#bondmate AU
witchofthesouls · 1 year
Tarn isn’t allowed to name the future kids, mostly because the nurse (and the rest of the DJD) have the sinking suspicion (it really isn’t suspicion if their correct, though) that Tarn is gonna either name them after Megatron is some shape or form.
Of course he can't. He's not the sire. Just a donor. There's no relationship. None.
Meanwhile, nearly the entire ship is staring at Tarn going through parenthood and acting more like a bondmate, oblivious or in deep denial about it.
Even the Camien nurse is confused about it, but at this point, is just rolling with it as "Tarn-specific weirdness." You're thinking he wants someone to tell him good job and that he's curious about sparkling development.
... You're not wrong.
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omegaversetheory · 4 months
Traditional Omegaverse
After getting caught up with Bridgerton the wheels started turning...here is the courtship process in my au at the moment.
The Promenade - A debutant ball style event where families walk and present their child who has newly come of age around the village center and to the town hall to register as an official pack member. The promenade also signifies that the child is ready to find a mate/bond partner to all of the other pack members. Promenades normally occur the first summer after the child's 21st year, but could be delayed all the way to age 24. There is often a high level of pagentry involved, and specific promenade customs vary by region and culture.
Setting Intent - Asking someone out in a traditional marriage isn't the same as just simply saying the words. The pursuer (of any dynamic or gender) will write to letters; one to the person they are interested in, which is very heartfelt and private. It normally containings information about why the pursuer is interested in the pursuee, things that have caught their eye, why they might be a good match, and other sweet nothings. The second letter is to the pursuee's parents/family (or pack if they are not a part of the same one) detailing how the pursuer sees themself fitting into their community, the skills they possess, any wealth/connections they have, and other information that shows the family they would be a valuable addition. Parties would exchanges letters back and forth until a decision had been reached, specific information exchanged by a pursuee and pursuer is kept private, but the pursuee's family must inform the pursuee about their correspondance with their potential bondmate.
Courtship Period - once the pursuer and the object of their affection agree to enter into courtship it begins. If they do not live close together, the pursuer will move to wherever the pursuee is. Courtship may last anywhere from 4-18 months. This period of the process is conducted 100% publicly/semi-publicly. Partners are not allowed to convene privately and may be escorted by 2+ (for witness accountability) chaperones. Courtships may be broken off at any time, but no matter how serious a couple is, they may not move to the next step for 118 days (4 lunar cycles/approximately 4 months).
The Sitting - a ritual that comes between courting and bonding. Lasts one full harvest season/one heat cycle. A couple sequesters away together (normally in designated housing) to get to know each other deeply and experience living together without distractions. Neither partner works, meals are provided by community members. In most cultures, the couple is either expected to abstain from intimacy throughout the duration of the sitting including during any heat/rut period. It is split into two sections - an closed period in which the couple may not be seen in public or be around other people, and an open period where they are free to move about freely. The closed period is extremely difficult but it forces the couple to examine the viability of the coupling beyond the lust/infatuation period. Couples may bond one another after the heat or rut has broken, or the harvest is complete or they may choose to separate.
Bond Ceremonies - A high ranking pack or ministerial official will guide the partners through a vow ceremony which will be performed in front of their community, the community or pack normally then arranges a dinner/meal to celebrate with dancing, and then the couple will retire to perform bonding privately. To ensure the bonding has been completed, within two weeks of the ceremony both partners must show their bond marks to the person who conducted their vow ceremony and as well as one witness picked at random. All four parties will then sign an official document, signifying the bond is now legally binding.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Remember how I said I had too many AUs. Well, another one just dropped. I've been working on this one off and on all week not really sure I was going to do anything with it, but last night it became a full -fledged story and not just a plot bunny.
So to prepare you for that, I wrote down the world building so that I don't have to go into detail in the story.
So here you go:
Werewolf Steve and Vampire Eddie (actual title TBA).
The city of Hawkins is one of the few cities in the country that was the home to both a vampire coven and a werewolf pack. It is a safe haven for all supernatural and hunters are forbidden from entering its city limits.
The coven is run by Billy Hargrove. He swept into town with his small vampire family and killed the previous Dominus (leader), taking over the coven. Billy is born vampire, meaning both his parents were vampires who sired him. Max is also born.
Even though it’s called Harrington Pack, the pack leader isn’t hereditary. The leader is always who the strongest male wolf is. The alpha female usually the male’s bondmate but not always. Nancy is the alpha female because of how strong she is and not because she dated Steve in high school. When Hopper was alpha, Joyce was alpha female for example.
This is the largest the pack has been in years. It includes the Hoppers (originally his wife and daughter before his daughter died and his first bondmate left the pack, now him and adopted Jane), the Byers, the Wheelers, the Sinclairs, the Harringtons, and Hendersons. With the Byers and the Hendersons, the dads were banished when it came out they were abusing their family.
Banishment is a mark on the back of the former pack member’s neck that prevents other packs from taking them in or forming a pack of their own. People can willing leave a pack to join another (like getting married or joining a temporary pack when they’re at college away from home), but banishment is a raw deal and used rarely. Hop banished both Lonnie and Mr Henderson, when he came out of his drunken stupor when he adopted Jane.
The Buckleys, Hagens, and Perkins have been long time keepers of the Harrington pack. A keeper is a kind of werewolf version of a vampire’s thrall. Someone who takes care of them when they are in wolf form or can touch silver if they get hurt.
For the most part the wolf form of the pack is like their hair color. Nancy, Mike, and Dustin all have curly fur in wolf form, Mike’s isn’t has bad as the other two though. The exception being the Sinclairs, (their fur isn’t wiry or curly like the other three, it’s just longer and jet black), and Steve. He’s a two-tone wolf. He has warm brown fur on top, but his legs, belly, and tip of his tail are honey colored.
Steve is made head of the Hawkins pack after Hopper was kidnapped by hunters and was reported MPD (missing, presumed dead). He won it through combat a couple of the older wolves tried for the role, but nineteen year old Steve beat them all.
ETA: Full Story here.
