satxnsupreme666 · 3 hours
Can I make a request? I hope it’s not too forward of me to ask, haha. Could you write something about love-hate, where they hate each other but there’s attraction between them girls ?
Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to send me an ask! ♥️💕
And don’t worry really, it is alright🥹💕 And sure, I would love to write your request, I already finished a story that was requested for an Agatha Harkness x reader x Rio Vidal, I have two more left and sure I will be writing your requests, also would you like to be a little more specific regarding what characters you would like for the story to be about, something else that you would like to add? I don’t mind that you get too specific, I ask those questions in order to write something that you would really enjoy! You can send me another ask if you want with a little bit more details and I will be writing your request 💕💖
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satxnsupreme666 · 8 hours
Hey, why did you choose the name Satxn? Are you a bit drawn to things related to witchcraft?
Hello! I hope you are doing alright 💖 Thank you so much for taking the time to send me an ask 💕
And to answer your question, first of all I created this username back in 2014 haha, and apart from yes being interested in things related to witchcraft, energy, astrology and all of that, actually the reason behind my username is a little bit less interesting than that, is a lot simpler 😅
So, I am a big fan of horror movies and series, one of my favorite series is American Horror Story, my favorite season is Coven and one of my favorite characters is Cordelia Goode, my second favorite is Misty Day, which I also happen to love “Foxxay” I loved reading stories about them (Cordelia Goode x Misty Day) 😅
Then, my second favorite AHS season is Asylum, and again my favorite characters are Lana Winters and Mary Eunice, again I liked to read stories about them (There is a part in Asylum where Mary Eunice says “I know everything, I am the devil” and you knows she was also known as satan or just the devil because that was what was inside her)
So I remember I wanted to sign up for something and the website asked me to create a username, so I thought about what I liked, and my two favorite fictional couples came to my mind, and I thought how could I actually create a username that reminded me of them so I thought “I am going to put Satan because of sister Mary Eunice and Supreme because of Cordelia being the supreme” however the website did not allow me put “Satan” so I decided to put “Satxn” instead of the original word and it allowed me, so in the end Satxnsupreme sounded good, I liked it and clicked next to create the password.
And my previous tumblr account was only Satxnsupreme, but when I tried to enter that same one tumblr said it had already been taken so I just put the number “666” as something extra 😅
So, that is the story behind my username, I have been using it since that day and I use it for everything, sorry if the explanation was too long 😅💖💕
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satxnsupreme666 · 24 hours
Immortal: Agatha Harkness/Agnes x fem!reader
Requested by: @agathaharkness-simp
Summary: Agatha is immortal and she fell in love with you when she was still in the coven, she lost you in the past but even when you reincarnated in different periods of time and in different countries, she always found you again and again because she promised herself she would always find you, and this time is not going to be different, she kept falling in love with your soul every time.
Based on the song Immortal by Reinaeiry
Warnings: Angst with happy ending
Word count:  9K+
Author’s notes: Hi, this was a requested story, I do not know if I should tag the people who requested at the time, I want to be respectful, so I am not sure if I should tag them, I will try and do it since it was their request and their idea and if any of the people who requested back at the time now feel uncomfortable being tagged, please let me know and I will delete the tag.
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
Again, as this was one of the first stories I wrote for Agatha Harkness is a little bit short, I will be uploading the rest of the stories from time to time, I have to edit them and make sure they are legible enough and with not a lot of grammatical errors.
I hope you like it!
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange @eliscannotdance
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Sometimes when I look in the mirror
I still see your face resting on my shoulder
 It was not easy for Agatha to be without you, she missed you all the time, but waiting for your soul to return to earth one more time so she could find you again was the only thing that made her feel that everything would be alright
She used to think of her life just as a tragedy, but waiting for you was the only thing that made this worthy, and she came to the conclusion that it was a beautiful tragedy, the only thing she hoped and craved the most was that you would come back to her once again to be with her, by her side loving her just like you knew how to love her.
You were her life and she would never stop looking for you, it didn’t matter how far you were, if she felt you again, she will go wherever you were, no matter what.
She still remembered the first time she met you, the first time of many times.
She still smiled at the memory of back in the coven in 1685, it had been so many years, many centuries, and still even after all this time, she was sure, her feelings for you would never change.
Agatha was walking through the misty forest because she loved watching the fog coming down in the evening, Agatha thought that day would be another calm and normal day, but the moment she heard the sound of footsteps in a hurry running right towards her, she knew this would be a different day, she felt curious because no one else knew this place, it was weird to hear someone coming to this forest.
The footsteps became louder and louder and before she knew, something made her fall to the grass, the impact was a little harsh and when she lifted her head to see who was beside her, she saw you.
You were breathing quickly and your breathing was heavy too because you had been running for the past thirty minutes, but you had tripped over a branch, this couldn’t be happening, how did the witch-hunters find you? You were not sure but you had to keep running, otherwise they would catch you.
Agatha saw the worried look on your face and she didn’t understand why you were in such a rushed state until she heard some men yelling not so far away.
“Catch her, she’s a witch”
Agatha immediately understood what was going on and why you were running.
You were about to start running again but you felt a hand grabbing yours, stopping you from going away.
“Wait, don’t go”
That was the first time you saw her, with her messy long hair, and her beautiful blue eyes, however you didn’t have much time to admire her beauty, because you had to go.
“I have to, they’re coming for me” You said to her with tears in the corner of your eyes, you were afraid, like you’ve never been before.
“You do not have to worry, I can protect you” The girl in front of you showed you her hand that had started to glow purple and you were surprised, that meant she was a witch too.
“There are many of the them coming” You whispered in a hurry, she quickly stood up from the floor, never dropping your hand and she helped you to stand up, but when you were about to stand straight, you felt a sharp pain in your ankle and this made you lean against the girl in front of you.
She noticed this and she quickly put her arm around your waist, helping you to lean more onto her, holding a strong grip on your waist.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to worry, they won’t get to you, I won’t let them, alright?” You quickly nodded and when you heard the footsteps of the men coming closer to the both of you, you saw how the girl’s eyes started to glow purple too, you were amazed, you’ve never seen another witch in your entire life, you were always trying to hide your true self from everyone and that´s why you never got to understand all of your powers, and what you could do.
But before you could keep thinking a wave of purple power came from the blue-eyed girl and when you heard grunts and whimpers in front of you and then the sound of people falling to the floor with a thud you saw how all the witch-hunters were laying on the floor.
You were surprised you´ve never seen something like that, that had been incredible.
Agatha still remembered the way you quickly turned your head to look at her, she could see the excitement in your face, the fear you had been feeling had vanished and your expression showed it. Since that moment Agatha knew she wanted to be with you, Agatha promised herself she would make you fall in love with her, Agatha would do everything she needed to see your beautiful smile.
“That was wonderful, how do did you do it? Also, my name´s y/n” You said to her with a shy smile, she still had her arm around your waist and Agatha couldn’t help but smile to.
“Thank you, you have a beautiful name, I´m Agatha Harkness” Agatha still remembered the feeling she had got when she first met you and she was sure, she would always feel her face getting warm at the memory.
Since that day you had arrived to the coven, you never separated from her, she took you into the coven, and everyone their accepted you, if someone just dare to give you a bad look she would make sure they regretted it, you were all the time with her, no one would see one of you without the other, if people were looking for you they always knew wherever Agatha was, you would be near, it was the same for Agatha, if they were looking for her, they would just look if you were near, she loved that everybody knew that.
One of her favorite memories of you back in the coven was one of when you had asked her to teach you how to have a better control of your magic, and she gladly told you she would teach you; the way your face had lit up when she agreed was one of the expressions she would never forget from you, the way your eyes would beam in excitement and joy, she just loved every one of your expressions, and Agatha knew that no matter how many years, even centuries took her to finally meet you again, she would never forget you.
The day you were training with her in the forest, she had asked you to close your eyes and to focus on what you were feeling, she had asked you to tell her what you felt, Agatha placed herself behind you, putting her hands on your waist to whisper comforting words to your ear, she was feeling nervous because she was in love with you, and even though she was sure you liked her back, she still couldn’t help but feel a little insecure.
But Agatha was surprised when you turned yourself to be face to face with her, you put your hands on her collar shirt and you grabbed her a little to make her lean into you and you kissed her.
Agatha was surprised, because she had though she would be the one to make the first move, but she wasn’t complaining, she loved it, Agatha carefully pulled you closer to her, with a firm but soft grip on your waist, she loved the feeling of your hand caressing her face while your other hand rested on her shoulder, it was a magical moment for her, the sound of the birds around the forest, the wind hitting against the trees and making their leaves and branches move in a steady way, she could have said that was everything she could hear, but she could swear that the loudest sound was her beating heart, she was afraid you could hear it and that you would notice how nervous she was.
Agatha touched her lips with the tip of her fingers and she smiled at the memory of centuries long ago, it had been your first kiss with her, and she would never forget the feeling, she treasured all of you’re the memories she had of you, and she was afraid of forgetting them, her memories of you were everything she praised when you weren’t with her, she found herself thinking about you and everything you had passed with her every single day.
Agatha was looking at her reflection in the mirror and she thought of you, how could it be if you were still with her by her side? She knew she would be holding your hand and resting your head on her shoulder just like you used to do, she would be stroking your hair whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
All the times she had lost you she felt part of herself been ripped away from her, she knew it had to happen, you were a mortal, but she would never get used to the awful feeling of losing you.
Nothing would ever compare to that first time it had happened, she felt she would die at any moment, she wanted to die to be with you on the other side, Agatha didn’t want to keep going without you.
Life had been really unfair, she had met you when you were running away from the with-hunters and she had saved you, but the second time you encountered with-hunters, that atrocious time she couldn’t save you, and she blamed herself, if only she had been faster than you, if only you hadn’t pushed her against the floor to prevent the bullet from hitting her, if only she had been faster to drag you to the floor with her, you wouldn’t have been shot by that man. You had sacrificed herself for her, you had protected her when she had promised to protect you, and she couldn’t even do it.
Agatha used her powers to throw the man against a tree with a cracking sound she knew he was not alive anymore, but that didn’t bring her comfort, she had to saved you, Agatha tried to used her powers to heal the wound, but it was too late, she couldn’t do anything, she really tried to save you but she couldn’t, you were her life, you were her light, and you had been taken away from her.
Your beautiful face was pale, you did not have any expression on your face and it had been the worst she had ever seen, she didn’t want to keep going anymore, she would have wished she had died in that instant to be with you, but she knew it was impossible for her to die, for the first time in her life, she knew this was a curse on her, she thought you and her would live a long life, she thought you and her would share your life, and she even had looked in forbidden books for something to make you immortal like her, but she was too late, she hadn’t been quickly enough to make you live longer, and she hated it, you were everything she needed and now she had lost you, you weren’t with her anymore, and she felt devastated.
Since that day, no one in the coven saw her smile again, wherever she went, she would always go alone, she dedicated herself to just learn more, she just studied giant books about different types of magic, she focused herself in getting every type of knowledge she could, she even started to study dark magic, she had tried to look for different ways to get rid of her magic, she just wanted to be with you, and it didn’t matter dark magic was forbidden, because she didn’t care anymore.
Even the day when the other witches made a trial against her, she hadn’t cared that they had banned her from the coven, they would never allow her in it, and Agatha couldn’t really care, without you, nothing felt the same.
 And my heart beats so fast
That I start to feel alive again
 Agatha kept looking for a solution, she tried many spells to try to break her curse, but nothing had worked out.
She travelled to different places, even different countries to gain more knowledge, but she found nothing about what she wanted to know, Agatha just felt hopeless, she cried herself to sleep, she missed you a lot, she needed you with her, Agatha just wanted to hold you against her when you were about to sleep like she used to do in the coven in your shared bedroom, all of your memories made her cry, she would never stop loving you, and she knew she would always miss you, without you nothing made sense.
Agatha never stopped thinking about you, how could she?
One day in 1775 while she was in France walking through the shore with a book in her hand, she was admiring the view, thinking about her long-lost lover, there was no time in which she didn’t think about you, you were in her thoughts all the time, and the memory of you was everything she had to cling to.
The white foam vanishing in the sand, the waves crashing against the shore and the feeling of the water against her bare feet, the humid sea air, everything about the place was beautiful, but nothing would ever compare to your beauty, how could it be if you were still with her? Would you have loved the beach? Would you have liked to collet seashells just like back in the coven where you loved to collect small rocks from the river where you used to pass the time, she still had all of your belongings with her, some of the dresses you used to wear back in the 1600s, your collection of little rocks, she loved to hear you talking about them, she never got tired of it, she loved everything about you, she also had with her your three favorite books about plants, all of these things were a treasure and she would always keep them with her.
She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn’t realize she was coming closer to a woman sitting on some rocks, in front of her was a canvas and in her hand, she was holding a palette, and with the other hand she was holding a brush, she was painting on the blank space of the canvas, when Agatha notice that woman, she felt something, it was a feeling she couldn’t describe, that woman was kind of familiar to her, she felt she had seen her before, but where? She was not sure, she felt intrigued, her heart started to beat faster, and with each step she took her breathing became heavier, that woman resembled her beautiful lost lover of years ago, but how could it be? It had to be an illusion a simple beautiful and incredible illusion; how could it be?
Agatha walked faster towards the woman and when she was close enough tears started to fall from her eyes, she was just like you, her hair, the sitting position was the same as the way you used to sit, it was the same posture you had, the way the woman tilted her head it was the same way you used to tilt your head to the side when you were focusing on something, she was the same as you! It was your face, your hair, your expressions, how could it be? Was it true? Her wish had been listened?
Agatha couldn’t believe it, was it you? Were you real? The only thing that was different from you were the clothes, but apart from that, everything about you was the same.
Agatha didn’t realize she had been staring for more than ten minutes until she heard a gasp.
This time when she saw the woman´s eyes, she knew it was you, she would always recognize your eyes, Agatha was sure it was you, her beautiful y/n, she had found you again.
“I didn’t realize you were there” When she heard your voice, more tears started to fall from her eyes, it was the same as she remembered years ago, she wanted to hug you and tell you how much she loved you, but she had to contain herself, she couldn´t rush things.
“Are you alright?” You had stood up from where you were sitting and you came quickly towards her, you took her hand softly and Agatha loved the way you caressed the back of her hand with your thumb, even your touch felt the same, the same touch she had craved for many years, you were like a dream, she had wished so many times that you would come back to her one way or another and now that you were here, again, in front of her, with  the sound of the waves hitting against the shore, the seagulls screeching in the distance, and you in front of her, it was the most amazing view, and she would always picture this in her mind, the second time she got to see you again for the first time in many years.
Agatha wiped the tears away from her face with her left hand and she slowly nodded and when she saw how concerned you were, she couldn’t help but smile a little, you had looked at her like that many times.
“I´m sorry, it´s just that your painting is beautiful, and I was feeling a little melancholy, and I couldn’t help myself” You smiled back at her and your hand never left hers.
“Thank you so much, I completely understand how you feel, the beauty of the nature can be overwhelming” You said with a shy smile, how much she had missed your smile.
“Would you like to stay here for a little more?” You had asked her and she eagerly nodded, you sat back on the rock and you patted on the rock next to you with your hand, so that she would sit next to you.
“My name´s y/n by the way”  And just like centuries ago, like she was the first to say her name, Agatha felt more tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes, she remembered when she first met you back in the misty forest, but what she thought was the most surprising thing, it was that you had the same name.
“My name´s Agatha” Agatha saw how you turned your head to look back at her again, you had a curious expression, and she could see that you were examining her face, she gave you a smile and this time you talked again.
“I know this will sound a little bit weird, but I feel as if I´ve already met you, you look so familiar” When you said that, Agatha felt her heart melting, part of you remembered her, and she couldn’t happier, she had been right, it was you! You were finally back with her, and this time she would make sure you never went away, this time, Agatha would make you fall in love again with her, just like she had done years ago.
And the rain, it washes away all the pain
‘Cause it feels like the sound of your voice
She saw that you took the pallet again in your hand and with the brush on the other hand you started to examine the colors in your palette.
“How do you get the color of the sea?” Asked Agatha, she already knew how but she just wanted to hear your voice as much as she could.
“That´s easy, you take the a little of viridian green, and a little of the titanium white, this way you´ll get a light tone of green, you separate these colors and then you take the cerulean blue and in case you don´t have cerulean blue you can use a little of Phthalo blue, and in the end you add just a little amount of yellow and then you mix all of these colors together” Agatha saw the way you passionately talked about the oil colors and the way you carefully mixed them on the palette, when you finally got a turquoise color you proudly showed it to her.
“This way you will get a really beautiful light turquoise color, and if I want a darker tone, I just add a little bit more of viridian green or cerulean blue, that way I can play a little with the tones”
You said with proud smile on your face, you always spoke with the same passion about the things you loved the most.
“You´re so beautiful” Agatha blurted out but this time Agatha didn’t feel nervous, she was pretty confident, she saw how you bit your lip, the same way you used to do it, and she loved everything about you, the old gestures and the new one she saw in you, like the way now you move a little your hands when you were feeling a little nervous, she loved you so much.
“Thank you, you´re really beautiful too, Agatha” You said with a timid smile, Agatha saw the way you brushed away a strand of your beautiful hair, you looked so delicate under the sunlight, she wanted to picture you like this forever.
This was your second chance to be together, and she wouldn’t miss the opportunity, Agatha offered you to help you with your painting, she just wanted to be near you, and of course you said yes, if you had to paint something for a job, Agatha would be there with you, watching you being so concentrated, she loved watching you, you were so beautiful, she didn’t want to waste more time, she wanted to kiss you and hold you in her arms, but she didn’t want you to be scared, she wanted to take things slowly but she really wanted to be more than just a friend to you.
On a sunny day when Agatha watched you from her usual spot at your house from a chair, she had her chin resting in her hand while she watched you work on another painting, she saw you had some stains a paint in your hair and she loved the way you tilted your head a little to the side watching the angle of the canvas, she was mesmerized by you.
“What do you think?” You asked her standing from your sit and you showed her your painting, Agatha was astonished, you had painted her, with her hand on her chin while she was watching you.
“It´s amazing” Said Agatha and she stood from her chair and she walked towards you, you smiled at her and before you could say something else, Agatha came closer to you and she placed one of her hands on your chin and the other on your waist, this time Agatha had been the one to kiss you first, finally Agatha felt your lips once again, they were so soft, she could smell your perfume mixed the smell of the paint, she heard faint moans coming from your mouth and she loved it, Agatha caressed the soft skin of your face and you rested you passed your arm over her shoulder while the other remained on her arm, both of you had your eyes closed and once again, Agatha pressed you closer to her body, embracing you.
The second time she met you, she certainly knew you were her soulmate and no matter what, she would always found you again, Agatha remembered one time when both of you were laying on your bed, your legs were tangled with hers, your head was resting on her shoulder and she was reading French poetry to you, she remembered what you had told her after Agatha finished reading a poem about past lives.
“You know what? I believe in past lives, and I believe that there are many lives after this one” You stopped talking for a minute and she saw that you were thinking what to say next, she waited patiently for you to keep talking and she brought her hand to stroke your hair.
“I feel this amazing connection with you, and I think that before this life I will meet you again, and that´s what I want the most, I love you Agatha and I want to share as many lives as possible with you” In that moment, Agatha started to cry, if she could she would make everything to keep you always with her, just the way she was, she wanted you to be immortal just like her, so that you would never leave her side, but still there wasn’t anything she had found about this, she loved you so much, and she didn’t want you to leave her again, but she knew this was life and you would have to part form this life, but this time she knew, she would meet you again, and that was the only thing that reassured her just a little.
“I feel a strong connection with you too, doll, and just as you I believe in past lives, and I´m sure we were together in a different life, and I´m sure that after this life we will still be together, I will find you again my love, and we will be able to love each other for many years more” At this point you were crying just like her, Agatha loved you too much and she just wanted to share all her life with you, Agatha promised herself to always find you again, no matter how much time it took her, she would always look for you, you and her would share many lives, and she would make sure of that.
And I’m comforted by the sweet smells of dew
Because the sunrise reminds me of you
This second time Agatha got to share twenty years with you, and they were the most amazing years of her long life, she loved everything about her life with you, she learned more things about you this time, you had painted many things all through these years, you were an amazing painter, you went for long walks around the beach, she would link your arms with hers and that way you would go to walk around the shore, with your bare feet touching the warm water of the sea, you would sit with her for hours to appreciate the marvelous views of the coast, sometimes the two of you would go into the sea, at the start you were a little afraid of the deep ocean, but she reassured you that she would always hold you against her, and that made you feel protected, with her you always felt protected, and you loved it, Agatha placed herself behind you holding you close to her by your waist and her chin resting on your shoulders Agatha loved the way you used to pressed your hands on her hands resting on your waist, she would never get tired of this feeling, you were the love of her life.
These years were amazing, until you had to part from this life again, and this time it had been due to an illness, she didn’t know what it had been, one day you were alright and the other, you couldn’t stand up from your bed, she hated to see you in pain, she couldn’t bear to see you this way, she used her magic to try to heal you, but she didn’t understand why it wasn’t working, she made herbal teas and she tried different spells, but none of them worked, why was this happening to you? She just wanted to be with you a little bit more, but also, she couldn’t stand the way you were suffering.
She decided to tell you about her power, she showed you what see can do and she can´t help herself from crying in front of you, she told you about your past life with her and how she is angry because it doesn’t matter what she can do, she can´t help you get better, she is kneeling in front of your shared bed while she holds your hand with a soft but firm grip, she´s afraid you could vanish and she doesn’t want to accept what will happen next.
“Oh Agatha my love, I always knew I would share many lives with you, and I´m sure, as I told you years ago, that we will find each other again, and if I can´t find you first, you will do it for the both of us, you do not have to be angry, I´m happy I meet you, and I´m happy that I got to live the most amazing twenty years of my life with you, what I had with you was a gift, and I will always treasure all this time I spent with you, we will meet again, you don´t have to be sorry because no matter what, we will always find each other again” You whispered to he while some tears fell from your eyes, Agatha wiped them away from your face and she kissed your knuckles.
“I promise you; I will find you again, I will always love you and I won´t stop looking for you, I promise y/n” Agatha said, she couldn’t stop her sobs, it was too painful, she was going to lose you for the second time, and even if she knew she would find you again, that didn´t make this any less painful.
Your last words to her were “Je t´aime” and Agatha found herself crying over those simply yet so beautiful words for her.
“I love you too, my love” She couldn’t believe it, you were gone again, she knew she would meet you again, but how many years have to passed for that? She would miss you terribly, all of these years would be a beautiful memory of you waiting for the next time she got to find you one more time.
 Since the second time you were taken away from her again, this time it took longer for Agatha to find you, there was no trace of your soul anywhere, she didn’t feel you, where was her beautiful lover? She missed you so much, she felt there was this part of her that was missing, Agatha needed you a lot.
After more years that Agatha couldn’t find you, she felt desperate, traveling from one country to the other, searching for you, every time hoping you would be somewhere but, you were never there, she couldn’t find you, where had your soul gone? Where were you?
After all these years she finally started to understand the reincarnation,  after reading about it in different books, she came to understand that one person could live multiple times, it was a cycle, but sometimes it could take many years for a soul to reincarnate once again, she believed the human soul was eternal, and that you and her were destined to be together, she just had to wait a little bit more, she could wait many time, but the pain would always last.
 Agatha found herself looking for more knowledge so when the next time she finally meet you again, this time she wanted you to be able to live with her as many years as her, she just wanted you to have a longer life like her, the thought of sharing her life with you in eternity felt so amazing, it would be heaven on earth with you.
But this time she had to wait, it had happened over two centuries, and still she hadn’t felt you again here on earth, where had you gone? Where had your soul gone? All these centuries and Agatha still kept many of your belongings, your collection of rocks from your first shared life with her back in the coven, the painting you had made of her back while you were living in France with her, some of your brushes and some other paintings you had made, some pieces of clothes that had belonged to you, letters from your an your favorite books, she had all of these things safe inside a beautiful old wooden box, you and her had painted the box with your favorite colors, and Agatha had loved the result, after your death she would have loved to stayed more time in the pretty house you two had shared, everything reminded her of you, your paints, your brushes, all your paintings, of course it had to be that way, she would always love this house and she would make sure no one touched this sacred place, she would have loved to stay here with the memory of you lying next to her in your bed, but she didn’t know where you were going to appear again, in which country you were going to come next time, and she also needed to keep looking for more magical knowledge, even if it hurt her to leave her home, she had to, next time she would finally have an answer to have you with her forever.
 And I’ll always find you again and again
And I’ll love every version of you
 Centuries had passed and her hope never faded away, all these years she always had you in her mind, and just as time passed, she understood more about immortality and reincarnation, her magic was strong, but not strong enough to make someone immortal, she needed something more powerful.
So when Agatha felt a powerful magic in a town not so far away from where she was, she thought that maybe, just maybe this could help her, still she was really concerned about why she hadn’t found you again, and it frustrated her, she just wanted to see you again, but what if life had decided to make her wait more years to finally reunite with you again? She wanted to hug you so bad.
Agatha used to sleep with one of your favorite books in her hand at night, and sometimes Agatha would hold against her one of your old blouses, Agatha always dreamt of you, she just wanted to have you by her side one more time.
Agatha wished so many times to do everything with you, watching people through the periods holding hands and sharing their lives just made her missed you more, all the time she would wonder, what thing you would have loved the most about something in specific, like the time when she arrived to Lombardy, Italy, Agatha couldn’t stop thinking about how would it be to hold your hand while the two of you walked through the beautiful narrow cobbled streets, she was sure you would have loved it, how much she would have loved to walk side by side with you under the dim lights of the little lamps hanging from the walls, Agatha would have loved to be with you with all of these amazing views, but the only thing she could do was to wish, she couldn’t do anything else, every time she felt a hole in her heart because you weren’t there with her
The day she arrived to this place town called Westview Agatha realized there was something really powerful coming from here, it was an impressive magic, and she was more impressed when she recognized how everyone in this town was in some sort of mind control, everyone here in Westview had a role, all of them were acting in someone else´s illusion, but what dragged her attention the most was that the habitants here didn’t seem to be in pain, how was that possible? Wasn’t it supposed that mind control was painful? This was a mystery and even though she had gained a lot more knowledge about magic she had just some ideas of what this could be, but she wasn’t sure, so she would have to act as someone from here, Agatha just wanted to know if this power could help her, after understanding that the magic came from a person not a thing, she thought it would be great to try to talk to her, being close enough to her would help her to understand the magic, she wasn’t sure but she had to tried for you, she just wanted to be able to make you stay with her forever.
