#anti reiner
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sonofthesaiyans · 6 months ago
So..... they're re-releasing the Attack on Titan finale as a theatrical event in Japan.
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So, with that in mind.....
Who else here did not even bother with the anime finale after reading the manga conclusion? Who else agrees it was a trainwreck regardless of which version you go by?
And who else is proud to say they won't even waste their time putting this overblown mess on?
I have said it before and I'll say it again. I've never seen anything go so big and feel so empty when it was all over. Literally no payoff to any of this. Who else happily opted out?
And just as an aside, Gabi you're still an unwanted skank. And Eren.....worst shonen protagonist ever.
And oh yeah....Eremika was never a couple worth rooting for. So stop mourning for it if you still are.
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a0random0gal · 1 year ago
"healthy" doesn't always mean good in fiction. Eremika's unhealthiness is what makes the ship compelling and interesting. It's built into the core of the story. Also your "healthiest ship" requires ignoring that he emotionally manipulated her into keeping her mouth shut about his genocide plan and threatened to have her memories erased. Historia never expressed any interest in him that way. Men and women can in fact just be friends.
Ohh boy, you're bold anon, I have to hand it to ya.
Yes healthy doesn't always mean good, in fact it can actually lead to some very boring ships, but that is still a perfectly good thing to look for in a pairing.
In contrast unhealthy can be interesting, but mostly leads to abusive relationships that get glorified by the fandom in spite of their toxic nature, and in this aspect Eremika is no exception. These two are just awful for one another.
He headbutts her, call her names, tells her he hates her (I know he didn't mean it, but it wrecked her emotionally so my point stands) put her in a situation that could have gotten her killed, never confided in her regarding his plans etc...
She was an overbearing mama who constantly treated him like an incompetent child that couldn't do anything on his own.
What's compelling in a relationship with this dynamic:
"Eren eat your veggies!"
"Eren put on a coat, or you're gonna catch a cold!"
"Eren don't run you're gonna trip!"
Oh and don't get me started on this
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She literally deluded herself for years into believing that everything he did was somehow tied back to her. Even Armin, Reiner and Berthold gave her the 🙄 look.
Also her entire character revolves around him and it makes her super boring and robotic. Even after he dies she spends her life worshipping his grave and dies with that gosh darned scarf on her neck. She only took it off once ( when she gave an ounce of development) before cruelly snatching it from the hands of a dying girl that was using it for comfort (something I'll never forgive her for).
She was originally meant to break away from him but alas, good writing died after 134.
Annd the story never revolved around them. Mikasa only became the protagonist in the last chapter out of fucking thin air and it looked soo forced. Lmao Hisu had more parallels with Ymir than Mikasa of all people.
The only time their relationship mattered was at the end of season 2, but after that we got nothing important.
Last thing on this dumpster fire of a ship... They're boring asf.
Like I know some unhealthy relationships that are toxic and all, but the characters have chemistry, and it can make up for the awful shit they can do to eachother. Eremika has no chemistry. I would rather watch paint dry than think about them romantically.
Regarding Erehisu... Have we read the same aot chapter? Or just the same conversation between Eren and Historia? Because I don't think so.
He emotionally manipulated her to keep her mouth shut
What? When did this ever happen? She chose to stay silent. Hell he didn't even need to tell her his plans, it was quite risky, since she could have snitched on him to the Mps and ruined everything.
He chose to confide in her cause he knew she wouldn't tell, cause she was the worst girl in the world who saved him, the girl who chose her selfishness over the world already, in that cave when she saved him, when she told him that she would always be his ally, that they were enemies of humanity.
She never wanted the future that she was destined to if she accepted the 50 year plan. She had accepted it for the greater good. Something selfless that only Christa could have done.
He knew that, and reminded her of who she really was. A selfish, normal girl like everyone else.
She was shocked by the genocide that awaited them if they followed Eren's plan but ultimately chose it over sacrificing herself and her future children. Totally in character, no manipulation involved lmao.
He threatened to erase her memories
Nope. She was upset so he offered to lighten her burden by erasing her memories if she wanted to. It was a proposal made out of empathy for her shock. No threats, where did you see em?
She was never interested in him
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Say what you want about her feelings for him, interpret them how you please, but you can't deny a connection from which feelings could blossom. This meme perfectly sums up my thoughts about this:
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Yes men and women can be friends, I just don't see it this way for Erehisu. Actually I could tell you the same thing for Eremika. Better as siblings lol.
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violentjo · 9 months ago
Jean rant??
Never expected this from myself lowkey
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I don’t really post about Jean but I feel like people misunderstand his character a lot. People always point out how sad it is that he’s “Mikasa’s second choice” but I honestly just don’t think that’s really a big part of his character and it makes him seem kinda pitiful when he’s not. Mikasa really doesn’t have much to do with the development we some from him. We can link his arc back to characters like Marco, Conny, Floch, Reiner and Eren more than we can to her. They mention his love for her like max 4 times and the only scene I think it really has any bearing on his decision making is when he’s thinking about the calm future that the jeagerists could have given him, but he knows that she would never settle with him especially if Erens plan was successful. I just think it’s belittling to his character to center him around Mikasa because he isn’t that pathetic and gullible. Maybe I’m just salty because I miss Marco 😭😭 (NOT MIKASA HATE I LOVE MIKASA I WOULD NEVER BE AN ANTI ISTG)
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alicecorpseliddell · 2 months ago
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*This character is canonically a system
Free to use, reblogs very much appreciated
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[ PLAIN TEXT ] We Are A Diagnosed Traumagenic DID System We Are Pro Endogenic And You Will Not Change Our Mind If You Harass Us You Give Us Consent To Harass You Back
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innocentimouto · 1 year ago
Forgive me for ranting, but I need to get something off my chest and know if you agree; despite murdering a bazillion times more people than Zuko, Reiner still came out as a more sympathetic character to me. Why? Because he shows so much contrition, so much, y'know, actual awareness of his weongdoing that the guy is fucking suicidal because of it. Despite clearly being a victim of the environment, he never denied the fact that he's also a horrible person. And he has never been entitled to anyone's forgiveness.
Zuko, aka the renowned paragon of redemption, on the other hand? Once he realized that he deserved better, it's like he's become utterly oblivious to all the shit he's done and the severity of it, that he's also a victimizer and there are people who deserved better than to meet someone like him. The one thing he truly, profoundly beats himself up about is betraying his uncle. Ffs people literally have to remind him of what he's done like "Hello? You burned down my village?? Hello you've terrorized us for months???" and we're supposed to react like "tEeHee whAt aN AwKwaRD tUrTLe DuCK socially inept boy"?? That his redemption concluded when he confronted Ozai or joined the gaang or became the Fire Lord? Bitch he's barely even started. You know you're the worst when even someone like Reiner is more chad than you in comparison
But also, Reiner was from the oppressed group of people in his world, so that may make him more sympathetic.
But I agree! Reiner killed so many more people than Zuko, yet Zuko gets a lot better treatment. Reiner himself doesn't believe he deserves forgiveness from anyone, which is so contrary to Zuko (and come on, it's definitely because Zuko is from the oppressing nation here).
