#asia al ghul
elejahfanfic · 1 year
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asia al ghul x oliver queen
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almostpoetic0-0 · 2 years
The concept of Damian growing up with a Muslim shower(bidet) as he grew up in a Arabic country and just talia packing him an empty bottle(if yanno , yanno) and telling him to use this to go to the bathroom in his European tour or however he really to the Manor, with a separate Muslim shower attachment (for when he get to the manor for installment) as well and like poor bby dami confused and asks his mother if it is a training exercise and Talia just freaking longs sighs and says that the west doesn't have Muslim showers like us and they u paper to clean there butt and
AND LIKE HES WILLING TO BEG UMMI NOT TO SEND HIM. And then he's like but my FATHER(baba) would not be stupid enough right he must be rich enough to use water to "do the stuff right " and once again he is disappointed
And like in the background Jason had his dip already sneaks into the league to like steal a Muslim shower for himself (he grew up on the street he has to feel clean or ptsd yanno) and Ra's is so proud that ATLEST SOMEONE from the west cherises cleanliness and doesn't even care abt hurting Jason (he's like a scientist showing of his discovery) like HERE U WANT ONE TAKE IT,I HAVE A GOLD PLATED ONE TO TAKE THAT TO. Like just Muslim shower appreciation bro and Eastern culture to but mostly Muslim shower
Also the food don't get me started on that bby used to having whole a** chilies but like he's comes to USA and EVERYTHING IS SO BLAND W H Y. He has to call his mother and ask her with increasing desperation if he can come back and to at least send him a cook he is a prince after all.
Everybody at the Manor is confused abt him not eating food and putting hot sauce on everything because that's what he has been led to THE HORROR. Alfreds British and even after all that colonization BY TRADING FREAKING SPICE through the subcontinent their food is still pretty bland and Dami is so salty abt this to Alfred
Dami: Ummi these people don't even know what seasoning is, Ummi. Plz is this punishment for the time my tiger ate your dress mother. Father(baba) doesn't even know how to install a Muslim shower Ummi
And talia amused on the inside and telling to preservere and think of it as training
And just yeah a biracial person guide to THE WEST
I would like LOVEEEE to read a comic written by a Eastern writer about Damian having to adapt to the west and that being harder then any training cus he like are these people senile or poor to wipe ther butt with paper and to think that mandi (pretty sure there might be veggie options in this to) is just orange friend rice to them like where is the FLAVOUR 🤌
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psychologeek · 2 years
Random questions Google can't help me with:
(even if you don't know, reblog could help a LOT in getting to "the person who knows". So thank you 😊)
1. Islam - How likely it is that Jason use the Hijra (hijaric?) Calander during his time with the LoA🤔
2. Geo-history: spoken languages in Western Asia around 1,300-1,500? Doesn't have to be spesific by years, just sort of. I try to get the possible location, language, religious and calander for some things.
3. what language do the All-caste speak?
Current thoughts:
Probably somewhere in the Zagros Mountains? Maybe in the Iranian part. They do speak Arabic, but also Urdo, parasian and pashto. The main Dialect is Arabic, bc it's Ras Al-Ghul og language and that's how he taught his students.
(Also - mybe related to religious? Muslim probably (DoB ~1,300). And iirc being able to read the Qur'an properly has important meaning? I AM NOT MUSLIM PLZ CORRECT ME).
It has a lot of hiding places, wondering tribes, and places to grow food. Going to missions can hide as wonderers.
In the Himalayas, but "Himalayas" is f* HUGE.
WHERE??? Bhutan? China? India? Nepal? Pakistan?
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Friendly reminder that the al Ghuls are East Asian. Yes they are Arabic, but they are also East Asian. Several origin stories had put Ra's birthplace in East Asia.
Don't let DC just kill that because of the shitty "we don't need multiple East Asian characters in the family" idea media has.
