#audio drama help
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thepodcasthoard · 1 month ago
Tal Minear- So you want to start a fiction podcast?
The first thing the article recommends is to write for sound. Seemingly a 'duh' piece of advice, but audio drama isn't like any other medium. Some things will not translate purely through sound, like picking up a certain prop.
The next piece of advice is to finish your script before casting. Your actors won't like it if they have to wait months before they start work, or months between recording sessions simply because the scripts don't exist yet.
Then, have a backlog. If you have a set release schedule, have a few episodes done and ready for when things snarl up.
Listen to actors. But at the same time, don't rely on them to be sensitivity readers (those you should find elsewhere). But if they say 'hey, I don't feel comfortable with this line,' listen to them. If they don't feel great, chances are that some listeners won't either.
After casting is done, tell your crew about the show. Ask them under what name they'd like to be credited, answer any questions and freely provide information like how you expect recordings to be given in.
Credit cast in other ways than purely in the episode. Put them in the show notes, website, and a way to contact them directly if they ok it.
Have a website. This makes SEO way easier. The author linked a website but I'm not sure if they get any commission from click-throughs so I'll let you go there and see.
Have transcripts. The author says that deaf and hard of hearing fans would be automatically excluded from your work if you don't have them, but I'll go further. Sometimes, people can't follow purely from audio. Giving them a chance to read along will help them. Plus, there are some things that will be misheard, and transcripts help clear up misunderstandings.
Have an RSS feed. This is a purely technical thing, and just for podcasts, and I'm not totally 100% sure on what it is, but I know that podcasts should have one. I think it's like almost a universal code that is common through directories and is like...a 'home' for the podcast. It isn't a URL, but somehow it lets the directories know what your podcast is about and any show notes/art/whatever you include. Like I said- personally I'm not clear on the details.
If you have the funds, pay your crew. If you can't pay with money, make that abundantly clear and maybe try to compensate in other ways.
Be nice to your crew. Even if you're paying them, they deserve respect. And if you're not paying them, don't make it Hell for them.
Not everyone wants to be your friend. Don't force say, a required weekly meeting to talk.
Put effort in when getting other people involved. Take care to proofread, research, and fully explain at each step to any prospective helpers.
Have a legible script. Follow good habits like putting the character's name next to their spoken line and, again, try to eliminate typos and other errors.
Both ends of the recording should record their own audio. Don't rely on the program for the call- the people should have a way to record and save the file.
Get actors' permissions before altering their voice. If you plan on pitching voices, let people know ahead of time so they aren't caught off guard.
Audio drama doesn't work like traditional theater. Don't require a monologue and/or seven auditions to get the part. You can take shortcuts because it's a relatively new medium.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months ago
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I know those eyes.
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re-dracula · 2 years ago
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Re: Dracula is Dracula Daily for your ears! Listen to the story with a full cast of voice actors and immersive sound design - all for free on your favorite podcast app. Search "Re: Dracula" to find us!
Our cast includes voice actors from The Magnus Archives, Wooden Overcoats, The Amelia Project, and more! Our crew has worked on SCP Archives, Doctor Who Redacted, Seen and Not Heard, and many others. We've got a deep love for this novel (and other horror media!), and are having the best time bringing it to life as an audio drama.
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totallynormals4 · 7 months ago
I desperately need more podcast recommendations
I have a list of them but like it’s never enough /silly
I’m mainly into fiction stuff and horror
But I’ll try basically anything and everything
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tommytomatoe · 2 months ago
i just know asher has the most brittle, dry hair out of everyone in the pack. like you have coconut oil david and jojoba oil milo shining and glossy then just asher, split ends and a smile on his face.
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tellnotalespod · 10 months ago
List: Queer creatives to spend your money on instead half-arsed pride merch from Target 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
We're all aware by now that when you buy pride merch from one of Those Companies, your money is just going to a CEO who half-heartedly told someone to slap a rainbow on it and call it a day. So why not use that money to support an actual queer person who’s working hard to make art?
I've collected a(n incomplete) list of queer creatives who would benefit from your support this Pride Month - this is fairly limited in scope, as it only includes creators who responded to my call for links (or whose links were sent by friends & fans). It is also, for that reason, fairly audio-drama-heavy, but not exclusively so! It includes sections for crowdfunds, online stores, ttrpgs, and ko-fis and patreons for creators of a variety of different art forms.
