My junk hi lol
628 posts
Sketches, art, writing, everything alike. current fandom is MDZS. Do not repost/edit/use my art or writing without permission please!
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sasukimimochi · 5 months ago
Hi, will you be updating GOM anytime soon?
hi, sorry to say, but not soon. if you have read my update post on a03 i'm currently having a lot of struggle and writing isn't the first thing on my mind. i still think about gom all the time, but its definitely not on my priorities whilst i'm trying to get my car repaired and work through health problems. Please subscribe to my ao3 and keep an eye on things there if you're waiting and wondering! I'll update things there since it feels a bit awkward to update on tumblr after not having done so immediately. but, gom isn't updating soon. it's not my current priority.
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
I don't think i'm going to be able to post my chapter by the latest upload time i gave you guys in the last upload (coming sunday) i'll give you guys an update after i think a bit more on it though.
What's gone on is basically the first day i had my earliest possible upload we had a visitor, and then we did way more manual labor for 3 straight days than expected. I threw out my back & got my covid shot right after, so i've been lethargic and in pain for the past week and of course, busy! I hope things stay more calm after this though, i really can't handle working for long periods of time with lots of manual labor and no breaks djkfgdhg
There is still stuff i'm working on unfortunately, but things will be calming down soon for at least a while, i just don't know how long it'll be and if i can manage a chapter in less than a week. i'll let you guys know!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
I really wanna know more about your Zhu Xiaoyi, Zhu Hui and Xu Shi. 💙
oh my gosh! You don't know how excited I was to see this haha!
While I can't tell you everything, the Zhu family is under the wing of Jiang Cheng in my fic, Ghost of Mine. While we don't see them a lot in GOM, they will be more visible in The Wild Plum Tree (TWPT); a spinoff with some behind the scenes for JC/LXC in GOM.
This family came to JC during the war looking for a place where they could serve in exchange for safety as they had a baby (Xiaoyi) they needed to protect, and JC ended up taking them in. Over time, they became more of something like his personal attendants, not unlike the servants Madam Yu had at her side, but with more backstory. Since Zhu Xiaoyi is so little when he arrives, he actually doesn't know the sect he came from. Of course, even if you ask his parents you probably won't get an answer...
essentially, I created them because I wanted to make a character for JC's head disciple, who is now Zhu Xiaoyi, because I was continuously playing a character I didn't have a name for, and it felt so flat bc I was writing someone faceless with limited personality. Of course though I get attached to my characters and as a result him and his whole family got a design and backstory- I actually really love his father, he's such a big sweetie!!
It seems I haven't shown any previews of their design process, so how about now? These are only mockups, so don't get too attached! I am not a huge fan of the palette or the scars, so I'm going to probably do some tweaking still! So first off, The parents! You can probably see how much I've grown attached to the father based on his sketches haha
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And of course an updated tweak for Zhu Xiaoyi's design. I'm much happier with the shapes, so I'll probably stick to this silhouette. He is an adult in "present" day mdzs (the future for GOM) so I will need to design a younger version soon since the younger design for Kai will show up much sooner than his older one. I've been mostly using him for role play but I've fell off of that lately because of being busy :')
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I hope this is sufficient, but feel free to ask specific questions! 😊💖✨I get really excited when people ask about my writing or characters & I'm never sure what exactly say about them besides the basics or stuff I can't say. The questions also help develop my characters further!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
Hi! wanted to make another post in case me uploading so late on Sunday made me miss my usual viewers.
Check out the original post here to reblog! 😊🐇👻💖✨
while i was making this post i realized I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE LINK I FEEL SO STUPID AAAA. Link to ch 30 was added to the original post as well as this one so if you were confused before I'm terribly sorry for that!!
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.✦ Chapter 30 "Lessons in Patience"
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Lan Xichen slid his hand down the window sill, listening to the pittering sound against the stones outside. Usually, he loved the sound of the rain. But all he could think of was walking side by side with his comrade on the battlefield, listening to the fierce storm and enjoying their smaller victories. Now that there was a chance Nie Mingjue would never walk again, or worse… he wished he had spent more time with him. That’s how it always was though, when you were afraid to lose someone. You always wish for just a little more time.