After welcoming Wanda to the block, Agatha went back to her “house” she would have time to explore the town a little bit more later, for now she just wanted to place your old things in her new house, she wanted to place some of the paintings on the wall, put your book on her nightstand and place your old clothes in her closet, it was like this all the time, she loved to do it because it made her feel like you were with her, of course she had hid your things so that Wanda didn’t suspect anything.
Agatha was about to open her door´s house after taking the things she had brought with her, but she was not expecting that someone else open the door for her, who could it be? Did she have a roommate?
But what she saw, made her feel alive one more time, you were there, in front of her, with a beautiful dress that match the time period you were in, you were here, you were right in front of her, your hair was in a ponytail with a pretty bow on it, your eyes, how much she had missed your eyes, she could see the same sparkle in your eyes, the same you had from your past lives you had shared with her, Agatha didn’t have enough time to process what was going because you threw yourself into her arms.
“Oh Agnes, you´re back from your trip, you do not know how much I´ve missed you” You were under Wanda´s mind control, and you were Agnes´ wife.
Agatha started to cry, it was a beautiful overwhelming feeling, you were back again, she hugged you so tight, she placed her arms around your waist and she pulled you closer to her, Agatha smelled your perfume, it was so good to have you back, this time, she would make sure that you stay with her forever, it didn’t matter what she had to do, she would make you stay for real.
“I´ve missed you so much, you have no idea how much I wanted to come back to you” Of course you didn’t understand the depth of these words, but it didn’t matter to her, she could finally hold you in her arms, once again she was touching you, she was feeling your soft hair, after centuries she could hear your voice again, and this made her feel alive again, Agatha felt overjoyed, she could share her life with you again, how much she wanted to make this chance the last one you could finally share an eternity with her.
Agatha separated herself from you to have a better look of your beautiful face, you were the same just like years ago, your expressions were the same, and this was fascinating, how couldn’t you remember everything from your past lives but still you had some of the same gestures, the way your face would make a concerned expression, the way you bit your lip a little and how you frowned your browns, they were the same gestures that she had fallen in love with centuries ago.
“You´re so beautiful” The way you lower your face a little at her compliment reminded her of the times the two of you were in France and she would always say how much she loved you, how you tried to hide your face a little.
“Oh Agnes stop” You said with a timid smile, the same one you had given her centuries ago in the coven, Agnes felt tears coming from her eyes again, this time they were happy tears, there was no more pain in her chest, all these years waiting for you had been worthy.
“What´s wrong my love?” The feeling of your soft hands on her face wiping the tears away was something she had craved for a long time, she put her hand over yours caressing the back of your hand with her thumb, she wanted to feel you more and she couldn’t wait for it, she took your hand and brought it to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“Nothing y/n, is just, I really missed you a lot, being away from you felt like years, and now that I am back with you, I can´t help it, I love you with all my heart, and I´m glad to finally be here with you again” This time Agatha softly grabbed your face with her free hand and she left a soft peck on your lips, she wanted more, but the soft feeling of your lips against her helped her to ease the craving sensation a little, she had all the time with you, she could wait a little bit more, patience was something she had learned from all these years without you.
“I felt the same, I missed you so much, but now you´re back and we can enjoy our life together”  You didn’t know how much those words meant to her, to finally enjoy your life with her sounded amazing, and this time she was not going to lose you, she wouldn’t bare a third time losing you, she wasn’t sure she couldn’t stand it, not again.
“What do you have in there?” You had asked when you notice what she had in her hands
“These are reminders of beautiful memories I brought for you, I´m pretty sure you will like them” You nodded eagerly and you let her come in, she closed the door behind you, Agatha felt happy, she hadn’t felt this way in a really long time.
 And you’re never truly gone
As long as a part of you in me lives on
 Agatha had wanted to wake you up from the spell Wanda held you in, but she couldn’t, this was a strong magic, something she´d never seen before, but she never stopped looking for answers, the paintings of you past life were hanging on your walls, you had loved them, but one painting in particular made you feel something different whenever you looked at it, it was the one of Agnes´ portrait, but she looked a little different, she had a purple blouse and in the painting her hair was a little messy, it was your favorite painting because whenever you looked at it you felt a strange connection with it, you felt like if you had been there when this had been painted, it was a warm and strange feeling you got, there was another one that you loved, it was the one of a sea, Agnes had told you it was her favorite, you never asked why but you felt curious, you still remembered the first time you had looked at the painting of the sea, for a moment a thought of a beach like the same on the oil painting, made you remember a warm breeze and the sound of seagulls in the distance, you had thought the painter had made such a good job that it had captured their feelings, those were amazing pictures.
Agatha got to see the real time periods that Wanda was constantly changing in Westview, but nothing compared to how amazing was to have you here with her.
It was her chance to pass through all the time periods you couldn’t pass with her, she loved the way you look in all the different clothes, you were just beautiful and all of this had been a gift.
She got the chance to share with you all the time periods she couldn’t share with you, and Agatha loved it, she knew you were under Wanda´s spell, but she didn’t care at all, she loved to call you her wife, it was something she had wished for, and now that she had the chance she wouldn’t like it otherwise, Agatha wore her wedding ring with proud, everywhere she went, she had it with her, she loved it and of course you did the same.
You loved her and you were happy to share your life with this amazing woman, within you, you felt you had a strong connection with Agnes and you were sure she felt the same.
Lately you started to have some dreams, they were strange dreams about her, you just thought that maybe they didn’t mean nothing but they felt so real, like memories, you were not sure, and you really wanted to tell her about the dreams, but you weren’t sure, so you just decided not to share them.
They felt like memories, but you haven’t done any of that things, it was odd, you felt like you had pass through all of that, but how could that be even possible? The was this dream in which you were in a forest with Agnes, kissing each other and she was holding you against her, with your head resting in her shoulder, in all of these dreams you could swear you smelled every scent of your surroundings, the smell of the wet soil, and in all of your dreams there was this smell of oil paints and a vanilla scent, what was that? You couldn’t tell, you really didn’t want to forget any of these so you decided to write all of them in a little notebook you had in one of your drawers.
For her part Agatha had already discovered how Wanda managed to create everything in here, it was chaos magic, and she knew Wanda´s magic was linked to her own feelings, Agatha just needed a little of her magic for what she needed, but how could she get it? She had to do something to make Wanda use her powers, and a good amount of her magic, so the only things she could think of, was to send vision outside Westview, it would be the only way Wanda would use all of her powers, she knew it wasn’t the best idea but she really needed her magic.
So, Agatha planned everything, she would manipulate Vision a little, she just had to make him curious about what was outside, so she tricked him into thinking she was in pain and that she wanted to leave Westview, Agatha pleaded him to save all of you, and with that Vision walked to the limits.
Agatha knew she didn’t have much time for this, first of all she needed you to be safe, she couldn’t risk you again, Agatha used her powers to appear in your house.
“y/n? Where are you?” She asked when she noticed the light were off
“I´m here!” She heard you answering from your shared bedroom, Agatha went upstairs to look for you and when she entered to the room, she saw you were writing something down in a little notebook, she would have to ask you about that later.
“Doll, I need to make something, I will be here later, alright? But I need you to wait for me here, promise me, you will stay here inside our house” Agatha was almost pleading you, and even though you didn’t understand what was going on, you agreed.
“I promise you Agnes” She kissed you fiercely and she hugged you again.
“Good girl, I love you and y/n, I want to share my life with you forever” You frowned a little, you could see her hands were shaking a little, but you didn’t have the chance to ask her what was going on because she left your room in a rush, you really wanted to know what was happening but you had promised her to stay here, so you just did what she told you.
You went to your shared bed to lay a little to think about all of these dreams again, but you were dragged from your thoughts when you saw how the sky changed from the usual blue color to a red color, you were shock, you were pretty sure that was not normal, you were a little afraid.
The urge to go out of your house to look at what was going on was immense, but you had promised Agnes to stay inside, you were conflicted, would Agnes really know if you went outside? She would never know and you just wanted to have a better view of the sky, so you quickly went downstairs, this felt wrong, really wrong but you couldn’t help yourself.
The moment you opened your door a red wave of energy hit you, it made you step back and you were confused what had been that? Blinking several times, you tried to compose yourself, so you went to sit on your couch, what was all of this? You looked to everything around you, how long time have you been here?
Agatha just needed to get close enough to Wanda to absorb a little of her magic, that was everything she needed, but she had to be careful, Wanda seemed to be really mad and she didn’t want to start a fight with her, not now.
Agatha saw how she was trying to close the barrier again and the time Wanda closed her eyes, Agatha took this as an opportunity, stretching her hands out towards her, she started to absorb some of her magic, just a little and with that she would have enough power to make what she had wanted for years.
She stopped absorbing her magic when she felt it was enough, Wanda didn’t even notice and that was a good thing, she didn’t need Wanda to fight her, she just wanted to go back to you.
This would be the time, you won´t have to part from this life anymore.
With a flick of her hand she used her magic to go to your house, her excitement had been covered by worry, your door was open, what if something happened to you? No, no this time, not now when she finally had answers, Agatha quickly entered to your house and she felt relieved when she saw you in the couch, you were holding head In your hands, what was going on? Why had you left the door open?
“Y/n?” She whispered and she saw tears in your face when you lifted your head to look at her, Agatha didn’t know this expression, was it fear? Were you scared?
“Agatha?” How did you have called her?
“Is it really you? Agatha?” Was it true? Did you remember her? Agatha slowly nodded and walked closer to you, when she was right in front of you, she knelt on the floor, she recognized your expression, this time it was the same as the ones you have given to her centuries ago, was this real?
“Agatha, how much I´ve missed you, oh god, I remember everything!” Agatha caught you in her arms, your sobs echoing in her ears, you buried your face on her neck and she stroked your hair with her left hand, with her free hand she started to rock you back and forth while her fingers ran through your beautiful hair.
“I´ve missed for such a long time, and now you´re completely back, I won´t lose you again doll” You eagerly nodded into her neck, you just wanted to be with her for eternity, all of your dreams have been memories of your past lives, and in each one of them Agatha had been there with you.
“Agatha, I don´t want to be away from you, I love you, and all of my memories of these years ago with you are here, inside me, I feel everything, I don´t know how but, I remember all of that, I don´t want to die, I don´t want to be without you”
“This time you won´t go my love, all these years without you I kept myself looking for a way to make you stay with me, forever, I won´t lose you this time, you and I will be together for eternity, and now that I have the answer I want to make you just like me, you will live for centuries with me, would you like that?” Agatha asked you with pleading eyes, she wanted to make sure you were alright with this, and when you nodded eagerly, she took a deep breath.
“Close your eyes doll” You did as she said and you felt her placing her fingers on your temple and then you felt her soft lips on yours, it was a sweet kiss full of love, the kiss made you almost forget the sensation of what she was doing to you, you felt something strange all over you, you felt something covering your entire body but it was a warm feeling, you didn’t know what it was but you trusted Agatha with your life.
After what it felt like hours, Agatha broke the kiss and she pressed her forehead against your forehead.
“What did you do?” You asked with a smile, Agatha wiped some of the tears in your face away with her fingers.
“I made you immortal like me, listen carefully my love” She grabbed your face with her hands
“The magic I used is really powerful, remember our days back in the coven? When you didn’t know how to use your magic and I taught you?” You nodded, of course now your remembered them
“Well, I´m sure this will give you magic abilities, but your magic will be stronger, but you don´t need to worry, I will be here with you, I will teach you and I will take care of you, you don´t have to worry about anything” Now you had magic? Just like in the past? This was for sure a lot to take in, but you didn’t care about that, this time you will be able to finally share all of your life with her.
“I trust you, I know you will always help me, I´m happy to know I won´t die again, now everything will be different and I´m happy that I will get to finally be with you”  You were hugging each other on the floor, and maybe the world around you could have been crumbling, but that wasn’t important, what was important for you was that you were back with her again.
“Thank you for waiting for me” You said to her as you removed yourself from her a little to look right into her eyes.
“I will always wait for you, it was worth it, there were times in which I felt desperate because I wanted you to be with me, but I couldn’t do anything I just had to wait, but every time I found you, all the sadness and pain went away, you´re everything I need angel”  She whispered in your ear just as her hand grabbed yours, the sound of the rings hitting against each other made you realized you were married here and this made you smile.
“I know that we´re already married, but I would like to marry you again, this time for real” You smiled at her comment and you smirked a little
“Are you proposing to me?” You feigned shock and Agatha chuckled.
“Yes, but I will do it better next time, I want to surprise you” She said while playing with your fingers.
“We can go wherever you want, Italy, France, Greece, Slovakia, we can go to the first places we met, we can go to the beach we met centuries ago in France, there´s so many things I want to do with you” You couldn’t help but smile at her excitement, you wanted to do many things with her, and now you would have all the time in the world.
“We can plan all of this, we can decide where we can go, we don´t need to rush anymore my love, we will have all the time we want” Agatha nodded, you were right, you were not going anywhere, this time you will stay with her for all of the eternity, finally she would have everything she wanted, she was excited, she would have slow dances she had wished you and her shared, you will visit different countries and she was going to teach you everything she had learned through the years, nothing will take you away from her anymore, and this made her feel relieved, you were the love of her life and she was going to make you happy just like you had made her feel all this time, you and her were connected permanently, this time your love will last forever.
 ‘Cause I’ll always find you again and again
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satxnsupreme666 · 2 days
Golden: Agatha Harkness/Agnes x fem!reader
Requested by: @agathaharkness-simp
Summary: You´re Agatha´s girlfriend and you come to Westview with her, but something goes wrong and you end up trapped in the sitcom, all you know now is that you´re Agnes´ friend and you have a crush on her, can a song help you remember your real life?
Warnings: None, pure romance.
Word count: 4086
Author´s note: Hi, this was a requested story, I do not know if I should tag the people who requested at the time, I want to be respectful, so I am not sure if I should tag them, I will try and do it since it was their request and their idea and if any of the people who requested back at the time now feel uncomfortable being tagged, please let me know and I will delete the tag.
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
Again, as this was one of the first stories I wrote for Agatha Harkness is a little bit short, I will be uploading the rest of the stories from time to time, I have to edit them and make sure they are legible enough and with not a lot of grammatical errors.
I hope you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance
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Agatha missed you, and she missed you a lot, she had tried many spells to bring you back, and still none of them had worked.
She didn’t understand what had gone wrong, when you and Agatha first arrived to Westview, she had thought the magic wasn’t going to affect you since you were a witch too and also in case that didn’t work, she had put a protection spell over you.
She was not expecting that the next thing to happen after you entered Westview was that you started to walk alone towards the street.
“Y/n? Love? Where are you going?” She asked you walking behind you, where were you going?
“Oh Agnes, it’s so lovely to see you here, I’m going to Dottie’s place, didn’t she tell you about the meeting?” You never stopped walking, you were in a rush to go to Dottie’s house, all of you knew that she liked everyone to be on time.
She was confused, why were you calling her Agnes? She hadn’t even told you anything about this place yet and she was sure she hadn’t told you about who were the others. That moment she knew you were trapped in Wanda’s sitcom. Agatha tried to wake you up with her magic, placing her fingers on your temple to try to do something, but it didn’t work, Agatha freaked out, what was she supposed to do now?
You were her girlfriend and now under this magic you were just a friend of hers, this was awful, you even had your own house now which meant she wasn’t able to be by your side! She hated it, Agatha just wanted to sleep next to you and touch you and wake up next to you, but now thanks to this magic you were a different person, you just acted as if she was your friend whom you had met at one of Dottie’s reunions.
Agatha didn’t understand how that was possible, she was sure the magic here wouldn’t affect you but it had, and it had messed with your memories but what bothered her the most was the fact that Dottie seemed to like you, a lot.
That was the worst for her, not only she had to be alone in her house, without you but also, she had to see how Dottie flirted with you, she couldn’t stand it, it was horrible.
The only good thing was that at least you seemed to be a really good friend of Agnes, and that was the only good thing out of all of this, at least she got to be close to you this way.
Three weeks checking constantly on you, making sure you were alright and also making sure nothing was bothering you were the only things Agatha have been doing for the past weeks, she was not interested anymore in Wanda’s magic, the only thing she wanted was to bring you back. But she hadn’t any clue on how to do that.
Agatha couldn’t stand being this way, but she knew if she tried to do something else you would freak out, she had her hands tied, she couldn’t do anything else more than just watch you from afar when you walked down the street and watch you during the reunions with the others.
If it wouldn’t have been that you attended to all Dottie’s meetings, she wouldn’t even had gone to them, they were boring and Agatha didn’t like to be sitting for almost two hours listening to what Dottie said, but for you, she would do it many times if that meant she got to be close to you or at least to sit next to you.
All of this happened weeks ago, and even after searching for many different spells in her books, trying out different spells, none of that was working, she couldn’t take it anymore, she missed her girlfriend, she wanted to touch you, kiss you and hold you closer to her, but now she couldn’t do it because she didn’t want to scare you, the only thing she could do was to painfully watch how you talked with everyone and how Dottie made you laugh.
Today she was in her garden thinking on how to bring you back while she looked at the flowers in her garden, they were your favorite flowers and she knew you have loved to see this.
Her thoughts abruptly stopped when she saw you walking down the street, she wouldn’t miss this opportunity to talk to you.
“Hey, f/n! sweetheart where are you going?” Agatha waved her hand towards you to drag your attention, you saw her and smiled, oh how much she had missed your smile.
“Hello Agnes, I´m going to Dottie´s house, she invited us to pass a nice evening in her house, kind of a party I believe, I´m not sure, didn’t the others tell you about?” What? How was that possible? Agatha hadn’t been invited or at least she hadn’t heard about this, and Dottie always invited her just as well as everyone, she was the person who liked to brag about how perfect her life was, so Dottie wouldn’t miss a moment to show everyone her house, so why didn’t Agatha had heard about this in specific?
Something weird was going on, because whenever there was a meeting with all the members of the council, many women would walk together to Dottie´s house, then, why hadn’t she seen anyone walking in group?
“Oh really? I must have forgotten, I think yes, someone told me but… yes you´re right I must have forgotten, who told you sweetheart? Was it one of Dottie´s friend?” Agatha really couldn’t remember all of the fake names, so she went with ´Dottie´s friend´.
“Oh no Agnes, Dottie told me yesterday when I bumped into her while I was buying apples in the grocery store” Excuse me, what? Agatha wondered how could that even have happened.
Alright if there was one thing, she had learnt about Dottie was that this woman didn’t like to suddenly come up with meetings overnight. There was definitely something strange about this, and she wanted to know.
“Are you Alright Agnes?” You asked when you noticed she stared at you with a forced smile on her face, you saw how Agnes blinked a little.
“Yes, I´m sorry sweetheart, I got lost, I was trying to recall who told me, because for sure It wasn’t Dottie, doll” You smiled back at her, you had a crush on this woman and you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous under her gaze, that was why sometimes you preferred not to talk to her, because you were afraid you would stutter or something worse.
“Well then, you can come with me, that way I won´t be the only one arriving a little bit later than what she said, you know how she can be when someone arrives later, would you like to?” You asked her a little shy
“Oh angel, that is an amazing idea, of course I would love to go with you” She stretched her arm out for you and you gave her your arm, this way she intertwined both of your arms and both of you started to walk towards Dottie´s house.
Agatha had been missing you so much, and this little gesture meant everything to her, being able to touch you again and feeling you close to her again made her feel happy again, even if it was just a simple touch, she loved the feeling. She needed to work harder on finding something that could reverse the spell on you, Agatha needed you back.
You were walking alongside Agnes and when you walked past Agnes´ house, you saw Wanda working in her garden, didn’t she know about Dottie´s reunion either? It was weird, you had sworn everyone else knew, Wanda had never forgotten about the meetings.
“Hey Wanda, I thought you were already at Dottie´s place” You said to her while you stopped walking.
Agatha frowned more, so, Wanda didn’t know about this either? Definitely, there was something going on.
Wanda tilted her head and walked towards the two of you.
“Why? Does she have something?” You giggle a little at her question.
“Oh no, she told me she was having some kind of party at her house, and she invited me, didn’t she tell you?” You looked back at Agnes to see her expression, she was so pretty, you loved the color of her eyes.
“Well, no, that´s strange, because she didn’t tell me anything” That was weird, you thought maybe Dottie had just forgotten to tell them.
“Well I´m sure she forgot to tell you, she also forgot to tell Agnes, so now we´re going together, what if you come with us? We can get going, c´mon it will be fun” You made a movement with your head gesturing her to join Agnes and you.
“Alright, give some minutes to change my shoes” You nodded and with a grin you turned your head to look at Agnes
“Honey you´re so beautiful” When you heard Agnes´ comment about you, you felt your face getting warmer, did she really mean it?
“Thank you, Agnes, you´re beautiful too, a lot” It had come out almost like a whisper but it was loud enough for Agnes to hear it, she wanted to kiss you so badly and she couldn’t, her heart ached a lot, she just wanted you back, you two were looking at each other with loving eyes and you weren’t aware about that
“I´m ready” You were distracted by Wanda closing her front door.
The three of you started to walk and what you liked the most was that Agnes hadn’t let go of your arm, you loved the feeling of being with her, and something strange was that you felt as if you had known her for years, maybe it was because you really liked her.
Dottie´s house wasn’t far, so you quickly arrived to it, Agnes was the one who knocked on the door for you and after that she winked at you, oh gosh, you couldn’t believe this, she was winking at you.
“Hi f/n, I´m so glad you came to-“You noticed she stopped talking abruptly and quickly you turned your head to look at her, you didn’t understand the expression on her face, she seemed confused and she eyed Agnes and Wanda with a strange look on her face.
“I didn’t know Agnes and Wanda were coming too” Was she really smiling? Was that a smile she was making? You couldn’t tell.
“Oh dear, why is that, this is a party so, of course a lot of people will be coming right?” You saw how Dottie´s eyes widened when she heard Agnes comment.
“Um, about that, well, they called to cancel” The blonde woman rushed to say.
Now Agatha understood everything, the woman in front of the three of you had just told you a lie to have you all to herself, Agatha felt her blood boiling, she literally lied so you would be alone in her house with her, this woman was the worst for sure.
“Well, then I think we can get going back to our houses, right?” You heard Agnes asking, she was right if everyone had cancelled there was no point in just being four people celebrating something.
You saw Dottie thinking about this for some minutes.
"Oh no, no it’s alright you can come in” Well, now that she said that at least you would pass more time with Agnes.
Agnes let you in first and you smiled, she was so charming and that action made that a warm feeling grew inside your chest.
“So, what did you plan, Dottie?”  The way Agnes said Dottie’s name made you giggle.
“Well” The three of you looked at the way she had decorated the house, in the middle of the dining room, there were candles on the table, and there were just two plates, each one of them placed in front of the other, on the contrary side of the table, whoever that sit there would face the other person, also the house had just a dim light and there, there was a bottle of champagne and two glasses, this was the scenery of a date.
Wanda was looking at everything with wide eyes, she tried to cover her laugh with her hand but she couldn’t, she was surprised and amused, now she understood everything, Dottie had wanted just you to come alone, and you just brought Agnes and her with you, this was hilarious, Dottie didn’t know what to say so she just stayed quiet.
Agatha was angry, she couldn’t believe it, the blonde woman was planning to have a romantic dinner with you, you were her girlfriend you could only have romantic dates with her! At least now Dottie´s plan was ruined, thank god she had asked you earlier where you were going to, she had to be faster to look for something that could wake you up, she couldn’t see any more how Dottie tried to flirt with you.
This was so awkward, you weren’t sure what was going on, and you didn’t understand why everyone had cancelled, now what were you supposed to do here? There were only three of you, how where you supposed to start a party? You turned to look at Agnes and you saw her angry stare at Dottie, then you turned your head to look at Wanda and she had an amused look on her face, she was biting her lip trying hard not to laugh and then it was Dottie, who was just staring at the floor with an unreadable expression on her face.
Trying to break the silence you decided to speak.
“So, how about we put some music? To lighten the mood, music always helps” You said smiling a little
“Sure, f/n the stereo is over there” Dottie pointed toward the device.
“Come with me Agnes, we can choose the music” You took Agnes hand in yours and she happily went with you, her anger suddenly disappeared, you had that effect on her, you always made her smile.
“Do you, do you want to go to the pool?” You heard the blonde woman asked Wanda and you saw the smirk on Wanda´s face, both of them walked outside right to the backyard where the pool was.
“C´mon Agnes, what do you want to listen to?” You asked her while you checked the cd´s on the shelf.
Agatha knew how much you love music, when you were still living together after arriving to Westview, in your shared house, all the time you were listening music, when she arrived at home, you were all the time singing along the lyrics of the song you were listening to, and she always took her time to watch you from the living room, you were so lively and you always brightened her days, the best part of her day was coming home to see you, you were her entire world.
When she met you, you had bumped into her because you were not looking where you were going and also you had your earphones on, you had excused yourself because you were distracted by the music in your ears, you really loved listening to music, you enjoyed singing along the songs, and that was one of the many things Agatha missed, she just missed you a lot, she needed her sweet y/n with her.
“So, what about this?” You asked her and she blinked several times, she had been lost in her thought that she hadn’t heard you.
“That´s alright sweetheart, you can put on whatever you want” She saw the excited look on your face, and you proceeded to insert the cd and at the sound of the chords of the guitar you started to move your hand along the rhythm.
I wake up, my shoulder cold
I´ve got to leave here, before I go
I pull my shirt on, walk out the door
You started to sing you were sure you hadn’t heard this song before but at the same time you knew the entire lyrics, but you felt happy,
You kept singing the song and you took Agnes´ hands in yours, suddenly you didn’t feel as shy as before.
Then I see you, you´re walking ´cross the campus
Cruel professor, studying romances
Agatha had listened to this song many times before because of you, and she already knew the lyrics as well, she started to move at the rhythm of the song along with you and she started to sing too, for a moment she felt like you were back.
How am I supposed to pretend?
I never want to see you again?
“Hey are you coming?” It was Wanda, and you turned yourself to look at her.
“Sure!” You told her and you turned up the volume, it was loud enough for you to hear it from outside, again you took Agnes´ hand in yours and dragged her to the backyard with you.
The day was great, the weather wasn’t too hot and the wind felt great against your skin.
“So, what do you want to do sweetheart?” Asked Agnes behind you, she put her hand on your lower back and you loved the way it felt, it was a comforting gesture and you felt as if you had already felt that many times.
“I´m not sure, we could go lay on the deckchairs” Wanda was in one of them with her sunglasses on and Dottie, was inside the pool with a drink in her hand.
“That sound good, let´s go” This time Agnes took your hand to guide you to the deckchairs, and where you about to sit Agnes asked you something.
