#anti yaoi shippers
sapphic-agent · 2 months
As anti BKDK & anti Bakugou, can I ask why you hate him and Aizawa so much (at least I get it why you dislike Endevour)? Yes, Bakugou was bad at first, but he grew as character. Now, he is one of the best anime/manga character ever. When he 'died', many anti Bakugou overjoyed, but he came back alive !!
Why do you thing Bakugou as a character is so popular (beloved by non shippers and shippers)?
Are you anti BKDK because you dislike mlm shipping?
Thanks for your blog, I don't like to say rude things just because of fandom and fictional characters, but can I ask why you dislike Bakugou so much when he changed so much? Like, his devotion to Midoriya is real and he truly is a hero.
(Hope you don't mind to have follower who is Bakugou fan and BKDK shipper)
I have made a lot of posts about why I hate Bakugou.
It's not because he's a bad person. A bad person can be a great character. Shigaraki is one of my favorite characters in the series. I have a lot of issues with Bakugou as a character, not a person.
A big issue is probably how everyone treats him, especially in comparison to other characters. Bakugou can be as callous and spiteful as he wants and so many characters trip over themselves to praise him. Aizawa (I'll get to him in a second), All Might, and the other teachers don't see fit to correct his behavior, even when he's been violent towards his other classmates (mainly Izuku). Worse, Aizawa outright favors him.
Bakugou punched Izuku during the Final Exam and refused to cooperate. What did Aizawa do? Nothing. He passed him even though he failed Sero, who sacrificed himself to save Mineta. He doesn't even scold Bakugou for this even though he scolded Uraraka and Aoyama during the Training Camps.
Monoma isn't even half as bad as Bakugou. At worst, he gives 1A a hard time occasionally. But 1A absolutely can't stand him. Bakugou's friends- Kirishima and Sero- are Monoma's biggest critics.
Then there's how the narrative bends over backwards to make Bakugou seem like a better person. And why I hate Aizawa is that most of the time it's through him. Bakugou is accused of going too hard on Uraraka? Aizawa scolds the crowd to blatantly tell us- the viewers- that they don't know what they're talking about and that Bakugou respects Uraraka as an opponent.
Which isn't even true. He a) blatantly told Uraraka that she should have given up and b) assumed her plan was Izuku's doing. Aizawa was dead wrong, even though he's supposed to be a way to tell us what's going on. And this isn't even the only time he does this, he also defended Bakugou's behavior to the journalists and said that he would work on improving it.
Except he didn't. But this was a way to, once again, shut down criticism of Bakugou. Everyone who criticizes Bakugou even a little is antagonized to make him look better than he is: the pros at the Sports Festival, the journalists, Monoma, etc.
Izuku is also forced to be a tool to make Bakugou's development look better. He was forced to validate Bakugou's insecurities during Deku vs Kacchan Part 1. We're told, by All Might, that Izuku doesn't hold Bakugou's behavior against him. Even Bakugou's apology was less about Izuku- his victim- and more about making Bakugou look better. Izuku, as one of my favorite characters, deserves better than that.
Also, to me, Bakugou's "change" isn't all that significant. He still does most of the things he did before, it was just changed to be more comedic. Bakugou didn't actually change, he got a character shift to make it easier to redeem him. How can I say he's changed when none of the other characters hold him accountable?
I hate Aizawa because he's a bad teacher and a hypocrite. He's constantly scolding and berating Izuku, but says almost nothing to Bakugou. Accuses All Might of favoritism when he had a whole protege on the side he was trying to get into the hero course. Constantly berates his class for their faults while doing nothing to make them better.
Again, during the Final Exam, he had five other students who failed. Students he could have easily worked with prior to that exam. But he was fine bending over backwards to make sure Bakugou passed. He's a bad teacher that the series tries to make out to be better than he is.
Also, I do NOT hate mlm shipping. Zolu is one of my favorite ships ever. I hate yaoi shippers who feel the need to bash female characters for getting in the way of their ship (or being shipped with a male character in Katara's case). It's blatant misogyny, just because it's gay doesn't mean it's not prejudiced. Uraraka gets treated terribly by BakuDeku shippers, or she's shipped with Tsu or Toga, tucked away in a background sapphic ship where she can't interfere. That's just as bad as bashing her because it's using a sapphic ship as a tool to prop a gay ship.
