#avengers as a family
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morgangalaxy43 · 7 months ago
The Avengers 2012 era was the best time ever in the fandom
Thor loves pop tarts, Clint lived in the vents, Bruce and Tony did science together, Steve was the mom friend of the team and did art in his free time, Natasha was cool aunt of the team, Loki was there too and a bunch of other characters like Peter, Sam, Bucky, Vision and Wanda all lived in the Avengers tower together
It was a much simpler time where everyone in the fandom was chill and having fun together
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mischievous-thunder · 6 months ago
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And then the two princes saved the world and moved in together to start a new family with their adopted daughter and a dog. The end.
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waltermis · 10 months ago
Are You Kidding Me?
*Vision and Y/N heading out for a mission*
Wanda: Vision
Vision: Yes, Ma'am?
Wanda: Be back in time for dinner.
Vision: Uh, yes, Ma'am
*They leave*
Wanda: I'm so sorry you had to see that
Natasha: See what?
Wanda: The way we just snapped at each other.
Natasha: Are you kidding?
Wanda: *sigh* Obviously Vision and I are going through one hell of a rough patch
Natasha: If I talked to Y/N that nicely, she would think I'm cheating on her
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months ago
Bruce: We have everything under control.
Alfred: Is that why everything is on fire?
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Bruce: When do you usually go to sleep? Tony: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.
Thor: I have nothing to do with your terrible sleep schedule.
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fantasticgothicpeachsludge · 2 months ago
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I think they should let Magneto radicalize him
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stxar-pvnk · 3 months ago
Tony: kid, stark industries is trying to cut back on costs, something about spending millions of dollars on hello kitty merch isn't sustainable?? Anyways we'll have to cut back on a few things in the tower to be an example to the others for a few weeks and-what are you guys doing.
Peter clutching his Capri suns: don't you dare.
Thor not so subtly about to knock tony out with his hammer so he can keep his poptarts
Steve sobbing into his shield complaining how he doesn't want to go back to the depression without sugar: my ma wouldn't have allowed this..
Clint scratching on the marble floors as Bruce holds him down so he can't grab his arrows: I NEED MY ARROWS IM NOT GOING BACK TO SUCTION NERF ARROWS.
Natasha already stashing stuff to use it as gambling chips when the coffee runs out (it will be Tonys fault).
Happy: I'm not driving that kid without those fucking caprisuns.
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satxnsupreme666 · 4 months ago
You don’t know her: Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Pairing: Agatha Harkness x fem!reader, platonic!Mothers!WandaNat x fem!reader, platonic!Avengers x fem!reader
Summary: You’re an avenger and you’re dating Agatha Harkness, but none of the avengers know that, Wanda and Natasha are the ones who are more worried since you´re like their daughter, so all of them make a reunion to know who’s your secret date and they decide to spy on you, what will happen when they discover that you’re dating a “villain”?
Warnings: Slight angst, apart from that pure fluff.
Word count: 13.4K
Author’s note: Hello again! Alright so in this story Thanos never happened, the Avengers never split up and Wanda and Natasha are like your mothers
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
I hope you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance
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  "Are you going out again? “Natasha asked you from her spot in the chair, her question made that everyone else who was sitting around the table lifted their heads to look at you, many eyes were on you waiting for an answer.
"Yes, I’m going to meet a friend” You said trying to sound as calm as possible.
“And who is this friend of yours? Do you know this friend of her kid?” Tony asked Peter whose head eagerly shook.
“I have friends outside here, why are you interrogating me?” You asked with a frown, but you didn’t want to seem suspicious so you quickly changed that frown into a smile.
“We just want to make sure you’re alright” Said Wanda who was sitting next to Natasha, Wanda nodded her head and she looked at you with an expectant look on her face.
“Well, you do not have to worry about that, because I’m alright” You said with a smile in your face, that wasn’t a lie, you were doing really fine, more than fine actually.
“So, then, tell us, who is this friend of yours?” Natasha inquired while she raised one of her eyebrows, you tried to calm yourself, you didn’t want to lie to Nat, but you had to, you couldn’t tell them who you were going to meet because you knew how they would react, you really hated lying to Nat and to Wanda, but this time you didn’t have any other option.
You really couldn’t tell them her name, she was not even your friend, you were going to see Agatha your girlfriend, but you knew they were not too keen on her, you really couldn’t tell them if you wanted to, so you had to come up with a fake name, but why it was suddenly too hard to think of a name? Everyone around the table looked at you patiently waiting for an answer, Tony was crossing his arms with a frown on his face, Natasha was raising an eyebrow, You could see Peter’s expression full of curiosity, Wanda was frowning and her hands were on the table, you were sure she was trying to read your mind, but thanks to your powers you were able to stop her from entering into your mind, you were glad about that.
“Her name is Agnes” You blurted out; you really hoped the believed you.
“What is her last name?” Natasha asked, what were you supposed to say? If you came up with a fake one and they found out there was an actual person with that name, they would investigate that person, you had to think of something else.
“I won’t tell you because everything you will do will be to look for her on social media and try to hack into her accounts, and just so you know she doesn’t have any social media, but still, I won’t tell you, also It’s getting really late and I have to meet her, see you later” You quickly walked away from them and went straight to the lift, leaving them with more questions than answers.
“Do you know who’s Agnes kid?”  Asked Tony when you left the room.
“No Mr. Stark, I don’t know, I’m surprised I don’t even know about this girl, she tells me everything, but now the only thing she told me was that she had met someone at the library some months ago” Peter said recalling what had happened.
“Some months ago!? When were you planning on telling us?” Natasha snarled; Peter just blinked a little before speaking again.
“I didn’t think it was important at the time” Peter explained, he never really thought too much about it.
“Alright but, you could have told us that y/n had met someone, we just want to make sure she’s alright, we just realized that she’s dating someone a few weeks ago thanks to Steve, and now she’s not telling us about this secret person” Natasha kept saying and her girlfriend Wanda agreed with her, that was true, they just wanted to make sure you were alright.
“Did you catch a glimpse of who could it be?” Natasha asked her girlfriend a second later.
“No, she was blocking me, she didn’t let me, she’s really good at it, now she blocks her mind almost all the time, she really doesn’t want us to know who’s this girl, but I don’t understand why?” Wanda asked with a frown, you didn’t use to keep secrets from them.
“Maybe because last time you intimidated the last girl she was seeing, she didn’t talk to y/n again, because she told y/n that you scared the shit out of her and she didn’t want to have problems with the Avengers?” Peter reasoned
“Language!” Said Steve who was entering to the dining room
“That was different kid, that girl was suspicious” Tony argued, he had been there when they went to look for you because you weren’t answering your phone and they were too worried about you.
“He’s right Peter, that girl was too suspicious, the day we went to look for y/n and her at that coffee shop we found that girl searching for something in y/n’s back-pack” Wanda nodded, Nat was right, that girl was really weird and when they told you about what they had seen, you had felt really bad, you thought that girl was different.
“Fair enough” Said Peter and Tony, Natasha and Wanda nodded at the same time.
“Did she leave again? This is the fourth time in a week” Steve commented while he took a sit next to Wanda and Natasha.
“The fourth time? I thought this was the second time, two days ago I found her talking to someone on the phone and when I walked closer to her to listen to what she was saying she quickly stopped talking, I asked her who she was talking to and she just told me ‘No one’ and with that she quickly left” Natasha recalled the events of some days ago.
“Last Monday when Bucky and I went for some snacks and we were driving down the street a few blocks away from here, we saw y/n coming out from a black car, we supposed it was one of her friends from college but, now that you’re talking about this, it was really weird to see that car parked a few blocks away from here, why wouldn’t she just decided to leave y/n here at the front of the building?” Now that Steve thought about it he really found it really strange, what were you hiding?
“Why didn’t you tell us that Steve? None of her friends from college owns a car” Natasha said while standing from her sit to grab a drink from the fridge
“Miss Romanoff´s right we always take the bus or we just walk” Peter rushed to say
“Could it be that this 'Agnes’ was the one who drove her?” This time Wanda was asking, they were not sure why all this secrecy about this girl.
“Maybe it was one of our professors who drove her here” Peter interrupted; it could be that.
“What do you mean Peter?” Wanda squinted her eyes at him, what was that supposed to mean?
Everyone there turned their heads to look at him
“Well there’s this English professor, her name’s Dottie and I’ve seen the way she looks at y/n, Ned and I share that class with y/n and we’ve seen how professor Dottie comes looking for her or the way she speaks to her, she´s always attentive with y/n, Ned says Mrs. Dottie really likes y/n,  one day I was talking with y/n in the hall when classes finished and Mrs. Dottie came to where we were and she asked y/n if she needed a lift, maybe Mrs. Dottie asked her that on Monday and y/n agreed, because last Monday she left early because she said she had to go to the library, but that she would come back a little later to the tower, maybe that´s why you saw her on Monday” Peter said recalling what had happened on Monday.