The list is long, but worth a look through. Have a browse, see if anything appeals, and if you'd like to add any links, please do! Share the list around, shout out your friends and peers, boost your favourite artist, and vitally, self-promo is strongly encouraged!
Crowdfund campaigns:
Starting off strong with Forged Bonds @forgedbondspod — A queer, myth-bending audio drama retelling of Aphrodite and Hephaestus's love story.
This one takes pride of place as the inspiration for this post. Pine is working SO hard to make sure their cast gets paid regardless of crowdfunding outcomes, even if that means paying out-of-pocket. Help them avoid having to do that by supporting a truly kind and wonderful creator. (Crowdfund ends in a little over two weeks!)
We've also got a tight time-sensitive crowdfund for Waiting For October @monkeymanproductions — an upcoming queer supernatural audio drama series from the creators of Moonbase Theta, Out.
At the time of posting, they only have 13 hours left on their crowdfund, but they're 93% there! Help them cross the threshold and tell what I'm sure will be another gorgeous and wild story.
And for the horror lovers, a new crowdfund from The Morbid Forest — a deep dive into all things grusesome!
They are hoping to fund their fifth season, and it's looking to be their biggest yet. A lot of what they're asking for will be used to pay guest authors they're bringing in for the new season, allowing platforms for up-and-coming writers. Help them make this a reality!
All three of these creators also have Patreons you can subscribe to instead of (or in addition to!) their crowdfund: Pine Tree Pods, Monkeyman Productions, Morbid Forest
Buy yourself a little treat:
Saph the Something creates ethically handmade clothes made with vintage materials by a non-binary queer individual, with an emphasis on non-default clothes for non-default people.
You can find Saph's physical goods on xaer ko-fi (including a GORGEOUS loose-knit subtle trans flag tee)! Or support xem on Patreon for early access to content, behind-the-scenes updates, and more
For prints and pins of some truly stunning art, visit Survival of the Artist's ko-fi!
If you love gorgeous, unsettling underwater horror, you're going to absolutely love these prints
Eeler's Choice @eelerschoice is offering their season 1 soundtrack on Bandcamp!
Eeler’s Choice is a maritime horror fantasy podcast that serves as a reminder that the ocean never gives back what it takes unchanged. The music is GORGEOUS and if you love sea shanties, folk music, and eerie ambient instrumentals, you'll love this album.
They also have merch on sale, the logo sweatshirt is one of the best things I own
Pyon is an afro-latino freelance artist, writer, designer, and indie game developer
He is currently working on a visual novel magical girl project, @magicalwarriordiamondheart and you can buy prints, plushies, apparrel, charms and more from their store (or support him on Ko-fi!)
Xan Larson is an Illustrator, Comic Artist and Content Creator with a specialty and marked enthusiasm for mythological creatures of all kinds and all cultures.
She offers a huge range of treats on her website, including art prints (& original paintings), resin art, and books
Dylan Birtolo is a writer, a gamer, and a professional sword-swinger
Dylan has a huge number of books on offer, primarily fantasy, including anthologies, novellas, and novels.
TTRPGs galore:
(these also fall under the little treat category, but there were so many that I felt they needed their own section)
Sunken Rust are a game company run by married couple Dave Eisinger and Jazz Eisinger, and they offer a range of absolutely delightful TTRPGs, ranging from a wholesome GBBO-inspired micro RPG, to a solo journaling game about exploring an abandoned mansion.
Tea Witch Games is run by Anna Landin, a queer Swedish illustrator, comic artist and game designer. She offers games that run the gamut from sweet and cozy to weird, sad and spooky.
K. Petker offers games from wonderfully unique perspecitves including heroines of the princess council, children facing the apocalypse, and cats protecting their humans from the supernatural.
Christine Prevas is a writer, designer, PhD student & erstwhile librarian offering TTRPGs that range from two-player steamy horror to theatrical tragedy, and more.
Unseeliejess is a game designer and social worker, and my personal favourites from her offerings include Oops! All Draculas! and multiple sapphic-focused TTRPGs
Thoughty is run by Beau Jágr Sheldon, including innovative TTRPGs in a range of formats, as well as some games that break away from the table entirely.