Everything you said about Zuko is right. While Reiner agonizes about his actions to the point of wanting to kill himself, Zuko doesn't have a single scene of reflecting over his.
(I will say that Gabi's arc is what Zuko should have gotten if they were going to shove down our throats that he changed or whatever, and I don't even like Gabi that much.)
It still bothers me that Zuko only realizes at the last moment that he has things to apologize for (but wait, he knew from the start to apologize to Iroh from his words to Ozai).
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pinkmirth · 1 year ago
i will forever be in awe about how reiner could have two fugly, hateful bitch-ass parents and still turn out so gorgeous . . . karina ate that one thing!
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thepluralifier · 2 months ago
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Submitter Chatter: Reiner canonically has 2 system members, often referred to as "Solider" and "Warrior" in the fandom since they both use the name Reiner. His system is most likely traumagenic, I won't get too in detail cause it's spoiler heavy but we see on screen the moment I personally think his system split, which is really cool. Plus we see quite a few switches on screen in general.
If you have a question about what something means, google it 🩷💙🤍🧡💚 If you don't know the character feel free to vote regardless
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 years ago
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Spa day for the Attack on Titan crew, it is honestly sad that the happiest I have seen Eren look in a long time is for a spa commercial. Poor Reiner still looks dead inside and Levi always seems to have a resting bitch face.
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By: Andrew Reiner
Published: Jun 6, 2024
For a long time, the internet and social media have been bloated with memes, even articles, that denigrate men and most forms of traditional masculinity. Many of the people behind these posts insist that they are simply snarky barbs aimed at people with the most “privilege” who can’t take a joke.
If there was ever any doubt about the veracity of or honesty behind such a statement, a growing trend appears to pull back the veil.
Recently, the online magazine Slate ran an eye-opening story revealing that many young couples are using in vitro fertilization to ensure they conceive daughters instead of sons. In other countries, IVF is legal only as a screening measure to detect the likelihood for genetic diseases. Not in the U.S., where IVF clinics have mushroomed in number over the past two decades because prospective parents want freedom of choice.  
In one American study, white parents picked a female embryo 70 percent of the time. A 2010 study showed that American adoptive parents were 30 percent more likely to prefer girls than boys, and were willing to pay an additional $16,000 to ensure they got a girl. 
One 31-year-old woman interviewed for that piece, who works in human resources (an industry dedicated to equity and parity) said, “When I think about having a child that’s a boy, it’s almost a repulsion, like, Oh my God, no.”
Such disturbing sentiments are widespread in the U.S. and are part of a growing trend in Western cultures — popularly called Gender Disappointment. An Australian psychologist who specializes in antenatal and postnatal care conducted a Facebook survey and found that Gender Disappointment is most common in women, who unabashedly want daughters, not sons. One woman posted on a mothers’ chat board that the “vast majority” of women on “every social media (Facebook, Instagram) site or general website (Netmums, Mumsnet, Reddit)” voice this gender bias. “There are websites like ingender and genderdreaming just dedicated to Gender disappointment…some of them are straight out Boy bashing or anti boy posts.”
This invites the question: What exactly is it about having boys that seems so repellent? Many of the women in the Slate article, even mothers of boys, pointed to that sweeping, damning and vague label “toxic masculinity.” They spoke to girls’ “limitless potential” versus that of boys. Girls move out of the house earlier, achieve greater academic success, are more likely to attend and graduate from college, find jobs more readily than male peers and have higher emotional IQ.
One woman insisted that boys are “less caring toward their parents.” This woman craves a ‘“close friendship”’ with her future child that ‘“seemed possible only with a female child.”’  
It isn’t just women. Another interviewee echoed the sentiments of many younger men when she said her husband values characteristics ‘“more [stereotypically] associated with girls,”’ such as “empathy, social skills, and kindness.”
This invites the question: If these skills are so important — and they are, as schools, workplaces and relationships increasingly demand them — why can’t we simply teach them to boys?  
Such gender bias is emblematic of the selective empathy trend in which people proffer tolerance, compassion and context only for those they deem worthy. Though unintentional, this was what Rachel, who works in spaces that empower girls and women, was speaking to after reading my book.
“I had no idea so many men struggle deep down and have these anguished inner lives,” she said. “Many of us have this belief that men’s privilege insulates them from the struggles the rest of us have.”
I absolutely appreciated her sincerity and thoughtful admission. And the lack of empathy that belies many girls’ and women’s perception of boys and men is problematic. It’s maladaptive and robs males — one-half of the population — of their humanity and very real struggles.
Part of the reason this dearth of empathy exists is that too many men have abdicated their responsibilities. The men who are wounded by this brand of toxic messaging don’t speak up because they are afraid of the backlash, especially of being “canceled” or widely attacked on social media. They fear being labeled (unfairly) as extremist “Men’s Rights” apologists.
And the men who do speak up rarely do so in a productive way. Too often they shrug and pretend not to care, and instead take their grievances to the online “manosphere’s” dark corners, where they exact revenge among a receptive, misogynistic audience.   
It’s also time that women did some soul searching — that they stop and reconsider their prevailing, limiting perceptions about men and masculinity. Their own personal experiences with men don’t apply across the board, and such wanton attacks on and wholesale dismissal of boys and men only perpetuate and normalize a reactivity that’s uncritical and self-pitying.
A more productive social media post might feature a montage of boys and men with this caption: “Yes, you need to level up…you also deserve empathy and compassion along the way.” It’s not catchy, but it moves the conversation forward in a way we need it to go.
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the nsfw alphabet for reiner pls !!! i love how u write <3333
CW: Post-war!Reiner
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Reiner is very gentle after sex. Undestand him, he just let you see the most vulnerable side of himself and can't believe how good you made him feel. This guy just wants to thank you for everything! He is the type to immediately bring you a glass of water and hug you, asking if you are okay or if he hurt you by any accident. Probably needs you to tell him at least twice that you are really fine and that you are more than satisfied to finally stop worrying and asking questions.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
If you ask Reiner which body part he likes from his body, he will probably mention his eyes. Nothing really fascinating, they looks boring to him but after you kept complimenting them, he really started to think they are pretty. I mean, how can't someone fall for those honey eyes, looking so fucking gorgeous in the setting sun?
As for you, he will never say it out loud but he loves your boobs. They are just... so soft and firm at the same time, it does not make sense to him! The perfect pillow to sleep on and cute anti-stress balls. He is not too touchy either, just slightly groping on them in private when you are okay with it. Small, medium or big, he loves the feeling of them in his big hands and the blush on your face whenever he tells you how cute and pretty they are.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Reiner is the biggest cum eater in the world. Man can lick your dripping pussy for hours without being tired. Every time he flips his tongue in your slit, he makes you even wetter until you literally beg him to stop. He then lifts his head and looks at you with glazed eyes and his puffy lips covered in cum until he runs his tongue over them to not waste any drops. He does not know why but your sweet nectar has a such addictive taste that he can't get enough of it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It might not be surprising but Reiner fantasizes about you dominating him. Who knew that this big man could actually think about being the submissive one, letting you take control over him. He is so... tired to be the one always taking decisions. Reiner just wants to be at your mercy because he knows you will take good care of him.