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marc--chilton · 5 months
Can't stop thinking about the mgv au, specifically about how it would have been when Stacy left House after the infarction and Wilson came to pick the pieces up... 👀
IT WAS SO BAAAAAD. so awful. wilson had already been helping stacy a bit via medical advice (little things she'd worry about that weren't discussed at the hospital regarding home care) so the transition from stacy's caretaking to wilson's was smooth, all things considered. stacy had called wilson to take over because her decision on house's surgery led to house snapping at her constantly, and between her own guilt (she doesn't regret the decision she just hates that it gave house so much grief) and house's abuse afterward, she couldn't take it.
an alpha leaving their ailing omega.... wilson's hindbrain hated stacy for that for a long time. he understood her point of view, but the hindbrain is not ruled by logic. wilson's protectiveness of house started here with a ferocity; he left his own wife home alone to stay with house while he was healing and only left the apartment if truly necessary. if house hadn't been so actively miserable -- not only is he still in pain, but now he has to grapple with the fact he's now disabled, AND stacy's bond to him is withering (in my mgv bonds fading is an uncomfortable process that can have pain in the gland where the mark is located, mood swings, depression, etc) -- it would have driven him crazy how bad wilson's hovering was. as it was though, it really what started twisting their friendship in a strange direction.
house's hindbrain is affected by all this, too. he's bitter and depressed and pissed off but the omega in him is crushed his bondmate abandoned him. if it had its own voice it would be wailing because that's what it felt like inside his head. not good enough/broken omega/alpha decided i'm not worth it
but!! wilson is there and he's an alpha.... and in his time of need? the omega part of house LATCHES onto him as though he imprinted on him. when he would whine and stacy came in to check on him, he would bite her if she came close. not a corrective little nip, but a bite so strong he could feel the bones in her hand grind. but when wilson runs in (yes, RUNS in) house is more receptive to his form of comfort, even when wilson makes it more intimate than strictly necessary (rumbling coos, petting his hair and wiping away pained tears, even calling him honey so tenderly it makes him ache)
wilson doesn't even call bonnie the entire time he's there. he doesn't even think about her until she calls HIM. it's the beginning of the end for them and wilson knows it but house needs him right now so for the time being, he really doesn't care. when he does finally come home to try to spend a night with her and give her some attention, she's so put off by house's scent on him she pushes him away (so wilson just goes back to house's place. because at least there he can sleep on the couch and not have a panic attack worrying that house will fall and hurt himself while wilson's away)
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mychlapci · 9 months
Also had thoughts about that mer au and I'm kinda giddy bc a fandom I was into in 2019 had a v similar concept so now I'm borrowing to offer:
The mermechs shouldn't be breeding as fast as they should. In their natural habitat, it's probably every few years they pair up to mate or feel truly comfortable to settle down with clutches or pups. Now they're in an environment that's closed off from predators and most rivals, have consistent food access medical attention and clueless and too terrified caretakers. It's a perfect storm for a breeding frenzy.
Mers that feed their pups ending up with larger, saggier tits, valves are ruined by the so frequent breeding and birthing and sense of self preservation goes out the window. Probably a few start fucking each other's spike sheaths since the valves are no longer right. Maybe the staff have to start fully separating even bonded sets for their own safety, as well as having to do medical repairs on sheaths and slits. But of course the mers can't go cold turkey, so the staff have to get all sorts of things to stuff and distract the mers.
And not everyone is a saint, so it doesn't take long to find out how viable a land and mer mech are for producing offspring
oh holy shit now that’s interesting. Mers suddenly breeding rapidly in facility tanks and research aquariums because they’re constantly fed, safe, and no one bothers them in there...
A mer getting so over-excited to breed that they shove their spike into their partner’s loose valve the moment the last of their pups is out, filling their stretched, worn gestation tank again. Then again, and again, and again. 
A mer that had been bred so much that they’re too fat to swim properly, and they can only drag themself alongside the floor of the tank, their constantly swollen array bruising itself against the rocks and pebbles as they struggle to get to where the food is. In the ocean this wouldn’t be possible, they’d have to keep at least part of their agility to hunt for food and escape danger, but here? In a pretty, filtered tank? What’s stopping them from having more pups? (y'know, maybe at first most facilities didn’t mind the breeding… some, perhaps at the start most of them, would sell the pups and make bank. The mers were kept blissfully unaware, believing their young were sent off to grow up in the wide ocean, as is custom)
hrghhh a mer fucking their partner’s spike sheath because their valve is completely ruined, turned inside out and completely loose after years of endless birthing and breeding. The staff has to constantly repair their merformers because they end up completely used and abused after a while. After repairs all the bondmates have to be separated even though it seems to be taking a toll on their mental wellbeing. But the moment they reconnect them, they attempt to breed again and by now they should have really learnt their lesson, but… instinct wins. Safety, an abundance of food, their beloved partners… it just activates the drive to breed within them automatically. They can't help it. Even if it hurts after a while.
Most facilities now have to figure out how to release their mers back into the wild without fucking the whole ecosystem up.
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deadendtracks · 5 months
I was thinking about 'Not' the other week -> after that scene where Alfie x Tommy x Tatiana went wrong, the doctor talks to Alfie about what it might have done to their ‘bond’ and Alfie’s thought process does something like, 'oh no mate we are *not* bonded, that was his (beta) wife.'
And it’s been niggling at me! I didn’t really have a specific question but wondered if you had more thoughts and context on how bonds work in your version of the omegaverse? Like, were Grace and Tommy bonded? What did that mean? What did her dying do to him as the one left alive with that broken bond? Can Tommy bond again? What would bonding with Alfie do to him, would they ever do it, want to do it, etc?
Oh gosh, let me try to reconstruct my thinking/backstory for all of this, which has always been pretty seat-of-the-pants. I also kinda kept it vague because a) i hate expositioning in AUs about things the characters would just understand and b) i wanted to leave it open to play with or lock down whenever it became important to the evolving series/story/world.
But yeah, I think Grace and Tommy being bonded was mentioned in earlier fic in the series? I'm blanking at the moment where that came up, but the idea that when a bondmate dies suddenly/violently the remaining partner tends to off themselves was a belief in the society -- whether this is some kind of physiological reality or more like a type of urban legend is left somewhat ambiguous. I wanted it to be a little ambiguous because peaky tends to be like that with the supernatural, and that felt a bit analogous. I think I wrote something about the idea that soldiers during the war believed that if one of their comrades got a letter that a bondmate back home had died that soldier was likely to walk into a bullet.