So yeah start letting Damian speak Chinese, Mongolian, Burmese, and/or other languages that are associate with lands that were associated with the Mongolian Empire (which Ra's has repeatedly claimed to have been prominent in)
Talia's sometimes portrayed as over a hundred years old. Let her wear Cheongsam and Fengguan's when she marries Bruce.
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
Ra’s Al Ghul has brought him back to life and intends to give him back to Bruce as a reconciliation gift. The only thing is, the Lazarus Pit can have… interesting effects on people, especially when bringing them back to life. In Jason’s case, he comes back with a serious case of brain fog, with some slightly psychotic tendencies. Ra’s can’t return Jason like this, so he spends the next few months rehabilitating the boy and training him with the League. He’ll be such a fine warrior, not only will Bruce be getting his protégé back, but he’ll be in better shape than when he died. Little by little, though, Jason is beginning to come back to his senses, his memories return, and he begins to question where he is and what he’s doing. This isn’t right… where’s Bruce? Where’s Alfred? Why isn’t he in Gotham anymore? In a panic, somewhat brought on by the side effects of the Pit, Jason escapes the League of Shadows and winds up totally alone, totally lost in West Asia, trying to get back home. The League of Shadows goes after him, and he has to outrun them any way he can, and after a long, harrowing adventure where he jumps all around Asia, South-East Asia, and Australia, he is finally on the fast track to getting back to the States and Gotham. He’s thrilled to be back home, but the first thing he sees when he looks at the news… is Batman… and a new Robin… saving the city. He heads to the Manor to see for himself and finds Tim Drake sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms. There’s still some Lazarus Madness in his head, so he doesn’t take this so well at first. It gets worse when he realises that Joker is still alive. Batman never avenged him. Cue the events of “Under the Red Hood” where Jason takes down a gang of thugs, takes the identity of their leader, “The Red Hood,” and starts tearing up Gotham, looking for Joker, while simultaneously poking Bruce at every available opportunity. And then, when the truth is finally revealed about who Red Hood is, Ra’s shows up and tries to be all, “Look! I brought Jason back for you! Surprise? Heheh… now come marry my daughter.” And Bruce is like…. “No.” Ra’s warns him, though, that if he doesn’t join him now, he’s going to be in for a few surprises soon. He still refuses. Ra’s slinks off back to the Shadows.
Anyway, the point is, Bruce is confronted by Jason regarding Joker. Jay doesn’t hold a grudge against Bruce for not being able to save him—it was Jason’s own fault that he wound up that situation in the first place—but what he is ticked about is the fact that Joker’s still alive, and, well, to a lesser extent that he’s been kinda replaced, but it’s mostly the Joker thing. But since Jason isn’t Robin anymore, he’s not playing by Batman’s rules. He’s going to do what Batman couldn’t, and be the hero Gotham really needs. He’s going to end the Joker once and for all. Bruce tries to stop him. Killing isn’t the answer. It’s a quick fix, but it’s no guarantee that another Joker won’t pop up tomorrow, and worse… Bruce isn’t prepared to lose what’s left of his humanity. He’s traveling a dark enough path as it is. He refuses to let himself fall further and become the very thing he hates. He doesn’t want that for Jason either. In the end though, due to Bruce and Jason fighting, Joker gets away (he does wind up getting hurt bad enough that he loses sight in one eye, though), and Bruce begs Jason to come home. He’s just so immensely relieved to see him alive! But Jason… he’s not the same kid he was when he went under. He’s not Bruce’s Robin anymore and he still plans on killing Joker. It’s time they parted ways. For good.
So, yeah, the falling out part is real sad… and everyone’s brooding over what happened, and Dick even tries to find and talk to Jason, but that doesn’t help. It looks like Jay’s not ever going to be part of the BatFam again… until this happens:
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Jason is rightfully ticked at Bruce, but they can shelve that long conversation for a later date. Right now they’ve gotta MOVE if they want to get Tim home alive. Everyone gets called in, Nightwing, Batgirl, Spoiler, even Starfire shows up, as she and Dick have been dating for a while now. Joker’s come up with a real twisted scheme this time, one that really throws the crew for a loop as they try to figure it all out, and Joker nearly has enough time to psychologically torture Tim (giving the Batman: Beyond film flashbacks!) but before Tim can be all twisted up into mini-Joker, his team arrives and they save him just in the nick of time!