I don't hate mlm shipping. I hate how some of my favorite characters are treated because of it. There's also an issue with it fetishizing gay men for straight women, but that's another issue entirely.
My hatred for BakuDeku is actually separate from this. It's a ship built off of abuse. The abuse even persists in their platonic relationship, it would absolutely maintain in a romantic relationship. BakuDeku benefits Bakugou and only Bakugou, not Izuku.
I think Bakugou is so well liked because his gimmick of tough and edgy entices a lot of people. He had a lot of fans before he started to get redeemed. And now with his "great" character development, it justifies a lot of people's love for him.
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specterthief · 6 months
also i'm not going to pretend dunmeshi doesn't have some m/m shippers ignoring the plot for shipping but normally when i see people say that it's in response to m/m shipping just. existing
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phoenixwrites · 1 month
Your steddies sound an awful lot like CSers and Don x Bobby shippers from the boys in the boat fandom. You have my sympathies and please know I admire you for how you deal with them🙏🏻 if it were me I’d be so drained
I would actually say they are WORSE than CSers, just out of the sheer entitlement of MLM fans in fandom spaces. It's not enough for them to be creative in their own right, they viciously attack anyone that "interferes" or "threatens" their ship.
I've seen it with Destiel, I've seen it with Stucky, I've seen it with Johnlock, I've seen it with Steddie. Stucky fans harassed Hayley Atwell off of Twitter, Johnlock was utterly horrible to the actress who played Molly, Irene Adler, Watson's wife, Destiel was hideous to the actresses who played Jo, Ruby, and Meg, and now...Steddie.
(this is just fandoms I've been a part of, I'm not even getting into all of the fandoms I've seen this kind of behavior...)
It's an incredibly irritating and toxic pattern that goes across fandoms and I need them to knock it off. Supporting a MLM ship does not absolve you of blatant misogyny.
If you don't like a girl in your ship, then fuck off to your own tag and leave the rest of us alone.
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I'm getting tired of Antis being hypocritical bullies
Let's open their eyes!
(and vent a little bit)
PROSHIP means:
"*To ship and let ship. Including* some romantic pairings that are deemed problematic, ships that involve pedophilia, incest, abusive relationships and other things like that"
*(I thought that was obvious but I guess it wasn't ^w^' Sorry for the mistake everyone!)
If Antis see BillDip as Proship
Then they should also see BillFord as Proship
BillFord is Toxic, as they themselves say. Toxic as in Abusive. And so, part of the proship group
Bill hurts, terrorises, torments, emotionally and physically abuses Ford
Possessed his body to hurt him, electrocuted him, and so much more!
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That is abuse. That's abusive behaviour. That's proship
They said it multiple times how much they love toxic old man yaoi or similar stuff
They love that BillFord is toxic, so they love Abusive relationships. Apparently. That is, unless they accept that liking a fictional problematic ship (like BillFord) is not the same as liking a real problematic relationship
Here you can read it clearly
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They either start calling themselves proshipers too (they are by the actual definition if they ever bothered to goggle it) and stop going after Billdip shippers, or accept that BillDip shippers aren't pedophiles nor do they support it the same way they don't support abusive relationships just like it happens in BillFord!
(I'm not against BillFord and those who ship it btw, only those who bullies and harass billdip shippers)
If Antis still don't see what I mean, they are delusional. Delusional and hypocritical, apart from being the bad people because harassing complete strangers for liking a fictional ship they personally don't like is just ridiculous and very much harmful to real people, some of which are children themselves
When just blocking and not tagging the name of a ship that makes you personally uncomfortable is better and healthier for everyone!
Of course, that goes for any fandom and ships!
No more bullying and harassing, we're in the modern word, people! We're better than that!
(or at least I hope so!)