My understanding is that fandom omegaverse bonding typically involves some kind of bite. I haven't established if that's the case/how that works in this universe but I also like the idea of Grace biting the back of Tommy's neck, given he's the omega in that partnership. A n y w a y. But I haven't nailed it down. Most likely it will be something like that; I've sort of had fun picking and choosing which typical omegaverse tropes I want to use versus drop and do differently.
My vague concept of bonding in this universe is that it has roots in that sexual physiological/chemical thing that does happen between people even in our reality. The pheromones of sexual attraction. So maybe it starts that way, which is why the veterinarian thinks Alfie and Tommy are bonded: there's a certain smell, probably.
I think I implied at some point that bonding doesn't have to be exactly consensual, because i find the whole omegaverse heat/rut thing to be something of a ... body horror situation personally.
I don't have answers to whether Tommy can bond again and what bonding with Alfie would do to him. In my mind *theoretically* people can bond again; the issue in the series where it stands right now is that we're still in the period between season 3 and season 4, so Grace's death is still a very vivid wound for Tommy and he's not interested, willing, capable or ready for that kind of thing.
Bottom line I'm not really someone who works out world building in a lot of detail ahead of time but I do have some basic thematic things I'm interested in playing with.
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dreadfutures · 7 months
Hello! :3
you reblogged the prompt list from budding romances, so if you accept any, what about, for Ixchel with whomever you'd like:
i like it when you held onto me. that was nice.
(ignore it if it was just a reblog, of course!)
Thank you!!!
Sebastian x Ixchel from my One Wild And Precious Life AU, after Corypheus, after Solas deals with the Evanuris and falls into uthenera.
Takes place after their escapade in a hollow tree trunk
They have picked out the leaves from their hair and sheepishly turned in their grass-stained breeches to the laundress, and the Tantervale delegation is none the wiser for their antics. Prince Sebastian remains the pious, devoted lord in their eyes; of course, they had searched for him all day, but--had they not thought to search for him in the chapel? He was there praying all afternoon, they should have sent for him! Of course, Ixchel is delighted to know the truth. As she sits in a chaise across from him now, by a hearty fire, she smiles to think of his boyish antics.
There are threads of silver in his hair, and creases at the corners of his eyes and mouth from years of hearty laughter. His children find him to be a good companion still, and so does she, now that they have been put to bed. He seems weary and regal and almost austere, lounging in simple clothes as they enjoy each other's company--to all appearances, he is a proper lord.
She turns her face into her hand to stifle a smile.
"I'd spare a gem to share in your joy, my lady," Sebastian says, propping his cheek on his fist. His eyes gleam at her, as does a hint of a smile. "What has you laughing?"
"You," she says. "Us. This afternoon." Her previous effort to hide the smile has utterly failed, so she turns it wide upon him. "It's good to remember we can run from our duties every now and then."
Sebastian gives a sage nod, his expression fixing itself into a businesslike mask. "Yes indeed. I'm happy to provide the reminder, Lady Inquisitor, anytime you forget."
She laughs at that. Laughter always comes more easily to her when in his presence--and for that alone, she longs to stay by his side. She reins in that almost desperate feeling, however, berating herself for a thousand reasons. It is too soon, and she does not fully know what she wants, and she cannot leave behind this feeling of guilt for finding joy as a widow whose bondmate really wasn't dead in the traditional sense, and --
"Something has chased away your mirth," Sebastian notes in a low voice and so draws her from her reverie. He does not seem to be scolding her, and neither is he inquiring, really, as to the reason for her clouded features. He observed, and then he left it outstretched for her to ignore or address as she pleased.
Her heart aches, pounding in her chest at the kindness of it. The space he affords her to be seen, but without expectation or violation, is something she receives infrequently these days.
The problem is...she doesn't know what exactly to do with it, since she neither knows what she wants nor what she doesn't.
Ixchel collapses a little against her arm, and the arm of the chaise, and lays her brow against her shoulder to hide her face from view.
She considers what it would mean to be honest with him. About what she feels, even though it is a confusing mess. The tangles are all around him, anyway, and it feels right to let him see what trouble he's brewed up for her. Pleasant trouble, but trouble nonetheless.
"As I said this afternoon," Sebastian murmurs, "you may tell me if I am moving too fast."
Ixchel's breath hitches. "It's not you, it's --"
"Please don't say that!" He laughs as he speaks, gently. "Varric will make fun of both of us for being a stereotype."
She wants to laugh, but pain lances through her chest. "Varric is already making fun of me for everything," she admits. "I don't know if it's too fast, Your Majesty. I... It's a lot at once, but I would suffer if you were anything less than wholly earnest with me. It's an honor to receive your affections, and... I don't dislike it. But Varric says I'm terrified of being happy, and he's right."
Her voice has grown thick with an emotion that surprises her for its potency, and she's glad she has hidden her face away.
"Happy is more than I think either of us are entirely capable of," Sebastian says soberly, and the raw edge to his words comforts her in the worst way. She is not the only one who has suffered a loss. Though Sebastian's is somewhat more permanent.
"I try not to strive for something with so much heft," he continues. "I find it helps just to pursue whatever lightens the burdens for the day. Your company accomplishes that, effortlessly, if I may be so honest."
"Ma serranas," Ixchel whispers, overcome.
Sebastian is content to let her sit with his admission, and the silence that follows her thanks. It really is her company that lightens his day; she has felt it, and she feels it now even in the midst of this shared, heavy moment. He needs nothing more than that, and does not ask.
"It really is heavy," she says as, with great effort, she raises her head again. "But... I feel the same. I do."
He returns her shy smile.
"There is something I ask the wee ones before I put them to sleep," he says. "I find it's helped me as much as them, if not more. 'What's one thing you liked about today?' There's always one thing. Some days there's more, but there's always one thing--and that's one reason to try again the next day."
Ixchel nods with a wry edge to her smile. "Ah, yes. I call it evidence. I need evidence to make myself believe things can still be good, or better, even if it feels like nothing is going right. It's the only way I can keep up hope."