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Jason is ultimately the one to grab him, and in a way he confronts his own trauma by sparing Tim from a similar fate. This is how they bond and become one of the closer pairs in the BatFam. Jason really kicked into “Protective Older Brother Mode.”
After that scare, Batman keeps Jason from killing Joker and he’s instead locked up tight in Arkham Asylum. Again. Hopefully this time he won’t break out… hopefully. Now Jason can really chew Bruce out, but the main thing this adventure did was force them all to work together again. And maybe Jason won’t really be too far away from now on. He’s still gonna have his own place and do his own thing, but… he still does care about Bruce… and he does think of Dick and Tim as brothers… and Alfred is the best. Jason will be around.
The season goes on for a bit longer, tackling a few other stories, etc, etc, and then it ends with Dick proposing to Starfire… and Ra’s kidnapping Bruce again, but this time, it’s not to force him to marry Talia… mostly. This time, he’s got something to tell Bruce. There’s someone he needs to meet. His son, Damian Wayne. Way back in season 1, Talia had stolen some… “DNA” from Bruce while he was captured, and they had used it, in conjunction with her own… “DNA” to create Damian. She and Ra’s had been raising him for the past ten years, training him to be the perfect weapon, the perfect leader, and the perfect heir to the throne of the League of Shadows. Now it was time for the next stage in his studies. Talia had taught him just about everything she knew. Now it was Bruce’s turn. Besides, the boy had wanted to meet his father. Ra’s declares that Damian will go live with Bruce for five years, and then return home.
…So, long story short, Bruce winds up back in Gotham on the heels of Dick’s engagement with the ten-year-old son he never knew he had.
These next few years are gonna be fun.
Part 6 👇
Part 4 👇
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greyeisacreativecolor · 2 months
Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne have such a beautiful connection! Not only were to a refreshing take on Batman and Robin, but they both have to deal with constant white washing!
I'm pretty sure most DC fans are aware that all the Al Ghul's are way paler than they should be, even with Talia being half Chinese and Damian being half White. Why is Damian white is a common sentiment I see here, and anywhere else art of Damian Wayne is posted.
But I think everyone forgets Dick is either half or 3/4 Romani. Or if they don't forget, they don't realize that Romani aren't white. Romani originated in South Asia, in and around the Indian Subcontinent, and have pretty dark skin, yet the Graysons are white as can be
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tossawary · 8 months
Watching "Batman: The Animated Series" (90s) is a lot like watching G1 "Transformers" (80s) in that they are both very much products of their times. I would say that the writing for BTAS is generally solid, decent more often than not, but rarely spectacular, especially watching it as an adult. It has its standout moments. G1 was generally very bad in a mildly entertaining way, with some rare exceptions on the better side of okay and some very cool concepts. They both have a lot of Potential, with key elements that went on to be explored in future iterations.
But both of them will occasionally take hard turns into "aged quite poorly" material, which is the nicer way of saying, "This was bad then too and they should have known it was bad." The degree of the offenses will vary wildly. Sometimes, female characters are kind of cool, but then female characters might suddenly be framed as strange, irrational, delicate creatures whose behavior simply cannot be fully understood. Sometimes, it's time for "The Orientalist Episode", which usually ranges from a fetishtic fascination with ninjas to an extremely racist depiction of the Middle East. BTAS definitely falls on the side of copaganda (yes, despite acknowledging that Some Bad Police Exist) and there's a lot of casual ableism in general, even though the show generally endeavors to be sympathetic towards people who are mentally ill. And so on.
