#anti gay eddie diaz
shaunashipman · 27 days
In that rant from the 'insider', they were chewing out RG and blaming him for why Eddie hadn't yet had his queer arc. But if Eddie was written as queer from the very beginning, wouldn't RG have accepted the job knowing that very fact? What's the truth, all-seeing insider? 🤔
sorry, just remembered this ask with all the new "insider" stuff lmao
so I don't know if the reason we haven't got gay eddie is that RG objected, I know it's the prevailing theory, it's just obvs not confirmed so...
but it makes zero sense for eddie to have been written as gay from the start. like that insider said buck has been queercoded, but eddie has just been gay from the start
then why have they been "trying" to reveal that he's gay? why has there been any issue with just pulling the trigger on that plotline?
it's because if, in the conception of a character, you know you want to reveal him as gay down the line, that's something you clear with the network when you pitch the character. tim's not some green newbie, he's had decades in the biz, he knows how this shit works. so if there were plans from the off for eddie to be gay, fox would have known and approved before signing off on the character, and RG would have known and approved when he accepted the role. there would be no issues, no roadblocks to him being gay, because it would have always been the plan.
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makorragal-312 · 5 days
*Gerrard existing*
Buck: I'm gonna fucking kill this guy.
Eddie: DON'T. He's not even worth it.
*Gerrard gerrards in his general direction*
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mattbegins · 6 months
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7x04 is one for the history books but I cannot WAIT to see how 7x05 plays out, oh my god the drama (Tim Minear I will be billing you for my therapy, consider this an invoice)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 8 days
Interviewer: Are BT still together?
Tim: Well they are but let me talk about Eddie and then tell you that Eddie will be hanging out with them but also being left out…
It will never not be funny to me.
Petty jealous Eddie working out Tommy is Eddie lite - but also gay and dating Buck - means an Eddie spiral into realising he’s gay and in love with his best friend arc and I am preparing to hurl myself into the sun
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cloudydiaz · 4 months
i don’t know who needs to hear this but queer coded characters count during pride month. they count every month. eddie diaz has been a queer coded character since he walked into the 118, erasing him because it doesn’t align with ur ship or identity is homophobic. bucktommy shippers losing their minds on twitter and reddit because people included him speaks more volumes than anything.
you people just wanted buck to kiss a man. it was never about their sexuality arcs or anything, just a fetish. a lot of them were in the same boat of eddie being a queer character, but they never cared about that. leave your bitterness to yourself. all queer coded characters are included in pride.
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ftorres-9 · 5 months
I have this theory that Eddie is already in love with Buck and aware of it. He has been for a while. The reasons I think this are many but especially down to season 6. I think the Poker date was Eddie’s way of trying to ask Buck on a date without being too obvious about it. I think he was getting there, almost ready to say something because he thought maybe it would be possible but the “she sees me” stopped him and that (Buck and Natalia) was more behind him pursuing Marisol than much else. We saw his facial expressions in that scene. That was a man who’s heart was breaking and he was trying to pretend everything was fine. Then s7e1 his face lights up a bit when Buck tells him he broke it off with Natalia, but he’s still feeling a bit spiteful maybe which leads to the comment he made (“when you meet someone and you just click”) and spending all this time with Tommy. Maybe he was intentionally TRYING to make Buck jealous??? Idk maybe I read into things too much but a lot of this points to it imo.
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
Is it messy of me to want Bummy to breakup off screen like inbetween season 7/8 ?? I want his character to be treated as insignificantly as Natalia was 🤭
Important for Bucks character development ofc but ultimately… bros a stepping stone, sorry not sorry.