"Are you saying that this woman, who’s y/n’s professor flirts with her?” Natasha was shocked just as everyone else in the room.
“I wouldn’t say that, y/n always says that she’s just being nice to her, also you know she’s the best of her class, teachers like her”
“Peter, there’s one big difference between being nice and being a flirt with someone” Natasha told him, she was shocked, why hadn’t you told her or Wanda what had been going on? Wanda sensed her girlfriend´s state and she put her hand on Natasha´s shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.
“What if she’s dating her professor and she just doesn’t want us to find out?” Steve asked, he couldn’t believe it, you were not the one to keep secrets.
“Is y/n dating one of her professors?” A surprised voice was heard from the door and everyone saw Scott Lang standing there.
“We don’t know that yet, but what if she’s dating her?” Wanda asked to everyone with a concerned look on her face.
“Well that would be really cool, right? Isn’t it what everyone wishes? To date one of their teachers? Good for her” Scott commented while he sat down next to Steve, Scot had a grin on his face while he moved his hands.
Everyone around the table looked at him with a serious look on their faces; Natasha, Wanda, Tony and Steve had an annoyed expression on their faces.
“What? No? Is it not good? No? Well then not good for her?” Scott tried to change what he had said.
Peter couldn’t help himself and he laughed at Scott.
“I just thought that maybe, every young person had the fantas-”
“Please stop, just, stop” Said Wanda with a frown on her face.
Tony took off his glasses and he brought his free hand to rub his face a little.
“Alright, alright I’m sorry” Lang said while lifting his hands in the air.
“I don’t really think that y/n’s been dating Mrs. Dottie” Peter suddenly said to the others, his hand on his chin as he seemed to be thinking about that possibility.
“Why do you think that Peter?” Wanda and Natasha rushed to ask, they were really concerned about you, they just didn’t want that someone would play with you, they really loved you and if someone broke your heart Natasha and Wanda would make sure that person never forget what they did to you.
“I just don’t think y/n is into her, she always declines Mrs. Dottie apologetically and never stays too long talking to her”
“What if y/n does that so that no one in her class suspects about what is going on between them, what if it is just an alibi to make everyone believe they don’t have something going on between them?” Scott nodded and looked at everyone with a smirk.
“I think you watch too much TV Lang” Tony said shaking his hand
“Maybe you’re right” Scot said with a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Alright, alright, what can we do now? y/n’s not going to tell us who’s this person she’s been seeing” Steve said while he put both of his arms on the table.
“We need to do something to know who she’s dating, we don’t know nothing about this person, what if this girl just wants to take advantage of her? What if she’s evil and wants to manipulate y/n? There are many possibilities, what if it’s an infiltrated of Hydra? We have to keep y/n safe” Steve was serious, everyone could see his expression, when it came to you, everything was important for everyone, you were important for them, you were the youngest one and you were part of their family.
“That’s what we’ve been saying Steve, but she even blocks her mind when Wanda’s around” Natasha placed her hand on Wanda’s knee.
“What if we follow to one of her dates, like an undercover operation” Scott shrugged and he raised his eyebrows, everyone in the room lifted ther heads to look at him with a shocked expression on their faces.
“What? No? I just thought that maybe-”
“That’s actually an amazing idea” Steve agreed with him and Scott couldn’t hide his excitement that the Captain America had liked his idea.
“He’s right, we can follow her the next time she goes out again, but we have to plan everything, we can start now that she´s not here, Scott, we will need your help in this, would you like to help?” Natasha looked straight into his eyes waiting for an answer.
“You scare me a lot, but I´m on it, this is so exciting, I want to know who y/n´s secret date is, is like trying to guess who´s your secret Santa, but with someone else´s relationship” Scott started to talk his excitement was visible.
“Yes right? I want to be part of this too” Peter told while looking at Tony
“I´m not sure, can you keep the secret?” Tony asked him with a serious look on his face
“I promise Mr. Stark I won´t say a thing about spying on y/n´s date, maybe we can put a name to this mission like-“
“Operation little widow? Little witch?” Scott interrupted and Peter´s eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows.
“What about operation Little Widow-witch?”  Peter asked with a grin on his face.
“That sounds amazing, now that we have a name for this operation, we can start planning this” Lang leant on the table and he placed his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands.
“Alright but why did you name this Operation Little Widow-witch?” Natasha inquired and Wanda squinted her eyes to look at him with a curious expression.
“Isn´t it obvious? You treat Y/n like she´s your daughter, she´s always wandering around you two as if she was your daughter, also she has powers similar to Wanda´s, the only difference is that she still can´t read minds, also Nat you have trained her a lot, she knows everything about combat thanks to you, you´re like her daughter” Scott said as a matter of fact while shrugging, it was obvious for him.
Nat and Wanda smiled at each other when they heard this, he was right, the three of you acted like that, when they rescued you from Hydra agents  when you were just thirteen, they got attached to you and you to them, you loved everyone, of course everyone was your family but you felt really attached to the two of them, Wanda and Nat had taken you under their wing, Wanda helped you to control your powers, you had improved a lot, but still there was a part of you that refused to read other people´s mind, you weren’t sure why you couldn’t do it, but Wanda was sure it was something deep inside you that wasn’t letting you, but she knew that with time and with her help and the help of her girlfriend Nat, you were going to be able to do it.
When Natasha saw you for the first time you looked so scared, they had experimented on you and they had treated you like you were nothing, you had trust issues and you were so scared to even look at them that it broke Natasha´s heart, she just wanted to protect you just like Wanda, when you used to have nightmares, and still from time to time you had them, but at the start you used to suffer alone, you didn’t let anyone near you, Natasha and Wanda tried to get closer to you, they wanted to help you, but you didn’t let them, until one day, when you had a nightmare and they were surprised when you knocked on their door and you told them how you felt, of course they let you in, and since that day you knew you were safe with them, you really loved them, they were your home.
Natasha and Wanda felt a little heartbroken because you used to tell them everything, you even told them when you started to like someone and you were not sure what to do, the two of them always tried to help you and they always supported you, they would never judge you and you knew that, and they couldn’t help but feel conflicted, they just wanted to make sure no one would hurt you.
“Alright let plan this, I just, I don´t want that she ends up hurt again” Wanda said and Natasha took her hand on hers, she caressed the back of her girlfriend´s hand with her thumb.
“We will make sure she doesn’t get hurt Wands” Natasha said to her with a loving look on her face
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You entered to the nice and beautiful coffee shop, you had to take a taxi to arrive faster, it was already late and you didn’t want to take more time by taking the bus.
Entering to the cozy place you saw your girlfriend sitting in one of the chairs that was behind a table next to the window, you quickly came to her and when she saw you Agatha´s face lit up.
“I´m sorry I´m this late, Nat, Wanda and Tony kept interrogating me about who I was coming to see” You said to your girlfriend with an apologetically look on your face, Agatha stood up from the chair to hug you and you hugged her back, she smelled your perfume and she loved it, you felt Agatha´s hand stroking your hair in a soft way, when you separated from her a little Agatha placed both of her hands on your waist and you gave her a soft peck on her lips, your hands were on her shoulders, you really loved her so much.
“It´s alright doll, you do not have to worry” Agatha reassured you and she took your hand to guide you to your seat; she pulled the chair out for you to sit and you smiled, Agatha was really attentive to you and you loved it, you sat in the chair and Agatha went to her seat in front of you, Agatha took your hand in hers and she started to caress the back of your hand with her thumb, you felt so happy with her, you really wished you could tell everyone you were her girlfriend, but you knew how everyone in the team was going to react, and you knew how Nat and Wanda would react, they would be so angry and you didn’t want that, you were conflicted on what do.
“What´s wrong doll?” You were distracted by her question and you saw the concerned look on her face, the moment you see her worried look you felt like crying.
“It´s alright my love, it´s alright” Agatha stood up from her seat and she came next to you, you moved a little to the right so that she could sit next to you, you felt her arm hugging you by your waist and she pulled you closer to her, she rested her free hand on your face and you instantly leant into her, you hid your face into the crook of her neck and you let the tears roll down your eyes, you couldn’t hold them anymore.
“It´s just that I don´t want to hide what we have, and I don´t want to keep lying to Nat and Wanda, and the others, I feel so bad for hiding, but, I don´t know what else to do, I know how they´re going to react if they know about us, and I don´t want to lose you” You sobbed into her neck and Agatha rubbed your back with her hand.