Which is why I can only recommend the show with certainty to people who already like Batman to some degree. I'm pleasantly surprised by how often the show casts greedy businessmen as the villains or the inciting incident for the villains, as they engage in very recognizable cost-cutting measures or illegal activities to screw over the little guy (for example: terrorizing poor people out of their neighborhood to get their hands on the real estate). It contains a wealth of minor characters and one shot storylines. It's a major influence on basically all Batman media that has followed it.
But, holy shit, that episode I just watched with Ra's al Ghul and Talia was SO BAD. "Oh, fuck, they're going to Asia again, how weird are the writers going to be about it this time? How unintentionally extremely racist / xenophobic are they going to be about this? Because they're ALWAYS at least a little weird about it. Wait, what happened to Talia's previous characterization? OH, FOR THE LOVE OF-"
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
Birth of the Demon
Norm Breyfogle does some of his absolute best work that I've ever seen on this book. It's absolutely stunning to read. If nothing else, this story is worth picking up for some of the amazing spreads of art and colouring.
This is Ra's origin story, with a framing device that Bruce is running around preventing Ra's from creating pits (a story that Denny will once again lean into over the next few years when Bruce starts destroying Pits in the main universe, and gets Bane to help out).
It's written by Dennis O'Neil, and it specifically contradicts a bunch of aspects of the first two stories of the Trilogy, written by Mike Barr: Talia's parentage particularly stands out (her mother is Melisande and pushed into a Pit by Qayin, killing her, in Son but is a Chinese/Arabic woman Ra's met at Woodstock and who died of a drug overdoes in Birth); also this is the story as far as I can tell that Pit mythology expands from 'it's very hard to resurrect anyone other than Ra's with the Pit and he has been experimenting for years to make it work on other people reliably' over to 'as long as Ra's puts that Pit on a leyline he's sweet, everyone gets resurrection!'; also I think it's the first appearance of a green Lazarus Pit (I'm currently reading back to confirm this EDIT: it’s not, there are also earlier green ones, I love how complex DC can get), rather than the orange ones that have appeared up to this point.
In terms of Ra's origin, he's very much from a Chinese Silk Road trading family who have moved to Western Asia and integrated/intermarried with Arabic families there. Talia tells the story of the origin of Ra’s Al Ghul, written in a form of Chinese, being a physician in a vaguely Iranian city on the Silk Road married to Sora. (Guessing Iran based on both the clear Silk Road setup but because they need a ‘ship to bear us across to the Arabian lands’ - presumably crossing the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Peninsula).
This is the story that gets tightly summarised and updated somewhat during the opening act of Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul as Talia tells it to Damian there. Presumably Damian has a far shorter attention span than Bruce does.
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mydreambatfam · 2 years
Batfam Fancast Part 13: The Al Ghuls
Oh baby my first request! @callmekohaii asked and they shall recieve.
The eternal Al Ghuls. Ra's,Talia,Dusan,Nyssa and Damian. For centuries this family has affected the world in more ways then we will ever know. Integral to the League of Assassins this family are known to be pompous and pretentious aristocrats. So who will be these immortal individuals?
Before we go any further we do have a major conflict to resolve. That problem is the ethnicity of the family. When potrayed before they had rather problematic castings, however the very concept of these characters are problematic in of themselves. Being Middle Eastern aristocratic type people that create conflict based on personal extremist ideals. Similar to the Drake family I have to be careful with how I elaborate and edit on these characters stories and must be thoughtful with how I want to portray these characters without stepping on anyone's toes.
I also have to remember to cast people that aren't completely Americanized, unlike most of the Batfamily who are all east coast American besides Alfred. Actors who are of Middle Eastern or Asian descent seem to be my best bet and have some actors be mixed as well.