Riverhouse Games includes a ton of fun concepts, including a micro-game about cleaning your kitchen and a game about telling your hot gay (dragon) boyfriend you love him. They also offer a guide to writing your own RPG!
E. Chris Garrison is the proprietor of Chris's Compendium of Free RPGs, one of the oldest game repositories on the web. They are also the designer of Saving People / Hunting Things, a TTRPG inspired by monster-of-the-week style television shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Supernatural. They also have a ton of fantasy, supernatural, and sci-fi books on offer
Handsofblue offers a campy horror game about awful people and a serial killer, and a solo knitting game
Drazillion is an award-winning narrative designer, writer, and artist, offering a huge portfolio of games with a strong focus on queer narratives and themes. You can also support her on Patreon
Patreons & Ko-Fis:
Finally we have some ways to directly support the creators you love or their ongoing projects!
Soul Operator @souloperatorpod is a multi-genre fiction podcast, created to highlight solo ttrpgs.
If you haven't listened yet, you absolutely should - this show will rip out your heart and you'll be grateful for it. Support them for behind-the-scenes content, exclusive short stories, and more
Divine Rodentia Studios @divinerodentiastudios is releasing a new fiction anthology audio drama, Sixth Door to the Left
This is some truly intriguing and wonderful storytelling, and you can support them through the development of their upcoming project, The Loser's Game.
YamiKakyuu @yamikakyuu is a writer, photographer, amateur digital artist, and horror podcast enthusiast.
Supporting them will help an up-and-coming voice actor invest in decent equipment (a huge barrier to so many incredibly talented VAs breaking into the industry!)
Daisy McNamara is an *incredibly prolific* podcaster, the co-creator of Eeler's Choice and Waterlogged, and has contributed his talents to so many more
Daisy has made such a huge contribution to the audio drama world, so if you've listened to any podcasts to speak of, you've probably enjoyed some of her work. Your support can help him make ends meet and continue creating!
And finally (because I fave a few pals who'd kill me dead if I didn't do a bit of self-promo), I'm Leanne Egan, the creator of Tell No Tales, an audio drama about ghosts and the people who refuse to hunt them. While there is currently no way to support the show financially, my debut novel, Lover Birds, releases soon!
As a bonus, if you're in the UK, you can pre-order it from a North-West-based queer indie bookshop too!
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fablesaesops · 11 months ago
i am BEGGING for someone to compile like a list of thoschei content so it's easier to get the Lore TM without having to wade through thousands of hours of content with minimal organization. what I wouldn't give for just a list era by era of what episodes to watch and where to find them
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cauterizedpod · 6 months ago
The casting call for Cauterized is live! The survival/horror audiodrama features a doomed sub and misfit team tasked with making the transition to the surface possible. It's a task that might be stacked against them after every other attempt has failed.
There are four very different roles up for grab! Butch eldest sister, cool older woman who loves plants, bastard snake secretary, and the big man in command (who's not really a great guy, to no one's surprise)
You can find all the information on the project, roles, guidelines, and submission details here!
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juliamccartney · 5 months ago
it's so funny when fiction podcast/audio drama fanart IDs are like "illustration of [name of a character that doesn't have a specific canon appearance] holding hands with [name of other character that also doesn't have a specific canon appearance]" with no further description
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vestaclinicpod · 2 months ago
Audio Drama Sunday - 19th January
I’ve been working on so much Vesta stuff this week ahead of the release of season 2, but I still found time to listen to some top notch audio drama! 🥰
🦋 @remnantspod (24) Um, so I’m going to be honest and admit that I listened to about 5 minutes of this episode, realised who it was about and what was about to happen and then got my wife to check the content warnings for me before tactically retreating. I might try again next week or read the transcript when I’m feeling more mentally robust!! 
Take this as your sign to check in with yourself when listening to heavy things!! 💙
🎃 Waiting For October by @monkeymanproductions (3.5) Aw, I feel strangely fond of Auncle Lantern!! I loved all the growing metaphors!! There’s nothing better than thinking you can close a book and leave a story in the pages then realising it’s got its roots in you! 
