#based on system’s pseudomemories
thefunnyrabbid · 1 year
for the hurt/comfort prompts you should do the "ive got all night" one
for a romantic mlm pairing
omg yesss here we go
cw for r@p3
griff was huddled under a blanket in the middle of the carpeted floor, arms wrapped around his knees like twin boa constrictors. his breathing was unsteady and his shoulders shivered despite the thick plush fabric covering him.
cyrus sat in front of his partner, a few feet away, legs crossed. he was keeping himself as calm as he was able, but the seething anger and panicked concern was bleeding through. he was leaned forward over his legs slightly, wishing to touch griff’s shoulder, give him a reassuring gesture, but he knew that would make it worse in this particular situation.
cyrus did really have all night. it was a friday night, so he didn’t have work in the morning, and there was no chance he’d be able to fall asleep now. not after seeing the man he loved more than anything reduced to a shuddering ball of fear.
a nearly silent sob came from griff’s throat. “i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry,” he mumbled in a weak, high-pitched voice.
“don’t- don’t be sorry, you did nothing wrong. nothing,” cyrus said again with a firm but gentle emphasis. “you didn’t deserve this.”
griff was walking back home from work, which was a small karate dojo. this was one of two jobs, and he only taught karate classes on wednesday and friday nights. those were the only two nights he walked home in the dark, down roads lit only by flickering streetlamps and the moon. he’d never met any shady characters on his commute before, but he was always acutely aware that it was a possibility.
tonight, he was sore and tired, and the only thing he wanted was to get home, fall into bed with his boyfriend and doze off in his arms. the mental image made him smile as he stared at his feet, which were setting a leisurely pace that didn’t bother his thighs and calves as much as a quicker speed would.
they came out of nowhere.
well, not technically nowhere- griff had walked past a pitch black alleyway between a barber shop and a restaurant. as with all the alleys around the small town, there were no security cameras outside.
a large man grabbed a fistful of griff’s long, tangled hair and yanked backwards, dragging him into the alleyway. before he could cough out a cry for help a strong hand covered his mouth roughly, pressing down hard enough that griff couldn’t open his mouth to bite.
once his assailant and him were both cloaked in the alley’s shadows, the man lifted griff off the ground an inch or two by his hair. his mouth was still covered.
“what a pretty little boy,” the man murmured, his voice surprisingly soothing. “i’ll turn you into my slut, and fuck the living shit out of you, alright?”
to his dismay, kicking and scratching did nothing but anger the stranger. the man’s knee hit hard into griff’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him. then a punch to the face silenced him before he could speak, a flash of pain searing across his face as he blacked out.
cyrus had left their apartment when griff had been late getting home by 20 minutes. he found his partner on the ground in the dark, shaking and crying and scared, and naked.
it took a minute to coax griff up, and by the way he walked it was evident that despite his desire to be home and be safe, he was in a great deal of pain and couldn’t speed up much at all. cyrus was silent, fuming. if he had arrived early enough to see griff’s attackers he’d have mauled them.
griff did not want to be touched. he wanted to disappear, he wanted to tear his skin off and burn it. he wanted to take a shower but he couldn’t bring himself to come out of his blanket cocoon that cyrus had provided for him.
he couldn’t stop feeling guilty. the emotion crashed over him like unruly waves. if he hadn’t gone home alone, if he had brought his pocket knife, if he had fought harder…
“griff. do you want to tell me what happened?” cyrus’s voice was dangerously loving, the anger at what happened to griff struggling to stay hidden. but, the last thing cyrus wanted to do was make griff more anxious.
griff just shook, whimpering as he stared at his shoes.
“hey, griff. i’ve got all night. okay, love? i’m here to help.”
griff didn’t want to say what happened. he didn’t want to think about the two other men that emerged from the shadows, tore off his clothes and scratched and sucked at him as the large man pounded into him. they had been delighted to find that griff was trans, and had been on testosterone long enough to have significant bottom growth. griff was dry and completely unaroused, but his assailants didn’t seem to mind, much to griff’s horror. the three men disappeared when they heard cyrus searching for him, first kicking him across the ground and then disappearing into the darkness, somehow gone. griff was sobbing, snot and tears and saliva blurring his vision. his clothes were gone, but cyrus had worn a large sweatshirt that covered griff enough to walk home. griff didn’t speak.
