omega-musings writing
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omegamusings-writigs · 3 months ago
I think a canon compliant Alpha Sanji would probably be kinda sexist to Zoro, but in a way that affirms Zoro's personal hang ups about being an Omega so he oddly appreciates how weird the chef is about it.
Like Sanji joins the crew and is all like "omegas are so soft and need to be treated gently and nurtured and taken care of by me 🫶 Sanji the big smart Alpha" and then he meets Zoro, someone who really can't be described as "soft", and he's like "UGH NOT YOU!!!! you're not soft OR delicate so you don't count in my pampering of the lovely ladies 💖" and cus of that functionally treats zoro no differently. And Zoro, even tho he understands that he's being judged for how he doesn't fit into the standards of what an omega should be, honestly prefers this cus Sanji still treats him as one of the guys.
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omegamusings-writigs · 1 year ago
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figuring out the timeline for the first 12 chapters of my akatsuki reverse harem fic
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
I’m sorry, but can you specify the gender of the alpha and the tags or before you start the post? I’ve been looking in the tags and through all of your post to see whether it was gender, neutral or not, and I can’t find a thing. Please tag your post or label them correctly so it can reach the right audience.
i try to write all my readers as neutral as possible, which includes their gender, to make it more immersive
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Being Alpha!Hidan’s Omega
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Originally posted: Dec 24, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 29, 2022
Naruto Omegaverse
Original a/n: best regards to the anon that asked me to do something with hidan 3000 years ago. sorry it took so long.
you know the trope where person a is an asshole to everyone expect to person b but won’t show anyone else they have a soft spot for them?
that is your relationship
at least at first
after you mated properly, he’s an incredibly proud alpha and has no shame in showing you some affection in front of others
the really sappy stuff is reserved for your eyes only tho and it doesn’t happen often
obviously you have to either be a jashinist yourself or at least respect his religion in order for you two to work
if you’re not a jashinist when you two meet, he probably tried to convert you
weather or not you decide to convert, he will stop his attempts after you get mated 
since you’re now officially bonded to him, he consideres you at least an honorary member of his religion
anyways, kakuzu now knows all your favourite colours, foods, animals, ect because hidan would not shut up about you when you were freshly mated 
also he just thought it was funny to annoy the old man
you’ve had to put him back together multiple times because he got on other people’s nerves lmao
he tends to be very easy going around you
it’s mentioned multiple times in canon that he tends to lose his temper but even if he gets mad at you he would never let his anger out on you
he’s more likely to just storm off and cool off on his own before returning and either talking it out more calmly or pretending it never happened
 he’s incredibly loyal to you (he has experience in devoting his life to someone after all) and he doesn’t believe you would ever stray from him either
however he does get possessive if other alpha’s show interest in you
your taken and they should damn well know it
their not even worthy of getting sacrificed to jashin but unless you stop him he’s probably going to kill them
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[hc] Being Omega!Gaara’s Alpha
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Originally posted: Aug 07, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 29, 2022
Naruto Masterlist
you met gaara on a mission with team 7
your own team mates were all hospitalized in a past mission so you were sent with kakashi’s team to deal with some bandits at the border to the land of wind
during your fight against sand shinobi, your alpha instincts urged you into taking a kunai for the redheaded omega
gaara is shocked
naruto is pissed at you and starts yelling about ultimate defense
you realize later that it was completely senseless for you to jump in front of gaara, seeing as how he is protected by his sand
you and gaara grow closer during the mission, to the surprise of everyone
after the mission is over, you keep in touch with gaara through letters
you see each other a few times on different missions but when he becomes kazegake, this stops
gaara won’t admit it but he misses seeing you, even if it was a somewhat rare occurrence
it isn’t long into his reign as kazegage, that you start receiving letters of him in which he complains about the council pushing him to finding an alpha
really the council had only brought it up like once that he should consider finding a mate soon but gaara secretly hopes that if you think he is supposed to find an alpha, you might come and claim him
you don’t see this though and actually think the exact opposite, that he is trying to politely let you know that he will be finding an alpha in sunagakure and is trying to break contact
when you learn of him getting kidnapped by the akatsuki however, you go ballistic and follow naruto to save your omega
you break down when you find him dead and as chiyo gives her life for him, you are more than thankful to her
she tells you to grow some balls and confess to him when he’s awake since everyone can smell your distressed alpha scent
you listen to her advise and tell gaara of your feelings as soon as he’s able to comprehend things said to him
as he tells you that he feels the same for you and your scent shifts again, everyone around you is cheering
you move to sunagakure relatively quickly since he, as kazekage, can’t leave and you can’t really keep an alpha from their omega for long
now finally getting into your relationship:
this omega is touch!! starved!!