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emeraldspiral · 5 months
I feel like newer fans can’t really appreciate what it was like to be introduced to IZ in 2001 and be a ZADR shipper in that early 2000s cultural climate. Openly hating gays was SOOOOO much more normalized than it is today. If you shipped a same-sex pairing, you did so knowing it would never be canon because it wasn’t allowed back then. Antis would constantly screech that the creators of your favorite series don’t support gays or gay pairings and hate yaoi shippers and it was safe to assume much of the time they were right. So when Richard and Andy made their puppets kiss, for us that wasn’t just about scoring a win against another ship we were in some petty competition with. It was a clear message that the people who brought our favorite characters to life don’t hate us and think we’re gross degenerates and perverts defiling their characters or fake fans who don’t respect the source material. They indulged us because we were just as valid as any other fan and they knew it would make us happy.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 4
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She stands in the way of Merthur, by far the most popular ship in the fandom. I haven’t seen it as much in recent years, but back in the days of fanfiction.net she got slut shamed so badly for having been romantically interested in three of the male characters over the course of the show, which is just... normal straight woman behavior, meanwhile Merlin crushed on pretty much every woman who even looked at him in the early seasons of the show and got no hate for that whatsoever. I barely even read Merthur fics (not because it’s m/m, just because certain aspects of their relationship don’t appeal to me) but the “Gwen is a slut” attitude was so pervasive across the fandom, even fics that weren’t explicitly anti-Gwen would “jokingly” call her a slut. I even saw a few fics demonizing her for having an affair with Lancelot despite the fact that SHE WAS ENCHANTED when that happened, and surprise surprise, Lancelot (who was also under the influence of magic) got none of that hate, and neither did Arthur, who got enchanted to fall in love with multiple women over the course of the show.
Canonically Arthur Pendragon's love interest and an important and interesting character in the show who's completely shoved aside and ignored in favour of the medieval bbc yaoi ship. At best they put her and Morgana in Lesbian Timeout (ie make them get together and then reduce them to wingwomen at best because god forbid we focus on the medieval bbc yuri). Justice for Gwen right now!
She is prince Arthur's love interest (eventually wife). Arthur is MADLY in love with her. He tells his tyrannical father he would give up his crown to be with her (she's a servant in the series). He forgives her cheating on him with Lancelot (!), which in the show is caused by an evil enchantment, but the characters never find out about it. He chooses her time and time again. His love for Gwen is literally never put into question. Many fans insist to this day that there was no chemistry between Gwen and Arthur compared to Arthur and Merlin. Arthur isn’t even particularly nice to Merlin most of the time! The funny thing is that Merlin himself ships these two so hard and does everything he can to help them get together!! Gwen & Arthur are adorable and too many fans were drunk on the yaoi fumes to see it. ARTHUR WAS A SIMP FOR GWEN
Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
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pant--eater · 2 months
fuck it. gonna repost my old bri'ish claymation old man yaoi art from early 2024, cuz the posts from my old blog won't show up in the tags anymore and I still lowkey like how this one turned out (plus it has nostalgic value, because back in March I used it to convert 2 of my IRL friends into Apple Pie with Cheese shippers LMFAOO)
anyways here's wonderwall(ace). Willard meeting the inventor duo from Lancashire for the first time
(the song that Wallace sings is the deleted Anti-Pesto Song from a deleted scene of Curse of the Were-Rabbit)
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ethewh02000s · 26 days
idk what will people think but i have something to say (tw for mentions of r4pe, n4z1sm and d3ath)
habit x alex kralie is wrong on so many levels and if you ship them maybe rethink your choice??
im not attacking anyone but the ship is PROBLEMATIC as hell (habit is also a literal r4p1st and n4z1 too, and has existed for hundreds of years, he is the worst of the worst)
habit has unalived so many people by his **OWN** will because of his **OWN** motives, while alex was controlled by the operator (slenderman for those who dont remember/know) which are two different things, and the shippers are like "wow they are antagonists and killed people, let me ship them togheter 😍😍 haha toxic yaoi" (ik alex kralie is sort of anti hero but he is still considered an antagonist)
also yall realize toxic ships are just problematic in general its not "hot" and "sexy" it's just disgusting
like toxic relationships destroy one's mental health or even both people.
also if you ship these to cope or something, buddy maybe cope with something that ISN'T problematic?? it might be hard but that doesn't mean you can't think about it and maybe stop??
anyways please share your opinions in the comments and thank you to whoever read this rant of mine!!
