#because I should be able to do things but I just. can’t!
moonstruckme · 2 days
hiii. congrats on 7k!! can i order an apple pie with ²⁸⁾ dark lipstick smeared on a cheek for stevee?? tysmm💗💗💗💗
Thank you!!
Steve Harrington x fem!reader ♡ 585 words
You’re proud of yourself for being able to even half follow the movie. You didn’t mean for things to get so out of hand, but the theater is dark and nearly empty except for a few teenagers several rows below you, and you should have known you were in for trouble when Steve picked a seat in the back corner. You keep trying to break things off and pay attention to the screen, but your lips come back to each other’s like magnets every time. 
Steve has shown no inclination to watch the movie, though you know he’d never pressure you if you indicated you didn’t want the distraction. You can feel the asking in the soft presses of his mouth each time you start up again, hi and do you want to and is this okay, all syrupy coke and the bite of the sour candies he’d eaten during the commercials. His hand has taken up permanent residence on your thigh, chaste but there. His torso stays turned toward you like a flower toward the sun. 
You open your eyes for a second, catching a glimpse of the screen. “Isn’t that her sister?” 
Steve indulges you, turning his attention in that direction. “Maybe they’re trying to take it in a love triangle direction?” he replies quietly.
“Ew, with the sister?” 
“I don’t know.” His whisper carries a familiar tone, like he can’t decide whether to be exhausted or amused by you. “Rom coms are weird.” 
“Oh, wait.” You perk up. “He’s asking the sister for her ring size. Are they getting married?” 
“Well, it’s probably the end of the movie. Getting close to a couple hours now.” 
“Yeah, baby.” Steve seems to decide on amusement. 
You exhale softly, dismayed, and he rubs your thigh consolingly. “I can’t believe we missed the whole thing,” you say.
“We can catch it again, if you want. Or just stay for the next showing.” 
“Will we get to actually watch this time?” 
Steve drops his head to your shoulder, puffing air down your arm. “If you really wanna,” he says reluctantly. 
You smile where he can’t see you. “Why did you agree to this one if you didn’t even want to watch it?” 
“Because you wanted to.” He kisses your shoulder, a quick peck. 
You make him sit up when the lights come on. His hair is mussed slightly, and when he gets a look at you a grin splits his face. 
“Oh, c’mere.” He puts himself between you and the rest of the theater, wiping at something near your lips. 
“You’ve got lipstick all over you.” 
Your eyes widen, and you look at his mouth. Kiss-swollen, with a dark rim you can see even with his face cast in shadow. 
“Oh my god, it’s on you too. I forgot I was wearing it.” 
“Shit, can you get it? It’s not coming off of you. What is this shit, bulletproof?” 
“Supposed to be smearproof,” you mumble. You thumb at his top lip, but the color stays stuck. You can hear the teens chatting as they file out behind him. “I don’t know how we got it all over.” 
“We’re just that good,” Steve mutters, but his tone is less humorous than bitter. After a few more seconds, he gives up. “Okay.” He gets up, grabbing your trash and his jacket. “We’re just going to have to get it off in the bathroom.”
You’re horrified. “But everyone will see.” 
“I work here. Trust me, we’ve seen worse.”
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lupinqs · 2 days
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CHAPTER FIVE ━━ Happy Halloween
☆ ━ pairing: hopkins!paige x oc (dani callan)
☆ ━ word count: 6.8K
☆ ━ warnings: beau being a dick, vaping, dani’s still depressed as shit, like idk
☆ ━ links: my masterlist, take me to church masterlist
☆ ━ author’s note: i’m sorry this chapter is so messy and all over the place it’s lowkey my least favorite so far, but good things are coming i promise!!!!
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HIS MOUTH presses against hers with an intensity that makes Dani stiffen. Beau kisses her with a hunger that she doesn’t feel, his hands cupping her face, fingers in her hair, deepening it. His lips are rough, insistent, like he’s trying to draw something out of her that she doesn’t want to give.
Dani kisses him back because she knows she should. She tries to match his urgency, his need. But it feels all wrong, like she’s wearing someone else’s skin. Her heart isn’t in the kiss, isn’t with Beau at all. It drifts to other places—another person—and she can’t shake the growing discomfort building in her chest.
Beau’s hands roam lower, sliding from her face to her waist, gripping her hips firmly as he presses closer. The position is uncomfortable in the small confines of his car, and she shifts slightly. She thinks he takes that as an invitation, because he moves closer, his mouth trailing from her lips to her neck, kissing a path down to her collarbone, closer to her chest. The top she’s wearing leaves little to the imagination there, and he seems to like that. Dani’s breath hitches, body tensing. She isn’t here. She doesn’t want this.
But Beau doesn’t pay attention to the way her body recoils. He doesn’t notice how she stiffens under his touch. He’s too focused on his own need, his mouth feverish against her skin as he starts fumbling with the button of her jeans, eager to go further.
“Beau, stop,” Dani says softly, voice barely above a whisper.
He doesn’t stop. His hands are moving too fast, his breath hot and uneven against her neck as he presses harder to her.
“Beau, stop,” she repeats, more forceful this time, her hands pushing at his chest.
He ignores her, his hand still tugging at her jeans, more urgent now. “You can’t just keep doing this. We haven’t—” He pulls back just enough to look at her, frustration written all over his face. “You barely even let me kiss you anymore. What’s the point of us if you’re just gonna shut down every time I try to get close?”
She slaps at his hand now, and he finally retracts it. “I said stop,” she mumbles, breath quickening.
Beau sits back in his seat, his face darkening slightly. He runs a hand through his hair, exhaling sharply. “Jesus Christ, Dani. What the hell is your problem? We haven’t fucked in weeks. You won’t even touch me, and now this? What, do you not even want me anymore?” His voice grows louder, harsher with each word.
Dani stares at him, her chest tight, her hands trembling in her lap. She doesn’t have the words to explain it to him, can’t tell him how disgusted she feels with herself every time they’re together. How she feels like she’s living a lie, forcing herself into a relationship she doesn’t want, creating a life that isn’t meant to be hers. But all she can manage is a weak, “I just… I don’t feel like it, okay? Can’t you respect that?”
“Respect that?” Beau’s eyes narrow, and he scoffs, shaking his head. “How the hell am I supposed to respect that when you don’t give me anything to work with? I’ve been patient, Dani. I’ve tried to give you space. But I’m not one of your fucking Catholic saints. I have needs, too.”
Dani winces at his words, feeling the sting of guilt and shame twist in her stomach. She hates this, hates the way he makes it sound like she’s failing him by not being able to give him what he wanted. But at the same time, she hates herself more for letting it get this far—for pretending she can be someone she’s not.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, her voice cracking. “I’m sorry, okay? I just—”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it,” Beau snaps, cutting her off. “I’ve been dealing with your bullshit for weeks now, Dani. You’re distant, you’re cold, you won’t even look me in the eyes half the time. If this is how it’s gonna be, then maybe we shouldn’t go to the Halloween party together tomorrow. Hell, maybe you shouldn’t come at all.”
Dani’s throat tightens, and she feels the hot prickle of tears burning behind her eyes. “Beau, I—”
“No.” His voice is sharp, final. “You need to figure your shit out. Because I can’t keep doing this.” He unlocks the car doors, staring at her expectantly. “Get out.”
Dani blinks, stunned, thinking she may have misheard. “What?”
“Get out of the car.” His eyes are hard, cold. “If you’re gonna be like this, then just… go. Walk home. Maybe that’ll give you time to think about what you really want.”
“Are you serious?” Dani’s snaps, looking at him in disbelief. They’re parked in some random lot, miles away from her house. It’s dark, and she has no way of getting home except by walking. She can’t even call someone to come pick her up, because her phone died a little bit ago.
“I said get out,” Beau repeats, his voice like ice.
Dani swallows hard, before scoffing, opening the passenger door. She steps out into the chilly night air, and, immediately, she wishes she brought a jacket, the small cropped shirt she’s got on not doing anything to shield the cold.
Before she can say anything else, Beau reaches over and slams the door shut from the inside. He speeds off, leaving her standing alone in the dark parking lot, the distant sound of his car’s engine fading into the night.
The silence around her is deafening. Dani stands frozen for a moment, her arms wrapped around herself as the cold wind bites at her skin. She blinks back the tears that blur her vision, the ones she desperately tried to keep in so that he couldn’t see them, her mind racing with thoughts of everything that led her to this moment.
She wants to scream. To sob. To fall apart. But there’s no one here to see it, no one to hear her.
With a deep, shuddering breath, she starts walking.
PAIGE’S HANDS lazily hold the steering wheel as she drives down the empty, dim lit street, the hum of her car’s engine and the quiet voice of Drake the only sounds to keep her company. She’s just left Thaliah’s house after a low-key night spent playing Fortnite, and she’s thankful now that she finally has her license—no more relying on her friends or her dad for rides. The freedom is nice, the kind of feeling she’s been craving for a while.
As she continues driving along the road, something flickers at the edge of her vision, pulling her from her thoughts. A figure. A lone person walking down the sidewalk. Paige furrows her brows as she drives past, the figure just barely visible under the faint glow of the streetlamp. She turns her head a little, squinting as she stares at her side mirrors. All she really sees from that view is long hair blowing in the wind. A girl. It’s late—after midnight—and what girl would be stupid enough to be walking alone at this time?
Paige’s mind runs through the possibilities, but something gnaws at her. The silhouette looked familiar, like someone she knows. Someone with a very specific walk, a hunched posture, a familiar dip of the head, long hair…
No way. No fucking way.
She’s driven past already, but the doubt lingers in her mind, tugging at her. Paige’s hands hover over the wheel, her foot still on the gas as she debates with herself. But her gut is screaming—if it had vocal chords, they would be shredded by now. Because if it’s who she thinks it is, she can’t just leave it alone. She can’t ignore it.
With a frustrated groan, Paige quickly makes a sharp U-turn to go back the way she came. The street is dead silent, save for the crunch of her tires on the pavement. As she nears the figure again, her heart rate speeds up. Please don’t let it be her. Please don’t let it be Dani.
But as she slows down, pulling up alongside the sidewalk, her breath catches in her throat. She should’ve known all along, shouldn’t have even questioned herself. Because consciously, subconsciously, in any way possible—Paige always knows Dani. She can pick her out in any crowd, so doing it on a deserted street isn’t so hard. And she’s very right, because this is Dani. Walking alone. And it’s cold as hell out, too. She’s wearing nothing but ripped jeans and a cropped t-shirt. What the fuck is she doing?
Paige slows to a stop, rolling down the passenger window. Dani immediately stiffens, her head whipping toward the car, eyes wide. Paige leans over, her voice cutting through the silence.
“Dani, what’re you doing?” she asks, her voice sharp with concern and an edge of accusation.
Dani stares at her in disbelief, her brows knitting together in surprise. “Fuck, I thought you were some old man about to kidnap me,” she mutters, wrapping her arms around herself as a gust of wind whips through the air.
Paige rolls her eyes, the tension easing from her chest just a bit. “No, I’m not gonna kidnap you,” she says flatly. “But someone else fucking might. Get in the car.”
Dani hesitates, her gaze flicking between Paige and the road ahead. Her lips press into a thin line, and for a moment, Paige thinks she might refuse. There’s a tension in Dani’s stance, a stubbornness that Paige knows all too well.
“Dani, seriously,” Paige presses, her tone firm, leaving no room for argument. “It’s freezing out. I’m not leaving you out here alone.”
Dani sighs, a puff of visible breath in the chilly air, before muttering, “Fine.” She reaches for the door handle, and with a click, the door swings open, and Dani slides into the passenger seat.
Paige immediately turns the heat up, casting a quick glance at Dani. Her arms are crossed, her shoulders hunched, and Paige can see her shivering, despite the attempt to seem unbothered. Paige’s chest tightens with concern as she wonders what the hell could’ve happened to land Dani in this situation.
For a few moments, the car is filled with an awkward silence, broken only by the sound of the heater kicking in. Paige tries to focus on the road, but her mind races with a million questions on why Dani’s out here in the first place, why she was walking all alone in the dark as a teenager girl that most certainly could not defend herself should a kidnapper find her.
“What were you doing out there?” Paige finally asks, her voice more gentle this time, though still laced with concern. “Why are you out this late by yourself?”
Dani shakes her head, her eyes fixed on the dashboard in front of her. “It’s nothing,” she mumbles, her voice flat, detached.
Paige frowns, tightening her grip on the wheel. “It’s not nothing. It’s past midnight, and you’re walking around in the cold like it’s the middle of the day. What happened?” she presses, sending a glance at her ex-best friend.
Dani stays silent for a moment, then scoffs lightly, turning to look at Paige. “When’d you get your license? I thought you couldn’t drive?”
Paige rolls her eyes, biting back her frustration. “Don’t change the subject, Dani.”
Dani shifts in her seat, clearly uncomfortable, her arms tightening around her body like she’s trying to make herself smaller. “Just… drop it, Paige,” she replies, dismissive.
Paige exhales sharply, shifting her eyes over at her again. Dani’s walls are up, higher than ever. It isn’t like her to be this closed off with Paige. Or, at least, it hadn’t been like this before… before everything went sideways between them. No matter how much she hates it, Paige supposes she should get used to it—this is their new normal, after all.
“I’m not dropping it,” Paige shoots back, keeping her voice steady. “Not when I find you walking around alone at night looking like…” She trails off, unsure how to finish that sentence without pushing too far.
Dani’s jaw clenches. “Like what?” she snaps, her eyes flashing with an edge of anger.
“Like you’re not okay,” Paige says, softer now, her eyes darting between Dani and the road. “Just tell me what’s going on.”
Dani lets out a harsh breath, her fingers digging into her arms as she stares out the window. “I’m fine, Paige. Seriously.”
Paige doesn’t buy it for a second. Not with the way Dani’s sitting there, tense and cold and distant and—no matter how much she tries to hide it—vulnerable.
“Fine? Really? Because it sure doesn’t look like it,” Paige mutters. She knows she’s walking a fine line—at this point, Paige is probably the last person Dani wants to open up to right now, and pushing her too hard could make her shut down even more. But Paige can’t just sit there and pretend like everything is okay when it clearly isn’t.
Dani shakes her head again, more forcefully this time. “I’m fine. I just—” She cuts herself off, biting her lip, like she doesn’t even believe her own words.
Paige isn’t sure what it is, but something about Dani’s demeanor—the way she’s hunched over, trying to make herself disappear—makes her feel sick. Dani’s so different from the girl Paige used to know. Something’s wrong. Something’s been wrong for months now.
“Did Beau do something?” Paige asks quietly. It’s probably not the long term issue, the reason for the girl’s whole switch up, but Paige thinks it damn well could be the reason Dani’s in this situation tonight—and the thought makes the blonde’s stomach sick.
Dani stiffens immediately at the name. That reaction tells Paige everything she needs to know.
Nonetheless, Dani’s laugh is bitter, a sharp sound that cuts through the quiet car. “You really don’t know when to stop, do you?”
Paige’s heart drops, her pulse quickening. “Dani…”
But Dani turns her head away, staring out the window like she can’t bear to look at Paige anymore. “Just drive me home, okay?”
Paige hesitates, her throat tight, but eventually, she nods, pressing her foot down on the gas. The tension in the car is palpable, and Paige hates it—hates the silence, hates the distance between them. But she feels like she’s exhausted all she can do to try and repair it between them, so she leaves it be, and turns up the music just slightly.
The road stretches out ahead, leading them back toward their neighborhood, toward the familiarity of home. But as the houses grow closer, Paige can’t shake the feeling that something is just deeply wrong. And this isn’t just about tonight. It isn’t just about Dani walking alone in the dark.
This is about everything that’s happened between them—everything that’s changed since Dani was sent to that camp over the summer. Since Dani had come back different. Closed off. Dani hasn’t been the same since she returned, and even though Paige doesn’t know the full story—well, doesn’t even know an ounce of if, actually—she can still feel the weight of it.
Paige glances over at Dani once more, but Dani’s back to staring out the window, her arms still wrapped tightly around herself. In spite of everything, Dani’s still shivering, and Paige knows it’s not from the cold—the heat has surrounded her car by now. It’s about everything else.
They turn down their street, the familiar houses coming into view, bathed in the soft glow of porch lights. Paige can see her house up ahead, just a few doors down from Dani’s. Normally, this is where they’d share a goodbye, a see-you-later. But nothing is normal anymore.
Paige slows as they near Dani’s house, and for a moment, she considers just pulling into her own driveway, since their houses are right next to each other. But something stops her. Even if they live right next door, this still feels different. Dani needs more from her than just a quick drop-off. Paige needs to make sure Dani knows she’s not alone, even if she can’t fix whatever’s going on.
So, she pulls into Dani’s driveway instead, parking right next to Dani’s car. Paige’s car idles for a second, the engine’s soft hum the only sound between them. Paige shifts in her seat, looking over at Dani, who still hadn’t moved.
“You’re home,” Paige says quietly, breaking the silence.
Dani finally tears her eyes away from the window and sets her eyes on Paige, her expression guarded, tired. For a second, Paige thinks Dani’s just going to get out without a word, like every other time they’ve had one of these stilted, painful interactions. But then, Dani surprises her.
Dani shifts in her seat, turning slightly so she can look at Paige more directly. Her eyes soften, just for a moment, as she holds the blonde’s gaze. “Thank you,” she says quietly, her voice low but sincere. “For picking me up.”
Paige blinks, caught off guard by the sudden change in Dani’s tone. There’s no anger, no sarcasm, no bitterness in her voice. It’s raw, earnest. And for the first time in what feels like forever, Paige sees a glimpse of the old Dani—the one who didn’t have walls up between them. The one who trusted her.
Paige nods, unable to find her voice for a second. “Yeah. Of course,” she manages to say, her heart aching at how much she misses that side of Dani. The side that isn’t buried under layers of pain and fear.
Dani lingers for a moment, her eyes searching Paige’s face, like there’s something she wants to say but can’t find the words. Then, without another word, she reaches for the door handle and steps out of the car. Paige watches as Dani walks toward her front door, her shoulders hunched against the cold, but there’s something softer in her movements now. Something less defensive.
Paige stays in the car, watching as Dani unlocks her door and steps inside, the porch light flickering off as the door clicks shut behind her. The house swallows her up, and Paige is left sitting there in the quiet, her mind racing with everything that’s just happened.
It isn’t much. A simple thank you. But it’s the first real crack in the wall Dani’s built between them, and Paige can’t help but hold on to that. Maybe it’s a start.