when he isn’t on duty he needs all them cuddles, always
also, get’s super soft if you tell him what a good omega he is
after you move to sunagakure, he asks you to mark him pretty quickly
blushes the whole time tho
if you become a sand shinobi, he absolutely hates sending you on missions
you already don’t have a lot of time to spend together because of his duties as kazekage and it’s even worse if you’re on missions
so he will prefer if you become an instructor or stop being a shinobi altogether but he won’t stop you from doing what you want because he wants you to be happy
he won’t admit it but he loves seeing you get along with his siblings
generally, he isn’t very vocal about his affections
shows it instead by literally clinging to you when you are alone
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[hc] Being Alpha!Choji’s Omega
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Originally posted: Aug 09, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 12, 2022
Naruto Masterlist
one of the best alphas ever
i take no criticism on this
he gives you the best cuddles if you want them
always makes sure his omega is well fed
and will throw hands with anyone who disrespects you
he’s so good at comforting you if you’re upset
he’ll figure out if you’re someone who requires hugs or distance or a mix of both and then do exactly that
his hugs are the best btw
if he gets overly exited after not seeing you for a while, his hugs might be a little tight but he will never hurt you
as cliché as it sounds, he loves taking you out to eat when you’re on dates
but it’s not just finding a random place you’re in the mood for and eating there, no
it’s a whole adventure when you’re on a date
you two will find a restaurant you haven’t been to yet or a place that offers something you haven’t tried yet
then you order something new for you to try and the two of you will rate the food
at this point, restaurants want you and your alpha to rate their food since you two have gotten a reputation as food testers
he also remembers everything you like or dislike
like not just the big things, all the small details about your food preferences are memorised better than your family ever did
so on anniversaries he either orders your favourite food for you or he cooks it himself how he knows you like it
okay i’m done projecting my fantasies as a picky eater 
he is a very soft and loving alpha but also requires love in return
even if you’re not a huge cuddler, he lives for the moments in which you do cuddle with him
he also supports whatever career choice you pick
if you’re a shinobi, he loves training with you but would rather not go on missions with you since he knows that he will be distracted
he doesn’t like being apart from you for long, of course, but he’s not as clingy as other alphas (kiba) since he believes that absence makes the heart grow fonder
he also loves welcoming you back home/ being welcomed back home and then spending the whole day relaxing with you 
if you’re not a shinobi, he will still support you however he can 
he would very much like having pups with you but if you don’t want any, he is perfectly content with it just being you and him
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Nesting
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Originally posted: Mar 17, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 29, 2022
Naruto Masterlist
naruto never had an omega parent to teach him how to build proper nests
he also spends most of his allowance on ramen 
so when it came to nesting, he didn’t have much to work with
he usually just threw the blankets he had onto his bed and then roll around on and in-between them until he got comfy enough
whenever he did this, he was usually too lazy to take his makeshift nest apart again afterwards so it stayed the way it was until it got too smelly for him to bear
then when he starts courting you, he realizes you might expect a proper nest from him
spends a lot of time panicking about this
he finally got you to be his alpha, what if you want to leave him if he can’t provide a good enough nest for the two of  you to spend time in?
ofc you wouldn't leave him for this but he is’t thinking rationally atm
you end up picking up on his distressed scent and asking about it
after finding out about his worries, you go together to a nesting store and stock up on more blankets and pillows that you scent for him
since you were never thought how to make a nest either, the two of you just wing honestly
what matters is that it’s comfortable and that you can cuddle in it
you will now also realize that more and more of your clothes go missing because naruto steals them to put into his nest
he doesn’t bring them back
you’re gonna have to barter for them
good luck
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Being Alpha!Shigaraki’s Omega
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Originally posted: Mar 03, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
shigaraki is the leader of the league of villains. he doesn’t have time for an omega that would surely demand his attention every second of everyday.