“I know doll, I know how you feel and you don´t know how much it hurts me to see you like this, this is my fault, for what I did in my past now you´re suffering, I don´t want to lose you either, you´re the best that happened to me, I just want you to be with me and I know that if your family finds out that you´re with me, they will be really mad, but sweetheart I don´t mind hiding with you, I love you and that won´t change, and the fact that we have to hide doesn’t bother me, you´re everything I need, I just wish I could make you feel better, I want to make you happy” You were really in love with her, you had fallen for her, but how couldn’t you? She was so sweet and kind to you, she always treated you with so much love and you loved it, you loved her. Agatha brought her hand to your face and she wiped your tears away.
“It´s not your fault, also you´ve changed, you´re not the same you used to be, I want to tell them, to tell them that you´ve changed, and that you make me really happy but” You paused thinking about your next words, the soft touch of Agatha on your face helped you to calm yourself, her touch was soothing.
“But you know they´re not going to believe you” Agatha finished your sentence in soft-spoken way and you nodded against her shoulder, she was right, you were sure they were not going to believe you and they were not going to trust you.
You sighed and moved yourself way from her a little to look at her face, she had a sad look on her face and you didn’t like it, you knew she felt guilty because of what she had done, but she wasn´t that person anymore, it was not her fault, in the past everybody was afraid of her and people had isolated her, she just wanted power because it was what it made her feel she was in control of everything, she was hurt and you knew now she regretted everything she had done, but she wasn’t that person anymore, and you knew she would never hurt you or your family, you completely love her, and you really didn’t want to lose what you two had, you were so in love with Agatha.
“I love you so much, and I wished everyone could see that you’re not the same person you used to be, you´re so much more than your past” Agatha smiled at you, she loved you so much, you were her entire life, you were her light, and the most important thing is that you saw her for who she really was, you didn’t care about her past mistakes, you understood her in a whole different way that no one had done it before, you were so amazing and you didn’t care for what she had done, Agatha knew you loved her no matter what, Agatha didn’t want to lose you.
“You don´t know how much I love you y/n, you mean the world to me, if hiding means that we get to keep our relationship, I will hide with you, no matter what my love, I love you so much” You felt so loved, she made you really happy, you just wanted this to last forever, she took your face in her hands and she pressed a kiss to your lips, it was a soft kiss, her lips moved against yours, her skin was so soft and you could smell her perfume all over her, it was a mix of vanilla and a cinnamon scent, you loved it, her breath was hot and you felt it against your skin, her hands romanced through your lower back until finally she placed them on your waist.
When you broke the kiss due to the lack of air, you smiled at her and she could see the loving expression on her eyes, her eyes were beaming with joy and you were sure yours too.
“Do you want to order now? I know we have little time to spend together, but I love having these dates with you, this coffee is so amazing, I´m so glad you took me here on our first date, is my favorite place now” You said to her while you caressed the skin of her neck.
“I love these dates too doll, I love the time we spend together, it doesn’t matter if we just get to spend little time, I enjoy it and I treasure every moment I pass with you, let´s order my love” Agatha said while she softly stroked your head with her right hand, you nodded and she pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
The evening passed with you and Agatha sharing the slices of cake you had ordered, she had ordered a slice of cheesecake and you ordered your favorite one, between laughs and stories about your day and questions of what the other had done in the two days you didn’t see each other, you passed hours there.
“You want some more baby girl?” Agatha asked you pointing to her coffee on the table, you nodded and you took the mug and took a sip, it was really good, you loved that you and her shared what you ordered, it was something that you enjoyed doing with her, it reminded you that the little actions showed how much you loved each other.
A beeping sound distracted you from the special moment and you felt sad, it was your alarm what had sounded, you took your phone out and you saw the hour on the screen of your phone, it was 6:00 pm already, the three hours passed so quickly.
“It feels like we just passed one hour and a half together” You said with a sad look on your face.
“I know baby girl, it´s not enough but we can meet again whenever you want, you know that and we can keep texting or making phone calls, I love your voice, so I prefer phone calls” She reassured you, she was right, you could keep meeting in the next days, just like you´ve been doing for the past months.
“It´s pretty late doll, I will take you to your home” She asked for the bill to the waitress and then she gave the money to the young woman.
“But what if they see us?” You asked with a worried look on your face, you weren´t sure if they will be waiting for you or looking through the large windows waiting for the exact moment when you arrived.
“They won´t and I won´t let that you go alone at this hour, I don´t want anything to happen to you” Agatha saw you were going to argue back but she softly pressed a finger on your lips.
“I know that you can perfectly defend yourself baby girl, but I will feel better if I´m the one who takes you home, alright?” You smiled and you just nodded, you really loved her so much.
Agatha stood from her sit and she stretched her hand out for you to take it, you happily took her hand and you walked outside the coffee shop, she guided you to where she had parked her car and then she opened the door for you to enter.
“Thank you so much” You said to her while she held the door open for you and your girlfriend waited until you were sitting inside to close the door.
“Put the seatbelt on doll” You quickly nodded and you did what she told you to do, Agatha did the same and she smiled at you.
You wished the car ride would have been longer, but sadly it lasted just fifteen minutes, Agatha parked the car some blocks behind your home, the same spot she had parked last Monday, Agatha sighed and she turned her head to look at you, she took your hand in hers and you smiled at her.
“I will see you in two days alright?” Agatha asked you and you nodded.
“Can we meet again at the same coffee shop? I want to try the lemon cheesecake this time” Agatha giggled and she nodded
“Alright doll, at the same coffee shop I´ll see you, the same hour?” She asked you never dropping your hand.
“Yes, at the same hour” You smiled and gave her a last kiss, you didn’t want the kiss to end but you had to go, breaking the kiss you gave a last squeeze to Agatha´s hand and with that you opened the car door to get out of it, you waved your hand at her and gave her one last smile, you started to walk to your home and Agatha stayed there watching you, she didn’t leave until she was sure you had entered to the building, when she saw you had already entered she finally left, she was waiting to meet you again in two days.
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 "Mr. Stark, Miss y/n has entered the building” Friday announced
“She has arrived! She will be entering at any moment” Yelled Peter while he started to panic, he took some papers in his hands from the table and he put them inside his backpack.
“Alright, alright everyone, act as if we weren’t planning something, I will go to the couch, someone turn the tv on!” Scott said while he went to throw himself in the couch, Peter ran after him and he did the same, he threw himself in the other couch and he turned the big tv on.
Wanda and Natasha just looked at each other with and amused expression on their faces, they clearly didn’t know how to hide something.
Tony just rolled his eyes and Steve shook his head; they just hoped you didn’t notice anything.
Steve walked to the fridge to take a bottle of cold water while Wanda and Natasha walked towards the living room and they sat side by side, Natasha passed her arm around Wanda’s shoulders and Wanda rested her head on Nat’s chest.
Peter put on a movie and they started to watch what played on the screen; They heard the door of the lift being opened letting them know that you had arrived.
You slowly walked out of the lift and you went to the kitchen to grab something to drink.
“I’m back” You announced a little shy, you hoped they wouldn’t bring the Agnes topic again.
“Oh, hey y/n we didn’t see you had just come” Peter’s voice came out a little too loud, you chuckled and didn’t mind him.
Steve was on the kitchen drinking some coffee and you went to the fridge to take a bottle of cold water.
“There’s still hot coffee in there if you want some kid” He told you pointing to the coffee machine
“Oh no thank you, I think had too much coffee” You said to him while you took out one bottle out from the fridge.
“Oh really? What type of coffee did you have?” Steve asked nonchalantly before taking a big sip of his coffee.
On the other side of the table was Tony reading a magazine acting as if he wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying.
“I had a cappuccino” You calmly answered before drinking some of your water.
“Great, cappuccinos are really great” Steve commented and you smiled at him, he was right.
“What are you watching?” You asked when you arrived at the living room.
“Oh, hi Scott, I didn’t know you were here” You smiled at the man when you noticed he was sitting in one of the couches.
“Hey y/n, I came here over an hour ago, but I think it will be better if I go now, Hope won’t like if I don’t arrive early, so, it would be better if I just leave, I can come back another day” He quickly stood from his place at the couch and you nodded at him.
“Bye Scott, say Hi to Hope and Cassie for me, would you?”
“Sure, maybe next time they’ll come with me, they miss you” You felt your heart melting at that, Hope’s a really cool and badass person, you really liked talking to her about different types of technology and Cassie always made you laugh with her jokes, she was so much like his father, the three of them were a really nice family.