Ra's Al Ghul
The leader of the League of Assassins, the Demon's Head, Grandpappy Stabby Stab. The figurehead of the family, Ra's Al Ghul is a legendary DC character, a well-known Batman villain that can keep up with the likes of Batman. Obsessed with destroying the world to remake in his own image he will do anything and everything for his goals, but still hold himself to degree of honor. However he is hypocritical holding onto old ideals that won't have him accept more liberal ideas. He still respects people of similar status though. Even seeing the like Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake as potential successors. Yet still forgoes someone like his Son or Daughters as successors no matter their enthusiasm for it.
There is only one actor that can covers all the things needed for this character and has been with him for over a decade. Oded Fehr has been voicing Ra's Al Ghul for Young Justice since 2011. He is 52 years old, has experience with action thanks to the Mummy movies and is Israeli. He is by far the best choice for this mastermind.
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Nyssa Raatko
Nyssa Raatko also known as Nyssa al Ghul is the oldest known daughter of Ra's and half-sister to Talia. She was born early 18th and disassociates herself from her father sometime in the early 20th century. She has lived through WW2, her family she had were victims of the Nazis concentration camps. Even when she begged for help her father did nothing leaving her there. This left her spiteful and out for revenge.
Unlike canon a major change I'm going to make is the WW2 backstory, instead of a Nazi Concentration Camp, It's a Japanese prison in the Philippines. They tried to escape to the Philippines till the war spread there, her husband and sons dying after the "Bataan Death March" and Nyssa becoming one of the many women who are victims of the Japanese, becoming a Comfort Woman. Her evolution post WW2 however is to have her path of vengeance though violence changed into kindness... with violence. Using the generations of wealth she had acquired she becomes an icon of peace to the public, helping third world countries develop, using her sect of League Assassins to kill whoever stops her development, no matter their morals or even compassionate actions. She accidently becomes the very thing she wished to not associate with.
For Nyssa I need an actress who is most likely more mixed compared to Ra's, living in Southeast Asia. She doesn't have to be white and has to be active enough to do some to little fighting.
Elodie Yung is the only actress I thought of. She's the only half asian actress with martial arts training and enough experience in both action and acting. You might remember her as Elektra in Daredevil and as the main character in The Cleaning Lady.
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Dusan Al Ghul
The tragic Dusan Al Ghul son of Ra's Al Ghul. A disappointment to his father's eyes he would do anything for his respect, even rising through the ranks under the guise of the White Ghost. He also albino for some reason. I think instead of him being Albino I want to emphasize him being an unintended child. Using those old ideals the Al Ghul's follow he is a bastard in his eyes, it's not just Ra's Al Ghul but the whole family that shuns him.Think Jon Snow or Gendry from Game of Thrones. Decades of longing lead to Dusan's obsessive drive for his family's love.
Joe Taslim has been nothing but delight finding international stardom thanks to The Raid:Redemption and later the HBO/Cinemax show Warrior. Staring in one of the best contemporary action films and martial arts drama, he is perfect to play this bastard son.
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Talia Al Ghul
Daughter of the Demon and Mother to Damian, she is a main stay when it come to the Al Ghuls, a master manipulator like her father she later commanded the organization known as Leviathan. From villain to ally, then back to villain it's hard to say where her true loyalty will stand. She sees her methods as absolute and only the most stubborn of personalities could ever change her mind. Not even her own son persuade her, even willing to kill her own son for her own ambitions.
Many of the castings are rather difficult, yet this was a rather easy character to make. Known for her work in the show The Boys and as the character Farah Karim in Call of Duty Claudia Doumit is a Austrailian actress of Lebenese descent. Her prolific filmography has shown she is more than capable of playing this popular anti villain.
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Damian Wayne
The newest Robin and biological son of Batman Damian Wayne is DC current wannabe shonen protaganist. He's a great character when writers remember that League of Assassin training means nothing when you fight beside the people who beat them constantly.
Brutal, short-tempered, and looking to be accepted, his assassin upbringing has left many holes in his ability to socialize in modern society. Unable to relate to anybody besides the more upscale aristocratic part of the world. He wishes to grow up so fast only to forget that growing up is part of the process. A major change I want to address is his upbringing, I want to emphasize the brutally conservative nature of the League of Assassins and the cycle of abuse his family continues to use. By embracing his father's side of the family he learns to forge his own identity and unlike many writers right now, learns that he does not want to be Batman and luckily has Brothers willing to carry that weight for him.