She sighs softly, leaning back in her seat for a moment before putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the driveway. As she makes her way back to her own house, just a few yards away, Paige can’t shake the feeling that things are far from okay between them. But for the first time in a long time, she feels like maybe there’s hope.
And for now, that’s enough.
PAIGE SITS cross-legged on Thaliah’s bed, absentmindedly picking at the hem of her shirt, while Jalen lounges next to her, scrolling through his phone. Both of them are already dressed in their costumes, though neither put in much effort. Paige went the simple route—she’s wearing an old basketball jersey with some fake blood smeared across her face, playing the part of some sort of dead or zombie hooper—she doesn’t even really know herself, if she’s honest. Jalen wears a black hoodie and he’s got a plastic scythe, calling himself the Grim Reaper. Basic, but effective.
Thaliah, on the other hand, is still in front of her vanity, meticulously applying the finishing touches to her makeup. She’s going all out, dressed as a witch, complete with dramatic eye shadow, dark lipstick, and glitter cascading along her cheekbones. Her hair is done up in some complicated updo, and Paige is sure Thaliah will be the best dressed person at the party. As usual.
Paige leans back, resting on her hands, eyes distant as she vents, her voice low but agitated. “I just don’t get it. Like, why the hell would Dani even doing out there last night? Alone? She was walking by herself literally at twelve-thirty, J. She could’ve gotten kidnapped or murdered or—or something!” Her voice wavered with frustration and disbelief, and she glances at Jalen, hoping he’ll give some sort of input.
Jalen shrugs a little, tossing his phone aside and turning toward her. His brows are furrowed in the way they are only when he’s concerned. “Yeah, it’s fuckin’ weird, P. Did you ask her what happened?”
Paige lets out a sigh, her frustration evident. “Of course I did. She just brushed it off, said it was ‘nothing’—like that’s supposed to make me feel better about it.” She throws her hands up in the air, expressing the confusion she’s feeling. “And I swear, she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. She was, like, literally freezing and she looked so sad and I’m just like—what the hell happened?”
Thaliah, still working on her eyeliner, chimes in from the vanity, not looking up but clearly listening. “Dani’s been distant for months, Paige. It’s been off ever since she got back from camp. I don’t think it’s just about last night. Something’s been wrong for a while now.”
Paige nods, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her jersey. “I know. But last night just made it so much more real. I feel like—I don’t know—I feel like something happened. Maybe it was Beau. Maybe he did something to her.”
At that, Jalen’s eyes narrow slightly. He’s always quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to Beau Hudson, a guy that he’s had problems with for years now. “You think he hurt her? I mean, he is the type.”
Paige bites her lip, her mind racing with the possibilities. “I don’t know. Maybe? It’s not like Dani would tell me, though. She doesn’t talk to me anymore.”
There’s a long pause as all three of them sit in the heavy silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on them. They’s all thinking the same thing—what the hell happened to Dani? The girl they all knew so well has practically disappeared, replaced by someone colder, someone more distant, someone more shallow.
Thaliah finally puts down her eyeliner, spinning around in her chair to face them. “Something’s definitely up with her. But I don’t think it’s Beau that’s the main problem. I mean, she started acting like this before she and that bitch boy got together. Paige, I know you weren’t here when it happened, but she started dating Beau after she cut J and I off,” Thaliah points out, staring at the pair of her friend son the bed expectantly. But then she sighs, shaking her head, adding, “But if she’s not talking, what are we supposed to do? Just keep watching her spiral and probably ruin her life? Like, I don’t even know.”
Paige clenches her jaw, her mind racing with the memory of Dani walking along that dark sidewalk, looking so alone, so vulnerable. “I don’t want to just sit back and do nothing.” But she knows Thaliah is right—there’s really not much they can do if Dani won’t give them the light of day.
Thaliah shakes her head a little before standing up and moving toward her bed, where Paige and Jalen sit. She grabs her vape off the nightstand and takes a long drag, blowing the smoke out in a cloud that lingers in the air before dissipating. “Look, Dani’s been different for a while, but we can’t fix it tonight. We can’t fix her tonight.”
Paige frowns, her stomach sinking at those words. Fix her. It isn’t like Dani’s broken, but she isn’t herself either. Still, she understands what Thaliah is saying. She just doesn’t like it.
Thaliah hands the vape to Paige, raising her eyebrows when Paige hesitates before taking it. “C’mon, you need to relax. It’s Halloween. We’re supposed to be having fun, not stressing out over all this. Dani’s a tomorrow problem.”
Paige rolls her eyes but accepts the vape anyway, taking a small hit and handing it back. The familiar burn fills her lungs for a moment before she exhales, watching the smoke curl up toward the ceiling. “I just hate that we don’t know what’s going on with her.”
Jalen sits up straighter, crossing his arms over his chest. “We’ll figure it out, P. We just have to give her time. Maybe tonight, she’ll show up at the party, and we can talk to her then.”
Thaliah shakes her head, leaning back against her vanity. “Doubt it. She’s been avoiding us for weeks. Even if she shows, it’ll be with Hudson and that prissy Serena girl, and it’ll end in shit like it did last time.”
Paige knows Thaliah’s probably right. They’ve gone to the same parties a couple times since school started, and each time, Dani stays closed to Beau Hudson and Serena Corren’s sides, not bothering to give any attention to Paige. The odds of her suddenly showing up and deciding to speak to them at tonight’s Halloween thing seems slim. Still, Paige can’t help but hope that maybe, just maybe, Dani will surprise her.
Thaliah takes another drag from the vape before offering it back to Paige, who takes another hit, letting the smoke relax her nerves just a bit. “But seriously,” Thaliah says as she exhales, “tonight’s about us. Let’s just have fun, forget about all the drama, and worry about Dani tomorrow. It’s Halloween! We deserve a good night.”
Paige smiles faintly, nodding. Thaliah’s right. Tonight is supposed to be fun. Maybe she can take a break from worrying for one night. Maybe.
And, she thinks maybe she really actually can, because the party does turn out to be fun. It’s a lot different from the last party she went to, the one where she drank herself stupid and fought Beau Hudson. She doesn’t regret the second part… just thinks she could’ve found a better way to do it. But tonight, she’s the designated driver, meaning she’s sticking to her Sprite, laying off the alcohol. But it doesn’t really matter. She doesn’t need to drink to have fun with her friends—especially on Halloween.
The house is decked out for Halloween—fake spider webs hanging from the ceiling, carved pumpkins in every corner, and purple lights casting shadows along the walls. Most people are dressed in costumes, though a lot are half-assed like Paige and Jalen’s. Paige gets a laugh out of a guy dressed in a banana costume, dancing on a table, though.
Eventually, Paige, Jalen, and Thaliah settle in the living room, perching on the couches and standing with some of their other friends from school and basketball and such. It’s easy, it’s fun, the atmosphere is lively but not chaotic. Paige enjoys it.
That is, until out of the corner of her eye, she spots them.
Beau Hudson, Serena Corren, and the rest of that group Dani’s been hanging around with lately are clustered near the kitchen, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Paige’s stomach tightens, her eyes scanning the group for one specific person. Dani. But as she searches, she realizes with a sinking feeling that Dani isn’t here.
Paige narrows her eyes slightly, confused. Dani’s always with them—whenever Beau and his friends show up to a party, the girl’s practically glued to his side. But tonight, she’s nowhere around.
Paige glances over at Thaliah, who’s too busy chatting with some girls to notice her. So, the blonde taps Jalen on the shoulder, nodding toward Beau and his friends. “Hudson’s here,” she acknowledges.
Jalen follows her gaze, rolling his eyes. “Dick,” he mutters, his disdain for the quarterback evident. He stares at the group for a second longer before Paige watches a familiar flicker of confusion cross along his face. “Dani’s not with ‘em?”
Paige shakes her head, mind racing. It’s so weird. Ever since Dani started dating Beau, they‘be been almost inseparable, especially at parties like this. But now, Dani just… gone. And it doesn’t sit right with Paige. Especially not after what happened last night.
However, before she can dwell on it too long, nature calls. She needs to pee. Paige stands up, muttering something to Jalen about finding the bathroom. As she makes her way through the crowded house, her mind stays locked on the thought of the Callan girl. Maybe Paige is just being dramatic. Maybe Dani is here and she just hasn’t seen her and she’s worrying for no reason.
When she finally finds the hallway leading to the bathroom, she groans. There’s a line.
And the person standing at the back of the line? None other than Beau Hudson himself.
Paige’s eyes narrow as she approaches, trying to play it casual. She leans against the wall, taking Thaliah’s vape out of her pocket and bringing it to her lips. She inhales, letting the vapor fill her lungs as she stares at the back of Beau’s head. He hasn’t noticed her yet, so she waits a beat before speaking.
“Dani here?” she asks, her tone nonchalant.
Beau turns slightly, glancing over his shoulder at her. His expression is somewhere between annoyed and smug, like he can’t be bothered with her question. “Nope,” he replies shortly, turning back to face the bathroom door as if that’s the end of the conversation.
But Paige isn’t done. She presses, “How come?”
Beau scoffs, a low, bitter sound that grates on Paige’s nerves. “You’re fuckin’ nosy, Bueckers,” he mutters, barely looking at her.
Paige raises an eyebrow, not backing down. “Well, when it comes to Dani, yeah. I am.” Her voice is sharp, but controlled. She isn’t about to let him dismiss her like that.
Beau finally turns to face her fully, his expression twisted with irritation. “Why do you care, anyway? You’re not even friends anymore.”
Paige clenches her jaw, holding his gaze. “Doesn’t mean I don’t care.”
For a moment, there’s a tense silence between them, the music and chatter from the party seeming distant in comparison to the charged atmosphere in the hallway. Paige can feel her heart racing, could feel the anger bubbling under the surface.
Beau breaks the silence first, rolling his eyes as if he can’t be bothered with her anymore. “She’s probably rotting in her bedroom right now. I told her not to come.”
Paige blinks, caught off guard by the harshness in his voice. “What? Why?”
Beau shrugs, leaning casually against the wall as if what he’s saying is no big deal. Which, to him, it probably isn’t. “She’s been a bitch lately. Told her to stay home.”
Paige’s grip on the vape tightens as a rush of anger surges through her. She hates him. She hates how he talks about Dani like that, like she’s just some inconvenience instead of his girlfriend. The same girlfriend he’s never deserved.
The same girlfriend that Paige picked up in the middle of the night last night.
Her gaze slides to Beau, and before she can stop herself, the words are out of her mouth. “Did you do something to Dani last night?”
Beau’s head snaps toward her, his eyes narrowing. “What the fuck are you talking about?” His tone is defensive, a little too defensive for someone who’s supposedly innocent.
Paige doesn’t back down, her pulse quickening as the frustration bubbles to the surface. “Last night,” she repeats, her voice steady. “I found her walking home alone in the middle of the night. She wouldn’t even tell me what was going on. So I’m asking you, Beau—did you leave her out there?”
Beau’s expression shifts, his jaw tightening as he stands up straighter, his arms dropping to his sides. “Are you seriously accusing me of something?” he snaps, his voice low and threatening. “I didn’t leave her anywhere.”
Paige scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest as she stares him down. “Then why was she out there, alone? She looked like she’d been crying.”
Beau rolls his eyes, but there’s something uneasy in the way he shifts on his feet, something that makes Paige’s stomach twist. “I don’t know, Paige. Maybe she was crying because she’s a fucking mess lately.”
Paige’s eyes flash with anger. “She’s a mess? You’re her boyfriend. Aren’t you supposed to, I don’t know, give a shit?”
Beau’s lips curl into a sneer. “You don’t know anything about our relationship, so maybe you should keep your nose out of it.”
Paige takes a step closer, her voice lowering as she looks down on him ever so slightly—having those couple inches on him. “I know enough to know something’s wrong with her. She’s not herself, and you’re just standing here acting like you don’t care.”
Beau’s face hardens, and for a second, Paige thinks he might actually shove her away. They’ve had a physical fight before—what’s another one? But instead, he takes a step back, exhaling sharply as he glares at her. “You think this is my fault? You think I’m the one who’s making her act like this? You have no idea what she’s like, Bueckers. You only ever saw the good parts of her.”
Paige’s heart skips a beat, but she doesn’t flinch. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” she reports.
Beau huffs out a humorless laugh, his gaze flicking to the bathroom door as it remains stubbornly closed. “It means that she’s been a bitch lately, okay? Just like I said before. Moody as hell. I’m not her fuckin’ babysitter, like, Jesus Christ.”
Paige feels her hands clench into fists at her sides. “So you’re just going to leave her to deal with whatever’s going on by herself? Real classy, Hudson.”
Before Beau can respond, the bathroom door swings open, and a couple stumbles out, laughing drunkenly and clinging to each other. Paige shoots them a disgusted look—God only knows what they had been doing in there. Beau takes advantage of the distraction, slipping past her and heading straight for the open bathroom.
Before he disappears inside, he shoots Paige one last glance, his expression dark and full of resentment. “Stay out of it, Paige.”
The door slams shut behind him, leaving Paige standing in the hallway, her heart racing with anger and confusion. She leans against the wall, lifting Thaliah’s vape to her lips and taking another long drag, the vapor filling her lungs as she tries to calm herself down.
Stay out of it? He’s fucking stupid if he thinks that’ll stop her from doing anything.
She exhales slowly, her mind still spinning with everything that just happened. Beau’s words leave a bitter taste in her mouth, but more than that, they leave her with an even deeper sense of worry for Dani. There’s something wrong, and Beau either doesn’t know how to handle it or simply doesn’t care enough to try.
Paige closes her eyes for a moment, leaning her head back against the wall as the sound of the party buzzes around her. Halloween is Dani’s favorite holiday. Dani’s always, always loved it, always got excited about dressing up, about watching horror movies and going to parties with their friends. She and Paige have done coordinating costumes every year since forever. But this year? Dani’s sitting at home, probably miserable by the sound of things, and Paige wants to help. To do anything to help.
She takes another drag, and thinks.
DANI LAYS on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the weight of the silence in the room pressing down on her. Halloween has always been her favorite day of the year, the one she looks forward to the most. But tonight, it feels hollow. She glances around her bedroom—dimly lit, the shadows from her string lights casting a soft glow on the walls. It’s quiet, too quiet, and that’s the problem. Her friends are all probably at a party somewhere, dressed up in ridiculous costumes, laughing, drinking, having the time of their lives.
But she isn’t there. Not with Beau and Serena and everyone else she was meant to go out with tonight.
And certainly not with Paige and Thaliah and Jalen, who she’s spent every Halloween with for years.
The thought stings like an open wound. Halloween’s always been something she and Paige share—whether it was sneaking candy at sleepovers when they were younger or staying up late to watch horror movies that terrified them both, or—more recently—attending the dumbest parties and getting shit-faced. But this year, Dani’s alone, cut off from everything and everyone that once made her feel like herself.
She lets out a long sigh, sitting up in bed. She decides to be masochistic, and pulls one of her old scrapbooks from her the drawer in her bedside table. This is so stupid, she thought, thumbing through the pages. She hasn’t added to it in months, not since before everything changed. Not since her dad sent her to that place. She flips through the pages, her eyes scanning the scrawled handwriting, the cut photos, the scattered tape, reliving bits and pieces of her old life—laughing with Thaliah, playing (and losing) basketball with Jalen, sneaking out with Paige, pretending nothing could ever come between them.
Before camp. Before everything got fucked up.
Her heart clenches as she turns to an old picture tucked between the pages. It’s the two of them—her and Paige. Taken last Halloween, in matching costumes they’d thrown together at the last minute. Dani smiles faintly at the memory, the way Paige had made her laugh so hard that night she thought she’d never catch her breath. It had been one of the best nights of her life, but now it feels like a lifetime ago, like it belongs to a different version of her—a version of Dani that no longer exists.
Dani’s throat tightens as the memories overwhelmed her. She drops the scrapbook on the bed and covers her face with her hands, her shoulders trembling. I still love her. The realization hits her like a ton of bricks, the words echoing in her mind over and over. She loves Paige. She always has. But it feels so impossible now, so wrong, so tainted. After everything that’s happened, after the months apart, after the cold distance between them, after everything that’s been cemented into Dani’s head, how can they ever get back to what they used to be?
Tears blur Dani’s vision as she buries her face in her hands, her body shaking with quiet sobs. She wants to be the girl she used to be—the carefree, happy, whole version of herself that hadn’t been shattered by her father’s cruelty, by the camp, by the guilt that now consumes her every waking thought. She wants to go back to the way things were before her mind became warped and twisted by everything she‘a been forced to believe.
But she can’t. She doesn’t know how.
She cries until her chest aches, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. She feels like she’s drowning, and there’s no one there to pull her out of the deep end. She’s lost so much—her friends, her sense of self, her relationship with Paige. Who is she now? She doesn’t even know anymore.
Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoes through the empty house, pulling Dani out of her thoughts. She wipes at her tear-streaked face, frowning as she glances at the clock on her nightstand. It’s way too late for trick-or-treaters, and no one else os home. Her dad is out for the night, and the house has been dead quiet for hours.
Confused, Dani gets up from her bed, pulling on her hoodie as she makes her way downstairs. The doorbell rings again just as she reaches the bottom of the staircase, and she hesitates for a moment before opening the door.
The porch is empty.
Dani blinks, her heart racing as she stepped outside and glances around. There was no one in sight—just the dark, empty street in front of her house. She thinks maybe it’s just some stupid Halloween prank until she looks down. There’s a small basket sitting on the porch, filled with Twix and Sour Patch Kids and Snickers—all of her favorite candies. Her breath catches in her throat as she crouches down, her fingers trembling as she picks it up.
Sitting on top of the candy is a folded note.
Dani’s heart pounds in her chest as she opens the note, her eyes scanning the familiar handwriting:
Please know that if you ever need to talk to anyone, I am always here for you. I hope this basket makes your Halloween a little better.
P <3
Dani’s vision blurs with tears again, but this time, they aren’t necessarily tears of sadness. They’re something else—something warmer, softer. Paige left this for her. Paige went out of her way to make sure Dani wasn’t completely alone tonight.
She clutches the note to her chest, her heart aching in a way that feels both painful and comforting all at once. Paige has always been there for her, even now, even when everything is so broken, so different. Dani stands on the porch for a long moment, the cool night air brushing against her skin as she stares down at the basket.
She lets herself be a little optimistic. She thinks that maybe not everything is lost.