🧋 @hinaypod (27-30) I felt like Hi Nay really powered me through this week! What a crazy arc that was!! Yet again, I was so upset at having to listen to Mari cry :( pls stop doing this to me!! I loved the twist in Mikey’s tale, revealing his guilt all these years. And, oh my god, Donner name reveal!!!! It’s very suspicious that two Mikey’s have had trouble in the same house. Imagine how different the story might be if an Elder had rescued Donner instead. And, OMG, unless my ears deceive me (which I can’t lie, they often do) YORKSHIRE DOOLEY??? Obsessed. If anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this room etc etc 
🍾 @ameliapodcast (41 + epilogue) I loved hearing these funky Panaraguans finally hash out their differences and come to a mutually beneficial agreement!! This season has had such a fun overarching narrative, but I’m SO excited for the gang to get back together. Imagine hearing Alvina and The Interviewer bickering again. It’ll be music to my ears. 
🌵 @desertskiespodcast (8) Ooh we got some serious Sphere Lore in this episode. I’m particularly side-eyeing the brief glitch that Tendy had after going back into what appeared to be pre-death memory, surely that doesn’t mean anything? Right? Surely… 
I hope everyone has a fantastic week! ✨
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editsbylxminqry · 2 months ago
Have this edit while I work on several more; I’m genuinely going insane. I have been working on an edit for over nine hours (and I’m guessing it’s gonna take me 3-6 more hours to finish). My Malevolent relisten, Wolf 359, and my guitar are the only things keeping me sane I swear to god. Someone please send help 🥲
animation: faerie kei (YouTube)
audio: somewhere on TikTok idk I’m sorry
inspo: r.iles edits (insta)
edit time : 6 hours
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thepodcasthoard · 1 month ago
Writers! Start a Story Podcast. Please! - video
This is a video from Pen & Caper, and it's all about the reasons writers who are interested in the hobby should start a fiction podcast, also known as an audio drama.
A fiction podcast is a great medium for writers for a few reasons.
The feedback loop is pretty short.
Instead of having years between publishing and reviews/even reaching an audience, you can write and finish a story and produce it, and it will be in the public within a few days. Now, maybe your audience will be tiny at first, but if you keep going it will most likely keep growing.
2. There's no one who has to green light your story, like a publisher.
One of the best things about podcasting in general to me is that there are pretty much no gatekeepers. Anyone with an idea, a story, a microphone, and a way to upload can get that story out there for other people to enjoy.
I've talked before about how so many stories that seem weird or out-there or otherwise not mainstream (whatever that means) can reach an audience because there's no one telling the creator 'no, that won't work, there's no audience for that.' There's an audience for just about everything, and if you don't make it you'll never find them.
3. It will make you a better writer
As you do a thing a lot, you will inevitably get better at the thing. When you regularly upload, you'll have to regularly write. You can't publish something that doesn't exist, and to make it exist you have to write it. And as you write, you'll explore and experiment and overall improve because you're putting practice in. Yeah, maybe some will be worse than others because not everything will be good, but the point is that you'll learn from mistakes. Mistakes are the best way you learn, not so much from success.
4. You'll build a platform for your work
As you build an audience, you'll build relationships within the community and be able to get other stuff you do out there. Plus, when you have a decent following it's easier to approach someone- or even be approached!- and say 'hey, I have this amount of backing behind me, I'd love to do a collaboration/guest spot/whatever with you!' For me personally, it also helps because that Imposter Syndrome can lessen a bit, or at least you can tell it to shut up more often. When you know people follow and like your work, you feel good about your skills. And when you feel good about your skills, it makes it more motivating to keep going because it doesn't feel like you're shouting into the void.
I encourage you to watch the video in its entirety! It's only about five and a half minutes long, so it's brief and entertaining.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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An unbothered queen has entered, and subsequently left.
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siltslut · 1 month ago
shoutout red valley sound designer(s?) we need to introduce more whooshes to the audio drama world
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year ago
Absolutely love being basically the only one on Tumblr using a specific fandom's tag because it's so damn small
I feel like I'm just talking to myself, having two or three people nod in my direction when I say something and knowing one day someone else will become as obsessed as I am with the show and go through the tag, only to find me and only me in it, waving excitedly at them and nodding vigorously if they choose to talk to themselves about it as well
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coolicorn · 21 days ago
Malevolent is a fever dream horror-filled Disco Elysium
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