#barbara Gordon
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astrovvitches · 16 hours ago
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📸family fun!
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incorrectbatfam · 1 day ago
Batfam gets a parrot. What words or phrases are they teaching it?
The parrot: Polly wants a cracker!
Damian, giving it a treat: Good bird.
Bruce: What are you doing?
Damian: Training her.
Bruce, chuckling: It's nice to see you having some fun.
[5 minutes later]
Tim, whispering: Don't tell Bruce, but Bart blew up another Batmobile.
Harper: Don't worry, I clipped the Bat-plane with my bike.
[10 minutes later]
Dick: Siri, please book a couple's massage under the names Dick Grayson and Wally West.
[30 minutes later]
Jason: When should I tell Bruce I got a tattoo?
Duke: I dunno. When should I tell him I pierced my ears?
[1 hour later]
Barbara, on the phone: I lied about the dentist. I just wanted to get out of desk duty with Bruce.
[2 hours later]
Cass, singing: H-O-T T-O G-O.
Steph, singing: You can take me hot to go.
Steph and Cass: *kiss*
The parrot, who was there the whole time:
[later at dinner]
The parrot, singing: H-O-T T-O G-O. You can take me hot to go.
Bruce: Cute, it learned to sing.
The parrot: *makes kissing sounds*
Steph and Cass: *freeze*
The parrot, mimicking Barbara: Lied about dentist. Want to get of desk duty with Bruce.
Barbara: Crap.
The parrot, mimicking Jason: I got a tattoo!
The parrot, mimicking Duke: I pierced my ears!
Duke: Hey!
Jason: Who told it that?
The parrot, mimicking Dick: Couple's massage. Dick Grayson. Wally West.
Bruce: WHAT?!?
Dick: I can explain—
The parrot, mimicking Harper: Clipped the plane.
The parrot, mimicking Tim: Bart blew up the Batmobile.
The entire table: *devolves into chaos*
Bruce: *has an aneurysm*
Damian: *gives the parrot a treat*
Damian: Good bird.
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bianc0re · 14 hours ago
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Take a picture, it will last longer
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nightwatchhboy · 2 days ago
Yeah, now go to Kori my boy.
My sad soggy dog of an ex
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and here is my agenda
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why-i-love-comics · 1 day ago
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Detective Comics #1094 - "Mercy of the Father V" (2025)
written by Tom Taylor art by Mikel Janin
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Everybody’s on the Call Line (Jason todd x gn!reader)
Humor, fluff, established relationship. whole batfam gets involved. Reader is a hacker
This happened because I read the latest coffee shop au from @jjenthusee (and you should too!) and I remembered that I can also write cute fluff. So here this fic is, straight from my drafts where it’s been languishing for months. Anyway.
Swearing, as always. No use of y/n. I don’t know how long this is
Jason eases himself carefully onto the fire escape, metal creaking beneath his boots. He stifles a groan. He’s taking a risk sneaking into your apartment like this, he knows he is. If you wake up and see Red Hood snooping around outside your window, you’ll probably call the cops. But he’s tired as all hell, patrol was long and stupid, and your apartment was closer. Jason will just slide in while you’re sleeping, stow his gear where you won’t find it, and collapse into your bed. In the morning, he’ll just say he let himself in with the spare key you gave him. Easy. All he has to do is disable the window alarm he’d gotten for you, and then he’s home free.
The alarm trips, and Jason moves to silence it but then realized it doesn’t matter, you’re still up, working at your computer.
He freezes as you glance over your shoulder, then turn around to face him. He still has his gear on. Shit.
“Uh, hi,” you offer, looking at him with a curious glance as he races to figure out an excuse. “I don’t think we’ve met before?”
This throws him for a loop. You’re reacting very well to a vigilante crawling through your window at 2:30 in the fucking morning. But you’ve given him an opening, and he’s going to take it.
“No,” he says shortly, wincing behind the helmet. He’s never spoken to you like this and instantly hates the tone he’s using, but he’s got a persona to keep up. Or something.
You nod, seemingly unfazed. “No worries. Do you work with Red Robin?”
What? Why are you asking about Tim? Do you have some secret Red Robin crush that he’s going to have to push Tim off a building for?
Dumbfounded, Jason answers, “Uh, sometimes?”
You nod again. “Do you think you could give something to him for me?”
What the shit is happening right now?
As if to help tip Jason’s world off its axis, you’re interrupted by a tap at the window. Jason looks to see Red Robin crouched on your fire escape. You wave him inside.
“Hey, Escher,” Tim says. “Hood.” Jason has no idea what the fuck is going on.
“I’ve got the script,” you say, holding out a flash drive to him, but Tim shakes his head. “No good. They updated the security.”