but then you wander into the hideout with the burnt rat man and the middle schooler and i guess you aren’t that bad to look at
he’s pretty much immediately intrigued by you and your scent
won’t admit it though, obviously
not even to himself
he convinces himself that he’s just really annoyed by you and that’s why he keeps staring at you
dabi calls him out on his bullshit though
shigaraki tells him to go die
then you get hurt during the attack on the training camp and he goes ape shit
will not leave your side and has threatened to disintegrate anyone who gets close to you
also bears his fangs at every alpha dabi who looks at you
it makes him realize that he absolutely doesn’t want you with any other alpha but him
so he starts scenting you
shigaraki smells of cedar wood but you can also always detect the dry powder-y smell of dust on him
it’s a very nice scent when he rubs it off on you but is quick to turn sharp when he gets protective over you
he never officially asks to court you but you pick up on it when he starts scenting you and also agrees to scent a blanket for you 
he also never pushes you away when you climb into his lap to snuggle up to him
he’ll act annoyed about it, especially when you’re around other people, but actually really likes knowing that you’re safe and with him
dabi teases the shit out of him for “going soft” which earns him the middle finger from both of you
after you become his omega, he really doesn’t like you going out on missions anymore
if you insist on it, he’ll still let you but he’ll be grumpy about it the entire time
will say that it’s because omegas shouldn’t do dangerous shit like that and it has nothing to do with him wanting to keep you specifically safe but everyone knows that’s bullshit, he let’s toga go on missions without a problem
now what he really doesn’t like is you being alone around other alphas and he won’t budge on that 
eventually, he trusts dabi enough to keep an eye on you during missions or just if he can’t be there but that took years of working together and him officially claiming you
overall, shigaraki is a very attentive alpha when it comes to your physical needs but he kinda sucks at the whole emotions and feelings stuff so you’re gonna have to be frank with him
he tries his best but gets frustrated easily and get’s even more frustrated and jealous when others are able to help you better with something than he can
just have patience with him and praise him once in a while ya know
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Being Omega!Shigaraki’s Alpha
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Originally posted: Mar 03, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
Original a/n: In my Omegaverse, omegas first get their heat when they’re 25 and then every few years.
My Hero Masterlist
contains mentions of injury // getting shot at
shigaraki is in his early twenties to he hasn’t experienced heat yet and doesn’t need an alpha
he tells himself that he won’t ever need one since he can just knock himself out with some painkillers or whatever when the time comes
then he meets you as he’s recruiting people for the usj attack
he doesn’t think much of you at first, other than that you don’t smell horrible, i guess
but then as he’s about to go back home with kurogiri and make new plans, you’re suddenly right behind him, slumping forwards
he hadn’t even noticed snipe was shooting at him 
but you did, and you took the bullets for him
doesn’t really know what to make of it at first
while he gets you medical help, he talks himself into thinking that you did it because you thought he was weak
decides that he is mad at you lmao
as soon as you’re up on your feet again, he hounds you for answers and threatens to decay you
it’s gonna take a long ass time to convince him that you didn’t do it because you had shady motives or thought yourself above him
then it’s gonna take even longer for him to realize you’re interested in him
you probably have to spend a few years pining after him until he gets it 
but it’s okay
it’s worth it in the end
shigaraki’s scent is like that of cedar wood with an undertone of sweet smelling dust
when he’s angry, it loses the sweetness and becomes a sharp cedar smell
the more content he is, the sweeter he will smell
he’s not very fond of smelling so sweet though so he likes to cover his sweetness up with your scent he also just likes your scent on him a lot but you don’t need to know that
generally, he’s more of a show than tell when it comes to his affection because he sucks at talking about his feelings
so when he first became comfortable with you, he spent a lot of time clinging to you with a four finger grip
he wanted you to mark him pretty early on into your courtship since once he’s marked, you can’t leave him anymore
however, he wasn’t going to tell you that, so he just plopped down in your lap or in front of you when he saw you sitting on a couch or something
he was positioned with his neck right in front of you
why aren’t you getting the message
stupid alpha
when you finally get it, he’s all huffy about it because “you should have noticed sooner” 
well you could have just said something
he very much keeps your relationship on the down-low
i said before that he likes to be clingy but it’s really only when he knows no one is watching
he doesn’t want to seem weak or like he wants your affection even though he does
so clinginess is reserved for private moments
he likes to lean against you and play videogames with you
if you’re not into videogames, he makes you watch and will explain everything that’s going on
the only time he will actually acknowledge your relationship in front of others is when he gets territorial
you’re an attractive alpha after all so it’s obvious that other omegas would want you too
but they can’t
because you’re his
he won
and he’ll make them know this
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Being Omega!Bakugo’s Alpha
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Originally posted: Feb 20, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
he is such a tsundere