griff didn’t speak for nearly an entire week, except for choked apologies and unintelligible sobbing. mostly, it was just silence.
then, one night when cyrus was watching a show on the couch, griff came into the living room after a shower. he was wearing the same pajamas he had worn since the incident, baggy and soft plaid pjs that belonged to cyrus. he held his coffee mug squishmallow tight to his chest as he walked up behind the couch.
after a few minutes of a calm quiet, griff moved around the couch and sat next to cyrus, draping his arm around his shoulders and leaning into his shoulder.
cyrus froze. this was the first time griff had touched him in a week.
after a few minutes cyrus realized his boyfriend was crying. carefully, gently, he wrapped his arms around griff and held him firmly, kissing the top of his head.
“you’re okay, love. you’re okay.”
“i know. i’m… i f-feel safe.”
cyrus choked up, his eyes wet. they sat in silence for a while, tears falling.
“you cry as long as you need, griff. i’m here, i’ve got you… i’ve got all night.”
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unicornkei · 19 days
Hot (not really) takes / advice for the Plural community ^_^
- Being a system isn’t only about how many introjects or partner systems you have. It is complex, complicating, and everyday hard thing to deal with. People so obsessed with fictives and making sure everyone knows who your alter FORMED from…. You are making an unhealthy habit. I think, AS AN OPINION, everyone personally should strive to slowly separate from their sources. I’m not a professional don’t quote me. I know I’m a bit hypocritical because I myself struggle with this, but I’m working on it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. TLDR; just personally think introjects shouldn’t be so heavily infatuated with their source and pseudomemories. I don’t actually care if you take this to heart or not, this is for my personal opinion and only being reinforced in my system.
- Stop treating alters like they are genuinely fully different beings. At the end of the day, you all are one being. This is why system accountability is so important. In reality, alters are NOT disconnected people who can function without each other, they are broken parts of a whole. Stop trying to separate yourself from alters, especially in moments you want to victimize yourself and avoid taking full accountability. That is when it really matters.
- Dissociadid is at fault for the amount of misinformation and lies spread about systems. They have lied to such a big audience, and have made so many systems fall to their beliefs. No, not every alter is extremely distinct. Not every alter will have a different accent or typing quirk. Not every alter will have their own unique interests that don’t align with any others (mainly the host.) Dissociadid is a bad place to find your information, and in general Youtube should be the LAST place you find any information about DID or OSDD. Youtubers tend to over exaggerate for more engagement. If they don’t do so with their symptoms, they don’t reach as many people …because WHO wants to sit and listen to a system yap (sorry for using the word, it fits) about medically based evidence and guidance? None theoretically. Therefore, they tend to skew things to sound way more drastic than it really is. Take everything they say with a grain of salt, or actually… TOSS IT.
Also a hot take: 12-14 year olds should not be making osddid discord servers tbh. Just because its horrible for their health, theyre too immature, easy to manipulate (people joining with that intent to do so, making a target for their safety)
Hot take #2: discord servers and twt for systems is negative, anti-recov, and difficult to come by systems that actually want the best for you and don’t make it a competition
Hot take #3: DID/OSDD affects you. If it doesn’t affect you or occasionally affects you, its truly not disordered and medically wouldnt be considered DID/OSDD (like you wouldnt be recognized with it) bcuz you DONT fit the criteria. You DON’T actively struggle because of it.
That’s all.
Correct me if you want.
I won’t respond to bait or MOST hate unless it’s funny. 💜
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budgetbuildsystem · 4 months
This may be a bit long of a read, as a notice:
Introjection and "source memories" (a common term used in the community, though other common terms are pseudomemories [a more ) are a complex thing and whether or not any introjects (fictives, factives, other kinds that cannot be organized in such a way) even develop them varies greatly between systems.
Some introjects' memories "update" with whatever their source is, while others do not.
