#this has been on my mind for a while
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softyuujis · 1 month ago
I want to put my two cents on a Caleb headcanon cause I saw a few and I don’t like em so here’s mine for the possessive girlies out there.
Caleb is a BIG virgin. Has never looked at anyone who isn’t MC/you. Has never had a thought of another girl or woman who wasn’t you. Never imagined a life with someone else other than you. It’s ALWAYS and will always be you. He wants every first to be special and it’ll only be special if it’s with you. First hug, first hand hold, first kiss, first time intimate; it HAS to be just you, just you and him together.
HOWEVER, he’s not dumb. He knows his first time together with you has to be perfect. He can’t be coming undone in his pants before he’s had a chance to enter you. He can’t get overtly excited touching you resulting in making a fool of himself. So naturally he turns to books. From female anatomy books that explain the clit and where the g-spot is. To romance books to smut books. Anything describing the female pleasure you bet he’s checking it out, reading word for word, 100% taking notes and reading them twice, thrice so it’s imbedded into his head so when the time finally comes he doesn’t fumble.
And while boys and men use porn to get off, Caleb uses it like he’s got a school assignment where has to watch a movie and take notes. From porn on the popular page, to the inexperienced couples making their very first videos, Caleb assesses each and has pen to paper. Scrutinizing each facial movement, determining if the pleasure written is legitimate or amped up for show (he especially hates those). Every touch, every glide, every thrust, he zeros in on it and puts it to paper.
Does he get hard? Originally, no. He sees this as any ordinary assignment. For the sake of your pleasure. But then one girl looks a little like you for a second, and maybe the man beside her from the side looks a little like him. And then his mind drift to you. You in these positions, him right there with you, touching you, making you moan. He never reaches completion if he doesn’t imagine you, you and him, together. After all, all that he’s doing is for you. For your comfort, your pleasure, you moans and shakes underneath him. So he does a good job, so he’s good for you.
And while technically it would be much easier to put what’s he learned to use on someone else, he can’t go through that betrayal. He is after all, all yours. Being touched by another would be a violation of your relationship. Yes, he’ll keep the good guy act in public, smile to everyone, laugh at a few jokes but words and insincere smiles is all anyone else gets. You receive him wholeheartedly. All his jokes, all his touches and brushes of skin. All his thoughts and attention. All you. All of him is yours.
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the-archivists-corner · 11 months ago
hey. you know that. saying "haha all men suck women are so much better" and "all men want is sex" is not. feminist right. and you know that you as a trans person are not immune to this type of radfem bioessentialism. right.
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morningstarwrites · 3 months ago
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did the nakamura manga parody 👀 (p.s. i feel like a "go for it, alastor!" version also works)
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ellaandtheocean · 10 months ago
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moominsuki · 2 years ago
i don’t think bakugou knows how attractive he is. i think he has a certain level of cockiness about his skills as a hero, (it’s very justified) but when it comes to his looks, he’s got nothing. he can infer that he’s definitely not hideous but he doesn’t think he’s anything special.
he doesn’t wonder why girls don’t come up to him and he chalks it down to looking weird and you’re just like??? wtf, no it’s because you always have that stank and unapproachable face.
when you guys start dating, you’re in awe at the fact that he ever thought he wasn’t hot.
he’s literally 6’4 of pure muscle with wheat blond hair and bright carmine eyes, perfect hip to waist ratio and even his scars make him sexy: the one he has going across his nose makes him look rugged and if you have the pleasure of seeing him naked, the one on his chest is mouth watering - never mind the littering of tattoos that cover the expanse of his arms and legs.
like aforementioned, mouth watering.
katsuki is such a funny guy because he genuinely thought that there was something wrong. meanwhile girls are dying for the chance to even have the attention of the man and when you make him aware of it, he’s just flabbergasted.
“hah? whad’ya mean you’re jealous? girls never look at me.”
“… are you shitting me, katsuki.”
i do believe that katsuki gets very jealous when guys ask for your number and definitely thinks you’re out of his league in the looks department: which is silly because you both get hit on a fair amount - it’s just that bakugou is very emotionally constipated and not very good at reading when girls are flirting with him… which gets annoying because now you’re fighting off touchy hands and heart eyes from other women and he has zero clue as to why you turn your noise up at him and get annoyed.
so when he does put two and two together and you explain that he is a) a very attractive and gorgeous man who happens to be a top, pro hero and b) women and men alike have always wanted him, you’re just not good at seeing it does he turn a bit red at the face and huff.