he’ll make fun of you and call you a shitty alpha in public but then cuddle up to you in private and won’t let you go
it took him a pretty long time to feel comfortable enough to let you into his nest
but once he does let you in, you have troubles getting out again for two reasons
1) the nest is literally perfect with the softest material arranged in just the right way that you rarely even want to get out
2) your omega won’t let you out of it again
he will deny it if you were to ever bring it up around others but he thrives of being wrapped in your arms
if you’re on your sides, he’ll have his arm slung over your waist while snuggling into your chest
also really likes laying on top of you with his head on your chest or stomach, whichever is more comfy for you
then, if you try to get up, his legs are around you before you can blink
now bakugo has pretty bad hearing already and it keeps getting worse bc of his quirk but somehow, whenever you ask him to let you go because you need to get up, he completely looses all ability to hear
bakugo has a strong cinnamon scent and if you pay close attention you can detect some very faint caramel too
when he gets angry, his scent gets so concentrated that you can hardly breathe but when he’s with you it tends to be very pleasant
if you’re bigger than him, he likes to steal your hoodies and wear them around his home/ dorm room
if your clothes don’t fit him, he steals them for his nest
actually, he steals your clothes for his nest regardless (won’t admit it though)
when they lose your scent, he washes them and puts them back into your closet, stealing new ones
he is most definitely the kind of omega that will cook meals for their alpha
and they’re great
but he won’t admit that he’s doing it because of omega instincts and feelings or whatever 
he’ll insist that it’s just because your cooking is shitty
(if you’re actually a good cook, he’ll totally still eat your food and love it but he won’t admit to it and will always try to get cooking before you have the chance to do so, maybe he’ll let you help if you’re really into cooking)
in conclusion, he loves you and would kill for you but he won’t ever admit it in front of anyone but you, and even that is rare
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] You And Omega!Kaminari Wanting to Court Alpha!Shinso
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Originally posted: Oct 09, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
you and denki were one of few omega couples at ua
and honestly, it was great
you’d have one nest in your room and one in his
both of them were made by the both of you and the two of you can usually be found in one of your nests
your nests aren’t just for cuddles for he two of you, you do pretty much everything in them: homework, watching tv, playing games, etc.
but you did feel like there was someone missing
both you and denki had more than one marking spot so you knew there was supposed to be another person with you
it wasn’t necessarily that you wanted an alpha with you (although that would make heats easier when you were older) but there were just some things denki was into that he’d like to do with his mate but you weren’t into
and the other way around
of course the two of you usually just agree to whatever it is anyway to make your mate happy but you don’t really enjoy it
enter shinso
now it wasn’t a new thing for you and your mate to lie in your nest and talk about ua students you found attractive
you are surrounded by hot people at ua so you’d often be talking about them together
however with shinso it was different
yes he was insanely attractive and his scent was incredible
but he also shared interests with the two of you
so you start plotting together to get him to join you into your relationship
you’re both too chaotic to just ask him smh
shinso does not take long to realize that there are two omegas following him everywhere also some of his hoodies have gone missing
but he just assumes you guys are watching him because of his quirk 
he knows you are a couple so he can’t come up with any other possible reason why
then one day shino catches denki stealing one of his shirts from his room
turns out pretty much everyone in shino’s class knew of your antics but the stayed silent 1) because they wanted him to find out himself and 2) because it was very entertaining to pretend not to notice two omegas regularly breaking into their dorms
it’s a wonder shinso hadn’t picket up on your scents in his room but then again he does smell you a lot throughout the day bc you keep following him to the point where it seems like he’s just always smelling you
he had always enjoyed your scents though so why would he try and stop you
anyways, as shinso enters his room he sees denki going through his clothes and just freezes in the doorway
denki is so surprised that he chirps and accidentally shocks him
then he runs lmao
you were in your dorm, lying in a blanket burrito on your bed bc you were sick
denki came up with the idea of getting you something with a fresher scent of what you now considered your alpha, to comfort you while you were sick
so you’re very happy to see him when he comes back to your room with a shirt of shino’s
then you start protesting at he lifts you and from the bed and pushes the y/n burrito under the bed where he hides with you
it doesn’t take long for the door to burst open
“hey idiots, there’s an alpha here searching for you” it’s bakugo
he was the only one in your common area and shinso didn’t know where he’d be able to find you so he asked him for help
you pretend you’re not there
bakugo just scoffs and leaves but motions shinso towards the room
as you hear him walk away, you turn to denki and he explains what happened before you suddenly both get yanked out from under your bed
standing above you is shinso, your alpha
he just looks at the two blushing omegas beeath him with a raised eyebrow and denki starts explaining everything to him 
shinso is so fucking confused
why would you want him as your alpha? aren’t you scared he’ll mind control you against your will?
