#Heustienne de Vimaroix
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mosthuggableffxiv · 11 months ago
Most Punchable Job Trainer (Melee DPS)
Dragoons Estinien, who gains relevance in the MSQ, is an outlier and was not counted.
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eemamminy-art · 1 year ago
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Repostober day 24
Lucienne propaganda post 😋 naive and earnest dragoon lady meets big scary (outwardly anyway) quiet garlean lady
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morganali-art · 1 year ago
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Dragonsong Desire Ysayle Dangoulain x Heustienne de Vimaroix
I made a throwaway reference to this title as a bit on my Estimeric romance cover, and I simply had no choice but to make it real.
I wanted the tails of Ysayle's coat and the crystal structures behind her to evoke something of her Shiva form :3
(Textless version under the read more)
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most-fuckable-ff14-lady · 2 years ago
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redwayfarers · 9 months ago
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Nika is starting to regret his potential job change.
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But encouragement of the girl you have a crush on helps a ton :)
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autumnslance · 2 years ago
Bearing Sins of the Past Ch 6 Bloodsong
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“That’s it!” Johon exclaimed. “Corran’s foreign wife; you look much like her. Got his eyes, though. Gods, I haven’t thought of them in years.”
Aeryn’s attention pivoted from the older man back to Avengret, who was grinning in the way only dragons could, every sharp tooth in her mouth visible. “You—So you knew my parents,” she said to him. “They were...farmers.” The other heretics whispered feverishly around them, now realizing exactly who the woman in the red coat was.
Avengret laughed. “Your father was so much more! Until his potential was cut down by a lance, like so many others.”
“Aeryn, what’s she talking about?” Heustienne asked.
“I have no idea. My father died when dragons attacked our village, coming after—” She stopped, throat suddenly tight like it had become that day of their desperate, windy ride home, but finding only smoke and ashes. She remembered the anger radiating off Alberic, tall and terrifying to her child self in his spiky dragoon armor, bloodstains marring the dark plate.
Chapter 6 Bloodsong is live!
Aeryn and Heustienne come face to face with Avengret, but the meeting does not go at all how the Warrior of Light hopes or expects.
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strwpup · 1 year ago
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velnica · 2 years ago
Singing Along Ch 9 - I'll never let you go if you promise not to fade away
Fandom: FFXIV Ship: Sanson/Guydelot Tags: Modern AU/University, Falling in Love, Meet Cute Rating: Explicit CW: brief mention of child abuse (verbal, destruction of property, pushing/shoving)
Heart hammering with fear and hope, Guydelot board the train towards the Observatorium, ready to meet Heustienne again. But would he dare hope for more than just a brief encounter? With Sanson's hand clutched tightly in his, maybe, just maybe, he would.
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voidsentprinces · 6 days ago
Battle of the Tits, the Breast Chests of Eitheirys and beyond!
Not a member of the Heavensward, he's the extra Dragoon who turns dravanian and exiles herself in shame. Second in Command of the Dragoons whenever Estinien isn't around, See: Often
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mosthuggableffxiv · 10 months ago
Most Huggable Job Trainer (Melee DPS)
Okay, I added Karasu for the funsies, but I'm still not putting Estinien on this thing.
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eemamminy-art · 2 years ago
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A bitter truth to swallow, but it's sweeter on her lips. 🐉❄
Not following any specific prompt but I wanted to draw something for xiv rarepair week that's happening on twitter!
I had an idea that like, when the heretics drink the dragon blood, all the memories and emotions of Ratatoskr and Nidhogg overwhelm them and it's only those who can cope with such deep sorrow that can harness the ability to transfer to and from a dragon state
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scrollsfromarebornrealm · 2 years ago
...more dragoon bits >.>
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*slides back in on her bullshit*
Meet Ser Brucemont de Vimaroix of Dragoon questline and technical Unorthodox fame. (It seems as if he possibly shares a last name with Heustienne, and I need to do some confirmation with the EE when I get home)
In my headcanon, the Knights Dragoon underwent a massive reform shortly after the death of Nidhogg and during the events of Stormblood. With Heustienne MIA in HW Brucemont stepped into her greaves assisting Estinien, and became the de-facto leader once the dust had settled from the Dragonsong War. As the title of Azure was now being repurposed and the dragoons technically weren't too keen (read: lazy) on thinking up a new one, the rank of First Lance became the overall head of the Order. Like many, Brucemont also has an active curse, naming his dragon Bastion.
