#the arcana nadia
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bomber-grl · 6 months ago
Main 6 - Cuddle Headcanons
PAIRING(S): Asra Alnazar x Gn!Reader, Julian Devorak x Gn!Reader, Nadia Satrinava x Gn!Reader, Muriel x Gn!Reader, Portia x Gn!Reader, Lucio x Gn!Reader
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Cuddling positions are practically never ending with Asra. They love to just be close to you and doesn’t have much of a preference.
However, there are some cuddle positions that are preferred after a long day of existing.
One of them is him laying on your chest. Usually this is your way of helping them unwind, especially when you massage his scalp and play with his hair.
Other than that, just hearing your heartbeat and feeling the rise and fall of your chest comforts them, even after all that’s happened.
Then there’s the time when he just wants to show you that he loves you.
This usually prompts them to start kissing you all over your face and you end up falling into his arms, all bundled up by the warm blankets.
Honestly overall, they just love to cuddle in bed with you and whatever position you two end up laying in
Even if it isn’t always the same position you wake up in
Also bonus points if you end up letting Faust cuddle up with you two, she does get cold sometimes yknow
Which she most likely always does end up doing
In Nadia’s route, it’s noted that there is only once bed in the shop so it’s likely Asra and you share it even when you’re not cuddling
So most times he’d fall asleep from exhaustion near you, with faust slithering on him
Probably hugs you around your waist too
And if you try to strike a “sexy” pose he’ll laugh and play along
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The worst
Ofc he’s not actually the worst Lucio still exists but the way he cuddles at times is a hit or miss
Especially since most times he ends up sprawling his limbs out wherever they can, usually ending up on top of you unless you spoon him.
When it’s actually enjoyable to cuddle with him, most times he enjoys being spooned or mutual holding.
We all know how self deprecating he is so might as well show him how well he can be loved, even if you’re shorter or smaller, that’s no excuse
Just don’t mind his long limbs
Regardless of how you choose to hold him, he’ll always hold onto you back. Now on the other end of the spectrum where it’s damn near torture-
He has no regard for you- in his sleep at least
Like bro is genuinely squishing you with his limbs, and you can’t even move them because you’re trapped 💔
He probably unknowingly hogs the blanket too since he’s slipped off the bed more times than he’d like to admit and has taken the blanket with him.
He has all his weight on it, making damn near impossible to get the blanket from under him, leaving you shivering and timbering in the cold
If you’d prefer to be the one held then he’d be more than happy to 😭 just be prepared for him to be pretty flustered by being the one “in charge”
He does apologize to you when he wakes up if he’s been squishing you, etc etc though
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She definitely one of the LI that are on the podium of best cuddlers. she holds you so warm and tight it’s honestly the best.
She is not the type to be all that physically affectionate, which is honestly a bummer because her hugs and cuddles are the best ever.
Often times at the end of an exhausting day as countess, she loves to spoil you and hold you in her arms.
She’s more than happy to massage your scalp or shoulders, even feeding you some fruit would be sufficient
Sleep wise, she’s as elegant as she is when she’s awake. Her hair is somehow perfect (must be the rose colored lenses talking-) and she’s not a blanket hogger of any kind
She’s really considerate even in her sleep and she’ll randomly wake up in the middle of the night and look for you
If you’re not covered by the blanket, she’ll tuck you in and go back to bed.
Either that or she’ll also hold you in her arms depending on if she believes that you want your space.
Now, if you’re more a sprawler, always falling off the bed, or just not that pretty of a sleeper she find it super endearing
She’ll literally get up from her cozy place on the bed to help you back up. Even going as far as carrying you if that’s what would be more comfortable.
Now, we all know Nadia prefers to be the one “in charge” she prefers to pamper and that’s alright.
But, if you prefer to also show her your affection that same way she’ll be more than happy to oblige- although it’ll be done with a blush.
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When cuddling Muriel is super gentle and is hyper aware because of his larger stature, making him scared at the possibility of hurting you.
Which, you have to reassure him would never happen because you’d be happy to be crushed by him
With your constant reassurance and how often you tend to flop yourself on top of him, he eventually just gets used to it.
Cuddle wise, he’s usually big spoon for obvious reasons, he’ll hold you against his chest too along with Inanna being sandwiched by you both.
Again, you tend to be the one laying on him and when he chooses to sleep on his back, you’re laying on his chest and just absorbing his warmth.
I think it’d be obvious, but Muriel would also enjoy being held aswell. When you confront him with the idea he’s flustered because not only has he never considered it but he’s so touch starved.
If you have him lay his head on your chest, being held in your arms or even go as far as have him be little spoon, well his blush is out of this world.
If anything, he’s just happy that you’d want him to feel loved, as if you being around him isn’t enough
It isn’t
He’s basically beet red and he just accepts the affection ,laying there with you because again, he loves it.