neither of you even thought about the fact that he has the ability to do that bc you’re simps
he’s not opposed to courting you guys though
so your relationship starts with him picking up the y/n burrito and placing it back on the bed
as an omega, you likely have at least one stuffed animal on your bed so you pick it up and ask shinso to scent it for you
he blushes and does so and denki immediatly leaves to bring shino his pikachu stuffie to scent
you then dissolve your burrito and scoot to the side so that shinso can crawl into the middle of your bed
it’s pretty awkward at first and he just kinda lays there with an omega latched to either side of him but he soon relaxes and it’s the first of many night to come in which he actually sleeps well
“Wait is that my shirt?” he asks, looking down at the shirt you’re wearing. It’s a different one from the one that Denki stole earlier but it’s definetly still his.
“No?” your answer sounds more like a question itself.
“Just how many of my clothes did you two steal?”
You share a look with Denki and the other omega smirks, “You’ll see when we show you our nests”
Needles to say that you guys are now the first he asks when he can’t find something of his though he’s come to realize he won’t get it back anyway.
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Tamaki as an Omega
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Originally posted: Oct 03, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2020
My Hero Masterlist
this shy omega naturally smells of sandalwood incense
but not the point where it’s suffocating, it’s really more of a faint smell unless he’s agitated and leaning his forehead against walls
he also usually smells like food throughout the day because his quirk relies on it
will use shower with some shea butter and sandalwood body wash at the end of the day so his bed or nest don’t smell of food
he likes for his bed/nest to only smell like him and you
when you first asked him to court you, he felt incredibly awkward and kept stumbling over his words as he accepted your courtship with a blush 
he’s incredibly awkward about everything at first
many people find tamaki attractive but he’s always avoided courtship questions simply by avoiding people as much as he could in general
but for some reason you managed to corner him and ask him out (this might have to do with the fact that he loved your scent so he never had his guard up around you but who knows)
so you’re the first person to ever court him
he’ll let you make most decisions in the beginning of the courtship, so he can get a feel for what it’s like to be someone’s omega 
as he gets more comfortable with you, he starts being more assertive and less awkward around you
tamaki always has a nest in his closet, even if he isn’t in heat or pre-heat
it helps him with his anxiousness
after he started courting you, he spent even more time in his nest than before since every gift you give him lands up in his nest sooner or later, making it smell like you and he loves it
you will also soon have troubles finding your hoodies because your omega has a tendency to steal them, not only for his nest but also to wear when he’s in casual clothes
after the awkwardness in the beginning of your courtship, tamaki becomes a very clingy omega very quickly
he’s not very good at making friends but once he does make some, he feels very close to them and doesn’t want to loose them
so just like the courtship was somewhat hard for him at first, he’s now not letting you go anymore
you’re stuck with him for life now, not that you would want anything else
this also means that once he’s comfortable around you, he wants to mark him as yours very quickly
while he’ll be too shy to show off his mark in public, he likes to wear low cut v-necks around your home(s) so that his mark is nice and visible
he also very much enjoyed marking you as his but finds it embarrassing when you talk about how much you love your omega in public
feels like you get other people’s expectations of him too high when you go on and on about him
