#ansthetic spectrum
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drachen-auge · 4 months ago
Aliqua* alt flags
Last year I created the aliqualterous and aliquaqueerplatonic flags based off of @genderstarbucks flags for aliquaromantic and aliquasexual.
Yesterday I decided to also do aliquansthetic, aliquaplatonic and aliquasensual. Which I did. But just now I found out someome already made some flags back in August. You can check them out here: https://www.tumblr.com/allegoriesandepithets/757561348673634304/large-pixel-size-aliqua-flags?source=share The design ist very very similar but since the colours are not exactly the same, why not share mine too.
Aliquasensual is an a*-spec and asen*spec orientation in which one only feels sensual attraction under certain circumstances. Aliquasensual can be considered an umbrella term, in which identities such as demisensual are included under it. However, aliquasensual can also be an identity on its own. For example, some individuals may only feel attraction to a very specific type of individual, or only when in a certain place or at a certain time.
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The light orange colour, which is the same as in the asensual flag, was chosen as it represents sensual attraction.
If you'd like a darker orange, feel free to check out: @allegoriesandepithets flag design. (Link above)
Aliquaplatonic is an a*-spec and apl*spec orientation in which one only feels platonic attraction under certain circumstances. Aliquaplatonic can be considered an umbrella term, in which identities such as demiplatonic are included under it. However, aliquaplatonic can also be an identity on its own. For example, some individuals may only feel attraction to a very specific type of individual, or only when in a certain place or at a certain time.
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The yellow colour, which is the same as in the aplatonic flag, was chosen as it represents platonic attraction.
If you'd like a more prominent yellow, feel free to check out: @allegoriesandepithets flag design. (Link above)
Aliquansthetic is an a*-spec and ansthetic*spec orientation in which one only feels aesthetic attraction under certain circumstances. Aliquansthetic can be considered an umbrella term, in which identities such as demiaesthetic are included under it. However, aliquansthetic can also be an identity on its own. For example, some individuals may only feel attraction to a very specific type of individual, or only when in a certain place or at a certain time.
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The light pink colour, which is the same as in the ansthetic flag, was chosen as it represents aesthetic attraction.
If you'd like a more prominent pink, feel free to check out: @allegoriesandepithets flag design. (Link above)
Aliqualterous & Aliquaqueerplatonic
While at it I also made some upscaled versions of my older aliqua* flags:
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Original Post with label definition: https://www.tumblr.com/drachen-auge/733458195078660096/aliqualterous?source=share
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Original Post with label definition: https://www.tumblr.com/drachen-auge/733459890770739200/aliquaqueerplatonic?source=share
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pride-hearts · 2 days ago
Anaesthetic-spec Hearts
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dhddmods · 5 months ago
Analterous & aqueerplatonic questions (Edit: answered in comments.)
Hello! This is a genuine question, and not meant to be offensive in any way. Most of our system are on the a-spectrum in some way, and we are a bit confused on two terms.
We understand most anattractional terms (ansthetic/nonaesthetic, aplatonic, afamilial, asensual, etc), and easily see how they are classified as queer, however we are very lost on analterous and aqueerplatonic, and where their placement is on the queer-conformant spectrum.
Most people do not experience alterous and queerplatonic attraction. Those two forms of attraction are already, on their own, classified as queer and uncommon. So wouldnt the terms analterous & aqueerplatonic be conformant terms, since thats how most people are expected to be in the first place?
Greyalterous and greyqueerplatonic, we understand as being queer, because it still describes a person experiencing queer attraction, and experiencing attraction and relationships in a way that amatonormativity does not approve of.
Ansthetic, aplatonic, afamilial, and asensual we understand being queer, because it describes a person lacking attraction that amatonormativity reinforces.
But analterous & aqueerplatonic are conforming to amatonormativity, aren't they?
(Edit: We have received the answer.)
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plural-affirmations · 1 year ago
Here's to systems who have trouble with relationships!