As always, check out more of my MDZS projects or more GOM in my masterpost ❤ original text is under read more with bonus drawing. reblog from the original!
I had to go with something simpler because the chapter was under crunch time, but i don't think i did too badly! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, I'm glad to finally be able to post something! excuse the odd brush choices, I also got a new computer during my away time, and i haven't transferred everything over yet! i need to export the brushes i was using on my other computer, I just keep forgetting and i didn't have time to transfer them before i worked on the piece today.
As a reminder, we had an anniversary last month for GOM and i streamed it! You can see the finished art as well as get the link to my twitch from here.
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Happy Anniversary! it's been a year since the 15th of January, 2023, when i posted the first chapter of Ghost of Mine! It means a lot to me that i have so many readers and I'm trying my best to stay strong through the writing process so i can give you guys a good experience- and of course me too! My personal goal is to be able to finish Ghost of Mine and do it well, I think i will feel accomplished and have succeeded in making a lot of readers happy!
Either way, this experience has been a ride so far- this fic is a record length for me, surpassing my own writing (a rewrite of an original of mine; a work in progress) and past attempts at fanfiction. I'm very proud of how far I've come, and I'm glad you guys have been with me through it all.
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
Hello everyone! 😊💖✨ I've completed making some tts files that I'm going to add directly to the descriptions of my GOM chapters or maybe the tumblr posts I'm not sure where would be better if not both, but they're not meant to be listened to as audiobook type thing but rather as a reading aid so I'll warn you ahead of time for that. Basically they're not perfect so they don't do well as standalone but they help those with focusing problems or just general reading problems.
I'm very busy as of late, so I'm really glad I found a free tts program that spits out mp3's for me to use. it has actually been helping me too with doing some rereading since I am trying to refamiliarize myself with the past chapters- so I hope you guys like them! the only issue is it pronounces names and such kind of iffy, but that's tts for you haha
Here's a sample, of the voice I chose reading the summary:
I'll do my best to get the files included in the chapters or something asap I just have a lot going on in life right now! For now, if you want to look at the files before I add them to the chapters, I have all 30 chapters available for listening already in my google drive folder.
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
BIG OOF Just realized i posted this without the link originally. I FIXED IT!
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.✦ Chapter 30 "Lessons in Patience"
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Lan Xichen slid his hand down the window sill, listening to the pittering sound against the stones outside. Usually, he loved the sound of the rain. But all he could think of was walking side by side with his comrade on the battlefield, listening to the fierce storm and enjoying their smaller victories. Now that there was a chance Nie Mingjue would never walk again, or worse… he wished he had spent more time with him. That’s how it always was though, when you were afraid to lose someone. You always wish for just a little more time.
I had to go with something simpler today because the chapter was under crunch time, but i don't think i did too badly! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, I'm glad to finally be able to post something! excuse the odd brush choices, I also got a new computer during my away time, and i haven't transferred everything over yet! i need to export the brushes i was using on my other computer, I just keep forgetting and i didn't have time to transfer them before i worked on the piece today.
As always, check out more of my MDZS projects or more GOM in my masterpost ❤ Check out more under the read line.
As a reminder, we had an anniversary last month for GOM and i streamed it! You can see the finished art as well as get the link to my twitch from here.
I'll post it here too though, in case it will help more people see it!
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Happy Anniversary! it's been a year since the 15th of January, 2023, when i posted the first chapter of Ghost of Mine! It means a lot to me that i have so many readers and I'm trying my best to stay strong through the writing process so i can give you guys a good experience- and of course me too! My personal goal is to be able to finish Ghost of Mine and do it well, I think i will feel accomplished and have succeeded in making a lot of readers happy!
Either way, this experience has been a ride so far- this fic is a record length for me, surpassing my own writing (a rewrite of an original of mine; a work in progress) and past attempts at fanfiction. I'm very proud of how far I've come, and I'm glad you guys have been with me through it all.
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
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. . .
