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coneygoil · 6 months ago
Hiccstrid or RumBelle?👉🏻👈🏻😁 you’re welcome🤭
why must you make me choose!?!? As much as I love Rumple and Belle, I’m going with hiccstrid. They have such a healthy relationship and we got to watch them grow up and grow in love and start a family.
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phoenixwrites · 9 months ago
How do you keep yourself from feeling down about your haters/anti your ships?
There’s these (literally) 5 girls who think they’re the queens of my current small fandom and their hate is starting to get to me even though I try to let it roll off my back.
How do you do it, Phoenix?🥺 How do you keep the Plastics from ruining your fandoms and ships?
Oh goodness, Sass, I'm so sorry. I've been in my fair share of fandom dramas (the worst being last summer) and it's never an easy thing to deal with.
I want to gently correct you, though. The hate DOES get to me. Last summer, there were anons in my inbox telling me I deserved to be sexually assaulted as a child because I support dark fic writers. There were anons calling me a pedophile. There is a 600 note reblog going around the Stranger Things fandom claiming I was a pedophile. I was suicidal at that point, because it was triggering as hell.
But at the same time, I refused to give up MY tumblr space because of bullies. This is my blog. I've had it since 2011, it has been a space of freeverse, of gossip, of art, and of joy. I will not change that for the satisfaction of a few teenagers who think TikTok is activism.
I got through it a few ways.
Turn off anons. I am a stubborn bitch and I only turned my anon off once during that period, right after someone told me I deserved being assaulted at seven years old. I turned it off for one night then turned it right back on, because I hated limiting access to my lovely anons because of bullies--same reason I haven't privatized my AO3 account, even though AI very likely will steal my work. I hate the thought of some anon who reads my fics for comfort being denied access to them. But that's my thing. Turning off anon is the best way to shut off their power to hurt you. If you don't want to turn off anon, delete their messages. I am CHOOSY about which anons I answer. They are reaching out to me, on MY blog, it's my decision whether I deign to answer them or not. If I'm in the right mood for it, I might be trolly and snarky. If they're sweet, I love to hear from them. But I delete just as many as I answer.
Get off the internet. The internet is my space where I can zone out and do whatever I want. Sometimes that means watching a carefully curated selection of TV shows while writing fanfic. Sometimes it means doing TV show meta. Sometimes it's just goofing off. But the internet is chocolate, it's a lovely sweet treat. But if you have nothing but chocolate, you will get sick. Take walks. Go outside. Forget online drama (it's never that serious), enjoy your offline friends, snuggle your furry friends, go out for a cup of coffee and read a book.
Curate your experience. If you see someone with an absolutely RANCID take--like how Eddie wasn't flirting outrageously with Chrissy (sure jan) or Neal was a rapist, whatever. Don't engage, don't comment, don't reblog. BLOCK THOSE BITCHES. Block the people who make you feel weird. Block someone who used to be in your fandom but has moved onto reblogging something that annoys you. Block, block, block. Or use tumblr savior assiduously. When it was really bad in Hellcheer land, I watched Smallville and blogged about it until I felt ready to play in Hellcheer again.
At the end of last summer, the hate started dying off for a couple of reasons.
One, school was starting (yes, I do believe the majority of these bitchy anons are bored children, they ALWAYS have an uptick during school breaks).
Two, I got a book deal. I was too thrilled with my success and though they tried to threaten me, it didn't have much of a sting. My publisher and agent don't give a shit about the latest fandom drama. My editor LOVES horror and darklit.
Three, I fell in love. I have an incredibly wonderful partner who is a writer too (for television! I used to write fanfic for a show he worked on! :D). Autumn was an incredibly wonderful season of joy for me (minus my then-work troubles) which bled into a romantic winter, a challenging spring, and now it's becoming a lovely summer.
I had a bunch of lovely things happen to me that made me realize that the internet is actually quite small. It doesn't matter if STEDDIELOVER69 hates me or believes I'm a pedophile. What matters is that there are plenty of other folks who love reading my work, who like hearing my thoughts, who enjoy my VQ gossip, and those are the people I want to engage with.
Those folks don't know you and the joy you experience every day. Keep that joy close to your heart, as closely as they keep their own bitterness and cruelty.