Coming from a more psychological view of why introjects' can form pseudomemories:
Psueodomemories are often there to "explain" or sort of to be a "backstory" for the alter in question. Maybe to be a better way to explain why their personality is the way it is, or why they have the fears they have. Pseudomemories though often can be there as "coverups", or ways to show what you all collectively or the body may have gone through, while still providing a kind of "safe distance" from the body trauma. A good example would be A (a system) goes through trauma as a child. C splits off at some point with pseudomemories related to things that while aren't a 1:1 to the body's trauma, still hold feelings and maybe similar experiences to what the body went through. This time though, since in the mind these memories aren't exactly the same as the body's, it may be processed a bit seperately so you may have time to process those invidually and may come to realise that processing that opened up for being able to better process and understand the body's trauma later on when you have tools. In a way, C having these memories may also serve as a way to not trigger other alters who DO have memories of the bodily trauma, but since they're a bit more "distanced" from it in a way, the chances of triggering others out or causing a chain reaction may be a bit lower thus processing this overall may be a bit easier. Though easier doesn't necessarily mean it won't be difficult, at the very least it may mean that there are less chances of triggering multiple alters or a chain reaction if you have "coverup" memories.
Though this isn't the case for every single memory, and still trying to dig could end up in triggering something so regardless if they are source memories or body memories, I suggest you treat all of this with care and take it slow.
Pseudomemories aren't always a cover up as I said before, and sometimes they can just be there to provide a backstory or even just some sort of comfort.
I think tying this into why introjects form could be beneficial, but I'll leave it at that. And again, not every introject has their memories "updated" either. "Non-canon" introjects or introjects who don't follow their source 1:1 is also very common, and I'd argue simply is what happens to anyone given the fact that people can grow. Characters can not (in a way, they only grow as far as narrated). Introjects are not their source, and naturally introjects are the system's mix of interpretation, what the system needs at the time (say A splits off C who is based off of someone, but only splits off more resilient or positive traits of them because that's what's needed at the time), and probably a few other things I'm missing.
Keep in mind that it really also depends on your all's outlook of source memories too. I'm speaking from a very medical side of things, and also more strictly about DID/OSDD, so this may not apply if it's something you all experience moreso from spirituality, etc.
So essentially, yes it could be that Astarion doesn't feel comfortable enough or wants to keep things private. It could also be that Astarion doesn't have many memories or even memories of what happened as you all continued playing. It really just depends, but at the very least I will reiterate to just take this slow. Pseudomemories can be just as personal and often very intimate part of alters' lives.
I really appreciate this break down and honestly it makes a lot of sense. Sometimes the things astarion went through in source do slightly mirror my own feelings and thoughts. But yes I do try to give him his privacy as I know he is more than just a character in my head, he's a part of me and his own person at the same time.
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tales-from-syscord · 12 days
I've had some weird interactions as a fictive. But some of the worst interactions I've ever had are from fictives with the same source as me. in 2023-early 2024 we used to join some Rain World ropeplay based discord servers (As Rain World is a special intrest of ours). In all of these servers, there tended to be a large amount of systems in there, often with RW fictives (Which is not an issue for me at all!) It was mostly fine until I used PK to indicate that i was fronting. Then a LOT (but not all) of the fictives in these servers would come out talking to me as if they knew me! Now I and the other introjects in my system do tend to have a few pseudomemories of our source, but I didn't know these people! I did feel really uncomfortable playing along with these alters as if i knew them, but I tend to people please so I would play along until I got too uncomfortable and left the servers. So I guess the lesson here is, please don't assume you know an alter just because you share a source!
Anyway I hope everyone has taken care of themselves the best they can :)
-Looks to the Moon (xe/xyr)
I get that, a lot of us are introjects and have had people we don't know act as though we were besr friends due to source
Thank you, hopefully you have too!
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orchidzflagz · 10 months
Tw: implied in sys abusive relationships and pseudo memories. Also mentions of paraphiliac disorders, intrusive thoughts, and implied forms of abuse
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Theatre System/Alters
Name comes from the theatre masks (comedy and tragedy) I used in the flag.
Theatre alters are alters that, due to intrusive thoughts, paraphiliac disorders, or the abuse the system experience(s/d), are formed with or later gain abusive in sys relationships, and possibly related source memories. This alters nearly always come in pairs.
These relations can include but are not limited to: chiId/parent or general ince/stous relationships, physically abusive relationships, ped0philiac relationships, etc.
This alters can be split by Abuser and Abused (Cject and Tject based also on Comedy and Tragedy (though not implying the abuser is comedy, just associated with the smiling mask for differentiation).