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sanemistar · 2 days
᧔o᧓ satoru x fem!reader, established relationship (husband and wife), talks of aging, this is a little self indulgent, but i hope you still enjoy it <3
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you stare at your reflection in the mirror for a couple of long moments, and you notice that you’ve gained some new white hair strands which makes you realize that you’re growing old. you’re fully aware that it’s only natural and it’s a part of the aging process, but you’re too young to be having that much white hair, you’re only in your twenties. so you can’t help but feel quite insecure.
you’re too lost in your own thoughts to notice that satoru, your husband, is fondly looking at you from across the room. he slowly approaches you from behind and before you even get a chance to react, he back hugs you. his chin finds itself a home on the top of your head, and his arms are wrapped tightly around your shoulders.
“what’s got you so lost in your thoughts, sweetheart?” he lifts his chin, tilting his head slightly to the side as he hums softly against your ear, and your ears instantly turn red. despite being married to him for years now, your body instinctively reacts like this whenever satoru is this close to you. you’re hesitant to tell him how you feel, but words start to escape your lips naturally.
“i’m just worried about aging quicker than i should.. i have a lot of white hair already, what if i become ugly and you don’t love me anymore? i won’t be able to handle that, toru.” you almost cry pouring out your insecurities onto your husband, not even daring to look him in the eyes. but he lifts your chin up and forces your eyes to meet his majestic ocean blue ones, and then he lightly flicks your forehead, which you feel taken aback by.
“so that was what you were too busy thinking about? you’ll rock that white hair! plus, we’ll be matching together. i already have white hair, you know? so you’re not gonna be the only one.” he chuckles, not because he’s making fun of your insecurities–he would never dare to–but because it’s something he has never been bothered with, you’re the most beautiful woman in his eyes, that’s a fact that will never change no matter how much time passes by, so some white hairs won’t affect how he sees you. satoru has never loved you for your looks, but for your unique and charming personality.
“and what’s with that talk about the possibility of me not loving you anymore, that’s just impossible. you’ll always be my one and only wife, i love you.” he reassures you ever so sweetly, and you smile fondly at your husband while he leaves a trail of soft kisses all over your cheeks and neck. you can clearly tell he’s being genuine, you feel his strong love for you slowly wiping away all your insecurities, as you feel relief wash over you.
one thing satoru never fails to do is to make you feel loved and adored, he’s been doing so every single day since your marriage. because to him, you, his beloved wife, are the only one in this world that is worth being loved.
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୨୧ taglist: @yueliie @spkyssn @ayrastv | back: jjk m.list
102 notes · View notes
To Feel Your Body Against Mine
Frankie Morales x fem!reader
Word count-4.5k
Prompt- secret relationship
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), secret relationship, feelings, praise, sex in a public bathroom, softness, oral (f receiving), creampie, alcohol mention, a shitty ex, attempted assault (not detailed), mild violence (not against reader), happy ending, reader is a bartender/waitress, reader is Santi's sister but not physically described at all other than body parts, no use of y/n
Notes- For @burntheedges Roll a Trope writing challenge! I'm so excited to be able to participate and I got such a fun trope too! And I definitely made myself hot and bothered writing that second spicy scene lol! I hope everyone enjoys this!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog so please also follow that and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post new things!
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“Mmm… Frankie…” you moaned as you leaned your head back against the bathroom mirror.
He hummed your name in your ear as he smirked against your face.
“We’re gonna get caught if we take too much longer,” you huffed as you felt the warm embrace of his body against yours. 
“Yeah,” he groaned as he thrust into you, “But you feel so fucking good, baby,” his tone dropped as he thrusted again, “Can’t fucking stop.”
“Oh fuck,” you cried out as your eyes rolled back into your head.
Frankie had you on the bathroom counter in the employee bathroom at the bar you worked at. The moment the two of you had the chance to slip away, you took it, and quickly you clawed each other’s clothes off, desperate for one another. To have his cock fill you up again filled that need that left you feeling empty. To be connected to him once more was something that your body, and your heart, craved more than anything. To feel his strong arms around you as you wrapped your legs around his waist made everything feel perfect, even if you were currently in a dirty bathroom. 
And Frankie’s feelings reflected yours. From the moment he first met you all those years ago, he instantly fell for you. And to finally have you in his arms, to feel himself inside your pussy, to be able to call you his… it was better than heaven for him. Even from the second he walked into the bar and saw you with the drink mixer in your hand, the way your breasts swung then you shook it, he knew he was going to fuck you in the bathroom the moment he got the chance.
Your relationship was perfect. Even from the first night you spent together, it felt as if the two of you had been together for years. Everything just fell into place perfectly, like you were two puzzle pieces that finally clicked together to form the picture that was your life. Everything felt right. Everything felt perfect, like things were the way they should be.
It was almost perfect that is. There was only one problem: no one knew. No one could know. Because you were Santigo’s sister. 
“He’ll freak out if he finds out about us,” you had once told Frankie, “Let’s just keep it between us for now. We’ll figure out the right time to tell him later.”
But that didn’t matter now. All that mattered to Frankie now was you. You were the entire world to him as he fucked you in the bar bathroom. The way your mouth dropped open to let the beautiful cries flow freely was more intoxicating to him than the drinks you served. The way your breasts swung with his every thrust was captivating. The way your inner muscles clenched around his cock sent jolts of pleasure up his spine.
“Fuck you feel so fucking good,” he groaned. 
Sweat lined your brow as you clung to Frankie. One hand buried itself in his hair, tugging hard, while the other dug into his broad shoulder. All you could do was scream in pleasure as he rocked faster into you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Fuck! Frankie, right there!” you moaned as you arched your back.
With one harsh grunt, Frankie thrust forward and both of you fell apart at the same time. You and Frankie both cried out as your bodies trembled against each other. Clinging to each other for dear life, you moaned loudly. Thankfully, the loud music from the bar drowned out your screams, yet at the time neither of you cared about that. All you cared about was the other as you rode out your climaxes together. 
Frankie huffed as he stilled himself inside you for a moment, hot and sweaty from the passionate lovemaking in the tiny bathroom. He let out a deep breath as he opened his eyes for a moment before closing them again to kiss you deeply. He savored the taste of you on his tongue as he slowly and carefully pulled out of you, swallowing the whimper you let out. His hand cupped the side of your face as his thumb stroked your cheek tenderly.
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he mumbled as he rested his forehead against yours.
“So are you, Frankie,” you smirked back at him before you kissed him again. But, as much as you wanted the moment to last forever, you knew time was against you. “We really do need to get back now,” you sounded disappointed, “Don’t want anyone to get suspicious.” 
Frankie’s face dropped; he didn’t want the moment to end yet either, “Yeah,” he nodded as he helped you dress before slipping his own clothes back on.
Placing his trusty hat back on his head, you gave him one last kiss, “You go first. I’ll be behind you in a second.”
His dark, pleading eyes looked into yours as three words rushed to the tip of his tongue. But, just like every time before, they remained unspoken as he unlocked and left the bathroom.
You let out a deep sigh as you turned to the mirror and adjusted yourself for a moment before you also left your little hideaway and went back to the real world. The real world where as far as anyone was concerned, you and Frankie were just friends. 
You grinned from behind the bar as you watched the guys at their table. Santiago, your brother, and the guys who got each other through tough times that you couldn’t even imagine all laughed together. The four of them best of friends, brothers in arms. You couldn’t hear their conversation, but you could tell they enjoyed their time together, as they always did when the four of them convened. 
“There you are, nena!” Santiago exclaimed as you walked up to the table with a tray of drinks, “Where’ve you been?”
Frankie swallowed nervously, but hid it under the brim of his hat.
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s busy in here,” you gestured over your shoulder to the crowd at the bar, “Some of us work for a living,” you added with a smirk. Glancing over for a brief moment, you caught Frankie’s eye and saw him relax his shoulders.
“Yeah, yeah,” Santiago shrugged, “As long as these assholes keep their hands to themselves and off my sister.” He shit a pointed glare towards another table of guys who made no effort to hide the way they checked you out when you walked by.
Will and Benny burst into laughter before Will spoke up, “Man you really have the overprotective brother thing down pat, don’t you, Pope?”
“Yeah,” Benny added as he sipped his drink.
Santiago rolled his eyes, “Shut up, assholes.”
You mirrored your brother’s eye roll before you turned and walked away, aware of a pair of eyes stealthily on your ass as you did so. A grin lit up your face while your back was to the guys.
Chatter echoed around him as he lost himself in your figure as the guys went back to their conversation. Vaguely, he was aware they were reminiscing about good times in the past before they turned their attention to Benny’s upcoming fight. The Miller brothers seemed to focus more on each other as Will gave his usual encouraging words to his little brother.
“Que pasas, hermano?” Santiago asked, noticing Frankie’s distant expression.
Frankie shook himself out of his thoughts and back to his best friend, “Nada,” he replied a little too quickly, “Nothing,” he repeated in a more leveled tone, “Just thinking is all,” he said as he took a sip of his drink and savored the taste that mixed with your that lingered on his tongue.
“That’s dangerous,” Santiago quipped playfully.
He rolled his eyes as he adjusted his hat. After a breath, Frankie chose his words carefully so as to not arouse suspicion, “Would it really be so bad if your sister found someone? Like found the right someone who treats her well?”
He pointed a stare at him for a moment before he took a swig of his drink and answered, “If it were the right person, yeah. She has a habit of picking real shitty ones though,” Santiago made a face as he pictured a particular ex of yours. But, he decided Frankie’s question was harmless, “But for now, I got my best friends watching over her when I can’t,” he placed a hand on his shoulder, “Thanks man, I know I can count on you.”
Frankie gave him a smile that hid the way he truly felt, “Anytime, man.”
“Oh Frankie… Ay mierda,” you moaned as you writhed on his bed.
The moon was high in the sky, illuminating Frankie’s bedroom. It was just the right amount of light to make for a romantic night in, and Frankie took full advantage of it. In between your legs he found a bliss unlike anything else. There was only one place he loved kissing you more than your lips…
Frankie groaned into you as he dug his hands into your thighs. As much as he wanted to tell you how beautiful you were or how delicious you tasted, he just couldn’t break himself away from your pussy. He slurped loudly, not caring how obscene the sounds he made were, especially when they made you moan and make such lovely sounds.
“Ay dios mio,” you cried out as one hand landed in his hair while the other clutched onto the sheets for dear life. The way his tongue so expertly found all your sensitive spots never ceased to amaze you… and always left you breathless.
Another growl emitted from deep within Frankie’s throat as he devoured you with even more fervor. His tongue swirled around your clit, making you whimper with every pass, and he could tell you were close.
Let me taste your cum, baby, he thought as he ran his tongue up and down your folds. The tip of his nose hit your clit as he dipped his tongue into your entrance, darting it in and out a few times before running back up. The moment his lips wrapped around your clit, you screamed and tugged at his hair.
“Frankie! Fuck!” you cried out as your legs trembled on either side of his head.
He tightened his grip on you as he sucked hard on your clit. And that was all it took to send you over the edge. With a loud scream, you came hard against his face, rocking your hips against his prominent nose as you rode out your climax.
Like a man dying of thirst, Frankie greedily lapped up your release as he kept his rhythm with his tongue. He didn’t want to waste a drop of your sweet juices, and he didn’t want to stop until you were entirely spent. His cock strained with need, but he ignored it in favor of your pleasure.
With one last gasp, you flopped down limp on the bed, and Frankie broke away from your cunt with a loud pop. He wanted your body through glazed over eyes as his chin glistened with your cum. He watched with fiery eyes as your breasts rose and fell with your heavy breaths as you came down from your high.
“Fuck you are so fucking sexy, baby,” he growled as he lunged forward and captured your lips with his own.
You moaned into him as you wrapped your arms and legs around his body as he covered you. A rumble from Frankie’s chest reverberated between your bodies as he rutted against you.
“I need you, baby,” Frankie sounded so desperate, “Fuck I can’t get enough of you.”
“Then fuck me, Francisco,” you mewled as you bucked your hips against his, feeling his rock hard cock against your slick pussy.
All he could do was growl as he angled his hips against you. Frankie slipped a hand between your bodies to guide his cock to your entrance, and the moment the tip hit your wetness, you both gasped.
“Fuck, baby,” he breathed as he easily slid into you, your pussy still soaking wet from how avidly he devoured you.
“Oh my god…” you dropped your head back onto the mattress as you felt his cock stretch you out. You groaned and dug your nails into his back as you surrendered yourself to him completely. 
“Shit I’m not gonna last long with how fucking good you feel,” Frankie muttered as he started to rock in and out of you, feeling your walls around him with every thrust.
Any words escaped your mind the moment he started thrusting in and out of you. All you could do was moan and hold onto him as his cock filled you over and over again. In the moonlight, Frankie fucked you with everything he had. You felt the passion behind every thrust of his hips, and the way he held you while he ravaged you was unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
This was not just fucking. Frankie was making love to you in both the sweetest and roughest way he could. And it was everything you needed and more. Just as he was addicted to you and your pussy, you were addicted to him. You clawed at his back, pulling him closer as if you couldn’t get enough of him. You wanted to feel every inch of his body against you while his thick cock filled you up over and over again. You wanted… need him more than air.
Frankie was mesmerized by you. Before you pulled him closer, he watched as your breasts swung wildly with every thrust of his hips. And as he covered you with his body, he could feel your heart pound in your chest. He couldn’t get enough of the way you wrapped your arms and legs around him, wordlessly telling him you needed more, needed him closer. 
And he was happy to oblige. 
“Fuck,” he groaned as he murmured your name over and over with every thrust, “Baby I’m close.” Sweat lined his brow, making the thick locks of hair stick to his forehead.
“Cum in me, Frankie,” you whispered as you pressed your forehead against his, “Let me feel you.”
Your words alone almost made him lose control. But Frankie wasn’t going over the edge without you, so he snaked his hand in between your bodies to rub at your clit.
“Oh fuck,” you cried out as his touches sent jolts of pleasure up your spine, “Frankie…”
“I know baby,” he moaned, “I’ve got you…”
His thrusts became erratic as the room spun around him. Moans and cries of pleasure echoed between your bodies, and neither of you were sure who made which sounds. It didn’t matter anyway, you were connected at one, fitted together perfectly as if you were meant for each other.
Frankie felt his orgasm quickly approaching; with every thrust he was closer and closer. And from the way your inner muscles squeezed his cock, he could tell you were just as close. Pounding into you with fervor, Frankie growled your name as he came hard enough to see stars.
You screamed against his lips as your second climax hit at the same time. Clutching onto Frankie tightly, you trembled underneath him as you came together. Passions exploded between your bodies as Frankie rode out both your climaxes. Tears fell down your cheeks as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through your body. And a shiver ran up your spine as you felt Frankie’s release fill you to the brim while he moaned against your face.
With one last huff, Frankie thrust as deep as he could into you before he collapsed down on top of you with a grunt. You wheezed as the added weight was sudden, but you both burst into laughter as you both went limp against each other. Frankie planted light kisses on the side of your head as he caught his breath and his cock softened inside you. A chill of his own ran up his spine as your laughter sent shocks to his overstimulated cock.
“That was amazing, baby,” Franie murmured in your ear.
“You’re amazing, Frankie,” you whispered back, kissing him wherever you could while you ran your hands up and down his broad back.
Frankie broke away to gaze into your eyes as he propped himself up on his elbows. Again, three words were on the tip of his tongue. He could have said them. He should have said them. You looked so beautiful underneath him in the moonlight. There was no better time than now…
Yet, he didn’t. Instead he said, “I got you,” as he slowly pulled out of you, causing you both to hiss. Frankie gave you an apologetic look when he was fully out of you, and he couldn’t help but glance down and watch his release spill out of your pussy.
He licked his lips, and for a moment he contemplated devouring you once more. But, his muscles ached, and Frankie felt the overwhelming need just to hold you close, to feel your body against his.
Reaching for a tissue on his bedside, Frankie gently, tenderly cleaned you up as you whimpered from the touch. You were overstimulated as well, but in the best way possible. Not wanting to leave your side even for a moment, he just tossed the tissue aside and laid down next to you, gathering you in his arms. You sighed contently as you pressed a light kiss to his chest before you laid your head down comfortably. 
“Hey baby?” Frankie broke the silence after several moments. 
“You alright, Frankie?” You noticed the change in his tone, which made you worry. You rested your hand on his chest, feeling his heart under your palm. 
“Do you ever think maybe we should tell Santiago about… us?”
You let out a deep sigh as you savored the warmth of his embrace for a moment, “I do hate hiding from him,” you admitted, “But I’m just scared to, you know?” Truthfully, you were sure he wouldn’t be as mad as you feared, yet something nagged at you about it. Perhaps because he reacted so badly to the last person you dated, yet he had good reason to. This time, however, it was Frankie, and who would deny Frankie? And the longer this went on, the more frightened you became. You dug yourself in this hole and the longer you hid in it, the more difficult you knew climbing out of that hole would be.
“I know,” he comforted you with a squeeze, “But we can do it together. He can’t be mad for too long,” he let out a soft laugh.
You chuckled, “You’re right,” you hummed in agreement, “We’ll pick a time to sit down with him and tell him the truth, and Will and Benny too.”
“Sounds good, baby,” he kissed the top of your head, “I’ll be right there with you, I promise,” Frankie paused and took a deep breath, “But for now, let’s get some sleep.”
It was a quieter night at work, which you were thankful for. So many crowded nights were great for your paycheck, but left you completely exhausted. A few regulars and some newcomers sat scattered around the bar, but you still had some time to just lean against the wall and rest for a bit. It was a calm, peaceful night.
Until the one person you never wanted to see again walked through the doors.
Immediately you were on edge from the moment you saw his sly face, “Ernesto,” you spat through gritted teeth, “What are you doing here?”
His grin sent shivers down your spine, “I missed you, sweetheart.”
“I don’t miss you,” your tone was cold as you held yourself strong, “Get out of here.”
“Oh come on, don’t be like that,” he leaned in close, invading your space and placing a hand on your shoulder, “Give me another chance. I’ve changed.”
“No!” you pushed his hand off your shoulder. But, before you could step away from him, he grabbed your wrist, “Let me go, Ernesto!”
Just as he tried to yank you close enough to him to kiss you, he was ripped away in a flash. Before he could even grunt in confusion, Ernesto found himself stumbling away from you and a man stood between you and him.
“Who the fuck are you?” he snapped.
“Frankie,” you breathed in relief.
“She told you no, so get the fuck out of here before I have to hurt you,” Frankie growled, sounding very unlike his usual self. 
“Fuck off, she’s mine,” Ernesto lunged for Frankie, fists winging.
Frankie clenched his jaw and waited for the opportunity to present itself. In between the flurry of hands from Ernesto, there was an opening. It only took one hit, one precise punch from Frankie right in his nose to send him careening back. Ernesto landed on the floor with a grunt, and all the air was forced out of his lungs as he saw stars from hitting his head.