Sebastian nods and shifts in his seat, cutting his eyes at her with a look of appraisal. "Exactly," he says. "So what's one thing you liked today, and what are your hopes, Lady Lavellan?"
Ixchel's throat works around the words a bit before she can form them on her tongue, and her face is growing red even before she speaks them. But speak them she does, meeting his gaze with no small amount of trepidation.
"Well... I liked it when you held onto me. That was nice," she says. "And... And I hope it happens again."
If her words impact him, it's difficult to tell, but maybe he goes a little stiff--perhaps restraining himself from a different reaction. His gaze sears her flushed cheeks even further with its intensity, and it takes him a moment to even remember to breathe, it seems. When he can speak again, he sounds winded, rushing like a schoolboy.
"I'd grant that wish now, if that's agreeable to you."
Neither of them move.
Ixchel swallows.
She nods.
"Come here, Ixchel."
Sebastian raises an arm to give room at his side, and she finds herself standing and floating over the short distance between them as if compelled by gravity itself.
His warmth and scent washes over her, cedar and smoke. He settles the pelt across their laps and lays his arm across her shoulders with utmost deliberate care. It is up to her to lean in to his chest, to take the prerogative and lay her head upon his shoulder--and she bravely does.
She is shivering as she closes her eyes and breathes the moment in.
His heart pounds beneath her hand.
"I like this, too," he says softly against her brow.
She turns her face up to him, her eyes still closed in either fear or acceptance.
But when he kisses her, the only thing she feels is peace.
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virginwetrooster · 1 year
Anyone remembers my Oblivious Soulmates AU ? Good, because here comes more of it !
It takes some time to get used to this... Situation. To be your brother's soulmate, bondmate, soulbound, whatever you call it (and from what they learn, the magic world has a lot of names for it).
It's strange, but as Mario realizes abruptly one day, it's not the situation itself that is strange; it's how little it disturbs them. Maybe because they always hoped they would spend their lives by each other's side, and only now does Mario realize partners and children never really featured in their long-term plans. Or maybe because Luigi realizes whenever people asked him if he had a girlfriend, he wanted to scoff because what was the point when he had Mario by his side ?
But they never thought of each other as ... that kind of partners before. Yet now it's addictive; they were already a package deal, have always shown their affection through touch, but now every touch, every caresses is a thrill, a peek into the other's emotions, and it was only a matter of time because they took it a further step. They wake up entangled in the morning and already hungry for more, Mario loves Luigi's teasing touches, Luigi relishes in his brother's gentle strokes.
That fulfilling, addictive, perfect feeling of belonging. Mine, mine, mine, their souls sing in harmony as they become one again.
But sometimes reality is there to remind them they're different now.
When they visit their family in Brooklyn, they're careful, sneaky, anxious to be caught. It makes Mario wonder if he hasn't made a mistake, led his little brother down a dangerous path (because if there is someone to blame, it's Mario, it's always Mario). Luigi feels his discomfort and joins him on the fire escape after dinner, leaning against his shoulder and gently scolding him. Does Mario think Luigi wouldn't follow him to the end of earth anyway, soul bond or not ? And now, it might be strange, it might be weird, but he wouldn't give this up for anything in the world.
He's Mario's. Mario is his. That's as simple as that.
And now for a little something different ! I have several ideas for this AU, some based on the games, some on situations.
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
The Cybermorphs AU TFA where the "babies" are Team Prime, Team Rodimus, and Blackarachnia. The Cybermorphs are just looking at the much shrunk and malnourished autobots and techno-organic cybertronian and went "bebe must adopt " the hive ie in a bit of a fugue state and it takes Doctor Nickel half-cybermorph baby(is complicated) found by Praetorian DJD bring sense to them.
Bonus points:
Nickel can back the whole hive down the hall as a minibot.
Strika is Lugnut's converted bondmate
Part of reason for confusion is Bulkhead is Lugnut and Strika's baby so Team Prime smells like Hive
The TFA Autobot society sucks. None of the team even Ratchet should be in adult frames. They all babies except for Prowl(young todler) and Ratchet(older todler)
Yes absolutely
I don't have the brain power to expand on these rn, but to anyone reading this this is all 100000% canon.
Also shakes my fist at tumblr for eating my first answer to this smh the audacity 😤
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Ahha! Get info dumped!
So I'm working on a Top Gun sentinel au and I'm probably doing wayyyy to much world building! Behold my nonsense!
Ice – Guide – Mav's match in more ways than one – didn’t want to get saddled with a sentinel and be shoved in the RIO seat so chose Slider – mental presence probably feels menthol cold, off putting to most but not to Mav~~~
Mav – Sentinel – mid-level – parents were a s/g bonded pair, mother withered after loosing bondmate - Mav wasn't interested in a s/g partnership until goose talked him around
Goose – Mav's 'temp' guide – probably going to stick to canon and let him die, for the angst, or in a goose lives au head injury that either brakes his collarbone/neck from Hop 31 shatters the link between Goose and Mav and they can’t connect again
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[Need a group term, maybe Enhanced?]
Sentinel – 5 heightened senses – can zone on a single sense or senses can go haywire – guides are needed to stabilize the senses, like a compass to true north – Sentinels come online
Guide – Heightened empathic senses – mild touch telepaths - need to draw on a sentinel to strengthen mental shields, like a ship's anchor or a trellis to ivy – Guides awaken
Guardian – multiple heightened senses but not all – generally considered weaker than sentinels – don’t need a guide but guides are helpful for control
Empath - empathically active but not quiet on the level of guides
People are drawn to sentinels and guides for different reasons.
People are instinctively drawn to sentinels and guardians in times of danger; unconsciously looking to the strongest or most senior sentinel for leadership.
People are [empathetically?psychically?] drawn to guides and empaths, generally finding them to be good listeners and generally attractive? idk but look a Blair, he's gettin' it.