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wonderer399 · 2 months
Antis are now playing their dirty pathetic game again...Their plan was to mass report shipper accounts while people are in their summer break! They mass reported our top 2 sebaciel shipper accounts!! Therefore these 2 Sebaciel shipper accounts are now permanently banned or deactivated !! They even flagged my recent sebaciel post out of pure hateful spite!!
I have been watching BB since 2012 ( I was like 14 at that time, almost same as Ciel's age and height ) and shipping Sebaciel as I have fallen in love with their love for each other...Sebastian is just soo perfect anime man in my eyes...I will defend Sebastian no matter what ... Sebastian is the best for Ciel's wellbeing....BB is my comfort anime which I truly adore and Sebaciel is the main purpose why BB have become such comfort anime of mine...mainly because of their complex dynamic of sebaciel!! Sebaciel is my happiness!! I never stopped shipping them...I like other yaoi ships as well but sebaciel is my comfort ship above all!
Antis live in the similar motto of 'Playing violent videogames like COD makes you a real life mass shooter'....if that's true then Japan and South Korea would beat the US charts in the mass shooting satistics....it is as same as 'Proshippers are pedophiles' stupid statement... Am I a pedophile then? I personally stay miles away from kids as I find them annoying...when will they learn that Fiction =/= Reality ?!?!
Antis call us 'Proshitters' ...we proshippers don't care what you call us ....If you don't like it, then you shouldn't engage with it . But don't ruin other people's happiness just because of your own personal morals, opinion and personal values. Everyone has their own personal freedom and rights , falsely accusing of someone then reporting to tumblr A.I. police LMAO!!
From the deepest respect of deactivated fellow Sebaciel shippers :
#1 @Lunerium
#2 @Cielconsumer
Fellow remaining loyal sebaciel proshippers, Please find a tumblr loop hole where you can restore these account or any actions against cyber bully? please let me know...
We need to Avenge Lunerium and Cielconsumer ....We need to stop this mess!! If this keeps happening someday I will get vanished too...Antis will start filliping tables when will they see canon sebaciel in green witch arc! We need to stick up for each other!
Thank you for listening to my ted talk !
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seth-burroughs · 26 days
Still genuinely so fucking shocked and appalled that people STILL sexualize Yomi while knowing he's literally 3. That is a child no matter how many proshitter mental gymnastics you do in order to convince yourself you aren't a predator. It DOES NOT MATTER whether he was an adult with a job before the cloning, ALL IT MATTERS IS THAT HE IS TECHNICALLY, LITERALLY, LEGITIMATELY A SMALL CHILD(!!!) RIGHT NOW ACCORDING TO ALL LAWS. A normal, non-icky person wouldn't even doubt that, so if you, like, thought that far in order to justify it that's pretty weirddddd imo lolll likeeee why are you so adamant on sexualizing 3-y*ar oldsss lmaoooooo
I didn't want to mention this at first, but I cannot just leave it unadressed, no matter how sick to the core it makes me... and that is, the concerning rise of m*koy///omi content in Rain Code fandom. No matter how much Yomi himself is minor-coded, Makoto is minor-coded to a way higher degree. You cannot argue with this. Listen I don't want to hear anything about "ohhhh but he is an adulttt" I do not care. I do not care about how much proof there is that he's a major, that does not fucking matter if he LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING CHILD. Is THIS your fucking waifu? Is that the hill you wanna die on. Then do it. Not like I care. I'm making a callout post. I'm hunting down all your mutuals and telling them you're a sicko that fetishizes minor x minor-coded minor content. I wonder what you'll do then.
But, you know. Whatever. Shit like this happens every day in fandom. People are disgusting. People dissapoint me. People leave me. Discard me. Because I tell them how illegal their ships are. No one cares, because they're all sickos, and I am the only normal person in fandom. I don't let it get to me. Life goes on, you know? If I ever get too stressed out scrolling yaoi on tumblr I can always scroll yaoi on twitter. My own son won't even speak to me. He's 6 months old, but I know he's just giving me the silent treatment. Because he fucking hates me. Because I'm the only one in this fandom to try and keep the fucking order, and people hate that. They hate all authority.