“I miss them too” You answered and Scott smiled back at you, he said his good-byes at everyone after leaving.
“Do you want to sit here y/n?” Natasha asked you while patting the empty spot on the couch next to her.
“Of course” You nodded and she smiled at you, Natasha missed passing time with you, lately you were busy with homework and now you used to go out many times a week, she was proud of you, of the confident person you had grown to be, but she still missed to comfort you when you had a nightmare, Wanda felt the same, she missed you as well, she was happy that you felt good enough to hang out, but she missed when you would ask them if they wanted to go with you to buy something, they were really happy for you, but at the same time they were worried, they didn´t want that someone hurt you.
Natasha remembered that time of that girl that used to date you, that awful girl who just invited you out because she had wanted to know the black widow, she was obsessed with her and that girl had hurt you, it had broken her heart the look on your face when you told her she had just asked you out to see if you she could get near Natasha, you had cried for days.
Wanda read her girlfriend´s thoughts and she gave Nat a knowing look she used her powers to say to Natasha that they would do everything they could to protect you, Nat heard this in her mind and she nodded, you took sit next to Nat and she placed her arm around your shoulders, you rested your head on her shoulder, you missed passing time with them so this was recomforting, you really loved your family.
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Today was Sunday, two days after you had gone out and Wanda noticed you were preparing your backpack on your room, so she assumed you were going to go out again, she quickly told Natasha this and Natasha said to Tony that you were going out again, he quickly called Scott.
“Scott, Operation Little Widow-witch will take place today, can you come here now?” Asked Tony on the phone, he nodded and then he hung up.
“What did he say?” Natasha eagerly asked.
“He´s coming, we need to do something before y/n´s leaves the tower, where is she?” Tony asked with wide eyes, he just hoped you hadn’t left yet.
“Mr. Stark, y/n just entered to the lift” Peter said in a hurry
“Alright, alright I will make the engines stop, this can give us some time until Scott arrives”
Suddenly they heard a buzzing sound and then Scott appear out of thin air in front them.
“Wow, those flying ants are really fast” Scott was in his usual Ant-man suit
"Alright Scott so, you have everything you need?” Tony eyed him while he asked him
“Yes, I have the camera here, Hope did a great job with this, she also told me to give you this, with this thing you will be able to see what I’m seeing, and to hear what I’m hearing” Lang handed them a small screen and a mic
“The mic is for you to talk to me; I will be able to hear you” His excitement was visible.
“We will be watching everything from here, good luck Scott, and thank you” Wanda told him and he nodded
“She’s waiting inside the lift, go Scott” Tony said to him and Lang nodded again, he made himself small again, he called the flying ant back to take him to you, and when he was closer enough the lift, he jumped off the ant and entered to the lift through the gap under the metal door.
He saw you there standing in the middle of it waiting for the lift to start working again, he used one of his hooks to clip himself to your backpack, step one had been a success.
Meanwhile Natasha, Wanda, Tony and Steve were watching everything on the Screen they had, they weren’t waiting for anything to happen until the hear a ring, the recognized it was your phone, they couldn’t watch at all since Scott was hanging on your backpack, but they knew someone had called you, but they were eager to know what you´ll say.
“Hi! Yes, I´m already in the lift, so I will be arriving there in Fifteen minutes, yes, I will walk safely, love you too, see you there”
Everyone was shocked, have you told this person you loved them? They were right that you were not seeing just a friend.
You left the building and you walked through the streets, after minutes of walking you finally arrived at the coffee shop, there you saw Agatha’s car and walked past it, Scott who was hanging on your backpack, his camera on his suit focused a black car.
“That´s the car Bucky and I saw y/n stepping out of it last Monday” Steve commented while looking at the same car that had brought you days ago, Natasha would have liked to see the vehicle´s license plate number, but you walked closer and Scott was trying not to fall to the ground.
You walked faster and Scott didn’t get the time to hold your backpack stronger so he fell to the floor, the time he hit the floor he heard the sound glass breaking, that´s when he knew the camera had broken down.
“Scott, Scott we lost the image, are you alright?” Natasha quickly said to him into the microphone
“I know sorry about that and yes I´m alright, the fall wasn’t that bad” They heard the tiny man grunting
“Now Scott you will be our eyes and ears, tell us what you see” Steve told him after some minutes
"Got it captain” Scott replied  
He quickly got up from the floor and he ran down towards some stairs that led to the coffee shop, he entered to the coffee shop through the gap under the floor.
“Alright so she entered to this Coffee Shop called Westview, that’s a cool name, wow guys it’s really cool here, the lamps are so pretty, it reminds me of that places that  are announced in magazines where you can come here when you don’t want nobody to find you, this place is kind of hidden in the street, there were stairs to arrive here, guys oh my god, look at how many flowers are here, I hope there are no bees, wait I’ve never ridden a bee, change of plans I do Hope there are bees here”
Natasha rubbed her hands against her face and Wanda softly rubbed her arm trying to calm her down a little.
“Scott, please focus” Said Natasha and Steve at the same time
“Yes, sorry”
“Do you see y/n anywhere?”  Wanda asked into the mic.
“No guys, I can’t see anything from this- Wait, I’m seeing her right now, she’s hugging someone, but I can’t see well, I’ll have to go there wait” Scott started to run right towards the table you were in.
“I’m tired guys, this is too much” Said Scott out of breath from running.
“Alright guys, I’m here, I’ll have to climb up the sit, this is too exciting, Guys I bet 50 dollars that’s her professor” Scott said
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“I’m really sorry, the lift stopped working for some minutes and I had to wait until it worked again, sorry for making you wait" You said to Agatha with a worried look on your face
“It’s alright doll, I’m glad you made it here, how’s everything at home?” She asked you while holding your hands
“Doll?” Scott muttered to himself, of course everyone who was in the compound listened what he said.
“Doll?” Everyone in the tower repeated, Natasha frowned and looked at Wanda, Steve, Tony and Peter exchanged confused stares.
“Scott what’s going on?” Wanda rushed to ask him
“Well, for what I heard, this woman calls y/n doll, and she asked her about how things are at home”
“Definitely that’s not Mrs. Dottie, she doesn’t call y/n like that” Commented Peter who was now more curious about this woman
“So, what exactly could have y/n told her about things here at home? That means that she Talks about us, right?” Wondered Tony while he put his hand to his chin.
“Guys shut up for a moment, there’s a lot of voices, I can’t hear what they’re talking about, I will climb up the table, to have a better look, wait” He told them while he tried to go up the table.
“Things are fine, Peter is staying for some days at the tower and it’s pretty cool, I like showing him many different new songs I discover,  Wanda and Nat are alright too, we watched a movie the other day, I really love them, and I’m glad they haven’t asked anything about you, you know  about where I go out, I really don’t like when I lie to them, it makes me feel bad, last time I told them I was going to meet 'Agnes’” You giggled a little remembering the name you had given.
“Agnes?” Agatha laughed at that.
“Yes, you known it’s sort of your name and your last name combined, kind of, I didn’t come up with something else, I panicked” you laughed at that
“It’s alright baby girl, that was smart, I’m glad they haven’t asked anything else” She said to you with a soft smile on her face.
Scott was hiding under the table in a crack on the wooden table with a shocked expression on his face and his hand was covering his mouth.
“Guys, you won’t believe this, the name 'Agnes’ she told you isn’t a real name” He said with wide eyes
“Oh my god, I knew it!” said Natasha closing her eyes
“Scott, quickly you need to see who’s there with y/n” Wanda said into the microphone.
“Yes, yes, I’m on that wait a little” Scott started to walk through the metal bars of the table ready to jump onto the table,
"Are you alright doll? You know you can tell me everything” She brought one of your hands to her lips and she kissed the back of it.
“I know, it’s just that I really love spending time with you and just like the other day I told you, I feel awful about, I feel awful that we have to hide, I really wish you could come with me to the tower,  I want that they get to know the real you, I want to be able to tell Nat and Wanda how much you make me happy, I want to tell ask them many things about a relationship I want to, but I know I can’t” You said closing your eyes
“It’s alright baby girl, I understand everything, You don’t have to feel guilty, I know that they’re not going to take this well, and I can’t blame them, After what I did, it’s understandable they wouldn’t trust me, and yes I don’t like at all that I have to hide your my girlfriend, I love you so much and I would love to take you to many different places, I would love to do many things with you, but I know we can’t, and if that means-”
“If that means we can keep seeing each other it’s alright” You finished her sentence
After listening that Scott felt a little guilty for spying on you, but this was not the time to back off, he thought, he had a mission to accomplish; Scott arrived at the top of the table and his sight was being covered by a mug.