Generally, you can’t tell a sentinel or guide from the outside, unless you are also a sentinel or guide, so sentinels and guardians are supposed to wear a black bracer or bracelet with 1-5 colored pips indicated how many heightened senses(like a medical alert bracelet) and guides are supposed to wear pale bracer or bracelet. Its not illegal to not wear it, but its considered good form and important for EMS. Bond statues and type marked as a border on the bracer or bracelet
More likely to find sentinels in service(would more top gun level pilots/rio be s/g pairs?). Traditionally, guides follow their sentinel into service branches or jobs
Sentinel-Guide Centers - most towns have one, some cities have more than one - volunteer staffed both by sentinels and guides and normal people living in the territory - have isolation rooms for both enhanced senses and empathic burn out
Territories – higher level sentinels tend to have regions that are considered 'their territory' - this also happens when a sentinel has stayed in an area for a long period of time – Sentinels declare an area as their territory with the city/county and their regional Sentinel-Guide Center – any sentinels or guardians moving into the territory are required to send notice – guides tend to send notice too, but its mostly out of being polite
Tribes - Sentinels and Guides living or working in the same area for more than a year generally form tribes or prides(both terms are used) - generally led by the strongest and/or most senior pair [called the Alphas?] - tends to have a pecking order. {Viper is tribe leader at Miramar and Jack O'Neil is the reluctant pride leader at the SGC}
Doggy politics - when you get a bunch of Sentinels together they tend to squabbling until they sort out a pecking order - sometimes its little contests or wrestling, sometimes is physical fights - traditionalists believe that needs to be a firm hierarchy generally settled by brute strength - bad tribe leaders are known to be very aggressive when setting themselves at the top of the hierarchy and encourage in-fighting - there isn't actually a word for the squabbling, non-sentinels tend to look down on it and some sentinels aren't terribly keen on it either – the squabbles are more endemic to civilian tribes as military or police prides already have ranks
Types of bonds
Temporary: not actually a bond, more an empathic impression that helps Guides work with Sentinels and vice-versa, like a well traveled path
Emergency: one sided bonds made in times of emergency, generally with one party being not fully conscious, separation of the two parties involved with cause the bond to dissolve
probably some tba
Full: permanent bond that can't be dissolved or broken except through death, the Guide imprints psychically and works the Sentinel into their mental barriers and the Sentinel imprints the Guide into their senses, psychic link can pass impressions back and forth, generally death of one leads to the withering and eventual death of the other
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ourdramaqueen · 1 year
Fic stats game
Snagged this from @mikkeneko because I thought it was interesting:
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Most hits is easy: Private Tutor from Wednesday fandom. By magnitudes my most popular fic. The fact that it recently broke 40K hits is still 🤯to me.
Second most kudos: Kinktober Day 8: Shaving (The Boys, Butcher/Hughie). Yes, I really was that imaginative with naming my Kinktober fics the past two years. Titles are hard! 😆
Third most comments: Both by comments and comment threads, it's The Monster in the Woods from Wednesday.
Fourth most bookmarks: Kinktober Day 2: See-through (The Boys, Butcher/Hughie) Yes, another imaginative title. I'll try to do better this year, when I do the occasional fill for the Wyler Kink Bingo.
Fifth most words: Currently Coming Clean (Wednesday), but that will change as soon as I post the second chapter. (Soon, I hope!) At that point it will be How The Honourable Hughie Campbell, son of The Right Honourable The Viscount Inwood, Was Promised to His Grace the Duke of Voughtland, But Instead Became the Bondmate of The Right Honourable The Lord Flatbush, my silly little Renaissance-ish nobility Omegaverse AU for The Boys. I don't even remember what sparked this idea, but it was such fun to write!
Fic with the fewest words: Kinktober Day 1: Sensation Play (LotR, Frodo/Éomer) Yes, yes, title, blah blah. It's not one of my better works IMO, but I still like it enough to have published it anyway.
I really need to get back to my half- or mostly-written Butcher/Hughie and Frodo/Éomer stories...
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
I am haunted by Miko/Tarn.
I have a very specific AU for this pairing. A combination between that soulmate ask and this Other ask where the kids are dealing with post everything, including their heritage.
The Primal Artifact is Quintus' Emberstone that cyberformed the young adult trio into full-framed Cybertronians.
Each of them eerie in their own way...
Jack is definitely something bird-related. Dark frame and dark wings, glossy raven-black, a face as pale as a moon, and blue optics with a grey cast. Has an armored coat.
Raf has his draconian heritage on display. Bulky and overlapping segments of plating. He's sharp. Angles and spikes on his broad frame. More reptilian features.
Miko is a War-Forged Seeker. She's not a small nor sleek femme. Way too much teeth with optics that remind her of her yōkai ancestress.
Because Miko's bloodlust and frenzied states grew exponentially with her new form that actually began to turn her into a liability on the field. Ratchet can't keep up with her brute force and savage style, so-
Here comes June Darby, who makes a deal with Soundwave inside the Shadowzone.
Who better to help a War-Forged Seeker who was once a human with seablood than the very mech that tied with the Champion of Kaon.
The Nakadai family still have cultural practices and beliefs that stem from the sea. Unlike the red string of fate, they have something that's considered far more intimate.
Soulsong or Dreamsong. A harmony from another that is compatible with your very essence.
Miko has one. She dreamt of it. Over and over. It was one of the first things she learned how to play on piano.
The Empyrean Suite.
Of course, the Decepticon Justice Division makes it way to Earth. Not only is it the last stand of High Command, but Tarn can actually get a proper location of his fated bondmate. What was once a whisper to muffled broken note is now a blazing presence.
The vibe I'm going for is that Meg Boggs meme:
Miko: "I don't want to be strong like man who look ✨️ pretty ✨️. I want to be strong like bitch that fights bears in the forest!"
Tarn: "She's thinks I'm pretty."
Miko's increasingly worrisome measures to put Tarn off, including playing more into her more ghastly yōkai traits, but it just endears him even more because he's an obsessive freak.
Tarn: "She's beauty. She's grace. She will rearrange a face."
(Everyone else watching Miko rip apart a carcass with her jaw strength and many serrated teeth, trying to be as gross and gorey as possible.)
Jack and Raf: What a fucking simp!
Soundwave's and Ratchet's attempts to stay busy and disappearing acts because Miko wants to shake them down on what's sexy versus hideous to their species.