“i don’ really care if those people find me attractive or hit on me or whatever. i have you and that’s enough for me.”
another thing katsuki doesn’t realise is that he has a way with words and your eyes turn into hearts when he wraps an arm around your waist in an embrace. well, it doesn’t hurt to show him how attractive he is anyway…
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doctorsiren · 1 year ago
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Like that one tiktok but a little bit different
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totallynotashieldagent · 5 months ago
something's been on my mind for a while but like imagine you and jason have been together for a long long time but then the events of beast world happen and he's now a wolfman and
you're still human and he's embarrassed and flustered and heartbroken, fully believing that you'll leave him but you don't???
you're reminding him that youve always had a monster kink and how could he forget and oh god he's gonna fulfil every insane kink/fetish now and jason's just shocked bewildered and grateful that you're not leaving but also genuinely reeling that you still want him in this form meanwhile you're just hungry for him like come here puppy, mama wants you
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expiredcakes · 5 months ago
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Honestly, I headcanon him to say this if we asked for grilled cheese/joke
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moondustinfj · 2 months ago
✨️iwtv as community compilation no one asked for✨️
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mortifying-macaroni · 1 year ago
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Ghoul boys are back in town!
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sikkdog · 1 year ago
i don’t listen to will wood but he literally looks like if will toledo and will graham had a will baby with their will powers
or just will toledos testosterone journey
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void-creechur · 4 months ago
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IMAGINE THIS, Moon is supposed to be Sun’s opposite right? Sun is the definition of a ray of sunshine, he’s energetic, social, bright, that whole. Therefore, moon would be the opposite of that, he’d be the calmer of the two, more introverted, shy.
Individual drawings:
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keepofkandrakar · 1 year ago
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yes they are zukka, however please consider…
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have a good day.
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levemetal · 2 months ago
Can I ask about the dvawtk au wqw/mqf/sj title from the WIP tag game? That one looks so intriguing👀
Omg I am SO happy you asked!!
It's a dvawtk au in the sense that characters obtain parts of pidw or svsss and are tasked to improve the plot- this time with more the very loose way it is in dvawtk rather than the more restrictive actually present system in svsss. It is also probaaaably a crack AU.
Basically one day disciple Wqw wakes up to the massive book that is pidw on his lap with the ominous message to fix the plot. So, since he is good friends with disciple Mqf here, naturally he goes straight to him. Mqf received svsss with the same task. So, together they pour over the two volumes as best as they can and decide that:
A) SJ gets replaced by a stranger in Svsss during a qi deviation when they are already peak lords for a while
B) Binghe is a nuclear bomb
C) They must somehow keep SJ from abusing his disciples or improve his situation in general
With this in mind, they enter shenanigans in order to get closer to SJ, whom the both of them were quite neutral to up until now. They enbark on quite the adventure to get Yqy & Sj to reconcile for example. A lot of their attempts backfire before they eventually, somehow, endear themselves to SJ. Sj is confused but eventually allows it and grows fond of the two idiots trying REALLY hard to improve his life now matter how much the universe seems to be against it.
Years later, while SJ and Lqg bicker about Binghe, Wqw swoops in and nabs Binghe. (Knowing how to recognize a cursed sword would do him some good, Mqf and him figured)
The Binghe here however is actually Bingge, who had reset his own timeline, and he is actually kinda pissed because he wanted to get to SQQ's peak, thank you very much!! How is he supposed to make his shizun proud now??? So cue Bingge running away to Qjp on a regular basis trying to get SJ to be proud of him and SJ at this point is more exasperated than angry. It has become a weekly occurrence that he has to kick this brat back to Wan Jian, what the hell has his life come to. And then there's his two shidis checking in every few days! Honestly.
SJ technically remembers the last timeline, although only as horrible nightmares he can never seem to remember. This plus combined with the fact he is now getting no sleep or rest maaaaybe makes him a tad suicidal. No matter, just means his two friends will get clingier.
None of the 3 is sure when exactly they became a romantic polycule but here they are now. It probably started the day SJ snapped back at other peak lords slandering Wqw and Mqf tbh. It ends up being very beneficial for the 3 of them in the long run. (Even if they have to talk out a lot of things with SJ first and give him time due to well. Sj typical trauma) SJ now has two warm weighted blankets. Mqf is overworking himself less. Wqw is being more careful in the forge lest his boyfriends slaughter him metaphorically. Yes the disciples all knew this was happening before these idiots.
SJ has been probably starting to roll off the Bingge stuff onto Ming Fan too. So congrats Ming Fan on your future half demon husband. Ning Yingying is laughing at you as we speak.
Bingge probably still takes a tumble to the abyss, not because he was pushed, but because he lost his footing and stumbled in or got tossed in by whoever was attacking the IAC.
Bonus: Mbj got a copy of svsss about the chapters concerning him and his spy which makes him drop all his plans and instead debark on a dating sim experience as he should <3 OG!Sqh will be so confused but less oblivious than Airplane was. They can stay out of the insanity, as a treat :3
Bonus bonus: Some rough sketches of the dreadful polycule :3
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lunior-art · 8 months ago
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whimsy-beetle · 2 months ago
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