“Aren´t you thirsty? It´s quite hot here outside, I am a little, do you want something to drink?” She asked you and you grinned.
“Oh yes, but don´t worry, I can bring you something to drink, you wait here for me alright?” Before she could do something, you went back inside the house to look for something to drink.
When you entered the house, you heard that the song started to end as it faded away, and you wondered which song was the next.
You entered to the kitchen and went right to the fridge, maybe Dottie had lemonade or something else.
But you stopped what you were doing, this song, it reminded you of something, but you couldn’t put your finger on what, it was just the start of the song, and you tried to remember, because it felt familiar.
You walked a little and you tried to pay attention on what the song was about.
Golden, golden, golden
As I open my eyes
A thought crossed your mind, you saw Agnes dancing with you, but you were in a completely different place, she was holding your waist and you had your arms around her shoulders, you were laughing at what she had just said. You blinked several times, and wonder, what was that? You didn’t understand but it felt so good, it was like a memory, and you craved for it.
Hold it, focus, hoping
Take me back to the light
You were listening carefully to the music and you tried to focus on these thoughts and you tried hold on what you were feeling, another thought came to your mind, this time it was Agnes and you, walking hand in hand towards a restaurant, she was holding the door open for you, waiting for you to enter first, your chest felt warmer, these thoughts felt so close to you, as if you really had done all of these things with her, you wanted to know what were all of these thoughts.
I know you were way too bright for me
I´m hopeless, broken
This time a sad feeling took over you, you suddenly feel sad, you felt as if you had lost something, but you didn’t know what it was, you felt lost, you wanted Agatha, you missed her a lot. Who was Agatha? Why that name had come to your head? Who was her?  You tried to focus more on what you were feeling.
So wait for me in the sky
Browns my skin just right
Memories of Agnes or Agatha came to your mind, the day you had met her, your first kiss on the cinema and how her lips tasted like caramel popcorn, when you first moved into her house, your first dance, and the day you had showed her this song, you had told her to listen to this amazing song and she told you that it reminded of you, because of the color of your powers, she always told you how pretty they were, the golden color and the golden shapes that came from you whenever you practiced magic with her, and suddenly everything clicked in.
You´re so golden
I´m out of my head
Agatha found it weird that you hadn’t come outside again, so she went to look for you, and the sight surprised her.
There were golden shapes coming from your body as you were singing along the song, your golden magic was all over the place, Agatha felt tears threatening to fall, she walked closer to you and she saw you had your eyes closed and your cheeks had tears on them, she knew this song, you were always listening to it because she had told you about how she always thought about you when she listened to this song, it was one of your favorites.
I don´t wanna be alone
When it ends
Agatha came closer to you, carefully not to scare you, you had a lot to take in, and she was sure you felt overwhelmed.
“y/n?” She asked you when she was close enough
You opened your eyes and when Agatha saw them, she knew you were awake, you weren’t under Wanda´s spell anymore.
You looked at her with love, with so much love and you threw yourself at her arms, she held you close to her, your head was resting on her chest and one of her hands softly stroked your back and the other caressed your hair.
“Agatha, I missed you so much, I wanted to hold you, but I couldn’t, I just saw you and even if I wanted to talk to you or hold your hand, there was something holding me back, I don´t know how to explain it” Agatha felt her heart broke, she dropped a kiss on your forehead and the she lifted your head to made you look at her.
“It´s alright baby girl, you did it, I´m so proud of you, you´re so strong, you were able to do what I couldn’t, I’m so happy to have you back, you don´t know how much I´ve missed you” You kissed her, and she captured your lips, it was a needy kiss, during three long weeks she couldn’t touch you, hold you close to her or kiss you like she wanted, how much she had missed the taste and the feeling of your lips.
“I love you Agatha” You said to her when you broke the kiss.
“I love you too doll” Agatha responded to you, the song kept playing and you smiled because thanks to the song, you had been able to wake up, it had brought you every memory you had of your real life.
“We have to leave, I don´t want to be here anymore doll, I don´t want anything else to happen to you, these weeks were pure torture, you were so close yet too far at the same time” You heart melted at her words, gosh, you had missed her so much.
“Let´s go then, we can go back to our home” Agatha nodded and she took your hand in hers, she had a strong grip on you, she didn’t want to lose you again.
Both of you started to walk to the door, she couldn’t stop staring at you, finally she had you back, and she would make sure to protect you, nothing would take you away from her again.
Agatha opened the door for you and you grinned, she always did the same and you would never get tired of it, walking outside the house, you could still hear the last part of the song, now you had another story about Agatha, you and this song to tell everyone.
You´re so golden.
166 notes · View notes
satxnsupreme666 · 3 days
Torn apart, bound together: Agatha Harkness x Rio Vidal x fem!reader 
Summary: You met Agatha when she arrived at Westview looking for the source of power, she got closed to you at first with the idea of only getting to Wanda as you seemed to be close to the scarlet witch, what Agatha had not waited for, was that the more she passed time with you, the more her feelings became real, she had fallen for you, even harder than you had done for her, but when Wanda´s hex was destroyed, Agatha absorbed your powers, awful things were said, you were left alone with no one left and with you heart completely broken.
3 years later, when Agatha is released from Wanda´s spell, you were released at the same time, not knowing what had happened during those years and thinking that only some days have passed, or weeks, you find yourself alone one more time, with the images and memories of what had happened, fresh as if it had only happened some days ago, Agatha finds you and wants to fix things, however, now powerless and with the Salem seven behind her, she feels conflicted whether to fix everything or risk everything and lose you again.
Rio had met you many years ago, even before you and Agatha met, you were not aware at the time,  you were almost unconscious, but when she had seen your eyes, she became captivated by you, she broke the rules for you, and even if you would never knew who she was, she was happy she had not taken you with her, she watched you from afar, always watching over you, but never daring to break the rules again and go near you, now having you in front of her, she wants to protect you and Agatha, so she helps you to understand why Agatha is the way she is, as well as helping Agatha to understand your pain.
Will the three of you get to understand each other´s feelings in order to heal from the past? Will the three of you be ready to face your feelings and understand what love is really about?
Warnings: Angst, a lot of angst, mentions of a near death experience, mentions of dysfunctional family, stubbornness, mentions of blood, Agatha and you do not know how to properly communicate, I think that´s it.
Word count:  15k+
Author’s notes: Hello, so, I decided to post this that has been in my drafts since two weeks ago, I wanted to wait until all of my old fics were completed uploaded, but I decided to finish writing this and post it, because I didn´t I know if I was going to forget about this idea, so I decided to just wrote it down, I will keep uploading my old fics as well.
I hope all of you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance
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“Where am I?” Was the first thing that you wondered, looking around you notice that everything around you seemed different, the living room had different appliances, and all of them were unknown to you, you did not even recognize the decoration around the room, it was not to tour liking, you would never have decided on painting the walls of the color they were right now, it was not a color you liked, nothing about this room was familiar.
The curtains completely closed, stopping the sun light from entering to this foreign place, you did not even remember how you had arrived there in the first place, but did you actually remember something? This place was not somewhere you would already visited, how had you arrived here then? Why couldn’t you remember?
The clothes you had were fine though, they were clothes or they had the stile that you would usually wear, but how? You did not even remember actually getting them at the mall, quickly you turned your head to look at the wall to see if there was a clock hanging in there, but there was not, your phone maybe?
Searching in your pockets you realized there was nothing, where was your phone? Where were your old things? Your usual clothes?
You did not even know what hour of the day was!
So, you quickly walked towards the windows and harshly opened the curtains, the light of the sun hit you straight in the face and you had to bring your hand to your eyes in order to cover the bright light that made you shut your eyes.
After blinking several times, and after about 5 minutes, your eyes got used to the bright light and slowly lowered your hand, you were greeted by the scenery of what had been Eastview, the street had some cars parked in front of some of the houses in front of this house you were in.
Everything seemed to have changed, the houses, the street even the trees! You were about to turn yourself around to go outside and take a look, but you noticed that the fabric of the curtain had gotten stuck with something that was on your wrist, looking down to see what it was, you saw that it was a purple bracelet, and that was when you remembered everything.
It had been weeks ago, or that was what you thought at least, because it felt like only maybe some weeks had passed, or maybe even just days! How wrong you were.
You remembered what had actually happened, the woman whom you had fallen in love with, had lied to you, but it was not only that, she had betrayed you, in the worst way possible, you did not have your magic, she had taken it from you.
Absorbing your power so easily and tricked you, she made you believe she loved you, the woman whom you had told your worst fears, your insecurities, the woman you had shared a house for the past months, she made you believe you could trust in her, that you could actually trust in someone again, she received you with open arms, showed you how love felt, she had told you she wanted to be with you after everything ceased, after the town would finally be free, she had sounded so honest about “wanting to leave this town and start together, just the two of you” how could you have been so naive? She was a master in deception for sure, making someone fall so easily for her, had you been the only one? No, it could not be, she told you one time when the two of you were in bed, how many years she had lived, and as she was so powerful, you were pretty sure you had not been the only one who had been tricked by her, but you surely did not know if that would help you to feel better or even worse, how many other women had fallen for her stupid games?
Had Agatha also made them fall into a false sense of security? Had she smiled at them the same way she had done to you? With her beautiful smile, and that stupid smirk she always had, that damned smirk that made you blush and made you want to cover your face, her white teeth that always were in display when she gave you a big smile telling you “good girl”, or her beautiful baby blue eyes that sometimes seemed to be grey from time to time.
You could not believe how stupid you had been, falling for one of the most powerful witches, thinking that you were so lucky and that she really had truly cared for you, it had been just a dream, a stupid, idiotic beautiful dream.
If Agatha had just fought you to take your powers wouldn’t have been easy for her? Just absorb your magic and leave you there? Why had she enjoyed lying to your face, why had she been so evil to the point she said she loved you and wanted to leave the town with you and start the two of you a new life, far away from the town.
You had to congratulate her, she was an amazing actress, she could easily deceive anyone she wanted, but why you? Were you so easy to fool? So easy to be played? You were a fool, thinking that someone as beautiful and amazing as Agatha would actually love you, c’mon! She took advantage of your loneliness, she noticed of course how you did not have anyone, no one cared for you and so she saw the opportunity to lure you into a false sense of security so that when you were finally so deep in love with her, bam! She would take your magic and toss you aside, as if you were nothing to her, because actually, you were nothing to her, a meaningless, powerless witch.
You wanted to throw the bracelet to the trash, but, thinking back to that time when Agatha had gifted the bracelet to you, you still felt attached to the stupid thing, it had her initials on it.
How could you still feel that way when she had just played you first a fool!?
So, you quickly took it off your wrist and tossed it inside the pocket of your jacket, not wanting to keep feeling ashamed of what you felt.
Shaking your head, you decided to check whose house was the one you were in, nothing seemed familiar, and you really did not remember a lot, vague images of Agatha absorbing your power in her basement, you sobbing in front of her asking how she was capable of being so evil and selfish, her telling you how you could have believed everything she had said, you really wanted to stop remembering that day, it was making you feel ill and angered you how ashamed she had made you felt, you were starting to have a headache, trying to also remember what had happened after that.
You tried really hard to remember what else had happened that you did not notice you had started to pace in circles, what had happened before Agatha has revealed to you her true intentions?
Wanda! You thought about her!
You remembered Agatha had trapped her in her basement, maybe she was still in the town? Maybe the red-haired witch could help you to get your magic back!
Hastily you walked to the exit of the room and saw what appeared to be the principal door, so you walked towards it and opened it, the cold air hit your straight in the face and you shivered a little, the jacket you had was for sure not the best at helping you cover yourself from the cold air, even though the sun was bright and shining the wind felt cold enough to bring another jacket,  but it was not the time for that, if Wanda was still in town, you would asked for her help, after all, you and her became good friends, so maybe she would accept to help you, you could explain that you really did not know about Agatha’s plan and that she had also tricked you.
It sounded like a good plan so when you quickly recognized the street you started to walk faster to where Wanda’s house was located.
“Hey y/n” You heard a woman talking to you, after you could keep on walking you saw her walking towards you, she had a big smile on her face.
“Hello?” You said to her looking at the woman a little bit confused, who was she? Why was she talking to you?
“Were you able to gather the ingredients you needed yesterday to prepare your pumpkin pie? Because if the answer is no, I got an extra pumpkin for you!” What was she talking about? A pumpkin pie? The woman must have seen your confused expression and tilted her bead to look at you waiting for an answer, but since you really didn’t know what to say, she quickly came over to you and touched your forehead.
“Are you alright? You seemed paler, have you already eaten?” It was so confusing you didn’t know which she was or what she was talking about, you wanted to go see Wanda to explain to you what was going on, why the town looked so different, why were you in a strange house, the anxiety started to increase so you decided you give a quick answer.
“Oh yes! Don’t worry, I was just about to pick up the ingredients that I need that I just ordered, but also if you would be so kind, I can go to yours lately for that pumpkin! But right now, I am a little bit late because I felt asleep and just woke up and I don’t want the store to sell my order, alright, see you later!”
Oh god, you were such a bad liar.
Not the time to think about that, you gave the unknown woman a quick smile and turned yourself around to walk faster towards Wanda’s house.
After some minutes, you finally saw the corner end of the street that brought you to the avenue in which Wanda’s house was located, your heart started to beat faster, you could hear the thump of your beating heart in your ears, and when you crossed the corner of the street, you saw the empty space where Wanda’s house was supposed to be’
Shocked, you unconsciously brought your hand to cover your mouth.
Your steps became slower but you couldn’t stop to keep on walking towards the debris of what was left of the house.
You were completely shocked, what had happened? Where was Wanda? Where were the kids? Tommy? Billy? Why was the house completely destroyed?
You didn’t understand anything, and the tears started to form on your eyes, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling, what the hell had happened?
It was so strange, so awful, the house in which you had passed several times playing with the kids, baking pastries with Wanda which you would save some of them for Agatha, the place in which you and Agatha had had meals together with the Maximoff family, the house in which you had also created beautiful memories, the house of Wanda your first real friend, where had all of it gone?
It was wrong, it had to be a mistake, right? Maybe just an illusion, yeah, that had to be, your mind was playing with you, it could not be true, maybe if you closed your eyes, and then you opened them again, you would see the house in perfect conditions and Wanda would be inside preparing something for the kids.
“Y/n?…” That voice, you knew damned well that soft voice, what was she doing here?
You quickly opened your eyes and hastily turned yourself around to the direction where the voice came from.
And right behind you, were the pair of baby blue eyes that you had stared into several times, several times that you had thought were looking at you with pure love.
 You quickly wiped your tears, not wanting for the older witch to see you in that state, you tried so hard to compose yourself and tried not to show her how uneasy you were feeling.
“What did you do to Wanda” You demanded to know, if something happened to the red-haired witch, Agatha was the one to be blamed for.
Agatha was shocked to see you there, standing in front of Wanda’s house, or what it used to be Wanda’s house, when she saw you again she felt her chest tightening, of course now she remembered everything that had happened, a million things she had wanted to say, but nothing came out of her mouth, it was as if suddenly she had forgotten how to speak, the way you seemed to be in so much pain, your face stained with fresh tears, but also she could see your angry expression, the way your jaw tensed when she realized she was the one who called your name.
Agatha would have liked to have a talk with you privately, explain to you what had happened, say that she was sorry, that she wanted to talk to you about the last things that she said to you.
“What?” Was the only thing that came out of her mouth, Agatha could not understand what were you talking about.
Nothing but a simple what came out of her mouth. How could she?
“What do you mean by what? What did you do to Wanda? Where is she?” She did not understand what did you mean and seeing you so angry and only asking about the witch who had trapped her in a fantasy and also had took all of her magic, she did what she was the best at, she got defensive.
“You mean, what she did to me?” She replied back to you with an arrogant expression on her face.
Was she really doing this about her?  You chuckled and sighed deeply. Your hands started to shake out of anger and you were about to say to her to stop playing dumb when you noticed a boy standing next to her, you eyed him with curiosity, he seemed familiar.
“Hi” The dark-haired boy said to you waving his hand in an awkward way, he tried to give you a smile, you were confused, who was this boy and why was he with Agatha?
“So… You know each other?” The teen asked you with a slight chuckle, he could sense the tension.
When he asked you if you knew Agatha, the anger came bubbling inside you.
“She stole my magic!” You said to him exasperated, you went to look back at Agatha, who still had an arrogant expression on her face, you were starting to feel beyond pissed.
“Where.is.Wanda?” You asked her while looking straight into her eyes.
She smirked and you feeling your anger becoming stronger you took a step forward.
“Wait!” You heard the boy saying to you, he held his hands up and placed himself in front of Agatha.
“Move, this doesn’t concern you, she needs to answer my question and give me my magic back” The boy looked at you and then at the debris of the house in front of you and then back at you
“She doesn’t have powers, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even know what you are asking about, when I found her, she thought her name was Agnes, right Agatha?”
The boy moved to the right and placed himself next to Agatha, you didn’t understand, why would she have thought that, unless…
“C’mon, don’t let her deceive you boy, she is a really good liar, she must have been acting, playing you for a fool” You said to him in a bitter way, you didn’t dare to look at the woman who was eyeing you carefully.
“No, I swear, she was under a spell, I woke her from that spell, she doesn’t know what has happened in all those 3 years” The boy explained to you and tried to excuse Agatha, but you didn’t understand what 3 years he was talking about so you looked at him with confusion written all over your face.
“What do you mean with all those 3 years? What is going on? I just know this greedy witch took my magic the other day” You said to him with desperation, you didn’t understand what was going on, who was he, why was Wanda’s house destroyed, why were you in a strange and unknown house.
Agatha felt sorry for you, she hated seeing you so distressed but, but at the same time her pride stopped her from getting close to you.
“What do you remember?” The boy asked you gently.
“I don’t know, one-minute Agatha was absorbing my magic, and the next I was in the middle of a house that I didn’t recognize, with clothes that are not mine and surrounded by people I do not even know” You sounded like you wanted to cry, the teen felt bad for you.
“What’s going on?” You asked him feeling completely lost.
“Listen, I don’t know what happened to you, but I think-“he was interrupted before he could finish.
“You were under the same spell I was in” Agatha finished the sentence tilting her head and looking at you with an expression full of what you assumed was pity.
“What?” You asked her while burrowing your brows, it had to be a joke, right? How could something like that be even possible? Being under a spell for three years? Not remembering anything that happened during three years?
The anxiety started to increase within you, what had you been doing then? Didn’t people realize that it was not you? Didn’t they realize there was something wrong with you?
It was just too much, everything was too much, why was this happening? Why had it happened to you?
It was too much to handle, everything that made you happy was gone, the family you had finally thought you had found had vanished, Wanda who had become your best friend, Wanda who had treated you like if you were even a daughter, whom you always went to talk to if you had a misunderstood with Agatha, the boys whom you used to play with and help Wanda to take care of them from time to time, babysit them sometimes with the help of Agatha, Agatha the older witch who had stolen your heart, the one who had made you feel safe, the one you had told every insecurity you had, the one you had opened your heart completely to.
That same witch who had lied to you, who had shattered your heart when she stole your magic, when she told you she actually just needed you to get closer to Wanda, when she had said hurtful things to you, the one who after having taken your magic tossed you to the side of the dark basement and left you there, weak and powerless.
You thought you finally had a family, you finally had someone who truly loved you, and it the end everything came down crashing everything down, so hard and fast that you didn’t even had time to cope with, everything felt so fresh, everything felt as if it had happened just last week! It was too much to process, too hard to understand.
“I can’t do this” You said to them without looking directly at them, you couldn’t do it, it was just a matter of minutes and you would be breaking down, sobbing, you wouldn’t dare to face Agatha, and look at her beautiful blue eyes, knowing very well she had made a fool out of you, so once again, you did what you had promised Agatha not to do again, you were about to isolate yourself, but did it actually matter? She had broken so many promises, so there wouldn’t actually be a big deal for anyone, right? it would not matter anyways.
You started to walk away right to where you have come from, with your eyes glued to the floor not daring to look at the two of them, because you felt ashamed, you could feel Agatha’s eyes on you but you didn’t care, your vision started to become blurry and not wanting them to see you, you quickly walked past them, almost brushing Agatha’s shoulder.
Agatha stood there, not daring to turn around and take a look at you, she felt awfully bad, she knew that you were in that state because of her, it was her fault, you were like that because of her, and her heart ached seeing you like that.
Unconsciously she took her hand to her chin, and even though she had wanted so bad to talk to you and explain everything, she didn’t find the courage to do it.
She knew she had to talk to you before she went onto the witches´ road, she did not want to go until she properly talked to you, she had to do it, at least she had to try, Agatha had to tell you everything, her actions were now feel remorseful, it had not come to her mind what had happened, what she had done to you on that last day in which she confronted the scarlet witch.
But, would you actually believe her if she told you that what she has said and done had been completely because she only wanted to protect you?
Of course, you were not going to believe, who would? She knew the type of fame that she proceeded her, the type of witch she was known for, years of doing the same to many witches, Agatha was aware of what type of witch she was, what she was known for for, but even if her pride always made her act in a different way, she truly did not thought she was going to actually love you, she had really fucked up, and now she did not know how to fix everything for you.
She did not know what to do for the first time in her whole life, during all the hundred years of living, she did not know how to proceed.
Maybe it was the best to just let you go, you could be in danger if she got close to you now, with the Salem seven after her, she could not risk that something could potentially happen to you, not now that she was powerless, and would not be able to protect you, now that she had no ways of actually protect you if something happened.
Would it be worth it to risk losing you again? She had already lost you! But she was conflicted, it was too dangerous.
“Agatha?” The teen called for her, he noticed the tension between you two, of course he knew what Agatha was capable of doing, but even though, the woman right now that was next to him did not seem to be the one he had been passing time with since he arrived looking for her, the woman right now seemed to be vulnerable, lost, a part of her that was so foreign to him, she was not like the woman she pretends to act all the time, a complete different person was in from of him, it was a part of the woman he never thought he could see, he did not even think she was capable of showing something more than just her usual careless self, the woman who treated everyone as if no one actually mattered.
“Should we go after her? Maybe she can come to the road and get her powers back-“before the teen could continue Agatha harshly turned her head to look at him in a dangerous way.
“The road is a death wish, too dangerous” The teen nodded hastily with his eyes wide open, why was she suddenly acting like that? She did not seem to actually care if someone join them to walk down the witches’ road.
“Do not mention the road near her, alright?” The way she looked at the boy made him remember who she was, the witch that so many other witches feared, the woman who would be capable of doing whatever it takes to achieve whatever she wants.
“We still have to look for our coven, we can’t lose any more time, come, pet” She ordered the boy, her usual self-coming back and she started to walk to the other side of the street, the boy looked back to where you had disappeared, he couldn’t help but feel a pang in his heart, the way you looked so lost.
He quickly turned back to look at Agatha who was already walking far away, that woman could really disappear, he started to jog in order to reach Agatha, when he got close to her, he sensed again Agatha’s mood, the older witch seemed to be in deep thought and the teen couldn’t help but wonder why the encounter with that girl seemed to affect Agatha that much.
Meanwhile Agatha still was conflicted, she felt the need to go back to you, beg you to forgive her,  she missed being with you, the need she had was immense, she wanted to hold you, god, she had wanted to wipe your tears,  why had she been rude when you asked about Wanda? She could have been softer with you, she could have at least tried to help you to calm down, instead she bad let you go, again, she had let you alone and Agatha couldn’t bare the guilt creeping inside her.
She did not know if she would see you again, but she did not want to risk you now, if something happened to you, Agatha would never forgive herself.
Being close to her right now was dangerous, without power, she would not be able to protect you.
For once in her life, she did not know what to do.
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“Great, we got our coven Agatha!” The black-haired teen commented while the two of them were still inside his car, he parked the car in front of Agatha’s house, the feeling was exciting, he had never been part of one.
Agatha turned to look at him with one her eyebrows raised.
“My coven, you mean” She replied back at him while eyeing him, seriously why was this boy so excited about getting himself killed down the road.
“We have to prepare everything for their arrival Agatha” The older witch saw him getting his little notebook out of his pocket looking for something, not interested in what it was, she turned her head to the window to look at the house that was situated exactly at the end of the street.
She closed her eyes, her mind wandering back to you, her sweet girl.
Now she could remember perfectly the months she had shared her life next to you, at the start Agatha really thought she would not develop any type of feelings towards you, she would do what she always do, which was pretend to care about the people she came in contact with, and then she would just disappear, never seeing them again, usually Agatha would even forget their names, but with you, with you it had been so different.
She didn’t know if she had fallen for you after the first two months, or if it had been the very same first say you crossed paths.
The way your eyes would bright when you watched your favorite movie, the way you would try to hide your laugh when you were in a public space, she had told you that you didn’t need to do that, because your laugh was so beautiful that to her it sounded like music, she loved your smile so much that she really made an effort to make you laugh as much as possible, she loved whenever you used to tell her how much you loved her eyes, how your eyes would lighten up when she brought you flowers, your favorite ones.
You gave her the best months of her life; you made her feel alive! She had been living for centuries, and nothing had made her feel so alive than being with you, you made sure she was happy, you always made sure if she was feeling fine, always eager to please her and made her happy, and what had she done in return?
She had made you cried, she had broken your heart, the one thing she had promised you and herself, never to let you down, never to let you go, and she had already broken one of her promises twice, a few hours ago, she had let you go alone, she was not capable of going back to you and made sure you were alright.
She had fucked up so much, she needed to fix everything for you, you deserved it.
 But would she be able to fix it? What if she messed everything up again?
“Let’s make a stop before” The older witch announced out of nowhere and opened the door of the car, the boy looked up from his notebook and proceeded to get out of the car as well, he did not know where was Agatha going, but decided not to question her, he quickly locked the doors and went after the older woman.
After some minutes of walking, Agatha found herself right in front of your door, she was nervous, she was feeling so many things that were completely foreign to her, she had never felt guilty nor hadn’t had the immense urgency to make sure someone was alright, or even try to fix something she had caused, but there she was, willing to bite her tongue and make sure you would at least listen to her.
The boy behind her saw the way Agatha swallowed several times, looking at the floor and then at the door, he saw how the older witch had risen her hand ready to know on your door and then stopped, she just left her hand on the air and stood like that for several seconds, after some minutes, she finally found the courage to know on your door, and the teen found funny the way Agatha quickly tried to fix the tie around her neck, and had brushed her shoulders as if cleaning the dust of it, it was the first time he saw her that nervous, he couldn’t help but to smirk.
