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mightbemod · 11 months ago
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2021 Eret redraw! 🌟
I've been thinking about redrawing that one Eret fanart for quite awhile but just yesterday got the sudden motivation to finally give it a try!
i forgot to turn on timelapses for quite awhile so it starts at the coloring basically :p anyway my style sure has changed! mmmmm colors :)
Original 2021 art under read-more!
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mcytransswag · 1 year ago
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The_Eret: nominated from the Dream Smp. Headcanoned to be nonbinary and transfem. (Any pronouns but it/its, which Eret also uses irl)
Ranboo: nominated from Origins SMP. They are nonbinary irl, and use he/they pronouns
Note: Eret identifies as genderqueer irl
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seraphic-sibyl · 2 years ago
Sic Semper Tyrannis (a c!Eret poem)
All hail to the King
(may good fortune await her)
Oh, favor our King, oh almighty Creator
To bless her with life, the same life that she gives
For the lives that she took are the ones that she lives
May God save the King; she was crowned in a tomb
Where iron-red hope stained the walls of the room
(Oh, dearly beloved, we’ve come here to mourn
A people who died for a dream never born.)
All hail to the King (do her subjects all hate her?)
Bow down to the King (‘least she’s not the dictator)
Oh, give her a crown and then force her to kneel
Trade iron for gold (hey, a deal was a deal)
Your crown forged from treason, your robe from regret
And your reign from our souls; did you think we’d forget?
Sic semper tyrannis, always some villain greater
All hail the King Pawn (and her manipulator)
Forgive me, Your Honor, the death-bell has rang
The jury votes split, but it’s your turn to hang
Her Highness the Headsman, slated for execution
Oh, pray for the King, that she finds absolution
A museum of guilt, and all hail the Curator
Pray tell me your story, oh fallen narrator
She’s original sin, a backstabber, that snake
All hail to the King and her greatest mistake
Oh King of the Turncoats, may you stand a bit straighter
Since you left your remorse, with your crown, in a crater
Oh, crown her, depose her, yet we still reinstate her:
All hail to the King
              (her Majesty the Traitor)
C!Eret Week Day 7: Forever/Free
For the last day of c!Eret week, I decided to do something a bit different and express my appreciation for my blorbo through verse. So I wrote y'all a poem inspired by and about c!Eret. I'm really proud of how it came out. Hope y'all enjoy my semi-deranged blorboem.
Anyway, I wanted to go off again, so here are some fun bits:
"Iron-red hope" was there because I wanted to push the idea that blood == hope. It's something that gives people life in a metaphorical way, and it was spilled and left behind, at least in part, in the Final Control Room.
"Trade iron for gold" is a double entendre: it could mean an unequal trade, or it could mean that Eret traded the rough scrappiness of L'Manbergian life for the gilded luxury of the kingship, or it could mean iron as in blood, which she traded for the golden crown. This also ties back into the iron-red hope line.
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salemruinseverything · 2 years ago
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literally do not remember writing this.
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aro-throughyourchest · 2 years ago
I would very much like to hear your trans Wilbur headcanons!
OHHHHHHH boy I’m not on my computer so this might not be as fast as I want it to be but sit down so you can strap in I’m just getting started
(For context even pre-transition we’re gonna use she/he/it pronouns and both identifiers.)
Uhhh trans-typical trigger warnings. We’re not just getting into the “cosmetic” shit of being trans.
So C!Wilbur for years before his death: just absolute egg. I made an edit about it that which is in my bigender wilbur tag but anyway yeah. Girlie was deeep in the closet. She was envious of all the people who got to live the life they wanted and felt bad about it or completely oblivious to it. (c!Eret came out to it and bro didn’t even fucking realize just died a little on the inside and thought it was transphobic.)
She’s so attached to an outright “manhood” that she’s actively pushing herself further in the closet, because men are big and strong and tough and she’s leading a country, so if there’s any doubts about being a man there’s definitely no time for that! (Which there aren’t, so she’s good.) It’s never liked armor and always brushed the idea off, and if it visualizes itself in a dress every once in a while and would love to model one, or pretends his coat was just was a little bit longer, then no one needs to know. And he doesn’t need to understand.
Pogtopia just turns it up to eleven. Its body is wrong and that’s bad, and she keeps visualizing herself like a man, like Schlatt, and crying. But also a lot of it is also the normal crying? And this kind of crying is different from the crying she usually does, the crying that Tommy doesn’t know how to help and the crying that Techno suspiciously says nothing on. There are no mirrors in Pogtopia. For good reason. There are mirrors in Schlatt’s office.
Something is wrong he can tell, something is wrong. And she doesn’t know what it is, and it scares the living fuck out of her.
