#the triplets have a white redhead and 2 brown skinned with different skin darkness
gilbirda · 2 years
Sorry but for some reason my comments never show up when replying to a post akdskhdak but anyways this isn't a fanon thing but a good thing to note for people not into dc to know perhaps? That while some comics have Damian light skinned and blue eyes (cough whitewashed him), that he is very much half Arabic and is more commonly accepted to be darker/obvi not Caucasian skinned with green eyes, specially in current comics. Iv seen a few twin danny and damian fics with him him being White
I mean.... you are not wrong. Comic artists whitewashing their POC characters? Never seen before (sarcasm).
Fun fact, the Al Ghuls are not Arabic. Ra's origins are remade every time, (I've read something about a Chinese tribe???), and where the League base is changes all the time as well, and lazy writers will just say "somewhere in East Asia" and forget about it 😬
But the Arabic naming is a choice and not because of ethnicity. Just to lay it out there in the world.
Talia's mother, Melisande, was mixed Chinese and Arabic ancestry. So at most Damian is 1/8 Arabic.
That being said, and this is my personal crusade, making the division between white/not-white is very harmful. There are oppressed ethnicities that are very much light skinned and that doesn't mean they are "caucasian white" or "american" (and that's another whole can of worms, referring the US people as "american" is very wrong too).
Like i have a very dark skinned grandfather and my mother is white as milk and im brown skinned. Same ethnicity, but does my mother's skin color immediately make her less "minority"?
Hm. Food for thought.
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