Cjects can be repulsed by the pseudomemories or formed relationships and attempt to distance themselves, and Tjects can seek out the relationship and their Cjects. It honestly depends on the system.
All parties need help.
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sysmemes · 2 years
Impact Holder
A rare, serious post from your local meme blog. Wanted to share a term I use for myself because I think other people might find it useful. It's important to note that this is not a scientific term or one based on any research, it is a term I created to explain my own experiences.
The term is "impact holder". The impact holders in our system are the ones who show the symptoms / feel the "impact" of traumatic events without really remembering the trauma (though the term could probably apply to alters that do remember the trauma, its the "holds/feels the impact" thats the key bit). I mostly created this term because I felt that "trauma holder" implied that the alter knew the details of the trauma or remembered the trauma, which isn't really true for me. I think this term could be considered a subcategory of trauma holder.
(tw for violence, harm to children) An example (but not a personal one): The system was beaten badly at the age of 5 by some older kids. None of the alters remember this, but one alter has pseudomemories of getting beaten up by a group of people and feels afraid in large groups, is extremely conflict avoidant, and is triggered into a panic attack by the sound of children laughing. This alter could be called an impact holder. Another can remember the sensation of being grabbed or punched so vividly that it almost feels like its happening again. They obsess over self defense and are hypervigilant in groups of people. This alter could also be called an impact holder. (End tw)
The trauma doesn't have to be physical abuse, thats just what I used as an example.
This doesn't mean that the rest of the system isn't impacted by the trauma, only that the alter is impacted more heavily than other alters. This is meant to be complimentary to trauma holder, symptom holder, memory holder, etc.
I'm not super concerned about it having a super strict definition or criteria, the important and key bit that it describes is that the alter holds/feels the impact of the trauma the way symptom holders might hold symptoms or memory holders might hold memory.
Open to feedback from other systems with DID, OSDD-1, P-DID, etc.
This is a term for systems with DID, OSDD-1, p-DID, etc. Please do not use this term if you do not have DID, OSDD-1, P-DID, etc. That includes use by “traumaendo” or “traumagenic without DID, OSDD-1, or a disorder under the DID umbrella” people.
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selvesdiscovery · 1 year
Pinned Post
This blog is dedicated to helping individual headmates in plural systems live their best, most authentic lives. Feel free to send an ask looking for advice or validation.
This blog is run by an adult osdd1 system who is very pro-endo, however fully educated on both sides of syscourse. Any answers or advice given will be fully unbiased and based in the most true information for your ask that we can determine/find. If you think that your& origin or functioning might be relevant to your answer, please do include that. If not, there's no pressure to disclose anything like that.
Despite what our bio says, hosts are also free to seek advice on their system or on their individual experience as well. Non-hosts are listed as our intended audience due to the fact that they're the most likely to struggle with self discovery and integrating themselves into their collective life, and that's what this blog is geared towards. If you're a system host and are struggling in a way you think we could help with, you are more than welcome to reach out.
Ask Rules
Ask for advice on
- disagreements
- social struggles
- coming out
- intrasystem struggles
- self definition/identity
- self acceptance
- sharing your& lives
- building yourselves the perfect plural life
- source related struggles
- seek reassurance, resources or advice on adverse plural experiences
- anything else related to the discovery and acceptance of yourselves
(all of the above does include situations that might tie back to trauma. those types of asks are completely okay. keep in mind though that we are NOT a professional.)
- ask about diagnoses
- ask me if you're plural
- start syscourse
- be weird towards us or anybody else
- ask about making/elaborating tulpas (we don't know anything about this topic)
Besides the obvious syscourse stance, this blog has no BYF/DNI. Anyone can interact.
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edit: personal boundaries and introduction below the cut
About Us
Mod Cyn - Host: 🔪 Alters: ☕🐟🎱🦀💥
@cynicalundead <- main
(We will tag our posts as "Mod Cyn [Emoji]" from this point forward)
• Currently the only mod until further notice.
• We use he/they/it pronouns, and we/us/I/me interchangeably.
• We are mixed origins, and identify with traumagenic, neurogenic, and adaptive as personal labels. We experienced early childhood trauma and dissociate alongside our plurality, so we identify with osdd1 to describe our experiences.
