#anyway… is this a vent post? or a funny haha post? idk
Why is being awake more painful than being asleep 😭 why do naps always leave me so disoriented and confused
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twilightarcade · 1 year
Love it when people are reduced to statistics
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acesamateurart · 4 months
Me: wow, even though I had two doctors appointments today, I don't feel too exhausted or emotionally drained!!
My brain: omg that's great news :) because you took your meds early today :) so they wore off early :)
Me: wait no-
☆Anxiety Time☆
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gemapples · 1 year
Rant away my friend
apparently a few people wanted me to vent about the kirby novels so head in hands ig i'm gonna go for it LMAO (this is inspired directly from @desultory-novice 's posts about it)
ALSO IM SORRY IF THIS IS SO DISORGANIZED gonna be honest i forgot a good half of what i wanted to talk about. But Anyways. please note that all of this is entirely My opinion you ofc dont need to agree and despite everything i actually really love and enjoy the kirby novels a lot !!
so okay after hearing her talk about the reason we're likely not getting a magolor epilogue novel and knowing takase's erm.... Infamous reputation regarding how she handles magolor's character that had me thinking a lot and. Wow i'm kind of Really nervous for how this magoland novel will turn out actually because a lot is kind of at stake here when you think about it
takase will either be forced to actually develop magolor's character, or she will just completely scrap everything that happened earlier, remove any mentions of the epilogue and go straight back to square 1 where magolor is -- once again -- the villain of the story. Don't get me wrong i like evil magolor a lot lol i think if done right it can be a very enjoyable portrayal of his character. but there's only So many times you can make a character the antagonist before it just gets straight up exhausting y'know
i think it's ESPECIALLY different in terms of magoland. This might be a cold take idk lmao but merry magoland isn't just some wacky little theme park magolor created out of the blue for no reason. It's something that signifies and sets in stone how he's a changed character. Merry magoland is magolor's dream he's had for a really long time by his own words and truly shows that all he's wanted to do is make people have fun and be happy. if you make him the antagonist in that, that completely just fucks up Everything relating to his character and renders that entire development null and also invalidates all the hardships he's gone through to make that happen
i do think takase's portrayal of magolor is fun! i do enjoy it and i do appreciate how he has a hard time communicating his desires and showing true friendship. i think that's important. one of magolor's most significant flaws is how he has a hard time understanding how friendship is supposed to work and what to do when you have friends. but maybe instead of making him the villain. Over and over and over again you could idk... have him Learn?? and actually Develop from his issues??? i know waddle dee is a completely separate character but for the sake of comparing to another person who has gone through a huge amount of development in the novels -- why can't magolor do the same? why is it constantly so insistent that he be the one causing all the problems for no reason other than haha it's funny (in most cases at least. i know dreamy gear was different and i will give it a giant shoutout for that)
i'm so sorry if i sound too harsh here i literally don't know how to word it otherwise lol i think it's important to emphasize that despite everything i do like seeing magolor's character in the novels. but it just gets to a point where it's Grating to me at times and depending on the scenario is just completely inaccurate. that's why i think magoland is such a huge point for us here with a lot on the line -- if she chooses to not make magolor the antagonist and make it accurate to the game's actions and desires, that will be an essential key for his development and showcase that we're actually making progress with his character. but if she chooses to make him the antagonist again, the potential for him being something more than a villain -- which is RIGHT there -- is completely wiped
afaik magolor and kirby's friendship was also mentioned and i just want to throw out there. merry magoland happened because of kirby. merry magoland happened because of magolor's friends. kirby, meta knight, dedede and bandee are the reason merry magoland exists. so if takase chooses to not acknowledge any mention of that and make magolor go against them all, that also erases the potential of magolor's relationship with other characters as well yknow... the characters he's gone against for this whole time? it also makes no sense whatsoever??
so yeah this is a bit long but there's just a lot to either look forward to or dread about this novel -- or even both lmao -- the more i thought about it. i want to have a decent amount of hope that i could be wrong here, maybe takase will take advantage of what she has to work with game wise and create something truly special. but throughout all of magolor's appearances in the novels... *hand on mirror* it seems like all of his character is constantly scrapped in favor of treating him like some apathetic irredeemable character with no regard for others or understanding friendship. so that's kind of a hard pill to swallow
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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The winner of the poll was Sasu! So they go first! 💖😊✨ This is my Sona, Sasuki Mimochi, an original character first and foremost however. I've had them since middle school and they've gone through drastic changes over time, and right now, this is the design i'm settled on. Other versions of my sona will be posted separately or smth because they're drastically different designs. idk. maybe.