Agatha cleared her throat a couple of times, and after several times of having knocked on your door, she became worried, you were not answering, were you alright? What if you had already seen through the window or the peephole? Should she knock on the door again? Have you heard the knockings? What if you hadn’t? Too many questions were passing through her head, but before Agatha could jump into a conclusion, you finally opened the door slowly.
You were not expecting Agatha to be the one who knocked at your door, so of course you were completely surprised to see her there, with an unreadable expression on her face, you had puffy eyes from crying, your nose was a little bit red due to constant friction of paper against your skin, you tried to wipe completely the tears from your face and quickly cleared your throat.
Agatha quickly composed herself, but looking at you so heartbroken, with your eyes red from crying and your messy hair, she found you to be incredibly beautiful but at the same time made her heart ache, she knew you were in this state because of her.
“I do not have anything else to offer you, if you are looking for some more magic, I don’t have anything, I have nothing for you to take, so I recommend you to leave” You wanted to sound harsh, rude even, but who were you trying to fool? You were destroyed, you had nothing, and still Agatha dared to show herself here in front of you.
The older witch noticed how your eyes started to fill with tears again, and instinctively she took a step forward, her hands quickly went to touch your face, she unconsciously did what she used to do during the time you two passed together all those months ago, she caressed with such a gentle touch your face, unconsciously you leant against her hands, her warm touch made your heart flutter.
But once again, you remembered what she had done.
You hastily took some steps back, missing instantly her warm touch, Agatha retreated her hands in her pockets and her eyes started to fill with tears, one tear fell from her left eye down to her chin, but she quickly wiped it off, not wanting you to see, she took a deep breath, and cleared her throat.
“I’m not here to take anything from you” Agatha replied to you, and you chuckled, of course, you had nothing else to offer her.
“Then what do you want?” You couldn’t stop yourself from sounding so desperate, crossing your arms on your chest, you finally looked at her in the eyes, you were able to see the tears that seemed to be about to fall from her eyes, and even if you were angry, the feeling of wanting to hug her was still there.
“I want to talk to you, about what happened” You had sworn you heard a slight shake in her voice, but as fast as you had noticed, it also disappeared.
You really did not have it in you to keep on fighting, you were never good to actually be able to stay angry at people, no matter what someone could do to you, you were never able to stay mad for so long, and with Agatha, with the woman who made you fall in love with her, who had sworn on her life that she would do anything to protect you, the same woman that later you discovered she had been lying the entire time, even after everything she had done to you, you did not find the hatred to be there in your heart.
Agatha was looking directly at you, she could see in your facial expression, in your eyes that a lot of thought were passing through your mind, you were always so easy to read, she loved that about you, that you were so transparent, that your expression gave away what you were feeling, but today, it seemed as if you were conflicted, in so much pain that in fact she had caused.
“Why? How are you still, acting so, so nonchalant? Do you always do that? Do you always pretend to care about people and then what? You stab them right in the back? Is it funny to you? Is it only about power, Agatha?” The older woman felt as if a wound had been opened again, she had caused this, it was all her fault, that you thought the same way about her as all the other people, she had made you think that she did not actually cared for you.
Now, how would she be able to show you that what had happened, had all been a mistake, she had not been waiting for you to receive all the collateral damage that her own actions had caused, how would she be able to make you trust in her again, she was not even sure if you still had feelings for her.
Of course, you still had feeling for her, it did not feel as if three years had happened.
Before she could speak and answer to you, you took a step forward to her, and her heat started to beat faster.
“Has it really been three years?” You shakily asked, Agatha nodded her head slowly, she could not even believe three years had already passed either.
You did not notice that the two of you were already in the hallway of the main entrance of your house, the teen had already closed the door and had been waiting and had observed the entire interaction between you two, he did not want to intrude, but at the same time he would have liked to help somehow, sadly he did not know what to do. He felt sorry for you, and deep down, he knew that Agatha was not the witch everyone said she was, he was sure there was more about her, that she actually showed.
“Yes, and I swear I don´t have to do with the fact that you were under the same spell, I-“ She cleared her throat before continuing, Agatha was trying too hard not to let the tears fall from her eyes.
“I am sure, that, because I absorbed your powers, at the time, somehow you ended up being linked to me, I am sure, that I made clear to Wanda, that you knew anything about my real intentions, about the plan I had-“ This time, Agatha couldn’t stop herself from letting some tears fall down her face, it was impossible, she did not want to hide herself anymore, but would you believe her?
“I made sure to tell her everything, that you truly did not know about me, that you did not have powers” She said the last part in a whisper, that if you hadn’t paid enough attention, you wouldn’t even had heard.
“I am really sorry, that, that you ended up trapped under the same spell, I am truly sorry for-“Before she could continue, she took a deep breath, her hands were shaking a little, and she looked into your eyes, never closing them as if she wanted to show you that she was telling nothing but the truth.
“I am sorry for everything” She would have liked to tell you that she was sorry for breaking your heart, for having lied to you but if she said out loud what she had done, she knew she would end up crying so hard and would not be able to stop herself, Agatha still had some pride left, and did not want you to see her that way.
If you were honest, you were shocked, you had never seen her this vulnerable, during your time in the Wanda´s hex, she had never cried, never had showed any type of guilty for anything, left alone say sorry to anyone, part of you wanted to believe her, a part of you wanted to completely believe her so that you could throw yourself at Agatha and tell her that you still loved her, but what if she was just lying, what if what she was saying was just part of another plan she had already created?
Before you could continue talking, the three of you heard a howling, it had been a strong one, you could have sworn that the howling had came from right outside one of the nearest windows in the living room, you saw the way Agatha´s eyes widened at how close to your house it had sounded, it scared her, she couldn´t bear the thought of something actually happening to you, she couldn´t risk losing you again.
“What was that?” You said while covering your ears, it had been such a strong sound that made you thought your eras were going to be damaged somehow, you did not understand why Agatha seemed to be scared, you had not seen that expression before, you were so amazed at how much you realized you actually did not know the older witch.
“You can´t stay here, not alone” The blue-eyed woman said to you, she unconsciously brought her hands to rest them on your own hands, she carefully uncovered your ears with your hands in her, and you let her, after placing your own hands to your sides, Agatha carefully caressed your hair with her left hand.
“You are not safe here, with me” Burrowing your eyes, you looked at her with a grimace, what did she mean you were not safe with her?
“I know, I know you do not know why, you do not know what is going on, and I am afraid that this is my fault, again” The way she was blaming herself with such hurt in her voice, it made you to only want to hug her.
“I am in fact the witch you say I am, I am callous, I do not care about anyone but me, I am the best at pretending, lying and betraying, and because of my actions, I have hurt people, people who did not deserve anything that I made them passed through, innocent people, like you, I have said and done awful things, some of them I did not mean them, some of them I did” When you heard the last phrase your breath hitched in your throat, and that did not pass unnoticed to Agatha.
“They are here for me, they want me, only me, and if I stay longer with you, if you stay with me, I would be risking your life” You chuckled bitterly, so it was a goodbye, she came looking for you only to say goodbye to you, you were not sure what was worse, her saying goodbye properly, or the fight in which she said horrible things to you, were those things lie as well, or did she actually mean what she said three years ago? What she had done to you were part of the things she didn´t mean to do? You heart really hoped that was the case.
“Where are you going then?” You asked her not daring to look at her, instead you decided to keep your gaze on the floor, feeling her hair still caressing your hair.
“I cannot tell, is not safe, too risky” You did not know where the sudden anger came from, but you took a step back and Agatha quickly retracted her hands towards herself.
“No, no Agatha, you do have the right, to just, come here, giving me only half explanations, saying you are sorry, only to say goodbye, only to come here and say to me that you are going to leave, I need to know at least Agatha, you do not have the right to break me, then come again to just break me more” The sobs that came from you shattered her heart, she did not want for this encounter to turn this way, but at the same time she did not want to risk losing you again.
Agatha looked up to the ceiling, debating whether to tell you the truth or not, she had already told you so many lies, and she did not want to risk her only chance, you had let her touch you, you had already let her got close to you one more time, so she decided not to fucked her only chance again.
“We are going to walk down the witches’ road” She said in a whisper.
“Do not lie to me Agatha” You said to her burrowing your eyebrows, that was a lie, everyone knew the witches´ road was a myth. Before Agatha could say something to you the boy was quick to intervene.
“She is not lying, we are going to the witches´ road, we are going to walk it, not only the two of us, it is real” He said to you with a hopeful look in his eyes, you were completely confused, you had thought that the road was only myth, you had never thought that could exist, at all, but if it did, was it true it gave the people who got at the end what they wished the most?
“Take me with you” You did not know where that had come from, but instead of looking at Agatha you had said that directly to the boy, he immediately raised his eyebrows, he wasn’t expecting you to said that to him.
“No” Agatha was quickly to say, her eyebrows borrowed fiercely, and placed herself in front of you.
“What do you mean with that? No? Are you the only one who can go? Isn´t it supposed that anyone who´s a witch and anyone who practices magic can enter the road?” You said to her in a challenging tone.
“It is too risky, the road is a death wish” You heard the serious tone in her voice, but why did it matter to her, she had not care about leaving you alone years ago, why was she suddenly so “concerned”.
“C´mon Agatha, now you sound so worried? You do not get to dictate what I can do, it is my decision, I am going with you, if it is true that what you are missing awaits for you then I want to walk it as well, I want my magic back, is the only thing left that was mine”
Agatha could not believe how you did not understand that going to the road was truly a death wish, many witched have tried to pass it, but many of them were not able to reach the end.
She felt so conflicted, she was unsure on what to do, the best for you was to stay at your house, or even leave the town, never hear of her ever again, if she came back from the road, she would look for you again, she would try to fix things with you, in the correct way, but if you went with them to the road, she was not sure she would be able to protect you, without power, she was not sure how would she even could try to look after you if something goes wrong, she knew what you said was true, but it was too dangerous, if something happened to you, she would always blame herself, for not being able to protect you.
“Fine, but you are going to follow the rules, you are not going to leave my side, the road is too dangerous it can be tricky, so, if you promise to stay near me all the time, you can come” Agatha said after some minutes.
You were not sure if it was actually a good idea, but did you really have something else to lose?
Agatha´s gaze lingered on you for a while, and she sighed, her features softened and turned herself to look at the boy.
“We have to start going” The older witch announced and opened the door, too many thoughts on her head, to many emotions.
The boy looked at you with a smile and lifted his hand in a motion to tell you to come closer, you did it and placed yourself at the entrance of your house, you could see Agatha had already started to walk towards what you remember was her house.
“Seems like we are going together to the road” He seemed to be excited, his face lit up, his expression full of enthusiasm.
“Yes” You shily smiled at him, he seemed to be a kind person, always trying to see the good side of things.
Closing the door behind the two of you, you started to walk down the street, ready to face whatever that could happen.
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“What do you mean I cannot be part of the coven?” You asked Agatha again, what did she mean you were not going to help open the door to the road?
“I already told you, we already have the members of coven” You did not want to fight, and if Agatha did not want you to be part of her coven then it was alright, you did not care.
Agatha was relieved you did not put up much of a fight, the only way of making sure you were going to be safe, was by not making you part of the coven, the road was cruel and harsh, so by separating you and making sure you did not have to do as much as possible with the coven that she had just created, even if that meant you would be angry at her, she would do it, your safety came first.
“Fine” You said to her and rolled your eyes.
“Go with the teen upstairs, when we open the door, I will come for you, alright?” She whispered to you, you could sense the intense gaze of the other witches looking at the two of you, Agatha wanted to take your hand into hers, but she stopped herself.
Agatha saw you climbing the stairs, and when she made sure you had closed the door behind you, she sighed, no one in the house was ready to face what was waiting for all of you at the road, she could only made sure to keep you safe no matter what, and she would do it, whatever it took to keep you safe, she was going to do it.
“What do you think would be at the end of the road?” The teen asked you when you entered the living room, he was sitting on one of the couches, with Mr. Scratchy on his lap, your bad temper suddenly changed when you noticed the rabbit was there.
“I do not know, isn´t that it changes for everyone?” You asked him and he nodded, he noticed you were looking at the rabbit.
“You want to hold him?” You nodded; he passed the bunny over to you, taking the little fur ball in your arms you started to scratch his head.
“Do you want to sit here? I can sit on the floor” He asked you with a smile on his face, and you giggled.
“No, it´s alright, don´t worry, you arrived first so you have to stay there, alright?” Instead you sat  on the floor in front of him, never letting go of Mr. Scratchy.
“I missed you so much” You said talking to the bunny, the teen in front of you grinned, it was nice being with him, his expression reminded you of someone, to be more specific, the way he laughed reminded you of a certain twin that you used to pass time with, where were they?
“Are you alright?” He asked you with a worried expression on his face.
“Yeah, I just miss some friends” You replied, taking the bunny closer to you, you remembered when you passed time with the twins looking for this same bunny because he had got lost and they did not want for “Auntie Agnes” to get mad at them, the memory almost brought you to tears.
“I can be your friend” He smiled proudly of his idea, and you could not help but smile as well.
“That would be nice” You said to him, smiling back at him, you saw the way he took from his pocket the small little notebook he had in there.
“We can start by knowing what the other like, I will write everything down on my notebook, I write everything that is important down here, that is why I always make sure I have this with me” He said while starting to write something down in the little pages.
You nodded at him and started to share what you liked to do, the movies you liked to watch and the series you were fond of, your mind wandered back to a certain red-haired friend, the times you would have movie nights at her house, and the sitcoms she used to put on replay, once again you remembered how much you missed the people that had become your family
 He shared with you how much he loved listening to music, the bands and singers he usually listened and it made you smile the way he seemed to be so excited about sharing his interests.
“When we get out of the road, I will show you my playlists, and we can have movie nights at my place, we can watch the movies you told me about, and also we can play board game while listening to some music” He sounded so excited, and he reminded you of when a little boy shows his new toys to everyone.
“I would love that” You said to him, matching his enthusiasm, the two of you kept on talking about interests and you found him to be really funny, you could see yourself getting attached to this friendship.
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You had separated yourself from her when you noticed what Agatha was about to do, unconsciously the blue-eyed woman had brought you closer to her and pulled you from your waist to place you behind her, ready to protect you and using her own body to shield you from the unknown entity rising from the ground.
“Surprise, my lady” Agatha took whatever the green witch had given to her, and before all of you could react properly, Agatha lifted her hand, ready to throw her fist at the woman, Alice and Jenn were quick enough to grab her to stop her from whatever she was about to do.
Agatha and the witch with the messy hair exchanged looks for a minute, but when the new member that had joined Agatha´s coven saw you, her expression changed, the smirk she held on her face suddenly changed, her gazed lingered on you for what appeared to be minutes, her intense gaze made you feel a little uncomfortable, and when Agatha noticed whom she was looking at, her expression got even angrier.
What happened next, happened so quickly that you did not have to register carefully, the only thing you felt was Agatha taking your arm to drag you towards her, forcing you to walk at her pace.
Alice, Jen and Lilia saw the way the new green witch was looking at you, and they saw how the witch with dirt all over herself followed with her eyes the way Agatha had gone with you beside her, they did not understand what was going on.
“Agatha wait!” You could hear the teen behind you, calling for the older witch.
“You´re hurting me Agatha” Her strong grip around your arm has starting to hurt, she abruptly stop in the middle of the road and when she looked at you, you could see that the anger had disappear from her features, she carefully loosened her grip around your arm and lifted it to examine it.
She lifted the sleeve of your jacked and carefully ran her fingers through your skin, looking carefully for something that you did not know.
“I´m sorry, I won´t do it again” You really could not help the way her actions made your heart beat faster, you could not deny it even if you wanted to, even if you were still hurt by her actions, you heart still belonged to her.
“It´s alright, don´t worry” You answered to her, and removed your arms from her touch, she still made you feel nervous, and for a second Agatha smirked, she noticed she had still that effect on you, so maybe, just maybe, that could mean you still had feelings for her.
“Listen, I need you to stay away from her” She said to you in a whisper, you blinked, not understanding what she meant.
Agatha turned her head to the right to see where the other witched were, and what saw again, made her blood boil, you turned your head as well to see what she was looking at, and when you noticed a big pair of brown eyes staring at you without even blinking, you quickly turned your head to look at Agatha´s shirt.
Even thought the constant and intense stare of the green witch made you feel scared, it also made you curious, so you quickly turned again your head to look at the woman from afar, she was not looking at you anymore, she seemed to be looking at her surroundings, exploring the road and what it was around it, you could swear you had seen her give little jumps while playing with something in her hand, unconsciously you smiled, it was strange that she looked so familiar, you could swear you have seen her before, the deadly stare she had, you felt as if you had seen it before, but you could not remember where, the smiled that had formed in your face  of course did not pass unnoticed to the witch that was in front of you.
Agatha did not like the way the green witch had looked at you, she felt uneasy, and even though she would not say it aloud, she felt a pang of jealousy right now that you were looking at her with a smile, she wanted you to smile at her, and not at the woman who was touching the branches of the trees, her jaw clenched, she took your chin with her hand and made you look at her.
“I am being serious, you have to stay away from her” The way she said that to you, as if she was telling you to follow her order, it made you feel warm.
“Why? Who is she?” You were about to turn your head back to look at the green witch, but Agatha with a strong yet soft grip on your chin, did not let you do that.
“I used to work with her, I know her very well, she is not a good person, so just do as I say, alright?” Why was she so intensely telling you not to get near the new member, what was she not telling you? You had so many questions but decided not to ask, the way Agatha had talked to you and how her touch felt against your skin, made you forget of all your worries.
“Good girl” She said to you and that was what it took for you to finally give in, you couldn’t help it, all of the emotions, feelings you have tried to suppress, came back with a force you were not expecting, and without thinking properly, you hugged her.
Agatha was taken aback, she had not waited for you to hug her, it felt so good to have you so close, you passed your arms around her shoulders, and without losing any more time, she passed her arms around your waist, she pulled you impossibly closer to her, she had missed this so much, the way you pressed your head against her chest, it only made her want more of you, she started to caress your back, up and down, soothing you, Agatha then placed her chin on your head, oh, she had missed you so much, you had no idea.
Neither her nor you, dared to say something, not wanting to break the comfortable vibe that surrounded the two of you, Agatha just let herself enjoy the pleasant feeling of having you so close to her.
Without thinking too much, she pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, and you sighed content, you had really missed her, you had missed the way she only knew how to hold you, you felt so relaxed in her embrace.
The teen had had walked closer to you without making any sound, he did not want to interrupt the moment you two were having, he felt glad, Agatha had let herself enjoy a little bit, he could really se how the two of you were dying to at least get to hold each other´s hand, he could see the love you two had for the other, and he was really fond of you, the two of you were so different, Agatha was a complete extroverted woman, a spontaneous woman who was a great leader, she knew exactly what to say, and had a comeback for everything, she would often taunt other people, but what he had noticed was that with only a look from you, she would come back to her senses.
So, he wondered, if maybe there was a way in which you two could still be together.
Lilia came next to the boy, to stand next to him, she saw in awe the scene that was unfolding in front of her, Lilia could not help but smile, it had been the first time she had seen Agatha acting so carefree.
Alice, Jen and the green witch came walking finally, and the sound of the crunching leaves, made you come back to reality, you cleared your throat, and slowly separated from Agatha´s embrace, you wished you could stay with her like that forever, but still you had to continue walking down the road.
Agatha slowly separated herself from you as well, and looked at you in a way you had thought she would never look at you again.
“We have to keep walking” Agatha caressed your hair one last time, and she let you go, you turned your head to look at the teen behind you and motioned to him to come next to you, he smiled and nodded his head, placing himself next to you, you and him started to walk again in front of everyone, he could not stop looking at you with a smirk, you looked at him and furiously blushed, and he started to laugh.
Agatha saw you walking next to the teen, the smile never leaving her face, she felt complete, the sound of footsteps behind her became closer and closer, and she hastily turned herself around to see the other witches.
“What?” She said with a frown on her face, somehow it was weird for her to let other people see her like that.
“Nothing” was the word that the three witches said in a hurry, Alice lifted both of her hands showing she meant no threat, Lillia closed her mouth and tried hard not to laugh at how defensive Agatha sounded, while Jen went to the side of the road to look at one branch that suddenly had become so interesting.
“That´s what I thought” Agatha replied to them with a sight, and dramatically flipped her hair to start walking.
Some seconds later, she noticed someone getting dangerously close to her and she heard a laugh, she knew very well the owner of that laugh.
“She is really pretty” And that made her abruptly stop, Agatha hastily turned herself to face the woman.
“Wow, you don´t have to get so defensive about it sweetheart” Rio had a smirk on her face, she was taunting the older witch, the situation was funny to her, never in million years, she had thought that Agatha would become so smitten by someone else, someone so much younger than her.
“Do not get near her, are you listening? I do not want you near her” She threated the slightly taller woman, and what she received in exchanged was a laugh.
“You do not have to get jealous, you have my heart” Agatha rolled her eyes in annoyance and decided to walk again, Rio followed her.
“You got softer, is she really that sweet?” Rio taunted again, Agatha smiled again without noticing, you were really sweet, she had no met someone like you during all of her long life, you were so understanding, you had a huge heart.
“She is” Agatha replied.
“Would you let me meet her?” Rio asked again, this time there was no trace of malice nor sounding as if she was mocking her, this time she sounded serious and that made Agatha frown, why was she so insistent on getting to talk to you?
She had not noticed when they reached you and the teen, the two of you were looking at the house in the middle of the road.
“Here we go again” said the teen next to you.
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“Are you alright?” You went quickly to try and help the teen, bending over to see if he had more injuries, you were worried, you did not want him to die.
You felt Agatha pulling you aside to let the other witches carry him to take him out of the house.
You felt anxious, and after some minutes that seemed excruciatingly long, all of you finally left the house and you saw them placing your friend on the ground, there was so much blood and without thinking twice, you went to crouch down to shake the teen.
“y/n” Agatha tried calling your name, but you were clinging to the jacket of the teen on the ground, Jenn was trying to pour the potion on his stomach but you were too immersed in your suffering and memories.
You were not answering, too deep on your own thoughts that had not notice you needed to move to give him space, you tried to shake him again, to see if he would open his eyes, to make sure he would not fall asleep again, even if his eyes were already closed.
“C´mon, you cannot leave too! You can´t die! You told me we were going to be good friends, that when we would get to the end of the road and left this place you would show me your music collection, I was going to show you all of the movies I told you about, we were going to have movie nights, at your place, you were going to teach me all of the spells you have learnt, you can´t leave me too!” You had not realized your voice was getting louder.
“y/n you need to move, please” Agatha yelled desperately trying to get your attention, she was crying, crying because she was worried about the teen, she did not want him to die either, but seeing you in this state, clinging desperately to the boy laying on the ground, shaking his body, begging him not the leave too, it made her realize how much you were hurting, she wanted to hug you and tell you that everything would be fine, but in her shocked state she was starting to freeze as well.
Jenn was pouring with her shaking hands the water on the teen´s stomach, watching the scene in front of her with glossy eyes, Lillia was trying really hard not to cry, she did not want to startle you even more, so she maintained her distance, Alice was crying like you, checking if the teen had more wounds, Agatha was behind you, trying to take you away from there.
Rio, was the only one that actually understood why you were acting that way, why you were so desperate, the way you had lost so many people, the way your eyes always seemed to be empty, she had seen everything years ago during that accident you had had, but watching you revive everything one more time, really was breaking her heart.
“Sweetheart you have to move aside, please” She kneeled besides you and tried to wake you from your trance, but it did not seem to work.
In a quick movement, out of desperation Agatha grabbed you by your waist and with a strong grip around you she pulled you to the other side of the road, the two of you fell to the ground, making you yelp in pain, you quickly got up and were about to go back to the teen´s side, but Agatha grabbed you again by the waist, making you get closer to her, your back glued to her front, she had a strong grip around you, not wanting to let you go, you could hurt him or even get yourself hut in your state.
“Let me go Agatha” You cried in desperation, none of them realized that you would not able to bear losing someone else, not again.
“No, keep still” She said firmly, she tried to stay calm for the sake of everyone.
“No, Agatha you do not understand, he cannot die!” You cried fighting, trying to get free from Agatha´s grasp, which only made her tighten her grip around you.
“I do, I do understand, but you have to calm down!” She yelled, louder this time, she did not want you to also hurt yourself more, you already had some wounds on your face and in your hands due to the glass that had shattered, but you were moving too much.
Of course, Agatha understood very well how was it to lose people she loved so much, she had given up so much, she had lost people she loved deeply, she was not a foreigner to the feeling of losing someone.
“Oh please Agatha, you cannot fool anyone! You don’t care about anyone but you, you have never felt how is it to lose someone you really love, you have never lost anyone, you know why? Because you can only love yourself, you are the only one that matters to you, everything is about you all the time, only about power, the great Agatha Harkness suffering a loss? No, no Agatha you do not know how it actually feels to lose everyone, your friends, your life, people whom you have thought were family” You yelled back at her, you had stopped moving so hastily, not fighting her strong grip anymore, you couldn’t keep fighting, not anymore.
You had not even noticed, that the wound on the stomach´s teen had stopped bleeding, and he was peacefully sleeping, the other witches were watching you, with tears on their faces.
Rio who was in front of you, squeezed her eyes shut, you really did not know that Agatha was not a foreigner to loss, she understood what you were feeling, but she knew that what you had said, had hurt Agatha, it had hurt her deeply, Agatha was crying, she could no longer stopped the tears from falling down her face, the two of you were on the ground again, she had her arms around your waist, you were sobbing, and Agatha was sobbing as well, she had her face buried in your neck and when she heard what you said, she couldn’t stop but cry at your words.
She was hurt, deeply hurt, and she couldn’t bear for the others to look at her with pity, she loosened her grip around you, and left you there sitting alone in the middle of the road, with your hands covering your face, and sobbing hard, you could not stop crying, Agatha stood up, her hair covering her face and she left, she needed time to be alone.
Rio saw her walking to the other side of the road, and took a deep breath, she did not blame you, she was sure Agatha had not told you about her story, and by the way everything she had witnessed had unfolded since arriving, she knew you had not also shared with Agatha the story about your past, Agatha did not know about what you had passed through and you were not aware as well about Agatha´s past, she shook her head and went to kneel in front of you.
“Sweetheart, he is fine, he is not going to die, I can assure you that, look he is now just sleeping, the wound is gone” She whispered softly into your ear, she had seen you from afar since that tragic day, she knew she had to take you with her that day, she knew she should have done it, but when she saw that deep down, deep down that death wish you had always had, for the most part of your life, she saw a glimpse of hope, the was a glimpse of longing, she recognized it immediately, you wanted to live, deep down, you had wanted to live, you had had died that night, you were bleeding so much, the bodies of those around you whose souls she had already took with her, she had already claimed them, the people who you considered family, for the first time you had met people whom you could consider family, it did not matter that you were not blood related to them, they had told you that you were a family, and they all have left you.