He needs you to push his hands away as he tries to touch you, gosh he can't stop thinking about it but everytime he is about to ask you about it, the words stay stuck in his throat. He can't say it, no matter how much he wants, he is just a tiny scared that you might judge him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Before you, Reiner did not have anybody and honestly did not have a lot of time to think and care about sex. Yes, his sex life before you was non-existential. Your first time was actually a bit embarrassing as both of you were virgins and did not really know what to do. It was a bit messy at the beginning but after a few minutes, Reiner caught the pace.
But now I think it's a bit useless to tell that he became pretty skilled with all the times you two did the deed. He is still unsure of himself sometimes but it is very rare now as he feels like he can be himself with you without being judged. If anything embarrassing happens, you two just laugh about it and continue this intimate and passionnate moment, not focusing on that.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As a person who is constantly searching for approval from his partner, Reiner finds it very important to maintain eye contact while having sex. He needs to be sure that he is doing everything okay and seeing your face can be very helpful. He needs to see any little change in your facial expression that could potentially show some discomfort/pain or at the opposite, pleasure. Positions like the missionnary or the lotus are his favorite for that.
It's very rare for him to try new positions that are not the two mentionned the line before but the doggy can be also great when he feels a little more dominant, giving him the access to reach that sweet spot inside you. Another nice position would be the spooning one. Reiner just loves how his whole body is pressed against your back while he is gently thrusting into your tight pussy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Reiner is not goofy during sex at all. For him making love is the pinnacle of seriousness and not something that should be joked about. This moment should be used to share and show your intimacy, your love and affection and he does not want to ruin it by making jokes that will only cringe both of you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Normal level of hair. Reiner is not the type of guy who take time everyday to make sure he is freshly groomed so he shaves it about once a week? Not too shaved but not messy either, just the perfect mix. The puebes are darked than his blond hair, a somewhat brown/caramel color.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is probably one of the most romatic guys ever during sex. I mean, my boy is putting all his efforts in to make you feel good and loved. He's taking his time to pamper your body with hundreds of kisses and whisper how much he loves you into your ear. Let's also remember that he is extra-sensitive, literally baby boy, so he really takes his time to please you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Whenever he has a boner but you are not there, he will ask you to send him a pic of you. Not necessarily a spicy one where you are in a lewd position or showing your tits to him. Nope, just a pic of you today, his imagination can do the rest to imagine himself undressing you, removing that cute crop top or unbuttoning that shirt.
He will usually imagine that his hand is your hand and that you are the one giving him that handjob. His strong thighs twitches as he feels his climax approaching, hearing your soft voice whispering praises at his ear. He finally let out a loud gasp as his hips thrust forward, his cum covering his hand, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise kink. Listen, the worst thing you could ever do to Reiner is degrade him. That sweet boy's life was filled with remorse and self-doubt and only God knows how he is still alive today. He cannot stop thinking about all the bad things he did and it drives him sick. Reiner needs to be comforted, to be called good and to be praised. He loves it when you whisper sweet things to his ear or when you, on the contrary, yell them as he makes you feel so good.
Size kink. This man is HUGE and it always turns him on how you are so small and cute compared to him. He love when your hand is gripping his while he's literally stretching your tight hole out. Bonus points if you wear one of his shirt, it's a huge turn-on and he will just fuck you in it without any doubts.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
I feel like Reiner is quite the traditionnal guy who thinks that there is no better place to have sex than in the bed. It's a private place where you two can't be seen or interrupted by anybody, it's comfy and easy to clean up after (just throw the dirty bed sheets in the laundry and ta-da).
Honestly, I think Reiner can fuck you everywhere as long as it's in a private place with nobody else. If the sexual tension is too much and you can't even reach the bed without fucking each other, the couch, the kitchen counter, any table, the shower... any place at home is a good place to fuck you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
One of his biggest turn on is probably when you wear his clothes. It comes with his size kink. Not gonna lie, Reiner finds it fucking sexy when you wear his clothes, like his shirt that is way too big for you. It is just adorable how the piece of clothing is hanging on your body, making you look even smaller than you are. Be prepared to be fucked until you pass out if you dare to wear his clothes (of course, he will fuck you while you have his shirt on).
Another turn on for Reiner would be dirty messaging. You don't have to spend any pics, just dirty textos can make him feel tight in his trousers. This man is pretty easy to turn on, you just have to tell him everything you want him to do with you and he is already hard. If you text him while he is not at home, he will come home earlier than planned. He is already expecting you to be half-naked on the bed and might teach you a lesson about turning him on in public.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't see Reiner has someone who would feel pleasure with pain honestly. He thinks that all this BDSM stuff is a bit disgusting and weird. What the point of hurting someone you care so deeply about even if it is just for sex? This does not make sense to him. He is pretty vanilla sex as you can see and will refuse anything that could be painful (either for you and himself).
Another turn off would be anything that implies another person than you two (threesome, public sex, ect). Due to his protective personality, he wants to keep you all to himself, no sharing allowed.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
If it was not clear with the letter C, let me say it again. Reiner loves eating you out. Of course, nobody is born pro at giving oral but Reiner is kinda good at it even at his first time? Not that he is so skilled but even with that first messy cunni he was able to make you cum after a short amount of time. Those skills only improve with time and soon he becomes a real professional.
He also does not care if you think you are too heavy, just sit on his fucking face and let him lick your pussy dammit! You are a thick girl? Squish his face with your thighs please. Skinny girl? Squish his face too. No matter your body type, your height and your weight, this man handle you like nobody else and loves you more than anything else in the world.
Reiner also likes being the receiver but do not push you to do it. You are too scared? That's okay, there is so much more to do in bed! You are messy and unexperienced? Wonderful, there is no better way to gain experience than with practice! You are fucking skilled and can take all his dick one-shot? Keep it like this, he won't complain!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is both. Often, Reiner will start thrusting into you slowly and sensually, just to make sure you have time to adapt yourself to his cock. Then, his thrusts will slightly increase in pace and roughness to finally transform into intense pounding that will make you scream and rearrange your guts.
Also, Reiner is not the type to change pace depending of his mood. That means that even if he had a bad day, he is angry or tired, he will still fuck you as usual and not more agressively. He does not want his emotions to take control over him and take the risk to hurt you by accident.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It might be surprising but Reiner does not like quickies. The reason behind this is pretty simple, he is easily stressed and dislikes to be quick on a such thing as making love. He likes to take his time, feeling his climax approaching slowly, no stress about being late for something...
He wants to take it "relax" if we can say it like that. Quickies with him are very rare, mostly done when you two have unexpected changes in your plannings right before making love.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Reiner is not really the risky type, he likes to stay in his comfort zone and may be grumpy at the idea of trying something new. So if you want to try out new things, you will have to push this man to take some risks but he will say thank you after.
Okay something silly like cockwarming. When you first proposed it to him, he made the sour face that always make you laugh. He did not understood the point of having his cock buried inside your guts without the right to move. How could he resists from pounding inside that warm pussy of yours? Okay it took you a few days to convince him to try it just one time but the result was worth it. Just hearing the soft sigh that escape his lips as he feel that warmth around his shaft, you pussy squeezing him slightly, making it even tighter than usual. He fell in love with it, now always asking you to cockwarm him while he's working from home or watching a movie with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Thanks to his high sex drive (which will be more explained in the letter Y...) and his good physical form, Reiner has a lot and a lot of stamina. This stamina the the one that allow him to last for at least 15 minutes per rounds.