I do apologize cuz a lot of the art/sketches i have for them are "vent" style art, as they are my muse and all. But i promise i am fine rn haha (albeit sad i accidentally closed my art program earlier and lost part of my mdzs sketch...)
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i also have tons of emotive versions of the 2-d pngtuber you have seen before, here are some of my favorites!
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and a little collection of said drawings in action for a video i never finished with my friend sljdkfdhfg-- adhd is my crime and autism is its partner.
As a character Sasu has a very complicated history, and i'm not actually sure i want to keep all of it right now so i'll go over things i'd like to keep (probably)
-Was attacked by some type of werewolf/wolf in the past -shares a soul with an angel so they dont die -cheek piercings cuz i think they're funny and cute -has been married before (character not sona) -Mainly Sasu's species is something called a "Companion" which i might go into one day, but essentially consider them kind of like celestials that go out and try to save people from calamity-style events. -Has two children, Suni & Chrono. However, I might sever Suni from the bunch and keep it to just Chrono cuz Suni/Souren is another character completely in my book and could cause confusion.
anyway that's it for today!! will get into more later and post the next section of Sasu's designs tomorrow :) I will post another sketch separate though cuz its a nude drawing.
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rawrtriesagain · 2 years
Long post incoming idk how to do Read More on mobile, sorry. Tldr: just a post abt my writing as usual and stuff about my interest in lwa (nothing crazy)
I know I talk abt my old fuckin fics all the fuckin time (like Jesus theyre old enough to be considered toddlers now) but anyway this is my vent blog and y’all will never hear the end of it so guess what still has an absolute GRIP over my mind after 3 years
Its forest of arcan- im jk its dreamer of stars lmaooo. I reread it right now for the funsies after months of forgetting abt it, and each time I read it I think “surely I am over this story and can move on with my life” and like the first half of the story its like yea I kinda am over it haha but then the second half just obliterates the thoughts and runs me over and I just lay in my bed and contemplate my life and go into like a State of Emotions and simply have to talk about it (but it also could be because its 4am at the time of writing this)
I do think it mostly has to do with nostalgia though. Truthfully I’m probably not able to write smth like that again because it was 100% written completely on emotion and quite actually everything bad Diana was feeling in the story was smth i was also going through so it was easy to… write a vent and disguise it as a fic LOL. But I was also running on the high of being in love with my best friend which also really easily translated to everything going on in the fic blah blah nobody remembers it but me so this means nothing to anybody and im being cringe and gay on main (not even my main)
ANYWAY the point of my babbling here is that honestly I miss having that intense amt of emotions that would spur that level of creative writing? Like yea forest of arcana (not updated in over a year) is fun and all but it definitely isnt written on a personal level like dreamer was. I also just genuinely miss writing lol and its like ok bitch why dont you write then and then its like good question why dont i?? I probably still enjoy writing more than i do drawing and i know my blogs say otherwise but the two mediums are both definitely different outlets for my life. Maybe i would change my mind the day my art is actually good tho 😛
Im laffing rn seeing me talk abt this “deep” different outlets of life cause like when u think abt it im also literally just Currently describing little witch fanfic and fanart since thats all i do LOL. Not that theres anything wrong with lwa being my Muse of course, but it just adds humor in whatever the emo hell im going on about
Another side sad mini vent but i dont think im as into lwa as i used to be which also waters down my interests in doing things, but im literally not interested in any other media or fandom rn either so lwa stays my hyperfixation. Plz dont be alarmed lol im not saying im NOT into lwa anymore since diana is still a fuckin god to me like 10/10 chara design and vibes, but its definitely not as strong as it was when i first joined the fandom 3 years ago. And you know what maybe it has to do with me not watching little witch academia in full in those entire three years after i first watched it lmao. Most of the friends ive made in the fandom are pretty much gone too which is sad but is what it is. Sometimes i get a burst of seratonin when i think about smth diakko and definitely like now when i reread my fics i also remember the Emotions i had for these Gays and it like floods back for a bit like a buff.