• Please use the terms plural, system, alters, pseudomemories, and you/you guys/y'all for us. Please do NOT use the terms parts, exomemories, or you& for us, when possible.
• We support all (safe and consensual) queer and otherwise good faith identities. This includes kins, IRLs, and mspec monos. These things are safe to talk and ask about on this blog.
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broadcast-sys · 9 months
we’ve got this sort of new alter (maybe a few weeks old) who calls himself a ‘bard’ as like. his system role (it kind of works based on the way he interacts with the system, but he mostly chose because he has pseudomemories of being like. a full on bard) and this guy has been learning to play our old unused ukulele (bought by Bubby on whim 3 years ago, then never played) which is whatever, but this is little cunt has learned that one of our dogs is scared of the ukulele, so whenever he needs to herd the dogs in any direction, literally just gets behind him and plays a little tune
he deems himself ‘the opposite of a disney princess’ the way animals flee from him when he play music
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Hello! What is a fictive?
hi! a fictive is an alter/headmate/systemmate who is based on a fictional character. they are a kind of introject. an introject is just a term for an alter who is based on somebody/something that originates from outside the headspace. (another kind of introject is a factive, who is based on a real person [e.g. someone who caused significant trauma])
it’s basically like your brain copying and pasting somebody because their personality, attitude, or presence can be helpful in some way (not sure if this is scientific, this is just what i have experienced & seen with my plural friends). there isn’t any control over this though, i can’t decide to just Have a Guy in here
fictives can be very similar to their canon selves or very different - over the years we have had fictives who run the entire spectrum of experience. some have a lot of memories* of their life before and some are their own independent person with little to no connection to their origin
my system is itty bitty right now so for the most part it is just me and my cohost, a fictive of hawkeye from mash. that guy has been in here for three and a half years and has developed and changed a lot!
(*aka pseudomemories. they are technically false memories but they are real to the fictives and can often serve a purpose even when unpleasant. although sometimes it’s just random stuff)
i hope this is informative :) thank you!
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Hyptheticals: Endogenic heamates in traumagenic systems
When I talk hypotheticals about traumagenic systems with endogenic headmates, I'm usually imagining what I'll call "verifiably endogenic" headmates.
There's a lot of gray area where it's impossible to tell if a headmate is "actually" endogenic. Are childhood memories of always being a system actually reliable when most people can't remember before the age of 2? Is a spiritual headmate really a spirit or is it just a psychological headmate with vivid pseudo-memories of being a spirit? Even tulpas from OCs can be questionable because those OCs can actually be based on existing headmates which existed first, opening up a whole "chicken or egg" dilemma.
So let's propose an ideal circumstance for verifiable endogenesis and explore it and its ramifications.
The Tulpa Creation Experiment (With Singlets)
Take a large group of singlets with no known dissociative disorders, plurality or PTSD.
Each participant is given instructions on how to make a fixed tulpa. Where most tulpas are created by the tulpamancer themselves, this group would be given source packets and essentially instructed to make a fictive based on the original character presented in these packets. It would have a fixed name and history to start with that participants would be instructed to read and study before they start communicating with the tulpa. This would ensure it wasn't a character participants had an existing attachment to.
Also included would be guides on creating a tulpa, combating doubt and learning how to switch.
My prediction is that, in a year's time of daily interaction with the tulpa, the majority of singlets in the experiment would end up with a fully autonomous, self-conscious headmate.
The headmate will often have some pseudomemories based on the source given to them. The participant won't be consciously controlling the headmate. The headmate will communicate with an inner voice that sounds similar to internal thoughts but distinct from the participant's own mindvoice. They'll have their own thoughts and feelings. There will likely be passive influence where emotions of the new headmate will bleed over. The new headmate will be able to switch and take front with the aid of the dissociative practices outlined in the guides for switching. And there will be a disconnect between memories of the host and the new headmate. (So-called "emotional amnesia." But there will not be blackout amnesia that's common in DID.)
Not everyone will succeed, since there does seem to be some underlying propensity for plurality. But I think most will. I also would predict that, like studies into people who hear God, the successful tulpamancers will have higher levels of Absorption.
This would be as close as we could get to confirming definitively that headmates can be formed without trauma.
The Tulpa Creation Experiment (With CDD Systems.)
Run this same experiment with a second group made up of DID and OSDD-1 systems.