Ratchet is a Medical-caste (middle-to-upper) Autobot has no idea how to help her, an ex-human turned morbid Seeker femme. Not with the backward 'con culture of territoriality and savagery, but he doesn't want to be the one who breaks it to Miko that fated bondmates and Resonants are a huge cultural phenomena across Cybertron.
Soundwave has been a major pillar of the Decepticon movement and complied Tarn's dossier, including his neuroses... Soundwave doesn't need telepathy to know it's a lost cause because Tarn gets interested, he becomes obsessed.
Running joke that Tarn finally got pegged, and it's by a wild animal. A magic, demon fish. Not Megatron.
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stobinesque · 1 year
WIP Weekend!
Tagged by @steves-strapcollection, thank you!!
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
wigwag (phryctoria sequel)
Wayfinder (S4 Fix-it, Lucas POV)
Stobin Soulmate AU
(I still have asks in my inbox for Jeff is Steve's Bi Awakening so I'll probably throw some answers to those in the mix)
(absolutely no pressure!) tagging @xenon-demon, @devondespresso, @hellsfireclub, @steventhusiast, and anyone else who wants to do it!
from the Stobin Soulmate AU
It’s like watching a high wire balancing act. Maybe. She isn't sure why that exact metaphor is the one that comes to her. There’s just something about the delicate way they dance around each other that has the quality of an aerialist's graceful maneuvering to avoid plummeting to their death.
Dance isn't her thing the same way music is, but watching the three of them makes her want to choreograph.
There’s Nancy, slowly pirouetting down center stage as Steve enters upstage left and sweeps his gaze across the field. Robin wants so badly to compare that gaze to a predator's: stealthy and sly, waiting for attack—a lion searching for a gazelle. But there’s always something cautious in his gaze. Like he’s afraid of taking one wrong step.
Then there’s Jonathan, who hovers just past the edges of the wings stage right, before flitting back and forth across the stage, almost directionless. And as the days and weeks pass he becomes a distant, looping orbit around the other two. Never close enough to touch, but somehow corralling them towards each other, until Nancy and Steve are locked in a stilted sort of duet with one another, with Jonathan circling and watching from afar until he returns to his starting position halfway in the wings. Waiting.
She still doesn’t know why she’s so captivated by these three. Something had pushed her out towards the Byers house that night, and it was easy to think it was the soulmate bond. Except that narrowed her bondmate down to three potential options, and only one of them was even close to viable. But she can’t bring herself to accept that Nancy Wheeler is her soulmate.  
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ladykailitha · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
My only problem is that I tend to file name what the title is so I can find it easier, so...here’s what they were called before I titled them.
"File" Names
Werewolf Steve
Rom-com AU
Boy w/a Bat Book 2
Metal Band Steve AU
From the Omegaverse sequel, which you will note is not up there because it's too close to being finished and I don't want to spoil anyone's fun. But I loved this part so much I just had to share.
Never before had a heat been so smooth, so effortless. Gone was the feeling of not being full enough, of not being good enough.
But Eddie soothed all that away.
So Steve really shouldn’t have been surprised when six weeks later he was staring a double pink line.
“Why the fuck are the lines pink?” Steve huffed. “Isn’t that sexist?”
Eddie looked at his bondmate, husband, and love of his life with fond exasperation. “Honey...is that really your take away right now?”
Steve looked up at him in adorable befuddlement before he realized what the double line meant.
“I’m pregnant?!” he squealed. He threw the applicator in the sink and hugged Eddie tightly.
“You sure are!” Eddie said, swinging them both around in their rather large sized bathroom, but still managing to knock things over in their excitement and overwhelming joy.
They're dumb, your honor, but I love them.
The game runs from 8am-11pm EST.
Send as many asks as you want, as often as you want.
If I don't finish them in one day, you bet I'll finish them up as soon as I can.
@mira-jadeamethyst @zerokrox-blog @forgottenkanji @w1ll0wtr33
@acingthecounts @thesecondfate @beelze-the-bubkiss @just-a-tiny-void
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39oa · 1 year
f1 fics u wish existed, go <3
oh anon... you are so kind for indulging me!!!
i feel like i'm going to sound insane for half of these but here are some ideas i've been floating around in my head that i would love to simply stumble upon fully realized :3c 
first of all i desperately need engineer!oscar content in my life (whether that be the fanart i say i'll draw and then never do or 40k landoscar slowburn longfic)... unfortunately though i have no idea what the plot would be. then some other concepts i've always wanted to read for them include umm 1) alternate reality wherein drivers are basically contractually obligated to mind-bond with their teammates (for the ~feedback~ and track strategy) + lando being oscar's first bondmate because it's not a thing in f2 and the tension that arises from unstoppable force vs immovable object... bonus points for mark having weird toxic self-preservative views on bonding that he tries to project onto oscar from his time with seb and oscar being like ? mate what. unfortunately i love my f1 fanfiction vaguely dystopian and rife with uncomfortable labor ethics... also 2) jendo may or may not be my favorite lando ship so i would happily eat unrequited jendo where oscar becomes lando's Convenience Relationship and then all the weird complicated emotions of being dependent on someone who inherently pities you :/ 
also i always want more domestic jondo bantz 😔
ok i feel like this answer is already way longer than it should be so apologies but ANOTHER f1 au i've always wanted to read is any kind of severance au !!!!! 😭 i was obsessed with the concept last year but the problem i encountered is that i think mxl or brocedes are the most suitable ships and i don't really feel that strongly about either... i think you could do soooo much with severance universe + fia regulations though for example one idea i had was that different constructors follow different policies and of course severance in sports is like a hotly contested issue and red bull either 1) universally make their drivers undergo severance which max somehow avoids by pretending to be severed his whole career or 2) make all the 2nd drivers undergo it but max is so good at ~compartmentalization~ that he's internally spared... and obviously this would majorly frame the tragedy of their relationship and dr's career trajectory but well. i had more notes on this but i don't even really ship them so i'll stop!!!
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warriorsparked · 1 year
Midnight Pleasures.
Originally written 2010 Characters:  Megatron, Shockwave Timelines: Early post-war (MY AU) Warning: contains mech/mech, sex scene.