Contrary to what some may say, relationships of any kind are not a requirement, or a necessity for a happy, meaningful life. We love and support the systems out there who have trouble with them!
Shoutout to:
Asexual, aromantic, aplatonic, asensual, analterous, aqueerplatonic, and ansthetic spectrum systems or headmates
Those with personality disorders such as PPD, SPD, STPD, ASPD, AVPD, etc. that lead to an aversion to social situations
Autistic and other neurodivergent plurals who feel different from society
Multiples who have another condition that makes socialization hard
Chronically ill and disabled individuals who can't meet up with friends often or at all, even if they wanted to
Those with psychosis and/or beings on the schizophrenia spectrum that have delusions that make them paranoid or otherwise interfere with their interpersonal relationships
And anyone else I missed
You're so valid! Regardless of the reason these things are undesirable or difficult for you, please know it's ok to be like this. I love you.
Have a great day!
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xxcalicofemmexx · 2 months ago
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anattractional spectrum + night sky and rainbows
requested by anon
Anattractional Spectrum: An umbrella term for all identities on the asexual, aromantic, asensual, aplatonic, asocial, ansthetic, aqueerplatonic, and analterous spectrums. This term can be used to describe someone who is on any of these spectrums. Often shortened to aspec, or a-spec.
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mayhem-moth · 2 years ago
Somepeople helped me learn several different aspec identities that I have never heard before and get even less representation than arospec and acespec identities. Here is what i learned:
Annatractional- feels no atraction whatsoever
Aphysical-complete lack of physical attraction
-Asexual- Lack of sexual attraction
-Ansthetic- Lack of aesthetic attraction
-Ansenseual-Lack of sensual attraction
Aemotional-Lack of emotional attraction
-aromantic- Lack of romantic attraction
-nonalterous-Lack of desire for emotional closeness
-alplatonic- Lack of platonic attraction
Atertiary(considered offensive to some, people have suggested eriattraction instead)-A term used to describe a lack of several different types of attraction besides the attractions in the physical and emotional categories.
It is a spectrum so some people may still feel some of these despite identitfying as them. These are labels some people use to feel comfortable with with who they are and push the stereotype of what love should be or that love is above all and also for reasons thay are personal and unique to them. These labels are important to people and should be respected. Because it's who they are. I hope one day there will be stories that can use all these different unique ways of being. I hope expectations of attraction will be teared down and everyone can just be who they are. But for now lets spread awareness. Society is rigid and does not care. Lets change this for everyone to be thier unique selves.
( I may have got some things wrong so please do not hesitate to correct me)(I am new to a lot of this and have never heard of most of these until recently).
Source(given to me by @tothestarstothenight):
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z0mbz-pr1d3 · 3 months ago
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F2U Nonaestethic Spectrum, Ansthetic and Demiaesthetic emojis!
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anattractional-safe-space · 4 months ago
Hello! This is a genuine question, and not meant to be offensive in any way. Most of our system are on the a-spectrum in some way, and we are a bit confused on two terms, and need some clarification for a project we are working on.
We understand most anattractional terms (ansthetic/nonaesthetic, aplatonic, afamilial, asensual, etc), and easily see how they are classified as queer/variant, however we are very lost on analterous and aqueerplatonic, and where their placement is on the queer/variant-conformant spectrum.
Most people do not experience alterous and queerplatonic attraction. Those two forms of attraction are already, on their own, classified as queer and uncommon. So wouldnt the terms analterous & aqueerplatonic be conformant terms, since thats how most people are expected to be in the first place?
Greyalterous and greyqueerplatonic, we understand as being queer, because it still describes a person experiencing queer attraction, and experiencing attraction and relationships in a way that amatonormativity does not approve of.
Ansthetic, aplatonic, afamilial, and asensual we understand being queer, because it describes a person lacking attraction that amatonormativity reinforces.
But analterous & aqueerplatonic are conforming to amatonormativity, aren't they?
Thank you for the ask! No worries about your question. It's perfectly valid!