So please. Sophia, sugarplum. Please. Unprivate your likes tab. Don't let the fucking likes tab get between us, Sophia. Show me the yaoi you've been looking up. Why are you scared? Because you've been lying to me? Because, when my back was turned, you were romanticizing abusive relationships? No. No, Sophia. It's not just fiction. It's my life, Sophia. So. Unprivate your likes section. Unprivate your likes. Why won't you discord call me anymore. Do you remember how we used to run. I will not lose my twin flame to the fiendish predatory height difference. Not ever again. Not ever.
Do Not Fucking Interact with this post if you are a: basic DNI criteria, timeskip plot apologist, axclusionist, support lesbians, an abuser/racist/groomer/illegal ship supporter/a serial killer, below 18 or above 19, engage in k*nk, if you enjoy irredeemable media such as D*nganronpa, Homesfuck, Gr*vity Fa//s, Mcyt, H*zbin H*tel, FnaF or musicals (complete list at pinned), ship Yuma or Makoto with adults, ship Yuma or Makoto with minors, are a Sh*nigami apologist, a self-shipper, if you have impure thoughts, are anti-harassment, a system, toothpaste flag users, h*llectro shipper (IT'S LITERAL ABUSE YOU FREAKS), do not approach all media critically, do not approach all media with contempt, annoying people, icky people, bots, do not approach state-sanctioned executions uncritically, if you support abuse especially in fiction, sexualize Fubuki (minor-coded), yanderes, if you enjoy gross characters, cannot respect my safe space, interact positively with my disowned disgusting daughter, are an asshole, are a freak (you know who you are), if you reblog from my mutuals (they are mine. no one elses.) s*th fans are fine ig but on thin fucking ice. will be updated with time always check the og post for edits before reblogging or I will make a callout post for your offense
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just-antithings · 3 months
idk if this has already been said but I noticed that a majority of antis (who aren't on the extreme side) have pro shippers in their DNIs when what they actually mean is people who ship incest and child x adult characters (and age gap ships lumped in as that). I noticed this mainly because a lot of the time the anti in question will have ships that , by anti logic, would definitely count as "problematic" to ship but because it's not incest or child x adult , it doesn't "count"
This is especially noticeable with people who like "toxic" yaoi/Yuri/whatever. I know that a majority are just misusing the term "toxic" for their vanilla ships and getting pissed off at ships that's actually toxic and thus watering down serious red flags in irl relationships, that's worth a discussion on its own
It just interesting how people will gladly ship murderers/stalkers with their victims and down play their actions, but heavens forbid you point out the incest between Rick and Morty
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absolutebl · 1 year
I was watching TharnType for the first time. I started wondering why people have issues with gay for you and wifey and other things like that. From what I'm seeing it isn't intended in a harmful spirit. It's not received badly in the show in context. I'm not just specifically talking about TharnType but just these tropes in general. I was wondering if someone, the writer/screenwriter, director, any actor or someone else said that they'd intended it as demeaning or in a bad way... I don't know if I phrased that correctly. But I guess I'm wondering what people are basing this on. Even UWMA's Pharm's entire demeanor. Before I watched it I'd read that he is too feminine and damsel in distress-y. But watching the show made me realize that he is traumatized. I noticed similar patterns with other shows as well. Is it audience interpretations?
BL Is a Mess of Really Damaging Stuff & You Probably Shouldn't Just Accept it
Because, if you do just accept it without thought, you're also being damaged. If you're gay, you're being taught a type of gayness that doesn't exist and will fuck up your expectations. If you're straight you're misinterpreting what an entire group of people are like (that's prejudice, FYI). And if you're somewhere in between you're learning really bad behavior patterns for your coming out and self actualization journey.
And no, I don't think you're capable of distinguishing fiction from reality, because you've just asked a question that patently demonstrates a burgeoning parasocial tendency. (And yes, parasocial relationships can and do form with fictional characters. Why do you think I am so terrified by KinnPorsche fandom and shipper culture?)