“Oh, c'mon” Said Scott lifting his hands in the air.
“What’s going?” Tony tasked him.
“There was a mug covering the sight, but now I’m able to-”
Scott gasped and everyone there started to panic, have you noticed him? What if you have noticed this.
“Scott what’s going on?” Steve asked with a worried tone.
“Lang? Lang? Are you there?” Natasha asked taking the mic into her hands
“Mr. Lang?* Asked Peter coming next to Natasha.
"Scott what the hell happened?” Tony came rushing to Peter’s side
“Scott this is not the time for games, this is important” Wanda quickly came next to Natasha’s side.
“SHHHHHH! Everybody shut up” Scott hissed after some seconds and everyone felt silent, it felt like hours but it had just happened two minutes
“Promise, you won’t freak out” He asked them into his microphone.
“What is it Lang” Wanda’s accent was thick; she was clearly annoyed.
“Guys you have to promise you won’t freak out” The tiny man asked again, Natasha was clearly annoyed and she was about to say something back to him, but Peter took the mic from her hands.
“I’m sorry Miss Romanoff” Peter whispered
“We promise we won’t freak out" Said Peter to Scott
“Alright, alright, here we go” Scott took a deep breath and he blinked several times
“You remember that witch who tried to take Wanda’s powers three years ago?”
Scott had to take the earphone out of his ear because a sharp sound hit him, it was too loud as if something had shattered against the floor, when he put it back into his ear, he didn’t hear anything for minutes, everything was silent.
“Um, guys? Hello? Did my microphone break? What’s wrong with this thing?” He decided to sat at in the plate under the mug, and he started to check his Equipment.
A loud crash made you jump a little in your seat.
“y/n!?” You knew that voice, you knew very well that voice, your eyes went wide open, Natasha’s voice was clearly worried but you were sure she was really mad as well.
How did they find you? This was wrong, this was what you tried to avoid for the past months, this was all wrong, you knew they would come for Agatha so you quickly stood up from your seat and placed yourself next to Agatha.
You saw a really angry Natasha with her black suit on, Wanda was clearly mad too, her eyes and hands were glowing red, Steve was on his Captain America suit just as well as Tony was in his Iron man suit, they were all coming towards the two of you.
“Y/n, come here, stay away from her” Wanda told you when she was close enough to you, her accent was really strong, you knew she was really, really mad, her eyes glowing red and Natasha was next to her with her hand on her hip, she was ready to take her gun out at any moment.
“No” You firmly said but, on the inside, you were shaking, you were terrified, you didn’t want them to hurt Agatha.
“What do you mean no?” Natasha frowned, oh she looked so annoyed.
“It means I’m staying here with her” You said with a lot of courage
“It’s alright doll you don’t need to-”
“Don’t ever call her like that again!” You heard Wanda saying to her
“Don’t hurt her, she’s done nothing wrong” You quickly said back to Wanda
“She’s evil, don’t you know what she did years ago?” Natasha argued and her hands squeezed into fists.
“She has changed! She’s not like that anymore” You huffed, running your hand through your hair.
“She’s manipulating you, I bet she just wants your powers” Wanda raised her chin
“That´s not true! I really love y/n” Said Agatha standing from her sit, she was not going to sit there just listening to them doubting her love for you.
“That’s not true!” Said Natasha coming closer to you, you were afraid of what could happen, you didn’t want Agatha and them getting into a fight.
“She tried to steal my powers, how are we not sure she wants to do the same to you y/n?” Wanda asked coming closer too.
“That was different, back at that time you didn’t even know how to control your powers, I just suggested you to give them to me, a more experienced witch” Agatha said back
“Agatha that´s not helping!” You yelled at her, you couldn’t believe it what she had just said, it was definitely not the right moment for that talk.
“I´m sorry, I´m sorry, but she´s right I´m not the same I used to be, I´ve changed and I truly love y/n, I would never do anything to hurt her” Agatha took your hand in hers giving it a soft squeeze.
“We can´t trust you” Steve grunted.
“They´re right, we can´t really trust you, so you better back off” Tony snapped while walking closer.
“How did you even find me?” You questioned them and, in that moment, Scott appeared out of nowhere in the sit in front of you.
“Scott? You followed me?” You didn’t believe it
“I´m sorry y/n” He said with a shy smile, and you saw in his hands were some earbuds, you were sure it was an intercom.
“Were you spying on me?” You felt betrayed, they have been overhearing everything.
“We did it because we wanted to be sure who you were seeing, we just don´t want that you get your heart broken!” Natasha said to you
“I think It would have been better if you had been seeing your English teacher and not her” You heard Ant-man saying pointing at your girlfriend.
“Mrs. Dottie?” You asked with a frown, why was he talking about her, more like, how did he know your English teacher.
“What is he talking about sweetheart?” Agatha asked you and she was about to put her hand on your shoulder.
“Don´t you dare touch her, I won´t say it again Agatha, back off” Wanda said her hands up in the air, you didn’t want them to fight.
“Agatha, it would be better If you leave, I´m really sorry about this, I didn’t want this to happen, but I don’t want that all of you get into a fight, please, I don´t want things to get worse, I love you”
You whispered to her, Agatha didn’t want to leave you alone, but you were right, If she stayed for now, things could get really messy.
“Alright love, you know I´ll never lose you, I will fight for you, don´t forget that I love you” You had wanted to kiss her, but you decided it wouldn’t be a good idea, you nodded and with a flick of her hand she disappeared into purple smoke.
Wanda and Natasha were glaring at you, Tony and Steve were had disappointed look on their faces and Scott, well he was sitting there eating some of the cookies on the white plate.
“I- I will see you back at the tower” You moved your hand and you disappeared.
You appeared back at the tower and you quickly took your phone out of your pocket to dial Agatha´s number.
“-Agatha, I´m so sorry, I- I didn’t know they were following us, I don´t know what they will do, I´m sure they will tell me to stop seeing you, but I don´t want that, I love you and-“
-It´s alright baby girl, try to calm down a little so you can talk to them, you do not have to worry, as I told you, I will fight for you, I love you y/n- You heard noises outside the room and you knew they had arrived.
-They´re here I have to hang up, but I love you too- You quickly hung up and you heard a rushed knock on your door.
"Y/n can you come here please? We’re worried” You heard Natasha’s voice behind your door.
You weren’t sure if you should open the door or not, but after minutes of thinking you decided to open the door; You did it slowly and when you fully opened the door, only Natasha and Wanda came into your room, the others waited in the living room.
You went to your bed to sat down and Natasha and Wanda sat by your sides, the three of you sat there in complete silence, Wanda was looking at the floor, Natasha was looking at you and you just simply stared at your fingers.
“She’s evil” Wanda suddenly said after minutes of complete silence
“That’s not true, she’s changed” You quickly said back at her, turning your head to face her.
“How are you so sure?” Wanda asked with an angry look on her face, her frustration kicked in.
“Because I know her, she’s changed, Agatha’s not the same she used to be” You said with tears in your eyes.
“I don’t trust her” Wanda said again
“I know, but you have to trust me, she’s different” You were almost pleading at this point, you looked at her right into her eyes and you could see the anger in her eyes.
“Where did you meet her?” Asked Natasha after some minutes of silence
“I met her at a bookstore, I kept coming back to the same bookstore and I always found her there, we hit it off and well, we started to see each other as friends at first, as I wasn’t sure, but I really felt drawn to her” You smiled at the memory of the first time you met her.
 "She’s Centuries older than you" Wanda hissed and this time you didn’t know what to say to her.
“You can’t keep seeing her” Wanda told you with a harsh tone, and you freaked out.
“What!? You can’t tell me who I can and I cannot see!” You rushed to say while you stood up from your bed and glared at Wanda.
“I can, because I know this is the best for you, she’s evil” You were going to say something but Natasha was faster
“Wanda’s right, this is the best for you, we can’t trust her” You had tears falling down your eyes and you wiped them away with your sleeve, you couldn’t believe this.
“This is not fair, I’m an adult, I can decide who I want to date” You were moving your hands in the air.
“You may be an adult but you clearly don’t know how to even take care of yourself, this is not up for you to decide, you can be in danger, you could have put us in danger y/n” Wanda said almost yelling.
“So, this is about you? What about me? She’s not the same, how many times do I have to tell you? She’s-
"Enough! We just want to keep you safe! Can’t you see that? She’s not good for you! What if she’s manipulating you? Your powers are really strong and you don’t know what you’re capable of, what if she’s just taking this chance to take them away from you?” Wanda had never yelled at you, you were sure Agatha wouldn’t do that, why couldn’t they just see that?