I think something im very interested in for both the spark of writing and also the revitalization for my love for diakko is that i wanna do like a oneshot slice of life series for diakko. Just something easy, cute, subjectively funny, and a vibe. I still fantasize abt diakko shenanigans even if mundane and i wish i could also capture it more in my art but im not at that level yet, so writing it is. First i probably need to rewatch lwa in full since ive forgotten most everything except for key diana scenes haha oopsie And sucy world episode that was a good fuckin episode.
Anyway thanks for reading this far if you did lol sorry for the LONG ASS NONSENSE POST. Sometimes i see how i type in my blog and to people and compare it to my writing and its like where the hell did my comprehensive english go. Sorry if this was just hard to read from the lack of grammar and punctuation but thats showbiz anyway stay tuned for the next diana content ttyl bffl rofl xD zomg
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hyunjining · 2 years
Hello, I dont usually speak on much but as someone whos also been here for an absurdly long time I too understand how you feel haha and just wanted to give a friendly metaphorical pat on the back because it really does fuck me up too sometimes. I guess ive been wanting to talk to Someone about any part of larry for a long time but for me I guess I dont feel much most of the time because im just waiting :/ I really do believe at some point we will get answers and see whether louis and harry do get to be publicly together (or broken up) but either way its knowing that at some point I will be proven Right that keeps me mainly unbothered by the crap we see day to day. Not to say that I dont get the initial "what the actual fuck are his team doing/ who decided this/ why is this happening for the 100th time" when a new stunt or absurdity comes along - this probably applies to the documentary aswell like I know ill groan and feel terrible for half a minute if Babygate is included but I guess I managed to at some point not let it get to me as like a personal problem? I guess and not feel emotionally attached, and I hope that you too could not have it plague you so much, I wish you the best haha and hope that at some point you would be able to continue to enjoy larry even during absurd times.
Sorry if this is like a rant you dont have to post this I guess I just felt bad seeing your post and would throw in some tiny speck of hope haha but yeah its funny cause I dont think ive ever really doubted the idea that I know they were together - obviously we dont know whether its the same now but since I havent really been proven otherwise whos to say im wrong if I were to believe they managed to have a beautiful long term relationship up until now lol but yeah thats all I got for now since I dont want to make it any longer but yeah im sorry you feel that way and I hope you manage to feel even the slightest bit better about this whole ridiculous circus we all managed to be drafted into hahaha
hey, thanks for your message 💕
i’ve definitely learned to detach myself from a lot of things over the years but idk lately it feels like something has changed and i don’t fully understand it? and i’m ok with acknowledging that there are things i’ll never know and that it’s not my life. i’ve always preached that on here. but some of the more recent stunt stuff/public image decisions really don’t make any sense to me in terms of pleasing fans or marketing to a wider audience or protecting their closets. like it all just seems completely nonsensical and unnecessary and it’s not fun to sit by and watch. i’m not gonna act like i’m being forced to be here, that’s totally on me. but idk i’m just sad that this is where we are now.
there is absolutely nothing in this world that could ever convince me that h&l aren’t gay or that they’ve never been together or that louis is a dad but i hate watching their images rapidly devolve for a reason i can’t begin to fathom. i’ve always been able to be dramatic for a minute and then laugh and move on but the feeling of dread has been more and more frequent and i feel like i’m doing myself a disservice by continuing to act like stuff isn’t affecting me. i don’t really know what to do right now, because i’m not happy but i love h&l so much and they’ve been a huge part of my life for so many years and i don’t know how to let that go. i feel like the doc is going to be a decider for me, but then again i have a louis concert in june lmao so who knows man.