.✦ Chapter 30 "Lessons in Patience"
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Lan Xichen slid his hand down the window sill, listening to the pittering sound against the stones outside. Usually, he loved the sound of the rain. But all he could think of was walking side by side with his comrade on the battlefield, listening to the fierce storm and enjoying their smaller victories. Now that there was a chance Nie Mingjue would never walk again, or worse… he wished he had spent more time with him. That’s how it always was though, when you were afraid to lose someone. You always wish for just a little more time.
I had to go with something simpler today because the chapter was under crunch time, but i don't think i did too badly! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, I'm glad to finally be able to post something! excuse the odd brush choices, I also got a new computer during my away time, and i haven't transferred everything over yet! i need to export the brushes i was using on my other computer, I just keep forgetting and i didn't have time to transfer them before i worked on the piece today.
As always, check out more of my MDZS projects or more GOM in my masterpost ❤ Check out more under the read line.
As a reminder, we had an anniversary last month for GOM and i streamed it! You can see the finished art as well as get the link to my twitch from here.
I'll post it here too though, in case it will help more people see it!
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Happy Anniversary! it's been a year since the 15th of January, 2023, when i posted the first chapter of Ghost of Mine! It means a lot to me that i have so many readers and I'm trying my best to stay strong through the writing process so i can give you guys a good experience- and of course me too! My personal goal is to be able to finish Ghost of Mine and do it well, I think i will feel accomplished and have succeeded in making a lot of readers happy!
Either way, this experience has been a ride so far- this fic is a record length for me, surpassing my own writing (a rewrite of an original of mine; a work in progress) and past attempts at fanfiction. I'm very proud of how far I've come, and I'm glad you guys have been with me through it all.
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
MDZS Inscryption AU maybe?
So I've been massively hyperfixating on Inscryption thanks to my good friend @sasukimimochi and I got an idea for an AU
If you don't know what I'm on about, here's a Wikipedia entry for it, if you do know, strap in.
This is based off Act I of the game:
-Wei Wuxian dies when he's thrown into the Burial Mounds
-Wakes up to a board game with a shadowy figure that reveals itself as the manifestation of the Burial Mounds and proposes a game
-If Wei Wuxian wins, he will be brought back to life. If he doesn't, he stays dead and trapped forever in the BM, so he agrees to play
-Unbeknownst to him, the way he uses the cards influences the life he will get if he wins
-All the sacrifices he makes are people that are going to die in the life he will have
-The powerful cards are the people that will participate in his demise in some way
-He wins the game, awakes, invents demonic cultivation, canon ensues
-At some point he realizes the manner in which people are dying is the way he played against the Burial Mounds and sacrifices himself to beat it
Here is my idea for the card pack:
Eternal sacrifice cat - Yanli
Squirrels - random people that die in Nightless City
Grizzly - NMJ
Great white - Lan Wangji
Black goat - Qin Su
Urayuli - Wen Ning
Mirror tentacle - Mo Xuanyu
Mantis god - Jiang Cheng
Child 13 - Jin Guangyao
Glitched card - turns into a sacrifice card: Jin Zixuan
Ants - Wen remnants
Ouroboros - Lan Xichen
Rattler - Xue Yang
Rat king - Wen Chao
Skink - Wang Lingjao
If y'all have any thoughts, feel free to add on!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
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Here's the finished art from stream! it was a bit messy i haven't streamed in a while and a friend of mine couldn't get connection to the chat, but we got somewhere at least. maybe i'll be able to gather some remains from that stream to make a speedpaint jkfdhsfg-
We did end up playing stray but i'm not sure if the footage was salvagable. I'll check soon to see if it was good enough to keep, if not i think i'm going to just remove that part of the stream from the vod and do a lets play of stray instead, that, or try FBX.
It was great anyway, had a good time even if it was messy on my end! Thanks for coming, and Happy 1 Year!!! 😊💖✨ 👻���
It's time to start the stream! Come celebrate the Ghost of Mine anniversary while I draw (tweaking GOM designs) and then game later, and if the poll is correct, we're going to be playing Stray after!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
It's time to start the stream! Come celebrate the Ghost of Mine anniversary while I draw (tweaking GOM designs) and then game later, and if the poll is correct, we're going to be playing Stray after!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
I think I'm going to stream later today (migraine willing, hopefully it doesn't get worse again so I'll continue to baby it) probably sometime after 8 AM central time so my friends can join. If I manage to get another nap in I might go even a little later If the visit gets called off due to weather.