It was partially her fault, she knew it, she was aware, Rio knew that by not taking you with her, you would suffer more being without all of the people you loved, but she saw something in you, she knew that death was a relief  itself for the tortured people like you, for the ones who were lost, the ones that felt they did not have a place on earth like you, but seeing in you that spark of hope deep inside you, and so in the end, she did not take you with her, Rio knew she was being completely selfish, she had been aware that she was breaking the rules, and that there could be consequences, but she did not think of it at the time, she wanted you to be able to live, even if life had taken you there, she knew you had an immense pain, all your life, seeing friends come and go, never staying in your life for too long,  yearning and longing to belong somewhere, completely lost, an outcast, that was what you considered yourself as, not understanding your magic, always suppressing your powers, because your family had left you since you were a child, always fearing you, making you feel like a monster, always looking for a family, or get something as close to a family, never finding one.
But she wanted you to keep on living, she remembered perfectly the way you were crying, half of your face covered in blood, Rio got closer to you, and she stared at you, looking directly into your eyes, and she saw you were looking at her, she was sure you were not completely conscious, but the way you looked into her eyes as well, made her feel warm, she gently brought her hand to your face, and cleaned the blood off your face, she knew she was going to encounter you later on life, but she did not how, Rio did not want to leave your side, she wanted to make sure the paramedics arrived before letting you go, so with one of her hands she took your hand, and never let it go.
She stayed with you for over 20 minutes, watching you carefully, you had tears streaming down your face, from time to time, more tears would come out of your eyes, and she carefully wiped them off your face, she caressed your face with her fingers, making sure not to hurt you more that what you were already hurt, and when the sirens of the ambulances and the patrols were getting closer, she took one last look at you, with such a loving touch, she wiped the last tear falling from your eye, Rio then bent her head down to leave a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Rio knew that was not a goodbye, so she just placed your hand on your chest, and disappeared into the darkness with the wind and between the night.
She remembered fondly that memory, she had not given you the gift of death, but she had given you another chance, seeing you now so close, right in front of her, Rio knew she would not let anything happen to you, Rio was aware of the fact that you were enduring an immense pain, because of Agatha´s reckless actions you had got hurt one more time, but the green witch knew how deep Agatha´s love was for you, so if you let her as well as Agatha, she was sure the two of you would stop feeling the pain you had been enduring for so long.
She brought her hands to uncover your face, you had already calmed down a little, not sobbing as hard as before, you felt her soft touch against your skin, and it made you instantly feel peace, it had not been something you had felt since so many years ago, you had not felt something as calming and as soothing since that day you had lost everyone.
Rio noticed the way you looked up at her, and she carefully intertwined her hand with yours, it was a sensation you had felt once, so long ago, when you felt cold, the blood soaking your body, but even in the middle of all that tragedy, you somehow felt warm, you felt at peace, and feeling her touch, made you remember that day you had felt scared, you looked into her brown eyes, and that was when you remembered those eyes, you quickly threw yourself at her, passing your arms around her shoulders, the older witch smiled fondly, and finally, after years of only watching you from afar, reviving the moment she had seen you so many times, finally you were there, in front of her hugging her, she was feeling you again, after so many years, you were there finally, she understood why Agatha was so in love with you, because deep down, she knew she had been affected by the same feeling when she first saw you, in the end, she had broken the rules for you.
Rio slowly put her hands on your waist, caressing you so softly as if you were made of glass, she enjoyed the feeling, your warmth felt amazingly nice against her own body, she let herself enjoy the moment before speaking again in your ear.
“I promise you, he is going to live, he is not going to die, and you and Agatha are going to be alright, do you trust in me?” You realized she was not lying, you have already met her, in the middle of the tragedy, she had been there for you, you had not been alone, you had thought you had only dreamt of a beautiful woman with brown eyes and an intense stare that made you feel warm, you nodded against her neck and she instinctively hugged you tighter.
“You´re real, I did not dream of you that night, you were there” She nodded against your neck, and her right hand caressed your back up and down, even though you still had so many questions, such as who was she, how had she been there that night, why did she look the same? Even with so many questions running inside your mind, you felt safe.
You felt Rio separating herself from you, she carefully brought her hand to brush some of the strands of hair you had on your face.
“All of the betrayal you have passed through, the abandonment of everyone you have loved, every friend you have lost, Agatha does not know any of that, she is not even aware of half the things you have passed through, all the times you have left yourself trust in someone or whenever you finally feel someone is going to stay in your life, there is something that always happens, I know it, because I have seen it” Her brown eyes pierced your soul, Rio´s eyes were looking straight into your eyes.
“I have known Agatha far longer than you had, and trust me, she has passed through so many losses, she has lost so many people she loved, her reckless acts are just proof of how much she had passed through, you have no idea how much you two have in common, you only do not know that, because you had not told each other any of those things that had caused so much pain in you, Agatha is not really good when it comes to feelings, but trust me when I tell, I had never seen her put so much effort into actually doing the right thing, she loves you, deeply, you have no idea how much she really cares for you, and I know that what she did, she did it thinking she was protecting you, please don´t push her away anymore, you have the right to feel hurt, but trust me, if the two of you get to talk properly, you are going to understand everything, and I am going to be there, for the two of you, alright?” She said looking at you with a loving gaze.
“I know you have a lot of questions inside that little head of yours, and I will make sure to answer to each one of them, but I have to go see Agatha first, we will have a conversation, the three of us, but first I have to go with her and you have to stay here, with that boy, to make sure he wakes up, it is going to do some god to you when you see him open his eyes again, so you stay there with him, when he wakes up, you can come look for us, alright?” The way she was speaking to you, reminded you so much of when Agatha consoled you after you had had a nightmare, her voice was as soothing as Agatha´s.
You nodded and Rio smiled at you, she helped you to stand up, and gave you one more hug, she pressed you against her one more time and pressed a kiss on your lips, it had only been a peck, a soft kiss that left a tingling sensation that lingered on your lips for a while, you started to feel your face getting warmer, she smiled at you and squeezed you hand one final time, before finally leaving your side, you went to place yourself next to the teen, your friend, and you were relieved to know he was going to be alright.
When you got next to him, and sat next to where he was laying, Alice came to sit next to your right, she smiled at you, it was a reassuring smile, she could not help but to feel protective towards you, she was happy you had calmed down, she put her hand on your shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze, as if she was telling you that everything would be alright, after a couple of minutes Lilia came to sit next to your left, she gave you a hug and said to you that everything was going to be alright, you hugged her back, and when separated herself from you, she gave you a huge smile as well, then Jennifer arrived and placed herself next to you, with a little cup that seemed to be made of leaves, she stretched her hand out to you so that you would take it, you instantly did it, and she gave it a squeeze, then she proceeded to put in your hand the little cup with what it seemed to have water on it.
“I did it, it is going to help you relax, do not worry, we all got your back” Their actions touched your heart, and for once in a long time, you felt tears of joy, everything seemed to get better.
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You did not know how much time it had passed, but you noticed the teen waking up from his slumber, you quickly went to his side to look at him, when he saw you, he smiled, and you smiled as well.
“You are alive! You are still here” You said to him excited, he nodded and proceeded to sit on the floor, after you made sure he was stable enough, you hugged him, you hugged him because you were happy, he was alive, because he was alright, because your friend was still there.
He hugged you back and he smiled, he had heard what you had said about him, not wanting to leave.
“I am not going to leave anytime soon, we still have to watch movies together, play board games and listen to my playlist, I am going to stick here for a long time” He said to you with a soft gaze on you.
“We are friends, we still have too many things to do!” You nodded excitedly, and before you could continue to talk with him, the other witches, which now you understood were your friends as well, all sat around you and the teen, they were happy he was fine, and you could not feel happier to be with them.
“C´mon, you can leave him with us, we are going to take good care of him, you still have something else to do” Lilia said to you, she was holding your hand, it made you remember Wanda, and her motherly touches, you gave her hand a squeeze and stood up, ready to meet Rio and Agatha.
You were nervous, you did not know what the talk was going to be, but with everything Rio had told you, and with the guilt you were feeling for saying hurtful things to Agatha without knowing, you really needed to say you were sorry to her, you did not want to lose any more time.
When you finally visualized them they were sitting on a big tree-trunk that was on the middle of the floor, the scene filled your heart with so much love, there Agatha was sitting next to Rio, their shoulders were touching and Rio seemed to be talking to Agatha, the blue-eyed woman was looking at the leaves on the floor, when they heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the crunching leaves, they lifted their heads to see you, Rio looked at you with the same warmth she had been looking at you, her features had softened and on her face a smiled appeared, Agatha could not take her eyes away from you, she was looking at you with an unreadable expression, you decided to walk closer to them and when you were just centimeters away from them, Agatha quickly stood up from her seat, and engulfed you in tight embrace, her grip became stronger, she had passed her arms around your waist, pulling you closer to her, you rested your head on the crook of her neck, your hands resting on her chest.
Agatha did not want to let you go, never, she wanted to be with you, she wanted to have you close to her, you noticed the way Agatha was caressing your hair, her soft touch comforted you.
“I am sorry Agatha, I am sorry for all of the things I said to you, I should have judged you without knowing, I hope you can forgive me” You said in a whisper, loud enough for her to hear, and she started to cry, you looked up at her worried, and she only gave you a beautiful smile.
“It´s alright doll, you do not have to be sorry for anything, you did nothing wrong, I understand completely your pain, I have to be the one that should have said sorry, I am so ashamed of what I did, you have to believe me when I say to you how sorry I am, I should have never let you alone, I should have never took your powers, I thought that if I took them from you, Wanda would not be mad at you, and she would not sense the magic coming from you, and I stupidly thought that if she sensed you did not have any type of magic, she would not come after you, how stupid I was that I got you under the same spell I was in because of my actions” Agatha was sobbing, she was caressing your back, wanting to touch you as much as possible, afraid that she would lose you again.
“It´s alright Aggie, now I understand, I know that you love me, as much as I love you, I don´t hold grudges against you, I am happy now that you said you love me, I am not angry anymore” You said while looking straight into her baby blue eyes, she could not wait any more time, so she leant in to capture your lips, it was a soft kiss, a pure one, she wanted to show you how much she loved you, that she loved you with her whole heart, she smiled on your lips, the two of you were crying, but nothing compared to the sensation of feeling her lips against you.
After the kiss was finished, she brought her hands towards your face, and started to brush the hair on your face, just as how Rio had done it before, you instantly looked at Rio who had already stood up from her seat and was behind the two of you, she was smiling, her characteristic smirk on her face.
“She always makes everything a competition” Rio said and Agatha started to laugh, it was a sincere laugh, you looked at Rio confused and she got closer, she stretched her hand out to you so that you would take it, and you did it.
“I told her I had kissed you” And Rio winked at you, you blushed furiously and left the two of them drag you to the tree-trunk they had been sitting before, Rio was holding the hand you had given to her, and Agatha did not let go of your other hand, holding it tightly, the two of them sat you in the tree-trunk, you were in the middle, Rio decided to sit next to your left and Agatha sat next to your right, both of their hands never letting go of yours.
“We are going to be fine” Said Agatha before placing a soft kiss to your hand, the one she was holding, making you blush even more.
“We are going to be fine” Repeated Rio and she decided to place a kiss on your forehead, you smiled at them, feeling happy.
You still did not know what the road still had left for you, you were not sure, what you would have to endure, but with Agatha and Rio taking care of you, making sure you would be fine, you knew nothing else mattered, also, with the help of your new friends as well, Lilia, Alice and Jenn, you knew all of you would be able to pass the next trials, and with the help of the one that you were sure could become your best friend, the teen who always saw the good side of everything, you were sure, all of you would get to the end.
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satxnsupreme666 · 3 days
question. what do u do in ur free time?
Hello! Thank you for sending an ask 🩷 I hope you are doing fine by the way 💕
And, well, when I am not reading or writing, sometimes I play two video games, and If I am not doing any of that, I listen music and/or work on my thesis, and if I am not doing anything I try/tend to sleep to evade reality because I can’t stand my own reality so the only option left for me to numb the pain of my own life and not think about how harsh real life is, is to sleep 🥹
(I know you did not ask for this but, I used to work, in an awful place, the payment was really good though, so I only worked there for 6 months until I saved up enough money and then I decided to quit and take a break, and that’s also one of the reasons why I am not working right now)
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satxnsupreme666 · 4 days
Hey! I'm really glad you're back. 🥰Do you have another crush besides Agatha, or what’s your ideal type of girl?
Hello! Sorry for not being able to answer this before, I just enter to tumblr to post and edit 😅
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you took the time to send me an ask ♥️ and it makes me happy to know this really 💖
To answer your question I also have liked a lot different female characters such as Samantha Carpenter from Scream, Amber Freeman from Scream as well, mmm Tara Carpenter from the same movie 💕
Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ♥️
I also have liked Love Quinn from the “You” series.
Villanelle from “Killing Eve”, Marilyn Thornhill from Wednesday, Lee Harker from the movie “Longlegs”, Amanda Young from the “Saw” movies, Cordelia Goode from American Horror Story, or basically every character she has played, Nica and Tiffanny
There may be more, but I cannot remember right now, those are the characters that came to my mind right now 💖
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satxnsupreme666 · 4 days
Stronger than you think: Agatha Harkness/Agnes x fem!reader
Requested by: @purple-people15
Summary: Everyone is now free from Wanda´s mind control as well as you and now that you´re not Agnes´ secret lover, Agatha asks you out on a real date because she´s smitten by you, but in the middle of the date your ex shows up to bother you and Agatha shows her protective side.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: Reader has ptsd from a previous toxic relationship, mention of a panic attack, slight angst, apart from that is pure romance and, in the end, there´s a lot of fluff.
Author´s notes: Hi again!  (also I wrote the panic attack part as how I’ve had them, I don’t want to offend anyone, and as this is a serious thing I hope everyone who suffers from ptsd is doing better I suffer from this, I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist too and I completely understand, and if this is a topic that may trigger you, don’t read it please, your mental health is the most important thing first 🥺💕)
This was a requested story, I do not know if I should tag the people who requested at the time, I want to be respectful, so I am not sure if I should tag them, I will try and do it since it was their request and their idea and if any of the people who requested back at the time now feel uncomfortable being tagged, please let me know and I will delete the tag.
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
I hope you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange @eliscannotdance
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Eastview was now free; you weren’t under Wanda´s mind control anymore but it felt weird to be able to feel everything again. You were not sure how to feel.
Everything happened so fast, two days ago you were walking to Dottie´s house, they were having a meeting again and this time was about organizing a party for the children In the park, you were walking down the street with a bottle of wine in your hands that Dottie had asked you to bring, it was a sunny day but after some minutes you saw the sky changing to red and you felt drawn to the color, you couldn’t stop looking at the sky, you didn’t know why and after what felt like hours something strange happened.
You felt like your mind was released from a slight pressure and blinking a few times, all the memories of your real life came in a rush, you remember your life here in Eastview, and you couldn’t help but feel anxious, this was not right, everything real came crashing you down, there was no more sunny days and the same old awful feeling you used to have, came back to you, this was not right. 
After that you saw how everyone started to freak out, you felt stressed and anxious, it was horrible, you wanted to hide, you started to breath rapidly and you were afraid, this was wrong.
Deciding that it would be best if you went to your own house to hide under the covers you walked in a rush to it, you would be safe in your room.
The only thing that calmed you down was thinking of Agnes, maybe it hadn’t been real what you had, but it had been beautiful.
You had all your memories from the sitcom with you, they hadn’t gone away, they were still on your mind, but you were not sure why everybody here seemed to be so angry, for you it was different, while you were under Wanda´s mind control you had forgotten every bad memory from your real life that caused you pain, everything bad that had happened to you felt like a distant memory, you weren’t suffering, on the contrary the memories from the sitcom were really happy, getting to know Agnes, had been the best part of it, the role Wanda had given to you was of Agnes´ secret date, and it had been amazing.
You really liked her, the way everything had developed between you two made you feel happy, but at the same time you felt devastated, you would have preferred to still be under the magic, it was easy, you didn’t feel any pressure, you didn’t feel anxious, everything you felt was happiness, and now you were back to feeling stressed out and agitated, you were afraid of going outside, you were really afraid you could meet the person who made your life miserable, it took you years to left her, and the worst part was that she was here In town. But what made you shivered was the fact that you had talked to her while you were trapped under Wanda´s mind control, you encountered many times while you were walking or speaking with Agnes, but as you were not aware of what was going on, at the time it didn’t bother you, but now thinking about that made you shiver in fear, you were grateful you weren’t aware when that happened, that could have been awful for you and for your mental health, little by little you tried to be better without her, you tried to compose yourself from all the pain she had inflicted on you.
The time you spent with Agnes had been amazing, but now that you thought twice about it you couldn’t help but feel heartbroken, everything had been fake, nothing was real and Wanda had just made you fulfil a role, the role of the secret love affair of Agnes.
You were alone again, and your fears took over you, what if what your ex told you was real? What if you never find some for you? Would you be alone just as she had told you? All of these questions wouldn’t leave your mind and you just kept overthinking, you tried to think of something else, but each time your mind went to Agnes and how all of what you had was just a role you had to play, now you had to deal with the harsh reality, your former girlfriend was somewhere here in Eastview and you were afraid.
It was hard not to overthink everything, you had been doing alright before Wanda came to Westview, you had packed your things to leave the town but before you could leave something took over you, and after that there was no more sadness, It had been good the entire time you shared with Agnes, but now seeing the reality and how it had ended, you just felt worse than before.
A loud knock on your door distracted you from your thoughts, who could be? You wished it would be you ex, you were not going to be able to stand the sight of her on your door, different scenarios passed through your head, what if she came here to yell at you? Another loud knock on your door made you stand slowly from your bed; you weren’t sure if you should open the door or not.
Walking slowly out of your room you made your way towards the door and with your hands shaking you carefully took the doorknob.
“Who is it?” Your voice sounded weak and fearful
“Y/n?” You released the breath you didn’t know you were holding and took a deep breath, the voice calmed you down a little, you were so used to her cheerful tone but today Agnes sounded different.
You carefully opened the door and you saw her concerned face; you could tell she was worried.
“Hey doll, may I come in?” You smiled at the endearment, you loved the way she called you, her voice didn’t have the same cheerful tone but it was beautiful nonetheless, you found her voice so soothing.
“Yes, come in” You whispered and let her enter your house, you were going to close the door but she did it first and she smiled at you, you gave her a half smile and you walked towards the couch to take a sit.
“Listen doll, I´m here, because I need to talk with you, it´s about who I really am and also” She had taken a sit next to you and she took your hand, she had a soft but firm grip on your hand, you saw how she stopped talking and while she looked at the ceiling she took a deep breath.
“Also I want to talk with you about us” Your mood quickly got worse, you were sure she was going to end things, you knew what you had wasn’t real, but still it was really painful this, you didn’t want to have this talk, not yet, you were not sure if you were going to handle this.
You quickly dropped her hand and you stood up from the couch, you walked a little away from her and you rubbed your hands against your tights a little nervous, you didn’t want to hear what she could say.
You struggled to breathe a little, this was awful, were you having a panic attack?
“Doll, I will walk closer towards you, is that alright?” You heard her concerned voice and you slowly nodded
You felt her near you and she softly placed her hand on your shoulder, this made you feel a little better.
“Take deep breaths sweetheart” She said to you in a soft voice, you looked at her in the eyes and she started to take breaths, you followed her and little by little your breathing started to become normal.
“Concentrate on your breathing honey, deep breaths” Her voice soothed you.
“That´s It darling, you can get through this” Her sweet words made you feel better and you started to calm down, you could feel more her soft touch on you and with a deep final breath you gave her a small smile.
“What do you need me to do sweetheart?” Her voice was calming you realized you needed some water; you cleared your throat a little before speaking.
“Could you give me a glass of water, please?” You asked shyly and she gave you a smile, she squeezed your shoulder softly before going to the kitchen and when she came back with a glass of water, you took it to drink of it and she softly stroked your hair.
“Thank you, I´m feeling a little bit better” You felt a lot calmer now
“Alright, listen I´m sorry about that-”
“No, no it´s alright, you don´t need to be sorry sweetheart, It´s alright seriously” She grabbed your face with her hands and she caressed your cheek with her thumb, you stroked the back of your hand with your fingers and she smiled.
“Darling I just came here to ask you on a real date” When you heard what she had said you opened your mouth; she was asking you on a real date! You couldn’t believe it.
“So, you like me back?” You blurted out
“Of course doll, listen, I was aware all this time, I wasn’t under Wanda´s mind control, and I would like to get to know the real you and I would love that you get to know the real me, and about that, my real name is Agatha Harkness sweetheart” Suddenly all of your fears weren’t there anymore, you felt happy for this and you couldn’t help yourself from hugging her.
It was a hug like the many one she had given you so many times, but this time you were completely aware and you loved it, this time you would enjoy everything in a different and better way.
You stayed like that for some minutes, her hands around your waist and your arms around her shoulders with your head resting in the crook of her neck, until you removed yourself a little from her.
“You´re so beautiful y/n” You heart melted, she was just so sweet as always, she made you felt happy and also, she pushed your worries away, you were happy that she was taking this chance to get to know who you truly were.
“I can´t wait to tell you everything darling” You could tell Agatha was excited just as you were feeling right now, you wanted to know how she was able to be aware all the time, and how she had arrived here.
“Would you like to go now? I´m really excited for this Agatha” Agatha saw the big grin on your face and she smiled
“Of course, darling we can leave now if that´s what you want” You were happy, you really were
“Give me a minute so I can put on different shoes” With that you left the living room and went straight to change your shoes.
Agatha sat again in the couch and you didn’t see the big grin she had on her face.
“I´m ready” You said to her and when you returned to the living room, Agatha was watching the little potted succulent you had on the table in the middle of the room, you blushed a little because it had been the one, she had given you days ago
“I really like that one” You tried to hide your face a little
“I know darling, that´s why I gave it you” Now that you thought about it, even under Wanda’s mind control, the role you had played wasn’t so much different from the real you, you still liked the same things and the only thing that changed was your mood and your behavior, while you were trapped in the sitcom you acted a little less shy and you were happier, again you started to overthink everything, why if Agatha didn’t like the real you?
“Are you alright doll?” You blinked a little when you heard Agatha´s voice
“Yes, I´m sorry, I just got lost in my thought for a moment, but it´s alright, we should get going” This time you didn’t need to fake a smile, because the simply thought of going out with her made you feel alright.
“Alright darling, but if you need anything, you can tell me” You trusted in her, there was something that you knew you could trust in her, so maybe when the time came you would be able to tell her everything.
“I know” You said in a whisper and smiled to her; you really were sure you could tell her everything but that would be later
“So, do we leave now?” You nodded at her question and she stretched her hand out for you to take it, you gladly accepted her hand and Agatha intertwined your fingers with hers.
Both of you started to walk hand in hand and just as many other times Agatha had done it, she opened the door for you to get out first, she was so charming and you loved it.
“Where are we going?” You asked her while you were walking down the street
“Remember the coffee shop where we first met?” Of course you remembered it,  you had bumped into her by accident, spilling your coffee all over her blouse, she was grateful it had been a cold coffee, she had laughed so hard that day, you tried to clean the stain with some napkins but in the end you couldn’t do anything, she had told you that you didn’t have to worry and that it was alright, that she hated that sweater anyway.
“Oh yes, I still feel a little awkward about that” You blushed a little, she always loved how you blushed.
“Sweetheart you´re so sweet, and it´s alright, I have already forgotten about that incident, I liked that we kept coming here to meet, also the place is really nice, it is warm and cozy, don´t you think the same doll?” She was right, the place was really pretty and you enjoyed going there with her, also this felt better you were completely aware so that made everything better.
“You´re right the place is awesome” Agatha grinned at you and she squeezed your hand a little, you were going to have a great time in your real first date.
Now that you looked at your surroundings you noticed how things had changed, the sun wasn’t too bright and the town looked a little bit more vivid than before Wanda had arrived, the people here were still a little shaken from what had happened but they started to just brushed everything off, they thought of this like a second chance.
“We´re here doll” You raised your head to look at her and gave her a wide smile
“I´m really excited” Agatha held the door open for you and you entered the coffee shop followed by her
“I´m really excited too darling” The two of you walked towards the same table near the window and you loved it, it was amazing, now you were going to have a date, a real date with her.
Sitting in front of you, Agatha took your hand and she gave it a slight squeeze to it, a warm feeling started to grow inside you and you couldn’t be happier.
One of the waitresses came to ask for your orders and you ask for your favorite drink and your favorite snack, you were sure Agatha would order a Cappuccino, you still remember that, it was her favorite coffee.
The woman went to prepare your orders and you started to blush when you noticed Agatha had staring at you.
“So, doll, I think I owe you mane explanations and I would like to start to tell you the truth, all of it” You excitedly nodded.
“I´m a witch, and that´s why I came here in the first place” Your eyes grew wide, she was a witch? Like Wanda? You were surprised
“But I´m not going to hurt you” She rushed to say when she saw the expression on your face, she had thought about whether it was a good idea telling you her true identity or not, because she knew you could freak out, you saw the worry on her face and you grabbed her hand.
“It´s alright, I’m not scared of you, you do not have to worry” You saw the quick change of her mood, you saw how her shoulders became less tensed, she took a deep breath before speaking again
“I´ve been living for centuries” Really? You thought, well she didn’t look like she was some centuries old
“How do you look so young?” This made Agata laughed a little and her eyes lit up.
“Oh, darling stop” She said between giggles and this made you smile too
“I´m being serious” Agatha kept caressing the back of your hand with her thumb
“Sweetheart I have to go to the bathroom, but it will be quickly, alright? I´m coming back in some minutes doll” You nodded and Agatha took your hand to her face kissing the back of your hand in the process, her action made you bit your lip, you were not expecting that, you saw how she stood up from the chair and you just started to look through the window.
After some minutes someone sat in front of you and as you thought it was Agatha you lifted turned your head to look at her with a smile.
But your smiled was vanished at who you were looking at.
You couldn’t believe it, what was she doing here? Why was your ex sitting in front of you? This couldn’t be happening, not now, why now? You were completely fine minutes ago with Agatha and now you started to feel as if your world started to crumble, she was looking at you with a quirky expression on her face, you couldn’t keep looking at her eyes, so you quickly lowered your gaze to look at the table, you wished Agatha would come as fast as she could.