In a rage, Frankie stepped forward and grabbed Ernesto’s collar, peeling him off the floor, “Have anything to say now, pendejo?” he growled.
It took him a moment to re-orientate himself before he stuttered, “N-no,” all the fight had left Ernesto’s body, “I’m going. I’m going,” he pleaded as he scrambled away and bolted for the door. Frankie watched to make sure he left before he quickly rushed over to you.
Santiago hopped out of his truck before he strolled toward the bar you worked at. He had some free time and decided to come see you, especially since he noticed you had been acting differently lately. He cared for you more than anything, and he only ever wanted the best for his sister and only family. He was in a good mood, but as he got closer to the bar, someone burst through the doors and slammed right into him.
“S-sorry,” Ernestro muttered as he looked up from where his gaze was pointed at the ground, “I didn’t mean to… You!” he gasped, recognizing Santiago.
“You!” he snarled as he grabbed Ernesto’s shirt, “What the fuck are you doing here?!” Santiago was ready to hit him, enraged when he thought about how he treated you in the past, but when he noticed the broken nose and blood from his face, he paused.
Ernesto took the opportunity in his hesitation to slip out of his grip and run away. Santiago thought about going after him, but his priority was more on his sister’s safety, so he ran inside to check on you. And when he rushed through the doors, the sight that met him froze him in his tracks.
Frankie was there, holding you tightly and whispering into your ear as you nuzzled into his shoulder. He couldn’t hear what exactly he said, but he could tell Frankie was whispering words of comfort into your ear in between feather light kisses. Santiago wasn’t sure how to feel and he stood in dumbfounded stillness for several moments.
“What the hell is going on here?” his voice was a low grumble as the emotions slipped out before he could stop them.
You gasped as you snapped your head up from where it rested on Frankie’s shoulder, “Santi…” you breathed, tears still fresh in your eyes, “I can explain,” you scrambled out of his arms and up to your feet.
Frankie followed right behind you, “Pope, I…” he started before he was interrupted.
“Wait,” you hissed to both of them, noticing the stares from the few patrons in the bar, “Can we take this outside?” You really did not want an audience.
Santiago remained tense, but looked around and nodded. In silence, the three of you slipped out and towards your brother’s truck for some privacy. The tension was palpable as you made your way out of the bar. Yet, Frankie still slid his hand in yours despite the glare from Santiago.
“Santi, I didn’t mean for this to happen,” you blurted out, “We just…”
“How long?” Santiago cut you off with a simple question, “How long have you kept this from me?”
All the breath felt like it was punched out of your lungs and suddenly you realized why he was so angry. All your life, it had been just you and Santi; brother and sister alone in the world. You trusted each other with everything, and you were all each other had. This was the first time you kept something from him, and you noticed the hurt in his eyes that you felt like you had to hide this from him.
“A few months,” Frankie answered for you in a quiet voice.
Santiago let out a heavy sigh as his shoulders dropped and the tough person melted away. Putting his hands on his hips, he looked between the two of you, “And you couldn’t tell me this whole time?” his tone was softer than before, and the hurt was apparent. 
“Santi,” you started, taking a step forward, “I’m sorry.”
He glanced at you before he stepped past you and met Frankie face to face, “Will you take care of her?” he asked, “You’ll never hurt her?”
Frankie’s eyes softened, “Yeah,” he breathed, “I swear, man,” he continued, “I’d never do anything to hurt her,” he paused, “I’m in love with your sister, man.”
The confession made both you and Santiago’s mouths drop open in surprise. “Frankie…” you gasped in a whisper from behind your brother.
Santiago recovered first, “Fuck, bro,” he smiled through the emotions, “Guess I can’t be too pissed at you… You did kick her ex’s ass pretty damn good.” He turned over his shoulder and smiled genuinely at you before turning back to Frankie, “Just don’t make out or do any of that shit in front me, ok?” he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. 
The relief showed on Frankie’s face as he too broke out into a smile. His hand landed on Santiago’s shoulder as you also sighed in relief behind them. “Deal,” he said before the two friends embraced.
Santiago turned to you and took you up in his arms, hugging you tightly.
“I’m sorry I kept this from you, Santi,” you whispered to him as you hugged him back.
Breaking away from the hug, he kept his hands on your forearms, “I get why you didn’t,” he said softly, “I can be a little much when it comes to my family.” He turned between you and Frankie, “How about we celebrate? Drinks are on me.”
“Do I have to make them?” you teased.
Santiago and Frankie both laughed as you all embraced each other. Your brother patted you both on the shoulder before he ushered you both to his truck. Frankie slipped his hand in yours, happy to finally be able to take your hand in public without the fear of getting caught. A new chapter in your lives was just starting, and finally everything was absolutely perfect. 
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tinytennisskirt · 17 hours
i need more vampire art
more vampire boyfriend! art headcanons with a plot, super simple tied together 💋🍒🥤🧛🏻
warnings: mentions of biting, some slight smut, kissing, mentions of alcohol and marijuana, more plot less headcanon
pt 1 here
- vampire art biting your hand, specifically when you go to cup his face, his teeth against your skin, never piercing, but biting. or when you use a hand, thumb on one side and fingers on the other side of his mouth just to squish his face endearingly and he bites that little place between your thumb and fingers. sharp teeth. cute sharp teeth. like this:
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- vampire boyfriend, so of course he remembers a lot more than he should. simple things, but before he turned you, he was remembering things you did that even you didn’t remember- with ease, too.
- vampire boyfriend who is still gentle when he touches you just because he’s used to thinking he can hurt you. he can’t anymore, or he can try, but it’s hard to. but it doesn’t stop him from being gentle when he kisses you, when his hands slide over your skin. he feels less cold than he used to, but that’s because you’re as cold as him now. you remember the ice of his hands over you and now he feels warm, almost. and you never knew him to be warm, so it’s different but it feels good. and safe.
- you don’t sleep anymore, so losing the comfort of sleeping next to him is tough, but it’s still just as lovely to lay in silence with him because boredom is hard to come by when you’re a vampire. especially a vampire in love.
- when twilight comes out it’s so funny to watch and know. honestly not far off from your reality and you are confident you’re the only people in theatre who are able to relate remotely. you spend the whole time after talking about it and laughing over things.
- when you kiss, you like to bite his lip. he loves!!! it when you do. more than most things. he loves how your teeth feel against the plush of his lips and it’s a weakness, if you weren’t already his weakness as a whole.
- it’s only you, he knows that- it can’t be anyone else, nor would he want it to be. you both can’t die a normal death but it’s good to know he’s all in for until whenever that abnormal ending comes. just how it is. how could you both be almost immortal and waste that on anything else?
- when the sex is good, it’s good. he’s gentle, you’re not, he loves it. mess of teeth and bodies and god- the speeds at which you’d never be able to handle if you were still a regular person. stamina like nothing you’ve ever felt and are the orgasms,.., better? all you know is that it takes a few hours to come down from that sort of high.
- art will continue to buy you flowers, even though they seem to die all the time, but it’s just the way you perceive time that makes it that way. he replaced them the second they start to go so you don’t have dead flowers in your presence ever. he’s always speedy and replaces them for you. it’s a new bouquet every few days.
- vampire art who does the killing for you when desperate and in need of something. animals only. you’re SO twilight for this. ‘vegetarian’ vampires, but he takes care of everything. you miss regular food a lot and sometimes it’s a little upsetting, the way you eat, what you eat- and art is always there to comfort you through any of those periods. he’s sweet, running a hand up and down your back, telling you that you need to do it to keep going and that eventually, you’ll get used to it.
- and he’s like that every time you miss what used to be. he’s there, always, on his knees sometimes just to comfort you, running hands up and down the sides of your legs to comfort you, wide-eyed, crooked grin with those sweet little sharp teeth. he’s there every time you feel low about vampirism. you miss your life, he knows that, he won’t ever dismiss it. he misses it too. more than anything. but you’re in it together and he makes sure you know that. and that he’s sorry. it’s his fault. but you never let him take blame because you wanted this. it was your choice and you’re happy with it, just not all the time. and that’s okay.
- the entry thing is so real. obviously, you’re young forever but at least you’re old enough to go to bars. however, it’s tricky when you have to get in. funny, like a sitcom, asking to go into the bars and clubs when you’ve already been pat down and asked for ID. you and art can’t stop laughing the first time it happens, leaning against each other- the bodyguard guy thinks you’re already drunk. you’re asking to talk to the owner, laughing. only the owner can let you in since the guy lives in the place above the fucking bar.
- or worse, when patrick starts living out of his car early twenties and swears it’s a temporary situation and you both can’t get into his car without asking first. a drive with music turns into a whole ordeal when patrick refuses to give permission saying to just get in. but he lives there, you can’t!
- patrick learns a few months later why. and it’s a shocker but he’s been cracking jokes about it since art turned, so it’s not really that big of a thing. just takes him some time. he wants in on it too.
- you sit in a circle talking and patrick is the only one who can get drunk off of alcohol but you and art found some creative way to feel something, i don’t know what but imagination might work. so you’re tipsy in your own way and you’re talking to him about it and he really wants in. it’s a thought…
- being drunk is fun when you’re a vampire but with patrick around it’s a little dangerous. number one, he’s still human duh! and two, your alternative to alcohol acts the same way wine does… red, dark, lustful. so when you kiss art, the kissing doesn’t stop because you’re into it. so into it. and patrick who was originally minding his business rolling a joint, looks over at you and art kissing on the bed and he can’t take his eyes off of you both. you kiss him with so much force, it’s more than he knows he could take.
- when you take a break from kissing and the conversation starts up, the vibe slowly begins to change. you wipe your lip and grin, sitting a little dazed against the wall. patrick comes and sits on the bed, lights the joint. he asks if sex is better as a vampire, to add to his list of pros in the persuasion list. he thinks it’s going to be fun to be a vampire. and you answer honestly, with a few more details than needed and it gets things rolling and establishes the fact there’s an ask coming from patrick without him saying the words. asking questions, getting closer to actually asking.
- art is yours. he will always be yours. vampire boyfriend! but it doesn’t always need to be just the two of you. and soon, with everything in the room seeming to get hotter and hotter, patrick asks them if they’d still ever fuck a human- given an alternate reality where they aren’t together and art has his answer, technically he had you while you were still human and yeah, in an AU, you’d do it. so he proposes it then. there. and in a few minutes, patrick has art pinned to the bed and they’re kissing.
- you intently watch their mouthes as they kiss. watching. noticing. seeing. and it’s not long before their mouthes get traded out for yours and you and art, vampire boyfriend and girlfriend are sharing patrick tonight. it’s easy, you’re all friends. it’s a good thing patrick likes it rough- with your guards down, it’s easy to get carried away.
- you don’t really talk about it later, but it’s not a taboo topic. it’s been referenced a few times since in good context. patrick, however, can’t get rid of the idea that he wants to be a vampire. you tell him as a friend that he doesn’t want it and it’s not as great as it seems. but he still wants, which is fine. just… not a great idea.
- vampire art has taken up journaling because it might be fun to document the years and you do stumble across his notebook. he took up journaling one month into being with you and it documents everything you’ve been through, his inner thoughts, and it’s filled with words of love and thoughts about you that could come off as poetry. he’s really well-spoken, you knew that, but he was good with written words too.
- he has all these ideas for your future together. saving for a house, getting jobs round the clock for a year and saving for a place of your own out of stanford. talking about the fence- he loves to daydream about it. it’s you and he knows it. he wants everything that he can have with you. kids are now out of the question, but there’s ways. and you’re so young too… with so so so very many years ahead.
- he’s learning to rougher with you, taking what you have to give and adding onto it. his walls are falling down around him and god, he’s good when he’s not obsessively gentle. not to say that isn’t amazing, but change is always fun.
- you get into a fight one night. you’re on the couch and you don’t think art should turn patrick. art wants him to, patrick is his best friend and he knows what he’s getting into. but you tell him that you know patrick thinks it’s all fun and strength, speed, and sex- not considering the fact his future is screwed up. that eventually people would wonder why you aren’t ageing. saying patrick only sees the pros and never the cons. and that turning him might be a mistake. art is opposed, but he hates to offend, so he’s trying his best not to. and you’re distraught. the way you are when you miss being human. and he wants to comfort you, but his position needs to stand. though when you look at him like that he can’t do it. he’s sorry.
- his apologies do mean something. when he says sorry he does what he can to make sure it’s a permanent change. he wants to keep you happy, he never wants you to hate him. he looks at you with his eyes soft and he means what he says when he says things. he’s sorry. you’re sorry too. and you talk about it calmly.
- it’s decided that you talk to patrick again before deciding. so you do. you tell patrick all the negative things and he still wants it, so art makes the plan. and it’s okay. it’s what he wants. it just takes a while to get used to.
- it’s good that the three of you are the same now. the diet he regrets. you told him he would. but the three of you hang out a lot more. tennis is a lot more fun with those accelerated features and it’s fun to watch the boys go. it’s dangerous and exciting.
- art makes almost too much time for you. he worries that you might think he wants more time with patrick, the now-vampire- you didn’t think so. but he’s curled in your lap and he just wants to ‘make up for his time with patrick’ pretty much tenfold. cancelling on patrick, even. just to sit and watch something with you for hours. just to kiss you. he will cancel on everyone for you. shamelessly to them- he tries to keep it from you.
- in those hours that a person would usually sleep, it’s usually spent awake, eyes closed, non-talking. it’s a good time to think and destress and unload all the experiences that no sleep comes with. constantly up, constantly doing something. art respects it, always. if he has something urgent to tell you obviously you wouldnt be ‘asleep’, but it’s never so important. quiet downtime is important and he’s gentle, he would never ruin that.
- he brags about you to anyone who will listen. he’s got a lot of time to brag and he’s going to take every chance possible.
- the plan to work your asses off with multiple jobs a day for a year goes by in no time, and soon enough you have enough for your house. patrick pitches in and takes the basement apartment of the house. and it feels normal. three vampires living life. it’s going to be a long one but you’re in the right place.
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This is my RACK focused judgment free primer for heavy impact play. It covers every part of the body from head to toe and at no point does it say you can’t do something just the risks of doing so. I don't normally put warnings on my posts but most of my writing is fantasy, this isn't. I'm going to talk about any number of painful deaths and heaps more ways of becoming disabled.
In this primer "you" means the one doing the hitting, "victim" is the one being hit, and "tool" is the thing you're hitting with which could be a fist, foot, hammer, bat, anything. I'm writing it this way because its fun for me.
This primer also assumes you know the different types of impacts and how they affect the body, if you don't go look at my other writings.
Finally i take no responsibility for anything you do. All this information is what i could put together from medical journals and car crash reports if I've got anything wrong (and you can prove it) please let me know.
Head. With hits to the head, the two major concerns are concussions and neck injuries. A concussion occurs when a person’s brain impacts with the inside of their skull, this happens because the brain is suspended in fluid so if the skull stops or starts moving suddenly the brain will move out of sync with the skull. Symptoms of concussions can include headaches, confusion, lack of coordination, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, and excessive fatigue. If your victim lost consciousness for any length of time and is having trouble speaking or understanding your words, you need to get them to the ER. There is no cure for a concussion but the best treatment is pain medication and activities that won’t tax the brain to give it time to recover. There are any number of ways to damage a neck, but generally it happens when a person’s neck is moved suddenly and violently or pushed past its limit. Minor injuries should heal by themselves within a few weeks but if unlucky pain and stiffness can last months or even years. For more major injuries, physical therapy or a neck brace might be necessary but only if the pain lasts longer than a few weeks. It’s also possible to hit someone hard enough to break their neck or fracture their skull but that takes a lot of force. All of these injuries can be avoided by supporting your victim’s head and neck by bracing their head against a surface or holding their head with your hand.
Jaw. It takes surprisingly little force to dislocate a jaw, you can do so with a good slap Dislocations are talked about in Note 3 at the bottom of this primer. Heavy bleeding from gums or a tooth that feels loose could indicate a fractured root. This is a fairly minor issue and if you see a dentist quickly they should be able to fix it back in place with no lasting damage. A tooth that has been knocked out completely should survive; get your victim to rinse their mouth out and rinse the tooth off and shove it back into the gap, and then have them see a dentist to make sure it’s properly seated and avoid chewing with it for a while.
Eyes. A fun combination of fragile and complicated. There's no first aid tips I can give you and it'll be real obvious if something is wrong. I will say you don't have to hit someones eye to give them a black eye, it’s bruising around the eye socket that matters. Also check Note 1 about the use of ice when treating injuries.
Nose. It’s more difficult than you think to break a nose. You definitely can with a good punch but you'll have to really commit. A broken nose isn't that serious (I've broken mine twice now) and isn't even ER worthy. If your victim is leaning backwards after breaking their nose the blood will run down the back of their throat potentially making them vomit or very sick. There is a chance a broken nose will heal in a way that restricts breathing in which case your victim may need surgery.
Cheek bone. Below the temple but above the gum line, running from just bellow their ear to their nose. Special mention to this spot because it’s the best place to hit your victim in the head (in my opinion). This piece of bone is very sturdy and not that risky to fracture. Plus, when you hit them here they have to watch it coming.
Neck. The windpipe, jugular, cranial nerves, vagus nerve, carotid arteries, and spine all live here and damage to any of these can cause permanent disability or death. Seek medical attention if your victim has trouble breathing or swallowing, or a lot of pain or swelling. Stingy tools are far less risky here than thuddy tools.
Shoulders. Note 2 on joints. The shoulder blades can either be an ideal impact location or one of the most risky depending on how it’s sitting. If the shoulder blade is jutting out away from the rest of the back, it’s very easy to damage If it’s laying flat against the back, it’s protected by a thick layer of fat and muscle.
Biceps. Top 4 impact location. The main concern is damaging the elbow and shoulder joints, if hitting in a way that will pull on those joints. Much like with the head, bracing the impact area against a surface will minimize the risk. Repeated hits to this area can temporarily disable the arm, which is fun.
Forearm. As above, the main risk is damaging the adjoining joints. There are also several important blood vessels and nerves running through this area and not a lot of fat an muscle to protect them.
Hands. Very little fat or muscle, mostly tendons, nerves, and cartilage. See Note 2 on joints. Special note to the palm, which hurts like hell but is relatively safe because of the extra muscle and fat in that area, great for punishment. Once again, stingy tools are much less risky than thuddy tools.
Breasts/ biceps. Top 4 impact locations. Thick layers of fat, muscle, and bone protect anything vital.
Sternum. That is the bone running down the center of a person’s chest that connects to their ribs. Not in itself very fragile but the cartilage that connects it to the ribs is easily damaged and will take a long time to heal. A fractured sternum will likely cause shortness of breath and pain when taking deep breaths. There's not much to be done about these injuries just rest and avoiding strenuous activity.