Another major character dynamic I want to switch is between Tim Drake and Dick Grayson. I want the antagonistic nature between him and Tim to go from rivals to family, with Tim filling in as the Big Brother role. Dick being the oldest needs to fill the mentor role, especially since he is the Batman to his Robin. By Dick having the more begrudging frenemy nature allows for them to grow as master and student. Think of Damian as Ahsoka Tano with Tim and Dick as Anakin and Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars. Damian grows on you as a character while the other two are more established and likable.You can even fit Drake and Josh on here with Damian as Megan.
Boy have I seen some terrible fancast for this boi. Like I hate all of them, why you casting 20 something you heathens? IMDB, Google, the damn Disney Channel. Can you not find 1 non white child actor? Gordon Cormier is a 13 year old Filipino Canadian actor who is going to play Aang in the Avatar The Last Airbender live action adaption. He is the only actor who can fit all the criteria that I have put for this character. I have scoured the globe and no one in his age bracket will work besides him. If this young man can play Aang, he can play Damian Wayne.
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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asia al ghul x oliver queen_
And I've moved further than I thought I could
But I missed you more than I thought I would
And I'll use you as a warning sign
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind
And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me_
I Found_Amber Run
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
You did a little explanation on how rich the Wayne’s are right here: https://at.tumblr.com/spite-and-waffles/i-always-wonder-whether-batfam-fans-really-get/0ctrzj4qhiww
Now I was wondering if you could do a part 2 explaining how rich the Al Ghuls are, it’s be amazing 🤩 to see how everyone reacts to Dami being an Al Ghul which is essentially royalty, and Damian being idk the prince of Nada Parbat and the Batfam’s reactions to it please
The discussion on that post went a lot into how rich Ra's might be, and whether he was richer than Bruce. (I made an edit about it, which I later moved into reblogs, which is why you'll see it in different places in the reblog chains.)
@rasalghul777 made a more involved post about Ra's in this reblog. It's a very well considered response, and I'm not very economically literate, but I didn't agree about the gold. Gold prices crash all the time, being subject to the same supply and demand as other goods. It's supposed to be a safe haven in times of inflation and economic downturn, but it's gone down 20% these days.
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And I think the bit about counting income in expenses didn't account for purchasing power parity, which means that a basket of essential goods can be exponentially cheaper in the Global South. Especially if you're buying them, even weapons, at grate price.
This reblog goes into the comparisons between the cumulative wealth of individual billionaires vs. foreign debt of entire countries (the results will make you want to start killing people yourself). I think Ra's wealth in maintaining his assassins would function like a feudal economy, and I wanted to research that a little more before I responded, but then I...forgot. Lol.
As for the Al Ghuls being "royalty" – no. They're warlords with delusions of grandeur. Well, Ra's is. Both Nyssa and Talia just wanted out, and Dami is just parrotting what he's been made to believe. Nanda Parbat is the headquarters of a cult, that functions as a citadel. Royalty entails control of a country, that interacts with other rulers and nations. Ra's's idea of interaction is probably keeping a whole bunch of blackmail on everyone in his back pocket and culling favours by bribing and terrorizing them from the shadows. He's had centuries to build up his mystique, Illuminati-style, and rich and powerful people tend to be superstitious, especially in Asia and Africa. A myth is always more powerful than a man. The trouble with Ra's is that he buys his own hype, which always an Achilles heel. (And just tacky, tbh. But then so is royalty.)