   Megatron’s servos grasped at the berth beneath him, his lips parting in his stasis. The heat of his dream circled down between his legs, swallowing him whole with wet, delicate lips. Beneath his casing, his cable was hard and pulsing, dripping inside from his excitement as thick, pouty lips took him again and again.    He was so close, he could feel it, somewhere mixed between being in stasis and being awake. He could feel the very real physical pleasure, his cable throbbing as he lay on his back atop the berth he shared with his mate. Only it was not Shockwave that was down between his legs, but a stranger. No one. No name, no frame, no real identity, just a mystery shape as they suckled him.    Just a little longer. Just a little more. So close! Almost there! His thighs parted, and as he felt the pent up pressure ready to release, some cruel force of nature made his optics flicker online, his spark thumping in his chest as the ceiling came into view.    He was back on the Ark. The small room that was shared between him and his newfound bonded surrounding him.    Swallowing hard, Megatron realised that he was short of breath, having panted from his dream. Primus, he was even covered in a sweat, condensation beaded against his chest. His dreams were often vivid, but many of them were nightmares, hands clawing at him, screams in his audios, or whispers of cruel promises. Tonight, it had been different, and his cable was still hard between his legs beneath his codpiece, just seconds away from erupting.
   “Are you alright?” Shockwave’s voice was soft between them as he lay beside Megatron. Though unlike his bondmate, the scientist was clean of any condensation, and was calm and collected. He’d only woken because Megatron had been shifting in his stasis so much. Generally speaking, this was not uncommon, though most nights it was due to his night terrors, the memories and the torture he’d suffered before and throughout the war.    Tonight, it appeared to be a completely different reason. He could see the heat glowing between Megatron’s thighs, which indicated his arousal. As his relatively new bondmate, he could also feel a certain rush of energy being so close to Megatron’s spark and EM field.
   Megatron had flinched despite the softness of Shockwave’s Tarnian accent. He took a deep breath, the glow of yellow drawing his optics to his partner. “Fine,” he muttered, though a sense of guilt began to weigh heavily in his chest.    He had dreamed of something that Shockwave could not do. He could not wrap his lips around his cable, for he lacked them. That was not something entirely strange for their people, as they came in all shapes and sizes, but it had been something that Megatron had found exciting many a time. He had to get used to the idea that it would never happen again for so long as he was bonded to Shockwave (which he hoped was until the end of time).    Sitting up, he pushed himself to the edge of the berth. He should not speak of it. He should not mention it when Shockwave had been nothing but loyal to him for so long. It would be a slap to his lover’s face, but it was hard to hide the fact that he had been aroused, and Shockwave had already seen it.    When a hand went to his shoulder, he felt himself frown. Shockwave was always so supportive that it hurt sometimes. In fact, it had made him downright angry at times. How could he remain so loyal to someone like him, even after the war? He was far from perfect. He’d been a mess once it had ended, not to mention the long recovery from his processor surgery. Shockwave was always there, like a loyal dog, and this was how he repaid him?    He was not good enough for the other mech. He was unworthy.
   “Forgive my intrusion, but you do not appear to be fine,” Shockwave spoke. It was true, that they had not been bonded for long, that they had completely and utterly rushed into something so serious, but their feelings spoke for themselves. Not just since the end of war, but before it also. Particularly on Shockwave’s side of things.    He had watched Megatron brood in the war meetings, he had watched him kill and torture, and many other things. He could tell when Megatron was fine or not, even if others thought he was an emotionless droid.  
   Megatron turned his head slightly, though he did not see Shockwave over his shoulder, his optics looking down before he placed his hand atop the other.    “My stasis haunts me, Shockwave, you know this. It is nothing new, and it will not be the last time.” That was for certain. “But, I…” He paused, his lips parting before he closed them again.
   A curious antenna twitched as Megatron stopped. He did not need to tell him, he never did. Shockwave didn’t expect the former warlord to tell him every, little detail of his past life. They had worked so long together, it was hard to imagine that either of them had lives before the war. They were different people back then (quite literally in Shockwave’s case, although he had not yet discovered that).    “Yes?” he asked as Megatron’s hand fell from his own.
   The sensation of his dream still lingered, still went unsatisfied, and it bothered him. It bothered Megatron that he was thinking of someone else, a femme, instead of the mech that shared his berth. Their berth.    “I am sorry,” he replied, turning part way on the berth so he could look Shockwave in the optic as he said it. “I dream of things I cannot control. Of those that… are not you. I wish that I could control it, but I cannot.” As a bonded pair, did that mean he was breaking some rule he did not understand? It wasn’t like he’d ever been bonded before, let alone held any real stable relationship. He may have shared the berth with a thousand and even more others, but it had always been pleasure and nothing more. Unless it was pain. Love? Megatron didn’t know what the hell love was. At least, not until he’d realised it had been staring him in the face for so damn long and he’d been to blinded by greed and corruption to see it.  
   Was that Megatron’s problem? Shockwave’s optic lowered a moment, just to see the faint glow that came from Megatron’s cod. His head tilted before he looked back to those two, fierce optics. There was a want in them, a desire, and Shockwave could tell.    “You need not apologise for dreams, Megatron,” he stated, like it was as simple as that. Was it not? He did not understand how Megatron could blame himself on something he could not control. None of them could. Dreams were entirely involuntary. That was just well known science.    When Megatron turned, he lowered his hand. “I have experienced my fair share.” Some of them had been wild, made little sense. Some of them had felt so real, like he had lived a completely different life to the one he knew. It was a normal thing, to dream. Some experienced more vivid ones, some none at all. Either way, no one could control them, not without a cortical psychic patch anyway, and even then, that was an entirely different thing.
   Of course Shockwave would say that. He had an answer for everything, annoyingly  so at times. How he envied Shockwave’s ability to just… let things go. To not care about things that could not be controlled. To see reality for what it was, and not what warped it thanks to trauma and deeply rooted emotions.    He brushed that aside. Things between them were still new, and they would be for some time. Two war veterans, falling in love with each other, none of them knowing what true love actually was. They would fumble, and fumble again, but the important thing was that they tried.    Leaning his hand up, he cupped Shockwave’s chin, a thumb moving across warm metal. Shockwave may not be able to take his cable in his mouth, but he could certainly finish what he dream had started.    “Touch me.” It was said with a passion, a demand more than any sort of beg. Megatron did not beg.