Spine. The single most risky impact location. Any damage to the spine risks permanent paralysis of everything below that point. As ever, stingy tools present less risk than thuddy tools.
Rib cage. Designed to protect a person’s most vital organs, the rib cage is very strong. Fractured ribs will cause pain breathing but aren't particularly serious. Snapped ribs can pierce organs If this happens, it'll be immediately obvious and medical intervention is required to prevent painful death. Special note to the 'floating' ribs at the bottom of a persons rib cage which don't connect to the sternum and are therefore much less resilient. Second special note to the spot right above a persons heart. A significantly hard impact at exactly the wrong moment in their cardiac cycle can stop their heart. They will loose consciousness and you will need to give them CPR until they can be defibrillated. This is ridiculously unlikely but better to mention just in case.
Abdomen. If you feel around your victim’s belly, you can figure out the line where their abdominal muscles sit. If you have them tense these muscles, you can hit them fairly hard with relatively little risk because the muscles plus the fat in that area create a thick layer of protection. (Pro tip: "Stay tense or this will might kill you" is not only true but hot and terrifying). Outside of that area or if they don't tense, there's real risk of bruising or even rupturing their intestines, which carries a 50-70% survival rate depending on how quickly you can get them to the ER. Symptoms to look out for are bloating, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Special note to the kidneys, which sit next to the backbone just below the rib cage and are very easily bruised. The primary symptom to look for is blood when peeing. As always, stingy tools carry less risk than thuddy tools.
Gluteus maximus. That's their butt. Hit it as hard as your victim will let you. Enough has been said about this region; I don't feel the need to recover that ground. Note 4 on bruises.
Genitals. I'm not going to get into CBT, that's a separate kink. But the vagina is very durable as it’s pretty much just flesh and fat on the outside Minimal risk, go to town.
Thigh. Top 4 impact location. Outer thigh will hurt more and bruise more. As with the head and arms, the primary risk is damaging the adjoining joints. Note 4 on bruises because this is the primary place for DVT.
Calf. As above. Shins are also a great location for punishment because they hurt like hell.
Feet. Very similar to hands. The soles of a person’s foot are intended to impact with the ground frequently and with some force, so they can take a fair bit of punishment.
Note 1. Ice. It is no longer suggested injury procedure to use ice to reduce swelling. Yes, it is effective at reducing swelling but we now understand swelling is an important part of the healing process and although ice might make it feel and look better in the short term, it actually increases the amount of time the injury will take to heal. You want the blood to be able to flow to the injury to take away dead cells and bring nutrients and energy.
Note 2. Joints. Neck, spine, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, and toes. The reason these are almost always labeled "red" or "no go" on impact play body maps is because these are choke points for blood vessels and nerves; they are made of fragile tendons and cartilage, and they have very little padding for protection. They're also important for movement day to day and very difficult to heal properly. If a joint is damaged, you can buy braces for every joint from most pharmacies.
Note 3. Dislocations. If you're lucky, a partial dislocation will relocate by itself if you move the joint around as you normally would, not forcing it or trying to manipulate it with your hand, just moving it with its own muscles. If it does naturally relocate but you still have pain a few weeks later seek a medical professional. If you're unlucky or if it’s a total dislocation, you will have to see a medical professional. DO NOT TRY TO FORCE IT BACK INTO PLACE!
Note 4. Bruises. Normally, bruises are nothing to worry about but there are situations where a deep bruise can be a health concern. If the bruise continues to get worse after a week, there could be a hematoma under the skin, which is like a blood clot, and might need to be removed. The other possible complication is Deep Vein Thrombosis, which is a blood clot and can be lethal, if not treated quickly. With DVT, the symptoms are tenderness, warmth, and a "pulling sensation" which are pretty normal impact play symptoms. But if you're doing impact play at the level that could cause DVT, then you and your victim should know their healing process intimately, so if something feels off or isn't healing right, get them to a medical professional; better safe than dead.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 days
Choose Your True Love - Keith Howell (part 3/4)
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This is the from the 4th anniversary event.
(Alter)Keith indicates that it’s Alter!Keith pretending to be Keith.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. 
At the last estate we visited, the noble had an herbalist develop highly lethal poisons that he’d illegally sell to other countries.
It was the gravest crime I heard of today.
(And yet…)
Noble: I don’t know what you’re talking about! Your evidence was arranged to slander me.
(Alter)Keith: Are you kidding? Do I look like I have free time?
Noble: Ha, shameless. You’re getting rid of everyone you see as unfavorable since you can’t do anything else. The thought of you as the next king is terrifying. Are you unaware of how much you worry His Majesty?
(Alter)Keith: “I’m” well aware. However, you don’t need to take something so trivial so seriously. Actually, I think His Majesty would be happy to hear that I got rid of anyone that would hurt our country.
While the man raged like a demon, Prince Keith remained unbothered.
However, his voice was cold and it was like you could see the words “unpleasant”, “annoying”, and “depressing” written on his large back.
(How can the noble say something so harsh when the evidence is right in front of him?)
Behind Prince Keith, I was stewing in anger while holding back the urge to slap the noble.
At that moment, Prince Keith cleared his throat and cut the man off.
(Alter)Keith: I don’t wanna waste any more time, so we should wrap things up.
He looked at the noble and handed him a document.
The man’s face paled at its contents.
Noble: Stripped of…my land and title? No way, don’t mess around with me!
(Alter)Keith: There’s no need to yell, it’s the truth. Are you unaware of how serious the crimes you committed were? Even if you try to run away, you have no status, no money, nothing. You’ll be spending your days wishing for death.
Noble: Gh…Then we’ll just pretend this never happened. No one will go along with your lies anyway.
The man rang a bell that was on the table and hired mercenaries stormed in.
(He thought something like this would happen…he’s basically admitting his guilt)
Alter!Keith: You stay close to the wall.
Emma: …Okay.
As the mercenaries charged toward Prince Keith with their swords drawn, he drew his sword with a mocking smile.
He proceeded to cut through their arms, legs, and stomachs without hesitation, and delivered bone-shattering kicks.
The way he fought was like that of a savage beast, a far cry from the man I knew.
Mercenary: Damn it…
I met eyes with a mercenary. 
When I braced myself for an attack, a flying chair slammed the man against the wall.
Alter!Keith: Where’re your eyes at? You got the wrong opponent.  
(He saved me…Even though right now, I’m just a stranger and not someone important enough to protect)
(No…that doesn’t matter)
(What matters is if someone’s harmful to the nice Prince Keith or not. That’s what I think his criteria is)
After that, the mercenaries swung his sword at Prince Keith, but wasn’t even able to land a hit on him, and soon, we were the only ones left standing in the damaged room a beast had rampaged in.
Noble: Why…why did this happen…
(Alter)Keith: You were the one who knowingly committed a crime. Your refusal to accept it won’t change the facts.
In a fit of rage, the man slammed his head on the floor and then writhed in pain.
When I took in the horrifying scene, the man’s fists suddenly stopped shaking.
I could hear my heart pounding in the odd silence that followed.
Noble: …If what I did was a crime, then what about you? You killed your brother.
(Alter)Keith: …
Noble: You couldn’t save him because you’re a failure? You killed him because you’re a failure. A good little brother who was loved by everyone was in your way. You’re just as much of a criminal as I am. So why weren’t you judged?
(You don’t know anything…How dare you say something so disgusting to a person who just lost someone important to him?) 
I was so angry I felt dizzy. My vision became spotty. I was hyperventilating. 
If I said anything, my anger would erupt like a volcano.
(But I can’t take it anymore)
Alter!Keith: …
Prince Keith drew his sword again.
When he stalked toward the man on the floor, an alarm went off in my head.
I found myself moving when he raised his sword.
Noble: Gah…!
When I hugged Prince Keith from behind to stop him, his sword struck the man’s shoulder.
(I was late…but he missed a vital spot. If I didn’t move, it wouldn’t have been his shoulder)
Alter!Keith: …Who killed my brother? Who’s a criminal? Say it again.
Noble: Eek, s-save me…
Alter!Keith: Now the greedy criminal’s playing the victim? Digusting. Why…do people like you get to live comfortably? Don’t use that guy as a distraction.
(He’s not used to hearing this)
(He’s been holding in more anger than I could ever imagine)
(Wicked Prince Keith exists for nice Prince Keith. He’ll never get used to it)
It was like my heart was torn out of my chest as I felt him trembling through my hold on him.
(Anger dulls the pain as it continues piling on)
(Prince Keith doesn’t know how much he’s hurting because of that anger)
(And all these words hurt the nice Prince Keith)
Emma: Huh, are you sure?
Alter!Keith: If you came from the future, then you got nowhere else to stay. Think of it as an apology for keeping you out so late.
Emma: …Thank you. For everything…
(I didn’t him to prepare a room for me)
By the time we returned to the castle, it was dark out.
After leading me to my room, Prince Keith immediately turned away.
He was heading in the opposite direction of his room and I found myself speaking up.
Emma: Um, Prince Keith.
Alter!Keith: Hm?
I didn’t expect him to stop and look at me.
Those dark circles under his eyes had gotten worse.
(Of course they were. Everywhere we went, people hurled words that made me want to cover my ears)
Emma: Where are you going?
Alter!Keith: Somewhere to relax. I’m not sleepy yet. You should get some sleep. I’ll play with you again tomorrow if you’re in the mood. It’s better to be with someone when you want a distraction.
(Does he think I’m feeling anxious over suddenly being transported into the past…?)
(After all that’s happened…How can he be so kind?)
(Even with a different personality, Prince Keith’s still Prince Keith. That’s why…)
Alter!Keith: What else do you want?
I grabbed Prince Keith’s arm as he started to walk away.
I was hesitant, but had a strong desire to not let go.
Emma: So much happened today that I don’t think I’ll be able to get any sleep. So…can I stay with you for just a little longer?
(I don’t want to leave Prince Keith alone when he’s like this)
After a moment of silence, my hand was removed.
And then Prince Keith crudely pulled me toward him.
Alter!Keith: …Sure. Since you invited me, you’re gonna make it fun for me, right?
(—I didn’t expect this)
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apomaro-mellow · 3 days
King and Prince 33
Part 32
A kiss had never driven Steve so crazy. Never in his life had he ever spent so long thinking about something as simply as a kiss. But it wasn’t just one kiss, was it? For one thing, there had been several until they’d been interrupted by the children. And for another, each one had felt more meaningful than the last. More heated too. Eddie had rushed them back to the castle like he couldn’t wait to get Steve in bed.
They never did find out what the boys had been doing out so late, but maybe that was for the better. The heat of summer was getting to them all and so it was planned to have an outing at Lover’s Lake. Typically a royal going onto an outing like this meant the entire court coming along. It meant several carriages and even more servants to wait on them hand and foot.
But Steve should have known that Eddie wouldn’t put on any airs like that; that he was the type to choose only the bare essentials. So the lot of them piled up into a wagon, a couple of baskets of food, snacks, and refreshments to tithe them over until they returned to the castle.
“Why is it called Lover’s Lake anyway?”, Steve asked.
“Because legend tells of two loves who couldn’t be together, so they drowned themselves to be with each other”, Dustin said with a ghastly smile.
“That’s not the story”, Lucas argued. “Two lovers came from the lake. One made of moss, the other of water.”
“I heard two people were so in love, their passion created the lake”, Robin said.
“I was always told it was a bunch of people”, Will said. “Not just two.”
“Stories can change over time”, Eddie said from the front where he drove the horses. They got to the lake shortly after that. The surface glittered in the sunshine. And they weren’t the only ones enjoying the cool water. There were a couple of boats down the way, fishermen. Although it was clear even from a distance that they were doing so for leisure. The boys wasted no time tearing their shirts off and stripping down to their swimming shorts.
El and Max took their time, choosing instead to head off for a shady area under a tree. Steve couldn’t tell what they were doing, but it looked like serious business. Robin was already lounging with a nice, cool drink and Steve was about to join her when he saw Eddie heading for the water. He too had stripped down and Steve was struck by the fact that this was the first time he’d ever seen Eddie in a real state of undress. His chest, arms, and back were visible and they were covered in tattoos.
Most of his body seemed to be covered in black vines. They branched this way and that and at the end of each branch was something new and different. Steve was mesmerized. He didn’t realize that he was until Robin reached over with a stick and poked at his cheek.
“Sorry, I was trying to close that gaping hole in your face.”
Steve glared at her but he didn’t know what he was more perturbed by - her making fun of him or her interrupting his staring.
“I was also trying to wipe the drool off.”
“With a stick?”, Steve asked, trying to wipe his face without being obvious.
“I’m not touching your drool with my bare hands.”
Steve rolled his eyes and went back to watching Eddie as he went into the water. His skin was pale under the sunlight and Steve worried he might burn if he was out for too long. Was he like the demobeasts in that regard? He must have better tolerance, able to even be in the light at the height of summer at all while the others hibernated in dark caves.
He watched as Eddie dipped below the surface and then came back up, his hair draped over his face. He used his hands to brush it back and damn, Steve might actually be drooling now. 
“He’s…”, Steve trailed off, not having the words.
“I can’t believe our king has reduced you to speechlessness. In a good way”, Robin said. She looked up to view Eddie and only saw a wet dog where Steve saw beauty and power.
Finally, Steve couldn’t take it anymore and he prepared to take to the water. Will was distracting Mike when Lucas dunked him in the lake. Immediately after, Dustin breached to knock Lucas off balance. Eddie was wading at a distance, making sure they didn’t get too wild, when he noticed Steve stepping in from the shore.
Immediately, Eddie’s mouth got dry, watching Steve enter like something from his dreams. He didn’t wade through the water so much as the lake caressed his body. Before he knew it, he was moving towards the prince.
“Hey there”, Steve smiled.
“Hello, little prince”, Eddie smiled right back as they got nearly chest to chest. 
Steve’s hands found his under the water and Eddie brought them up out of it to kiss both sets of knuckles. For a moment, the screeching of children at play were distant. They didn’t even notice El and Max diving in with a splash. All they could see were each other’s eyes and the droplets of water shining on them both. 
“Can I tell you something?”, Steve whispered in the small space between them.
“Anything, always”, Eddie’s voice was soft, not wanting to break the moment.
“I’m still thinking about our kiss, from that night.”
“As if I could ever forget. My dreams are sewn with the sweetness of you. It permeates my every thought. If I could go without breathing, I would, just to keep your lips on mine.”
“You don’t know what your words do to me”, Steve ducked his head. “When you talk it’s like…it’s as if you take my words away from me just to return them.”
Eddie’s hand came up to grip the back of his neck, “If that is the truth, then I should give them all back. For I am no thief.”
Their foreheads came together and Steve blinked, taking just a second to savor him. And also to glance around and remind himself of their surroundings.
“What are you thinking about, my joy?”
“I am thinking of the fact that we must have eyes on us.”
“Then let them bear witness to our affections.”
“Hey! We can and will douse you with water!”, Mike reminded from afar.
Eddie snickered, letting his hands move up from Steve’s neck to further up into his scalp. “Sounds like they’re warning us off.”
“It sounds to me like they’re itching to splash us anyway. So it wouldn’t make a different whether you kissed me or not.”
Eddie’s eyes got bright. “Oh it makes a difference to me.”
When they kissed this time, they knew it would only be a second before they were interrupted and sure enough, water hit the side of Eddie’s face, getting Steve in the crossfire. It was still one of the sweetest kisses Steve had ever received. He and Eddie retreated to the shore, where those tattoos were brought to his attention again.
“That’s quite the mural”, Steve said, looking them over again. He could see a paintbrush, a sword, a book, and several other things that almost seemed like charms on his body. 
“Each one is for someone in my life”, Eddie admitted. 
Steve looked over all that he could see, wondering who was who. And also wondering how long until he found a space on Eddie’s skin and what he would be illustrated as. They returned to the castle hours later, children hanging on by a thread and ready to collapse from swimming all day. Steve was right alongside them, eyelids getting heavy. Eddie took it upon himself to carry Steve up to his room, even laying him in his bed.
He left the prince with just a kiss on the forehead and then the door separated them as he stood in the hall. He gave a heavy sigh and leaned heavily against the door, which was how Jeff found him.
“How goes the courtship?”, his friend asked.
Eddie gave him a long look. “I have to marry him before the year’s end.”
Part 34 coming soon
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koralinewrites · 2 days
Could you please do a Subaru and Ayato 60 headcanons, please? I liked Laito ones a lot.
Hey! Sorry this took a WHILE- I only have Ayato’s done right now, so I’ll definitely tag you in Subaru’s when I (eventually) get his done! Hope you enjoy!
60* Ayato Headcanons
Listens to MSI
Stupid best friend vibes
“Only I can bully them” with his brothers
Hits, flicks, smacks, etc. people as a sign of affection
Favorite color is red, duh
Both can be read like a book and is good at masking, somehow-
Very smart actually
Only for things he wants to be smart about though
Borderline dyslexic
Paints his nails every now and then 
Either black or dark red
Is ALWAYS making noise, whether that be tapping his fingers, his foot, humming, anything that makes any slight noise
Speaking of humming, he always hums HIS songs
If he’s not making noise, he’s fidgeting
Fiddling with his fingers, rubbing circles into his thumbs, playing with his clothes, etc.
Very adhd coded
Though it could easily be anxiety as well
Drinks alcohol even though he can’t get drunk from it
Sometimes challenges fellow students to drinking competitions and uses that to win
During basketball, can get distracted by the cheerleaders with bigger tits if the uniforms are revealing
Wants other piercings, like on his lip or nose
Believed in Santa Claus WAY longer than he should have
Actually really likes summer and the sun
The one thing he hates about being a vampire is that the sun hurts his vision
Otherwise he’d be outside in the sun almost all day every day
Has the lightest eyes of the brothers, and they shine bright in the sun
Back to his songs, he helps his brothers write theirs every now and then
Actually somewhat good at cooking
Now… baking is a different thing
Banned from the oven by Reiji
Actually has NO sense of style (mr. one pant leg 😭)
Dresses like Adam Sandler most of the time
Very affectionate person
Always touching his S/O in some way
Holding their hand, bumping knees, hand on thigh
Stupid teenager when in love
Does whatever he can to impress them
Might get with a guy, depends on the guy
Has thought about it
Hasn’t tried it yet
Hehe time for angst-
Still has nightmares of drowning
Sometimes just the sound of water sets him off, depending on his mental state
Genuinely is really worried about Laito’s and Kanato’s mental and physical health
Knows that his trauma was just as bad as theirs, but doesn’t feel like it all the time
Picks the skin around his nails and bites them
That’s why he started to paint his nails; to stop that habit
Hates himself for not being able to help Laito (even though he was a child-)
Forgives people really easily
Even if they were absolutely horrible to him
Doesn’t try in school as a subconscious rebellion against his mother (even though she’s dead-)
Doesn’t hate his brothers at all
Sure they can be annoying
But if he had to save either his life or his brothers…
He’d pick them
Wants to be closer to his brothers than he is now
Like back when they were children
Reminisces on that time when he’s alone
Sometimes cries because of how much he misses that feeling of closeness
Has both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex
Definition of “Oh No!” by Marina and the Diamonds
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chlobliviate · 2 days
Wolfstar Microfic - Pensieve
Words: 999 😬
Remus eyed the pensieve in Dumbledore’s office. “Is that what I think it is, Professor?”