You'll be all right, love. I promise it gets better.
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ronsenthal · 3 months ago
I’ve been following you for almost a year and it JUST hit me that your URL is RONsenthal🤯 that’s genius but now I’m worried for my brain
Omg hahahaha it's okay!! It was such a small subtle change that sometimes when I'm typing Rosie's full name I forget it too.
But yeah it was my big brain moment in this website 🥹
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heatherfield · 1 year ago
4; 11; 15 for SwanFire 🤗 (I was surfing the SwanFire tag lol)
4. Favourite non-sexual activity?
Hmm... I think they really like going to "Granny's" for a good burger and fries, or maybe sometimes taking it out on the road in the bug to a nice look-out spot. I think they enjoy the casual date night, low-key treat feeling of it all where they can just relax together. (Don't know if that would be the top favourite, but at least one of their favourite things!)
11. Who tops?
Um, they probably switch it up? But I'll say Emma, if I have to choose. 😂
15. Who wakes up first?
I think they're both late risers, but Emma's schedule probably means she's gotta get moving before Neal—much as he tries to keep her in bed with him for as long as possible. They very much enjoy the rare mornings where they can just lay around together and enjoy a lazy morning.
Thanks so much for the ask! And thanks for waiting.
Send me a pairing/ship and a number.
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little-catholic-diva · 7 months ago
Awww, @sassyandclassy94 got triggered because I called her out on her hypocrisy and hatred towards Catholics and blocked me. Lmao.
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air-exec · 10 months ago
1,2, & 11 for the MotA ask
MotA Ask
I'm gonna be honest, I went and re-watched like half the series to answer the first two questions haha.
1. What is your favorite episode? Picking a favorite is way harder than picking a least favorite, in my opinion. But, probably Pt. 2; The vibes are a little different, and I like the little highlight it gives to the ground crew (they deserved more screen time >:( )
2. What is your least favorite episode? So there are a couple of episodes where I skip like half of the episode now. Leaning toward Pt. 6. (I just... do not care about the Croz/Sandra storyline)
11. Which actor was most suited for their role in the show? I LOVED Nate Mann as Rosie in this. He's on the younger end of the main cast, and this was a big project for someone with such a short career so far. (Manifesting Nate Mann casting announcements in 2024)
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dragonanne · 1 year ago
"Soni’s limbs trembled, and her wings sagged so low they touched the ground."
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eviebelieve-y · 8 months ago
Tag Game - TV show GIFs
rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag people
Thank you @sassyandclassy94 for tagging me!
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I don’t think I have enough followers to tag but if you see this, consider yourself tagged!
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fentybucky · 10 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
uhhh love that 🤩
1) my dog
2) music
3) footie
4) books
5) this is gonna be hilarious: actors/singers fancams (I have no clue of how many videos I saved on tiktok)
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dragonanne4fun · 11 months ago
🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻I’d hang out with you if I could❤️
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Thank you🫶🥹
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morningdawnbreaks · 2 months ago
So excited to read this story! Thanks for the tag @sassyandclassy94
Of Sunburns, Vinegar, and a Sun-Poisoned Coxswain
Bobby Moch x Original Female Character
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Summary: Bobby has to forego the victory party due to a sudden illness and gets an unexpected (but very welcome) visitor
Rating: Teen and up for a couple suggestive comments (mild, crude humor as they say in the movies, lol)
Word count: 5,006
Triggers: Vomit, fever
Authors note: Events and duties of a typical race day was told to me by an actual coxswain👀
Tags: @youredoinggreat-honey @fictional-at-heart @morningdawnbreaks
It started out a great day! The Washington boys won the Poughkeepsie regatta; defeating the ivy league schools of the East Coast (plus California, their biggest rivals) and clinching their spot in the Olympic Games a little later in the summer. But it wasn’t ending as a good day. In fact, the great day turned into a miserable evening. At least it did for the Washington crew’s savvy little coxswain, Bobby Moch.
He started the day feeling hyped and ready to go. Sure the New York humidity made his asthma flare up but it wasn’t anything too terrible. Not like cold air did anyway. Before their race he did what he always did: Kept his boys focused and their heads in the boat, helped them ready and carry the Husky Clipper , watched the other races, psyched out his competition, and won their own race of course, then watched some more races. It was an entire day in the sun.