I feel like my take on these kinds of things is always on whether the individual who uses the label identifies as queer(as long as they don't claim that a philia or something of that sort is queer), regardless of whether their identity is something that is commonly aligned with by non-queer individuals, such as analterous and aqueerplatonic. However, I understand that this does not completely answer your question.
Honestly, it is up to the person. Simply because one part of someone's identity aligns with allo experiences, does not make them any less queer. Also, if allo individuals aren't aware of what queerplatonic and alterous attraction even is, it is highly unlikely that they would identify as someone who does not experience those.
Perhaps this is a bad take, but I feel that because most individuals who identify as queer and align with those 2 identities do not only consider themself those two identities, might be aligned with why the terms are queer. The terms specify more about an individual ans where they lie on the split attraction model(if they use it).
I know this is more of an opinion based answer, but it's the best one I an presently provide. If anyone else wishes to add on it the tags or comments, I will screenshot them and add them on to a rebloged version of this.
I hope that helps! If anyone else has any more questions or experiences to share, my ask box is always open.
(Another thing to note, because of the hacking of the web archive, the original uses of the terms from my references are difficult to find. Once that gets fixed, it can probably better contextualize this situation.)
References/Links :
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bloodmoon-night · 3 years ago
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Out of pure boredom, I am here to say I made a subreddit for Anaesthetic being I had nothing truthfully to do.
I had recently found out I was it so I made this server to find others who identify with it as well! So if you are it or interested in it please check it out!
Here is the link!
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eldorr · 2 years ago
Alspec Sublabels
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alsexual or Alse/Alsee: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Acespec (Asexual / Ace Spectum) experiences and Allosexual experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Acespec or Graysexual/Grayace for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -sexual sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alace (being Al- in another orientation while being Asexual, similar in nature to the terms Alloace and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alromantic or Alrom: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Arospec (Aromantic / Aro Spectrum) experiences and Alloromantic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Arospec or Grayromantic/Grayaro for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -romantic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alaro (being Al- in another orientation while being Aromantic, similar in nature to the terms Alloaro and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alalterous or Alalt: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Analtspec (Analterous / Analt Spectrum) experiences and Alloalterous experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Analtspec or Grayalterous/Grayanalt for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -alterous sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alanalt (being Al- in another orientation while being Analterous, similar in nature to the terms Alloanalt and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alqueerplatonic or Alqp: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Aqpspec (Aqueerplatonic / Aqp Spectrum) experiences and Alloqueerplatonic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Aqpspec or Grayqueerplatonic/Grayaqp for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -queerplatonic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alaqp (being Al- in another orientation while being Aqueerplatonic, similar in nature to the terms Alloaqp and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alplatonic or Alpla: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Aplspec (Aplatonic / Apl Spectrum) experiences and Alloplatonic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Aplspec or Grayplatonic/Grayapl for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -platonic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alapl (being Al- in another orientation while being Aplatonic, similar in nature to the terms Alloapl and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alaesthetic or Alaes: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Aespec (Ansthetic / Anae Spectrum) experiences and Alloaesthetic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Aespec or Grayaestheric/Grayanae for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -aesthetic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alanae (being Al- in another orientation while being Ansthetic, similar in nature to the terms Alloanae and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alsensual or Alsens: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Asenspec (Asensual / Asen Spectrum) experiences and Allosensual experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Asenspec or Graysensual/Grayasen for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -sensual sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alasen (being Al- in another orientation while being Asensual, similar in nature to the terms Alloasen and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alfamilial or Alfami: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Afaspec (Afamilial / Afa Spectrum) experiences and Allofamilial experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Afaspec or Grayfamilial/Grayafa for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -familial sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alafa (being Al- in another orientation while being Afamilial, similar in nature to the terms Alloafa and Aroace.)
Anyways, yeah long post. Figured I'd just put all these sublabels on the same post so I can easily copy and past definitions lmao. Also likely coining terms here like "Alloasen" is one since I don't really see people using other terms like Alloace and Alloaro for the other forms of attraction really ever. Idk if I'll ever make flags for terms like Alloafa or Alapl, since this post was already a lot lol.