This guy can be pretty whiny if his partner only wants to go for one round as he prefers to go for minimum 2 rounds and more. After complaining a bit, he accepts his fate if his lover did not change their opinion but be ready to an extremely long sex session to compensate for the only one round thingy.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As said in the letter N, Reiner is turned off by almost everything that is not vanilla sex. That means that the possibility of him owning toys is very very small. If it was just for him, the answer would be a total no.
But, he actually also cares about his partner's needs and requests so if you want to try out some toys one night, he will accept. Reiner is only doing it for you and by consequence, only uses the toys on you. However, he still does not get it how some plastic can bring as much pleasure as a real meaty cock.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
One thing, Reiner is not a tease at all. This man is already way too needy for sex to lose time on teasing. Forget about things any other guys would do like hands avoiding your dripping wet cunt or his tip teasing your entrance. No, Reiner is giving you everything you want as soon as you give him the green light. You just have to ask him and he will do it.
But what if YOU decide to tease him? Oh my god, this big guy will turn into a whiny mess, begs literally flowing out of his mouth like a waterfall. Why are you so mean to him? Why do you tease that poor baby? At some point, he will almost grab your hand and bring it to his twitching and neglected dick. "Don't you feel how I need you? Stop teasing me please, I can't take it anymore..."
Let's just say that you are still wondering how you keep losing against those soft honey eyes...
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
A loud boy here! Well, let me re-phrase it. At first, he is very shy and tries to mute any sounds that could come out from his mouth. However, he quickly gains in confidence and after a few minutes he does not hesitate to let you know how much he loves it by being very vocal. Mostly growling and soft whimpering, he is not into very girlish sounds and stays more manly. Sometimes, he can let out whines and sobs if you decide to tease him.
Reiner also like to have a noisy partner. Actually... who does not want to have a noisy partner in bed? The sounds you make is the easiest way for him to know if you like that he is doing or if you are close to your climax. Don't hold back or he will slip his fingers into your warm mouth and force you to keep it open while thrusting into you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
This man is a true cuddle bug. He can stay for hours in your arms, feeling your fingers scratching his scalp. He is craving for affection, even more physical. Pamper his face with kisses, hug his bigger frame by behind, hold his hands while you are taking a walk... he just needs it. He likes the feeling of your head on his chest when you are peacefully sleeping, nuzzling against his body. Yes, he is needy just like a little kid but it's adorable and we love him like that.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Would you be really surprised if I told you Reiner has a big dick? The answer is probably no because we all know that under those pants is hidden a whole monster. Reiner is quite shy about it because he finds it gross but honestly it is a whole feast.
You want more description? Here you go: it's above average, about 7 inches long and 2 and half inches thick, no piercings with a slight curve that allows him to hit the deepest parts of your body, no cut with a nice dark pink color.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
To be honest, it surprising at first how high is Reiner sex drive. Who could know that this quiet warrior would be a sex addicted? Not that he can't spend one day without it. No, he can restrain himself of course like any normal man. He will never assume it and even more say it out loud but yes, he likes the feeling of his dick inside you a little bit too much.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Usually, due to his trauma, Reiner has insomnia and barely sleep 3 hours per night plus nightmares often happen to him so our baby doesn't get a lot of rest. But after sex, he's surprisingly falling asleep only a few minutes later. The rush of emotions you two just lived and the feeling of your skin pressed against his seems to calm him down. It won't take long for you to hear his soft snores as he's already sleeping tight.
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 year ago
So, I took the time to watch the Attack on Titan finale today.....
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I don't know why, because everyone keeps saying that the anime ending was a huge step up from the manga's ending. Jeez, has it really been three years since that dropped the ball?
So I decided I needed to see for myself what it really changed, I had the time so I forced myself through it, to see what exactly the big deal all was; mostly what was different, and what it did that was so far removed from the comic.
Well I gotta admit, I was surprised by what I saw.
The animation was really impressive, much better than what I've seen of MAPPA's handiwork from the rest of this season. The whole thing just kept going bigger and bigger, and it just never seemed to slow down. It's definitely one of the most impressive battles of the series, especially when so much focus on fighting and ending the Titans seemed to be lost after so long. Plus I forgot how stunning MAPPA's backgrounds can be, almost like WIT's. I guess that's what you call "peak" in the anime circle now, huh?
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Levi......What can I say, he's an absolute badass, and the battle was worth it just to see him plow through Eren's army of Titans in all of his glory. Nothing can slow this guy down, and he definitely earned his ending. Sure he lost everyone who was near and dear to him but at least he can finally get some measure of peace. A much better finish than what the manga gave us, in its own weird way.
Was surprisingly touching to see the fallen Scouts again btw. Should have had Marco somewhere for Jean's sake, but maybe they can finally move on to a better place, wherever that may be.
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Well the Armin and Eren scene pulled no punches, did it? XD Bad puns aside, I was surprised at how emotionally charged that scene was, Eren seemed really sorry for everything. At least he finally owned up to it in the end. Such a shame he was left with so little choice in the end.
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And really, I realized how hard I was on Mikasa. She knew the life she thought she and Eren could have was beyond all hope, and in the end she made the right choice, agonizing as it was. In the end Mikasa really was too good for Eren, theirs is a love that was tragically cut short by circumstance. He couldn't help it, she couldn't help it.......Eremika truly is an unsung Shakespearean tragedy.
Oh don't you worry Eren, I'm sure she was thinking of you well beyond ten years. Who could fault her? We all know you meant well....
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So........now everyone's saying it took two thousand years if not more for this to happen, huh? Well I guess that sort of makes up for it.....At least nobody we knew and loved lived to see it, right? I guess we can stop blaming Eren for whatever brought this upon Paradis, right?
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Well, whatever the case may be, after finally seeing it I can say the anime ending makes up for a lot of what the manga left hanging. Great animation, such raw emotions, the insane music.......It was a long slog, but I'm glad I was proven wrong about everything I have said since the manga ending came out. This really helped to tie everything together much better, made the loss of such a wondrous cast a little easier to swallow. In the end, they gave their hearts, and in the end, it's much better to feeling something than to feel nothing.
So kudos to Studio MAPPA, and kudos to Hajime Isayama, truly I underestimated you. I feel like seeing this animated opened my eyes to so much of what I thought was missing. Suddenly things are so much clearer. Now.......Now I understand.......Eren only did what had to be done. Well played Mr. Isayama, well played.
And with that, I just want to leave with a quick shoutout to the true GOAT of Attack on Titan..........
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And that's the LEAST of what you deserve, you cunt rag.
That title belongs to THIS girl, right here.
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As if there were any force between heaven and earth in this world or the next that could EVER make me forget.....
Oh, one more thing........
....... .................. ................................
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April Fools, Folks.
This story ended with the Ocean.