Here have some education, first one is free:
Imaginary Friends & Real-World Consequences: Parasocial Relationships (YouTube video)
But also, if you don't want me to rant about this, and you just wanted to justify your questionable taste, you should stop reading right now. I get it, denial is great! Go sail that river.
Here I am talking about the good BL can do. That doesn't mean I'm blind to its flaws.
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Still reading?
Okay, well, now you asked for it.
And guess what, I'm not gonna sugar lube coat it.
Consider yourself Drunk Type lying in a bed and I'm Tharn's c*** shoving some dry BL reality into your a******.
Oh, don't like that image, do you?
Tough nuts.
Put yourself in my position. I don't wanna have to do this either.
Consider this a "BL narratives made me do it" post.
I'm not responsible for anything, I'm just an archetype.
I'll be your seme for today and you were all just "too cute" for me to resist and now you have to take some tumblr dub con...
But first:
Seme uke when it specifically conflates seme with "the man" and uke with "the girl" is old fashioned, anti-feminist, and anti-queer. Here's some of where I talk about it, but I talk about it a lot. Too much, some might say.
Pharm is a blushing maiden archetype character, I talk about it and what that means here:
It's sex negative. And a lot of it stems from internalized misogyny and ties to something called benevolent sexism. It's pretty rampant in BL.
Yes I think Pharm's behavior can be perceived as traumatized, but that trauma is brought about by In's past actions and the fact that In was punished (BY THE NARRATIVE) not just for being gay but for being a self-actualized pro-sex uke character.
There is a distinction being made between critical discourse over narrative versus how the characters behavior makes an audience feel (within the immersive experience of the drama). Some viewers care about this distinction, others do not.
I very much get why someone might like TharnType (I did) but actually also, you might want to think about why you like it despite the messages the narrative is sending... You might want to think about not just the characters in their little perfect romance world together, but consider if you were in the position of either of those characters how you would feel or behave.
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And NOW the Dub Con Portion of tonight's BL party
Okay I was trying to be my usual semiseme-welcoming snark self but ya know what, let's be VERY FUCKING CLEAR HERE because I am jet lagged and tetchy....
We (the collective of BL critics here on tumblr) aren't always talking about WHAT is depicted so much as HOW it's depicted, and whether that HOW allows the WHAT to skate by without encouraging the audience to reflect on the damage the WHAT does to their own perception of what is romantic. Or what is queer. Or what is morally acceptable for decent human interaction.
Like thinking, for example, that it's okay for Tharn to RAPE Type while he is drunk.
Why on earth is that okay? It's NOT OKAY. It's just NOT!!!!
Did Type ask for it?
Did he dress too sexy?
Was his skirt too short?
Was he too much of a jerk?
Did he want it anyway?
Did he not protest enough?
Did he protest too much?
You gonna make that call for him, are you? You read his mind (apparently the way Tharn can?)
What if you were actually in Type's position? Roommates with someone you didn't like who molested you when you were drunk. At home. In your own bed. What if that roommate didn't look like Tharn? What if your roommate were the wrong gender or body type or age or familial relationship (!) for your preferences? How would you actually feel?
Because if you're okay with this, really okay for yourself, you have a strong kink and you need to seek out the appropriate community or you are signing up for a very abusive relationship and likely an early death.
Can't put yourself in Type's shoes/bed?
How about Tharn?
Are you the kind of human who would molest a drunk person just because you desired him? Her?
Because they're homophobic and you want to punish them with your queerness?
Because they were a jerk to you?
You always get back at people by raping them?
You an old white dude putting your hand down secretary's shirts because they're just "too cute to resist"?
Why should you have to resist taking what you want? Who cares that there is a whole other human involved?
Grabbing ladies by the pussy any chance you get and bragging about it, are ya? Or is it somehow different or less damaging because TT is dude on dude?
So, are you gonna justify taking what you want and violating another person because they're the same sex?
Now who's being "gay for you"? This is going all the way into DL closet case "it doesn't count if it's with a man" territory.
Because if you are any of the above 8, please block me right tf now. (And... do I have a world leader to recommend for YOU to get into a car with.)
Fucking TharnType.