“This stays with me” Said Wanda and you frowned you didn’t understand her until she moved her hand and your phone appeared in her hand.
“Give it back to me, that’s mine” You came closer to her but Wanda used her powers to stop you.
“No, you will keep talking to her, and I won’t let that happen” Wanda argued
“This is not fair” You heart was breaking
“No, what’s not fair is that you put yourself in danger and you also could’ve put ourselves on danger” Wanda said with a really angry look, you looked at Natasha and she just shrugged.
“I’m sorry y/n but Wanda’s right“ Natasha looked apologetically.
"I will drive you to college and I will pick you up” Wanda said to you and they stood up from your bed to walk outside your bedroom.
Natasha hated to see you like this, with a heartbroken expression, they had never discussed with you and that mortified her.
“Wanda, don’t you think that was a little harsh, she was really upset” Said Natasha with a worried expression on her face
“I know it was harsh, but we don’t know Agatha’s real intentions, I don’t want her near y/n, I feel awful for speaking to y/n like this but, I really don’t want her to end up hurt, what if Agatha kidnaps her or something! I wouldn’t forgive myself if something like that happens Nat” Wanda hugged Natasha and the shorter woman rest her head on her chest.
“I don’t want that something happens to y/n I love her just like you, and I want to protect her too, but I just can’t stand seeing her like this, I wanted to hug her” Tears started to fall down Nat’s cheeks and Wanda quickly wiped them away.
“I know, I feel really awful but, I really want to protect her from her, I want to hug her too but, we can do it later alright? She can’t be mad at us forever.”
You couldn’t believe it! They had taken your phone with them, how were you supposed to talk to your girlfriend?  You were frustrated, you were angry, but you felt sad too, they hadn’t been fair to you or to Agatha but you understood why they weren’t keen on her, but why couldn’t they trust you? You needed a hug and you felt angrier because you wanted Agatha, Nat or Wanda to hug you, the first one you couldn’t hug her for obvious reasons, and the other two, you were angry at them, you just threw yourself in your bed and covered yourself with your blankets
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"It’s been six days; six days and she hasn’t talked to us Wanda!” Natasha had picked you up from college and all the ride back to the tower you didn’t talk to her, you just looked through the window.
“I know Nat, but what else can we do? She hasn’t talked to me yet; I’ve been trying to talk to her all week and she ignores me too”
“She hasn’t talked to me either” Commented Steve entering the kitchen, he was worried about you just like everyone else.
“I tried to approach her two days ago and she just stared at me with a blank expression and then just she left” Tony said with a drink in his hand.
“Also Peter told me that she doesn’t even talk at all during lectures anymore, he told me that Mrs. Dottie asked him if there was something going on with her” Tony said again, Natasha and Wanda were concerned, they weren’t expecting this, but what scared them the most was that you looked paler each day and you looked as if you hadn’t sleep at all.
“We have to fix this; I know is my fault but-” Wanda was cut off by someone
“Is not only your fault, we all agreed on this” Said Steve, but Wanda couldn’t help but blame herself.
“It’s alright, we will fix this” Natasha said while caressing her cheek with her hand.
 Wanda felt something vibrating in her pocket and she took your phone out of it, she saw a new message out of 50 messages and 45 missed calls, Wanda was surprised to see that.
“Agatha keeps sending messages to y/n and she keeps calling” She said putting the phone on the table.
“Let me see” Natasha took the phone in her hands and she quickly unlocked it, without the fingerprint.
“How did you do that?” Steve was astonished when he saw how Nat unlocked your phone without using the password or a fingerprint.
“Basic hacking skills” Natasha quickly answered and Tony smirked at Steve’s shocked face.
“You wouldn’t get it” Tony said to Steve and Wanda and Nat giggled at his comment.
“What does the messages say?” Steve was curious at what could Agatha send you.
“Well, there’s a lot of 'How are you feeling?’ 'Are you alright doll?” 'Why aren’t you answering the phone? I’m really worried about you’ “ Natasha told them and she felt bad, what if Agatha was really concerned about you?
"What if she’s really not bad anymore?” Bruce asked while leaning against the doorframe, he really saw how much you had been affected for what had happened, every one of the others noticed how much you’ve changed, the others were really worried, you didn’t go to the lab to ask Bruce things about science or have a really nice conversation about theories, you hadn’t gone to the library to pick books to recommend to Bucky anymore and the two of them decided to ask Natasha and Wanda what was going on with you since the two women were the ones who you were always with, so Wanda and Nat explained to them what had happened days ago.
Wanda didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t see you like this, but she also didn’t want to trust Agatha.
They stayed there thinking on what to do until Scott arrived one hour later, he seemed to be in a rush, because when the doors of the lift opened, he quickly came looking for them.
“Guys, guys I had to run to arrive faster here, Hope took the suit away and she hid it, but that’s not important here, I came here because I remembered that my intercom recorded everything” He said out breath
Scott took the device out of his jacket and he pressed play, they didn’t make any type of sound, and payed attention to the recording.
“Are you alright doll? You know you can tell me everything” That was clearly Agatha’s voice.
“ I know, it’s just that I really love spending time with you and just like the other day I told you, I feel awful about, I feel awful that we have to hide, I really wish you could come with me to the tower,  I want that they get to know the real you, I want to be able to tell Nat and Wanda how much you make me happy, I want to tell ask them many things about a relationship I want to, but I know I can’t” Nat had to wipe some tears that had fallen down her eyes when she heard your voice.
“It’s alright baby girl, I understand everything, You don’t have to feel guilty, I know that they’re not going to take this well, and I can’t blame them, After what I did, it’s understandable they wouldn’t trust me, and yes I don’t like at all that I have to hide your my girlfriend, I love you so much and I would love to take you to many different places, I would love to do many things with you, but I know we can’t, and if that means-”
“If that means we can keep seeing each other it’s alright” When Wanda heard you had finished her sentence, she remembered every time she had done the same with Nat.
“We will fix this, Tony can you drive y/n tomorrow morning?” Natasha asked with a serious look on her face
“Sure, no problem” He answered
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The next day when Tony drove you to school, you still felt hurt, you really had wanted to say goodbye to Wanda and Nat, and everyone else but in the end you didn’t, you still felt betrayed.
“Alright, are you ready?” Natasha asked Wanda who was holding your phone in her hand, Wanda nodded and she called Agatha from your phone.
“Hello Agatha, listen, can you come to the tower? We would like to talk to you about y/n”
Natasha looked expectant to her when she ended the call.
“What did she say?” Natasha eagerly asked while she took Wanda softly by her shoulders.
“She said she will be coming in thirty minutes”
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Agatha was worried, these six days without being able to talk to you had been pure torture to her, she had wanted to hold you so much and reassure you that everything would be alright, she even went to your college to wait for you when your classes were over, she had been excited when she saw you walking outside the building but her hopes were crushed down when she saw a car parking in front of you, she recognized Wanda inside of it and she knew, she couldn’t get closer, she really wanted to but you were under constant surveillance.
But now that she had received Wanda’s call she didn’t think twice, she quickly agreed to meet her at the tower, maybe she could talk to them and convince them that she really loved you
Agatha walked out of the lift and was greeted by many pair of eyes on her.
She walked to the living room where everybody was sitting in the couches, Agatha knew the name of everyone because you used to talk about them a lot and she was happy that you trusted her enough to share a lot of things with her.
Wanda was frowning and beside her was Natasha with a serious look on her face, Tony was sitting in the other couch with a drink in his hand, the man who rarely smile, your words not hers, was Bucky if she recalled correctly, Steve was sitting next to the soldier with his arms crossed and he was glaring at her.
"Come sit with us” Said Wanda to Agatha when she lifted her head, Agatha nodded and she came closer to them, Natasha patted in the chair in front of them so that Agatha sat there.
“What are your intentions with y/n?” Asked Wanda glaring at Agatha
“I want to make her happy” The blue-eyed witch said calmly
“I don’t trust you!” Wanda said when Agatha finished her sentence, Agatha was shocked she hadn’t even talked a lot and Wanda was already really upset.
“I’m really sorry about what I did, I just wanted more power and you didn’t even know how to use your magic I-
"Now you better stop right there!-” Wanda was really upset that she even stood up from the couch pointing at Agatha with her finger, Wanda had to take her from her waist to stop her from coming closer to Agatha.