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a0random0gal · 1 year ago
Watching everyone somehow enjoy the ending while you sulk in the corner, cause you read the last chapter 2 years ago and have been hating it ever since:
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i-literally-cant-with-this · 10 months ago
So I have been thinking about how insecure Kafka would be about his transformation and what you think about it. He's such a a good boy and needs head pats.
~ SFW ~
I think, at first, he'd be really hesitant to do the old switcheroo in front of you because he doesn't want you to run, pissing (normally) down the street away from him.
He'd try his very best to control it. Even though he's not mastered all of the transformative power he harnesses.
Kafka would definitely feel insecure and scared that you may leave him if he changes forms in front of you too soon. He doesn't want to lose you, and he doesn't want to scare you - he is confident in his repair game, though. He has a plan in place for if he ever has to become his Kaiju self. He will cook you a romantic dinner at his place (so you can leave if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable - he would do it at your place too, but he doesn't want you to have to feel bad about sending him away).
But as he continues to transform, he'll become more comfortable with his Kaiju self and learn to embrace it. Eventually, he'll want to show off his new skills and abilities to you.
He might love the idea of being so powerful and having such incredible strength.
I think this is also a huge boost to his ego (what little is there, anyway). He always dropped the ball on the 2nd part of the testing for the AKDF (Anti-Kaiju Defense Force) and having this ace up his sleeve not only helped him pass something he'd had trouble with in prior years, but he saved a comrade from certain freakin' death.
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~ NSFW ~
Don't fucking lie to me, I know you've thought about what Kafka's Kaiju cock might look like lol.
I think he sits around and practices honing his skills of only transforming certain body parts. Like, his torso, for example. Maybe you have a flat tire and need help changing it? He can hold the car up for you while you put the temp tire on. Or maybe - and much more fun - you're getting a little frisky with him and he wants to full nelson your ass but man, let's face it, he's not 18 anymore and THANK GOD for that because he's such a damn cutie now that I can't help but smile whenever I daydream about him!!
SO ... he transforms his upper body so he can hold you and slam his monster human cock into your expectant, fluttering little hole.
And his tongue. HIS TONGUE would wreck you. The tip alone would rip orgasm after orgasm from your body. If you've seen the anime, you know just how it moves, too. Like a whip. Way more flexible and longer than a lame human tongue. Am'I'right? Yuh, I'm right. Even if you don't agree ;).
You want some good head? Kafka's got ya covered!
You want to give some good head? Wait until he's returned to his human form. Not only that, but I think he wouldn't let you swallow his Kaiju cock. He doesn't want to hurt you. Maybe the first [fictional - I know -] man ever to care about not bruising your throat.
In conclusion, he's basically the opposite of Toji Fushiguro but still just as sexy.
@bakubunny @katkusuo @southside-otaku
@supersecretsaga @arlerts-angel
@trevengersprincess @viburnt
@darkstarlight82 (just in case this is rude and doesn't grab your attention)
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moonspirit · 2 years ago
Armin is basically your guide to leaving the forest. He is what Humanity needs to retain its Humanity.
Armin is hated on so much after S4 for being "useless" and "not living up to Erwin" but people forget, Erwin was so good because he had YEARS of experience. When Erwin died, he was what, 40-ish? At 15-19, Erwin was much the same as any ordinary cadet, you can see in the flashbacks in S3 Part2, a very young Erwin crying with a wounded/dead soldier and trying to fend off a Titan.
Armin is the embodiment of what the survey corps stands for - "Understanding". He is a pacifist and optimist but not naive, he knows that he has to kill when push comes to shove. He doesn't like violence but agrees that it is necessary sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that. He's a very relatable character. Don't forget that Erwin recognised his potential. He literally looked shocked when Armin theorised Reiner to be hiding inside the walls in RTS arc. Armin is the first character in the whole show to internalize his enemies thoughts and actions and try to understand it from their pov. He always tries to talk first and when that doesn't work, he pulls the trigger. You can tell me "his talking doesn't work!" but that doesn't mean you don't try. He's convinced and manipulated people plenty of times. If your only option is always to kill first before anything else, then you're not in your right mind.
A character is not weak simply for wanting peace. Armin doesn't run from his conflicts, he always faces them head on whether he likes it or not. His yearning to choose the method with the least bloodshed is actually admirable - it's easier to just pull the trigger in a world like SnK where people hate you, no? Why go through all the effort of trying to make people understand? He's a very strong character because he stands by his convictions.
It's unfair to burden him with Erwin's legacy at this age. He's also selfless to a fault. While Erwin did care for his soldiers, he never hesitated to use them as bait. Armin lacks that trait - being ruthless. Instead he has shown time and time again that he'd rather sacrifice himself so others can go unharmed. Despite the lack of experience, he still came up with some of the best plans, strategies and deductions in the show, some of them conjured up within seconds, and all that when he was even younger than he is now. Reiner was sweating and shitting his pants when Armin figured out the Female Titan's intentions in under 30 sec. At 15, Armin secured the collosal Titan for the scouts with just 1 casualty - himself. Just a few examples. He lacks Erwin's experience and deals with a severe lack of confidence, but for his age, possesses a lethal brain and outstanding intellect.
One of his most forgotten contributions is during the Scouts vs Kenny's squad. It was his analysis of the anti-personnel ODM gear, and following strategy, that allowed the scouts to exploit the weaknesses of their opponents' weapons. They wouldn't have won those fights with such success otherwise. He's extremely perceptive. Notice that when he fucked with Bert's mind back in S2, it was bec apart from Reiner (who knew from long ago), only he had noticed Bertie boi had a thing for Annie. He pays attention to his surroundings. He picks up on every little detail. He knows where to hit where it hurts. His 'Annie' strategy with Bert in S3P2 fails because he didn't realize Bert was a different person, someone who had stopped Annie from being his weakness. That was a crucial lesson Armin had to learn, but he learned it. He's very good with his words. People don't want him to open his mouth and change their minds (eg, Connie with Falco, Daz & Samuel). He's a genius strategist and war tactician in the making, give him a few years and see what he becomes.
One of my most favourite moments is during the table scene with Eren before getting beaten up, the only psychological attack Eren fired at Armin ("You're only visiting Annie cuz of Bert"), did not sting Armin at all, it only shocked him that Eren would try to bullshit him into that false logic when clearly Armin knew better. So Eren chose to beat him up, but Armin still had the final word. "You're the slave Eren" absolutely got under Eren's skin.
He isn't dumbed down post S4, it's just that the stakes are infinitely higher.
There's a lot of blame on him for "not doing anything in those 4 years despite having a genius brain" etc etc. Armin wasn't commander. They were dealing with a hostile world which they were desperately trying to understand for the first time in a 100-year history of being isolated inside the walls. It is one thing to understand people inside the walls and fuck them up (like Erwin did multiple times) but another entirely to deal with several countries in a world you discovered overnight. Politics and diplomacy is hard af. I doubt Armin would have been able come up with some 20/20 vision plan at that point to end the whole conflict anyway. Pixis didnt. Hange also didn't. Nobody did! The island had other intelligent people too!
Regarding Erwin, the whole point of his death was to show that he was put to rest from his suffering. It is the end of Erwin's story.