Damian has been raised on all of Ra's's delusions about himself and his place in the world, and probably thinks of himself as a prince, because he's still a child. However, between his grandfather and his father, he can leverage the kind of power and influence that actual modern-day royalty can only dream of, because today's monarchies are answerable to their parliaments and the international community. (Granted, the complete lack of oversight and accountability checks around the Bats in general is a consistent cause for fridge horror). In terms of money, he stands to inherit one-fifth of Bruce's estate (one-sixth now? What's Duke's adoption status again?) as well as Ra's's fortune, so his personal wealth would be on par with or higher than the richest monarchs today (the current richest monarch in the world, King Vajiralongkorn of Thailand, is worth $43 - $30 billion). But like I said, royalty are the representatives and political leaders/ figureheads of a country, that existed either in the present or the past. The Al Ghuls aren't. So they're no more royalty than Bruce is. You could make the case that the Al Ghuls and Waynes are "aristocrats", the criteria for which is fuzzier but has something to do with noblesse oblige.
(Opinions have possibly been coloured by writer's extreme distaste for royalty and rich people, even in fiction. 😂 Dami will hopefully grow to share it. I mean, his favourite person is a carnie boy, and his Batgirl a working class girl and queen of dollar store scrunchies. His first friend was disabled orphanage child Colin Wilkes. Children are so much more than moulds their forebears want to cram them into.)
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victoriautmorse · 3 months
DUN-DUN! Boyfriend Dungeon time. Which fine piece of weapon would your character be? How would it feel like to wield them?
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.///. Fighting the initial first urge slash red herring thought to make Jason into some sort of ballistic weaponry given how his usage of guns is very notable for him (and because in a Boyfriend Dungeon-esque game it would be fun as a ranged option)HOWEVER, I personally feel some sort of knife or dagger would suit his character overall a little better :0 💭
In the our supernatural verse, I'd probably make him a Hunter's Knife to go with the fact that he's a monster hunter (and because he's a lot more rough and grounded in this timeline), while in the Main Verse I'd say he'd be a Kris - a waved, engraved and asymmetrical dagger culturally used in Indonesia and parts of Southeast Asia - similarly to the one he iconically carries in the comics, which was gifted to him post-resurrection by Talia (daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, Head of the Demon).
While it can be used as a weapon, the Kris also associated with ceremonial purposes and are sometimes even considered pieces of art, which suits not only the mystical aspects surrounding his resurrection but also the more delicate aspects of his personality, including his deep interest in culture, literature and art. Historically, the Kris as a weapon are also known to be frequently broken and reforged which -- make of that what you will >>''
In a combat context within either verse, despite his brute force and brazen exterior, I think a more rogue-like implement fits him because it embodies not only his overt physicality, but his stealth, speed and penchant for striking unexpectedly - and, because it requires affinity in close combat, it, much like Jason, makes everything a lot more personal. To wield him would be to wield something raw and beating, hot and thrumming with your own pulse in your hands as you course with the adrenaline of survival, driven by the fires of just retribution; He's an extension of yourself, your partner and lifeline, and he won't break while there's a fight left to fight out there.
In conclusion; Jason is a tank rogue thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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gilbirda · 2 years
Sorry but for some reason my comments never show up when replying to a post akdskhdak but anyways this isn't a fanon thing but a good thing to note for people not into dc to know perhaps? That while some comics have Damian light skinned and blue eyes (cough whitewashed him), that he is very much half Arabic and is more commonly accepted to be darker/obvi not Caucasian skinned with green eyes, specially in current comics. Iv seen a few twin danny and damian fics with him him being White
I mean.... you are not wrong. Comic artists whitewashing their POC characters? Never seen before (sarcasm).
Fun fact, the Al Ghuls are not Arabic. Ra's origins are remade every time, (I've read something about a Chinese tribe???), and where the League base is changes all the time as well, and lazy writers will just say "somewhere in East Asia" and forget about it 😬
But the Arabic naming is a choice and not because of ethnicity. Just to lay it out there in the world.
Talia's mother, Melisande, was mixed Chinese and Arabic ancestry. So at most Damian is 1/8 Arabic.