“I’m sorry alright!? I’m truly sorry, but I’m not that person anymore, and I understand why all of you are angry, You want to protect her from me, and that’s completely understandable, but I really love her, I don’t want to be without her, I care for y/n just as you care for her, she’s my life, she means everything to me, please, I’m saying the truth” Agatha begged
“You can use your powers on me to see that I’m not lying” Agatha offered
Wanda thought about it for a moment and she decided she would do it, Wanda placed her fingers over Agatha’s temple and she saw her memories, she was able to feel what the older witch felt, and the only thing she found in Agatha’s mind related to you was pure love, Wanda realized that the witch wasn’t lying, she really loved you, but still she had her doubts.
“What is y/n’s Favorite drink?” Asked Wanda
"What is y/n y/n’s favorite dessert?” Natasha demanded to know
"What is y/ns favorite book?” Bucky was the third one to ask something
"What is y/n favorite movie?” Steve added
“What is y/ns favorite restaurant?” Tony inquired with a serious look on his face
Agatha answered every question correctly and in the calmest possible way, she knew all of these things because you had told her, everyone one of the avengers were impressed, they weren’t expecting that the woman in front of them would know all of that information about you.
"Please, I swear I love y/n with all my heart, and I know I made some mistakes, but I changed, and I would never hurt y/n”
Wanda was pouting, there was really no doubt that she loved you.
“At this point I’m pretty sure she’s not lying love” Natasha whispered in her ear and Wanda just scrunched her nose.
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“Hey, why hasn’t any one of you picked your phone? I called you several times from Peter’s phone because classes were cancelled due to-”
You stopped death in your tracks, Agatha was sitting in a chair in the middle of the living room with the others.
You couldn’t believe it, what was she doing here?
“Agatha?” You saw how Agatha slowly nodded and she stood up from her chair to walk towards you.
You left your backpack on the floor and threw yourself at her arms.
She put her arms around your waist, her grip was firm yet soft at the same time, you could smell her perfume, the same one you had missed so much all these days.
Tears were falling from her eyes and you softly took her face in your hands, caressing her soft skin with your fingers.
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you doll, I couldn’t even sleep well, I was tempted to use my magic to appear here, but I knew everyone would be around you since the first day I went to look for you at your college and I saw Wanda picking you up, I didn’t do it either because I didn’t want things to get worse” You softly wiped some of her tears away with your fingers and she leant into your touch, she had missed you so much.
“I couldn’t sleep either, I wanted to know how you were feeling, but I couldn’t even call you nor text you, I was desperate" You sobbed.
“Oh angel, I was desperate too” Your girlfriend pulled you closer to her, feeling your body against her made her feel relieved, she was holding you again, you were alright and that was the most important thing to her, resting your head on the crook of her neck she softly pressed a kiss on your hair.
The Avengers were looking at you, they were astonished, that would have never expected the older witch to treat you in such a beautiful way.
Wanda sensed what you and Agatha were feeling, it was love, and it was strong, really strong, beautiful emotions were emanating from you and the woman hugging you, you two really loved each other in a way, Natasha and her loved each other, it was a pure love.
Wanda took Natasha’s hand in hers and the two of them nodded at each other, walking closer towards you Wanda softly cleared her voice, and the sound made you move away a little from your girlfriend, you shyly looked at Nat and Wanda in front of you
“Listen, I´m sorry about what happened, I know we- I know I hurt you, but please I just wanted to protect you, I don´t trust her at all, but I can see that she really loves you just as much as you love her” Wanda quietly apologized, Agatha smiled at you and she separated herself from you a little, she turned herself to face Natasha and Wanda, with her arm around your waist, you were beside her and she loved the feeling of touching you in front of more people.
“I understand, and I know y/n understands that too, I know you don´t trust me for what I did, but I´m willing to prove myself so that you know I would do anything for y/n” You were smiling, finally they were having a calm conversation and they weren’t yelling at each other.
“You don´t need to be sorry, I understand that you wanted the best for me, and you did what you thought it would be the best for me, I wasn’t mad at you, I just felt betrayed because you didn’t trust me, but now I feel relieved, I missed you, I love you so much and not having you either, made me feel awful, I wanted to hug you too, but I didn’t want to come to you” You quickly wiped the tears away that had fallen down your eyes.
“I wanted to hug you too sweetheart, I was heartbroken, I couldn’t stand seeing you so sad, and I wanted to talk to you but you didn’t let me” Natasha quickly pulled you into a hug and you leant into her, you had really missed her a lot, when she pulled away, Wanda hugged you too, you closed your eyes and rested your head on her chest, you felt a soft kiss being placed in your forehead and you smiled.
“I missed you too Wanda, a lot, I hated that we fought and I hope we never fight like this again” You whispered into her chest.
“I assure you, we won´t, I hated the way I yelled at you I-“
“It´s alright, seriously Wanda, I forgave all of you, because you didn’t hurt me on purpose” You interrupted her and Wanda smiled, it was really good to hug you again.
“Don´t think we won´t have an eye on you anyone Agatha” Wanda began again
“Wanda” You said with a tired tone
“What?” The witch asked you with fake innocence and you felt a soft hand on your shoulder
“It´s alright doll, it´s alright, they can keep an eye on me, it doesn’t bother me” Your girlfriend said softly.
“We´re sorry too, about what happened” This time Steve was the one talking and Agatha nodded, she knew they weren’t bad, they just wanted the best for you, the men sitting in the couches gave her a shy smile, and she returned the smile at them.
“So, that means she can come to visit me?” You eagerly asked, Wanda and Nat looked at each other, and you patiently waited for an answer.
“Yes, she can come to visit you, and you can visit her, but Wanda and I will be the ones to drive you, alright?” Your eyes were beaming with joy, this is what you had wanted and finally they were accepting it, you nodded and turned your face to look at Agatha, she loved to see you this happy, Natasha and Wanda were happy to see you back, with that smile you always offered to everyone.
“Can I show her the tower?” You asked Natasha and Wanda again, and they sighed, they couldn’t say no to you, so they just nodded at you.
“If you show her your room, I want the doors open alright?” Wanda asked and you laughed, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes a little.
“Yes, yes I will let the doors open” You said to them and you took Agatha´s hand to guide her to your room, when you arrived to your room, you didn’t close the doors at all, sitting in your bed you patted your hand on your bed next to you, Agatha sat beside you and she passed her arm around your waist, you let your head rest on her shoulder taking her free hand on yours.
“This is great, now we can spend more time together and you can come here” Your excitement was visible and Agatha loved it.
“I know love, it was awful not being able to hold you during these days, I kept calling on your phone and as you didn’t answer, I thought the worst, that´s why I decided to go to your college” Agatha´s heart ached at the memory.
"That’s because Wanda took my phone away, I will ask her to give me my phone back later, I want to cuddle with you, what do you think?” You murmured into her ear.
"That’s an amazing idea doll, I want to hold you tightly” She whispered back into your ear.
Agatha and you kissed you again for the first time in days, her hand squeezing softly your waist, she had missed your lips so much.
You broke the kiss only to dragged her to the center of your bed, taking off your shoes she did the same, you took the covers and put them over the two of you when you were already lying in the middle of you comfortable bed.
You placed your head on her chest and she held you by your waist, you were going to pass a really nice evening holding each other.
“I have a question; how did you arrive here?” Now that you thought about it, you felt curious, you lifted your head to look at her beautiful blue eyes.
“Well, Wanda called me from your phone, I thought it was you, but then I heard her voice asking me to come here to talk about you” You chuckled a little and just shook your head.
“Do you want to sleep doll?” Agatha asked knowing you hadn’t rest at all.
“I want to, but I also want to spend more time with you while I´m awake” You yawned a little.
“It´s alright baby girl, I will be here when you wake up, we will have more time to spend together from now on” You knew she was right, now you wouldn’t have to hide anymore, and you love the thought.
“Alright, can you wake me up in 1 hour?” You tiredly said while resting your head back again into her chest.
“Of course, doll” She wasn’t going to wake you up in an hour, she was sure you needed more time to sleep, she pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I love you y/n” Agatha whispered in your ear.
“I love you too Agatha” You said yawning again.
You really loved that she was going to be there when you woke up.
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“Where´s y/n? We need to tell her everything that happened in our mission, she´s not going to believe what happened” Said Sam entering the living room with Clint by his side.
“I think you will have to wait some hours, she´s in her room with her girlfriend” Steve commented.
“What?” Clint and Sam asked at the same time.
“I´ll let Nat and Wanda explain that to you, a lot of things happened while you were on the mission” Sam and Clint blinked several times.
“Alright, we will tell you everything, it´s kind of a long story so you better take a sit” Natasha said and she took a deep breath.
The evening was going to be full of gasps and mane questions, Wanda quickly went to your room to open the door a little bit more and what she saw made her heart melt, you were sleeping peacefully and Agatha was stroking your hair, she let the door a little open and went back to the kitchen.