loooves cuddling with you in his nest
he loves cuddling in general, but if you do it in his nest, it will smell like you after
tamaki gets jealous easily after you’re bonded to him 
in his eyes, his alpha is the best alpha there is so surely other omegas must also know this and will want to be with you
so when he sees other omegas talking to you, he will often assume that they are trying to woo you
he’s too anxious to do anything about it in the moment and if you catch him staring at the omega in disdain he’ll probably just look away, maybe turn to lean against a wall with his forehead
now when you’re alone with him, he’ll either ignore you for a while and pretend he doesn’t care about it, or he’ll pull you into his nest and not let you out for hours, scenting you so that you’re unmistakably his
tamaki will prefer his alpha not being a hero because it means that there is a lower chance of you getting hurt
he of course won’t stop you from being a hero if you truly want to but it will make him very anxious when you’re on patrol and he isn’t so he’ll usually be curling up in his nest during these times
most omegas naturally want to have pups but tamaki is fully content with it just being him and his alpha 
when mirio has pups with his omega, tamaki likes spending time with them and being their uncle but he doesn’t wish to have his own
given that tamaki’s quirk works with food, tamaki has become a very good cook over the years
as he becomes a pro-hero, his salary allows him to always have a stocked fridge so when he’s not on patrol, he’s usually the one cooking meals
he also very much enjoys seeing his alpha go to town on his food and lives for your praises on his cooking
because he needs to eat certain things for certain powers, he makes you separate meals if you’re allergic to or just don’t like something he puts in his food (and no, you can not stop him from going through this extra work of making a seperate meal for you)
overall, tamaki is an awkward bean but when he gets comfortable with you he is the most clingy loving omega you could wish for
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
Cuddle Buddies
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Originally Posted: Jul 11, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
tokoyami x reader, platonic kirishima x reader, kirishima x bakugo
you had been with tokoyami for quite some time
he was a good alpha but not the most affectionate
so you tended to turn to one of your best friends for cuddles
kirishima was an alpha who had recently started courting an omega in your class 
since bakugo wasn’t the most affectionate omega (at least not in public), kirishima and you tended to cuddle on the sofa of the common area when you were hanging out
kirishima jokingly called you his cuddle buddy
fumikage knew he wasn’t as affectionate as you needed him to be
so we was gratefull to kirishima for showing you the affection you needed
but that didn’t stop him from hating that he wasn’t enough for you
he hadn’t marked you yet, the both of you wanted to wait with that until after graduation, and he hated how much you smelled of kirishima
on some days he could barely smell himself on you
it agitated him
then one day as kaminari brought his alpha into the dorms, he commented on you and kirishima, all cuddled up on the sofa
before tokoyami could even blink, bakugo was already yelling death threats lmao
after this, fumikage starts to scent you a lot more
you pick up on it of course but you don’t mention it at first
then you notice how he will scent you especially throughout if you’ve been cuddling with kirishima
so you confront him 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about”
you give him the look
and he starts making excuses about how dark shadow didn’t like the smell of other alphas on you
you call his bc tho
“You know i don’t mind you scenting me, right?” you ask him, nuzzling close to him as you lie in your nest in his dark room. “I wouldn’t be your omega if I didn’t like you and your scent.” 
