p0is0ned-r0ses · 3 months
So sick of dog motif what about cat motif.
I love you but we don't love the same. I can't be near you when you want me to be. Your love is smothering and your need to keep me safe is trapping me. I'm my own person but I don't know how to show you that. I lash out and hurt you even though I don't mean to. I need you to move slowly around me or I'll bolt. I love you, even though I don't say it. If you stay still I'll sit next to you, and even though we don't understand each other we can be together like that.
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 3 months
One thing that pisses me off is people seeing fish in aquariums (the establishments, not home aquariums) and being like “It’s so sad because the ocean is so big and the tank is so small and they’ll never know freedom blah blah blah-“ I’m not talking about sharks and marine mammals here but the majority of fish are not at all bothered by being in an aquarium instead of the open ocean. Like, I personally would love to be a little clown fish in one of those big reef tanks. Fed regularly. Whole team of people monitoring my health and well-being. No predators. Medicated if I show signs of illness. Aquarium fish have cushy gigs in comparison to their wild companions.
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 3 months
Imagine if Radiation man saved the day and u go up to thank him and then you die due to radiation poisoning because he’s Radiation man
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 3 months
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 3 months
Me every single night:
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
i'm getting my period and instead of becoming suicidal and depressed with baby fever i've started working out and eating healthy and being mindful. what is this nonsense?
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
Imagine a bee rn in a hive muttering "the beekeeper is not real because he is not intervening or helping me at all with this disastrous relationship I have with another bee". now imagine that's you talking about the good lord. now imagine a dog with a propeller hat on
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
Daily affirmations for tesla owners: your car is ugly as hell and everyone hates you
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
appreciation post for broccoli, thanks for bein so tasty u tiny trees
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 4 months
hey chat hows it goin long time no see
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 8 months
"Somebody needs to do something about Sephora 10-year-olds...these i-pad babies are so rude and don't do what they're told....oh my God, these kids can't read and have no social skills...Ugh, look at these little consumers and their Stanley Cups."
I am, in fact, actively worried for these children and I refuse to hate them for the ways that society, as a whole, has failed them.
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 8 months
Today I introduced my sister to “the problem of Susan” and I had to explain to her that Susan was left out of Narnia cuz she liked boys and lipstick now and without missing a beat she said but what about Peter? Does Peter not like girls? And I knew she was pointing out the inherent misogyny at the center of the “the problem of Susan” but the implications of that question are a source of much hilarity to meeee LMFAO like Does Peter not like girls? Does he like boys? Is he Gay? Is Narnia really just a homo-utopia where Lucy is also a lesbian and Edmund is a bisexual disaster and Susan was kicked out cuz she was too straight??? Can I make CS Lewis turn over in his grave with this new reading?
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 8 months
can confirm its fun as fuck i shld go back
Oh and if literal grass-touching IS viable, I also advocate for touching invasive grass. Many parks in the US have invasive plant removal volunteer work days. You get some air and some exercise and you can talk to other volunteers if you want or you can just march off into the trees on your own and start wreaking havoc with various hand tools. If you want to do something that is both useful AND destructive, I have found nothing better
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 8 months
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abstract portrait of Ray Liotta i drew high
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p0is0ned-r0ses · 8 months
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