I dare say that if Armin had become Erwin 2.0, the haters would have said "Oh, he's just a copy of Erwin, he's not his own person!" So, conclusion: he's not supposed to be Erwin. He's his own person with his own methods and he's 19, leave him alone and please compare people with comparable experience.
Dude also went through a ton of issues as a young kid and has a severe inferiority complex, guilt at being revived instead of Erwin and the constant pressure of living in Erwin's shadow. Add to that his best friend of 19 years disappears, forces him to nuke a port and kill people against his desires, then pushes him away, doesn't explain shit, snaps and goes on a mass murder spree - you have a guy under extreme duress and he's still thinking of the big picture on Paradis, that genocide is wrong even though it's his best friend doing it. He has already subconsciously realised that they cannot stop Eren without joining hands with the same enemies they tried to kill a while ago. So despite having a mental breakdown, he still goes to get Falco back, because as a person, he values humanity and understanding above everything and can't watch another one of his comrades lose his shit and feed a lil kid to a Titan.
I also believe that Armin knew Falco was a decent kid, considering what he was taught in Marley, and choosing to save him was symbolic in that Armin wants to save the one kid who sees through the fucked up hate. In this moment he was the closest he'd ever been to Erwin (since Erwin's death) with that calculated risk, but also very true to being *himself* , very Armin, because he jumped to his death, aka, selfless. Rescuing Falco was a v good call, not only because the kid is a shifter and therefore necessary to form the alliance, but also cuz if you are a manga reader, well, you know why. He slapped sense into Connie, rescued Falco, showed a young Gabi what compassion meant and won her trust , and laid down the foundation for the Alliance before even knowing Hange and Levi were alive. He always sees the bigger picture.
And don't even start with the whole AruAni hate, they had a thing going on right from S1 during training years. If anything, Bert's memories of Marley only reinforced his already existing feelings for Annie and he "understood" her. He didn't forgive her. He "understood" her. See what I'm getting at? AruAni only further supports the fact that children of war are just children in the end, and love can permeate even that imaginary barrier of being on "opposite sides". It's a beautiful ship and I'm fucking glad it's canon. Something to smile about in this depressing show T_T
Kenny's ideology of "everyone being a slave to something" applies to nearly everyone on the show. But not Armin. From his birth, he has only been motivated by one thing - curiosity to see, curiosity to understand, curiosity to experience. There is nothing that ties him down so much that he can't die and give up. He is arguably the most "free" character in the whole of SnK.
Eren sets out to achieve freedom at the cost of freedom itself. But for Armin, freedom is simply the beauty of simple, little things. They are the two sides of the same coin.
I'm not being aggressive in any way, my comment is only to throw some light on Armin's character. I respect everybody's opinions at the end of the day and I'm not engaging in any wars.
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clare-875 · 4 months ago
Until The End (Levi x Reader)- Chapter 27
[Your Embrace]
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_____ A/N: Posted on Wattpad (@CLARE_875) but also decided to post here :)
Summary: "You can push me away, but I will still fight by you, and I will still follow you… until the end."
The ever-so-stoic Levi Ackerman has only ever known the terrors that living in a cruel world could bring. This all changed one fateful day when he encountered [y/n]; a girl renowned for her looks and abnormal speed. As they escape the confines of the Underground together, they soon discover that freedom doesn't come easy in a world full of Titans. As they rise through the ranks, [y/n] becomes known as "Humanity's Angel", a beacon of hope to humanity as she melts the walls Levi had built around his heart. However, she has her secrets too, and a dark past that might just threaten to pull them apart.
The storyline and characters of Attack on Titan do NOT belong to me, but all to Hajime Isayama; however, I do own this story, and all that occurs disparate to that storyline.
[Series Masterlist] [Chapter Twenty-Six] <--> [Chapter Twenty-Eight] _____
The silence is thick, air palpable as Levi looks down to see you there, on the boat. It is you right? Not another hallucination? Not another fucked up dream? Really you? Levi can do nothing but stare silently as though in a trance, eyes not once leaving yours.
Yelena calls to the Anti-Marleyan volunteers around her telling them to bring the Marleyan soldiers off the ship to the shore. Hange finally reacts turning to Levi, who still hasn't recovered from his shock. "Levi..." They mutter but stop in surprise as they look to see that tears have filled Levi's eyes. A sight they had never seen before. You break eye contact first, following Yelena and the others off the ship, as the other Scouts in the area also notice your presence and bound over to you. Levi finally breaks free from his reverie as he turns to Hange who looks at him silently. "Oi... Hange... you see her too right... that's... [y/n]?" Hange nods, as they see a lone tear slip down his cheek. 
You approach the shore, Yelena calling for the Volunteers to follow her as they walk to a distance, but you turn as yells and sobs fill the air. 
"Captain [y/n]!!" 
"You're okay!!" 
"We thought you died!!" 
"We thought we'd never see you again!!" 
"We're so sorry!!" 
You feel your heart warm at the sight of the Scouts running towards you as Jean, Connie and Sasha go to embrace you, immediately crying their hearts out. Armin and even Mikasa stand in front of you tears in their eyes as they look to you in complete and utter relief. You let out an emotional laugh, your own tears flowing down your cheeks as you look to your squad. Your Squad, here with you. "What, you guys miss me or something," you smile as they continue to shout out in their relief and apologies. You frown half-heartedly as Jean speaks of his apologies the most, "I-I'm so sorry Captain!" He yells out. "I-It was my fault that day... if I had just told you to kill Reiner in the first place-" You cut him off swiftly as you pat his head gently. "What are you saying? Of course, it's not your fault," You say in a soft but authoritative tone. "We all let our guard down that day, I don't blame you, or anybody." 
They continue to sob until they tire themselves out. Eren joins you as well after a moment, transforming out of his Titan, also exclaiming in relief. You look at him in surprise, he had grown so much since you left, they all had. But you saw something different in Eren's eyes. It was like he knew something you all didn't. You give them all a hug and continue to comfort them as they finally accept that you are in fact, still alive and that their beloved Captain has come home. They only reluctantly pull away when they hear the fast pace of footsteps approach you. Your eyes widen as you see Hange's leaping form approach you. "[y/n]~!!!" They crash into you, causing the both of you to topple into the sand. The Scouts around you start to smile and laugh at the sight of you struggling with a sobbing Hange. 
"[y/n]!!" They continue to yell, tears streaming down their face. "I knew you were alive!! I knew you weren't dead!!" They continue to ramble on and on about how they knew you would survive, how they had believed in you and missed you all this time. Your tears continue to pour as you grip onto them tightly. You had missed Hange. When you finally pull away, however, you are met with a sight you had waited to see for so long. The man you had waited a year for. Levi. Hange slowly stands up, relief finally sufficing their system, as you also stand up on the sandy shore. 
Hange looks between you and Levi, seeing you both staring silently at each other. They have a knowing look on their features as they call to the squad, who look curiously at the suddenly tense atmosphere. Hange takes the squad members away from the shore back to their makeshift campsite, as they get ready to meet with Yelena and the rest of the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. But you could scarcely care. There is silence in the air as the rowdy voices of your squad members fade into the distance. It's so silent you can hear the lull of the waves hitting the shore and retreating into the ocean. It was just you and him now alone on the shoreline, and suddenly you felt a wave of nerves fill you. It had been a year, what would he say to you? Would he be angry? Would he be happy? Would he even want you back? 