My prediction is that you will get similar results to the first. Most will succeed in creating headmates. These headmates will have distinct identities and autonomy just like the first group. They will communicate through mindvoice like the others. And they will have the "emotional amnesia" of the first group between headmates.
I also predict certain differences based on reports from tulpamancers with CDDs vs the singlet group.
First, while I believe a majority of both groups will succeed in creating a tulpa, I think it's likely a greater majority will succeed in the CDD group as they already have a high propensity for plurality. People who are already plural appear to have an easier time making headmates, whether their plurality is endogenic or traumagenic.
Second, based on people who have both, I believe alters and tulpas are fundamentally the same thing and are just affected by the presence of a dissociative disorders in different ways. What this means is that in addition to the switching, passive influence, internal communication and "emotional amnesia" of the first group, the tulpa will often be affected by dissociative symptoms affecting the rest of the system despite being created endogenically. They may experience inter-identity amnesia, switching may be a triggered sometimes, etc.
(This is also incredibly important for prospective tulpamancers with CDDs to remember. I've gotten asks on this blog from DID systems surprised when they couldn't remember what their tulpa did in front because they heard you don't have amnesia with tulpas. My warning is that if you have a CDD and want to make a tulpa, you will be making an alter, and they'll often still have associated features of the disorder. That's not saying you shouldn't. I just want everyone aware of the risks and to not be caught off-guard.)
Questions This Raises
These predictions are based purely on my own observations of anecdotes from the communities. But I do believe these would hold true. And if they do, there are a few questions I believe should be considered.
Are all headmates in traumagenic systems traumagenic?
A common talking point from anti-endos is that if the system is traumagenic then every headmate that exists must be traumagenic too. But I believe, in the above hypothetical, we could engineer a situation where headmates could be created in both disordered and non-disordered systems through the same exact methods.
If this method is used and produced results in both disordered systems and singlets, would this show definitively that traumagenic systems can have headmates who aren't traumagenic?
What are the implications on the diagnostic criteria of OSDD-1a and DID?
OSDD-1a is a community term for a presentation of a OSDD that's similar to DID where alters are less distinct.
If an OSDD-1a system with less distinct alters were to undergo the above tulpamancy experiment, they would now have a headmate who was much more distinct and personified. Would this make them technically a DID system now?
If it does, would that make their DID technically iatrogenic?
That inherently feels wrong, especially since tulpamancy is often beneficial. Instead, I think the way to avoid a scenario where a nonharmful practice is considered to make a disorder more complex is to just roll OSDD-1a into DID. Stop treating levels of elaboration as differentiating factors in the diagnosis.
This way, they would just be considered to have DID both before and after the experiment.
Many DID experts have already been advocating for this for a long time given how unclear and ambiguous the directions are for differentiating levels of distinctiveness is. Maybe this could give the final push to just group OSDD-1a into DID.
What are the implications for the Theory of Structural Dissociation?
Does the ToSD only apply to traumagenic headmates? Would the tulpa created in the above experiment be categorized as an ANP under this theory since it's not an EP? And if so, what are the implications for the conception of tertiary dissociation?
If a system with secondary dissociation (having one ANP and multiple EPs) under this theory created a headmate, would they now have tertiary dissociation? (Multiple ANPs, multiple EPs.)
If yes, you run into a problem similar to the above, where the experiment itself would make the disorder more complex.
If the endogenic headmates in traumagenic systems don't count into this equation, then how do we differentiate between them? How can we say if a headmate is endogenic or traumagenic with certainty outside of these engineered experiments?
These experiments need to be more than thought experiments!
Again, everything I've said thus far has been predictions based on anecdotes.
To really start to understand plurality, we need actual hard data from actual psychologists and psychiatrists.
I don't expect everyone to agree with my predictions. That's fine. Disagreement is a natural part of discourse. But I think everyone should want these answers.
And given that all current research into created systems is into tulpa systems, supporting research into tulpamancy should be the highest priority of anyone who actually cares about advancing the science into systemhood.