That being said, and this is my personal crusade, making the division between white/not-white is very harmful. There are oppressed ethnicities that are very much light skinned and that doesn't mean they are "caucasian white" or "american" (and that's another whole can of worms, referring the US people as "american" is very wrong too).
Like i have a very dark skinned grandfather and my mother is white as milk and im brown skinned. Same ethnicity, but does my mother's skin color immediately make her less "minority"?
Hm. Food for thought.
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ceristhefallen · 1 year
Remember how Trigon claimed to have created the Lazarus Pits, in the DCAMU timeline?
Though, the comics state that it was composed with a weird chemical within the Earth's crust that had eventually been realized to resurrect people, mostly those of the League of Assassins.
Point is, I found an interesting detail, out of the internet: Do you know what Lazarus means??
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In Hebrew, Lazarus means, "God has helped".
GREEK language even translates,
"God is my help"!
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I'm bamboozled.
Did GOD in DC had anything to do with the Lazarus Pits existence?? Maybe Jesus?? I'd love to know!
I'm not Christian, but I'm learning, so bare with me! In Biblical history, the Gospel of John, Jesus raises Lazarus of Bethany from the dead after he dies in his tomb, or forcefully placed in there to die (I think). That took place in Bethany. Where is Bethany?
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Nearest to Jerusalem!
But. Where did the League of Assassins reside?
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'Eth Alth'eban. A sacred city in Asia, which is where the Arabian peninsulas are.
From what I know, Jesus DID stay in Asia, about 40 days, he resided after his resurrection. But. He stayed there to study with the Essenes, by under some degree. Why he did this, I can't really be too certain other than I'm a total bunk in history. ☠
But the Al Ghul family are Arabic, right? The Arabians are connected with the Jerusalems, meaning they've had to had some kind of history with Christianity, right?
I think... God (the Presence) or Jesus, created the Lazarus Pits, in the DC universe. Or at least, left them behind. But why would they do this? I could say they never intended to leave them behind, but everything that's created has a purpose, you know? Maybe it was left there as a serving presence of Jesus's resurrection, like a fragment of himself left on the planet for humans to gain access to.
Except. The Lazarus Pits are known to make the user go insane in the process. We saw it happen with Dick in the DCAMU; Justice League: Dark Apokolips War and perhaps Talia, as well. Heck! Jason Todd was under the effects of the pit! If it's truly from Jesus, it should've been fine to use. What happened?
The Devil. He hated humanity. He hated US. He saw us as disgusting beings unworthy to cherish by God's creation and was banished to Hell for his betrayal. He also had a history with Jesus. In the Bible, he attempted to manipulate Jesus into temptation, but he fails. I think the Devil tampered with the Lazarus Pits, as in corrupting the humans souls to madness under the use. It goes both ways, you're resurrected by the pit but you grow insane in the process.
"God has helped", but even the Devil, the personification of evil, does what he can to tamper with humanity.
But then. Where does Trigon come in? I don't think he does. In the DCAMU, it's probably an alternate universe as it's own or maybe a fluke. But. That's just a theory, right?
Don't take this too seriously, I did this for fun and utter curiosity. If I made any mistakes, PLEASE let me know, I'd appreciate it. I'm a beginner at Bibicalic history as of now, lol!
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yuleshootureye · 10 months
the nyssa thing is weird because in a pre-9/11 comic it explicitly states that ra's fought the nazis
On the one hand, this probably speaks more to DC's love/hate relationship with their own canon and different writers having different goals and all that. Especially when you add in the fact that some people write the al Ghuls as more sympathetic and well-intentioned extremists, some people go full "Yellow Peril", and in general a lot of DC writers are Americans/Westerners bringing in unconscious biases against the Middle East/Asia.
On the other hand, from a Watsonian perspective, Ra's may just be the kind of dude who's able to compartmentalize and justify using one enemy to torture another enemy.
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starfirefaeday · 3 years
-on the phone-
Damian: hows mom
Athanasia: i dont fucking know. old?
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