More on AO3
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coneygoil · 9 months ago
What fic of yours only got 18???
it’s one of my Lord of the Rings fanfics. A little one shot about Sam explaining to his oldest son who Frodo was.
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phoenixwrites · 8 months ago
Your steddies sound an awful lot like CSers and Don x Bobby shippers from the boys in the boat fandom. You have my sympathies and please know I admire you for how you deal with them🙏🏻 if it were me I’d be so drained
I would actually say they are WORSE than CSers, just out of the sheer entitlement of MLM fans in fandom spaces. It's not enough for them to be creative in their own right, they viciously attack anyone that "interferes" or "threatens" their ship.
I've seen it with Destiel, I've seen it with Stucky, I've seen it with Johnlock, I've seen it with Steddie. Stucky fans harassed Hayley Atwell off of Twitter, Johnlock was utterly horrible to the actress who played Molly, Irene Adler, Watson's wife, Destiel was hideous to the actresses who played Jo, Ruby, and Meg, and now...Steddie.
(this is just fandoms I've been a part of, I'm not even getting into all of the fandoms I've seen this kind of behavior...)
It's an incredibly irritating and toxic pattern that goes across fandoms and I need them to knock it off. Supporting a MLM ship does not absolve you of blatant misogyny.
If you don't like a girl in your ship, then fuck off to your own tag and leave the rest of us alone.
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ronsenthal · 3 months ago
Hellooo!!! 🏐 🌦️ 🎉 for the ask game🤗
🏐 sport
Ok so besides football (soccer), f1 and tennis I really like basketball
🌦️ weather
I really like when it's cloudy outside
🎉 holiday
being brazilian one of the major holidays is Carnaval, 3 to 5 days without work, good food and samba, the biggest spectacle on earth etc
thanks for asking bby
random emoji-based questions to sate your curiosity
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themeepyfreak · 2 years ago
Day 4: A Personal Headcanon
My HC is that after talking to August and deciding to leave Emma to her destiny, Neal went back to the meeting place to say goodbye to Emma, but it was too late.
Canonically, in "Tallahassee", when Neal went to fence the watches, he left the bug with Emma. Therefore, when August intercepted Neal and persuaded him to leave Emma, the bug was still in Emma's possession. So when Emma was arrested, the bug was most likely close to where Emma was waiting for Neal. This means that in order for Neal to have had the bug when he confronted August later in Canada, Neal must have gone back to where the bug was (close to where Emma was waiting for him) before leaving to Canada.
Personally, I think that an hour or two after Neal stood Emma up, he started to feel bad about leaving without a word, so he tried to go back to the meeting place hours later than they planned to at least give her a goodbye. However, when Neal reached the meeting place, Emma was already gone (since August called the cops on Emma- confirmed by A&E on Twitter- and she was arrested) though the bug was still nearby. I think Neal assumed that Emma left on her own (or that August already connected with her), so he took the bug and went to Canada.
It's not until Neal was already in Canada when he opened the trunk; saw all of Emma's possessions, including the baby blanket she never left without (since canonically, Emma didn't have anything on her when she was arrested); and realized that something was wrong. Afterwards, he tried to look for Emma, found out that she was arrested for the watches, tried to locate which prison she was in with no luck, and finally contacted August to get some answers. That's when August told Neal about calling the cops and convinced Neal that Emma was better off in jail (since it's not like Neal could have bailed her out anyway). This led to Neal requesting to meet August in person where they had their second canon conversation in which Neal (naively) promised not to reunite with Emma until after the curse was broken if August took care of Emma and made sure that Emma got the money and the bug (with all of her possessions, including her baby blanket, inside).
Disclaimer: This hc probably contains plot holes. It's just my best reasoning of what happened in "Tallahassee" based on the canon events and characterizations. I also don't mean to villainize August in this HC; I actually have theories on why August makes the decisions he does in "Tallahassee", but this post is already too long without going into August's perspective. Maybe if people are interested, I'll make another post on August's point-of-view specifically.
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heatherfield · 10 months ago
YESSSSSS!! Also I love seeing my gifs out in the wild. 🥰
Ship so good they couldn’t take them being endgame 😅
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