“What are you doing here with her?” She asked you with a harsh tone.
“Why do you care?” You whispered; you were not sure where your courage had gone.
“What did you say? I´ve always hated the way you speak, so low that nobody can hear you, you’re so weak, why do you think she´s here with you? That woman looks like she is so much more experienced than you, do you really think she will stand someone like you? You can´t even stand up for yours-“You had closed your eyes, just hearing her made you feel awful and tears started to roll down your eyes, why wouldn’t she left you be happy just for once? But when she stopped talking and you heard some gaging noises you quickly opened your eyes and you saw that your ex had some purple strings around her neck, and next to her was Agatha with a furious look on her eyes, her eyes were glowing purple just as well as her hands.
“You won´t ever come near y/n again, do you hear me?” Agatha was furious and you were shock, she was defending you, no one had ever done that for you.
“You have inflicted a lot of pain in her, she deserves better, she´s an amazing girl, and you didn’t know how to treat her better, you´re pathetic and I swear to you, if I ever see you coming to her or even just looking at her, I will make sure you won´t see the light of the sun again, got it?” Agatha had vanished the string around her neck and now she was just using her magic to grab your ex by her jacket.
You saw the fear on your ex´s eyes and she just nodded, Agatha used her magic to push her away from the chair and she fell flat on the floor, she quickly stood up from the floor and left the coffee shop in a rush, no daring to look back at you.
Agatha quickly sat next to you and she softly held your face in her hands, her touch was sweet and gentle and you loved it.
“Are you alright love?” Her tone was caring and you saw her concerned expression
“I´m fine, thank you so much for that, nobody had ever defended me like you did” Agatha wiped your tears away from your cheeks with her fingers and you leant into her touch
“Oh doll, I will make sure that nobody ever talks you in a bad way, I won´t let anyone seeing you in a wrong way, not even a single glance towards you, you´re so strong, and I won´t let anyone tell you otherwise, because you are so strong sweetheart, you´re stronger than anyone else thinks” Her words made you feel better, you felt that with her by your side you could do anything
You hugged her, and she hold you tightly, you trusted in her with your whole life and you were sure she wouldn’t hurt you; she was exactly what you had wished for so many times.
“She hurt me, she made feel awful, she said awful things to me, she said I was worthless” You whispered into her ear, and Agatha felt herself getting tense again, how could someone dare to hurt you? You were so sweet, you were an amazing girl and Agatha promised herself that she would do everything she could do to protect you, no matter what, she softly stroked your hair smelling your perfume, she loved everything about you, all the time you shared with her as her secret lover, she had got attached to you and she wouldn’t leave you, you were so precious and you deserved the best, she will make sure that you got to know that from now on.
“It´s alright love, she won´t come back for you ever again, no one will ever treat you bad, I swear to you, you deserve the best, let me love you like no one has ever done it” You separated yourself from her to look at her straight into her eyes, she made you feel so loved, you really liked her and even though you were Agnes´ lover, it was obvious that she hadn’t acted at all, she treated you with the same loving and gentle way she did, of course you had fallen in love with her.
You couldn’t help yourself, you didn’t want to wait anymore, she was so beautiful and you felt as if her lips were calling you to kiss them, so you did what you felt right.
Kissing her now being fully aware was the best sensation you have ever felt, this was amazing, her lips were so soft, she kissed you in a gentle way that you felt in heaven, her hand stroked your cheek.
The sound of someone clearing their throat made you come back to reality again and you started to furiously blush, you broke the kiss to separate yourself a little from Agatha and instantly your hand came to your face to touch your lips; Agatha found this adorable.
“Hope you enjoy your drinks” Said the waitress with a smile and then she went back from where she had come.
“So, what if we finish this and then we can keep talking about us?” You asked Agatha with a shy smile at which Agatha responded giving you a soft peck on your lips while she softly lifted your chin.
“Alright doll, we have plenty of time for us” And she was right, you knew she was not going anywhere, you were so lucky to have found her, or had she found you? Either way, you were happy to be here with her, you were going to start something good with her and you knew your heart was safe here with her.
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satxnsupreme666 · 5 days
Let me help you: Agatha Harkness/Agnes x fem!reader
Requested by: @eddieboi23
Summary: You´re feeling under the weather but you try to hide it, Agatha/Agnes notices this and she takes care of you.
This is a romantic!Agatha Harkness/Agnes x fem!reader and mom!Wanda Maximoff x reader
Words: 3k+
Warnings: None, just pure fluff
Author´s notes: Hi, this was a requested story, I do not know if I should tag the people who requested at the time, I want to be respectful, so I am not sure if I should tag them, I will try and do it since it was their request and their idea and if any of the people who requested back at the time now feel uncomfortable being tagged, please let me know and I will delete the tag.
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
Again, as this was one of the first stories I wrote for Agatha Harkness is a little bit short, I will be uploading the rest of the stories from time to time, I have to edit them and make sure they are legible enough and with not a lot of grammatical errors.
I hope you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance
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 Wanda dragged you with her to Eastview, which later she changed to Westview and you were grateful for the fact that she didn’t erase your memories or held you under her mind control, also this was a good change, you really didn’t have anyone else outside and you were really close to Wanda, so this was alright, you even liked being here, there was no pain nor sadness inside Westview, and finally you had a place to call home.
You have thought you were going to have your own residential house but you didn’t, Wanda just gave you your own room in her house, and if you were honest you were happy with that, if she had given you your own house you would have felt a little lonely and in the end you would have come to Wanda´s house almost daily, so, it was better this way, you were a family and Wanda loved to have you around all the time, she knew all the bad things you had passed through and she just wanted to give you some kind of family, the same thing she craved for.
The house was big enough and you really liked that the house felt warm, it was really funny to wake up to the boys entering your room just to wake you up to tell you that they were hungry and ask you if you could make chocolate pancakes, whenever they asked you that, you would laugh, and asked them why they didn’t wake Wanda up, and their answer was always that they really loved your pancakes, you knew they did, the extra chocolate chips were what made them so special.
It was really great, Tommy and Billy were like you little brothers and you loved them a lot, they were always asking you to play with them, it didn’t matter what, they always needed another person to play with and you were the best for that.
And the best part was your next-door neighbor, you had met her one day when you and the boys were playing in the front porch, you were laughing because Tommy was daring Billy to go over Dottie´s house to bring some flowers from her bushes and to paint with a can spray one of her walls, you were not sure why they didn’t like Dottie, she was not that bad, yes she could be a little full of herself but she was still nice to you from time to time, but it was funny to see Billy arguing that it would be better if they went together, you were the adult there and you should have told them that it would be wrong, but who where you to stop them? You were sure they weren’t going to do it anytime soon, so it was funny to watch them plot something.
“Planning on invading Dottie´s house? Did you know that she´s not in the evenings?” You heard a voice behind you and you turned yourself to look at the woman, her hair was straight and long, she was peeking through the border that separated your garden and hers.
“You shouldn’t give them ideas, we never know” You said to her while smiling, she was beautiful, you had already seen her before but you were a little too shy so you never really talked to her, she was all the time talking to Wanda and you really didn’t want to intrude or something so you better stayed behind.
“Maybe you could help us with this aunt Agnes” You heard Tommy talking to her while he was showing a can of spray paint, you really didn’t know where they had got them, maybe Wanda had bought them? You were not sure
“Oh, Tommy I would be more than happy to help you with that” You laughed at her answer, why did everybody seem not to like Dottie?
“You don´t like Dottie either? She´s not so annoying as everybody thinks” When you said that Billy went straight to you and he placed himself in front of you, you were sitting in the steps of the front porch so it was easy for him to put his hand on your shoulder.
“You failed us y/n” He said in a serious tone but the grin on his face let you know he was joking, you giggled and when you looked towards Tommy you could see he was sharing a look with Agnes, he was scrunching his nose just like his mother does all the time, and he kept looking at Agnes while he furrowed his brows, Agnes was raising one of her browns and she simpered, then the two of them looked back at you and after some seconds they went back to look at each other, then the two of them burst out laughing, you didn’t understand what was so funny but you couldn’t help to smile.
“What? All I´m saying is that maybe we don´t know her at all, that´s all” You said while raising your hands a little
“If you say so sweetheart” Agnes said with a smile on her face, Tommy and Billy both rolled their eyes a little with a giggle
“Alright, alright I will stop talking about that” You said while standing to hug the boys
“Would you like to come to my house? I just made lemonade, is already cold enough” They boys cheered up and they took each one of your hands to start walking towards Agnes´ house.
“It looks like we´re coming” Biting a little your lower lip you started to walk with the boys and Agnes smiled, you were really beautiful and this was the perfect time to get to know you better.
“Awesome” She walked towards her front porch and when you arrived, she had already opened her door and she let you in.
“Thank you” You said shyly and Agnes winked at you.
That was the first time you had a proper talk with her, and you loved it, you really liked Agnes, she was hilarious, her sense of humor was one of the many things you loved about her, you loved the way she would slightly touch you, little gestures like her brushing her fingers against your hand while you walked closer to her, or how she would put her hand on your shoulder or on your lower back when you walked side by side with her down the street.
They boys noticed this, they realized that whenever Agnes was near you, you would always blush and had a big smile whenever she talked to you.
Tommy was the one who noticed this, and it had been the day Wanda, the boys, Agnes and you went downtown to buy some new shoes for the boys, Wanda had asked if you would like to come and when you went outside you met Agnes halfway through your path, and she asked if she could stick to you, of course you were happy that she would come with you and you fluttered your eyelashes at her, Tommy could see how Agnes looked at you with the same expression you looked at her, so he elbowed his brother to make him look at Agnes and you, and they smirked.
After that Tommy and Billy started to ask if you could call Agnes over to go out with all of you, and you were really grateful that they seemed to like Agnes to the point of always making you call for her, lowkey you really loved that because it was a really awesome excuse to call her to come over to your house, you would call her and say “Hey Agnes, we´re going for a walk and the boys are asking for you, would you like to come with us?” She always said yes and all the times you felt excited for that. Wanda noticed how Agnes and you acted around each other and whenever she saw you talking to her with that dreamy look you had only for her she would smirk, she was sure you two would end up together but none of you seem to be ready to take a step, you were just wandering around each other hoping that the other one would notice how much in love you were, but you seemed so oblivious about her feelings for you just as well as she was oblivious about the way you felt for her.
A week later on Sunday the day had a scorching weather and the boys decided to use the water pistol to cool themselves a little, you were in your room and thinking about Agnes and her beautiful blue eyes, she was so beautiful and her voice, her voice was what you loved the most about her, the way she called you sweetheart, angel, or buttercup was always so cute, you loved the way she called you and of course Agnes knew that you liked it, she loved to seeing you the way you blushed.
A knock on your door woke you up from your daydreaming and you stopped looking at the ceiling to open the door, in front of you was Billy with a water gun on his hand.
“Hey would you like to come play with us? We have this” He said shaking the toy in his hand.
“Of course, can I have one too?” Billy nodded and he ran back to his room to take another one and when he came back next to you, he handed you the water gun.
Walking downstairs to go to the garden, Billy rushed to step outside first and when you first stepped outside the boys threw water at you.
“That´s not fair! That´s two against one” You said while laughing, the day passed with you and the boys throwing water at each other until you were completely soaked and after that you stayed outside sitting in one of the chairs to wait for your clothes to get dry.
Maybe that had been a bad idea, because the next day you felt your throat a little sore, but you thought it would be something that it would pass so you just shrugged it off.
Today Wanda and her sons wanted to go out for a quick walk in the park, and you felt worse than yesterday, you thought about saying it would be better but you didn’t want to let them down so you said you would be coming with them.
Going for a walk with Wanda and the boys had been a bad idea, if only you had stayed in your room with a warm and fluffy blanket over you and hugging a pillow, you wouldn’t feel so dizzy now, you felt as if everything around you was spinning, the headache wasn’t going away and you just wanted to lay on the lawn of the park because It looked so comfortable.
This time you didn’t want to call for Agnes because you really didn’t like when people see you like this, it made you feel weak, so you just out on a happy face and tried to act as if everything was alright. So, you just kept walking a little behind them.
“Are you alright y/n?” Wanda asked you when she saw how slowly you were walking; you looked a little tired.
“I´m alright Wanda, why do you ask?” You faked a smile and started to walk faster; Wanda knew you were not alright but decided not to keep pressuring you.
After thirty minutes of walking around the park they boys asked their mother if she could buy them a soda to what she said yes.
“Do you want something y/n?” Wanda asked watching you go to sit in one of the park benches
“No, thanks, I´m cool” You said while smiling and when the three of them started to walk away you put your hands on your head, you couldn’t stand the throbbing pain in your head it was too strong and you just wanted it to go away, you had a runny nose and you really wanted to go home.
“Hey sweetheart are you alright?” You quickly straightened yourself a little when you heard Agnes´ voice and you smiled, you didn’t know you were going to find her here.
“Yes, yes I´m fine” You told her and when you turned your head to look at her she frowned, you didn’t look fine, you looked paler and your eyes were a little puffy also your voice sounded a little raspy.
She noticed you were wearing a hoody but underneath you had another sweater, and due to the hot weather, she found this to be a little strange.
“Are you cold doll?” You felt your face heating at the endearment, you really didn’t want to hide from her
“To be honest, yes, I´m feeling a little cold” You said to her and Agnes sat herself down next to you in the bench, Agnes brought her hand to your forehead and her hand the back of her hand felt cold so you leant into her touch, but Agnes gasped at how hot you were, she was sure you had a fever.
“Baby girl, you´re burning” Agnes didn’t take her hand off your face and you appreciated that, her touch was so sweet
“Are you here alone? Did you come her by yourself?” Her voice had a worried tone and your heart warmed at her voice
“No, I came here with Wanda and the boys” You answered her with your eyes closed and your head still resting against her hand
Agnes found this really cute and she put her head on your cheek to caress it
The two of you were so immersed in the comfortable position you were that you didn’t notice Wanda and her sons were coming towards you.
“Hello Agnes, I can see you found y/n” Wanda said with a smirk on her face, the same smirk the boys had on their faces.
Agnes looked at Wanda and she threw a worried look to her
“She has a fever” Said Agnes with a serious look on her face, Wanda sighed and looked at you
“Why didn’t you say anything? We could have let you rest” Said Wanda kneeling in front of you
“I don´t know” You said in a whisper and Agnes stroked your hair a little
“I think it would be better if you come with me to rest” You nodded and Agatha stood up from the bench and she stretched her hand out for you to take it, you smiled and you happily took her hand, she helped you to stand out from the bench and Agnes pulled you closer to her body and her she put her free hand on your lower back to help you walk.
“Don´t worry Wanda I will take care of our girl” When you heard that you couldn’t help yourself from smiling and you leant a little onto her, you didn’t see the look Wanda gave to the two of you, she was sure this would be the perfect time for you to talk about your feelings for each other.
All the way to your house Agnes never left your hand, and you loved the feeling of her touch on you, she was so sweet with you.
“Doll, would you like me to take to your house or would you like to come to mine?” Agnes asked you when you two were close enough to the neighbourhood, you thought about that a little before answering
“I would like to go to your place Agnes” She smiled and took you to her house, Agnes opened her front door and she let you in first, you walked slowly into her house smelling the sweet essence coming from it, it smelled like vanilla and coffee, and it was the same sweet smell she had all the time, it felt good to be here with her. You turned yourself around to look at her but you did it so quickly that it didn’t help your diziness and you felt as if you were going to fall to the ground.
Agnes quickly moved towards you catching you before you could fall
“Are you ok angel?” She asked with her arms holding your waist and your hands grabbing her arms
“Yes, I´m sorry I felt dizzy and I felt the room just started to spin around, I think it was the sudden change of position” She helped you to stand a little and you she hugged you, you rested your head in the crook of her neck and she loved the feeling of your warm breath against her skin.
“Does your head hurt?” She asked you after moments of comforting silence
“Just a little, is not as bad as earlier” You lifted your head to look at Agnes.
“Let´s take you to bed darling, you need to rest” Agnes helped you to walk again and once again you felt her hand on your waist her grip was firm but soft at the same time.
“Careful with the steps hon” Agnes said when you were right in front of the stairs
“Thank you, Agnes” You said smiling with a little blush on your face
“I love when you blush darling” And that comment only helped you to increase the blush on your face.
When you arrived at the second floor, she took you to the room that was right to the left, Agnes opened the door and she let you in first again, you really liked what she was doing in and you bit your lip.
Agnes led you on the bed and she helped you to enter the bed, you took your shoes off and once you were in, Agnes put a blanket over you and you thanked her.
“Are you comfortable honey?” She was giving you all her attention and you felt so loved.
“I am, thank you so much Agnes really” You saw that she took out something from her nightstand and when you looked again, she already had a glass of water, you were confused, you never saw where she had got the glass of water, but maybe you just didn’t notice so you brushed the thought off.
“You don´t need to thank me darling, I want to help you feel better, here take this sweetheart, this will help with the headache and the fever” She gave you the  tiny pill and you put her on your tongue, swallowing it, then she gave you the water and you took a sip.
Agnes left the glass on her nightstand and she sat on the bed next to your, her hand automatically went to your hair and she stroked it.
“You´re so beautiful” She whispered, never taking her eyes off you and you felt a rush inside you, something started to grow inside you, it was as if you felt brave enough to act on your feelings, so you leant into her watching her lips, you saw Agnes getting closer to you, your heart beat faster and faster as your faces came closer, finally your lips met hers, her lips were soft, they felt like silk, you could feel the tickling sensation of her breath beneath your nose, a warm feeling blossomed in Agnes´ chest, as her lips brushed together with yours for the first time, the smell of her perfume mixed with the coffee scent of the house, it was amazing to have her this close to you.
Removing yourself a little from her you saw the look on her eyes, she was looking at you with so much love that you felt your chest getting warmer.
“That was amazing doll, you do not know how much I have wanted to do that” Agnes softly caressed your cheek with her thumb, her heart was beating fast, she felt excited.
“I love you y/n, I´ve loved you for a long time now” Agnes pressed her forehead against yours and she closed her eyes, feeling the warm of your skin against her own.
“I´m happy to know that you feel the same way I do, I love you too, I thought you didn’t like me that way, but now I´m really happy Agnes” Agnes left a soft peck on your lips again.
“Mind if we share my bed?” Agnes had a grin on her face and you nodded, she took her shoes off her feet and crawled on the bed next to yours, she passed her arm around your shoulder and you rested your head on her shoulders.
“I hope you dent get sick as well, we just kissed” Agnes laughed a little and she dropped a kiss on your forehead
“I won´t get sick darling, you can keep kissing me” You giggled and just rested your head against her, closing your eyes you left yourself succumb to your tiredness, you were safe with her and you knew that when you woke up again Agnes was going to be next to you, so you happily hugged Agnes, you could talk later, for now you were going to sleep a little next to her.
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satxnsupreme666 · 5 days
I missed your writing so much. So glad you’re back. 💌
Hello! 💖 Oh my god, thank you much, I am really happy that you have sent this to me, thank you for taking the time really, you are really kind, your words make me feel happy! It is really good to know you like my writing 💕
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satxnsupreme666 · 5 days
I love your writing <3
Hello! I am really grateful that you took the time to send me an ask saying this to me, it makes me happy that you enjoy reading what I wrote, it makes me really happy, so again, thank you so much for saying this to me 💖💕
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satxnsupreme666 · 6 days
Down by the riverside: Young!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Summary: Back in the 1600´s you live with your parents in the forest, near Agatha’s coven. You always go to the river down your house to feel a little bit of peace from all the yelling and the abuse of your parents, you think you´re alone until one day you see Agatha on the other side of the river looking at you and since that day, she keeps coming to look for you.
You fall for her and she falls for you, she worries when one day you don’t arrive at your special place, so she goes to look for you, ready to save you from your parents.
Would you run away with her?
I wrote this while listening to the song Riverside by Agnes Obel
Words: 5k+
Warnings: Family issues, abusive parents, angst but with a happy ending.
Author´s notes: This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
Again, as this was one of the first stories I wrote for Agatha Harkness is a little bit short, I will be uploading the rest of the stories from time to time, I have to edit them and make sure they are legible enough and with not a lot of grammatical errors.
I hope you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance
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Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone
 One good thing about living far away from people was that you could spend a lot of time outside your house and no one would bother you, it was nice to be alone, sometimes you just needed time for yourself and sometimes it was nice to just cry alone with no one watching your tears falling from your face.
Being alone for you, was something you were used to, but sometimes you just wish you wouldn’t be so alone, or at least not at all.
At home you always had the feeling that someone was watching you, even when you were sitting on the floor of your room, hugging your legs to your chest and hiding your head in your arms, you felt judged inside your own home, and it was a horrible feeling, you just wanted to feel some type of peace.
The only way and time when you could go outside your house was when your mother and you father would argue and yell at each other, their screams would make them forget about you and during those times you would be free just for some hours, but, at the end of the day you would end up going back to the same place that held all of your worst fears and an unbearable pain.
In your free hours out of your prison, you would go to the beautiful river down your house, the sound of the streaming water hitting against the rocks it was a soothing sound that helped you to feel calm in the hardest moments, touching the wet grass and feeling the harsh surface of the rocks made you feel attached to earth, it made you feel as if you belong somewhere on earth, it had a calming effect, resting your feet under the clear water relaxed you, feeling the cold water running through your skin while you sat on a small flat rock against a tall tree, the same spot you always went to soothe yourself.
When you where there, feeling the cool breeze of air against your face made you felt alive again.
 Where you won’t see any rising sun
Down to the river we will run
 Living in a small cottage in the forest with just your mother and your father was something that people would think of as living peacefully, but oh how you wished you could live in peace, hearing their screams against each other and the sound of glass braking, no matter what is was, it could be a small glass that your mother had thrown to your father or the sound a window being broken by your angry father, it was always loud and you would never get used to the harsh sound coming from the living room.
Your house was hidden in the depths of the forest, surrounded by many tall trees and it was covered in a slight mist that appeared from time to time in the evenings and that would vanish right when the sun came again, but no matter if the sun rose, for you it was always dark and cold, the was no warm in there, and it was what you craved the most, to feel the heat of a hug, but that never came, you only received cold stares and harsh and painful words that cut like daggers on your skin.
The forest hid so many secrets that no one would ever know, wishing you could leave, but where would you go?
 When by the water we drink to the dregs
Look at the stones on the riverbed
 Holding your aching face, being careful not to touch the small cut lip on your lower lip, you came again to the riverside to try to calm yourself, wishing you could just vanish, you just wanted the pain to stop, your parents say they loved you, but was that true?
Today the water was calm, there was no movement in it, you could see the bottom of it full of grey rocks and you could see your own reflection and the ones of the trees in the water.
You were so immersed into your own thoughts until you noticed a different reflection in the water on the other side of the small river, you were surprised no one had ever come here, you were the only one who would come, so quickly you wiped away your tears with the back of your hand and you lifted your head to look at the person, you were about to run but you stopped.
In front of you there was a girl, she was looking at you with concern in her eyes and you didn’t understand why.
You were staring at her, she was beautiful, she was standing on the other side of the river, her long messy hair was so pretty to look at and in her hands she was holding a book, when you looked straight into her eyes she smiled at you and her action made you blush so you quickly looked down at the water again, trying to hide your blushing face from her curious yes.
You thought she would leave at any moment but she never left, instead she sat on the grass and with a last glance towards you she started to read her book.
 I can tell from your eyes
You’ve never been by the riverside
You were curious about her, you had lived in the cottage in the forest since you had memory and since you started to come to the riverside you had never seen her, you didn’t know where she lived or where she came from, the only thing you were sure about was that she knew where she was, she didn’t seem as if she was lost.
You glanced over her from time to time, you couldn’t help yourself, you were curious about her, you wanted to talk to her but at the same time you were afraid, so you just decided to stay quiet.
She noticed your glances and tried to act as if not but she thought you were cute at trying to hide that you were looking at her.
She lifted her head to look at you and this time you exchanged looks with her, you could feel your face becoming hotter, the girl in front of you just smiled and her eyes squinted with joy, you wanted to look away but you felt drawn by her piercing blue eyes, and this time you didn’t look away, she smiled at you again, this made you smile this time you waved your hand shyly at her, she closed her book and put it on her lap, you tilted you’re head a little to your side and she giggled.
The girl in front of you kept staring at you and it was as if she was analyzing you, you could see her eyes moving a little and you couldn’t tell where she was looking at, was she looking your hair? Or was she looking at the forming bruise on your cheek? You quickly tried to cover it by putting your hand over it, you saw her frowning a little.
“Are you alright?” She asked you and again you tried to hide your head in your hands
“I´m alright” It was almost like a whisper but still she heard your words, she tilted her head a little to have a better look of your face
���Who hurt you?” She had seen the cut in your lip too and you really didn’t know what to say, so you just stared at the water, watching some bright orange fishes passing by, the girl in front of you knew you were not going to talk about what had happened so she decided to stop asking you about it.
“I´m Agatha by the way” Her name was really pretty, you liked it, she was being really kind to you so you decided to tell her your name
“I´m y/n” You looked at her to see her expression and she was smiling at you
“You have a beautiful name” You wanted to say something else but you heard some screams from far away, you knew they belonged to your mother and you knew you had to go back to your house, quicky you gave her a half smile and you stood up from your spot to run towards the cabin.
You didn’t see her sad expression when you left in such a rush, she just hoped she would see you again.
 Down by the water the riverbed
Somebody calls you somebody says
 You couldn’t leave your house for some days because your mother kept asking you to do many things, you didn’t even have a good time of sleep, you barely slept and still you had to keep going, you didn’t want your mother to be angrier at you, so you just did what she told you to do.
You tried to do everything she asked you to do in a rush because the urge to go back to the riverside again to look for Agatha was huge, you wanted to look at her one more time, the feeling was too strong, she had captivated you and you just had seen her one time.
When you were finally free to leave your house, you went back to the river, it had been raining a lot and the grass was wet, you could even see the tiny raindrops falling from the leaves of the trees.
Arriving to the river you looked for Agatha, hoping that she would be near the other side, sitting on the grass with her book in her hands, walking a little further by the riverside you tried to have a better sight of your surroundings, some bushes covering the place and feeling disappointed you sat on the same place as always.
Maybe you were not going to see her again, maybe it had been pure luck that she found you that day and maybe you would never be going to see her again, if that was the case at least you were grateful that you felt something different from the usual pain in your heart.
“Y/n” You were surprised because you heard her voice again, you lifted your head in a hasty way and you couldn’t help but smile
 “I thought I would never see you again” After thinking what you had just blurted out, you bit your lip, oh god, why did you have to say that without thinking first?