These aren't the only Al sublabels possible, these are just the "main" kinda of attraction in my head where I know what colors to use for. Feel free to request other attraction terms like Social, Xenial, etc in the future when I have requests open, or make your own.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 3 years ago
Hi there! You’re a super cool person and your blog has brought so much comfort and validation to who I am!
I do have a question though!
I was wondering if other anattractional identities were allowed on your blog/like in your asks since aspec is more than the ace and Aro spec. Thank you!
Anattractional is a new term for me and I didn't want to assume meaning. I looked up anattractional, and different sites gave different results, but I'm assuming you mean it in the sense the reddit sub does, as the spectrum of a-identities, like ansthetic, asensual, etc.
Yeah, absolutely, Anon! All of these identities are welcome here, and fall under the scope of this blog. And definitely asks are welcome too.
All the best, Anon!
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drachen-auge · 1 month ago
Does a*spec have a specific meaning or is it just an alternate way of spelling aspec?
Hey there :) Sorry, for the late reply.
One could say it's a different way of spelling. Though the * is meant to visually indicate that a*spec refers to mupltiple spectrums and all the labels with an a. For example:
It can also include agender for example. Though most often a*spec is used as a short term for the anattractional spectrum rather then including agender and other non attraction related labels.
I like writing it with the * to emphasise that there are multiple spectrums and not just the asexual or asexual + aromantic. :)
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 6 years ago
Suptilia- Pride Flags
Suptilia- (suptili-a-): similar to omnia-/pana-, a translated version of the Brazilian assexual estrito(a/e) meaning strict ace, as asexuality is comprehended as an umbrella term itself in Brazil, not only a spectrum, where black area is understood as a full suptilic nullity in the a-spectrum.
Suptiliasexual Pride Flag
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Suptiliasexuality (suptili-ace): meaning suptilic/strict asexual.
Suptiliaromantic Pride Flag
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Suptiliaromanticity (suptili-aro): suptilic/strict aromantic.
Suptiliaqueerplatonic/Suptiliaquasiplatonic Pride Flag
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Suptiliaquirkyplatonic/Suptiliaqplatonic: suptilic aqueerplatonic/aquasiplatonic.
Suptilianalterous Pride Flag
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Suptili-analterous/Suptilinonalterous: strict analterous.
Suptiliaplatonic Pride Flag
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Suptiliaplatonic: suptilic aplatonic.
Suptiliansthetic Pride Flag
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Suptilia-aesthetic: suptilic ansthetic.
Suptiliasensual Pride Flag
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Suptiliasensuality: suptilic asensual.
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arco-pluris · 7 years ago
Monosexism × Zedsexism
Both result from heterosexism, and I’m making this post to explain the words, I didn’t invent, to show they describe things common and accepted by many people inside and outside the variant/LGBTQIAPN+/IMOGA community.
Heterosexism: belief in social normality is to be straight (strict perioriented allo-mono-heterosexual).
· Monosexism: belief that people are only attracted to one gender (aphobia, biphobia, phobia, polyphobia, omniphobia…). Within this are:
} Zedsexism / Allosexism / Zedism: belief that all people will be affectively attracted to others, like sex/romance/touch/friendship, and want that. Within this are:
- Aphobia (acephobia / arophobia): discrimination against people of the a- spectrum (aromantic, asexual, asensual, aplatonic, etc.)