anyway that was massively dramatic fkfjfk but thank you for the metaphorical pat on the back and for giving me a reason to vent some more lol
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evildoombringer · 6 days
hi nakamura (i'm. not entirely sure which name you prefer to go by,,)
i. don't really know, personally, the depths of hurt that came from min leaving can't claim either. to understand what your going through right now
you both seem really close. it was always funny, to  read ur asks that you'd send i remember reading the "happy morning" one you sent and it had like this image of a smiling kid for some reason, for like a solid 5 months i just thought "oh cool, so that's what they look like:0" before i looked back and thought, "huh wait. they always added (very funny,  mind you) meme/pics to their asks. was that pic a meme too-?" and only then did i realize lmao
looking back on his responses, i can almost hear the amused tone or, however min would react. lol it was nice to see him talking to people who cared about him
im. not really sure what to say, without coming off as like.. pretentious.? but. if i can just assume for one second, from the asks they'd answer of yours, to everything i hear about min from all the people who know him, i. i. assume he really cared for you, and. i assume you cared for him as much.,
i dont. know your situation, at all. min had. already made up his mind when i even found his blog. so, just. i hope you'll be able to make a decision, you'll be. happy with
the future could get better. it could get worse i can't really see which one it'll be. i don't understand how close you and min were, at all but know. you arent alone im not sure, if you need to. understand or know someone to be there for them,but from the looks of it, min was. never really alone if he had you. so,i hope you also know your not alone there'are people here for you
im sorry. this is probably, meaningless to you in hindsight i just. yeah. in the end, whatever you choose is your decision but. your not alone im sorry if this comes off as assuming.  please. feel free to ignore this ask, if it oversteps in anyway or is just uncomfortable. i know sometimes one might just want- to vent and let it all out and the to have that acknowledged or responsded to might be. uncomfortable i. hope i didnt come off that way
but .yeah,
nice to. meet you by thw way. O(∩w∩)O (im sorry the kaomoji is so out of place jhsjsh i just remembered that one ask u sent hh)
hi custard
it hurts that he's gone, obviously, and i just haven't been on Tumblr for a minute, so seeing everything again is having a terrible effect on my psyche (ill live though haha). im just super weird about him and i realize that uhh nobody really knows that. but I'm super . . weird about him and uhhh yeah and um i regret everything lol
im surprised you thought i was a young chinese boy :sob: but. i understand how you could make that.... mistake.....
did you know the :smile: :sob: thing is a discord reference? :sob: is 😭 and :grimace: is 😬. if you're on a phone and u type the emoji out it should probably pop up, and the same thing happened on discord so he. um would do that when posting on Tumblr too out of habit, and i guess it eventually became a Min-Pal staple haha
and yeah he definitely cares about me, and im mad at him because he cares about me and left me his emails and shit to take care of and he did that because he knew im. weird and needed more than old messages and tumblr posts and i . m glad he did do all that and i love having some stuff to hold onto like his Spotify but. it's just upsetting i guess, since you know, id rather have him.
its really funny seeing how other people view him, to me, at least, i guess since i got to see not just him being bad-pathetic but him bad-bad in general (and I'm not going to explain further than this, as i, despite claiming to find it funny, am happier than not that he died with a t least a somewhat positive. Uh. Perception.)
idk I'm not like, a great persoj, and i did Just let him die instead of going to unimaginable lengths. and I regret that everyday, but he was so steadfast. he just didn't care anymore , and he had me to talk to but it was like he didn't care about trying (because once he decided he'd died, what really mattered past that?) Ssorry this is all so congested and contradictory and I make no sense
and, id love to believe you when you say stuff like "you're not alone" but it's terrible because I really am. like it's out of personal fault, but even the people I feel as though I could go to for help, I coukdnt bring myself to,, not when it's anything Too serious,, not to mention the fact I just got dumped because he said I was 'unhealthy' (after 10 months of reassuring me that its ok if I am cuz he'll help... but that's. A whole different thing and has nothing to do with min and I'm just bitter and bringing him up out of.... bitterness.)
and im glad u left the ask mikey i really am
idk it's just kinda sweet. now I feel more like angel and saki..... Auuuhhuhhh
i don't know what to do in any regard currently though so I think I'm just gonna continue mourning something that's been gone for a year now. Someone. and being bitter and upset, and reminiscing and trying his memory into music I like (and emailing my bf. [not considering him an ex] [email cuz he blocked my number] obsessively until he decides to take me back)
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strayslost · 3 months
i am once again trying to think of supernatural secret / weird meri-style verses for akutagawa. the problem is i am SO uncreative it's not even funny
i was originally planning to wait until we got more canon information on like, what knight!aku is all about, fyodor's motivations, the canonical stuff going on in bsd that's yet to be revealed overall, and then use that for my verses, but... i am too impatient and idk how long the wait will be haha. i do still really want to explore that stuff, especially knight!aku (WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? ASAGIRI PLEASE-), but i think i'll add additional verses once we get to that point in canon using the new content rather than force myself to wait??
if that uhhh. makes sense. otl. but anyway. back to my non-existent ideas.
i still really want to explore stuff with him teaming up with wells + time travel shenanigans, but i don't have any ideas for that yet. what i do have is a separate concept of like... akutagawa having a different supernatural secret that he doesn't know he's keeping... something involving the idea of "hunger", maybe??