   Shockwave looked at the other mech, befuddled at the sudden command. He was still getting used to these requests, the idea that his hands could now trace against any part of Megatron without a fusion canon aimed at the back of his head.    But it begged the question. What sort of touching? Where was he supposed to touch him? The request made him hesitate, hoping that he would get it right. He moved forward, awkwardly, and placed his hand to Megatron’s chest, hoping that that would suffice.
   Megatron merely chuckled. “Lower, Shockwave.”
   Shockwave’s hand fell down to Megatron’s stomach, where he looked back up for confirmation. The look on his lover’s face said it was not low enough, and he realised what Megatron meant. Oh…    Shockwave could not use his lips on him, but his mate had two hands. Two hands that could envelop him, two hands that could make him feel loved and comforted, and pleasure and pain all at the same time.    Megatron retracted his casing, where his cable fell out, still semi-hard, and when Shockwave’s hand finally understood the order, he exhaled a breath at the sensation of finally being touched. He still could not accept the idea of anyone controlling him in the berth, but did Shockwave realise just how much control he really had? Did Shockwave realise what he could actually do to him? That he was one of the few that could have actually bested him in battle? Yet, he never chose to.  Megatron could have melted against him, yet he still gave the illusion that he was the one in control. Always. He would never surrender.
   Watching Megatron, Shockwave felt his own body react at the feeling of his lover’s hardened cable inside his palm. It was not often he found himself so easily aroused, but there was something about Megatron that made it impossible to ignore.
   Leaning forward, Megatron pressed his helm to Shockwave’s, their fields touching. He should not be rewarded like this, he knew, but he also did not care anymore. Shockwave was close, and he was there, with him, his hand working him over enough for him to put that into the very back of his mind.    He tensed at the pleasure as it built, feeling lubricant dribble from the head of his arousal. Shockwave used it to ease any friction, causing him to twitch, already overly sensitive from his unfinished dream.    With optics dimming, he moved his own hand towards Shockwave’s thigh, tracing over pale metal. “Why don’t you open up for me?” he teased, moving so he could press his lips to Shockwave’s neck, kissing at the exposed wires. He wanted to bite him, to sink his fangs into the soft, fleshy wiring and taste him, but not now. Not tonight. It was too soon, and he did not wish to scare his lover away.
   If only Megatron knew, though. If only he knew how much Shockwave wanted that. Still, the former Guardian of Cybertron did not hesitate to follow Megatron’s command, his own codpiece retracting and exposing his own erect cable.    When Megatron’s hand wrapped itself around him, he tensed, wings flaring and antennae flicking back. He was suddenly on his back as the larger mech moved over him. His hand lost the hardened length of Megatron’s shaft, grasping onto any part of his mate he could as he was so easily manoeuvred.  
   “That’s it, just relax,” Megatron urged. Control was hard to give up, it seemed, or maybe it was the idea and image of Shockwave beneath him, squirming like that. So much raw emotion when he was there, like he’d never seen before. He liked it. He liked it a lot. “Does it feel good?” he spoke softly in Tarnian just for the other mech as he wrapped his hand around both of their cables, rubbing them together.
   Shockwave made a soft noise from his vocaliser, surprised when Megatron spoke to him in his home tongue. He’d not forgotten that Megatron could speak it, it was just not something he’d done in a long, long time. It felt personal. Intimate.    Megatron had never perfected other languages like he had. There was a certain twang in the accent that was certainly not from Tarn, but that did not matter. Often, Megatron had used Soundwave to help translate other languages, until he’d invented an internal programme which helped Megatron along his travels. ”Yes,” he replied in his mother tongue, his servos clawing at Megatron’s back now. He moaned when he felt lips at his neck again, down his shoulder and over his chest, where his spark was.    “I want you,” he whimpered back in the common tongue. “My Liege, I beg you.” Yes, it felt so natural for him to beg like that beneath the larger mech.
   It was that easy. It was that easy to rile Shockwave up, even if it had been him to wake from an erotic dream. So eager to please, so eager for him. That settled some worries within Megatron’s own spark as his hand continued to pump up both their lengths. Shockwave was considerably smaller than him, but that made no difference to him. He’d come to enjoy his lover’s body, despite never having thought much about other mechs outside of pure, physical gain.    Leaning back, he abandoned their cables, but it was only so he could pull Shockwave’s legs around him and guide his cable into his lover’s already damp aft. It slipped in with an ease that only told him how excited Shockwave was, hearing him moan as he was swallowed.    Leaning back down, his hands hit the berth, servos clawing at it as he rocked his hips back and forth.    “You taste so sweet,” he whispered against Shockwave’s neck, kissing and suckling at metal and wires.    Between Shockwave’s moans and what lingered from his dream, it did not take long for him to overload, nor Shockwave. Soon, the two of them were tangled limbs, servos scratching at painted armour and gripping at any surface they could.    He soon felt the heat of his overload spill into Shockwave beneath him, as well as Shockwave’s overload that created a slick mess between them.    With cooling fans whirring, Shockwave’s hands fell from Megatron’s back, having gripped onto his tracks for dear life. His legs fell, vents huffing air from his throat to try and cool his poor body down.    When he felt Megatron exit him, he tensed, a soft moan vibrating down his chest as he felt lubricant dribble down between his legs and no doubt onto the berth.    Idly, he lifted a hand, where he cupped Megatron’s cheek, warm from their lovemaking. There was something tender in those optics, something that was shared only between the two of them that no one else had the privilege of seeing.  
   Megatron found himself uncharacteristically leaning into the touch of his mate. He was not used to gentle gestures and touches like that. He didn’t realise how much he needed them. How good they actually felt, and yet how vulnerable he became at the same time.    “Hm… we have made a mess,” he muttered, looking down to see Shockwave’s overload against the both of them. Anything to gain control again. To not feel so weak at such a simple thing like Shockwave’s servos at his metal skin. Primus, when did he become so fucking desperate? Or had he always been this way? All the hate and anger, shadowing his pain and need.
   Shockwave looked down. “It appears so…” They would need to clean themselves up, and the berth by this point.
   “No matter,” the former warlord hummed, a smirk at his lips, “It was well worth it.”
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