tokoyami admits about how he feels like he isn’t enough for you, that he thinks that’s the reason why you seek out the comfort of another alpha
you explain to him that you love him and know that he isn’t overly cuddly (unless he’s sleepy) and that you didn’t want him to feel like he had to change for you
(you also mention that kirishima is a very affectionate person with a feisty omega who will only indulge him with cuddles so often)
the two of you come up with a routine for your cuddles
everytime you cuddle kirishima, you’ll snatch one of tokoyami’s hoodies afterwards to overpower the redheads scent
and overtime your cuddle sessions with kirishima will become less frequent, as tokoyami becomes more affectionate with you (and bakugo stops being a lil bitch about everything)
but you will still cuddle with him once in a while
you’re cuddle buddies after all
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Beinga Alpha!Kirishima’s Omega
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Originally Posted: Jun 01, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
he is the best alpha okay
he can be clingy af but will give you space if you want it
loves scenting stuff for you
bc it’s very manly
loves scenting you too
and having you wear his hoodies bc you look cute in them and they also make you smell like him
he’s not overly territorial unless he’s in rut
no one even look at you then
will drop any and everything to cuddle w/ you
preferrable in your nest
also he will cry the first time you let him in your nest
happy tears obvs
sneaking into each other’s dorms if your also in ua
if your not, he will probably find away to sneak you in
you don’t know how, he just does
loves when you play with his soft hair
will purr if you do it
also loves hearing you purr
if you’re okay with it, he will totally sleep with his head on your chest
it’s very comfy and he can hear you purr
if you’re already bonded, he loves nipping at your bond mark
if not, he nips at the skin where he dreams of one day placing his mark
i just love this man so much
pls love him
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
[hc] being his omega (a x o reader) [hc] “cuddle buddies” (platonic a x o reader)
[hc] “cuddle buddies” (a x o reader)
[hc] tamaki as omega (o x a reader)
[hc] wanting to court shinso together (a x o x o reader)
[hc] you + denki want to court him together (a x o x o reader)
[hc] being his alpha (o x a reader)
[hc] being his alpha (o x a reader) [hc] being his omega (a x o reader)
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Being Omega!Naruto’s Alpha
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Originally Posted: Jul 27, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
Original a/n: listening to this playlist while writing (not my playlist), also this is not very good lmao, it’s just word vomit
Naruto Masterlist
probably already liked you when you were kids
“i’m gonna be your omega one day, believe it”
when he’s not training to be hokage one day, he’s trying to get you to notice him
ofc you notice him, how could you not
he smells like very sugary lemon candy??
you become friends first and stay close friends for a few years
you only start dating when you’re older (shippuden era)
tbh, most people already thought you were dating before that
naruto doesn’t leave the house without being scented
if you’re still asleep when he has to leave, he will wake you up to scent him
naruto has a lot of alpha friends, so it’s important to him that your scent is on him to avoid smelling of any of his alpha friends later on
get’s very mopey if you smell like another omega
refuses to cuddle with you 
but not for long bc he does really love those cuddles
you know how his jacket is kinda like a turtleneck?
when you finally mark him, he wears his jacket partially unzipped for weeks to show off his neck 
we all know he loves missions
however, he hates that it means being away from you
if you’re a ninja too, he’ll beg tsunade to send you with them
she usually says no, none of the other shinobi take their mates with them either
if she does agree, he is literally bouncing to you to tell you
now sometimes this makes his performance during missions better because he wants to show off in front of you
let you know what an amazing omega you have
but sometimes, most of the time, he gets too distracted by your presence
also if you’re the one going on a mission, he usually sneaks along
no one can stop him
he’ll leave a shadow clone behind too so it takes a while for others in the village to catch on
if you’re a civilian, he won’t want you on the missions with him because he’s too afraid of you getting hurt (if you’re a ninja, he’s a lil afraid of this too but you’re his alpha, he trusts in your abilities to protect yourself)
so he has you scent him and a few of his things to make it a little easier on him
expect a whole day of just cuddles when he’s back
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] Alpha! Kiba With A Short Omega
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Originally Posted: Jul 30, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
Original a/n: listening to this playlist while writing (not my playlist)
naruto masterlist
protecc mode 24/7
he’s gonna want to protect his omega no matter what but if you’re a lot smaller than him, i just see him having even stronger protective instincts
i already hc him as being a big cuddler
but can you imagine the top quality cuddles he can give to a smol omega?
he’s the big spoon most of the time and just wraps his whole body around you so all you’ll be able to smell or feel is your alpha
if you really want to, he’ll let you be the big spoon too but he definitely prefers you being the small spoon
also likes you sleeping on his chest
he just wraps his arms around you 
loves your weight on his chest
he is the type of alpha to tease you about your height 
not if you’re insecure about it, of course
he’ll send akamaru after anyone who teases you about your height if you're insecure about it
but if you’re not, he likes to use you as an armrest
puts all your things on high shelves too bc he thinks it’s hilarious when you can’t reach them
plus you have to ask him for help now and he loves doing things for you
if you’re a ninja too and you end up on the same mission as him, he will definitely carry you when he notices you getting tired
you don’t even have to ask
if you’re tired, he’s carrying you
has also attempted to carry you while being injured
even if you’re not on a mission or if you’re just not a ninja, he’ll carry you around the village if you’re tired
also gives great piggyback rides if you ask for them
he generally just loves being taller than his omega
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