Dumbledore nodded, “A pensieve, used for storing and reviewing memories. I must admit, the older I get, the more I appreciate it.” His eyes twinkled at Remus.
“Wow,” He knew what Dumbledore wanted to talk to him about, and he wasn’t ready to hear it.
“Severus Snape, from Slytherin, had a close call last night. I’m sure Mr Potter has filled you in on the details.” Remus nodded, “We need to discuss what led to this incident. How many people know about you?”
“James, Sirius, Peter and now Snape I suppose and anyone he’s told today. He’s not exactly my biggest fan.”
“I understand. I have forbidden Severus from discussing this with anyone, and if he is found to have done so, there will be severe consequences.” Dumbledore looked over his half-moon glasses. “Why would Sirius disclose your whereabouts?”
“I don’t know.” Remus stiffened. He hadn’t been able to look at Sirius since James gave him a rundown of what had happened. “I haven’t spoken to him since dinner last night. I don’t understand why he would put me in that position, Professor. He knows how terrified I am of hurting anyone, and he just— Why would he do that?” Remus sniffled and Dumbledore pulled a clean handkerchief from a drawer in his desk and passed it to Remus. “Thank you. I just can’t fathom what could have possessed him to do this.”
“Sometimes people make choices that aren’t logical.” Dumbledore mused, “Do you believe that Sirius would hurt you deliberately?”
“Until now I would have said no,” Remus said quietly. “I still want to believe that he wouldn’t. No. He wouldn’t.”
“People are not always what they seem to be,” Dumbledore said sadly. “I once had… a friend, he changed so slowly that I didn’t notice until it was too late and we were both in grave danger. I don’t want you to suffer the same fate, Remus.”
“Thank you?” Remus was unsure how he was supposed to respond to that.
“In your opinion, should Sirius be allowed to remain at Hogwarts?”
Remus blinked at him, “Are you asking me whether you should expel him or not?”
“I’m interested in your feelings.” Dumbledore shrugged slightly.
“Sirius would never hurt me, or anyone he cares for, intentionally. I hope he has a good reason. I don’t know.” Remus frowned, “He tries his best to be nothing like his family, and I can’t imagine what they’d do to him if he got expelled. So, in my opinion, Professor, it would be irresponsible for you to expel him, for that reason alone. Any other feelings I have are irrelevant.”
Dumbledore seemed to take this on board and nodded sagely. “Thank you, Remus. You may go. I’m very glad that nobody was harmed.”
“I don’t think I’d go that far, Professor,” Remus said, his brow creasing.
Dumbledore waited for Sirius to step back from the bowl.
“It is only because of Mr Lupin’s astute observation about your familial circumstances that I’m not considering expulsion. You should make sure that you thank him.”
Sirius had never seen Dumbledore’s eyes so lifeless. “Respectfully, Professor, I doubt he’ll want to talk to me again.”
“Sirius, why did you do it?”
Sirius closed his eyes to will away the tears forming there. “He already knew.” He let out a small sob, “He made some disgusting comments about me having… relations with a monster. Threatened to write to my parents and tell them. Not that it’s true, the monster part or the relations part. I love him but we’re not— He won’t—” Sirius paused, “But if my parents suspected either of those things were true, I don’t know what they’d do, but Remus wouldn’t be safe. If they thought he was a werewolf who, in their eyes, defiled their son and made him gay, he’d not stand a chance outside of school.”
“How does this relate to your decision to tell Severus where to find Remus?”
Sirius sobbed again, trying to get a handle on his breathing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I— Last year, James, Peter and I became animagi. Yes, I’m aware that is illegal, but I’m hoping you might look past that because of why we chose to do it, and the effect it’s had on Remus’ transformations.” He swallowed audibly, “We spend the full moon with Moo— With Remus as our animagi forms, and we can keep him safe and he’s less destructive. I’m a dog, Peter’s a rat and James is a stag.” He sniffed, “I thought if he caught a glimpse of Remus— Just enough to scare him. I thought we’d all be there to prevent anything bad happening, but I got detention, and I forgot to tell James to be on the lookout.”
“I see.” Dumbledore was looking at him curiously. “Your actions were reckless and could have had dire consequences for both Mr Snape and Mr Lupin.”
“I know, Professor. I feel like the worst person in the world right now. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, no matter how much I loathe Snape, you have to believe that I’d never intentionally do that to Remus.”
“I believe you, Sirius. Which is why I will only take 50 points from Gryffindor on this occasion. You will also serve detention with Professor McGonagall every evening for the next month.”
“That seems more than fair.” Sirius looked thoroughly defeated.
Dumbledore recognised that same look in him six years later when Sirius was brought in front of him and the Minister for Magic and subsequently sent to Azkaban for murdering three of his friends.
Remus’ words echoed in his head ‘Sirius would never hurt me, or anyone he cares for, intentionally’. Dumbledore had made sure that Remus was still with Greyback’s pack when he arranged for Sirius to be brought before the small committee.
Remus Lupin was not going to talk him out of it this time.
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lottins-only · 2 days
I love you, it's ruining my life | Part V
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pairing: Kylian x black!fem!Reader
word count: 4.5k
part one, part two, part three, part four
V. May 2024
She’d gotten the invitation in the mail a few weeks ago, a creamy white envelope announcing the upcoming wedding of Julien, a childhood friend from Bondy, to his fiancee of several years. Seeing his name on the paper had brought a smile to her face; it had been years since she’d seen him.
She’d be in Paris to visit her parents anyway, it would be a crime not to go.
She’d quickly written to him to say congratulations, and Julien had texted back a thank you. Moments later, he’d texted her something she’d expected. 
Not sure if you’re still in touch with Kylian, but if you can let him know about the wedding, that’d be great. We haven’t seen each other in ages!
Unsurprisingly, the response she’d gotten from Kylian was a firm and resounding no. 
“Why not?” She’d asked over the phone.
“Because of a lot of things, Y/N” There was a lot of chatter from Kylian’s end, she had caught him just as he’d entered the locker room after a grueling match. 
“Well, what are those things?” She’d asked. 
“I can’t just go to a wedding” He’d grumbled. “Haven’t been able to do that in years, in fact. I  have to think about bringing security and all that stuff”
She’d expected he’d say that, so her response was quick. “So bring your bodyguard. I’m sure Julien and his fiance won’t mind”
“And let someone leak a story to the press about how I’m a stuck up asshole who brings a hundred people with him everywhere he goes?” He’d snorted. “No thanks”
She’d rolled her eyes. “I don’t think anyone we grew up with would do that, Kylian”
“How would I know? I haven’t spoken to those people in years” 
“I haven’t either.”
“Exactly” He’d said. “Let’s just not go. It’s Ousmane’s birthday party that weekend  anyway. Actually, he said to tell you that you should come”
She’d frowned. “So you’d rather go to a party than to your childhood friend’s wedding?”
“It’s just a wedding Y/N” He’d said, his tone weary. “People get married all the time”
She couldn’t believe how mean and dismissive he was being.
“And get divorced all the time” He’d continued, letting out a humorless chuckle. “The stats on that are crazy, actually. Someone should let Julien know”
“What? Kylian, that’s so harsh. Why are you talking like that?” She was starting to get angry now.
“I’m not being harsh. Just honest” He’d said “Look, the last thing I need right now is to go to a public event, okay? I’m sick of people asking me about where I’ll be next year, and I’m sure as hell sick of having a hundred cameras pointed at me”
“Ok, then.” She said, her irritation evident in her voice. “You have fun at the party. I’ll go to the wedding.”
“Tell Ousmane happy birthday for me”
He’d paused before responding with a resigned “Fine”
They hung up after that, goodbyes curt. She didn’t know what was going on with him, but he’d been very tired and irritable lately. He called less and less, and took longer to text back whenever she reached out.  She suspected it had to do with his contract with PSG, which she knew was nearing its end, but they didn’t speak about things like that. If he had news, he’d tell her. So far he hadn’t said anything, which meant things were probably still up in the air and it was troubling him. She’d chalked it up to that, and was therefore able to quickly move on from the conversation. 
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The day of the wedding arrived, and Y/N found herself at the crowded venue of the wedding reception, wearing a silky blue dress she’d bought a long time ago but had saved for an occasion like this. She was seated next to Manon, a girl who used to live two doors down from her, and Anna, who she knew was Kylian’s first kiss and who she’d consequently been very envious of as a pre-teen. It was great catching up with the two and reminiscing about the old days. It turned out Manon worked in marketing while Anna was a tattoo artist. 
“So, are you and Kylian still friends?” Anna asked, taking a sip from her drink. The toasts had been made, and dinner had been eaten. They were now watching the bride and groom take the floor for their first dance. 
“Yeah” She said. “We’re still friends”
“Well, wave him over then. He looks like he’s lost” Anna nodded towards something behind her. 
Y/N whirled in her seat. Sure enough there was Kylian, his head down, weaving his way through the tables. People looked up to stare with hushed gasps as he passed by them. Y/N raised her arms to wave, and thankfully his bodyguard noticed and started guiding Kylian towards their table. 
“Hi” Kylian said, smiling tightly as he pulled a chair and took a seat.
“Hi” She said. “I thought you weren’t coming”
He shrugged. “You were mad at me”
“And I was right to be” She said, smiling despite herself. He looked handsome, she could tell he’d gotten a fresh cut. 
“Sure” He rolled his eyes before turning to their tablemates. Anna and Manon were briefly starstruck as he greeted them, as if they forgot they’d grown up with him. The initial awkwardness wore off quickly though, and before long they were all chatting animatedly. 
“Remember when you two–” Manon chuckled,  gesturing between Kylian and Anna.
“Ah, yes. When we dated for a whopping two days in the seventh grade” Anna laughed. “I do remember that” 
Kylian laughed along with her, shaking his head in embarrassment. 
Y/N couldn’t help but snicker. “Two days? What happened?”
Kylian opened his mouth to respond but Anna beat him to it. “We kissed one day, and then the next day was valentine's day. I found out he gave you a card, while I got nothing. So I dumped him”
Y/N gasped, elbowing Kylian. “Oh my god, I remember that. Those anonymous valentine’s cards we did in class. That was the first year someone sent me one, I was dying to find out who it was. I didn’t know it was you”
“Oh, we all knew” Manon said while Anna nodded in agreement. 
“Everyone knew he had a crush on you”  Anna said. “At least everyone except for me. I found out after the whole card thing”
Kylian said nothing, keeping his eyes trained on the bride and groom as they swayed. 
“Okay, so what happened after that?” Y/N pressed. She was flushed. If only her twelve year old self had that information. “Did you two ever talk again?”
Kylian finally turned to her, a hint of a smile on his lips. “Not really. I acted like it never happened” He grimaced at Anna. “Sorry about that, by the way”
Anna laughed. “You were the ultimate heartbreaker, Kylian!”
He chuckled, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes that made Y/N’s heart skip. “Yeah, well, I got my karma back, don't worry.”
“What do you mean?” Anna asked curiously. 
He hesitated before answering. “I’ve had my fair share of heartbreaks, is all”
Y/N looked down at her lap, idly fiddling with her jewelry. The cynic within her had convinced her that Kylian didn’t care for her in that way. She’d allowed herself to believe he wanted her only for her body, just another fleeting fling in a long line of them. But his behavior over the past couple of months had made it clear that her own insecurities had clouded her judgment. She had the person she cherished most right in front of her—the boy she had loved since she was twelve—and yet she had pushed him away.
As she watched the bride and groom twirl, doubt grew inside of her. Was that kind of love even possible for her? Could she ever meet someone she cared for as deeply as she did for Kylian? The thought felt almost laughable. In her heart of hearts she knew that there would never be anyone else who could fill that space in her life.
Suddenly, the DJ switched to an upbeat song and people started to flock to the dance floor, eager to join the bride and groom. Manon and Anna went off as well, leaving just the two of them at the table. 
Y/N nudged Kylian gently.“Dance with me?”
He looked at her with an apologetic look, wordlessly shaking his head no. He looked tense, evidently very aware of being in public. 
Y/N visibly deflated. She wanted to be in on all the fun, but Kylian clearly wasn’t up for it. Oh, well. He did come here for me. I don’t need to make him even more uncomfortable, she thought. 
She smiled tightly at him, hoping he couldn’t see her disappointment. But of course he did. 
He hesitated before grabbing her hand and standing up, pulling her out of her chair. “Let’s go”
She grinned, her heart fluttering as  they made their way to the dance floor. Sometimes, when he did things like this purely to make her happy, the walls she’d built around her feelings for him would break down, sending her heart into a joyful spin.
They got to dancing, laughter bubbling between them as she playfully teased him about his abysmal dancing skills. 
“You just want me to be publicly humiliated huh?” He grumbled, a mock pout on his face. 
Just then, the song changed to a slow ballad. They froze, exchanging uncertain glances. It was only couples around them now, slowly moving to the romantic song playing. 
“What now?” Kylian asked, his voice low.
She stepped closer, wordlessly wrapping her hands around his neck. Her breath hitched when she felt his hands land on her hips.  They swayed to the song,  shifting their eyes  away from each other whenever their eye contact got too intense. His fingertips on her hips felt like they weighed tons. She wondered if he wanted to kiss her; she knew she’d let him if he tried. She’d fantasized about it more times than she could count.
Suddenly, she bumped into someone’s back. They’d been so focused on each other they’d completely lost track of their surroundings, it seemed. She turned around, ready to apologize, but froze when she saw who it was.
“Lucas?” She said incredulously. 
He had a different haircut than the last time she saw him, but it was definitely him.
Kylian's grip on her tightened slightly. “You’ve got to be kidding me” He muttered under his breath.
Lucas’ eyes lit up in recognition. “Y/N, wow. How are you?”
“I’m good” She said, forcing a smile.“ Crazy running into you here”
He smiled a fake smile, pointing to his dance partner, who she hadn’t noticed until then. “My girlfriend is co-workers with the bride”
She greeted his girlfriend, who was nice enough. 
“So you two finally got together, huh?” Lucas said. Y/N could tell he’d had a little bit too much to drink by the way he was swaying on his feet.  He leaned closer to Kylian, making it known the next part was just for him. “Better have her on a tight leash,  or she’ll start emotionally cheating on you”
Kylian recoiled at his words. “That’s not a bigger red flag than breaking up with a person over the phone, or thinking of women as animals you put a leash on” He gave a pointed look to Lucas’ partner. “He’s in the habit of doing that, by the way”
Poor girl looked like she wanted to disappear. 
Y/N felt disgusted. “Can we not do this here?” she said to Lucas. “It’s a wedding.”
Lucas shrugged, unfazed. “Just looking out for the guy. He should know what he’s getting into.”
Kylian stepped closer, a protective stance forming. “She can speak for herself, Lucas. And right now, she’s not interested in your opinion.”
Y/N suddenly noticed that some of the wedding guests had their eyes on them, clearly having noticed Kylian on the dance floor. They had their phones out, no doubt ready to send social media ablaze with pictures of Kylian and a ‘mystery woman’. Without thinking, she stepped away from Kylian and his hands fell away from her hips. 
He gave her a hurt look, confusion etched on his face.  “Y/N…”
“There you go!” Lucas laughed. “She doesn’t even want you to touch her”
Kylian gave Lucas the dirtiest look she’d ever seen him give to someone. “Fuck you” 
He turned on his heel and strode away without waiting for a response, his bodyguard trailing closely behind him adding a dramatic effect.
She made to follow him, but he disappeared into the crowd quickly. She turned to Lucas angrily. 
“You’re disgusting, you know”
He opened his mouth to say something, but she stormed off. 
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She found him taking pictures with a group of people, dimples and charisma on full display. Someone even pulled out a jersey—though she couldn’t quite fathom why someone would bring that to a wedding. Still, he signed it with a gracious smile, effortlessly charming everyone around him.
“Kylian” She said as she stepped closer. “Can we talk?”
“Sure” He said, his smile fading slightly as he excused himself from the group. 
“Look, I’m really sorry” She said. “It’s not that I don't want to be seen with you or anything. It’s just –”
“No, it’s fine” He said unconvincingly. 
“It’s not fine” She said earnestly. “That was really inconsiderate of me. Especially since you were standing up to that asshole for me. Thank you for that, by the way”
He shrugged. “That’s what he deserved” 
My sweet Kylian, she thought.
She enveloped him in a hug, taking in the smell of his cologne. He hugged her back, albeit somewhat hesitantly. She could tell something was still bothering him.
“Kylian, are you okay?” She asked, pulling away. “You’ve seemed off for a while now”
“I’m okay” He said, looking at the ground. “Just a bit stressed is all”
She looked at him empathetically. “Tell me”
“Well, for starters, I shouldn’t be in public right now”
She frowned, feeling guilty. “I know, it’s a lot–”
“No, it’s not just that. That I can prepare myself for.” He said. “It’s because there’s a video announcing my departure from PSG that’s going to be released–” He paused to look at his watch. “-- In about 20 minutes, so…”
She stared incredulously. “What?”
“I said there’s a video–”
“You’re leaving PSG?” She said in a hushed yet raised tone.
“Yes” He affirmed.
“And it’s going to be announced in 20 minutes?” 
“Yes” He repeated. 
“And you’re in a packed wedding full of proud Parisians” She stated the obvious. “One week after crashing out of the Champions League”
He nodded, then yelped when she smacked his arm. 
“Kylian, why the hell did you come?” 
“Because I wanted to make you happy” He said simply, rubbing his arm.
She didn’t know whether to smack him again or kiss his beautiful lips. She decided on neither.
“Let’s get out of here then” She said, already dragging him to the exit. “Before the video is released and all hell breaks loose”
“But we haven’t even talked to Julien!”
“You’ll send him an expensive gift” She said, sounding determined. 
He chuckled, letting her lead the way.