“Well, shit.” You turn and dump the USB stick into a glass of water on your desk. “It’s a paperweight now. Only took me five hours to figure out.”
“I know,” Tim says, clearly frustrated. “They keep outmaneuvering us.”
Wait, wait. Jason’s still three steps behind you. “Escher?” he demands.
Both you and Tim turn to look at him, frowning. “Like, M.C. Escher? But, spelled ‘emcee,’” you say, as if that explains anything. “It’s my screen name.”
“You two know each other?”
“Yeah, we work together.” Tim raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t know that?”
Jason shakes his head, and Tim looks at you for a flash of a moment before turning back to Jason. “Sorry,” he mouths, shrugging. Jason waves him off. He’ll deal with that later.
Tim turns back to your computer screen, but your eyes stay on Jason, narrowing. “What does it matter if we work together? Do I know you from somewhere?”
Shit. You were always too sharp for your own good. Jason’s tongue is glued to the roof of his mouth. “Uhh…”
You fold your arms over your chest. Behind you, out of your field of vision, Tim grins at Jason, delighted. Asshole.
“We don’t normally work with civilians,” Jason says, fishing for an excuse.
You sniff, rolling your eyes. “And yet, here you are. Which, the way, you haven’t explained. What are you doing in my bedroom?”
Fair. What is he doing in your bedroom? Would it freak you out if he said he was a burglar? Too late for that now.
“I told him to meet me here,” Tim says, pulling Jason’s ass out of the fire. “Sorry I didn’t tell you first.”
You shrug. “S’okay,” you say, spinning back around in your desk chair to face the screen.
Over your shoulder, Tim mouths, “you owe me.” Jason gives him the finger.
“Do you have a safe copy of the new security system?” you ask, looking at Tim intently.
He shakes his head. “Not yet, Oracle is working on duplicating it.”
You slump down in your chair. “Drat. I hate waiting.”
“Yeah,” Tim sits on the floor next to your bed, knees to his chest. “She said it’d be ready in a few hours.”
“Balls.” You fidget with a pen on your desk.
“Hold on. How did you start working with Red over here?” Jason asks. He knows you work in tech, that you’re a programmer, but he didn’t realize you were building code for fucking Batman.
Tim laughs. “I found them solving random problems on a Swedish forum.”
Jason blinks. Okay.
“Well, yeah. You found me there. Oracle found me hacking your comm links,” you grin, pleased with yourself.
Holy shit. “You got into the comm links?”
“Yeah,” you nod, satisfied. “I’ve done it twice now,” you add smugly.
“Don’t tell B,” Tim warns. “He doesn’t know. Oracle said she wouldn’t tell.”
Wow. You must be the real deal. He wonders if he can get you to fuck with Bruce’s plans, just to be a shit. "How long have you been working for the Caped Crusader, then?"
"I don't work for Batman," you say primly, as Tim sighs. "I help him out when you guys can't get your shit together."
Jason snickers under his breath. "Sore subject, huh?"
"They don’t like B," Tim confirms from the floor. "If you did it would make everything easier," he grumbles.
"It's stupid," you insist. "Come on, how is this a viable solution to any long-term problem?"
Jason laughs outright as Tim sputters. "He's a detective! He detects!"
"Then why does he have to dress up like that?" you point out. “You can be a detective in normal clothes, you know.”
"He needs armor, he keeps getting shot at!"
"Explain the cape, then," you shoot back. "Justify that monstrosity."
"It's fucking idiotic," Jason adds, piling on gleefully. "It'd be different if he could fly, but he just hops around."
Tim gasps, affronted, while you crack up in your chair. "Thank you. I mean, look at yourself, Red. You're sitting on my bedroom floor in a goddamn cape."
"It looks cool," Tim says defensively.
"No," you counter, "that looks cool." You point your finger in Jason's direction, and he feels his face heat up.
"Oh, come on," Tim scoffs. "You think his costume is cool?"
"Uh, yeah," you say, eyes taking Jason in as you nod. "Very cool. Very hot."
"Oh my god," Tim mutters. "It's tactically stupid. Why are his forearms exposed?"
"So I can see how muscley they are." You stare at them, eyes wide. Jason coughs awkwardly, and your eyes flit back up. "Sorry," you say, not sounding sorry at all. "I like leather."
"Of course you like his costume," Tim mutters under his breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you shoot at him, and Tim flusters. "Why do you care if I don't like your costume?"
"Yeah," Jason adds, letting some menace fall into his voice. "Why do you care if they don’t like your costume?"
"I didn't—I wasn't trying to—"
"I have a boyfriend," you interrupt, looking at Tim scornfully.
"They have a boyfriend," Jason parrots, grinning behind the helmet.
"Oh my god. I know you have a boyfriend. Relax," Tim pacifies you. "Relax," he adds, nodding at Jason. Jason grunts.