I want to basically just do something for the Ghost of Mine anniversary! So I'll probably start with drawing and then maybe end with a game if my head starts hurting too much. (and I want to test the new desktop anyway!)
So I'm hoping to see you guys there 😊💖✨ 👻🐇
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
Hey guys! I wasn't looking forward to writing this.. So, I can't get the next chapter of GOM ready before the anniversary tomorrow. Tax season and the holidays have just been super busy and beyond getting a bit done of TWPT I didn't get much progress done. Not to mention the migraine I recently got & family coming tomorrow to see Lucien 😔 everything has been too much go, I didn't wanna ruin my holidays forcing myself to use my little rest time to write so I dialed back for a while. (going to continue the post under reading line)
It sucks because I really really wanted to do something cool for the anniversary. I mean, a whole year of writing a fanfiction, but the longest one I've ever done? And with so many amazingly supportive readers! Over the year we've gained over a thousand kudos and almost 50k hits, I read every comment and most of the time reply to every one! You guys are amazing and I really wanted to make the anniversary at least a little special. Unfortunately I am going to have to push back the date, but i don't think 2 weeks will be realistic so I'm going to set a loose date for the 11th.
Onto more positive news, I have gotten a desktop which should be able to support much better streaming! I haven't been able to use my avatar or game on stream in a long time but now i should be able to do both of those things!
here's a test i did just to see how the bit rate, recording, and frame drops would go. i used to not even be able to play this one at all on my computer! sorry only one video at a time so you only get the spyro clip, but i tested slime rancher also. i still need to adjust some settings, but this is massive amounts better than my old laptop.
my chromakey also might be a bit strong haha i'll fix it.
Since i can't upload tomorrow, If i'm feeling better i might try to do a mini stream in the morning if i have time before we get our visitor, or maybe really late monday. we'll see.
anywho, TLDR; i can't make a post for the anniversary, at least i dont think i can. i'm planning to try to post in a month, after i've sorted real life things and have got the story sorted how i wanted.
i'm also going to try to stream again once my migraine goes away now that i have a better desktop that can support playing games and streaming together, and of course streaming art, too with my pngtuber.
I'm very sorry but i hope you guys are as excited as i am that the fic is now a year old! Thank you for your patience 💖
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
I unfortunately don't have any content for you guys
BUT I wanted to wish you guys a Merry Christmas! I hope you really enjoy your holidays and consume lots of food and your favorite content!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays ヾ(•ω•`)o ❤ I drew an icon for the winter so I wanted to share it with you guys! I also included my first attempts haha, I hope you guys enjoy your end-of year!
I'll include some wips under the read more line for design stuff i've been working on for Ghost of Mine and The Wild Plum Tree! It's a lot, but don't get too attached to any of it since i'm very much still figuring out what i want to keep. Hope you guys like em though! Happy holidays again!! (ノ*ФωФ)ノ👻🐇💖✨
Check out my other MDZS stuff here! ❤
So as you all know I've been working on designs for GOM & TWPT and these are what I've gotten done! This first one is a wip of my youth WWX. Some of you that read my fic and see the messages i leave sometimes might have seen it before!
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Then the biggest feat I've been trying to get is figuring out my preferred design for Jiang Cheng. I'm pretty satisfied with the progress, but he's still quite difficult for me so only the last one really started to get in the territory i wanted was the last one. I still need to balance this though as its leaning too far into my preferences i think and not enough into the typical style of JC.
So to start, there's the different hair styles i was looking at. I was also experimenting with his body type and the scars, cuz idk exactly how many scars he has, I haven't looked it up(;´д`)ゞ
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Then one of his outfits (for nicer days, not a typical outfit for him). Then another attempt at his typical outfit, which was more towards what I wanted (kind of like the mobile game outfit!) but not quite there.