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ix-c-999 · 10 months
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a -based term for systems who feel as though addiction affects the way their system works, without automatically saying anything about the system's origin. this may look like the following: -having addiction symptom holders/addiction holders -having symptom neutralizers for addiction who are notable for not being addicts and whose role thus consists of dealing with the system's addiction -having alters who hold addiction-related symptoms by having psychological addictions to things the rest of the system is not addicted to (potentially because they have pseudomemories of being addicted to that thing) -having protectors who deal a lot with or are formed from dangerous, frightening, or traumatic situations that the system get into as a result of their addiction -having system members whose roles have to do with harm reduction (may be considered protectors) -having introjects of addicts, or having introjects who had addictions in their timeline that they did not have in canon -(if the system are in recovery) having system members whose roles have to do with parts of recovery
the colors of the flag come from my version of the addiction holder flag.
this post has no DNI other than not to start discourse on it
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Hello, what's the difference between source and exomemory?
alright so we just answered what a source is here.
an exomemory is a memory of an event that did not actually happen to the body. we think “pseudomemory” is a very similar term.
basically if an introject arrives in a system, the person or character they’re based off of is their source, and any memories they carry from their source are exomemories, meaning they’re “false memories” that the body did not actually experience.
here’s the pluralpedia entry for exomemories.
🐢 kip and 👻 ghost
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banesberry-anomoly · 11 months
Hi, hope these sort of asks are okay but I just seen something about language? So aaa sorry for the ramble! We feel the need to explain:
I think we may be a P-DID/OSDD-1A system but I feel like we still have a sort of introject based on real/fictional people. Which is it possible? I heard the term for -1a and p-DID systems it’s like “facets” or “fabelings” but idk, I know that both myself and two others in our little space took on identities that brought us more comfort than “Sad Kevin.” “work Kevin”, etc sort of thing. I personally feel I am Dr. Iceberg, I have pseudomemories and just I know a take on an “adult” “work sort of deal.
Time to over explain! but We’re usually always very blurry sometimes sharing this metaphysical steering wheel or someone’s being a sort of backseat driver (car analogy is how we explain our experience). Our memories aren’t good and our host/main person (idk terms) he said he usually feels like he’s watching everything in a dream like state. If that makes sense. :p just, is it possible for us as osdd-1a to have introjects based on others? I feel like others will call us out for “faking.” Or worse :(( we do plan to talk to a therapist when we have the funds and feel safe in doing so but you seem very knowledgeable and safer to ask. /gen.
Hello there! I think you may have gotten the term mixed up a little bit. You can use whatever is most comfortable for you, but Facets is a term more commonly used for median systems rather than multiple systems.
Regardless, yes, it is entirely possible to have introjects in a P-DID/OSDD-1A system. We know lots of those types of systems with introjects! As far as Im concerned, most every type of system can have introjects if they feel thats what they are.
I know there are cases of a brainmade alter 'becoming' an introject, its a little hard to explain, but my personal understanding of it is this happens either through fusing with fragments, or kinning becoming something a little more personal to that headmate.
The car analogy is a great way to decribe your experiences! If you want to know some terms for those, fronting is when a headmate is in control of the body, co-fronting is kind of a secondary to that, and then co-consious is when your sort of watching, but may still be able to do things like type or speak with the body to communicate. Theres also passive influence, which is when said alter is not aware of whats going on in front, but may still affect what happens.
It made us really happy that yall trust us enough to ask about this stuff, even just on anon. I hope this helps! And dont listen to anyone that tries to fakeclaim you. I hate fakeclaimers, so much. Yall know whats going on with yallselves the best. Stay safe out there anon.
Feel free to come to our inbox again, or dms if yall are comfortable. And this goes for everyone, we love talking about this kind of stuff and answering it. :]
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deakwithit · 1 year
i feel like a lot of people forget that source memories are PSEUDOMEMORIES and not real. one of the biggest things with source attachment and detaching from your source is accepting that you are not your source, you are an alter based on it. This extends to source memories. Source memories aren't real, and you cannot be traumatized by source memories.
But a lot of "source trauma" connects back to your own trauma. Like for us, my felix kranken introject struggled with thoughts of substance abuse and other things, and I had those same problems at that time. My other fictive, Oswald, has source trauma from his mom dying. My brother is dead. These "source trauma" memories were directly linked to our own trauma, which is why source trauma is a thing.
But do not ever claim to be traumatized solely from source memories. If your body hasn't experienced it, do not claim it. Source memories are pseudomemories. They aren't real.