Fast forward a few years into limbo, Wilbur is fiddling with her shirt and suddenly a thought: hey, what if I had tits. Like actual ones? The thought just takes him so far off guard, it stops fiddling with its shirt entirely, dropping it in the embarrassment. What the fuck?
The thoughts continue like this and with no one to talk to, Wilbur can literally do nothing but self-reflect, and oh my God does he want to wear dresses? Does she want long hair? It’s stuck in the body and with limbo allowing no recluse, he mourns.
It suffers like this for a while, eventually concluding, “I am what I am,��� but it’s still not an answer. It’s just a dismissal.
Wilbur doesn’t bring it up when Tommy follows him into to limbo, too busy occupied with having someone for the first time. And if she lets a few things slip that Tommy definitely doesn’t catch uhhhh who knows.
Revival drags him back to life. And suddenly, his body has weight again, he can feel the warmth on his skin, and the air in between his lungs, and it’s everything he ever wanted. Then crash.
All the pieces he tried to forget over limbo just come hurtling back like a bullet train. Too loose shirt, hair that doesn’t feel right, too masculine, not what he wants- What he wants?
This is all too much, he can’t figure this shit out on his own.
Despite himself (herself?), she goes to find Eret. Niki might kill her, and going to his son about this, it just simply couldn’t take. It remembers fourteen years ago, when they came out to Wilbur. Or was it a year? Fuck.
Either way.. Breathe tepid and heart racing, he knocks on the door to Eret’s museum. She opens, and God, this just isn’t worth it. It turns to run away and feels a hand on its shoulder. Something cold runs up the spine of his back, and she immediately smacks the hand away, fully ready to blow her top. Then it falters. He’s ready to walk off, call this a bust and just go home, but then Eret speaks: “Wilbur?”
“…Can we talk about something?”
Surprisingly, the first thing on Eret’s mind wasn’t Wilbur’s coming out. (Crazy, right?) They talk properly about all the shit that’s happened with conversations they really needed to have, Wilbur definitely cried a few times, tried his best to not start arguments, but somehow, he went in for an explanation and came back with one of his oldest enemies her first friend in 13 years.
What he thought would be a small talk eventually blossomed into her first real reconciliation.
He’s so anxious to try on a dress, a dichotomy from the confident, suave Wilbur Eret once knew, but as she slipped it on, her eyes lit up. Eret brushed out its hair for it, pulling the lower half of it into a ponytail and talking about how fast Wilbur’s hair already grows. Its heart swells with pride.
Bigender. That was the word. She rolled it over on her tongue over and over again, bigender. It fit. Its identity wasn’t black and white, no one or the other. Because yeah, sometimes he was a guy, and sometimes she was a fucking girl. God.
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silbernerwolf · 2 years ago
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It is here!! @kazville got me a signature and it has arrived :D
And a cute cat as a bonus! ^^ Thank you my wonderful friend!! 💜
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transmcytshowdown · 1 year ago
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Submitted for: Dream SMP, SMP Earth
Headcanons: Genderqueer, any pronouns except it
Propaganda: Uses any pronouns except it irl
Submitted for: Kaboodle SMP
Headcanons: Trans-fem, she/her
Propaganda: Is a trans woman irl
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bubble-popping · 7 months ago
day 5, more roleswap au
Sapnap slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide with terror and disgust. Like watching a burning building, he couldn't look away. His brain struggled to process what he was seeing. What pieces of Bad belonged where, he internally corrected with a cringe.
Before he knew it, one firework explosion became two, became so many he couldn't even figure out who was dying.
Skeppy went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Nightmare] by Dream
GeorgeNotFound went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Nightmare] by Dream
JackManifoldTV went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Nightmare] by Dream
The_Eret went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Nightmare] by Dream
Jschlatt went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Nightmare] by Dream
Screw Sam's warnings. Sapnap couldn't sit silently on the sidelines anymore.
"Dream!" He screamed, sprinting onto the scene and trying not to vomit at the gore staining the audience seats.
The enderman whipped around with his crossbow raised, finger on the trigger. Blazing green eyes, wide and manic, stared him down. His pupils were barely visible slits in the middle. He was heaving; mouth open to show sharp canines. Fur bristled and bloody. Sapnap didn't recognize his friend at all.
"Dude, it's me! It's Sapnap!" Panic started to settle in when Dream remained firm in his stance, ready to shoot at a moment's notice. "Pandas! It's Pandas!"
And he could see the instant Dream realized. How his pupils slowly expanded, shoulders relaxed, and crossbow lowered.
"Pandas...? Sapnap?"
"Dream... why? Why would you do this?" The blaze hybrid asked brokenly, trying desperately to keep his eyes on Dream and not the mangled corpse of their best friend behind him.
Dream seemed confused. His gaze wandered to the remnants of the audience. Limbs and chunks scattered the area. Devoid of life.