for instance - his traumatic and painful life as a child that led to him feeling so empty for so long, and his suppressed desire for something more/a meaning to live... what if those parts of him interacted with some kind of otherworldly force that combined with his ability?? i'm thinking as i type here but i want to do something with the concept of akutagawa having been subconsciously holding himself back without realizing it. so whatever he encountered, it strengthened his ability and gave him the power needed to survive, but fused with his psyche, which... idk how that'd affect him yet lol.
idk. i'm going braindead even as i type unfortunately, rip ;~; i have concepts like the "idea of hunger [for more]" and "holding himself back" or maybe having the way he's dehumanized by others lead to some kind of supernatural occurance in my brain but... as soon as i try to develop them. i'm stuck. THIS TURNED INTO KIND OF A VENT POST I'M SORRY BUT TLDR IF ANYONE WANTS TO PLOT STUFF WITH ME I'M DOWN????
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 2 years
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I posted 853 times in 2022
That's 821 more posts than 2021!
204 posts created (24%)
649 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 18 of my posts in 2022
#relatable🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 - 2 posts
#im either gonna start texting my bf furiously or screaming on here there are no other vent areas - 1 post
#i dont wanna go but im not gonna cancel bc i already told my mom - 1 post
#i just think butts are funny - 1 post
#haha get it - 1 post
#octover - 1 post
#bc its over - 1 post
#since it’s november now - 1 post
#i hate november - 1 post
#send help - 1 post
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#im either gonna start texting my bf furiously or screaming on here there are no other vent areas
My Top Posts in 2022:
trick or treat!
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twix are my favorite, but if you prefer fruity candy, I also have skittles!!
See the full post
4 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
I think I wanna change my name on here. I don’t use my real name on tumblr obv in case one of my irls finds it, they wont sus me out. but idk Salem is pretty femme and im genderfluid and transmasc. maybe i’ll test out some names on here.
if any of my mutuals feel like they know me well enough could you maybe comment/reblog with some gender neutral/masc leaning names you think might fit me? or just ones you like?
currently thinking maybe Ace, Viper, or Alex (ik, how unique)
if anyone has suggestions i would really appreciate them!! love yall :D <3
5 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
i rly like him and we texted nonstop for the whole long weekend and over text he seems to like me too but he doesnt talk to me in person. maybe its just bc we havent rly had a chance but he told me to find him this morning like a day ago and he just walked right by me like three times wtf
8 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
suicide but pink
26 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
edblr is literally “i wanna die and not eat for weeks i hate myself anyway here’s this adorable picrew i found @literallyhalfoftumblr”
54 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pine-tree-system · 2 years
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myarmstickles · 3 years
#thinking thinking lately#its 3:57 am i need to sleep BUT!!!!#recently life has been peaceful and it realized how definedd by stress I was and how much purpose I sought in it and idk what to do with#myself tbh. my memories of all these stressful times has just gone and idk how to live with that completely. just like oh... 4+ years of my#life gone. idk when our first member actually formed but he appeared one day and justt was like hi and evenn then idk when this even#happened it just did. when I think of myself I think of the things I love and tiny inside jokes ive developedd and my dearest friend but#also how lonely I always was and how painful my whole life has beenn. like 90% of me was from this??? and now that im way less stressed it#just hit me how muchh of me is just a foggy smashed mirror and maybe this is just 4 am thoughtss but im typing this anyways. I am obviouslyy#not anyone else in the system and theyre not me but I feel like these are the only things that define me thatt isnt just trauma and mental#illness. what im tryingg to say is these are like my new family and friends and I say morning to them everyy day and we hang out and run#aroundd and this is *our* joy. i cannot find a greaterr joy other than these simple moments. and these moments *are* me. I try to be funny#and likeable not because im actually a funny person whos just vibing but because I feel I cant be anything else. trauma made me funny lmao#but seriously ive mostlyy just acted because of trauma and me and alot of people in the system need therapy but haha dontt have one so...#im just supposed to deal withh all the thoughts now cool. thankk you capitalism and parents this is great way to spend my night.#anyways someone in the system woke up bc of myy musings and now they're incoherently consoling me so gn it is 4:24#vent post#personal#this makes no sense
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sw4tch · 3 years
Not to be particularly grim this early in the morning but today my mother tried to physically abuse me and like
She started pushing me around and trying to hit me but like
She couldn't bcus she's gotten weaker with age and all i could ask while she tried to push someone way bigger than her was like "what are you doing? Can you please calm down?" in the calmest voice i could manage
Then she started crying and insulting me for being a lazy stupid idiot but like. What an incredibly funny image. Like a toddler having a tantrum.