Before you can argue further, there’s another tap at your window, and Cass slips softly into the room. You light up. “Hello, my love!” you greet her excitedly. Cass raps you on the top of your head, and you beam up at her. Your hands twitch toward her before you stop yourself, folding them in your lap. Cass turns to Jason, placing her hand carefully on his arm. He bumps against her, waiting until she pushes back lightly. She then moves onto Tim, tugging gently on a lock of his hair, before depositing a flash drive on the desk. You snatch it up eagerly.
From Oracle, Cass signs.
“It’s O’s duplicate!” Tim plucks it from your fingers, driving it into your desktop.
“Be nice to her,” you warn, running a hand over your computer as the file loads. Strings of code write themselves across your screen. Jason moves forward to get a better look at you. He can’t help it, he wants to see you in action. Your face is scrunched up, tongue between your teeth as your eyes flash back and forth, following the cursor. “It’s incomplete.” You squint at Tim. “What gives?”
Tim tsks. “I don’t know. Let me get Oracle.” He puts a hand to his ear. “Oracle, come in.”
Barbara’s voice answers in Jason’s ear. “Here. I know, I know, it’s not all there,” she says, annoyed. “Let Escher know that I had to reverse engineer it from what we found.”
“She says she has to reverse engineer it,” Tim repeats.
You drum your fingers on the desk. “Okay, what else does she know?”
“What else do you—”
“Hold on, this is stupid,” you interrupt. “Can you, like, put her on speaker? Actually,” you click over to another screen, enter a command. “You’re broadcasting live, O.” Jason hears Barbara’s sigh through the speakers of your computer. “That’s three times,” you add smugly.
Jason let’s out a low whistle. Damn. You’re really good at this.
“We've got to stop meeting like this, Escher.” Barbara almost sounds amused. “How did you get in this time?”
“Hiya, babe.” You click back to your project. “That’s for me to know and you to never find out. I don’t want you closing your back door.”
Barbara chuckles. “Red and I will shut you out.”
“But for how long? I’m too slippery, baby.” Jason almost blushes underneath his helmet. It always trips him up when you talk like this.
“I had to reverse engineer the code from what it spit out when I tried to get in this time,” Barbara explains. “Can you fill in the gaps?”
“Some of them.” You type quickly, deleting code as you get error messages and retyping just as fast.
“Wait, here…” Tim points to something on the screen.
“Yeah, okay,” you back up to where he’s pointing and add something.
“There’s something about the updated security,” Barbara adds. “I think there’s a pattern somewhere.”
“Where?” you demand.
“I don’t know. Gut feeling. But I think I’m right.”
“Do you think there’s something generating new code?” Tim asks. “Like, a program that’s spitting out new security?”
“Oh.” Your fingers still on the keys, face relaxing. “Yeah. Good call, Red.” You scan the code again, scrolling back to the top. “Okay. This changes things.” You start from the beginning, erasing whole sections of Barbara’s work and typing out new code. “Well, shit,” you laugh under your breath. “This is some sexy-ass code we’re looking at.”
“You can fill in the blanks?” Jason asks.
You glance up at him. “Of course I can. I wrote it.”
“What?” Tim shouts. “This is you?”
“It’s me,” you confirm. “Guilty.” A small smile plays around your lips. “Sorry.” Cass steps forward, pinching your ear until you yelp.
“Fuck, Escher.” Tim rubs the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t know you were a traitor.”
“Chill, bird brain,” you say defensively, leaning out of Cass’ reach. “This was from, like, five years ago. I needed some cash.”
“You could be on B’s payroll,” Tim offers.
You snort as Barbara huffs a laugh over the comm line. “Fat chance, I’ve been trying to convince them for months.”
“I’m not a fucking lapdog. I play by my own rules,” you insist.
“Yeah?” Jason can’t help but push you. “And what rules are those?”
You cock an eye at him warily. “The rule of not tying my kite to some lunatic.”
Jason nods. Can’t argue with that one.
“Anyway,” you turn back to the computer. “Because I wrote it, I can build you the malware.”
“To get past the security or to neutralize the program spitting out new code?” Barbara asks over the line.
“Dealer’s choice,” you say, then stick your tongue between your teeth as you squint at the screen. “I can make both happen.”
The comm crackles in Jason’s ear. “Oracle, come in,” Bruce barks.
Tim whips his head toward you with a crack. “Nothing from you now, Escher,” Barbara warns. “I’m patching him through.”
You grin, eagerly pretending to zip your lips.
“Here,” Barbara answers.
“I heard from one of my informants,” Bruce’s monotone growl fills the room. Jason catches you roll your eyes and almost bursts out laughing. “They’re going to get into the controls for Blackgate prison.”