When Agatha saw your blushing face, she giggled and she never took her eyes out of you.
“I thought the same, but I kept coming here hoping you would come back, and I’m happy I did it because now you’re here” Your heart melted at her words, you couldn’t understand how she made you feel this way and you were really surprised that she kept looking for you as well, it was nice to know that someone wanted to see you.
“Can I sit here to make you company?” Agatha asked with her finger pointing at the same spot she sat the first time you saw her, you nodded and she took her place.
You liked that she let you know she was there with you; she could be reading but sometimes she would lift her head to give you a smile.
"I thought nobody lived in this part of the forest”
She said after thirty minutes of silence, she stopped reading to look at you.
“I thought the same, I’ve been coming here for years and I never saw you”
“That’s because I never came near the river, I wandered around but never came closer” You were curious about why she decided to come closer?
“I saw you, and I was curious, so I came here but when I walked closer, I heard a faint agitated breathing that was when I saw you were crying” She said with a concerned look on her face, you didn’t know what to say so you just kept looking at her
“You have a beautiful smile y/n" You couldn’t hide your smile, she made you feel happy
“You have a beautiful smile too and your eyes are really pretty Agatha” This time you saw her blushing but she didn’t look away
“Do you live with your parents?” She asked from her spot and at the mention of your parents your smiled vanished, you really wish she hadn’t brought that topic up.
“Yes, I live with them” You said almost whispering while looking down again at the water
“What about you?” This time you spoke a little bit louder
“I live with my sisters and my mother” You couldn’t see the grimace on her face because quickly it changed into a grin
“Would you mind if I go there with you?” You quickly raised your head, did she wanted to cross the river to be near you? You shook your head and you saw how she stood up from her sitting place and she started to walk towards you, stepping on the rocks that peeked above the water.
Agatha was excited, she wanted to be a little bit closer to you, you had intrigued her and she realized you were shy but that didn’t matter to her, she would talk for the both of you.
When Agatha was closer in front of you, she stretched her hand for you to take it and you did it, after that she sat next to you and her hand didn’t leave yours, she even caressed the back of your hand with her thumb.
“Your hands are so soft” You bit your lip and you noticed how her eyes squinted a little when she smiled, now you had a better reason to keep coming here, now you were not going to be alone anymore.
Swim with the current and float away
Down by the river every day
The next day you came to the same place but only to find that she was already sitting next to your sitting spot, at first you felt a little shy, she was sitting so close to you that sometimes you were afraid she would hear your beating heart.
After some days of just enjoying each other’s company you built the courage to put your head on her shoulder while she was entertained reading her book.
Agatha bit her lower lip in excitement, you were now giving some steps and she felt happy that you had rested your head on her shoulder, so she closed her book and left it on the grass by her side, then she rested her head on top of yours while her hand took your left hand and she intertwined her fingers with your fingers.
For the first time in your life, you felt inner peace, you felt safe by her side, and you wish you could feel like this all the time.
Agatha holding your hand was just one of the many first things she started to do.
The days seemed brighter with her, you didn’t feel so cold all the time, you didn’t need words with her, it was like if she understood every single part of you, like if she knew how you felt, if sometimes you didn’t want to talk she would just hold your hand caressing it with her thumb while you rested your heard on her chest and she was happy that little by little you started to open up to her.
“Could you read out loud?” You asked her one day, sitting under a tall tree in a different spot a little farther from the river.
“Sure, I will read out loud, only if you tell me why” Of course you thought, and she grinned when you started to blush furiously.
“It´s just, I think- I really like your voice Agatha” Agatha´s heart melted and she came closer to you bringing her hand to the side of your face and she brushed off a strand of your hair.
“I really like your voice too, doll” And that was the first time she had called you like that, and you loved it, it made you feel good and Agatha loved calling you like that.
You were happy with her, and no matter what happened back in your “home” whenever you were with her by your side you would forget for some hours the horrors in your house, she made you feel alive.
Agatha knew there was something going on with you, since the first time she saw you crying in the riverside she knew there was something wrong, someone was hurting you, Agatha wanted to take all the pain away from you, she hated seeing you hurting, and what made her anger was that some days you would arrive with bruises on your wrists, she wanted to ask you what was going on, but whenever she asked you would always tell her you were alright, she didn’t believe you and she was worried sick but she didn’t want to pressure you.
Oh my god I see how everything is torn in the river deep
And I don’t know why I go the way
Down by the riverside
You knew your parents didn’t love each other anymore, and they were angry all the time, they would take their anger out on you when the other wasn’t at home, you couldn’t do anything more than just sat in silence and hear all the screams directed at you, why would this have to be this way?
That day when you escaped your prison without your mother knowing you had gone outside; you quickly went to look for Agatha down the river.
Agatha heard your footsteps and she turned herself to look at you with a glowing smile, but her smile immediately vanished off her face when she noticed you were crying, she quickly tossed her book to the side to stand up and she rushed to catch you in her arms.
“What´s wrong doll? What happened?” Agatha asked you, the worry was evident in her voice.
“My mother, she´s always yelling at me, she doesn’t love me, why?” Agatha felt some tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes, she hated to see you hurt, and the worst part was that she didn’t know how to answer your question, she didn’t know either, but what she knew for sure was that you deserved everything.
Agatha stroke your back with one of her hands and with her other hand she caressed the back of your neck while she said sweet things to your ear.
When you calmed bit, you removed yourself a little from her you didn’t take off your arms from her shoulders and you felt Agatha´s hand resting on your waist.
“I love you, and no matter what I will be here with you and I promise I will protect you” You felt the tears coming back again, but this time they were happy tears, you felt loved for the first time in your life, her words were sincere.
“She´s the one who hurt you?” Agatha asked you again and you looked down to the ground, you felt ashamed of it.
Agatha softly took your chin with one of her hands and she lifted your face so she could look at you.
“You do not need to feel ashamed or bad for this, this is not your fault love, they don´t deserve you, and you don´t deserve to be treated the way they treat you, let me show you how real love can feel” You were crying again and this time Agatha wiped your tears away with her fingers, she stroked your cheek in a way you had never being touched, she was gentle, she was sweet and you could feel every part of you being loved like nobody had done it before.
Without thinking twice, you leant into her and you pressed your lips against hers, she gladly kissed you, this would be the first kiss of many you would share in the future, she was sure of it.
Agatha pressed one of her hands on your waist, pulling you closer to her and you grabbed her softly by her collar shirt, she kissed you softly, in a loving way that it was amazing, you could feel the sadness being washed away, the pain had been replaced, now you felt hopeful, hopeful that she would never leave you and that she would always love you just as much as you loved her.
Breaking the kiss, you smiled back at her and Agatha saw a light in your eyes she hadn’t seen before.
“I love you too Agatha” You trusted her, you felt safe in her arms, you were grateful for meeting her, now you couldn’t see yourself without her.
That day you laid on the soft grass with her, she never dropped your hand, she taught you the name of the plants and the trees that lived in the surroundings, she told you the name of the little insects that you two looked in awe, her hand coming to your hair to stroke it and in response you left soft pecks on her lips, she felt happy, her heart was full of love for you, she just wanted to make sure you were fine, and she would do whatever she could to protect you.
She didn’t want to leave your side,
 When that old river runs past your eyes
To wash off the dirt on the riverside
Agatha became worried when one day you didn’t arrive to your special place, at first, she thought you had just been a little late but when minutes turned to hours, she became worried sick, it was not normal for you to be this late, she felt something was wrong, she could tell something had happened to you, she could sense it and she feared the worst.
She needed to find you as fast as possible and she knew how to do it.
Closing her eyes she focused on you, on your face on your essence and when she finally saw fragments of the way you always went to go back to your house, her heart broke when she saw you lying on your bed, your father had hit you, and you were so weak that you couldn’t stand up.
Agatha felt furious, how could your father do this to you? Your house was not so far away so she would be arriving quickly.
She started to walk through the thick forest, the fog had started to come down and she thought that it was thicker that some other days, she could barely see a thing, but she wouldn’t give up.
After some minutes she visualized a small cottage not so far away and she sensed you, she could sense you and she was happy she could feel you this way, it was a rare connection that almost no one could reach with their loved ones, and she knew it.
 I walk to the borders on my own
Fall in the water just like a stone
You were scared your father hadn’t beat you up as bad as he had done it, you just had wanted to go by the river to be with Agatha but he didn’t let you, he had come home drunk and even you tried to run away from his tight grasp on your arm you couldn’t.
Your mother had told him you were constantly going out and that you stayed outside home for hours, he demanded to know where you had been going and you just told him that you went down to the riverside, but he didn’t believe you.
Now you were lying on your bed with a black eye and a big cut on your lip, you were sure you had many bruises in different parts of your body but you were too tired to look at yourself.
You just wanted to be held by Agatha while she reassured you that everything would be alight.
 Chilled to the marrow in them bones
Why do I go here alone?
 Agatha used her magic to open the door, slamming it against the wooden walls.
The loud sound startled you and woke your father up, in the process he took his gun, ready to attack whoever had entered into his house.
“What are you doing here witch?” Your eyes widened, what was he talking about?
“You do not scare me with your pathetic gun, you are nothing” That voice belonged to your girlfriend Agatha and now you were scared for her, what was she doing here? You were afraid your father could hurt her so you tried to stand up from your bed and even though every part of you hurt you didn’t care; Agatha was everything on your mind right now.
“I won´t ask again, what are you doing here?” You were already behind him and you flinched at his scream, but Agatha didn’t seem to be scare, she was standing in front of him with a challenging look on her face, she looked angry, you had never seen her act this way, since the first day you met her and through all the months you had been with her, you had never saw her so angry, her eyes were glowing purple there was no trace of the baby blue color her eyes always had.
“You hurt y/n and I won´t let you do it again” You felt happy she had come for you, to save you and you couldn’t be happier, Agatha was here for you and that was what it mattered.
Your father laughed and he pointed his gun to Agatha, he was about to pull the trigger and you feared the worst, you screamed when he pulled the trigger, the bullet was going to hit Agatha.
Before you could tell what had happened, you father was lift up in the air, purple magic all over him and he was throw to the wall, he hit it with a thud and his body fell limp onto the ground.
You were shocked what had just happened? Did Agatha do it?
“y/n”? You turned your head to look at Agatha, you could tell she was scared, but you didn’t know of what, she slowly walked towards you as if she was scared of your reaction, but she was scared that you could reject her, she had just used her powers in front of you and she thought the worst, she thought that what you had seen would made you run away from her.
You threw yourself into her arms, sobbing, but you were happy she had come for you.
“I´m sorry I was not here to protect you from him, I´m so sorry my love” She was crying, she couldn’t stop the tears coming from her eyes.
“You do not have to be sorry, It´s ok, now you´re here, and you saved me, you really did it, don´t blame you please, what happed was not your fault” You said to her while caressing her cheek with one of your hands.
Now that she looked at you better, she felt so bad, he had hurt you a lot, he had hurt your beautiful face and she knew you were in pain.
“Let me help you, I can help you to ease the pain” You smiled at her and you nodded, Agatha pressed her forehead against yours and her fingers pressed slightly the side of your temple.
You saw how her eyes started to change from blur to purple and you were amazed, she was a witch but you didn’t feel afraid you felt safe with her.
You felt slight tickles and you couldn’t help but giggle a little, this made Agatha smile to, her magic was helping you to ease the pain and to heal a little your bruises and cuts.
When she stopped you didn’t feel the same pain, now it was bearable and you hugged her.
“Thank you so much” You whispered in her ear and you felt how she pulled you closer to her, feeling your form against hers, she loved you much and she would never let anything happened to you again.
“I won´t let anyone touch you again, no one will ever hurt you again, not if I´m here with you” She said to you with such a strong passion and you knew she was telling the truth
“Run away with me, we can leave this place, no one would ever hurt you again, I will make sure of that, we can start again somewhere else, would you like that?” You were excited so you kissed her, she captured your lips and before she could keep kissing you, you pushed her slightly so you would be able to look at her properly.
“I would love to run away with you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, you make me feel safe, and I know that if am with you, nothing bad would ever happen to me, you´re the best that could happen to me, I love you”  Agatha started to cry with a smile on her face, she was biting her lip, she couldn’t be happier, she had found you and she felt you were her home just as you felt the same about her, this would be a new start for the both of you, far away from this forest that held so many secrets, this time you were going to be free, no more pain, no more sadness, just pure joy and happiness.
“Let´s go, we can leave now, no one would ever bother us, we will be happy y/n” You nodded and with a last kiss she intertwined  your fingers with hers, both of you started to walk outside what now would be your former home, you were walking away from a bad chapter in order to enter to a better one, a new beautiful chapter in your life.
You walked side by side with Agatha, never dropping your hand, you arrived at the same river you had met, this would be the only thing you would miss from here, the beautiful river where you and Agatha had met, you looked at Agatha and she drag your hand to her lips to kiss the back of your hand, she smiled at you and this time, you crossed the river together, she helped to cross it never letting your hand  go, she held you strongly so that you wouldn’t fall, and when you had crossed the river you hugged her again and she dropped a kiss on your forehead, the two of you gave one last look to the river in which you had met, with one last look at the place you were grateful for bringing Agatha into your life, you took a deep breath and started to walk away with Agatha towards your new life.
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satxnsupreme666 · 7 days
Hii! Do you take requests? If yes for Agatha, is there any chance that you can write about Rio too?
Your writing is so unbelievably good!
Hello! How are you? I hope you are doing fine ♥️
And to answer your question, I have been thinking about taking requests again, but as I still have to make sure that all of my old fics are uploaded and also make sure that the ones that were incomplete have their respective ending, I want to make sure everything is finished, completed and uploaded, I already have in my drafts 3 new stories about Agatha x reader which will be taking place during the Agatha all along timeline, and also I have one in my drafts as well which is Agatha x reader x Rio, but I want to finish everything in order to focus properly on the new stories so, yes, I will be taking requests for Agatha, Rio and other characters, after everything is uploaded♥️
Also I really appreciate that you took the time to send me an ask and to let me know this about my writing! 💕💖 It really makes me happy that you like my writing! You just made my day with your kind words, thank you for being so kind 🩷
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satxnsupreme666 · 7 days
Hiya :DD
Hello! ♥️ I hope you are alright 🥹
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satxnsupreme666 · 7 days
Spell gone wrong: Agatha Harkness x Fem!reader
Requested by: @midnight-lestrange
Summary: Agatha gets a magical cold because of a wrong spell and this causes her to sneeze a lot and unconsciously her magic changes some things, you decide to take care of her until Wanda comes to ask for help.
Words: 3k+
Author´s notes: Hi, this was a requested story, I do not know if I should tag the people who requested at the time, I want to be respectful, so I am not sure if I should tag them, I will try and do it since it was their request and their idea and if any of the people who requested back at the time now feel uncomfortable being tagged, please let me know and I will delete the tag.
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
Again, as this was one of the first stories I wrote for Agatha Harkness is a little bit short, I will be uploading the rest of the stories from time to time, I have to edit them and make sure they are legible enough and with not a lot of grammatical errors.
I hope you like it!
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really ♥️
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance
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You would do anything for your girlfriend and you knew she would do anything for you as well, you two loved each other and Agatha told you that all the time, you told her how much you loved her whenever you could, which basically was all the time , you were really happy with her and you still couldn’t believe how lucky you were to be with her.
You still remember the day she confessed her feelings for you and how you were surprised, you had thought she would never like you the same but remembering that day when she seemed so nervous made you laugh again, you had never seen her like that, she was always so confident and watching her so nervous and almost to the point of stuttering was so cute, you smiled at the memory, she just looked so cute.
While you waited for the water in the kettle to boil your mind wandered back to the memory of how Agatha had asked you to be her girlfriend, and even though it had been years ago you still loved the memory.
The sound of the kettle woke you up from your daydream and you turned the stove off, now dinner was ready so you could call Agatha to come to the dining room.
You were about to call her, but you decided it would be better if you went to the basement, she have told you that she didn’t like you going downstairs because she was afraid that her dark magic could hurt you so she thought it was better if you didn’t go down there, but sometimes you just forget about how dangerous her magic could be, so you just kept walking to go for her, also you really liked seeing her practicing her magic, it was so cool to watch her use her powers.
You walked down the stairs and you really didn’t understand why down here was so dark but you shrugged the thought off.
“Heey, dinner´s ready, the tea is already ther-“ You couldn’t finish your sentence, you tripped over your own feet and just waited for the hit against the cold floor, closing your eyes you waited for the worst and you put your hands to cover your face.
When Agatha heard your voice, she was chanting a spell in Latin but when she saw you were about to hit the ground, she said the spell wrong and used her magic to appear right in front of you to catch you.
 The pain of the hit never came, instead you felt a pair of arms grabbing your waist with a strong grip around you, you laughed a little nervous, that was intense.
Agatha helped you to stand straight but her hands never left your waist.
“Angel, you could have hurt yourself, you need to be more careful” Agatha said to you with a loving smile and then she dropped a kiss to your forehead.
“I´m sorry I didn’t see where I put my feet, you know, that stairs are really dark” She smiled at your comment and nodded, you were right, she would put some light on the walls.
“Did I interrupt you?” You looked at her shyly and she could see a hint of guilt in your eyes so she quickly reassured you
“Oh no darling, you didn’t interrupt me, I was just practicing a little but I had already finish by the time I heard your voice, you don´t have to worry love”
You didn’t believe her but you knew she had a soft spot for you, smiling you took her hand off your waist to hold it.
“If you say so, what about we head upstairs and have our dinner, together, I made your favorite meal”
Agatha felt so lucky to have you, when she told you about her magic you didn’t freak out, instead you felt intrigued and you wanted to know more about her magic, she told you she had lived for many centuries and how her coven made a trial to burn her, you didn’t understand why her coven tried to do that but Agatha explained to you that they were afraid of her magic and how all of that didn’t matter anymore, not now when you were with her.
Agatha nodded she was hungry so she let you guide her towards the kitchen, you were halfway through it when she suddenly felt dizzy and she leant a little against the wall,  you stopped walking when you felt her hand leaving yours so you turned around to look at her, she looked a little paler than usual.
“Are you alright?” You came closer to her and touched her face, but when you saw her eyes you realized, they weren’t blue anymore, now they were purple just like her magic
“Love your eyes are purple, is that normal?” You asked her and Agatha bit her lip, she had said the spell but she had said it wrong, she was saying the words and just as she saw you were going to hit the ground, she said a different thing, oh no, she had got herself sick because of a misspelled conjure.
“I’m fine doll, you do not have to worry, this will wear off in the meantime, c'mon let’s go to eat dinner, I wouldn’t like if it gets cold babe” You looked at her with curious written all over your face but you decided to believe her.
Agatha really hope it would wear off, maybe it was a magic cold, or at least that’s what she hoped.
When she was younger and still in the coven, she remembered seeing the other witches getting a little sick from time to time because of misspelled conjures, it was something common actually, so maybe it was just that.
Arriving at the dining room you left her hand to go to the kitchen to grab two mugs, Agatha sat down in the chair, feeling a headache starting to grow in her head.
You poured the water into the mugs and grab the coffee and the sugar, you already knew how she liked her coffee, with some sugar and milk, so you prepared her coffee and yours, walking towards her you noticed she was grabbing her head.
“Agatha you don’t look alright, does something hurt?” You asked her while sitting in the chair next to her
“Honestly hone-
She sneezed before she could keep speaking and you heard something beside you, turning yourself to look what had happened, you realized the microwave had changed, it was not the one you had, this one was different, it looked a lot more modern than the period time you were in and around it had some purple smoke.
"Did you do that?” Agatha looked to where you were pointing your finger at and she sighed, it was definitely a magical cold.
“Yes doll, I did it, well, my magic did it, I think I got sick because of a misspelled spell, I think I just got it, it will pass, it shouldn’t last more than three days-
"You need to rest, wait, I interrupted you when you were practicing, did I make this to you? I’m sorry seriously, I shouldn’t have gone downstairs, now is my fault that you’re like this” You felt guilty, maybe if you hadn’t looked for her in the basement, this wouldn’t have happened
“This is not your fault honey, please don’t worry darling, it was just a mistake and it isn’t really that bad, this won’t hurt” Your girlfriend reassured you stroking your cheek, she always knew how to make you feel better
“I will take care of you, just like you have done many times with me” You wanted to do things right and that included making sure she was alright.
Agatha smiled, you looked so cute with that serious look on your face, she really had wanted to eat dinner with you, but now she didn’t feel like eating.
“I need to lay in our bed, I’m really sorry I just feel dizzy and I don’t think I can eat, I feel so bad, I really wanted to have dinner with you, but I don’t think I can” You felt her hand stroking your hair and you couldn’t blame her, she looked so pale
“You don’t have to worry; we always eat together so this isn’t really a big deal” Smiling at her you took her hand
“I will make sure you’re alright, come let’s get you to bed, then I will come back here to clean everything”
“I can use my magic to-
"No, no more magic Agatha” You said to her with a serious look on your face.
“You won’t be using your magic until you’re better, alright?” Your girlfriend smiled, you were just so sweet and the only thing she could do was to nod.
You stood from the chair ready to go downstairs to your shared bedroom, Agatha stood up as well and she pressed her arm around your waist, you unconsciously leant into her and the two of you started to walk towards your shared bedroom.
“You know what? Even though I really love your blue eyes, purple looks amazing too” It was true, her eyes were beautiful of course, you loved them.
Your girlfriend gave a chuckle in response to your comment.
“Oh dear, I love the color of your eyes too” Agatha looked at you with dreamy eyes, whenever you told her what you loved about her heart melted.
“Now you just have to rest” You were going to open the door but Agatha did it and she smirked.
“This is not so bad doll; I really don’t need to rest I-”
Agatha didn’t finish her sentence because she sneezed again, and this time her magic affected the flat tv in your room, the tv changed itself into a smaller old one, it kind of reminded you of the 70’s period time which you had already passed, now you were in the 2000’s according to what your girlfriend Agatha had told you some days before.
“See? You need to rest” She saw the grin on your face and sighed maybe you were right.
“Come lay with me angel” You saw the little pout on Agatha´s face so you gave her peck on her lips.
“Give some minutes to clean downstairs and then I will come, alright?
“Ok, but hurry darling” Smiling you went back to the dining room and you were about to order things but someone rang your doorbell, that was strange, you went to open the door and you saw Wanda in front of you.
“Hey y/n I hope I´m not interrupting anything important I was just wondering if you and Agnes  could help me to choose some ideas for the decoration for my children´s party” You couldn’t say no, you just, didn’t have the heart, you had really wanted to lay with Agatha in bed, what if you just tell her that she was sick? Maybe she would understand
“Oh no Wanda, you´re not bothering us, is just that-
“Hiya Wanda, what brings you here?” You turned yourself to look at Agatha and you saw that she had black polarized sunglasses on, this was a bad idea.
You let Wanda in and she happily thanked you
“Well as I was telling y/n I was hoping that you could help me to find the right decorations for the boys´ birthday party” Wanda showed you some magazines and she handed you one, you took it and started to look at the pictures, their birthday party would be the next day, so of course she was going to use her magic, there was no doubt
“Nice sunglasses by the way Agnes” You couldn’t believe it, did she really didn’t find strange that Agatha had that type of sunglasses, inside the house where the wasn’t literally any sunrays? Wow, you couldn’t even, was she serious? You didn’t even understand how was it possible that she didn’t find this whole situation at least a little bit odd, but well, who were you to judge, right? You shrugged it off.
“Oh thank you dear, my love y/n gave them to me” Agatha walked closer to you to drop a kiss on your forehead
Wanda scrunched her nose in excitement, she thought you were a really cute couple.
“So, will the party be a themed party?” You asked, the pictures on the magazine were pretty cool, you even wished you had children to make an amazing themed party of whatever you liked.
“Wow this is really cool” You said out loud when you saw a picture of a carnival themed party
“If I were one of your children, I would definitely choose the carnival themed party, this looks awesome”
Wanda chuckled and went to see what you were looking at in the magazine
“You´re right this looks cool, Tommy likes the carrousel and Bill-
Agatha sneezed again and your eyes widened, oh no, this time Wanda will notice what was going on, you looked to the ceiling and you saw how the lamps changed, they were replaced by some vintage lamps, and you saw how Wanda was raising her head to look at the ceiling too, but Agatha with her magic made that one apple fell from the nearest table, and Wanda went to pick the apple up.
“Bless you Agnes” You heard Wanda said while she was picking the apple and you looked at your girlfriend, you moved your hands at her up and down without saying something, you tried to communicate with her moving your head too, Agnes just shrugged her shoulders and moved her hands in a hasty way in an attempt of telling you that it was not her fault.
When Wanda turned herself to look at the both of you, you and Agatha stopped moving and smiled at her at the same time.
“Thank you, Wanda, I think is because of the flowers on the vase” Agatha brought her hand to touch her nose with her fingers and Wanda looked at the flowers on the table.
“I thought they were artificial flowers” Said Wanda and bit your lip.
“Not that flowers Wanda, she was talking about some other flowers we have in our room, she um, she brought them for me and I decided to put them on our nightstand” You tried to act as calm as possible, if she discovered Agnes was not Agnes and that she had powers, you would be so fucked up.
“Oh I see, well maybe some pills would help, I think I have some pills for allergies, maybe I could give you some” You sighed, Wanda believed you
“That would be lovely, right y/n?” Agatha asked you and you quickly nodded
“Yes, absolutely, so. Why don´t we decide which decorations you should pick Wanda?” You asked her grabbing her arm to drag her to the couches, you sat in one and she sat next to you.
“So, as I was telling you, Tommy likes carrousels and Billy loves caramel apples”
“See, so the Carnival would be a great choice” Looking at her, you hoped she would go for it
“What do you think Agnes?” Wanda looked towards Agatha who was drinking water
“I think that a carnival themed party would be amazing, just imagine having a carousel on your backyard, some clowns, some fair stalls and even you could make a magic show with Vision”
Wanda seemed to like the idea and she thought about it for a minute before quickly standing from the couch and she looked at the two of you with happiness, her eyes were sparkling with excitement.
“Thank you so much, you´re right I will tell the boys, they will love the idea, thank you so much, I will leave now, I hope to see you tomorrow at the party, there will be a lot of things” With that Wanda left your house, you didn’t know you were holding your breath.
“We´re so lucky that she didn’t notice Agatha” She came closer to you to stroke your shoulders and she gave you a soft peck on your lips.
“Now that Wanda´s gone we can rest in our bed; would you like that baby girl? We can relax a little” Agatha passed her arms around your waist she pulled you closer to her and one of her hands dangerously started to raise your shirt, her fingers caressing the soft skin of your abdomen, you shivered under her touch, she knew exactly what she was doing, and the power she had over you this time.