She even grabbed my phone and threatened to toss it to the ground but in the end she couldn't go through with it and tossed it into the sofa instead. What was i supposed to do then. Not laugh???? (I didn't laugh bcus i was getting sad by that point)
Anyway her insults still hurt and i don't like when she gets like this so i went to hide in my room and cry alone. Hm. I also grabbed my phone before leaving so here i am venting.
In any case. Idk. What am i even supposed to do. I'm trying to make it funny by thinking of that image of the onion article that's like "mom, dad, I'm gay and stronger than you so don't try any shit" but that's not too much of a comfort right now haha
I guess I'm trying to pretend i wasn't scared but i was a lil bit. Can't help but always feel like I'm 8 again and getting hit in the regular. Sigh. Normally i get angry but rn I'm just sad. And writing a vent post damn i should shut up!!! Sorry fellas no read more on mobile 😔
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loudestcloud · 3 years
BNHA Character Theme Songs!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3: Welcome and apologizes for taking so long. I thought I'd already posted this part ages ago so didn't think about it until I was adding songs for part. EDIT: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? I FORGOT AGAIN!!! I've had this in my drafts for litrally all year I just- I'm really sorry 😭
Regardless, were here now and it's big 3, Shinso and Pro time!
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Mirio: Kickin this part off with something nice and happy. This song starts with 'today I feel like running naked thought the streets' and I think that's very funny given his quirk misshapes. Anyway, he only wants to see people smile and thats the main reason this song is perfect and it's very up beat.
Tamaki: A song about anxiety for an anxious boy. But it's kinda more than that. This song is quite upbeat, by a popular band and an album with the most popular songs they've done yet not a lot of people know. You'd know it's them if you heard it but wouldn't name it off the top of your head for them. Idk, I over thought this one a lot
Nejire ⭐: It's so pumped up and positive, I can totally see her singing this just in general but also to cheer up Tamaki and it kinda sounds like her. She's definitely a Mario girl.
Shinso: Completely shifting the tone, we have a jazzy song that is another huge reason I started this playlist. It's litrally him, there is no other song possible for him! Also, The musical video is amazing, please watch it it needs all the love in the world.
Aizawa: Another anxiety ridden man mean another AJR song, I don't make the rules. Yes I do but this song reminded me of young Aizawa, thinking he was just going to mean nothing and 'Can we skip to the good part?' being now with Eri and Class 1A and not the current Manga cos I choose this song ages before hell set lose
Present Mic: This is his go to karaoke song n you can't say anything against it. 'Present Mic and Midnight bitch'
Midnight: Is sexy, would also be a karaoke song for her and feels like she's fightin' with My lady.
All might: He is here guys, did you know that?
Sir Nighteye: Okay this is a little ship-sided and like the Aizawa choice, more of the younger character feel, but I feel like when All might left, he wished his quirk could do more than just see the future and past. He would totally wish he could fix the relationship they had and platonic or romantic, that bond was close and I don't think either one turely let it rest.
Ingenium💙: Tensei, my beloved. He's all about that strong team work and honestly, i don't think this is his music taste but I could see this playing over the chase pannles with the team or just the team in general working and helping eachother.
Wild wild pussycats: Haha get it? Pussycat dolls? Yeah that was the only reason for this to start... BUT It's an old song that was popular when I was like 3 and saying that makes ppl feel old so they Ignore it much like the girls do and I think it's a nice fit. They seem like the type to have been very flashy, not camera shy, wanting all the hype in the prime and the "you just might get it" feels like Tiger mid transition not liking spotlight and later them chillin' out in the mountains.
Fatgum: He's big, beautiful and would love a big girl so like what else can I say here? Man would sing it so much, Kiri showed him it and Tamaki gets shy when they just suddenly burst into song patrolling the streets.
Best Jeanist: No one actually wants to be him and some people would say this is how he handles hate but I think he genuinely believes all haters are jealous of him.
Endeavour: I hate all the songs ppl put for him because it's always the weirdest songs. It was hard to chose a good one but this has a lot of key Enji words like 'Got my legacy set in motion' and the phase 'the bigger they are, the harder that fall' reminds me of the public's response to him
Hawks: Kay so this one was an old choice back in S4 and The start of the manga arc I won't name to keep it spoiler free but i don't want to change it. He didn't really have much choice in things he does so it kinda feels like he's venting to someone. I just think it fits his vibe too.