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They were in his car, his driver speeding away from the wedding venue. She watched him look out the window, the city lights casting a yellow glow over his skin. He looked less stressed, but she still thought there was something going on with him.
“So, where are you going?” 
“Hmm?” He pulled his eyes away from the window, seemingly jolted out of his thoughts. 
“Where are you going to play next?” She asked.
“Take a guess”
“Uh, let’s see, Leeds United?” She teased. 
He rolled his eyes. “You know where”
She squealed, launching herself across the backseat to give him yet another hug. “Real Madrid? Oh my god! Congratulations, Ky”
“Thanks” He giggled, hugging her back tightly. “I’m really excited”
“You should be! This is your childhood dream” She pulled back to look at him, her eyes wide with excitement. “Remember that winter you abandoned me to go visit them?”
“Well you’re getting back at me for that now” He said with a sad smile.
“You’re moving back here” He clarified. “While I’m going there. You’re the one doing the abandoning this time”
“Oh” She said, understanding. “About that, I, uh–I’m not moving anymore”
He froze. “What?”
 “ I mean, I was going to, but… things changed. I got a promotion at my job, and the pay raise means I actually get more than what I’d earn at the new job here, so I told them I’m not gonna go for it”
He lets out a strange laugh. It’s near hysterical, but it stops as abruptly as it starts. “So you’re not moving back? You’re staying in Madrid?”
“Yes” She said slowly. “I’m staying in Madrid”
“Cool” He fidgets in his seat, his fingers tapping lightly against the armrest “Great”
He looked out the window again, then turned back to her, his face breaking into a huge grin.
“What?” She giggled. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’m just really happy you’re staying” 
“Why?” She knew why, she just wanted to hear him say it.
“I wanted better for Luna” He exhaled loudly, as if this was a concerning issue he’d thought long and hard about. “ I hear the cat food here sucks”
She burst out laughing. She didn’t know what, but she could tell something just shifted between them. 
“You know, I haven’t been back in a while” He said. “To Bondy”
“Yeah” He said thoughtfully. “You just reminded me, when you mentioned that time I went to visit Madrid”
“Why don’t we stop by?” She said, her eyes lighting up. 
He paused for a moment, contemplating. 
“I don’t have anywhere else to be. Let’s do it” He said finally. 
He told his driver, and they went on their way. They sat in silence for most of the drive to the suburbs, both lost in their own thoughts.
“Oh!” Kylian’s eyes lit up suddenly. He pulled something from the console. “I forgot to give you this”
“What is it?”
“Belated graduation gift” He said as he handed her a small gift bag. She’d graduated from her masters program a couple weeks ago.
She beamed,  pulling out a jewelry box from the bag. “You didn’t have to” She cooed.
“You’re right, I love gifts” She grinned.
Her eyes widened when she revealed the pair of earrings. “ Kylian, wow” 
She looked at him in disbelief as she held up the jewelry delicately. “They’re so beautiful”
“I got them from Cameroon, when I visited last year” He explained. 
There was a card nestled amongst the wrapping of the earrings, small enough that she almost missed it. 
“Oh, there’s a card” She said as she picked it up.
Kylian’s eyes widened, reaching out to take it from her hand. “Wait, no—”
She leaned away from him to avoid his grasp, her smile almost fading as she read what was written:
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but right now I’m in Cameroon, and I’m heartbroken. 
Maman thinks I should call you. Tchaga and all the others think I’m annoying because all I do is sulk.
We visited a traditional market today. I saw these earrings, and I thought of you immediately. They’re made by female artisans, which I think you’ll like.
 I love you, I think it’s ruining my life.
She looked up, the last sentence reverberating in her head, almost drowned out by the pounding of her heart. 
She didn’t know what to say, just looked at Kylian, who was avoiding her gaze.
“I forgot that was there” He said quietly. 
The car came to a halt just then, and Kylian’s driver let them know that they’d arrived at their destination.
They found themselves at the park they frequented as children, where they spent countless afternoons and evenings. They took a seat on a bench, facing a gaggle of children playing football. The park was otherwise empty save for a couple other wanderers, which was unusual for a summer’s evening. Y/N wasn’t  complaining though; fewer people meant less chances of Kylian being spotted.
They seemed out of place in their formal clothes; her in her silk maxi dress, and him in his suit.  She stole glances of his side profile as they watched the kids’ game, marveling at his beauty: his big brown eyes, the strong nose he’d inherited from his mother, and those pink, pouty lips. More than 10 years of knowing him and yet he still managed to take her breath away.
He turned to her suddenly. “What’s on your mind?”
She decided to be honest. “I was thinking about how pretty you are”
“Pretty?” He chuckled.
“Yeah. Pretty” 
“Don’t think anyone’s used that word to describe me before” He said.
“Well I have” She said. “Many times before – in my head”
“Me too,” He admitted, his gaze warm. “I’ve called you pretty. Also many times —in my head.”
She grinned at him. It was impossible not to. “Speaking of pretty, I want to try those earrings!”
She pulled them from their box, quickly removing the ones she was already wearing and carefully putting on the new pair. Kylian took an exaggerated double take, his eyes widening. “Qué hermosa!” 
She snorted. “ Working on your Spanish, I see”
“I’m already fluent, cherie” He winked at her as he pulled out his phone and quickly snapped a picture of her. 
A loud cheer erupted from the kids; someone had just scored a goal. Y/N and Kylian briefly turned their attention back to the game, smiling at the infectious joy of the kids as they rushed to one another for a group hug. The celebrations gradually faded, and the children returned to their positions to continue the game.
She swallowed hard. “Did you mean that?”
“Mean what?” Kylian dragged his eyes away from the game. It didn’t matter if it was being played by a bunch of 10 year olds, football was still his favorite thing. It was quite endearing, actually. 
“What you wrote on the card” She said quietly. 
“Yes” He met her eyes. “I do”
“What did you mean– what do you mean when you said it’s ruining your life?” She asked.
He took a deep breath before answering. He had a pained look on his face. “It’s just – I don’t know, it feels like torture sometimes, not having you. First it was the whole time you were with Lucas when I was pining after you, and then it felt like I had you, but you ran away. Let me tell you, those couple months after that when we weren’t speaking were the worst of my life.” He took a shaky breath. “And whatever we are now, just friends, it’s never going to be enough”
“And I was speaking to Papa” He continued, ignoring her. He scooted closer to her, eyes so intense. “He told me to take a leap of faith. To cut out all the bullshit and tell you I love you.  So here I am, I guess. I want you to tell me what you truly want. Not what you think you should want, or what other people want for you. What you really, really want. Because if it’s me? I’m all in, Y/N” 
He took her hand, gently opening up her palm. “Because you’ve had my heart here” He traced his index finger over her palm. “Ever since I met you at my birthday party all those years ago. It’s always been you for me. There will never be anyone else”
Y/N didn’t respond immediately,  lifting his hand that was on hers to her lips and kissing his trembling fingers. “Just so you know, I’ve wanted you as long as I’ve known you. And you’re right, maybe all of the excuses I was telling you and myself were lies. Because I was scared. I thought if we did this and it didn’t work out, I’d end up losing you forever. I didn’t want that, Ky. But how would we know if we don’t try? We have to try, right?” She paused. “I really want to try”
Kylian let out a relieved laugh at her words. They were so close to each other, their faces mere inches apart. He cupped her face with his hands, caressing her cheeks in a way only he could. She closed her eyes, basking in his touch. She felt gentle kisses on each of her eyelids.
“Yes” She heard him murmur. “I want to try”
They closed what little distance was between their lips, kissing passionately. All the tension, all the unspoken feelings that had been brewing for ages seemed to dissolve in that moment. It felt like releasing air after holding her breath for a long time. It felt like relief.
“Wait, there’s someone taking pictures” Kylian muttered as he pulled away.
“I don’t care” She said, chasing his lips with hers.
To her annoyance, he pulled away again. “But you–”
“I said I don’t care” She mumbled, kissing him again. She felt him smile against her lips.
They left the park after the game ended, satisfied and at peace. Hands intertwined, lips swollen from kissing. She thought about the kids that they used to be, the ones who used to run to the very same park everyday after school. Oh how they’ve grown,  how they’ve changed. 
Inside the car, she turned to him, her heart steadying after a long while of drumming loudly. “So, what now?”
His gaze was unwavering. “ No more running away.”
"No more running away" She repeated softly, leaning her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes.
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A/N: Aaand thats it folks. hope you like this last part <3 i'm working on an epilogue though so stay tuned for that. as always lmk what you think in the comments or in my inbox. thank you for reading!
tags: @kyliansonlygf @ynkfreeastheocean @scottishthistle @user6373738 @lucysantos6-blog @tuliptopiasstuff @kennasutopia @cinderellawithashoe @akiracim @kymb-10 @germanapples @ariesmai @edgyficuselastica
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vodika-vibes · 1 day
Awesome job on hitting 800 you deserve it! I love the fall theme, my birthdays in the fall! Could you do Pumpkin Spice with Alpha-17 pls?¿ maybe on the premise of going out for a few drinks at the bar which turns into a few more than intended liquid courages and things get spicy (lol) which turns to an unregretful, unashamed oopsie daisy morning for the two of you?
Pumpkin Spice
Summary: A night at the bar between two friends becomes something more.
Word Count: 985
Prompt: Pumpkin Spice
Warnings: Implications of drunk sex, but no details
A/N: Thank you! And thank you for your request! I hope you like this one! I'm also going to preface this with I don't drink because of medicine I'm on, so I'm kinda flying blind here.
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“Are you drunk already?” Alpha-17 grins at the smaller woman sitting next to him, her head is resting on the table and her glass is still half full, “You didn’t even finish one drink.”  It wasn’t even a lot of alcohol, Alpha is pretty sure that Pumpkin Spice Ale is more sugar than anything else.
“Kriff you,” The table muffles her voice, and Alpha doesn’t bother hiding his amusement. She already knows his personality, after all.
“I can’t believe that you asked to come drinking with me and you didn’t even finish one drink,” Alpha replies with a grin on his face, “You need to get out and drink more, little lady.”
“Ugh.” She finally lifts her head and glares at him, her face is flushed from the drink and Alpha chokes back a laugh with difficulty, “Little lady? Really?”
“Well, you’re little. And you’re a lady. So the title fits.”
“Everyone is little compared to you,” She grouses, “So sorry I’m not built like a karking tank.”
Alpha lifts his bottle to his lips, “Hm, skill issue.”
She glares at him again, and then lowers her head to the table again, “You’re obnoxious.”
“And here I was going to offer to walk you home.”
She turns her head so she’s able to look at him, “What’s the catch?”
“You have to make me caf.”
“Ugh. Just leave me in a ditch somewhere. It’s where I belong.”
Alpha rolls his eyes and finishes his bottle before he sets it on the table next to her head, “You’re so dramatic.” He stands and presses a hand between her shoulder blades, “Alright, pretty girl. On your feet.”
She groans but sits up and peers up at him, “Will you carry me?”
“If I carry you, you’ll have to pay me in something sweet.”
“Deal.” She holds her arms out and Alpha rolls his eyes before he turns around and allows her to hop up on his back. She buries her face in his neck, “You’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky you live close.”
Luckily, she really does live close by. It’s not even a ten-minute walk from the bar to her apartment, though the walk is long enough that she falls asleep on his shoulder.
Alpha has to nudge her awake as he arrives at the apartment complex, and she digs a key out of her pocket and drops it in his hand. “What am I, your butler?” He grumbles under his breath, though he does unlock the apartment door and steps into the cozy apartment.
He unceremoniously drops her to her feet and then shuts the door behind him.
“You owe me caf and snacks.” Alpha pauses, “And you need some water and snacks too.”
She huffs, “I’m not that drunk.”
“Sure, you aren’t. Do me a favor, stand on one foot and press your finger to your nose—”
She sputters indignantly, “What are you, a cop?”
“That’s what I thought.”
“I should kick you out without caf,” She threatens, her eyes narrowed, but even as she says that she’s heading into the kitchen to start the machine. 
“Don’t forget to drink some water,” Alpha says as he walks into the kitchen after her and drops onto one of her stools.
“Yes, Mother,”
Alpha watches as she does as he instructs, and a small smirk crosses his face, “So it looks like you can be obedient when you feel like it.” She pauses for a moment, and then she makes a face and continues sipping her water.
As soon as the cup is empty though she crosses her arms and glares at him, “I’m not obedient.”
“I’m always in control.”
“Oh, naturally.”
Her scowl is more of a pout, “I was going to drink water anyway, even if you didn’t say anything.”
“If you say so.”
She points at him dramatically, “You’re very annoying!”
“Thanks, it’s my superpower.”
“And-and-and,” She stumbles over her words, “You need to stop talking.”
Alpha tilts his head, a small smirk crossing his face, “Make me.”
Her lips crash against his, and he tugs her so that she’s straddling his lap as he deepens the kiss. She tastes like pumpkin spice, and despite her insistence that she’s always in control, she surrenders to him as soon as his tongue slides against hers.
Her nails scrape against his scalp and Alpha groans. He breaks the kiss, his lips moving to her jaw, “How drunk are you?” He won’t go any further if she’s still as drunk as she was at the bar.
“I’m sober enough,” She counters stubbornly, catching his lips with hers and dragging her hands down his chest.
And, well, who is he to argue with that?
The following morning, Alpha wakes up with the sun. His pretty girl is tucked against his side, sleeping peacefully. Though she is covered in bruises from how tightly he held her last night, and from his teeth, she doesn’t seem bothered by it.
Alpha considers her for a moment. Does he have any regrets about last night? Honestly, no. He’d do it again in a heartbeat.
She stirs against him and releases a whine of dismay, and then peeks up at him, “Alpha,”
“Will you make me caf?”
A startled laugh falls from his lips, “I’m a guest in your home, you’re supposed to feed me.”
She whines again, and Alpha lightly drags his fingers down her spine, making her shiver and press closer to him.
“Hm, any regrets, pretty girl.”
“Regrets are for other people,” She replies immediately, and then she flushes, “Jumping you was always the eventual plan, I just needed some additional courage.”
“Good to know.” Alpha tugs on a strand of her hair, “So, caf and food, and then round two?”
“I think it’s technically round four.”
“Details, details,” Alpha leans down and kisses her, “Get up, pretty girl. It’s time to start the day.”
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twoa-plus · 3 days
dissecting stanford pines and finding organs that don’t exist but like in a metaphorical way
that’s it that’s the title i’m going with. this is a long one folks o7
most of this isn’t sourced or canon at all it’s just personal interpretation/headcanon/whatever else u wanna call it, but!! since more people are seeing my deranged gravity falls ramblings now i figure i should probably give some perspective as to why i like/defend ford as much as i do
(in my other gf posts i do try to stick to canon to back up whatever point i’m making - this is just about my personal opinion of ford as a character, and should be able to be thrown out in regards to my other posts)
so for some background/setup/whatever (it’s important i promise bear with me), different people have different instinctual responses to anxiety/stress. i come from a family (genetics are fun) where the default response is to start (metaphorically ofc) biting and hissing like a cornered animal. this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any actual hatred or malice or anything towards the people that end up getting scratched - they might just be at the wrong place at the wrong time, they might’ve done something super minor and insignificant that added on to a preexisting pile of stress, etc etc
i cannot stress enough that i am not saying this is ok. you dont need me to tell you that hurting people who don’t deserve it is a bad thing, lol. what i am saying though is that sometimes people can kind of suck for reasons other than just genuinely wanting everyone around them to be miserable
this is the last “background” part i swear BUT another thing thats less genetic and more just me being weird is that i’m the type of person where like. any minor environmental change can really stress me out lol. like even just reorganizing my desk can be pretty emotionally taxing
SO. finally back on topic. stanford pines. i see a lot of the behavior/patterns i just described in him. like i’ve spent my entire life around people like this, and while i understand why a lot of people see him as just some asshole, i can’t help but see him as a guy who’s just kinda going through it lol
just talking about the more recent events as of the series, he’s just spent 30 years god knows where doing and seeing god knows what, he has an abusive ex who wants to murder him and his entire family (plus the whole dimension, really), and in the three decades he’s been gone the entire world - including his own house - has changed and left him behind. add onto that that he went missing in 1982, way before we had all of the emotional/mental health resources we have now, we all saw what the stans’ childhood was like, and that ford is terrible with people - including, imo, himself. if there’s anybody out there who would have Feelings and not understand what they are or where they’re coming from or what to do about them, it’s this guy
this entire setup is the perfect circumstance for fear and anxiety and stress and uncertainty to all get translated into anger. a really big example of this, to me, is how he talks about dipper in journal 3. i’ve talked about this before somewhere so i’ll try to summarize as fast as i can lol
reading his initial entry about dipper would make u think he like. hates this kid lol. but i really don’t think he ever did - he was really excited to meet the kids in the show and already seemed to care about them just by virtue of existing, and his opinion on dipper in journal 3 seems to do a complete 180 pretty quickly which ,,, doesn’t really fit ford as a character. like i love the man but that guy can hold a GRUDGE
here’s how it reads to me:
ford gets back to his home dimension after 30 years and everything is different
he’s subconsciously kind of struggling with the fact that he doesn’t really have a “home” anymore - the sense of familiarity and comfort that would normally come with the word is gone. (i specify that it’s subconscious because, like i said earlier, i do not get the vibe that he’s particularly aware of his own emotions)
he finds out that journal 3 - something he made with his own two hands and considers part of his life’s work - has also changed in the decades he’s been gone. this adds to the feeling of unfamiliarity with the world around him
it’s easier to blame that “final straw” and say that he’s just upset about his work being tampered with rather than address the actual root of the problem, so that’s exactly what he does. this still doesn’t mean that there’s any genuine hatred towards dipper. anger in the moment, yeah, but not hatred
again, this is entirely personal interpretation, and i completely understand if u don’t see it like this!! this is just a pattern of thoughts/behavior that i’m very familiar with, so it’s easy for me to apply it to situations like this even if it’s not really part of the canon
i also think there’s a big problem in this fandom with just ,, not seeing ford as a Person with Emotions? idk how to explain it but it feels like people expect him to always know exactly what to do in every situation just bc he’s old and academically smart. like whenever another character does something objectively bad it’s “well there were extenuating circumstances,” (which is usually true and i agree !!) but ford never really seems to get that treatment. if he does something bad it’s just because he sucks
a big example of this i think is the fight between him and stan (y’know the “you ruined my life”/“you ruined your own life”). you cannot look me dead in the eyes and, in full seriousness, with the context of everything ford was going through with bill at the time, say that he was fully mentally/emotionally stable during that conversation. “oh so you’re blaming stan-“ NO!!! stan was also going through it!!! that’s the entire point - they’re both people with their own lives and emotions and everything else that comes with that, they had very human reactions to their respective situations, and they both ended up hurt!! hopefully i’m explaining this right but i just don’t like it when people pin everything on ford, like there was a lot going on and at the end of the day he’s just a human
wasn’t really sure how to work this in so i’ll just put it here - i don’t think ford ever truly hated stan, either. familial bonds are complicated, and there can be a whole lot of anger towards someone without true hatred being present. i briefly mentioned the stans’ childhood sucking earlier, and i don’t just mean stanley - it’s easier to pinpoint him as a victim of abuse/neglect, but that doesn’t mean ford had it great either. their parents (specifically filbrick, but caryn didn’t exactly do a fantastic job with them either) expected nothing of stan and the world of ford, both of which would weigh heavily on any child. plus, ford being the favorite doesn’t mean all of his emotional needs were met - filbrick seeing him as an opportunity to make money doesn’t mean he was suddenly an emotionally present and caring father towards him. WCT wasn’t just an opportunity for ford to go be a famous scientist or whatever - it was a chance for his father to love him, something both of the stans desperately wanted. (WCT was also on the opposite side of the country from where they lived but i’m sure that’s completely unrelated !!!)