“This is Black Mask?” Barbara clarifies.
Bruce grunts as your eyebrows shoot up. “This is Black Mask?” you whisper, except you’ve never been very good at whispering. Tim slices a hand over his neck to silence you as Jason moves to your computer. He’s been eyeing the program you’re using to broadcast the comm connection, and he thinks he’s found the mute button. He taps a key and then turns his head toward you. “Off?”
You nod. “Off. Thanks. This is Black Mask’s security?”
“Yeah, he’s making a move against the jail. He’s going to get some of his guys out,” Tim explains.
“Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm.” You tap your fingers against your chin.
“What?” Tim folds his arms over his chest.
“I originally sold it to the Falcones.” You flick your hair out of your face. “Guess they sold me out behind my back.”
A security program that’s making its way through the mob? That’s…really useful, actually.
“Can you get in and stop them?” Bruce asks.
“Maybe,” Oracle hedges. “Hold on, I have to call in reinforcements.” She mutes Bruce’s line. “Escher, you’re up.”
“Wait, you want it now?” you say, aghast. “Christ, how long do I have?”
“Act quickly.” Bruce orders. “My intel says they’re moving at 3:45am.”
Your eyes fly to the clock on your monitor. “What the fuck!” you screech. “That’s in forty minutes! I can’t do it in forty minutes! I have to break through my own walls!”
“Escher,” Barbara starts, just as Tim says ��listen, you have to—”
“I can’t, it’s not enough time!” you wail.
“Hey, hey,” Jason cuts in. “Easy. Don’t worry, love. You can do it.”
You look at him fearfully. “You haven’t even told me what to do!”
“Just get past the security,” Jason says patiently. “Don’t worry about shutting down the whole program.”
You nod at him, eyes wide.
“Deep breaths, now,” he instructs. “Come on, in for two, hold, out for four. We’ll do it together. Ready?”
You nod again.
“Okay.” Jason sucks in a breath, loudly so it’ll register over the modulator. You copy him, inhaling, holding, and exhaling on his rhythm. After a few breaths you shake your head, turning back to the computer.
“Alright. I can make it happen.” You resume typing, eyes narrowed as you focus.
“We’re alright, B, I’ve got someone on it,” Oracle says, satisfied.
Tim turns to Jason, clearly impressed. Jason shrugs. You’ve been together for a while now, he knows how to pull you out of a spiral.
He turns back to you. You’re ripping through code at a hundred miles an hour, hunched over the keyboard. Jason grimaces, he’s always trying to get you to sit up straight to help your tech neck. He’ll have to rub out the knots in your shoulders later.
Jason feels Cass’ eyes on him, and he tilts his head toward her. Less than forty minutes, she signs to him. I’ll have to take it back to the Clocktower.
Jason’s thought of that. He evenly points his chin in your direction. You can handle it, he knows you can. Cass nods.
Tim coughs quietly, and Jason raises his head to look at him. “You want the keys to the castle?” he mutters.
He means code you built that generates new security programs. Jason nods. “But that’s just between us, yeah?” It would be loads easier for Jason if he keeps the code out of Bruce’s hands. Black Mask has been operating in Jason’s territory, and Jason has a long string of investigations against him, well-beyond the scope of this Blackgate shit. Bruce needs to keep his nose out of it.
Tim scoffs. “Fine. Seems like you should get first dibs anyway.” He nods towards your desk where you’re still working stubbornly.
The room is silent, all three of them letting you work. After a few minutes, Tim steps toward you. “Here, you need any hel—”
Jason throws an arm out to stop him, just as Cass grabs his wrist and tugs him backwards, shaking her head. He holds up his hands in surrender.
Fifteen minutes later, you rap your knuckles on your desk. “Oi, peanut gallery!” You spin around in your chair, smiling wickedly. “I solved your case for you!”
“It’s not a case,” Tim mutters, and Jason scoffs.
“Don’t be jealous, RR,” Babs says over the line. “You can both be the prettiest.” Tim splutters as you laugh delightedly.
“Nice job,” Jason says, placing a hand on your shoulder. You grin up at him. He catches Cass and Tim share a look, sees her sign something too fast for his eyes to follow.
“Batgirl’s bringing it to you now, Oracle,” Tim says as you unplug the flash drive and hand it to Cass. You wave to her as she slips through the window.
“My backup came through,” Babs reports to Bruce. “They’ll be obsolete in a few minutes.”
“Copy.” The line fizzles as Babs cuts him off.
“Fuck yeah,” you grin in satisfaction. “Nothing like hearing that overgrown Bat say ‘copy.’”
Jason cackles as Tim rolls his eyes. “Oracle,” he says loudly. “Hood was in the dark about our friend here.” His eyes flick to you before he looks at Jason meaningfully.