“I think I like your idea, a lot” You grabbed her by her collar shirt to kiss her, this time with more passion, the kiss was no longer innocent, Agatha bit your lower lip and you moaned, she needed more, the sound coming from your lips made her knees go weak, Agatha broke the kiss to lift your chin and made you look straight into her eyes, you took the sunglasses off her face and tossed them on the couch.
“Now let´s go upstairs baby girl, I want to show you how much I love you” Agatha took your hand to drag you to your shared bedroom, you will have an amazing night. Hopefully her magical cold wouldn’t be a problem, but it didn’t matter, you were going to enjoy this night.
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satxnsupreme666 · 7 days
Hi! It’s @ifnotlovepersevering :) so lovely to see you back. I hope you’re well 💗
Hello! It is so good to know about you once again 🥹
It makes me so happy you know? And thank you so much, I am doing better, I hope you are doing fine as well ♥️
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satxnsupreme666 · 8 days
I almost lost you: Agatha Harkness/Agnes x fem!reader/ Mom!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Requested by: @midnight-lestrange​
Summary: Agatha´s in love with you and you´re in love with her as well but she doesn’t know that, instead she thinks you have something with Wanda so Agatha stops talking to you, until you get severely injured.
This is a romantic!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader and Mom!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader.
Words: 6k+
Warnings: Slight angst, minor mentions of blood and reader getting hurt, but happy ending (I love happy endings btw)
Author´s notes: Hi, this was a requested story, I do not know if I should tag the people who requested at the time, I want to be respectful, so I am not sure if I should tag them, I will try and do it since it was their request and their idea and if any of the people who requested back at the time now feel uncomfortable being tagged, please let me know and I will delete the tag.
This was one of the first stories I wrote three years ago, I had posted them on Tumblr on my old account, but due to my mental health, I had to take a break from Tumblr and the toxicity and hate that had suddenly increased, I deleted all of my stories and my old account, now I have decided to upload them again here on Tumblr and also on Ao3.
Again, as this was one of the first stories I wrote for Agatha Harkness is a little bit short, I will be uploading the rest of the stories from time to time, I have to edit them and make sure they are legible enough and with not a lot of grammatical errors.
I hope you like it! ♥️
If you enjoy, could you comment, like or reblog? it would help a lot really
Taglist: @midnight-lestrange  @eliscannotdance  (If someone else wants to be added to the Taglist you can send me a message or an ask, it´s alright)
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Wanda was around you all the time, she never left your side, there wasn’t a moment when you were alone, it was almost as if Wanda didn’t want Agnes or anyone else to get close to you, whenever you went, no matter where,  Wanda was there by your side, grabbing your hand or holding you closer to her, she was all the time with you and this bothered Agnes a lot.
It was even weird to see you alone for more than one minute, Wanda was always behind you, making sure no one got near you, not even Dottie and she found that really amusing.
However when it came to Wanda not letting her get near you was annoying, Agnes just wanted to talk to you and hold your hand, she didn’t expect to fall for you so quickly, but she couldn’t help it, you were so sweet, your smile could brighten any room and she loved how you used to move your hands when you talked about something you loved.
The first time Agnes met you had been one week after she arrived to Westview you had left Wanda´s house and she was surprised when she saw you, Agnes smiled at the memory.
“Hiya Honey” You heard someone greeting you so you turned yourself to look at the owner of the voice, and behind you was a woman with a bike and her long dark-brown hair was bright, you smiled back at her.
“Hi” You said feeling a little shy
“I´m Agnes darling, lovely to meet you” She said with a big smile and you blushed when she winked at you
“My name´s y/n”
“So, you´re my neighbor too, right? I saw you coming out from Wanda´s house darling, I didn’t know you lived with her” Her tone was cheerful and her happy mood was contagious
“Oh yes I live there with Wanda, have you met her already?” You asked her with a curious tone
“Of course, darling I met her a week ago, she even made a performance at the talent show days ago” You frowned, a week? That couldn’t be possible right? Maybe Wanda had changed the memories of the residents here to make them believe it had already passed a week, you couldn’t just believe it, or could it be true? Of course, Wanda told you everything when you woke up, she didn’t like hiding things from you and you felt happy because she didn’t erase your memories.
Agnes found really strange that she hadn’t seen you since she arrived and she had already entered Wanda´s house many times all this week and this was the first time she saw you, what else was Wanda hiding?
“Oh well that´s great, she´s really cool” You said trying to recall the past days, it was weird you felt like you had arrived here yesterday, you tried to brushed it off, it was really not important.
“Yes, darling she´s really cool” She squinted her eyes a little, as if she was analyzing you carefully
“So, tell me honey, where are you going to?”
“I was going to see the town, I just woke up… from a long nap” You were unsure of what you were saying, you didn’t see the frown on Agnes face, this was interesting for her.
“Well, in that case I can go with you to show you the town, would you like that sweetheart?” You thought about it for a minute, she looked like a good person, so you agreed, it would be alright, and you couldn’t deny, this woman was really charming and pretty.
“I would like that” With a big smile on your face you looked at her again, you were sure you could finally be happy in this town.
“Let me put this on my garden, then we can leave doll” Doll, you said the pet name in your head, no one had called you so many pet names like her, and you liked it, you felt your chest getting warm, it was nice.
She took her bike and she placed it inside her garden and then she winked at you again, of course you laughed, she was really sweet.
“Come on dear, let´s go” Agnes linked her arm with yours and she pulled you closer to her, she brushed your hand with her fingers and you blushed furiously, the only person you felt comfortable being so close to was Wanda but Agnes made you feel just as comfortable if not more. You could smell her perfume it was a mix of vanilla and something else you couldn’t put your finger on, her perfume was really sweet and you found yourself wanting more, would she always spread her perfume all over herself when she got out of her house? Or maybe in the morning she spread it once and the essence just stayed over her all day?
“So darling, how did you arrive here?” You hear her soft voice asking you and you turned your head to have a full view of her features, you felt as if her blue eyes pierced your soul, she looked at you as if she was analyzing your expression, and you tilted you head a little to the other side thinking on what to answer, Agnes looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to answer, she was a very patient woman, and she could wait all the time for you to answer.
“If I recall correctly” You brought your left hand to your mouth, it was something you used to do whenever you tried to focus on something, it was an unconscious thing you did.
“I arrived here with Wanda, she drove us from some offices in her car and the ride was pretty long, I just remember falling asleep and when I woke up I was in my bed” Agnes arched her eyebrow, feeling confused because of your answer, nodding her head she bit her lip, she needed more information to understand what was going on with you.
“That´s alright dear, when you wake up from really long nap, you can feel lost, it has happened to me, especially after a long night of partying” You laughed at the movements she made with her hands as if she was dancing and she moved her shoulder to brush it against yours.
You felt so carefree with her, she made you feel alive, it was a feeling you didn’t get to have, years ago with Wanda you could only pass your nights at the compound watching a movie or cooking, but still you felt trapped, but here with Agnes, you felt that you could do anything and you wouldn’t be judged.
“Oh, hi Dottie, I love your roses!” Looking at the person whom Agnes was talking to, you saw a woman with blonde hair working in her garden.
“Thank you, Agnes,” The woman, Dottie, said back and when Agnes turned her face to look at you, she rolled her eyes and she had a funny expression on her face, she made you giggle, she was really something else.
After ten minutes you finally arrived at what it looked it was the center of the town, there were children playing with each other and some adults were sitting in the lawn, some of them were having picnics with their children and you smiled, it was a really different view from what you had seen in the last years, your memory wandered back for seconds to your old life, you felt yourself getting a little sad, outside of all these amazing things you were enjoying, you didn’t know how everything was. Agnes noticed the change in your mood, she could sense your sadness and it was as if she felt a little of what you were feeling, Agnes wanted to drag your attention from whatever you were thinking, but she didn’t know where the urges to see you smile again came from.
“Hey sweety, do you like Ice cream?” Hearing her talking to you was enough to forget about the negative thoughts, and you felt grateful for that.
“Yes, I like Ice cream, do you like it?” Seeing you smile again made her feel better, she was not sure why, maybe it was because you had a really pretty smile.
“I love it doll, what about if we go to that ice cream shop, we can get to know each other better” Agnes took your hand and dragged you to the shop, you felt her soft touch in your hand and you felt you face heating, this woman made you blush a lot. Also, you really liked the way she grabbed your hand; she did it as gentle as possible as if you were about to break.
When you entered you decided you wanted a milkshake instead of just Ice cream, and Agnes was happy to order for you, after you told her your favorite flavor, she went to tell the girl attending what the two of you wanted and you just waited for Agnes to return in one of the booths there.
You were distracted by the surroundings, everything was really pretty and even though you found strange that some places where exactly as you had imagined sometimes, everything was beautiful, you remembered one day that you were discussing all the things you would love to visit with Wanda, and you remembered telling her about a place like this.
“A penny for your thoughts sweetheart?” She asked you while sitting herself next to you, you felt her leg brushing yours and you tried to hide your blush by resting your chin on your hand.
Agnes looked at you thoroughly, she knew you were hiding something, and she wanted to know what it was, but this was different, she wanted to know Wanda´s secret because of her immense powers, but with you it was different, she felt the necessity to know what was affecting you, she wanted to help you, but she couldn’t put her finger on why.
“Wanda used to rent movies and buy ice cream for movie nights” You muttered and if Agnes hadn’t been paying attention, she wouldn’t have heard you.
The waitress came with your orders and placed them in front of you, you said to her a barely audible thank you and you took a sip of your milkshake, it was really good, you loved it.
“We used to watch our favorite series; she loves old sitcoms you know?  and to be honest I kind of like them too” Agatha was looking your features and how you were playing with the straw, with your free hand you started to play with some strands of your hair, she could say you were talking more to yourself than to her, you were really in deep thought.
“I really liked when we passed time together, she has always been kind towards me but I feel something has changed, I´m not sure if things could go back as how they were” You were not sure what had changed but you felt something off.
Agnes felt bad for you, even if she didn’t know your entire story she felt empathetic, your pretty features looked sad again, and even if she wanted to do something, she didn’t know what to do, so she put her hand on your shoulder to give it a squeeze, unconsciously you leant your head into her hand.
“Y/n?” You heard a familiar voice that made you sat straight
“Wanda?” You smiled, what was she doing here? she was supposed to be at home, but here she was, in front of Agnes and you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked and you noticed how Agnes didn’t take her hand off your shoulder
“I was worried, I thought you would come home earlier, you´re never outside more than just one hour” You could see her a little tense, you didn’t understand what was the problem
Agnes found the scene quite weird, why had Wanda come to look for you? She wasn’t your girlfriend to be looking for you just because you hadn’t arrived home yet, or were you?
“Hey Wanda sweetheart, you do not have to worry I took good care of her, right honey?” You saw Wanda relaxing a bit, it looked like Wanda trusted Agnes
“Agnes thank you seriously, I thought she had got lost”
You played with the straw in your milkshake until you decided to just drink it, you didn’t notice Agnes was staring at you. you were so sweet but the sadness in your eyes was the thing that she could see the most.
“Is that good?” Wanda had asked you with a grin on her face, she really liked that you were enjoying yourself, she had created a lot of things according to what she had seen inside your mind.
“Yes, is really good, it reminds me of the same milkshake you bought for me back in-
“New York?” Wanda finished your sentence and you smiled back at her.
“Remember that cafeteria we saw in the pictures of the souvenirs in Germany?” Agnes saw Wanda getting closer to you
“Yes! The one with the retro booths and the tables, even the lights were some kind of retro decorations, I loved it, wait” You gave a quick glance to the ice cream shop, it was exactly as you remembered the cafeteria in the pictures, Wanda saw your excitement and she knew you had discovered she had created this place for you.
Agnes seemed to notice that as well, she had put the pieces together, so Wanda hadn’t just created this place just for her, she had created this for you as well, and what she understood, was that Wanda had even decorated the place according to what you liked, for her Wanda had acted out of love, giving you all these things, she understood how much Wanda loved you, but in what sense? She wanted to know, but this time she didn’t want to act as the nosy neighbor, she really wanted to know what was going on with you two, but she didn’t dare to ask you straightforward.
“Did you have a good time with Agnes “Wanda suddenly asked, you didn’t understand why she asked you that, and Agnes frowned, why would she ask that in front of her?
“Oh yes, totally, she is really funny, I loved being here with her” You turned your head to smile at Agnes and she winked at you and this time Agnes brought her hand to brush a strand off your hair, she couldn’t help herself you looked so cute when you blushed, Wanda raised her eyebrows, surprised because of what Agnes had done and of course Agnes saw her expression.
“Hey Agnes you wouldn’t mind if I take y/n home?” You hastily looked at Wanda and of course Wanda saw your confused expression but decided to ignore your expression.
Agnes squinted her eyes, why would Wanda wanted to take y/n back to their house? You had told her you liked being here with her, but she decided she could let you go this time; you were not going anywhere so she would have the time to speak to you another day.
“Of course, I wouldn’t mind, we can meet up another day, right sweetheart?”
But you didn’t meet up with her again, that happened two weeks ago and since that day Wanda never left your side again, she remembered the day where she bumped into you “by accident” at the supermarket, she felt happy that day because you talked with her for about ten minutes.
“Agnes, what a surprise, are you here to buy some chocolate too?” You asked her biting your lower lip, what a great coincidence.
Of course it hadn’t been any type of coincidence, she had just followed Wanda and you, but she wasn’t going to let you know that, she was happy that you weren’t with Wanda for at least a couple of minutes.
“Oh no sweetheart, I came here to buy this” She pointed to a single bottle of wine that she was holding in her hand
“That’s great, I’m still thinking which type of chocolate I should choose, I really like that one” You pointed at a white chocolate bar, “But I also like that one too” You said while you took a normal chocolate bar, it was so hard to decide,  Agnes could watch you all the time, she could wait for you until you decided, she loved watching your expressions.
“Why not both?” She asked you while looking at the chocolates
Agnes was about to say something else but then Wanda came.
“Have you decided yet which one you want?” Wanda asked coming closer to you, she put her hand on your shoulder and that didn’t pass unnoticed to Agnes.
Seriously why Wanda kept interrupting you? As far as she knew Wanda was with Vision, then why didn´t she let you have a proper conversation with her?
You didn’t understand why Wanda really didn’t want you to talk to Agnes, she knew you liked her a lot.
For her part, Wanda was surprised, how was possible that you felt so comfortable with someone you had met just some weeks ago? She didn’t want you to get attached to someone who wasn’t even real at all, she didn’t want you to be heartbroken, she really hoped no one would ever come here to bother you or her, and she believed her magic was strong enough in order not to let anyone from outside enter without her knowing, but what if, just what if someone else broke into Westview and released all the inhabitants? She couldn’t even stand the thought of Agnes leaving the town and in consequence of that you would be left heartbroken, if that happen, she knew it would be her fault, she just didn’t want you to end up hurt, it would be better if you didn’t get too close to her.
Wanda thought Agnes was under her mind control and she thought Agnes was acting this way towards you because when she created the town she also was thinking that you could finally find someone who would love you and appreciate you, someone whom you could be happy with, but now that she thought about it carefully, if all of this didn’t work out, she didn’t want you to feel hurt because of her, but she couldn’t tell you to stop seeing Agnes, so she had to think of something else to do.
You had already passed through a lot of bad things, she didn’t want to add a heartbreak, years ago Wanda had rescued you from a Hydra base, they had experimented on you and when she looked at you Wanda instantly felt a connection with you, she could see herself in you, alone and with no one to look after her, since that day she decided she would be the one to help you recover, you would never be alone again, she was the closest thing to family, Wanda promised herself to look after you.
To you, Wanda was like a mom, she helped you understand your powers, she taught you how to use them but also, she taught you to trust again, with her help little by little you started to come out of your shell, she was happy that she could help you and of course she saw you as if you were her own daughter, she missed Pietro and she would always miss him, but with you by her side, she thought she could keep going, Wanda just wanted to protect you.
Agnes didn’t know any of this so her only theory was that you and Wanda were secretly dating, she felt hurt of course, Agnes wanted to have something with you but she thought that maybe you didn’t see her as just the friendly nosy neighbor, which to be honest she didn’t even like the role, at this point she wasn’t even interested in Wanda´s magic anymore, she could have left town but she decided to stay for you, but you didn’t even looked for her, she was conflicted, she had thought you had feelings for her, but looking at you here in the park with Wanda´s hand on your back, she realized you weren’t interested in her, so she stopped looking for you, she stopped visiting you at your house to give you little presents, she just focused her mind into getting to understand Wanda´s magic, after that she would just leave Westview.
You notice how Agnes started to ignore you, and you felt hurt, you felt heartbroken, what had happened? You didn’t understand, you thought things were going great between you and Agnes, you were aware that you didn’t talk a lot, but when you did, you felt happy with her and you thought she was happy too, sometimes when you wanted to go look for Agnes, something stopped you from going to look for her, like the time you were at the town center and you saw Agnes leaving the park, you wanted to go after her to greet her, but out of nowhere a bunch of people started to work on the street, you couldn’t leave the place because the men told you, no one was allowed to pass.
Or like that time when you were at the bookstore with Wanda and you saw Agnes walking down the street, you quickly went to the door to reach her but when you grabbed the doorknob you noticed it was stuck, you couldn’t open the door, even two teenagers that were hanging around the bookstore tried to open the door but they couldn’t, when you looked through the window to see if Agnes was still there, you didn’t see her and you pouted, it was as if something was preventing you to talk to her, it was really frustrating.
But now it was as if Agnes acted as if you didn’t exist, when she walked past your house and you were in the garden, she didn’t greet you anymore.
You were heartbroken, you didn’t know what to do, and you were afraid that if you tried to talk to her, she would just ignore you.
Wanda of course noticed the change in your mood, she felt guilty because she had caused this, and now she didn’t know how to fix it, Wanda hated to see you so sad, should she talk to Agnes? Or tell you the truth?
Wanda tried to think of what to do but at the same time she was dealing with the soldiers outside that were trying to enter Westview, she hadn’t told you any of this because she didn’t want you to add more things to your problems, she would have to deal with SWORD first. She had been trying to just ignore them but they kept sending the damned drones, and it was a matter of time for you to notice that there was something wrong.
It was late at night and you and Wanda were in your garden, you were watching the stars, how could this be something Wanda had created, it was really beautiful and even though you felt sad because of Agnes at the same time you felt at home, Wanda had told you that you would finally would have a place to call home.
The memory came to your mind and you smiled
“Listen, we will go home, alright? We will finally have a place to call home, but first I need you to go somewhere with me, and I need you to stay with me all the time alright?” You nodded at her and she dropped a kiss to your hair, she hugged you and you just leant into her, you trusted her with your heart.
“You won´t have to worry again, we will be a family” When she told you that she brought her hand to stroke your hair but when her fingers brushed your temple, you suddenly felt sleepy and you just fell asleep.
You felt tears at the corner of your eyes, Wanda had made sure to create all of this for you and for her, but still you felt something was missing, and that thing was Agnes, you really missed her a lot, she made you laugh, you felt safe with her and now she just ignored you.
You heard a sound as if something was coming towards you and when you looked in front of you, you saw there was a little airplane in the air, Wanda noticed it too and you saw her hands glowing red, you were not sure what was happening but you sensed that she was angry, really angry and with a movement of her hand the little airplane fell to the ground with a thud, the sound made you jump a little, what had just happened?
“I need you to stay here” Wanda´s voice was harsh, she was really angry but you didn’t know why
She took the airplane with one hand and lifted herself from the ground, leaving you there in the middle of the street, however you didn’t listen to her and followed her, since you had arrived here Wanda hadn’t used her ability to fly, so this was important, lucky for you, you could fly too, so you followed her from a good distance.
You saw her landing on Ellis avenue, she had told you not to come here many times, so it was weird, so you landed a few meters away from her
Wanda kept walking but you didn’t understand where she was going until you saw her passing through something, it was a magical field, you didn’t even know there was a field around town; Wanda easily passed through it and of course you followed her.
Now you were really close to the magical field and being this close was enough for you to see the small lines that looked like the screen of an old tv you were afraid because you didn’t know what was outside Westview, what had angered Wanda so much?
Taking a deep breath, you built the courage to pass through the field, you closed your eyes and when you were sure you were not inside Westview anymore you opened your eyes again.
You were not expecting hundreds of soldiers to be looking at you, it had been a complete mistake to walk through the magical field after all.
“I told you to stay inside!” Wanda´s accent was thicker and you could tell she was beyond pissed, so you just bit your lip, you could deal with her later.
“y/n?” Someone said your name and you lifted your head to see a woman with glasses, you had seen her before but you were not sure where.
“So, your little protégé has been here with you all this time? Do you know how many times we have been looking for you? Did you help her to trap all these people here?” This time it was an old man who held a smirk on his face
“Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this, leave her out of this, you came for me, not for her” The man laughed and he moved his hand it was a sign for all the soldiers to point their guns at you, now you were afraid, this had been a huge mistake.
Wanda used her powers to make them point their guns towards the man
“Wanda no! He´s just trying to provoke you, you´re not the villain” A woman walked towards Wanda a little, she was brave enough to do that, you were impressed.
You heard a sound, it was the sound of someone chambering a gun, you hastily looked where was the sound coming from and when you saw a soldier from far away pointing his gun to Wanda ready to pull the trigger you instantly used your powers, blue glowing from your eyes and hands, you lifted him In the air and threw him into some trees, the sudden sound distracted Wanda and she looked at you but that was enough for the man to grab the gun of the nearest soldier and he pulled the trigger, the bullet was going to hit Wanda right In her chest, you used your powers to push her to the ground and luckily the bullet didn’t hit her but this time you didn’t see him pointing at you, he pulled the trigger and you felt a sharp pain in your chest, everything happened so fast, the pain was unbearable, you felt like you were about to faint but Wanda grabbed you and with her free hand she threw the soldiers to the ground.
She lifted you in her arms and took you inside Westview again, she couldn’t believe you had just been hit by a bullet, she had wanted to kill the soldiers but she had to act quickly.
Agnes heard a lot of noise so she left her house and what she saw, horrified her, Wanda left you on the grass of your garden you had blood in your clothes and Wanda had blood in her hands.
“What happened?” Agnes was so worried, she couldn’t believe Wanda had let you get hurt, at the sound of her voice you lifted your head a little and you smiled, she had come to see you
“Agnes?” You said between coughs, the pain was awful.
Wanda tried to use her powers to take the bullet out of your body but it was hard, she couldn’t do it, her hands were shaking and she couldn’t think straight, you were bleeding and her powers were not working, she cursed and yelled, she couldn’t heal you.
Agnes was desperate she had to try something.
“Move Wanda” Wanda looked at her with a confused look what was she thinking? Wanda was about to say something but Agnes moved her hands and purple smoke emanated from her, the red haired woman was shocked, she was a witch?
Agnes knelt beside you and she covered your chest with her hands, Wanda saw her fingers moving and heard Agnes chanting something in a strange language, by this point Agnes was crying, tears were streaming from her eyes and Wanda was trying to process everything.
Suddenly the blood stopped coming from the wound you had and when Agnes moved her hands off you, there was no trace of any wound, any scar, you had fainted but at least you were alive.
“She´s alright now, she will need some time to rest” Wanda heard the woman and she nodded
“Who are you?”
“My name´s Agatha Harkness and we have a lot to talk, but not now” Wanda felt grateful, she had saved your life, and she couldn’t be more grateful.
 When you woke up two days later, you gasped, what had happened? You weren’t dead?
“Be careful dear” It was Agnes´ voice and you quickly turned your head to look at her, she was sitting in a chair beside your bed.
“Am I dead?” Agnes laughed a little and she shook her head.
“What happened?” You remembered feeling a sharp pain and you touched your chest, there was nothing there
“You were shot sweetheart” Agnes ‘voice broke, she was trembling and you couldn’t understand why, Agnes brough her hands to your face and she stroked your cheek, you loved her touch
“I thought you were going to die, I almost lost you, I thought I would never see you again, I was scared, I couldn’t stand the thought of you dying, I love you so much” Your eyes widened and you felt genuine happiness, she loved you the same, you couldn’t stand it anymore and you kissed her.
You felt one of her hands hugging your waist, she had a strong grip around you and her free hand touched your face, she brushed her fingers softly against the skin of your cheek.
You broke the kiss and smiled at her, finally you felt you were complete, she was what you needed the most.
“I love you too Agnes” She bit her lip, she had to tell you the truth, she closed her eyes, she didn’t know how you were going to react
“Doll, listen, my name´s not Agnes, my real name is Agatha Harkness and I´m a witch, I stopped the bleeding thanks to my dark magic, but I really love you, and I´m sorry I started to ignore you, I thought you were with Wanda and-” A laughed made her open her eyes again, you were laughing at her, but how could she have thought you were with Wanda?
“Why did you think I was with Wanda? She´s like a mom to me” You gave her a soft peck on her lips and she happily received it.
“It doesn’t matter now, because now I know you love me just as much as I do, also you do not have to worry, I really like your real name, and thank you so much for saving me, I´m pretty sure Wanda is grateful too” You hugged her again and you rested your head in her shoulder, she already had talked to Wanda, Agatha explained everything to her and Wanda did the same, Wanda was really grateful, she didn’t know what would have happened if she had lost you, and Agatha felt the same, you were her entire world, she wouldn’t lose you, and she wouldn’t ignore you again.
“I promise you, I won´t leave your side, I will protect you too and I won´t ever ignore you again, I feel so bad for that doll”
“It´s alright, you don´t have to blame yourself, now we can start again, this time we will make sure to avoid misunderstandings, ok?” Agatha sighed and nodded she looked at you with so much love in her eyes
“I love your eyes they´re so pretty you know?” She leant to kiss you again and when she pressed her lips to yours, the door of you room was opened, again Wanda had interrupted you but this time Wanda smiled, she knew Agatha was the right person for you, she was sure of it.
“I just came here to see if you were already awake, we still have to talk y/n, but for now I will just let you enjoy your time with Agatha” With that said she left your room, with the door opened, of course she did that.
You tilted your head to look at Agatha´s face, you were really in love with her.
“I love you so much y/n, I won´t leave you” You were sure she wouldn’t do it; you could feel the love she felt for you.
“Do you want to go downstair for something to eat? I´m hungry, I could make something for the two of us” Agatha nodded and stood from her chair she stretched her hand out for you to take it and you eagerly took it, this was good, now you were starting a new chapter and she was the missing piece, finally you felt happy, this was the family you had wanted.
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