Tears prick your eyes as you divert your gaze from the man in front of you who still is rooted on the spot, frozen before you. His eyes look to you blankly and yet full of such deep emotion all at the same time. "Levi..." You mutter, voice cracking slightly as you look at the sand in front of you. "I-I'm sorry. I wanted to come back to you earlier, I swear I did! But... it was all too much, and I had to wait a year and I'm sorry but... but I missed you so much and-" Your rambles fill the air nonstop as you try to apologise and yet express the sorrow you felt in his absence for what felt like a lifetime. Levi watches you silently struggle, tears pouring down your face, but your voice is muffled to him as he looks at you. His angel returned to him. 
"Levi, I'm so sorr-" 
You're cut off by a warm pair of lips on your own. Your eyes flutter closed as he moves against you softly before the kiss becomes more passionate; more heated. The both of your hearts thrum to life at the other's touch, something you both had so missed, something you both had been torturously deprived of. His trembling hands move to your waist as he pulls you impossibly closer. Your hands move from your side, moving up his torso before grasping gently yet so desperately at his raven locks, holding onto him like it was the last thing you'd ever do. The kiss is warm and the kiss is wet, as both of your tears mingle down your cheeks, lost in your joy and your sorrow. You pull away gasping for breath as he does the same, tears still streaming down your face, the both of you still in the other's embrace. 
"Y-you're alive," Levi stutters looking into your eyes before pulling you against his body and welcoming your familiar fragrance. You nod against his chest as you hold onto him, arms tight against his torso. You stay there for a long moment before pulling away, Levi quickly grasping onto one of your hands as though he couldn't bear to be out of your hold for longer than a second. He uses the other hand to caress your face, gently pushing away a strand of your hair before his sharp grey eyes scan your features in relief. "Did they hurt you?" He asks, his voice barely a whisper above the wind, but you shake your head trying to ease the worry that caused a crease between his brows. "I'm okay." You say, wiping his tears with your free hand. You frown slightly at his slightly paler completion even in the dim light of the moon, how he looks so much more exhausted than usual, how his face seems more hollow somehow. 
"Have you been looking after yourself, Levi?" You pout softly looking at him as he averts his gaze before looking back to you. You see the turmoil in his eyes reflect your own as he observes how you also seem more tired than usual, smaller than usual too. You lean into his touch but your eyes don't leave the other. Levi avoids your question but instead says something that tells you all you need to know about the unrest he went through without you by his side. The despair he so desperately tried and failed to hide among prying eyes was presented before you. "I love you," he mutters under his breath, only for you to hear. Your heart hammers against your chest at his proclamation. "Never leave me alone, again." More tears fall onto your face as he catches them on his fingertips before pulling you in for a brief, gentle kiss. When you pull away you smile up at him, a real genuine smile, it had been so long since you felt the bliss. 
Levi looks at you, awe betraying his eyes as your angelic features upturn into the sight he had longed for. "I love you too, Levi," you say caressing his face. "And I'm not leaving you, not ever again." You watch as solace takes over the pain that Levi had endured for so long. His own lips upturn into a gentle smile; your favourite scene in the world. The both of you could stay there holding the other's hand, embracing the other's warmth and looking into the other's eyes for millennia. But, unfortunately, reality catches up to you, as the voice of Hange rings through from a distance, "Hey, love-birds, I'm sorry but we're going to have to start the interrogation soon! [y/n], they're also asking for you, said you knew what this was all about!" 
Hange's voice causes Levi to turn to them, annoyance now clouding his face. But you simply laugh at the familiar sight, before replying to Hange putting your free hand in the air. "We'll be right there Hange!" You yell before you turn to Levi, squeezing his hand gently. You let out a giggle as you smile up at his obvious bitterness. "What?" You say, but the sight of you, laughing and smiling and present with him, almost instantly melts his features.  He shakes his head before tugging your hand with his own pulling the both of you across the shore and to the makeshift campsite the Scouts have readied by the ocean. Only this time, when others look at the both of you inquisitively, Levi doesn't let go of your hand in his. 
You sit next to Levi who sits next to Hange, while Yelena and another Anti-Marleyan Volunteer, Onyankopon, sits opposite the table in front of you. The four of you observe as Hange looks at the pistol you presented them, and the multiple bullets stored within it. "Ah, I see! That's how it shoots a bunch!" Hange exclaims in awe as they look at the weapon. "That's standard issue in Marley," Yelena speaks up from in front of them, holding a cup of tea in her hand. "The Marley army has 20,000 soldiers per division. With 50 divisions, that's 1,000,000 soldiers. There's also the navy with three fleets each comprised of 21 battleships. They've made tremendous progress in new weapons and aerial warfare as well." There is a deep silence before Hange speaks up from next to Levi. "Aerial...?" 
"In other words, vehicles allowing one to attack the enemy from the sky," Onyankopon speaks up as he looks to Hange. At his words, Hange stood up in shock. "Huh?! From the sky?!" Levi maintains the irritated look on his face unliking the way Hange makes them look weak and unintelligible next to those in Marley. "If Marley had such capabilities this whole time, why haven't they attacked in over a year?" You nod at Hange’s words before speaking up, looking at the cup of tea in front of you and swirling it periodically in small motions. "There are two main reasons," you say, as everyone's eyes now turn to you. "One being the Pure Titans released here. Even with the latest weapons they would hinder a land assault. They were used as a tool to confine us Eldians within the walls, but in turn, they've also protected us from invasion." 
You look up to see Levi's eyes sharp in the glowing lights as he meets your gaze, there was such irony of the situation you have found yourselves in. "Though dawn is coming soon, and that's when the Titans are active," Yelena says from across the table. "But if we're way out here, sipping tea outside the walls..." You turn to Levi and Hange in shock finishing Yelena's sentence. "You must've killed all the Titans roaming around." There is a tense silence in the air as Yelena stares intently at the two Scouts in front of her. "Is that true?" Levi interrupts quickly, uncertainty in his eyes. "And what if it is? You gonna report that to Marley?" But he is met with a look of astonishment and admiration as Yelena replies. "No, it blows away my expectations." 
"And what's the second reason?" Hange asks turning back to you. You reply instantly meeting their curious gaze. "Currently, Marley is at war with multiple nations. They can't be bothered with Paradis. You defeated the Warrior unit, the pride of Marley, and captured two of their main weapons, the Colossal and Female Titans. Marley's many enemies took notice and were quick to unite and declare war." Hange then turns back to Yelena and Onyankopon, understanding the intent behind your words. "If you guys are secret agents who infiltrated Marley, I'm guessing you came from conquered nations?" The two look at Hange, a grim expression on their faces. "Oh, I'm right?! If you're going up against Marley, I bet you've got big backers!" 