“Is she alright?” Asked Natasha to her
“She´s sleeping, she hadn’t slept well, now she´s resting next to Agatha” A smile formed on Natasha´s face, now she was sure you had another person who would protect you just like everyone of them.
It would take some time for Wanda to be able not to be too harsh on the older witch, but she knew you were in good hands, and she was grateful at least that there was another witch who would look out for you.
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zdhe20 · 10 months ago
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a few years ago i drew them watching tv at home, now they are in the cinema 🤩
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incorrectquotesmcu · 2 months ago
Tony: I’m using my veto.
Steve: Veto? You don’t get a veto.
Tony: Why not? You veto me all the time!
Steve: That’s because you have bad ideas.
Tony: Name one!
Tony: That went on for a while.
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michealdontleavemeher3 · 6 months ago
hi! i was wondering if you could do a marvel/avengers x reader? where reader came from kind of a bad background and has to kinda learn that eating and doing things is normal and that they dont need to ask for permission. And the avengers realise after watching reader that they actually come from a bad background and tries to reassure that their safe? is that too complicated? SO SORRY IF IT IS. it would be really cool if you just do anything Marvel tho!! BUT OBVIOUSLY NO PRESSURE or anything. Thank you for listening and sorry if you dont understand what i said
Sorry that it took so long😿 but here it is
(also I'm so sorry the other requests are taking so long, I'm kind of busy but I try to write as much as I can when I have time)
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Save haven
The Avengers Compound was unlike anything you had ever experienced. It was a fortress of safety, filled with cutting-edge technology and people who were hero's. For someone like you, who had spent years on the streets and in rough situations, it was unreal
You had been given a room of your own. The bed was massive, soft, and the blankets were warm. But even so, you often slept on top of the covers, not wanting to disturb the neatly made bed. You woke up early every morning, creeping out of your room to explore the compound, careful not to make any noise.
The kitchen was the first place you visited, It was always well-stocked, with a variety of foods you hadn’t seen in years. But instead of taking what you wanted, you’d wait until someone else entered, watching them prepare their meal before hesitantly asking if it was okay for you to eat too.
One morning, you lingered by the fridge, your stomach rumbling softly. Tony Stark walked in, still half-asleep, and went straight for the coffee machine. He glanced at you, noticing how you stood there, hands clasped together, your eyes darting between the food and him.
“Morning, kid,” Tony greeted, yawning. “Help yourself. You don’t need to ask.”
You smiled weakly but didn’t move, waiting until he had taken his coffee and left the kitchen before you finally grabbed a small yogurt. You ate it quickly, standing by the counter, before hurrying out to avoid being seen by anyone else.
It wasn’t just in the kitchen. Throughout the day, you found yourself unsure of what you were allowed to do. You asked permission to use the bathroom, take a shower, even to sit down in the common areas. You tried your best to stay out of the way, not wanting to be a burden.
The Avengers started to notice your behavior, though it took some time for them to piece together the full picture. At first, they chalked it up to nerves—after all, you were new, and living with superheroes could be intimidating. But as the days turned into weeks, they began to see that it was more than just nerves.
One afternoon, while everyone was gathered in the common room, you were perched on the edge of an armchair, looking uncomfortable. Natasha was sitting nearby, watching you with quiet concern. She noticed how you stiffened every time someone raised their voice, even in laughter. She saw how you glanced around, seemingly searching for cues on how to act.
When Steve offered you a spot on the couch next to him, you hesitated, eyes wide, as if unsure if you were really allowed. “It’s okay,” he assured you, patting the cushion. “You can sit here.”
You nodded and carefully sat down, but even then, you kept your hands folded in your lap, as if afraid to touch anything. Natasha exchanged a look with Steve, who gave a small, understanding nod.
Later that night, Natasha found you alone in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. You were scrubbing the counters diligently, even though the staff usually took care of it.
“Hey,” Natasha said softly, not wanting to startle you. “You don’t have to do that. We have people who handle the cleaning.”
You paused, turning to face her. “I just… wanted to help. I didn’t want to be useless.”
Natasha’s heart ached at your words. She approached you slowly, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “You’re not useless. You’re part of this team now. You don’t have to earn your place by doing chores or asking for permission. You belong here.”
You looked down, feeling a lump in your throat. “It’s hard to believe that sometimes,” you admitted. “Where I came from, I had to ask for everything. If I didn’t, I’d get in trouble.”
Natasha’s eyes softened, and she guided you to sit down at the kitchen table. “You don’t have to live like that anymore. This is your home now. No one here will hurt you or punish you. You’re safe.”
As she spoke, Steve walked in, having overheard the last part of the conversation. He pulled up a chair and sat down across from you. “We’re your family now,” he said, his voice kind and sincere. “We’re here for you, no matter what. You don’t need to be afraid or ask for permission to be yourself.”
You felt tears welling up, but this time, you didn’t try to hide them. Natasha squeezed your hand, offering silent support, while Steve gave you a reassuring smile. It was the first time in a long while that you felt like maybe, just maybe, you could trust this place—these people.
The next morning, when you entered the kitchen, you saw Tony pouring himself a cup of coffee again. This time, you didn’t wait for permission. You grabbed a bowl, filled it with cereal, and sat down at the table. Tony noticed, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched you take this small, but significant, step.
“Good to see you helping yourself, kid,” Tony remarked casually, taking a seat across from you.
You offered him a shy smile. “I’m trying.”
Over the next few weeks, you found yourself slowly adjusting to life in the compound. Clint would invite you to join him in watching movies, and you began to relax, realizing you didn’t have to wait for an invitation. Wanda started baking with you in the afternoons, teaching you recipes from her childhood, and you felt the joy of doing something just because you wanted to.
The others continued to reassure you in small ways. Steve always made a point to include you in conversations, never letting you feel like an outsider. Thor would leave small treats for you, gifts from his trips off-world, just to see you smile. Bruce offered quiet companionship in the lab, never pressuring you to talk, but always there if you needed someone.
One evening, after a particularly fun movie night with Clint and Sam, you found yourself laughing freely for the first time in ages. The laughter felt foreign, but good, like a weight had been lifted from your chest. You looked around at the team, realizing that you were truly beginning to feel like you belonged.
As everyone said their goodnights and headed to their rooms, Natasha caught your eye. She gave you a small nod, a silent acknowledgment of how far you had come.
“You did good, (Y/N),” she said, her voice soft and full of pride. “You’re doing great.”
You smiled, genuinely this time. “Thanks, Nat. I think I’m starting to believe that I really am safe here.”
She squeezed your shoulder gently before heading off to bed. Alone in the common room, you took a moment to appreciate the warmth and comfort that now surrounded you. It had been a long journey to get here, but for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were truly home.
And in that moment, you knew that this place—this team—was your safe haven.
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magnetostits · 7 months ago
this meme with the magnet family
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mischievous-thunder · 6 months ago
They say what you do to someone is what happens to you in another reality~
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What remains the same is the undeniable tension of different sorts between the two
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waltermis · 3 months ago
*Natasha, Y/N and the team talking about driving with Peter to Fury*
Y/N: So... Peter got his learner's permit this week and some of us on the team have been taking turns driving with him...
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*flashback to Steve, Bucky, Sam and Peter*
Steve: One of the really standard rules of the road is we want to keep a safe distance between us and the car in front of it.
Bucky *mildly panicking*: *through gritted teeth* That is not safe, right there. Not safe.
Sam: *puts on another seatbelt over his other seatbelt*
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*flash to Natasha and Peter*
Natasha: Okay, merge.
Peter: Wait- I--
Natasha: Merge.
Peter: Na-
Natasha: Merge. Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge!
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*flash to Y/N, Clint and Peter*
Clint: This navigation system's all messed up. It thinks we're in a park.
Peter *shrieking*: OH MY GOD!!!!
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*flash to present time*
*Pepper and Tony coming back from a jog*
Tony *arriving at the compound's driveway*: I win!!!
Pepper: It wasn't a race...
Tony: That's what a loser would sa--
*Tony gets run over*
*Peter in the car*
Peter: Oh my-. What was that? Was that a person?
Tony: I'm good!
Pepper: Tony!
Peter: Mr. Stark?!
Tony: I'm good! I'm good! You're getting better, kid! Whoo!
*Natasha and Y/N looking from the window*
Y/N: We're all gonna die...
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months ago
Jason, pre-reveal: I have unfinished business with Batman.
Dick: Yeah? Get in line.
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Steve: Bucky and I are no longer dating.
Bucky: Steve, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Bucky: I love it, lets go tell Barton.
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