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I talk about dub con here:
My initial post about TharnType is here, but more recently here's us having a whole ThanType discourse unpacking Mame among other things as part of the BL movement both as a genre and as a fandom:
and here's an important article on rape culture in Thailand
Gay for you talked about here:
Wife language talked about here:
I'm gonna go watch some BL trash that, hopefully, doesn't have any rape in it. (You never know tho...)
Fuck me (consensually) I am so tired.
I'd drink but I did too much of that already this week.
Maybe I need to eat something.
Don't troll m,e just block me.
For heaven's sake please.
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lnkedmyheart · 11 months
I don't know, I think its weird that so many people are trying to blame soukoku shippers for imaginary problems and acting like skk shippers have a gun to their head forcing them to do things.
Like I dont understand how Hoshikawa drawing 15 is a bad thing just because the same artist made beast just because YOU made up some headcanon in your head. I dont understand why any exploration of Dazai and Chuuya's dynamic in the past gets written off as Asagiri being forced to pander to the "yaoi loving fetishizing" skk shippers as if those two aren't major parts of each other's past and don't have a complex and deep bond. I get being overwhelmed by too much skk content when you dont like it. But to actively make up lies so it can justify your hateful narrative against a bunch of people just trying to enjoy content through made up non existent scenarios is weird as hell to me.
And it just rubs me really weird that skk shippers get written off as yaoi fangirls like many of us aren't queer people interacting with a queer ship. Or is yaoi fetishizing only limited to skk or other popular ships and not whatever ship the anti fixates on?
The number of times I have seen the mildest interaction between skk be written off as cheap fanservice and pandering to the skk shippers is insane. Chuuya appears and doesn't talk about Dazai? Cheap fanservice. Chuuya shows up for a plot relevant role? Cheap pandering. Dazai has a nice moment with any other character? Character development. Dazai is nice to Chuuya? Cheap fanservice. And the moment we got light novels and side manga adaptations of said novels for skk everyone just started raging at and bashing skk shippers and Chuuya stans like we were personally offending people that Asagiri decided that 1 of his many bsd pet projects happened to be about the past of a character who is a major part of Dazai, one of the main character's past. As if stormbringer, fifteen, dead apple and the dragon head prologue parts didn't add anything to Dazai's established character.
I am so tired of skk haters acting like they are the victims of neglect by Asagiri or acting like Asagiri, Hoshikawa and Harukawa are sobbing in a locked room and only getting slices of dry bread when they pledge allegiance to skk nation or some shit.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Annabeth Chase
I feel like fandom is kinda split on her with percabeth shippers loving her but any m/m shipper I've seen does not like her, really. She is my bae tho <3
Percabeth antis grind my gears so much because they never hate Percy, nono, even though he's arguably done more questionable stuff than Annabeth. Not everyone who hates her is doing so because of a mlm ship— the Perachel stans claim that Annabeth is a misogynist. However, basically everyone that isn't trying to ship her boyfriend with Rachel is trying to ship him with Jason, Nico, or her old friend Luke. They make her out to be this horrible abusive girlboss(derogatory) that she's simply... not. She doesn't insult Percy for having ADHD just because she's highly intelligent. She doesn't physically abuse him, and doesn't lay a finger on him outside of training. She's really devoted to him in a non-anti-feminist way. They just hate her for 'getting in the way' of Nico's convoluted attraction to Percy, or Jason's close friendship with him, or Luke's rivalry with him. But those relationships all flourish the way they were intended by the author: non-romantically. It's not Annabeth's fault for being intelligent or capable or jokingly snide or determined or any of those non-stereotypically-feminine qualities. She's just out here existing and people hate her for not being a man. Sorry for the rant.
She's canonically in a relationship with Percy Jackson for most of the books they're in, but he often gets paired in canon with other male characters, such as Nico di Angelo or Jason Grace. In fan fiction (especially yaoi focused ones) she's characterized as being a stuck up know it all, but she gets into plenty of shenanigans in canon and can be pretty goofy and sweet!
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
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dukeofdelirium · 8 days
You're so real for this...2024 and I still see people said, "Aw how cute it is between Light and Misa or (any female characters)...."
See, even for someone who don't really like shipping, since the first I watch Death Note anime, then read the manga, I can't get it if people don't ship Light with L...