"I did this...?" He took in the sight, reality gradually settling in.
"Dream!" Sapnap shouted again when Dream had gone into a frozen, stunned silence. "What the fuck, man!?"
Once Dream looked back to him, all he saw was pure fear. "I'm sorry," he mouthed, and disappeared in a cloud of lime-colored particles, leaving Sapnap all alone on a stage surrounded by death.
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basil-the-bulbasaur · 1 year ago
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Vote Jimmy for @transmcytshowdown
Do it for T4T ranchers!
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peearrdee · 1 year ago
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Eret as the god of pride in KOLLOK
This is weird but i am 90% sure i gaslit myself into thinking an entire event involving Eret as the diety of parties took place.
All I can remember is:
it was a big collaboration, Eret was just part of it
Something about a Trial of the Gods
The building was very white
Eret was wearing a similar dress to the one they wore at the streamies (the purple to blueish one) and had silver face makeup
There was fanart of Eret and Elaina with Elaina as the hot dog goddess.
It was on like the same production level as Gen Loss, mabye better, and I vaugley remember dungeons and dragons being mentioned
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mightbemod · 1 year ago
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🎊Birthday gift for the birthday streamer!!!
starting 2024 off strong with some Eret art 💪‍ I had fun using exclusively pixel brushes for this!
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mcytransswag · 1 year ago
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The_Eret: nominated from the Dream Smp. Headcanoned to be nonbinary and transfem. (Any pronouns but it/its, which Eret also uses irl)
TheOrionSound: nominated from Empires Season Two. Headcanoned to be transmasc and nonbinary (he/she/they pronouns)
Note: Eret identifies as genderqueer irl
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tubbobot · 9 months ago
@The_Eret Hurry! The ice is freezing up
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dreamsmpgodbrawl · 1 year ago
Hannahxxrose and The_Eret
Antfrost and Slimecicle
Badboyhalo and Philza
Technoblade and Awesamedude
Aimseytv and Niki Nihachu
Connoreatspants and HBomb
Foolishgamers and TinaKitten
Quackity and Lazarbeam
Ponk and Purpled
Callahan and MissTrixtin
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number2ethogirl · 2 years ago
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Smallishbeans "he's a converted ethogirlie since double life,"
"he built them the 'relation' ship he wore a SHIRT with etho's FACE on it COME ON"
Eret "https://clips.twitch.tv/ExquisitePuzzledToadPRChase-rCKLcCj3z0ImcHmD"
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mcytimagedescribed · 2 months ago
[ID: Various Dream SMP in-game chats.
image 1:
Technoblade joined the game Antfrost: Technoblade BadBoyHalo: Technoblade Punz: Technoblade Technoblade: Technoblade Technoblade left the game
image 2:
Technoblade joined the game Quackity: karl Quackity: i love you so much Technoblade left the game
image 3:
TommyInnit: Never call us clowns. Quackity: Never call us clowns. Tubbo_: Never call us clowns.
image 4 [all caps]:
Ranboo: Welp Ranboo: Time to cry
image 5:
Dream: fuck Dream: fuck Dream: fuck Dream: fuck Dream: fuck Quackity: fuck Quackity: fuck Quackity: fuck Quackity: fuck Quackity: fuck Quackity: fuck
image 6 [all caps]:
GeorgeNotFound joined the game Quackity: This is all your fucking fault [sent 12 times]
image 7:
Skeppy joined the game Technoblade: cringe WilburSoot: cringe TommyInnit: cringe Tubbo_: cringe Purpled: cringe
image 8:
Ranboo joined the game WilburSoot: fuck off Ranboo: k Ranboo left the game
image 9 [all caps]:
Callahan: That shit hurted
image 10 [all caps]:
BadBoyHalo: Fuckkkkkk
image 11:
Technoblade joined the game Ranboo: techno Technoblade: no Technoblade left the game
image 12:
TommyInnit joined the game The_Eret: Hey tommy! TommyInnit: ayup The_Eret: Thanks for the raid! <3 TommyInnit: no worries dude! i hope the stream is well!!!!!! :D The_Eret: Great thanks! :D TommyInnit: O shit youre live TommyInnit: sorry: TommyInnit: primes TommyInnit: women TommyInnit: i hate you eret youre evil TommyInnit: fuck you bitch TommyInnit: fuck you TommyInnit: die bitch TommyInnit: ranboo i hate ranboo The_Eret: Love you too, Tommy! <3 TommyInnit: Die
image 13:
TommyInnit: fuck off wilbur TommyInnit: fuck off wilbur TommyInnit: fuck off wilbur x3 TommyInnit: bruh TommyInnit: bruh x2 TommyInnit: bruh x3
image 14 [all caps]:
Quackity: I am sick of this planet and its people Quackity left the game
End ID.]
dsmp chat screenshots I have saved
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