And just what the fuck does he think he’s doing? Jason all but snarls at him.
“Huh. I could’ve sworn you were smarter than that, Hood,” Barbara admonishes.
“Shut up, O,” he grumbles. Jason glances at you to make sure you haven’t caught on to what they’re talking about, but you don’t seem to be paying attention; you’ve pulled up Steam and are scrolling through your game library.
“Maybe it’s time to clue them in. Take off your party hat,” Barbara says meaningfully. Tim nods forcefully.
“Butt out,” Jason says half-heartedly, but it doesn’t stick. He’s been thinking about telling you about Red Hood anyway; you’ve been together for a year and a half. He’s been…well, he’s scared. But maybe he shouldn’t be.
“We’d have to vote on it,” he says gruffly. Tim pumps his fist in the air. “In person,” he says meaningfully. Comm links aren’t safe, apparently.
“You have my vote,” Babs says confidently. “And Batgirl’s, too, she’s here.” Barbara pauses meaningfully. “I’m happy for you, Hood.”
“Me too!” Tim pipes up immediately.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jason waves them off, like his heart isn’t pounding. “Can you call everyone over?”
“Roger that.” Barbara seems pleased. “Hood is asking us all to meet near him,” she broadcasts aloud. “Sending you coordinates.”
Dick, Steph, Bruce, and Damian all copy. Jason steels himself. “Alright, RR, time to go.”
You glance at him as he moves toward the window. “Heading out?”
“Yeah,” Tim answers. “Got a big family meeting to get to.” He grins at Jason.
“Okay. See you around. Nice meeting you,” you say to Jason, before turning back to your screen.
“Uh, yeah,” he says uncomfortably, while Tim snickers. “See you later.”
The troops have already assembled two rooftops over. “Hood, what’s the situation?” Bruce asks sternly.
“The situation,” Tim starts happily, “is—”
“Hold on,” Jason cuts him off. “Disconnect comm links.” He watches warily as everyone takes them out of their ears.
“Compromised?” Dick asks with concern.
“Uh, yeah.” Jason scratches the back of his neck. “Listen, uh…” he looks at Tim helplessly.
“Jason’s dating Escher.”
“What!” Dick screams as Steph claps her hands together excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me you were dating anyone?”
“Fuck, yeah!” Steph interrupts. “This is great! Escher’s the freaking best!”
“Language,” Bruce says as Jason takes off the helmet to glare at Steph accusingly.
“We play Minecraft together,” she explains. “I didn’t know you two were dating!”
“Wait, hold on. I thought you all knew about that.” Jason shifts his glare to Tim.
Tim shrugs. “Only me and Babs knew,” he says.
“Timmy, why didn’t you share!” Dick groans, bounding over to ruffle Jason’s hair.
Jason pushes him away, trying to swipe his feet out from under him. Dick dodges easily, throwing a light right hook in return. “Wasn’t any of your business, now was it?” Jason says gruffly.
Tim looks at Dick, raising his eyebrows. “Didn’t want to get on his bad side.”
“Fair.” Dick grins softly at Jason, bumping shoulders with him. “Nice job, Little Wing.”
Jason blushes. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Congrats, Todd, but why are we all here?” Damian interrupts.
“I’m gonna tell ‘em,” Jason says simply. “About this. If it’s cool.”
“Fine with me,” Steph says instantly.
Tim nods, “seconded. Babs and Cass say it’s fine with them, we asked before we went dark.”
“Well, who am I to stand in their way,” Dick half-jokes, but he’s looking at Bruce with serious eyes. So is Jason.
“I’ll follow Father’s ruling,” Damian says stoutly.
That leaves the big man himself. Bruce smiles gently. “Of course, Jaylad. We’re all happy for you.”
Jason blushes all over again. “Thanks, old man.” He lets out a breath.
“But we have to ask Duke,” Bruce adds meaningfully.
“I texted him, he says it’s fine,” Tim says quickly. “But also, uh—” he holds his hand to his ear.
Warily, Jason puts his comm back in. “Jason, what the fuck!” you shriek. “What the fucking fuck is this!”
“I forgot to disconnect,” Babs says sheepishly.
“Jason, you ass! Why didn’t you tell me you ran around in a fucking costume?” you shout down the line. Steph and Dick keel over laughing. Jason realizes everyone has taken the liberty of putting their comm back in.
“Baby, please,” he says resignedly.
“Baby?” Dick mouths, beaming.
“Don’t you fucking ‘baby’ me!” you holler.
“Babe, you are a hacker,” he points out. “How come you didn’t share that with the class?”
That makes you pause. “Fair fucking point, I guess,” you mutter. Jason sees Bruce try to tug the comm out of Damian’s ear, but Damian dances out of reach.