A lot of systems forget that pseudomemories are just that, pseudo.
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
What is a System?
Hello, if you've been lead to this page it's probably because you've seen talk of systems, plurality, fictives, etc. by us and you're not quite sure what that is. Here's a little FAQ for you, using RvB as jumping off point to help understand.
Note that this is nowhere near a comprehensive covering of all of plurality, but simply a crash course in things most commonly referred to on this blog.
What's a system? What does plural mean?
A system is the collection of multiple (at least partially) independent entities housed in one mind/body. Being plural, or plurality, is the state of having these multiple entities in one body. For a variety of reasons, sometimes a persons brain decides to divide itself up into different entities, or system members.
You know how, in the show, Church splits off the AI fragments into different parts of himself? That is based off a real thing called dissociative identity disorder/DID. (in the show they use the term multiple personality disorder, which is just the outdated term for it). Real people also have this disorder, or have an otherwise similar experience of being plural/a system.
So you're a system?
Yes! How exactly our system works isn't quite relevant here, but if you want to read a little more about our alters, you can do so here. (Note: alter is a synonym for system member that we prefer to use. Not all systems use this term, so try to use whatever term they use to refer to their own members).
What's a fictive?
A fictive is a type of introject, and an introject is a member of a system whose identity is based off something that exists externally from the system. Using RvB as an example again, you know Tex is her own person, but is also based off the memories of Allison? This makes her an introject, specifically a factive. A factive is an introject based off a real person in a system’s life (friends, family, celebrities, etc), while a fictive is an introject based off a fictional character.
And you're a fictive?
I, meaning the alter who uses this blog the most frequently, ghost, am a fictive of Church. So my identity is basically that of Leonard Church. Kind of. It's a lot more complicated than that in reality. The most important thing to remember is that I'm an actual person, and I'm not fictional. So please just treat me like a normal person.
What are exomemories?
Exomemories (sometimes also called pseudomemories, though that term should only be used for those who say they prefer it) are memories that a system member might have that did not actually occur to the mind/body that they're in. Often times fictives, and also just alters in general, can come into the system kind of like… “pre loaded” with a life and memories. You know how, in Blood gulch, Church talked about how he went to high school with Tex and other such memories with her? These did not happen in reality, but he still remembers them occurring. Similarly when I came into the system, I came with all the memories of being Leonard Church in Blood Gulch, etc. Other alters in our system may or may not have their own exomemories, and may or may not feel comfortable sharing them.
What is Front?
If an alter is in front or fronting, it means they are in control of the body. Related terms are co-fronting, meaning multiple alters are in control of the body at the same time, and co-conscious (shortened cocon), meaning an alter isn’t in control of the body but is still present and aware of what is happening.
Is it rude to ask to speak to a specific alter?
This is something that varies from system to system. For us, you are free to send messages and ask questions of specific alters. In fact, it means a lot to us when you do! However, note that we do not control who fronts when. There’s a good chance your message won’t be responded to for months. Do not ask us to have specific alters front on your schedule.
I have questions that aren’t answered here.
Feel free to ask us any further questions! Note that anything too personal probably won’t be answered unless we’re close. Also, there’s a good chance that if it’s too off topic you’re going to be redirected to our main blog @chromaticroses.
I don’t think this is real.
Die mad about it.
*Insert question about syscourse?*
Why would you ask us, a Red vs Blue blog, this.
We’re not going to engage with any sort of discourse here. We are explicitly accepting of all types of systems and are uninterested in people who are not. If you have genuine, good faith questions about some of the controversial things you may have heard about plurality, reach out to us at our main blog: @chromaticroses.
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v-is-for-vivienne · 1 year
being an osddid fictive with pseudomemories that verge into past life territory is a pain in the ass. istg if I see one more person talking about how REAL fictives are just based on media and it's "unhealthy" to treat your pseudomemories as a real and significant part of yourself and your memory I will snap. It is not my fault that this is not my body and it's memories don't apply to me. It is not my fault that in a past life I was broken and traumatized and rebuilt to be a cold hearted murderer. And it is expressly not my fault that those things transfer into who I am today. Unfortunately, pseudo or not, spiritual or not, memories affect who you are as a person. Systems who shame people for feeling the full, real affects of their "fake" memories, pls explode thx
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