Yelena puts down her cup of tea, it clinking against the saucer on the table. "We're not secret agents or anything of the sort," she says eyes screwed onto the details of the table in front of her, and Onyankopon looks at her, the same look on his face. "We were powerless. Marley took our homes and forced us to be soldiers. We were close to losing hope of ever striking back... Until we met him. A Titan that people of the world feared, calling it a devil. But I saw something completely different..." Yelena's face now morphs into one of insatiable awe. "A god. One that gave hope to the powerless." Her face returns to one that is neutral, but the gleam in her eyes remains. "Under Zeke Jaeger's command, we shot our superiors and returned your Captain to you. We're the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. Our goal: to free the Eldian people." 
Hange turns to you shock brimming their eyes but you don't meet their gaze. "Does that mean [y/n]... you... you're working with Zeke as well?" You tense as you release your hold on your tea. You were afraid this would happen. "Hange..." Levi threatens darkly as he looks at your troubled face. "You saw it too Levi... [y/n], you're related to him, aren't you, you're a Fritz," Hange says neutral voice echoing through the silent air. You don't meet their burning stare as you speak up after a moment. "That's right..." you say, voice soft as you feel the suddenly tense atmosphere. "I am related to him, my father is a Fritz, I'm descended from royal blood and Zeke is technically my cousin." You let out a sigh. "But I never said I was working with him. I only needed his help to return here in exchange for a favour." 
You turn hesitantly to meet the faces of Levi and Hange who look at you curiously but at least not in distrust. "He left me with his demands, in exchange for the help he wants to provide us. He has a plan, though he wouldn't even tell me what it was. He wants the founding Titan, Eren, he needs him for his plan to take place because the Founding Titan needs to be in contact with a Titan of royal blood. I'm not saying I trust him completely, but I think there's credit in what he's saying. There was a moment, the instant when Eren was temporarily able to use the Founding Titan's powers because he was in contact with me... someone of royal blood and a [l/n], who turns out to be a family, the product of Titan experiments." You meet Levi's unsettled gaze at the proclamation, along with a face of realisation. 
"As I said, I don't know what his plan is, but I am sure there is truth in what he's saying, that having The Founding Titan and a Titan of royal blood is necessary, along with the technological support the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers have provided. The Marleyan soldiers and government are preoccupied right now, but we don't know for how long, and their numbers and weapons strongly outweigh those available to us right now." You now turn to Hange who seems in deep contemplation. "Even if you decide to refuse to cooperate with the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, more ships are headed this way, we will need their support to hinder their attacks... you won't be able to just kill them. And... the only alternate option other than Zeke's secret plan, is the Rumbling. An attack whereby the Titans in our walls trample the Earth, killing and flattening everything on it." 
Dawn slowly starts to break on Paradis by the time all is sorted. The Marleyan soldiers that were on board the ships were restrained and to be sent back within the walls and into the cells. The Anti-Marleyan Volunteers were monitored but not restrained, as they provided Hange with valuable information. The wireless radios on board the retained ship would be useful in deterring and capturing other ships that may be sent here from Marley. Hange had also come up with a report of the information and Zeke's demands that would be presented to Dhalius Zachery, Queen Historia and the three military regiments later on. For the time being, the Scouts that were up all night were permitted a few hours of rest and you were now being tugged along by Levi who dragged you to his tent in the distance, ignoring the prying eyes of Scouts that looked to the both of you. 
When you enter, the both of you walk over to the bed in the corner of the large tent. You sit down with a deep sigh while Levi silently takes off your boots, you smile at the sight, caressing his raven locks as he looks up to you. "I missed you," you whisper as his face turns soft in your presence. He rids of his own boots and joins you on the bed, pulling you down next to him so the both of you are now lying down looking at the other. He grasps one of your hands in his own, the other pushing strands of [h/c] hair behind your ear. He simply gazes at your features lost in the beauty and the reality that you were there in front of him; that you returned. "I did too," he says as you look at him questioningly breaking free from your own thoughts. "I missed you." 
You squeeze his hand gently and softly smile, moving closer to the man who lies next to you, leaning your head against his chest as he embraces you. You listen to the soothing sound of his heartbeat against your ear. You feel the warmth and safety of being back in his arms and his presence. The exhaustion of being away from each other for so many months builds up, but sleep easily takes over you in the familiarity of his form. In the many months that you two had been together before you were taken away, it was also the same. The both of you found that sleep came easier in the other's presence; it held your dreams at bay and kept insomnia from Levi. You feel your eyes flutter shut as you let out a sigh of contentment, snuggling into his warmth. 
Levi looks down at you for a long moment, watching as your eyes close and your breaths steady. He sees the peace that surrounds your face as he holds you in his arms. Levi feels emotions cloud his eyes before he puts a soft kiss on the top of your head, feeling sleep also catch up to him in the relief that you are with him once more. The both of you finally get the rest you so desperately need. The inner sorrow and turmoil that existed in the past year apart, slowly dissipated with the knowledge that the other was safe and unharmed, as you both have a peaceful, dreamless sleep. _____
[Chapter Twenty-Six] <--> [Chapter Twenty-Eight]
Tags: @batboygirlie
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turn-my-hollow-purple · 4 months ago
Which of My Playlists I'd Give to AOT Characters
HI GUYS HI! I am in such a state of uncreativity(?).. please leave me asks and/or requests or anything. yes this is a CRY FOR HELP!! Anyway lmk if you want the links for any of these
Eren: "so if ur lonely... u know im here waiting for u..."; *heh* my military propaganda playlist (not really but?)
Mikasa: "I'm Tired and Angry but Somebody Should Be"; my feminine rage playlist
Armin: "I was never really insane... except on occasions... when my heart was touched" -Edgar Allen Poe; this is my Poe(try) autumn playlist for my soft boy
Jean: "The Feminism Leaving My Body"; it's just like... all rap songs that are disrespecting women lmfao- DON'T GET ME WRONG! Both Jean and I love women, however these songs slap sometimes...
Connie: "W4@T TH3 4CTU@L 🦆 I$ THI5 PL@¥L!&T- it’s like my last brain cell at 3 in the morning when I-"; guys it just cuts off because it doesn't fit- this is low-key my fav playlist ever and needs no explanation it's just chaos
Sasha: "Nowadays Men are Just Lining up to get Neutered"; idk why but she would just think this playlist is so funny and hype
Levi: "aiygiwgwyaiydiwdwy"; it's my emo music playlist but unironically he would eat this shit up
Erwin: "capitalism but make it characteristically flamboyant"; my man is so anti-government and these are all political-esque(?) coded songs I just think it's funny
Hange: "that silly moment when I eat you. nom."; this is GENUINELY a playlist of cannibalistic coded songs so yeah
Reiner: "Is that… seasonal depression I smell? Mm yes 🫥"; these are just angsty-depression songs for winter time
Bertholdt: "i lied. i don’t like sex. put ur clothes back on. we’re gonna do our skincare"; chill music for a yap session and stargazing
Annie: basic answer is my "POV: Annie Leonhart Kinnie" playlist; not basic answer is "if the ocean was the devil, id be covered in hate."
Ymir: "good luck babe"; this is also a basic one but yeah... gay (or queer coded) music
Historia: "I can’t be your friend, can’t be your lover"; hopeless romantic music
these are a healthy mix of chaotic and genuine BUT PLEASE DONT IGNORE MY CRY FOR HELP THANKS!
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