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Then I went back to trying to design his face and eyes again, getting much closer to what I wanted! I still need to adjust it, but this is the closest so far. To get that dark-eyed cat-like look, I decided to sketch his eyes black unless rendering from now on, cuz it brings that look that I want.
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Now we move on to Zhu Xiaoyi and Zhu Hui/Xu Shi. They're mdzs OC characters i'm using as extras in TWPT and may also show up in GOM from time to time. Their designs aren't fully fleshed out yet but Adult Xiaoyi is my baby at this point honestly.
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That's all for now!! I hope you guys enjoy your holidays v w v ❤👻🐇
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays ヾ(•ω•`)o ❤ I drew an icon for the winter so I wanted to share it with you guys! I also included my first attempts haha, I hope you guys enjoy your end-of year!
I'll include some wips under the read more line for design stuff i've been working on for Ghost of Mine and The Wild Plum Tree! It's a lot, but don't get too attached to any of it since i'm very much still figuring out what i want to keep. Hope you guys like em though! Happy holidays again!! (ノ*ФωФ)ノ👻🐇💖✨
Check out my other MDZS stuff here! ❤
So as you all know I've been working on designs for GOM & TWPT and these are what I've gotten done! This first one is a wip of my youth WWX. Some of you that read my fic and see the messages i leave sometimes might have seen it before!
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Then the biggest feat I've been trying to get is figuring out my preferred design for Jiang Cheng. I'm pretty satisfied with the progress, but he's still quite difficult for me so only the last one really started to get in the territory i wanted was the last one. I still need to balance this though as its leaning too far into my preferences i think and not enough into the typical style of JC.
So to start, there's the different hair styles i was looking at. I was also experimenting with his body type and the scars, cuz idk exactly how many scars he has, I haven't looked it up(;´д`)ゞ
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Then one of his outfits (for nicer days, not a typical outfit for him). Then another attempt at his typical outfit, which was more towards what I wanted (kind of like the mobile game outfit!) but not quite there.
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Then I went back to trying to design his face and eyes again, getting much closer to what I wanted! I still need to adjust it, but this is the closest so far. To get that dark-eyed cat-like look, I decided to sketch his eyes black unless rendering from now on, cuz it brings that look that I want.
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Now we move on to Zhu Xiaoyi and Zhu Hui/Xu Shi. They're mdzs OC characters i'm using as extras in TWPT and may also show up in GOM from time to time. Their designs aren't fully fleshed out yet but Adult Xiaoyi is my baby at this point honestly.
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That's all for now!! I hope you guys enjoy your holidays v w v ❤👻🐇
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
Me, stressing about the outline for TWPT as if the world were ending and struggling to get through chapter 2 because I can't remember where I wanted to go: (;´д`)ゞ
past me, completely and entirely writing the outline for me to find in my crisis: ✍(◔◡◔)?
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
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so a quick blurb for this:
wwx was on the way somewhere on his bike and accidentally locked eyes with lwj and lwj was instantly smitten. lwj immediately called his brother and revealed he's definitely not ace (he felt nothing for anyone before this so he was shocked) he's not sure why at all but really wants to see him again.
wwx didn't have time to stop so he went on, but he comes back through there sometimes hoping he sees him again (so does lwj)
They missed each other a bunch of times, but eventually they randomly met again, doing something completely normal like grocery shopping! They hit it off immediately and finally get into proper contact, and one day... 😳 💖 👻🐇 they start dating!
I'm in love with a new brush so I started doodling and then created modern ghost/bunny (from ghost of mine) kjhgsdfg- so have my sketch ! really like how I drew wwx. the other stuff was on the fly so...ignore their haircuts I'm iffy abt em XD I love wwx here tho the mid-length suits him.
anyway hi sorry I've been quiet I've been working on JC & Jiang disciple design stuff (as well as writing for TWPT of course!!) so I've been occupied! I'm still occupied of course, but I was feeling rly tired today so I just started doodling and I got here.
Check out my other MDZS stuff here! ❤
extra (no color):
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