past the linkpearl, it always drags itself back, kicking and screaming.
Don’t ring him.
But Menphina above does he want to ring him. For all of his worldly worries, there is something larger than this mock battle that looms over the both of them. What if he’s in danger? Their star is a tumultuous one on the cusp of collapse, every sun a little bit dimmer. How much would he curse himself if he had the opportunity to save him from something terrible and didn’t — all because he was playing a game of cat and mouse with himself?
Much more than he repeats this incessant mantra. That’s for certain.
Don’t ring him.
Vahri'a sits up, taking one last look at the linkpearl. White is a rare hue to choose. Everyone knows it’ll be a dull, splotched brass if you manage to get enough dirt on it, if not a salmon pink should blood be your close colleague instead. But it suits someone like his friend — always willing to get his hands dirty, but hold himself as if his robes are spotless.
His friend whose expression is cast in porcelain and speaks little. Yet Vahri'a can see the warmth of a hearth glowing from within that typically opaque material, and he can sense words blossoming from each of his silent gestures. His friend who manages to stand tall and proud despite the burdens he puts on his shoulders. His friend who reminds him of himself, but a version he doesn’t hate. Rather, a version that feels familiar like home, that doesn’t feel framed in the red curtains of a stage but rather basks in an inexplicable familiarity. His friend that he wants to be himself around.
Don’t ring him.
Vahri'a slips the linkpearl into his pocket.
The mantra goes silent.
And as Vahri'a’s fingers deftly reach for the linkpearl, discarded for not a second, it realizes its mistake. The fences around Vahri'a are frigid and cold, encased in the oft-forgotten aspect of the Lover’s all-encompassing ice. But the house that’s built within it is merely made of snow. It’s a friable thing, melting to the touch of anything warm, unable to resist the beckoning licks of flame. Inevitably, the linkpearl feels snug returned to the corner of his ear. With it in, he can’t hear that mantra at all.
“Akhira'a? Hey, it’s Vahri'a. Sorry to ring. I just felt like I should.”
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sea-wolf-coast-to-coast · 3 years ago
FFxivWrite2021 Recap
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This post is extremely overdue! I apologize! Last year was a particularly busy one for me. While y’all were exercising your creativity with the prompts each day, I was preparing for the birth of my first kiddo - a little guy who came 3 weeks early and before I had a chance to recap the challenge. Once he was here, I disappeared into first-time-parent newborn life for awhile. And now, I’m back! Thank you all for your patience and understanding as I navigated (and continue to navigate) a major life change.
Now, without further ado, let’s recap!
10,390 total entries were submitted in 2021!
This includes all entries that were submitted via the Google Form, including late entries (and excluding duplicate entries).
Which brings us to 31,556 total recorded entries since we began this challenge in 2017! 
And, we had 80 volunteer artists in 2020!! Which means that there were 80 prize-winners!
A breakdown of the stats + announcement of the Participation Prize winners are below the cut ~
Want to see all public entries? Here’s a link to the Master Spreadsheet. This omits entries that people requested to keep private between them and I.
Total Participation Year to Year:
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Prompt Participation by Year:
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NOTE: The big dips are Make up / Extra Credit Days. Lots of folks choose to take a break over writing Extra Credit. Legit!
Prompt Breakdown by Week:
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Submissions by Day:
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NOTE: Day 7 was the day before the 24-hour deadline went into effect. Hence, the big ol’ spike.
Submissions by Platform:
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Participation Prize Winners
Winners were selected via a random raffle dice roll made by each of the artists and span all online writing platforms, including Tumblr, Ao3, Google Docs, and others (like Twitter). This writing challenge is not a contest - no one’s work was being judged for length, skill, etc. The prizes are based on participation only!
Prizes are a simple black & white portrait of the winner’s character. Most are shoulder up but the artists are free to take liberties if they’d like. Prizes are not commissioned work, so ultimately it’s the artist’s choice for what they’d like to do for the piece. Some artists (not all) accept commissions and might be open to colorizing a prize piece, after it’s been posted, at their normal rates.
All of 2021′s winners have been contacted, and most prizes have been completed. As always, there are a few whose artists needed to drop out for personal reasons, and that’s ok! In those cases, the winners will be carried over into 2022′s pool of winners where another artist will pick up their prize and complete it. That being said, if you were a 2021 winner and you haven’t seen a completed prize yet, please feel free to reach out to me! 
Caffeinated Mess
Congrats, winners! 
We’ll see you next September for FFxivWrite2022
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2021 || kofi
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nalukahvi · 2 years ago
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And, because for a couple years there I was locked out of this account, here is the last 4 years of participation prizes I’ve done! 
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windupiceheart · 3 years ago
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FFxivWrite2021 Participation Prize
Hi I did one of the prizes for ffxivwrite2021 run by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​!
Congratulations to @biff-adventurer​ !!
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liriell · 3 years ago
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FFxivWrite2021 Participation Prize Thank you @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ for the opportunity and the awesome community event! Featuring @lady-isedaire​, congratulations again and thank you for letting me draw your lovely Elezen <3 
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