The rest are Villian and Vigilante songs for part 4 so guess who they are if you want. The title is the link to the actual playlist if you wanna vibe with us, see you later for last part
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letsfluxshitup · 4 years
You wanna vent? You'll feel better
Idk!! It feels like a very stupid thing to be salty over!! I guess I'm just incredibly incredibly tired of people jumping on assumptions other people made without fucking. thinking. Like haha funny joke but homophobia still fucking hurts people? Like it sucks to have to Google how shitty an actor is if you have any sort of emotional connection to them? Like it sounds fucking Dramatic but I still got that "oh" heart dropping feeling when my dash was suddenly flooded with posts about it? I thought people had some sort of basis that wasn't "haha Jensen acted so poorly in this one scene" and it very quickly moved past referencing that scene at all, so it seemed like he'd genuinely said or done something fucked up lmao.
I'm just *furiously waves arms* cease
anyways calling dean homophobic is infinitely funnier and calling whoever the fuck greenlit all this shit homophobic is just the truth
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chewing-scum · 5 years
Sorry to rant in your inbox (the post about your fanfic really riled me up, I’m so sorry that happened), but I feel like there’s a definite problem with people in this fandom excusing toxicity, right? In fanon content it’s so common to see characters like Virgil get away with being verbally abusive or outright violent with the others (usually deceit or Roman), and it’s always played off as a joke because those characters can ‘take it’ or ‘deserve it’ or whatever. (1/2)
Idk, it’s so uncomfortably unfunny, and I just feel like if the roles were reversed there would be an outcry at how unfair it is. Maybe that’s why people reacted that way to your story; because they’re so used to seeing Virgil get away with being an uwu salty boy, that him being portrayed as genuinely in the wrong is inconceivable. Anyway, sorry to ramble! I appreciate that you speak out about this kind of thing because it’s definitely an Unpopular Take. (2/2)
Okay, first things first- Always feel free to rant in my inbox, ESPECIALLY if it’s to call out the fanders and/or one of the Sides shitty behaviour (looking at Virgil of course but if anything is to arise in new videos, i’m always happy to give my two cents, because it’s just about all I have), I love getting to post these things and talk about them, especially if you want to say it but are too scared to post it on your Actual Blog- I’m always open to anons.
Secondly- regarding the fic, it’s alright- well, it’s not, but I’M alright, at least. I should’ve expected as much, it’s just frustrating, yknow?
THIRDLY, to get to the meat of the anon- yea,
This kinda draws all the way back to my qualms with the way the fandom writes Sleep- or, as they’ve dubbed him, Remy. A lot of his content includes him behaving in particularly toxic ways, he can come off as doing quite a lot of nonconsensual things but it’s fine and glorified because it’s Remy.
It’s completely fine to write or draw abuse or toxicity- the line comes when you take it and you glorify it, you laugh at it, it’s a haha funny, but it always comes down to, if Deceit was drawn doing this, would it be the same? The answer may shock you; No. Of course not.
It’s the same concept- you’re completely correct, I can’t tell you HOW many fics I’ve read in which it’s all been fine, and then I’ve had to leave because Virgil is berating one of the others- who am I kidding, berating Roman, and it’s passed off as nothing more than a haha, a funny, playful antics.
It’s a little unrelated but my mind is brought back to that post that was Virgil addressing Deceit and being like, ‘Patton is nothing but good, the fact that he hit you last night only shows how capable you are of driving saints to madness’, and there was a fucking tw for Deceit of all things but not the, you know, VIOLENCE.
And I just don’t get how it’s funny- how can you get a laugh out of these things? Did you laugh when Virgil nailed Thomas in the head with a rock? Did you laugh when Roman vented for the first time Ever and Virgil then called his past creations ‘gargantuan failures’? Is that funny to you? Why?
Where is this all going? I don’t know, i’m scatter-brained, I feel like Virgil Stans grabbed me by the brain and shook me around for a good bit, just know that you are 100% correct, the rampant excusing of Virgil’s borderline abusive behaviour is Disgusting and really shouldn’t be as common as it is, ESPECIALLY in, ‘The sweetest most nicest most bestest fandom uwu!!!!’
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