“Uh, also, can you cool it with the swearing?” Jason asks. “There’s a kid here.”
“…if it’s Robin I am going to throw up.”
“Hello,” Damian says helpfully.
Your end of the line is silent.
“Hey, Escher, it’s Spoiler!” Steph cuts in. “Nice job shacking up with Hood.” She eyes Jason evilly.
“This is a fucking ambush,” you grind out. “Jason, you fucking ambushed me.”
“Language,” Bruce orders gently. Tim just about busts a gut while Jason waves frantically at Bruce, shaking his head rapidly. “Nice to meet you over the phone,” Bruce adds. Dick gives him a thumbs up.
“…likewise,” you say eventually. “I hope you’ll excuse me, but this has been insane, and I’m disconnecting. Jason, get your as— get back here after you’ve finished your family dinner.” Your end goes dead.
“They seem nice,” Bruce says after a moment. “We’ll have to talk about how they got into the comm links,” he looks at Tim reproachfully.
“See you later, Hood,” Dick says easily, nodding at your building.
Jason turns back to your apartment. He can already see you in the window, arms crossed over your chest. You’re trying to scowl at him, but he can see the smile trying to escape.
He shrugs his shoulders, grinning. You throw up your hands but beckon him anyway. Come on, come back.
Don’t worry, Jason’s coming.
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demonic0angel · 3 days ago
can we connect the 'Duke gave Jason Jazz's number' ask with the ask of 'Babs being Jazz and Danny's sister'?
(Sure :3)
Jason gets Jazz's number, Babs is their sister
When Duke walked into the Clocktower, he paused in place at seeing the people on her screen.
"Uh. Babs? What's that?"
Barbara turned and blinked tired, exhausted eyes. She had spent several sleepless nights just researching everything she could find on her siblings.
She was so, so proud of them, especially because Danny was going to school to be an astronaut and Jazz had already graduated, currently working within Arkham Asylum as a fair and hard working psychiatrist.
"This? It's nothing," she said absentmindedly. Like hell she was going to let any of the vigilantes she knew linger around or pester her darling siblings!
"... that's a picture of Jazz Fenton."
Barbara blinked. "You know her?"
"Yeah, sometimes Jazz volunteers at Gotham University to tutor people. She helps me with my anatomy classes," Duke explained.
A first witness account about her siblings from someone she knew!
"Tell me more," Barbara said eagerly.
Duke crossed his arms. "Tell me why you're looking into her."
Barbara sighed deeply. Then she said, "We're half siblings. I found out that she and my half-brother are in Gotham so I just wanted to learn more about them. I never met them before because my biological mom left when I was young."
Duke's eyebrows rose. Then he said, "Huh. Well, alright. Jazz is really nice. She explains things really well and she's also really patient. Everyone wants her to tutor them, but she's pretty busy so you have to schedule her in advance sometimes. I have her number, so I usually get tutored by her often. She also talks a lot? But she's super nice!"
Barbara nodded. She had hacked into several places and had already figured out most of her sibling's personality traits.
Jazz was an overachiever, eager to please, helpful, chatty, and a bit of a know it all. Danny, meanwhile, was a bit antisocial, but very kind, thoughtful, clever, and quick to help others.
Had she mentioned that she was very proud of them? She wanted desperately to meet them in person one day.
Duke then continued with a small laugh, "Y'know, if nothing else happens, I think you'll see your siblings again. Maybe even as in-laws! Jazz gave Jason her number the other day and he's been super eager to ask her out."
All time seemed to freeze. It was like a record scratch that turned off the music.
Barbara stared at him. "Excuse me?"
Even if Duke wasn't a meta that could predict the future, he could already feel the danger.
".... did you just say that Jason is trying to ask out my adorable little sister? Jason? Jason who once killed 8 people and put their decapitated heads in a duffel bag? Jason who lives in a trashy apartment because he's too busy committing crime to clean it? Jason who forgets to shower sometimes because he gets lazy?"
"............ yes?" Duke sounded afraid.
Barbara turned around to her computer again, bringing up more files. This time, they were named after Jason and Red Hood.
"Leave. You didn't see anything here."
Duke immediately bowed. "Yes, ma'am. Please spare me."
"You'll live only because you can tell me more about Jazz."
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." Then he scrambled out of the Clocktower. RIP Jason. You will be missed.
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greyeisacreativecolor · 3 days ago
Adding some batgirls content, and Duke, because they deserve mundanity
They go to a theme park, sort of six flag adjacent. Stephanie complains about waiting I'm line, and how standing still for too long makes her feat hurt. But she keeps dragging everyone to the most popular roller-coasters because they're almost as fun as payroll.