Whenever/ if he tries to argue and say that he’s too big or whatever just say that you want him 🔛🔝 of you and just watch him squirm and get so flustered that he forgets
He ends up inevitably bringing it up again, so just cuddle the man
Sleep wise, Muriel is also really considerate. He tries not to take as much space and if you end up subconsciously tugging a blanket that he’s on, he’ll immediately move to give it to you.
Treat him well.
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Yes, yes, yes, just yes
She’s the absolute best person to cuddle with, she’s such a cuddle bug and honestly neither of you guys have a preference most times and so it ends in just cuddling however.
Most times it’s either of you on the others chest. Mostly it’s Portia that enjoys having you rest on her and she enjoys playing with your hair or just massaging your scalp.
She’s more than happy to be the big spoon if that’s what you prefer, maybe she’d even tease you for being so “bold” as to ask.
Ironic considering that the instant that you insist on coddling her she’s flushed from head to toe.
Literally almost literally every time you two cuddle she’ll always put a leg over you.
Just a quirk of hers that you’ve noticed and a definite plus is how warm she is which causes you to cling to her.
Which definitely warrants some teasing for clinging onto her like some koala. She finds it endearing though and is definitely worth is since she ends up peppering kisses all over your face
Is it really cuddling with Portia if you exclude Pepi? No, no it’s not
Pepi is so cute!! It’s a well known fact and she’ll always end up crawling and making her way through the bundle of blankets to rest her little self in between you and Portia.
Sleep wise, Portia is also a hit or miss 😭
She’ll either cling to you in her sleep while also being considerate so it’s not bothersome
Or she’ll sleep lazily and drool a bit, causing her to be a bit embarrassed once she finally wakes up.
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The worst motherfucker to cuddle with, EVER (up to interpretation whether it’s said with love)
Not likely)
Like he sleeps in either of two ways and neither of them are necessarily the best.
The first way is him being all lovey dovey and cuddly with you while the second one makes you wish death (again) upon him.
The first one is admittedly really nice. He’s in your arms and just being the needy, clingy bastard we all know Lucio to be.
It’s not so nice because of how this doesn’t change even during the summer time. You’ll definitely end up getting a heatstroke because of him clinging onto you one day.
That’s just the first way though.
The second way is him being sprawled out all over you without a care in the world.
His limbs are so freaking heavy too, it’s not like you could escape even if you desperately wanted to.
Worst part? He steals the fucking blanket all the time
Literally refuses to let go of his weirdly tight grip on the blanket in his sleep, leaving you shivering and timbering all night.
And then he has the audacity of getting mad at you for pushing him off the bed.
That’s all i have on this fucker
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bananapudding98 · 2 months ago
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Some Arcana babies <3
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b-evie · 6 months ago
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i want to draw a cool fullrendered fanart for her when inktober ends I can't wait 😭😭
anyway sketchy Nadia for inktober bc i love her
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k-0re · 1 year ago
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helshollowhalls · 5 months ago
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The Arcana text posts pt.3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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taduki · 11 months ago
Fun-Sized HCs: M6 walking in on MC hugging a pillow in their sleep
Asra: “IT SHOULD’VE BEEN MEEEEEE”, sobbing at the doorway before promptly spooning you. Honestly, Azz probably does the same thing too. It just hits different seeing you do it now that they know you might be imagining it’s him. 💕
Julian: Flustered for a moment before clasping his hands and watching you. Debates whether to leave you to rest and pester you about it later or join you. Do this when he’s very deprived of sleep and he might just give in!
Portia: Zero hesitation to remove the pillow and replace it with herself. Does so very carefully, as excited as she is. She’s so warm, you might not notice even if you’re a light sleeper. Teases you about it later.
Nadia: She’s used to being out and about, so she opens the door to her chambers secretly hoping to see you like this every time. It warms her little romantic heart! Starts spritzing a bit of her perfume on the pillowcases when you aren’t looking.
Muriel: As if you weren’t already beaming with cuteness… Fighting the urge to nap next to you in fear that he might wake you. He catches himself staring and goes to occupy himself until you’re awake. Is way more inclined to give you hugs now. 🥰
Lucio: Covers his mouth and hunches over the mantle, trying not to squeal. Gently gives you a kiss on the cheek either holds you or removes the pillow and snuggles into your arms. He claims he can’t do magic, but the pillow has disappeared after that…
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milkymora · 9 months ago
screw your zodiac sign, which one did you pick
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urmultideadfandomperson · 10 months ago
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Nadia you are so correct
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sxftkxssxs · 3 months ago
Sleeping habits with and without their S/O
Not a request but I had some ideas so I decided to make them into little Headcannons! Hope you all enjoy!
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Because they run warmer they often sleep in silky pants and no top.
He is so touchy in their sleep!! You will never go to bed without him touching you somehow.
If he’s sleeping alone then they won’t move much, maybe shifting occasionally but no more than that.
If you’re going to bed with them however, they’ll end up staying in the same position all night.
When you two are sleeping in the same bed together they like to sleep with their head on your chest, hearing your heartbeat.