His epithet is Brucemont the Black, so named for his temper. Normally even tempered, when Brucemont is pushed past his breaking point--he will hold a grudge. He will hunt down his foe and will show absolutely no mercy.
The only distinguishing feature Brucemont permits himself to wear is jet-black drachen armor with gold trim--a nod to Estinien's own gear. Otherwise when not dealing with paperwork he himself is out on patrols and hunts.
Like the Azure, the First Lance is considered to be the most superior fighter in the Knight-Dragoon order. Brucemont holds up that reputation rather well, even being able to beat Reinhardt in single combat (however, the fights are starting to get closer and closer to call).
He is good friends with Mathye, having helped pull the other man out of the spiral he fell in after his medical discharge from the Order. And more recently he and Sebastian have become lovers, though the two keep the relationship a secret--and pass it off as friends with benefits.
(naturally Riven found out. Mathye and Reinhardt have no idea).
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redwayfarers · 1 year ago
oh no, heustienne kinda cute, intense little elezen lady
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autumnslance · 2 years ago
Bearing Sins of the Past Ch 7 Echoes
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“I think I’d take the chance, perhaps even move permanently, were I a common man with a family. Get the children far from the war, among the wife’s people.”
“I won’t lie; the thought has occurred to me,” Corran said, and Alberic believed him. “Though I’m surprised, Ser Azure; I’d think one like you would want to keep promising future soldiers for the war in Ishgard.”
Alberic shrugged. “As I said, were I a common man, with a foreign wife who misses her home and children with futures to think of.”
The chronometer in the hall ticked steadily as Corran worked. “Perhaps. Though much as she misses Thavnair, I’d miss Coerthas. I love my home, Ser Azure. There’s little I wouldn’t do to see our homeland prosper.”
Chapter 7 Echoes is now live!
Alberic and X'rhun find Aeryn and Heustienne after their encounter with Avengret. Aeryn wants answers, and unfortunately her Echo is going to ensure she gets them as she experiences a particular day from Alberic's past...
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joiedecombat · 2 years ago
Is Raine in a position where her peers look to her for guidance? How does she handle the pressure of leadership? Is she a natural leader or is it something she's has to work on? Is it something she even wants?
Oh, this is a good one, especially for Raine... because she absolutely is someone who others look to for leadership and guidance, and she's very much uncomfortable with that.
She's more or less made her peace with her status as Warrior of Light and how many people see her as a hero, but she doesn't consider herself a leader. Raine sees her role as that of a vanguard and something of a figurehead - the sharp point of the spear, someone who can take action when and where it's needed most, who brings hope in crisis and inspires other people by her example. She can fight the battles that need fighting, she can dispense brief encouraging pep talks or provide a listening ear for grievances.
When it comes to the full responsibilities of leadership, however, she doesn't feel equipped. She's seen a fair bit of what people like Raubahn, Aymeric, and Hien do, and she much prefers to leave it to them.
It doesn't help that her first attempt at playing mentor (in the level 50-60 Dragoon class quests) didn't really turn out well.
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She can manage pretty well when it's someone in her closest circle, because then it's less "looking to her for leadership" and more simply the need for her support as a friend and ally - and they've all given as much of that as they've received from her over the years. When it's someone she doesn't know as personally, though, Raine feels very awkward. She tends to be cautious about her advice, and usually feels inadequate after the fact even if she seems to have helped them.
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the-manderville-mambo · 2 years ago
hi, just wanted to say that when i saw i had a tumblr notification i was afraid it was another bot, but no it was actually you, a person with impeccable taste (heustienne enjoyers unite)!
Yes, it is I, definitely not a bot!
(Pay no attention to the machine behind the curtain)
Heustienne deserved better and we should've seen her again after Heavensward, thanks for coming to my TED talk
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