On a walking tour of the Gotham City Art Museum, there are a lot of complaints about the lack of wheelchair ramps. Barbara ends up having to ask Bruce to calm down before he yells at a security guard. She's already hacked into their systems to schedule maintenance and construction of handicapped options.
The Wayne's being supporters of the arts of course have to go see the occasional community theatre production. While everyone else is snickering at the overzealous performance, Cass is enraptured. Everyone is emmoting accurately, just exaggerated. The over the top blocking and expressions help hide the microexpressions that bring her out of more "refined" performances.
Duke used to go with his family to work at soup kitchens every year, but since they're in the hospital, and the Wayne's are too recognizable, he assumed he wouldn't get to go. But Jason and Steph have been out of the lime light long enough to take him down to the narrows, with a little disguise makeup to keep Duke incognito.
(Including Helena because I love her, but be ready for some angst) Helena's relationship is a level of complicated that rivals Jason's. She was Robin, she was Batmans soldier, and her father died to save her. And she came to another world where her parents were alive, but they're not her parents, she's not their daughter. But they share the same fight, and she kept fighting it alongside them. It isn't until she's back in her own world that she realizes the fight wasn't enough to connect them. It's rare, but when she ends up on Prime Earth for a multiverse saving mission, she tries to have a normal meal with as much of her family as she can. Eventually the family looks a little more like hers. Alfred may be gone, but her parents are together in this world too. And on one of Helena's last visits Selina is pregnant, and her parents ask Helena if they can name their taughter to be after her. There are tears, and thank yous all around. Eventually, after little Helena is old enough for big Helena to give her advice, Helena retires back on Earth 2.
Sorry for getting angsty on a fun fluff post, but I tried to make it all touching family fun
Thinking about the bat family doing normal family shit and it’s just a painful reminder that they are still human people and humans are kinda silly.
They go ice skating and Jason, 6ft and 225 pound, the Red Hood, is comically bad at ice skating. One foot on the ice and he’s on his back with his feet in the air like a cartoon.
And he denies it the whole time but his legs shake and he clings to the wall with white knuckles while muttering curses like he’s trying to spell his feet to work.
And Dick is just great with all his balance and figure skating stupid fucking acrobat bastard-
Or they decide to go see a movie as a family. It’s a horror movie, and they assume everyone will be fine because they see enough horror in their daily life.
And normally they would be, but this is a slasher. So it’s all suspense and jumpscares and gore. And Tim, Tim who loves psychological thrillers and can see movie endings coming from miles away, is suddenly clinging to Dick’s arm as subtly as possible because every scare has him tensing and trying not to yelp.
Or they go out to a carnival, with rollercoasters and bad food and worse games to win dumb prizes. They’re walking around, splitting up to do various activities, and Dick and Damian comes up to Bruce and asks him to go home.
Why? Because Dick drank too much soda, he refuses to use the bathrooms. He has an irrational fear of outhouses. And Damian saw one of the mascots walking around, a man in some kind of shitty lion suit with a vest, and is convinced the lion suited man is going to get him. (Bruce does take them home, but Jason teases them the whole way.)
Just silly things that show how they are people beneath the masks.
Love it.
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violent138 · 2 days ago
Thinking of some of the small ways that the Bats help out the people of their cities:
Red Hood helping a kid with a penchant for explosives detonate them safely--well safer anyways.
Cass accompanying a little girl searching for a lost pet in "scary" alleyways
Red Robin helping a stressed out kid with some homework and college applications
The Signal entertaining a suddenly chaperone-less field trip group of second graders after shit hits the fan and their teachers head to the hospital
Robin helping out some street artists and providing his input
Spoiler helping out a teen runaway and taking them to Black Canary's dojo
Batman helping someone change a tire
Nightwing helping out a barista at their wits end after their shift gets interrupted by angry mob members starting a fight
Oracle runs one of those advice columns and providing extremely effective responses, regardless of the crisis at hand
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 2 days ago
The Batkids when Bruce pisses them off :
Jason - Kills someone. Steals Batman's gadgets and donates them to random rogues.
Tim - Sends explicit Superbat fics to the League from Batman's email.
Dick - Takes Damian away.
Steph - Spray-paints obscene graffitis on the Batsuit.
Barbara - Hacks the Batcomputer to blast Never Gonna Give You Up very time Bruce logs in.
Duke - Gives him the coldest, most unsettling silent treatment ever.
Damian - Brings home a tiger.
Cass - Turns into a living shadow and quietly haunts him.
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dc-tournaments · 2 days ago
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Why do they deserve to win?
Barbara Gordon
No propaganda submitted.
Sara Lance
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toriafiction · 12 hours ago
Dick deserves to do a little premeditated murder.
I've heard that Nightwing killed the joker in one of the comics? Possibly caused by Jason Todd's death? Can you shed light onto this?