- Allonormativity / Zednormativity, umbrella term for:
Sex-normativity: the idea that everyone is sexually attracted / interested in sex;
Amato-normativity: the idea that everyone is romantically attracted or interested in romance. Similar to monogamism (mononormative polyphobia/monogamist polymisia);
Touch-normativity / Sense-normativity: the idea that everyone is corporeally/physically/tactilely attracted or sensually/sensorially interested in touches/sensory (hugs, kisses, hands given, etc);
Socio-normativity (plato-normativity): it is the idea that everyone is platonically/amically/socially attracted and must be interested in friendships; the platonic/social/amical norm merged into the nonromantic nonsexual relationships, including impersonal/professional ones in public life sphere; bigotry experienced by asocials/anamicals/aplatonics and anattractionals;
Look-normativity (lookism/unatractiphobia): the idea that everyone is aesthetically attracted and interested in appearance, or aesthetic discrimination against aesthetic celibacy;
~ [others]
} Homosexism: thought that all people are homosexual until proven otherwise, as in political lesbianism and exorsexist mascunormativity (masculist andrinism, binarist androsexism). Another thought advocated by homonationalists and self-defined homosexists that they should only relate to other <perioriented> homosexuals (gays with gays and lesbians with lesbians). Basically respectability politics glorifying homonormativity.
} Perism/Periorism (periorientism or variphobia): bigotry against varioriented people, the idea that everyone shouldn’t be cross-oriented, being all perioriented, when the romantic and sexual orientations have to be the same (perioriented);
} Orientation/Identity Binarism: limiting the existence of orientations/identities into a duality/binarity, as: homo and hetero; mono and bi; bi, ace and mono (as if there was only man and woman as genders, a dualism). Within this are:
- Pomophobia/Labelism: the thought that people can’t have undefined attractions, as in macrolabel supremacism vs identity skepticism. A monolabel and macrolabel supremacism;
- Strictism/Suptilicism (abrophobia/amplusphobia/orientation suptilism): belief that nobody has fluid nor flux attraction, everyone has to be suptilic, as in ace/asexual elitism (greyphobia/grayphobia/gray-aphobia/gracephobia/graymisia/greymisia/grey-amisia) [usually with a bioessentialist innatism too];
- Bisexism: belief everyone is bisexual, reinforcing/enforcing the binormativity.
- [other] (panphobia/polyphobia/etc)
Note: peri/dycisheterosexism is a substitute for LGBTphobia / MOGAIphobia.
Aspec people aren’t attracted by one gender, except when they are gray-mono (singular attraction in grey area), but this is just adherent, and suptilic a-specs (of black area, omniaces/omniaros) are totally non-mono.
People always assume what kind of gender we might relate to, and when they don’t know and we never show or express something more for someone, people will always want to define us, and when we get out of social normality, which is dycishet² (cis-hetero-dyadic pattern), we have to give explanations, they call us confused, complicated, ill, etc. All this because our orientation is dissident/variant, and when we express what we feel, where the allonormativity is unmasked, we have to prove our sexuality / affectivity.
Almost all of society treat relationships as if everyone must kiss, have sex, romance, etc. as a requirement for existing, and that if there is not all of it, it’s just friendship.
A- Spectrum (a-spectral): inclusion for asexual, aromantic, asensual, aplatonic/asocial, ansthetic/nonaesthetic, analterous and aqueerplatonic people (avoid using aphilia, since a-spec is not synonymous with loveless/unaffective, these people can rather love and have affection).
Dycishet/Pericishet (a strict perioriented heterosexual dyadic/perisex cisgender cissex/ual person): a conformant person, with suptilic heterosexuality, monoallosexual/zedsexual periorientation, suptilian monocom-cisgenderness and perisexuality [read more here].
Dyadicity (perisex/endosex): non-intersex person, of vulval or testicular dyadic corporeality/body [read more].
MOGAI or IMOGA: intersexualities, marginalized orientations and gender alignments. People whose sexuality/romanticity/gender/sex diverge the pericishet/dyallomonocishet pattern (pericisheterodissident).
Note: I’m sorry if I translated something bad, English is my second language. Helpful sources: x x.
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arco-pluris · 7 years ago
Aspec Pride Flag Suggestions
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The a-spec/aspectral flag with asensual, analterous, aplspec/aplatonic, arospec/aromantic, acespec/asexual, ansthetic and aqplatonic spectrums’ colors. Edit: I requested it on @ask-pride-color-schemes and they posted as anattractional spectrums (a-spectrality).
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