do i think stan deserved anything that happened to him after the science fair incident? no, absolutely not, he was a child. do i think it was right of ford to just stand there as his brother got thrown out? no, absolutely not - but he was a child too. as for them not speaking for a decade after that, like i mentioned earlier ford can hold a grudge like no other. (this doesn’t just apply to stan, either, ford dedicated half of his life to trying to kill his ex lmao.) i think ford’s ability to hold on to anger like that is actually a pretty major part of/flaw in his personality, but again, anger - even the strongest, most long-lived of it - is not synonymous with hatred. stan, who ford has always gone to for help when he truly needed it, it not what ford’s hatred looks like. bill, who ford actively wants to die, is
anyways!! i never know how to close these things lol. ig in summary i just see ford’s behavior (in the show at least) as more of a sign of internal struggle rather than like ,, genuinely hating the people around him and wanting their lives to suck. did/does he have an ego problem? absolutely. is he incapable of love and human connection? no. is he immune to manipulation/abuse/neglect/etc and everything that comes with that? also no
he’s an interdimensional criminal why can’t he go to the theraprism. i think he should
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taleya15 · 1 day
“The word”
By Taleya. V
No one exactly knows, when Steve and Billy became “Steve and Billy”. But no one has necessarily ever doubted their relationship. Even if they seem like polar opposites, but on the surface. They’re both rocking hot, boys that both know they’re both rocking hot. Everyone in Hawkins knows that, ever since high school, Steve got his posey. Where he was the king of, everyone called him absolutely beautiful. Especially for a Hawkins boy, very few knew of Steve Harrington and Tommy Hagan’s relationship, back then. Well, until they were both caught together making out at Tammy Ts party.
But In Hawkins high, status is everything. So no one seemed to care much about the shocking news that “King Steve” is actually gay. That’s when Billy Hargrove came into the picture. He was completely different, than anyone else in Hawkins. Bright blonde hair, with even brighter blue eyes. His hair was long and curly, in a mullet style that Steve was immediately attracted to. Both boys loved their hair, it was the first thing the boys actually bonded over. Then the boys quickly learned, that have even more in common, then they thought.
It only took a month, before Steve asked Billy to be his boyfriend. It wasn’t a big gesture, that Steve’s used to doing, it was small. Just like Billy wanted. They were in Steve’s living room, about to eat some Pizza when the question came up. In the form of, crappy handwriting on the top of the pizza box. Steve was anxious, too let Billy see the box. But that small smile, and eye roll. Was all Steve needed, to know Billy’s answer. They’ve been dating ever since, but one issue has come about. They’ve never actually said “the word”. They’re both to scared to admit it, not for any other reason, other than that they know once they do, it’ll be to real.
Nether boy has ever done, “real” before. Especially with a man. The closest Steve’s ever been to “real” was Nancy Wheeler, and even then they were both cheating on each other. For months. Until they finally called it quits, but Billy, he’s different. Different than anyone Steve’s ever met before. He’s completely, smitten for the boy. Completely and utterly, in love with him. Billy feels the exact same way, but he is almost convinced that, as soon as he says that word. His father will somehow find out, and beat the living shit out of him. Billy severely hates his father, especially now that Billy can’t say the one thing he’s been dying to tell Steve, since what feels like forever.
Which now leads us to today. The boys are in the famous "Harrington Mansion" as Billy calls it. They're currently cuddling on the couch, Billy is on top of Steve, with his legs on both sides of Steve's hips. One thing Billy will never admit to anyone but Steve is that, he absolutely loves being held. It's a comfort he's long since forgotten about. The only other person, that's ever held him was his mother when he was a child. "Hey." Steve gently calls to his lover. Billy grumbles in reply, wondering why his cuddles were interrupted.
"Have you ever- ya know thought, you'd be doing this?" Billy lifts his head questioning him, "What do you mean?" Steve takes in a breath trying to word this how he wants it to come out. "Well... I guess I mean the whole, cuddling relationship thing? But like seriously, like how we are." Billy seems to pause for a moment before he thinks of his answer. "I mean, no not really. I guess, I thought no one, would ever want to, with me." That answer suprised Steve, he was expecting a "no' but not with a reason why. Especially if Billy thought he was the reason why.
Steve knows this side of Billy very well, and Steve knows if he lifts up, Billy's shirt now, there'd be a bruise that wasn't there before. A bruise only one man was able to leave on him. His dad. Anyone else would've been dead, before they could bruise him. Steve should know, him and Billy had a fight once because Billy thought he was messing around with his little sister Max. He wasn’t of course but still to this day, only one person can ever bruise Billy, and that was his scummy ass father. "Hey, that's not true baby. I mean hell we're doing it. Right?" Billy nods his head and stiffens up.
Billy sits up completely on top of Steve. "Yeah, of course man. Don't worry about it." Oh shit it's worse than I thought. He’s deflecting. Steve begins to think to himself, especially on the best way to fix this. Steve began to sit up, and hold Billy's face gently.
He lets him. Ok, that's a start. Steve thought to himself, before gently kissing Billy's lips. Billy lets him, but he's as stiff as a bored, and doesn't kiss back. Steve when he realizes this, completely stops kissing Billy and backs his head away. "Hey, what's wrong baby? You ok?" Billy just looks down, and doesn't say anything to Steve. "Do you want to talk about it?" That receives a head shake from Billy.
"Just want a distraction." Billy's voice is so small almost like he's closing in on himself with his voice alone. Steve nods his head, then gently kisses Billy's forehead. Then cheeks, then nose, till he gently kisses Billy's lips again. It's soft, it's slow, it's hesitant. It's almost to tell Billy, we can stop. We can still stop if you want to.
Billy seems to get the hint, he leans into Steve more needy like. Like he's begging. Begging to continue, begging to not let this stop. Billy begins to lick at Steve's bottom lip, and Steve being the very giving lover he is, opens his mouth for him. Billy immediately takes advantage of it, invading and sucking on Steve's tongue. Seemingly, it's Billy that's almost in control.
Almost. Both boys are very aware of their roles in this relationship. Yes, it may seem like, Billy would be the dominant role. Hell Steve himself thought that, originally. But on a deeper level, as soon as you know Billy, like really know him. Like Steve does, all Billy wants is to be held, and protected. And Steve, he's always been more than willing to do as such. So when Billy starts to whine, and grind on Steve's dick, who is he to say no?
He does however pull away, only slightly. "Do you want this?" Steve's voice is raspy, and a few octaves lower than it was before. Billy instantly nods, and goes to kiss and suck on Steve's neck before Steve stops him. "Nuh uh, I need words baby boy, you know the rules. Especially if it's like this." Billy pouts at him, but he does what was told, he always will do what Steve says.
"I want this, Steve. I-fuck, I really want this." Steve smirks then, he knew Billy was needy, but that doesn't mean he can't tease him, just a tiny bit. "Baby, you know that's not my name." Billy full on groans and rolls his eyes then. "I want this"- his voice lowers for the last word, almost like a whisper. Like it's a secret, that Billy's never said aloud.
Even though they both know, he's screamed that word on many occasions. "Daddy." Steve's smirk seems to grow bigger at that, but he allows that answer. "Do you know want this here? Or upstairs?" Billy seems almost relieved by that question, realizing they were actually making progress now. "Here, I don't care. I need you." So with that information, Steve begins to gently takeoff Billy's shirt.
Just as he expected, there's a bruise on his right pec, and another on his left side. "Do you want to talk about it, or do you just me to be more careful about them right now?” Billy immediately shook his head, "no, no. Just more careful, please." Steve nods again, before he goes to gently kiss Billy again. This time he lets himself take the lead of the kiss. He gently holds Billy’s face at first. Then he moves his hands lower to his shoulders, until finally he's grabbing Billy's hips, and guiding his movements. It only takes a few minutes, before Billy starts to whimper now. Billy begins to grab at Steve's shirt, and tug at it. Silently demanding the cloth gets taken off. Steve gently pauses the kiss then and removes his blue polo shirt.
Steve begins to lay back, and bring Billy down with him, so there more in a laying down position like before. Steve at first restarts the kiss, then he moves his hands to Billy's front. He grabs at the bulge of Billy's jeans for a moment, just massaging it. Until Billy grows whinny again and attempts to grind himself on Steve's hand. Steve for a second allows the movement until he brings his hand up to Billy's face. Billy looks at it confused for a moment, until he gets the hint and starts licking Steve's hand. Once Steve deems his hand slick enough he pops the button, and undos the zipper of Billy's jeans.
Until finally using his slicked up hand, to give Billy the pleasure he's been demanding of. He starts off slow at first, to get Billy more comfortable. Then once he deems it safe, he actually goes the speed Billy wants. Billy now begins to moan and wither in Steve's embrace. He's not as loud as usual, yet. But that comes in due time of course. Steve continues to jerk Billy off as, he begins to mark and kiss his lover's neck or. Basically anywhere he's able to reach in this position, that's when of course Steve finds the spot. Right behind Billy's ear, Steve begins to suck and bite on that spot until Billy begins to call out. "Oh fuck! Shit, hold on. Fuck I'm going to cum shit!"
Steve now realizing he got a little carried away begins to slow the pace of his hand, until an eventual stop. Completely ruining the chances of Billy being able to finish. Billy immediately begins to grumble and pout, until Steve shoves his fingers in Billy's mouth. Billy seems shocked and frozen for a moment, but sucks on the digits anyway. After a few minutes of letting him, suck on the fingers.
Steve pulls them out gently, and begins to travel them lower on Billy's body. Billy immediately starts to spread his legs even more, and relaxes into Steve. Steve starts gently at first, just gently moving the tip of his pointer finger in. Until Billy starts moving against him again. "Fuck, just do it already. I'm not made of glass."
"Suit yourself." Steve shrugs and smiles as he presses into him all the way with the first finger. That immediately shuts Billy up, and he begins to relax into the pleasure again. Steve begins working at a consistent pace inside Billy, until he feels he's ready to add a second finger. Then a third, and by then Billy's rocking back into them about to beg again. But Steve, he wasn't going to let his boy suffer any longer, and gently removes his fingers out of Billy.
"Oh, come on, really?!?!" Steve chuckles, for a moment, just a moment though. He's also very used to this side of Billy, the needy and stubborn side of him. Steve then gestures down to his own pants, and it's almost a flash moment. Where now Steve is just as undressed as Billy, and Billy is lining up his dick to Billy's ass. Steve gently holds Billy's hips, being very careful of Billy's bruise. Then once Billy is fully seated, they stay there for a moment. It's always needed for the boys to readjust when they're fully connected like this.
Especially if it's been a while, and it has been. Steve's parents were just in town for three weeks, this month and they're not allowed to fuck around at Billy's. They're both way too loud, especially Billy, and they don't think that's a good idea with Billy's idiotic and very homophobic father. After a few minutes of careful movement and monitoring, Billy feels like he can begin to move. He starts by grinding on top of Steve for a moment, then it moves towards actual bouncing. Now that's what really gets him going, he's moaning, he's whimpering, he's fucking talking.
"Oh fuck, oh shit! Fuck daddy please, fuck me please fuck daddy." Fucking hell. Who's Steve to ever, deny Billy? Especially when he talks like that? Steve immediately begins to trust up into Billy. Desperate to get him as close to the edge as Steve now feels.
His thrusts are hard and fast, almost punishing. But both boys love it, Steve immediately takes Billy's dick into his hand and begins to stroke him.
The pace of the rough thrusts, and the pressure on his cock immediately gets Billy right on the brick of an orgasm. "Oh fuck, oh shit! Fuck, please fuck. Let me cum, fuck please daddy please just, fuck please let me cum! Fuck!" "Fuck, yeah. Baby cum, be a good boy and cum for me. There you go baby, good boy." With Steve's permission, Billy came instantly. With Steve not far behind him, filling Billy up to the brim. They take another second, after the come down to kiss and cuddle each other, before eventually going upstairs to shower and clean up.
Once they finish their after care, they head straight to Steve's room, not bothering to wear clothes to bed. Steve begins to gently spoon Billy, being hyper aware of the bruises on his skin. Now from both the pleasure, they both experienced, and the pain Billy has to go through. Billy only allows this pain to continue on, because he knows that if he doesn't get beat. Max will. And that's the last thing Billy has ever wanted. But right now, wrapped in Steve's arms, stealing kisses here and there. It makes it all worth it. The urge to say “the word” hits Billy again. But instead of pushing it down like he usually does, he lets it out.
"Hey Steve."
"I love you."
"Yeah?" Excitement, and happiness immediately fills Steve's chest. He sits up more so he's looking right at Billy. He feels like he can't breathe when Billy nods in conformation. Steve immediately brings his lips down to Billy's and after every kiss, he repeats the sentence "I love you" back to him.
For now, in this moment. Everything is perfect. It won't be forever, both boys know that. They also know they have to survive Hawkins. Just a little bit longer, then they're out, as soon as there both 18. Then onto bigger and better things that Hawkins can't offer the boys, they'll be free to have more perfect moments. Just like this one. All they have to do, is survive. Just a tiny bit longer. And both boys are more than ok with that, as long as they get to do it together. Nothing else matters.
Author’s note!
Hey! So, I’m so sorry if this is trash y’all. I’m not as used to writing one shots, so again I’m sorry if you don’t like it. Or feel that I released it to late, both I completely understand. BUT if you did like it, YAY I’m glad. Let me know if you want me to do more of these, or just completely give up, lol. Thank you, love y’all!
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nope-body · 2 years
#things went really well today#but the last activity was super overwhelming and I’m like half shutting down now#meaning I can’t do the work I needed to get done tonight#and I also feel super lonely#it was just a lot of people talking over each other very loudly and I guess it reminded me of stuff at home#because it left me feeling scared? and anxious and I just#I don’t know#I don’t want to be alone but there’s very few people I would actually be okay being around#unfortunately my roommate is not one of those people#I’m also just in so much pain and I can’t deal with it right now#my hip is killing me and I want to go outside and take a walk and calm down my head but I can’t#and it’s really frustrating#because I should be able to do things but I just. can’t!#I used to be able to do them. I still can most of the time#but walking right now is asking for more pain than I can handle#I also didn’t get anywhere near enough food from the salad I was given for dinner because it was almost entirely lettuce#and while yes the food here is very much lacking in the vegetables department I need more than just a salad#but it was part of the program and I’m getting money for participating so I can’t really complain#I would go and get food but like I said before I can’t fucking walk#I’m also lightheaded because I didn’t get to eat enough and there weren’t any drinks provided#I don’t feel safe and I know that’s like a ptsd response from that program because of my family but it doesn’t make it feel any less real#I just want to feel safe
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ssruis · 4 months
Going through a straight up comical amount of irritating situations to get the stupid 4* guaranteed ticket from the welcome to sekai campaign. It Will Be Mine.
#I’m resuming this tomorrow it’s been hours now I’m just mad#I’m home because my parents are moving to a different state and I needed to pack whatever was left#and for some reason we just keep old devices when we’re done with them#so I borrow an adapter to allow me to connect my ancient unworking iPad mini to my laptop#factory reset it. i have to reset an old email to access the old Apple id to fully reset it.#it won’t connect to the wifi so I have to reset the settings. i find out it’s too old to run pjsk.#i find an old phone that should work. i reset it as well. I’m able to download pjsk & it takes 20 minutes.#pjsk crashes everytime I try to open it. i attempt to run bluestacks on my computer. bluestacks doesn’t have 64 bit for mac yet.#i get a free trial of parallels and download windows onto my laptop. this takes 40 minutes.#i try to download and run bluestacks on that. m1 macs apparently can’t run bluestacks 64 bit through parallels.#i go find the final old phone that I had forgotten about. it takes forever to charge because the charging port is fucked up. i reset it as#well. it can’t connect to wifi. i try a hotspot on my current phone. service is too awful. i try to do wifi sharing from my laptop.#you have to be connected to the router via a cable for that to work.#at this point it has been like 3 hours. I’m giving up because I’ve been down this route before#when I attempted to run 32 bit steam games on m1 mac#(wine64 doesn’t exist for m1 macs yet -> attempt to run boot camp -> boot camp isn’t a thing anymore on Apple silicon -> attempt to run#several different programs that allow me to run windows on a mac. none of them work. ->#look into linux & give up. -> attempt to implement the unfinished/unbottled wine64 code thru terminal. ->#fuck up and delete some important file & have to fix that (misery inducing) -> keep trying. i think I downloaded a Mac coding program at#some point? i realize I have zero coding knowledge and this is a mistake. -> give up and purchase crossover. game doesn’t even work. ->#3 months later update to the latest OS so I can have enough storage to play psychonauts 2. find out the $60 crossover#purchase was a bad idea because ‘heehee crossover doesn’t work on that buy the new version’ (fuck crossover).#my toxic trait is my belief that I can figure out anything via google and sheer stubbornness. usually this is true. occasionally there are#exceptions to this rule. most of them are because owning Apple products is a mistake.#i think if I reset the router tomorrow I can solve this problem but I can also just go elsewhere with better service or wait until I’m home#now it’s a matter of pride. and also free 4*/I have nothing better to do because I’m stuck here until Tuesday.#<- this is all normal behavior by the way. who doesn’t spend 8 hours ramming their head against a problem every once and a while. enrichment#mine#oh I forgot. i also looked into cloning the app but that would cost money for something that might not even work.#‘just log out and make an alt’ and risk losing my account? I’m stupid enough to overwrite it on accident.
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