Sure thing! SO, the infamous moment you are talking about is in Joker: Last Laugh #6. Dick does indeed kill the Joker, his heart stops. You’ve probably seen this moment on posts as an example of Dick’s legendary temper (rightly so, there is definitely a lot of rage involved here) but I think because of the emphasis on Dick’s emotionality, people really downplay how premeditated it all was. Dick hears that Tim is dead because of Joker’s schemes, and he decides to kill the Joker. Full stop. 
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Barbara tries to talk him out of it and Canary tries to stop him, but Nightwing knocks Canary out and goes off on his own. Barbara and Batman know that Nightwing is going to kill the Joker, and both try to stop him. Seeing him walk to where the Joker is, a man on a mission, zero quips/flips, really hammered it home that he was genuinely planning on taking Joker out for good. 
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So yeah, this wasn’t just beating Joker up and going a little too far in his anger, this was premeditated, first-degree murder. It is probably the only time Nightwing has ever gone after someone with the intent to kill. And it is very personal too...Nightwing didn’t have a gun or anything to take Joker out quickly from a distance. Beating Joker to death with his bare hands was drawn out. It was up close and vicious. 
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Now, this is my opinion on things, so take it as you will, but this is one of the reasons why I feel like Dick’s guilt about this incident was less about him killing the Joker and more about the way he did it. See, this was not taking Joker out solely for the greater good--if it was, Nightwing certainly wouldn’t have killed him in the way he did. He went after the Joker in a rage to get revenge, and that scared him. Add that to the fact that he felt he’d let Batman down by killing and “let the Joker win” and presto. Full blown guilt complex. But that’s definitely debatable. Anyway, about his motivations. 
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Explicitly, he killed the Joker because he thought that Joker had killed Tim. I’d say that Tim’s death was the final straw for Dick. He was tired of seeing the Joker hurt those he loved. When Barbara is shot by the Joker, Dick refers to waiting by her hospital bed as “the darkest days of my life since my parents death.” And when Jason dies Dick explicitly says he wants the Joker dead: 
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Nightwing (1996) #62
So, it’s not like Dick’s desire for Joker’s death is coming out of nowhere. He’d held himself back, but Tim dies and he’s had enough. I think that Dick killed the Joker for all the family members that had been hurt, but Jason does have a special significance. In particular, there’s this moment after Dick beats the Joker to the point where he is incapacitated where Dick pauses. For a second, he isn’t sure if he is going to follow through with it. And then the Joker mentions Jason and Dick finishes it. 
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From that point on, there is no hesitation about what he is doing. Tim has to physically pull Dick away from the Joker’s corpse to get him to stop. We have a lovely few moments where the Joker is dead:
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Before Batman comes in and revives Joker (and gives him mouth to mouth...yuck). Nightwing walks away in guilt, and Batman lets him go saying that “he has to face what he’s done.” Nightwing holes himself up in his apartment, staring at pictures of Barbara before her accident, and of Jason. 
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And that is the whole sad story. 
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galaxymagitech · 11 hours ago
Unconventional Love Languages of the Batfam
Bruce: Trust (he’s a paranoid control freak—so letting go of that for his children’s wellbeing is huge for him)
Dick: Hypocritical advice (he wants his loved ones to have a better life than him)
Jason: Revenge (this causes issues when Bruce’s love language is not revenge)
Tim: Change (the unhealthy version is that Tim is a chameleon who warps himself into the boy that his loved ones want him to be; the healthier version is that he’s willing to reevaluate beliefs that he’s normally completely set in for those he loves)
Damian: Respect (he was taught by his Grandfather, after all)
Steph: Arguing (if she argues with you, that means she cares about your opinion—otherwise she’ll just ignore whatever you say)
Cass: Weakness (she always has to be perfect, unless she loves and trusts you—letting down her guard is huge)
Barbara: Brutal, brutal honesty (it’s a sign of respect for you as a person)
Duke: Information (if he doesn't care about you, you're on a need to know basis, but if he does care about you, you'll get plenty of updates)
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waitingforthet · 20 hours ago
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Check my Patreon out if you’d like to support the comic, even a little bit helps. Or just to check out the reward tiers, there’s some neat bonus stuff and I tried to make them fun: https://www.patreon.com/waitingforthet
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loislanespal · 16 hours ago
Oh Babs…
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Batgirl (2000) #48
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Batgirl does not know how to deal with it sometimes-
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rootbeerrex · 3 days ago
Hmmmmmm maybe we don't call what happened to Babs "the accident." The joker shot her. It wasn't an accident. I feel like people only say that because it's the only context they understand disability in. I know I'm being nitpickey but I need people to stop being weird about Babs' paralysis. If I see this again I am going to start calling Jason Todd's death "the accident."
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