Asra doesn’t snore in his sleep at all, but he does occasionally hum!
He doesn’t like layers at all and this means he’s going to sleep in just his underwear.
This also continues into how many blankets he has, which is just one and it’s pretty thin.
If he’s sleeping alone he has no problem taking up the whole bed. He’ll end up with limbs everywhere and no idea how they got there.
If you’re with him you’ll have to either adjust or figure out a way to get him to relax. He moves almost the exact same amount, somehow avoiding hitting or pushing you most of the time.
Julian runs extremely cold. He likes it cold but he also loves your warmth, and he will touch you will his cold feet/hands in the middle of the night.
Julian does snore but it’s not super loud. His snoring is almost like background noise.
Nadia sleeps in a silk nightgown, with short sleeves and that ends near her knees.
She also has a robe to wear over it, which she wears if she needs to get up for any reason.
Nadia runs chilly, though not as cold as Julian nor will she randomly torture you with her cold limbs during the night.
She doesn’t mind who ends up in which role, but she always loves spooning. It’s her favorite way to fall asleep with you.
Nadia doesn’t make any noise in her sleep other than occasional deep breaths.
This guy is a personal heater. He still sleeps with pelts due to the forest getting chilly during the night but his hut is always warm and cozy.
Due to how warm he runs he generally sheds some layers ending up in pants and whatever top he’s currently wearing
Muriel always wants to hold you, wants to feel like he’s protecting you even while you both sleep. He also really likes if you face him. He won’t ever verbally express that but the way it flusters him gives it away.
He doesn’t make much noise. Much like Nadia, he might take a deep breath or a heavy exhale. Occasionally, if he’s having a bad dream he might grunt.
Inanna has her own little pile of pelts and pillows next to your bed. Somehow she always worms her way into the bed though…
Portia sleeps in a sleeveless top and shorts.
She tends to run chilly, but has so many blankets that she gets extremely warm during the night.
She doesn’t care how you two position yourselves for sleep, but she would enjoy getting to hold you!
Portia sleep talks during the night. It’s soft and quiet but definitely there. She’ll be amused if you tell her stories in the morning about what she said.
Pepi can often be found in the bed with you both, near the bottom of the mattress.
Somehow this man runs hotter than anyone else on this list. He has no shame in sleeping in just his underwear, even with you around.
Lucio has a robe and thinks it makes him look the royalty role, with its red and gold color scheme he always adores.
He would love to be able to hold you all night but eventually, two bundles of pure white fur end up between you both.
That’s right, the M&M duo aren’t afraid to take what they want even during the night.
Melchior end up on your side, nudging his way into your arms and onto your chest. Mercedes just sits herself on top of Lucio and decides it’s his problem to cope with that.
They’ll push and whine and kick in their sleep. Only if they’re having a very intense dream.
Lucio will snore, grunt, and sleeps insanely light. If you so much as try to leave the bed before dawn he’s snapping his head up asking where you’re going.
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ivquatro · 1 year ago
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She is so silly! She can't decide between them!
I'd love to see Nadia say "bro"! Coincidentally, they both become the devil on one of the routes, perhaps Sabel's type are the diabolical ones.
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aikarosethorns · 6 months ago
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Day 6- Nadia. Aika doesn't usually bite the hand that feeds her, she is scared, but she can't shake off the feeling of dread that man she spoke to has a death sentence on his neck, she doesn't know, but is the past screaming to her to stop this.
She doesn't remember, but a part of her still feels the love she once fell under the doctor's wing years ago, no wonder she was fascinated by him, swept off her feet for no apparent reason, she has a reason, she doesn't know, but she loves him, she needs him alive, she needs him well....She needs him...
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juliandevorakswife · 7 months ago
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I love my wife so much🥺💜✨✨✨💜💜💜✨✨✨
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Here we have Portia , this makes me wanna do her route cuz I smiled with this love letter 🥺🥺🥺
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(Credit to @/adventures-in-re for having these files!
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rasby · 1 month ago
Ranking the M6 by how much brainrot they would consume
1. Asra- the epitome of brainrot. Makes brainrot, reposts brainrot, lives and breathes brainrot content.
2. Portia- the occasional brainrot enjoyer, mostly follows the cat related things
3. Julian- Julian is more aware of old school brainrot, the newer stuff just confuses him...does know some references because of Portia
4. Lucio- he thinks he gets it, but he really doesn't...
5. Muriel- it confuses the hell out of him, nods along whenever Asra shows him anything but is secretly concerned for their mental well being
6. Nadia- she is so above it, i doubt she even uses social media that much. If someone shows her it she will only be confused, maybe ask a question or two, and then swiftly forget about it.
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iridescent-solstice · 9 months ago
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wulf59-stuff · 5 months ago
Sooooo... haven't posted in a while, had a pretty nasty art block-BUT! I made this and liked how it turned out. I'll probably start posting a bit more again but no promises.
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helshollowhalls · 7 months ago
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The Arcana text posts pt.2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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