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seasons-of-death · 8 days
i did NOT expect chilis (the restaurant) to beef with twitter users over a gay angel and his bf and the most disliked ship of that gay firefighter show
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buddiehasmyheart · 1 month
I think that the fact we haven’t had the 8x02 title is a big giveaway that something major is going to happen, with the title being too obvious that we would guess what’s happening straight away. If you think about it if it were bucktemu related (like the bt fans most likely think) then they would’ve gave us the title due to the relationship already being there, there’s nothing really to hide. It would make sense that something possibly big and changing is going to happen that they don’t want to release yet. I mean why else would they give us 8x01 and 8x03? You’d expect to release the titles in order
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shaunashipman · 2 months
I don't know why Eddie can't be bi. Why is the only correct headcanon or "conclusion" is that he's a repressed gay man? Obviously they wouldn't like him being aromantic (my headcanon for him) or aroace because that would likely mean no Buddie.
i don't know why either. someone said it's because they want the bi/gay ship, which is apparently a thing? like bi/gay is preferred over gay/gay or bi/bi? didn't know that was a thing but okay.
part of me think that they've based so much of their reasoning for him being queer on his past relationships, which going by their reading precludes him liking women, so if they say he could be bi it removes arguably the biggest piece of their evidence.
i do think if he is some flavour of queer, aro or demi fits so much better, but yeah they wouldn't like that because of buddie.
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maybe it’s because eddie’s queerness has become engrained so deeply into my psyche that whenever i see people legitimately shipping him with women/saying he has romantic chemistry with a woman my brain just does not compute bc that man has never had any legitimate romantic chemistry with any woman on this show to me, and the only times he’s had strong chemistry with a woman it reads completely mlm/wlw solidarity to me (yes i’m talking abt felisa valdez)
and like im not talking about the people who are erasing his queer-coding bc they feel threatened by it, i mean people who legitimately ship him with women (i saw a tweet where someone talked about how they wanted his endgame to be ana which is…….. a choice considering the utter lack of substance they gave her beyond being weird af as well as the awkwardly stilted chemistry between them bc bbg could not act and ryan was having to carry all of their scenes on his back- same w marisol)
like even shannon to me, he and devin never had actual romantic chemistry to me, it always read as clearly intentional divorced couple chemistry (and i think it could have also translated to mlm/wlw bestieism if they weren’t cowards back then) where there were some feelings there at some point but those feelings had long since passed, and may not have even been the feelings eddie thought they were
but ig that’s just me… it always breaks my brain a little bit when i see it bc that man is soooooo painfully gay to me that even the women who flirt with him in random scenes on calls he has like absolutely zero chemistry w them bc he is incapable of forming non-platonic relationships with women in my brain (and it doesn’t help that the writers have written him that way either…. makes you wonder why the fuck they’re still dragging their feet but whatever 🙄)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 8 days
We’re totally getting Tommy saying something about Eddie ‘being around all the time’ aren’t we!
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tevanbuckley · 5 months
so it seems i've attracted a new weirdo to my inbox, for the record, i'm happy to play with crazy for the entertainment value, but if you want to @ me with wild insults about how i'm a gay fetishist and a bad lesbian not even for shipping anything, literally just for interpreting eddie's character as gay (especially when I've said i understand why the show isn't going that route), then yeah i'm gonna delete and block you.
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feelingthedisaster · 5 months
me resisting the urge to open tumblr (as you can i see, i failed) so i dont get spoilers of the 911 new episodes (unavailable where i live, i have to watch through an illegal website with 29373847 virus and takes hours/days in uploading)
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imakatperson22 · 5 months
And if I write a fic based on Olivia Rodrigo’s Obsessed from a jealous Tommy’s point of view where he’s obsessing over Eddie, learns eddie’s star sign and blood type from eddie’s dog tags, and is so upset because Eddie is talented, good with kids, AND speaks kindly about him, WHAT THEN???????
(Lemme know if you’d read it)
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mikereads · 4 months
Eddie: I am dating a woman named Kim. (Shows them a picture)
Hen: You are doing the same shit that you were doing 17 years ago. The same shit the same costumes everything, everything the goddamn same. The whole audience know your fucking mix. When the audience knows your mix that means you have done that bitch for too many times too long. Lock that bitch up! Lock it up come up with something new! Do something fucking different.
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