When I found your blog : Lawlight & Kataang shipper, yes? Kindred spirit...See, when I tell people I ship Kataang, most people will be 😁😆🥰🤩 but then I said I'm Lawlight shipper, people be like 😑😭🙁☹
Like, why people can't love 2 very different ships, right?
So, in ATLA, are you Zuko/Mai or Zuko/Sokka shipper or neither? Why?
Right?? I don’t get it fr. Shipping Light with Misa specifically is like.. LMFAO I CANTTTT he literally hates her so much but it isn’t even that he hates her, he actively avoids all sorts of intimacy with her and when he Does do something, he only does so to continue using her as a pawn. I mean, the only reason he even kept her alive was bc he didn’t have a choice in the first place bc of Rem. And like, his avoidance and internal rejection of her and other women isn’t even a “Kira” thing, bc he still did so when he was memoryless and we also know he avoided dating girls pre death note/Kira persona bc he said he was “waiting until college” etc. So there’s a clear canonical pattern of Light avoiding romantic relationships with women. Which on its own would be like ok whatever, but at the same time there is a clear pattern of an active interest in male characters even when they are equal to the female characters such as Takada vs Mikami. There’s also the fact he shows no discomfort whenever L touches him specifically during Yotsuba arc, and also the fact that in the manga he asked one of his friends to send him a holiday card to which his friend replied “I only send them to girls” which is essentially stating this is a romantic gesture and Light did just ask for it.
I mean, I could go on and on but there is quite a lot of gay coding going on in the manga and then of course in the anime and subsequent DN adaptations (minus the Netflix movie that we shall pretend doesn’t exist)
I don’t rlly get the hatred toward Lawlight tbh? It’s pretty weird, because their relationship is like… 90% of the appeal of Death Note imo. But to each their own I suppose. Personally, I just think there is a lot of canonical justification and intentional gay coding/subtext to warrant it.
If Ohba didn’t want us to ship lawlight then perhaps they shouldn’t have written them to be some sort of fucked up soulmate pair who complete each other and perhaps they shouldn’t have make jokes hinting at L and Light having a homosexual undertone to their relationship and PERHAPS they shouldn’t have had an entire story arc where L literally handcuffs himself to Light for 100 days straight and where they share an UNMONITORED room…. LMFAOOO that right there was 100000% ship tease idc what anyone says. Ohba knew what they were doing idgaf
And yeah I know about the kataang stuff. It’s weird for me too. See Lawlight is my OTP hands down. Kataang is a strong second contender. I love both pairings about the same but in very different ways. It’s funny because they’re very drastically different pairings of course, but that also is the stories themselves and the narratives.
Kataang is about the most wholesome ship you could ship meanwhile Lawlight is inherently fucked up butttttttttt Death Note itself is a fairly mature story dealing with inherently fucked up subject matter and characters so there’s rlly no avoiding that.
I don’t rlly care what someone thinks of my ship preferences, the only thing that annoys me is antis who misrepresent canon like with Kataang or antis with Lawlight who basically say we’re bad ppl for shipping it. Like as if Lawlight isn’t a huge ship in anime/manga lol. Truly one of the forefathers of toxic yaoi 🤣
As for who I ship Zuko with: I do ship Maiko though I’ll say I’m not hugely invested in the pairing. I don’t have much to say on it other than I enjoy their scenes in the show and I think they are a nice couple. I don’t care for Zuko and Sokka, I think it’s kind of in that same category as zvtara and I don’t care for that ship at all.
I actually ship Zuko with Aang lol. Like Zuko and Aang when they’re older, I can get behind zukaang 100% in part because they are like that kindred spirit thing similar to lawlight to me. I really enjoy that aspect of their relationship and I again think canonically, zukaang would be plausible if it weren’t for maiko and kataang.
Anyway, thanks for the message! Hope this answered your question :)
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lay1306 · 11 days
why are there no normal cute jikook posts anywhere?? it's either the most foul and cruel taekookers and antis, or the most cringe shippers that talk like they're reading yaoi. Is nobody normal about irl ships anymore? whatever happened to 'omg they're cute I want what they have'
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